Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 23, 1865, Image 4

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i .
i -v
ir.: 7? FLOURIXG
f x 71 i .its 'M
OW . C J XI -P
. I m, A ,r-t. .
lliiiip constantly cn loinl n aiortmcnt of
: Extra-uperfinc to Common
1d4 all ottier articlei nscallT'kfpt in a first-class
Merchant Flouring or aw Mill.
BrowarilU, March 3lst, C4. nSO-8-ly.
ALL rrVES 0?
TJsin Street, Opposite "V7ar3s T?anV,
AUTOiYiu lC ' ORGANS 1 1
.Thlrtj-FIvc Tiiousana Xoit'In lTse
I Every Instrument warranted for jlveyears
For sevecteen jar? the superior excellence of our
laitrnnj-nls ha cot heea rjijestioncJ, and for two
year )st tLe enoitiicus dexxnd bA made it impos
ibla fur u v meet our urdcra priaiptly. Witli otir
lecred faciiitiec, wj feci warranted in adoring
ear patroDi tbatthi-ir order? will be pr..rnptlj mat,
aud solicit a coutiuuaD',e nf their patrui sgr.
- GEO. JL. PRINCF & CO., BuiTaly, K Y.
GEO. A. PiillM CE 3t CO., Chicago.IiL
X An illnotrated Cittaloue, with full description of
tjlas will be en free to any a4def .
Main Street bet. First aud Second St
Brownvilo re "fc.
Keeps coiisUally on hand the bcit quality of
S E q A. R s , .
Candies, Plain ar.d Fancy,
Oranges, Flattens, Lemons, Dales,
Fig?, AVrj, jlpples. &c, &c.
h inds of Toys,
' Canned Fruit, end
.Oysters. -PHTLL
it aoeQtHiBodatiBj, obiigin?:, palriotio ana
wide awake to the interest of the pnblie, tad hat
the best assortment of Varieties in his lice ever
offered in this tcarkat, and is dettrciued no i to be
undersold for CASH. - .
J. BEliKY &- C0'S.,
J. -BERRY & CO..
CsTe Just received, eno are now opening. At
tand on Main stiet, one of the largest stocks ofthe
trer offered in this wi kit. Remember the Mace.
. J. BERRY & CO.'S,
3o lit IVTviix Btroot
, 1SW. nil-it
DRIED Apple, Dried reaches, sago, Sice, starcb.
tose. Candles, ptc , etc.,
'.' At MoTjtMLghlia &Svraa'e.
clocks; wiTcnss;
u"-Lii mj M JLi Zj jE ET I !
Vonld re?peetfnl) Inform bts old customers that he
b-s SKin opened bis JeWeirj i'tiop in his old stand on
V. atn street south ride, two doors east of tbe Erown
ille Honse. He keeps on hand a splendid bortnienl
of ererrtLin- in his line of business, which he wilt
cell on the owest terms fer Cah-
Ct ",'oct?j 'jratckfcs and .Jewelry done cn the short-
' rrcwsrrille, Keb..ir7 19th, 1S64. , . r37-T8-Ir"-
- J" " - ' " V
. ? . .... T .. :,:'.!y
s is r
1 1 M
Tim ntfrnti. t f lhe Piii'lic and the ttHie i
Fort, v: u t i r v.huju and purity of Urn :rc tttm;ie.l br nny!:'i in oft -rod in ;Li iaa.L-c. 'J'l-ey
?o:iui;n lis i ncJrri uproveii ents, r'r peh, Gr.ii.d action. Harp Wdtil, Iron Finm". Qr-zr Strnnx I'.at-s.
Art.. ;iiid. e'i' ii i'liTi'oint being m.iJc unJor the pfrson.-l sutrvi. iuu Mr. J. it. iir, csivou. wuu
Iiad a j-ractii al x; cricno.e. cf over years in tb i niaiiufcturc. is fully warranto.! in every parwculur.
TLc 'Gz ovi!stccxi 2'faiio ITci lcr' rrceivct tlic IiiIirs vnrI f ?2icrit
overall others al flic CclcLvutcd W oil u's i uis I
" tie wer." exhibited iustruuient fn.u tbe be-.-t makors of I.-iii.lo.J, Vmi , Germ tn v, Pi:i.!del;vhia, Yalt-iinr,B-.tun
m; ! New York : aril nl.-oat the Auicrl-m Institute for five fcuccctve yti, tlio gold uud
siiver inodh!? froia Wh of vrbuh taD be 5"cn au-ur w ira-ro-'.u.
l?v the intr'xlHCtin of improvfinent.- wo roka a still m. re perfect Piino Forfp. a id by rvri'iictuii "'
lar-jrelT, with a tnetly tdsb tyttt-ui, are futlleu w eii ir tnti insirutucuts at a jricc v. tic- will rcc!ud:
all ocu'fjcfi' ivni. !
I'UICKS "So. 1. Pcvpn 0"tnv?, ronn comor. Tiowoo piano cne ?275.
No. 2. Seven Octave, round coi-iv;.-. Iioeewool heavy uiouidiii; ji.0.1.
' . S c i-ven Ccta ve, round corr.ns, PoseTrood L.iuis XI V t k i' J2 j, a far f !a:i!c of tLe r.l-crc cat.
DESCFJPTIVE CIllCt'LASS SENT Fill-IE. jima 3l-n4.l-v8 -ly
Una k i v , ia awmif Jvi
Tbe fer.test iir.r.r'iv-iacnt yet in tbo Stwinu M.i
cbino Art. A curiosity worth bteir.g.
Flense srtl fir circulars wil'a snuiles of Sewing.
Tbci Tiapit-vel !.rfbiiic s.vfn ouo bnr.Jvl per
rent, t.! tt!i-.-il nrt s:Kc,ata ui:ikd vne ijoeK-SiU'.n
alike e-u be lli . iunj.
They rcquiro no ipftraction to operate perfectly,
except the "j i iatcd direetiana."
cbiiEge in sewing frota one kind of gooda to
mother. ".-
And no Nkin;
apart to e!ean or oil.
