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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1865)
t. i Close SnsiEcss. THEODORE HILL, Ko. 17 31a!n Street, Having determined to Wind up my Dry Goods Easiness this Full and Winter, I will oiler to the trade my immense stock at greatly Reduced Prices. THEODOKE HILL, Having raado l.rgc purchases can and wiil sell my cntiro stock comprising the latest Styles ollered iq the Territory to Cash buyers at a great sacrifice, THEODORE HILL, Intends to dispose of his superb Stock by March next, con-, enabled to olllr greater in duccments to the trade than can bo given by anv other House b the West THEODORE II1LL. SAW AW FLOURING WILL keep eonBtantly on hand an afsortment c Extra-trperfia to Common O TlJ 5 SHIN GILES, An4 all ether articled ninaTly'krpt in afirat-fl&. lierchant Flouring or Saw Mill. ' BrowiiTille, March 3I?t, '64. n30-8 -It. THOS, C. CEEHSHAW, MASITACTUUEII 8ADSLER7 DEALER 15 COLLARS ALL XJXJLS CT ABSESS, VHJPS, srUJS, LASHES K"ain Street , Ooposite 7tre'i Bank, NEBRASKA ITY. NEBRASKA GEO. A. PRlNCE & CO'f AUTOMATIC u'HGAMSIl SCHOOL ORGlJSIS . A $ D MELODEONS!!! Thirty-Five Thousand Now In Use. Evtry Instrument warranted for fvc years- "tor eeTeoteen yant the aoperior excellence of onr Instrument ha not been qqetipod, and for two can past tbe enonuouit le jiiind ha itade it impos sible for n to meet ourorier- promptly With c.ur inereaaed fiwilitie, wefeel warranttd in assuring i,nrptrona that their order will be promptly met, and solicit a continuance of their patronage . tZfk LIBERAL PIK-orKT TO CLtMJYJlIN, CBtTR (BM AK9 SCHOOLS JS ' GrO. A. PRINCK & CO., Bnffalo, N Y. O tO. A. PXtlKCE & CO., Chicago, UL Aa Wnrtratrd CaUlrgne. with full deerrt:8 . k. wUJ be teul fre t J si Jrsi . tj .17-1 THE 3. "7" GROVESTEEN & CO, F O It T K M A N U I'' A C T J R E R PlAiN vj The attention of tbe Public attt.i tiie tiv.di! is invited t cur New Scale 7 Octave tmsewocd Piano Fortes which tor v(.!?n nod purity tf n.rt uurivalled by any hitherto ffrpj in this ui.irkt. Tht-j cntain hII tbe inojc-n Irs; ro- me j't. Fr-u h, ir-nJ actir.n. Uurp Petinl, Iron Framo. Over .strung A adJ tftch irsUticort m iO J ULdcr ir e ptr.sciiAi suj;it.TV..-r.' i .nr. J. ir. rovosu'eu, w so lias Ilic "tlrovcfctcni risuio rrtr? rccc;v: Iie highest award of liicrJt oerll ollst'is at I lie Ccicbiutcd oi!ti; Ifair! tre were ex'iibi'ed utrimivriH fivin tbc best titers of L .n l.n, Paris, .:lvny. Pjii d -lt.-hia, Ka't-' iiiinre B'-ton r..i No Y-rk : nd n'!r i the Anir; i(tn InMitute for live successive year?, tlie gold and ilver':ne.llr fnaii both .f wr.iih raa l3 seen at i-ur w.-re-rooui. !t the iutrcduction of imprortnn nts we in!;e a r'ill qjT perfect Piano Forte., ar.d by manufacturinc largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to e ff'-r these instruments at arico which will preclude k ormpeMik'H. PRICES No. 1, Sere n Octave, round corner?. !V3W3od plane ease $2(5. No. 2. trMi O tave, Muiid c rncr--. Kosewood havy moulding $303. . N 3 ;Sever. Ocu tc. n-nndcorcei?, Koscwtmd Louis' XIV tiyW 25 a fa? Mrai'o of the abore eut. rjTcx'VrJZ ZXTott Osli, ixi Current 3Pxx2a.c2.a. DrSCRIPTIVK CIiU:rLUS SENT FilEE. jnno 30-n bi v3 iy IMPROVED S1WIM liEIIIK. Tb prP"" injriroTRTn?nt yet in the Sewinn 11a chine Art. A caiioity wotth ceir5. Please tend fur circulars wjl'u ssrcplc of Sewing. Theco Ircptoved M.i"bine !ave on hundred pr cent, of tlirad aud tiik, acd make ihj Lotk-Stitjh alike en buth . idi s. They reqnire no ipt-retion to operate perfectly, except the printed direcliuiis." No change in sewins frcm coo kind of good to auo-h'r. And no taking npart to clean cr oil. Oar Xew Mannfacto'y j. nw ermpb?te. with 9.Y. its machinery and tw's entirely new, and is already rajiidly turning out M.tcSiine. which for hearty a:s'i perfection of rlnih sraiior turpacd by any manu facture in tbc world. N. B. Pbmld any prove nrt:sf?.ctory. it cau be rclurnuj &ul ai u:y refunded. Ayenti wanted in touclici not cacTr;i by oiu own Aleuts. FIXKLC ti. LTO.V, S. 51. CO. KO. MS FTiOADWAY, N. V. 5e. U 8 1y. la? aJ2-rw ft - Teksb Bitten are prepared, In ru,'e TVvrbon Vhiky,. from a coiuhiu;iia of ni-r twm;jr dif ferent Linili of roots, barks an-l licrif, ftii'.ch act In ievfcct concert one lth the j:l.rr, pre parrU from the original formula g:vi-n b the great chief, lU-d Jaoki t, to Ir. Clinpin, ulio used Hum succerwfui;y in l.U pi;ictice Lr inary Lrara, ami by their use t)uiieil so gnat a ;u'iiirtiy i the treatment and cure of l'F;''-si, I.iver Complaint, Cons;ipalion, Sick and e;volls Head ache, Kevcr and Ajcue, and all H usi ;n Iii;- fi c ;n torpid liver or imiiestin. Persons s-iifieiin,; fivin eilhrr of these loatiiitonv diirases will fcnd a ture eure by th n.e of these nittern, which are perfectly pure and free from all thos il.-ijr a:i 1 jx -ors un- ally put up in guch tTt paitii and p.tin r 1 (: on an unsuspecting puMic. A eini;l' t ; . will cin Tince the mort -k ptical that iu the UKli J At KtT there IS li-lue w!:kh no other Lil'.f r posx-cn; They strcngthia and invigorato the systeau They are uceqtialed for general debility. They are a sure cure for dyrpr psla. They give a good and LeiltJiy Ejpctite. They assist digestion. They are the test ctizrolant in existence. They are a preventive cf Fever and Agu9. They relieve constipation. They care Eervou3 Eeadache. They are perfectly pure and pa.lata.hle. Aped persons and delicate females will find they an tare laige editor's tills ly the use of these Lit ters. . Beware of connterfeifs. The Red Jaeltr t Fit ters are only sold In bottles with our niiirif Mown on the side, and our private gOTernnicnt rt.