Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 16, 1865, Image 3

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jKOWSVILI.Kt TUUilSl'aVY.MAlttJlI i, i0Gj
Xj O O -A. Jli -
j;,,,k Peed?, Mortgage, Lat mu.jiN liej ! ins,
License. Ac. Ac. Ac. for 1 at thin Ofriae.
I (Jq and see Haskell.
I Atkinson & Ca.'s stock of Ciotbjng is
lest in the MnrUt. , .
f Quipn Sets for sale at McLaughlin & ,
i Tie te ccJ!y meet at the
i reidonce cf J. C. Dtuder, Water
; straet, to-morrow evening:.
; .
1 jjaileu, ihe jireutebV success of the
; pxl'bitin Brovpv:le next Wed-
sday Thursday.
ye understand that John T. Scqtt
iaa taken charge of the" City-Meat Mar
ket: . ' '
Sc the notice headed Teacher ! if any
School Dirict wants a go& U-acher,
I we caa roccmn:end Mr. Hughes.
T SLet'p Siicars'cf the best make, Table
i efid Pakf-t Cutlery in great variety at
McLaughlin L Swan's."
-: Shovels: Sp&ds, and a larige. assort
j mentcf Hardware and Cuttlery, for sale
f tt J. C. Diuer's Tin Shop.
; The cilice of the Couuty Treasurer has
leen removed to the Ttobate Judge's
! Room, over the City Drug Store.
-Hackly & Co., received, by the J.
i II. Lacy, a large lot of New Goods. It
; will be to the advantage of all to call
tad ex:a:ne and also Unpurchased
1 Eighty acres of splendid bottom land,
j this side of the Little Ntmaha River,
? ttd withiu eight miles of this city, for
ia!e. Lnipiire at this cilice.
Vfe ire authorized to state that any
!' person, except Mr. Iedfcrd. :who is
. n.aking fr (hi,ir nwn u?;e, or for sale,
.Stt wart's Ilar.d" Corn-Planter, will be
prcM.-.cuti-'l fcr infrt'.imcnt of the patent.
We re phased to see our; School
ILard active i'u'the matter cf the New
School House. See their call for 150,000
trick and 160 perch -Gi-io;:e. This looks
like work.
; Go to Atkinson &. Co.'s Clothing
i.!t your Cloihins;, Boots, Shoes, Hats
JVtn. nnd anything in their line. Yout
will never regreUed it, and will
:ucney by so doing.
; We nre having a "rite peart chance
;of winter" yet. Last Monday and Tues
May the earth was beautifully crusted
nver with ice, and Wednesday we hul
an additin of about th;e inches of
' The amendment to the Stray Law
'mVe eect andis in force from and aft
er its passage. Notices of Strays have
be published 5 weeks, aud the prin
ters fee is 3 per Lead fGr such pub;
iicaiica. . . . . ' ' '
i Morcan &.'Mead, who nre , rnmufac-'-rir.j
the Lceper h Kidder Riding
Piow, hav now some few finished up,
r.nd are completing one a day. Those
who desire a machine had better see to
u immediately, as the demand is great.
The strainer J. II. Lacy landed at this
re-Mast Tuesday. She left a large lot
of goods for our merchants. She was
just two week. from St. Joseph .to this
point hope she'll lave better luck from
nere up.
. We learn that the citizens, of Pferu,
;W this county, are going to luidd a large
. Crick Union Protestant Episcopal Church
the Spring. " They had their -former
house cf worship destroyed by fire some
uvi since, end we think ' the Chilians
"hroeghoat the County should as;ist them
u the present enterjt'se.
We have on hand, and for sale, abogt
250 pounds of rne?al. which is pronouhcrd
L.T good machinists equal to Babbit Metal
'-r loxisg, and oiher work about marhin-tr'-
"Ve will sell this at about one half
ccst cf Babbit Metal. Tho.-e in need
article .will make money by calling
2 Ul.
or desiring to attend Mr. Dye's
itijing School are requested to procure
:ckc: el IL C. Lett, as no cne will be
tdrnuud who has not a ticket. The
School will be held in the Presbyterian
Church, ccrr.rr.rr.t;irg next Tuesday even
!r:?, March 21st. ' Ali desiring tc attend
hould commence with the ri lescou.if
possible. -
Jhe City Council ate birring the mat
r of preventing and extinguishing fires.
This-i one of the mcst needed improve
ments in our City. , With a good Warden
oue who does not sleep too 'found
"nd the necessary implements and ma-
nmery, f0me headway may he made
gainst fire ; and if the Warden does his
uty. rnuch may be prevented.' The citi-
pDs should cheerfully comply with the
-'nance, ,n to-dayV paper, without
" (rova theWarJeV ' ' ' " "A
Haskell. (Iloudiu.) lias given the most
unbounded saiisfactio:! . wherever he has
exhibited his WonJerful Show-' Go ar - i -
ce him next Wedcesduy and Thursday.
The press and- peojlo every uuere ar.
oeliUted with Li exhibition.' In ' Kr
i-ns ihe people' came from a dirt.iuoe of
ihirty .miles, in the dead 'of winter, to
see his wonderful . Roll up.
We wouldsfugesi to uur Ci;y Fathers
wuether they can:otr in'somc--way, have
the eld tvo-tosy store honse on F roni
ttret-t :eru doifn or Cscd i:p. It i- a r.u;-
vance the way it stands at present. The
most prominent house to to seen from
the river, without a .window frame, a
liyht, or door in it, honing cv-r worse
than ihu t'.'versof Pia. it is not much
of- ar. advert;se.nent oj the pioeperity cf
ih city, resides it nay fall some 'day
audkill eorttelcKiy's hoss" or cow brute.
We are in receipt of the Omaha Ijaily
Republican. It is the official; paper of
the Territory, end a credit to Nebraska.
Ably edited, containing- the latest news
at and -West souhdca the "main
question,-it should be in the counting
room of. every bytiqess house in Nebras
ka.. All desiring to keep posted in the
current news of the day, thouid subscribe
for it. Terms $10 a year, '5 for six
months. Address Taylor fit McClure,
Omaha, Nebraska.
See the Notice of City Election. We
know of no candidates; as'-et, and are
not posted as to whether any of the eld
oliicers will run or not. The M embers
cf . the present Council hove dons well ;
City . Warrants have doubled in value
since they came in, the amount of out
standing Warrants have decreased, and
the "march of improvements"' has been
ahead of any former year. We would
be much pleased if our present Mayor
and Mxahall would run again ; under
their rule rowdyism has been puhUhed,
and is decidedly on the decline.. The
amounts taken in on fines within the past
six months is $:220. This is a nice sum
considenngi that Jjeretofc-re nothing has
been obtained from this "source.
A Valuable Farm For Sale.- on the
Missouri Bottom , nearly" opposite this
City. The whole tract old'eieJ is olO
acres ; 100 hundred acres uudtr cultiva
tion, with a No. lJepce, and good two
story log house; a good well near the
hou&e. ' '..There is 20 acres of good tim
ber on the tract. It is only ono-fourth
of a mile from the line of the Platte
Country Railroad. Such an' opportunity
as this is rarely olfc
0fi;ce. ." - "...
red. Call at this
The Ladies1 Repository,, for March,
jusif ceived, is a superb number. En
gravings, Through the Vines and a por
trait of Rev. Edward 'Tiiomsen, D. D.
