m r JOHN Li EDITOR, IROWSVILLB, TUVBSDAY FEB. IS, 18C5. The Arnjy of the Potomac made a tuore cn the 4th, with a view to feel the enemy's position at or near Reame'ssta tico, and several severe engagements bare been faught since. The engage ment on the 6th is described as being terrible, but resulted in pushing forward . our advance line a distance of four miles. Our loss during this day is estimated at ' COO. Evidently Grant's design is upon the Danville railroad, which if he. can succeed in getiug possesion of will cut efT all supplies from Richmond. It is ' reported that Richmond is being evacu " a ted we think this may have arisen frcm the flight of non-combatants. : The reported evacuation of Mobile is Oow confirmed. No particulars given. ; Up to the 5th hostilities had not been ' resumed off Wilmington. Sherman has probably ere this cut off Charleston from the interior by tapping the Charleston,. Augusta and Atlanta . railroad at Hranchville and Augusta. The capiur-e of Branchville was unofiici ally announced through Richmond pa- : per on the 10th. A report was currant in Ric mond that Charleston had been evacuated, but has nut been confirmed. Hood and his co.nmand. 25.000 strong, "are reported marclg to Suuih Caro lina. Forrest, with 25.000 men, is reported ' at Tupelo. An extraordinary cavalry expedition it is reported will soon start from East port, Tenn., under command of Gen.'s Thomas and Wilsan. It is intended to visit Montgomery , Selma and Mobile. -Gen. Canby is to co-operate with this force. It has been the fate of nearly every movement made in this Territory for the benefit of Nebraska Soldiers and their destitute families to meet with more or less opposition. To be convinced of this we have only to read the speech of A. S. Holladjy ron Qur first page on the subject of the Soldier'' Relief BilL We are pained to learn that the move ment inaugurated in our city a few weeks sirict, fur the same purpose, meets with erne opposition, although its success is sow a fixed fact. Seme of this opposi- ' lion may be. tracable to the source from which it started ; it did not eminate from a certain church, therefore it is not pat ronized by a certain class. This kind of opposition shows very narrow minds. Another opposition is based upon the argument that it is not necessary, and that much of what is sect to soldiers is arnronriated bv knavish officers. As to its necessity, none who have been in the a service can doubt it : wniie we were in the Nebraska 2d Cavalry, we b3ve seen soldiers stricken down with fevers, lying for weeks in the heavy wollen clothe furnished by Government, often without a. change of these even; in fevers especially wollen clothes are very much against the dissase; lighter garments are not -or were not to usfurnished by Government. It is ons of the objectt of this Society to remedy, a? much as possible, this evil, by raising money to buy goods which they will make up into clothing for the sick in the most conven ient sivle. This none can doubt will be a great benefit to our soldiers. Again, we have in our county families who need assistance, and must have it, as seme are reallv in a suffering condition. Under w these circumstance who will say it is un necessary to set in this mailer ? As to the other objection, V) understand the Society intends to send their donations to the Rer. T. W. Tiptoe, Chaplain of the Ut Nebraska Cavalry, who will see that they are placed in bauds that need them in that Regiment His name is a suffi cient guaranty that they will not be put to siher uses than originally intended. We are lead to make these remarks in tha hope of bringing about a unity of action. It is not a charity that is called for, but a duty we owe to the brave men who are fighting for their country, and the peace we "stay-at-home patriots" njoy. Shall our inaction assist to un nerve the arm that is striking down our faes, by the conviction that those dear cces whom ht has left behind, are suf ering amidst plenty, in the country of bis friends? Shall we refuse to assist ur se-ldiers on the plains, but for whose sturdy resistence the blood, thirsty sav ages would have ere this laid wane the whole of Nebraska, or forced every man cf us into the field for self-pro'ectioa? If not, let us all assist in this enterprise, and prove to our boys ia ths field that they still have friends among the living." V hope every precinet in the county rilfrfpoad by forming auxilary socie., ties. Forcs have been promised for the protection cf the Overland Routt. They ivcorasKa. saouttliscr are probably ca the fj ere hepe they are. thirl. W rM-The following