Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 02, 1865, Image 3
Sen Eki ;u5t arrived at a C -TO Piei.tfT ran 1S bcilght ''i t S.V'D. I; ",f Boo-s just arrived at .a'' to want3 of Will' cull ta b;ai. aiid examine .rs- a r flVA 4 TT C a tier, if Jre U1J orreJ' . ted :ry it- UjfT. La just receivad his ct cf Coukiojr Stovts, which ;i at reduced prices. "je, of Nebraska City, Lnd a ,o:se stolen from his atatle one ctk. ' a Co. 'a is the cheapest U-tabliihacul in the West, and i j3 kurpaed by cone in style, -ish, or quantity. f::.e,new Scenery will doubt .ere soon. All who desire a p. with a fplendid back-ground u!d call ou hira. acres of splendid bottom land, J the Little Nemaha Rirer. u eiht milts of this city, for iuire at this office. Jare lakes No. 1 Daguerreo j'.roiyp'.'F, Melenoiypes, Photo j. iu la:t, any kind at style of iovin to the Art. rrmtT laj rs, which has been "tLraska Ci:y during the winter, sa ibis morning. A number of wetii for new goods. tinker, turn! while yet you J cu;.li your be auty ere its form , j U lVikiiiS and having r wrek looks scant in sue fr j-fiper, but it not j lime, we are utider oblcatiun Doft for vb.a vt-. Us issue, r. May Morri., ot iL vypr Drug Store, hand a complete a.-ortment of -j:t in a hrt tla?s establishment, on retonable Ictihs and uder s tusiness thoroughly. irn that forty bead of mule were last wet k, while attempting to : ice on the Missouri nvex, near Wirt. i news to us, and, we doubt net, : ojr readers at Peru. : inimitable Grocers, McLaughlin , have reduced the business to a They d j the largest business of ia this city, and yet we hear ..iU?, but all unite in tommend m and their wares. cp-Shop, second-hand Jew goods at Atkinson Si Cos Clothing Their stock is purchased cf re mtrican Houses, east, and is laid an eye to economy both to the ?r and seller. Try theia. f the worst scow storms of the 'is.tcd this section last Saturday, r.ied winds. almo: Z to a rale. Sunday was dark srrreeablr, and Monday had a Peasant snow storm, covering -nd to ihe depth of about eight ia all. npiure cf Charleston quite un-1-astern markets, and prices of 'is ltjJ gold are tunUing. How Lord, hew long," will it be ere pCt-ct prices here. During the ?te weeks co lon goods have de- c cents cn she yard at St. Joseph. -2re on hand, and for sale, about r,d$cf metal, which is pronounced ' "'hitiists equal to Babbit Metal 1 r-?. and oibr-r work abnut machin v ill sr x,s at av.oul one half " (f Babbit Metal. Thoe in reed 'tis 4v 'ti make money by calling vere ppa5d to see Cpt. A. G. of Co. C. N(b. Militia, formerly thcM. E. Church of thi city, 'hue was one among the 1st who -ed l0 ike call of the Governor, rallied around him a comnanv - "rn irom 1 awnee COuntV. There ' tti5e wt of Bruwcviite. i f.r aal arptv to All t ; - o n ' Hare' Gallery" aaJ Chemicals 'ore o: lUC iCil. itiS V t 1 1 ' T " to get the best lhi, u-i'd produce the i n. TBUK.5P AT, MAi:CH 2, 1SC5 j finesl tfi-cCl Qn a pjcluI,.; while with Li - :7" . . ' J 1 Jr experience, assisted by the teal p- L O-C'lA. X-. . j pararj, tLld tbeiuicaii, we fell wurrai.i- . .u, j(frj;ffrt,Kxntiti4i.r, iU'i'.iTiU,i ej jn aursj!'rali a ro.d riotui wLj i.y j give biiu a trial. Next Monday, at 1- 'cl:c is ;e Cu. l.sve Gretrlty's Almanac, time, for electing a School Director . 1- I Ercwcville Ci:v D.trict. This will Director for :y L). Anci. iiiis win oe wart's Ilaiid Planter one per- U position requiring both energy and j: t fiem S ty 10 acres a day. i tuins t parity this year, as the Dew SeLouJ House rx.uit Ic lu:Lt this bummer. Let all be prompt, aud vote for a good man. The Le?uty if our n ail j-yait-ru is ex---mplifii d in the' fact 'hat our "Ladies' Friend" for Ftlrvarv. has iuj-t come to ml hand. This l umber is equal to its pre decessors, and s-jn p$ ihi as drcidrdiy - ihe best" Ladies" Book extant. It should be in every family. Price 52,o0, per 2 copies, S4 ; 9 copies, 16, and 21 copies 35. Specimen copies, 15 cents. Ad dress, Deacon k. Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. ' . A Valuable Tarm For' Sale. cn the Missouri Bottom, nearly, opposite ibis City. The whole tract offered is 340 acre; 100 hundred acres under cultiva tion, with a No. 1 fence, au good two story log house ; a good well near the house. There is 20 acres cf good tim ber cn the tract. It is only one-fourth of a mile from the line of the Platte Country Railroad. Such an opportunity as this is rarely offered. Call at this tice." v "A Fortune!" may undoubtedly be made by patronizing the great Gift En terprise of Girard V. Devough & Co., er becoming an Agent for the same. Their list of articles is certainly brilliant for the amount cf money you have to in vest, and their forte is integrity and dis patch in business. Read tbeir advertise ment, in to day's paper, then send for SI worth of chances, and you'll never regret iL Th late ratn and heavy snows have raised the "Little Nemaha higher than it has ever been within the knowledge of the "eldest inhabitant." Directly we of this citv, nar the new bridge, the water, we are informed, rose two feet in , , , , the bouse on tfce low bottom. e un- A itn.i Pir Whiilniv'- .f derstand that l eter unitlow a noc. or : sheep were all drowned ' , -r of the Iew The dirt at both euds n,;B hMr I nni, i.-u-snhfrd avvjiv ' ' - j nakinv it almost linrossible to get oti or cn with a loaded wacon This should be ioA , , -.A t.lvr , attended to lmmed .tfly. a m m m - . ... tail auwuwvu w - ,f M r, 0 TI 1 p. p. e?sr-. G. S. HaM.ins U Co., in ot r narer This is one cf the o'dest and . ... 1 ' Among tne many emuier.i gcniiemen u un most favorably known house in their line ! testified ia favor of ' Fills, we mar mentiou : , , Vt. 11 . 1 1 i - 1 i Prof. J. M. Lcas Analytical Chemist, of Cin of trade. Their well est.ibluhed repu-1 wh0!j h-lga profonal character is eo lation is a-Pfrfect cuarantee f gainst un-1 dorsed by ; f . . I John McLjfx, Judge of the Supreme Court ox fair dealing, and anv one waning to pur- j chase Jewelry of any description, will do well to try the scheme offered by Messrs. Haskins A Co. The list they advertise for one dollar each is certainly very attractive and cffer a great char ce to obtain useful ad ornamental articles at a low price. A Pater tor the Soldier, the Sail or asd the Family Circle. Harry Hazel's " "Yankee Blade," published weekly. Devoted to Facts. Fiction and the Romance and Spice of the Universal Yankee Nation. Each number contains first-class Sto ries, Tales, Adventures, Lesrnds, Drum head Sermons, Comic Sketches, Wit and Humor, Foetry, News and Information for the Miliin. Terms : S3.00 per year in advance. Single copies sent on receipt of 5cts. Address, JONES c CO.. Publisher, 32 Congress, Su, Boston, Mas. CHOICE LiaUOES. Wholesale and Retail Evan Worthing:, OF THE n H u b BROVv'NYILLE, n Jnst RTired the In'zest arJlet axw'k o. Liqu -rs ai d ever t fleiel In iliis marfeet.ani eU tbeuias low as any Iloie in ike l'e;ritorr. YiII2TAETS ELOCIt, J.Iain Street, Brownville Feb. 4, '6 4 y!y. r ' COAL OIU bet iT-UtT cUiiSei Carbca cil. Lann AT LIUh'ALIX srrx. SALT T the brrel or pound, F:ne Dairy Salt, foi Sale ' At McLatthlis Swan's. PtCKELS br 1 tie dor.en cr barrel, i; a uinrivr l:y, crtitnt!y ua hc 1 At JIcLtrcaMX A Swax.s. FIG Chocolate, Jtiple near. at-mrted JelMp. Can r a-be. Pepper auce, Uuhrtoni titscp, Worres tershire aaace, H.c , Jlc, At McLircnLis A Swan's ,T7LOUR.J Butler, Epe. Bcon. esc.. c J? If T.T-T.r, ch!in . Ct.. - " 1 LAND FOR SALE. The benntifal tract cf Lsni known a the4 Ilay r a irn sms . ,i . a . " "a I m i u , vi'ii tnn fiijj ilv w. .v.-", c-1 t o v juv Sthen m'.tA ic i j . 16-4tp'd WILLIAM D. HOOVER. o the brave rren who rpnr, T ' TKmA R,i,;f"r orn- nw c ir.en W no responded in A Couib.. vro,.vien Pocket .mbs. lo-cro raachet, 1 0 our Territory j TalUti, rb Hiwini i. . ' At XcLAVGULM SWAXS. , i in -SEWING MACHINES. '.! E"nEE SHUTTLE MACH'IIEH! Patented February litb. lSCO. S.7LESR O O M, BR OAB WA 1", .V, Y.2S2 VSASIILYGTOX.'SI. BOSTOX THIS MACCiy C is conitruetr-d on etiilreJv new j-rim ij'!'! i,f iartjiiiai. jposc-iipg ifl-mj rre And Tfclualie iiiiprortweiiU, having Lt?u Kiiiiij-iJ Iijf tli tautl rcf'ocitd Xeris, l jo Li;oU0'-el to be EnEj'iJcity atd Perfection Corabinea. It ha a rtnibt iieoile. -errDdicii!)r Miion, mike the LUCK, or bUri'J LK MITCH, Lijh will neither Kll'or KAt!,aci is alike on both : p.rfo'Ci.' j.