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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1865)
. NEBRASKA 3ADVERTISER RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square (tea lines or lessonelasertica $1 SI I " ' r CILISUID BTKET THCKSDAT BT GEO. W. HILL & CO,, aTertiser Block. Main S't Between lit k 2d, Each additional insertion 1 Business cardial lines or c it j9r Use oolamn one jear One half coumn one 7ear - " , . One fourthl coluinnone year Oae eighth columnone year " One oolamn six month One half oolama six months One fourth columa six months One eighth column sixmoutis One column three months " . One halfcolumnnsix months Onefourth columntbree months One eighth column three months . Annniinr.inir candidates for ccO 13 li S3 CI sr C5 C) 21 33 e 21 C3('- Ay. Ay , 16 21 15 1 10 0 J BbrriptK)D, mufit invariably, be paid in Advance Alltransient advertisements mas bja.Jin ad vance. Yearly advertisements quarterly i J alrarts. All kinds of Job, Book and Card printing, done ia the best style on shornoticeand rftno-aabla te.aa f ( LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE VXD INSEPARABLE NOW AND FOREVER," j j B(lntM bft style, anira short notice. VOL. IX. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1865. NO. 26, Wfiv ' f - If, -I s yy y Ay Ay. Ay i:. i O O A Lt' xJ ii 1 jlES MEDFOIID, .. r CABINET- MAKER Curcer 2nd and Maia Streets, BUOWNVIIjIiE, N- T. ; f-rtrtred to doall kinds of work In Via Una on BITING HOUSE! i BY FRED. AUGUST, laCAXV, BET- FIKST AND SECOND STS. 1 outers, Cte, PiM, Cookie". Ginger Bread, etc. ' i ,rf .' dewrlptionti constantly on hand. good MKALS serred in the bt style "onshort notice. aim iare assortment ot I Tobacco, Cigars, Xvtts. ; (Wie. Canned Fruit. Oysters, Sovp, 1 Crackers, Raisens, Cur- ! rants, and a supply of roXFECTIONARIES. II. C. THURMAN, BRQWXVILLE, NEBRASKA. vol9-n2-Iy-pd C,W. WHEELER, iOABINET-M AK.E R S AM) i . CARPENTER. Having opened up permanent on IWlrt-ixx ftrcotf S- Oneauorabove the Baltimore, CloSung Store, is spared to doall kinds of work m Mg line -in the ! rv beFt and style, particular attenUne given to iCoSract Tfl-nU eo.p'd RIOHABD COLLINS, IMISLIIS IfJTBT. idfiress Brounvllle or Peru, Neb. IS tf I i sinqH m time saves unm:' LOCIS WALDTEU, U tt bis pt yt, ready to perform all ialninB to Llibu8iness. ... TBpli.nir. Hon. and iSS;; ffi' "approved iDf' etc;iS. Give him a call. "opun Maia Street, eat of Atkmson s id Uig Store. BrowcriUe, April 7. ly . B. 0. HARE'S SKY LIGHT GALLERY 6treet oppo" n "f getting work done elsewhere. Paruc"'.-'pain taken with cbiWrun, .ieo in copying WPk "- nark-red, black, green, or plaids are j-olora for cbildreu's dreea. CHAS. G. DORSEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. April 14th. 1861.' ' tSJvSyly C. F. STEWART, M. D., PHYSICIAtl AND SURGEON. Bos East corner of Main and First Streets BROITXYIIXE, XCCUASiXA- OrrKi to 9 a. m. and 1 to 2 and 6 to Biwpville, Nebraska, May gth, 1864 So 85, ly. E. a BURNS, M. D j PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ! I ZoxxxaIix,, City, KJ I1- j OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. f ialy28tk,lS84. P47-T8-pdly j WaUer WpaP all Paper J! Constantly on hand at Marohn's Tailor Shop, by j LOUIS TYIXUTXR ! Pa er-haneing done la tbe moat approyed style, and ; SaivM able cash tcrma. rowuviiia. b. Janet 1861, 6w j ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA. j ff Win pracUce in all Ike Courta yf nab. j EDWARD W. THOMAS, K ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Office corner of Main and First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Y. M. C. PERKINS, Great Western Pbotograpb First door "West of Brownville House, liUOWNVILLE. N. T. kan V K u unnoonca 9 xne pnouc mai ne touv p kT-L-lBbt Gallery, and ia now prepared iba.rf T"7 ki,l(1' el,e na W 01 Pictures known to ana it I latest and moat approved style. . IOWr pricM than tDT tthr artist my.t of Rt, ilir i, Those wishing picturea will Jlnd it (creatly t oriel iltr"1 10 cu na examine his spelm,ens and -, 8oing eisewnere. All kinds of Pictures copied into Photo, ' grophs. lx-T-lrus &ICL.V;GFUN" SWAK are oooetantly receiving an.Vhi. eir ,wU n Prices will suit erers body "o A EDlirfi4 . W -ZJZ n ment of Coniectionary Including At Motyitjglilia vrtxt LET IT PASS. "Let former grudges pass." Shiiibpherk. i Be not 'swift to take offense ; Let it pass ! Let it passl .Auger is fee te sense; Brood not darkly o'er a wrong" Which will disappear ere long! Rather sing tkis cheery song Let it pas! Let it pass I Strife oorrodss the purest mind ; Let it pass! Let it pass ! As the unregarded wind, Any rulgar souls that lire May Cono'emn without reprieve; lis the noble who fergire. Let it pass ! Let it pass I Echo not an angry word ; Let it pass I Think how often you hare erred ; Let it pass ! Since our joys must pass away, Like the dew drops on the spray, Wherefore should our sorrows stay T Let them pass ! Let them pass ! If for good you're taken ill, Let it pass I Oh, be kind and gentle still ; Let it pass ! Time at last makes all things straight ; Let us not resent, but wait, And our triumph shall be great ; Let it pass I Let it pass! Bid your anger to depart ; Let it pass! Lay these homely words to heart ; "Let it pass!" Follow not the giddy throng ; Better to be wronged than wrong ; Therefore sing this cheery song Let it pass! Let it pass ! lite D05 and ibe Copperhead, BT DAVID BiRKEB. I. One day last weefc, asth railroad train Juit east of the Etni.bog, Wm thundering along through the State of Maine It came to a yelping dog. 11. And I sw that the dog looked poor and mean, As he stood on his hinder part, And yelped like sin as he sat between A sled and a broken cart. III. But the train passed on through the Etnabog Passed on fromthe sled and cart Passed on from the loury, yelping deg, Still left on his hinder part. 17.- One day this week, as Freedom's train On its holy mission sped, And thundered along through the State of Main It came to a Copperhead. V. And it made ma think of the railroad train That dashed through the Etnabog, And thundered along through the State of Maine, In tpite of the yelping dog. VI. For the train on its holy mission sped, And gladdened each loyal heart, But it left the grambling Copperhead Still flat on his hinder part. The Ambllleus Brigand. A 8torr of Naplet.. One day(what matter about the year?) a plainly. dressed man, apparently a for eigner, entered the city of Naples on foot. He proceeded to the poor quarter of the town, where he hired ap jold un tenanted house, that all the people around believed to be haunted. He paid half a year's rent in advance, took pos session, bought a few necessary articles of furniture, laid in a heavy stock of pro visions, and shut himself up in complete seclusion. All the cossins, of course, wondered who he was, where - he came! from, what he intended to do, and so on; but as they did not like to venture an in quiry of the enly person who could give lhem the desired information, they had nothing left for it but random guesses and mysterious speculations. Days and weeks passed, and nothing was seen of the strange tenant neither coming oujt or going in, nor yet at any of the windows, all of which remtined closed, save an upper cne that, from its situation, nobody could see jnto. Then some of the neighbors said the man was no man, but a mere apparition ; others, that lie had gone in as flesh and blood, but had since been spirited away by the demons of the place- At last the police went to investigate the mystery. Their demand for adroit ance was answered by the man himself a tall, dark personage, with deep blue eyes and penetrating look, who, in the most polite manner, invited them iu. showed them all. over his poorly-fur nished house, and treated them to the best he had. He told them he was SpaniarcLby birth, a student from choice, a recluse from whim, and a soothsayer by nature. They Lade him predict his own fate, and then arrested and i teokj him before a magistrate. As the latter could find nothing against him he let him off with.a fine and a few days' imprisosv cried out, in the hearing of many, "Let him who has condemned me without cause beware of the judgement that will soon be cassed upon him in another world !" Ten days after the fortune-teller's re lease, the magistrate died, and no one could tell the reason why. -There were those vcho remembered the prediction of the former, and noised the fact about ; and then certain persons, who believed in such things, came to see him. One night a lady came to him dls guised In male attire "I wint to speak with Senor Valencio, she said. "I an he," replied the fortune-teller, He kaew her as the Countess Civao-J ti for le was not what he seemed, and had mether under very different circum- stances but he kept this to him self and treated ier as if she was a gentleman, When alone with him, in his poorly-fur- uished study, the lady said, ''Senor Val encio, you are reported to know the fu- ture to know of things and events be tell why I fore they happen can you am here ?" "It is of course, impossible for me to tell all things," he replied; "only what ation whatever. He told her, however, . -tI. .... i- e :J c is given me to know tor a purpose, i wiil venture to say, however, in your roco ihm vnn Rpktnbe informed how ... i vugv j j - i ong the Count Civanti will live." The kdv started, and her cheeks erew paie. . w - "Are all our secret thoughts; then, known?" she exclaimed. "Yes." returned Valencio, solemnly. ail are known but all are not known to mortals, else would some wicked hands be stayed, sotne murderous