tribute ol respect a.nd esteem, so justly merited, by the perssna mentioned, was passed by -our Legisla ture on the Qh. We hope it will' be heard by the "powers that be," and the requsst, therein conveyed, granted. We believe it is the wish cf the -whole Ter ritory, and we know it is the desire of this county. Ti;e Territory has never been in so prosperous a, cgn.di.ti.qa, a.s a.t present, and much of it must be ascribed to the executive ability f the Governor and Secretary. H Whereas, The Governor of this Ter ritory, Hon. Alvis Saumiers,' in his annual Message to the Legislative As sembly at the beginning of the present session, intimated that he would ask for a re-appomttaent on the expiration of his present terra of office, ai4. Whereas, The Legislative Assembly heartily endorse the general policy of nis aaministration, ana entertain the fullest confidence in his integrity and pa triotism as a man and as a public eflicer ; therefore, be it Resolved, By the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Nebraska, That his Excellency ihe Pres ident of the United States be respectful ly but urgently requested to re-appoint our present worthy Executive for the en suing year; atid Where, On the incoming of the new Administration, on the 4th of March next, it may be reasonably exprcted that charges will be made in many of the offices to be filled by appointment from the Nations! Executive ; and Whereas, Hon. Algerjco . Paddocjc, Secretary of-this Territory, by his able, impartial and satisfactory discharge o the duties of said office, is entitled to the confidence of the people, as coming up to ihe standard of "honest, faithful and capable ;" therefore, be it Resolved, By.the Council and House of Uepresentatires of the Territory of Ne brakla. .That the President of the United States be and is hereby respectfully re quested to continue him in the office which he now holds on the expiration of cjs present term. Kind . reader male, of course did you ever catch two tom-cats, tie them together by the tails, throw them across a close-line, and then watch them make the fur fly; we have enjoyed this harm i . .. i j icssiti amusement, ana never were we so forcibly reminded of these feline con tests as pn reading the quarrel between the Nebraska City News and Omaha Nebraskian ; each seems striving to out do the other in 4,low comody" and thus prove Mtself the organ of the Ne braska Democracy, During the late canvass for Delegate in congress for Nebraska, its iNebras- kian's, efforts in behalf of Dr. Miller, the Democratic candidate for that posi Hon, were so weak, and 'at the same time so mfrequent, as to bring in question its naenty to nim and to the Democracy. The foregoing extract clearly exhibits tne low nung and lying disposition of the News, If Gus. Harvey, the mouth piece of J. saline Morton, wishes to tell a lie let him get off one that some one will be lieve. But go pn in your lying career, as the world expects nothing better of you. J"ebraskian. We only hope that there will beno more Democratic newspapers in the Ter ritory after the manner and kind of the Nebraskian. That journal has, for some months, been wooing the hand of Dinah, whether with an intent upon her affec tions or with an eye to her purse and pa tronage, its editor, A'." H. Jackson, can tell better than we can. It, the Nebraskian, has whimpered around the kennels of office as a Starved cur whines for bones around a kitchen door. JWir. The foregoing complimentary notice we copy frum the Republican, which it accredits to that blubber-mouthed,' red eyed sheet known under the title and appelation of the Nebraska City News a teeming cauldron of low pot-house slang, a vehicle of filth, found no where except among drunkards and black-legs, thieves and robbers, who have no mor business in decept society than devils have in heaven. A"ebrqskian. This sore-headed, cross-grained vehicle of blackguardism, has for a long time ex hibited a war-like disposition towards this journal. We have, as a general thine, passed the angry outpouring of the News unheeded, upon the principal that he who fights a fckunk is liable to get the worst of the contest. Nebras kian. Which of the above editors should be the Organ of the harmonious Democracy we confess ourselves unable to say, as it is impossible to tell yet which can be the filthiest. More extructs might be given, but the above shows plainly the style of the Democracy, and itsprinripal weapon. Holt county, sometime since, got sick. of a superabundance of rebel on the stomach, and, at a meeting a few weeks ago, "pukea up tne -nui ouin 01 era." A great