Qlbvicvtistv. r.STILLE.TECRSDAT FEB. 2,1655 LO C A Xi. Hortfc-agei, Executions, IvepleTing, , I.irnis.e. Ac. Ac. for tale at thu 0:e. Blis1 Bulletin in another column, notice of Dissolution of Fartuer- Berkley k Keely. Artist Ferkins takes the finest ex'.ant. ' j Wood is teilicg our city at ccrd and cottonwcod at 55 50. one cesirin- a N. 1 Piano or on, will find it w their advantage it this ofcce. lite Society will meet to-morrow at the residence f . F. Bar .'luijc. bttvem2J and 3d street. sale of th Old Bridge at Long's - came off oa the ilSih, and it sold enormous sum of 62. Lest of friends must pass away, rkii-s' pictures ne'er decay; you'd 'cure, while 't can be had, a life ::urc of your dad," or any one else iy love or esteem. hae &e a;surance'from one who that not one of our merchants dollar :to eastern merchants for of any kind. What other city in .La ccn say as much. th Ero's Zook, will in a few ive a large supply of Tribune Al m which they will sell at publishers AUo, a full assortment of Val ;. St.- Valentine 's coming ! last Sunday a horse belonging to cCord broke through the- ice on ssouri, at this city, and was drewn ; must hnre been in a weak spot , as heavy loaded wagons have 1 since." . August, of the Eating House, : received a large assortment of es, ?ach as Fruits of all kinds, , Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobac ?, and many other auiclet.too nu- to mention. Give him a calL NOTICE, arsons indebted ta the firm of i &. Co., will please call and pay .-omits Lefore the 15th day of 7- ATKINSON i CO. y of the strangers in our City are iiiious to hear news about the ;hey are, we think, doubtful fish, lion is very desirable, but we like j Liud that Ires from the draft. liey not be enrolled for Militia ? Trilune Almanac for 1665, just J, contains the most complete and j record of historical events and :s that has ever been compiled in 1 a compass, and no one can be .tly posted unless he has it Price s at the office of publication. old Knickerbocker comes to us . acw mime, it is now the Ameri Its style and matter ar nd it justly ranks as one cf the ; Monthlies. Published by J. Agnew, 37 Park Row, N. Y., at anLurn. e will be Protracted Meeting at vbodist Church, in this City, every ; this week. Next Saturday is the 1 Quarterly Meeting of this , fcr this Circuit, when the Her. 3avis, P. E., from Nebraska, will C r t ors of Peace ! Blsir has return- 2 Rauhmcnd with terms which are red satisfactory by bur Govern- The terms oa which McLaughlin 3 ell Groceries are also consideT- tctory .j reaontU percent. ierrr.s are cash znd email profits. advertisement of Empire Shuttle I Machine. The Shuttle Machines 'bounced by all who have tried best, and least apt to get out r- We ars assured by the Pro s cf the Empire that they will 1 their Machines to gire satisfac tory refpect. Annual meeting of the Wool r' Association, for the election of and other business, will be held Capitol in Omaha on the" Second 'Y in February, at 2 o'clock. P. M. ons interested in Sheep-Raising "-ed to attend. ' J. H. KELLOM, Sec. Sanders" has resigned tha oface Ute Judge. WTe do not fcnuw his ' for his step, unless that the a ties were incompatible with his T. and did not pay enough to give latter. His official connection ' people cf-this county has been 'o increase' the respect r.nd es edy felt for him, and his resig-?niUrpgre'ut4byciany; We noticed a move among our citizens last Tuesday to promote the .decrease of dogs in this city. One cf cur citizens, oa leare cf the Marshal, presented the 'bill" of a six shooter, the contents cf which passed harmoniously by the dog. Another, used a ehoot-gun which we unanimously recommended last week- and decreased the dorg. We are pleased to see our citizens determined "nip" the evil in the "bud," "he" was a "she' "purp." We have seen, and signed, a