-nup across the cot k. oca K For Medicinal and Table nsea, wliich arc perfectly pure, and tired only be tiled to be ai preciatetl. None genuine unless Uity hnve our fold latirl on each bottle, and our initials prcsxrU 1 axor ilie cork. S.ild I y jill drurgists ai d dealers throughout the country. Call for our poods tit d Uke no ill tr. Circulars to the trade ur plied on applicntiou la Uennett !' ti- & o. Sold by Ho. 21 iUver bt-. CLk, W. II. ' - r.e, BROWN fc.lMlOLiTi', reru,.N.T. OADECo.. " " Brownville, Juue 2. 1SS4. no3a-ly J. F. MORRIS Successor to R. Brown fit. Co. TTonld rrspe. tnl?y ann-une to the Citiren :rouvi!le aud vitinity, that be hit piirehaeeU '.h Large andf Well Selected Stcck OF . 23 HEtL TJ- Gr . 9 MEDICINES. : PA! NTS, OF R. EROWX &. Ce. He aynres tbepnl dcpenorallyf that lie will ke;p an band ek'ery tidiij uauUy kee;il in Tust Class Drug JSfofct nd l determined net to be undersold for cash. PH ESCltl PTION 3 AX D OUUFUS C A 11EFI LLT Fl LI.FD T Al 1. HOI KS . WHITlix' ELOCS, IIAIK" STREET drowntille; Nebraska. ; l-S ty ' STRAY NOTICE. Takennp by the subscriber living on TToney errek in Neinnbii County Neb. en tho lit dy f Orcein ber esteay mare pony and coll. The mare i bay liind feet white up to putor j int. ftar in tbe forehead, when taken bad on a 1x11. The cult is aorrcl, white hind feat wi:l bald face. Dee. 15'64. 3w X.J UhardaoB. W CaMi WLoloaV and lalail Dealer ia DRUG Paints, Oils riiJ Dye Stuli', 1'urc L !(.: Id 2 (dc! I ti(Mi All kinds Patent Medicines DEXTJL JXD FJXCY GOODS, Blank Eoolis and Stationery, The best brands of Cbewinganu Saokin TOBACCO AND .SUGARS. PtrnimtT) and Toilet G3G2s. Hei;ru- him j atrons, attd the public pen. rally. !i wiii keep on haitd u extsnsiro sitM-k of the a licit- Ci)ei.ti.nod. be.;dir! anvthir. and everything Hj kpi in a first el. Dru St re, viV.ich I" is pri'paivd to yell nt low rates lor Uh. Cail aiiit px-iuiine fcr youratdf Sou'th-fast Corner I Jain and Fir.t Streeti BrcwnviL'c, ITebiasIii. PrescripIIjiis ana Orders Csrffuilv S.!cd it ail a urs. Tl e reaJrr? of the Covtivf.xtal are aware of tha tir!.f!nt S'tion it has autned. f the influence lii?h it ixerf. and of the bnilian: ar -yof pilir;i al ard literary talent of the i)ihe.-,i onl'-r wtib -njiju-rs V. No pnblii'ion t the kind 1m, in tn?c ut-trj-, fu fi..'.v-;u!!y e nit ir. d .the e verity tnd lrrrij.-.;n of thr duily newfj tfirh the high er liternry of the Gt -t-i-ia-i. uwuihiy: and if ii -ery cfrtiiin that n rna-iziiie h trivea wiier rai'e to it? c ntnl..uf '-rs: or ;---' rvui to coic- ie'ely from tbe narrow inu. n;-es ? r irfy or of faction. Iu tiui"g like the -res', nt. uc'b n y ut us.; !. either a power in ti.plind(.r it i. ii.,ti;injr. That ' c Continental i cot tne latter U ffboiMUntly vvdciifi-d" by whHt it hi by the reflection of t. ciiin.eln in many iutporUnt f ublic events, ai d ;n the hraMer and pwwer of those whoarvils tauD':Uf.f iipjiiir!T8. Thut'.uh but lift le more thr?n a year l a e!ape. iin-c U"' ioutincntal w:n firi?t eMsblish. d. it ha iiirir. tlint limnHtij! ir-'H a Mircr,:h and a ini !lanco elcvn'in if to a p. si (Ton fr al-.rft t;K p -vioii-!y oecuttit'd a rtreu th 8i.d a poliriiml s; ii BEir-j elevating it to a pusnt.iu far above that pn- -v;..a.-ly oceii-.'ic i by oiiy. puhlii;,iti-!i-.,f kind in mr:c. Inpr-x.fof whi h as.-ortit n we cnll al- -r:ti.-"i to the t"!Swiiu; f i-t-: 1. Of it (-!icl nrtii lv-! rey ibU!ic.l in panpl.l -l ;.n;. a siti'a one b. h id, thw fr. a (rirruiatio. f one hu.-idt(-d and fix thousand e.p!-a. 2. FY' :n i4 literary deinrttuei.t , a sinl Ferial i- Vi.i. "Aiii"ii (be I'iitc.'' l-.t,, wi;'iir :i very tew "i n;hs j! J uoiir-.y th;r;y-i.-e. tL'i.u',r.:l ci ies J'wo other series of i's I'lci-.-rv nrti. le. h'U c' te-'n rn iiMihed in boo's 'tin. wnilj tho tirl p. r-i'-ii of a third ia already in pre. N-) morn ooiulo?;vo f'aef nerd be alle Itrrd fi ir.)r the the excellence f the e(nirihutin to the t'ootincnfal. or their extHinniioary pop'jlri itv::i'iij irr conductor-; ore detenu'nrd rh-it it hall nt fi'l :-.cliind. I'fefervipg all 'tin.- b-.!il:i., i: r nd ability" which a f tionstnd joijrn-i-- bace MttriUnt A to it. it will reutiy enlarzfi itucir-ie of action, an i lincu--.-. fcnrli-iy ao.i) frankly. v?ry pri i:etp!- jn-n-lved id the great naestior, ,f the day. The 6r-t .i.iinln of the country eiiibrrin, the m-u jn.i ;n;!i.:r with it diplomacy and most dftir.a'.shrd or b'Hty. are wnntij; its ct.nti i.;.d it i ,i nii:re "flatteririg pttni-o of a pro.-pe-.-tus" t v hit tiiij "uiaoiiu'A. toi ihu lium.." will i-mpl y the he first intellect r -ricj. u i i v aufpics v hich to pubiii-aiion ever enjoed beiorv; in" this country. While tho ' C-oi.tinoitrnl will de;:ib d ' ) ir-ioni on the g rat ou fi t.s ff the dny, it will not be a nvre p il ti.j.l .piurn.".!: much tlio larger p:. rt! n cf i:s eolutnt- will be enlivened, tin brrctj- rc, by t i ei-, .oc!ry and humor. In a word, the ' Vntifi imal will Ii j found, iukLt it.- n-w statT ot .ditors.o-utins addition ;md pr-jcntin atiraif- ii'ua never bslore found m inn,'iine. TEHMS TO CI. UBS. Two copie lor une voar Three copiiv for, ix cope- for one j, eleven copies forone year, , i wenly copies for t'n3-ear. J5.C0 C.tlO 11.00 2).0o 3J.10 pAIIl IS ADVAKCIt. Pt-fffige Twcnty-tiur cenU a year, to be paid by ih-j Subscriber." . single rorrc-5. I'hreo dollars a year, in adviiuco. Postage pai l by ti o ''tiwii-ihfr. . JOHN F. TUOW. 50 (;rene St.. N. Y.t J'ub.i-hr for the Proprietors. A an inducement to new subscriber, this Pob-.-hers oiT r. tho f !aiwinir lib-r:il pr.-in.ii ni: Ar;y p r-oti ri nnitioj.' in ndv.tie, w;i! nceiri h lutigaiin'- from .'tly, 'C2, t .laoiitiry. I8fi :hu neeurtn th" wi:o!e d Mr. KWnt all'.-nod .Mi . ivirke's new feiials, wtiirh are ahue worth the (irie f the pub-r-rij ti .ii. Or, if prAt'ero-i. a sut--H-riber can ttko the mapiiiiue for lSo;l, hnd a copy of "Among tho Pines." or oi" vUndrejirrenta of V,!l Strnt,"by R. li. Knuhill, b-.tin i in el.,!lt.or of "Sunshine in Tho tj;'." by Chirb?