deed remained undone." i "Who are you ?" demanded the other turning full upon him, though the dim light of the apartment did not permit her a very distinct view of his features. ''Methinks," she said, coming up close almost thrusting her face ijito his, "we have met before." -Ha ! that reice ? I know the tone of command! You are, then, ao other than Rondinelli, chief of brigands, whom I first met among the wild hills over shadowing Lake CelanoJ" "Well, is the remembrance pleasant t your ladyship ?" inquired the brigand, cooly. "My ladyship?" "Bah! why seem to be astonished? Do you suppose I know less of th Count ess Civanti than she of Rondinelli ?" "So, then," rejoined the countess, bi ting her lips, " it seems that both have secrets here !" "And should both work for each oth. er's interest 1" said the chief .of brig ands. "What can I do to serve the fair Countess Civanti ?" "I suppose we can trust each other ?" "I suppose we shall, if we separate alive?" asked the countess. "I think I do- the death of your hus Band, for one thing." 'And what else ?" "The death of the Duchess Ducar rar "You do indeed know more of me than I thought," said the countess, ga zing upon him with an expression of wonder. "For what purpose are you here?" "Your pardon, fair countess ! but that is my secret. May I ask what broyghtJ you to me ?" "Well, I heard the story, through the gossip of the servants, of a strange man coming to this old house and shutting himself up in complete seclusion of his subseqaent arrest, imprisonment, and prediction concerning the magistrate, and siiuce that, of some other death-predictions that have come to pass and I felt a strong desire to consult him, thinking it not improbable .that where it might be to his interest ip predict a death, a death would be certain to follow." "In other words," said the bandit, "you believe nie tp be a possessjonal murderer?" "Something of that kindt I confess." "And now?" . "I trust I have no reason to change my opinion !" , "You arcplain and straightforward, at all events." I don't object to lha however. Well, now that we under- aoiaudea.h wiiat do you requin o me V i "Youjhare already named what I I most desre." "The leath of the count andtheduch.- j ess?" i i i J ",Yes ! and if you will undertake to rid I me of these, you ha?e only to name your 'And what? of -.the Duke Ducarrar ?" "Oh, he must not be harmed !" . "I understand," said the brigand. wi ih a peculiar look; 'the Countess Ci vanti would wed the Duke Cucarrar?" "Oh, man, seek not to know every thing?'! exclaimed the lady, in a blightly irritated tone, Come, will you un- dertake what I want done?' ;i WH give you the means to accom- Plish the work yourself, said the out- law. "I have a colorless poison, mat is slow but sure. It needs but a few drops in a cup of water or wine. It produces no pain, no suffering of any kind, and its effects are not apparent for two or days. Then the patient begins t0 complain of weakness acd lassitude, goes jnto a rapid decline, and dies in less than a month. This poison cannot be detected in the system, and there is not a physician tbat knows its antidote. "The very thing !" cried the countess ; 'give me that poison, and l will accom. plish the rest." The countess and the l- brigand finally agreed upon terms. He sold ber tne poison at a fabulous price, but would not dispose of the antidote for any consider tnat should sne aiscover any ireiuu ui hers suffering from the effects of this . i i nnStnn t.i c.nma to him at occe. and ne jyvi wu ' wotfld arrange with her to save the par iy- ' - ... For several weeks loDger Kondinelli remained in that old house, never going out himself, and now and then receiving 4. a. II. C a ajrisiton unere was some taiK ui ui- restinghim again; but there was an op posing influence in high quarters, and it was not done. It would not have been done, had the police even attempted it for the fortune-teller, as he was sup posed to be, was not isolated and alone, rs even his nearest neighbors believed. He had known the house before he went to it, and why it was supposed to be haunted. It was connected wijh a dis tant point by a subterranean passage.and he had been in communication with his band from the Very first. There was no time that he could not have brought a thousand desperate men to his assis tance ; but he had chosen rather to be arrested at first, thinking it might fovor his design, which it did. And this design of Rondinelli, the bandit, whose name was a terror throughout Itlay, was a singular one, to the best. He had come to Naples to be enobled to gain a title that should give him a rfght to an honored seat among the proudest of the land. And how was this J to be accomplished ? Strange as it may seem, by means of the wonderful poison he possessed. He "understood Neapo litan