petition for the appointment cf Chas. G. Dorsey to the position of Trobate Judge, rice D. C. Sanders, resigned. We know of no one better qualified, and no one who will take more pride in doing his duty; as, doing, what he does, well, is his fort. He is a good lawyer and a resident of this city, two main points, as he will be always en hand to attend to business, with a thorough knowledge of how it should be done. The County Commissioners have now decided upon putting in a good Bridge at Hanniford's, near the School Section. The abutments are to be of Stone, (see advertisement for sealed proposals in to day's paper,) and the whole structure will be built with an eye to strength and permanence. This is the right style, and by far the most economical in the long run. This will make the road from the west complete, and farmers and freight ers Deed no lenger go out of the way to reach our city. The great object of persons who have become dfebiliated, and feel forewarned of disease common to this climate, is a remedy. Many think that biliousness is the cause, and at once commence a ririd course of cathartics, which but feeds the disease and reduces the patient, as the stomach is not in a fit condition, but needs strengthening. To all who feel in this way we suggest that they try u bottle of the Red Jacket Stomach Bitters, which will invigorate the system, give tone to the stomach, and enliven the mind. Thou sands have used it, a&4 there is but one voice, and that of their wonderful cures. Sold by all druggists. "This is the way I long hare sought, And mourned because I found it not," We heard a countryman singing, as he was looking for Bliss Pioneer Auction House, 2 doors beZw the Post Office ; in about half an hur he came out rejoicing in a new suit of Clothes the verv picture of content, and remarked: "Bliss must have hookrdthat $5,000 worth of Cloth ing or he couldn't sell 'em so blamed cheap !" The fact is he has the best and cheapest aiok of Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Cutlery, Hats, Caps, Hardware, and everything else, that can be found West of the Missouri river, and knows how to sell at Auction or private sale, cheap for cash. We have been under the impression that we were publishing a County Fam ily Newspaper, and to that end have in dustriously labored ; but we have been slightly mistaken, for in many instances it is a neighborhood paper, one copy do ing for ten or twelve families, and thus spreading its "civilizing" and "human izing" influence over a greater surface. This is undoubtedly "the greatest good to the greatest number ;" but, we ask, is it justice to the printer! Suppose your crops would suffice for as many persons, the amount now required for one doing for a dozen, it would soon take the profit off, and farming would be at a discount. We ask but what is fair ; do net lean your paper; when you do you wrong us of just that much. Any one too stingy to take a paper, during present flush tines ought not to have the benefit of it. At the "Soldier's Aid Meeting, held at the residence of C. WT. Wheeler, last Saturday evening, the Ladies' of Browa ville perfected the ergnnization of "The Soldier's Relief Society" by the election of permanent officers, as fellows : Mrs. R. S. Chivington, President; Miss S. Brockman, Secretary; and Mrs. S. Glas gow, Treasurer. The fee for Membership was fixed at twenty -five cents; and Monthly dues at twenty-five cents per month. On motion, Miss S. Brockman, Mrs. S. Clark, Mrs. Hanley and Mrs. C W. Wheeler were appointed a committee to draft a Constitution and By-Laws for the government of the Society On motion, it was resolved that the several Precincts and School Districts in this county, be requested to co-operate with this Society. On motion the following committee was appointed to canvass this city to raise funds to assist