1 ( i V j t 1 j i! . 'j, ! f 8 ' Nebraska Sl&ucrtiaci JOIINL COLIIAPP, EDITOR, BKOWKVILLB, THCUI)AY MAUCIi 16, 1S65. The mosl important news of the week ,ilhe capture of Charlottsville and G?a. Early entire commend, alou: 1,600, un the 2nd. It was at first reported that Early himself was captured, but this is not' confirmed. : The fight: was almost Moodleps, the rebels firing Vut one volley, when ihey broke and trifd to escape, but jfound themselves surroanded.j1 Early is reported to have made his escape cn a very f.eet hprpe. Sheridan's design is doubtless the capture and possession of Lynchburg, thus catting cfF all means cf rebel retreat to, or operation in, Tenne s eee or-Kentucky. We do'ibt not ere this Sheridan is in possession of Lynchburg! mch a report is already in circulation, but needs confirmation. t; Grant is reported, by the rebel press, to he still massing troops cn Hatcher's Run, and they expect him to make a de scent on the South Side Railroad,, our correspondents says it is only the fresh troops, arriving da ihy which are being placed in position here. The roads have been too bad for extended operations in the vicinity of 'Richmond. Deserters, who are coming into our lines by the hundreds, report preparations for the eratuation of Petersburg. V ' - From. Sherman ail the r.rw is vague, tut' not-unsatisfactory. His reported fight with Johnson is all a hoax. The last news from his army 'was that he had captured Fayetteviile, N.1C and was within forty miles of Raliegh. ' ' SchoSeld is reported to have had an engagement with the rebels. No par ticulars. -' ? Terry is marching on Kingston, N.C. No junction of these forces liai been effected up to our latest dates. t '""""'i1' BPPcrt Bothtr, al surrounJliijj flres." ' Djring times like these, which are hard upon all classes, it behooves all Tto assist one another. Yet, the result of cych' times is mere of selfishness than generosity; often this selfishness is styleti eeonoray, txnd contains a slight sprink liflg.of malice and spleen. - It is Human nature the world over, but mote especial ly in. Nebraska. ; v: . . Up to 1SG3 while the price of - news papsr ranged from eight to twelve cents per pound, and other material was low . the fee, allowed the printer for the publi cation. of .the delinquent tax list, was for land 20 cents a tract, and for lots 10 tents each. The Legislature for '63-'64 tut '.this down to 10 cents for tracts of land and 5 cents for to wn lots. This was c'lid economy What advantage is" it to the Territory, or county ? The benefit is entirely to delinquents', it is an addi tions! inducement to citizens not to pay their tuxes, a small bounty to delinquents. Each delinquent is benefitted to the ex tent of five or teii cents, the County is noi the- gainer, while , the printer thus loses just one-half of- this important item ; important at this time, when our paper cdstSt thirty -two cents per pound, and other .thingt in proportion. This law is still in force. The editors of this Ter ritory have, in Convention, resolved not to publish the listv To make the sale . legal, the list,.accordjng to law, must be .pu.l,lishe4 in a newspaper, if i there be one in ihe county. -What the consequen ce will' be if -if is 'rot published', ve do not 'knowhut believe.. tilat 'no (Jeli'nquent taxes can be collected. It .behooves our Commissioners to cce to .this'. We can ndt publish a coynty papery unsustaiced ty the usual prices paid in 1860, while ,iuateriahas tribblhi ia PTIC3' . ;. v. . .The Legislature of f6i-.6-5 jn'ade-for the. rake-of tconcmAJ-xx' appi'pptjation for the printing of the County. B6ok3 and Jknks ' for ' the entire Territory, '. and ,made it the duty, of the Auditor of the Territory to procure them printed. The ;Auditor Wm. E. Harvey, brother of -Gtis: Harvey, editor of the Yews has had these blanks printed at a defunct ccpperhea.d printing office in Omaha. The law doubtless contemplated that he should, through sealed proposals, ascer tain where the work" couU be done' the cheapest ; but this was too much Tor this t"white-washed" Republican, he ' must gobble up' the whole of it without any form or ceremony. Here, again, is -an act of economy towards the public, at the 'expense of the' County papers JrTthis Territory, and for the" benefit of ahog in office. . Again, cur County Clerk, has seen fit for the salce of economy, we .presume to send to New York,. and other east rern Cities, for the County ,and, District Court Blacks. We admit they may be , dene . fome better there than we can do them but let us. examine the economy. At the meeting jof the., County Court, Jan. 25,. 1665.. allowance was nsade : ' "For.2,000 Nemaha County Warrants ani Express Charges, 39 03.. , -.'" j " Geo. W. Hiil & Cb. , . for;. 