intrigue. He knew there" were, .1 I.,-. many among me noDinty wno wisnea wives, husbands, and rivals dead, that they might change their own-'condition ; and he relied npon eventualy disposing of his subtile poison to see parties, who. in using it, would see tneene.cts see ceatn certainly result, in spite ci all the med ical skill of Naples ; but in no case for no consideration, would he dispose of the antidote; and, by retaining this, he would leave himself the "only master of life. - - "Suppose," he reasoned, "that some one, after having used my poison, should see its effects upon himself, or some dear friend supposs, again, that self or friend shoild be among the highest no bility .touching even royalty would not a title ay, even a dpke.dom.r-be given in eichange fer life ?" The result indeed proved that Eondin. elli did not miscalculate in many particu lars, His general scheme prospered. The ambitious and unprincipled Countess Civanti, in carrying out her own wicked design, . assisted his materially. She poised her husband and the duchess, and saw them both die, and thus became fa miliar with all the workings of the dead ly drug. The bandit knew she intended to marry the Duke Ducarrar. Now was his time. By means of one of his secret agents, who had obtained the position of butler in the duke's household, he had several drops of the poison put into his grace's wine. A few days served todis play the symptoms whih the countess now so well understood, and in terribleJ rage and alarm she hastened to the rob- ber chief. "The Puke Ducarrar is dying of your cursed poison '."she cried, in a wild,lofty tone, with flashing eyes. "Yes," coolly replied the brigand chief, "it respects no rank, sex, nor age." "You know of this, then?" almost screamed the countess. ; "Now, save him, villain, or I will have you torn limb from limb!" "Softly, my fair murderess !". return ed the bandit,, fastening his deep blut eyes upon hers with an expression thai mde her quail; "rsmember who you ire that speaks who 1 am that you ad dress!" You should rather humbly su or my aid than attempt ro command t hrough threats. If you were to hav ne torn limb from limb, the duke would lie without making you his wife; and ? I were to say you poisoned your hut band and the duchess, you tan imagine what a fearful doom would be vours. But putting all this aside, it is you that ire in my power. You cannot stir hence except by my permission. I can touch this wire you see here, within reach of my hand, and in less than an hour, a thousand desperate men would gather to my aid, some of them coming from your own household, some from th duke's, and others again from the royal palace. Now, I see by your pale cheeks and vondering looks, you begin lo compre hend with whom you are dealing, and now we will endeavor to converse in rea- son, Yon remember l told you that it you saw a friend suffering from this dead ly poison to come to me, affd" we would arrange to save him. I will save the duke; but J must have my price no less than a full pardon, and a title of no bility not bejow that of a count. The duke has great influence at court, and I am'certain can procure wljat I demand to save his life," It may well be believed that the hough- ty countess was amazed at the audacity or this. chief of robbers 5 but she was already within his toils, and was obliged to work out his design to save herself and lover. , The result was the fulfilling of the ambitious scheme of Rondinelli. , fie re ceived a full pardon for past offences.and to the surprise of every one not in the secret was created a peer of th realm. The old nobles would hays shuned him, but that they feared for their own Jives ; and go outwardly they courted his socie ty, while at heart they detested him. He purchased himself a palace furnished it gorgeously, and for a few months liv ed in regal style, at the end of which time he was found assassinated. As for the wicked and amitious count ess, she succeeded in her desighrand be came the Duchess Ducarrar ; but she and her new lord soon after quarrelled and separated. He subsequently died of poison, supposed to have beep adminis trated through her agency. She was tered on suspicion, but stabbed her self to the heart, and died the miserabje death of the suicide. So, one after another, ultimateie per ished our workers of iniquity, and yet Naples renaajned no less full of intrigue and jcrime. The Great Wars A Historical Be Tlew and Contrast. The present conflict in this country is one of those which are usually called civil wars ;" and though nothing of the kind has ever before been carried on on the same stupendous scale, yet there are plenty of precedents for it. One of the earliest of these is the fa mous Pelopennesjan War, which began B. C 432 and lasted 27 years, betsveen States of