Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 23, 1865, Image 1

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    EATESOF AD VE lU'isi NG.
One square (tea linen or lcs;ne insertion Ji
tah additional ia,rtior 1
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rcELiscriy itekt tutkspat it
GEO. W- HILL &. CO.,
rertiser Block, Main B't Between 1st & 2d,
One culuuia vna year .
4ij b'if cvtiae i r.c jcrr - -Dae
fwurtLl uttlutmwgu yar. - '. . 4 '
One eighth columuone jear -
One eoluuii ix. ui.iat . . - ,
Oue LiU co!uc;a tlx rur-S thr - -
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On J'irth ooJnmn fi mor.thl T" 'iff i
Oca eigbth culuu.a ix noi.iLi . J j 4ii
On tuiuuin three mnths - 30
One b.illcoluiiin n six tur r.v J 21 C9
One o jrth coiumnthree n t&ir ' 15 C9 eighth column t!rt-e u:on:hj 10 C9
A.n-jouuei:!)? caniiiates .,rr. -. SGI
, -,t. ue j ear, in sdvsuce ' $5
I !
-ii!j?c('i'tion, must int'y, bo paid inAdvaneC;
Alltracf iett ad7en:.eai;nti unit be ralj ia ad
vance. Yearly advertisements qaartcrlv in advance.
All kinds of Job, Uook ai d (.'ar t prir.tir:;:, done ia
ihe b"i jt!,- on. i!iort notice at d reitsornb! terms
Y t"'t Work, tcJ Plain r;d Fancy Job Work,
i in t':i tjle. and on rhort notice.
0. 21
A J a'
Coruer 2nd and Main Streets,
r.rrT.ved to do ' kinds of work in hi line on
t rn
i.-p (t'i'i rc 'iiiioie lerini1. 2l-oiH
rLOXTir xc-xxXjH: int. rr.
iir, C-1. Tie. Ci' i'.i Ginscr Bread, etc.
' 1 (ir''.i .;'!.!:' n - i.rr' iy (in 'iMri'J.
Stcr; i hi ihfr besi stj ie an1n-hort
I ix--ly
.aurreaortiBPntof CWjtf,
j'-'-o. Cigars. JWfts,
i'unhcd Fruit. Oystrrs. Sovj,,
Cr;ickt rs. Karris Cur
ran's. and n urp!y of
o r v. c t i o x a xi 1 1 : s .
f tl.e ! 'entK.n ot fieut lernen deiriIlg new, neat
bie an'! 1-Iii"n;tiie
Wearing App?jrel,
10 illS
' h be iil fPl I or mule vy, to i.'-.ler, at unprece
I i w prices. IIavi:i.' on baud oue of
.WESTS SEWiNti .MACHINES, Jo Custuui work at rales that defy comre-
I-Trr.rrnrt my work,
ul as -vvcl! us 3Iac!iiHc
t winUmz nuy thii'S in bis line
will do well lo
j! pxurniue bin st uk tetore investing, as Le
Li;n.e i: ;o h;U out peculiarly favorable in-
ouft, IS, !S(4 ly. "
vir.g tehed up permanently on
jvXaxixx Street,
dm.rjiV.ove tbe Baltimore Clothing Store, is
tn d to do all kinds of work in hi line in the
1 -Ft and Htlc. Particular attentione given to
v9-eU 6m p'd
mm . sitbt.
Ircss Erowniillc or Pern, Neb.
18 tf
it lis j i si y . fendy tj ertorin til work, par
"j: :i hi.-' lm.inri.
- i'.d cijru juintir.. r;!azin2:, and rnper ban
'. .i -i.nrt not iff, and the most approved
1 -irfssb. (iivebitn a rail.
t'1'..u M.tia street, cast of Atkinson's Clcth-
'. t:iIV, A iril 7, y.