Oirr Xov M-int'fr
nrv i ri'iw coiritlcte, wit'i all
Us icHcbhiery and t .o's en' ire!y new, ar.d i alre-idy I
ro . .1 A it t t r i r r. ti t l . i i r. a a litil.'ll ft if II t rr ort.I
irfocti.-n of iT:-: r.n vltisti by any taann-!
r.mtui'e t.'ij Wifiiu,
N". B.-.-S!ioM any M-icbinap' irp-vli?rac'cry,
it can be re urnei aid o'ooty r-iJ'uudel. j
Agut TT!!r.tc2 a cccLtics'tot c&aTaieJ iy cur
own Agents. j
- ' . ' - -
riAiii.K & liYor?, s. 31. co.
' . XO. 533 BROADWAY, . Y.
ye. 4' v8 ly.
r .
Thseb Eitters are prepared. In pure IW.rl;on
Whisky, fiom a cumbinaiioQ of CYr twenty oif
fcrrnt kinds of roots, barks and hcil.n, which
act lb perfect concert one with the oilier, r&
pared from the oritrhial formula given by the
Treat chief, lted Jacket, to Dr. Cl;aiin, who
used them ucces.--.'ui:y in Ms pi act ice for mrny
years, and by their use guided so great a popul.o. i; y
In the treatment and cure of l.speisia. Liver
CompUint, Cunslipaticn, Siek and e.vou llf att
ache, Fever and Apne, and ail diji- affrirfnf; frc m
torpid liver or indigestion. Tersons sufi'ei ing fioni
eiUitr of these loathsome diseases will find a tme
cure by the uw of these Eittevs, which arc pcrfoct'.y
pure and free from ail those drugs atid poiior.s
aliy put up in such preparations and painted oil on
an unsufpoetlr? public. Jk single trial will d;n
Tince the most skeptical that ia the UfcL jACIiil
there U vhlu which no ether L' liters ;xSt.
TLsy itrcii jttcn and inTigorate tlio systcra.
Ttey are uncqsalc&for general debiKty.
Ttey ere a 6ure cere far dyspepsia.
They give a good and fceaitigr appetite.
They assist dirjS5tsT"V
They are the test stnulanta existence.
They aro a preventive cf TeYCr andZgno.
They relieve constipation.
They cure Kervcns Head-ehe.
They are perfectly pure and palatable.
A ed persons and delicate females will Pn,d th'y '
can saTClaige autlor's bills ly Uie cce of ihtbe tit
ters. Beware of counterfeit. The Red JscVrt Eit
ters are only sold in bottles with our name Mown
on the mde, and pur private government si; rap
across tbe cork. o e a
For Medicinal and Table nses, which are perfectly
pure, and need, ouly be tiled to be appreciated.
K'one genuine unless they have our gotf MM on
each bottle, and our pressed i"i wux over
tfie cork.
Sold hy all druggists and dealers throughout the
eounlry. Cull for our gotds and take notttur.
Circulars to the trade supplied on applkatiou I
Hennctt Pielers & Co.
BM lj Ho. 21 Eirer fit., Chicajoi.
W. IT. IXcdlEEK y . Brownville,
BFr:TJ XpliOlTY, Peru. M. T.
GADCCo.. " '".
Brownrille, Juue 2, 1864. no 39-ly
Successor to B. Brown Co. '
"VTould respwtsrl'r ar.ner.nrc to the Citizens of
Brownville aad vicinity, that he lias purchased the
Large and Well Selected SlocS
' - '; or !
Z2. 2S. ID" (&'B
ftEDiCiriEg, PAINTS, &C.
ITe assnres theprblicaenerally, that be will keep en
nana every thdng usually kcept in
. - i - - -
Fust Class Drug Store, ;
and it determined net to be undersold for cash.
AT ALL noURS - -
WETL Buckets, Churns, Sieves, Mouse r Trips
Clothes Ptns and Csstile soap
PAILS, Tnbs, Kcijs, Washboards, Keelers, ChiMren'i
Csbs and Wheelbarrows .., r .
. T;oLnrehlin'& Swtrn'g-.
ttt- , ' -- -- --A- ' T
t t T 't.l n rti rT n ri
A IN AU1U JX il, 1( 5
I to oar New Fnle 7 Oofnve iiohwoo'I Pinm
I 5
rints, Oils ani Dye Stuff,
Pure I I(,ut fc I ( ( ;u 1 1 j c; ci
Ail khids Patent ilcihcim-s
Dlank'Scoks end Stationery,
The best brands cf Chewing and Smrkin
X-xIa or evil
lie assure bis pntroa. and the public gep rally,
he wiil keep nn band an extensive stock of tbe ar
ticlci rucr. tinned, bcide anything aui . everyihlni''
usually kept in a. fir.t class Dru tore, wsiob be
is prepared to ?eii at low iaus ir Caeh. fail and
examine for yourself ...... ,
ouih-fa?t Carner "Slim and Fifst Street
, Drownville, Iebrak?-
rrcscriplloiis'siaa CreScrs
Curefu'ly filled . t i.ll liours.
biiiilh'iUlHlih mudiiiui
The reader.'' of the Continental crenwrno of the
important coition it ha hssuhjoJ, .f tlie inilnence
which it exerts, and nf the brilliant or.Myof politi
cal and literary talent of the hitri'.' .t order which
(ujt;.rts it. , publication 01 tho kind has, ia
thi.'country, so u.cefltilly ei-Dibined the energy
find lit-edi.i.'i oi the daily with the bijrh
t lite-ary tfp.f tbe fr't-chvi monthly; and it ii
eery certain t.he.t nn ina;-.izine bus t;ivan- wiier
runge to its ."o.itributors; or preserved itself st, com
'!: ely from the narrow JnSiif-nve? of party or of
faction. In times like the present, such a journal
i? either a p.wer in the bind r it is That
the Continental is rot the latter is abuioPintly
e7fl('nced by what it bam done by tbe reflection of
its counsels in nimy irr porta nt. public event?, ai;d
in tbe character and puwtr of thooO v,b areits
tanncbest. fwjij-.rtVs.
Though but littie i.Tfre tban a year olopei;
iri"e the C-r.tice:i:l u;s -first e; tHb!ished, it ).a
(lorir.-r tb.nt time a. .o:ired a s'eronih and n sini-li'-aneo
clevntln.e it u a ptsiti. n fnr above that j-re-vb.u.-!y
oieatio-i a Ftrei rth a,d a r ili; 1 s-craii-.rrec
-l-rvatir it to a position fur uboye that pro-vi..ii-!y.
occ n pied by -r.y pab! iei t ienv.'f the kii.d in
Aiacriea. In proof f wPi. h aj-crtiva km call sit to tLa loi'oR in.r; f.i -t-:
1. Of i;s po'.iea! nrtielcp repiib!i.-!t'; 1 in psrerhlct
f.-.rm, a sinilc .n ha tbw i',-r, a chvnliitiou
of ban lied and lx thvusand .-.jic.