-zrfwt fwiu - ua ertrj dtcri tios .f icau-r:!, from Lm uiici to the fut-ii "oaitK.k Mu-iiti, K itU otiit..u, !ioon or sili tbreij, froui tfce coaresi to th Cneit number. HiiiD ctiiUr CAM n..r COG fVCEEL. an3 the p jbis frkiin, it ma a emuotU -Isxn, - Emphatically a Ioiselesg llacli:ne. It rt'iirea FlcTY I'Eit CHNT ie.-a p-jwer to d:iTe it uj oiler Machur iu tb: market. A ii l t-cire eur f can wurk .1 sieaiii!, wilb cut fatigue ,r iojcrj to h-oti:u. It5 streniii end VM)derfuI Simrlici-v of con- structiuD rttider it !at iruHMtio t j get vut of c:(ier,Dj u OLAUi.Mi.Lj Ij the ceuijjauy to give entire eatis'ajtion. WerefpectfuJIy invite all those who may desire to surpiy themselves with a tnperior a:ticle, to come mud examine this Unrivklkd Vachiae. liut in a tuore eecial manner do we bolieit the patronage of XlercfcfTit Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop SVi: tilanufao- turers, h.Lrt tZid boson Uak- era. Corset Makrg, Gaiter Fitters. Bhoe binders. Vest and Pantaloon liakers, Dress ULakers. RJijiou end Cktiritalle Institution! will be lile r ally dealt with.- Prices of machine Complete: No. 1, Family Machine, with llemmer, Feller and Lraider, CO ?o. 2. Small Manufacturing, with Extension Tble 75 No. 3 , j arge Manufacturing, with El tension Tabje F5 2Co. 4, Lars Manafacturir.ij, for Leather, with lulling Foot and Oil Cup 100 One kaJf Aor' iittruction i tnjlci'nlto enalte any 2ron to vorlc tki$ Machine to their mlin tatiyuction. Agents Wanted for all towns in the United States, where Agents are njt already cstabii.-hed. Alio for Cuba, Mtxio, Central aud South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Terms invariably Cah ea delivory. T. J. ilcArthur & Co., 26 Hrmdway, New York. A. i Co. i52 Wasbiiiion,St..Tj!ton. 720 Chestnut St. I'hila. GEO. FRANZ, Agant, 1C2', 4th, St. Lou'iJ, Mo. Feb. 2.65. ly AYER'S "PILLS, Axzvr and s:n7ularly successful remedT tor uia ( cure of all Bilious diseases Cosnveness, Indi j Ssstion. Jaundire, Dropsy, Rheumatism, F'even . out, Humcrs, Ncrvousne'ss. Irritability, Iuflammar j tions. Headache, Fains in the Breast, Side, Back, ; nil T.imha Wm ale Connlaii!ts. Arc. &c. Indeed very few are the diseases in which a Purged veMedi- cine is not more or less required, and tench sick . BeBS 1 might be prevented, if a harm- : less but effectual' Cathartic were more freely used-j K. iVtm rMtivtl habit of body prevails; besides, it soon generate serious anc often fi-tal diseases, which miglit have been avoidec j v. the timelr and iudicious use of a rHd purgative ' A V ?J Ms A Vy uw " ' - ' a l - ? . A m, ..Mmntf9 nnJi This M alike troe 01 wiw,revmanynipuiiiib,H. Bilious derangements, l nev an ter.u 10 uecome or produce the deep seated and iorm:cuuie aiMiempers all nvpr thn land, lience a reliable family physic is of the importance to ' the public health, and this Pill has been perfected ' with consummate skill to tnrei that demjjad. An IAKU511C a, 1 iiu ui ja9 va j ? 1 vuiB, aajjt a v w., mm. - ' jr o j uiv nuiig tiibiicri iu miiuvfii 1 care been eitectcd ucyonfi beliet, were tney not sua- ltantiated br Demons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the auspicion of untruth. I the United btates. Thos. Uorwix, hecretary ot tne 1 reasury, Hon. J. M. "Wkight, Governor of Indiana. N. Longwokth, great wine grower of the West Also, Dr. J. IL Chiltox, Practical Chemist, of IVw York CiV, endorsed by Hox. W. L." Makct, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astor, the ricLest man in America. S. Leland t Co. Propr'a of the iletropolitan Hotel, and mafiy others. Did space permit, we could give many nun area certificates, from all parts where the Pills have j been used, but evidence even more convincing man the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trLJ. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public aa the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical nrocess in a state of puritr, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This tystem of comjosition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy thnn had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance erf. ployed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it ia elf-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine hould be taken under the counsel cf an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate FonuuliE by which both my Pectoral and Piils are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any one who has not receded them, they will be tromnt!v forwarded bv inai! to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are oifered, how few would be Liken if their compos tion was Known l Their life contra in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge oa the subject freely acknowledge their cocrrictious of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronouwed by scientific men to be a wonderful jiedicine before its c.Tccts were known. Many em inent Pnysiciann have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to" purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the 6tomac'A, boweis, liver, and other orsrans of the body, restoring their irresular action to Health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take and being purely vegetable, uo harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. riiWARED EI DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical axidAnalytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cent! per Xox. rive lozti far FL OLD BT WM.TI. Xi-v KrifciKT. Brown-ille. G. A . B'.iO W X A Peru. HOLT! SCOTT. Fails City. LEWIS A SHEl'HEUI), Su Stephens EASLEV I SHEUER. Rulo. JOilTV. HOLT A UliO., Sale. Dr. II. GItAVES, Salem. W , . T . , , I . ?Cot:ee is bcrebv rr'v.;a to the qualified Vi.tei of Krwnvi:!e City Di.'trief, Ccanty of Nerrxta Terri tcry of el-nn-k 4, that the snnual e!ei-ti.; for Dire-tor in said D trict, to fill the vacancy eari'ined hy th expini'n o" t!e frin f J F. Crow, will" b held at the OCee cf Jed - D.,rpV h rr"? re, at 12 V.wck, il. oa 6th day of March, lew. IN order of Director. e 12-ix , WM. H. McCEERT, Clerk. AGTJS ERCP3. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR THE CUCE 01 A5S A LI. BILIOUS DISEASES. ATTENTION!! BUFFE2EH3 "YT.OZ1 FEVER AND AGUE, etc - This most Won lerful remedy for the permanent car of Ferer and Ague, etc., wad dcorered tvme years ago by ona of the JSlost Scientific and Successful Cliemlsts of America, Oat of thousands of caaes it has aerer fceen ksowa to fail in ejecting a radical cure. A jingle bottle cf thvsa Drops Las cared diseases which hare STUBBORNLY RErSTED THE MOST SKILL FUL liEDICAL TALENTi It contains nothing that will injure- tne Constitution ! ' It Purifies the Blood 11 It removes obstructions from the Liver ! !! It promotes the discharge of Bile !!!! It effects a radicaland permanent Cute by removing the cause upon which the Ague .depends !!!!! ! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS As its name imports, has been and is the great Spe cific for all Bilious Diseases in the Army. It has ro equaL Its po pularity in our noble Army and elsewhere is as universal as its cures Lave been quick and wonderful. Asa Tt ha prayed a great blessing and sared jnany a alunbie'lile in the miacmatio localities where they would hare fallen wistims to Bilious Diseases. The Chills trill not refurn if these Drops are taken! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS - Q UICKLY DRIVES A WA Y Xjangour Woalincos! ' . . . ' 'AND .. . RESTORES THE SYSTEM i0 its nnrnnl btui AJbi ma AMMAllUA j LV vi?OIiAi l.Mi the b.dy and-clearin out EVERY VEST IGF OF DISEASE ,rojueed by loathjome miasm, f' , . . ..... Ee Wise in Time ! ! .T ... . ' , FSiNo person Tesiding in a Fever and Ague District should be without a Rot- tie of ARMY AGUE DROPS, And it it strongly recommended to persons trarel ir.g through places charged with miaEi. Wc respectfully call attention to oar Testimoni als. Mfny of our letters attest that-hundreds ef iives have been aved in the Army by its use. In deed, so well are its curatire qualities appreciated " Array that the most successful burgeons in the Field and Hospital use it almost exclusively in the dUe-ajs for which we cliim its infallibility. The best physicians alav seize the best means to effect a cure, hence the universality of the VRMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS ! ! ! We are happy t refer to His Exeelieney Abr.-iham Lincoln. C.-neral GeoiB. McClcllaa. - General Fremont. General BurmsiUe-. - , (iAnTal Hancock. General Kilpatrick.