Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1865)
t- ' - ' l' wtjww i -v-jcaa --1 UsUJLsaJWWimWftWIIIin '.WiMa-v- rrwr.-j.T-P! - PROSriXTUS FOR lbUl. 1 : I3xtr3 s Utrchant Ftt Drownrill TH03 er- 8ADDL JJAENE: Nain -1 UEBIIAJ GEOT AUTC BCE ' ' " ' ME r Every For seT jBitrnm-l year s aibla for iacreasei . earpatro: cud solid CHI! AM - GEO!! GEO.( t AnilW tjias r Co Qardi C rnii wide a ( toe bt.; offered onderl HI j . 4 TT1 JI THJ Em eUrJ $1 e i ; Main - - 73 Kee;ss di . - .. 9 I j CL. X kai 11 otbtr artiolet uwfclly kept in Cnt-1? li.re1ntrkurirg-or?wMill. growbtHit.Mrch 3Im'g4. a30-8-ly. THOS. C.'CBEHB MlSCFACTUKEH or BADDLEUT DLALEft is COLLARS All KINDS 0? IURNESS, ViilPs, SJ'URS, LASHES, -:- Nain Street, Opposite Ware'a Ber.k. NEBRASKA ' CITY,; NEBRASKA. GEO. . PRIHCE & GO'S If:. i j AUTOMAflC ORGANS 1! BCIIOOI, ORG-AJslS k X D MELODEQNS ! ! ! TiilrSi-Jirc Tfeonsaiifl NaT 1 se. '.Every hsirvmerj warranted for five years Tot feTenteenyaarsHho i'upcrior excellence of oor lattrnraents hu not ben questioned, and for two ya past tha ei.oroious deun'.nJ has made it iinpo liUt for us U m -etonrtiTderproint!r Wil 'lacrcased filitiea, we feel warrantid in Msann; arratroni that their ardcrs will be prumptly met, oJ elicit acortiuuance of their patronage . 147-A LIBFKAI. PISrorKT TO CLErGTliKK, CHIR- - GEO, A.-PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. QUO. A. BJIMCEs CO., Ciiicago,IiL Ib illastrated Catalogue, with f 3.!! deicription f aylM will bmeo free U cy addrcM. PIIiLLIP DEUSEK, Main Street bet. First and Second St 1 33rown-ilo 33" oto. r Eeept 'ccnitantiy on band the best quality of OBAOOO CHKWING AND SMOKING, v.. S E G- -A. R S Confectioneries Candirs, Plain and Fancy, Oravg?8, Raifen$t Lemons, Dates, Figt, Nuts, Apples. &c:, be. All kinds of Toys, Canned Fruit, and Oysters. THILL ! accommodating, obliging, patriotio an. ide awake to the interest of the public, and ha? the best assortment of Varietiei in Lis line vei ' eTered in this market, and ia determined not to be oiideneld for CASH. ..HELLO, STRANGEK XTHERE DIE YOU GET THOSE NE"W GOODSP J. BERKY & CO THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWN VLIiE - - 'i 'r.;,h-. i y; i - 1 iU: ; J. BERRY & CO.. Eave Just receive, ami axe now openiun, at . . Uad on Main sti et, cne ot the largest stocts of the' BEY GOODS K D .(.. i, . tut aver offered in this market. Remember the place, J. BERRY & CO.'S, No. XX, IVTriia. otroot auonisviLLii., ft. t. ; i - - 5 DRISD Apples, pried Peaches, sago, Bice, stare oap, Candles, etc., etc., - At IIoTiauchlia &r8waa'c. V BACK TO THE OLD STAND! A5D S-13 W S3 Xj "2" ! ! '.TftSEP II S II U T Z Vou.a his Jewelrj Shop in bis eld stand on .n-sapaiBouedb Jewej street, souin , s a pien(im ,96ortment TiKe Houe. i ;,K.lne- of cosiness, whicU lie will Cf Clock. besaud. Jewelry done on the abort. static. vTrn WORK." iAiUkfli' Kay 19th, 1554. uj-vo-iy -rr FSTRAY NOTK E. Taken a p by .mhite .g, n ber back, m GEOESTEEN; & GO, P T A tuT FO R T.K MaNU F A C T U RE R , tj,- w.,i',,f thp TiiLlio Bnd the trade is Forte which for Tclmnn and purity of toe re unrivalled by r.ny hithprto offered in this maket. I hoy ODtain all the modern irorrovennenta, Fren-rh, Grnd action. Harp Teda!, lrou Fralne. Over-Mrung Ac end each instrument Virg ind' undi-ff be personal iujrrMoii Mr. J. FI. irc.vctron. ho ha had a rreotical cipprience of over SO jearc in thfir manufacture, is fn!!y warranted in every partv.iular. The "GroreM'ern Tlano Foi f e received Iic highest award of nicili 'overall others at llic Celebrated Toiid's i-sif r! tre wera eihibi'cd lriPtrnruvnt'from the bet n;nkers of London, Purls, Germany, Philadelphia, BaU !tuore,Iioton and New York ; r.nd als; at the American Intitut for fire successive year., the gold und silver 'jnednls fr.a both of which can le teoa a M3w.,re-roora. lly the ir.troduotion of iniproTements tre trV.e a still rjnre perfeot Piano Forte, acd Vy rnannfaeturin? largely, with btrietly caaU syattiu, are enablutl tooiitr tuesa iti iiacpti at a price wL,ich V ill preclude all coTDpefitiou. . . " PRICKS N'o. 1, Seven Octrc, round corner. Rosewood plane case $275. No. 2. Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood heavy rnouldicg ?303. N.3 Sten Octave. rouDd corners, rJosewoodlxiuisXly'tyle $325, a facfimileof the tvJxoTecut. Terms: Jett Cacli, Ixa. Current 3JTa.xxcIs. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE. ' - june 30-nli-vS ly ': IMPROVED t ft M Tha prratest irnrcvinl yet in tho Sawina Ma chine Art. A curi.)ity Kortb. acciug,' , FJease send for eircuUrs with samijle.s of Sewing. These Iiapioved- Maohine? save om hundrod Tcr cent, of 4irtrd and silk, axd u;ake the Lotk-dtVoii alike 1 n both . ides. ry require on instruction to operate perfectly, except the printed direction No charge in seiricg from one kind of goods to another. . ' ' And no taking apart U olean or oil. Onr New M.i nn factory now complete, with all its machinery and tools entirWly new, ami is already ... . .. 1. 