2. Fr-'iti it-1 l:te-,.-iry det.aitnioi.t. a sinl" serial
novel. "Among the i'ines," ho?, within a Vorr fow-
nontb.-, -ii-Id :.?-.rr thir' y-fjvu tbou.-niid coj.'.es
Two other ferit ;f its literary articles Inve ai?o
been republished in book form, vrhijo tho Srt x-r-t-tfri
tf a third isalre-idy in jires.
No more conjiusive facts ..need bo nllcdged to
IT'ivj the the cxeelleiiec of tbe eontribnti. ua "to the
Continental, or their extnontinary popxhvitv; ar.d
tii cor.uuetjrs are determined that it shall not i'.ill
behind. JVjFerving nil. "lb? h i!.?':-s, vi.-.r v:,d
ability'' which a tiion-and j..ur:i.i!s hare attr.-nted
to it, it v. iM greatly en'ar itsn-ircl of action, and, fearlessly and frankly, crcrv principle iu
uolved id tha great qu?af.;ori! of the day. Tbe Urst
iiiincls of the' eiubraeing the- inrn roo3f,
f!aiPar witn iu diplomacy and n-st di:-;i:igti ,'io- i
lor aoiiity. are- ainon us e..ntribi;!f rs- rt?
t it i-
no more "lli tterin!? iroinin nf ;l
o r- - , -
ui.ii mis -iiMgozine ler t:o tunes'
wiii emp'oy roe.
the iirzl lTit.diioct in Am:
riea, u.ider 'iwjst ices wlibdi
no publication ever enjoyed before in this country.
yb'uo the Continent.,! will c.xpre deoid ;d"
opinions on the gieat fjucsti. n of tl.e t!-r. it wiil
not be a mere pjlitic-r.l journal: tn:n-j! tne larger
portion of its columns will bo eniivencd, as h'-rtr.i-forc,
byti es, poetry and hum...-. In a word, tho
Continental will be found, under it? new staff of
Editors. occupying adosition and presenting atinic
tion cjver before fout d in uiaaziuo.
Two copies for one yeap ' ?..fO
Three copies for one year, . fi.flu
Six copies for one year, i,oi)
E'eren copirs ff.rtina ycer, 20.00
Twenty crpies for mo year, . 50,00
.tnc Twcnty-fuur ccnti a year,' to be paid by
tht Subscriber. .
Tbreo dollars a y adv.iiioj. Ptxtago paid by
tho i'u blisher.
' J0HXF. THOW. 50 Greens St., X. Y.t
Publisher for the Propiietor?.
As an indur-emsni !onew subst-riber. tba Iub
lisber? oilers tbo fuliowin- libera! premiu-ns: -
Any person remitting $3, in advance, will receive
the magazine 'from Jnly, 1SC2, -to January, 1834
thus securing tha whole of Mr.. Kimball's and ilr.
Kirke'e new serials, which aro alone wrth the
priee of the subM-riptinn. Or. if DrefereJ. a sub-
ncribercan ti-V" t ie ntazajine for 18''3,nnd acopv
of'AmaBg he "iines,"or of "Undercurrents of
.street, by K. 1J. h.i:noitI, bound in cloth, or
of 'Sunshine iu Thos:h,." bv Charles " (i.,d!rev
Leland retail frice,.$123 The book to be sent
tort-o paii. , - v
Any per-on rem'tlfl 4 5C, will receive the mnga
zino irom irs conimoucement, Januarv, IS62. to
January, lbil, thus securing ilr. Kimball's '-Wr.!
AeFueccssful ?"and Mr. KirkeVAmcnethe Pices,"
and 'Jlerch:in4'g Story," nnd nearly 3,000 octave
page? of the best literature in the world. Premium
ubscribersto pay their own postage.
"A Large assortment of Pocket knives. Butcher knir
eic. ec., can bo score
CULTIVATORS, Scyttief, Cradles, Rakes,
Snados. Shovels, etr.' p.c .
At McLaughlin Sc S wtB.
BROOMS, Blackinir brusbe, Scrubbing brnslies
Whisk brcoma. Hlacbinf. M,t,-hai ink
Paper, &.C., &o.,
' 1 . T. 1 .11 U
iMcLAucnLiN 5c
TaVen up by the undersigned, living six miles
west of Ilrownville , Dec. 14th, one red and white
stear, three years old last spring.
15-3t S. W KENNEDY.
' Taken up by the undersigned, livjn two miles
above Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska, on
tbe Iiltb day of December, one black horse eolt,
two years old, verv poor when taken up, no marks
orbratds, . . I5-'3t . ISAAC JEiTERS.
" " ?
f s.-.t ?
I ,Jirit-l( . x i m ffek. tw-b, anJ
V"- "r-S. rc):)i-'i-i :ii;::.' Au- m.i: ut
.t-oriii, with Vr fwn
.K!Cf i;'-o'nrt; t'-?TI:esyiiiy-
'v.-.bKir.jT,-V V tcT'ir en- oifen the p:e!uue
r?l - ' Ti i.v r. tii,:t'.v i--c oi tl.? v.-:it
1 'It ,
let tin:
.4 'ixriMve or. ui tLi-i ii'iu
C ' --; i Ji. v--,rVIic-:U?i ?e;r.r.t. i
iA-ll-i " 1.k!v i;oioi
;i.i.s nf tne
Mis r.ctivity.
,..;r.. evetem f.-..n-. !. ii'--t ! 'I'CtiODS M I K u IliSt.CC-
diWsc. A coid K'tties. pohic v. litre t:i tl.o I o.iy, jind
f.bMrtKs iN r.Qlmnl t-i 'isio::. Uiie.'o, il l ot 10
Jieu'd, it-yet v.rr.n li!-:r..-cIvLF and tl.f t! rui:r.d:r.
oralis. inoUtui';'' getK-3l ttstioii, tuuii,
and cii--:.;. VI.U in this co:f?:it;mi, om-H by
live eJlcct expels tttem. tv.u.-ea i.y siim.ur uom. uc-.
tion :! irianrenients of tite Lafnial tunctiors o
t..e botiy.lhev nreiapidly, nod i..anyol thun sine y,
cured bv tl:o" ranie i.iffii -s. ho ki:ow tie
virtues .if these 1 i Ik- v.i:l ne-!ect fo tmpi:y t..t-ia
v Ltu uio-n. li'oio the clioi df . s they cure.
