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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1865)
: i : i To -Close Business. ; . THEODORE HILL, Xo 17 Jlaln Street, Having detennincd . to Wind up my Dry Goods Business this '. Fall and Winter, I v.ill oQur to the tiudo my immense stock at greatly Reduced Prices, THEODORE HILL, Ilavicg made large purchases can a.nd will sell my entiro steel: coin prising the latest Styles oflered in th.3 Territory to Cash buyers at & great sacriGce,. THEODORE HILL, Intends to dispose of his superb Stock by March next, con sequently is enabled to oGlx greater in ducements to the trade than can. bo given by any other Homo iq tho West. sr THEODORE HILL. '3T Tim SAW AD FLOURim WILL keep constantly on bati An a-Wtment ' Extra-uperfine to Common Zj -CL rT , S M EN & LE , And all o'her article? umally'ke pt in afiret-clas licrrhant Flouring or Saw Mill. Urownville, March 3Iet,.'64. n30-8-ly. TEOS. C.CBEHSHAW, liANCFACTUREB DEALER COLLARS iueness, hip1,dspurs, lashes, Nain Sf reet, Opposite Ware's Bank, NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. GEO. j&. PRINCE & GO'S . " b . i i THE E? "W. C3r AUioiaAilC OHGANS J 1 SCHOOL ORGJUSIS k 5 D MELOI2E0NS ! ! ! Thlrtj-Flvc Tbousniiil Now in Use. Every Instrument warranted for five years f ' For MTeDtrer. rtttrr th tuprrior excellfDee of onr ioitrum-nu haootben qut-ti- nfJ, n4 f-r two rers Mat the ei.ormcuf de:nnd La ir.ade it .'P ;.b! for nMo meet our order-)rf.m,.tl.v W th cur incrci-i fvilitiei, we feel warrnntcd in waring nrtr-Ds ttattheir orJm will be pn,inptlj and elicit ft coutinntnoe of their' . tT WKKXAL WSCOrST TO CLEfcCTMEH, Cat'B- OF O. A. PI5IKCK & CO., BufTslo, If. X. G2:0. A. riill.CS & CO., CiucBEO.Ill- t? An Illoftnteo CaUlojue. with fnll dweri; ti. f ffTU will fcn ! I sj w ., " -- -imt. , 1 . t 1 """". iMwa PiMJiuw pim ' ill' ijwiwwwi iiiwuwim M , Ji , " ' - ' - (' icj GHOVESTEEN & CO, PI Ax o FO R T K M 4CO The ftttu-tit i' f the 1'cblic nni t!ie trde U invited Jo our .eir tca!e 7 Oc:ae Piano Fnrte wtich lor roluint? nnd purity i f trno are uuri-alled by ny hitberto off.-red in this tiijik. t. Tbey rooiain all the modern improvrine.'it. Fnin b, Grand aciion, Hnrp Pedal, Iron Frame. Over Strung Paps, Ac and etli inftniEoent bicg ui.tde ondvr tbe personal supervi-in ol Mr. J. If. Gtovustevn. wr,o has had" a pra.'tkal cipeiience it oTerHO ycxrs in thir ujHruf.tfture. is fully wnrranted in every particular. Tbe 4Grovcsitecn Vlano rorle"' received the 1: lilies! award ofmerit ocra!i ol lie is at Hie Celebrated World's ft'ai;! f wrr c J i-struuicnts from tbe bo?t makera of London, P.irid, (Jcruiany, ;lphia, Balt taiore ,R;?ti.n and N York ; and also at the American In-kitute for five aucceive yearx, tbe gold and tiiver medsl lr!n bolh of which, can be soon al our wsre-ro.ui. Hy the intr,da?ifin of improvenifnt we make a Ftill ra re perfect Piano Forte, aod by manufacturing Ur(ft!y. with a ftriatly cath eyteu, are enabitd to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all ccrc petition. ' nilCES No. 1, Seven Octavi, ronnd rornerf. Ronewood plane ca;e.$2r5. No. 2. Seven Octave, ruiid ci mere, Rosewood heavy moaldiiig $3fi0. N . 3 Seven Oc!ve, rur;d corner?, UtFewoodLouicXlV8;yle;:jJj a fac aimileof the above cnl. 37fff2xxs: JSTott CjcsjJjl, in Curroxit Zxxxcls. DESCRIPTIVE CliiCL'L&iiS SNT FJIEK. june 3a-u-v3-j V3 DIPHOVED The greateet 'lnj rovoment yet in tbe Sainn Ua cbiua Art. A curioaiiy worth ttroibg. - Pleaje tend for ciroulars with aamplM of Sawing. Theae IoipTovei lUohine? rare one bnsdraJ pe-r eant. of tbrj-id and silk, at.d make tbe Louk-Stituu alike oa buth fides. Tbey require no in.truction to operate perfectly, exoept the printed diroctioni." No cbapje in aawing fram one kind of foda to another. And no taking apart to olean er oil. Our New Manufactory i now complete. wihall its machinery and t ic; entirely new, and iaa'reajy rapidly turning out Macbine-. wLic!i f.r beauty ami perfrctb-n of bn;;b are nor turpujjid by any niinu fac tare in the world. , - , N. B. Shruli any Machine prove nrjatiifaetory, it can be raiureoj aad actey rcfucied. Agenta wanted ia eeaatist net cast a J by car wn Agents. FiXHXE & IaYOX, S. 31. CO. NO. 53 BROADWAY, N. T. Fe. 4 8 1y. - Tkksji f!!ttcra are prt:irJ, In pnre rurtB Vl'laioky, fruui a cuniLiiiatiou of cvr tmuiy ilif-fc-rt-nt Ivinila of roots, I ark stud lu.rl.5, I.Ua act in perfect concert one willi Hie ollirr, j re pared from the oriiiml formula given liy tl:e gT(at chief,' lted Jnek-.-t, lo Iir. Cliiijiin, who ased Ihtni eucccifui;y in Lis jiractice fur mnr.j yean, mid by their uc tuin .-d sj:r. tu a poimUrKy In tlie treaimeiit and cure .f l,jsci'biu, I.Hvr Cnplauit,;'rtucn, ici; ud c: voua Ilrd. ache, ever and Ague, tii;U nil flinas. taiih)u fn ia torpid liver or iuoinestion. Persons t.f!v.ii:ig lioni eillier of tliese loathjMnn' 4lisc:i3i-s Fill lmJ a t-ura ure bv tlx use of liws flitters, hich aie i-erfectty pure and free from nil '.Lose, drug and ptiii s i.mi ally put up in such re;aruticni mid :i on an unauspectinx )ul lie. A t.iiiL'1'-ti ial will on Tince the morit k ntical that iu ihe l.i.V JAC'KLT there ia vbtue hich no ctlier Litter pos3. They ttre-ghea and irvigortte the cystsa. They are uacqtalcdfcr genaral debility. They ar a lure cure for dyspepsia. They give a good aad healthy tppetit. They assist dicuV They are tha l6l et jattl&nt in eiittince. They are a prevestivs ct Ttvcr ad A jue. They rc'icve censtipatica. They cure ITcrvous Eeciache. They are perfectly pure aid pstlatalle. Aped persona aud delictte ftniaJe will find tbey aan aave Urge dottor'a bLla Ly U.e ue of these 1' li ter. Beware of connterfeita. The Eed Jacket Kit-" tera are only i$ in boitlri with our name blown on the aide, and our private government stamp aero the cork. oca Fer Medicinal and Table ngef, wldch