1 - t L . . JI rapdly turcu'j? out .ancMncs wntca lor oeauij 1,1m petfecti- n of fcni-h aronor sarjiaascd by apy u:i!.u- ,'cture iu the world. " N. C Should any MacLine prare unsatisfac'ry, it can be returned and money refunded. . - Agcntt irontcd ia counties net canvassed iy our own Agcuts. NO. 533 BROADWAY, N. Y. 45 vS-ly. Hi Tbmi Bitters are prepared, In pnre Bourhoa TS LUlcy, from a combinatiou of ott twenty Olf lerent kin'ls of roots, barks aitd bcrl.s, which act in perfect concert one with He- cttier, pre pared from the cVijnid forniula given hy tl.e great chief. Red Jacket, to Dr. thapin, who. used them Successfully in his practice for mnny years, and by their use gained so great a popularity In the treatment and cure of DyFpesia, l.iver Coraplaiot, Constipa'.iou, Sick and"errons Head. acle, Fever and Ague, and ail diwrasts srlsin? front torpid lirer cr iixiigestion. Perscawi suC'crii;; from Cither of these loathsome diseases will find a sure ure by the use of these Bitters, which are perf.vtly pure and free from all those drugs and poisons usu ally put np in such preparations and palrred oil en an unsuspecting public, A single trial will con Tiuce the most skeptical that in the Kti JACKET licre is Tirtue which no other filters post-. They strengthen and invigorate tho system. They are unequal ed for general de bill : - They are a sore cure for dyspepsia, ' r They give a good and healthy appetite. They assist digests They are the fcost suaulant in existence. They are a preventive of Tever and Agua, They relieve constipation. . , They cure Eervous Headache. They are perfectly pure and palatahle. .Aged persons and delicste females will f nd thej can save large doctor's bills by the use of these Lit ers. Beware of eountsrfrlts. The Red Jacket Tit ters are only sold in bottles with our name Mown en the side, and our private government stamp serosa the cork. oca Ter jtedicinal and Table uses, wldch are perfectly pure, aud need ouly be tried to be appreciated. Kone genuine unless they have our gold label on each b ttie, and. oor iuitials pressed wax evr Use cork.. F;ld Ly VI drurglst ard dealers throughout the Sou n try. Call for oar goods and take no rthrr. Circulars to the trade supplied on application U - -Ueiinelt Pietcrs & Co. goli by Jfo. tl River Si.. Chkage. W. n.KcCKEEKV. Br.,uv:lie, BIKUVW &PHOUTY, Peru, JV.T. GADECo . " " " Brownritle, Juue 2. 1864. no39-ly J. F. MORRIS Successor to R. Brown & C- Tor.ld rospe"twl1y announce to the Cit'.scns of Brownvllle and vicinity, that he has purchased the Large and Well Selected Stock OF &r 9 MEDICINES. PA1MTS, OF B. BROWJf A. Co. He assura the public generally, that he.' baud every thdcg usually keeut in rill keep on Fust Class Drvg Store, 1 - 4. . ' and Is determined net to be undersold for cash. PRESCRIPTION'S AXD ORDFRS CAREFULLY FILLFD AT ALL HOURS . WHITNEY BLOCK, MAIN STBEET CR0WNT1LLE, NEBRASKA. . u-8-iy . WETL Bucketa, Chnrns, Sieves, House' Tnps Clothes Pins and Castile soap PATLS, Tubs. K3?s, Washboards. Keelers, Children' Cabs aud Wheelbarrows - MLauglilin& Swvn's Ayer's Sarsaparilla nwilS:llM I 3 iavittil to our New Seal. 7 OcUfe ttosowood Piano Th TO B, KcCEEEET, Cah Wholcjale and Kcfail Dealer in 13 it U 'C2- 'i3 , MEDlfilNES.AKD CHEMICALS,. Faints, Oils and Dye Stuff, 1 Fare Llfinos Tor Medical rnpciea All kinds. Patent MctliciiHS DENTAL A.D FANCY GOODS, Elanli Boolis ad Stationery, The best brabSs of Chewing and ?tnokin TOBACCO' AA7D SEGAKS. X xi Its of olors. Perfuqicry and. Toilet Goods. IIo assures his patrous. aud the iublic gentrally, he will keep on hand an extensive stock of the ar , tides mentioned, besides anything au i everything; uua'iy kept in a pwt ciavj Drug Mere, which he is prepared to sell r.t low rates for Cisa. Ci',1 and fxaaiine for -oursclf ;c , i tJtll-C ast Corner Main and First Streets Erownvilie, Prescriptions and" Orders Carefully fi;:c-d a t all hours. -THE 'V it v w mm ti ill Ik The readers of the Continental are aware of the important position it has auii-cd, of the influence whitt) it curts, and of thts brilliant arayuf politi cal and literary talent of the highest ord r which supports it. No puUictio.c of tho kind hns. in thiscountry, so giu-e"?slu!iy ccmliiiM d -the eucrgv and frecJt tn f the daily newspaper with the high er litensry tone of th,e firt-clnss monthly; and i: ii very cert:iiii that nr njitaine baa iven wider rnfi to it.' cifrWiutort; or preserved itself so oom pl;tly from t'nsi nsrrjy influences of party or of factir n. Iu times like the present, uch a journal i eithfr a power in the hind or it is nothintr. That the V'untir.ental is not the latter ' is ubiu:dsittly evdfncc4 by what it has dme-. l.y the reflection of its counsels in many inipr.rtunt publii; event?, and in the'eharacter and riwer of thoje whoaroita tanncliest supp"rtcrg. Though but litt le more than a yent ha Ciapseri since the Continental wa first established, it has during that ti nit acquire i a stcrenth tiuO a signi-fji'anc-e elevntinp it uu fsiticn farabuve that pre viously oe. upi d a streutli and a p..'i:ic:'l sinifj. cance elevating it to a position far ah-. ve pre viously icVupifcd by ony pul.!icuii;n "f the kir.d iu America. In pr.n.f of r?hirb nsM-rtk a we cull at tentici! to the following facU: 1. Of its polical articlos r.