Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 09, 1865, Image 2

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    V' ! 1 m V -x? j
lEOtonriLLE, THURSDAY FEB. 91553.
There is now a certainty that Dtvis
ha sent Peac CoTaissicners to treat
with President Lincoln. A conference
was held, cp. &e 3d, at Fortresi Monroe,
ietweea Messrs. A. II. Stephens, J. A.
Campbell and R. M.'T. Hu nter, and
Sec. Seward and President Lincoln. The
result waj nothing leaving matters just
as they were beforethe conference.
Tht rsbels demanded recegnition, while
the President demanded submission,
neither yielding n hairs-tredih. Thus
may all such conferences end. We de
sire peact as much as any living loyal
being; but the most permanent peace
will be heralded not by commissioners
but by Jeff. Davis fleeing for life from
hip deluded victims. Now, ceein that
the rebel can treat for peace, and none
is obtained, it is the duty cf out Govern
ment to make them re-treat from the
Confederacy, until there is nut a foot of
it left to treat for unless -they submit
The Rules of 'War muit have a very
wide latitude for rebels, who are contin-
ually harping upon
fnngment by the
the ida of their in
Union army. It is
Kuovr satisfactorily ascertained that the
blowing up of the magazine at Fort
Fisher, after its 'capture h our troops
by which upwards of 200 lives werlost
-was affected by the rebels by means
of a wire laid across the channel for
that purpose. This was done about two
or three hours after the surrender of the
rebels who Lad defended it. Yet it is
only one more dark page in their guerrilla-bush
whacking-torpedo-blood- hound
war, against a government unequalled in
"beneficence to its people by any that
Tht -Indians on'he3d attacked the
Fort at Julesburg, burned the telegraph
and stage companies warehouses, with
all theirtupplies. They tore down the
telegraph wires between that city and
Omaha, notwithstanding the influence of
the "whispsring Spirit." The garrison
was too small to make any resistance.
This stops all mail and telegraph facilities-
across the plains, and renders
freighting and emigration almost impos
sible. Steps will have to be taken in
thimiatter by the General Government,
r the States and Territories west will
be entirely isolated from the parent
Government, excepuby water communi
cation. A new department has been created
consisting of the consolidated depart
ments f Missouri, Kansas and the
Northwest. This may effect something
towards a suppression of the Indian
raids. ,
, . - -
Sherman is still marching just about
where hs pleases in South Carolina, and
Richmond papers seem inclined to the
think that Charleston must eventually
fall into his hands. The rebels are re
ported concentrating all their available
forces at Augusta and Branchville. "
Things are ordinarily quiet about Rich
niond. Nothing new excepting the re
ports of deserters, wbich are in most in
stances of a doubtful character, and not
amounting to much if true.
The Sec. cf the Interior is asking for
5,000 to buy medals for Indian Chiefs;
Western Legislatures are offering boun
ties for scalps. Which will stop the
Chiefs, we think, have tnedaled enough
already. Colt's and Minnie's. bills will
have th.e most a "soporific" effect. .
The following we extract from the
Washington Star for the benefit ef "crow
killing" Legislators, hoping U may throw
tome lighi upon this intensely dark
unlifL Farmer mav also take the
- - -benefit
of if, it sodii-pofed
"At this teasorTof the year, and par
ticularly when tbe now covers the ground
crows assemble about the farm yard in
great numbers, and can be readily
poisoned by strychnin?. Take small
pieces of fresh meat and sprinkle the
poison on it. and put it wherft the crows
frequent. Corn meal mixed with the
poison and made into dough is not so good
but will answer."
We were permitted to peruse" letter
from Hoit M. Lull, a former resident cf
our city, who is now strving in the 12th
Wisconsin infantry. His letter is dated
twe miles northeast of Beauford, on the
Charleston and Savannah, R. R., S. C.
.e has been with Sherman from Chatta
ooga through the whole campaign and
ad not received a scratch up to the 20th.
le says they had to fight for the position
hey now hold. They are eighty miles
rota Charleston, and he thinks that that
;lace will be in Sherman's possession
within cne month.
J cha R. McBride, M. C. from Oregon,
&s been appointed Chief Justice of
& m
Sturges of the Times, in answers to
our call for an "intense cc,pcrhead to
comeforth," cam? forth, gn "Ground-hog
day," as follows ;
Now, Colhappv if our sympathies were
with the Adniinistratiou of Abraham
Lincoln aad the ntro, we should go,
but as ihey are w 'we respectfully de
cline. w assure' you
tCiat whs our "sympathies are with
Pavi aLj treason" tve will be found in
'c rebel army not before."
Verily, "thou art the man" we called
for. Id the above two parapraphs may
be found what constitutes a copperhead :
not patriotism enough to have sympathy
for his country and its defenders, and
too cowardly to avow his "sympathy"
for its enemies ; a neutral, who villifies
his country and its defenders only; a
thing," that lives and prospers under
a liberal Government, yet contemptible
enough to "sell out" that Government
to gratify party ambition; a neutre
they cannot propagate their species,
thtnk Gcd ! on the fence, too cowardly.!
to get off on either side, and too '-small
potatoes" to raake it an object to have him
on either side. Judas betrayed Christ
with a kiss ; Sturges kicks poor Davis
overboard Judas, excuse the compari
son and Davis, having doubtless heard
of Sturges' '-falling off," has sent peace
commissioners to Washington rats will
Icare a sinking ship, verily will they!