in carrying out the objects ef this Society: Miss S. Brockman, Miss A. West, Miss E. Brockman, Miss S. A. Chivington, Mr.1 S. Glasgow ani Mrs. Berj. Rogers. The Committees to CanrassPern, Ne maha City, Aspinwall and the several School Districts will be announced indue time through the Advertiser. , The Society adjourned to meet at the residence of Rev.' I. Chivington, Thurs day, Ftb. 9th,7t'clock, r. m. ' ; ' R. S. CHIVINGTON, Tres. S. BocAivSee.v ' ' We call the attention of our readers to an advertisement of Arrandale &. Co., European - Jeweleri" Agents, cf New York. The British Whig, of Kingston, C. Wr.t says of them, Nov. 24, 1664; A short time since an advertisement of Arrandale Si Co.. 167 Broadway, New York, appeard in the columns of this pa per, headed Great Gift Distribution, by which the public were informed that : large quantity cf -Gold Wafhrrs and Or naments were to be disposed ci by Lot the total cost being only SI, and a prize in return valued from S3 to 850; also holding out great advantages to agents A ladv subscriber to the British Wh 12 became an agent, and by request brough tome twenty articles sent as prizes for her agency to this office for inspection and without hesitation we can state that each and all of the articles were worth treble the amount of cost .te the recip ients, and some of them six times. The New York: Albion wrote as fol ows: 44 WTe have just inspected, at the office of Arrandale &, Co's Agency forEurop- ean Manufacturing Jewlers and a large assortmont of f fashionable and valuable jewelry, consisting of gold and silver watches, chains,' bracelets, ladies' sets ring, &c, all of the new and most fash ionable patterns We also notice a largo quantity of silver plate, consisting of gob lets and drinken cups, cruet stands, fruit baskets, spoons, forks, &.C WTe under stand that jhe whele of these newly im proved articles are to bt disposed of on a novel principle, giving great advan tages to buyers, and affording extensive employment to agents. Our readers will find all particulars in our advertising columns ; and we know the firm in ques tionto be very respectable, and thorough ly worthy of public confidence." Receipts and Expenditures of Browvilh City School District for the school year ending Sept. 30A, 1864: Amount on hand Oct. 1st '63, S1S3 34 Rec'd on ac't Ter. School Tax, 151 46 " Fines & Forfitures, 6 00 " D'tT'xforcon'tSch 2S3 01 " Tax for build'g and furnish'g Sch's H's'e and all Incidental tax 293 57 " Loan from Miss Mar garet J. Jacobs, 500 00 Am't refunded by Miss Brockman 7 50 and other sundries and Donations,- 326 45 Total,' SI, 743 S3 Fxpendiiures : Teacher's sal. PrL Sch's, Male 120 00 " " Females 363 25 For School House Site,- 600 00 All incidental expenses, fuel re pairing, etc., 344 59 Total, SI, 427 84 Balance on hand Sept. 30, '64, 315 99 Receipts of BrownviUe Township: Amount on hand Oct. 1st, '63, S2SS 00 Rec'd on account of Ter. Tax, 216 22 " Tax for con't Sc'hs 2S1 36 Incd. & S. II. Tax 45S 56 (i - To'jiI, $1,214 14 Expenditures : Teachers' Sal. Pri. Sch's, Males 160 14 - Females 114 OS Fuel, IS 00 Repairing School Houses, 45 49 Contingent Expenses, 89 29 Total, S427 45 Amount on hand Sept. 30, '64, 816 69 WM. H. HOOVER, City Treasurer. BACK-TO THE OLD STAND! CLICKS. WATCHES, AND JOSEPH S II U T Z "Would respectful Inform bis old customers that be h- asain opened Ms Jewelrj Shop iu his old stand on Kain street, south side, two doors east of the jrown ville House. Te keeps oa hand a splendid htortuieat of eTerrtLlni in bis line of busiaeti, which be will tell on the lowest terms f er Cash ITopairins Of Clocks; Watches ami Jewelry done on the short est KoUce. WORK WARRANTED. . Brovnville, Neb.. May 19th, 1SS4. n37-TS-ly HELLO, STRANGEK TTUEItE DIE YOU GET THOSE NEW GOODSP J. BERKY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE J. BERRY & CO.. Eare jnst received, ana are now opening, at stand on Main sti et, tne of the largest stocks oftheJ DEY GOODS R Z er offered in this market. Hemember te pi ace, J. BEERY & CO.'S, ZtTo. XX. ZUTcfclxx street . 