: B. C. HARC'S
i,o I'Vto r,. i-pi Pictures. il i prrrerriJ to
Vin-K dt lures li;e t-ize-i PuotograiJba,
1 f it-t IumI well-ele(teo flock of Albums
v . I. ,.m
fw iU-vr i- lu.rtb of main Street oj'jm
3 t a; V. ni's st re. reixus will do will to
I'Ptiue (!ettii:B ork d"tie elsewU're.
T ' I en inr t ri i r.Ui. u 1. ; jit-,, n ilui u ronvi Tl 1
u:ircs. i, t ..-.mi! .,r ulaiJ reli!
blldr .uV di rsccs.
'-il Wi. liV2vRvly
. P. STEWAKT, M. D.,
-h En?t rornor of Main n:ii, First Streets
1 E Horns 7 to 9 A. M. nnJ 1 to 2 and
P. M.
?rnill., "fbroka, May 5tb, lPt No 5, ly.
t. S. HURNS, M. D., ,
Morrx.lixv, City, 3JT. 17.
s'y 2Sth,1834. n47-v8-pdly
feat W estern P&otograpli
-irst door Wst of BrowavUla House,
liltOWN VI I J Ai N. T.
iuM respp'-tfu!ly announce to the pcblictbat be
fi'tel np Skv-liKht Gallery, and la now prepared
ke errry kind, ire and tvyle of pictures known to
''t, and ail the latest and mort approved styles,
at luwr prices tlian any olrer artitit weet of St.
i'Q. Th se w ithing pictcreu will find it greatly tc
r 'merest to call and eaaiuine bis speiuens and
before goins elsewhere.
tindaof Pictures copied into Photo
grophs. ix 7-3rns
t , A I'D '
)ffire crr.r of Main an-1 rirst Rire.-ts.
Jffli II sun.
On Jirartnrf thrltU rinj for the Contittitionnl
Amendment aboliihing slavery in the United Stote$.
bt jotis a. wnirnia.
It is done !
Clang of bell and roar of gun
Send the tidings up and down,
How the belfries rock and reel.
IIow the great guns, peal on peal,
Fling the joy from town to town.
Eirg.O bells!
Every stroke exulting tells
Of tbe burial bonr of crime.
Loud and long, that all may hear,
Ting for every listening ear
Of Eternity and Tiina 1
Let us kneel :
t.wn roice is in that peal,
O, . "t is Loly ground.
And tbis tj. Wnat are we,
Lord forgive us J e.
That otir eyes this glory - - v
That our e,pr; bave heard the Found !
Fer the Led
On the whirldwind is abroad ;
In tbe earthquake Fie has spoken :
He has f mitt en with his thunder
The iron walls asunder,
Apd the gates or brass are broken !
Loud and long,
Lift the old exulting song ;
Sing with Miriam by the tea;
He hath csst the mighty down :
Horse and rider sink nnd drowu ;
He bath triumphed gloriously !
Did we daro
In our agony of prayer
. Ask for more than he has dona ?
. When was ever His right hand
Over any time or land
Streatched as now beneath the sun
How they pafe,
Ancient myth and song,and tale,
In this wonder of our dy,
When the cruel rod of war
BloFfoms white with rightous law,
And the MTatt of man is praise !
Blotted out 1
All within andU about .
Shall a fresher life begin ;
Freer breathe the universe
As it rolls its heavy curse
On the dead and buried sin I
It is done !
In tbe circuit of the un
Shall the snund thereof go forth.
It thall bid tbe g:id rejoice.
It fhalf give the dumb a voice,
It shall belt with jay the earth '
King and, swing
Bells 1 on mornvng'a wing
Send the song ofaprai?e abroad ;
Wfth a Found of broken chains
Tell the nations that He reigns
Who alone is Lord and God 1
The Mlsslonarr and t&c. Idol.
. Juhu Kicouct se-uld in the northern
iaud of Netv Zaland about thirty years
apo, and was for many years the only
white mnn in that part of the country in
which he lived.