MetciMc'.ns Irom lendi::;: ; l'.yr?ci:ti;s ill topi of the,
principal tiiics, iu.d uvm vlhtr wui-bnown j ubliC
Ijersoi.: - . "... . .
Frcm a Fencarcii.'.j Merchant cf St. Louis, Fei 4,
lt.-8. .
Dr AYETi- Your-Piils. aro the para xon of oil that
It ji-i-rrt iir'rtrclicihe. Tlwy have cured my little
uiii!.ter oi ulcercun-porcs upon her bands ni.d feet
ih:t Ltd ,ct-d i-ralle 1'ur yearn. Her mother
lias been Un.r-: RrievouKly i.l!l"cted with blotches and
pimples cu ii;r tkin and in htr hair. Alter our
child wi s ci-ed, she also, tried your Pills, nnd they uicd her. ASA MOliUlilDUll
: . A a Family Physic .
' From Pr. E W. Carticrighf. Xew Ortean3.
Your l'i'is are the prince cf purges. Iheir ex
cricnt qticlities Burpass anv cathartic we posf-ess.
'J her nre nnid, but very certain and effectual m their
r.c'Jon on the bowels, wttich makes them mvaluabla
to us in the tlaily.treatineut of disease.
Fmm Fr. Edward fayd, BaUir.iore.
Di:.r. liito. Ayeu: 1 cannot answer yoa tc;a
coiu.ulr.ints 1 Lave cured with your 1'ijls bctier than
iu cay 7?Tf tee ever treat tetih a purgaitwi,t-
c I plsce great depeudecce on that t-irccina!
cr.ti-.attio in ny dailv co.itest with disecfe, and le
lieviftjr. ml Co. that'your 1121s afford us the test W8
h.t, I cf Couue value thtra highly.
PiTTSnrr.o, Ta.. May 1. lc3.
Da. .7. C. Aver, bir: 1 have been repeatedly
e;i:cd of tite w orst htadache m, body can hsn ely a
i!oe or two of your 1 iils. It seems to arise liom a
Ibul stomach, w hich thev cleanse at once.
Yours with great ri-spect. LD. Y PKEHLE.
...v L'lerlt of Steamer Clarion.
nilio-n Iioriler Iiver Complniuts.
From Dr. Theodore Hell, cXew York Ciftj.
I'ot oitlv are your l illsndmirnbly adapted to their
Iiut-jfOee ! ni) aperient, but I find their beneficial
ttfectb uj.on the Liver very marked indeed. They
Lave in nn- practice proved more effectual for the
cure of liiiout complaints than any one remedy I
tan mention 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at
lenjrtl. n punative which is worthy the conlidencecf
tiiiipioiecUuu aud the people. -
' Department ot the Ixtirior, 1
Wcshinfrton, D. C , 7th Feb., lSoti. J
Sir: I have used your Pills in my general and
hospital practice ever since you made them, and
cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic
ve employ. Their re'frulalinpr action on the liver A
quick and decided, contoiueutlr they are an ad
mirable remedy for derangements of that organ,
li'dced, J have seldom iound a case of bilious ii
fite to ob.-liiifite that it did pot rendilv yield to IrUeryuily vours, ALOMZO PALL, M. D.,
Physician cf the Marine Hospital
Dyscufrzy, Diarrlia, Ilelax, Worms,
From Dr. J. O. (Jreen, cf Chicago.
Your l i'!. have had a lor. trial in my practice,
pr.d 1 bo d tiieru in ertcent as or.e of the best aperi
ents I baveever ibund. J'heir alterative ellect upon
l!:e liver makes them an excellent remedy, whtn
iven in i maii ioscs for HUoub dysentery and rfiar
r.'m t. 'il.fir Pigar-coatintr makes them very ac
ceptable aud convenient for the use of women and
children. . , .
Iy"Icp''' Impurity of the Slood.
Frui i r.ev'. J. V. Mines, rastor cf Advent Church,
1)2. ATrit: I have used voar rills with extra
ordinary sticcevt iu my family and amongthose I am
called to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of
digestion and purify the blood", they are the very
Lest remedy I have ever known, and I cau confi
iju' ly leco'mniend them to my friends.
. . Yours, J. V. IIIJIES.
vTAnsAiv, TTyominfr Co , N.T., Oct. 24. 1S55.
Dkak Sn: : i s:m using your Cathartic Pills in my
practice, ai?d li:u .thciu aii txceiler.t purgative to
cleanse the s;cin and purify the fnuihtain cf th
LLckhL ' JOii U. litAC'liAjI, il. D.
Coj"ipn!iif C"lirrn, NnpprfMioa
C:"Miiiniii. out, IVcuirslia) liropsyj
. fi'.ralyi., K'ita, elc.
From Ft. J. P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canada.
Too much cr.nnot be said of your Pills lor the
care of cosfireness. If otiters of our fraternity have
found them as illicpcioiis as I bave.thcy should join
me in proclaiming it. for the benefit of the multitudes
v.ho f-uller from that comprint, which, although
tad enough in it.-eif, is the progenitor of others that -are
v. nrs. 1 believe cosiirentss to originate in the
lit tr, but your Pi;! ailtct that organ and cuie the
From Mrs.' E. Stuart, Fit ysician and Midwife,
- I Und or.c or two large doses of your rills, taken
at the pu.pi r time; are excellent promotives of tha
mut s neiicii wheu who!!; or partially sup
presMM, ui:d also very effectual to cleanse the
o,.'c7i nnd expel irorms. They are so piuch the
biVi physic w e haviAhat X recommend no other t
my patients.
Frcr.i tie F.zv. Dr. Ilairl-es, of the Methodist Epis.
Pulaski )tOT7SE, Savpnnnli, Ga., Jan. 6, 13.
Jio.oi.iii .u: I shou d be iinsrraterul lor the
relief jour skill has buu-glit me if I did itot report
my cet to jou. A cold bottled in my limbs and
b:ou;l:t on eS'cr j'iniT!g neuralgic pain, which
riic'ed in chroiHc 7o-.,;i-.!-rj. Mot witbi-tunding I
Jtad the l est of pl.'.biuai., ih cbsev grew worse
nnd worse.. until by the cdvi-j of yur excellent
tient in Pr.ltjmOie", Dr. jlackenzie, 1 tried your
1125s. Their eilvcts were f.o-x, but sure, l'y pcr
teveiirg in the use of them, I am now entirely well.