-puMishcd in patrphlt form, a single one hns bad, thus fur, a circulation of one hundred r.nd mx thouand o.pies. 2. From its literary department, a singlo sena? novel. "Aiung the l'ine'' hoi, within a very few m' n.'lis, s..ld nearly tuir.'v-fire thousand rot)ies Two other eerieg nf its I itfrnrr articles hfve also oeu republished in form, whils the flrst por-ti- n of a third is already in prrji. No more totulusiva facts peed he alledgcd to prove the the excellence of the contributions to the Continental, or their extraordinary jpula-ity; a?;d i'f conductors are determined that it shall not fril behind. Preserving nil "the boldness, vigor and ability' which a tuoimwid journals have attributed to it, it will greatly en'are its circle of action, and discuss, fearlessly and frankly, every principle in n dved id the great questions of the day. The first minds ( f the country embracing the men most f.T.iiliar with its diplomacy and most distingn'shed for ability, are amng its contributors; ai d it is no more '"flattering promise of a tus" to say that this"mago;n! for the times" will cmpf-.y the the first intellect in Auierioi, under Jan spices which no publication evor enjoyed Wtore in this country. While the Continent). I will exrres decided opinious on the great qmstions of the day, it will uot bo a im-re political journal: much tho larger p- rtion of its columus will be enlivened, as hercto fjTjby tle,3, poetry and humor. In a word, the C-mliucntal will be found, under its new staff of Editors. occupying a d.?;tkn find presenting attrac tions never before found in magazine. . . TERMS TO CLUBS. Two copies for one year $5.C0 Threo copies for one year, ' fi.00 Six copies for one year, . ll.OG Eleven copies for one year, 20 00 Twenty copies for one year, 3'J,00 pAID IN ADVANCR. ' Postage Twenty-four cents a year, to be paid bj the Subscriber. SINGLE COPIES. -Three dollars a year, in advance. Postage paid by tho I'ublishor. JOIIX F. THOW. 50 Greene St., K. Y., Publisher for the Proprietors. As an inducement to uew subTihc-s. the Pub lishers offers the following liberal premium: Any p-roii remitting $3, in advance, will receive the msgaiiuc Ire in July, 1S62, to Jauuary, 18(54 thus securing the whole of Mr. Kimball's and Mr. Kirkc's new serials, wbi'h tfe alone wrth the price of the subscription. Or, if preiered, a sub scriber can t'-k"1 t ie magazine for 123, and a copy of"Aturtrig he Pines." or of "Ciwlrcurrenti of Wall Street," by It. li. Kimhall, bou'Sd in cloth, or of "rtunshino in Thought," by Charles " Godfrey Leland retail price, $125 The book to bo sent postage psid. Any person remiting. 150, will receive the rrnga tine from its commencemertr' January, 1SG2. to January, lSi, thus securing Mr. Kimball's '.Wai 4 Ae successful ? and Mr. Kirke s "Among the Pines, and "Merchant's Story," and nearly 3,000 octave pages of the hest literature in the world. Premium ubscribers to pay the;r own postage. "A Large assortment of Pocket knives. Butcher knlv, etc. etc., can bo seen At M'Z;iCffam'd S WAITS. iTII:LTIYATOR3, Scytnex, Cr,lles, Battes, Iloes. Spaaes, Shovels, etc, e,c, At jftlcLaughlin & Bwan BROOMS, Blarltiuic brushes, Scrubbing brnsties Whisk brcoius, B'.ackiug, Matches, Ink, Vrit;n Paper, Ap., ' McLauchlin & SrA5's. ESTRAY NOTICi:. Taken np by the undersigned, living six mile? west of Brown ville, Dec. 14tb, one red and white stear, three years old last spring. ; ' 15-3t S.W KENNEDY. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up Ly the undersigned, living two miles above Brownville, Nemaha Oonnty, Nebraska, on the 16th day of December, one black horse colt, two years old, Terv poor when tsken ur. no marks orbrands, 16-3t ISAAC JKtFEP.3, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, A: vou Mfck. !eb, and ccrttptfiiiRinir! -Ate ;onut of oiot-r. ,5iii your syntetu licii'i'.'!'''!. ri'fl vrnr Ice'inx'' - V. ciJlUiUtlalu-? . mp- ti'm S'-e t.;:ei t!.e f relitue.' i Oil. I'l 1 Hi!. ; ' i Ly a tin rii'it .ke A mm ".-, lii. . . I-. a 1 . . . . . M .it. H'l ' lii .1 t .v. " ;i!v.--t. ; '-f if.w'e-oit niv,liuc: ti in '. i'". .v -v--. --J Kiiv l!:- titration Oi ilie - boiir into visorews oc:ivity. piTifv thearster.i from th oh- li ucnoi.a w t-'.' h meko A o'd 'U soii'flw'.iere in the tp.y. iHi iieved, reset f.i.ou tl:em--e've$nd tl.e surro.iiidn aud di:U. Wl i'c m this cor.wu. opprM-n the liviiticmcni., take Avt-r dircctfv trie m.orf t nctioi. ot the svs- tvm: si.d with it rl.e buoyant h-e.i.if rtfaltu as What if true and to nppareu iu tliwtnviah r.nt tc aiu. com- mon coiiipiunii, is fliso ouc " routed ani dan.-erous iisfentpf The seme p rga tive i-flect expels them, f nused by olstiuc tior.s mhI tnnnemiMa of the natural functmus of the byUv, they nne rapidly, and many of them MireH , Cured lie the smoe means. Aone wuo J viitues f these will neglect to employ them When sti florin r tVfi.i the lii-ordcis thev cure. -fct::teniciits iiom lending pinticians in sonn- of the pnncirsl otic, ci.u liuia other wtil-knowu pub..c per.soiis'. " "... ' 1 Ftx-m a Foiicardiva Merchant f S!. Iau'is, Fel 4, 1S.,G. ! Dr AYJEtt- Yonr Pills ufc the paragon rail that Is ftu-at in-medicix;e. They have cured my little dan-liter of ulceiwus sores upou her Lands and feet that had proved 'incurable lor years. ller mother Las been long grievously afflicted with blotches and pimples on iier skin and in her hair. After our el.i U was cured, she also Uicd your Pills, and they Lave cured her. ASA. MOKGiilDGE. . . Ae Family Pbyale. From Dr. E JT. Cartwrigiit, Orieant.' Yourl'iils are the prince of purges. -Their ex Calient qualities surpass anv cathartic we possess. They ore mild, but verv certain and effectual iu their r.clicuon the bowels, which makes them invaluable , to us in the daily treaipieut of disease. ) iZcariachfjSick Headache, Fonl tomacL . From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. Dear T3ta Ayek: 1 cannot answer you tchat comjainta 1 have cured with your Pills better than to say all that tre ever treat with a purgative medi cine. 1 place gifflt depeudence on that effectual cathartic in ray dailv coutestVith