-11 . ' General Kice. Col. aiol Pye, 95th X T. Colond Quick, Uth X. T. C. Colonel bowler, Uth X. Y. S. Major Doretnu's, A. D. C. Major Kaifaynder, 3oth Pa. Major Wiliwx, A. D. C. Maj-.r IUmey, "J ;or Still well. 1 Sargeona, Mjr H.tb-ock. U. SJ. S. Lien. Whelnn. J la. liev. I'.i-bop Potior, X. Y. U, v. lr. Tyng, di T.-:v. hr. Tavlnr. da Rev. H. W. Heecher, B'klyn, V. U. Cbar,in, do R. v. Mr. Clieevar, X. Y. Rer. Mr. Ii;iMgj, do riij Il nior Mavf.r Wood.B'klvn. II u. M. K.i bil.-isch. d'i ii. n M. K. O !-l!. . da lion Mayor (iunther, X. Y.. lion. Ib.pve iireeley, do And I sifi lre nt other eqnally well knowa gan t'.etaen. fur which see circular. PRIDE CHE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Wlloox Co Prircipal 02c. 131 VTater Street, Iff. Y. . B. Jfone Genuine unless tearing our signature cn ihe wrapper. 'Doa't let your Druggist put you off with any hr remedr. If he W not have it fcr sale, a elaa oa li 25 per mail, and wa will aand you H( ttU t f t!ia Army Ague Drops per mail j-t j-a FROBATE NOTICE. Xotiee is hereby given that application has been na.le." by Joepb tlplt, Gi:arfli.ap..for an frd-r from the Probate C.mrt of Xemaha County XeLras ia TerritorTt sell a portion of the real Zut f Joephene Pelt. a minor. The Et-xr of kiu atiJ all persons interested are bercby n. ti?,eti that Jl.-rd.:y tb lMi dy f i airr-a, is tne unit eel to nea- aavi spplteati tn when tbeymajofer aid ccnttat the same iftLej'sed proper. D.aSAXPERS, 21-itf;50 Probate Jnd;e. T 0 31 K It C II ANTS, FA B H K IE0IT! IIlOiT!! D. A. COHSTABLB, HAS ON ITAXD X"D FOP. SALE A LAI.JF AND WELL SELECTED STOC OF "IRON, STEEL, SMfY HARDWARE! CJL'PniSIXG: nORSE SAILS, XAIL-RODS. ' ' HOR.E AM ML'I.E SHOES, ANVILS Si I INCS, RELLOWS. ' AXELS. VICES. THIMBLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAG JN L'JXES, SCREW PLATE LuLSTLii i'LATES. files, hasps, wrenches, sledge hammers. hand hammers, miolixu hammers. 1-incue1cs, nuts, harrow teeth, well wheels, ic, ac, ac, j ALSO WOODWORKS ! COXf KI8I K8 HUPS, SPOKES. FELLOWS. TVAGOX ROTVS, SHAFTS, lOLES. - AXE S, HOUNDS. AXE -TJANDLE , BROOM HANDLES, - - PLOW l XLLES, Ac ' ALSO AGKXT P. TBS SALE OF F IHE AI.iTS C LUS AT pactout pnicsa Hit 1"?G LAID IX A LARGE STOCB OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE . FACTORIES, RErOP.E THE RIS I a M SX A KX. PfD T O SELL TO TEE TRADE AT PRICES TH DEF ICO M PETITION. jSend in Your Scrap Jron.j HIGHEST PRICE PATD FOP. WXOUCy SCRAP IROX AT CONSTABLE'S IE0X AXD STEEL WAEEIIOrSF FeM4-n32-Ctn ST. JOSEPH, MO FAMILY GROCERIES M'LATJGHLIN & SWAN. WOULD KE5FKCTFULLT AXXOUXCB TO THEIt trieuU tnd tLa public getieraily, that they have je receiveu a tni-erior lot of Family Groceries, andaarl the attention of purchasers to their etotk IncludUi , KEW ORLEANS 5TGAR. TRIME RIO C0FF5B, CLARIKIKU do UiVEllUL TEA, CRt MIKti d -VOUSti HTJi TEA, OWI'.aSD dj BLACK TEA. RICE, SaGO. SPICE PEPPER CLOVE. CTXXAmO COVE OVSi'ERS. R-41SIXS, OCKRANTi, SrAttCO SOAP, i'UKK SODA , Dfi LA-SOS 5AX:UATCa, COD ' FISH HACXE2AL, "vTHTTlJ 7 T LAKE I0UT, KEiilXG, SHAI GREEN AEPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHEb, DRIED APPLES. DRIED PEACHf Molasses, Coal Oil, Cider Vinesa NATURAL LEAP CnEWlXG TOBACCO. GOLDK i LaF AXD OTIIKtt CHOICE BRAXD5 -FIN iCI TCAVEXUISU. E1LLIK XlCt SJSDK.1XG. COH AlUX DO. Clears orthe Best Brands In tm 3Iarhit- CHK3TXCT3, ALMOXD3 PECaXS. riLBERTS. PE ' XCTX, ic., x., ic., A Splendid Assortment of SticV nnl Fancy Cantly from the Best Marufa turies ia the East. Flour, IB ecu, Butter, r?ga The Highest IIarket Prices Paid fes Country Produce. 5IcLAUGIILINT & SWAX, Nemaha Vallet Bask Bcildiso Eaowsrii-LE. Jan. U, 1S64. nCOvS-JJO-ylj ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS CITY. KEBRAKA. C5" "Will practice in alt the Courts yf sob. . lievr Ksrnediss fci SPERHATORRHCEA. HOWAUD ASSOCIATION FHH.Ar-FI.PHIA. i 5en?toTif littit.tion estcbh.fied by tpeciat E &otrvient,fo?tne E.'!icf cf the Sick and Distrtned, aift.cted unth Yiru!fnt autt Chronic DUtase. and tzf.cicl.j for the Cvrecf Dueate. Sexual Ori'ltn. LiElDICALi ADVICE jJivau jratis, by the Acting Snrseon. Valas'.'le Rertrirt" on Sperm atorrhcea, ant other dii-aseof-Ti Orii!. an.l on theXEW REME DIES employed in tbe ni.s;riiary, sent in sealed !etei onveiopea.fieeof cLar;t. Twoor three 3tamp accept- '"llailraaa DR. J. SEILUS HOrGflTOy. Howard As :ion. X. 2. SuibKinth Streei, Pbilaaalphia, P. &.