LL. D. Reading matter and Poetiy is
of a .character unsurpassed. $o 'family
desiring to give to its inmates moral
and reiigioua literature, should be with
out ;t. Tortus, 3 50 in advance. All
traveling preachers of the Methodist
Episcopal Church are authorized agents.
Rev. Isaac Chiyington, of this City,
is an authorized-agent-, and will receive
subscription fcr the Ladies' Repository.
The Grandest Scheme of the Age is
the lottery by which the Patee House in
this city is to be disposed of with all its
furniture, which is of the richest and
most cottiy kind. The drawing of this
Lci!ry is irrevocably decided to take j luce
on the 207 day of lpril, 1SS5, by order
of the Vropriuor, Treasury and Direc
tory. Whoever intends to buy a ticket
must speak soon, "or -the will be
losl. Si. Joseph )lcra!l Feb.. 19th.
We have the lest a:surauce that thi.s
Lottery will be fairly and honorably con
ducted. Those desiring tb purchase
tickets can see tl e Scheme of Prizes at
Marsh, 'aBro. &. Zook's Books Store, and
tickets may be, obtained, through them,
of N. S, Harding Sc Co., Nebraska City,
j at S2 each. ' Now's the accepted time
Another .beiutiful steel er-graving
opens the, March nmnhcr of that favorite
pernxlical. tiie Ladies' Friend, just re
ceived. The engraving has no tide other
than the two simple lines
'Ch, 1 c? ttiein iJllp, slnkrpslosf ly, fh! d 'Cains m I'ure a J t?!j ."
The design and execu'icn off. thi engrav
ing are exquisite. The stiel Farhion
Plate cf this mouth is a double one, and,
as usual, admirably anraved. W-e need
hardly tlludeto the -usual number of
wxcd-engraving, devoti d to the illustra
tion of the fashions. Sec. The mu;ic is
"There Ltr.ghing Eyes," a bailad.
Among the "htefary "content's" we note
Aunt Hester's Stor; , A Death Scene,'
Tracir.g R e e n .b! a n c c ,' A S : 017 " c f a
IIouschi!dr 'My -Angel in Disguise,
Bitjen,' a sad Lsiory relative to'the fa
mous "Mad Stone' cf v.hich story tho
leading fac'. 'are -declared ty the author,
a physician's wife, to be true,) 'Four
Birthdays,' .'Alone, ' Yet" Not ' Alone,'
'Passion Fcwers,' The Mansion af Les
sington, Novelties, Editorials. &e., &c.
Price ; 2 copied 1 00 ; 9 copies
&100; 21 orie5 . f3f).00. Srerinn
' r , .
numbers will he sent to those desirous of
making up clubs for 15 cts. Wheeler c
Wilson's celebrated 'Sewing " lachines
arn; foroifhd as Prefiuiii's. Address
Deacon &. Peterton, 319 Walnut street;
Phib.delpl.ia. ' ..:,;
Now is the Time to feuil on Fubcrif1
tioc forilSr3-'.. ;
. :)' e 'rre' iri'recei;t U Mie T .v , WVk
Li der, vvLich- is. deservedly".'.: t;.c-.t
j pvpuVr 'Jiterary 'wfekly i r Aiu'ei its'. J iVj
! cor'p.? ooiuribururs f r: " c J ;
j am hoi ia fi :'Ti.i, 'ji:iy t. fhuturyH'-
solicit rentwala off fetibri.r! ticn . from
their patron, and a great dis
play ot it du'jeji(eiti"tij thrp'M'iic to 'sun
ftctibe. We have, lij ech t!i.-;.iti' to
ma!ve. The Lruc:n is ttx weii-knowa
"ai-tl luo'ioug. eeiaCiilhud to 'tf uhligru ta
r'n o at.y uieares of ihou-ort. Our
' 7 ' V y " I"?"5 ave
teii thtsu; and the mere fact
t-r.ntii; LiVr ohehundrtil tLcuMinJ cop
ies mori than any other y?ekiy..or"any
daily papt.f in the country; i. pretty
guUi, LVidcnce. thai the 'L.ii-R ifp;;p--iar.
Aliiitat we liuve to ay u, .iLaiWj
have re-iijgHged ait our mot disiin
guiihed aid popular contributors, and
shall- endeavor to make yood and ai
acceptable a paper iu tijc 'fuiuro we
have iii the past.
Single copies, S3 per annum ; four cop.
ies,LSlO, which is 82,50 a copy ; eight
copies, The party who sends us
S20 for a club of eight copies (ali sent at
one' lime,) will he entitled to a copy free.
Postmasters and others who git up clubs
in their respective towns, can wards"
and single copies at '$'2,50, No subscrip
tions taken for a less period than one
year. Canada subscribers-must send 20
cents in addition to the subscription, ; to
pay the American pottage. ; When a
draft or check dan conveniently be sent
it will be preferred, as it will prevent
the. ptbiiity of the loss cf money by
mail. . ' ! j
Wrv rt.'tTr r tt-nnlninVr or.o,t
' a o ,
Address all' communications' to
- ROBERT BONNER, Publher, .
No. 90 Btckman Street, New York.
TIIE Advertiser Havini? tern Restored to
iu a few weeks, by a very auaple remedy, at- ;
ter baTing suffered several years witn a sovcm luu- .
aiieetif'n , ami- mat a roan uishh, v.uuuu!iiiuu
anxious to make known to his feilow-suflerers the
niennsof curi
To all tfno desire it, he will send a copy of the pre- j
scription used (free of cbirge, ) with the directions
for preparing and usiag the fivuie. whk-h they will
MA, BRONCHITIS, kc. Tl,e o-nly. objwt of tbc
idverti.r in sna!ii'; tha rres.-i-ipi ion is to eneui)'
the t; dieted, and ppr.-ad inf.r:rt:i.'i.i '.Thio! he on
;civef to be ifva'uabl, and he hope every sufferer
will try r)i?reiusdy,as it w'Al cost-thorn nothing, and
Lay .',-i.-'jvc a blessing.
-"urlics wiiliing the prPc;-iption will pkose address
!3-Sa .' Vrilliamsbarg, Kings Co.. New York. :
William R. Smilb will fake notice tf.'it Hsrriet
A. iSiiiitb, as plaintiif, ha fi'ed a petition againtst
him, as dffendutt, in the Diotriet Court of Nemaha, Nebraska. Territory, on the chancery side
thereof; the object and pray or of said petition is la
obtain n decree of s-aid cou: t divorcing said )laiu
tirf fruui KiiJ defendant from the bonds of tjatri
mciiy, and assigtiiug to ph.intiS' the custody
and control of he children cf th esid p.artiej. . Pi tin -titf
also asks for ali uioajr out of tLe tjstate of said
defcuclen', and that the following de;ribed proper
ty 'bifuated ia the cou&ty cf jSeiuaha, .Nebraska
Ten Story, and now owned by the (itfiidHUt, to-wit:
the weft Ulf of the north-ea3t'cju.irur, aud the
norui'Caitquart3rof Thfc art-h-w-jss r.ietional cjuar
terof su.niu number 12, in t-w;irhip number 4,
north of ifif5 it ju.'wor li, nt : .id 2xn til that
poriiou of lot li.iui'oor S, in Ff-ai.-u number 12, ii
in t I'vr.ship number '4,' north of r;ma;e number lb,
e-.ttt of the 6lh priucipal meredian, litig west of the quarter of tbt north eust ouartcr of said
jx-chion 12, be set apart, !-?ign?-l and decreed to her
a . .-ueh aiiiuoiiy. D"fn-iaut ' r-?nnired to auswer
ud psti;;on by the 24th Jnyof April. 1 !il54.
lf-T-1 oli.-itor fcr C-mplaina.