The tnhe amonor vhom he resided.
wasca!lfd the Tatemunrras, and was eel;
ebretd for its valor and ferocity in war.
Con'iiruous to them was another tribe,
- .( Nn'i .ra tmns f nr child Ten of the SeaA
it a whom Uie lorm'-r were enjrajrea in
r J
almost oonttnual strife. The Nooranoos
when pressed in battle ly the Tatemun
pas, generally took refuge in iheir ca
noes, when their superior .skill enabled
to hold tiu-ir foes n; lay.
However, the Puheka, as Nicourt was
called by the IMaones, by introducing the
weapons of civilized warfare among the
Tatemungas, f ave them such an advan
tage over their enemies, that they con
quered the tribes on every side, depop
ulating their villages, and taking num
bers captive. Owing to this, the Pahe
ka became an object to be dreaded and
hated by foreign tribes, anu he accor
dingly generally kept within the bounds
of liie pah.
The village cf the Tatemungas was
situated on one side of a bay, which ex
tended about thirty miles from heads to
heads. It occupied the northern part of
this biy just within the entrance; and
oa the opposite shore was the village of
the . Nooranoos. This last-unentioned
tribe being principally dependent on the
sea for support, worshiped gods who
were connected with the main. Their
great deny, whose power was supposed
to be extended over the waters of the
clouds, the rivers, and the sen, was
named Maunwirriro, and the temple de
voted to his worship was a cave on the
s"-.a-shore. In connection with this
temple occurred Nicourt's adrenture,
which I will now narrate in his own
I had often heard of the wonderful
temple oi the Nooranoos god, and onged
to see it myself. Its beauty was described
to me in the most glowing terms by the
natives, who stated it to be a cavern of dimensions, which was entered
from the sea-shore. It was said that it
could only be entered twice a year, in
the months of March and October; this
being because at all other seasons its en
trance was below low tide.
The Maories, unversed as they were
in tidal theories, attributed the paenoin ,
enon to the power of the great Matin
wirrirh, and imagined that he thereby.
expressed his Wishes that at these times
only should he be approached.
It was reported amongst the natives
that the temple was adorned in the most
brilliant manner, according to the Maori
tastes and customs ; and that offerings
were made to this deity by all tribes,
even by the chief fees of the Nooranoos,
dreading the anger of this god, as great
er thai; even their own peculiar deities.
It was on 2 fine spring day in October
thai, having determined to go out to the
-ads of the bay to fish, I told my native
h t '
' Manwi, to prepare my boat.
servant, . T s:arte(j everything bore
At the lime i -.utinued good weath
the appearance of c.
er, ana l was in uopes
oat full.
return before night with my
We reached the fishing grounu
having let down the lines I enscouceu
myself in the stern, lit my pipe, and let
Manwi look after the fishing. We were
very successful, and in aboat two hours
obtained nearly as much as we wanted.
J was just thinking about returning,
when Manwi directed my attention to a
small, dark cloud in the northern sky,
which I wall knew portended the sudden
and furious blast of the "northeaster."
I immediatery pulled up,lhe linesj and
knowing not a moment was to be lost; I
sprung to an oar, and fcommanded the
Maori to do the same. Ws pulled in
shore as quickly as possible ; and I was
beginning lo hope we would reach it be
fore the korm came on, when our boat
quivered' as if under the stroke of
giant's sledge-hammer, and the blast
rushed over us. In a fe.w seconds the
sea rose fearfully, and swept over the
boat every minute.' Seeing that we
should bes.vamped if we did -not keep
her before the sea I'sprang-to tfie stern,
and shoving out tbe steering-oar, kept
her running before the wind ; we then
road ccmparatively safe, as our little
craft, befhg an old whaling boat, was
built to stand, heavy w eather. We were
flying along with the speed of a race
horse, and were fast approaching the
soutHern extremity of the bay. I was
now utterly undecided what to do. If
we ran ashore, and escaped through the
tremendous surf, we would in ajl likeli
hood be killed, perhapa devoured, byhe
.savage Nooranoos; and if we kept out
to sea the boiling billows would as cer
tainly engulf us.