Greece, which, fcad they adop ted the idea of Pericles and been united under one general head, might have formed a nation of marvebus grandeur and influence. But the doctrines of 'State, Sovereignty" or "autonomy" pre vailed, and after twenty-seven years of warfare foreign invasion closod the com bat. In the 'Monthly Religious J&agazint for Febuary. there is an interesting his torical review ofcivil wars ; on the sub ject of the Peloponnesian war, the wri-, ter says : This long and deadly warfare could not have been prolonged through twenty seven years, except for the fact that both Sperta and Athens were based on sla very. The slave tilled the soil the cit izens waged war. Slavery not only sup plied the munitions; but it gave to the war a savage ferocity and brutality. Athens alone had four hundred slaves to sixty thousand freemen. But Sparta was made pre-eminently tarbarous ai.d inhuman by the habit of domineering ourselves. During the progress of the war, fearing an insurrec tionamong her Helots at home, she pro claimed liberty to such as would come -orward and join her armies. Twothoui 'nd brave rnn sprung up to the ..word "liberty," and pretented ihemsees. .. uey were irever heard of more. Thej vere led off secretly andmassacred ind, by thisfiendish treachery, the oli garchs rid their.sel?es of such slaves a? vould be most' likely to proye a'danger us element at home. It is curious to contrast the numbers tngaged in our war with those iiEgaged i.i the great wars of the past We select two decisive battles. One of these was fought in the h,arbor of Syr acuse. In an exepdition against Sicily. Athens had strained every nerve and equiped a magnificent fleet and army. They sailed out oflha Piraeus with sound of trumpets, peans and libations of wine froia gold and silver cups. This great army consisted of o,UUU heavy armed infantry. It was reinforced, by another of, about tthe same number. When gatherered atSyracuse they num bered in alLr-heavy armed, ..infantry, na tivesof the island and slaves who were light armed and only employed as skir mishers 20,000 men. Tbis, in the lan guage of Thucydides, made her power i i i appear "stupendous," anu ner resources 'beyond calculation." The final and decisive battle was that of Algospotani, when Athens lost her fleet, and nearly her whole army was surprised and taken prisoners. The numbers engaged in battle are not told ; but the Dumber of prisoners, who were native Athenians, i3 recorded as three thousand, which seems to have made up the bulk of her army in ib last decisive engagement. As to the number engaged, the little State of Massachusetts has furnished more men ih our present struggle than fought on both sides in the great English rebellion. It hasent more men into the field than Julius Cpcser commanded to gain the empire of the world ; more than all the-troops of Hellas put together in the long struggle that rent her in pieces when her sun went down in blood. The State of New York has equiped tmore soldiers than all the troops of Caesar and Pompey put together, though drawn from every province, from the Euphrates to the pillars of Hercules. The whole ar my of Cromwell would only serve as skir mishers, or as a detail for a "raid" from the army of Grantor Sherman, His great military fame was gained by man aging twenty-five thousand men; and its marches and evolutions were within an area less thanthe State of Virginia. The great civil war of England, known as "the Great llebellion," was also a con flict between the oligarchs and the com mons; calied again the Cavaliers and the Boundheads; railed again, more ap, propriately, the King and his Parlia ment. It divided England horizontally the king and lords and theMbi.shops on one side, the commons on the other; and it decided the question forever, whether constitutional government was a possible boon to the cnglish race. The war opened in 1642,'and continu ed seven years. It would probably have been fiinithed in half that time, but for the hesitancy and half measures of Es sex, the first parliamentary general. TJie first conflict of Edgehill has its ex act parallel in Amis Lam. It was a drawn battle : both the parties laying all night on their arms ; but in the morning Hampden came up wi'h four thousand fresh men. Julius Csesar would have followed up quickly the former day's work, and with blow upon blow, finished the loyalist and the war. Instead of this, the armies "looked at each other," dreaded to renew the figbt, and drew off each by itself, much to the chagrin and disgust of Hampden. Five: thousand were left slain upon the field slain to no purpose, as nothing was decided. So things went on, till Oliver Cromwell came with his "ironside regiment" and, at the decisive battle of Naseby, dashed upon the King's forces and shivwredH them in pieces. We may