number of strangers are in our A city; it tnere are any or tnese sympa thisers among them, we hope they have cleansed themselves of this ''spirit of evil," if not, they will soon sour", on the-stomach of old Nemaha. We would caution all persons, not es pecially authorized by law, from auction- eering, as a noense trom tne lieneral Government is necessary uuder the Rev- enue Law. Betides defrauding Govern ment, those making such sales, are laying themselves liable to a heavy penalty. There are now two regularly authorized Auctioneers in this city, who have paid for a license, and whose business it is to sell anything at auction. If this advice is not barkened to, somebody will doubt less be made an example of by the Col- Jector of Internal Revenue. Btware ! Constitution or the Soldier's Re lief Society. - Abicli 1st. This Association shall be called the Nemaha. County SoJd.i.er's. Relief Society. At. 2sd. Tha objects of the Socie ty shall be to. afford relief to sick and wounded sobers serving in Nebraska, sick aod wounded Nebraska soldiers, serving in other Military Departments or Districts, and afford relief to destitute families in Nemaha County, having Fjthcr, Husband, or Son? in the Union army. Art. 3d The officers of th Society, shall consist of a President, Vice Presi dent, Treasurer and Secretary, all to be elected semi-annually, by ballot, or viva voce as a majority of the Society may determine. Akt. 4th The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Society, wiren present and attend to such other dunes as are usually discharged by Pres idents of such Societies. Art. 5TH-r-The Vice President hall assist the President in the discharge of her official duties, and in the. absence of the President her duties devolve upon the Vice President. AnT. 8m. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to hold the Funds of the So retnry, and disburse the same, as it may direct. A 7i.it Tl cVinM Vift ilia rMtrr nf , , , .. the Secretary to record, the proceedings of the business meetings of the Society ; nalinm rf t,o Snri a Mr to receive all moneys from Members ef ihe Society, and donations which way be made to the Syciety, keep a correct ac count, and pay over to the Treasurer, taking her receipt for the same. Art. Sth. All loyal persons, paying twenty-five cents into the Treasury . o the Society, and signing this Constitu tion, are thereby constituted members Art. 9m. It shall be the duty each person, becoming members of this Society, to pay into the Treasury o the Society, each month, the sum of 25 cents to assi-st in carrying out the object o the Society". Art. 10th. The President, Treas urer and Secretary shall constitute i committee of relief to whom application may be made by the destitute families of this county.having Fathers. Husbands, or Sons, in the Union army, who shall have power to draw upon the funds of the So ciety, for such relief as they may deem necessary to afford, but iu no single case shall they give more than five dollars to one family at one time, and then it is ad vi:ed that the necessaries of life be pro cured by said committee instead of pay ing over the money. Art. II. When it shall be known in our midat, that there are sick and wounded soldiers in the army entitled to relief according to provisions of this Con stitution, it shall be the duty, of the President to call the Society together, as soon as practicable, to afiord the neces sary relief. ' Art. 13th The time and place of meetings of the Society shall be deter mined bv a maioriiv of the members present at any particular meeting. Art. 13th. Any person desiring to withdraw from this Society shall signify the same td the secretary, wno may erase his or her name from the list, but in no case shall any member be entitled to honorable dismissal, until all back- dues are made up. Art. jith. inis constitution may be altered or amended in the following manner; Said amendment or alteration, to be proposed in writing, and two third of the members present, voting in favor of said amenment, but not otherwise, Art. 15. It is advised that the friends of the Union in the different precincts, throughout, this County, or ganize Relief Societies, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution- At a meeting held at Omaha recently for the purpose of taking into considera tion the propriety of re-organizing the Territorial Agricultural Society. On motion of Mr. Maxwell, Mr. C, II. Walker, of Cass county, was called to the chair i and A. Deyo was appointed Secretary. Mr. Walker, on taking the chair, sta ed the object of the meeting, and in a stisrt and appropriate