The New York Tribune credits a
statement that 8 secret league of the
Roman Catholic powers, France, Spain,
a:;d Austria, has been formed through
the influence of the Pope, pledged to
reccgnize the Confederacy after the 4th
of March next. This, we think, is very
doubtful; if true, we will only have to
'dean em out while our "hand 's in."
The amendment to the Constitution of
the United States, abolishing Slavery
has passed. The ratification cf the dif
ferent States, to the number ol two-thirds,
is now all that is necessary to complete
the most glorious act that ever passed
a Legislative ody. It has already beep
ratified by the Legislatures of Ntre
York and Rhode Idand. Sic transit
oria sestshia. i
A Union raiding expedition of about
10,000 infantry, cavalry and artillery,
has gone up the Chowan river, in the
direction of Welden. If this expedition
is successful Richmond may soon be com
pletely cut off and surrounded by the
Union army.
Capitol Corrcspondancc.
Omaxa, January, 5th 1SGJ.
Mr. Editor : "
The fate of the Joint Resolution to
idjourn the first Monday, of this month
was decided by the House on last Mon
day. The boys couldn't see it ! Three
dollars a day, hot roll, fresh, mutton
chops, beef-steak, and clean straw beds,
contribute "muchly" in keeping aglow
the spark of patriotism. "Father Abra
ham" foots the bill, and so thr "ball
goes on
The bill for the destruction'! "black
birds, crows and gophers'-' passed with
out opposition, excepting, I suppose,
the Crow, ia the House,, from Nemal a.
Geo. Lovesood, frora the Ute District,
received instructions from his Constitu
ents to cuer an amendment including
musquetos, bed-bugs and flear," but as
the old gentleman's disability respecting
his seat still exisits he failed to "come
to tune.'
Committee on agriculture made the
following report .
Mr. President
lour committee on "agriculture to
whom was referred Council File No. 29
a bill for an act to restrain Bulls, Bucks
and Stallions from' running at large, Sav
in? had the same under consideration
beg leave to make the following report:
First the provisions of the second sec
tion cf the bill, should they become law,
would inflict a great hardship on those of
our citizens who are, or may be the
owners of any of the aforesaid animals.
Second, The passage of the bill would
,i i . i .1
most assuredly, tend to decrease me
amount of stock annually raised, and
thereby, materially retard the wealth and
nrosDeritv of the . Territory, beiiiir di-
rectly in conflict with the poor man's in
terest. For these, and other cogent rea
sons, the committee recommitted that it
do not pass. " ,
All of which is respectfully submitted.
On motion, of courie, the bill" was in
defitiitly postponed. I am informed your
statutes already provided a very severe
punishment on the owner of such ani
mals, if caught running at large, arid
this was considered sufficient without ad
djtional enactments.
The Wolf bill came up, and after tbe
adoption of sundry amendments.was pass
ed. A bounty of six-bits to be paid for
a wolf scalp, and one dollar for a wild
cat scalp.
While on tnis subject l would suggest
... - V
to the Honorable members the propriety
of offering a liberal bounty for Indian
scalps as this would aid in effecting a
lasting peace on our borders! Wrhich
does the greatest damage the wolf, the
wild-cat, er the Indians ? Is the life of
your flock worth mere than the life of
our M low-creatures ? Think seriously
on this subject, and let the country hear
from you.
. Wednesday, Feb., 1st.
A bill for taxing dogs (House bill)
came up in the council, and was refer
red to the committee on Ways, Finance
and Means. " -
Another mill-dam bill was sent after
I its departed mates, although it died a
hard death. Its friends contended for
its passage because the person asking the
favor was a poor widow woman with a
numerous family. But no appeal to the
Honorable members could save its life.fl
and poor Mary's scheme in the milling
businss was knocked stiff as a poker by
a?few old unftelin? bachelors.
The contested case between Blan
chard and Clark of Sarpy county was
partially discussed. Qaraotien of E. A.
Allen oi Washington the report and res
lutions, introduced by a majority of the
committee on elections, were laid on the
table ! The report is an able paper and
clearly establishes Mr. Clark's right to
the seatbut if Mr. Alkn casts his vote
forJBlanchard, it will decide the question
in favor of the latter gentleman, as the
Union and Democratic members are
about equally divided in the Council.