disease, aud be lie ii?, rs I do. that your I'ills afford us the beet we have, 1 of course value them highly. , . riTTSBuno, Pa.. May 1, 1S35. Dr. J. C. AYEtt. Sir: 1 have been repeatedly cured of the woret keadacke anybody can have by a !o or two of your l iils. It seems to arise from a ' tout stomach. w:hich thev cleanse at once. Yvur with great repccL KD. Vr' PREP.LE. -; r ... r . . ..Clerk (f Steamer Clarion., B:lione Disorders Iivrr Complaiut. FioiiiDr.' Theodore BtV, of New York City. ; 'ot are your I'ills admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial tl!e,cis upon the Liver very marked indeed. They fca'e In' mv practice proved mote effectual for the cure of lifiout coinplainti than any one remedy I. can mention J sincerely rejoice that we have at ' length n purgative which is worthy the confidence of the proiessiou and the people.. - -- '." " Department or the Intirior, 1 Washington, D. C , 7th Feb.. 1856. ) ' fin: I have used your I'ills iu my general end Lomotil practice ever aince you mude them, and cct.LOt hesitate to say they are the best cathartic wo employ. Their regulating action on the liver is c;u;ck and decided, consequently they are an ad? tninlle remedy lor derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom louiid a cate of I -itioua dis ease to obstinate that it did not readily vield to them. Fraternally yours, ALOXZO HALL, M. D., Physician (J the Marine Hospital. Dys.rn.tery, Diarrhcea, Htlnx, Worms, - From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago. Tour I'ills have had a long trial iu my practice, and I hold them in esteem rs one of the beet aieri eiifs I have ever iour.d. Their alterative effect upon the luakes thera aa excellent remedy, wlscn giv en iit small doses lor bUiou dysentery and diar r'i.r.i. Their sugn r-conting makes them very ac ec pil'e aud coucuitut for the use of women and ChiJu.'eU. - - ; ... . Ijijx?psia, Btnpnrily of the Blood Front Rev. J. V. Jlimes, Pastor cf Advent Church, Boston. Da. Atir: I have used yoar rills with extra ordinary snccesa 5u my family and among those I am f al:nl to vu-it in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion aud purify tho blood, they are the very Let remedy I nave ever known, and 1 can oonii oeiitly recommend them to my friends. " - . Yours, J. V. 1IIME3. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., Jf. Y., Oct. 24, 1S55. - Dkai: fcm: I tin using your Cathartic I'ills in my practice, and find them an excellent purgative to the system aid purify the fountains of th Uol, JOilN G. JlkACllAM, M. D. Constipation, Costiwtew," Bupjrrioni, lu.-iiniatiout, Uont, A'euralgia, lropy, 1'ur-iiyaia. Fits, rlc. 7 'T;n Dr. J. P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be mid of your Piiis tor the cure of costircTu ss. If others of pur fraternity have found iheni ss efhercious ns I have, they should join me i:i piociuiinir.git. lor the benefit of the multitudes who triifier from that complaint, wluch, although bud i-i:ongli In itelf, is the progeLitor of others that ere worse.'- I liieve costioeneu to originate in the liver, but your I'ills afit-ct that organ and cure the uiseufe. " From Mrj. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, I l;rd one or. two large doses of your Tills, taken i tiie pioper time, are excellent promotives of the natural secretion "When wholly or partially eup-prtii-'td, and n!f:o very effect ual to cleanse the t' h aud expel worms. . They are so much the Lett physic we have that I recommend no other t my patients. From the Pc?. Dr. JIawl-ti, of the MetJiodist Epis. Church. rrLAPKi tT78K, Savannah, Gc., Jan. f , 1358. IIonoued S:&: 1 f hould le unjrriitetui lor the . relief jour skill has bi ought me if 1 did i;ot report mv esse to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating veuralgic pains, which c-n tied in chronic rhturr':m. Notwithstanding I had the best of phyiclai. t!:e disease grew worse and worse, until by the sdvi- e of 'ur excellent Ptrent in Paltin;ore, Dr. Maekenrie, 1 tried your liils. Their eliects vcre slow, but sure. 15y per severing iu the use of them, 1 am now entirely weu. Sknatk Chamber. Eaton Kouge, La., 6 Dec., 1855. Dr Ayes: 1 have been entirely cured, by your I'ii's, of liheumrjic Gout a painful disease that has ifllieted me for -ears. VIA'CEXT SL1DLLL. C7 3Iost of tnj rilla In market contain Mercury, which although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con sequences that freoucutlv follow its incautious use. Thc-e coutain no mercury or xniueral substance. whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & Co., Lawell, Haas. vS-pS-ly ' ; FAKK LESLIE'S. 1LLUSTHATED NEWSPAPERS. . Attractive Feature. The $5,000 Priza Novel The Gulf Between Them. By Mrs. Aono S, Stephen?, Authoress of "Fashion and . Famine," "The Uejected Wife," Ac, Ac. Inaddi'ionto its attractions; as tho fir3t and most authentic IPuetrated Paper in 'America, sur pasing all others in tie variety, accurAcy, ani Jn- terest of the numerous illustrations whcb it offers. Frand Leslie's Illustrated .Vewtn tpor will begin in No. 435. dated Janu irv 3 1 . ISoi, t!ie thrilling aud Hbs.rbiog novel, "The Guli J-tetween their,," writ ten hv thfrcreat noveli?, Mrs. ' Stephens, whose 'Fashion and Famine" baa a larger circulation than any other purely literary novel cfourdi'y, and was regarded as so m i-tcrly a- work of hction that it was 'not only republished in England, but was translated into almost everyjanguaga of Eu rope. The prixo of $ 5.Q0, offered with nnc3U iber nlitv bv the proprietor for tho best nor drtftr fur Ji no Us? than two hundred works, -''nyof them of great me-it. Among thee Mrs. Mephen novel was selected, aa evidently sur.