1,600 Tax Receipt for County Treasurer. '23 50." TU... tr.rr.ntt An I I; tt bv Otie- tliird the amuuut ot Purr thai the Re- ' coipts do which is q big item at present I i t , I and yet the Warrants coat the County ! $1.95 j er hundred a. d the Receipts tply $1.25. Yet, the Warrants -were Lilho; graphed, with Cupont ait xched, and iwWuhe amendments are adopted by the pen? l(t terrible handy for iUi said Cltrk, and j doubtless were worth mor because done in Philadelphia, ar.daJsa atshlzd in sustain- ing the Express ccsipany, whichr.o doubt fee! grateful to the "generous public" of 'yYeimuha ccMtdxj. Rut one fact is appar ent, eastern enterprise is sustained at our expense and the expense of the County. VVe could and would have done tho?e Warrants for 81.00 per hundred-, in that quantity, as well as they ever were done in this office." The Clerk has thus econo mized out of the County Treasury the sum of $10 0, for his oven " convenience, VVe understand he has just received ano ther batcv of blanks from -Neva York. We would like to hear his justification, if he has any, or thus disposing of the County Printing, without giving the home office a hearing'.-" '- " We are running the Jldvtrliser as eco nomically and" as loyally as is in our power," and are not making a fortune at it either. We" desire but what is fair, even admitting that it is fair to place us in competition with New York prices which is done with no other business. Our filiation is aptly illustrated by the quotation at the head of this'article, yet in the- firs-t and last case mentioned, it equally concerns the citizen of this county. Why is this economy exercised towards' a kyal,' Union paper, in the "banner county" of the Territory? We stand, as we" always hae, upon the same plank with Abraham Lincoln. Have others gone over to the enemy, and would gladly break u. down? If so, let's hear fro.n them, our columns -are' open.' In the matters above spoken of our loss is at least 500 a year. This must be reme died. If 'officials will not do justice, the people will. We have been shown a letter from Lieut. Straw, captured with a; party un der his command at Poiscji Spring, Ark. He and hi? men were well, and at the rebel tamp Ford, near Tyler,' Texas on the 4th of Dec, "G4; i M'Ininch, Dillon and other prisoners-, .who' $ereT captured at the same time, he rejorted- at camp jross, doing well. . . . These prisoners may have - been ex chauged, and we hope they have been, bat have seen nothing to that efiect. - The White Cloud Chief, of the 9ih, says: "We hear a'report that a rnan'was taken from the jail at Seneca, a few days .ago, and tinged t-y a moli. tie had been arrested for horse stealing, and the excitement grew out of the murder of RIevins. The excitement is ajrain risinjr in ditTerent parts of the. Stale, and the ssgns are that equally Mines for - horse thieves are iiose at hand.. .- ' yt All persoua executing receipts fpr the delivery of, any property. to them by any express compauips. by signing in the u ual . manner ,the delivery .books ci , staid companies, and failing to afilix and cancel the two cent stamp rtjquire.by law, will le ,pro?tcuteu iortlie penalty ot-two hundred dollars thereby incurred, under" section 153, cf the ?ct of Juna 30, 1S64. Persons executing, receipts for the de livery of coal, wood and other property, without so stamping them, are subject te the same penalties. The above is the law from the 1st day of February, 18G5, according to notice given by the Com missioner of Internal Revenue. Let all read the above and comply. . . - 'live inuguration. of ' President Lincoln took "place at 1 o'clock', on the 4th. ' It was raining very "hard at the1 lime, yet procession and spectators were as numer oui as ever gathered at an previous in augUfVti'ori? We notice' ' ' that Nebraska was "represented in. the procession7 by Col. R. W: Furnas, formerly cf this city who is at Washington oh business "cohi nected with the Omaha Agency. 1 : ' 'The'csth to protect and maintain the Constitution"p the United S'ates'was adrr. Metered to Mr. Lincoln br Chief Justice Cha . After wcich theTnaugu ral was read and Jisalute fired. ' The Inauofural is the rhcrtcst docu ment of the kind ever issued, and it in ferior to none.' It is but 8 review of the cause, course and effect of the 'war, and shows a cahn reliance upon the Ruib.r of the Universe and the jusiipa of the cause of Freedom.' ' May he live long and en joy the fruits cf the'immepW Hhor as. signed him' for the next ;f our years'." , ', J : i i ! ' , ! i We' learn -from the St.' Joseph Daily Heraldj:and ".Tribune of the 9th,: that Brig-General Penlck, has been assigned to duty as commander of the district comprising lh4 counties of Atchison, Holt, Nodaway, Andrew, Worth, Gentry, Har rison. Mercer, DeKalb, Daviess, Grundy, Livingston, Buchanan, Flate, Clinton, Clay, Caldwell, Ray 'and ! r "'Carroll: wilhltne'jgfeat ccntest. which' still absorbs the headquarters at St: Joseph'. ' 1 ' " All commanders in Missouri are order- cd immediately to enroll all male mhah- itants of their districts for the "crsraniza ... . . ...... . tiin the militia, as provided by the late act of the he 'State' Asst;rnblr.'" : " ' , A;' Saunders, brother of nr.r Hnv. r ernor, died at Jit. Fieiuant, Iowa; Su the Viih.vlt, ' - The NashvilU Tunes of tlie- Jtfi con- tains the proclamation 01 Gov. Johnson annouaciu,r that ena'Jh is a&c rtR!ned to aUJUk.u,,-,lJe -- M ,. . - ' Constitution beyond all doubt 'and to justify Jhe c-fiicjal announcement that pie. The amendments now ecjistitute part of the permanent Constitutiun at:d supreme law of the State. The proclamation say: "A new era