- (i(,d:rv i.eiiinu ireiH.i price, spijj in-jbnKtu be sent f itjrc pid. Any p-r-oa rerniiipg 4 50, will Teivethe miga 'ir.e fn-ui its cotutueSeetter-t, January, IS62. to January, IS14. thus s.vtirinj Mr. Kimhiira'-Wa estueeesflul ?"urd Mr. Kirke'a"Aujonjrthe Pines," af:d 'Merehans Story," and ncariy 3,000 octave psge of the hc-t literature in the world. Premium ubcriber to pay their iwci pi strige. A Larjie asportnif ntof Pocket knives. Butcher krdT etc. etc., can bo eeu Al WLACGIlLrX t siTAys. CCI.TIVVtORS Scyliie, CraJ t, flakes, n-e. Sj adea, Shovel-, et-. e-c, A t McLf-.ufeLlin ft flwan'a. PAII.S, Tnbs, K?s. Washboards Keelerj, ClnlJren'a L'abs aud Whceibarrwa Hciiaugh-ia& Swan's . XKJML Biicketa, Churns, Sieves, Mouse' Trips Clothes 1'ius and Castile soajj CItOOMS Blackiu- brubhef, S rubhinR brnshe-t in- orcunis, u acitiug, Matches luk, Wiitin Paper, &.C, McLACcnLiN & Swan's. "CTLODB, Butter, B?cr. Bacon, etc.. etc.. At LIcIjauffhjin & Swsn'.a IMPERIAL.- Gnnpowder, Tcutuj Hyson and Blaci Teaa of uperior quality. . At Mclaaughlin & Swan's. Srleudid assortment of Coclectiunary iuciuding ' stick and Xaucj randies -. . ' At Mclisuzhlin & Swan'a. Ubi$ I ilium I htl liiutililhl i ,' . -.1. . ; J3 'PILLS. Ai- Ton tick. teb'e, and ermplaininp? Are you out nf fifrirr. with rour ayMem den ried. "d vour feelings m uciritrortabi'e rTheae y m p torai re often the pre'iuie to hfr.ou iur;ef. tome ht C;l Fxknesis iscrH-pin? upon tu,i.;d should b averted bv i timtiv w cf tk ri,cht 'i rrmrdr. Take Acer's 1 il;s. rJjtU-''-'- rd tin mora rwi'v L-wCn t:..i, i-d et the Binds y Jiinove on nnoUruet i ta f hi iMiSf health I l ev fttmn- r-Vii t the ' functions of the j&'-m.i?$S tody into ri-osous -actiritr, pnrifv the svstem. from th. f brtruct.oi.? which make denH?. A cot! get tie- mhw wheir u the tody, ana ob-truefs its t:r.tural f.iiictioi e. ihe.e, it not re lieved, rerct ui-on thetielvesai'.d tt.e furroundinj orat-?, tirouueinj ptneral asrravatiou. HiBenrj, and clifcw;. Viule in this comiitiou. opprecsed by the deiiiii-etnrnta, tske Aver"s l'ills amt i-'-e liow directly th'ev te.-tore the natural acuoh of tlte gy. t- to. and with it the btto- an r lee inir ot health Spain. What i true and t-o appiii.-i t ia this tnvw. and com mon complitii.t, is a'M tme in ninny ot the tieep-aeat- d aiut ilan-erouK (IMcmw". The :rne purga tive tirect expeis them. Cau.-ed by fim!ur obstruc tions and dersusenieiitsot' lhe i antral timcMons or the bodv.thev are rapiilir, aud many ot them tute y, cured bv the' gsme inea'na. None who know tho viiines of thw l i!. wid :ne- ect to en-ploy them when Biiiierinif from the dhordcr8 they enre. Mi.trmt-i ta tiom leadir phvgicia: ? m come ot the priticipfcl ciiies, ahd liotu Other well-known public peii-oi.s: Iron a Forwarding Merchant cf St. Louis, Feb. 4, Dr A-rrit- Tour rills ar? the paraxon of all that is ytett in medicine. They have cuted my htt!e daii'd fer of u'cetor.a forrs upon her hakds and feet thft'hed ptoved ii ci ttb e forjeara. Her mother tea Icon ion if giicvoufl;. t filleted wiih biotche? aud Impics on kin and in her hair. Alter our ehi d v ss cned, Le aho tiieii vent I and they Lave euied Ler. A5-A ilCliOLiLOx Aa a FamlJj' t'hynle. From Dr. E V. Carhr right. Xcto Ort'ins. Your Phi wre the piii.c-j cl jiur-es. Their ex eel'ent qm:it:c8 anv cathartic we poece. Ti.ev ure nii!d, bnt very certain and efli ctual in their f-crion on the towel?, wliich makes them invaluable to i s ia the daily tit.-attr.ent oi (ii.-ee. EradachcWIik Rfatlaeheroal Slomnch. From Jr Edward i"ri(t, Ea'fimorr. l t:o. AvtR: I cannot you trhai comp'.iint! 1 have eurnl wiih t pur Pi :ls better than to tu- a'l tktrt we ert r b eat with a punjaHre mei ci-ie.' 1 place fcie:it on tli::t etleclual-cv-.i artic in mv rini'v content with tlii-ene Lc. lie r. I Co. thnt your 1 'ills atloid ui the Ubt we Lave, 1 oi" course value theni hifhiy. I itt"BL KR, Pa.. May 1. Da. J. C. Ayer bir 1 have been retai-ienly CTiM-d of the wor-t he (.'ic.'.i? nn boily c::n have l a co: c or teo of v our i i '.a. It perms to aiiue froia a Joul atociach. w'i-sch they cleans-eat I out a with great rttptc'. - PJ W 1 RFP.I.E. C'trkrfSteamtr Ciuium. Billoan ncrdcr Iircr Conipl.iinta. From Dr. Thtn:r 1U V. rXerr York Ci'y. Not oi.iy aie otr 1 ilisticmitpbly cdaptt-d t their jmipitoe it an jpeticnt. Lut 1 lii.d ll.eir bei-eticial erlecis upon t; Liver very marked ii.of'd. They Lave in mv prtciice proved mote cITecmal for ti.e cure of Liliout complaint th:.u any one remedy I car. mention 1 wi.ceieiv lejoice ihat v.e have at k vg'h n pit.'jrstive w liich is noiihy tLeconlidtnceof the pioieniou and the peop.v Pr.PAt:TME-orTi!E IrTFP.ion, I Vinsniiietou, i. C , ith 1th . l5i. ) Sir: I have ued your Fibs in my gmeial and hospital practice eve'r n'l.ce ou mi;le them, and cai.iot l.eMtate to gar they are the Lest cathartie we t-inp '. Their re"s'Jiatii:r cction ou the liver ia c.i.ick vi. d tTeciutd. comet; uently they aie an adr inijtb'e itmetiy for tieinr.pemtiits cf that oigau. li .deed, I line geldom touiid c cte cf lilions -M-e to d sfinnte thht it tlid not readily yield to tbcxa. 1 riu-! liully ' :'rs, A LONZO PALL. Jd. D., tityachiii cf ike Marine Hospital. Dytveatcry, Diarrhea, Relax, Worms. From Dr. J. G. Green, of Vhicgp. Tour 1 ins have had a loi g ti:al iu mV practice, and 1 Led tht m in extern as one of the Ut ajeri euta I Lave ever ;ot'iid. Tl.tir cltei ative eft'ect upon, the liver makes them an excellent remedy, w haa given iu uniail doses lor h'liont tiijtenhry middiarr rlijrti. Their gugar-coatiri- mtkes them ery te-crptab-e and couveuieut for the ue of women and chiiuieu. Dvifpia, Impurity of the B!ool. From Lev. J. V. Hi mo. Ftstor cf Adcent Vhureh, lloiitt'tl. Ph. Atir: I have used vonr Tills with extra ordinary gncci-ss in my lamily and amongthoge I am called to vi.t i;i du-lies. lo regulate the orgaL8 of dijrcbfion a:.d purity the toott, they aie the very Le.