Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 16, 1865, Image 3
Obveviisev. B0W.NYILLE,THURSPATFEB.Io,1865 "lank I'eeds, Mortgages, Executions, Replevins, Marriage Lie-ease. Ac. Ac. Ac. for sal at thif J2iie. See Bliss Bulletin. Koiire the notice for ttie Election $f oce School Director. The Stewart Hand Corn Planter eaves five tiroes its cost in one season. TV r"-ace 10 our Clothing l at Medfor' t8e f Corn-PJantersdoes for everythmjyou with to plant iu hills. yjcj ni:h!;ricSvanhaTe a fine assort piect iaitern Confectionery. See Eiis" Bulletin in another column. There will be sprvic at the M. E. Church rxt Snlirath at 10 1-2, a. rn . ecd at 7 o'clacU, p. rn. You will find it '-love' la or Ion" to tare a picture of a dear friend faker, by nj'trtf eicept Perkins. , Read Bliss's Bulletin, then go and buy yourself rLh. The Mite Society will meet to-morroTr, Friday evening, at the resident of Dr. Thurraan. There will b a Sabbath School organ ized at the M. E. Church, next Sabbath at 2 o'clock, P. M. Quite a drove of horses and mules passed up through our city last Tuesday morning. Several fine .animals were bought by our citizens. Cavalry II rses are advertised for by Captain Moer at Om.aha,to be delivered by the lS'h. The maximum price .used to be SI CO. Whenever you see a ptandid photo graph, taken in this city, turn it over and you will find Perkm'scard on the back of it. The Public Well is in a fair way for completion as soon as the weather will permit. It has now about twelve fee.t.of water; no prospect for "ile" yet. We learn that Wm. Bntmeyer will .erect a large brick building on the vacant lot j'J5t above Atkinson Clothing 6iore. This will be but one among maty ta be built as oon a Spring opens. TVi&c tip in Warn nn fino tnrlr FTt. a.. .. W -'.- m 1 J . w a a v. is nn-iautly buying and telling" horse aiid land, wlni Frank Johnou is doinjr ilif agreeable to hi? numerous customfrs at the Pioneer Auction Rooms. R'fi.-I ihe y(iiiut,t& tt the mjeeikg he'd in 0'iii.Ln for the purpose of re-t.rfrariizinj the T rij'i TiaJ Agricultural Socitty. Iet Jvinah.i vnm? t this iDCvet.neijt by organ.17 ura JJori.vy Society. Atkinson ii Co. have the largest and i.:i (.tioii of Cloihiug, IJau, Caps, 'ots an! Sinjts, ,ai,d .Ctt-.tleinair.s Fur Mil.Uig U.'uds, ev-r i-fiVrtd m this mar V?l, wjiKb ulicy it.l low or cash. J. V. Dliss is extensively engaged i luyirsg and selling Jleal-E?iate. He is possessed of some very fine tracts of land iu this coucty. Those desiring to locate will do well to see him before they purchase. Last Monday a span of grays, without a drive, made pretty fast time down Main treet, in harnesss. They were stopped without having done much damage. vi- dently ,IjeJ have not been trained for &e "turf." Major Penny arrived in this city last Saturday,- proved the horses taken with Lalaiid aiillUIV. VKJ Vi Uld) UliU iuun jKiramer baclc to Watheua Lwland hav jiog escaped where he will doubtless j tried and pum'sbed as he deserves. A great variety of Tobacco, includin,; llie Cut Che'.ving, best Natural Leaf . ad Common Tlug ; fine Killikinic and ' Cut and Dried Smoking Tobacco ; also, foe Cigars and a large assortment tf , pj're can be found at McLaughlin Si Swan's. ) The weather, since last Monday, has been very disagreeable, sleety, tloppy, muddy, rainy, snowy and blowy, inter Parsed with a little freeze and consider ate thaw. The Natural Bndpe across tnust soon break up if ihis weather con tinues. Leu St M'Pherion are doing consider Ue in the Real Etate l?ne. There -cihiics for felling or buying property re unsurpassed.. They are thoroughly sted in this Land District, and know Jsi tvhere money can be invested to the est advantage. Those either desiring FTcnase or ell will d ta. 0 well to employ j , Our Legislators have got back; they look hale and hearty. q Jlerd kaw was passed far this County, Tfcanks to cur Councilman, a bill extending the time to the 1st Monday in May for Taxes now due to become delinquent, was pas-J sed, and is now a law. M'Creery, of the lower Drug Store, has, during the pan week, received a supply of Drugs and Medicines, Per fumery, Toilet Goods, Paints, Varnish. Oils, Tobacco, Cigars, and, in fact, every thing necessary to make his one of the most complete assortments kept in any Drug Store west of the Missouri. Mr. M'Creery is both accommodating as a. clerk and thoroughly posted in Pharmacy, and those desiring anything in bis line caunot do better than call oc him. ' Lett & McPherson are still selling goods cheap nl their Auction Store. They are constantly receiving supplies, and cannot keep up with the demand made upon them, which is constantly increas ing. Th.