Senate CiiArnKn, Paton Routre, La., 5 Dec.,lSo5.
Da Avek: 1 have been entirely cured, bv your
Hits, of Ilheurv lie Gout a painful diseasethat has
aulicfed me ioj "rs. VINCENT JsUDLLL.
3Iost of tuj Pills In market contain Mercury,
which although a valuable remedy in skillttl hands,
is danireroiis iu a public'pill, ironi tho dreadful con thai I'reiiuentlv loliow it incautious ute.
Tl-.i'Mj c-. ntiuu no mercury or nuTiera! substance
whatcitr. i
Price, 25 cents per Eoz, or 5 TJozes for $1. .
Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATE2 ti Co., Lowell, ilass.
WJr. n. McCbKFRY. Frownville.
G. A. BROVi'K A PUO., Peru.
vB-r.8 ly
Attractive Fer-turc". Tho ?5.000 rrizo Novel
The Gulf Kctw.ou Them. By Mrs. Anne S,
Mepheo. Aatborcss "of "Fashion and Fainine'
"Tho Rejected Wife." &e &c.
In aldiMoT to its attracii r1.; a? the orat: a.:;i
most authentic I"n;tr' Filter in "America, ciif
passini; all otheti in tlia variety, aciiur.iey, an 1 In-.
ferest of the ncmer-Jus iiltitiiitions which it iters, j
Frar.d Lcslio's HI ijrted Ne,vp'iKr will bein in
No. 435, dated Jani try :i0, lSo4, tbe thriliinand
absorbing novel, "The Cull iiotwe&n them," writ
ten by the great nove'.is', Mrs. Stephens,
"Fashion and Famine" ba.i a larger circulation
than any other purely litcrnry nvel tfonrday.
and wts regarded as so intiterly a work of fiction
that it was not only rf published. ia Fnglind, but
vras translated into almost every langu igo of Eu
rcp. The prize of ?5,C00, efTercJ with utrsa lber
ality by tho proprietor for tbo best nov drev.
f..r h no Uss' than two hundred wotks. -"rybf
thein of jrreat ment. Aimn (ho e 'Mrs. "StepbenV-
novel was selected, evidently tftTpw?.-? not-oniy
nil ethers oCcred, lut aline st everything hitherto 1
published. It is fully e pi il t- "Fahioa and
r.'mine " and w 11 le as widely read
It wiil be of greater interest, from the fact that
the scene, is ' lapf. in our land and our own times:
ar.d in delineation of character ond absorbing"
powor it will fascinate and charm th s readir.
Subscription tSl'.dO per year.
Address FRANK LESLIE, Duanc St. N. Y.
Copies of tho paper containing tho-cemmenae-mcntand
continuation cf Mrs. SJ epitome novel,
"Tbe Gulf Between them," can be had of any News-,
dealer in the United States or Aritih Provinces.
SALT ty the barrel cr pound, Fine Dairy Salt, fjr
At aIcLauciilin S:' Swan's.
ICKELAl by the dozen or barrel, t a uperivr qsal
ity. crnstantly on hand
At McL$ic.ELiK i S.rAN.s.
"CT1GS. Chixjolate, Marde snpar, assorted Jellies, Can
A. Peaches. Pepper sauce, iluohi jom catsup, Worces
tershire iauee, tc, &.c,
At McLatgiilis & Swan s
PEOUIt, Butter, Eges, Bacon, etc.. stc.
a "! r.T. nvh'in At Huron's
The beautiful tract of Land known as the"IIay-
wood Farm," -contarjifg ICO acres, situated tne
mile West of BrowaviPe, is for sale apply to
: i8-4t p'd .- - WILLIA3I II. iiOOVER.
.. . T '-- 1 t'.
diiec'Jv tliov roftoi-c tl;e juiinvai Lei.or, m -jo-tom.
ai'.d with it tbe buoyai.t ii-elin,' of health a.mun.
What ib into and so cpj-an-iit in thin trivial rnd com
mon complaint, is alio tnie r.i ir.anv oi the- dc j
winn.i '.!T,.'rr4l!ia ilisttMiiiors. The f-ame par-a-v
Aifmi Jor tbe sale of
Watches, Chains, &c, &c.
To be sold lor one Dollar Lacli, witU.t,rerd to ra.we
Of Articles ll to be sojd for one Dollar Each .
100 Gold Jiu ti t iiSi Usea aies, - v - -
100 " Watches, - . -'.".;;
' LadoJ' Watches, - - -6
0 Silver ' " " , ."
CM Gold Guard, Vet and Cbaielain
-- Chain. . - -000
Vest, Ne-:k, Guard acd,C hatelaia
Cb tins. - - -
2Cu") C;i:eo Brooches .
Musaio av..' Jet Pf.w eltes
SiOO Lava an-i y.-reif.Jne 7
3 00 Coral. Gut net & Kiucrati Brooches,
3030 rc:eo Ear Dro;;s,
3(100 (iarnet i.sic mid Jet Kar Drops,
4i.U-) Lavaan.triorrnti:;cKarDroi.s
4i;c0 (ients' bcirf i'ios, -HlWO
Ctinin and Diind na'-clel:f"
;-:600 "Gents' Ik eats Pttis,
3!tc Wytch Keys, -f.010
'iO and Hibbon Slides,
7000 S-Uot H.ifiotit Studs -socu
S!eevc i;u;ts, -!pOC
Plain and Chased Sicys,
".t 1.0 Stone t-et Pwiiif'S,
60 eaon
35 eacb
$15 to 20 tach
to 15 each
4 to S each
4 to C e.u a
4 to C civil
4 to 6 each
4 to
4 to
6 eacti
6 eeh
6 ehcb
" to O ea"!l
3 to JO efcih
U to 8 each
2 to 6 ca- h
2 lo 6 eaiJi
2 to 6 each
2 u C each
2 to 6 each
2 to 6 each
7000 Mini.iiii'.e Lockets,, ic
2 10 each
Jn all tvar;sacti-..!is by mii we sha'l ch.n f?p for f-ir-ft.rwarding
tl.e Certificates, pavii; .ui-isi and doj";
the "uusii:ess, i:' cents e.o-h Kive (tt-rii.1t at os will t a
sen for $1; K2ev?;-$5j Sixtr-nve
fr $10 au i One hundred t-r $16.