Tf.kcn up by tiio ucdcr.c?gnod, li' icg thr"6 miles f 'ionvi!U-, on rhe bottom road, one two
ytr old white Loiter, right horn broke off within
two inches of the head, ears blajk and' upper bii
off tbo right, and brand on tho riglillip, reieml
ling the letter Ii,
A J? 0 B T U-N E ! !
Agents wanted throughout the U. S. and Canada.
JVufches. Chains, Eds of Jewelry', Rings
Fins, Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver '
Spoons and Foils, Caps, Cuke
Baskets,, c'c, worth Eight
Uundrcl Thousand Dollars !
- The Er.tiro St-iek of a largo Hwrting House,
retiring from business.-
- For t!lj purpose of closing out the stock at tlo
eariii.-st po:?ib!e date, the un'iersilfiH-d havedaoidod
oa distribution m-:de as fidlows: j
Each !ii.dever7 Article, no matter how valu
'" ' able, beius Soid for $1..
A Ct!tTIFICATEottThr artide T.ith its value
p.-inted open it is placed in ar: euvelojKj and e..leu
the-o envelope? ire fhorcfhljiuised and oid for
twenty-live ccnta -eh-rtt.a..4,ors n receivn.g one
of thc-u enve'.opts is entitled to the article named
therein by Itturnieg the.Curti.'it .-its U a with o;ie
d illar, and the article, no initter h-.w valuable it
may 1;.?, will be fvrwrdedo hi:n m her at once.
There a:e coiilHr-kCcrti.iJo'n: d tiiciefore'eAjrj'
ono is sure to get, at least, the full Value of his or
her money.. Should the article named cn thoeer
lii&at not suit, ajiy Jfir 'm: :;h he may stdeit of
;tie KHoie v;.lue wili be 6uosiimtcu. We sell the
cert i.1e -net fis fo!Ws,!:
One for 25c'.s, firs for $1. e'oren f'.r 52, thirty
fo- $:t i-ix'y fsyfor StO, one iiundied for 515.--Tfiis"-d5irthuuo
a ford . a fir.' ; .rtn'njiy ftr
Aleuts, a. wiat lady'or guntteiiia'ii 'wilt not 1nrt
Twenty-live cents with a ..?. -"it oS getting five-,
bundled rn tnu-iuiid times iaad. 'Alr-cdvi-x
piuji bj uddreei U u ;U. our old liai, Nj. lo,
ilaideli Larn,lXew Yfk;' . .
All -f wl.i.-U ::r-3 to be sold fjr Oi(flivi "rob.
3 o f'.rn frf lt! ! until, cca-P ,.V4,.c!.c- "') t $lfiOp.-.cL
Son Ltiie timid liiiauieleil-cis ?.", " 70 -
6oi'-airti' HurtiUj; cats Silver 3' 10 .!j
200 I);ani!.nd Rin.-s, 'm " n tij
-i vest and rxCh!:ns - is " 3-
3k ' ovi Ban.! Bracelets' i
6 Jj
i- j
' I!) I
4-'Ht iShfif Gold Hraitlft 5
2 h CtiiileiAinoaiid i b:na
fnK-() i'.'.il;'ite and tjld iir.x.eLt '
iou Lv aud rlorreUfie I'ror-fVrj - i
2.- 0 Cra): Ojal and timers M' R0vt. 4 "
EjuO Mosaic. Jetj Lava and Flii cotiua '
Kir Pr ps 1 ?
C'-)rl,i)-tal n l EnurjM Kar Drop .
tf 0 Ca!ieriii Diainouil Hveast I'ins 2 50 "
8 tl .
8 1o
B d
1 J'
e .io
33.10 ti.-iu i-.-iraii-i est WatcU Kejs 2 50
4ooo. Fvd and Vest It.bhnr! Siides
8 " I') li
iooo i-cit ? iHUtirc S.e-Jj iin't.-iis, S'.uds- 3
3-iOo (i-M Tuirebst-s, Penriln, Jtc , - 4 "
"to Jtunaiure k. ciijii,-. - i(i 2. XI
4'oj AlinUtiire Licltets Al.-'ic.Sp'-iiis; 2
3-KKl trol'1 1'oothpiCiif . Ctv-cC, AC. . , 2
5-Kj-i pun Cold Jiu4 4
tvjoa C bii.eiUo!d Uiir ' , 4
6 d.j
20 a
,..'8 d.
' 11 rt
" 11 Jo
k. M.o:ie sei an.iMci'M iii'ifti 2 Cxi " 10
S..C C-ttifurtita Diamond K.o? - 2 10 !
3 -o t'oo Jewelry Jet & O.jld 5 " 13 aj .
6000 Seta Jeclry Caiue. JU- 4 ' " 14 U.j
tiono vr.l-l Fft'.in. bilver Kxieiuiuii
oilier pC Pi:-is - - 4 " 10 d 1
6000 J Id rv!is"a:id G jiail-junted-
l!M-?;s "3 K 8 d-
6000 Odd lent, and Gold cx'.etisioa 6 ." W do
ho iders .
6000 Silver li!,liU and DriaSing Cnp 6 " 5j do
3k). Silver Casiori, IV" ?3 .!j
! bavar t run and Ckc Bu.-et 2d " ?.i
'Amu, bavar t run and Cke Ba.-Leta
1 D"srn Silver Ttl - 10 20 ...t .
. vj j . nine cpuo i"rit uti v Ott
AGKST.-4Yfe .Want ag-inls iu evtry regimeor,
and ia ever town and coun'v in :he ionTitrT. !
tLode -tin!r ts uob will ba al!oieil 1 D cji'.U on
w - . , w . : '-- -
rv : . . -11 1 .
ev.ory lleriiijcate 'ririt. l.j li.-m, provjij si tl.eir
rerautauotj aauounw tu. fne dollar. Atut will
collect 25 cents for every Certificate, and retail 15
flents to ti. " , ' s ' - ' ,
gr Write plainly, ?aj only what if refsiiry aa J
be rrotrpt. . .
v. ' t. '..... - . r. . i iu-r- .-5.-.ji ijuuibcr twetre. lsV n tnwn-
TLia ib the f eaeon of the yrar wrr.eo" n -'.1 ..u-.:.r i.ur, i.) .,! ot Ui. ur.u.-i
is tuiiouiarv lur ouL.iiars to viJv' i",fc luu l" F"11' m-jrcuiiiu:
J ' I . 1 . - i . : . . e
o of an crier of tl.o Pn bat Court of
r.iok;i Territory, 1 will vLTir or a''.t
:ii oa Saturday the 1ft ':iy i f April
'r jcY.. a. ra., nt t lie door of the I'.?
s f Vnir, 'n lifci t eonnty of Nrm.b .