-iissing not only ail ethers offered, but a!nnt overytKipg hitherto published. It U fully eiul to "Fa-hiou and Famine," and will le is widely read. It will b3 of griuter in'tere?t, from th? fact that the scene is laid in our land and our own tira;a; and in delineation of character and absorbing power it will feinate and charm tha reader., Subscription per year. " Address FRANK LESLIE, Duane St. N. T. Copies of the paper containing tho commence ment and continuation of Mrs. Stophens' novel, "The Gulf Betwun then," can be had of any News dealer in the United SMtcs or Aritisb Provinces. s ALT by the brrel or i.our-4, Fine Dairy Salt, for Sale At McLacchlis v Swap's. PiCKKLS by the dozen or barrel, t a suueiiur o.oal ityj crnstaijtly ou hand At McLSfGHUN i Swan,s. IpiGS.Thocnlate, Maple snaar, assorted Jeliies, Can Peaches. Pepper sauce, Atut-hroorn catsup, Worces tershire sauce, &c , &.c, At McLaughus A Swax 3 FLOUR, Butter, E,?es. Bac n. etc.. stc. - . At Ilcl-augbiia & Swan'.s LAND FOR SALtf. The beautiful tract of Land known as the "nay wood Farm," contaning lfiO acres, situated one mile West of Brownville. is for sale app'y to lS-4tpi WILLIAM n. liOOVER. INDIA Rubber and Horn, Dressing, Pv?kM rd tins Comb', Wooden P.icket combs, roadcro Poaches, Walieta, Fish Hooks and lines, &.c, . At ilcLAUGHLiy & SWAX3. Ayers Cherry Pectoral 4 -.3 An Independent Democratic Dai ly, S?ni-Weelily. and Weekly. New3paper. UNION QF THE WORLD AND - - ; ARGUS. lich ths New York Weekly Argus The World, tow brbecn united, ha to-divy ir, :i lat'n n of any Dea:oer e times te - Hgre tic or cct.-k-ntiye r.cnt.r It aeir-vs weck'j. aloh tQ.;re th! ! 100,000 sub.'piiteTS r..u roastaat puivhasers, at.i i.-er.-, a!-i With tho at lertSt UUt. Uiiii.ou ic-Liicrb. .ftiiv increase iu circulation win -n it new ft.j .ja, h.-c numbers will ;on be dou-' led. Nothing less than thisshtutd s.-tht j tho.o who Loritve mat otiiy hope of restoring the Uclr. snJ the authority t,f the Constilutiou over a d n.v ciwtraetsd aud di- iM.d iMunrv. lies ;a wresting p.wrr from he hncil? of thoirt faiit-..C's: :iss tu ij. invite, aod pi olong the ih..t thi.s es.d, no titans is e cff.vivs kj d to provike, tu iic-oini'lish thu diiFu-icn. tbrvuith-nhie ;;nd c:.f..-rr u'rwsp'vosrs, tf ?ou:i i ai.'.'.r.g thr "wv.rki.'jg men, the pviitical knuwUage thinking men rni the Toiit.gueji of the Nvrth. Enterprise, industry and U!,.-uey will be liberally' expended to m kt l i'o W. r!d the Best Newspaper in America- Its news from very p irt of tfie world wiil be early aud nthcatin. Whroverthe telegraph rtirt,ad' run "r steamboats ply, it w I! gather the latest ia'tliigr-ie. If, ha a l.irge st of accomplished ccrrpp-idents wii;h al? tbeiederai armies, who will tekgrfiph ned write t.i u.4 the lates", tews from the vari-'iM seats nf war. It hji corics por.d'Tits and r-vortcis in everv political, and com mercial centre in AMerieneud Europa, whose letters and disp-itcbes will lero nothing worthy of not Unknown to its readers. The Market P.ports of tho World re mere cam plere than those of any other newspaper. The Editors invite comparison in this respect and point to the reports of the Cattle Markets, the general and country Produce Markets, and the Money Mar ket in its columns, as proof of its excellence in this respett. The world. ha also a special department devoted to Agriculture, filled 'With editorial artichs communications from practical farmers and m3ciian ics of the country. The war in wbicb the nation is engaged .-gainst armed and infotnated Rebels, and the radical policy of the administration whic5! prolongs it, have con spired to bring together upon ore platform all con servative. Union-lovirfi and Constitute n-ljvkg men, of whatever former n;vm an 1 erced. . M. iy of those who Tithin the limit? of the Ccsti : uibn, fotfght the battles of the ballot bv- un -r the leadership of those patriotiat.itesmao of -.K' r and better days, Henry CJr.y aai .Daniel TTe'ister, to gether with the mr,s?e? wh:-e principle weretbise of st.cb patpots as Andrew Jaoksoi atid Wil!ia;n L Ma icy, Silas Wright aud Stephen A. Douglas, urw stanf sb-.-ulder to shaalder npiu the same plattVroi is a plir nr.e. It ia to restore the Union, maintain the CcnftHUTtoD, and enforce t"he laws. Whatever makes for tb;s end, the exercise of force if the policy T conciliation. The World wiil advocate; whatever makes against it, The World wilt oppose. It willippote every enrmy totbe Union, whether armed in rebellion at the South or insidiously plant ing the seeds of disunion and essential disloyalty at the North. ' It wiltopfH se every Ttolation of the Constitution which is the only ht pe and bond of Union, and our only authority fur exhorting or compelling the alle giance of thaSoutn. It w ill oppose every infraction of tbeLaw,in high p'-scvs'vr in low, by r.ckles? and "misguided pHrti saps, or by the admioistrati'jn which has been their example. - , It will far!es3ly exercise the Freedom-of the Press ; it will coui.ntly uphold and defend Free dom of speech and Kre'.