CORESPONDENTS msy rely npm a quiet and
prutiipt answer to their roitirs. Our business is con
ducted upon liberal, honest, straishlforwardprinciple,
and we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Our pat
rons may always depend upon haviny their orders faith
fully and punctually supplied. Iu no eae win curres
pondeuts beue.ilocted.
53Corre.-poiideiiia should be careful to write their
siu'uUures piaiu, a:id give their Toft Office, Cocmy, and
Mate. Address, GKO DEMERIT fic CO.,
229 Droadway, Hew l'ork.
Having had business rotations wiLh the above
gentlemen, I take pleasure in saying that they are
houorable. cpriiitit men, snd perfiirm all theypromi bin
and the Jewelry I have seen lrotn there is uenuine.anJ
gives satit;action. It. O TlIiJ.MPSO.V,"
n7-tf Nursery lii.l Kt.
'5 -f" "?
5f J
. re
An Independent Dc.Tnccratic Dai
ly, fcc-nu-Weelily and Weekly
The ' which tho New Turk YToeVlv Aru
has been united, has t'-day Cvo times the agr
gate circulation f any Deiu icr.ifi or Conservative
newspaper. Jt addresses weekly alone in "'re than
lOO.Oilu fcubscribcrs nnd constant purchasers, and
reaches at least half a million render?. With tbe
Fteady increase in circulation whi -h it now" enjoy,
these numoers will soon be douMed. Nothing less
than this should satisfy tboe who beiieve that the
only hope of restoring the Union and tbe authority
ot tne Constitution over a now distracted- and ai-
vided. Country, lies in wresting power from the
h inds cf those fanaticism has helped to provoke,
invite, and prolong the war: oni that to accomplish
this end, no means is so effective as the diffusion,
throuSh able and ent rpri-ing nwp-iper3, of sound
political knowledge i nong .the working men, the
thinking men, and tha voringmen of the North.
Enterprise, industry nnd money will b-i liberally
expended to nviko The World tre Best ' Newspaper
in: America- : lis caws from every p .rt of t2e world
wjilbe early and uther.tic. Wherever the tlf graph
cxtcds, orTtiilroadj ru'p, or stoanjbots p-y. it wtll
father the !att -if inlelltgence. It has a large staff
of accomplished correspondents with all the federal
armies, who wiil telcraph ftn.l write to us the 'latest
news from the various seats of war. It has corres
pondents and reporters in every political and com
mercial centre in A.Merica and Europe, whose letters
and dif patches will leave nothing worthy of note
unknown to its readers.
The Market Reports of the World a-e more com
plete than thos of any other newspaper. The
UEditoS invite comparison in this respect and point
to tbe reports ot tne Cattle Jlarkets, the teneral
and country Produce Markrt?, and the Money i.r-
kets in its columns, as proof of its excellence in this
respett. The world ha also a special department
ievoted to Agriculture, tilled with editorial artieh
jomtnuriic-ations from practical farmers and mechan
ics of the country.
The war in waich the nation is ergiged against
arnmd and ir.fotuatcd Rebels, and the radical poiiey
of the admini -tration w'&wh prolongs it, have cn
spired to bring together upon one platform all con
servative. Lnton-Iovirfi and Longtitut n-l vmg
men, of whatever farmer nami an t oree -: H iy of
thosfl who within tbe limits of the TSti. aion.
fouzht the battles of the ballot 1 nn r the
leadership of those patriotic stat"bsm?- cf : .r and
of tier days, Her.ry t-isy a:ii Dnt.I We'istcr, '.-gcthi-r
with the in; kcs who prine r'ci were those
ollfjjeh a'.i-tots'as Andrew J.ivkii :!d Wiliia.u L
.M.-trcy. Wriabt and Stephen A. 1: ..0..-.s, now
stariC shoulder to shoul Jo- uoen the snme platform
i.-a'ila'.n one. It is to restore th Union, m-tintain
the C nstituticc, i.nd enforce the laws. Whstbrer
Tiial e? f..r this ena, tne exercise of foiee- of the
policy of ct-reilLt:on. The WtU wiil advocate;
whatever makes : g -nst it, The WoWd will
I-, ilieppoe ewry enemy to tbe Ui.b n. 'wbotLcr
armed in r.-be-l!n -'t t':.-- South or ii.--idi n;!j j hn.t-
i.ig the seel-cfdi union and es. tnti.U disloyalty at i
the Nottn. ?
It w;ll opp! se every viohi'ion of the Cor.stitntion
wiiieh is tha only hope atsd bond of Union, and our
only authority for oxfiurticg or compulling the alie
fiance of the Soutn.
It will oppose ivery infraction ff tbe Low. in high
placet or in ic. by r- ckiess and mi.-;.:uid -d pttrti-s.'-.ns.
or bv tho adimui j'ja'.ioa which but -baou their
- It v :. r-irlessly erercise ti9 Freedom of the
Pres-i : , nil. cops ntly ut.ii -la an-1 uefeud Free
U 'ln of peceb ar-,l Fr.. juioi Uw 'J-Hot. ,.
To the hwle.-"i a.-r- .f tho A, its
rbitrorv and ju-t r.rri ts -ibd rxpatid-' ions, its
di of tV ri ?. .. th. writ :i t .-it . o.rpus, it-
O (; -tao'll.
its at t-icriti.
ot :-t.i'e atot
:;".'.'t ungr;Tlt-
federal I tvis, it - o. sp'-t'C aceuai t o
d power, c.O'i it
sobver-jiocs r '. t: e safexUiTds of I
el v.l
rt on;
! li ry, it will!.v opl"se
pl;t of our sop--uij iw nnd ihe
A 'loctriiie. until American tree
: to the rte-iVeiy of their rights,
;e r hi'.vs, their liioueil an-i
. crnment, by the resistless decision
t'o- !
adv. .
IU. it :
f 1 . i r
t 'er an. t
-v t sr.
I..US be
,' i tic.
i..r. --i ;
oi '
: o,
. Pi, :V.i;.