; d .--tr:5 J land situa'd in the dun;.
uh!,c ;
tiZw i-
t y
-.i 'uo icrniory of euntski,
ArainUtratorof tticHsULa cf ilartha L-K-kwooJ,
Ni t's fsly-ri-by ivtT. that. p"ir-a bfir-.:;
y:ii u:; i in I hu rr-sbule Court of euiiht ri.uiilv,
Xyhrs-'oi Toa-itory, to ulmit to 1'n.bat tfca will of
tit'.-wU.-d .uji.iir.jr, .ktc-ai.d, lato f sail Cva.:ty of
Nuj.ub.i ,1 Live a;-j-.'intoJ the Zr J dy of April, a.
cl. ."., jr . ) oMcjk. p. n. as t!io tim, ard my
;ri::o in j-oTrrivi.l'j io noucty of Nou;aia., s.
I'lao", fuii'jvir.; 5id viil. ' .
- ' Juilp of ni 1 1'robiitt! Court.
J,, 1?3.: 2l-:;rp.l
"::TIlXv N'OTiCE.
Tukoa uj-.oc. tie 2)rujLycf February, a. d. 1S55
i, an ec'ravjir 'it.-hfp on, mn9 twelve, mux. ty
of I'awue, S. T., by thm subscriber VkLo tbira re
fi'J j.iit white tter, crop and swallow fork in th
rigbf anirrop nff e left ear. and brindrt 'or
ttujlofibij vith tbe letter four year. oid, ar.:;
one dctp red Jjeifcr, mostly white face, white on th.'
;ip arid in the flanks and belly, a crop and upp(r
bit in the right ear, half crcp on the ieft ear, rilit
J-orn off, nd j'bert tail, snpjioscd to be three yeara
old, i;p other ixurkj or btand.n perceif abla. ;
Anew and singularly successful remedy for tha
cure of,all Bilious diseases Costiveiiess, Indi
tions, Headache, Pains in tha Ereast, Side, Back.
nd Limbs. Female ComTjlaiiits, &c. &c. Indeed
r ii,. JtugcM ,n whinh n. Furative ileal-
cine is not more or less required, and much sick
ness and suffering miht be preyented, if a harm
less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used
No Tjersbn can feel well while a cofctive habit of
-o - . -
body prevails ; tesides, it 60on generate nenous anc
j often fatal diseases, which might have been avoidec
by the tmely and judicious use ol a gooa purgain e.
This is alikT true of Colds, Feverish tyinfrtoms, and
r n.-n- jPTnT,crpTnpY,tii. Thev aU tend to become or
I ', produce the deep seated and forraid
7. v Jl BaaA nA fnmiiilile distemriera
bad fte earse8 over the laad. Hence a
reliable family physic is of the ftist importance to
the putlic health, and this 'Pill has been perfected
with MTigmnms elf ill to meet that demand. An
-rtfniv trial of its virtues bv Physicians, Profes-
Bors Patients, has shown results surpassing
hitherto known of any medicine. Cures
Laveben elfected beyorjd belief, were they not sub-
Btantiated by person? of rich ei
hv'nersons of rich exalted position and
cnaxacter as 10 ioruiu uie imsyivu v. uuuu.u.
Amcng the many eminent gentlemen who have
testified rn favor of these Pills, we may mention :
Prot J. M. Lockjb Analytical Chemist, of Cin
cinnati, wh.o! high professional character is en
dorsed by ' ' ' .
John' McJSait, Judge of the Supreme Court f
the United States.
Thxs. Couwrx, Secretary of the Treasury.
Hon. J. M. Wkight, Governor of Indiana.
' N. Longworth, great wine grower of the West.
- Also, TtR. J. II. Cuiltox, Practical Chemist, of
New York City, endorsed by .
Hox. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State.
Wm. B. Astoe, the richest man in America. .
- 8. Leland & Co. Propr's of the Metropolitan
Hotel, and many others.
Did space permit, we could give many hundred
certificates, fraru all -parte where the Pills have
been used, but evidence even more convincing than
the experience of eminent public men is found in
their effects upon trial.
These Pills, the result of long investigation and
atudy, are offered to the public aa the best and
most complete which the present state of medical
science Can afford. They are compounded not of
the dmgs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues
only of Vegetable, remedies, extracted by chemical
Erocess in a state of purity, and combined together
1 such a manner as to insure the best results. This
tystem of composition for medicines has been found
n the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a
more efficient remedy thin had hitherto been ol
tained, hy any process. The reason is perfectly ob
Tious. While by the old mode of composition, every
medicine is burdened with' more or less of acri
monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi
vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative
effect is present. - All the inert and obnoxious qual
ities of each substance employed are left behind, the
curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is
self-evident the effects should prove, as they have
proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surerf
more pow erful antidote to disease than any other
medicine known to the world. .
As it is frequently , expedient that my medicine
should be taken under the counsel of art attending
Physician, and as be could not properly judge of a
remedy without knowing its composition, I have
aupplied the accurate Formulae by which both my
Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of
Practitioners in the United Slates and British Amer
ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any
one who has not received them, they will be
promptly forwarded by mail to his request.
Of all the Patent Jledicines that are olfered, how
few wonld be taken if their composition was known
Their life consists in their mystery. I have no
The composition of my preparations is laid open
to all men, and all who are competent to judge on
the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of
their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral waa
pronounced by scientific men to he a wonderful
aaedicine before its effects were known. Many em
inent Physicians have declared the 6ame thing of
my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will
ing to certify that their anticipations were more
than realized by their effects upon trial.
" They operate by their powerful influence on the
internal viscera1 "to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthy action remove the obstructions of
the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the
body, rest orui g 'their irregular action to health, and1
by correeting wherever they exist, such derang&
ments as are the first origin of disease.
Being mgar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take,
and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from
their use in an v quantity. "
"For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box.
' '-' ' PEEPARED -BY " 1 - : i
Tractical and Analytical Chemist
Trice 25 Cents per Sox. Five Boxea for SI
WM'. n.SlcCllKEnr. Browivl!!e. '
U.'A. BliOWN A IlkO., Per a.
VOLT A SCOTT, TV'! s City.
I.nWIS A SSUEPiTKJtD, St. Ster.bonj.
iMain Sired bdiseen" First and Second.
WE have ir,jt..ra 3larj aM vojt f-elecfe-t ilocs of
Calicoes. Musiin,
rcLt h , Tiv4l, ' ; .
Hats. Cp.p3. '. '
Biiotii, Shoes, - .
. , Leather, .etc.,
' " ' etc., etc., etcetra.
. .. .-, rn-cn weoffek fof. sals
Grocrisf of Evry ' "Kii V
j Supar, -' - ' ,.a ,:. . Coffee,
. Tea," "i ' " Suda,
Allspice, i,; , , t Pepper, .
rr ; C-'fs. '', ' Tchaccii,
. : Ma.trhos.'.'.'. Starch, j '
A 11 of atjch wf ofTerat the :owet pricea, tfe'gar-
aiiued not te unuc.!d. -'
I Cvii'ainicT kuoai siny-ifi-jr acre?.
il S65O,000. 1
"Worth of
Watches, Chains, Rias3 &c
- a S. JUSKLYS 4- CO , .