-aar 12. 1M1. uM-ly WaUer VpaP all Paper!! C'atanlly on hand at Jfarohn' Tailor Shop, by LOL2S ;7iiLDTi;K, Pa er4inz:ra: d-'ne in tte taoat approved style, aud ea - able eaa.1 U rms. t roaoviile. Keb. JuneS ISW, 5w ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken np by the unlcr-ijaod I.Tinj on t'as j Nemaha R;ver, two ant htt'.f laije a'a r Ln' I bnije.ia Nemtiha Co. Nebraska, on the lt Jij t February, 1SS5. One dua nare IVney ab-.ut four vers eld, with Saddle mark. Jin. Uth Xb '22 Zt. Burleigh. A Splendid' assortment of Coalectionaxy including atick ua fanay rand-e AXD At McIaTishl:n trtp'. EaVB JZZT OPi 3 A i V STCnK ON" VaiVi Strtit tdxeez. Fin! end Sccnd. BR0WVILL3, IT. T. VTZ hart In ,-.nre t lrj a: & well ae'acfeJ s:ocx cf Kij KjS Lv Calicoes. Jluslin, French' Tiwrt, Hats. Caps. Biota, Shoes, Leather, etc.. etc., etc., etcetra wnica ?r orrea roxsALi CHEVJ? frORCSI-I Groceries of Every Kiod. i Surar, Coil'ee, SvJa, Pepper, Tobacco, Starch, Tea, Allspice, Carniiea. latches, uC. S.C., &LC. All of which we efTer at the lower prices, deter mined not to be uuaeraoio. GRANT. Brewnviilc, Xb.. lx-4-yly kiji ?' jj p - C . t-J, IS DEN'S TICKET! And rMn'a Candidate U and ever will be QUICK S ALES AXD SHALL PROFITS. WL1 T. DEN,. WHOLESALE AXD RIT1AL HOUSE 1S56! ESTBLISHED! 185? Has dow rn hand the most c-nilpe ail yetieral a soriment ut iitrr iindUe in Jtrvaiavuie. 3tj iiuck OjUMsLS of ' A X D GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, . Chicago Custoai-MaJe . BOOTS & SHOES, of icpericr Quality. Also a full E?;p'y of 1ST G "37 Z 0 JXT Dress-Trimmings, Hood? and Neubias Gloves and Gauatlals, Hosiery. 2TO InTariety coDi5t!ne of Tab!e ar.d Pocket Ewrea, Chisels, fcrie'i ano Bi.a. File at d ilintey-wrpui.tie. Butt mid Srr"A. Saws aaJ Hjnimera, Axes and Slides. A rati ahiortweut of Ej Z? 0 S3 S3 A X D TINWARE, C'ofcitijr Heatine and Parlor Stovea, Large Eettle-1, Siuve 1'ii-e, bteei Irun aa J Ziuc. VO0DEX, WILLOW aXD HOLLOW-tTASE. A fell assortment ef REABY-jIADE CLOTHING,' At Low Prices. Blank Boolrs, Pocket Books, and Mmo Buoks and Stationary uf all kiiid? kept constantly on band. C a, ZPA-i23.ii3 Drugs " A complete of aaortnenl of FURN'ITURK, on hat.d. Burem, IteJ-Stead. L"'inge-, Tab'ea Vat ratifes. S-fja. Cluir. Wab a'aiiii, Cribs, Rtia? Ctiair. L-K-Vii!!: (ilasse. Also:, C'rn Shellers Iroe, Xii and Steel, si usb. Heaver ain! O-e' Tiap. Bems'mher tbit Tea ? tte HteLt market Price f .r HIDES, Pelts aiia Furs, uj PKODt'CE of ail kiud itt.a he wauu. Call and nr -ock before pnr-:ha?ine an t save Tur uijuey. f -r u y p.-,tto i lo beep tfte l-ert tf Pry GA)-d', the Clwlcet Kami!y Groce-ie', Caniie-! Fruit and Oysters, ai d 'be bet ol Store to eo k tbeai on in tUe uiariet. irytUem. mi. T. DUV OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Just received at at JOHN A. PONN'S CHE .A. I? DSY GOODS AND GE0CESY STORE. 3IA1X STREET. The Latest Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc., etc. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoe?, Iron, Nails, Flour Bacon. Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Wiad ow Gliss, etc.j-eic, etc VTUch he will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! Ca!I and examine bis itock before pnrchanj else Ilr-.wnvilV. -lunfl 2th. '61. nl2-TS-yly . TAIRB ANIL ' SCALES f SL vr ALL ' ; ) Also, T7areaoS3 Tmcii, Lettsi xresses, sc. FASRSAK QREEfiLEAF & CO: 1T2 t-iliE ST CHICAGO, rB carefal. aad tcy t-n!y tue peii.aoe J3 FHaT A FOi: At' M- "wTcLArGIILIX Si SWAX are constantly rerenrioc J.J. ttadii n to ther t.:.; .f C; ucerie ari l nid ware. Their God aad Prices will sait everybody apyther mn." HEW Or lea o, Ciai3ed. Cinsted and Prwd-ed S gars, Gviea fcyin? 5uar House ac4 Sorsltuci VoltiN Jit JIcLtrtjblin Cwaa'a. j tv?r.ori:D ovr?.irr.rx3 saz re tc:i; rt ! beit sntf ict tloro-i!.'r ??uii r.a rry '"(ru'i, kIjuiI triJ 2TCisj;. I. t.. j? 12 eD, tk tu!S. avi uie'.'.w: t t -..i ;.s. Piav wr;ii4 Ir Sv ;si I , , .; -, Ti.aT:MOMai.3. - The IT-; rUu r kl..wa a ery bet. 