I remained undecided ; meanwhile
keeping the boat's prow directed towards
the southern end of the bay, so that I
might follow either coarse, as Isaw fit.
Manwi had lain down in the bottom of the
boat, quite insensible though terror, so
that no advpice or help was to be had
from him. At last we were drawing
close to the rot ks, aiid I row olseived
a little cove in their exireme, point which
might afford us shelter. The entrance
to it seemed narrow and , shallow, the
waves running in with a ftaiful turge ;
and even at the das-tatice I then was,
which, tl-sugh peemingly "small, cr.u'.d
not be less than three-fourths of a mile,
I could hear the thunder ef the surge "as
to my course, being too far in shore to
weather the point; so, commending my
life to Providrr.ce, I guided thp boat to
wards the rocks. I -stirred up- Manwi
with my foot, telling hhn that -unless
exerted himself we ehould both be lost.
He despairingly assented and according
ly I gave him the sterrii.g oar, knowing!
that his superior
kill would be usefal in
the moment of danger I took my post in
the bow.and guided her course by sign. the
roar of the surf making speech useless.
We vow both stood prepared fur our
strufMe for life ; aud a terrible moment
it was. Eorce upon the crest of a giant
roler we .dashed into the little channel.
It required an arm of oak and a nerve of
'rca to guide us through this Charybdis.
I was afraid the wave might sweep back
before carrying us through the channel
and dash us to pieces agiinal the shallow
bottom; and unfortunately this proved
to be the case ; the "backwater 'dragged
us again from the shelter cf the' cove,-,
and tore the bottom dean eff the , boat
as it dragged it over the rocks. As we
struggled amongst the fragm er.ts of our
little craft, a politer gigaa ticrckr swept
i us through the passage, and dashed me
bleeding" and nearly senseless oa the
rocks. I grasped the sea-weed, and
crawling up to the face of the rock, wis
fortunate enough to get out of the reach
of the surge; but casting a look down
wards I saw poor Manwi's bleeding body
amoDgst the fragments of the boat,
swept- about in the depths, below. I
again ' craw-led along - the till I
reached a level port, where surer foot
ing was to be had ; after which exer
tion I fell senseless with pain and-, ex
haustion, occasioned by loss of blood.
'When Irecovered I found it getting
dark, so that I must have lain about
four hours in a faint. The evening was
evidently far advanced, nnd the , moon
was shining with great brilliancy. I
Was thankful for this last blessing, as
otherwise I could not have explored tl;e
.recesses of the rocks for, a path of de
liverance. The gale, is as usual with
northeasters, had abated as suddenly as
il had .arisen, and the night was quite
calm and still, the only sound that was
heard being the sullen moan of the well
as it swept the rocks belo-v; I immedia
tely began to look about for-a means of
exit from my position, and found that the
lede of rocks otr which I stood extends
ed backward for some .distance. 1 went
back a few feet, and perceived a hole in
the rocks, about three feet, wide, and
.j six in height. The idea at once
hat this was the cave dedioa
struck me . .
, "noos to the vvorsiiip or
ted by the i-,'ooi. - 1
3 . . . -nkurko .pr Maun-
the sea-deity, ivWu. .
. . . - . , , ,r he water in
HMrrirrt for ho that hf.'US ,
his hands;, ihe appearand
trance agreed with the description giv
me by the Maories I being but a few
inches above the highest sweep of in
surf, and the tide being at its lowest ebb.
