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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1865)
1) SUtfcrtistr. B BOWS V 1 LLE, Til C RS P A Y H. tt. 33 , U 65 LOCAL. Blank lred. V.t rtac,s.Kicntion. RerlevSns Usrriegr Lice u-.e. Ac. Ac. ir. for tale at this USje Jj! Bills' Bulletin. t PerLlns1 New Scenery i cming. jy dance, at Berkley's New Room cn tlie-tEJ- went iff pleasantly. A'.Vicscn &. Co., sells the cheapctt acd bet Cloibirg in the Weiu McLaughlin k Swan have a superior article cf Oil 0.1. rr ti:? l-e'1 r"?5' Mtdiciccs, ani ... i.;.,.r vevi fi.HV dt-bire out cf a Drur Store, ffv trecry s. The Society meets to-morrow venm T at the rctidttice of Dr. Thur- C. G. Doifcey in accordance with :he wish- of a majority of the ci'izui of this couiity ha?, tzeu appointed PruCaie Jud?e, vice D. IT. Senders, re.igned. McLitighlm &. Swauhive a good M.-p-ply of Hominy, Btans, Dried Peache aud Arpies, and everything pertaining to Groceries, boil) Staple dtid Fancy. The Soldiers Relief Society well meet at ihe residence of J. E. Crow, this Thursday evening. All feeling an in- terest in the cause, are inviicd to attend. Hare you one of Stewart's Hand Corn TlaiAessi If not, you'd better buy one soon, as Medford is uellinor them about as fast ad he can make thtm. The Ice in tha Missouri broke up lat Mt.'idsy. 'Although it was raining ' like thuii.!ert" our "irrepressible" citizens turned out en raa to see it. We urdersinnd ihat Cunrad Warmes sold his farm f 160 acis 40 under cuhiva';rj. with a log ht about 8 miles south-west of this Cr.y tor S'J.UtO. Fcr 11 that ycu may desire, in th limf jf Cloihiug, Hats, Cap, foot. S'jo, ind Gents' and By' FiTuithina Good?, ;o to A'lnnson &, Co.'s gr.-at Ciuihii g .i pir-u:n. Maiu S'.rtet. S'" pi.g Stores uuylii to be put across T.Iaiu ai;l First, and ucr-.s Main land Scc'iii t Streets f r m the corners. Wt? thif tfie p:eLtit louiidy romliiion of oiirV.irri piove the nfcetsity for some eucli ii!;nroveniii.i. Peru in. - see, i building an addi- ti-ri to hi. "Great Western Phoiogri'ph Gali-ry." This look Jike fcu-inesi. He will be pr-pnri.-a to tale as hue p.i.-rur s as cm l :ke:j ;r Atnerrca.or any wtuer sca-r jtt'tewn. iira. i.'i'n a call. . Th recent raia iu t Li 3 section plavod ksvez will) ihe Mill D.iois in Atchi n coney, Mo. , v. n.-Uir.j out three cu Rock Crvk. o.d leaving bat one Dun intact iu that cojuty : that belonging to Mr. Muir, cn liih Creek. Our ci'izens were a little' furpri-'d. laht Monday, on h armg of- a r gular elepment. Th1 pi.nis were Sergtant Birrady and Miss W!upa Thompn eod. Tiie affair wus so n-&;!y arrai;Cd that hardly a soul belired it. until they iLemslves acknowledged the "soft ini pealmern," of being "tied." Ah. Gai es may b- seen evtry Satur day on our streets taking orders for Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, and Shrub bery for the Atchison Nursery. These orders are to be filled in the Spring. This Nursery has delivered much stock in this county, and it has given general atifactica. Grant, at Richmond, is receiving fresh supplies of iroop; nhile Grant of this cny. is receiyjng reinforcements of new D'y Good." and Groceries, of the best the Eastern market affords. Grant will not b$ undersold for cash, nor will he " found behind in keeping for sale all lhat is needed ; but, oil and satisfy your self. As we, to-day, publish the last letter from Pawnee, our Capitol Correspondent which was received too late for las-t week it is but justice to acknowledge his favors to us and our leaders, in keep ing us posted in the Legislative Prcceed H'Cs. As to who he is. we can but fay He was a member of this couety who labored faithfully for this county and the lerritory at large, and to whom loih i are largely indebted. Rev. T. W. Tipton, Chaplain of the Veteran First, was in our ci'y Saturday Jan. He brought about 810,000 to Ne tr&eka City, from whence he expressed it to the fanti'ie of our soldiers. He represenii the roubles on the plains to -e worse than we along th'river have ! 'y a of, but thinks that force puffi rct to cpe wiih the IndiaiTs and pro. "ct the Overland Jloute will soon f e sent The river at this place is rising very fast. The Ferry Boat, at this place, owned by Muir & Co., which had been hauled out upon the sand-bar, last fall, to be repaired, is nov all under water except the pilot bouse. If she cannot be saved, another must be had. No flat 4oat.can accommodate the crossing at this point. We hope the proprietors of the old" boat and charter vviil see to' it, and have a new boat in as soon as possible. At noon, on the 17th, our citizen were stariled by the cry of fire ; at 2 o'clock, the residence and roost of the furniture cf Joshua Rogers, on Main street, lay in aihes. 