speech, urirtd the importance of the movement. He saw in it the germ of an institution that would grow in importance till it became the pride of the Territory. It was one of th3se measures that aimed to promote that interest, that must be the fouudation of the prosperhy of Nebraska, and as fych he was ready to give it thus and at- tention. Mr. Maxwell thought that a Territo rial Society should be kep' up; that it had a tendency to imbue farmers with a degree, of ambition and pride iu their occupation, and to advance the interest generally, Mr, Dawson, from Lancaster, was in favor of having a thorough organization, so complete that a branch society should be in operation in every county, and be in regular and intimate communication with the parent society. Mr. Imlay was of the same opinion with the gentleman preceding him. His county was yet new, but the farmers were awake to their interest and would take an active part in promoting this caue. Mr. Crow, of Nemaha, stated that ii their county an agricultural society had been kept in active operation until many of the members had volunteered to serve in the war, when, from beinr reduced in numbers, the meetings had been dis continued. He thought at the first call for a Territorial organization, the farm ers in his couuty would re -organize and be ready to co-operate with the clubs of other counties, and with the parent so ciety. -.....-' : Mr. Neleigh hoped the attempt to re vive the -Territorial rganization would be successful. He was favorably im pressed, with the. effect of such organi zation. Mr. Langdon vyas in favor of any movement that promoted the farming interest of the Territory, and he looked upon this as peculiarly advantageous. Mr. Ha good was not a farmer, yet the advancement of this domiuont inter est ot the Territory could not be made without contributing to the general good and he wished it success. Mr. Leighton thought well of the sub ject, and would give - it his hearty con currence. Mr. Hoover saw great advantages in a renewed organization of the society, and could assure the meeting that the farmers of this section would be ready to co-operate with o'hers in the Territo ry to riial'e the society a good one. The committee on resolutions reported the "follow i:,g: Resolved That in the opinion of thi& meeting it is the duty of the Legislative Assembly of Nebraska, at their present session,' to make a suitable appropriation from the Territorial Treasury, to encour age the Introduction of the best stock and the proucyon of the best crops- by our citizens, ajid to pay out such appro priation in premiums or otherwise.. Resolved, That the best interest . of the Territory require a re-organization of the Territorial Agricultural Society. ' to aid in developing toe resounces of the Territory, and to diffuse useful Lnowl- I . . A L ! . .J edge on subjects connected with farm ing. Reiolved, That we recommend tbat a Territorial Convention meet at the same time and place that the Wool Growers' Convention meet, on the 14th of February, for the purpose of effecting a permanent organiz-iiion of the Territoria'l Agricultural Society. Resolved, That all friendly to. the ob ject be invited to attend, a t a . Artpurneii to meet at tne capitoi - on the 14:"h of February, at 2 p. in. A. DE 10, Seo'y. J From ths Omaha Republican. Julesburg, Feb. 12 At ten o'clock on Saturday, Ft b. 5ih, Indians were sen coming with a yell upon the station at Mud Springs. They cummemed firing and did not cea;f un til dark. lheir hrst attempt was to s'art ihe-horses that were -ear, driving them to my herd at Pumkiu creek. At dark theyxut the telegraph wire west. Lt. Ellsworth, at Fort Mitrhel, had already been notified, and was on his way with fifty men to reinforce us. His linitly arrival was all that saved the post, as the fight was renewed. The second day. at sunrise, he sur prised the Indians and routed them, holding the ground all day. Col. Collins came in at daylight on the third day with 150 men, when the fight opened immediately, the Indians gejtingjsossessioK of al! the ground ex cept the buildings. , There was not less than 1.000 Iuduins in sight; but getting worsted, they drew off about three o'clock, losing" a number of their raeu, and wounding fi'e of ours. On the fourth day. they made their appearance at sunrise, but made no gen eral attack, Col-Collins sent out scouts in all directions to find their trail. That rii-zht artillery came and Col. Collin followed ihe trail to Ruah creek, where they ha'd just broke camp. . He follbwod it to ine moutn ot the erejk- and saw if.oiMii? on tne norm siue cr the