-uotn of the Ballot. To the lawless acts f the Administration, its RrbitrfTtid unjust srre-t? nd expatriations, its denial of tl.e right to the writ of haltas"oorp4j, its illegal prcclarcafcions. ils aSrogatiun of Jtateand federal laws, its despt t:c nccuaiulauoo3 of ungrant tl power, aid its gybersija. of tue safeguards Vf civil sod. pert onal liberty, t cocstktxtly op-lose theletterand the spirit of cu'rsoprema liiwan l the advocacy of set nd dvcfiis". until Amcricair fru'- men shall be rousea to the reoo ery of their rig its, their liberties; the r laws a"d tufcir limited and well babinffcd goYernmeot, by the resistless decision of the ballot. Profoundly impressed with the dasire tooontrl- buteall thas it may to the great work of this gener ation, namely, to restore our national unity, and to place the Unite t States again formost among the nation? of the earth, ami ia tne peace, pros perity, and happiness -f its , people. The World seeks from those who desire such thing- their sym and surrwrt.aad, s,bove all, the fitvor. of ilim wi. crowns every good work: TERMS. ' DAILY WOULD. Yearly Subscribers by mail $3 00 SEMI-WEELY WORLD, Single subscribeni, per a ouuiu Si?tj0 Two copies to one addrts 5 0 Three " " . . "- five " - " V. 00 Ten u ' 22.50 WEEKLY WOULD. Single Subscribers, pr ar-fuai 'f Urt-o-cojiies address on each ;.ay. Five ". Ten ... m" Twentv copies fall to on1 address $3 .CO 5.00 . ' ; in' a.idrcss .i.t r.'i T ot ten .cer: t Clubs ol tw. ntv or over ca ve t-aeh papvr fcr aq additi each. For every club of twenty an ex' added for the Ketter up of the cjnb, r c- py wi !1 be ;! v, and for For every club of Cfty. ihe Si-a-.i- rrorr !:-.! fif one , u n.i 1 J.d . th.2 D.iilv ;Till lSf'.,:. when reijuesttd, in lieu of tbc.extta copies of Weakly Additions to Clubs may bo mode at any tirao at suue rates. Papers cannot b-3 cbangjd fr-m one Club to another, but on request of the person order ing the Ciub, and on receipt of fifty cents extra, dngle papers will be taken frem the Club and s, nt to a seperate address. All orders must be accompanied by the Cash Address. THE WOULD. 35 Park Bow, New York. To ConsnniptlTes. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable pre scrintion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma Bronchitis, and all thrct and Lung affections. free of charge.) by sending 'heir address to Rev. EDWARD A. WlLi)N, Kings Co. New Tcra. MOLINB PLOWS, 500' On band and to arrive at D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouse, 20 and 22 Third Street, ST JOSE1P.H, MO "FtA 242S-t f., OJJ'u'e Collector of Internal Rtteue, ) Dit. ff the Ter. of lira sir. K'tbl nkl City. Jrn20.13C5. SPECIAL iXCOM E TAX.. N"s''ce is hereby, given, th it the Li't of Taxes Hsap-S'il in accordance with the provisions of the, Joint I.e.s'nution of Congress, approved July 4th 18'H, impoiDg a Siecial Tax of five per centum u?on V'.f prcS's r income, for ibe year en- dipg Decemboro 5, hs been returned to me by the Asessor of this- District, c 1 that said taxes ara row dne and payab'e, and pxyui -nt thereof is hereby demand d : ard that I in pr.-on or by deputy, attend at tbeffuce of Charles G. Djrsey in the Oity of hroWnvuIe. in ccuiah County, on Monday, the 15th day of February 1365, for the purpose of receiving said Mi -s. All pernors who shall neglect to pay the amount of their taxes bireby demanded, on or before the day last above named, will be liable to pay a penal- (t ten per centum additional, an! a fee of twenty cents for service'ef a special demand and noti 'e,to geiher witb four cents a mile travel fees, actually and necessarily-traveled fo wi.ike service thereof, OtSce hours, from B o clock A. M., to b. V. M. JA.MtS SWFh'T, 21 2t 57,50 CoPeetor. ' PROBATE NOTICE- To all whom it may concern, notice i ber'by given that Monday the 31st day of July. 1855. is the time set to bear and determine all claims airniust the Eftate of Joseph Ginder, deceased. Persor s baring claim? against said estate wiil file tbera in the Probate olTico of Nem.b.k County by that time or they wilk be foreyer barred therefrom. XJ . V.PA.lllulkl- no-20-4t p'd. ' Probate Judge. SMOKING and Chewing Totacco Ci?srs piies plp stems and ToIiacco Poui hes. in sre tt va :e:y, AtfflChaiif!miiitb-u'3. T iTACKKRAL. Lrke. Trout, TTbite fish, Cod.1 sh, etc. i - - ' l J-lfJ. constantly unhand A.t Mcliaujsthdin & Swan's. THB best Flour from theL. S. V. G. Kill in quarter half ard ahoie.Acls kept AT U'LAtGlTinr ft SWA1TI ' ii Mllll CAN - A MONTHLY RFAGARINE- The most comprehensive mi-'ccUany ef u:fui ! ktiowio.i,J ana ueiienu i.wcrA.urv, pori j;oa.:y is- 6ud ia lh United S'-atis: eaiOraciflg ail the turcs ct a l'oly tecbun: Jourr.:I, Ec;noini.: i"x;n.siti4 I defoied U r ina i:ial. t u.u'"rt i;l an ! Iiv.m- - i trial I Qtcreats a;i4 aia jtnt soca corjorati in eou- i-erns. . IUvir.z c.'tjmcnced the i u ta ve.taie of tbi Mav- izinc, who'e sacves evinces tDat i he efforts f its havu L,:ra appreciated t a uiacr ml uaiitig i ui'lic. wo' Wbuldi c'j atteutioo t iii cuax- ;tcr or. t;,a part or the large h; ' c readers are not yet upon us subscription Li.;'. tur aur pose in this publication, is - the diaseotipatit n J practical infornjatiuo on sui-Jects pf po.vla.'.i utiliM 10 the peui;le,crubiuf!d with a cir-;rsi;y of lilera-y attraetko. eecunc the services of the b-. j.i; ia the various departments .f S', Belie?-Lcuiet' Piid t -ni r-l literature.. . Wh!.5 aiming iy3. s peoialiy to rou'de'r most e'ec;ire scrv.uj t the Trade, Coirmerce at;d Material rrcdusti; n f tat Country, many ides of the Country, Kany sides ol the met tal world recti ?e de fonsideraot ths Bistarkil, Critical, Ji-thctica! nd Imjg:nalive, as well as the financial, Statisticitl, Tochnoltgi -a; and strio'ly Msrealitile. 