-t remedy I have ev;-r known, and 1 cau confi dently lecoiiimt'iid them to mv f.ic-ids. Yours, J. V IIIMES. TVarsaw, W'-ominjr Co , X. , Oct. 24. ISCo. Mtt: I nil n-iiig voiii'C'athaitic Piiis iu joy ui.d theni ai, excellent purp.tie to deal te the kybtem atid purfu the u tf JOilN U MKACilAM, 31. P.. Continttcn, Cwli Xtiireion, ktjirMinnii-m.t.i!) Atfuraigia, vroyy, I'iirtlysi", ! F-ori Ir. J. P. Varthr. . M'Viirenl, Too much c.nnot Le'f:;ii oi' j oiu- 1 Uis lor the cure of c-o.-iii-eea. 1 otLt-io oi'our trnten.ity l ave found them si? l have, they should join mo :u ptociaiininsjir. iortht tt-i eiitol'the mu!titulea who niller fioni tl.i.t i-onip.uii.t. which, a.thouu Lad enough in ir.-eit, isthe progenitor ot otl.ei; that aie vtiiK-, I Li-iieve ensti u -item to oiiinate in the liver, Lut jour 1 iai aliect that oiau ai.d cure the direarc. Iran Mrs. E. S.'u-irt, hisician and Jlitlirife, J.OSf'tU. I find one or two lar .e cores of yonr Tills, taken at liie r time, i: e exi-e.-ei.t j ; wtiotives of the tt'inu tecrtfion wholly or puiti.iy np-p't-.-d, a.o very elk-ctual to e'emm. tne t.V;.-ii'A til tl e-;;e wirm. 'I hey ate to micii the, Lf-t phytic we have li.fet 1 rtcoiiimend no t iny patients. From the Eev. Dr. Ilawke.i, of the Methodist Epii. t hi.rt ii. ruhA?si Ilocsn. hnvhKi p!i, (in.. Jan. 6 1-5-3. Ji'.M!ii-.i fctit 1 ou.d be ii ii : -1 1- iii lor the rehei' jour i-ki.l has b.outiit me ii I did i ot report my c:ie to von. A cold tettied in my limbs end L'onht O'l "t.xcruOialinsf vtnrafjic pii'.ns, which nt:eiri:i chrome rlu itinatism. Notwitliandinsr I had the le.-t of phv siciuns. the disease giew worse ai.d woisc. in. til by ti.e tduce of o;u excellent sei.t in Pa.timore. Dr. .M: c! ei ic, I tried jour lills. Their ethcts vt-re so., Lut une. l!y" er seveiing hi the uc ot i...ui, 1 cm t.ovv thiiieiy wed. Skatk Cnvt?.rBEn. r.-ton Rotfre, Ln.,5Dec.,lS.'). D.t Avt.t: J haf been entncly cmed, Lyjouf Pi s. of J In lunatic (oat a painful iihea-etltat haa sil..c:dl me ior jears. VINCENT fcLlDliLL. v Mot oft!:e Pi1! i' rr'f'ket contain ?Iercnry, ai'.hoiih a va'uab'e it-im-dv in fkilful hanus, is dangerous in a pub ic pill, honi ti.e dreadful con geouences that fie. stent!. lo;!i vv iff ii cuutioits use. TUse contaiu uo'iaercuiy or miueial fcuLstarc? W Latever. . 1 - - - . .i.u r it I . - - Prico, 5 ccat3 rer Tor, cr 5 Eorcs for SI. Prejired Ij Dr. J. C. & Co., Lowell, Haw. SOI D PV vVJ. IJ. Mct'llSIlY. lirowoviilo. V. A .TilMiWN A iW.)., I'eru. Dr. if JII.'A VF. Sal-m. JOtIN W. H')' T A mil).. Salem. IHtl.T .V -Oi VT. K.-lis City. LKVvlS A SilKPiiKIiD, St. Stephens EASLEY A SiiEKER, liulo. vS-r.S ly TRAITK LESLIE'S. ILLUSTRATED AEV.'srAJTtiS. Attractive Fcnture." The S5 f-lld IMzs Novel The Ou!f Mefween T'.iem. P.y Mf-. Anne S. -toph(n-. Aothore-s of 'Fiivhi..D ttud I'iiiuiue," "The ih-jf-cfed Wife," A ., &:.. In atl'ior to it. atr -n'ti ms: a b.i ii'st aim most authentic llltir"ratc-d I' per in Aun-nt-a, utr pasdrg all other- in tht vri-i-y. ac vira,,-, m I h, t ret t;f the notrtorous illustrations wh'eh it (tfers Fr;f d Ij slioV llins:r;tied Kewpiiinr will hrgiri io No. 436. 'ate-d .1-iini try 31. ISiil, tho thrilling au.i ibsorbing novel. '"The ul I IJetwesn them," writ ten by the gr-at novelis , Mrs. Stephens, whot 'Fashion anl Famine" h ia a larger circulation httnany other purely li'crary novel of onrd-iy. Mitd whs regarded as so masterly a work of fiction that it was not only republished in England, but was translated into almost every language of Lu rope. The prixe of $5,000. offered with unasu iher nlity by the proprietor fur the b-;t nnv drew forth nr less tbii two hundred works, "Vnyof them of great co-it. Aru.vng the Mrs. Stephen' novel was selected, as evidently str -assing not only all ethers offered, but almost everything Puherto j ubli-hed. It i fully equal to -Fashion and Famine," and will be t widely reJ. It will be of greater intfret,, fnm thefaet that the scene i.t laid in uuriand and onr own timos: and in delrncafiou of character aud absorbing powor it will f.tseinato tini eh irm the rcadnr. Suh-ertiuti So. 50 pT year. Address FRANK LESLIE, Duane St. N. Y. Cwpies of tbo paper containing tho commence ment and continuation of Mrs. Stephens r.ovel. " I t7ft Gulf Ret Ween them," caa be bad of any News dealer in the Cuited S;alw or Aritih Provinces. SaLT br tbe barrel or pound, Fine Dairy Salt, for Sale At McPMUiiiTLTN Sc Swan's. PICKELS tv the dozen or l'rrel, f a auneri .r total ity, crustantly on band At McL5r6ifLis A Swan,s. FIRS. Chocolate. Ma'!e gn?ar. assorted Jellies Can Peach-. Pepper sance, lilu.-brouui .itsup, Wjjrces terghire auce. &c , Ac . At M.rLAroHt.iv & Swig's ESTRflY NOTICE. Taken up by tbe undersigned hvirg five miles West of Crownville, one sorrel Coir, white sleak iu furrhead taken ,up on the list of, H3w-pd. UE.0tGK EMPS0N atanufactnrer' Av-'ioits lor tbe sale of Watches, Chains, Sec, &.C., 1TORTSI ti50CGOOO! To be sold for one Dol lr Kach, wiinot.t regard te valae splendTd list, Of Articles all to be sold for one Dollar Kach. 100 Cold Htin-ing Cased Wtcbes,. -, $!0 each 100 " Watches. - . ? - 8u eatb 200 Ladies' Watches, i 35 eac'o SO Silver " ISeacn 800 Gold Guard, Vest and Cbatelaln Chains, - $15to20eh 4000 Ves. Neck, Guard and.Cbetelaiu CbaLis. -30C0 Cameo Erooctf s 2m Mosaic and Jet Brotch?s 3000 Lavs and Florentine liroochet 3. 00 Co: al, Garnet & Kruera.d Broochct, 3u--0 t:an;e? Jtar Drops. - - -3.i)' Garr-et Mosaic and Jot Ear Drops, 4ji Lva andFioreutine Kir Dropa 4i i0 Gents' Searr Pii-.s. - - -tiCO Cli.tin aud Usind Braeiets, . 3600 Gerrs' Hreis Pins, Z Watch Keys, -rOi'O Fob anO Kibbon Slides, -70W Sets of Bosotu Stmis, - - -?et Sieeve B'.iltu'8. -9vW Piatti an ! CliAseJ Rings, Ti'LO Stone Set It: m:s. -7'XH) Miniature Lot sets. Crosses, Ac. -p;oou Isets Ladie.s Jewelry, to 15 etch 4 to 6 eacb 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 1 to 2 to 6 eaca 6 each 6 each 6 each S euch ecb 8 tact 3 to 0 each 2 to S eitb 3 to 2 to 2 to 2 to 2 to 2 to 6 ea b 6 eaob 6 earu 6 ea-.fc 6 euili C each 2 to 10 each 3 1 . 