Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 02, 1865, Image 2
...Ml' 3 E : Extra sf3 r . eh ' Ada allot! Hercbaut Fit NEURA' GBClI I MB TWrtji I Every J, ' iaerejwel eurpatro: ud eolic? CBK8 AS) - GEO. GEO. T In U tjlM Vi Main 33 Keen Co CanJi ( ran wida a tbe be oSr4 coders t i 1 s 1 JOHN L CO!.HAPPfEDITOn. kOW2tVliLt, TliUU&DAV MAKCIl 2, lb35. Hat Ye j Copperheads now about four ti ar of lueux tc'rr Are they till of ihe opinion that nothing has been gained? Four, years ao AbraTiam "Lincoln passed through Baltimore io'Vfi?gisto escape a mob" wnVsbugh't his life ; njid ' at his inauguration .Gtu". Scott deemed, it ad visable, to hare a1 siro'cg military force' jn reaWirieVs To resist.'a threatened outbreak ofel'els to iVeytnt it. "Missouri," Ken-' tu'eky,' Tennessee, Maryland, and pela-; ware. Were Vacilating between treason or loyalty Wuti treason slightly ahead ; wfiile 'the balance of the Slate States were in the full enjoyments vt treason and revolt,0' a "goodly numbe'r' of Northern cowardly traitors to, hiss them on and u'ihtbeai God-peed in their hellifch de- .Now, look, at this side of the picture : t-- f " ' - f? . V i . Want ot mnbef sk-uis to be trie great Nebraska ucrttsaUawucu ,f N.r..u, !... ., DrownTiiit Saturday,- the 4th of March, Ab- TS03 ' ,n L!9coIu -i'11.1?6 r.ausura . . . MlXFAci fis.cotid term as President pf the Lrnit- t ecJjSratea, witl.cai ihe necessity of- rnili- SAD2L trj firptictioo. i:MajyaDl!.'' ! souri have ra3?ed from under th yoke of II Slavery of their own accord ; Kentucky. STennt-ee. ai4 iJelaivare v jil .oun,.do jv . i ..... . . . . taKe. The.CoustiiutKMial Aniend ment. aho'Uhin .ilavery lU'oujhout .the United States, is a fixed fact. Then the rebels held rnissession of iall the' ports Ol tntry in the Sou'.htn Slaves, and all the pr'is; now they huild.'not a! si: gle one, tare Ga Lvestcu,' in ! Texas. Charleston, modern Sodom of treason, Las' fallen, rrslmosi destroyed by their own ! an jc'.o the hands of ;Northem niudfillaj" ,Yi!nirston ;andvMobile hare fuffcred jpe game fate and they tremble for the jrr.fety of their capital, Richmond! Ar- iansas and Louisiana have :ong. fince - returned to their allegiance, and .North AUTtl aroca Georgia, Alabama and Mis i sissippi are fulfof love'for the old Union, and .are showing rlumerious indications Vf returning reason and loyalty. They commenced the fight to maintain slavery, Ifio'w ' they -aro -forced to arm and free their lavei." in "the forlorn hope of raam 'faining, what they style, their indepen- lion than they were four years ago.' Our armies are, all around them, Gram in ForscT front and Sherman in the rear, and what !aitrom ' - . yeara iafi .jGrant; can t, whip .outnghti Sherman can sib! for I am'u'l''j.''.u" . iituh ly ucaiu. - - r, ; Hnw are jeu now, McClellan, on 3-oar copperhead platform 1 If this has been waring wijhout effect upon the Confede racy, we hope Satan will'have pity upen '.rebels'when" it begins to take effect. ' Glory to,God, and honor to Abraham, the Honest 'V May his days be long in '' the land of the iiriDg, and success crown Xhis final effort for the restoration of an honorable and lasting peace ! , ... . f : ... . ; Jt -As the fystem of slavery in Missouri itwasan evil, while it existed, to all the States and Territories cn her. border ; fteo the abofition of it a benefit to them. Had the always beena free State, l( we doubt not the Pacific Railroad would long ere this have been finished, and ' Missouri, Lot Iowa, would have bad the .benefit of the main line. But the-niht-raare is thrown off, she seases to act as "'cnein a deep sleep ; her last Legisla- lure has shown itself wide-a-wake to the benefils of a' thorough railroad sys- JJJ -t 1etn.' The Ste. has given such aid as r ) ' will doubtless complete all the unfinish f ed roads in that State. The one in which Tfll f.' we 'feel the deepest interest the Piatte I Country Railroad is to be finished to the q" j ' Iowa lice wiihin three years. This road i 5" h to run up the bottom on the East side ( cf;lhe Missouri river ; opposite this city the survey is ataked out within one and a i y. half -pile cf the river ; from which a " switch track will doubtless be constructed THI 6t? Remain depot be near the river, r i;rP0S'le tbta.City." By doing. this the ,; . .. trade of the; whole of this Land District ' ..: would be secured to this road.-. The time ' , , . . . . , , . ... j, set iqr us completion teems to as long. ..