dawns. on the peopks of Tennessee. Ry their solemn act the schackles are struck from -.ths limbs cf maie than, two hun dred and seventy-five thousand slaves. The whole social &ysteni is reconstructed on the basis of hotKt industry and per sonal wfrth. ''IritellrgcSt enterprise and free tabor are alone-wanted to clothe the State with a richness and btauty surpass ed by none o her sistera." .:. . Thus is the gloriou? dawning of the day of radical freedom growing brighter and brighter, and tie black clouds of slavery are scattering and' disappearing The rebellion was begun to sustaiu slave ry, and has killed it; another object was to overthrow our. government and estab lish their independence upon it ruins, 1 again they must fail, as freedom, will establish its independence upon the ruins of the Confederacy, if the rebel chiefs are upheld much longer by a people lead cn only by passion. Weicomei Tennessee to the glorious lodge of freedom ; thro' the ordeal of fire and - bloud thou hast been regenerated. . . - .'Colhapp. of, the Adyerti.-ser,, has at last informed the public what his. former profession was, viz : csU fighting. Col happ, "the cat fighter." Bear with the brother!'. They were "tom-cats-'hAle of .course, kind reader," with their "tails tied together across a close-line," and they made, the "fur -fixV.-and Colhapp en joyed the amusement. No cat-fighter is fit to edit kJ paper. "Every man to his tolling. So go back to your old profes sion. Your, instincts are too lew for. a journalist.. "Learn how to spell clothes line and low comedy." .; . .., . The above is the rejoinder of the Ne- braskian to our notice of the - "kilkenny cat-hght between it andv the iNews. Our article was merely intended as a gentle hint to JacX-son, of the Nebras- kian, to drop the quarrel with the News, or he Would undoubtedly complete the- metaphor soVapily bgun by his surname, by making an ass of hiir.seif. ' The hint now is useless. . Since the abve was in type, a fiiend remarked to us that the Nebras ivian was "stirring us up with a long pole." . Tins alitrs the expect of the. affair! as this is "a (lilTerent kind of cat," forua Rliy. with which we wsre ever "professionally" amused." Nicodemus Noudles gets off the fol- lowing : , ' '' 3 i . -Why is 'Harvey of the Nebraska City New?,' opposed to Waters' of the ' Pres? Because he prefefi Whisky ? ' ' The name of what great German Chemist does the editor of -the News judging from his editorialtake for his motto ' -' ''--'; ' : The Governor of Arkansas has called for an ' exra, session of the Legislature to. take into considera tion the Constitu tional Amendment, She will doubtless concur. ' ' ' - i; '-' The Rulo, of the' Vih, say two horse ihieves were arrested,- near this city on -Tuesday, anchafter an examination, they were sent to Falla City to be confined there? in the; county, jiii. They were caught. with twa horses which they had recently stolen. .The apitol of the Pennsylvania Cen tral Railroad is $20,000,000. Few persons, not printers, kncW'the value of a dash separating articles. To illustrate we copy from the Omaha Re publican : . ; '" ' - ' ' ' "The'Editorof'the Republican will be absent for three or four weeks: During his absence the paper Will be under the edjtdrial supervision of Hon. Jqhu Taffe." Here fallows a dash. ; ''Xhe. brainless editor, buckles, on his armor of thought by thrusting his thumb and fingers through a pair of 'shears."' The sub-district ''of '"'St. Joseph has filled its' quota by volunteering. The bounties paid in that city were the largest we have heafd cf during tht war. Well done, St. Joe.' ' 4 - . - . Gen. Gillmore pulled oif his ccat and worked with the res to put out the late fire at Hilton. Head, S. C , and knocked a man down who refused to do the same. InasgnralG3rcss cr.-PrcsIdSeat : Ilacola. . ; Fellow CevX7krxks t " At this secord appearing to take the'oath of the Presi dential cBke,' there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first, Theq statement of what in detail cf a' course' to be pursued, seemed very fitting and proper ; but now; at the expiration of four years, during. ''-which public declaration's have been constantly called forth on ever? noint and nha&o nf attention and "engrosses the't'nergies cf le '' natin 'ttIe taaf is" uew could be r T. f , , . , all els? chiefly depends is as well known to the public, as to'mysttf : and it is I Ttru'st, - reasonably satisfac'tory and" en- courfiging to all with hih hopo for the future. i : . .'.... . Iso.predictionin regard; tp-iu:iven.. tured. On" the occafiun corresponding t this four year a-o, all thoughts wtre t . . . . . . . r f T anxiously directed io an impeding pivil war Alt dreaded it,: all soudt to a'oi'd It' -. ' ! hile the inaugeral addre u'as be; in? delivered from this claci. de oted al'.ojretlier to savic? the .Uniiii wihout war, insurgent agents vwere it Kai cuj .1 . , seek'h:g".to 3citryy itvithout var.fceek- ii) io aiasoive me union anu ivic eliects Ly negotiatiof. j R.nh pirties"deprecated wit. bjt one of ihm -wnulJ accent, war ratheil than lt, it peris-h, and the war cany One t-i:ht ,t-f;ihe vihoIe population w-re coiv ored slaves, not distributed jeueraliy over "the Union' tut localize ia the 'southern part of it. ' "Th-'se slaves 'constituted a peculiar nr. A nr.vvprfui intf rf.