15 e.icb All of the g'.vnls in tbe above List will t sold, wiih oni re-e VAti-.n, frUue Dol'ar each". Ceri;llcates of al I the variu is articles are placed in similar envelopes audseaied. These envef. pes wiit be'sent by mail, or delivered at onr ofiice. without rej?trd to clsolce. On receivinija Certificiite yu vtll see lyuat arttce it rrp-re-eius. and it i- op'i-.nal lib tuu to eij une d ollir and re.'eie 'he ar: e ie ur n t. In i..'! tratncetiviis by nisil wa sall charge for for forwar.Iiui; the CeitiH'-ates, payin rM-stste. and u )n i tie ! u.-tne-s, 25 tents e'-ii. Five Cei 'itj.atrs wi:i ie -en' ior $1; Kieven for S3; Tturtj fjr5; Sixty-ae lor 410 mv: One hundred t-r $li. ColtHK-il'O.NiiKNXS may reiy nr-'n a qnick and prompt tsn.-wc- to Uieir 'orders. Otir busiuesa U coii. iincieit uijn liheral. honet, tr.t:Jthtfor-ardprin..i;j. and we fr:ir:ti!tee tatis-action in all cases. Our pi-roL- may rwav depend tto-iii bavin? lhe:r on.'ers fatib fully and p-mrf i: ny " Ia uo caee will corres pondents be 1.0s ei'Vi Vi. J3"Coire-j.oti-!t!ts should be careful to write their siKUalures piaiu, ii.'V B :Ue':i Pobr .ft!v:e, Coniuy. and State. AuUre.-. Grt DM K!T & CO , i9 wa, New 1'erk S3 Having bd bin-ines leiaiions wi.h tbe abovo vetiilemeu, I laie pleuutr ;u i-ayinit tbi :. i' boiiorable. uprig'.t uen, a::d pe- r.-rm .ill ii- -;.ro'ii t;i and tiie Jevvelry I lijvg tetu ir-m tle-o i. .cC'i ti:: , auvl give SitisiactloU. K. XHi.VPsiX. n-17-tf , I.ur-fciv Hi-1 N-h PROSPECTUS FOR 1SGL An Tcclpendsrt Democratic Dai ly, semi-Wcelily ai-.d Wcskiy UNION OF Tin: WORLD AND ARGUS. The "Worhl, to wh:oh the .Vow Y- rk Vv'ee- ly Arg:i has bj'en united, Tia to-day fiv times itip SiTir--'Hte eireu'aiion of any Dem-i-r jm.. or c-urerv.tiiv-o.ewspftper. it. a-blr-'sses weekly -v':u!- m r? than JOO.O'iU subscribers -mid eoniai,t j un, afd .'eiicb'-a at lenat half a million read. is. With tb suadv increase in elrca'atioa whi -h it now enj'-ys, these numbers will s'.on be doubled. Nothing less h.m this should satisfy thre who believeth-t the nl.y bono of restoring tbc Ur.h.:i .in i tha authi ritj of tbe Coiistitutio'i over a now tiiitrat-teil and di vided country, Jies in wresting power from tbe hands of tbos9 fanaticism has (ielptd to provoke, invite, and prolong tho war; ond that to accomplish this end, no means is so e3"ectiv as tha diifusic-n throurh able aiid ent. rjriirg newsp-ter. of s ut; i political kncwle.igo iimon the working men. the thinking men and th v ofinmen of the N-rt.h. Er.rxrjirise, industry an I m.-ney will b liberally expended toia-ke The World the H-.-st Newspaper in Ameriea- Its news fr m every p-.rt of t5 w rid wiil be eirly and uthentfa. Wherever the tthraph xted.-, or r iilroa is ran. or steai!ib'.-ii p'.v it w:l! .-Uhcr tbe i-ttt -f in eliitfot o?. It h-a a birx'e sttif of'a.Ci r.ipllshed c-rr i;-iidents with all fhefelvral arniies, who wiil tlera,ph an i writ to u. tho Iatet . cm irom n varioiu sears or wur. it nas oorres- n ondeuts and reporters in every p,litic:il ai:d oopi- mersidl centre in AMer.cs nd L ir.p, whose l?ters and dispfttebes wiil leave nothinir worthy of n .t unknown to ifs readers. Tbe Market Reports of the World are more rm ;.lete tbivn these of any other new.-pper. Th Editors invite eosaparison in this respe-t and p.:nf to tbe report of the Cuttle iarits, th? eHfra! nd country Pr- duoe Markits, and tbo Money il.-ir-kets in its -lumos. as proof ..fits cx.;loivt in this res, ?tt. T!:e world In- alsn a spi.-i tl dT;iHr.ooni I. voted to Aijri'-uiiure, fiil -d with edirorial artid s in:ijt.'ii.'ili ri from practical farmers and meehan-i.-s of the cuuntry. 1 b w-ir in wbich the rtUi.n ia entifd against fin--l .'t.-! ir:fi-i ii,-ttd l--"r.-j, nn.l the radi-.-nl j.lit-y f the adtnuil fratl 'h -i-.r. d t:) i rioi' tojj.'tli.- hi ; i pr.j-icijf it, r"' con r upon one platform all con servative. L iitoti-h vi: fi and .--nstit ut.on in n,of whitiev r former n-trn an! ered. Mm? tithes- who within the limit- of the Constitution, ti u;iht lh bf.uks of the bilot Li.-unJ. r th' leadership of thos.' p:tri .'ic srn'f-m-'n of ir her a;'d tarter u--,.js, Ilei.ry Clay e.nd P-nitd Webster, tt- ro'ti' r witn tii- iuo-?:s wh, o-ie rriuj'i!'.'! w;-reilus ofsneti patrio's a-An-l.ew Js. -kso' Wiliim L M.trcy. i'.-- 'ilr'jc'lit :-.d St-phtn A. Ih-u: I. is, ri--w .-anr h ;d fer to .-hot! der open th saaio la:!'.:7:n is a pi ' ii -. If is t;i re-tir-! th- C'li !. m int. -tin ?tie t.'titi-t!f'it:on, and entore-? the Iws. Wi.ntev.-r i;:akes f..r this t-D;, the e.v reiso f for-e t f ihe poii.-y of e.-n i'i it.on. The World wi I ad v-Ht' wb:tever ntikcs inr-.iost if.Th s .'-r:- wi'.; oou...- I W Hi (! ;!: Hi.". r;.'-iiiv h U; :. :. '.v hethe; arvm d in r; t o the th to ii.s-d ii.-u.-t j i l.i i." ing f he s'- .1.- oj iii-:i.iii.; aud esieutuvl disiov.ilij a the North. P w;l! tip-.e e-, erj vi-.-laMon of th Constitution which is ti.e only h.-t-- and b--:i-i of Uuioo, and u only autbori'y i.-t exh.rting or compcilitg toe aiic i.tin-e ot i!ie Stm h. It will opi o.-e r-v ry infrsction of the Law. in big pivetsor in low. bv f-.-lc-s and iu;suided prtt snns, orby tho jiiuit::e'.i.ifi-.ii wnieh ha.- boon tiiei--sample. It will fearlessly -i -'.-ie ih- Frp--!-:n of 'he Press ;it wiil eons antiy itpho'-i and -lc . nd Fr-;-Utim of J-ee-b and Fra -d-nt of tho It:!lof. To ihe Lt w less acts ot the A lini.'ilr::t-n, 'V arbitrary and unjust arresss ;i:.- . , m: i.-:. iPnial of th rihl to.'hf wri -. f lil .n i --r; .:.-. t-id-al proela.uations, its ubr'g.itt-m of r.a:- a.t : fedi-i.t! laws, it despotic ttucuuult!ii"a o.'' it-i.-.-tnt-edawer, and its stibversi-ns of t; e t'i iMrii- " civil and prtn:d iib-' wil" .mi-inn-'fy o: I - the h-tierand ihe svuk of our snpriu4 :.:id .h advoeaey ot sound doctrine, unt I Ainern-an ire. m n shall lu roused tn the recovery of tli -ir righi:.. their liberties, the r Ihvv-.VhhI ;he,r d :ns wt-11 ini-.