are perfectly pare, and need only be trbd to be m pirviated. Kone genuine uiilena Uiey lime our goid laOtl oa ach bottle, and our iuitiaia preaaed N wax over iUe cork. P..M I y alt druggist and dealera throughout tbe eountrj. Call fur our gondf aiid take no ti er. Cixcuiara to the trade aupplied ou applicaticn ta ' iSensctl I'ifferM ft c. wOUb No. SI Elver k.'Cl.Kge. W. E.Hct;i.i.i'. r.i , br- o ;i.e, I'F"W M MMICUTK,,.T. OA D 51 Oo . " " " SrowT.vilie, J uua 2, 1864. no 33-1 y J. f; orris u"cssor to It. Brovrn At Ca. Vonld rrs;e:tnlir arinTin-e to th? Cit'aer.g r.f Browuviiltf a ud vieinity, tht he tag purciiaBeJ the Large and Well Selected Stock OF 23 E2. ITG-S., 9 Ha atienrea t?prhlici;pnera!'y, that Le will kcip en band every tLdng usually keet m - Fast Class Drvg Store, " and i determined net to be undersold for can. PRESCUTPTI'lNS AND ORPFRS CAKEFCLLT FILLFD AT At.L llOl'RS WHITNEY BLOCK, LIAIN ETBEE'T B I 0 7NVI LLH, N I It A S K A a fx81y WEIL Buckets, Churn, S. eve., Jiouse ' Tin Clothes Pins and Caati! uap PAILS, Tuba. Keen. Washbuards, Keelers, Chiidrcu'a Cat.6 and WLee. barrows lloXju-oghlini. Swun'a Ayer's Sgrsaparillae AN U F A C T U R E R Tffii W- TOB 3ZZ. V7UL U. McCREERY, ' Cash W ho'eaTe- an J Kdail Dealer in Paints, Oils and Dye Stufl; All kinds Patent-Medicines DENTAL AND FANCY GOODS, Blank Books and Stationery, The best brands of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO AND SEGAR3, Sialics ojall olors. Perfuiucrj auU Toilet Coeds. He a.-res h'.i i.arrons. ai d tbo public n. rally, be wii! kevp or. han-i .i extensive st.,ck of th ar tic!"i ;ntioced, beeidos anything ftn.i everything unu.;!y kept iu a f.r.-t iIjlh Dru Sure, wiiicb he ia prepared to toll a Joiv rates lor Cash. Call and exaiuine fur yourself South-east Corner Main and First Streets Ercwnville, IsebracIiA. Prescript!) and Orders Carafuliy filled at all honra. THE IITIITE 111 The readers of the foNTiMrsTAL are aware of the imix.rtant position it La asi-umml, of the ir.Juente wni-ii it XHi-ta, and of t'm br: l?:t;it ar-ay of t.liti-i-alard lirnary ' tab'M. if the higlul order which aiipr-. tit it.. No i.n'Mi -ati-.u ot the kind has, in tue-o. umry, so .u .loi'v o n:b!tif d the eiierpy an l i:nd. in of the daily newsp: j,t r with the high er literary tmiu of the firt-cla m .t.ii.iy; aiul it ii vtry ot-riMiii thtt n ni."ziue h n giv-:i wilr rane to itn cenfributor; (r prp-rv'd it.elf.ii ,.;,m. lUtt ly from tne narrow infl'j. iiora i f puny or of (actli iu In tini'.'s lik the present, fiirh a journal i fither wcrii. th t,h .r it i tiotbing. That tlie Conliueiitdl .is no' tiae Utter ia aboi,atm!y v.-deuc-l by wbnt if has ii'.n by the n-fie; tion itc e(.ne:asn nursy iuui -rUnt j i.'b!i- i t. and in tbo r!iarMcr ai.d h. wer -ol iLjso wbareit. .:;uni:'. si iiuppot te.'a Tiiutub but li!il- ii-,.,re tban a rat lasilapso. iie the (liiitiir:tai ira f:rct c.-ti.t..iihbi 1. i' hn I'trioj: tbat. ti jni (juirtii a siercuvih ai;l a isiyni fi -ance elevntinu it to a j( ait n inr ubove t hit prs-" vi..u-ly fivu vl tieirth aid a p.iiiticsl s'j:i:iii ane elovnffiij; ir t a p.sitioti far iit.v thut pre vi iiy cii)' by ii,y j, .li.-:ii i(n" . f iL;. ki-.d ii. Ain"i..r. r prof'of -wbic-h aafcituii vre Cii! at t ii'i'in to ! La i ' HcWiii 1. tl p;i-.Tl arii. les republic I in pampbb t f...'m. a a'otie Un h-d, :IiU-1t, a circidatio-. ' i.u:td-.d and .-ix lln u.r.d -i.i.!en. 2. Kr-t'i its iitfi.iry uepArtiueut. a .i:v;i tur'.a. n -v- l, "Among i h Pine." Im., wiMii;i h v. rv i n nt'tiK. .,ld !:fJi!y tinr-y-Cvo thousand cop'i-..; -Tw tb-r fr;o. f i'B Pu-rirr rtile bxvo !.- ovi!be.1 m l o t form, while tau firat p.-r-tif n f a third iaa'rei.iy in prcfi. No ni'iro en ihisivtj iu.-t i.ird be allmlgrd t. wove the thtf-excc'itene of tbe eoi.trii.utioii to tbe CoutineiiiMl, or tb. ir extr.K.r lihry ppul:i" itv; and iv conduct. m are detei mined tbst it 1ihI! u',,t fall bebiod. Pr-e.rving nil 'nho bidiie.i, vi. r ami ability" which a tftcti-vr.d jurrls bare attribnted ti it. it will ;rMtly enljr.-c itssriicic i f action, and dieu., fearleiy an tr.uikly. c . princtpie in uolred id t!i.' tfTS-it (jUesLons of Jbe d;iy. Tue Cf:t tuindii .f tbe c .nu'ry eiubrneiug tbe ir.'-n tu.'.-n f-miliar witb it U ploui.i.y and un til aiu-d for ability, are ani mg it ei iitiibotort; .d it i.. ni'. re fluttering promisu of a pn.cpe-.-tus" toa.iy !iaf tbi."ini-f;z!ne l"..r the tiuio;," will eral-.y the .bo fl.t i'j'oiiei t in Am :ri ri, u;:d.T n i.- ic. . Vr b'n b nr publication ever t , ed b'.-f. re in t.:,s countrv. While the .n!i'i(ii;,!l wiil ex.rt.." rfetid. 1 opinio;; cu tbe g cat Ui r U- i,- f t b- duy, it i!i " I'n'ie :n.ic;ii jmirn i: nmcii tiij tarter portion of its colninua will be enlivened, a h'-ret-j-foit.b; ; r. poetry and hurcv.r. In a wrd, the .oniiu-n.-ni wiil U9 found, under it? n-w smlT .i Kditors.ocfuoyin a position an 1 predentin" acraj- tioua novor b-slure fun 1 iu ung'umo TKKMH TO CI. UBS. Two copiea for nue year $5.f!0 Three copieii for ono year, ' fi.flO h:x cpie for one year, r.leveo copies feri ne yar, 20,0 : 1 wsnly copies for om; year, 30,00 pAii.' in arVAvcr. Pontage Twenty-four cenU a year, to Le paid by iu o -iueciiuer. SINGLE COPIES. Three dollara a year, io advance. Postage paid by tho :'ublinber. JO IIS F. Tl'.O'.V. iO Crepne St., ?. Y., Pub'ifber for th Proprietora. A aii indnemorit to new nubTibe.r. the Pub- lisb-i-i o3Vr tbo faii'.win Jihi-rn! pr-!iaiu:m Al p.-r-oa vur.r.iu in advance, w ill receive fh uii'gaxin ir m July. to Jaowiry, 1S(1 thus -uring tbn wholo of Mr. Kiiubali's and Mr.' fvi ike's new trial!', which arc alore wT!h the price (.f tbe aubMij.tioii. Or, if prOrei, a sub !rilf r ri"! ' t " ma f-,v ne for I S".1, i nd a eojv .f"Amng ha l';r.?." tr Urd-reurrcnf s of '.Vail Strc-t. by . K. Kunbill, b .oo 1 t.i, r of "SjushiiHi i.i Tliir'-it," by Cbnries liodtrey Lchind rt;til pike, $125 The book to be lnt postage p ud. . An? r.'criion remHii 4 50, will receive tbe mien zine from it c .mmem-c-iiiri t, January, 162. ti January, ISM. thus seiturin Kiiob;iii's-Was Ac mtic-sful ?"nd Mr. KirkeVAmongtbe Pines," and Mervhana Story," nr- l ncuriy 3.000 octave page? of the best literature :n tne world. Premium ub.