Mr. A-is sometimes claimed on tht
one-side, and then on the other, but it is
to be hoped as he supported Hitchcock
against Miller last fall that he will not
now enlist under the banner of his late
enemies! The game of carrying water
on both shoulders is sometimes a politi
cian trick, but it seldum wins, especially,
in th.fce times,
Thursday, Feb., 2
The Council opened as usual, prayer
by the Chaplin, &c.' And here I will
speak of the gentleman who intercedes
at a thr&ne of mercy for this body. -First,
Mr. Kuhn is as sound a Union
man as ti.ere is in Nebraska, or any
where else, and consequently, I fear of.
no resolution instructing him hew and
for what to pray. Second, he is a true
gentleman, a schollar and a christian !
and the loftiest speaker among the di
vines who "break the bread of life" to
Omaha congregations. His
petitions are fresh, original, and seem
to flow from a heart full of love for man
kind and bathed in the liviug stream that
gushes from on high! Mr.' K. fills ycui
correspondent's bill in every respect as
to a man or a preacher. Long may he
work in his "masters vineyard," and
when called from his labors cn earth
may his soul ever bask. in the light, and
sunshine of that land beyond this, "vale
of tears," and receive that crown which
is the reward of the faithful!
The Council acted upon House File
No. 52, "an act to provide . for the levy
ing and collecting taxes on dogs." The
Council went into committee of the whole
Rev. Mr. Millr, of Cass in the. Chair,
and after an animated discussios arose
and reported amendments, recommend
ing the passage ef the bill as amended.
In the bill no distinction is made be
tween "dngs" and "pupa." The owner
of a family of the latter will be subject to
the act. This will be heavy and perhaps
result in the untimely end of many a
promising "pup."
On motion to take up the report cf the
committee on elections in the contested
case, Mr. Allen, and Bayne of Richard
son voting with the democrats, the mo
tion was lost ! ,
.Friday, Feb. 3.
On motion cf -Alien of Washington
the contested case came up, whereupon
the Council resolved itself into the com
mittee of the whole, aad did not ns3 un
til 5 o'clock p. m., reported progress and
asked leave to sit again on to-morrow.
This case will, in all probability, last un
til the close of the session.
Nothing of -importance transacted in
the Council, except the killing 'of a few
mill-dam bills.
. Saturday, Feb. 4.
A Stranger entering the Council cham
ber to-day would have concluded, and
first thought, that Clay and Webster had
arisen from the dead, but after listen
inr a few moments a far different con
elusion would have been the result.
The subject of discussion was Council
File 'NoSO: An act to "revise and
amend an act entitled - an act providing
for the better regulation of Shoollsjin
Nebarska." The Council was in the. com
mittee of the whole house and nobly sus
tained the reputation heretofore acquired
fvr dealing in buncotnb. seasoned abun
dantly with the sublime aud ridiculous.
This act proposes to make independent
county School districts, each of which
keep all it can get, and Jets the baliance
slide. In the passage of the act some
would be benefitted, others maj bo inju
red. It is a subject of great importance
and should not be passed over without
receiving close and careful investigation.
If the interest of education, at large, de
mand the change it should be made, but
not otherwise, by no means.
Governor Saunders left on the first
of the month for Washington. He goes
on an important mission, a part of which
is i to urge upon Congress, with the aid
of our Delegate, an appropriation for
the pay of our Militia engaged in the
Indian War last fall and this winter, and
should this not be . obtained, to sell
the bonds of the Territory in conformity
with the recent act of the Legislature ;
and also, to make a personal appeal to
the "powers that be" to rescue the Great
Overland Route from the hands of the
savages. A bloody, and, perhaps, long
Indian war is upon ns. However, much
we" may attempt to deny the fact.
Some of our cities along the Missouri
River may dread, and tremble, at the nc
knowledgement that-all travel, trade, and
communication West to the gold regions
and the Pacific, are completely, cut off!
their efforts should have been long ago
enlisted in behalf of protecting their
own, as well as the interest of an ex
tensive public, by coming out boldly
with the facts, notwithstanding a tempe
rary inconvenience and loss. Editors
should ever be faithful, sleepless senti
nels, on the walls of our country's . weal
and sound out, in a voice loud and lear,
the first mutterings of approaching dan
ger ! I cannot see the policy of waiting
until the last momant before making a
clear breath of the truth. : .
I understand certain Eastern papers
are disposed to. find fault with General
Mitchell, commandant of this District.
Do thosa knowing disciples of the quill
know how many troops are in the Dis
trict of Nebraska, and the ex;ennt of
tne country to be protected? It is chari
table to say they do not, and that their
fault fitiding is owing to ignorance.
What are the facts? There are, but
fourteen hundred .soldiers in the entire
district, . reaching from -ths Southern
line of Djcctah to the Nortlern line of
Kansas, and West to the South Pass of
j the Rocky Mountains! No Man that
God ever put breath in can suppress,such
a wide-spread and gigantic Indian war
with a handful of men, the statements of
all enlightened Kastern Editors to the
country notwithstanding.
Gen. Mitchel deserves' the approba
tion, and sincere thanks, not only of Ne
braska, but of the country, for his prompt
action in visiting, "at once, the region
where the fiendish depredations are be
ing committed, and doing all in his power
to restore peace to our distracted borders.
But, what can any man do without troop?
in, the language of Elder P., he ; "might
as well attempt to fight a skunk with a
white linen handkerchief, or shoot silver
bullets at the moon" as
to wage
war of
such magnitude, with a few hundred men.
If this is to be our fate the white-winged
aniiel of peace cannot return , to ua ior
many a day! The people of Nebrka,
Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oreun, Wash
ington and California must fly to arms
and exterminate the blood-thirsty devils
before they quit ihe field. The work
mut commence, and that soon, unless our
situation is cared for by the federal Gov
ernment. .