'Ihe cause is .-aid to have been one of the children dropping a lighted match into a vessal containing coal-oil ; as to this we are not positive, and it i useless to f-pcak of the carelessness of leaving coal-oil lying "round Los?e." Some 400. we undemand, have been rtUed by our citizens to place Mr. Rogers in a situation to rebuild this Spring ; al- thr-ujjh his los? will fall little short of U.CG0. In thi connection ,one defect in our "fire dej arum nt" is, to us. apparent: ?i;;it is, the hick of hoks and other ap paratus fur pulliug down burning build ings. With a few good hooUs, with about ten feet of chain nxt the hook, theu rope, any building, conr'trucied of cotton wood, could be leveled io the ground ; although not much of the building im mediately on firp might be saved, it would lessen greatly the danger to those near it. The hooks and ladders needed for the outfit should be in charge of an organ ized company. City Fathers, think of it. . Again, citizens, why don't you insure? The Law makes provisions by which you maj know when you iLsure with a relia ble Eastern company, by making them advertise a "Statement" every year ; and by insuring you are never at a loss for a fair start to build airain. We know of no company in tnis niy, autnonzea io . 1 - J. act at present, hut presume ihey will b s:ooD. Airai'i. we say. irw:re ! To Bnsificss. THEODORE HILL. No. H Main Street, IJiviug determined to Wind up my Dry Goods Business this M and Winter, I will ofilr to the tnde mv imin-.nse stock at gre;;t:y U'duccd Prices. UEODOR'E HILL, H-.ving 1 r3 pnrch ;ses cm and will sell my t ntiro stock cnj rini'g the latest Styles ollerod in thy Territory to Csh buyers at great s.ierifice. a THEODORE HILL, Intends to dispose : of his superb Stock by March next, con sequently is enabled to oiilr greater in ducements to tho trade than cm be given by any other House in the West. THEODORE HILL. Sheriff Sale. 7 Not ie is hereby yia tl'at V:y ti t of so Tcutitu issutxl uurof the District C.irt of be Connty of Neran'ia. in th T rnry of Wnr-tkt . .a a certain judftnoot obtia t in s.ii 1 Court br Eli H. w'il -ox, ftiut Girlie II. Nixen, and tm directed a SbTiT of paid County. 1 will offer for sale at juMic auction at the front door of the BrwoTi!! IlBr?! in hn City f Rmwnvill in said Cun'y of IVtr.aha, (that brinj te building in w"oh ibo 'ast term of the ssij District Corrt wai b.fd)'D Saturday th 18tb dsy or .Kr.-b. 1S"5. ai 'ie oloo'ri.r. M.ot tlf day, the frlbwirg r"l Es'at.e to wit : 1 1 Fast half of jts No. Si I 8" a l Sren(7 ) s.d li:r U 3" f the V.Vt f art of Lot No. nine ) all of the abo s in bfck No. twen ty (1:0) in tb- C;iy cf Lrowuviiin be County of N tuaha in Territory of Nebraska : talcn tt th- prirty of said Ueorge H. Nixon, by virtue of j i t ex iution. Giren nnder my hand thig liih day of February, A D.18S5. W.G.GLASGOW, . Sheriff. 25-5tl,J0 GREAT I3iril 15 SEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE!!! Patented February 14th, ISeO. SJLESR 0 O M, 536 BR OAD WA Y, V, Y. 252 WASIUXG TOX, Si. BOSTON TUIS MACIIIXC ii ccnstrot::j oa nfire!y new riti-.i(.'i.t f njecJiii.-uj. p,-i.fg m-iij uii vxluhbie imprr.Tcmpnts, baring beo x UiiiiueJ bj theu t prt.fousd z(erih, nti pr'.ruuuoe'l to b Bimpiicily uua Ptfccticu Combined. It has a straight iiroile. ierprndicuiwr mh'od, mnkM ibeLOCK-or SIJUT'ILK MITCH, whi-h wiil nek!ir U!l' or Ha1lL, and is silik on both f ioei" ; pmof ids jiurfma iewing un fcTerjr de-ri tioa of wilt rial, lruiu I.e.iLrr to the iiafit 2anook Mnnlin, wild cott n, linen or silk threij, from the C'lrni to tbc .ifsl uum'ier. iUrtu Litl.rr (JA.. h ,i COO TVHEEIj, and tbt least pcibi) friction, it mua a fiiiootji as glr( and is Emphatically a ICoifeless Iilachins. Ii r.quirss Fir TV PKIi CENT li power to dure ii Uikti any ether Slanbint in tbo miirlie. A wirt t wrivtf .je.iis ' f a,?e tat. work it ilediij, wilb-t-ut tatlu.' or injur;; t ii-'ali'n. , lis fcin -ujtU and Wonderful iSiinj-'ici y of con i rui tiou r- tidrp it aliiM-t irupoible t' get nut of orer, no J is i U A!tA 1 LEi) by tba otuipaoj to r.'iij i"tif ti a. ' Wertu'. tinlly invitf all tbone who may desire to uj ply ihcmiTti with a ujnor a . tide, to co:do ani x:iuiir.e tbis Ui.rivalkd 'acbine. Tat in a uiuit efpveial maimar do we tolicit the patronage .f Keicbrnt Triilore, Coach Hkers, 1Ioo:j i.kii i Lijiiiufac- ;ui ers, cbirl biiu bson ers. Corpet Mftltra, Uaiter 1; tttera, hoebinueis, Vewt nu jfintaloon L'liijioui and Chariitilir Luti'iUioiit utll bt lil tallji dealt with. Fliers of "luchinc Complete: o. 1, Family Mach:ue, wita IIeaiai9r, teller t. tid I. raider, J 6 2. Smil Manufacturing, with Extcniion T-blo . . 