river. Tl"" .1 when they immediately came back to meatus. ve correlled. and in a short time were surrounded by at least 2 000 warriors, who came to us in two column", one on each side. At about one n. m the fight commeneed, which lasted until after dark, end resul'mtr in killing and woundinsr of finite a number of Indiaus, and two ruldierg killed and fiv6 wounded. i ne si x:n oav, at aavngni, iouna us surrounded, though a few shells kept them at proper distance. By noon they had all recrossed rlatte river, Avhen we broke up camp and returned. (Signed,) .J. R. IIOEL, The State Senate, yesterday, passed a but to compromise the claim ot the State upon the Atchison and St. Joseph, aud ihe ,Veston and Atcliison railroad companies, securing payment c biate bonds issued to complete the Plane Country railroad, proridingr for the tale of the Platte railroad and tor exiendinfr the $orth Missouri railroad to the Iowa. me. The bill requires the Platte Co. rotlroad company to lay a third track for the use of tie roads north and touih of it. In this fcoanetiion the Senate also passed the till to incorporate the St. Joseph and Nrth Misfouri railroad company. -AtieseDllls wtre commum- cated to the Houe and bv it rfened or a report at two o'clock p. in. td day. The Senate uuanimi'Usl concurred in the House joint resolution for the pres ervation of ihe credit ..of the Saie. Attorury General Wingate transmined his opinion, which is yet to be published, ou the financial relation of the State to the North Missouri railroad company, the effect of the Slate's raising her hen ou said road. Sec- The House variously amended and then paised'the Fee bill, reported front Committee of the Whole. Vq. Democrat, Feb. 11. NewTork, Feb. 10 The Tribune learns from Ben Holla Jaday, the contractor for the Overland Mail Route, that the report of the re opejning cf that line was an errer. For a distance of 3S0 miles Mr. Hol laday's stations are destroyed nd the stock withdrawn. Business cannot be resumed until the stations are rebuilt and corn and forage supplied. The House amendment, in the Rebel Senate placing no limitation on the num ber of negroes to be conscripted, was adopted by vote of 12 to 18. Ereckinridge has been confirmed rebel Secretary of War. Gereral Ech olt has succeed to hie command. Two more English" blockade runners, the schoolers Augusta and J. McRea. have been captured by the United Slates steamer loneysuckle. A Pats fob the Soldier, the Sail- r aid TBE Family Circle. Harry Hs,zePi ' Yankee Blade," published weekly Pevoted to Facts, Fiction and the Romance and Spice of the Universal Yankee Natioa. jpach tiumber contains first-class Sto ries, Tales, Adventures, Legends, Drum head Sermons, Comic Sketches, Wit and Humor. Poetry, News and Information fcr the Millin. Terms i $3.00 per year in advance. Single cepies sent on receipt of 5cts. Address, JONES & CO., Publishers, o'2 Congress, St., Boston, Mass, EW ADVERTISEMENTS, .Notice" if hereby ir.-a that hj Tirt e of n execution out of tiia District C'.'iri of ho County of Ne hi iba. in the T rnt ry. nf Sjbf-iski , on a certain judf ment obtain. ft in sij U irt by Eli II. Wil !ox,i!gair;it George II. .Nixen.. an I to mi directc'l as SLeri'iT ( f said County. , I will oiFbrfor sale at tublie auction at tbe front d'r. of the Hrownviile Ilcnst! in the City of li"oYiiviiio raai'l. Couniy of Ntm&ha, (that bintr the buidin io which tha la-alarm of the s:iid IJiitrief Court v.s held) on Saturday the 18th dy of. Man u, ld',5. at one o'clock . P. M. of that day, the following real Estate ro wit : ths East fcnlf of Lot o. ix (67 mid Seven ( 7 ) and fit v feet off of tho W est l.arf of Lot No. cir.e ( 9 ) all cf the nbove in Block No. twen ty 20) in the City of Urownrille in the Lour.fy of Nemaha in tho 'leiritory of Nebraska ; tcten ss the property of said tborge II. Nixon, by virtue of said execution. . Given udder mj hand th'n I5ih day o February, A. p. 1SQ3, 7.G. GLASGOW. -Sheriff. 22-5t 15,3!) ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken op by the undersigned living on tho Ni'inaha Hirer, two and half . milei abovj Lon'i bridge, in Nemaha C Nebraska, on the 1st day of Ftb' uary, IS55. Oue. dun mare P.ney about four years o.d, with Saddle markd. Jan. 1.1th '65 22 :u. John Burleigh Election of Scliool Director, Notice is hereby given to tho qualified Votna if Brownville City Districr, County of Nemaha Territory of Nebraska, that the annua! election fur Director, in ta;d district, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the expiration of the t-?nn f J. E Crow, will be held at the Ofiice of Judge Dorsey, ocr the C tv Drug Store, at 12 oMouk, M. on the 6th day of Ma ch, JJy .rd -r ot Director. 