-jjThe land over which it is to run is all bottom, with plenty of timber on its mar- "I gin text the river, and the grading must be lightl On the completion of this and .'".'the North , Missouri Road in a great measure depends the question whether :'Stl"Jcspph and St. Louis shall supply the trade of. the'great Missouri-Valley, or . ' whether that trade" shall jo direct to : '''"-'Chicago." The later place has the start, ' "" and if it take Missouri three, years to coD!trucfless than eighty miles of 'rail-TV';'- road' over a comparatively level coontry; with plenty good uraoer uauuy, vnicago will' doubtless ' Veep the advantage. - 'J- XuL Moonlight, in a letter to the Den ' rcr News, dated Jan. 27th. says he has ; Wormitira that five' tribes of Indians: 'Ceyennea, Arrapahoes, Sioui. Kiowns and Comanches, hare concentrated on the head waters of the Smokey 11,11, and ar. preparing (or a decent upon PZ;rr City and vic.pHjr. I would thit.k so to bear the aJvtciie wf a herd law. There is no question bjgt that something must be done by farmers in this matter, and thatN immediately. This county is as well, if not belter, sup plied with timber, than any other ri the Territory ;' but the large emigration it, and what may be reasonably expected this Spring, and the great number of old fences which must be renewed, will make a heavy "draft upon It:: This must event ually run the supply short if nothing ; done to prevent. Again, the timber )& being severely encroached upon by the clearings made for. farm. Cotton wo d grows; fast, Lut,. we' bolieve, when put into fences or buildings it decays faster than it growl. - Under thrse circumstances, the supply.of timber will soon be falling short of the demand if '. the area of tim ber land keeps riot pace! with the. popu lation ; and the . timber will, soon bd in the hands of a few, who will make the prairie tanner' pay just such pm'es font as they chooser It lVnot crood policy for any class' of mn to" allow such araonop oly to grow cp if they, can help it; and the farmer can prevent it by planting his own timber ard hedging. This is Avithin the reach of all, at least the young tim"-' berxis ; as to the best; hedging material, that"; is an open' question.' :. Cottonwood put into the ground in almost' any shspe will sprout and grow;, and as soon as the frost is out xf ;he ground' is the tirne.-. It would be well for every one who can to p?ant some hard wood. . ' Let' every farm er plant all he can : if he cannot put in as' much asnen acres, put in five. It will pay much better, in the long- run, to put in less corn for one season,' and plant timber. If you do pot do this, farmers yju will have to pay dearly for j'ur neglect.' ' '' '" ' '' ' " '7 :: -; :' ' Many 'copperhead pipers asd citizens are dissatisfied wnh President- Lincoln because he did riot' humble himself to the rebel Co nmufsi oners and propose, what they stvle, more honorable term. The4 following are tfre' terms, and the only terms, upon'- which he has or will treat with", the! Confederacy; they are the Wily principle's" upon" which a lasticg peace' can ever 'be secured, "and., we hope, the only 'term that may ever be offered them: " j ' "I have constantly been, am how. a nd shall continue'ready to receive any agenuj wh'otn he, .(Jefferson Divis.) or ,any othpr 'inline mia I perkon cow. resisting the nauorat au honty,. may informally send to, me with the view .of 'securing peace io the people of our crmmoo toun- .ire... . .: A, LilKJL,Vi. : " Three things are indispensable, to-wit; 1st. The 'restoration of'the .National authority throughout all the States. 2, No receding by the Executive of the . Unit' d Slates, cn the slavery ques tion, from the position assumed thereon in the laifc annual rn???age to Congress, and in preceding documents. . . . .. .3.. No cessation cf hostilities short of an end of the war, and the disbanding of all forces hostile to the Government. All propositions not inconsistent' with the above. wiU be considered and passed upon in a spirit of sincere, liberality. A: LINCOLN." ',Now, read the til:imatumrf-Jtfferson Davis. We cannot see how! any human being, reared under as mild a Govern ment as this has been, can find it in his heart, to endorse in tho least the spirit of hate to his country which is. there fchown. We ask every copperhead who reads it: Are you not ashamed of your more daring prototype; can ycu still, even in secrecy, wish success to the ruin tf your country? If there be any who still do, may God have mercy on their "guards," souls they have not ! .-Men so far lost to the fpirit of patriotism, we hope, may never locate 'within the pre cints of our fair Territory, they never can be good citizens nor a benefit to any country. -Even . Fernando Wood ;feeU ashamed of himself and comes out in favor of a vigorous prosecution of ihe war. Satan, blush for thy iniquites. and thy' hellish schemes ; Wood has turned for the Union. Here is Jeffs ultimatum. Read, copperhead, read : "In' the note which passed between Mr. Lincoln and my he If m the matter of the unofficial peace conference, there was one marked difference. I spoke al ways of two cocuTaiEs'! Mr. Lincoln spoke of "our one common couutry." 