'Locr. , U -W'e ear. -$-. at :ae;r Cinta f :-.u riui si- CtJre.'' Ci z-i'ia 1 .veMiyenre-; Wate'' P.a jiix;eur us! rsi?c-rar,' wt?l ?Se JPit Val i:, pi J -tr . I ti - SlVO 2iW 7 CLTA'i ent n.jketi. u.x S.j: 1j.. i 1 bO. Tit Tlurjee VTa'tr'i JLf'? .. ti mmim. Tund the Euat ttm ''aniei.t w;jj c. Ja:eui i SweU. Prir? froui v Ui vj. JtxZiT Or- A Ulfc.a; tI.5cM to C'etfyni-i. Cb' ''-b- 5 bam Sh. a, lses, ravriar. r-d. . ACS WATERi, AJ t, ,o. 4il Aroua j, Ji. 1'. 41 CoO-rar' Usoeij.- A r.r Mti.j a r r -'- ' anl, ui'M ibe ly ho i. , B1. ready, it fuia u out a ec s roiiisuA, ctci.e. due'a, iri, "a'iita, ard "irs nmiij ut tbeni written exr.- i .i-wrk, leaiaa 23 pe of u.e Eiemcitia t iia!. ti er ay a4 prKreive. ABi"ti? the laree aarauerW Iveastirs: p:e may ta foaiid. t Dcie S.!Ci Scbowl," '-lu't yoa hear tae cbiiUren Cf.nilne lock tb trariy a'ia, "The littl Iaa ,n.l-U:t!U.' -t.u ttlwaraa Utile bird," -HtrdM ier.; ?i a:- pr tree. -Anvil Ctorc " Uee; u.e tu, i n;a tr. k. ie. It ia cctnt.1 ied !.y llra e W"trn th-r at S b ba: hScbjol b'i,'' N .-. 1 aa wi-.ica tt( tt4 u epormuoa .fur Cci P-nN-4i,tr'-er, ioceuta, $ID t.r toj; bjuii. 2J c.t .4. V!.f j c'oib thun.1, tuitvs-pj rut arenf l.utreii 25 ctpiea lurched i the ona buoiiail jii. il..a4 at lb retail pnea. ."ua a,- ,,7, ,t. rcnLrlns 14t pare, ar.d cea-Tr t4 1 aired t !jea sl binsu. .r.d : :te p,pu r 3. St B.l eer n. iP. Amons M e ntrt jw-voUr r ieves art, ' t ni W r:.," "EJe ! AU.Te." Cb-i-in flem," - It, iU. :ul Z,a " ! wtbt. i-love JUtter," -The ijeia t - d e a 'lu tue Lirtt." '-R.! ..r ti.e ra-." A.c Prue pa. er cer. 20 cu. each. $t3 lu.-ed; boau, ct. ejito. $23 per hunJre-' UoiL t jari, aa,5dae4 gilt, aiiu., ver huu.ired. U an entire new w,.rk f.f 1?2 aaei, a Id :seat !y ZtS tatMie atd hymns. .tatLe a.a."K' i a ii ll u re ;irr.ra't ii ; i j;!t tbe bck to follow Ee l No. 1. Xr!y ,u !! f ttee Bella have beeu i-ri J and arw uvw t;n inj; tbrotigU thkj aad uther cucriea. lib Many cb!' e pic-ea may bt ff-nod. we meet UA- yonU the rlvr t Therein fcpatui' it wri.i. iutfuw. ahall c- ma i.'tin n Tii're. E phI joa bear Ane:a comies? Tbon, (4. aeeat m. S.b5tu Bei'.a rhtui ou, A-c. P ii e r Ba o. 3 are it c .ce H?i, .'. 1. Both nuuibera tb tobtjinj ia one Ti-l '.r.Ja. Priee, tnnnd copy, 40 reuta, $03 fiei- JtouU-e 5 i e:u: bouDd, iubasd fiit. 60 cl., $i per nuti'lred. Ii evpiea farnit.t.e.1 at i uue LsiSu.i.ij, AlaiiaJ aa tue retail yrwa. TTaUra Ct-rtJ ry. A new Sunday S.'h'wit 1S3 ye r.f bti riral -a m Snail we knit :h other ibere 5 : a I.r x.e rti ; res to ciime ur.:o xe; it a bauii.'ul t'b. ti ilittl n; Leire me wi;b mymnber; :i ;tic:a use b4i:e still wa'gr. Ac. Price ct ver-. Scenta; i per huuareJ; bound 25 cent. $TJ i-t b :n l-ei; clota U.urd. ernbi.e1 iruiu io, 20 por h-m-Ki. itaiied a: the retail price. Iiiaa.'n! ! r V, ' a e w - tera, au'-hitef Sunday Sc!nl Be!: Xa. 1 a LaebaU tlie enormooa aa!e of it-t f e ccp.e. Jwst published by HORACE f AU: . S. 4. it)u jj, lort. Tin -Y?w Patriot' i contains 9 pose efsonps, dnar iiMeb-ere. c'S cred and stcelnr. in ic hug ttparaa of vrayer f jt a.o and dying soliliera, and ajiilier'!ur Ua-.t.w.. !t ls'ell e;:iied for jl uiioi , am we:: j.n Sabtjita wornbii AB-otva: tae n.a;,y bea a ir-aj p:e-e n yt f-jHt.d, Where liberty dwells ia uir co'mt'T ; TLeCtr; tian teo, TLre cher f ir oir taaLer; Corue a-ts ; mef fcemn; Colucibla, theraii of 'beoceaa ; y.aa Bian's BatberiPit; Colnnibia'a t.i f.reer ; JaarrLirf ai jrs, c. Ptici paireovera, liccat, IJaattia dred. Called tie retail pri.-e , The IljLTp i.i , contain! 55 pze tt anngj, Iue a iiH crua, far P-e dim. A uriu the choice p:efts r Wto;J tin:, Pi frwe-.lom'a in .ru; let o peopigo; Over tbe matio tain ; T.ier w ;tkl n,e all be d y, ic. Pnre 6 ceaia amjie. fit) ctau ;er doieu, $J ptr cand.-d j pjaUf 1 cea: each. 12 ut h : A Sucrtd Cantata. ' contains 12S rare. Vcrda b Et. Sulcey rr.wtOa br Prof. C'i!l. TLiisn ent toiok for aore-u for sbeyeuci. Pi icc-'-t.arr even, 2 ceu;jj $laat haudred ; buund $20 pc;- tucdred. Tit Hetivul Jlit tie Boi v;t,i, pr er. a:w C'e.iereui-e i.i. r. coTr, ktt.ele Cupiea, 10 ceuu; (5 per Lui.a4. Mailed at tte reta prirea. con'ains between focr an1 St J nnd'tl pfta ef tasaa and bymo. new and o'd. nt trt-ebutrest kixida, fa cbnrcb acbooi. revival, ui-iorjjry, temperas a prjrpr and cou'erence. and lil MnJt of aacred aud cUI mcrt.iis. Tbe music in tb a tx.,k haa life and aa imation id it, liko sfiinnu Sau e, Ret for tbe weary SbaU we ka w cacU ottar ibere!' ihj'.I we meet bye tbe river ; Tbereta a oeaotira. w-td; wurda Sweat Luur of prayer ; There ia a 'a id ot iwe; SuiTe little children to com unto me t ! aave tbe Nti A.C Prices tntie ropsr. tpxiud M can'.; ;tf ttundredi cloth Uouud. eTn'wa'ei! K'.lt, 6 cenia ; tar buiidreu. i! -tiled at t'ue 18'iil price. HilBACl i TF.H3. 