-il gi ve. n-.n- t;, by tho re-'. ..l det i.-in!, f thehiiliot, lV.-fout-diy inijress.-.d wi'li tho d-?,!,o to .v-nri-hi;tetli tha it may to tho fre.-:! w . -k. ihl.- '-:i'r sti.n. nnt.i ;y. to r --t;,re iir i:;-.! t.'.-ii.y. una t- -'.ice tii- I'.ii-ed Sti-s ag;;i,f-,i u,;-.: niin.- l;it!'-0 I I'K' e.irio, U.ui i-i Uia p-t--, v.r-i i i-fi'v, and ha. pint lis of its rn-.;.!.- -- i';- .. Vir.'d v or . r : ! et Us from iho-e who d. s.e ;j. t; :.nd, a-h.-vu :llf iha - i i ilU IV il eroWns tiVery g-Kid Wor TERMS. PA II A" WORLD. Vcariy Subscriber? by mail $3 tli' SKMT-WEEIjY WOULD, "-inle subscribers, per annum $3 00 Twocopies to one aiidress - 5 0 Three "I Oo Five " . 12 tH Ten M " 22 U WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subscribers, p. r annum $2 Oil Three copies addre-s on each paper 5 00 Five " " 8 (ti) Ten " ' " 15 (ill Twenty copies nil to one addre 2b 00 l!ubs ot tw ntyt.r-ver can hsve kdclrs's put on each paper for an aduiiiouul tLargo of ten cent ea-h. For every club of twenty an extra oopy will be. aided for the srofer up tf the e'ub. For ever' club of rift v, ihe St mi-Wee'iTv, ar.d for evcy elttb of one hundred, tlio Itity will he sent. when re-jucstcd.m in-u of the e.vtta copies of cekly Adii iot:s to Clubs m.ty be made at any time at saue rates, t apers cannot u-j riiamrni ir. m n Club to nuother, but du request of the oerson ordr ing th?lub, and on receipt cf fifty" cents extra. ir.gio paper? will ho taken from the Club and s nt to a aepcrate address. All orders muit be accompanied by tbe Cash. Address. THE WORLD. 35 Park Row New York.. To ConsampIlTes, Consumptive siidJVers will rtceive a valuablepre- scrii-tion tor the run of Coajui.ipMoij, Asthma, rojK-l.i At, and all thro't aud l.ur.j a5cUon tree t unrj-.) bv secdins 'btiir .ddrsa tt Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. K iegs Co. New Tofv. IKniAltul'bevand TT .rn. Dres-lns, P.-t ard fins Comb-, Wooden P.H-ket e -nibs, to.icro Pouches Wallets, Fioh Hoobs mil lines. 6tc . X.. .it y.cLM't!ULy f SWAX3. SMilKIXti aud Chewintt Tol aceo, Cipars .ij,es Pipe stems and T.bcc. P.u hes in arest vnetr, At JkLcLaugluiii &jSwitii's. MACKEBAL Lnxe Trout. White C.-h, Codfish, etc., etc., constantly hand At McLaugjilin & Swan'n TUB best Flour from theL. S. V. G. Mil's In quarter half and whoies-k kept AT M'LAVOSLIIT ft SWAK'S mwm: ii,AbiiJIi3uii A MONTHLY JAGARINL The most eomrrehensive miet-tilany of attfut knowltfdire and General Ijtcraiura, periodically is sued iu the United States; etnofscuig ail the fea tures t a Polytet-huie Journal, Ecooomto Expo.aitur Literitry Kepository acd Monthly liegister. Espe cially devoted to Financial. (Jt.m'nercil aud Imlns trial lnUrests and ad joint stk corpoia.ti ju cva cores. Having commenoei tbe Fifth Vol une tt tii MagAsine, whose success etnc.i that tia eJorts its conduct ;rt hiive been appr ee:atd by a dUisrisal iiticg pubiic. we would tail attsttiou te itsobar acter ou tho pi.'t or the large b'dy of readers wht are not yet upon subscrit t!i,a V..U. Our pur piise in this publicition is ; Ibr. diiierr-iiiitrion at practtcal iuform;ition oil subjects of positive utilirj to the icoj.le,eurbinad witn a diversity of literary a ractii nr-fecuriDg the icrvites of tha bes". ptn in l!ie various uep.trtuieius of ?"cieUw3, Uolles-Lettrfs ani Ucncral Literature. VCai.e aitain;; most e- 1 renin t to recoer ttiost ei-vtive service to fu Trade, v orrtneree and Material IVodtiction of Country, u;:r.iy s.des of the Country, ainy -id93 tbe nieulal world receive due tbe liistoiical, Critical, l.fftuetical ar.d Imaginative, a& weli aa the Financial, Statistical, Teobriuiogicai and strictly Mercantile. We employ alike the seacb of tne savant and th of tne feuiUton isf, with tlc pta. tii-itl exiriiico of the business man and the r-ork-r. In Lir trutmni!t of sciodiiEc topics, tha mode sejepted is the popular in style ruihcr than the tecaaio.l. Tho tadtuaJ phase fl the hour it shril be our eadeavr lo poriruy, ar;i we av.-ii ourselves of the contributions of new DicuV ery to lbs Circle of Know !ed-, and shall record with all practieable fUC-Mticttttf.s.1 Current Inteili-g'-nce, wbii-h will be of future util-ity and historic iritcrest when the Prsseut si.Kil L,i'.j beeoue tht Past. u Cue, the Aaien. rn hi"l..iign aud liview is ad'-sirahie and ever welronie UK-nt.'ily vir;it,r it its sith.-eriocr- imparting tuu iu h't of kimrfitrtje improfir tii utii, aad furuishujf iutclicoiaai ra'ifi att- D. 'ili' Review ha its spf;cis.lit.ic3 in distiet and in creaiiig Depart tcents, with a General DiTii-a for the; fonsl.-ta-H scope tf tiff-ajta. We gir s a. s;vet:iCt-ation of topics whi;-!i are i!ie snhj.-cts either of iw ca-k nai r re-j!.-ir pnhlication, viz: Thi Art-, .'K-rhotiea: Aj;ricu!'.urc. applied Chem istry, Ifolies-Letters. Ciography, Cn.'i e'i.-at. K.; nonii-M P. Iifi-al, Ari;h? National T j it ion: Finance batiking.earroL'-y, C;.Tp"rtkt. Aieo intf-, t'x-.-hung.?. F' in Stn-utitie. St.-ok-; History, lniluiri;ii und J-.reAntil entar pri.e, in-uran -e. intern :.'' Uail'-vsy. IVuai, M-trufaof ure Pfodu'.-t, tech noli v: .Mo.d-ni.iei. Minitig Mtnrah-gy, ei!gy. Mi't:i:i!ir.-T; Putnt5. rbysics, physioh-y,sut:stiea s.i-ial ie;jce; tri-.le f.-.rrcn aud domesr .o. shipping mert :;r:ie lx, .H.a v;g;ttir,;i ; r. p grp jj, Trivals. SUBSCItlPTIO.S IX TI' UMTID STATE?. One copy, ouo year in advance 3 Ou Fiv c. pits . T-s. " " 20 li.'i rt'hfs pi.l a: th eni of the year, 4 00 per ho num. sirijf'- coiy. rfjijiitf eopj mailed on the re ceipt of 15 cents. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. Single copy per annnm postage paid. Car.nd. fi Cuba, 3 Great Britain and Iielaad, 6 Fritrice, 3 Grnrsr.y, 3 West Indies, Brit f.h 3 West Irtlie-,.V.. lintish. S South Ani'Te rWeii, 4J.jft.