-y are men business, and know that their motto of 'Live and let live" must win them a large and increasing patronage, iuu canuot make money faster than by" attending their Auctiou every Saturday. There is a subscription on foot to grade Atlantic Street from the river to the western limits of the city. This is what our city needs much more than the grad ii2 of the head of Main street. We need more river front ; our levee must be extended to meet the demands of the business portion of our community. If this street were cut through, it would not be long ere all the lots south of it, on the levee, would be graded and occupied by business houses. Our citizens should subscribe liberally, the City Council, we think, iv.U not be behind in doing their duty. . One B. Williams who is supposed to be one -of the gang who murdered a Provo-Marsha 11 in Illinois last year is now under arrest in the custody of Pro-vo-Mar.-hall Atkinson. Williams is a desperate looking character, and is re puted to be a bad man. The evidence against him, on the charge referred to, is not positive, yet. it is sufficient to just ify his arrest on that charge alone; but, besides this, he is guilty of harboring his son, Jefferson Williams; (whom the Mart-hall .has also under arrest,) know ing him to "be a deserter from the 10th Illinois Cavalry. Williams has been moving about, re maining but a short time in one place, and ivas preparing to move the day fol lowing hi arrest. The prisoners are both heavily ironed and in safe hands. ' e tniglU wp WPre oldt-St inhabl. fant" until list MnnYlmr tvhpn PiV?iarr tant Until Ja.vt iilonclay, When KlCDarf! Brown the Founder of Brownville , . made his appearance in OtU office. He ti 1 .... j : .u- i looks tale and hearty, and IS thinking 'i seri0Uly of returninir to his "first love" , in the Spring. He admits a plrasuraMe ihe public health, and this Pill has been nerfected . . ... with consummate skill to liircl that deiuud. An urprise at the progrHj of lirownvilj-, txtenske trial of its virtues bv Physicim.s, Profes- nnd is looking up property to locate 01.. or , "nd K?0,iu: has T 'P"ng " ' j any thing hitherto known of any med cine. Lures This ii not the first instance where .Oir ( have been efl'ected beyond Iriief. were they not sub- ... , . itintiated by peitni.s of Mch exalted position and Citizens have ben lured away by the character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. , , r . u 1 J u: . 1 Among the manv einineut gentlemen who haT Siren son? of the railroad whistle in te.tifiedTn favor ofthwe Pills, we may mention: perspective or the ,rJ:8-ometers', which ! Prof- J- M- L0 Analytical Chemist, of Cin i . . : einnari, who&a high prol'essioiiiil character is en- operate in towns above; hut in almost , dorsed by fvery m-taiire th-y have returned much hetter satirfnd with Brwnville as a soundlase" for future operations. tef The Nemaha County Soldier's Rel S-vnetv met at the residence of Rev. Mr. ChivingtoD, Feh. 9ih, at 7 o'clock, P. M. The Society heing called .to order, hr minutes of the proceeding Meeting were read and approved. On Motion, Mrs. C, W. Wheeler was appointed Vice President. The Treasurer being absent, the Sec retary reported atnoqut of funds receiv ed as follows, . . . $2510 Expended for Goods, . , 9 SO Leaving balance on hand of 15 30 On motion, the Constitution of the So ciety was r-ad and adopted. It will be found in another column. On motion, the Society adjourned to meet at ther residence of J. E. Crow, on Thursday. Ffb 23d, at 7 o'clock, P. M. R. S. CHIVINGTON, Pres. S. A. Brockman, Sec. Charles Laland, one of the horse th'evfs taken