08 P:?kmi-n St-fctft. Saw Tori.
Oiler tho Pol'y-.ving la-luccnierts to
nving L eu for a !ot;s time .engaged iu t;.e Puts.-;
t.usinei-s, and eiMlstjed ur for prompt
ness and reiial'UUyr ani puse--iug great f.uihties tor
tei;in. Jewel ry in ttis war, we are oifidyit icat wo
ran give gattefucU'.Li to ail ho feeldi5i.scdtovalron
ii3 us
uioad I'inN, C!iains, Uisjgs, iic.
AH i es-jlJ foi
Without rsrard to.vilue! Not to be r1'' for ur.ijl
. 70U know whai yu are to receive!
3pk-adid I'"stof Articles!!! A'.l tj be SId
" ior Or.e Dollar Ilac-lil! !
, 175 Tr:i!i l.o (liirjds.imelT fnfrravl. and
wu rnt.-.! j.-jvet tiic xepr,) va: r- - -loir
in X'riro frvuj $ Jo. to $ 120" jcli
225 ia-t.s tV;cJ.e,Iid 0.)lJEan
' tine C-f v $i5 ech
C5o lieatleair-u'n Silver 7att-tc?, f 15 jsie en i
Sooo latest styp Te-1 and Xfcii Chain, 4 5o to 3:i ecb
55oi'xi::.Tts' tli.rt!ia rijf.i.iul Fins, J 15 pnch
4-yv Cailforni Diamond Wmt Drops, 'i x to 15 cy
1k Uiuimurb and enauietloU ttevolv-
, lusPius, S mj tc 33 ecn
2 jqo Caiiarmi;ia Lnni.nJ and Eauieiled
(rent's t-c.trf- Vu new styies, I 00 to 15 frn
2. oo Misomi; xiid Kiiibivui Pins, 3 oi .o 1j t-oa
2)o G-rtJ B in.; brat-.ietfc, engraved '
and j i u. : ri 3 m to 2- ess-li
3-xx) f(,5,ti.' :iln) Jot Rroprri J KiloifKl
2uoo Cameo iirooctiex rich pttern, 3 to 60 eacli
i'W i.)!cn;i,;e aud Iva Pint the rea!
artirld 4 00 to 1 each
31.k Lsvaand Florentine Ear Drops . 3 o to I ea h
3. ho Coral :ar Dri,p, 4iitu t each
2 oo L:tlif" 'Jhaicui Clmlns jet fc g..M 16 o U: Sjearb
P xio (Cents' Pins, a Kplnn:id assorluient 2 " to 16 each
1;i..,i R ditair b!eev) ii'.itu, 'i oj 10 6 caca
3j. 5iuds n lKlcove-liittU4, inset,
" ve:yii,-.;i 3 ;? to 15 cacti
o-km) 5 reve-B;!tt"Tjs plain, enameilcl
ai d ei:g.'vt 2 to S each
loooo Piain ixl htiiidKomelr fir.ji. Kin? 3 5b t 1 t;h
Stjvo Si-1 iv!j Ll:eis, iluubie ci-e, riciiiy.
oiii.'r:ve.l . . 2 ;o to 1 4 each
l'jor; set L.ditt' Jewelry, new and
lato.-t btyies 6 cx to 13 ea h
2.,'uo Gjld Pen and Laadsome Silver
Ca.-c . 5 to t it' ll
This euiirp list of beatifilul and valuable G.jJs
wm Ce f-oid. f-c One Dollar each. Dcrfiacatr of att
ti e above artiei wil' be placed in ri.veloi.-eii, aiisl
s-ealul. Tiite e:ivcl )i:e8 wiil ha af-nt ty mail, aor
iptrj.1, wfihoiit regard to c'noico. Ou ' receivinjt a Cer
t i ii c;. te you will see vj-Oat article you are to have, and
thou it is oftk.i'l wti you to send oue dullar and re
itive the article or uv.
Cei tiHi atfn cn be odered for Eleven for $i;
Tniriy -Uve r,r S5; &ijcty-Cre lor $10. and One hun
dred for $15. We wilt tend a single Certificate n the
rtceipl of 25 ce:.i.
. B'-x i2?0 - - 36 ileekniiu l: eel, N X.
9-2i-2m A. Co.
rriends biid ti puOiiu generally, ll.a- tlieyiiuve ju
leicivc a superior lot of Family ftruteries, an-l im
He attenlion of purchasers to their stock including
CLAU-'lr'lSU do - IMPKKlAl. T.S.V,
CH'J-il'iisi VOLN'G HSOX TEi,
Owi'tiiKt) do SLACK TfcA.
RICK. S(iO, S?1C15. PEPPER. CLOVE?, Ci'K-S' AsiO
fiOP. H"t'.H SOi.'A, CB LA I US' 2AJ.2UATV:-.,
GREEN. Ari'LFS,'ii.s' r
Molasses, Ccal Oil, Cider Vinega,
1 fcAl-' AND liTUEit CrtOICK liilAtiuJ-
fix x tu'TCA vr.x rush. ki..lik-
J ICS. SA10K1XU, COi- '
Cisars of .he Best Brands In tnt.1
NtTi', &o., is.i., Jtc..
A Splendid Assortment of Stick ani
- Fancy Caiyly froui the Best Manufao
turies in the Ertt.
Flour, Bacon, Butter, Egg
The Hilit-at Market Prices Pa;i! lux
Counry Produce.
Mkmaha Valley Uask Building
BROwjcyiiXE, Jjn. 14, 1864. c-20vS.Jti-yl
Wholesale and Retail .
Ji V alii
. Ifaa Jii't;vo.l '( tarjest and ar.;clt y,
Mii'o.rn and Ci?r.r ev.T c fTercl in 4hs market, 1 )4
iii 1 them as low 3 any Houmj l.i He TsiTitoiy.
Main Sirect, Brovvr.vills
Feb.4.'':i vly.
C "AL OTL-, l-Mt qualify claimed Carbon oil. Litr.f
ciiinuieya iu.d Vv icks
irLAurdus Jc sis' a' jr.
J. 1 MOKltIS
1 -
Successor to R. Rrown h C.
- - .. . . 1 - 1 1 . .
, ....... .... ,.. . k... in.-f,a,i.,i iii.
AI . U M .1 1 . 1 1 'i'- "j j w
Large aud Wall Selected Stock
- OF R- 20 VK &- Co.
U F.v?urci the ptblic (lenera'dj, that te will ke--p.on
hand every tbdng usually tce2 ia ' ; "
. -,':
'1 Fiust Class Drug lorc
an1 ii ile'e-Tnlnel net to he iii l:oTd frreah.
Af Ai.L ll'Jl ;R3 ;i
B S 0 W N Y i L L E , IS E B B A S K A a
. U-8-ly
C 4
AndlfV Cand: Jite Is aJ ever vri::be
1". C C
v V.
U.-s now or, hand the inot c-mplete aid gon.;
hull Uvi.t l 'Jien bai.viiiO m Uttuviile. iiy fciotk
BOOTS &'SIl6l5S.
of Superior Qnality. Also a fu.I mpp'y of
rr o &3? x o x-j -s y
Dres-Trimmiiiffs. Hood. and Kcalias
Glovvjs ai.j Givuutic'.j, Hjjiery.