19C2. 7-tf ESTRAY NOTICE Taken up by tfce rubferiber living four miles South VTeft of BrownTille.on tie 6th day tf Not. laft. One red heifer, shertUil,lert Ear tern Ij a dog, hole in the right Ear, about to jetrs cli next Spring. ' oI7-2wfd. THOS. COLUSS. 5F--V ATJJY AGUS PROPS. , THE SOVEREIGN EEilEDTTOS THE CUE! OI AXD ALL BILIOUS DISEASES, ATTENTION ! ! ETJFFEBEnS TEOM FEVER AND AGUE, etc. This most wonderful remedy for the permanent cure of Fever and Ague, etc,, was discovered some years ago by ooe of tha Jlost Scientific and Successful Chemists of America, Out ef thousands of oases it has never Lecn kaown to fail In oSecting a radical cure. A single bottle of these Drops has cured diseases which have STUEBOIttLY RESISTED THE MOST SKILL FUL MEDICAL TALEXT: It contains nothing that will injure tee Constitution ! It Purifies the Blood ! ! It removes obstructions from the Liver!,!! It promotes the discharge of Bile !! !! It effects n radical and permanent Cure by removing the cause upon which the Ague depends !!!!!! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS As it3 came import's, has been and is the great Spe cific for all Bilious Diseases in the Army. It has do equal. Its popularity in our noble Army and elsewhere is as universal as its oures have been quick aci wonder f ul. As a It has proved a great blessing and saved many a valuable life in those miasmatic localities whire they would have fallen victims to Bilious Diseases. Tlit Chills will not return if these Drops are taken! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS QUICKLY DRIVES AWAY XViua.50Yxx Wealuxesa! AND RESTORES THE SYSTEM To its natural BUOYASOT and ANIMATION : IX- VliT) iTfVfl L. 1..J J 1 y njruixA a lks uie uouy liu clearing oui EVERY VESTIGFOP PISEASE produced by loathsome miasm. Be Wise in Time ! ! KNo person residing1 in a Fever and Ague District should be without a Bot tle of ARMY AGUE DROPS, And it it strongly recommended to persons travel ing through placed charged with miasm. "Wo respectfully call attention to our Testimoni als. Many of our letters attest that hundreds ef lives have been saved in the Army by its use. In deed, so well are its curative qualities appreciated in the Army, that the most successful Surgeon3 in the Field and Hospital use it almost exclusively in the diseases for which we claim its infallibility. The best physicians alwavs seize the best means to effect a cure, hence the universality of the ARMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS ! ! ! We are happy te refer to His Excellency Abraham Lincoln. General Geo . B. McClellau. General Fremont. General Burnside.. General Hancock. General Kilpatrick. General IJice. Colonel Pye, 95fh. Jf. T. Colonel Quick, 17th X. Y. C. Colonel rowler, 14th X. Y. a. II. Major Doremus, A. D. C. Major Rcifaynder, 35th Pa. Major Wilicox.A. D. C. Major Rimeey, j Major Stillwell, I Surgeons, Major Babcock. J U. S. S. Lieut. Whelan. J Rt. Rev. Bishop Pottor, S. T. Rev. Dr. Tyng, do Rev. Dr. Taylor, de Rev.H.W. Beech er, B'klyn, Rev. . H. Chapin, do Rev. Mr. Cheever, X. Y. Rev. Mr. Bangs, do His Honor Mayor "Wood, B'klyn. Hon. M. Kalbfieisch, do Hon. M. F. Odell, de Hon. Mayor Gunther, N. Y. ' Hon. Horace Greeley, do And hundreds of other equally well knov c gen tlemen, for which see circular. PRICE 01JE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE W lloox Oo. Principal OZke. 181 Water Street. H. Y. V. B. jYone Genuine tiniest bearing our signature on the xcrapper. Dunt let your Druggist put you off with any ether remedv. If be does not bav i for sal, en close us $1 25 per mail, and we will ser.d