-t. All kfcW. that this interest was somehow thj cause of the war. -, - " J r . - To strengthen, prepptuate aid extend this intWesfwas the object for'f fiu-'h'lhe insurgents would rend the uon by war, which the' Government climt'd no right to do mor,e thpn to rel ict ; the territorial enlargement of it. j, Neither party expected "forj the.' war then inaugera'.ed, or the duraton which it has alrerdy nttained-,' neitl'r 'aniici- -pated that the cause of the couiict nugai cease or even betore tne coiilict ltseu should cease." , -; , ' Each looked for an easier triumph an a result less fundamental and astounding; both read the same bible and pray . to the same God, and each. invokes His aid agatRat. the. othr .,t -. i; . , . ..Ji inajj' sceu . strange that 'any man should dare t'o'a lea jut" God's assistance in-wrinWntr their bread from the sweet df'O'vher m n's faces,' but let u.s juuge notthat we be not judged. .....!. . TLq: prayer of bpih should net be an swered ; that, neither has been aosweTed. The Almighty has His own purposes: Woe unto this world because, of cjCTt-r s?sf''fQr-di ninst needs - be.-that .-offenses cnleih."' ; If we shall . suppose ; that American slavery Js one of these oflch seV, which in thep'rovince of God ' must n'ee'ds come, but'whi.ch,; -having contiuu- edl-through His appointed timei He . now Wills, to remove, ana luai ne gives iv .... i -i . tt- both iNcjrth and outn tins terrioto vyar ?j, the y.vo due' to those y whom the c-rTonse came, 'shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attrib utes which those believing iu a-living God always ascribe to hinx I. Finally do we hope fervently do. we, pray that this mighty scourge 'of war' may speedi ly pass awar. Yet God wills to contin ue it until "all the wealth piled up by the bondsman's four' hundred and fifty years of unrequiued labor thail be sunk, and until every drop.. of.hJooddu.wn with the lash be paid hy1 another decision with the sword.'- As -ve" said "-'thrt'e thousand years ago." so still it mu3t be said .-that ."the judgements tjf .the. Lord are ..true and righteous altogether.'" With mal ice 'toward nou, with' charity for all, with 'firmness I in " the rights as God gYves us io see the riht, let u, strive on to finish, the work we afe in,' to bind up the nation's wounds, and care for him who has borne, the battle, rind for , his widow and his orphans, and to dd all which may niihip.ipiul Jtherish a lust, and lait-ing-ptace'Rtnong' ourselves, and with ?!. nation?.. ..-. . w . i i t 1 N KW A iJ V fi U T I S EH EN TS. To crealfr. the cfice of Fire Warden and i prescribe his duties ; and for the pre . rent ion of fisi. , . r . SKCT.I.OX 1. Be it Ordained fry the common Council of the lyt'y nf Urotrnville : That there shall be o'ec'od .annujiliy , by the Council, at its firt rooetiu? nfti:r the annual election, a Fire Wardo. ct raid buy, waoMiall pmorm the duties presented j this ordinance, ani sach. other duties as 'may frbia-tiiae to time be laipcsed upon h im by ordi,n ac::,7. . '.' SKC." 2. The Fito'TTarden shall hurt custody and c.-Etml of all ;Miichiuery. aud Iiupteaients. 1 long.ng tu the City, ued for the. purpose uf ' ex tinguishing fires.- H shall be responsible for' tha are keeiiig of, tiie samo, and aaU g'vq bond to tuo Cit' therefcr, iu f ucli sum as may bo.Dreii'ribed by thu Council. lie ?hall receipt -to" the city for all 8U'-h liiipieiueius and sjschinery, as may .come into his ht'.ntis t the LeinuiDg -of his term of office, yTid rhaii ucocan's for ihe same at Vq end of the saise. - - - ' - SKC. S.- It-stall bd .udafui for the owner, or oo. 0 pant, of any tmiluinjc within the limii. of said Jitj, to baTe, ofirso. any bio to pipe uules thesam-3 enter a o: '.- chimney, or Cue: .EC. 4. It fchall be unlawful for aAy resident of taidCity to empty aihes within twenty feet rf any builying, or to keep ashes in a r:y wocden vessel, in an-r buildin?, or within twenty leet thereof. t:LC 5,-i-Aiiy person offending against any of tnf! Trovi!.ron3 of seciiuna th ree and four of tnii ordinance, shall .n conviction thereof be. fined iu any sam not eXeding fifty dollars. , .EC. '6. It Khali be the duty of the F.ire Warden to see to the ec tot cement f this Ordinaa;ecn 1 for that purpose he if hereby authorized to enter and examuie any OOU-.-J or preiu.sos mtutn faid city at; such .tin;e a$bchall see proper, and in case of aht violation of the provisions of this Ordinance he shall iiciued.ateiy 4rr?et sqeh offender and tafca him before tho iiay.ri.o be dealt with according to law. ' .:'-:'.;'-;:,:. V . ..EC. 7.-Ia caso cC spy vacancy in the ofuce of riro nardon, tha Council saaii nil the same by erieeial. election. . ' ..:.' '. ' The above Ordlaarce , was adopted at a meeting of the Uuy Coancti, ntd jrlarea rh, a. n.,laoi. . ; . CUAliLESC. UOiSEV, - 28-2t-$l2.50 ' ' ' J ' Jlavor. JT of ic is Klvhy pivp.p f 'i ii. n' ..nijal Fl'tioi Will be brld it the City iJrow:.r.i;e, cn j'orilny tht 3d day ut' April, A. 1'., IbBo, tor one Mayor, live Aloerraan.'CttC Cit-rK, one A.