-tJ 8 I C Vv LER A MO'JN, Proprietors. No. oil CiiesTL-at Pt.. Phi!adcli.hi;t, Pa. THE -SIEXTlFli: A31EI1ICAN, FOR 1SG-1 Tbe pnblisaeM of tho.J-IENTJFIC aMSRICsN ; rep;-cive!y give notice nat the Teuth Volum-j Ni-w Soritfj comtuence on the Crt of Janusry next.- Ihtsjonriial w.s; e-Hh!ihed in ISIj. and is ur.'-'oubtodly tie in- st vri lely eir.-iilfed and it'flaen tia! puldicaticn (S the kind in the world. In eom mt -iioing the new volume the publishers desire lo caii aiee:al attention to its claims as A JUUB.NiL OF POPULAR SCIEJTCI. In tbiarespoct it srut Is unrivniled." It n-i only find? its wvy t- o!iiit every workshop in th Country, as tne entnost friend of the meeuitni? and artizen, but it is fjund in tbo coiiii:i"g-rtai of ie roanufa-turer ;id the mer-hant: also in the library Mild the. h..s-ii.,i-l. The oub'i.-'iers fr-el warranted in rav'Pirfhat n other Jonr-.a! n w r.uhiished c-n- taii.s an e uti aui(-ti' of usetul ' n form. t ion: while : ... . - ..!! in I ... it, is t-neiraiiu vo pi i-m; c'l-j-.s u mv ui". jKputr ar.'i tt t rwet lve inivn tier. The SieiiiitV. Ainerieati is published "nce wek, in cojivenieiit tot m for biiiding. and e tch number contain-" stxteeu pages at useful rcaiit miitr, lilu-.trated with N CM E ROCS STEXI'ID ENC HAV ISfIS of all tbe latest and bct i:iv.-n!i-ms of t!ie day. This festar- o the j-iiro:tl i worthy "' sj. e..'i ui no'e. flvery ruuil-T ci-i.ttin-' fr- m Cv to 'en origin ii e'i-r-tvins ot me-h'iaie:! invu.ii;ns rci:iLiugt' every d-. parrii;---iit of the ar.s,' Tiie-e engravings are exe cu ed by artists ?peei:t!!y e-nployed on h paimr, an I ure univer-iliy ifkn.w lodged to bo superior to iUi-thirig of the kind t-r- it-i.-cd in this country. Tbe yuolid-r-r ji tn- Sicu'lM; America a pronoun t.i iirese'i'. s dn-.tig pr--di: yil. 11 'he litest iniproveti'.Lr..-.- tn Ste.iiu Frt.M'c-ri'ig, War Ves.-eis, Jtiln;iu.-' m iifiiry au.l n.-ivai Firearms .S',ohinics Joois. M' .M.t.-hitiery. W-trer wheels. Piimj - and ther My Lnuli.- At jtrttu-. H.-u-eh- Id Uie: ei!s. lilectrie. Cht-ui.:itl aud Mechanical (nsvru Ui nt.-, Keying .M:i.-.h:r.ts, and other Curiou I'ien ii -ns- b'-idestll th- Vitriel trtici--s dn-tg-.ted to lighten ib labT t.-f nvtiikind, not inly in tti h-p and war- ro-.tse, hut in evf-ry wtere ti;i iti dutrijs i isfe are purud. Fr m it- c man ceiu-.-iir . thu S.-io ifi- Atn"tieao has bee u ib- e-r;i-.-t a lv.n-:ifo of th rights ot Am -ri.-an Inventors, and tho. RF.PEKTUKY OF AMEItlCA.X PATENT?. In t-i's i:np"rt.iiit d p.trr oeu'.so vit.tliy conu cr-:-d wtih a!i the grea: interests .f thcoun'rv, p-j th- r j'.utnal e;u lay any cla.m wh:itev-r: m iu it- o -luuios toerei-J published weekly Odi.-ht! J.i't of the -CUi'ti-" of ail put cuts granted at the U. S. I'.ttciit Oili- e. THE PBACEtCAL RECIPES ilon' are olt times w r:h to th e suhsi ribe' thau ihe am-uint -if it wi le y -r's s-ilnfrip'ion. IERM.-I OF i-UBSfirTIOS. s Two v !-iiu:- of tiie Se.entifi-. a:h Titn are pnb lishi L'-d et:i h -r. at $l.ol) tilth, or . tier p r -.nnum with i orre.-j- t.-lit I w terms to fll.ib : il will pnj fir four tnoi.ih-' Ni.iVs-npi ion. Tn- ntt-iil-e'--' for I'tf ye:r, ,, b .iin.tin a Volume, constitute a .vorkoft- JJ ; 4e ef ii-eful inf r.n u ion. whl.L every on: tugn. f. 'ouimencc on the' -Sei. A n-W Vol f s.iiiptry, ISt'l. uillJ Wi;' t'LU t R TES. iM tu-T'OJ F. Vfl Cl - f-.r : n I'ni i-:s. t. r .-x ia ::rln IV 3-1 4 'I tn i-' p-i-. ji r iw'v-. in .trhs r .fti -n -jopics, i c iw- lve la-.nths TW-Tit ..-! for ttftlvo in .nibs .-rail Inns ot t enty and over, the yearly sur--eripin n is on.y .r2.(h). N.inics enn be sent in at different times and from d liferent Post O.S-. -peeimen "cop es will be eeui grili3 to any part of the country. Canadi in fiihserlbcrs will pleio to rent t 25 cent-" i-iinton oach jear's sub-ripti .ri '.oprcp-ij postage. V.LNN A CO , PuLiifher, No. 37 Pi k Row, New York. SALIXALBA. The Greatest Timber for tbc PRAIR.IES ?T?" It tnaes a perfen FTe l?e fence in four years ! 8j" One A. re of it set th.!. iu Ove years will ninke eu.-oib Wood for one Fauiiiy ! Ur It urowb atraidht, and very tall ! TJ?"U never sprtnta from tue root; bnt when ent down will grew az:iin from the stnmp, very rapi-ily ! It is the best soft wood for fuel, er any other nnr-iott-1 3JJ When sept off the ground, the rails will last 30 yer ! 33- Ii arotvB eo,na!ly well with ns on upland, where thi." r-cta. tt in tfi bottoms ! 53" Cuttinss eipt.t int-bfs long etnek in the ground In t e Kail, never tail to crow ! 53" We sell it for $f per thousand Cuttings, deliv ered at any of ..ur Asciii-v - . 53" Parties wishing to buy, 'bonH order early oroor Aeuts, so that thsy mjy notify us ia tlue. crrTiN'G3 Bundled ar.d de'ivereu at the. ab.-ve places, as suou as the ieares fall. 3ZS T. R. FT.nPia, r-wnvnle, i- Apent for Xernaba and ea-t hair of R;rh K.n..n C-.nniies. CUKTtS it PEAVifa. P.wnee Citv, are Agents for Pawnee end we-t h:t f of Ho-hanl-'on C'ouririea.' RKV TIXKIIA3C, Beatrice, i Ageut for Gage and Jotis Coun! ses. J. TI. LUTLKtt, Au.-tia, Agent for Clay and Salic Counties. Beware of V7illoT7 Peddlers. We !enrn manv swamps of c"inn"' ".lliw bave been cleaned up- ami rhe Cuuimr- oJ'- sir Willow. we yet onr WilU.w of SA.UUKL E. WA tUi.oI LA Aloille, Illinois, a m-pousible Nursery i.mi. COAL OIL, tet qualify claiifled Carbon oil. Lar-r LiMys and w icks X LAUSVIIX STA'X. lsei-i. . r OF THE Fir ti.e Ysir is; DAILY. TRI-rVEEKLY Tk. .. .1 . , . . i. v PCTir? ... t- . inter st. T'ais tenr will prolii. '"ki Ioota of the Hehellion, wi'n,. -i, Kkt"u frnrrint rti-M In I'n.l.".. . eratt I. and Sia v-rv .o t'ert-p 1 T, ... v events -.f '51. will be ari-B the a '. ' ii' lj the l iist..ry of the CocoTy, n j d, ? ' cludi the return t Is;-f; r,:..; u"''f'u , America uv.u r.zt crr ;r.''- ne.-i iud pro-jmrity. Wuh U'T':r :r the ruprach ot serfdom, the iVrle ' ou a higher plitiorat '-i' iu:- ill;-, ' ;"ui. the ol feel it still pri.foui!