smile, on reading over these great battles, at the nubers engaged. They varied from twenty-five thqusand men on,each side, never exceeding the latter number. The battle ef Marston Moor was the most obstinately contested between "the most numerous armies that were engaged during the course of these wars ; and in that battle, as Hume la ments, fifty thousand troops were led to mutual slaughter. Such was the price ; aid; tne end achieved , was fre gov ernment for the English race emy- where. - The writer in he Religious JUontMy, deduces from the facts he relate several arguments. First comes ore in favor cf the : cultivation of .a naikcal "military spirit as the surest way cf avoiding tba shedding of llocdiest of al- Grsar, in a three years' war betweeii the Cccsar ens and Pornpeians, lost fewer men than McClellan did in a single campaiga on the Peninsula. Indeed it is said, mor,e Jies have been lost in cur present war than the.great cival wars cf Greeca Rome and England put together : and this might-have been avoided had the North been a military people- ; It is well to look into the gulf cf ruia from which our present civil -war is to save us. Resolving the Union intothir-ty-sevensovereignties wouldj place us exactly where theGreek'Autonoraies were plaped, in their struggTe of twenty seven years. , It means -mutual slaugh ter and fiipal collapse, tint! some etron ger third power comes in anl adjusts tha bleeding fragments. Persia finally "iar tervened 'favprof; Spar'.a ; aid her hasteful despotism waspresied down up on all the States of Hellas md her lover ly islands. Thebes finally rebelled against it, ledonby ;the great Epamin ondas ; and a second series of cival wart broughton a more completj exhaustion, and a more deadly collapse. Phillip of Macedonnext "intervened," and crushed them still lover into tha dust, amid the dying thunders of Demos--thenps, and the fading glories cf the Greciap name. Next Roma interven-. ed" and conquered Macedonia; and both Macedonia and Hellai, went down together under her . iron heel. Next the Turk"irjtervened;" and Jlcme.'ia all her Eastern empire, involving Gre tea with her ancient States t.nd beautiful isles, jvas eclipsed in a more baleful dej poti?m and in heathen night. Such are the last results of autonomy. dismem berment, mutuaj hate and slaughter, tional extinction and death. So thelovet liest form of antjent civilization, in a democracy just rising to the. glories of empire, was sacrificed the insane bg. tion of pretty "State sovereignty;" and when we now ask, Where 13 Helli3? we are only snswered by poets, who iing her elegy : . - Who treads all tearless pn her halloTstJ pave; Inreke the spirits of the past, aad shtd The voice of your strong bidding on the deal ! Lo,from a thousand crumbling tombs thej ris The great of old, the powerful sad the wise I And a sad tale, which none but Ihcr can tell Falls on the mournful silence Ij ce a knoll. Then mark yon lonely pilgrim 1 end and weep Above the mound where geniuilies ia sleep. And is this all ? Alas J we turn n vain And, turning, meet the self-saue waste agalo-i The same irear wilderness of stern decay; Its for mer pride, the phantom f a day ; A song of summer birdsj within i bower ; A dream of beauty graced upea n, floTer ; A itte whose master chord has ?eased to sound ; A morning star struck drkiing t9 the ground.' A student in one ef our Btata coHegesS was charged by the Faculty with' hav ing bad a barrel of ale deposited in his room, contrary of course,' to rule and usage. He received t summons to ap pear before the President, who said ;' "Si-, I am informed that you hare a barrel of ale in your'room." "Yes, sir." "Well, whaexplanatioa . can ycQ make ?" Why, the fact is, sir, my physiciaa advised me to try a little ale ear-h day, as a tonic, and not wishing to stop at tha various places where thia beverage 13 retailed, I concluded iq have a barrel taken to my room." "Indeed ! And have ycu derived an benefit from it ?" "Ah ! yes, sir. Wrhen (he barrel waj first taken to my room, twu weeks sinca, I could scarcely lift it. Now I can car ij ii wiiu me greatest easj. ' A fat man called upon a physician ta prescribe for his disease, which he said was sleeping with his mou:h open.- Sir," said the doctor, "your diieasa is incurable; your skin is too short, co that when youahut your eyes.your mouth. opens t'Please, mister, giVe rx.e sfbundle hay?" "Yes, my son. Sixpenay cr ehillinj bundle ?" . . "Shilling.! ' MIs it for your father p "No guess 'tant that'i for the hs4 My father don't eat hay J" . " MPorapey; Fse got one of da worst wo. man for a wife dat any nigger etba'r had. Ah, Pompey, I thii.k Woman's lub is like injua. rubber, ' -It streach de more, de more lab her." Yes, Julius Woman's lub am like Sooto i sou? " I got one pinch, and dat's f:aga"."