Iu the absence of Gov. Saunders the
double duty of Sec. and Governor devolve
upon A. S. Paddock." Implicit confidence
is reposed in this gentleman's ability .for
the sudden and unexpected emrgency.
Gov. S. had approved only a few acts
before his departure. The greatest
amount of labor is therefore, to be per
formed by the Acting Governor. It
matters not how many gentle hints, cr
plainly spoken words, may be given te a
legislature the bulk of the business is
left until the last hours ef the session, and
for what reason those honorable bodies
are presumed to know best.
Gen. Loveood succeeded in talinT
0 0
his saat to-day. He was called to the
chair. The General stated the cuestion
to be "a motion on the passage of a bill
Are you ready? .Those in favor cf
reading the bill by its passage anJ put it
on its title will say, no ! The vote be-
in tne negative 'lie motion was iot.
. i
Washington, Jan., 20.
Messrs. Richardson and Brown. Journ
alists. who escaped from Salisbury prison,
appeartd before the Committee on the
Conduct of the War this morning, testi
fying that the rebel authorities are mur
dering cur soldiers by cold and hunger,
while they might easily supply them with
ample food anu fuel. On . the 2oth of
November, many prisoners were without
food for forty eight hours. They men
tion deliberate cases of killing and woun
ding. During two months, from tbe 18th
of October, to the 18th of December,. the
deaths were ; twenty per cent of the
whole. When thev left at the latter
date the prisoners were dying at the rate
of thirteen per cent per month.
Washington. Jan; 30.
House Mr. Ross offered the follow
ing resolution :
Resolved, That the thanks of Con
gress and. the Country are due to Pres
ident Lincoln for removing Gen. Eutier
from military command. -
Tabled, 97 to 43. . . V .
The. House passed a . resolution . that
Virginia, North Carolina,. South Caroli
na, -Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis
sippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee, are not
entitled to representation in the Electo
ral College. Therefore no euch vote
hall be received or counted for Presi
deqUqr Vice President.
-A -..V
On the night of the 14th inst., the
17th Army corps, commanded by Gen.
Hatch, advanced on the Pocotaliga bridge
on the Charleston and Savannah Rail
road, and captured it, together with the
fortifications and 12 guns losing only 40
men killed and wounded. The guns
were spiked. The enemy evacuated du
ring the night and fell back to Asheps,
towards Charleston. It isVthought' that
the enemy will make a stand at that
We learn that work has been com
menced on the newly surveyed line of
the Pacific Railroad, which diverges in a
southerly direction from the original sur
vey, and runs within three miles of Bell-
vue before going west ! This is a strange
freak, and needs explanation ! DaUv
Omaha Republican.
The Selraa (Ala.). Dispatch contains
an advertisement for contributors to a
fund of one million dollars, to pay for
hakiBf the lives of President Lincoln,
Secretary Seward and Anuy Johnson, to
be . accomplished by the first of Dext
March, which, it says, will give peace.
A convention of all persons in the
State of Maryland interested in the cul
tivation of the Northern sugar canes will
be held in Bahimore on the 7th of Feb
ruary. There were more peeple killed and
wounded by railroad accidents last year
than in any preceding year since 1854.
Itj is stated in Republican quarters
that the elder Blair will hold an inter
view with prominent members cf .the reb
el Congress.
Savannah clergymen and Gens. Wayne
and Beauregard testily that the atroci
ties charged upon Saerman's army ai
MiiledeviiJe are wholiy unfounded.
When Mrs. Jeff Davis saw old Mr.
Blair she threw ber arms arouud his
neck and kissed h.m. If. that don't mean
what does it mean
The rebel bUttlj cry is described as a
concatenation : tojine. canine, benue,
porcine and, with an Indian
war-whoop thrown iu.
Two thuusahd uf the rebel priwivrs
at Elmira, N. Y., have miide aj'piifatiou
to take the oath cf allegiauce .our hun
dred within the lust fiaecn days.
Win. A. Maguire, the young man who
shot to death Maggie Iiaer, iu the Con
tinental Theatre, ' Philadelphia, some
mvnths ago, has been found by a jury to
be now in&une.
An immense cave nearly as large as
tXfc Mammoth Cave of Kentucky has re
cently been discovered about ten miles
trom Fort Ruby, California.
The Charleston Courier laments the
iack of nerve in tho confederacy; but
judging from their papers they are very
ueivouj about their future.
A. Ward says that he has risked his
life too often in getting mio, and o it ot,
an omnibus to be ririghuned by an In
dian. Switzerland has concluded to have a
Oysters in Savannah are one- dollar
per bushel or as many as you can iiuiu
ior 2-5 cents.
Why dots Victoria represent the pe
troleuin interest ? Because tne is tuccU
oi the Ities.
Gottschalk' n;ost valuable notes have
teetj atoieu to the amount o: c?U,OUU
by his agtnt.
Sophia Kittle has recovered S3.000 in
a New York court, from William Walsh
tor bleach ot promise.