1 can have ho ' common country" with the Yankees. : My life is bound op in the Confederacy; and if any man supposes that, under an .circumstances. I can be an agent of re-construction' of the Union, he has viistakcn every element of my ' na- ture J JEFF. DAVIS. The draft is suspended in Missouri. Gen. EwiDg recently visited' Washington for the purpoie of securing for the State of Missouri the privilege of raising thirteen regiments of cavalry in lue of the draft. This has been 'granted, and Missouri is free from the diaft but raise the caval ry, we suppose, sh' must as soon as possi ble by . volunteers. 1 i The Richmond Enquirer says ; "One great cause of Mr. Benjamin's unpopu larity has been the .fact that, in no proc lamation signed, by him as Secretary. of State, has ever the existence of a triune God been admitted." The , Enquirer, doubless, thinks this accounts for the non-recognition of the Confederacy by the Kingdom above. Shad are leu dollars varh in S;rvan-nsh. ' "Wily is if that the farmers ui Nebras ka stick s riiacttmsly to the raising'of jC.rn, Wheal aud Oats, almost to the ex- elusion of other crops, many of which would doubtless pay better I It lis. not because no other crops will grow here, qh no; but it is because tKe capacity of the soil and climate is hot sufficiently to4 discussed and known Co: ton and Tobacco have been -tried iu this couuty, and have proved . that, ihej.,, profitably cul tivated. " Onions and Potatoes will o well, and always command double, and at present, thribble the price of cornier wneat, anu jieio luriuyic uic huuiuci t bushels to the acre. Hemp, Flax and Castor Brans do well here, always com mand a ready aale at good steady prices. Why are these articles not cultivated i If.;it is from the lack of knowledge's to the, manner ;of Cultivation, form your Clubs and. let it ; be discussed, jsencj ,for books and study them.;; but Tor heaven's sake, for our sake, for your . sake, and for. the sake of all, donY tie yourself down entirely to two or, three, articles. The pleasant flavor, of an onion .at three dollars per bushel . is a blessii.g and the myrjed eyed potatoe-is a gopd appetizer ' . We are informedi Ly a friend who has been canvassing some for this paper,' thafsome object to our severity on. cop perheads. We are pleased that'our.hum ble efforts are felt. In lome casts of sud den death, the corpse'is put to the, test by burning, wuh.a-hot iro- the under part of the. foot, to prove whether life is pvtinrt ITniJr thp. humane idea su-r- " a a v . .- geMed hy this, practice, we thall continue to sear copperheads, to learn, wheiher a spark of patriotic life still burns in their political corpse. . .We are. happy ta learn that some ftfw.; wriggle under the appli cation. - ; - ; ' i - The Overland Mail is, doubtless,. , all riyht by tins time, and will hereafter be guarded against the depredations. Gen Dodge has issued an order that all mails will-be guarded. through. We hope he has sent cut troops sufficient to execute the order.: - ; .The first steamer for. "Port Benton, in Montana Territory, on the head waters of the Missouri, near the Rocky Moun tains, left Pittsburg on the 18th'., r ., i A bill has . passed Congress that ,no man, not enrolled for rciluafy service- cases of physical disability excepted shall be entitled to take out a license: as 1 a peddler.'ji . v ...u'. No'onimal but the dog will so readily -croucn" 11 jne xeet ana in-ic me nana that chastise'h it. . . Hon. 3Iasdti Cruch, calUd on u this morning. He was one of the' most en ergetic members of the House-during iisrl last session. ' IVe are proud of Cr,oucA. wYetrs, Nebl' City. ' . . . . Crouch was the .father of the bill to tax dogs; " For the Advertiser. ' Mr. Editor: I noticed in one of vn'ur last , issues," in the communication of a correspondent, some disparaging remarks" in regard to the Sai itary Commission, in which I cannot ftdly conciii"': While1 I concede that "charity should begin at home,"jind that our first duty is to re lieve the soldier and his family in our immediate neighborhood, I am not pre pared to censure as useless, the efforts of benevolent, people throughout the Union, to reach the army at large thro the medium of the Sanitary Commission. To the soldier , in the field, or in camp, this institution can be of but little bene fit,, but the sick, furloughed, or, discharg ed soldier will find it an efficient friend. Along our military thoroughfares, from St. Louis to Chattanooga, there is hardly a village of importance that, has not its 'Soldier's Home," established and car ried on by the Sanitary Commission, as a free lodging and boarding house for soldiers necessarily detached from their command. And there is not one of thse Soldier's Homes, (and there are, hun-' dreds of. them.) that is not continually crowded by soldiers, recipients of the bounty of the Sanitary Commission. Our Army Hospitals, field'and post, are indebted to the Sanitary Commission for almost all tf the luxuries which furnish the light diet of 'their, patients, as well a. the clothing and conveniences neces sary for the Hospital. .Tlie