22-2t WJf. H. JLCEEHY. Clerk. PROBATE NOTICE- In the matter of thrt "Estate cf MAKSHAliliCKSLLEY". Wt.?.cas proof of tbe det7l,of MahaM C KeMey, lat.-01 the C uaty ot ilage and Territory of isebra ka ana application or the appoint uieut or t-'amuel J- nos iuinnilptratiT of the .tate of said Marsdali O Ket.ey oece.i-ed whs on the Ut oay c Febmary, A. 1. I660 iiaiy fliwl in the o!JU-e of be Pr I'd e Uourt in and lor miiJ coqaty-itid territory; Au.i. Wuereai. the said Court lias apohueJ Monuay ihebUi a iy ot Jiarch, A. u. Xbfao, al ibe licur often o'clock, a. m ot said day, as tbe time for ihe bearing of said application ; now tnereior All parties interoteJ in said Estate are hereby noti fied to be and appear before said Probate Court at gid time and (-bow cause, if any they bare, why let ers of Adniinisiraliou thou Id not be graiited unto tke said Samuel Jones. And it is farther ordered that notice hereof be pub 'is-bed ibree week tn tne Nebraska Advertiser. Da'ed at Beatrice. Feo 4tb. ibtix 2i-3i-$7 . ALBtKT IOWLE, Prebate Judge. TAX NOriICE. Office Collector oj Internal Revenue, Put. cf The Ter. of Nebraska, $ Nebraska City, Jan. 23, 1885, SPECIAIa TAX. Novice is" hereby, giver, tht tbe Li-t of Taxes asj-coo" in accordance with ths )nTLions of the, Joint Ke.4oution of Conrei-s, ar-nroved July 4ili 1854, im',! jnz a Pi ccial TiTr of five per contuui upon -tne gains, ;Tni:s r lipoma. tr the y-ar en- dins; DeceuiborSi. 18':t. bart be-h iciurt ed to ine by tbe Afti'T tt this Di.mi t, unJ th.it ii.l tnxes are now due nail jiayjib'if , and ji.iaient thereof is hereby urmi,iKld : piio i at 1 will m t rson or b? dejiuiy.attii.d a' tLt-t.fEco ofC'har'rs G. Dorsey in ibe Utty ot ni l wnv:.c . i: "tu:an t. oanty, on Monday, tiie IU I tbiuary !Sv5, for the puipose of receiving "v.d t.ix s. All ierfjis who t.h;t:Lijitb ct to r87 tn9 amount of ttirtir titx-i h ?re':v df',";iii led, .n or btfvre fce Uay lt.-t Hri-vr i;n.i d. . li t.? Pf'b'' to pay a j.en ii ty often y:c ct ufuui i.it. i-na!, aod a ie of twenty tents t'rr ffivrc'n a f r,e in! d "man 1 aod notice, ri gather it hi l-i.s cent-' -i ti;i;e irurcl fee?, actually and nec5 jar i i y! ra v t-! r d n,r,;ke set vi 'lirreuf. Office hoii-g, Jria $ o tu ca A. M., t. 5, 1'. M. JAML'S W'y.L.l 21-St 47,0 Collector. PROBATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby ijivon tbat j !:'.4i)n lis? been mada, by Jo;;ej.h Opelt, tiunruinn. f.-r an ordr trom tbe I'robnie Court rf Neu aba Cou:ily Nebras ka territory to sell a jortion of tbe jel Estate if Josebene liell.a minor. Tbe next f Lin iu;d all persons interested are hereby notified tbat JI( r day the 13tb dy of .March, is the timo ect to hear said application when i l ey may offer and contest the same if they see proper. - D. C. SANDERS, 21-4t$t0 Probate Judge. COLLARS, WIIIPS.LASHES, LINES si:rcigles, girths, JUMTWGJ1LES, II AMES, CLIPS. Cockeyes; Snap3, (line and breast) cf ihe most approved patttro, ujry Trimmings of Every e- scriptluu. Z7bclxja or ckIX Olasoo Pad Screws, Terrets, Water Huokb Various KINDS, al BUCKLES, BITTS..RIXGS, SPURS CARDS, BRUSHES, CHAINS, Stlrrnp?, sinchcs, Tapldares, AMD Saddle Trees of all Kinds, To all of which I invite ihe attention of a generous public J. W. MIDDLETON. Jan. 25th, 1865. ii19-t3-1t PROBATE NOTICE- To all whom ie mav eoncern. notioe is hereby giren that Monday the 3lt day of July. 18da, ia tho time set to hear and determine all c.airna aramst the E.'t2te if Jeph G;nder, deceased I'erMri baring claim ajairiHt raid e.-?ate will file ib 'in in the 1'robate ofSjo of Nemaha County by that time or they will bo torerer barred theref.-.,in. 1). C.SNBERS, no-20-4t p'd. Trobate Judge. ESTRAY NOTI E. Taken ap by the aubenber r sidmj in Glen Rock lownahip, one red n:eer, whife cross an her back, end white tail. Tarte years old next spring, 29 3t V'd. L-wbescs BAknvbd. - . Aynr's Cathartic Pills. LEGAL NOTICE- Jonathan IaviJ will take notice tbat TTikoa Huo-heoi plaintiff baa filed a Lv'lof eomlaint BgitlnH tle uid David HdeiefccUut on. the tbac.ee-. ry side of the District Court l Aernaua- Countyia the Terri:ory of Nebraska. The objao; an J, prayer ot eaid bi.'l is to otiain decre of ?a.!d. ccurt cancel ling and ennuUinga certain deed made by plaint i J in favor of defendant, August th 1353 to the North j Wes-t quarter of Section lourteen in Township fire orth ut iidnge ii'Urreeu r.asi 01 tne ota puncijai Meridian., situated in s.id county of Nemaha, $.3 having been obtained fron plaintiff, by fraud, ftree, violence and threafa ; or to cooipei naid de femiazit to reconvey said land to plaintiff. Defendant is required to answer ?aid petition, ca cr before the 2Tth day of Alarch 1665, E. W. THOMAS, Siicitor for C'utop't. February, 8th 1S55. 