'We employ aiika tha ro scach k. the savant and the fancy of the feuiision Vit, with the prac tical experience of the bu: inesa iiiAn ar.d tho worker. Iu tic treatment of soienwiis topics, the m ;do sel acted is the p.;-ular ia s;yi raiher ;hui; th ; tccanijl. TLo iit-ujal phasj (1 tho hour it. h .-tl I be our eu de.ivor to portray, a id we avaii ourselves of the contributions uf new LVseov eiy tu the- Circlo cf ' Kuowiedgs, and shall record with all practicable succincicess Current Intelli gence; which' will be of future ntillity and historic interest when the Present shall bate bcotre the Past. In fine, the Ainericrn Exchange and Review is a desirable and ever welcome moc,ihly .tu tor tc its ubscribeM imparting the richness of knav lelgs improving the taste, and farnis'ainj intell jotual gratification. . The Keview has its specialities in distict and in creasing Departments, with a General Division for the widest consistent scope cf themes. We give a specification of topics which are the Enbjec.3 eliher of occasional orjregular publication, ' viz: The Arts, jEsthoties: Agriculture, Applied Chem istry, Archaeology, Bel'es-LetUr. Biography., Criti cism, Economics Political, ., Arithmetic National Taxation: Finance banking, currency, Corpi'ration "Accounts, Exchange, Fluctuations in Securities, Stocks : Iliatjry, Industrial and Jlsrcacti'e enter prises, insurance, internal Improvement Ki,ilway Canals, Telegraphs; Manufactures Product.', terh tolozy: Mechanics, Mining Mineral-gy, i;.?o. MeUlIurgy; Patents, Physics, physiology, st tidies social sience: trade foreign and domestic:, shipping mercantile law, Navigation; Topography, Tneis SDBSCBIPTIONS IN THE-CSITXD STATIS One copy, one year in advance . ? 3 09 Five copies " " N ' 12 CO Ten 20 00 Ticn paid at the end of the year, 4 00 per an nam. singlo copy. Sample copy mailed on the re ceipt of 15 cents. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. Single copy per aannm postage paid. Canada. $3 72 Cuba, ' 3 72 Great Britain and Ii eland, ,6 00 France, 3 72 Germany, 3 72 West Indies. rBritisbT 3 72 West Indies. Nor British. ' 8 00 South America fWesf. Goast! 8 0C FO WLEIi A MOON, Proprietors. No. 521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE " . SIENTIFIC AMEPJCAN. FOR 1S61 The publishers of the SIENTIFIC aM'CRICaN respectively irive notice that the Tenth Volume (N;w Serits will commence on the "first of January next. 1 his journal was established in lolj.aaj is nii'ioubtodly the most widely circulated and miiaen tial publication of the kind in the world. Ia com ineucing the new volume the publishers desire to call special attention to its ciaimsas A JOURNAL OF POPULAR SCIENCE. In this re:-poet it standi unri?jil -tl. It aat only Cods i:s wav to almost every workshop in the country, as the earnest fri'-nd nf the mcei anic and arfizen. but it is fousd in thn counti' of h lu.MiUta-tarer and the merchant; al-o in th library and ta hvchoid. The publishers feel wsrranted in s)'!iig liiut n other jonrual now publii-o '.c.i) tains an equal amount of useful information: hiii it is their aiiu to present ail ubjects in the most popular nd attractive manner. ihe Sientilio American ir published once a wek, in convenient form fur binding, and each uumb;r coiua'u.s 8'iteeD pages ef useful readiuj; m:lcer, iihi?tratod with , Sl'MFECTS FPEDID ENGRAVINGS of all the -latest and best of ti e d iy. 1 iiis lVavnrn or the journal U worthy ;" ?p .-ia! rotu. Evcrv nuii'her c,r.ti.:s from Pv? to ten ri- iff.t irir ef mv-hani'i tivr4ti j r .d at ii.: .iviii ' very uvprt':ic ...u.,ed iv it of '.Uc artists iris. These arc exa h paper. sM-eivt v e oj ployed . id Jii-e universally ackrcwlodge 1 to be "s.-.jr.jr to cf 'lie lini pr- d-ci ia this cor; allisbcr? the -i-.-.t iii-.: Ajrric-i ntry. :. t 'ho : rese-i is Ji.rii. vrc.'ding 7J.w, a!) ii; in Svter.n: It iii.iecrin it., ' ' ' . - -. Wii'i! n-e mi'iti-r-; jinl t-vk'. ";rt -lris M-'cIiiuic Ti-- is, Mi'.iiu'';$tur r- i.n. i.ixiery, Watr v-Lec Puma- au-1 other fijdiu;ia Apparatus, 'il:.-use;b'-ld Utecsiis. Electric, Cuemiciti anl Mech.i.iUal Instru men's Flying MikChiues, sad other Cari' us Inven lions besides all the varied . articles djsiced to lighten the liboj ct sx.ati.kin4, not only u. tiie sh ip and waiftccse, but iu every placa wh;rethein dustriee e.f life are purxued. From i ti commencemeut. tae Scien' American has b-- a t'ii earnest advocate of the rights of alii ru nii Iui etitor;-, and th. BEPERTORT OF AMICA5 patests. In this. important department, so vitally connect ted with all the great interests c the country, no other journal can lay any claim whatever; asm V columns there is published a weekly OS.