0svxr rtro
In variety -n: !.-iir, ot Tjbla r,d ?o tot Kmvrj.
CLiit-U, Braces tM..f. Filc-i . t! M--fkejwretM.t.
Butts and !crw.. Saws ar;d Kani '..itr, Atei and
Spuio$. ' Afttt aiortu;ei.;'of
t 1 is: w!a.-ti e ,
CioV'.rg nesting nd Parlor Stoven, Large Kattle?,
Stove Pii'C, Si eei li-n uud Z'n.c
A full assortment of
At Lour Hrlcei.
Blank Book?, Pocket Books, ar;d ?.r?inr'.
rar:wUiti Bt.oks 5id Statif-mry of nil kin-!s
; . kept coGlantiy on Lu.nJ.
A cotni!eto of sortment of
F u ti n i t vt n n ,
on 'Land, Bureau, it; i-S-c .
:l.:7?i, T;ibic. M it-
-rs. N-f..-. (. ! -I-
and, ;ri
1. C. l !! f
CiiilifS, liVvWio I . i .1 .l .
A'jo: rioofflx. V rn Sp!'-fr Tror. K fills and S-eet.
Msinli. Beaver OKO- Tr.r.
T,Pi1-M)rr Ivs My l!;e Hiiih.'-! r.i.irk-'l Pi io
for JiIDE;J, Pelts ai.J Tuvb, aud PKuLl'v f a.;
t!i;it he WHlils.
I C.iti a oil ex a jny-s!cji hei'or iri-.:sii mid'
sve y.'itr ino;iey. f r my moi,"i' tn I t-o; the t i if
Dry iols, the CtioioeAt Paxil y lirtneuei, t' it:'.ed
Fruit and Oystrrs, ,-.m! the test of 5toes to co. t'..era
vn in the uiti'!u-i. '1 .' tLoui .
i -V7: ... .. ....
r .. , -r'ATHHANV
ri qua a
.:xf Also, X7rci?ao Trucks, UA
5j!5e careful, and buy only th -::'nvn'.'-"t
i'liAl .'- i'C'X; Ag-iii,in rt, Ii'-ii.
Rexff Keiiiedi3 for
HOW AKi) A 8800 J A T ip Ii
4 Benevolent Institution ain-i'li'h.rJ. by $pecia Ba
3uuriient,fur tat lleiitf 0 iht S'ti n.i LHttristcd.
UPticted with Virulent fit t:hrcic D-ifaaCs. nnd
f picial.y fur tut t'ui'i iyitteu i)f llm isczual
Orcait. T
LiJUaDICAL Ali VICU sivuiiati, b iLe-Aciia
Su'iTCuU. -
"Valuable TtenLirt on S crnis'.oTiicra. arvl other d;-eas.P)-
cf the Sexnal Orsi. and on. iheXSAr R'-iME-U.lio
euiioyed in the l)ipe;isaiy, sent m .-.ralot ;e':ti
Bvelnej,frceol' chart. Twotr tUrre3:ar.!0-acc,iit.
a Address PP.. J SKtLI.rX nflUOnTON. Tmti'M As
aiion, Xo it 8ju;1i Xiutit, Putiel;2ua, Pa.
PiioemliiT 12. 1851. n'J3-ly
Patented FehriJry 14th. 1360. !
TIII8 MACHINE iscon.-trncM .in er.tiroly new
nrinCipies of tuocuaui.sin. jo3se.iiii: rre an-l
vaJaub'a itnprovemen's, Imviq bum rx.unincil by
tbe most firolouni tapert, and FT-noTi'-ii to bs
. It has a straight jiPtd '; ;Tt:n-lieu!ar-aeiion,"
jnakca tbe LC k or TlTt'ir, wLLh
wili ueiilior iiii'ot ItA Villi, aiid U ua:k ta L-.Ua
siiies ; irrfof tns pi f(?t Ar, -ve7 ?-wrt tioa
tf m ittrial, l iin I;nher t ht Sli-si Kansdok
Husiin, wiih euttou, !int-a"or ilk tLru 1 J, ."jtu the
coarcst t.7 the 5n-t uu-pbor.
liariEB ucitbw CA.U uvx CL-G ;VU2 JT, aim tho
leal oe$il Xtlvtiuai, it ruH's ai s.ovtl a ijla,
uud ia . . . , - "
Emphatically a Koisalesa Machine."
It ro.iuh FIFTY FKIi CENT l..i j-ower to
driyn it thnn any other M.s.'hins in Thv P'frktt. A
girl tTroivc jear- r.f f.gecnn w.rk it ttvai.Iy, a LlL
out latiijiie rr injnry to licul'.V.
Itaatrcnta. and Vor.drlai Siirjiiiriry i,f eon
truction rmder it almost ii:i.;s-ihio i )t vut of
order, an.i is L'AR TKEi l,y iba t-tiupany to
give entire ialiiavtion.
Were? jv -ttplly incite til tho vh mij f'-iir;
to aut ply tbtnleITea with "tu;tnur a ticio, to
come find ex.iajinc- thib Unriv.-ilird ':o 1 .ii.'.
but in a inui CTittLai uiaED'r d- w- ?olicii the
piiUuuaa of " , . ' '.'I,'..'
Mcrtharjt Ta:"Ior8, ' Cr-Fct Mr.l-.fjrs, :
i V.'
Coach M.aksrs,
Gaiter Fitters.
1 aoopa.niaUao-
Ve."t fin-l Pantaloon
Shirt ana bc-t. 011 11
Drena ilukera. . i
Utliniuun and C"f't'f !' Intitutiv triULtUso
Pricos erittfttailKcConipictp
Xo. 1, Family .Uecb.:pa, with lleiaxer, Fell. r
.nd Lr.iider, J .-"id
"No. 2SnniII Manufacturing, wit'a Eztenjioa
Tb':a 75
Ko.3, Large ila nafa; turltg, m ItL Estonsi'-a ; -Talile
Xo. 4, Irge lliaiifacturna:,: for Leather,-.
-r ;'h iii I'.irg Foot nud t).l Cup - 1UQ
Ofle Aa iof.r' intruct ion i.,pU-ieut Vivt.le any
lcrioutu uui-k 1 Mi Muvhint. 10 thiir 1 a: ire
en' ' . '
Averts Wanted for U towns in thn CijiteiSt&tfii,
waere Agoi.ti Me not aittbUy. isu.j;i. .AL--
for Cuba. Mr ri 'o. Central and .S nib Autricr., to
whom a lioernl dia'oc.unt iii ,
i Ttxn.8 invariably Ca.h.c .? hvo'ryi '
T. J. 3IirtJinr Co.,
Bmadway. ew-vork.
A. i Co. f 3 i V. iMl.iUfc'U 3. -i ., i ic ...
" - - 2: Ch.-stn" St . ThiU.
uEJ. FltAITZ, Agent,
102.H, 4;a, ;St. Lv?at?, M j.
tiii: nciiACi: vatli:s y.vviitf
iMi'it.i.i-.Si wVKitoTni"?'!? H x
rutii' ir.c:.'; Tzuiiiz piaitc
are 'lilt nf "b t' nit f f rorL !y tccad -terl
', :id will f nd anr c:ln'0. T"e ;-n 1 rf
ieei, r-jua., f -H.! .i - ;"? !;
Eai.s ?;auM v. KU.iilJr l.dl'r." f' JruiS.
t j i'. JO.