-cribcra to pay their own fringe. Larpc asFortmcr.t of Pocket knive?. Butcher knivj, etc. etc., cau b.i seen CTT TIVATORS Sy:ne".Crad es. Rakes iloes, SpadeaShovela. etc,' e.C, A.t llcLruahlin & 8wan'gi. TSrtonuS. ''B'wckine bru-hes. Scrcbtine trnshev AJ wiii hrcnuis. B acking, Matches Iuk, VTiittn McLicnnuif Sc Spanj?. ESTR A V NOTICE. TaVen up by the. undersign' d , livir-r aix miles west of Hrownville. l)e. li:h, one red and nbite ptear.three years old lat spriti. 15-3t . KENNEDY. ESTR XX NOTICE. Taken np by the tinderriirned, living twr mile f.b..vo Iro,vi!le, Nemaha County, Nebraska, on tbo tCth day of leember. one black .horse co't, two veara old, very poor wbsn taken un. rn marki orbraudi, il-3 ISAAC JKFIT.KS. jlyer's Cathartic PillB, : . PIL LS. Are von aick, leeble, and .eorap:ainiiig? Are you out of order, w ith your eyatern derar.pei, ard vmir fce.npi Ill'.ltr.V UC ' r. .Taki; i'K a I1M, ard cfeauae out Pie tllsor (lereri huiaois purify the f !-Cu - - . '.v-'7S move on uiiob-tructed in rs.-'J health aeain. I !.e vX m - late tbe frtLcf:;-iis cr the o.'v idto vii'oroHS ectivirr. prifv the prstem farni tbe b.-tructiw.&.wfey;h ifaVo ti--ebO. A co'd Kotncwlu re iu I fie tody. 'd rliK-trncfa its r.atuitt! fni:Ctiors. j tit sc, n nui y lit-. cd, react npou tbciu.-elvcs as.d the urronw!mg organs. .ioii:ciii!r general aggravstion, suncniig, and (iiicm-'e. Whi t in this coi.ditioii, opprcicu uy the lerai;en.crt8. take Averts P:i:?. antl m t;i;cctlv tkcv ictote the natural actio-h of ibe f vs tem. r.iid with it lie buovflxst fueling oi health aua'.n. Vi.:tt is tn:e and f s parent in thin trivial and com mon complaint, is a.Vo tine in matiy ot the cecp eeated and chuci u's c:st-m'is. The aame. pwrga tive diet expels t tern, t'fitied bv ffnn ar obi-tiuc-tioi.s and dcruiiRrrtentaof the i.aturfii f'luctioi.P of tbe txMlv,tbey are ispidlv, and many ot them ture.y, cured bv tbe mum means. "oi:e who know tbo virtue of tliese IV. wi'! neglect to ci.rp.oy them when titteriucr fra the disordvi-s tbey cu:c. thtrr.iiis ftani ier.riir g bicin ir. i-ome of the principal cities, aid liom other wcli-kiiowu public petOu&: j . from a rvrwardiia Merchant cf St. Louis? Ftb A, . Dr Atib Yntr Tills are tbe paragon of all that is great in mciiidre. Tbey have cured my little cr tighter of u ceiDtis pores upon ber Lai; da und feet that bad proved ii.cinuble lorcars. Herraotber Las been Jong giieouyiy cllbcted with b:oc!.e? and pimples ou ber kiu and in btr bair. After our cbi.d was cnied, ebaaotned yoni Pillf. i . tbey have eui ta ber, . AsA Aluliti:lLoil Aa a Fitmll j-Th yule. Frcn Dr. K V. Cdritrrht. Xew Orleans. Your l'i.ia are t!;e prince of purges. Their er ellCLt qua'itics suti.ts any catnamo we possess. The-.' are mild, but vt-rv certain end ;1lcIuji1 in their rxiion on the LoveJ?, which n.akes them invaluablt to us in the csay t t t incut oi urease. Ecas!ae!ji?,Kic 14atlacbfl, Veul Stomach. rmm, 1r Kd'card Boyd, lirJtimore. Draa 1 ko. Ates- I car.Lot answer you what complaints I !:ave cured with your Illls better than to lay a'! ire erer treat tri.'A a purgative medi cine. I place great dependence on that effectual ccthariic in mv riiiv coi.;c.t with disease, and be licviiic. f s I :tf.tbt.t'v;;r Pi;1:; cflbrd us tbe bet we ljut-, lu'coyrH !;? tbcin bibly. , i rirrsBi-na, Ta.. May 1.1555. Da. J. C. ATER Sir. 1 Lave been repaatedly earrd of tbe vnct headache sin body can have by a ioe or two of jour l"iils. It taenia to arise from a foul s'ou.ach. w.'iicb t.'iey clcanhe at once. Youra ulh great respect. El). W J REBLE. Clerk of Steadier Ciarton. Hiboni lli.rd?ra f.icr Complaints FromJJr. t'hro!rre lielKrf XetP York City. Hot only arc our 1 ii!sailniii5ily adapted to their puipoM! sa an tj orient, but I find their beneficial effects upon tic Liver very marked inoeed. Ti.ey baie in in v practice j.rove'd niote efiectual for the cure of liliout complaints than any oLe remedy I can mention 1 bineerely rejoice that we bare at length puiga'ive which is worthy tbeconliueuceof the piuieuiiou and tlie pcopie Depaktmot or the Interior, 1 Vnshington, D. C , Till Feb.. lioH. J Sir: I bare u-ed jour li.'.'s in my general and liot-pi'al practice ever sirce jou made them, and camot betita'e to ay tbey are tbe best cathartic we einplov, 1 1 t"r reguiatjiig action cu tbe liver is cjuic'i kit J deciocd. eoiefjuei.tly tbey ate an ad rrb!e reniexiy for otiaiigeineTits of that organ. liifUtil. I 1 tw jcidom loui.d a caf e of Luiovs (lis- ' tote to obftiiiate that it did not rrcdily i ieid to tm. I'rateiuaily yours, Al.ONZO P.ALL. M. D., FfiyicuiH f the Marine JJosjtital.. Dyalery, Diarrherrs, lielax, Worms From f Jr. J. G. Grren, of Chicago. Tour l ilis Lave bad a ioi g tnal in riiv practice, and I bold them in tf teem as one of the best aperi ents I l ave erer found. Their alterative effect upca tbe liver nikkea them an excellent remedy, wbea given in small doses lor bilious dysentery and diar rkcet. Tbcir sugaroating makes them ery ac eeptb'e and convenient for tbe use of women aiid children; - Xyppia, Imparity of the Blaod. From Jlev. J. V. Jlttsxes. Pastor of Advent Church, Iloston. Dr. Atxs: 1 have used yonr Pills with extra ordiuary ruccees in my family end among those I am -caberi visit in distress. To regniate the organs of digcrfion ai d purify tbe blood, theyaie tt;e very bet reniert; I have' ever known, aid 1 can cona aectly ltcommeud tbem to m f:iei:iis. , - - You-s, - J. V I1IMES. Warav, Wvoming Co , X. Y., Oct. 21. 