you bottle cf the Army Ague Drops per mail ot p WILCOX k CO., 181 Watar St, 5ew York. TO 1IERCHANTS,F1SIIEE A53 ELACESHim IB Oil! IEOITI! D. A. CONSTABLE, HAS OX HAXD AND FOR SALE A LAX.C7 AXD WELZ SELECTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, O J&j!? T1ST C2r , AXD ABWME! cdmphisixq: horse xah.s, xail-kods. HORSE AXD MULE SHOES, AXVlUa, . SPRINGS, BELLOWS, AXELS, VICES, THIMBLE SKEIXS CHAIXS, WAGON BOXES, SCREW PLATES BOLSTER PLATES, FILES, RASPS, WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS. HAXD HAMMERS, SHOEING HAMMERS, PINCHERS, NCTS. HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC, AC, AC, AUO WOODWORKS!" COllFBIBIIS HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOWS, WAGON BOWS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXL S, HOUNDS, AXE HAXDLE BROOM HAXDLE3, PLOW 1 NDLES. Ac. ALSO A.QSST Ft IM S1XB Of . F IRE AliKS C LB S AT HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCB OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE V FACTORIES, BEFORE TTIE JIISE, IaM ENABLED TO "SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES TH DEFY COMPETITION. EzSend in Your Scrap lran.? HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WEOUOB" SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IHON AND STEEL WAREHOrSF Fcbl4-nS2-6m ST. JOSEPH, MO FAMILY GROCERIES M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN, WOrLD RESPECTFULLY AXXOUXCE TO THEI1 friends and the public generally, that they have j received a superior lot of Family Groceries, and inyl the attention of purchasers to their stock including ORLKASTS SUGAR, PEIME RTO COFFXI, OWDKK.ED id BLACK. TEA. BICE, SaGO, SPICX, PEPPER. CLOTES, CINXAkO COVE OTSTER3, EAISIXS, CURRAXTS, STARCH. SOAP, PCRE SODA , DK LAXDS' SALERATUS, fc COD FISH 2XAC2LERAL, WHITE? .7152 t. atte TROUT, KLEIN G, SHAD GREEN APPLES, " CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHE Molassss, Ccal Oil, Cider Vinson: NATCRAL LEAP CHEWING TOBACCO, COIDE ISaF ANDOTHKR CHOICE B&AN'D fix 2 cct cavendish, killik.- XICK SilOKING, COM MON PO. Cigars of the Uest Brands la t$ Market. CEE3TNUTS, ALMONDS, PECAN3. riLBES.TS,?H NUTS, ic, A.C., Ave, A Splendid Assortment of Stick ani Fancy Candy frora the Bet AIasufas turies in the East. Flour, Bacon, Butter, Eggs The Highest Market Prices Paid fa Country Produce. McLAUGHLLV & SWA!T, Nemaha Valles Bask BciLDisa BKOWHTI1.I.E, Jan. 14, 1S64. n20vS-J2O-ylj NEW Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered Sa gars, Go Idea Syrup Sugar Housa an4 Scrghua Kolase At McT-je,ughlin A Sran. ISISA3I RETIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FA.T.T.S CITY. NEBBAEEA. SJ- ITill practice in all tke Court yr neb. Hew Remedies fcr SPERMATORRHEA HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHH.ADEI.PinA. A Benevolent Institution established by tyecial En dowment, for tne Relief of the Sick and Distressed, mjflicted toith Virulent end Chronic Disease, and erpecieU.g for the Cure of Diseases of tke Sexual Crrqans. ll-EDICAXi ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spematorrhcea, and other dis ease of the Sexual Organs, and on the KEV REMU DlXd employed iu the Di.prwary, ,eat instated lettei avii4, tree or chargt. Two or three u.miii accept able. Attsress Di. 3, SCILLIX HOUGHTOS, Howard As ,. uon, No. I, SuUi MinU Streei, PialsJeifiia, Pa, vMBMr IS, 1M1. B'M-ly V7all Paper Wall Paper ! ! Constantly on band at aiarocn's Tailor Shop, by sLptTS TTAmLDTHU, iim Pirer-hansiDu tone La the most approved style, and MJwi.ie cub t-rini. Townriile. s. Jooe 5 I5, in - ASr'eTKiid asnortm'nt of Confecuonary including lik and face; eandie At ii clrftushlin & Swao'i. HAYS JUST X XI W STOiJ C5 Jlzin Sired Idvecn First and Sccor.2. SRO WVILLE, N. T. TS nave in sUrt a lar;e and well selected stock o Calicoes, Muslin, French Tiwst, Hats. Caps. Boots, Shoes, feather, etc., etc., etc., euetra WHICH WE GFFEU POS. SAU CHEAP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Suar, Coffee, Tea, Allspice, Candles, Matches, Soda, Pepper, Tobacco, Starch, &c.,SbC, Sec. All of which we ofTer at the lowert prices, dster. mined not to be undersold. GRANT. BrewnTille. KeV. lx-4-yly IS DEN'S TICKET ! And Den's Candidate is and ever willjse QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. WM, T. DEN, WHOLESALE AKD BLTIAL HOUSE 1856! ESTEUSHED ! 