by our Sheriff last "week, made his escape last Thursday evening. The two hbd been hand cuffed together, but between noon and supper time, they had managed to slip the fa?tnings ; and when the deputy Sheriff went to bring them down to supper, they made a rush, separating, and one escaped. The dep uty did all in his power to capture them, but being unable to run in two different directions at once, when he had re-cap-lured one, the other had got a big start There is a defect in the calaboose : there should either be a small anti chamber, with a grated door, so that the procers could be inspected before let tins: them out to the open air; or else make two rooms of it, with a passage between, and grated doors. This we think would make it more secure by se parating prisoners and destroying con cert of actian between two or more by separate confinement, and make it less riikv to the officers. HACKNEY & CO., rjprejust received splendid itocXftf iV Co w TFhioh they will sell VER7 tOW FOR CASH!! Comprising a!l the Latest Novelties in Daesi Goods and Drum 1 naming of allkiuu, and varieties Flcited Ribbons, Braids, Buttons, &c. &c. Latest Style of Ladies1-Winter Hats, Tells, Collars, Ivory Setts, Fancy .jsacKana blue Comes, iieau Dresses, and Nets, etc., etc., etc. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Magnificent assortment of Hats cs Caps, Superb Stock of all kinds ef -. BOOTS & SHOES Domestic Goods of all Kinds FLAXSEIS IX A LL COLORS, Linseys, Ticks, Stripes, Bleach Sc. Brown pjiepuiass. And all other articles usually kept a a Drj Goods o lure. OiT7-3Z: T7J3 .A. C4lXjXj ! ! I puiui'er ilVth, ln4. x 4-.Vlp MOLINE PLOWS, 500 On band and to arrive at D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouss, 20 and 22 Third Street, ST JOSIEiPH, MO FeS 24. m2-f. AYElfS PILLS, I kkw and sinirularlr successful remedy for tX il curof all liilions di8w Cotirew, lnU gestion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fever Gout, Hunicrs, ervousl)es8. irritability, junamma tions, Heudnchc, Pains in the Breast, Ride, Back, and limbs, Female Complaints, Ike. &c. Indeed very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, a,nd much sick- iess but effectual Cathartic were more freely used No Pcrson can feel weU whi5e costive habit of . . besides, it soon generate serious anc often fatal diseases, which miglit have heen avoidec by the tinielv and judicimis use of a gfd purgative .This is alike" true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, anc Bilious derangements. ITier all tonJ to become or OToduce the deen seated and forn.Mable distempers Wch load the hearses all over thr la-.d. Ilence a reliable family physic is of the fast importance to John mi 9 vx, Judge or the bupreme court 01 the United fetates. Thus. ComviN, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. AViiianr, Governor of Indiana. N. Longwouth, great wme grower i the West. Also, Dr. J. It. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of TvJfew York City, endorsed by MIon, W. L. Mauct, Se. retary of State, H'm. B. ATB. the richest man in America. 6. Lelakd & Ck Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we. could give manv hundred certificates, from nil parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are -compounded not of the diugs themselves, but of fhe medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a tate of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This vystem of composition for mcdi"ii:es has been' found ix the Cherry Pectoral and PiIIr lth, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been at tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob rious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desirnd for the curative elfect is present. All the inert a; d obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed Jj-e left lehind, the curative virtues only beirg retained. Henee it is self-evident the efforts should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that mrmedicin Khrfuld Ka taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as be cold not properly judge of a emedy without knowing its composition, I have Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole ldy of Prai-titioners in the United States apd British Amer. ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded bv ma;! to bis request. . Of all the Patent Medii ines that are offered, bo few would le taken ir their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations i laid open to all men, and rll who are competent to judge on the subject freelv kuowlfdpe their eocrictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Tectoral wu pronounced by scientific men to oe a wonderful .medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are witt ing to certify hat their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal vWera to purify the Wood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other orpin of the bodv, restoring their irrepilar action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first oriirin of disease. Being suijiir-wrappcd, they are pleasant to take and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in an quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on tie Box. l'KFl'A RLD BY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. ' f rie 25 Cants per Box. Tm Eoxea tor SI SOLD BT HOLT SUUTT. Falls City. LEWIS & SHEPnERD. St. Stephens. EASLEY A SHEREB, Rolo. JOHNAV. HOLT & BliO., Salm. Pr.H.GP.AVES, FaUm. In WQMB - v 1 11 ( AIUX? AGVB DROPS. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDV FOR THS CUR? QP BILIOUS DISEASES. 1 ATTENTION l 8UFFEBEES I FBQM FEVER AND AGUE. etc. This moi wonderful reracdf for the permanent cure of Fever and Ague, etc., was discovered tome years ago by one of the j JIost Scientific and Successful Chemists of America, .-" - -t ' Oat of thousands of cases it has cersr leen kcown to fail in effecting a radical cure. A tingle bottle of these Drops Las cared disiases which hare STUBBORNLY TJSTED THE HOST SKILL FUL MEDICAL TALENTi It contains nothing that will injure tne Constitution ! It Purifies the Blood ! It removes obstructions from the Liver ! !! It promotes the discharge of Bile !!!! It effects a radical and permanent Cure by removing the iause upon which the Ague depends ! ! J ! ( THE ' i ARMY AGUE DROPS At its name imports, has been and if the jrreat Spe cific for all Biliou Diseases in the Army. It bis no equal. Its popularity in our noble Army and elsewhere is aa universal as its Cirej hv been quick and wonder ful. A a ' It haa proved a great blessing and fared many a valuable life in tbwe mia-'inittio localities where tbej would have fallen victim to Biliou Diseases. The Chills will not return if these Drops are taken! V THE ARMY AGUE DROPS , QUICKLY DRIVES AWAY XiAnsour Woaluiosa! AND ' RESTORES THE SYSTEM Te its natural BUOYANCY and ANIMATION ; IN VIUUKA1 KNti tbe body and clearing out EVERY VEST IGF OF DISEASE produced by loathsome miasm. Be Wise in Timo ! ! J&ST'No person residing in a Ft-ver and Ague District should be without a Bat tle of ARMY AGUE DROPS, nd it it strongly recommended to -persons travel ii:g through places charged with miasm. Wc rejnectfully call attention to onr Testlmoni a)?. Many of our letters attr?t that hundreds ef lives nave been paved in the Armv by us use. In deed, so well nre its curative qualities appreciated in the Army, that tbe most puccesytul hiirgein. m the Field and Hospital me it alni 'St exclusively in the disease? for which we claim it. infallibility. The best physicians alwv? seize the best niouns to effect a cure, bence the universality of tne ARMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS ! ! ! We nre happy to refer to llis Excellency AV.rthsm Lincoln. General McCleilau. (Ji-ritral Fn-raiint, m . (Jcneral Marnside. (Jenernl llHnjock. Genera! Kiipiitriok. (tenernl Hioe. Ci...ncl Pye. 95th N. T. Colonel Qui k, 1 7 h N. V. C. Colonel l-'.wler, 14th N. V. S. II. Major Doreinn9. A D. C. Major Reifnytider. 35th Pa. Major Wilicoi,A. D. C. - M'jor Still well. !Snrp"n, Mjor Bab.-ock. U. S. S. Lieut. Wh-lan. J 1U. Rev. Hifhop Pottor, N. T. Rev. Dr Tvnjr, do Rv. Dr.ToTtcr, - da Rev. H. W. TJee-her, B'klvn, Rev. K. H.Chapin. do Rrv. Mr. Oheever, N. Y. Rev. Mr. Rng, do His. Hn.r Mayor Wood,R'klyn. Hon. M. Kall9?isch, do Hon. M. F.O.lcll, de Hon Mayor Gunther, N. T. Hon. Horace Greeley, do And hundred of other eqnnlly well-known gen tlemen, for which see circular. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Wilcox Go Principal OSct. 181 Water Street, H. Y. JV. B. JVone Genuine unless bearing our signature on the wrapper. Iot let yonr-flrnepyt pnt Jf-a off with any other remedy. If be does not bve it for fale, eu elsie ns 1 25 per mail, and we will fnd you bottle of the Aiy Ague Drop per mail post p . WILCOJ & CO 131 Water St, New York. TO HERCHANTS, F EU AND J3LACKS1IIIH. IU0XT! IE0IT!! D. A, CONSTABLE, HAS ON nAND AND FOR SALE A LAKG7 AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 0 IRON, STEEL, C3 AST X 1ST C3r , AND ISHY M1HM! comprisinq: fiorse nails, nail-rods, horse and mcle shoes, anvils; springs, bellows, axels, vices, thimble skeins chains, wagon i.oxes, scitew plates Bolster plates, -files, rasps, wrenches, sledoe hammers, hand hammers, SHQEINti HAM1IERS. PINCHERS, NUTS. HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, C, &C, AC, ALSO ' .WOODWORKS! HUPS, SPOKES, FELLOWS", WAOON HOWS, SHAFTS, POLE&, AXfc S, BOUNDS, AXE HANDLE BKUOAI HANDLES, PLOW i NDLES. Ac. ALSO AGIST THIBALB-OF F 1KB ANUS C LB S AT HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCB OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE V AO TORIES, BEFORE THE RISE, . IaM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES Tfl DEFY COMPETITION, PTStnd in Your Scrap Iron. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUOB SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAUEIIOt'SF Febl4-n32-m ST. JOSEPH. MO FAMILY GROCERIES M'LAUGHLLN & SWAN. WOULD RBSPKCTFULLT ANSM)UNC TO THII friends nd the public generally, that they bare Js receiveu a nperlor tot of Family Groceries, and inv the attention of purchasers te their stock including NEWOHLKAN3 SUGAR, PRIMK RIO COFFI1, CI.AatFIKl) do IMHKRtAt. TEA, CRH-IIKO do IOUNG HYsON Hi, OWDhRBD 4t BLACK. 1'Ka. RICR, SaGO, 5PICB. PEPPER CLOTE 3, CINNAmO COVE OTSTKR3, R.1ISINS, o'VJRRAKTS, STARCB. SOAP, PURK SODA, DJ LA.ND' SALKRATU3, PISH COD FISH - MAC5.E3AL, WH1T LAKE TKOUI, HiiiilNG, SHAP GREEN APPLES, - CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES. DRIED PEACH MoIa3S33, Coal Oil, Cider Vinnga KATCRAL LHAP CTTBTIKt? TOBf;00. CiOnVtr f IN JiCl'TCAVKNUiail K1LL1K. KICK SM iKIN COii UOS DO. Clears oftbe P est Brands lii tru Market- CHK3TXUT3, AT.MOND3 PECAN'S- FILBERTS, PKA Mil, &.C., &.C, etc., A Sp'pnrJid Assortment of Stick a Fancy Caady from the iiet IUiifa turies in the East. Flour, Baccn, Butter, Fgg The HifjhHst Market Price Paid fi Country Produce. BicLAUGIILIN & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bakk Bcildino Browntillk, Jao. 14. 1864. n20vtJ-J2O ylj NEW Orlen, C!rifltd Crncbed and Powdered 5 gar. Gulden Syrup Sugar Houte a;id Surgban KoUbe At HcLanghlin & Sw&nV isii nnvis, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS CITY. NEB KAKiA. H" Kill practice In all the Courta jf Hb. Hew Rexnedies for SPERMATORRHOEA HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHTIiADEIiPHTA. i Binevoler.t Inttitution ettablixhed by tpeeitil - towment.for tne RflxtJ of the Sick Dutretsed, affected with 'irulent ni ChrHc DUeatet. and etpeeiaLy for the Cure of JHieaiet Of the Sexvci Organ. lIEDICAIi ADVICE siren tbe Actlnj Jnrtfon. Valuable Repcrta on Spermatorrhoea, and other di- atcf the Sexnat Omns. and on the NEW REME DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed lettei eviopes,neeor cba.-s. Two or tbreest amps accept- rfdreea DR. J. SKTLLIX norOTTTON. Howard At- .tinn Vit 4 Snnth iTinth Slrt Philb!nli!. OMtmhVr 11. 