The three cent currency is nearly
Calico balls are the prevailing amuse
ment. .Abouvo 000 rebel prisoners arrived
at Columbua Ohio, from Tennessee on
Tuesday last.
The Ohio Sorgo td -Wool convention
met in Cincinnati on tfr 3 j.
Sherman 's army hasvtt up the slave
auction blocks st SavannhN,r firewood.
Comer 2:id and Mam Streets,
I3 prepared to d.ia'
short notice n:d re.
k';:i Irf or W(rk iu h'n lice on
2 -;' !
In it matter cf th T of
MAES il AJLI- C V' - f
W'r,e i:u - i-r of '.
Mar-hill C K(Uey, U; t.' CV.oisic
Ten iiory 01 N ebr -ka. aiiU fii'l lc f-" t-;c a., .; -ment
O' ac uel Jv.f -t Ac n l i-' o.r ti.e .' w.
of eaid Marstiali C. kei ey. dece.ftM v"ra n fti las.
day 01 February, A. U. 1815, duly a;ni ia tl'e-fiii'e of
tbe Pi ' bute Court in una for aJ county ami Territory
Aui. Wiioreas. tha tiaiU Cuurt ha api-uiuicJ Mjn.j.iy.
the 6ih d ty of ilarc.'i, A, 1. SC5, at tbe hour of ten
u'tiiock, a. m of said day, ac tbe time for tbe b rarity
of said appiicatmu now. taerffor
All partie imere-tl iu s-aid Estate are hereby noti
fied to bf and appear before said Piobe Court at said
time and show cause, if any they lave, why let 8rs of
Adiriinist ration ohuuld not be granted unto tlie aaid
Suiuiiet Jjiie-: -
And ii is further ordered that notice here. be psb-'i.'-hed
ibrce vrteks to. tue Neb'af ka Advertiser.
Daied at Beatrice. Feb 4ih, 13b5.
21-31-,7 ALEEKT 1W LE, Prttate Jude.
fx' r-1 f
ff t
Oyster, Cakes. Pie. Cookies. Ginger Bread, etc.
tc., of all descriptions constantly on hnd.
GOyi ililALS berved in tbe test sty ie an 1 nnshort
notice. . ix-4-ly
. A 1m a JarMorfnieotf
Tobacco, Cigars, Jfi.its, Candies,
Canned Fruit. Oyskrs. Sovp,
Crackers,' Rai.ns, Cur
rants, and a supply of
C O i F E C T I O ;UiIES,
OJJice Collector of Internal Revenue,
Dial, of the Tf.r. vf Nfbrala.
NtbiaK.ka City J;-n. 23, 18S5,
spcci.iia iac3is: tax.
Notice u herciy given, tbt the Li-t of Taxea
jef3edin accordance wita the i-r.Visions of the,
Jo.nt Resolution of Congress, at pro v 4 July 4:h
1804. irr.t)csiri2 a Siecial.lax "f bve per centum
uirun the gains, profits or in"ome, for the year en-
djn Deccinbwr3I, 133. has been returned tome
by tbo A'iesior of this district, and tnat nam uses
are nor due aad payable, and paynunt thereof fi
hereby demand d : 8nd that I will in prs-cn or by
deputy, attend ar. tbeiCce cf Charier U. Drsey
iu the City of Brownvilie, in Neniaha County, on
Monday, tUt 13th day of LFtbrua.ry 1855, for the
purpose of r.?ee'vin said tax1 3.
All persona who thall neglect to pay the amount
of their taxes hereby demanded, on or before the
day lat above pained, will be liable to pay a penal
ty of ten per eeutoju additional, and a lee of twenty
cents for srvieeot a special demand and
with four centa a mile travel fees, actually
and necessarily traveled 10 make lervio thereof.
Office hoars, from 9 o'clock A. M., to 5. P. M.
21-3t$7,50 Cyioctor,
Notice is hereby iven that application has ben
made, by Joseph . Opelt, Gonrdian, fr pd order
from the Probate Court of Kt-u&aha Curty Nebras
ka Territory to tu a portion of .the real L'aUte of
Jofcphena Bell, a minor.
The next of kin and ail persons interested are
hereby notified tlat ilctiday the 13:h day of
March, is the time sot to hear said application when
they may offer aad contobt the sfcma if s they see
proper. .
D.C. S ANDERS, ' j
21-4t 54,50 Probate Judge, j
Jonathan Pavil will tak9 EotL1'.cf V'
H m plaintiff ba filed bill of combat
ry Tdl of t Diitriot Cou ofKui Count in
L TemtoJy of Nebr The object and yrT
cf -aid bill i to obtain decre of id court canoal
Uvsr and annulling a oertsjn ded made b plaint i J
in faror oi defendant, August 4th lfa(3 to tbe Nortn
Wet Quarter of Section fourteen in Township Zv
North of KanSe fourteen East of tbe 6th principal
Meridian, situated in said count of .Neuiaha
aa having been obtained from plaintiff by fraud,
fyrce, Tiolenee and thread; or to corn pel :d de
fendant to rcconvey said land to plaintiff.