1S55 BROTFXTII.IX, 5ERRASK1. Has now on hand the most ccrapletq aid general as sortment of Jierchandi.e In Urowcvllle. My stock COUiinti of 9i V i AND GROCERIES, HAS & CAPS, Chicago Custom-JIade BOOTS & SHOES, of Superior Quality. Also a full supply or NOTIO 3XT S , Dress-Trimmings, Hoods and Neutias Gloves and Gauntlets, Hosiery. InTariety coneistinff of Table and Pocket Cnires, Chisels, Braces and BUs, Files rd Monkey-wrenche. Hutts 2nd Screws. Savrs and Hammers, Axes and sQra "ST S3 TINWA KE, Cix.kinf , Heating and Parlor fcioves, Large Eet:ie, Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron and Zinc STOODEX", WILLOW AKO HOLLOW-WAKE. A full assrtmant of BEADY-2IADE CLOTfllXG, At Low Prices. Blank Books, Pocket Books, and Memo randum Books and Stationary of all kinds kept constantly on hand. OJJjb, 2Pa.ixs.tes 23x"u.&a. A complete of assortment of FURNITURE, on hand, Burean, BeJ-Steads, Lonnfres, Tables, M at rase. Sofas, Chairs, Wash aiands. Cribs, Kockieg Cbairs, Iokit)K Glasses. Alao: Ploughs, Corn Ehellers. Iro, N'aiis and Steel, Mush, Beaver and Otter Traps. . Kemember that Den pays the Higbet market Price for HIDES, Pelts and Furs, asu PEODCCB of all kiuds that he wants. Call and examine my stock before purchasing ani ave your money, fur my motto U te bep the best cf Pry i0ods, the Choicest Family Oroceries, Canced Fruit and Oysters, and U.e best of Stoves to couk them on in the market. Try tkem . vra. T. DCS. lx-7-yly MAMMOTH STOCK OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Just received tt JOHN A PONN'S CHEAP DBY GOODS AKD GIIOCEIIT STORE. MA IX STREET. The Latest Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc., etc. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe?, Iron, Nails, Flour Bacon. Queensware, Hardware, Forniture, Sash Doors, Window Glass, etc, etc., etc Which he will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call and examine hli stock before purchasing else where. IlmwnTine. Jnne 25th. '64. b4?-tS j1t ' FAIH3 AliU SCALES Or ALL KIJTD1. Also, Vs.rtlicui8 Traces,, Latta Presset, &u FAIRBANKS GREEflLEAF &, CD! 12 LAKE ST CHICAGO, t"7ri carehil. and tuy only the jenuine CJ PitAT & FOi: Afenta.in St. Louis, v-ix-l-if. E v7 rri V4 TTcLAUGHLIN" at SWXS are constantly receiving ailCition to taeir ick of Groceriea and Hard ware. Their Good una Price will in it everybody "e ar yoUir mu." CTTROy, maoe, rice, parrx-r, ginger, nutiaes, Cln uizua, etc., etc.. of betqaalitr At Hciau-tiia & Diraa'a, THE I201L1CE T7ATE23 !IUD 1 1 ruLL mon rjjjn: run z re bntU ef tte test and oat liareTrsb'y aeaacar . terUU, and will atacd acy c:tte. T&e wm i deep, round, roll, and bmSWw; ta touch cUa. acti Planu warranted for Art yeiat. Pricat ., j to (TOO. v TISTr05IA:.I. . "Tne Iloranre Fatert P.aaoa are knewaasaa&; r very beat." Evangelist. 'We can tpmak of tnC" xaerlta frenj p7Mal ka eire." Christian Inteirfuer. 'Watera' Piatandlii-Jnc!i'leniteco5r?n.. a with tne flneat m.ie aDTwher-" Home Jrrnl. $190 HEW 7 OCT LVO PIANOS, ef Cif- ent maken. for $130; dj., wi.n carred iet. ft-. $.J5 nd f.2 "0. Second-h-md Piaaoa a.nd ValoUeuba - $'J5, $W, $oO, $60, $75, $10O, $115, $li, $X50, a- 5160. Tie Horace Water'e lltlodtoe mnd Earmeniufm, Ttued Uie Equal Temperament wi tie Pitsnt PiTltir Swell. Price from 55 ! SOCO. AlCUUlier C. Cans from a-OO to $5G0. ZIJA liberal discount t Clfgymen, CnBrcte. r-' ba:b Schools. lodges. Seniioarie. and Teacher. iva ACS WATXIUi, Ag't, Nc. 4LU Eriauway.X. T. Tie Ioj SJivci a 49.CeOcrplea iasned. i. new Si&iB( ?ook for S:W1 and Seminaries, called the Day Scnooi Bail. 1 ; -v ready. It contain ataut two IncUred choice aebii. runnds, catches, doeu, trios, arietta, and chri-. many ef them written expresaiy for this work, be-:. 