1SC5. Dkaii t;t: I am using your ( atbartic 1 n-'s in my practice, vi d lina tbein an excetient purgative ta cleans tL s;tai and jnirfy the fmntiunt if tin lloixl. J0il U -JiLAl'HAM, M. D. Conai!pntiTi. CcivrrtrM, Kiipprrfcio:i ItifiMiMittin, iont, Nruralffiu, iircpsy, ai-Hiyfti, k iln, rlc. From 7)r. J. P. Y'tuyhn. Mmitreaf, Canadt. Tuo nuc!i cr-i s ot 1 suid cl" jour I i.'is lor tb ciie oi contireius. Ii otiit i ct our li sterility have loui.d tl.em t." cll cacioii.- us I biive.tbey bou:d join me in i ioc.iiiii'.isigi'. lor 1 be bei.elitof themultiiuiJes v. l:o mJer liom il.i t coiiip uint, wl.ich, aitbougb tad ct oagh i:i itself, is t!:e lo.uei.ilor oi Hth"is that a:e v.oi 1 ! ieie")iiiv(SJ to on'ii.a'e in the liver, but jour 1 il'.n fcllcct Ibat oigaii cui lue disease J"rc4 Mrs. E. Slif.rt, Physician, and Midwife, Iloston. I fi d oi e or Uvo largo cu is of your Tills, taken at toe 1 1 cr t niif. i' i xceoei.t puuootnca of tbe try1 uru'i infuin wtieu Asl o.,y vv p-.iia.!y n.p-pK-i-ed, n.ii c.i-o eiy tlicc;urtl to c.V.i. the s' and ey-vf twin, 'il.ey are mi much tba Lett !: 'ic we l..eti at 1 no ta li:y patients. From the Pr- f. Uwles, of thi Methodist Epis. ('..iv. 'i. . rt'LEF.. -..r;F h;i iii'fb, Ca., Jan. 6. lCS. IIoOlt.I .'t 1 ibou!d bo iingiiitviul ior tbe re iff joui bus L.oiiubt n.e il 1 Uitt ct.1 report Tiiv ct-se to joit. A cold sctlied in my hints and b.o'igbt mi cruciniii g vturuljic jiins, wldch Midtu in chronic Nuiwiibstondiiig I 'bad tbe lert of pbiciw. i'- fJ.fv grew worsa aid woife. i i. til bv tho ad of 'ur excel. tut a-ei.t in l aii.i. o.c, l : Mbcken; ie, 1 tried jour l'i!!s. Their tl'. cis veto , tm am. 1' per seveiing in the ute ol Una, 1 um i.ov utiielj v cil. Seatk ritAMBFn, Piitoii Ponae, I.e., 6 Dec.,Lc"io. ' iJ.t Amai: I la.o bvea t..n. m... I, bv jour Pii of J.'ln-uKvtic t out a I uii.iiii iieioethnt has alllicted rue lo. i-ii. VlNt i-N i !.Ut-lX. CT-ilo-f i,tu i Pill 1" r.isiktt contain llcreurj-r wbich a;;l -on lit u vn:n:ib!o Hincil.v ill t-t.illut bands, is usu:gt-.ou in it pub j'- l'1 ') bo ilieaiilul con- seijlieoces lli!t uei.l ; - lo.iow lis ii. cautions Ute. Tlic-e coutiuu . incioiiry or iiuotiU suUtuiica w baton-. Trie, 25 ccat3 rs? Tloz, cr 5 Eoie3 for $1. Trc-iaicl Ij lie. J. C. AY-Ii L Co., Lowell, Hass. ft :IV V,"l, H Mc'UI i::iV, PrownviMe. ' (i. A. ht't,.V "A PlU)., iru. v-i, ly ILLU H.ATri) iM'.WSlWJ'i'KS-. v Attr i-t iv pfnture. T!io fj.OCn P4ii Novel Tbn tin!' lb-v.-" Uie.tu. by Mr. t.-p!:-.. . A.j!' of -Frt'liion and Tin Kejn d Wit" " A.-., ? i i,', .i f hi r.icli inn: a- tb r.. ll.un'," r,; -t. anii i .en. t ur , l.l i lli- in-f liiuiti'iiiic 1' UStr.'. d l'aier fiiii... . in Aia T.rin-n g u'l oltn-rc IU I i J ti-rei-t of the nutnur.jiM illn-1 n fibkh ito5tr.. Fra:.d lj-lie'a l!l'J:rted N"iv r ivill begin in No. 4ii, elated J.n 1 try 31. 'S'li. iio toriliiiisrmiit absorbing novel. 'Tj? ; .1! ilttwein tbr-to," v-rit-teu br tbe great n.volis .. Mrs.' Stepbeus, wiitwu FiL-bion and Fim b-rg.-r circulation ihi'n :my other purely li't-mry n. v, 1 of our day. and tvaji regirded as o m-tei !y a woik of fiction t:t it wasnot only repubii.-hid in Kngl .. 1, but was truislated into aliuoit tvtry Unguagu of Eu rope. Tbe prize nf $5,000. offered with unnsu iber nlitv by the tiropri'tor for tb" b t niv dr.-w forth no les than two hundred works, "ny of them of great roc-it.. Among tbe Mrs. Stephens novel was aclectcd, as evidently t.r.A.-iiing not only all others offered, but almoet everything hitherto vnbiisiicd. It is fully equal to "Fa-hion'aud Famin -," and will 1 as widely read. It will be of gr ater interest, from the fact that tbeiicene ia laid m our land and our own times; and in delineation of cbaractr and absorbing power it will fascinate and iharm th i rcadir. Snbscriptit a $3,"0 per year. Addrexs FIIANK I.E-'L.t.', Duane St. N. Y. Copies of tbo paper eoi!t.iiiit:g tbo commence- Mrs' " n iiiVl "I he Gulf il;t ween thein," ear-b- Keiof my News dealer in the United Siates or A": ieu incta. SALT by the brrel or pound, Fine Dairy Salt, for At McLacgiilin & Swan's. t . . , I, ?i , ., . i i F1CK.ELS by the ilozen or barrel, f a uperiui qnai iiy, cruMtaut'y en hand At i!cL$rcnuN & Swas. TpiG '? Chocolatt. Marie mear, assort! JelMe Cm Pcctie. Ppropr sauce, Alut-broouica'sup,. Worces tershire iauce, fee , kc , At JicliAffiuu & wiK3 TpLOUit, Butter, Eire. It. icon. etc.. atc.. . At. ?-! rO .niio-hiin ft Al IdcLiaughlin & Swsn'.s -LA Kb" FOR SALE. Tho bo iiit ifn ! trot tt '.tint Icintwn u tho T7iw piile Wei of Drownvill?, i for aale aj.ply ta 16-4tp'd. WILLIAM H. UOOVEIi. Ayers Clierry. PectoraL r- "'ICE- . ij rlU1Jolt?.D!erIllesea:p-"torn.- a" ofiti. the pre'nJe e-j v, tl l Jo Mrt-iou? i:Jr.-sf.. onlcnt f T'-JiU't"'- t.1 Ickfet' i.cryiu.g upon rVlVJ Mm.ft.d sbwibi U averted - in -a v-.-i ii.- it unit v wc fn i no nji.a frY;.-, : V: rt -.5 r v iv r- . . a - . V - Maunfactnrera' Aitenrs lor the sale of 1 '.-Watches; Chains, &.c.j 5:c., - . wortTii 500,oouo: To be sold for one Dollar Bach, without regard ta vC splendTd LIST, Of Articles all to be sold for one Dollar Each. WO Gold Hnn' ing Cased Watchea, $100 each 1 1)0 " Watches. - - . . - 200 t - Ladies Watchee, - " -" 6-0 Silver " -lD Gold Guard, Test and Cb&telain - Chains-, - - o i each 35 each 15 each $15 to 20 eacn 40C0 Te.-, Neck, Guard andChateli Chains, - rt '-" ' ?0C0 Cmnco BrOoeheS' - -S'KKl Mosaic and Jet Brxh9 3CCa lvs ami Florentine Brooches 3. 