-fce;yf -ri vno lreas uror, one Civil Engineer, one Street Coiusa'stieucr and one Marshall, a. ofnicis for said Cty. liy osder ct the City Council. " K. T. RAINEY, 2C-3t , - - Clerk, protein. I'WOIiATESOTICE. To all whora it may Concern : ; Notice id hereby given that the Probata Court of t he county of euiha :n the Territory of Nebras ka, has Rprwioted the lCth ca? of ' Arril n t' 18C5,atoue oVk, p. m., as the .time,, and the omceol c. u. jjorscy, the Judg3 of said C..urt in i!rownvilie,-in said County f . 5 w ah a, as tho place for admitting to I'robate tha Will of Joel C. jjinvs, uL-oeasea, iaie oi saia conn:y. ' ; All pf-rsous desiring to do.eo'rajy sppor et such time aid placa aud contest the validity of said ' " :.,f j E.-W. TnOilAR, ' - Attorney for the Eitaie. , Dated, March 13ta 4.1865. -2i-i-$7-p2;0 ! . FilQUtTi'JSOnt'E. ' To Charles Eripps, Cathariuo Llulkej, Anna ; Dripps, Thomas Dripcs; and ail others in terested : . , , You are hefsfcy notified that Francis Ptrnes' has iaala application to the I'robate Court f the County of Nemaha, in the Territory cf -Nebrka, to be appointed" guardian of tho Estate of Atdrew J.Drippg, a non-resident minor, eifnatcd in the fcaid'eounty of Nemaha, and that the iid Court has apeointe.1 tha ' , - , i - ; . : 10th day "of April, 1SG5, . v t ten o'clock, i. M., as the time for hearin suoh application a-.: - ';(;;.. 4; r.i i ; . FRANCIS. M. HARNE-i. " " "Ky his Attorney, E. W. Thomas. , Ilated March Mth.lSSi. . 56-3t-? ,; ; . ? STRAY NOTICE. ; 'Taken no by the pnbriber. living on theFamuer O. 'Daily Farm', near Pern, Feb. fith, 1865, one Sorrel IJnrf?,'dr.rlr tail ' about 16 hands hi. har-- ne?s marks on. fhod all around, lame in hU f.et. eaid hnrpe 8uppo?ed t t 8 year? old. that Jobn L. C!.yt. dil. tad Uia , , . t) . A i.,r. ! .. Vi!l in vli.uu-s'-y. : inab .and .Temtcrj ot .iiwisu, S'",1" srti.t H.,Tifio Q. tVt.rr.il!, ud'ate;?tcn d. and reojanji . tusuc-ugu'f ueiu-At.', fonts tbt lUetaid Houwi U Wrrat ex-eu.e v- bftHKh.poo tbp k? L'.f of ih5 souia koj qor . ' r i .1. . v, u! fiuiirtar of tha nurth weit Vor anu iuo ru-jiu - -i ; . . . quarter of section svsarin towaship six, nortn t Mi th'irtttn fsi.ia. it coua-.y, to wum ta iiyuie::tif tvro jroa.i?oory i.otiv, one for JoJ.oO iidihsihcrri.r55.00 ; id thii, i.ai.-o tSj r-corinsg- of nr.U Mcng:ijp. th? said itorvno O. Vtrra!l has convtrjeu sni UiA to sail .Ste-.h:-) 11. Bvctrf!l, ut.jfto tii i;crvj,'uge, in i tht -f-tkl liRt.ji.uiia F. Lu.-baaugh sold atid u.-'igiied his'.a ttrett to coinjiittiui'nt. Tue ol j-l a nd vir.jvr uf rn; ."li't ir. tr obtain a decree for the fereolo -urt of sai l ilortgi305 and the ai of said tod to py a-. rums no i tb inlercst ta.rreon ...and ths ani IlcratiutrJ Worra'l is r.oti5-jd tbi he it required to appMT and answer sail iiiUoa or boforarta lt day of Alay. a. d. 18o5. Dated V. arch 15th. a. d. 1285. 26-4t-t - r.ichard E. Taraer. John W.-Fraaor and Henry L. Wiliiami, piirtneii as Turner, 'Fruzer i aad er i Co., aud tlua iohaji. Auyjftinu J. furl and Joaa rlu-ra l.vfard aid iiorn. will.tak notice iWTif, um, on mi tow ; ut ... ... e. to John L. Oarioa s Trastae, upoa lot eight eight in blck 8even, in the City of Brownvilla, ia said Kjmaha County ,to Bccurw the payment tocoui plaiaant of a Promissory Note for $lS0.00 ; aud taat, sicca the recording of sant Ueeu oi irua, icw said liifhardE. Turner, John f . Fraur andllcary L. W iiriaui3, partners ai Turner, Frazer & Co.ailtl Aogustiao' Lyford and John P.' Hsrn, partners as l,yfsrd & Horn, have.reovered cflrtaiw judgments on ih3 larr side 'of 'said Court, opeWtir j as lisas on. said precises : Theobjoct and j.'ftjir of eail Hill is to pltaina decree for the sale t.f said pretaite3 to pay the euni duo on JJid note to eoirT-iaiaantand thy interest thereon ; ard the said lii:?!irdL.JTurn cr, John W. Frazer and Ganry L. Vil!i:in3. rwr&ners Turner, FVis:r & Co., and Angaatiae Ljiord and John J'. Horn, partners a3 Lyford & Horn, we noti fied that they are re j aired to appear ani an?T-r saidbill on or .bofoco the 1st day of My,a.d. 18o. ' - C. O. DOF.r5EY,Sol.forCcnipUinant.-- h Dated Mar,di 15th, .-d.,lC3a .25;l-t3.60... - LEfiAL AOIlDEr Henry C. Hill wiil takt notioo th't on,'vhi;a T. IAT?Vila'gh didyoitt the lth day. of ilaich, a.d., 1865. file a Bill in Chancary.n the Limrui Cwurt pf Keiaaha county, Nebraska Territory, ajainst the aiitieorr"C ILiJi and John L- Ctwson, tUfcctiants, Fettine ft-rth that the said Henry C. Hill executed a Deed of Truat, in the nature of a ilutftgage, to complainant. And Jur.n L. Carson, upon the south i.nat nn-irtpr of ijei'tion thirt-thr. In townshin v"ovt r J rr . r '-0, "north of rangs fourteen, cast, in .ait Codaiy .- X ' l U : i l eaiah:i, to secure tne payment ot a rroinHsory Xotcfor ; and that the said JohaL. Carson had sold aud assigned his intsretst therein to eom plainant. The object and prayer of said Bill is to bbia'.ifc adecreo for the fureelosare of eaidilortgage and the a'.e of said premist-s to pay the said sum and the interest thereon;' aud the said Henry C. Hill is notified that he is required to aDpear and answer s.tid Bill on or betoFo the 1st day of May, a. d., Isb5. C. G. DOKSEY, . " -'" "'' . Solicitor for Ci'in-.iainant. Dated March lth,a. d., 1835. 