21-4: $9.00 " APPRAISED STOCK, ' " We the undcr.'iDed Appraisers appointed by Jc?ej ! Ke!!y J. P., appraised acvrUin iirown iaul.e taken up by Je.-so God t eighty dollars, i'eiu i. T. February, 2d lst55 i P. 1?CRDICK, 21 3t pd. J. W.FAliKSil. (iUAHDlANS SALE. Notice id hereby given that pursuant to an or drr ot sale isue 1 y the I'rcl at C urt of Nemaha County , Ntbrn .-! Territory. I ili. on Saturday, the llin day o' Foiirury, A. IS'. fell at pub lic auction , to the higbt.-t biuUr tureukh, thefol lowing d's rihed U-ai Esta'e.ta wit The Lot No. 4 in c.-. 'V2. (.'outlining i'J 60-i(."J hf acres, a.'?o Lj t io. 5. in Sci ti"ii 32. ct.;it.iin ir:g i2 2Ls- lOLkhs acr-?, both iu Tottu.hii 5, ll-ne 1J, E.at, in Nemaca County , N bra-ka Territory. .Said S le will take place in Brownville, Nemaha County N. T. F.M.BARVES, ' Guardian of A. J. Dripps. l!4t$3,0a, m NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. AH p.er?..n are earned ogHir.st cuttlngor hauling Wood trTixpher from any of the Hajf Urerd Land ijirg ab. VV dales' Itridga, ui the Nemaha riyrr. Any person having foisinesa conntx-t.-d whh iheie lands, will tail fptjrli.il. Alkitfon, l:rowr.vi!Ia W.D. SCUiT. 13-4tpd. Efc'TRAY NOTICE. Tukeu up by the fkb-riber, living cn Ur ay Creok. between lirontiviltu and Peru. One brown bor.-e J oncj, tar in tbe forehead". Suppo-d to be 3 years old in the Sprirg liken up Jan. fi'li 'Cj. JS-3 JOilN W. KICUAUD.ON. ESTRAY NOTICE- Taken np by the pub:ribrtr, living near Long' n.M) iaea;u, one red cow na trop on both ear.-, and a rht in borh ears, part of the tail off 12 or I J years old . lS-:itpd. ' B.L.BALr.WIN". J. XV. BLISS, AUCT 0 HS EE, AND COMMISSION DEALER, Main Street. 2 doors East of Pcct 0lce, BROWNVILLE, NliB. , AUCTiCN SAIjE at the Pioneer a u. tion Hcue Every Saturday. J. '. BIilS'o. AbCTiuNj?ERs Fhot Gun? . Rifles and Revolvers, for taU at Bliss Auction Kocm. One pood Rubber Wagon Sheet, for sale at Bliss', Chdjp for Ca.-h. 160 Acres of ao-i Lm1 For Sale chep. also House and Lot, Enquire at the Pioneer Auction Bjm . Over Coats at Eastern cost, at Uliss'. Fina rhcrk of Ladies' slhoes for sale at cost at the Pioneer Auction House. Two ko d Vcrk Hursea and one Horjn Colt 2 rears old for at Bliss' Correll. Swoml ha,nd. Cik Stove fur sal 9 cheap enouire at Bliss' Auction Uuom?. I,lnen Table Cloth for sale cheap at tbe Pioneer Auctlan Uusa. A pair f fpleii'iid Bucey Dorse, and me god ToT Hut? fr aaia. enquire uf tllisa A flue asscrtaienf, of Table Cutlery for Salf at Bliss' Auctiou Kiuni. Large Stock of B ys Hoots ami Saoes, at cot, at Hli' Auotiiin Iiooma twa doora eaat or tha lost Office. PROBATE NOTICE. To all wbm it may cui-cerf, ni.siee ij hereby given that application La; been ro.oJo to tbe Pn- ale Louru r he Hi point n-ni of an A mjnitra- ti.r up'n ih J - ta t of Viili.n H. ILi' dfcased, nd that Moo.riy, the oft ii;iy if Jaiiuary. i3 the uno set to har nud ileteriiare said application.-liiawnvil;-, -Jan. th, 1S5. uo-17-3t-.0 D. C. SANPETE, I'rob t J;:dV. LEGAL NOTICE. Mary .I.tneS'er?v will uikn itico that Abr-ahin Sherfy a- t-larmitf b i fili-d iotitioo in tne trict C urr oi N-u) 'ha (.urty Nt-bia.-ka Terrtort ii ihe J'iiau.iery stdo thereof, against her a-'Jefend- andr. t.o cti-ei n.t rw;iy'r ol sh1 Tnr,rion i to ob'nia a d- C' e of !aid Court nnnuliing th marri.ii" rrhition her 'tufore exi-tin;; between iaid j-Brtitnor diroriuz tbo .aid partiealrom the bonds of in.itri- mnv. .-fndant i-i repaired to anawc pid re tition by tha 20tii day of February A It 1cq5. 1g-4i$3 Sol. forCjiu. iinmt. GUARDIANS SALE. Notlcoi.'t hereby ijtvsn that pursuant to n rr der of ale issued bv 1L0 rwJiite C or! of Nf-maha CouHty. Nebraskii Tcnit-rv. 1 i!J on Friday the 17th day of February A D. IS ;5, soil at public auction, to tne highest bidder for e.-h. thr"' vr lnjr described Real Etate, to wit: Th; ScU'L- West quarter of Section No. founeen (14 ) in Township No. f.ur (4 ) North of iim i X . fifteen ' 15 Eat of the Tith principal meridian .in Nemaha County, eDrasKa lerntory. Said Sal will take place in A.piq wall Nema ba County, N.T. JOSEPH OFELT. 20 3t.-$7 Guardian of Samuel Bell. PROBATE NOTICE. 'To all who in it nay concern Notice in hereby piren that application his thinday been mii'le tor .tna mtmrnt of an aitmmistra- tr Un the hita!eof Jefferson L Combe, deceas- ed.an-1 th;it il .b lay, the 2 51 day of January, A. I). 