TnT- y.C '1 4L3
'The n-.'.-i!!. t vcie , I i.u-i ai. l:nowo aB3 ta
vetjr be? I- 4.. t'ftv r.M'. ; r
'A' cn'.j.k f !!- 1: ' ' .':llI ,-vr? i
etl. rrf.-'-'-H titriirner.
iV'er' p "M1 Ait-f.xio.Mn r!a tiiiae cotnx; a-i
wim u.c n 1011 uoyvi , i ," juraai
SiS"J I.ii'-.V 7 OCi AV O i'laNOS.'-Mirit.
ol t r $i.o Uj.. w ti !..f ! A-'-'.
2.'. V'.n-'.-ha!.d Pi.iu. .r,d .Me hxlrtwis.
ftVi. Slo, $-3, yl'V''i' 4iS5;AoJa-4
Jut -v ar; ,. j; Ci? Filial Tf mppra;rnf wt:"a h- r:c'.t rtrli:4
.vc!l. Price f.uLi t J. AJ3xnder Or
gans fn ni $-00 to
J.VuU;-aMiivv: to C"-'-"- C J
?iiti J5 -;i".:!. LodliC-, S.-tuiDtiru . iiiillvt-i-vi'
ACa-H ATiiii, A 't, No. i Uruad ,-!. ' -
40.OOW-a.piva A liew il.fft j t r Si-oie
i-l ritiua-if-4, ,-xJ t i U?r -t-t Ji
r-.f!r. It en !' -'it t-r il r-i -d c noire ummi
rr.-.oi,rti'i.ea ' .-l. p rt '-d i.r' .
i.i iny uf ther.i wru f w C r ;.rt i'T fu" thi wrk. ta;de
Zi page ol the K?e;.re-a ol Atusic, -ncl. m c-y ul
Auio.i- ;:it- -:na.jer vi bt'itirtl pi?s n-a
f iend. ' "'.r ie -s Svh ot." "O-n'i yon hear tha
t.MMi .;. ...!.: ik,' Ai .. j.-j ha(1i oi tue ua-j) .do,'
'TTf 'sl-.- ' u "T .'.,'" "Oh, If I wee a
HUU V.': i.' .;;.-d of bc-u.y," ' Preity por uP-,r
"A .',' (' U -i! ' 3 Uy th rULiiin 'jro '
5-.C. it i.. vi.i.i;.i irvl by 'A.d B, ulia-JT b "Sai.-
l-l. i x 1 V S ! 3"1 2, w i.lrh hT9 hd
ni. .r.!u'; -M.ejt t25 uuo oiie. Pi ice v-ii'or cuet,'":. ; rr IV. v "o-l 3" cenls. r"T l1!
rluiti t.i.,', ' j;;tptik.-d KtU, -tu Cviit. iyj M-r k JJM-tci.
;5 ... ,. - ij-. :be oa. li-r.i ei :a.- taU4
.'itSf io'.i i.t:ca. . '. '. "
(.c'in--14 p. r. n tiar!y t I miirei tuuea ik4
iifin -iii -:d - t in. .! ;niar 3. it k iTf ' ri
i'i:. ;. C. :no-i rites are. Kind WctI,'
:-:J?.i .1?-.' -CI ,riin n ir-.," - P.r.'Hi ni II.."."
I i.-- e Koihcr " Te. ATiuei iuun
' !.. i:.e l.ic!.:'." "K-j..; i ;r j:.e Wea:y," .V- JTI- f- "
;i.i"r cTW'. '2" cl,s. e?'h. iH!5 per hundred; tx.'ini,
f ... ii ?.-.''i 'r hitii iie ii lvlt Ooa.iJj i44
iist,'3c. ?it hun-'rM. - .'
ssi, .. a n,
U an entire i4tfw worlt of M ar it near'.r ?1t'in
JI.d Lym.-:j. Ai vLj 11 ui. i a li'tlt- i- i Li'. '1 ,
i jnn the book te foii.w heil No. u. Nearly oneaail-:i-!.;or
iti.- Be!! U av tM:euUue I, aolai.. w
iDg' thrniijch th :4 srnl otrier Coor'rlfi. Am-nif ')
inaio' choice pic-.ce')i. ay i.9 f .uu.r,!l we-ii-Ja f
yend the river ? .T!'ie Is a fw-iut'fiil -w.-Tld. .rW
fli.'ll C 'ljj a-iin ii.t uiuie. 1. 11't yi ft !;r tha i J Th t,, nixt nie .Jilbath Bl! rt'n-a
u, v.c. Pi iif of felt iCu. S are let aame aa Lvli .v..
1. K.-Ii r.Uilo'" C-iti b t 'tsii-! ih one Tuinie.
Price, hound coi.y, 4 cenU, pc bunoied, t.iw;a
boi.i,,', euibofise-t Kill. 6 " ct-.. -4. rr birntra. f
ropier funiiii'ed ai ta ona huua. a'. uc. iil.a i
u.c ri'.ail ;.r;ve. '
irutr C'uf.ii tjtri.
A new Sunday Sch'. B.-.of Hi pajet ef b";'
hrrooa aod times. It containe maur aein, . ucU aa
Shaii we know f.ich other there; f un'sr !i tl? -hi id-
fi r nie unto Me; a.iore 5 Oh. 1-
Leave me with m iu. .her ; lit ledio;r'eb'
till w jtnr, fco. . price p'jr covn-s, 2d cam , .3
pr hundred; Inrtiud il ent, $!) pjr htiud! rX : ti
h onijfi. embogjed g'.iltt. 35 centa, $3 0 rxff buodrad.
JijuiOil al the retail i-ri-e. I: is mi t.y It !- i
turn, inh r of Sunday School iJoIU Wo. 1 aa I 3,' whlca
bvehad t!o enori.-ious i)o -f osr eicnt th'-'-.t it
r .Vie. JiiHt p-.iMiahedby ilOaArt 'friTrUTt. 4l
T!i0 2'eu i'i ;i, 5iij' J - ,
ci.r.t,i:i.s f ( .'Res of oii;, duara ant chornes, boti a
crtd atm recniar. iuolndiug 14 pages of prayera for lc
aud living soidiers, and suidlers' Scripture Af.auuai.-
It ifl well anitel for kotUI ainging, ia well as Sabbotbj
worship. Among the.iuauy beautiful tdctea inayjje
fuund, Where liberty dTtllaia my c antry; TheCbrla-.
tianbero, Toreo cheeri for cur tai ltrr C"rae liajte
tn of h ivy : Colt-.rphia thi Vm of 'heoreaa ; Fi t,
aisii'i g..'ii(-t ins ; Ci!umVi'iti::j '.irarer ; iiri;i. ;.
ai- Si Prices nrfoveri, 15 eet, f I1 r
ured. Jdrtirii'at lt. i.,.il ' '
; Th U-trp of ' 'rlir, ' t. f
cor.taint Si piroi .f or'.i, uii? a aal cliori;a.-, 'ir Fre.
do;. An;--in tl a -;l-ive i'';a-i we would rani. Pair
f ro? loin' id irii 1) la my Uvr .Se tue-ia
t Jin ; 1 h' w.ii kd ma a! 1 th .;y, S.c. PrMatceiit
tni4, wiu jr ituseu, i par ,.aiJTj , jtLj 1
:cii aUi. . ... . ,
. 4 4
r-i.itir,a !?t ira. Wordaii Rati. d..ey Ot an'.k'a,
y tr.'l 4,'i. it.; Tkii u M meiioi rniik fwr--i-if.