'Ml fiOS-lr Waller WpaP all Paper!! Ccnatantly oak and at atarchn's Tailor Shop, by Tm. rYianz1nc don in it mot tpurortd itTlt. iv rowDTille. Neb. J one I3S4, 6w ASr'endid atortment of Confectionary InoinJiDf a'Jrk n4 twj randies At MemghUn it &wr't. HAYS JTST 0?SXXD A StOaS C .Vain Street between First and Scccnd. BR0WNVILL3, IT, T. VI bare I a aUra alarja and well iltcta4 oi y Calicoes. Muslin, French Tiwst, . Hals. Caps. Boots, Shoes, Leather, etc., etc., etc.etcetra. WHICH WS 0FF2R FOR 8AL3 CECEP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Sucrar, Coffee, Tea, Allspice, Candles. Matches, Soda, Pepper, Totaccj, 'Starch, &c.,&c.,&c. . All of which we offer at the lower t prices, data mined cot to be undersold. GRANT. Brnwavllle, Neb., lx-4-yly if Jir.J IS DEN'S TICKET ! And Den's Candidate Is and ever wllle QUICS SALES AND SMALL PnOFITS. . WM. T. DEN, WHOLESALE Ann RETIAL HOUSE 1856! E5TBLISHED I 1S5 BRQYFA'YILLE, XERIIASKA. lias now on hand tbe most complete a id general as aortraont of ilercbaDdiiO in BroLTille. My atock consist of AND GROCERIES', HATS i CAPS, Chicago Custom-Made BOOTS fc SHOES, of Superior Quality. Also a fall supply of NOTIONS, Dress-Trimmings, Hoods and Neubias Gloves and Gauntlets, Hosiery. Tn variety eonaistlns; of Table and Pocket Cnivea, Chisels, Braces anc Bi.a. File d Mnnkey-wreoUie. Biut and Screws. Sawa and U mm era, Axe and Spades. A full aasortment of S I? 0 "7" 2S3 S3 T.I N w!a. HE , Cooking;. ITeatinK and Parlor Stoves, Large Kettle', Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron and Zinc. WOODEN, WILLOW AND HOLLOW-WARE. j A full assortment of HEADY-3IADE CLOTHING, At Low Prices.' Blank Books, Pocket Books, and Memo randum Buoks'and Stationary of all kinds kpt conitanily on band. Oilo, XAl2xts a XJrxxssi. A complete of assortment of FURNITURE, on bahd, Barei. Be l- S'ead. Lonn;e. Tablet. Ifat Tiiac. Soiaa. C'bairs. M'aii aandi. Cribs, Rjcking L'xiktnii Ula--M. Also: Pionph, Corn St.elleni, Irot, Niis and Steel. M'lh Bf aver and O'tor Traps. Rememlier that Den pay tbe llulifn market Price for HIDES, Pelts and Purs, ui PKOUL'ca of all kiu l tti-l te want. Call and exauuun mv stock before pnrchanin? and nave VMr uiuuey. f r my motto ic to beep the best of rry GO d. the Cbolet Family G'oterie, Canned Fruit ati Oyvters, and ihe bent of Stove to cook theai on tn tbe mai ket. Try l hem . WJI. T.DEI imwm Tcicii OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Jast received ak JOHN A. PONN'S CHEAP DRY GOODS AND GBOCERT STORE. MAW-STREET. The Latent Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc., etc. Dry Goods, Groceri-s, - Hals. Caps, Boots, Shoe?, Iron, Nails, FJour Bacon, Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc Which be will Sail CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call and examine his stock before purchasing else where. Brownville, June 25th. '64. n42-v8-yly FAIRBAIiII ' STA3DABD SCALES Of ALL KINDS. Also, Warehouse Tracli, Lettn Presses, to. FAIRBANKS QllEENLEAF CK 172 liAKK ST., CHICAGO, t5"Be careiol. and buy only tbe aeunine FitT A FOJC: St. I,oni. r-ix-1-tf. McLAUGHHX h. SWXS are conitantly receirin addition tubeir nock of Grocriea and Hard ware. Tbeir Goods and Prices will suit everybody "e aryot'ier mn.t' CITROS, mace, spice, pepper, ginger, nutmeg", Cln- aaioa, eta., o-,of bet quality At MoLubiin it Dtio'i. THE HORACE WA1LK3 HOD in ISCPIIOTIO OTISTL"XC BA3S mix inoN rPwAus piAiica are built oi tie bet an l mot taorougby aeaaont-i ana teria's, and til aland acy cliaiate. Tn lone la rf dee?, roucd, fall, andl mallow; tne toun tUatic Sae!i ?;auo warraaia-i ..or art years. Prices f rat s9 to (730. TE3TIV0MALA. "Tbe Horace Valert ? iaaoa are kztwa as tsoaf tk ery best." I'vengeJiil. '.W ean spa of ineir merits frcm perMsa! kaewW ade." Chtittian Int -nigencer. i9atera' Pianos and 4 t!.xioncha!'ca;:e comparison wltb tbefleat mJe at ywhere " Uo'e Journal. $100- SBVJ 7 OJTAVO PIAN03, of d!r en i maker, for do.. wi:b carved '.tit, tX3K S'iCA and $M). 5eouQC'band Puooa luJ Jle!ixi-o ak $;5, $p, $50, $w, '5, loo, ail as i60. Ta Horace Water' Jdlo1eo and ITarmonimwrn, Tnne l tbe Eiual Temperament with tbe Patent ClrHa Swell. Prices from ft. 4 to $300. Alexander Or gum from $iOOto S5t0. E3"A liberal discoi nt to Cerymr, Cbnrcbea. Sa'fc baitj Srh'Mii, IxxJge, S -minariea, aiid Teachera. U'JU AC WATSKS, Aj't, So. 4S1 ErcaJa 47, K. X. The Zay deluol Hell 0.0C0copla isjeed- A new &;i.c!n- ?ook fr Jchaelaj and Seminaries, callel tfce Day wbl Sell, la now ready. U contains 11411 two boudred cbice aanss. rounds, ctcbes. duel, trios, auartetts. and cbomaaa. f many of tbem written enp'easiy tor tht work, beidee 32 paces of tbe Siemens uf Xas;c, wbtcb art easy au4 prgresslTe. Amonjr the larce number of beantlfnl pieces may ta fonnd, '-Uncle m'a Scbocl," "Cuii't yon bear tba children comtn?," "AlwaTS look on tbe sunny side,' "Tbe little lass. ' aud "Utile Lad," "Oh, it I were a little bird," Bird of beauty," ' Pretty pear tree,' Anril Chorns." 