Defoudant is required answer said petition on
m l'tre. t S a 97tS flllV of Mufcb 1855.
E. W. TITO. MA?,
Solicitor Lr Corny t.
February, flth IS 3 5. 2l-4t$3,0i)
X7 the urderignsd Appraisers appointed bj
Jcser.h Kellr J. r. ar praised a certain lirovra muls
taken up by Jesae (Jood ateighty dollars.
ruX. T. February, 3d lo35.
213tpd. J. W. PARISH.
Notice 13 hereby given that pursuant t aa or
der cf sale issued bv tbe Probate Court of 'cuialia
County .Nebraska f err itory. I on Saturday,
ths 1 1th day of February, A. D. 1835, .ell at pub
lic auction ,t tl-e hihet bidder f.r c:ih, the fol
lowing described K-al Esta' wit : Tiid Lot '.
i in Sec. 32, containing -iO 5t)-lC0ih? aer,a!r Lot
0. 5, in Section 32 . contain i2 20IB0iha acrrs,
both in Towubip S, Unne 16, East, in Nxmatia
County , N brar.a lertitjiy.
Said Sile will Uke pUe iu Drownrills, Nemaha
County N. T. ,
F. 51. BARNES,
Gu&rdlaa of A. J. L'rij p.
18 4:sJ.CI
VV;d ( r 1 :a;!.er from any of the Half Breei Iuid
lyitir above WedJha Lricge, on the .t taha riv;r
Any person, haviujj business connected with these
liud6, viilca;! via li.JJ. Atfcitscn, l.rowcv.lle.
W. D. fc'COTT.
Taken op Ly the kubsoriber, liring en I!:rcy
ti.-veti , net wbenLrowr.vii:e and 1 cm. One brown
horao'i'oncy, star in the forehead. Supposed to 1 e
2 Ttf.rS old ia the Spring Taken up Jan. Ctii 'C5
lakennr'iv 'he subscriber. Iirinrr n"r lorjcr s
Bridge, n the 5th, one red cow nub crcp -efl both
ears, and a flit in both ears, part of the tail off 12
or 14 years old .
18-3tpd. B. L. BALDWIN.
Kain Street. 2 dcor3 East cf Pest CSce
lin O VN V 1 L LE, K KB.
AUCTION SAIi: at tliePintifer Auction D;n--e
Evry Siiurday. J. W. BLISS.
Shot Guns , VHqs Ld Revolvers, for 4,1 j at lilia
Auction Iiooti.
ZuKarky's Celebrated Lubricator, fi;r wajon
and carriage AiW Thrashicr J'acbincs, Ac. Jr'or
sale'at the Tioiieer Auction Uoose.
Ovt-r Coats at Eastern cost, at BIi.j'.
Fine Stock of Ladies Shoes for eale At cost at
the Pioneer Au?tiun Mouse.
S?ond hand Cook 3tjve for sale che.ip enquire
at CIUs Auction Knoms.
Horse?, Wayns an d
f the P i.-ipeer Auction
nugies,for sal?, inquire
VVoolsn ilod.-, Ladiea Shnwla, and a variety of
goods fur sale cheap at Blifs" Auction Kooin.
A Cne aMortsient of Table Cutlery for SaleatBlisa'
Auction Rom.
Iare Stok ".f lioys Uoots and Shoe.-, at cost, at
Illins' Auction Ko-ma twa doors ist or the Pot
OQce. "
Jlcn's arid buy's Flat?, and Cps n"w styles for
sale at lo iigurc, at lilL-s, Auction Koorns.
To all whrra it may corccrn. r.i-Jioe is herebv
f!veo that application ha? been nwJa t Hie Pr'c
"t liur', ht mw appi'i'tuem ui an a I'jiiHjirti
torV!i the Estate of .William II. Hi",'. d-c-. a.
nod tVf Mviua,y, the Sfhb d;y, of January, is tie
tinio sof vTil,.r aru detrn.iut:i:d a jiniication.
15'wnN. fan. 7th, -no-17-3i-iVn
n Probatv Judiri.
LEGA oncE:
Marv Jane Sl.j r'y w, ,, .,, that Abrahim
fict L-urt 01 -Nm,'ti(..iin,4-,,
i!,b" cv'inc?,,l,,:'i,-,i,'f--:vt ber!tJ
XI. i
1 :-r,iv
;N. ript it!. .11 jj t .
i'.rc Jis-ti i ' b-'f -.
aid i.:irH. -.'ii! iu toe u.nd
lS..i ri
'n ;jv.
bt-f -n lani' i rew iirtd to answi
titiuu by the 2Cth day of t'obrsn'ry A. 1). 165.
1g-4r $3 Sol. for Cuuipliu'iut.
Noico i hereby iven that puruant to an or-
d"r ot .a!e i'-Mied by the probata Crurt of Jfmaha
County, Nebra.-ka Territory. 1 will on Friday
the 17th day of February A. l). 1815, sei! atpnblic
auction, t the- Lifho.-r. bidder for CM-h. the f.:!o'.T,
ii g d .cr.b-d Kctl Estate, to wit : Th- S.atl We t
quarter of Section No, fourteen (14 ) it Township
No. four (4) Nr.rthof lim p N 1. fi'r.o )i Ha ) E.,c
of tbe 6th meridian .in Nemaha County,
Nebraska Terri tory.