cost of the dried fruit, canned fruli, condensed railkj vegelables,c, furnished, by ihis Com mission .for Hospital use, , is immense ; and. if these articles wer,e not. furnuhed in this manner, our sick.. and; wounded soldiers throughout the South, would-be destitute of the mild nourishment winch their exhausted systems require. It is irue that the Soldiers of Nebraska are mostly upon the frontier, and cannot par ticipate to any great extent in tjie bene fits of the Sanitary Commission, and the efforts of Nebraskians should be first directed to their relief, but this fact gives us no reason to censure the philanthro pists of the east, for the efforts they have made for the relief of the soldier through the channel of the Sanaa ry Com ihiisjoa. - Yours. &c, " A Discharged SoLDita. The President has, by Proclamation, called an extra session of the Senate, to roet next Saturday, March 4th. CHARLESTON EVACUATED. WILMlNGIONEVACrATED. &c- &c 'ffpwr ,V,.rk' FebV 21st. Charleston was evacuated by. the enemy on the miat of the 17th, leaving seeral forufivatious u'ninjared, besidesJJOO lvilKU lneJ, spiked. - The Tribune's correspoadent tives the following account, dated Charlesicu Har- K6r Feb. is h: i : ' : r a ;: .. ': i Early last evening. Brigadier General Sclieiiiinoltenning, -commanding the nor thern district, discovered some indica tions Which 'le'd him to believe tfTat the rebels wete 'about to-e-acuateCIvaflesion and its defenses, and he accordingly or dered his pickets and; picket ton: ; to keep a bright . lookout and (repori imme. ena ,y "love eiu -ilb'-! At about half-past three o clocsc mis .mornin a terrific explosion took place 111 Charleston,' which thouk every suipin thf - harbor.aud off ,the bar, -;Bud aluios siniiUtaneousiy.with the e xpio. ion' flames broke out which tould be 'distinctly seen iu djffer'eut'pafis of 'the city. :Hi"'-1 ; It appe'ars'the first explosion took place at the Wilmington-depot', the ;fire., from which rapidly commuuicated with the adjacent. buddings causing a genera con fbigiation of all dwelling Lous-es in the vicinity, and it was while the Unfortunate inhabitants were trying to ex'ingoish this fire that the second explosion took ; place which resulted so disastrously, causing terrible loss of life amongst the women and vhilnren, who- are represented as having been horribly mutilated. ' ' At about six o'clock this morning Gen. Schiiijmelfenntng moved his forces and occupied the city and its defenses.- The, formidable earthworks on James Island ltl 1 were , found abandoned and toe guns 1 , . t a ' ' At & o'clock this morning, a'detach mens was sent to take piassession of.Fort Sumter, 10 raise , the (hNg which (eneral Anderson hauled down nearly lour years a-'o. - 1 At 9 o'clock the fiair was raised amidst deafening cheers. AS fati'as oiin forces could be I .trouglvunio.the, city, they were sent to work..Tto put out. the, fire, which, up to the time of leaving". ' waa raging fufiou! ih'differem parts of ill e ciiy ' ' Old. men', women and children rushed frtitically;ta aud.fro in agyny of despair at the losjs of itheir hoiues and the killing and. murdering of their friends. It is 'impossible to 'estimate the amount of cotton destroyed by the rebels Sev eral thousand bales were collected itd;f ferent parts vi. the city and stt' cu fire simultaneously, with all the principal de pots and warehouses.f . , There "is 'no' doubt 'the rebels intended to burn the city to ihe ground despite 'the misery it would entaif on thousands of women, children and oldj njt n of nhich class ihe inhebitants bf Charleston. are now almost entirely composed., . ! It was the opinion of Geri. ' Gihhort '5 staffthat' in all probability, two-thirds t.f the city" would be de stroyed, before the fire:ouhl be distinguished,, with the im perfect uivau uf; h licfoijg 11 at hand. The last rearguml ot the enemy left Charleston at 4 o'clock this morning, and there are various rumor and conjectures as la their destination, but the prevalent opinion is that they intend concentrating in the vicinity ofTlorence, to which point they have railroad 'communication"" from Charleston',- unless it has been -recently destroyed by an expedition to Bali's Bay. Several hundred rebels who secreted themselves in different parts of the city when the main column -was" retreating, have ', 'given themselves up and tell the usual stories of being tired of the - war. haltr starved, etc.". ..-':. ' .;. . ' .'