-rd wirh the rteire tocuntri-
butea'l ll it ti.oT to the
: ea
w-.rk of tht' gencr
:ati unity, and
f ntio t arn.-ii; t:i
1 yi( .;-r;.. Vr'-.-
aii. uUiv-Iy. to re-tote ou
to place :'! Unite i Si a"' ag
nations rf the e'lrih. and
peritv, a:id hat.pio'jss of is 'irnu'e. T;.u Woti-.l
seeks from those who de.-lre st.-h tilings their sym
and support, and, ab .ve all, tho favor of Kim who
erowns every good work. v
Yearly Subscribers by mil Ji CO
S K MI-W E Ei.Y W 0 RL D .
Njngle sn-criocrs. pp' tpnatn
Two tuples to oue uddreaa
Three "
Five " "
Ten u '
Single Subscriber's, per u-nnutu
Three oopies audrco ou e:icu paper
I'lve " "
Ton " "
S t t0
5 CO
12 00
22 50
$2 00
" 5 00
i: oo
Twerty cotv" til to one ndress ' '
,2 1)0
Cinbsiiftiv nty or over can have address put on
each paper for an additional charge of tsn cent
crtrh. . - ,
For everv club of tvo.ifv an extra copy will bo
.jcj foj- tho gc-tUT up of the c'ub.
Fcr every c'nb of fifty, ihc S.-tni-7eckly, a&d (or
every club of one hundr-d. tin Daily will" be rent,
when rcjucs'cd, in lieu of the extfa c ; ics of Weekly
Additions to Cubs mny no made at any time at
satie. rates. Papers canmt bo cbang'd fn-ta one
Club to another, bat on request of the t arson order
ing the Clubi and cn' receipt of ffty" cents extra,
single papers will bo taken frca the Club and s.-nt
to a sepcrate address.
All ordors nrait ba aocompar.iel by th Cah.
Address. v THE WOULD.
.- 33 Tark Bow. New York.
To Conmptires.
Consumptive snlferers will receive a valuable pre
scription lor tho euro of Consumption, Asthma,
;ro:.chitis. ar.d all thr-ct and Lung auctions,
ir'reo of cbMrje,) bv sending heir address t
' , ' ' Kings Co.
New Yorlu
INDIA P.uhbetand fTorn. Dressing, Po;ltet ard Cm
Cuinti, Wooden Pocket cm 'as, ioj.tcro peaches,
MTaKots, Fish Rooks sod lines, &.c .
CMoKIXt ar.d Chewing Totacco, Cipars. pipes Pipe
BleuiS and Tobacco Pond eg in great variety,
At licLaugbUin & Swan's.
Js"ACKEJiAL, Lake Trout, Whie ihh, Codgsh, etc.,
etc., constantly on hand . .-
fH n F '-est j?loa? f rom the L. G. Mills in quarter
U -.l.llfHI--. Ill PIS
I20i)0 Sots Ladies Jew city, - - Ztla each V v J , r . t" A 'trr mar v cTJc, cf ' on 1-''"" 1 V";; . -
All of the goods in the ab..v List will be .U. with- Country, many n:des 01 the Country, i-ar.y jiuss ci & g,,, .rulottftU,T irea. ia a., i-,,.,-,,. ?
oni. lehe'vatiuu, for One Dollar caej:. Certitlcates;ot I the world revive il CuS?:-??at:on Ut ' frfs 0f their a a sc-t owier Uu U.
all the vrtii'ts articles- ate placed in sixilsr euvelc'-Ci 1 ui--;i C. ii:.-olj Jidtlietkal aud im4b;i-'rf s " , '.J e, .erjC(j ujw.u anew nr.m of 0.5.3.
sealed. These envelopes will I es?i,l by maimer j: riniuoial, Sutiitical, TtchnolioI r"i;-,Tira ia tbo triumph of hem.:-, r
delivorcUtduroftlce, wi;Loit rejio! to clud-. On ffl',i ,5,.? AJreanti'e. 7o employ a:ika th r l : v .'.,,. . v-:le eul.viec u Avt;;t
rvccivittg a Certificate you will hee what articte it rep- a'J ,fc-"u J " , u .. f v . r,.-. , ; tb-5 -JUw" ' t u4 -,r t
reseats, and it is c-i-4l l:h ,ou t?u i d oU. r.-ucL 0f ibnr.i t:A tae fancy cd t. e feuou- . .. v a: t " 'r',, L
and receive the artic'e or t,t. iA. v.itii Vlz prc.t--l Cxriaco ol tka bine.. .; ;.'.. 1. VV-f ftT
Tbe mosi comprehensive mieeeUany
ef usailui
tures iii
Literary Kepoeitory and Monthly Rogwter. Li?
cialiv devoted to Financial. Commercial and
trinl Jntorebts .
eerr s.
llivir.r coaitr
i ail joint ttoci corpora. oou-
rend the Fifth Voluma of
j Maaine, w se s
i-.:eht cvin-.Oi liiai luoci.ri,
Liiowkdgo and General Literature, u
eued in the United States; exmmg al. the lea-
il P.. vteettnic Journal, wjuuiuiv t....
its eoadiict'jr nave ueeu up. rv.- -7 -
natin' public, we wuull call atttr.tion to us char
acter on the part or tha largo body of readers wo
arc"n..t yet uoon its ?ubcri,ln,n listJ. Our pur
iuse in tbw 'pub'.icaticn i tho diAacuu&a.Uuo wf
practical informati n on subjects cf positive utility
to tbe people, combined with a diversity of literary
attraetb.B securing the services of tb- best pens in
tbe va-iou departiaea:a U riiience, I;ehes-Lottr-s
and G-ncri Literature. W&iio fiii' vioit s-
TPi.!Ri!r in mc-Vi' rr?.',rt'eC'-.tiv8 ft-IVJCO tO tu
I 1 .1 . - 1- .V- ir -irr:t t,r M-inltt.' -""- 'J v
ia ar.d :L j wcraer. in lue luZ"t.izi
tv'pies. the- B-uc se;.'f-3d if t'iC" ppUr ia Jt'
ro'hf-r .t'oau-th'j tect n;j.. TI:3 fcieiu'l i-". :l
th h-.ui it shall be our oo-ie-ivor to pors.'-' ft?a "
avail or.istiv js of. the coi.e) ibu tlons of no,v Li-o1r!
ery to thu Circle of Kuo'.iiedga, and shall reco.
with all practicable succiuctuess Current Intelli
gence, which will be of future ntilliiy and histode
interost whan the Present sh.ill have become ih;
Past. In fine, the Ameru-ru Exchange an(i ileviaw
is adesir.tbta and ever welcome monthly visitor tv
its 8Jl)er'hors imj arting tbo rk-Liie.-:3 of knowle4g;
irr.proviug the taste, and furnialiinj inteiltua.