00 Coral. Garnet & Emerald Brooches, t SiFiO Camca Ear Drops, - -3' 00 Grnet Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops, 4000 J.ava amiFloreutiue Ear Drop 4o00 UemV Scarf fins, - - , GHtO Chxin suil Band Bracelets, Stui) Gent' It; cats Pius, - - 3M 0 Watch Keys,. to. 15 each 4 to i each 4 to 4 to 4 la 4 to 4 to 4 to 2 to 6 ChCtl tt each 6 each 6 esch 6 each $ each R each 3 to 10 each 2 to 8 each 2 to 2 to 2 to 2 K 2 to 2 to & each 6 fitch 6 each G each 6 each 6 each I t0( 0 Poo aiul Kihbon Sliiiea, - -. j Setsot 8'itom Siucis, - I P-.i f Sleeve, - , j 9d0O Plain and Chased Rings, - I "ioi o Stoue Set Kmjrs. ' - ! "It c0 Miniature JLockets, Crosses. tc. - 2 to 10 each 3 t 15 ea-j I i&OO Scis Ladies Jewelry, - - All or tte goods in tie above List will be sold, with mh re-'e'vati'ju, for On 9 Dollar ech. fe-rtiticates of ail the viiiocs articles are placet! in similar euvelopes aiidxealcu. euveloyes will be sent by mail, or delivered at our office, without resrard to choice. On receiving a Certificate you will see what article it rep resents, ami it is optional arlthiou to send one dollar and receive the article or net. In nil transactions by mail wa shall cliarge for for forwanling ihe Certiacate. paying postage, ami d-iii2 the business, 2" cems each. ive Ceniitouts i;i be senrr.$l; Eleven for $2 ; Tbirtj fur !5; Sixty-five lor $10 ami Ouo UunJre I f r $15. CuRKESPONDKN'TS raiy r?iy npf'n a quick and prompt answer to their 'orders. Our buiifes is cu ilacted upon lit-eral, honest, tra;chtforwaruprinapie, and we guarantee sitisfaciion in ail cases. Our pat ruus may always depend upon having- tLeir orders faith fully a.xl punctually supplied. In no case will corres ponOenta be neglected. ifjJCcrrei-poDdents sbonld be careful to write their signatures plain, an4 Rive their Post Office, Couiuy. and State. Aiiure-sS, GK.O. DEMERIT & CO., 2C9 Broadway, law Fork. 3" Having bad busines- relations wi.h the above pciitieniec, I take pleasure in saying that tuny a:6 honorable uprUM men, and perform all tbey promi siq and the Jeiry I have seen iruui there is Keiiuiiie,auJ fives satisiaction. K. O llioili'dcV, n-;-tf Nunery Uv.l Nt PROSPECTUS FOR ISSi. An Independent Dc:r.ccratlc Dai ly, semi-Weekly ar;d .WceJiiy .UNION OF. THE WORLD AND The "World, to wh bib t'-s Xw Y.-rk Wcokly Argas has been united, hm t-ony f v the agij- gato circulation o! any i rH ui'wspapor. Jt Ir- s - c ;- lOO.ObO subset iberi fii.ti rencUcsat least bai. a i... i .: s'cady incrcuse in ciretiHs-.- . tbesf nambtrs will svu I,- J- . ' or CO US- rVHi.'Tt ' f iu :r t..i i.v j urcbaserc, aui eiid-r. Wiir. the i h it iiiiv -; : vs.. tLsn this should satisfy thee who b )wve. ii only hope of restoring the Lniontud trio ',t of tbe Constitutiou over a now distil, ted ao.i di vided country, lies ia wresting power from i h 'tndsof tbos fanaticism has helped to provide, invite, aid prolong the wa.; on.l that to accomplish this end, no means is so effectivn as the diifusicn, through able and ent rpriing newspapers, of sound political kncwle-lga among -the working men, tbe tbiuking men and the votingmon of the X.-rth. Enterprise, industry and money will ba liberally expended torn 'ke Tbe World Ihe Best Newspaper in America Its news from every prt of tfie world wiil be early and utbeutie. Whfreverthotflegrat'i citcds, or railroads run, or stsa-nboats ply. it will gather tbe latest in eiligecoe. It has a large staff of accomplished correspondents with all the federal armies, who will talvgrapb and write to us the latest news from the various seats of war. It has cot-respondents and reporters in every political aad -meraial centre in AMerica and Europ", whose letters and dispatches will leave nothing woribj of cote unknown to its readers, Tbe Market Reports of the World - more com rdete tba'n those of any other nevsi.pi.par. , Tbe Ediiora invite comparison in this respect and poiat to tbo reports of tbe Cattle ilarkeU, tbsi erM-ra! and country Produce ;UrcW, and the JiAir):.' kets in it.- mi! u mas. as proof of its ex'iHileaj in this resoett. The world hns also a apwUl deiart'nii ievotedtu Agriculture, filb'd with editoriararfi- l tioruurruiications from practical faimrsaud mcchaa ies of tbe couetry. . . t 'Th. war in wbich tbe nation ia engaged ariiird find iafotunt'-.l lt?-li Is, and tbe radical poli.-y f-'iii:; iidtnini-tratiiMi wt.iivi prolongs it. h'iv cn sjrtred to bring t-"-g.itbT uwn une piatforo all "in-st-rvative. U uun. I vii fi and (.r-! u r-l vi g tut-n, "f wb.ttev. r former nam ) u I o . - M .- ut ?iiCSB who within tbe linns of rbc ' rati an of . on. ih. md :'' lha b;Utbs of tie billot ersbip of tboe patriot io -ttf?t.- . r d.iS, ilenrv IT. t ;t J I ffn 'cr, . -. es were th ! . d Wiln .1 L . i . . ...!, una !.- !... - wit t: c ur sse- wb 'e pr-nc , -, . i r.dri?w .1,1 k.- . ;..!i,V. Wr:b arid fiepl:ciw r s M, ;t ".Wr .0 -bouMer a pen tit .-nine piaffvrai i-a j In. : ..i.e. It is to res tor tbe lT.:i..:i. raiintain , tt.e (' ititi tii p, tnd enf.-rca thai.iws. Whatever ; iinbe f..r ii' n t. tbe exTcise T force of tbe pnii-y of c-i c;d t.on. The World will advocate vi-utevir nii'Ves i'g'ii'St it. The World will ojipose. p w i ii oj .in ty en njy to be L mod, w:ietLT arm d m lrt.i1... r. -' t'-.1 S- utb or iosidious!yiiiiniv- iiig tbe seed, of di union and essential dtai-vajty at i no (lth. '. It w b oppi seevrrr violation of the Constitnliop wbirb is tbe rdy hope a:idbont of CdIoii, and our only authority for exnorting or oomp'dlii.g tbe alle giance of the Soutn. Ii will opt'Oe very infiaotion of .the La w. in bigV pbicea ur in U'w. by TccWlei-s an'l mis'iided pnr.1 ;.ns,orby ibt adiLintS:r'ian which bss been tbei exaiuple. It will fearlessly exercise tbe FreMiom of the Press ;it wiii cona . uph-di and defeud Free j, m of Spetcb ai d Freedom of the "aUoi. To tb la 'es" '"'? ' f the A J.T.mistrition, it rrbitrarv ai. u-ju'taire ts sr.d expatriations, its deiii'il of the rigb; U. th writ .f Hat ss -".rpm, it iil.ul p'C.-;a.i;at:ous. it fc'fr-giti..u of SU' a .id federal bin?, it? dcti te.riai ftrioi sf uni " tr ed power, and its be--i :,i '.fine aaie-.'i.arli of i civil and pertona? liberty,!? will c : 'si,"'v o, o tbe let 'er anil the Sol. t ol oar pin; ' !? -ti i ue a.lviM-nev of s.nt:'l d-jct'iiie.'unti! A i.: .'Jn Ire?