I also remembered that this' was about
the time of the half-yearly visits of the J
Nooranoos to the temple ; and as it was
only accessible for one day in .the half
year, I expected every moment to s.e the
sacred gallery ' sweep -afbiind lEe point
and land its crew of worship). I
was now in a fearful position, and saw
no method of 'escape, for there was a
law among the Maoris, that only those
set apart for the purpose ot offering the
sacrifices for the tribes should approach
this cavern, all others being condemned
to instant drath, if found there. Irres
pective of this, however, the hated Pa
heka of the Tatemungas was surely
doomed to destruction, if found by his
I caref illy searched every recess of
the rocks, guided by the light of the
moon, but could find no egress nothing
but precipitous" walls of rock on three
sides, and the boundless ocean on the
fourth. I returned" in despair to the
temple entrance; determined to enter,
and there await the coming of "the Noo
ranoos. I did so, and groped along its
rough walls for some wav. I then took
out my flint and steel, which I carrred
with me on all occasions, and striking
a light of some cotton" which-had fortu
nately remained dry in myinside pock
et, I was enabled to see my way. I
found the cavern nf considerable length,
extending,' I should imagine, about one
thousand yards in length, with a breadth
of twa' hundred. I reached the altar
where stood the idol, urrounded by the
offerings of its .devotees, consisting of
various marine curiosities and other val
uables. I did not, however, .take much
note of them, my anxiety regardmg the
arrival of the natives being too great to
think of satisfying curiosity. I knew
that they might come. at any aiomenW
and were sure to come, at all events, in
the course of twenty-four hours.
I looked for a place to conceal my?elf,
and creeping rour.d bhitid the idol,
fourvd that if the preists .did not remove
it, I might possibly escape their sight.
The idol was no; situated at the extreme
end of the cavern, but only
about two
hundred yirds from its entrance, so that
behind it there was a considerable space,
which apparently ;was not rcuchr'intrudfcd
upon, all the devotions -being paid in
front of the altar. I hoped that, as they
vwculd nt pass beyond the idol, I might
possibly remain concealed, for I knew
that they would have no time, to waste,
the returning tide coavpelling thorn to
quicken iheir devotions ; but when I re
flected that, even should I be successful
enough to escape their, rotice, a misera-
ble death awaited roe, left as I would be
to die of hunger in that lonesome cjsv-j
em, various schemes flitted through my
micrd, one of which, was to scape their j
observation on landing, by hiding behind !
some corner of rock, and creeping to !
iheir canoes while tbev were engaged in i
their devotions, endeavoring to conceaj
myself helo-w the skins, &.c, which lie
in the bottom of their boats, when, if
; fortunate enough to be unobserved. I
might be left in the canoe cn their land
ing at their pah, and afterwards escape
by walking round the bay to my tribe.
On examination, however, I found this
plan impracticable, as Icould find no fit
concealment to escape them on landing.
I then made up my mind to risk instant
death, 'by-taking the following bold ad.
vantage ef their superstitions. The" idol,
was about the height cf an ordinary
sized man, nnd was mae'e of wood; the
face was painted red with the juice of a
tree which is common in that part of
New ZeaJatd, and the bedy was cover
ered by shawls made of flax. No part
of the body was visable except the hands.
In his right hand ht held a spear, on
which was transfixed a serpent, and in
his left he hld the fins of a barracouta
I afterwards found meaning of , these
emblems. The god was supposed to
have driven all serpents and noxious rep
tilea into the sea hence the emblem in
his right hand ; while being supposed to
prote ct the inhabitants cf the sea, the
food and riches of the Maori, his left arm
is represented as defending the princi
pal fish on the coast.
The idea that possessed me .was this
to displace the wooden frame ; to
dress myself in its garb ; to fling it into
the backmost corner of tkeB cave, aud to
play the god to the saving of my life.