481 Broadway, " I..uxk, Pubiiaiar ef Li ao'C Boiu. FocaZ Jfutit, icilJi Piaait Aieepemitnn,. A larse aaaortment cf l drpa'ar orja, ea'tat daet.. tiirieti, aud ctoruei, !a led ffaiy. Ant tbe oioai pcpuiar are. Snail wa know each o'.riar tere. L-roy; Why have my loved fone ; 1 wiil batrce tine; oi, tbere'a no a:icta v a mi'ia, by Pi'ri ilotbr'a ive ia true ; Seet love, f-rijei cufi.., bv teiier, 2o cecia ecb; I hi.r waat voice a. :r.t I 11.. cue is homa; Forget if j a can. bat Xsr.v. ky Thomas 30 ceuia eacb. , lntrniuentl - Moi fir th Can F'-rte "fa ara cm-inn Father Abra'am, an lumlrl tti inair-.d z-.-j't J Alaya lok on tbe annnv stce; Stall we k c etva otter there ? 4to,, wild Lrill.ijt varialtuua by Urate 50 cen1 a etc b . Plka, Wrttzea, ifarcbea, Qilckitr, Q uI-lTa, A.C bv ponalar aathora. AU kiu.ia of i,an: a l 1 1 atrncucn ic'i. CataWatea aai.ed;s to a aUUrata Music iuiied at Uie above pri.-aa. jriifrri' 75ifJ4 Inisi for tit Ji'a, Arrartaed aola. dnetj. qirtetta and cbra9, fat mtific! i, f iaLiT a:b jla. p;ib!;e acb-l avLunarie? ;tc Shall weltjuw ea. b otbe tr.ere D u't you bar the anselt t'tiiu? S' alk wemetib. youd tne r:vtr Be in tiua; Tba e la tfaetlfal wor.i); Wl.ere li-erfy dwell i my country ; f.enl.;a, trulb at.d riht ; We are c..m;;i Father Abra'am. an bujidrfl t:.,n.nd more ; The. e i a;t i of love ; Soe. mw shall come .isaio ii m r ; Heaven : b'me ; Cuua) ante to n.e of Keaven ; Lnnd m ix-t ; We wiit iore out Sui.dy Sh'x! ; Our I nareb nj on ; rxlae tb Nation ; U":iit!er'a aoim tl-e P,utauu Nefo Pat! Freedom's Jiorn baa da o4 at lat ; Over tae nion .; Uver Hie ir.i tin.diii ; 1. ite Kla'a an antfl ; Wia. he'fKooe to Heaven ; urr little riiidre- onat nniorue; H'lrv iue la tbe hiji hi 'Z, Hotter; C-tne fc thy ret ; i .reet hour of P' a' er, Cc. Price 3 ceuta. cents per d z , $2 per bor.dri -1 ; potce 1 ct t eacae la ateet ft rru. wi;h Ptno as.-v.mnanltTnt. -3 ceuta. pMlli-ai by fa JSAi' ATFlca. Ajt, Jiio. 4S1 Broauway, X. X' . : II. T. AIITHOriY & CO., . irauufacBreraof v Photcgrapliis Materialr, I1;1? wt-;r4:s unl Re-atl, ' 501 BUOADWA Y, NEW YORH. l i l"Twcf la addition ta outs nbuiioeasf Pt.-totri-t!o EX , teriala. we are He- qu,rte.'afor t;.a rj;iiw-i.f s : StereoscoppStt Stereoscopic YleTiad &i Or tbee we have an immense aaaar'nen. laciudla ' War Steriea. Aiuh-ju i ii F..retga Citiaa al Laa2. l . icarea, GrcTtpa, Silaary, kr. A'. B?v!ie Steree-'C.'pea fjr pui.uc it p-iva:e eiSi-l.iaa. 0al;2Ce Catatcfae will be aat to uny aiire aa race:4 ai atamp. I CSj PhctograplLia Albums, , ! We were tae firs', to l:nH;r-e teM latf tbe Cntte jajj j States, aud we uiauo'auaie lamian aaot.t.ea l& ret variety. ranm -rti 5 crta to SiOeack. CIJ Albums b-ve the revutl"ri ef bales; aoperlor ia bao, " ty and lnrbi'jy to o her. TLey wiii be aA cia.l, FR52. on re- oipt of once. , n- xs albcxs macs to ciirja.j . CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Cam ;. irn bow a-n-ac -er Pivj Tiataa diCTereu ao bjecta (id wtuch d Ji.i ns are ceirig maae; ei rorira.:s ji jiDc;, aiaat tiz: arMtux lr0 Major-General. t.tMasa, 130 Xiriaea lift isuui, o Art a. 5 Br g. benerais, 575 Colonel loo Lieu'-C. tooei 2V fnuer or.o-ra, '.I Navy nnl' TH, r.oa.-at wasaesk. ISO prnmineat Freirr Portrait. J 0(0 Copies ef Wo-ka wr Art. ' Inc'iodiPa reyrolacii-tr s of the SBot e'V-:a4 ai jraviiipa, p.B!iusa. S iue, avc. C.'i:(u ua or rei?tof etarrp. Ai t 'ir f r Ois Doiai PwiaTe from oar Catalogue wi-i us ..ea a la recast si.w ant ent b irai' F.-re. . " , ' Vbotca-Taphe-S iM i-taers ordensjr rind C. O. C'w,! pl?a t(.nut twe:M t. fl i- jreH pf nr 3.aut wif tbeir urdr. K. a. B. T. ANTHONY A. C?.. t Jtantsfwrtaret f Prifrtrftj.r.c M:.r a . f 2t VT r?7 aai nK. of r uaaa un. V ; fa uivV--3 i . fai-T-Iy . " ; r a c . r c :a a "OV' :A ia sea hu t : : i t 1 I 1 f 1 t." i .3 t 3- ' 3: . i a i va J3C3 t!c3 cre i 12 s cf zz aci lis? fare; 1 ll! 7 rue I " ej ; i ?tia aaj ; iL" , 5 bis &iii o ap- I; its a rt so !I2 t i - ht?3!