-ia! List of the ''Claims of all patents granted at the L Patent Oilice. THE PRACEICAL' RECIPE? alone are oft times worth more to thr subscriber than the amount of a whole year's subs.;i ption. ; v EEP?: OF SnBSCIPTI05. Two volumes t,t in tfcisa. iao americ;tn are pub Iishcd each yeai, at $1,50 e.ieT, or 3 per per annum witn corre;p LCiCi low terms to Clubs: :f I for four months' soLsc-rioiion. The nambers f r one year, when bees 1 in a volnm?, tonstitu'e a work of S32 pages tf useful information, hlch every one ought, to possess. new 'volume commence on the first of January, ISod. CLUB SATES. . will Fiyecppi?3, for six months 3 Ten copies, for six months 12 Tun copies for twelve months 22 Fifteen copies, for twelve monthJ 34 Twrtnty copies, for twplve months 4 F-r all dubs of tv enty and oyer, the y?ir?y mb senption ia only Barnes ci;n ljseutinat d'.lfereiit times aud from different Post OfEoos. spveimea copies trill bo sent gratis to ny part of tlie country. Canadian subscribers will please to reait 23 cents extra on each years subscription toprejy postage MUNN A CO , Pul lishcrs, No. 37 Park Row, Few York. CHOICE LIQUGES. Wholesale and Retail Evan Worthing1, OF TIIE 0112 3 -i iljfij' BROWNVILLE, His J':st Rcceired the largest and best t'oca Liquors- an:l Cirfofsever dtTerel la lhis niariet, aud wiil se:l them as low as any lloUse ia lio Territory. WIIITXCY'S I5I.OCK, Main Street, Brocvnvillg Feb. 4 , T4 yly. COAL OIL, bent qnaU'y cUnaed Carton oil. Lamf LiaineTS and W tct ATL.4 V 71 LIX JTPT. EST RAY'. COWS. . h the undersigned livinr n-ar Glen Rook, Nebraska ,one urge orowa vow. ni-- i.r, . 1 .- . Kiy-ir rmr r.Hind the left eye. half crop o!r the right ear, l-o. one Urge b'ack Cow .etter "Con rihthip. Loh .upposed to be 7 yea s old in th Spring. U-3t p'd JONATHAN GILL. PKOSPKCt 14 i A A 3 Mm! H ;: .m LA.Lil, Uii-H f-.r KIT i . r. si U; .--IU ill I j ir,trest. Tl. Ti'xr w i'oom nf tha 11 IS . Off lnil I' truftv.1, ar-1 S'.avnrv 0f,' r,j . r -SI :n ; . ' J': ti.- iito-y cf l uie the rvturij rf ft tba reproach .f n:f.i.jVDt '5"? n en a higher p;;;0; a f k.":. .--. f-l a sti.l pr.i'uuuior ic;. -V-' ' " tbepn.gress of their -jih t wor.d is euterm t, n t ' -to trruiciit is, the trj. ,.'r wi'k,e f.tu 'w' ' a-ipuire a new ard tr-aA 3. P'.' t .!B'g eut t. ly de Lie ted in :iie chi- 3 ti."?.-.. weure res.ovel reracr lirrorofPjLssa,- Inspu-edby the splniof J ledgmg no leader but Xo ocsat will eontmoe to Ur'ji' Peqie, and promt t to imr- j portical or military isr,; , their cause. . In addition to oor War ia bur Weekly papor the Tj and also an abstract ol tis and of the Proceediun of L- " aadlili-vi.. r it? utir t .i-v eoHiy, w tantNewj,Uaui -" : - the lan-ortai of the uiiy TEE DAILYDD- Shall not be excelled bj j, e nave luiproveu our arscpfc- SPECIAL TELEO?: ! Fn.ui Wasbiptc-ajfroa ti Lf-, ; from the Missoan and ;.4 will be publisheij in sil.i. .1 -M k ARMY CORRESFir Aud our usuaj quality ol . Wo rsaest ail Posttna.tin f Agenta. ' . Send for epeciintn nambi i t Prospectus for di3t:'.jc;il-BtiiiLj-ly forwarded. ' Semi as maay name ti jy their papers stmt to e: t.t-a- the Postmaster or ths ft:f 3j t a It is not required! Lit;; 'a shall be sent to ca-i ItUrc'' sent to dilEerent Oilcesjitjjc... at acy tiin . The fol!owiDgar90iirritfr; . DAILY DEMCC Mail Subscribers one year - Price to News Dwilers - - TRI-AVEEK.Y EEL Mail Subscribers one jw WEEKLY WAT, Single Copies one yr - Three Cc.pies - Five Copies - - - - - Ten Copies - - - Any larger Club than tn tl ' rate of oee dollar acd a halt pr The above rates f.x sil i- payable ia advanc?. Orders not accorapaaied tiia: ceive ni attention. All ws-s of tithr I:,'crv:' at the end of the time rau' r. MeKEE.FISIlLUCiir 41 and LI LuCJ.-tr:. GET IT YOtU CUE?' NEW AND SPtl'-t'- PETESON'S M THE UEfiT A?D CHEArt'i Tu.- 'p..?u!ar Mon'Vj money than any 2Igai i ? " it will hve nearly to") pT? - 12 colored oatterns. anl :-' a'l this f..r only Tw i ' las t'"nn ntag-.ninea of U tak-." In :r j Trices, its is the oily .V.,-v . - its pri---s, either f- t and is. iher-jfj.'9: - '' -' tiie Ti 'i-'S. The -lories ia best pabl .he I tr.ja'.' V.y.a. I...d nn V"s.Lr! srt ji:. 'a. 'f hen tih .f"Su.-yU !? ; L. Chanl-r Moulf-n. Gii..-.'. -Townsen i. U-salie Gr.-J. Liu.hor of -The S- -oi I L-y ixr.mlar retnale "r! '' " eontriit.f,.M. In S3 t i siii,' ..,;. the re Oriip-U Copy-righted IheMaiJof Ibsr-i Ann S. Stephen?.. Th fjT to-d.iy, Bv the adtier Maud's Sumxer at '' Benel ct. Fanny's -'"u In its Illustrations :.-, ' The publisher chail ,' ' superb Mei'Wt'tat aun oX those in other Ma . in every number. Cm-i j "h vance:It is the on -Jr ',. Ilatescan le relied uu.- -FHshioo Plates. nKi"-. Irom Fashions late' thao'? ; also, a dozen or n,,r ' Wood: also, a Pattern, -f or child's Custouie b.- , mantua-maker so rt;t ". will save a year's s-iby-'-J Philadelphia and N -r'. Hi ler-rth ench moiith. , . v Ilea l brcssss.ic, S;r'" ' l" . em braid cry.erhe'.. ' ..; The W,.ik- fable Pepsf- wholly unrivaled, r more patterns ia every Crochet. EmbriJervi trurk,e.,4e.fA5..Kvrj-., pattern for siipp-o,'. lup m.r given each tirty cent3. ' . Our New Ccck-r , . hold Receipt cf;ra, 1S-54 our "Cer.k-Booi one of these receipts. o ml.r sis weil wcrth the V-'.i ceipt5fv.r the tuilet-.e, - ' I't!. ' v aa,it J New and f jskionst- fy And hints on H -rti'-i -0;. matters interesting w.." . ,v TERMS AL'A15 Ona c'.ry f t one yen', T! '.;af.,r(ll'"irl 1 UUDTOJ"1!.- - - Five copieJ for one i Ei-ht Copies f-r oa-' I TUS'l Sixteen copies r . f ji? Premiums tor eight, or more cope. ron getting up aciw dolUis or acao . 4 dollars and a hail -c " , ting ten dollars or a to f fift.-eu d-l'ms. an tx' 1854 will be given. j i nerd a a nrcmiutJt ' , ,i- and Iilnstmtsd LJ in rdf.oreit.w -hZl inches by 2 - Biir-d Child, in J"- J. ing for Um !W getting up theMa.iz;ne wm be premiums. 4.1 ?. nost-r"1' ITT I'.xtmvstsrs e'3", If' vu.r,n HUT ?f t UP a co' tously, if 'written f-r- , nTfr TO Th?undeHzneJ. j,!'-1 mecurg lor iJ r" 1 L.tfl". ers.on the first -7'fl ' P M, at the ct arm ri'il '9 '' ir'' are rejuir"u i- previous to thecoiflE T-r-! - - Hit-: it TTIUS hishft aiarie r gHKP sum" ' .JJ ,d white tail. L wjicst DAkxtkd. .S