I acted at once on this idea, and placing
myself- on the stone pedestal, which was
about six feet high, whereon he had
stood, waited ready to play my part on
the firs.t signs . cf the approach of the
bJVdges". To this end I painted my face
red wiii? some of the juice which' the
- had -Mt for the adornment of
priest " . , ,
the idol, . I fcau taken 8tand'
when the wild-chant of tue Maoris
borne to my ears. As the ben of
their song was peace and pro?perity,ana
not their harsh and terrible warnotes it
echoed through the vault with a sign
guhr , beauty. Untaught thongh they
were in the rules of harmony with which
the European delights his ear, these
savages kept time, and modulated their
voices ia a wonderful manner, consider
ing that nature alone was their teacher.
As their wild chant, waxed louder and
louder, denoting their approaching foot
fcteps, my heart beat viojently ; but feel
ing that life or death was in the balance,
I kept my composure by a,n almost su
perua tural effort, and streatching out my
arms in the atilude of the idol, kept a
grave and firm expression, and an erect
form, and waited to act my part. They
made their appearance. Foremost
strode the chief, Maunwana, the great
leader of the Nooranoos. He was dress
ed in full Maori state costume; shawls
0f flax in making which the Maoris are
so wonderfully expert hung from his
shoulder, and shining with glass beads
instead of fringes, swept the ground ;
a plume 01 the feathers of the kaukau
waved over his head, bound rojnd with
strings of beads, cud his general aspect
altogether was far from ignoble. The
others weie dressed in a humble man
ner. Amongst them I noticed one who,
frem his ornaments, must have been a
chief : this filled my heart with joy, as I
knew there mtiit be two canoes, as two
cheifs never go together in-" one. They
produced their offerings, and laid them
at my fett ou the stone. These consis
ted principally of fishes, but, there
were a few yams and other Maori veg
etables ; these lat'er were prebably of
fered'by some inland tribes, as I noticed
hf their costume, which wa-i different
fr'onithat of the Nodranoos. These of-
ferings were Mo propitiate the god of
pros-parity and happiness. If they had
been sacrificing to some god of war, how
awful would have been my position, as
human blood wotild assuredly have flow
ed at my feet. ! ' The offerings being
placed on the altar, they retired, and re
commenced their wild chant. ; The chief
seemed to officiate as high-priest, and
chanted forth petitions to the deity.which
th others chorussed. I translate the
following: . - - .
.Chief. "O great father. O mighty
father, O wise father, look on the chil
drenlook, look.. look!" Others". "Yes
yes, yes!" Chief. "Let ihy children
not hunger for want cf food ; let not
their eyes be like the eyes, of a ,dead
fish with hunger.''. .Others. "Yes, yes.
yes!" Chiff. "0 great power, that
ruleth all fish, drive them into our shores
thai the hearts : of . our wyenas wives
and our picanninies . may be glad."
Others. .. "Yes ;"&c.; and soon, through.
a long string of desired favors
-saw that I should be rafe enough under
ay disguise, as, though the cavern wa?
brilliantly Tighted with manukoo torches,
around the altar it was comparatively
dark, owing, I suspect, to their super
stitious fears. I knew that as soon ns
they had finished their chant they would
compel them s to do; sol waited anx
iously till the song concluded. Just a
the last peal cf their vcices had echoed
through the place, and they had sprung
to their feet to depart, I streatched my
arms to their widest, and, mad with
excitement, cried in a voice cf tLuDder:
"Children! Maunwirrior is pleased with
you jhej.oves all his childred he loves
the Nooranoos best ! Maun.virrior will
fill ycur bay with fishes, and make glad
the hearts of your women, and the little
hearts of yeur picanninies. Listen !
Twovcanoes bcre the Nooranoos from
their village ;lelthem go back in one;
let the ether be left here for your great
god, that Manuwirrior rr.ay go fourth to
bring blessings unto his childred.
Here, then Noorantos ; let the canoe be
ready for Maunwirrior when he wishes!
Go, my children, and obey !"