24-4t-13.50 2.KCJ42 NOTICE. Isaac B. Walter's will take notice that John L. Carson did, on the 13th day of llarcb, a. d., lfcC,lea liul in LhaDecry, ia tho-U.inct out within and for tha Loynty of riemaaa. etra!;a Territory, again? the said Isarfc B. VaUor3 and Benjamin F. LushbnUgh, defendants, setting forth that the faid Iaae B. V-altcra cxaenud-a deed of Trust, in the nature of a. Mcrtsie, to ssid com plainant and Benjamin F. Lashbrt'ii2h, up;n the north ea?t quarter of the south tnst quarter of section twenty-Fix, in'town?bip six, north of range fifteen east, in Nemaha County, Nohra.-ka Territory, to securs-- the payment of $oa. 75 according t" a note referred 'to in sai l Mortgage :-and that said defendant, Benjamin F. Lushaauh, ha3 since 9ld and aligned his interect ?n sai l Mortgage' to com plainant: The object and prayer of paid Bill i3 to obtain a decree for tha toroe!o-trre of aaid Mort gage and sale of said rremises for the payment of ttiesaideum and the iutereft a corned thereoa" :-acd tiiO sai.l I.saiw: ii. Waivers s 'iiciijt.i iu'it lie fa ra- quired to frppenr end answer said Dill on or beforn the ltday of May, a.d.. 13o5. ClIAIiLES G. D07.SEY, . . Solicitor for Complainant. Dated Mareh 15th, a. d., lSf,5.' 26-4t-13.50 . LEGAJ, SOTfCE. Joeph P. Coleman, Caroline D. Colenan, Phillip KiWadhamH and Mary A. Wadhams jriil take notice that John L. Carson did on the Ff'.h dny ot 'March, a. d'., 1865, 'file Bill in Chancery, in thj District Court, within and fr the County of Ne maha, Nebraska Territory, against the said Josrpn P.Colcmnn. Caroline D. Coleman, Phillip K. Wa hams and Mary A. "Wadbaras. defondjnts, setting forth that the eaid Joieph P. CaleuMi nd Caroliaa D. Celeman executed a Mortgage. to tomplaiuaat, upon the south west quarter ef section one, in township fi7e, north range. fourtetr, east, in ?aid Nenaha Cetinty, to secure, the payment of a Promiory Note ' for flCO.OO iand that after ih i recording , of. said Mortgage, tho said Joseph P. Golcmau and Caroline D; Co!eman eocveyed iaid land by 'deed to aid Phillip K. WEihams : and the said Phillip K. Wadhams and Mary-A. Wad hams made a Mortgage thereof to sait Joseph-P Coleman to secure tne payment of 2QM -.. . The ohicctand prayer of said Hill is to cbta'n a decree for the tiilaof said premises to pay thesum afore- 1 5aid with the interest which m.iy be lound to oe ano thereon; And the said Jo?ph P. Colmau , Car oline I). Coleman, Phillip K. Wadham aid Miry A, Wadham? are notified that they are rcipiircd to ap pear and answer .said bill, on or before the day of May, a. d., 1S'5. -' ' ' O. DORSFV;Sof. for Complainant. ; Dated, March 15tb, a.d., ISo5. ., ' -J. A. ilEWES. . ; ATTORNEY AT LAV. ; Solicitor in Chancery. ; LAND AND COLLECTING AGENT, BBOWKVlLIiE N. March lfctb,!y." '.f . 'y:T - i" PROBATE NOTICE. ' " . .. Notice is hereby given that application has been made, -by- Joseph Opelt, Gaardian,' fer.an. rdnr irom the Probate Court of Neu-aha County , Nebras ka Territory to sell a portion of the real Estate cf Josephene Bell, a minor. Th" ncif of kin ai.d all persons interr?tfd are ihcreby Dotirici that il(.r.dsiv the 1-tiii d:y r,'f A rii, IB '.5 is the timo set to h?;ar said application whn they may offor and contest the same f they Bcepriipcr.- ! -( . ' " ' ' 'C.G.POHSEY, .- 26-4t$U - r probr.uJadg. CrickTacii fclone Wanlcu Pealed Proposals will be received by the Hoard of-Directors of the Itr i.vnviije City DUfriet until the firir day of April, 18!'.o, for 150.0UIJ IMe!:, ai-d ISO Pc.-hof St.aje, tp.be delivered oa the School Hoa of k. Cash p.id on dolirery . in 2i-4t. , ESTKAY NUTICn.; .... . .Ta';on up by tlie undersigned livinjon Nemaha City. tbe l.tb' day of February, 1S5." One white heifer, head, n xk and legs from the kooea down are red, wLite swt betwtf.ri the lu-.ra-, puj j.scd to be two -T-oftrj t'ld. 21-58 rl. A. SMITH. A good situation is wanted, for t trlnj and Summer School, la'a largo district, . with goM! bouse, by n npcrieaced Teacher, tsbo us md ie it his prt.fe3i-in f-r tenycars. ' ' Satwfactory r-fer2& trivia: 'Addr by letter - . .. . G. HUuIill.S, NeraabaCity, . T. " ScrllT Sale Xotice b lieroby giren tHat by vi;tue of an eiecution isj?d out 01. tne ivisir.ci vvourt 01 'ce County of Nern iha. in tho Territory of Nebr.iHik, on a certain judgment obtn,inxi in said Court by Eli II. Wilcox. against George II. Aiixen, and to trie directed a? Sheriff -of sid Coanty. I will effor for sa'a at public auciion at the front dor of the. Brbwaville Douse fn the City of Brownvilie ins.-iid County of Nemaha, (that ein the building in 1 .L.l . . c 1'. . : 1 i 1 . . . LlisaiJ:il ri uaanuory atiKJ jjis;rn.t, "um bo fioiad or the toiiettUics oi i oupk ? n'mb.i LVuniy," Nebraska Territory, ag n ml theia, tat;r .rbsr-: rtbile Older iJcu end Wom-n will and John V. tjwaii and John L..C-u M dofend- nol bo fV,.' ;t &i . recover and restorative tor an;. netting forth th ir. I'ae sail J.