1 665, ithtime set to har said application, Brownville, January 21 IMo. .U.C.fUUXDSRS, 16-3t$3,50 FrotateJudg. PUBLIC SALE. On Saturday January 2Srh 1S35. The B ard of County Comrni-siMner will soil at I'ublic Sale to tbe higst bidJer for oa?h on tbe j-ein;a3 , the luinberand a.l material of the Old Bridge across the Little Nemaha, known a Lnn'a Bridge. By an ordi of the lioad WILLIAM II. UO JV'ER, Co. Clk. ESTRAY COWS. Taken up by the undesigned lirirj near Glen U(k , Nebraska , one large brown Cow. whita face, black rinir round tle left eye. half cron off the right car, alio, one largo b'ack Cow letter "Con right hip. Each supposed to be 7 years old in the Spring. lo-3t-p d JONATHAN GILL.. PROPOSALS FOR STONE WQRK. Sealed proposal will be sealed at the County Clerki OSco in Brownville, until 1 o'plpek of Fat- nrday, tb. llth 1855, for building and laying up E:ir'ity-four perch, more or le?s of Stone wark for Bridge Contract, near Sec, Id Township Range 10 rni. The Stone will ba famished, Quarried, within 1-4 mi e from the Bridge. Br order of theBard o County Comm'i-airnors. 20 2t. VM. HOOVER, Co. Clk. PROBATE NOTICE. To all wh'm it may concern, notice ii hereby jriven tbat on Monday, the 20th day of February, 18o5i4 the time set lor final ptt'enr-nt wita tna Administrator of the Estate of Hoory Hijrgins, alio at the fmo time willhparanJ uetermina applica tion of Widow and orbers for Guardian letters of tbe Minor heir of a'd li'-.g&ngs. Brownville, Jaa. 2ath Isij. 20-3t.$3,5'l D. C. SANDERS, Proh. Judg5. Ayefs Sarsaparillae ' " ii0Vt4N EMPIRE SHUTTLE Talented February . MLESROOAI.lzSBRna WJSHLYGTnx-, T2ISilACniNEiiconvr pnti ip!i of, tpet-hauism. p. s..,.. a r vali able imiirovemtn-.s, h,ivini.' J the moat jrofoaad t xporu, a6,j x. Siji2pll5it7 and Pei-Icctioa' t It. has atmi-ht ueHle C;" mzU the LOCK or MiUl'i I i"1"11' "in uciimt ft 1 1 Or It A V i 1 , an 1 of iviurial, trom Lttthbr toV, ,"r iiutlin, ilii v..U n, liue.i or ,ii -t. r -coaiest, to the iv.f, n-initer s Bavins neither C'A-i a .r U'tf a-. least pofcibia friction, i4 r4Jiii v"; and ia l.. r.o. UJi OfclJuct ,, Emphatically r It requires FitlY driy j xjt tiin aaj . tLer jT.rl twtiU'n jears of peu tixr ' .L out 'angiu- or lojury r -a ca;i w i'ril i i,.n 9 a I r . o-der.and is ti L A li A . 1 ' ' ' give enrire ust.-.'U,-:':. 3 Were?pecttuily iivit9 a:ithc?.t to Jpi-ly ih-m-lvi witj, , ,,r a x come ana exaniiiiC tliis Vr.fi. T'r 4 J.i t in a inure efpeual Uinr.. 1 patr-nagjof B,r'J 7.1et cht:t Tsilore, Coa'.'ii llaktr, ilocp Skirtlianufcc lurers. C u Stil t beoIh.3oh1I. era. Rtlijiout and Cr.a'itd f,,.f;;, '.J J tall rUces ?f Machine tcrnp:,, Ko. 1, Family JljcLiLe,wita Utsuaa, i rnd liraider, ISot 2. 'mall Maaufactunn w:41- r,. ; T;abla " '"' Ho. 3. are Manufactarir.'-.;". r. Ho. A, Large Masnfictnr-njj, f, r with Ko.'Iiog Foot anJ 0d Cup " ;! Cup Onela'f hiur'& inrnctinn iw "ni! !,..... 2 eron to tcork thi Jinehi tn ;Kti: tut ij'uclion, Ag3nts Wanted for all towa, iu thFs '!. when Agenti are nt airu;tdj ftsl.,.. f:r Cuba, Mexico, Central and Son;!! kz whom a liberal discount will be 5;a. 1 Ternu invariably Ca-h oa delivery. T. J. McArthar 4Cs, -5 Hr...iiy, r,j, A. A Co. 552 WasLinn.N 720 Chestnut St, It, Feb. 2,65. ly ESTRAY iNOTICL TaVen up by the under;rnj l.xl'ii 1. oiith of Browuviil. on tne Utt.un. . e with red heiid a&u pek, emu ( J"ta :i ,y a slit in th-j tam uulerhitjut t'e mark- cr bruni., sup pocd to '..b nix n in.- i'3tpd L'AVJDlUr I DISSOEU I ION OF TAIlTMir Notice is hereby givttn tl.t t'js Cv-rr:-leretcforo existing between Jt 15 !;, iSeori Y" . NreU. has cecu d'-nlv J Ii j enni.t,ni,l tint .).' L K. Lera'ej w'll'v thu bvicasaj hirttofora. jacor B.rrr. 2C-2tp-l. (i:o.r.. ' LAND FOU SAL S. V. 1-4 Sec. U Tawnshin 8. Xri rfi 14. 16( arre?.; Part of Lota Vend 2 of crth EU. 7. : Towniiip B. Ianifo 15. 3 nrrt. Lot iO Lck 3 ia Mouse and .&b!e, !e;braika City, ia is EST1JAY NOTICE Tkaa op by the una'al a;iel lirirV aboVe I'crn.on MKi-i'-k' l.'n l ru :." Nr.vemjior, 1 Sr. t. Oua Tu!y C- r 9, "1 ' unl nil t, un k-.vifc iulefl ear, a'aat i m old next Soring. 3'U THEODORE HILL. No. II JIaIn Street, H'iVir. dV rmi.;C"l to Win J up my Dr. Goods Business tlii Fail and Wiuitr, I will ofier to the tr.i'Ie iny immonso stock at greatly Reduced Prices. THEODOKE HILL Hiving made Lirg purchases can asd will sell rny entire stock comj-risirig ths? " Litest Styles" oUereil in the Territory to Cash buyers at great sacriGce. . THEODORE 'HILL Intends to tlisposo of his superb SUc by March nest.cors- . seqnently is eaill-? to oCer greater n: ' duccinents to tha trade tirm can be given by any other House in the Wtstv TiiEODonr: mu. i