76 No. 3. srge Jl.inufacturit g, with Eitorjsion No. 4. Ltrjre "annf'eturing, for Ltathr, wiib Koilirg l i.ct and Oil Cup 100 One half houi'a inatruvtioA ' Btijjicicni to enable any jjernon to work t'ti- Machine to their entire mtinjictin. Agents Wanted forall townsin tbeUnited Statei, whi-Te Ageute are not already tFtubii-bed. Also t'tr Cub, Vexk-o, Central and Snuib America, to bini a liLert'l discunt will be given. TtriusiuvariaLly Cah on delivory. T.J. Mi-Arthur & Co., .16 t-.rcadw.ty, Srw York. , A. 4 Co. 652 WHsrinton.tff , R iston. 720 Cbeetnut St., 1 hiia. - Feb. 2.65. ly AYER'S FILTHS, Jt new and singularly successful remedy for tie cure of all Jsujous diseases vostivenrss, inai reation. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fever j Gout, Hunicrs, Nervousness, Irritability, luflamma- j tdons. Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, i and Limbs, Female Complaint, &c. &e. Indeed j Very few are the disease in which a Purgative Medi I cine is not more or less reqtiired, and much sick . Bess and su.Tcriug miht be preventetl, if a harm less but effectual Cathio-tic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides, it soon generatr serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoidec hjr the timely and judicious use of a :od purgative This is alike true of Colds, Feverish vmptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the. lard. Hence a reliable family physic is of the fust importance to . the public health, and this Pill as been perfected With consummate skill to mrc-l that demand. An . extensive tri il of its virtues by Physicians, Profes- ! ore and Patients, has shown results surpassing ) any thing hitherto knewn of any med cnie. Lurea have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of uu trull.. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favorlof "these Pills, we may mention: Prof. J. M. LCRB Analytical Chemist, of Cin cinnati, who high professional character is en dorsed by John Mrjrf w, Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Thos. Corwin, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. WiiiGHT, Governor of Indiana. N. Longwokth, great wine grower of the West. Also, Dr. J. It. Chiltov, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. M.VUCY, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astor, the richest man in America. S. Lkland & Co. Propr'a of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Hid space permit, we could give manv hundred certificates, from ail parts where the Pills h:ie been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men ia found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public .as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science ran afford. They are compounded not of the drops themselves, hut of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a stnte of purity, and combiue'd together tn such a manner os to insure the best results. This tystem of composition for medicines has been found Ji the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bV j Tiou$. While by the old mode of composition, every t M.vwi.-.iiv ill. 'it; 'i 1 17 ill iHTl- 1 inonious and iniurious qualities, by this each indi i vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative I eti'ecl is present. All the inert and obnoxious (nal- j ttlescfeach substance employed are left behind, the ; curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is j self-evident the effects should prove, ns thev have ; proved, more purely remcdi.d, and the Pills a surer, ' more powerful antidote to disease than any other j medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of r.n" attending Physician, and as be could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have . supplied the accurate Formulae bv which both mf : j Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of ! j Practitioners in the United Stales and Prilish Amer- ' lean Provinces. If, however, there