-.an W'. S'Vaa, . ex- t'ui-ri,, j n: and baM haifcl?, wsioh t changes ecutei a Deed of 'Tr-ist. in the'i.atUr if a' Mart- . )f, ;,.;. fisfaetioii. ' ...l.l IU v--w on o'clock. P. ii. of that day, the foljowin- real TiJE aIkY .11 LST SI ILLS, Eitate to wi: : the East half of Lota No. Hix (51 'Vhlch h wirfell or make np, to order, at unprece and fievvn (? and fifty feet offof he Wespnrt of Rented lowpric. naving ob ad pna of . Ut No. nioe iV.all of "the abovejn Block No.iwn- i KrTfiK,P''4 SWWfX'iJ liriTrVT'S ' ty v 2.) ; in tne Ciry of Brownv.l e id the Co.infy of tmha in tlie.lcrntorT of Nebrak : 'tsen as ; tne property OLSitia ue-.rg ia. lison, vj virtue ui earn execa.ioa., i :; . .r . t ,;; i AvJJ. lboa. -r.nxr " ' ' V. ( hirin". 22-Jt IM3 THE CNLY,SURE TH1MG, NPiIO TO GRAPH. . a. m ' A tha dh.bc Iu-Hte. it not only RENEWS ih . . . ,mv n-zir nil mi tit its or.fiA :, h.;.r tir. ar.u v, fr.;..de when n i turning grey or TLlkl) ciiuse.l l.y i i;-1, rri-f or old a?e. 1c wi!l certuinlj d- what isclatim-u lor it, fact Wwlik.b h.u.ds.tiay, thonandi who oave used til ia fA:rtv'u,cd.1naav muuitj. itrf reputation j liio wild tir,-," and is the bt-.-t adveriise- swtM.wi.o.e Uio -UEM. hlL originated, it jiisfd bv&i! ii.u!i ' Ladio Preb.-ing, and u to We are seliiug ia the city or iioston uu w&rdd of 18,WJ bottiei per month , the dca'era giv ing tho KENKWER the preference over all other Hair Preparation. 1 "' . , If not sold oy Dnxggwta nyonr tawn, a Trial Bottle will bo .-Liit you by Express, upon receipt of one dollar by vis il -thu 3 giving you an opportunity at once for testing its excellent virtuea. jsfOrdew'for Trial Do' tie?, uiuat be adlres-sed to our General t for the Northwestern States," C A. COOK , BJ? Chicago, 111. AU saoh feid:r3 wiil rcceivu pn.ia.jtitt.nti:iu: Ii. P. II ALL & CO., Proprietors, - Nashua. N II. The trad-supplied at Manufacturers' Prices by FULLEIi, FIMJII L FULLEK, Wh. les-.lo Drug gisti.Caioag.,, Illinuij. " , . 2j v36'n . LEGAL NOTICE. ... James JeiTer?. John Jeflernnd William Jeffers.wil take notice ttat Benjamino F. Lu.-hbaugh did. on the r? rh day of January, A. D. df'a file his bill of complaint, in the District Court ot'Niuaha County Nebraska' Territory, in Cu'aneery, 'agaiaM, Anna Jcrfsfa; James JtStts, John defers, Hubert Jfeffars, William Jc'.Krs, Laa.v Jvrs, Iwah Jeforsi M:iry A: JeiT'T? M inuid F.Jc-ff.rs, Elizabeth A. Jeffors and J.'hn L. 'Carson dolendants ; .for the foreclos ure .f a c?rtain Peed of 'trust', 'or'-nr?j.t:v given by T'nm i Jffer,'doasl.- i 'lilowina. Ut tho Said Com ;i!.u nam and deft-ndaut .vh.a-i-.Carson, of' ta r"rh. Kat quarter of Section N-. Twelve ( VI) ia To-.Tiuhip No. five (5) North of Ran.50 Nu. hfteon'(15" Fait, id Said County, and Territory, to se.;ure the payment of a certain promissory note for tho sura uf $2.iJj;0 .with iuterejt thereon at the rate ul ii e ier cent per month. The object and i.l 1111 is to foreclose Said Deed of Trust, or mortgage,: mi for the sale of Said- prem ises to pay the so secured. You are requi red to appear a i an-vor Said bill. .on th.-j-tenth day of April, A. D . tdtii .or the same will be'taken as true ai d a decree entered accordingly. Dated I'.rownville, PobraarVi 21st ltt '. . CLIAKLES G. DOUSEY, 2;i-il. $13.50 Sol. for CWpiainant. NOTICE. . : , On Satnrdny, ISarch Hth, ' 1S54, 1 will offer for sale, to tho hiiiest bidder forcadi .in baud, in the City of Urovrnillo, Nemaha ftoahty, Nebraska, One Koun Pony., f.vrfT year oid. taken up by Thomas Beard, a-nd aopraued at $50. . - - e23 3t - R. V. HUGHES. LEGAL NOTICE. , . George V. Crowder will take notice that Mattie J. Crow.ier.as plaintiff, has filod a petition agamW him in the District Court, of Nemnha County,1? braska Territory , the object and prayer of said t"'t:" tion is to obtain adecieeof said CoarS diror her from the bonds of uiatriiaoBy heretofore etercd in-, tumith s:.id George VV.CroW'ier; als-for reason able alimouy ; and that the -' of . e. and toe n. c. i of tne a. e. i of tc , township 4, north of rano Zy w-t cf the frh principal meridian, in .i..UDby.rc0nEt,.i.n eaid Territory ef Ncbraika.may he decreed tj i.cr aa aiiuiouy. ; Defendunt is re quind to a.n3or by the W vt APrU n- ' E. W. THO IIaS. 23-4t pd Sol. for Comvinaut. SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. We thd 'aaJei.npned Appro isor? aprintei by Jcseph Kelly J. P. , appraised, a certain brown mulo taken up by Jee Goo' at eighty dollars. The ab'jye to be sold to the hi.est bidder for cAsb, 00 the 4th day of March, lti'35. Peru N. T. Kebiuary, 3-1 1345.. - J r, . J.P. BURDICK, 21 5t pd. ; . "' J. W.PAKISII. LEGAL NOTICE- ' Jonathan "Parid- will-take notice 'ttt Wll?on ITn 'hes iid ulaiiititt Uas 1-ed a bi.l ot - corjIaini a-aii.dt the .-"aid David as defendant on the chance rv side of tho Di.-ii.rbt Court oNcmah County in the Terri:7 of Nebra-ka. . The o;tjbcand prayer of said bill is to obtain a decre of said court cancel- He aiid aitnu'ding a certain deod nwnla.by :luiati:T in favor of ufocdint, August 4th 1803 to thiN-.rth W'ti-t quaftT of Sectiun lou'rteen in Township fivu North of lianjje foartervEat of the Bth principal Meridian, situated in .said county ot Nemaha as having been obtained from plaintiff -by fraud, force, violence an I .threats ; or to e m; el a:d de fendant ta rcconvey said land to plaintiff. Defendant is rvuirod to anrir said petition on or before vhe 27th day of ilarch lfia. K. W. THOMAS, Fcl'cifoT for Cowp't. Fe.brnry, th 185. 