. n-j I '' ' 1 : : 'Washirigton, Feb. 22. -.The. "Navy Department, has received the following from Admiral I'orter: U.S. Flagship Mai-verit, ) """"" Cape Fear River, P'eb.; 19. " ' To Gideon Wells, Secretary of War. Sir i'.l Lave the bopor to report the surrender, or, rather evacuation of, Fort Anderson... : ' 1 .' Gen. Schofield advanced from Smith- U with S 000 men on the 17ih. At the same time I attacked the fort by pla cing the monitor Montauk close to the works, eiifil-idir.g with the Pawiucket, I sent for the Adella and Pequot, the tide and wind not allowing more vessels to' get under fire. - The furt answered pretty briskly, but quieted down by sunset. - On the 18th, at;eight o'clock, I moved up. closer, the' Montauk' leading! follow ed by the Huron, McKenn, Sassacus. Ponaiure, Norotingo, Senator, Chippewa and Little Ada, Hud kept up a heavy fire through the'day till late mthe afternoon. Trie enemy's batieries were silenced ly 'three o'clock, -though we kept up fire until dark. We auo fired through the ijghi. In the meantime General Schofield was working in the rear of the rebels, to cut them, off. The latter did not wait for. the army to surmund thtun, but left in ihe night.-taking five or bix pieces of light artillery with them, and every thijig: else of valu. This morntng sotne of our troops that were near by went in and hoisted the flag oii the " ramparts, when the firing ceased from the 'mortars. - . There were htavy guns in -Ft. Ander fon and a quantity- of amunitton. We lofct three ktlltd and five wounds. I ani, sir, your obedieLt' servant. D. D.TORTER. Rear Admiral. - Washington. Feb. 24th. The follow ing has just; been received at the Navy Dt-partment. : Fortress Monroe. Feb. 24. Hon. Gideon Welles : The Schuyler has just arrived from Cape Fear river and reports our forces having taken - possession of Wilmifgtan. on the morning of tha 22J -Washington's birthday. The rebels retreated, leaving behind a large number of 'prisoners' in our hands." S. D. TRENCH ARD, Corn. Our captures, including Fort Ander son, amount ; to SCO prisoners, aud 30 jruns. The cjiizpr.s silted that th rebels burned 1000 bales f cotton acd 15.C0O barrels of . rosin. . ' . 'Louisville, Feb. 24tb." A special to th Democrat dated Nashville tbe 23J, at 4 o'clock, p. ro., pays that intense ex citement exist at Knoxville from a re. port that Lonjriint' ccnmind w.i. luorinf on that place. NK WvADYERTISEMENTS.s THE ONLY. SURE THING. -y-- ' v ri N- tic i.i hercbi 'giv'n tfcat- M-,''t5ft1 Hppii ui 'ds in tho l-.bte Csurt-f Ncinnh-t c.i jotj. Nebraska Territ. rj. to inf to Probate tht wI of H.nAtA Minniu2.dws-d. kta uT saj.t of Xeir-aha . I br a; roinu i the 3rd day ,. .1 I Si! j. at ouc o'clock. P.m. as tuo tiJL-, e in' Hmwrviiie la r&l county of NrL, thoplace,for 1 Jud? r said Probate Court. J March l.t, 1335. '2i-3: pi STRAY NOTICE. Taken up oa tha 23M d iy or Febru ry. a. d. of ravne-,'N. T.,bj th 8ubcJ:er who r.newhitfftr, crop r,J EfT;l!!.,W f. t in th? 1 rich nf and pror oT tbff l'fteir. u brni il ' I tho left, hip with'the le .tec "A," fjurjour old. an-i S cndeep red haifer.i:o.!ly while faCo. wLire en the. hip ol in tb.avnS(a an-l p.;iiy, a cr-.? ana ur.j.Ar bit in tbo right ear ,"balf crpp on the Tn fcr, riht horooff, an.l sJiert tail, sup: -used to be three yari K1, oo J p."r.jpiv.4hlf. ; 2-1-34 ' . JACOli it. CiiO . VELL. --FOET UH E ! ! .-. ,.E3IIJL.OYMET FOSI Agoatwai.teJ ihrouliout the U. b auJ' CaLaia. W'alciies. Chains ', 'Sets, of Jewelry; Rings i Pin?. Bracelets, Sleeve Bullous. Silver : 0 Spoons and Forks, I Caps, : Cake ; i.-.M BaMs; fa.? worth- Eight . j - Hundred, Thousand Dollars ! -, ' The Entire Stock of. a large Importing House, retiring from business. - . For the purposo of closing out the t4:k at th? earliest posdib!o-diite, tbe undersigned have decided oa a gre:it" distribution made as follows: -' Each and every Article, no matter; how. vlu . able, being Hoid lor, 81. : A CERTIFICATE of each articis with' Its value printeil upon it is placed in an env?lope.ani si alcd thefie euvelopeg ure thoroughly mix til and s'ulu for twenty-fire tenU' tauh tli persoa rcceiring ouo of thtse envelopes ia entitled to th article l amed therein by returning the Certificate to u with nim dollar, nd tha artiole, fin matter how vaiUAbLo if nwy be, will be f.-rwardod to binl or her at oi;ee. There- a:e no liiank CertiE.iato and thertifore every on is sure to g'-t, . at least, tho full, value of hi or her moooyi Should the article named oa the cer lifiitat not suituny other trhicb.he may selec; of the same value will be substituted. We sell the, certificates as follows: ' : -:i 1 ' Une for 2pcuS five for'. $1, eleven for 2, thirty for sUty-five for 510, one hundred for 15. Thw-distribution iSvtdi a fine' oppjrtUDity ifor Ageits, what jady or gontlomaa will not invest TweJty-five conts.wit!l a prospect of getting five hundred or a thousand titnos as. much. .All orders must be addressed to us at our old ataud Sj. 15 Maiden LaneNjw Vork. . ; ' ;. Xjist of uaux-tiolo. , j. ..All of whib are to bt t Id lor One, Dollar each. ' 3,K Gent&Gold HuiUinncseWtcoes $50 i t $150 esc-li Soo Ladies Gold namelel-n 35 ". 70 do ' Sio Gents' llnntiiig case Silver 3.joo Goid Veal and Neck Chains - a-jod "j . , " " : - Zooo ,'' Oval Baii-i Bracelets, 4oo Chasal GIJ Bra i. lets 2xio Cbdteiaine nd Guard Chains 6ooo Solitaire and Go'd Bi'MH-he 2 joo Lava and Horeuiine Broches 35 " 7fl 1J 60 .' 