'Mfe; me bT the mnnin brok." Ac. It is ccmpHed by Urace Wier. autbor of '-Sab baibSch.wl Bell," 3f.i. 1 and 3, wMca bare bad lb enormous aaleof -5 W 0 copies. Prices raperc-Ters, 25 cents. i0 pir 1W; Imand 33 centa. $:5 pr 100 1 cloib buni, etubQed gilt, 40 cent. pr buidred. 23 copie rurnibed at tbe one buadred price. Alalia at tbe rsUil price. SalUth Sciaoll ll, JV'o. contains 144 pages, and nearly tw.i knndred tnaes ast bymsn, nd l tbe mutt p-ipa!' 3. 3 Book evar lasneA. Among tbe mot r'pa ar pii-e are, ' tmd Torda, Eden AboTe." '-Cbriftian ller.," Braairal Zloo,' "I oiebt to love M ber," ' The ArgU t:d meie,' 'ln tbe Light." "Reii ror tbe Weary," ate. Prvcea r4per cTera, 20 cts. rab. $15 per bacdrad 1 boun4f 25 ct. ech, 20 per b.uidre ii elgtU buua4, esibosasA Silt, 30 cts., 2C per bau'tred. Sdbatk .Ihool JJtS, Is a entire new work c f 102 aie, and nearly tnn and hymns, as the mast: i a lntie m.-re diRlcnltlk is just the bock to follow Ba'.l N'. 1. Nearly vne mlu Honor these BeMs b3 be"n and are cuw xlrf irjg thrnnsh tbii and other countries. Aiu dj tke many choice pie e mar be f u::d. 5;n:t wtmift k. jond tbe river ? Tbei e is a bemi'ul world. 5rrow sball c rui 4-in no m re Don'i joa her tbe Angela comiiiK? Thou, God. teeit me SiUia'h Eelu chime on, Ac. Pi ire of Bel i So. are tbe kaiue a Bell Nu, 1. Both numbers cC te obtained ib one volume... Price, bound coy. 40 cenl., $34 per bnndrei; clotta bound, embossed gilt. AO ct., $li par hundred. 1 cepiea furnished at tbe one hundied price, Maiied al tbe retail price. Water' Curul Uirp. . A new Sunday Schorl Book. of 160 pa?es of besatlfal bjmns andtuuea. It containe mor Bci, -1 rrh as Sbali we know each other there; Suffer li'tie thil irqa to cme auto Me; Tb beantitui ; tb. 'tl glort oo; Leave nie with ny mother ; Oe ieie ti me belle ftiii watara. tic. Pri-e paer cover. 9oceu'S $t) per bnudrei; hound 35 cpnta. $30 perbun lied; cloia bound, em boated aula i& enn's, $30 per bnndrad Mailed at tbe retail p ice. It la edited by Horaco W. tera, au'bor of Sunday g:hool Bella Xoa. 1 ami 3, wblca have had the enornvois aale of over euhi tbouaant tP'e. Just published by UOaAti WATiiai.Me. 4JI Broadway, $w Xuik. Tin Kew Pntrioti Sing eo2, contains 98 pxses cf a'cs, dnera and cbornaea, folk aa cred and secular lncl j' 14 p Ka of prayer for sick ar.d dyinjf sol'lier, and Sorters' doripmr Mar.ul. It is well suited for social siuint, wfi', as Sthh ta worship Among; th many bractifal pieces nuf (I found, Where liberty dwel ! 1 r.iy c-f-nniry ; Tbel'bris tianhero, Tiirfe cheer f r onr hsrer; Come mD(U me ef b.ivn ; Columbia tne of 'heocaaa ; f e nan'i fathering;. Colnmbia'a fureer ; Marching along, Ac Pricea iap;r cover, 15 ceats, flJ serais drad. Mailed at tbe retul price Tli U'irp of .Freedom, contains S3 pases of s ng, due s and chornaes, ferPrea dm. Amontbecb ice pieces we wu d name. Pair freeiiom'a mro; O ltt my people $oi O'er tbe maun tain ; They worked d e all the day, Ac. Price 6 cents single, 60 ceata per dwzea, $3 per buadred ; poatag I ceat each. Ruth: A Sacred Cantata. contalna 126 pages. Torda b- Pt. S:dr,ey Pyer, mn by Pref. Coll. This I aa excellent book for aoncerts fortbeyonnc. Pi tee paper covera, 20cemai $13 vat huudred ; bwnnd 25 ce itf . 4 20 per hundred. The Revival Jfueie Hook contains TS parea'of tunes and hymns. ds!gned far ree rival, prayer, and ennrereuce mecir. Pr.oa in papaf covers, ainiiie copies, 10 ocnis; $3 per hundred. Mailed at the rtil prices. The Aihencum Colleethn, contains netween for and five bnndrad p-.xeaof tone), and hymus. new ar.ii o d, or the choicest kinda, fof cbnrch. Sunday school, revival, missionary, tempt-ranca prayer and rerence. and all huids of sacred and s cial meetinc. Tbe nmsic in thii t!c baa li.'e an 1 aa imation in it, like Shinin Shore, Kest for the weary, 8ball w know each other there? Shall wenaef beyoni tbe river ; There is a lpu:jIu1 v eld; Klad wurda . Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a 'a .d of love;Sn!ra little cbildraa to canu nnlo me ; o1 save the Nation, Ac. Price in?ie copies, bound 60 rerun ; $16 pet hundred ; cloth bound, em-'9Ded gilt, 60 cen:s ; 65 par hundred. Mailed at the re'ail price. HOSACU Wi. T!IS. 4S1 Bioadway, Kew lou.k, Ptibliabsr el US) abate Booka. Vocal Z'uiie, with Fiaao Aaemjemimni. A 1 arpe assortment rf new and popular aongs, baPalf duets, qaartetts, and cbnrnsee, iaued rialiv. ivang tbemoai popular are, Shall we kuow ech other liera, Lowrey; Why have rr.y iovl ua giuo; li.l bo true to the; Oh, tDere'a no ficb girl at mint, by airt Mother's love Is tree ; Sweet love, forcat me not . by Keller, 25 cent ecb; I bear awaet voice flome is home; Forget If you can. but forgtve. bf Thomas. 30 cenia each. coming Father Abra'am, aiz hundred thmi and more I A I a. a v a ..n th .nnn . . .all V aa .-W other there? Ac,, wita brilliant van.uua by Greta, 60 cen's each. u.iv.i u' tt... r,,i.. a-....oi. I ui.a.i i bikvi, A.iv.ic.) iv. a . j m lain 11 . a , Ac . bv jMpu!ar author j All kiii'is of Snuum aud I iiDiuuD uiaj&a. Knnwai'p n.ancui r to w aii y aut aa Muaic mailed at tbe alxVe prices. IJatera' Cheap Jfuini for the iA"if. Arranged as so'oes, duts. qnrtetra and cbnr, fat mnsl :al aocielte, choirs Suoflay tti) H,la. public schAIs aeminaries ?tc Sha I we know e. o'h-r there? Pon't you bear the -nt el c cnDt ? IS.-iall ri nit-ul la yen1 tiie rier? Bf ti tile; There is a beaoiifi! eorld; Where liberty dweir-. t my coiiUtiy; rolot truth at.O r:ht; We im c.'in ig Krt-fcer Abra'am. aim hundred Ih ..inml m .rn f IKtt.u i al-.i.l i.f love; S"f row rLall c-uiR ain ro m re j n?ivea y rvme ; Cora tng to me of Heaven; Lind ; a & wiiv lvonv Sunday Si booi ; Our God ;a marching on ; Oi.a'etj Nation; Whitt ler'a "i of the P-in art nNego; Kali Kreedom'a Mort haa d nel at lait ; Over the moo. tain; Over the mountain ; little Klla'a an angel ; Wll lie'sgoB to IJeavaa ; Su3'jr Uttie cbil'!re.i to cons nine, me; liury me la the morning, Mother; Come thy ret; Sweet hove i f Prayer. Ac. Prke 3 centa. 5 cents per do , $j per t-uudred ; postage 1 cert eac In shtet u iwii. with Pi m acccmcatil tent. 25 cents. Publlsbe-i by EO-IACK WA I KK3. Ag't. No. 4S1 Broauway, Jf. xJ. c H. T. AIITHONY &. CO.. Manufacturers of Photographic Material?, Wholesale and Re'kll, -501 BROADWAY, KEW YORK. Tn addition to cor o a n tnrinesf Pbotograi blc JEt terlala, we are Flea- q,tirtera for tbe folUw tg vis : Stcreoscopf s ti tstcrcocoplc YltTii Of thee we have an im-nonse asrtmeot. Ineludiof War Seen . Amerira ia.i l'.?.i C tie and Land scapes, Gronpa, Staitlitry. . fto. A'.o. Rvoivlot Siereo'c irf for ,nx i or rii-a sxaihiiiea. Oar Cauh gae will te sji to any autesa ca teceipt et stamp. . Photographic bums, We were tte Brat to introduce tbes inV the Vnilo States, and we manufacture iuamen quaotitiee la grett variety, ranging from 5 cent to $.'o each. Oi Album have tbe reuntttioa ol hi nf an; in haaa aa ty and dnrabl ity to ary otbera. Ttey will be aeat Sjf mail, PRES. on receipt of price. KJ- sa ALzrnsxADiT0 0itc.4 CARD . PHOTOGRAPHS. Onr Catalogue now embrace. ovr Plve ThaaaaJki dlJareni anjicis (to ahioh ad'itiona a-e eoattaaaiV being made) f Portra.ts of JSminea. Aaaarlaaas, Jk' -ris : about 10 Major-Gcneeals, Sra'eaaasa, 130 Piviaea, 125 A'Jihara, 4 Artiita, 12 j Siae. zv-i or.g.aicr ueaera.s, 375 CoU.Ltl)-, 10 Lieu'-Ct 'ciuls, 250 O'her ofneers. Navy f)m.;era. U Pr.roineui Furelgi Poriralls. 3 CCO Copies of Work of A't. Inclndi-g of the moat ee'abralad 3aa graving Paintings, .'ir itn.-g, Ae. Catalogues s.t oa reeeiptof uta.r.p. Ai ort'er for One Iio.aa Pi;araa from our Catalogne vilt be S.ied oa ike receipt owt (liU and sent b man', pre. -betographe s and ethers ordering g.-l 0. O. D will please i emit twenty. rir yor cnt r.f the amou&. wnaa tbeix order. E. SlP.t. an'TCOXT A CO., Maaalictursr. f Pro:ei'-jlti;c vtra'a. 101 BRU.4DWAT, K ilW TOlt-CJ-ri jrrV aa mnd ciuuiiy of our te4 til e-- isTly