should be any . one who has not received them, tliey will be j promptly forwarded bv mail to bis request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how i few would be taken if their composition was known i ' Their life consists in their mystery. I haTe no mysteries. f The composition of my prepamf-ons is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge, their conrictions of i their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was j pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful inedicine before its eriects were known. Many em- . inent Physicians have declared the same thing of ; my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will- ir.g to certify that their anticipatiovs were more than realized by their eii'ects upyii trial, i .1 hey operate by their powerful influence on the ! internal viscera to purify the blood and into healthy action remove the obstructions of j the stomach, bowels, liTer . and other organs of the . body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever- they exist, 6uca derange ' merits as are the first origin of disease, j Being sugar-wrapped,they are pleasant to' take. : and being purely vepetable, no harm can arise from tueir use m anv quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. PP.KPAKED BT . DR. JAMES C. ATER, Practical aud Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Irice 25 Cents per Eoz. Five ozs lor SL IOLD BT . WM. n. .VrCSEKKV. BrowBTille. . G. A.B?;WX i BiiO Peru. HOLT A SQOTT. Fails City. LF.WIS 4.HF.PHFl:l). St. Stephens, EASI.F.V SHERER, P.n!o. JOfl.V W. ITOLT A I RO., Sale. Dr. II GIJAVCS, Ka!m. Election r School Director. Notice is hereby e'veo to the qualifi-d Voters cf KrownviH- City Histriet, Ctioutv of Nenialia. Tert,:ryof Netrfska, th.-r th ai.nuai ele. ti.vj ror Di f-for in ?:d fill the vacanrT cu.n.'d hy the expirai-in- of the t-ro of j Crow, will be bell at of Judre I).-,rsey" ey-r the Cit Prng Stoe, at 12 'clock, II. cn the 6thdyf Marrh, IMS. uo ' liy crder of Directcra. 22-U WM. H. UeCEEHY, Qrk, AHI.TY AGUE DROPS. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY F02 THE CURE OF !Pevor axb.cS. Actio iSD ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. ATTENTION 1 1 8TJFFEHEH3 THOZ1 FEVER AND AGUE, etc. This most wonderful remedy for the permanent cure of Fever and Ague, etc., was discovered some yean ago by one of the JUosi Scientific and Successful Chemists of America, i. Ont ef thousands of esses5t has neTer teen krown to fail in effecting a radwal cure. A single bottle of thuse Drops las cured diseases which have STUBBORNLY RESISTED TIIE HOST SKILL FUL MEDICAL TALENT; It contajns nothing that Constitution ! will injure tne It Purifies the Blood !! It removes obstructions from the Liver ! !! It prnrt.otes'the discharge of Bile !!!! W iY 11 1 It rnecis a raaicai ana permanent Utirel by removing the caus upon which the A ma 1 1 irh n fi 4 ' 1 1 1 1 1 THE ARMY AGUE DROPS As its nam" imports, has been and is the groat Spa cific. for all Diseases in the Arrar. It bus no equal. Its popularity in our, noble Army and elsewhere is as universal as itsourej hare been quick and wonder fnl. Asa It has proved a great blessing and saved many a valuable me in inosa miasmatic , ic-iHies wnere they would hare fallen victim to Bilious Diseases. The Chills will not retjirn if these Drops are taken ! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS Q UICKL Y DRIVES A WA Y Xjaugour Wealciicfiso! AND v . RESTORES THE SYSTEM To its nstural RUOYAXCY snd ANIMATION ; IN V KiORATI .N G the body and clearing out EVERY VEST IGF OF DISEASE producer! by loathsome miasm.' Be Wise in Tims ! ! rNo pprson re?i"d'"ngr in a F'ver and Ague District shoulJ be without a Bjt ileof ARMY AGUE DROPS, nd it it Wrongly rccommonded to persons trarel ing thruugh places charged with miajsm. Wo respectfully call attention to our Tetitnonf tls. . Many of our letters atUt that hundreds ef :ives have been saved in the Army by its use. In lted, so well are its curative qualities apprw-iit;-d ; i the Army, that themost successful Surei.n? io ; ho Field and Hospital uso it aim t exclusively in r. disfctisfs f' r which we cliim it infallibility. The best phyicians alwuv seiz the bet means to ilcct a cure, bence ihe universality of the RMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS ! ! ! We are bnpry te refer to llij rx -ciVri' V Abr-bftm LinoolD. nerHl (it-u I'. McC'ieilan. tj.:n.-rl Vr- m int. 