100 d 15 ' 30 d 4 4 6 4 4 ' 6 d Id dtf 3'J C 10 1 S d 8 a 2ofO Cora!,' On i a'W Kierail B.'ooclie 4 f 2otv M' faic, Jei, Lv anl flo. entire - Kr Drops - - '. 45-jo, Oil and Ear D op 4 " 4.rt CaiiHr6ia Uiauimul B'9t Pm- 2 6) " 3jx Gold F d) ar;.l Vest Watvh Keys 2 63 " 4 k P h and Ve t It .W- Mi SfWw -' J 3 4o.o ietS.ii'"tS.eeve Ba'tons,Siuds S " 3 h 'tJold Tliiuibres, Pencils, 4.c ;'' 4i 6.MW Minature Lute a, t SO ," 4ooo Miniature Lickeu Ma.'ic Spring 3 3jo'GWTo.tlipick , CroSsea, &c. 2 6.)0'i-Kiain Go.d Itiutlii . 4 " Siioo Chased G ld Riux '4 " Sa o Slone Sei u.1Sr,-..Pt Ttinrs 2 60 " ; 8 dt C da lo do , 8 d 10 do S lo 7 '4a 8 H 20 d . g d 11 d 11 d 10 1 a oo CjiifrnU 0i u!i I Ri if i 75 o -ve; Lliea Jewelry Jet 3t Gold 5 bruxi fet Jewelry Came Pejriitj. 4 10 ?iw !3 d IA d 8-oo U-dd Pens, Silver Ktens:oa I.kier.-and P-nciN' ;; . Sooo G Id Pens GuidM uated- . H.dder t Cm)o Gold s ens and Gold extension 4 "! 4 5 " 8 ,'do " 10 d b' Idein ; 6xk Silver Goblets a;. d DrinWini Cupi 5 So i 3x 8iivert'at-r. .. 15 50 d tfo. Silver Kruit an 1 Cake IUkct 20 " 50 i'o 5ooo DuZeQ S'iver Tea Spw.u '' Vi 'i So p I. 6.t- d- Co Tab.e spoon fork- 20 " 4'.).q-. I AGENTS. W waut 'tits in cvry r; -Ir.jrir. j ncd in every t;wn and i-ouniy iii the ouitry; an i i ihos aetiog as .such wnli v-. H.Iowoa H c iit ; ju very dertiS 'ate ordered by th ia, pruYiu l ilje.f reraittiinie .amoants' to ono ii wi.l c lle t 25 ceu!f or evtry Ctrt Cc.,e, ar. l il-c-cn' to u. I ZiF V' r'ie plainly, say only wlvfvt is necessary and oe rroinut. Address, GIKARD.W. DEV AUCII & CO., 2t-3tn No. 15, Miiil. n Lane, N. Y. SI S65.0,000. 1 Worth of Watches, Chains, Rings, &c.,'&c. . G. & IL3SKLYS CO., . : . 16 BeeSman Street, New Tori, Offer the Following Inducements to ' BUIERS OF VALUABLE JEWLtRY. naving fceen for a lonir tirae engaged in the Packet bninef-s. nd estaMisUed our reputation for prompt ing and reliability, and poes.-ing great facilities tor selling Jewtl ry id thi way, we are cc fide ni 'bat we can give iratisiuciion to all who fel disposed io patron ize us ' ' " ' ' - - : . $650,000 Worlh of Watch c,Iia uioud Pius. Cliains, Iliugs, &c. All to teold for ONE DOLLAR EACH! Without regard to vxlue I Not to be paid for nntll 7ou know what you are to receive t Splendid ""List of Articles !!! All to be Sold for One Dollar Each. ! ! ! 175 Watches (handsomely engraved, and . -warranted perpeel time keepers.) vary ,. Ing in price from $20 to $120oaca JM Ladies' Watches folid Gold TJun- iingCce , t5 each 24o Gentlemen's Silver Watcbea. $15 t-$25 each 6ooo Latest r vie Vest and Xeck Chains. 4 6o to 3 each ft s Gentx' California Diamond Pins, t &o to 25 each 4hm Cdltiortiia UiamUd Car Drons. 2 oo to 15 each-J 3ooo Miniature and enamelled Revolv ing Pins, , 6ooto2Seacn 2ooo Ca'iaiornia Diamond and Rnamei;ed s Gent's carf.piug. new styles. 8 oo to 15 each 2ooo Masonic an 1 Emblem Pins, 3 oo to to each S5oo Gold Bautl Bracelets, engraved anil plain 3 oo to 2r e tcb 3ooO Mosaic nd Jet Brwches 1 oo tu To tat'b 8..00 Cauito 15r, o'-hes ric r sterns, 3 oo to k each 41oo i'lorvnuce aud Lavs Pin-, the real ' articla 4 co to Io each &5oo Lava cinl Florentine Ear Drops , 3o-loleacn 3ooo Cora! Kar Drops 4 oo to i-xcU 2.WO LudiC-' Ci.ateiaii'Cba!n jet St cold 15 'to lo ti e.cb ooo Geots Ping, a rpUncid asortn.eiil 2 o o !6 each t-xo S)lltair S;eeve B!in, oa ia 6 etcU Sv'oo Si wn a ad Sleeve-Buttons, in seta, very rt b 3 oo to 15 e.tch 6ooo S feve hutuns plain, enametiei and engr'AT.' I 2 oo to 8 each Ukxk) Plaiji .i l tun':' uie'y eng. Ring 3 5..' io lo each 8ooo Spring Lockets, doubie case, richly engraved 2 oo to 14 each 15ooo pts Ladi' Jewelry, new and latent siyle-, 6iotol2ea.b 2joo Gold Pens aud ifandionie Silver Ca.-es 6 oo t j lo each . Tbis eniire Iit of beantiiul and Tlndi e Goods wilt t9 coid. for Up e D dTar -3Ch. Certil!t4ts ol all thesl,oe articles wiil It idared in enveioteo, aud seated. These envelope will b eiu bv.maii, as cr derel, without regard to clndce. (n receiving a Cer tificate you will oe wbai article y.'J arqtobae, anil tten it is optional Uti you to eeud one dollar and re ceive the artii le or not. Certulcaies cju be o!ered for ,! ; Eleven for $2; Tbtrtj five for $3; Sistj-ave for $10 aud On hun dred for $1V We will feud a ing.e Certiorate oa the ttce:pi of 15 cents. O. S. HA8K1773 A CO -I?, .s 4270 3J Btreiui iu S'.ieei, K T. vl-24-iin A. & Co. Sheriff S.ilt; Notice 4 hereby yiven ti nt l-y virtue -f .in esecuti-'n isjuol out of th Di-driet C,.iirt r f be County of Nem i'n. i t thi T -rnt iry J .N"t;Vi'iki ,' on a certain jaia.'iil oit iin ;d in iid Court by Kli II. WiUox,ni;ia-t Gcorr-idl. Xixen. and t iai directed as Sheriif of .-Hid County, t will oa'ar for Kile at public nuc'ion hi tbe iront do r ? f toe Brownvilie Ilune iu ihe City f llrowavii'i '13 si-.l Cnnn'y of fiiuw,-(thiit- bein the build. a in wbich the la-: t tenn ,,f the sr?i il V triet Court w.:. held) on Satu.d.iy th Ibth d iy ot Mrrh. IS 1 5. ar on o'clock, P.