Said Sale will take p!ace in Apia wall Nema
ha County, N.T..
20 3t.-l7 Guardian of Samuel Bell.
To allvchoin- it m'ay concern
Notice is hereby given that application his thNdnv
beenmildfor !Lo .poiiitaicot. t,r nn admuiiftrti
tor u;ioa the Esfa: e of .' ;3"'T3on L Co-njSs,- dcei-.'i!'
tUt Mi;.d..y, the 221 day of J.-..; t A.
D. Irf55, th ti me ettoh ar paid application.
Brwnviilu. Jiijaary'i Iv'ij.
15-3t 53.50 Proi atd JudS".
On Saturday January 2S.h .The Board of
C'.ut.fy Coini'si uar& will jfell at Public Sale to
tha Digest bid ier for cah on the jTPmU. the
lumber and H'l m.tUrial of tbe Old Bri lr, across lae
Liitie Nciiiaha. known a. LoriiV bni0-a. -By
m or -lea --f the Hoard
WILLI AM II. IIO.U'Ert. Co. Cik.
Thcbemtiful tract of Land known the'Tav-
voh1 Farm," contnmng lf!0 acret, situated, one
mile West of Brownvilic, i. for sale apply to
16-4tp'd WILLIAM II. HOOVER. '
Taken up by the undersigned living near Glen
Rock, Nebraska .cne large brown (Jow. white face,
black ring round the left eye, half crop off the
right ear, al, one lare b'aek Cow letter "Con
right hip. Each Euppesed to bo 7 years old ia th
lt;-3t-p'd JONATHAN GILL.
' Sealed proposals will be sealed at the County
Clerks 0.-0 in Bn.wnville, until I o'clock of Sat
nriay, Feb. 1 Ith 1805, for building ani laying up
Eighty-four perch, more or les of Stone work for
Bridge Cofltiact, near Sec. 18 Township 6 KaDge
U East.
The Stone will be furnished, Quarried, within
I 1-4 mi'es from the Bridge.
B? order uf i of C unty Comm:fsi nors.
20 2t. VJI. HOOVER, Co. Cik.
To all whom it may concern, notice is hereby
given that cn Monday, the l'th day rf February,
I8P0 is the timi set for Cnal settienun with the
Administrator of the Estate of Henry Hig-ns, aiso
at thesr.m tins w;Il hiar and detrmiu: applica
tion of Widow and others for Guardian Uttera of
tUe iiinor heirs of said Higgings.
Brownville.Jaa. 23th tb. . '
20 St.f 3,50 D. C. SANDERS, Trob. Judr-
V ....
Cockaycs, Snaps, (lis52ndh; '
cf .he most annrnvp i
r i'aueraj
Eusry Trimming crExcj.,,,
scrlption. J
riiucre ierreis, water liLT
1 4..
n. in m . ...
Stlrnps, sinctes. Ta;!a:r:e3
Gaidls Tress of all H?-
To all of which I inrite t!,e
f a generou jublic
J. W. ?.IIDDLET03.
Jan. 25!b, 13C5. n!3-v3-ly
N.-.tife i l:enby girn tbat I wi'.l R.
At pub'.ij an. lion, at ib dear of tbe jr
ll..ue.ia UroBU, 't(iha C-.-.nutj,
Territory, tLat ht'.tz tbe tuiidic, h nh;, ,
'ait tim of the diitrict Coart fur siij Coi
Xem-h, vas he! J :
On Monday, th lGiUday cf Ib..H;
at Ose o'clock 1. 51. ot said dy, t,',s U'r .
jroj.erty, to wu: the nga title, c!a;a wi i,.
tercet in sud to tbe K.t, tract and pared A i j ,
lc;.-cd bv thj City Council of theC.ty of
viiie to Lev. prinle, hich tract or pr?cl i Url
is ..escriVed in said leaie as fU..wj : '-mj ,
leyee South ot Ma.ia Street and E-wt of jj,
lc(i-e," a!d the Saw iiill and Tioarici ii.n , 1
eaid lease! preuiiiss, together with a'l tb Mtiij.
ery and Fixtures to the said Mills Vbc'rj, j
utFd in i.he City of Brownvillu in 'mu !'...
ty , ebra ka Terri tory. Said pnperty U to l
n abere itated by virtue of an exeeutiua ia i ,
from the -chancer- tide of the District C artoi. '
Canty o( Nemaha, in a decree rej lrej ia a sn
wherein John Shirt is pUint-ST and Levi Sxa;!",
andC 'V.Thomai ndxinistrator of tne E-'w if
J.U. MoMn, dcja.sed are defecdnts, iJ i a r
ilirectel is Sjeeial .(s:er.