-ir ii t. rts, ;3 p- ther.grtss of tueir -jwa auj ut'..r j.,vil wor.-i is eu'ering ujx.n a nw cf " ' tt trT-mir.;it ill :1:A Imiini.ii ..'I. re J tu'u;: wiiiiti uniiri'ioa to a i.sw aoo rr-i'Viui-.u uir,...- iiiiin i or triMiUv-ura t,o-i.r 'Ir e sf.irir,if eveuts of la ti'iie :?) t. Iy d.'pLted in vii e i-oLanis o. the l.f.KJ'' ; are resolved t- rerder n..r "'' tractive thrtn .vr as Uubf.l . Lliricr cf Pain m- Inspired by the lerl n no la lr b -Tint of it lru;a-T,,.-4't rh.u.-v vil- ...rtii.'IA J. 1.. . P. of l '. and vr Bii-t t-. deaouns't si.jr V.'! d:ii-..i or ui.l.ury aspir.tnt tin i." caus-f . Iu ad Mrion to oar War X--t, ev.. in f ir Wt kiy papr tho We-aiy "1., ,r ' " and ! an ao-trict of ti.e pn -ewi,(,., -i aud of the Prjjeeilis of LeivH u. k and Illinois. I? it Tri-We'ok'y, wiil c ntiia x b;-.; the Important Nws, Local a .id l' :u:-, i.' of the iL-tiiv. . THE DAILYDEHiCili Shuilnotbt eiv.,.lli' l by auy tar :t., We hav-i improvtd our a, raisea-vi f.; Fr.-'U WHshirC'C?!. froiu the I.eor W"U,--:;P fn ut tbe Mi'coui-i a.'i-i I I l-is .'.-...; , wiil he pilhlih--3 ill : 1 -1 " i r t., -)e , ARMY UORRfroN EMC Ard our u-iol rjuntity of e,)Ci-l tU: ' i request a.11 Posiinitsurs Su4ir;e'.j kt:t AiTtnts.. Send for epeciusen cumbers of ths Pii-i Proi-pottus fm dis'.rib.ioB,aaitny w.UW'e ly 1 irwarded. Send us many nm as pnssib! in P''i.-ii ' their pifrs a. nt t one a-1 Ire v.n :h Postro isfer or th getr-r up of I'lus, p. is n.-t rt-'juir-d thv-- a'l ;h;;siof sh.i 1 be sent t on" Post U.iiioe. th-t kgu; -f ar. Sent to d:f5e-eot 0oe, iq-1 -ldit:o:i c y i at tay tim . The following are our raas for the jm DAILY DEMOCRAT. Afail Suhvribers t no yer - - - - - p Price tu News Duelers - - - - -Jii j,t TRI-WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Mail Sulscrilers on-j year i' WLEKLY DEMOCRAT." 7a 1'2 CO 72 72 72 Od Oii t!i:7i Cop e- una year - - - - - - t' Threo Ct-jiea -------- Five Copies - -- -- -- -- - -1 Ten Copie - - - - - -- - - Any larger Club than fn will b chirjiii;. rite of one d illar and a half pr c.-ay. T.i above rat? for all Mail --hrr,r :m pajtWe ia advance. Orders not accompanied with ths jtcatyr ceivs n aUention. All papers of either edition, wiil be dlse.Ji j at tie end of the fiore paid f- r. McKKK, FfMltUL'iv A CO. ?r;n 41 aa l lit I..vust j.rt.HT hor U GET it you: rwift fox s NEW AND SPLEM 't' PHr.Mirl- PETi'ON'S MAGAZIl' THI. BI r AND t I! t r ET I.f III - .. ! 11 i 1 ! cular ...on hiy eontv.n a-: u.i.ripv th.n any i iirtiine in thi' fI. it wifl have nearly itld pt-'es. 2i t- -':" 12 colored pattern.-, and Ji)U w,. -rrt ail Ibis for only T D l! ir Y -', -r t . Ia than m.aiinc of its cl t.s. lti-i ' "-' to !lk.) '-Peier.-fi." lo -!, -v pn.-es its is the only M its : ri.-s. either U ;ilie '. i sabs i - - :tn l is, ih-r-jf ro, em,4!i the Tim s. Tbe stories in "P!.'' i IY, -tr i V i 'i best nubiifhcd unywher--. ,'- .1 K!!:i H'tiir.n Mr. I ent . Fr-:f- he aiirhi r d "Sujv L' l'iry." ' I f,,V..r !..i-'t..n. Gai rh-i'.e !.-. r .. Tftrnnd. I t-nlh- ivy, I'i A --'''; .i.!!ir of J 'he -J- '" ' L; . . j.p fni.l'e W'iter.l it' eoniribuiots.- In ad t.. th.- n- - sh..rt stoti-. t. re will lc jr-ve ;.- ! ih tc N vel.-'-.v i: T ha Maid of II n. -r- a s ry f Ann S. St-i-heu. Th L-i -- -1 i,M r Hv the au tier f Th "i - MtoPn at "i.i.ri -t. J l- n ! et. Fitoity's N'ir'otion. by l I., .r- T:t.. .ti-.i i.m- :il o.-P-t rs- t' F . i : k ! I' ll 'i ; Tr- i.nt'.MtiT.-vi;ia .esa ..iov.iri-n suj.rl) l fotio - i " -r ' " tii. .h in .M.'.-'tisW-. t.d f"" ' i . ' in cvtrv r.nmher. Cii.i'd Is-h 't. lr van-. ; It i il - onlv M..-ifM-tie -v 11: ti,rr. I er. lied on. I h f.u'" li. I n n Piies. e. .r'd vt it. in l-i.-hioii!- ltr tl bi any "1 ijr-1 t . tl.-... a d. zni r more N-w S v ill.. Pi.tKTII.roUl tllfM I or child's Cu-t.-m-: t an 't eu?, i ' -tint UUit-liiiik. T s th if i:h nu:i:l "' : I J'.f . . WMilf'l , lV.. I I I t 1 S'l.ili.d N- W lor rk Fi-ni-T' if.' l-irgh e h ui"0;". P IP;.' i iirts-,Av, ;'.:. In eml r-'i lerv. -r -h-t. A. s-: it- .-ri ;-' The W..ik n.hl-- l- trim- ar -t I'' t ! i..,'J v u: riv.ti d. I.- ry n'; r ti--"e j.iireri 9 in every r i i Cr... Kin"fr i lery m Ki t , w rk..t,-.. A...A-.. Everv . 4. i.-f a pit :ern f'-r siippin;,, p ir'O or g v-j.-i i-vb of which, at a frU:. tin t eents. . . , .ur New C.H-k-H-e.k.---Th ' -i" ' hoi I lJ.-ceii.ta of -IVer-or." r- I.S'it our "" Will b'J C--CV'-'. ."Dc ot ltif?S" reefiptS hd h..- 'l t ":e'-H t .u r .r t'..a t. r..i m. ,; (,ivi. rt-i i Ne ard f3-h-ens,V rau-i n " .'7 An I hv.Hs.'m Uor'K-uiture, L" ina'ti-rs interesting t U..ii's. TERMS A LW AYS On s copy ior one year, Th reefopie for one j"t, Fite copies for oney.-ar. Eighs Copies for one year. Twelve copis for une year. IN ."iiyteen cop.ej-'for ofi, I rcinin mi f,,r Tstftn un eibt. or more copies, make a Ciuh. J son getting tint -luh of thre-, t , d .ll i;3 or a eiub of Five, and rtm f 1 d II irs and a blf r a el th of Eiji'. l , tin i ten doil.-rs or a cluh of n 1 tj f.fpen doiiais, an extra copy of the is-." ISr t will be given. If prefrre-L ho j seed as a premiu'n,'t'inta-d of tbe eX', and Illu-'rated LIyV Album ii'ni' at in gil t. or either of t.ur'U1, f'r f ' ea.-h 27 in.-bs by 21 Gunrai prt'';' . Dlind Child, in Jail." or -Bt nyaf V,4J in f:r Uis Helens f on Prij." - , getting.uoa t-Iiib of Sixteen, ? tx:fr.,,i tht Mag nise a ill be s.-ut, or asy t" " prioi'j;Us. ' Address. v?:-v .ltd. CITAT1LE? J L1 i V "iKrV.,.ris:rft. 1 All Fostm wrers enstituu I pr!oa uy gat up ic touly. if written f..r. - ,7 ZTTTTa-tit raOTICIi TO TL"" i The ur.d.'rsi?ned, Ih.ard oi c - I V ?-,Mri r -.j f I 1, a m.r.u rf r T 3." t tit S ...... . ... , ers.on the fir-t Saiurd iv f e h m P:i,atth.t.tTK-e td f. V.Thou: are rejuir-d te have a cerna ' nrpvii.112 I.. th i"r.inmn ifm'tlt -f tn tf-- r T. Pv KI-Tir K v Qtft'S. H.tnuuers, Uaictiel Aimers Picks At HcLflughdia At XieIahlB ... rn "ZTw Fiie. ...r r -