-51. of tbat day. the following real Ette'to wit : t!ie Fast h:ilf of Lad No.' Six f 6"i end Soven (7)'ai:l finy feet, t ffor the West j art of Iot So. nit e ('9 tail of the sVove in I'd n-k No. twen ty ( 2'J) in tbe Ci'y of Browti7d'e in the of emaha in tbe Territory of , Nebraska ; taken as tbe property of said b'eorgj II. Mxou, by Tirtae of Said execution. . ' Given nnder my hand tbii 15th dty of February, A D. IS65. . . W. G GLASGOW. Sari-. . 22 It PHOTO GRAPH I J j Lii.iii.ii LlLU'Lii A- thw nanf IndiTlta', ii cot vnj flENEWS tae Tvwth t-f th i.air Whew thin and filling .f5, Vul i; 'fos.tlvefy'KESKTi-- TIIEC01.01; to us urinal ha3 when it m turning g-y or white, whe uor cuu-vd by i'fo, gi icf T old ara. . It win crtniniy do is i!j;uiJ for it, a ft towikii Lui:d"e niy, tht.BSinds.who hueiso.i it, are ready and wii'.;t. to testify.'..- When one tot ile is fairly used, in ajir e inmuuity. its rcputa i-m 'Spread.-like wild fire," and is the best a.lvert-i -meut and recoaauendatioQ wed s:re.. IntheL'ast orn tatrs, wh:e tbc -I.ENEWEli ' origii.afci!. it ia us'-J by al! Young LndiV-i aa I'n s.d'ig, aad ;s to be found on the toilt tubles Yviunjt M. n, aliofn their barbers;) while O.dirVen ardVem-n win Dot b without it, s a rmewi-r nd ruftijraiv f .r their grt? bws and bald heads, which it ch.-vigt, to their entiro sa'islaetioo. - ' We are veiling in the cUy of Boston alone, op wards f 16,000 bottles per month , the dea'ers giv ing tha KEN EWEIt the f reference over all other il tir Preparations. ' If nt E s'lld y D?uggist3 in your town j a Trial Bottle will basent you by Expos', upon receipt of one dollar by muil thus S'V1DS yi'u aa opportunity itt once for testing its excflleut virtues. - fir?Ordersfor Trial Doftle?, m'isi be aJdressi d 'o our tenral Agei.t for the North w. stern State, C. A. COOK, Eos t521rCh:c go, III. All swh oidcrs will r.ceve prod itattntion. ' . U. F. U ALL & CO., Proprietors, ... Nashua, N. Q. The tr.ide supplied nt Marufact.uiers Prices bv FULLEii, UNCII & FCLLE1:,' Wholesale Lrug nsW.Cnicairo. Illino'S. ' 25 v'J 5m LEGAL NOTICE. James Jeff-rs, John Jeffursand William JefTers.wil take notice that L'enjaniine F. Liishbaagh dil.oc the o;h day of January,' A.' D. 1S:55. file his b ll of complaint, in the District Court of Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, in Cnaneery, against Anm. JetiTS, James Jcffers, John Jeffers, Robert Jetfers, William Jeft'ers, Isaiic JefTcrs, Isaiah JefTcrs, Hary A. Jeffers Manuel F. Jeffers, Elizabeth A. J-ffers and John L. Carson defendants ; for the .foreclos ure of a certain Deed of trust, or mortgage, qiven by Thomas J. ffers, deceased, iu his lifetime, t the Said Complainant and defendant John L.' Cgrsn, ol the North Eart quarter of Section No. T velve ( 12) in Township No", five i 5) North of Range No. fifteen ( 15) East, in Saia County, and Terr tory, to.-ei'ure the payiu.rit'of a certain j r missory aotc for the sum-of 50,00 with'iaterest thereon at the rate ol five percent per inotii. The ibject and prayer of fuid bill is to foreclose Said De si Trust, or m..r:gago,anI ror the sale of Said rretn ise to pay the money so secured. Yom are rjqui' red to appear and answer Said bill ou the tenth day of April, A. D. H;5 ,or tbo ruin? will be :aLet as 'rue at.d a decree entered accordingly.'" Dated llrowuville, b ebrairr, 2lsB ISdj. CiiAKLES li. DOUSEY, ; 23-4t $ 13.50 Sol. for Complainunt. . - NOTICE. Oa Saturday, yareh U:h, 1SG1. Twill ofcrfor rale, to the highest bidder fur eoh iu hand, in tl.e City of Erowovilie, Nemaha c unty, Ncbrajka, One ILia Pi ny, four year old. taken up byTiioma.s t. and appraised at n2Z 3t R. V.HCGH3S. LEGALOTICE. George W. Crowder will take notice that JIattie J erroruied, cli.e ti .s u-tdn. J. LroW'ier. as piaiut;a, has Lieu a petition a, ;ain$t j bi n in tl.e Di.-trict Court of 'cmiua Count-', Ne- I tIZi JC" brark-j Territ' rv. the Lb, imd prayer of saiv ih-u- r.i.j, i:. to .b aiii adeeioooi naki Court divorcing tier tiic b o.ds u in ilnmony iici'etoiorc cuccr ,d in iti s.iid te- rge V. Uro.vJer ; also forrasot-. ubi-J a.iiuooy ; aud to.ti tae .-. j of t. e. ard I i u. e. y .toe sr. e. ," s , t jwa.'fi. 4. nortn t.f raiiao i2, tn.-t ct t:ic C.b jt!i.tipai tuendii. o, io Jol n.-oo county, iu .aid Territory ?l Ncbi'Mfka, liia.i be d-'Tei-d to ner ns Uai"oy. Del'--ndai;t i rc-qu:r-d to answer by too lUta uay of ap is, A. Li. ICO j. E. W. THOMAS-, 2:1 -4 'J 'J .Soi. tor CouipiLitut. ALE OF APPRAISED STOCK ! th tr.frMiid Apviawrrt a d h U'Jlt Kelly J.l. .aviriiisel a corttu UroWi l.oii ii by .' The to be tt. d tl:t biahesl bidder for cii.-n, uu i; o 4 U day of March, tii.. -i'u N. '1. Ecbruarv, id l3o5, j. p., : 21Strd. J. W.PAKIrU. LEGAL NOTICE- Jonathan Havid wil take notice 1 iison ris inforni ki .