I finished ,and,dropping"my arms, again
resumed my former attitude. The' sav
age had stood terror-stricken during
my address, but were too fearful to fly ;
my Iaft commands roused them, uttered
as they were in a voice in which despair
and excitement were blended. My very
excitement had saved me, making my
voice so shrill and inhuman, thatthy
really took it for the voice of their deity
Eager to obey the welcome commands
of a god, they all rushed from th tem
ple, and shortly after I joyfully, heard
the noise of their paddles aa they depar
ted. I leaped down wfrom"my weary
stand, and-flung myself on my knee3 in
prayer and thanksgiving for my wonder
ful deliverance." I hastened to the cu-
trasce with anxious steps. I was saved !
The Maories had faithfully obeyed my
comTands, and a large canoe was moor
ed to the rocks, and floated lazily on the
swell which swept the calm surface of
ocean; the moon was just breaking on
the eastern horizon, and a mist hung
over theT sea. Providence feemed to
favor me so I sprung into the boat; and
paddled out to sea, where, catching a
favorable breeze, I soon arrived home
yes, home, for that mudbuilt sheiling
seemed indeed at home, and I felt that I
was indeed amongst true-hearted friends,
as they embraced me with joy at my re
appearance, and affectionately rubbed
their noses against mine, to testify their
regard for me, and their happiness at
againseeing ma. I thought it my duty
to tell them my story, at which they were
quite thunderstruck. I knew the tale
wouldjihereby soon travel to the Noora
noos, which I desired, as it would ill
haveshown my gratitude to the God
who had so wondrously delivered me to
have allowed the means cf that deliver
ance, to increase the superstitions of
these poor savages.
Secretary's Office, N. N.,
Omaha, Feb. J4th, lS6u.
The following is a correct list of the
acts passed during the Tenth Session of
the Legislative Assembly.
A. S. PADDOCK, Sec. of Ter.
Acts Originating in ihe Council.
An act to provide for revising the laws
cf Nebraska.
An act to amend chapter twelve of an
j t
act entitled "an-act to revise and consou-
date the laws of a gneral nature, passed
at the second session of the Ligisiative
Assembly of this Territory," approved
Fed. 15, 16G4-
An act to provide for the enrolling, or
ganizing, callings into service, and pay
ing cf the Nebraska Militia.
An act to pruvide for the Insane of
An act relative to the competency of
witnesses in certain case3.
An act to regulate the appointment
and duties of Receivers.
An act to designate the time for elect
ing Territorial Auditor and Treasurer.
An act to amend an act entitled fan
act te regulate the entrv and disposal of
town sites," approved, 1S5S".
' An act to amend section three of an
act regulating the distribution of the laws
and journals.
An act to provide for the payment of
the militia of Nebraska, callsd into ser
vice to repel hostile Iindians, by procla
mation of the Governor, August 11th,
1S6L '.
An act respecting cfacial bonds and
oatns. ' ,
An act to revise and consolidate the
several acts relative to the City of Oma
ha, and for other purposes.
An act to provide for the funding of
ihe warrants of Oioe county. -
An act to change the time for return
ing venires cf petit jurors in ihe 3rd
judicial district.
An eel to lejn'.sze the election cf mu
rioipal cfncers,of De Soto for the year
1S64, and for other purposes. ;
An act to authorize the election, cf
county assessors in certain counties,
An act to vacate the street and alley
in the City of Erjv.-nviKe. which are up
on the Walnut (J rove Cemetery, end to
dedicate blocks 63 and Z'J'm&$ a turisl
ground. ,
An act to legalize the- assessment nrd
levy of taxes in Washington and Dakota
counties. :
An act to vacate the towesite of Flatts
ford, in Sarpy coutty.
An act to- amend an act entitled ''art
act to confirm ih title cf Thomas Mar
tin and J. N. Coriell to' certain real es
tate in the City cf Omaha," approved
January 10, 1SG1.
Ad 'act for .the relief of Louisa. O.
-An act. to repeal an act entitled aa
act to incorporate the South Nebraska
Railroad Company ,". approved January
11, 1561. .