'i-imtI Mil rnjide. iem-ral it n '". il',nTi; tvii;' ri!k. Jeneral itice. C.,!,.ru-1 rV,-, 951h N'. Y. .b.iicl Qui- k, 1 7rh N. Y. C. ClorM t. wler. 14th N. Y. 3. H. M.ijor I ire:ouH, A. D. C. M jo U :-,f;iyi.der, 35th Pa. Mrtj r Wiiiei'X, A. IX. C. M-ij-ir Kamey, Still well, r5' eons. Pabnwk. fU. S. S. fU. Lieut. Whelan. I Kt. Rev. P.ishop Potter, N. Y. Rev. Dr. Tyn, da Rev. Dr.Tavb.r, do Rev. II. W. fceev her, B'klvo, Rev. K. II. Cbapin, do Kev. Mr. Checvor, . N. Y. Rev. Mr. Bangs, !j Flis Honor Mayor Wood, liklyn. ILn. M. Kalbflisch, do Ib n. M. F. Odell. da Hon Mayor Gunther, N. Y. Hon. Hordes Greeley. da And hundreds of other equally well-known gtn tlemon, for which se circular. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Wiloo: Principal 0See. 181 Water Btreet. IT, Y, V. B. JVorte Genuine unlest bearing our tigitature cn the wrapper. Doa't let yonr Drngist pot yon off witfi any thar remedy. If b does not have it for sale, en e!oie ui SI 25 per mail, and we will stnd yon bottU of tha Army Aoi Drops per mail post pa PROBATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby jriven that apt lieation has been mide, by Joseph Opclt. Guardian, for an ordrr from the Probate Court of Nemaha County Nebras ka Terr'tory to eil a tortion of the real Estate cf Josepbene Dfll.a minor. Tb- rext of kin ard all persons Interested are hereby ratified that Monday the 13tL day of March, i th tmo eet to hear said applicatii-n when they may c3tr and eontest the same if they see proper. J . v x P. C. SANDERS, 2l-4t$k,58 IVtbate Jnija. TO aIEBCUANTS,F1B2IU AXD BLACKSMITH. IKOIT! IE0H!! D. A. CONSTABLE, HAS 0!f IT AND AND FOR SALE A LAP.'jf AND WELL SELECTED SIOCK 0 IRON, STEEL, AND miwiu! CJMPRISING: HORSE NAILS. NATL-RODS. HORSE AND MULK SHOES. ANVlLi SPRINGS, 1JELLOVV.S, AXEL.-?. VICES, Till MULK SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON tiOXES, SCREW PLATES LwLSTKit PLATES, FILES, HASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS, HANI) HAMMERS, SLIOEIN' HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NUTS. HARROW TEETH. WELL WHEELS, AC, AC, AC, ALSO WOODWORKS! COMPEI8INO HUBS, SPOKES, FEIXOWS, WAGON POnS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXE S, 110 UN OS, AXE HANDLE LnOO.M HANDLES, PLOW I NDLES. Ac. ALSO AGKNT F TEB SiXX Of T IR3AKKS C LB S AT HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCB OF THE A ROVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, BEFORE TIIE RISE, I a M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES TU DEFY COMPETITION. f&gmStnd in Your Scrap lron.J HIGHEST PRICE PATD FOR WROUOU1" SCRAP IKON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREII017SF Fabl t-c32-fira ST. JOSEPH, MO FAMILY GROCERIES H'LAUGHLIN & SWAN. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THEI friends and the public generally, that they have Ji received a superior lot of Family Groceries, and la the attention cf purciuters to their tock Including NEW ORLE ANS SUGAR, CLARI Fl KD Co CRl'-1iKl rt OWDt-RKD da PRIHE RTO COFFB1, IMPKHlAL TBA, YOL X'j UTMlN TBA, BLACK It A. RICE, SaGO. ?Pir. PEPPER CLOTES, CTNXamO cove orsTKRa, R.tisiNS, currants, starcd. soap, pcrb soda, vs. lands' saleratcs, -COD PISH K ACKER AL, WHlTrj J S3 LAJLE TitOUI.HJiiilKG, SHAP GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, v DRIED APPLES. DRIED PEA CHE Mc!a3ss, Coal Oil, Cider Vic;;? KATCItAL LSAP CnEWTNd T0Rir;,.:O. ia..Dt i tAK A N II OTilK.t i ' UOICH HR .' D- FIN i CUT OA V KN Hi. ail KiLLii MCk. 4.H K.lN'i. COJd . . HOS V'J. CI gars fil no a. Market CHESTNUTS, ALMONDS PKCaNS. FILBERT3, PB NUIS, &.C, &.c, Ac., A Splendid Assortment of Stic'c aai Fancy Candy from the Best Mawufa turies io the East. Flour, Baccn, Tutter, Eggs The Highest Market Prices Paid In Country Produce. Mclaughlin & swan, Nemaha Valley Bawk Buildixg Browntillc. Jan. 14, 1664. r20vS-J2O-ytj XSSI43I tlETIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALilifc CITY, NEBBARKA. K2 Will practice la all tk Courts yf Feb. rfew Remedies for SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA . 4 Benevolent Institution established by tpecial En dowment, for tne Relief of t.'ie Sick find Dixtretsed, evicted with Virulent and Chronic Dixatrs. and especial.! for the Cure of Disease tf the Sexual Oram. M EDICAIi AJ5VICTJ Kivn gratia, t.ytb Acting tufteoa. Talaan e Reports on SperniatoThfB. and other di aanei of it" Saiual Organs, ar.d on tbe NEW R2ME PISS eirpicreJ in tbe Dispetmary, sent inMcale-1 !etiei eavelopei.freeof r Large. Two or tbree Stamps accept fcUl. AJJrttf DU.J. 3KILLTN HOUGHTON, Howard As. tioa, Ka. C, South Kintb Screet . PhilaJaljjhia. Pa. ftioaemker li. - iM-ly Waller WpaP all Paper ! ! Cjcict!y on hand at Uarobn'a Tailor Shop, tj LOl'iS ITALDTEIt, Pa er-hapjrin d oe in tbe moat sppTored stylt, and ea aMe cash t rma. '' ronriile. Neb. Jane 1364, 6w BlifT ESTRAY NOTICE. Talen np h? tbe nndersigned liring on the Nemahi Rirer, two and a half miles above L'ns bridjejn Nemeha Co. Nebraska, on tbe 1st daj of February. 1865. On dun mar Pcnej about four years old, with Saddle csarks. Jaa. II tb '65 22 it. John Bnrlei2b. BATS JUST OPEifSD ANSWSTOaBOX -Vaia Slreei bdveten First nd Second. BEOWIiVILLE, IT. T, WZ hsTtla stitrs alarje sadwsl! seletel tioct at Calicoes. Iuslin, French Tiwst IIat3, Caps, Bjots, Sh&e, Leather, etc., etc., etc.etcetra. VHICn WJC OFFER F07. SALS CIIEA.1? FOR C ASH Groceries of Every Kind, Sus'ar, Coffee , Scdi, Pepper, Tobic;co, Starch, Tea, Allspice, Candles. Matches, cc.,&c.,&.c Alt of wbica we offer at tbe lowert prlesi,. deter uiceJiiot to be nuJersoKt GRANT. . Brewnvil'e, Neb , U-4-y'T r IS DEN'S TICKET ! AM Dtn'a Candliate it and evt-r wi:; QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. WM. T. DEN, WHOLESALE A WD RETIAL HOUSE 1356! ESTBLISHEDI 1856 DROWXTILLE, KERRASKA. Hs now on band tbe raoct craplete aid general i sortmeut of Hercbaadise in BioHTille. Uj stuck cou-tiai. of AND GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, Chlcsgo Ccbtoni-Srado BOOTS & SHOES. of Superior Quality. Also a fall supply of NOTIONS, Dress-Trimming;, Hoodand Neubias Gloves and Gauntlets, Hosiery. In variety eoiii'lstinsr oT Table and Pocket-KDirea, Chisel?. Brace anj Bi.. Filei d M jukcy-wrentbe.. Bntti arid Stv, 5aw and Haniniera, Axes and Spades. A (all ansortiueut of S3 cj2? C2 "7" AND TI N W A K E , Cocking. Heitinjr and Tarlor Stoves, Large Kettle", Stove Pipe, Sheet iron and Ziuc. Queenswar, "WOODEX, WILLOW AND HOLLOW-WARS. - A fell assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, At Low Prices. Blank Books, Pocket Books, and Memo randum LViokseud Stationary. of all kinds kept constantly oa hand. Olio, HPixlxxts v Zxrxxrjs. t A complete of assortment of FURNITURE, oi hsid, B'j'e'i, R 1-Sfedi, Lnnnce, Tables. tft r';. SufoJi. C!:i'rD, Wirtii :r,Zi, Cribi, RjoitiiK C'-ialr-1. Llsiii Glaje-i. Amy: l'lu'.ji UN. C -rii Sellers. Iror, Nails and Steel, ii icb Heaver anii Oiter Taps. Remni'ier iia; hen pars the Hi:b'' m irket Price for HrUF.y, rcitsaud rura.auiPUOUUCBof all kiu'ls iic atro. C-i a"'d examine raw stock before pur.'-.ssln anl rve your money, f r my motto it. to irep t!:e be;; f Dry O'J-'ds, th Ch.'!:e-.t Kmi!y Groceries, Ciiited Frni'. ai"! tlytiera. and the bent of Stoves to cook tiiem cu lalte liiS.ket. Trytbe-Ji. WM. T. DO. ix-7-yly MMGTa OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Just received at JOHN A. PONK'S ' CHEAP DRY GOODS A5D. GROCERY STORE. MA IX STREET, The Latest Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc., ete. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Nails, Flour Bacon, Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc, eto Wbich be will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call and ezam:ae his stock before purchasing else where. . Brcwnrille, Jone 25th. '6. n42-vS-yly FAIR BANK ' - SCALES Or ALL USDS. Alio, YT&rebo-ass Tracii, Lsttij Prtssses, tc. FAIRBAHKS GREEHLEAF lTtJ LAKE ST., CHICAGO, C5"Be ciretel. and tnr only tbt senulne JCk PKaT A FUi: Axnts,in tt. Looi. T-:X-l-if. T.TcLAUGHLIN St SWAN are rtsti t'y racelrlng addi'ion tj tbetr-.ock of Grocers and Hara- & fe?y Oilers In ware. Their Giods and Prices wtil enlt everybody 'e ary teT ni m." ' CHITON, mace, spice, perpef. if iter, nntinea, Cln aasaon, t.,t4..of beMteoilitr At MLjiuibiln & Bvia'i. THE HORACE WATIRS HDD I M PHOT a D 0TS23TSr'3 BA23 FULL. XILQ21 THA2.ZZ1 are bnllt t-t tbe beet ir. 5 mnat thureashly e teria'a, and tll tt.d auyc:iaja;e. Tls tuce 1 rj !eep, ronnd, fall, iul KeUow; lie to'wa ei;;c Zacb Piaav waxiaatsi for five year. Pi Kf-iu Ji'J tO B?U0. frsTiMoyiALi. "The rjvfanfa Vat?rt Pianos are kcawassaKerg Uk very be-t.' Lvukj J.'tf. We can st'Ck or Hi'ir nsertts frera prsaal kaw! ' ed?e." Ckr ration I i ,:nir ncer. ''W:er' Pun -sa' d XtivieomchsMcTirecomparlsosi wita tbe fiueai iu.u;a wiy :irre" llur..e Journal. 