The Keriew hns it.i specialities in distict ar.d in
creasing Dopartrnent?, wjth a General Eiviska for
tii3 wi lest consitteriu scope cf theruer. We give a'
speeificntion of topics which are the injects tithsr
of occasional r regular jnbticstion, v"z:
. 1 he Arts, .Iwhotica: Agriculture, ylpp'i?d Chem
istry, Arvhac-.-logy. Belles-Lvtters, Biography, Criti
cism. K.-oc-'mil's iVliti al, Arithmetic' iatioiiai
Taxation: Fint'.nea tanking, currency, L-Tporat in
Account.-. Exchange, F'uetfutiyan in Sc'curiii-t
Stock: Ii'.stoiy, Industrial and Mercantile eurer
priscs, ia-urau''. incernal Iniprovement Ki'ltvjivs
Cana!", T--grsrhj: Man afit-.t ares Proum-,, t-:h
nolopy: Me.--;is:.ies, Mining Mineralogy, C'-J.;gy,
Mof.:llurg; Patents, Physic, physiology, ptstis1 us. sicnee; trade foreign and domestic, shipping
mcri.sia'i!e law, Navigation ; Topography, Travels.
One copy, one year in advance 3 05
Five copies. M " 12 'JO
Ten " " id 00
When pv.d at the end of theyear, 4 00 per an
num. single copy. Sample cpy mailed on there
ceipt of 2j cents.
.Sirgle copy per aannm postage paid.
Canada. $3 72
Cuba. 3 72
Grest Britain and Iieland, . . 6 00
France, 3 72
Germany, ' . 3 72
We;t Indies, rBritishT 3 72
West Indies, Nor British.! 8 00
South America 'Wc-t toa?H -" 8 00
FO WJ.EK k MOON, Proprietors.
No. 521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, I'a.
FOR 1S64
Tbe publishers of the SIENTIFIC aMEPJCaN
respectively give notice that the Tenth 'Vniua
(New Series will comrnnnce on the 'first of January
next, ibis journal was established in la-lo, aud is
undoubtedly the most widely circulated and influen
tial publication of tha kind in fthe world. In com
mencing the new volume the publishers desire to
call special attention to its claims as
In this respect it stands unrivalled. It not only
finds its way to alinor-t every workshop in the
country, as the earnest friend of the mecnanic end
artizen, but it is found in tbe eountig-room of tthe
manufacturer and tbe merchant; al-o in the libroiy
and tho hosehold. The publishers fel warranted
in saying that no other journal now published con
tains an equal amount of useful information: while
it is their aim to present all subjects in the mcst
popular and attractive manner.
The Sientitio American is published once a week,
in convenient form for binding, and each number
contain sixteen pages ef useful reading matter,
illustrated with
of all the latest and best inventions of the day.
Thin f nature of the journ! is worthy of special note.
Every number onutaios from five to ten original en
gravirs of mechanical inventions relating to every
def artni' ot of the arts.. These er.grJvmgs are exe
cuocd by artis's specially employed on the paper,
and are universally acknowledged to be suierior t'1
anything of the Hcd produced ia this country.
The yubli.-hers ci" the SientiSc American j romisc.
to present., as during preceding yeats, all the late-t
iroprevrreenss in Stet'Di Kngineer-cg, War VtsseN,
i n nance military ai d nay! Fire arms I"ch" r.'es
Tools. Mr.i:l.-.etunro: M.i. hinet ym, Water w;i I.
Pumps aud .ti--r Iiydraui'c Ap).-iMtu. H .u-'-hold
Utetiriis, Elettric. Cht'ciical and Me.;raaical Intru
mei:'s, Flying M :Ci1iiis, scd jther Ouri-'U- Inven
tions h.-siiles uil the varied article designed to
ligb'Cii tbe Iribor cf mankind, not only in tho .-.hop
and w.-ii- hrcs?, but in every phico where the in
dJ trii s t life are: pursai-d.
i i ti- ibs ctmmenccD.ent. the Scientific American
has b- n tn; t.irne.-?.. fidv'x-ite cf ttte rights of
Ain-Tii .iu Inventors, aud the.
In inix.rtant di-part ""' vitally connect-
tca witn aii tuc grear inrer-;sts ot th? count rv r-
other journal can lay any claim w harewrfaa f
columns there is j-nbli.-lied a weekly O.T, -ia! I.i-t of
the "CiHiins" of all .onti granted at tbe U. S.
Pa tint 'J.Ti-e.
1' . Jrtnvx.lVAAj 1VLI II
alone are of tf.'jir-s worth to the subscribe
than the amount, ( a whole year's su':ription.
Two volumes or tt-r- i'Li.-! i.lo American sre pul -F.-hed
ea-h ytrr. r,t ,1,50 d.,e1., or 3 per perant iuri
witit ccria-p. r.iiir.j; n. terjss to Clubs; $1 will pv
for four uniitht' snbscrtpiion.; Tlfa -numbers for
one year, v. hen bo'.;:-liu a volume, constitute a
woihofS.iJ i t;ge ef useful information, whl.-h.
every one t.uui. tu jv.-sess. A new volume w.ll
commence on the first, of January, ISd-ir.
Fivecopis, for six m. nths , J"?
Ten ei'pies, f;.r six months ti
Tjn for twelve months 22
Fifteen copies, f..r twelve m nths 34
Tw T.fy c ;.i", for twlvo months 4
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L. Cband.e'- Y i' - r'n'' "''''
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sb.-rt sr. ries, tbi r- v ill be i
Orirloal C-.-v-risro-t N
The M.ii.1 oi ji n- r-
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to-,liv. By the ' -:'r
.'i kil l's .'Uir'o;.', : '
hi re CV F ; 'i. J ' - 1
C..-TT I
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Blind Cbii J. in Jail." or B any- p t
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r-A'-V3. ll3Tritt.ers, na:"
O iliners Picw
. m At ZL3Lu.r.
J.NM y' !
The war drama 1 approaching i' bbt -
jricrest. ThH ye.r will probably f-o.:.',
li.r- of ibe Rebellion, witness the 5'i -vr"5 (
emuia re -u -tea .a n: u.ks o-at-v.
O Ai Z