An act supplemental to an act to in-
corporate the City of Dakota, approved
November 21, 1S63. - ;
An act to amen i -an act" entitled "an
act to consolidate the corporations of Ne
braska Uty, bouta Nebraska City and
Kearney City, an! to incorporate Ne
braska City,' approved December 31,
1837. ' :
An act to incorporate the Mascnie and
Odd Fellow's Hall Company of Tiatts,
An act to locate a Territorial roLl
from Platismoutb, in Cass ccuaiy, t0 in
tersect the Territorial read running im
mediately south cf the Salt Basin" ah J
Salt Creek, in Lancaster countv.
Memorial and joint resolution for the
relief the Nebraska Militia.
Joint memorial and resolution respect
icg an insane 'asylum in Nebraska.
Acts Originating in the House '
An act making appropriations f cr Leg,
islative expenses, and for ether purpose's,
for the year, lSGJf .. ,
An act to regulite the appointment. of
Notaries Public in the Terntorv of Na.
braska. , "
An net to regulate the salaries and
fees of certain cftcers ia tha" Territory
of Nebraska. .
An act further to regulate the practice
and proceedings in chaocery.'
An act to require Territorial ofUcers
to give bonds'. ' , .
An act to amend an act entitled 'aa
act to pruvide for the valuation and as
sessment of real and personal property,
and for the levying and collection of
taxes in the Territory of Nebraska," ap
proved February io, lbG-i.
An act to provide for an estray law.
An act creating the office and defining;
the duties of Territorial LibrariJn.
An act to amend an act entitled "ah
acl to apportion and define Councilman
Districts. .
Joint resolution relative to the duties
of county treasurers.
An act to amend an act entitled "an
act to establish a Territorial Hoard of
An act to provide for levying and col
lecung taxes on c!dg3.
An act to disqualify certain persons
from holding office k, the Territory of
Nebraska. -..'..',
An act to amend an act entitled "aa
act for .the relief of pawpers," approved
November 4, 1S-7S.
An act to provide for tRe protection of
sheep, aiid for destroying wolves and
wild-cats in the Territory of Nebraska.
An act to provide for the protection cf
crops and for ti e destruction of black
birds, crows and gophers ia the Territery .
of Nebraska.
An act to empower the Board of lo
cation of Louisville Township, Cas3
county, to levy a tax for school purposes
fur years lSGo and (3G.
An act suppltmenthry to an act to in
corporate th-i city ot Ru'o, Richardson
county, Ntbral,e, approved Jan. II, 61.
An act to continue the organization of
the couaty of L'Eau qui Court, Nebras
ka Territory.
An act to authorize William A. Taffel
mire and Garret N. Martii.dale ta erect
a mill dam acre ss Muddy Crek in Rich
ardou rcunty, Nebr.uwa Territory.
An incorporate Platte No.
the independent order ef 0Jd Fel
lows, located at riarsmou'.h, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska Territory.
An act to provide for the erection and
incorporation of the Johnson County Sem
inary. ' : J
An acl to re; train swine from running
at large in Cuming county.'
An acl to authorize D. C. Jenkins, his
heirs and assig ns to build a bridge across
Rock Creek. . .. -
An act -to legalize th actions of Jacob
Sch?n, as trustee of the General German
Colonization Society. . ;
Auact to provide for a f-pecial election
in the county cf Kearney.
An act to change the name of James
R, Case lo James Murry. :
An act to empower the Board cf Edu
cation of Forrest City school district in
Sar py . coiinty ta levy a tax fr school
purposes for the, year 1SG-5.
An act to tttoch Saunders county 1 1
Cass county, for judicial, election and
revenue purposes. .
An act to cenfr the elective franchise
on citizen residing -temporarily cn tb-3
Iowa, Missouri ,' and Otc-.- and Sac ac t
Fox resrvatic ns.