- ! n shall be r:.S'-o fo tri ibtir liberties, r !;s Wei! bsbinced 'oV Si tiUlcn? f-0o-. 1 '.ft5 . ,i: i i'ar .r 1 r,ii:l-;-. .ti'teii aiil dc: of the b.ib'-1, Profourdly itnpress-1 will; tbe a?sirn buteali tbasit tnrt ti.l!. grcs.' ork t ation. nn. ly, to r--" ?e n '.: .. ; to placo tie LTiii.--' v ' "' ii-ttitns of tbe -rt( : i... .: f. riority, and L;-. t p; : i '. , - ' fekslrem those w'.. a- n i.-- to eontr' ;ht gHniT oiii.y, au..i .Ui ! the .'cj. pr s-.-c V or'.i ' !. ir sjia i' ii to irh- nr.d support, an. I crowns every g''J DAli V "U. VeurJy Subscribers ti. c SEMI-UELL tVOiiLD, Single subscribers, per annum Two copies to one addrea Ti.ree " Five ' " . Ten. " ' WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subscribers, per annum Three copies address on eoh paper Five ' " v Ten " -Twenty copies all to one address ? tr Co 12 00 $2 00 6 00 8 00 Li no 5 00 Clubs of tw- nty or over can have address put on r;!ch paper for an additional charge of ten cent each. . For every club of twenty an extra copy will be added for the getter up .f the club. For every club of fifty, ihe Semi-Weekly, and for every club of one hundred, the Iai!y will be sect, wbeo rv' lieu of tbo extta copies of Weekly Additions to Clubs may be made at any time at saue rates. Papers cannot be changed from nr. Club to anrther, but on rp3-st of the person order ing tbe Club, and on receipt of GfjVecDti! extra, single papers will bu taken fVcnj tbe Cl'-L atJ ?.nt to a S"pera.ta address. All' ordors aiui; ba occompaniel bv tbe Cash AddriiH. . THE WGU! !). ' 35 Park Row. New York. , To ConsumpilYes. CongcmpttvesnlTerers will re-eive vnlcablepre- scriptlon fjr tbe oure of Cnfun rtion. Asthma, Pronchitii, an I all tbrt and i unj aiTactiou free .1 cbnnre.) by sending addiwis to Ilevi EDWARD A. WILSON, Kings Co. . . New York. TNI1a Rubber and TTorn. DrfS'slnir, P-t d fine -a. Ciiio. Wooden Puckei cmos, Vallets," FSh Hooks and lins. itc . .v., ilf 'Ac LAV U MIX Jr SWAKS. :. t 1 OJiiigiXG auJ Chewing Tol aeco, Clrrs pl;es Tipe aicini and Xobacco PoiKfces. In UTt a Variety At McLauchiin & Swan's. MACCEFal,, r-ke Trout. White flsh, CoU3b, ate, etc., constantly on hand '"' A. Mcliaughlin A S wan's. rpu 9 tv.t Floor fro u tbe L. S. V. O. Mil la In quarter A aaif anat wble tacks kept AT rTAUGSLIiT & hi a mi A MONTHLY MAGARINE The most' comprehennve sticaellanj of msaftaJ taowlcdgeind General Literature, peridica!Iy ia jrred in tne United States: embiaiiug all t'4 faa tares of a Poly technic Jou rar.I, Kcunctaic Kxposituf LiUrary lieposito'y ijnd Ji tidily UugU tor.. p ciiillv devoted to Fir.anciil. Con.moruiai and Indus triarjntcxe?r,3"3Ed'an jiiat -atoc'i corporatioa eoa- :: llving conmoncsJ t'aa Fif.h- Yoluse of Jlaazice,. wbuee ui-ce evtncej thai tea elu-rtj lu coii'J.ictors'havo bou appreciated by a dUcrirul n.itin T i nb'.ic. wo wju.J" call ittsution te its char acter oa the part or tbe bire bouy of readers wbo are not yet upon its sub'triplion ii5ts. ujr pur tose in this siuldicn.iou the dissemmatiou oi practical to the attrae tbe var snd Gen pfoial Trade, Ostr. mere e and llatcriiil Prodaetioa of the Country, many sides of tbe Country, many ide3 cf tbe mental world retire due crnsiderr.ticn tbe Ilictoiit?.!, Critical, .Zstbijllcai and Ixiina.;iife, as well as tbe Finnc-hil, Siitcisticul, TtcUnologicaj and stric'.ly Jleroantiivj. V'e employ alike tbd re seacb of and tbe fancy of the feailelon ist, with toc piactii-j.1 " experience of the business man and the- wuiker. Iu tb treatment of sciecfiik rtopic?, the ta.:'la sr;!.vtcd is tbe p. pular ia siyi rather loan tno iba mou;al ptaso o:J the botii it shall b1. oar endeavor to portruy, and we avail oursilves of tbo contributions cf cow Discov ery to th:- Circie .f Kuov!edgQ, ai d sbail record with ail practical! a ui.c-i:icf ocss Current Intolli gnnce, which will be of future ctillitj and h'lsto'ie icterast w ban tbo Present shall L&vtt becouid tht Pa.t. In 5:te, tbe Am rirn li.xcb:uig9 aad Review is a desirable and ever wt-icomo mcntnlj visitor to its i:ir, at'liug the ri- b. e3: ot know iedg ing tbo t-ttc, auj furuiatio taUlleutua. or.fiP-n-iin. The lb victv ! ;f iH rp"cia?ine3 ia 'J is. ret ar.J iu crcaiin Iicparttusaf-, a'Ciciicrbi J;vi5. a for tha wi-L-st consl.-te .'. ; f tbemoj. V;'e ;',iv a ::: oi tows wuicti h-re toe sn viiuei i.l o:-c3;.:?al r The XV' vP..- 1 n,' v;z: ; rtgr.f-uitura. avp-fJf .:hea P.-ues-L-. ter. Ui.i ci tn. l;x T-. Xt.-v TX..ti-,.i:: Fin:: .iti-al. Ad 'bit- in ::oz' riftiikicg, Arc -Jiji-. i.jt. it l':; v.:; IlUtorr. !i t -uctu-.n-'a i.i rt?curiries, nil ad Mr-.-i,.!;!.? -1 I C.t!:. M-:n nol.-'g : Mecbm.'uK. 2iii:i Mo?:!ltirgy: I-V.f.cnt, PL, po.isl :cr..'c: tr::d'i h-r I .cuk .i: i iv arts : r , U:u iff, t y iul-.-j v,'itij::cs a "i d Livirc". c sbirj i. me law, Aantioii : T ogru;.r.y, Travels. feUBSCrtiPTtoss in the uxi:r statis. One copy, one ysar in advance Five copies Ten " " When pu i at the end of tbe S 0 12 ... 20 bv ye.p, 4 O'l p; r an i;un. sit glu copy. Sainla c i.y mailed on ct-ipt of i.5 ccc'.a. ttto ro lOaElfiS SUB'rCBlPTIO.NS. g! c py ptraunnm iHisiaj: paid. r.a Cnn'.ds. Oil b-t, iii'it. Pri'.aiii ard I iand," Frinc, . (i.inu.ii'7, West I .'dic, ITIritisbT 3 72 i ('. 3 3 72 X Cf West Indie-, N:.' It-uisb. "South Auiori-K !'V.r ti,,a-t! b' Oo rOWLLIIA Mi)0X, P.-.-pritors. No. 121 Chestnut St., i i;i:u i!pnij. Pa. THE SilATint; AMLT.ICAX. FOR 1564 The t-jbli-hers of the SICXTIFIC aMEPJCaN resp'X'i'"e!5' frive io tije that the Tenth Yolume (New Ser:-s will aoinm-jnoo on the Srst T January next. -This journal ws established in I81. aud is unooubtodly tbe most widely circulated and influen tial publication of tbe kind in ' tbe world. In com mencing tbe new volume tbe publishers desire to call special attention to iu claims as A JDlflXAL OF POPL'LAH .CEJ?CI. -I.i this ri'.