33 pages of the Xlemenu of Voile, wlilch are ei progretMTe. Among the larre nnmber of beantlful plecM xasr t found, "Uncle .Sam's School," "Don't yoa ta children comlug," "Alwar look on the saaoy ." "Tha Uttle lata, 'and Li;tle Lad." "Oh, If I were little bird," "Bird c? beaa'y," "Pretty ear trf Anvil Chorns " ''Meet m tr the rann:nf bruekA 4.C. It is compiled by Horace Water, author of '-S-U, bath School Beli," u. 1 aitdS, which have bad tk enormoas taleof 825 OUOcopirs. Price-f9er! 5 cent. $20 per 100; bound I) centa, 2i per !o ; cloth b4und, embossed (tilt, 40 etoti, $i5 per hcndrM. 25 copiea furnished at the em aoadred price. Ji.:J at the retail price. Saibath Sikuil CU, JTo. contains 144 pages, and nearly two hundred taaee a biuQ, nd U the most popular X 8 Book erer isanc Among toe mot popular pieces are, 'E.:nd Wru, "Iden AboTe." "Chriatian Hrr." "Beaatifnl lion I oupht toluve Mother." "The aneeli told dm." an the Lht." "Best for the Weary." lie. Prices- -paier cuTera, 30 eta. each, $15 per hundred; boub. iS cts. each, $20 per hundred ; Uoii boaaa. aj&beaawd gut, 39 cu., ZZ per hundred. JStlbatA School 3 U, -Vs. Is an entire new work of 193 asgm, and nearly tzi tann and hymn, as the music la a little more diUtcnii i is jnst the book to follow Bell . 1. Nearly ene mi., lionof these Bells have been lasned, and are now tio,. lng through this and other countries. Among tu many choice pieces may be f Jund, Shall we meet be yond the river ? There la a leautiful world. Sorrow shall com again no more. Duu't yon bear the Anr! coming? Thou, God. seent m. Sabbath Bells chini en, ate. Prices of Bell Ko. S lire the same aa Beli J . Both number cab be obtained lb one volume ; Price, bound copy, 40 cents, 136 per cuadred i cio. ouad, emboesad gilt. 60 cts., t Wiper hundred. 1 copies furnished at Uie on Unsdied pxi; Kaiis4 ai Waters' Cortf Harf. A new Sanday School Book. of ISO pagee ef beintifni bymna and tunes. It contiln many gems, ; such a Shall we know each other taere ; Suffer little cti:dra U come unto Me ;'The bear.tifcl shore ; Ob, 'Us gloi u ous; Laare me with my mother ; He leadethme best'' till water, etc Price piper eorers, 30 coots ; $ia er hundred; bound 15 cent j , :2Ji per hundred; cita bound, embossed guitt, 16 cen:a, $10 per handrod . Mailed at the retail price. It la edited fcr Horace Wa, tera, author of Sanday School Bona Noa. 1 and 9, whlcb haTe had the enormous ala of over ettht thausan copies. 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Flaters' Cheap Zluitie for the HiZien. Arrscgsi at solo, duets, quartetu and choruses, ft mnsicat societies, rboirs. Sunday schools, public school seniinarie etc. Shall w a know earb other there 7- Don't yon tear tha angels coming? Shall we meet be yeod the river r Be in tine; There is a beautiful world; Where liberty dwel. is mr country ; Frdoat truth and right; W ara ctraing Father Abra'am. s.s hnndred thousand mora ; Tcere is aland of love; Sor row shall come agjin no mcre ; Heavenly home ; Com4 sing to me of Heaven ; Lanti. insixht ; We will love oof Sunday School ; Our God is marching on ; God save tha Nation; Whittier's song of I ha Plantation aigre; FaU Freedom Unra baa danet at last ; Over tha moots tain; Over the mountain ; Little aiu". an angel ; Wik lie's gone to Heaven; Sufar little children to coc nnume; Bury me la tbe morniog, Motberi Coma a thy ret; Sweet hour of Prayer, tic. 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