511)0- V 7 OCTAVO VI U3, of d:rr Ci:t u;ieT, fur Ji Ul v. 1 v, tarvcl iejt. $22S ai'l $2H. n'l-'aaii'l P:i ).. c i M'elixiaoaa at s:c. siio, a;o, $3J, ;, a: 3o, u, jiia, $iia,4 ?160. Te H-jrate Waler't JT.tofa ad HarmTS Tilled tbe K.jQil Teureramcrt wi.ibe ratectClTijtl Sire: I. Price from iS to tfXO. A;.iisder Or g?.na frora $J0O to ','0. S5"A literal dic to CierKTmn, Cor'ttea. bam Schiia, Lodge, Seminaries, a" l Tea.ssr. ll'cX ACJi waius, A;;t, o. 4,-i trauwaj, :;. The iAy ik Uol VJl 40 COOcopis isu J. A new 5.: J t.j ? - .' r.ccv,;t ami SeuiiDarle. c'iJ tu y jjijh.i h'a.l. ituvt ready. It rmt.ins a s it to hntired ch -.ire rtr-ra. rouuiii, cattte. tlurw, trin, cnartsUa. aud rboruea. many of tliern wri" en etpre-iy ror tbk work, te1ie 3J pize at tbe C.eiitut of Ji u:c, WiicL are esy a:t pn.fresive. AD'oou tbe xti tiini'.er of hcanriful r!.-e raiy I f fonnd, ' U'icle Sun.-1 Sbool,' "D-a't joj bear tie cLi tlreu eoDii n" Ai jy i.ok on the tuunr" '-Tiie li'ile lass. 'n.I "Little," "(ih, if I wore a little bird," Biflof bertty." Pretty per tree," "Aavti Crjorus," slen uj tv tl.e rui i.ii; tpj." Sic. It is crru'i leJ by Uorvt Trie', a:tti or or j& hVhScaoul Be l," A .s, t aud 3, which Ltve bad th criui iii.jini i!of bi? tK'Ocfftei Prsoes finer c-vera, 5cpt. $?a per too; t..;.ui Z0 cei;ta, tS pr liXi clcib, embo'iea ilt. 40 cents, per Ui:r,dre4. 25 cp'tt fu-aished a tbe one huawred fries. aai.H at ice retail price. contrlas 144 pie. atd nearly tws hnulred tnrea awi amn. ud U tie u st p u:ir 3. S B.xk ever iisnes. Aihohu te mi p pulr -ie :e are, ' I. a ! w ird," EJen Above," llirnUm lior." 3?m.u'uI Ziua,, "I i!sht io lure rr.i iiuther " ' The Atiels told n. 'la tl.e Lit.t." ' Rest for te Wps-y," h".. Pricea-. covr. 2ii ct i. eeb. $16 por bcrxirev' ; bur. 26 els. eaica, ii1) w r bvn lrij cioiu biaii, OifiiMsi r, I II,.,, .-..., .. nH . t iSileitl &AouZ D ll, Xe. la an entire new wrk of 192 assc, andceariy 5-3 tcue nd hysrna. A tde mu.i in a little rrur i:a--J il in Jum tbe b'k to fo.lw aeli No. J. Nearly r till li nuf tbcve Bel! L ive bcci iricil, and are now riaf ic? tbrou,;ri tbli a'.d ether Coriatrn's. Aijrj tbe many choi.-e p-eoc.i may be f ond. &b.s!l we neet yond tbe rivor ? '.'here is a bu iful Wurl 1. srrun flt)l com .jin i o Kvre. D n't yini har the A '.! coming? Thou, Gi, eet me 9 lba'll Be'i rbiiuo on, Stc. Prices cf Bell No. 5 are tbo aoi0 as Heli N. I. Botb number cn be "Lta'-ne-t ia or.e voli;-n. Price, hcnrjit copy. 40 c'itn, iS pr han.i-e l; ciota bound, euibogsetl tiilt, bo ct.,. $15 per O'ltdre-l. It repies furnished ak Use ous nunu.-ed prKt, al tiie retail price. jr-tUra CVu IJjrp. A new Snnday School B-nk, rt isa ptjei ef bsastifat hymns sttd tunes It coat.iiae mnv (tea., i,cb as Sball we kno e-h otber there; Suffer lutle bli.ireu to ct'Die auto Wei Thn besnr.ifnl iih '. ; i,.ri ou; Leave me w t-i my mother; He leji'em tre iieshie till waters, &.c. Pri e over., Dcent; $1J j.-ti iiui,iir'j u"t:'-j ti-tivn , Vvr B'la irrvi , cioia bound, emt(.sied guilt, io cats, $30 per hundrei. Mailed at the retul price. It Is elite.l bylliracevra ter, an'hor of Sanday 3cb.jl Bella No. 1 and 2, wbiea have bad tbe euo n.u saiei of over e it tb aan4 cpie. Just pub if bed by UjaAwB WAT21ia, 'e. 431 Broadway, New Jork. The St'tm Fatriotie Snj l, eontalns 91 pates of sonirs, dners snd ch'jrnses, N!i la ertd snd reculsr. Including 14 p.if t prayers far UX aud dying soldiers, aad soldiers' S- rlyt ire Manoal It is well suited ot social ii'.ns, asweii as .Jakarta worUlp Anionjr (he many baautl'al ple es uttj be fund, Where 1 t ;rty dwells Is myonntry ; TlieCrla tian hera, Three chceri f r aur banner; C'oiut hoi U me 'f be.v) n ; Col'irubia, the gara of tbeooeaa ; P:ee asan's satherinn; Colunibin's King forever 5 Marcblnt alorg", ic Prtci i paper covers, ISceats, lvyMk cred. lialled at the reull pvica The Harp of Freedom, contains 82 pazeeof songs, due. a and choruses, far Pre, earn. Amonn tbe ch.