-'t it stauds - uiiriv.b d. Iint only find- its way to aitflosi e cry w :kb..p in tb country a tba earnest frii'd of tho :au:anic sod artiz u, but it is f. und in o- i nti g-romu oi An maoiifactbier i.!:d it-" luer-'faut; also in tbe hbruij and i ho bos;hoid. Tbo pub! h era ftl warranted in s.ty ng that n". olbei jui-. al now published c n-t-.ii.sao t,inil ao.ioitnt f uselul ir.f..rmtion: whi;4 it is their mm to ptorout ail tulijoots ta tbo tuost popular and atfrac'ive inaun-r. .The Siei.tic Aincri.ftto i' pobV,tbd unci a w-k, in convenient form for binding, and esj'a numlr contains sixUen pig'J3 f usilul rcsliog mnttpr, lilu-tr.ited ib M'MrKCI'S fFEDlD EtCttA V1SGS of all lue l.ittt ao i be", jovrptit ns of tbe day. 1 i.'n fes'iirn .: SD. jour:!'. n wo'thy fs;jfcial ro'e. Every number ontaius froui 6v to ien i-rigia i! en-jiriivirj- of is" Tbao'vii iuvuiv.'-a r :la.Mng to every cl;- anm :t of "bf rr T riese angra ving ar5 exH- cu-cd t'V artis. roeciaHy em; Pi yni n i b paper. :ui.l ure univejssl y a"-I'ow' 1 to .e su;erior to ;ii ti ii!g of the ri-J pr ?uced ia tbis o'-ntry. I he yjri!i-her o ;be iJicC iti Aasprieiu promiss. t- pre-pnt, us duiio j rccdicg ye.:s, ii"- Ute-t imp vcljcuss in ?'na. Lr.iiicejo, '?r Vi-sicV, Otiinunco mi 'it -ry a-d ns l r ire irius .'.!t?r;t?:ies Tools. inllcil.ct.rlr.J '. Linbiy. WU-r wheels. Pum; and ths-t " hjorn.c Appnratas, IL.u-ehoId Ute. sils, I"!e t. ic. Ciieuncal aod ilv-ianicsl Instru ments, Flying ).!hoi)!r.-, um ,ticr Oari- u Inven tions b- side? sli tr. ' rari.i art;c!.? df?ined to ligbien tbe b.'oni 1 caikk:nd, iioi unly in trie" shop .iiid wsi' 1 r but in eiery plica whore the in i...-ti i. s t life wre pru-ij. Fk'to ii CLn-mein-riVei'i . rhe Si'iDi-irV American ba.- b- n e ..I'life.-. & i. -rtte of til" rights el 1111 tK..:i IliVfM'., Ulid ihe. RFPKKTOKV CF .MiKlCAS PArENT. In tni? iiiijH rti r.t d j.rr en', so vit.iliy eor.ueet 'id with n,t I-,:', ire.n- i 'i -sti f tbec. uiir.-y, no tl.r-j uriji.l ca:s lay Ji.:y c-.i ni v. t; !levr: ;. id its clii'ui.s ibrre iJ!i o 'd WL-. k'y Ouid.t! Lint ot toe Ciai.u" of i.d intents granted at tLc U. S. Patent t'lii -o. r 3 A C F. 1 C A L KECirr.S n'oii-- ar-- of t t;,u-s wor'h w ir to tu e sub r'bv tban ibe s:u-.u:it of a w!i li y-'U'-"- sa!c ip:i a. EPf: SI.H5.1 1PTHIN. Two vo!un;t .! i.-s? t i c Ai'ini-'n rr-pub ! -b.-d a -h y ta-. fit 51 !,., ;.,', rr :i ii": -, -r -mfm .virh corr.-pi i:i'.iog 'ow t.-r-ns to Ciub-: jl w:!l t.r four inoi'tiif' ,-ol?cr. ri- n. Tbe iiu'-.l e r.ue yenr, wl; work of S.i2 r. l.t.c 1 1,1 t v-!:i'r". i'i."?iriift ihj:c;c? ii-ifui inf 1 ::.iti..n. wbl.?b every on', ooiii to ;:.i-ti!ss. a o-w volutna wd coinaicnce o-j tba 1.-1 of Jitnaary, Ic-tl. CLCn B A its. F ypcojv"'. for :x m Et'iS t'o-.i s. f r sv lu-i&tns t '2 T mi ( fr .W Iv- ;n .-thi 22 1 ;?i.'-n : i, lor 1 vr -r,- in,-.rb 31 ! 1 ..? . .. i'.s, ' r t- '- :.: b I 1 . vir. tb y ar!y .ub- I'd. .Naoi.;.- ai b - seo t, in i d-ffertnt Pr.s t) j. l. .1-. . O . : HIV. ' . - ir.ei. 1 o . ut. 1 tr .;: .-.s W iii b 1 sent grans tj uny pt?io! .hi? l oon1. ry Csnndi s.itweriber witt please to rem t 2. cent extra on aib year's sbs.-r'pti n trj:ret.-.v pontsgeJ ill .S A 'CO . P1.1 li.-heis. No. b7 Park Kow, New York. SALIXALM. Tlie Greatest Timber Tor tlie PKAT R IES - IrJ" u makes a perfect He-Ie fence In f?nr yaira! tT One A' ro of il sot th.s rii. in five years will make euornth Wooii fjr one Fatuity ! . ' Jf It gi iws straight, a'ld very tall ! gt;" It never sprouts froia the r.ot; butwiiencnt down, will grow aiatn from tbe stump, very ripiulrl J-JIt is the best aott wood for fuel, er any other pnroiise ! 5"f- wten kept oT tbe Krount, the rails will laslJj ytar ! JJ It frrowj e;n.!!.v we'l with, cs on upland, whara tt. rich, ft in the b-.??"-n-! 6jP Ci.ti.nts eiriit Iri.s?. Jjnjr atncklntto grctir.J iu t i i.! never to -'Mr ! 1" We sell it f ir r-er tto3sr;d Cuitk-gs, Ct'.iv f'f 1 at. any of o'.ir Acocics. 53" Jr'tes v.isl!u:s to Ivrv. ?tM order early of oar Acu.s, so tucy ma uotily as iu time. n Tii:.r.3 . Bundled ard f"vrvrd at the a!ove places, as S'i-u a f e ieare fill. T. R. FTSTTyit, rffMmr 1- a, out for Xeraaba ari eat ha f Ri ...!;u.-"a -'.viiii:es. niTMTlS A r-Kv P-W.lF ri:r. r Ajentafor Pair r rift ha'f of Rii fca. tlsi'U Countiei. BKV. lit TlNivUVM, Beatrice, is Aeut for Gage anit Jones Co-roie. .J li. lCTi.ER, Austin, A;eut for Clay and Saline Counties. Eewaro cf Willow Peddlsrs. We learn tat many swamps of comme-JrU;w liive been endued op. aiul tt e CutUnes sold 1 a wny Willow. We net our Willow ct SAVL KL. "V ADS, of La Jioille, Illinois, a retMusibie Nurseryman. COAL Olt, best qns'.P.r cbviaed Carbon ell, tarx atatBijs aa W.r. li intormniion on SiK-.jects oi pj..ia.e u.ny r,,, ,,J m a-j, ' ti- n-sccur.tig titc services ..f tbe bev reus is :fL r ? ihen:rj' an ! Ui at:.'!?J 4 iiius departmvets of Science, lie-lies-Uttrts V ltJt '' tie c:.:r.v ;' ti-.iI Liicrattti-?. .- V. bile .&ing most es- " t0Fr.;:ij; j J ? Iv Ut rcutUr most e-ctivo sorvioa to the pi-ruy. i.a i.o..r vj- .V- 11864; PEOSPECTUS OF THE I For the Year 135 1, tLu i DAILY TEMVLEKLY k Ti - 1' r . . t jar u.' is appr as,CtT l?sri-t interest. lr,ii yer w;.l profcal ;.l probably Pl,ti. ,J 'i l -i m ci me nene iioa, witness u,t v ti. .......... v., iu iiiifj .Ttai t'- ' me a oi aar-uom, tr i'e. i.In w: , , on a higher platform of iwUi'r-i.jc ii'iV feci a sti'l prdounder iotcrtj,-'ia all t , ''T M the progrws oi their owa and otber ua j' world is entering upon a nrw sr:cj f,f t'tl ',, to trruiinato in tbe triumi-ii of Dnj.i-r,, tbe. Atlantic ; while emigrat'ioa to Aa,'' acqnire a r-cw at.d trcmeu-Juus imjetuj k- T4 imtncii.'t'y ur prr.iactive power. ' Tbe stircg events tf tbe ti-n -svi;; b, , Iy d.?pi-'t-?d in tb e co'uui o. t!ie pva,v vfeare resa.ved t-i render m:,re Viuuajis' tractive than eve-as a 'aiM.fjl 44 I Inspired by th sn'rit of Dimo,( r led cr . ... t"1 ... :. -.:...... 