-n mv u Hughes as plaictiif has tied a bill of txtitciaict ;tr:iinst ibo said David as deiendjnt t n the l icce i v sids- f tho D s;rict C-.ur "f N'emih-ii Cosuty in th: Twriiory'of Nebrark . Tn objit anl ptayer ol aid bid is to obtain a decreof ta d court cancel ling and !,nnu:iiiig a certain deed mude by p ait tui in fjyorof d', Augu.-t4i'n lr'C: to the North V't.-t quarter of Suction' lourtceu in To:rnf-!sip five Ni.rth d' iiae fourteen East of tbe 6th prlooijel Mcrid.'an. riioatcd in s:iid county-of Neuuba as bavtiK; bico obtained frma plaiuuS" by fraud, f ree, violence and thra"a ; 6r to couipl ad de fendant to reconvey s:iid land top.aiutiif. Defendant is' required to ns wer .aid petition on or before the 27th day of March Uoj. E.nV. THOMAS, Solicitor fr Coup't. February, 0th 1S.5. 2l-4t$!f.6i) J.' tV. BLISS, AUCT-IOI'TSEE, COHTiIISSION DEALER, ilain Street. 2 doors East of Poet OiSce, HROWNV1LLE, NEB. s AUCTION SALE at the Piineer An ticn Eon-e Every Saturday. J. W. BLISS, ALCTlO.'w'KKa. Fbo. Rnn.P. flesacd Revolvers, for sale t Dlisa' Auction Room. Onepwi Uahber ffju-.n Sheet, for site tt BtUa', Ctc jo f r Ca.-h. - IPO Acr,'of nood 'Lnd For Sste cl-ep. al;o House aud Lo', Eixjuire at the Pu:.eer AO"Mt.,rt It .rs . Over Coats at E:nt.m cost, at Uli V, Fine St.K:k of LJi-' Snoea for sale at, dstai tbo rioceer Auction House. Twofi d VTirk noises and cne M organ Co' t 2 years old for at 3iLi' Correil. S voiil hand Cook Stove for sale choap enquire at Hlis' Auction K mcis. Linen Tabte Cloths for ' sal cheap at the Pioneer Auction H juse. A pnir t t Splendid Bnszy Tlorswi, apd ene Scd Top Ensgy for s-le, ei quneof Biii-s A fi-ie rrtuier.t of Tb'.e Cutlery for Sale at Blifs' Auction R on. Lar.e Sf k of dyj Dootand Sho -s, Auction Uoctaa two doors east c a; cot, at or the: Fust jACOlj.MAKOIIN, MERCHANT. TAILOR, URON'NVILLE... ....,NE JIIASKA Calls the attention of Gentlemen deslrins new, oei ervicit!e a:t.' r jt.:,.rnoie Wearing Apparel, ' ' TO HIS : .HEW.ST0CK 0RG00DS. .JUST DECEIVED, y KO A 0 CLOTHE CASSlilKRS, VE5TIXG3. Hc..K iiVTZUZ VKIIY laATCST STILLS, Which he wii! sell ir make rn. to order. -1 unprece dented !i-w Ilavu.a cn band one of SIXER'S SKWLXti 'JiACniXES, he is able lo do Custom worn at rates that d iuipe titlua. I warrant my work, Unnd as well ts 3Iachlnc T ork. Th e wtiiuv any iuiu in his line wii do well to rait and ex iuii:ie his .tocx before Inrestiuif, as he pieces himcelf to hold out peculiarly fa ort;e la duem'it February 23, 15o4. yly. COLLARS, Whips i7.N sci.fc,.r.v.:,; M.1RT1.YG.UES. Cf thf? rn.'.it'n.. y??y Tainimi?-. a-!a. TaCUa0falls! Kxira4, nrcnLiismTTs,iiI,;: CARDS, BRUSHEs.rJ Stirrups, sinrftcT-- - - t H I Saddle Tre 'ess cf ? v To all cf which I ;u::e . ; of a generood puilic Jan. 2tb, 13 i. b13 t3-It DK. J. A.Big;: Magnetic & fcv t J r OQ Washington .ice. hi ij . ' ST. LOUS.35X " (POST Q--TXZ B.-.ia ' The Supernatural G.ft of nahr-;- sessf 'uv thU woudrtu! psr iV lug desreo, convinces tti bu4 a,; limited Poet be ims In usa rm;' HKA LP H Br tut 7 IVer he is enauled to perY? fc tion, and U ecaowed wl.h ide. j . - ALL D1SU This fact the Doctor b-i or cases from aU lrt .f u u twelve years. The t.i'i.j-;;:j o( inne f.rm. vield nmlerhu Ju . CDrSUiiPTXGA at.1 one to ix weefea; PAUALYsli the N'ervoua 8ynieia i; I'lTS ia lr"tn one to thrf 4,r, ; LilVEJK, L.ilAET i d JCiil to tea days, ait D.te?i i iu. Scrofula. Erysipei.ti. Fevers , ing to tbe severny t lie t -5 FEMALE" DISS.' Treated by a NewHy.Xi : i ui'Wt fc:ippy 'e-uit. Tbe Da:or' ilnn are Cfr ' prcuounced inc'iraij e ty a- a:.d no one i-hoe'd !e.'i;r(t it exaniined by th p.M.t c;. a-iitu qucsii-DT. Lo 0nduiono iiy aa-i ail I. pivm;-e re.iet. ?.... .i and su' n t tt v n..t va iw ' t.t'. ; to lei' ify t) tre Poctut's Te I"xtor a?vem-es b.,Si.k v. . ut'i l. y lo perrorot, ;nd will iwi . aaiioidctivn to all w ' me '--r i - ah I wliV C i:Ilot MBit t.. '."K - ejaiine-1 wi pre- rlbi t "i -c MIi w e ;-t If lot ill i.i 12 ASTH1LV. hrrft..f.T CM.-'" disea-e i trca'.et ua '". st.uice i-v ,ue l'vt.r' nr ty All C- ..t-d of CANC- ' otanoiio; rem in na u w fciiV'ii i'i iriiinen' or pia '1 1 ' , ihe l.'i.r hiie in tte I' i: ' fcut wii i. nj otier ; I' loforinalifli' A OLNTI.KMAN.tiu.J .; -compel i y, I'ri mi'ur' l" tutiv !y dr.o to b a i t- t'urvh to it'! wlv: tff.l i . rif'!;-.'i!!i ti t :vtM ioii.. ; r :u u-ed in ' ease. ?'jt'--r--r- .. . !lvrSi.., b:i I ", '' ' J alt, a ole 'c-ii.ely. 1'3 oc-j at h'. pi.i' f i lii:n $ iurorm-iti. u-f Vit-il im;-?' Ay - j Ully at ui by retain uui: A'- J TO PA THEODORE t Xo. 1J Mata : Having - ttrl- to Wind upc;'-, Goods Fall- awl ivillofllrto" at greatly Pricts ! mT tn "f T? V - ' stock ctni;: - latest ; THEODORA; it 4 F i of his by M;ir rv to o&rgrv- tnue given , . v, T' KOTK'E. or Dramas, . - i . r : "yf -t'rrrjslBxstTlouromtnei. o. ei jni 1 J OrTf,f7fJ j JL hif nd wb'lesCt kentT mi1B N5tf luTron tne i. o. -w - Spri!.?:. . It' JONATHAN GILL. 1 k ?Tr,s,'?T,3 Al X" Cabs and Wneelb&rrows - . ; -