-ice pieces we wonid uams, Pair freedom's vo rn ; O let mv neoplsin; Over the niain taiu ; They workM me all the day, Ac. Price 6 cants untie, 6o cents per Jasea, $2 er hundred; psttage t ceat eacb. Ruth : J JSierei CUn.'ofa. contains 15S pa?. Wsrds b ' Her. Sidney Pyer, b-tss by Pn.f. Cull. This is an excellent d.h k foregncerts for tbey un;. Price papr o vers, 2 ce:us j $isyer huudred; bound ietentf, $.0 per buadred. ' Tie centains73 pKeJof tnnes and hymns. dai!;yed far re rival, prayer, a id conference mt;iui. Price in pa; cover, si' gle copies, 1 canisj f i per LaulreA. Mailed at the retail price. The Athencum CcUertion, contains Between fonr and Ave btindred pmsof tcce ani hymns, tie and o'd, of the choiret kinds, f church, Sunday -hooI, revival, miictioriary, tr in pi-ran e srayer and corn rnce, and all blrnis of sacred and te cial nieelu cs. Tue music in this tx.k has li.'a and aa tma'.U-n in it, lik. Hhinina Shore, Ren fur the weary Mhail we kn-w fa h utUer tUere ? bluil we mset hcy.a tbe river ; Tte-e is a hesitimi vlt; itaid w..r4s Sweat hour of k.ryer ; Tiiere is a ! id of love; S;;fTe littie cbi idre'i 'o cone nnt j iue ; i ave the Ntl' Ac. Prices sins' copies, b.-rind to ten's; '$43 pr kondrei ; cloth Ixii.nd. erai;oed gilt, 6'.' cent. ; 65 r bcn-l'ed. Mai el it the retail price. nRAC Vi. TERS. 431 Bnadway, New Tuurk, Publiaaer ef U at Books. FocoZ yftttie, xcilh Fidao Aeeemptnimeml 1 larse sortrient of new and pcpalar songs, tal'slg dDeis, i:artett., add ch-rnie, i-S'ied dsilv. Amang the m.' p'!i'il tr are. Shall we kanw ejrh otber tiers, Ltwrey ; Why iia vo ruy lov1 aas gone ; I will he true to the; On, tbfi! n't no si .u f:ri as ruiite, by Pa:er Xother's love U trn ; Sfsoi love, forget nieuut.aa., by Keiler. 25 cnta each ; I bear sweet voices S!ugicg Hume ia bom; Uorjet If you cao. but forgive, tj Thomas. 30 cauts ecu. f.trnninitt, V'ii far tbe Ciano TorteWe ars cifliu Father Atra'ani, six hnii'tr! tboasai'd ra rs Always lk on the s.rr.y aide; Siall we kiww esc ot tier tLere? ic , wilU Lsslhaat variations b7 G-abe oOcen'seach. Polkas, ffi ;tzes. Marches, Q'.rkter, Qislr'.lls, Ac, by rwoTlar authors. All kin 's of S.iiiirig snd Ia srncti-iu bo.k. Cataline ani edfn.e toauy S-idrs llosic mailed at the above yrlcts.-. Vruffrs C-op'. Xuitii -for ihe J;L'i'n Arrscze as sc'f.s, line's. qnrieta sa l ch.-r!ie 1m musical Sf-cie'. t-, choirs S'm?jr i Vvj!, p ibl.s ach- e.s itinar ies s'i;. SljU wc kaow earh o'.t.e' tora? Don't yoo Lear tbe sices coiin, ? Sr,ai w ntt b yond the r.verS' in II :e ; There Is a i -ai.iir-.l world; Whrre l.herty JwfclU n,y country ; fro, truth and rijbf ; We ate om.i.g Fat-er Abra'aa. sn kundrel th'i-.i.cJ naore ; Toore Ia aland of love; Air row .hall coHi iki.n 1.0 wore; H.-v'j'y .,rie ; Cotn4 mg t , me of Jivo; Landinsijit; w will Ioto on l'inay gcb ol ; o.:r ii is rcarchin-r on ; r, d ave th Nation; Wuistier" .t,gof ti.e p,,r,ra'i. n Neg o; PaU FreaUoin's a ro ht dt Le atliti; Overt'; ci-r tain; Over rts rmitntain ; t.i;tle Kll' an ate! ; Wll nUn; Bnr? la the taor.irg . ll ker Come s thy ret; Sstt hoar of Prayer. 4c. Pri. e S cents, eeu per d., jjj per hundre-1 ; pos;ge I 'ct ea.tu In sbeet t':r-ai. 'viih p. mo ac.tnnaicr-ent 5 ceras. Publithsd ty HOSACS WAfFHS. Ag't, Kt. 4il ttroaUv.ay, K. x. B. & TEL. T. AIITHOn Y & CO., Manrj.'actnrersof i Photographic Materialr, Whnieaal a-31 Re'.air, 01 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.. In addlllon to enrffa'.n 'jrfreaf Ptotatrj' ie 3Bf teriala,we a.-e Headquarters for the follow, ag' t:b : 8tereoscopcsS Stereoscopic Ylewt. Of these wa have aa immense r'meat, toclndicf T' Scenes. American aud F-reiga C'Usa aal Land scspes, tiroops, Statuary, A:., ice. Al.j,." Eevelvus, 8!etocope, for public or private eiki'siiiea. Oat CauUigse will be aect to any address a receipt stamp. Photographic Albums, We wer tt first to intmdac these lot the U States, aud we maaafactor Icamense eiact.:ea ; rreat variety, -an.iDg froia v cents u $taeck.. Oat, Albnms have tb reputation ef being snpe'iar :a WSw ty aud inrab.L,ry to any others. Tiey will seas O mall, FSES. on r '?i cf price. tj-Fts albcxs MADaTooaoia.4 CARD PII0T0GKAPII& Our Cstliff3now esairacev over Ptv T3aaj. !l.Tereni anojecta (u wUlca s.J titioas er oatia'.$ teii.g;) sf Portra.iiof Eji.neat AaarUai, Ji V 111 j WV.I loo Major-neirl, 201 Br gjUs tiecerals, 275 CoUmal!, too Lieut-Clmels, 150 Orber OTicrs, 1$ Navy Of3trs, ' Sta'etasss, 1J3 Div.oaa, 4-y Artists,- . . 125 Iia. 150 Pr -raluf Qt Foreign For'.ralta. 3 0C0 Cot iei of Works of Art. . - Including reproductiai-s ef the moat eVehratsa 3a. graving Partings. S'tye. Aa. Carsljgavs aan l o receipt of t a rtp. Aa for One Uaisa' P-.f.or from r CntalwgJe wiil be c:;e4 aa t rea!lr $1.8.1 ait eo h cia.1. Prre, Jrtatjf rap'io; s l i ethers or Jt-!rg f-i C.O. D wilt please i erai; .wantv. a? por cnt rf rm am-'Ct w.ti their order. K. A H. T. AN'TOST k . ifssnfjcture'aif I'hot ?; ;,ic V-..r''s. 31 BIiOAP.VAt, NgW TO SC. t2-nyri, rJ of mt j,;, msiwi ta 1 ty