1. .. ,. i i . . tt U'lill TTil CVUl.:.3 HI UU WKJ J( 1 1 i a . ... . . i. . . 1 -i rvlijjii, SliJ roiiii vi uuiioaud SL'1 poi liCil or 'uuitary aspirant aiu sev' ibv ir c.tis;. In .i'!;-! i if n to our War New, .t"' ,e ; iai . ur ViA! pso-r th We-kly Ke. i ., " ' 1 . . ... . I.L. - . ' "-'". iiu i r. so au autnn' . . pr:ifee;ir'j (': in;'! of tbe l'ru.'vt".- oi Lsj -ta:ur c; Hlid .iiiit-i-. ;5."ta Our T.'-WeaVy. w!;i caito u .,!.. t. - - h r; t:ic i' i.f:a: I L.,:c u-jr, .. . i . i.J. THE DAILYDB'OnU'f .li'.l u r'e bav tb. ex: l.-l ly s-r ja - !:. ! f.-ir a.-'f-A'- . . ' - ' V;o;i "S -: -. r - --,- Cs. 4bw -i I' ' t I 4 f Fr. m Y'. 'i tu-'o", f.-otn t;. Lner '! ",.:..,.; !r m fi e M. --" KP-i L!.:: is (V ':.' , b . !)!: he ! ; ! "to :h j I..-; : ,' AU. MY COr.r.ESFDN ENL And our u'liil h'i-'ii" i!.; 'jTiti' e)i- V.'u request all Pvstuitsters aal f...;cii ti-:n Ai'-its. ' " Sc'-d.f vr 'pf'Tfii nT-b'-s cf lb a Pi;t? rj P:-.,S:.p-.-l i? io, .li.-tl ibui.'-I.iLd t'l J ili-bej-; ly forward.!. Senl as many r.d'n-. s p. -ib'n iaC.oVvtn ihi-ir c ; -i-.i. to ioi iicj lav ai. r.i ? iVs;-M.Hrcr r t.b ij.' up ot the Ci i'v. I: is n l rcUMir.-d t.:il" I.L turt f ti. gf lC:l ibuti b- v-in' .- n ; T.s.- 0 icie.'.ba wnw ai; s i:i 'o d iTi' JUt 02.-.-, ao.d diitiuiis i iiit a- ny r--i The iioi- Ir-? arc onr rtes for th y?a 3k DAILY DEMO CHAT. Mai! Siib-.Tib-r"" .e y-j Prica f. -Sows Jiuler$ - TRI.tVEilfcLY DEMOCRAT. Mail ubacibtrJ .r.u year - - - - V EEKLY DEMOCRAT. . i ...pi.j one y-.r 1 1 pi a - - - Tb Fi.-C iA L.3 Ttn Copits r Any ls.rr C!ab thaa ten will be cbarjei Mk rate cf c d!!r acd a half per co.iy. Tbn el ove rates for ail Hail fcar.rriiiiiMJH payable in advance. Ordr net accompanied with tkt monejai ceive no attention. A il pa.ier f althr edition, will s d';ri?i:4 t tkie ei;d f !' tsrss raid fir. ' K.;ni-:. KiSlIHlCa: A CO. Pr r.rf 41 i;'. L.-:i;t srt.rir wen " (iKT fii -IM'it O IKS F0S m mw am tPLt.vr,rii paiMii-ys! PETESON'S MAGAZIS. Tin: ui( This t t a,p ciTHPr.JT i.i mi: . i ilar S. ititbiy contain m,t monty t?nn any Mij iine in lua M. In it will hve n.-ar'.y i'-'J n.'es. 2i tu 3f p 'ata 9 i.. l,.riil trrs od Vi'-O wo ,1 S3 ait. or a 1J- i.ll tr.i- I. r ( 3 y . 1.:.. tl-ai. in ,rHiii'.t t' 1 Pcr.-i:i.' pri ''. irs'ts the :' its pro--., e: 'her at.d is, i.--r -ior, - - i ... . v . n ,,:ars a i ,J its i-is". r-e--J iljo'1 In tb gs.i"-V vIt-. .' M ig.-7,".i;to tbt H' 00' 1 Ik s -;g' .Iscri'n :-t t c... u;iAtii-s.l.J,'i!i -i2.: f tb ' T'rn -.. . Tbe .r-iri-s i i "Pe'e-acn" K. t Tint 1 nr. v -ere. ar e '3 Ann Ei:.. l cdai.n Wuism. Frank l '"- b 1 1. l of f,. Clanl - ; 1. -v. W l'--y.' i. s- ":jr i ij 1 1 : t 1 n . Cabnr'. Lea ' '... i - - hi ni U .7,..., a 1-1 11 r female wiif-r cf -4 iter:-.. . Tr. u.t.r.Mon to IDC'.i r . jt Vii 11 loti 1 .1. - -!-...-( th r aiil be r'Vn iu The -aid of H .tr.r- 'cry i f t Ann-S.St-hens. .Th L st Krtr-a vf- . - It. :V.m i-!her of "TJ L- if... '. -.' t '!. 1-7 F SLik t Bene 1 ct. Pannr'a Niirtot i.". by ... . I.i its i:iu,trtM..n a;M.,"P-tr.ii itr- Ti'-idHish -r .lia!liie?a eotupar.en ...a -.ttnts aid .r . - I -t ii ! II 1 '.') ': 1 i. o' h'T Ma -r ia-f3ii."i hiiu o.i- - . li. it.IV rtu I r. Vill i ;!l iJ ll 'ni7rnn I e rei:- t .. r,.f I '.' ..i.i" I 1 :. -n 1 sH v' r .V -i-:.z-i.e "l''"' i afti ror- I"" ' m . J C rA i. u Mutes. cLr'ilMi'ii". '." ' trtm tfci.-is Int.-' i.rv U..,a J.-x-t r troro PW ?-; ' ' , . ." Paf r,io i sriiii'.n- 1 '"'" ' ..rcbi!.;'. Ouj'c '-aiit..r-ij:-f r :! . v. . 1 1 r .1 v ear's ' 1 i :! ' - '( t tn. -' . ; -: o. i'tai it'; hi 11 rid New i'k 1 -,n"'" 1: i. ; ;?b i.-b u:0!-tb. Patt-'!. .- .' . Ua.i i.t.?' 0. .'.. g;-?. ': ,r on I n.l '- r'. . -r , ".--t. A . T'l... TV,..--. I I i.ijirOp.-?1, ..: ? .! - -' wV, ,... .,..,5.-1- I !' .- nc,'.r c ii t Cr-x-.l:e;,rEmbr..:!;V-j, Kf.t r-c: w TV, .V.;i..ij.,.-v;- - lib. a a'f irn f r i; p..5. ; 'i." -s o e' a" jrire cufii ot -f.i -.. it a r. 'a:l "'Jnr N-w C.oV 'v.i. "--Tr.- .I'.- . s i. , J L' t" ". B-,ir:-5 1 oj.l tr of i 8 I o'i " 'oi i; ' i 'er'i c.' n-in'J rii ni' r "it--- rcce i.l w ii -.r-ri.t th p- eoiii j.jr tue tijtis:trf, sitk. room. io.. - Nrc. fs.'bioiiT! mu 'm ev'7 n-. And bin is .-n I! rtn-.P-i-e, L'n'itoai-'0''13- i.iisr ter M---T- -t iig t i-.aie,. TERMS ALU' AY S One ro iy frrortr vear, Th- ee 'ric' fur nae yor, ' oies for ondyi-ar. Fight tlcpi.f for on vear ' A i Twelve copies for one yer, ixtj-!i c iie for yar, I'remtams for ceitin," ud Oabi: T' etfbt. .r m'-re i"rit,.. m-i1? Club. T son gluing upaciib f tbr-. aud -a '' d, ii .. . raciub of Five, and remitno T ri..i; on.i a k ' fiw m inS nf Ei'hS. aav tire tei d. or a club of twl?, ndr-' V fifteen dolNis, an extra eery of .the t lcG4 will be teivn. If preferred, bo' send as a pr:rninm, (im-teal of th '' ." and IlPi-rtratssi lady's Album- hrn ''fl,jJt ia gilt, or titber of our Mezjotiu'i, t-r yf c.wth 27 in- b4 by 2d 'Tiunyaa par Y.-v i rii l. i-i Jsil," or MBunvo's Wife ing for iiis ll-r-o-e f o Prison." Tj eJr-.,:, ; tuns up a r ;..b of Sit'Mi, t "r' ai "jv! .V:l:i2 w;ii bo ssnt, or any l"1' " p.-- uia ,,.r-f0 AiurssM-sf-r !, CnAnTS -.. V.;, o.::;tJ Chcstn-tt Sifjet. t . AH' Po"mt"lrs c ri-ti:.i?-d A,'-'"' .jji pcr-, rsy xet up a 0U0. Lpe-!- ton!v. if written fjr. icj: to Tic-i?rw 7iO' previois tc tbecomtnen isnrt ' l .4 E. W.TIIOMAN " T. n. fish ! ' JEli..NMliL0nl . " !77 H;21 . .... r : 1 I 'X 7AW-t, nmners, m:caeis xi e-', Hi ,uer7Km.s At lIcLaugbli3f; TILS highest aiaiket price p.iiJ '.61 A 1. c Lau S t- 'Z-f I - JiMaJL 4i.X - .... i r rfn Till i lrrw j r The andersigned, lb -ard or Etam-n i meetings for the purvo.-" f -xstn:ning y ,;. r,on the ftrt af'ii'1. of -a-li moutJ. 'vv- Pl!,atth..Goe .f E. W. Thorny- -'.r-ai aiy iei -uirtd to have a certiJi'ate .f"-1 .v gH, ..ear. . 5 J