S.-t iUi..ii. JMcoa Silver cover 1, 20i:a; . ; iS jr
t;,".: ii t-u ; O'.ii.i'I jiio pei hiiivi. eJ. ' - "
; The Rivicnl Mtio llui . - '
cn-itaip.7 p.-j:c.-J'f tmiea and b. ini . da' !i'::et .'r r, praysr a vi corfo'eoce mitj . rr!f In
cjv.r, si; fe r.-'dm, 10 c.u.a; v( uuAiiii
Maiica el the rt'ail pricva.
Tit A'hjHin OV.'.'-a,
tont.nioa Ifttvcwii foi'T ai-I T, i; b un1 el pii pa4
arid hyi-iii ow n.i-i oid.'of the (ti-dceat tl"da. 't
tLllf.h,-?. Hd.J 9 -iiOC fy'.iV:. L-.vl'ry, t irtt-: n
p tycr a"-l 'oisfeifiii.e, ar.d ill I hmdl of aaure t a"J ae
cia' mL-r-tiofi. Tin? rt'siciu tlla brV b t I aa
i t- 1 : . 1 iu i", like, ' hi nil; it Sbm e, lienor 0-. wry
llJi ku-w "-.Ji othai-tiin-ff siui; n a-' b n
1 l.e u er"; Ti-.o. e U a t-fsuUftlf arvW? tiu4 wnla
iwepl prayer ; Thr la m la id f loe;S.i!ia
lilt 1 j -. .'1: Id'f 0 tnrnni m.ti) ni ; r.d -e '.r N .
c. P.WsAiiitfio ctjliie. iBiid '50" ceiij I p
tjiliinrc-i.; I io?: tin-.ii.rf. im.h-i.ed Kit , 60 fiuif, 6 ;jf
l.u,.(lfri., yi.e-t ;-t th rail pricct" v, 1.
TK'Cj. 48! li.-.mdway, K Youri, fuo-f iaa
at(? liv'aJ.' - -i. -i W' Vr
' ' " - ' ' '
A larne a--ortii:o'it .f kw and p. pnisr .ttji, ' s
i iptv. tir..irtrrt, and t;h-'rne, iai. e4 Ualir. AujpJ
the iuoi aru, iiliali l itiin e-'Cli dhr there.
Lo'vrey j y1;-i riy 1 ivxd one y nr 5 I wj!l : irte
tnfce; oh, f nf!-' in unoli irl 4 nine, by Komari
AioiliPr's love o r lie ; ow.-.l lo. i n V't me not . -tiy
K e' le"-, 2-0 ce-it es-h; 1 J-""," "w.t ii'i;
Home i home; Kornet if Jiu cai . Ini lt'i,
Yh'!i:a. 3ociU e icli.
l.intm nrnta! Hnii fo Ihe Ci - F-rt?- '.Vi .irt
ciini.a father Ahra'ari, hi buiulrid loom. .14 i jre
Always iook mi the uino rlj Si. !! a r-it.x; (c
'ii:.QX the: c? ice,, with vai ;itlor.a hy' Grabt,
fwcnoi Mth. .
i'.,li.j. Willies, .Marche. 'Q tir ';ttv.Qniil'ri
c . I." ijm'ar anthofa.. Ail'k'eda Hmam.: aiad !.
strui.iioii booic. Cittaloisuea ruaiiedi fie to any ' Lu-i vi at tlic ub-jve pn;..
.itrri,. ty.i.up..intH for Z.& Wt Jl
Arr;iK9l a s-il..e, dne'. qi:jrief: ,i th inim. rsj
.!!:;-'!; al ih.;-:h !-, vf. ri ? -n xli n,'i. pul.licach h!
Hi!!a"4jK s ptti: p aro-K t- -h vi-r tan .'-
fo!' l oi i.e,r. the .i'J'-t t i.;a.o, V I ajl w . mv; o
I'ond tn-s nv?ry lin ii ti n Ther b.'-.rif)
rit; v;;ere hi riy dwells 1 my cuunti y , Fired. .
tdiiiiai.a :ii..;-Vl' ;rt c- inir. Father A-" 1'4'H.
bin ! ed ih u ::n f more ; There I a land of l .e; Sor
row l ooine iirain no in .re ; Ueavniy i. ji.. ; . ..t,-
m'.5 to'mr f Leaven: L'-ii-Psi fM; W;?l Itoi:
Sundjy Si hixi! : O it Rod U niareLie? uji ; , e ilv
N'aiion; H iiUfiir'a oii4 of the Plantati-a li oj F"
Frct-lc-in'a Vjrn 1ms dawrxM a t-i ; Over t?-e uit-..
lain; Overtij i.o'iniia.n ; l.iitie iilla's an an,! j"Al
lid ;.( 3 totieaen; SStf Jiuie iJiidri
uuti r.i ; 5irT n;e m (Ir tuo.j h" 1 C aae S
-by re- :; eot boiiroj Prayerj ke.' Fro :i e'.ti.
C4..I-: s 'ci l iz , $?vp UitTn'rvi ; p-ii-'l vi ttr
Iu khuct f'-r.-i n-ir;i ti3nii vn-otm'nj-iiant, 2ata;.ra.
i"ab.:h-vd bj iiWiACK WATFP.3. A: 't,
-No. lit, X. j. .
S. & H. T. ANTHCITT a. CO.. :
. - :
' M j-ifrnreri f .. : 2'
Photcsraphic Material
'.-''' Whvie-aia and Re'.ait, ; -
Ir. ail iiti n tf ort Tra. b'"ireaof Ph. t tm;.! '.c j;
terialr;, we are ilea.iqu -irtera for the foil. wmij.
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5;ere-.c.v: . f ir pnh;jc or rrlr-te ex'ni.l. oa. vn
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PiiotographiQ , Albums,
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Tlsiebout ," - - '
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a.coo Cometof Wo-ka of Ar. " t s ta :;
Includii'K repra-jmriwiia et J':' -jt r brataJ Ha
gravinga, 8ti, , A.C. Ca.'aj . 5 j.n a-., 1 .
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tbeir wil.-. at. i H. T. A.NIUnXLAia!
anaf&i,ru'.f i t pta too jlaieru'.
. sor bro.vway, :s Kwr rose.
K3m. 'F-t t1 i.ikUUi of eve a-i . r2
! I
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h . -24.5a ,,, -Vo;.i3'M,ifrT un-;x.-v.
- ', . ' .v.GUANT.
KtL Bii et,-Cb'jrna," Sievf,.- I?o6 Tups
j Vlf Citlbsj rin xA Casti'l so&a
r.r?raTillt, Ke.,: v.:?. I-'-i :k U-4-r.y-
r- -