2l-4t 3,00 - .1 LIS$,-::r AU0TI0HSSE, AND C0MT.I1SSI0N DEALER, llain Street, 2 dcors East of Tost Offlcs, 'li.11'' AUCTION SAIiE al tne Pioneer Aartioa'rloase Every S UDrd iy. ., J. V. Kr,Iy, , 'Aft-TlOJilCElt.- Shot Guns ,Jl: 's and F.evoirers,for.ijj iitiiiisj' Auvtiou K vi'i. n Sbcef for pale at B!ia', Cv..eap !r (V-i'it. tBO Acr'- of ci.ort J,nd for t!atehHp, a)to Uoxsf aud Lot, K-j.i'iire at the .Piinieer Auction Botmc. Over C"ats at naetrn.coU at Dli.-a, Fiue .S');!4 of Iaji S.ioi ;e l'ii.i'ieer Auction Fi.ti-e, for so at cotat Two go d 'iVcrk II ..r1 and ei.e 3Ior&u Colt 2 year' oM for at B:i CorrcJt. - -: Snl band C k !tova for sale '-clioaj; atilis' Ai'.'iion Iv.-o', , j ; - efi'juire I.Inen "Table Clott or tralo'ckenp at 'tha-Pioneer Auction TP-t.se. - A i-air of pleiniid Ilnny Jiorc-, aud one, good Top Bngjry for eiiTnirenf Biisa.' A flue asrtnyent of Table Cnttery for Sate atEtisr' Aucti on lioom. . . - 1 L.r-rre tJCH v 1 . k of Coji Uooti acd Shoas. a.L n,.t at Hli.s' Auction P.ooiiii two doors east or thn Pn.t Of5v. . 1 JACOB MAKOFIN, MEBCHANT TAILOR, HHO V7N VILLE,. NEBRASKA Cal'.s the attor.ttm of Gentliimen d?!-irirs new, neat ervicabig ifa&hioub,.e . VTcaring Apparel, HEWSTOOK OF GOODS. , JUST KECE1VED, TO HIS ho ls,e ti d0 Cunom work at MttI, fliat defy ..tiun. 5, ... -. I warrant uij work, onnrfna -n --.? Unri f I mi (I a? vrell a Machine Work. " an:1 M;,rnlne Lib slotk oefore investinK, a to ae pllRC ntmself to boM out ve'il'arly favortttle lc i d-wnnTit j Pbruary i. IU. . yly. v-" li " - -5 7 T ft m , COLLARS', WHIPS.LASHES, l,. .srr.ciSGLEsciRTn, JL?RTLYGJLES, HAME Ci;; he ni-jst approve fMitrrj, ' TtirtiiiiJnss of cTm I Fad Screws, Terrtf V7atcr IhT?- nrcx&'L'cs, ditts, imcs.srj.T, I CARDS, CRUSHES, CHAINS, . Stirrups, sinefces, TaplSs? I A D Saddle roes of all Zizii ! To a!f cf which I invi'.e tli a-.- ' of e. geueroii3 public S J. W. MIDDLETOy JaiJtii, !1855i - nlJ-Tllji Sil. J. A. HAHVET, Magnetic CI aifGTE S9 ..Washington bet 4.a andil . s-y. 10,1 IS, 3IO. (POST 0?FJCS BOX 3es Tbf S -.T-ern ,r.ral Gift of Clarivoyar.t Sight 7 ?ee ! by t'ai wr .Jer'ul per;n, t vcb 45 w ing d ;e, CL.nviT.i -e le Inot sipncal MiU'.. iiiiite-i Poerhe u ctas .njar-unj LlFr t HKAllH- By tr.e ?-i'u(,u.i.;-. Pi.T.-er he ;s.o'..u:i i-i h' " ' 8 ;xt C-a, tion, an.l 1 eu'i.'v ci v. 1 n tt-e ra?i?rtiy .1 ZX. D.l S.E AXES, ThU f.t t tie Ft ; hs at rated .a tSMij of cj -e? frara tit j.drttvt i"u3.r!d, ciiti twel.ttjai.. 1 )'i t , otri .ale fv..m. vletd i. iaT Lis Lijzh ? !!. ins. CO fcUilPTIOi; A.-'. ilMA. ia : one t-U weeks; PAH ALT-SIS "-t ti! the N'ervou :5y6rem iininr.nj PiLE?il , FI'lS in Tron; one t Uir. Jj." D'' ii k .LIY-Eli, LllAET nJ KJUl.'EIi; a f. j , to ten Qiy Ali Disease b bioo. Scrofuie., Erytipelaa. V Ter Sow, ac... ia? UiUic severity of th f e '-J' "f l!e w F S-M ALB - D I H B A p 11 Treited by a HeT Jtftod, wi:h sp-!r r! ., mest r-py two its. - ' - ' The1-'' oora er di;.r k nronoinccd iacuraii- hy the whole M!:fai i: : arid 110 one should desj-air of relief an'il sjtef t4 examined tv t Dar' Ctatrjaa 7t,r.-:u Aitlnc Qiestior. he tella me Ca-e. Uv..k'. Condi i..n 0 'T and all Lusees, au l U-;tlirM .1 promise r'- rrs-i.! on the erSa of ts m and stth a.l'iva na waited for yerj-t. trto-w .;r.4 to testify t" thp Doctor's Worderral SUiH v.i The D clor aeverie lo.ih.u but wt t a- . i.i-i.v .o rerfori:i, and wiH Kith uiot Cr, Batl;Cttca to all won fve outer nis ustirirn. ya!;'.s who c.inn.-it ngc!. the Doctor in pr-. X e"niiiiel aud prestrtbel f.r by cemiin;: 07 .l'viipU sUter-ient oi iLeir case.- RefererfckC- j perfumed, chuertaliy uial ASTHMA, hen :..:cre cons.idere.1 ta Jtn'Jii' filsease, ! trete-l ;i:i perfect uaess ia j stance bv the cfo; '.. nrtvly dijcovere.1 sira-t All Oases of CAliC&H r no matter urios stantlira:, removed it: t; (:n twelve to tenir-w..: wtthou. instrumeat or ain, ly a retix'f. ' the Dottor whiie ia 'Uc Cla.irvi.yaut known lo Co oiter p"f )iintu . O-'l " TOriERVrsSl'FlTC'1 j A lr. ll.t.MA .r'T:a Ol NrTVoo.4 LVh.l.tf i eompeiency, rrftma ""f liecay anu i ,r fu j ii.rt actuated by a desire ti- benefit otheii, ill jtW.. .; t. fuixib to ail who sad it, (free of eUrjf,, T rccipfiaad direction- t'-.r m iking the rixpi ren:; u-d iu Lis ia.-a. Si.: borers wishing to v fit bj u- adversers bad exrerieQ'e,and po.c? iir 21: 1 aiuab.a roosedy. caa do so by addro-ring u .jrce at bi place cf, i u-iriss. The Rec: Ml: ioforuiition of vitnt importance wiil b.ti fully s ct by rewtra mail'. Ad lre ' JOliNB.0(J5FJ. No. 60 Naau trwt. S. T. P. S. Nervous Suffe'reM 0f both mw ' I this iutermation invluaa. To ("lose Bnslaes TlIEODQREHILi; . No. H Main Street. ' Hain determined , tu Winjl up, my Dry Goods Busmess thii' -Rill and-Winter,!, 5 will ofitr-to tlie trade'" my immecse stock. 0 at greatly4 Reduced Pir;e. ' - TT'l TIIEODpRE Uf-!- " Il.ivin made hrr? purck'tses can and will sell my entiro sjock com li.-ing tha . Litest Styles offered in the Territory .to Cask buyers it great crifice. On THEODORE HIL - : Intends to JIc?020 of his superb Stoc - by March "next con- . scqucntly is c nor "'ii 1 1. .1 to oITer greater in ducements to thi3 trade th:m cun be pven by any ctiVr ' 'House in the West- 5 4 TtlEODORE ina 1 TJ ' zr 3yrup .igr At d.auh::n a -