Givcri uuder in hio !, ibis Hth fliTof Jinii;;,i, ;
D. ltfii. W. Cr. i',L IU. i
njl7-S-J 15 60 Siena ;iJ S;'et.ii Xi-ir. '
in i
-ijil iiJ i I L
iiiruii dam
Pitented Fobvuary 11th, 1SG0-
TUTS MACHINE is constructed on entire1) v
principle:) of mLat.ioia, iK'Ss.-a'cj to-ny rvr4
valuable mprovcinca's, h tvin ben vi rj
the ia at profouaJ n t.i.s and j i iioo.-.c.d was
SizDviicity and I trfcction Ct-Uibiceo.
Ir. hi -kit p t r.'i i h 1!.'a?
muff ff9 JLwi.iw or iitiiLL. illLH.w-.:
ili-neirhar lill' or 11. V tJ., aad isKiiktonM
ot VJ.iU-i'a!, from Lu'oer to tne Cueat Ja..-
Mu-i'.ln, with cotton, lu.tu or silk tare d, ;mh j
coaret to the net number.
Having neither CA:.: tior COO Vi'UEZL, tad th
Uftat pofeillo Irictijn, it jruns a tuiivib fc.'aaj,
and ia
Eraphatieally a rrcisele9 llscjas.
It reouiro F1KTV PtU CKNT Ir -i p..r ta
dnva it than any other 'ia.'iiin-: in
e . a
t i - a-
i:;rl twe.f jearj ol -jan
out fatigue or injury to h t'.:.').
lis str':iig'.a and i icidv. a I
grucCiot rcu lt-rs it ai i -.s'. !-- . - -order,
and is UV A KA 1 .
g've entire y.2t:'act ?..
Wetviipc.lfuily iav:t-; a 'A t;.v
uply iLvm-!t ; f
come uii'l examine tb is Luri5-.'
iict iri a, more erpttrit.; Lia-je:
patrtiaa. u t-f
Ul IV t -
X.-.r-chaut Tillers.
f - - & 7-
fc-h.:rt rjiu bohon LI .k
IZt.litjivi and C'if'; '"'
Ccr-et ?'
r v :t ""i
4 ""
m. . I - .
Nj. 2. .-ui il .ii.i.-iin'acfurta
witb Ex:--"'3 ..
No. 3. 'tre ilanuf-cturiri. with fiw
4. L-ir
'anufa-tarin?. for Lta Lf, i-vinag rooi anu vi; .uj
t . ..!. !J
1 ;.. .-.,...'..... . .-'J.iV to aiV,J
Kom to work fhi Mf Mw. to Ihnr
. tatiij'.iztioa.
AentsV v ,,,.:.,, ,ha InitI? -
where Aen
f..r Cu'tJt, M
t airtfcJy estabiiw-
w :. liber
cntrnl and .SoulO Aio I
Tei us inv
ant will bi given. ,
J .h on ii -ii virr.
Irilinr : CO
A. Co.
Feb. 3,e3. ly
To all whom it may concern, Dti-, b?"r
given f iat Monday rhd':iLt day of Jzlj. U'
tiui sc: to trtir and dt-termine ail c-'iw
the Estate if Ji.jcph Cinder, daww- j-
hav ii2 it!aim,- aaicst jaiJ eta?e
tho 1 ro;ja;e ofuco of Nesnah-i Coun'r bj t-"u
t-rthty wiL b l'urrer tarrod taeril-v-"-no-2C-4tpa.
' r.'.ll Jaj
iUKeaupoy suoscrioTr-"iuj; ... j,
T-.wns!: ip, one red s:eT; wlulo cr- :S 3 l
and hit tail. Tbrtw years o!-rn-"xt rr'3?.tlJl
m - t .f V - .'I.n.l
20 3!. 1' d. Jj-WtENCK I--" '
Taken tip by the undervsned lirlfg 2 '
south of Prownviiif , on tu-.- !..:' 'a. .'-.i .
with rel head acd noes, crop oil tue m5- - t .
... . . . j . If TO " . .
a snt in lu- siiiue UDli'f. t jt ta ' .
marks or l nni, t-ui ? oi.d t be abu' 0 1 - -
20 3tp'd. -JJAYIPHA
Notice is hereby givtn W11 ,ie , -J -heretof
re existing between Ja?-b V- 'a,0i
George V'.Nee!y. has beeu dissolved
consent, atd that Jacob B. Ec!ey W '1 c ' ,
the business as hirttofore. TfF-T.
20 2t pd.
S. 7. 1-4 Sec. 15 Tawaship 5. N-r'h
14. 180 acres. r
Part afLotal and 2 of .-rth Last q- -
jTowr.jtino. Range 13. 3 acre. fra-J
Lot 10 Block i in rveu-asa.a v"'
Ik use and Stable.
jonN la vicj:
- Tt, V- M n,lAjT Pf 1Ct
above lVrn, 01 .W Kis-ickV l-.'-'J oc ir-"
Nc.vnraVr,, ISo-W One Vu!y
and ncx k underbit iaeft ear,a'o-;t
old ne::t Spring.
13-3t p'd.
f' ai
Taken an bv the sabcrib r,
of Biownvt'.U.'in the b-t! ni. rr -'
speckle! Bu!l,surpoed tobaab-a?
c'S rizht ear nd undorbit out of taa
.,.J '
mark- or brands.
19 3t-p'd.
!.re no
ii v:v