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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1865)
lyc cvii 5 ex. ioWTILLE,TnURSPATJXX.2S,186i, LOCAL. iTac lde. M rip?. Execution, Keflerins, ijTiigc Licne.ic. ic. Ac. for tale at this UC;. See Biis' Bulletin in another column. Terlins takes the fcnetl Potoraphs cut. Subscribe for your County Paper. Hackney & Bro" teeP lte choicest iEsonniect of Groceries re rkins has sent fur a lot of the finest encry that tan be Ud. The Mite Society will meet on Friday -ht at the muMire of Mr. Allison. Ye notice, as cold as the weather has en for the rast few a 7s' ltat rerliiDS ieFi Ijsy taking pictures. parried Jan- ev- ra- JiBi-ow, near Mt. Morri?,' Illinois, Mr. J. D. DcrT to Miss Maet A. BcrxrTT. Biiss will have a rousing Stock of New Goodi to sell next Saturday. All who want anything, no rr.atterwhat, had bet ter attend his Auction. August of the Eating House has low, and will ketp, a supply of Tobacco, Segars, Candies, and most anything in .he Ccnfectionery line. The Weather at present is cold and ;lear. Last night was the coldest.of the stas-on. The Ice is now perfectly safe du the Missouri. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the firm of Atkinson Co., will please call and pay .heir accounts before the 15th day of February. ATKINSON L CO. See the City Ordinance in to-day's pa--r. It is a move in the right direction. The ?aftty of the business .portion of our i.y aVptMids upon its rigid enforcement. It will make a good opening here for Irickmakers and Layers. 0 Bliss' Pioneer Auction House is the lace to buy the cheapest good, in town. Ie keps a'uri -"t everything you can call jr. atid lor punhase, it is a cvrii.hai.d ;"d "region, but slightly rj..vtitd in, and ail you have to do is o i p-i your mou'h to get the benefit. McLaughlin &. Swan have recently re ceived n large addition to their stock, including a spUndid assortment of East ern Cardie?, freh Teaches in three pound ran?. Cream Biscuits, Ginger Snaps, &c. At y ihing in the way of Staple and fancy Groceries, can be found at McLaughlin & Swans. There will be a Cotillion Party given at Marhoirs Hall, next Tuesday, Jan. 3lst, jnder the management of Mr. Berkley, late from the East, who has proven him self xapable of getting up the best parties f the kind we've had in this city for years. We warrant all who attend a ;ood time. There will be a meeting of the Ladies :f Brownville, at the residence of C. W. W heeler, in this city, next Saturday even ing at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of or ganizing a Soldier's 'Aid Society. All are invited to attend. This is a move in -he right direction, and we hope it will le well attended and successful. The Annual meeting of the Wool Grower's Association, for the election of officers Rnd other business, will be held at the Capitol in Omaha on the Second Tuesday m February, at 2 o'clock. P. M. All persons interested in Sheep-Raising &re invited to attend. J. H. KELLOM, Sec. We would call the -attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. XV. Middleton, Saddle and Harness Maker, t. to day's paper. He is abundantly pre ; "Jied ftr, aid does, ihe very lest work I J t very description in his hue. All ! etdmg an thing in his line had better : ive him a call. The German citizens of Omaha have i.fcde arrangements for the publication f a German paper in that city. It wil ieuttless be ably edited, and worthy" of the support and patronage of the entire German population of the Territory. Such a paper has been much need to reach the German mind abroad, and di rect it to thp nuny advantages offered to ft'lcr ia Nebraka. Mars'. Bro & Zock have ju.t receiv- i a complete assortment of Sander's "vht,ol B joks. This is the kind used in all our Schools, and they are the only uthorize4 Agents in this county. They keep a supply of the Utest and choic est Literature, Periodicals, Newsard Il lustrated paper. For anything you de f ire in tLeir line you caunot do better uaa to call on them, for what cannot. ?et there you rtnnet get anywhere else n the city. The demand for houseia"our city, for the past few weeks, has leen'unprece dented. 'Net less than thirty persons were. wanting houses last Monday, and but few could be accommodated ; Tues day and Wednesday, nearly as many. The most cf. these desire to remain in town till Spring opens, when they will buy farms or take the benefit of the Homestead L2w. Much land and town property is changing hands at good figures Dr. Gwjn has returned and permanent ly located in this City. This will be good news to his many friends. He trid Plattsmouth awhile, but came back to his "old stamping ground." One of the best evidences of the solid growth and prosperity of our city is this: there have been but few persons who have left us with the intention of staying, who have not returned, much better satisfied with the place after their experience abroad. We have heard that Richard, the founder, will return in the Spring. He'd better "hurry up his cakes,"' as the question ef changing the name cf City is being seri ously discussed. ' We have just received the following list of subscribers fr&m Co.C, 1st Neb. Vet. Vol., through our Agent ia that Regiment, E. D. Smith : Sergeant, W. II. Tucker, Private James Chamberlin, do Ruel Noyes. do J. C. Mill sr. do D. M. Myers, do P. S. Martin, do (M. Ketchutn. do John Hillman. We wil fend the Advertiser to soldiers in the field, hereafter, at 2 per annum. Capt. A. W. Matthews, of Co. G. 2d Kansas, returned home last Sunday, his time of service having expired. He has served his country in several hard fought battles, and has been ip active service during nearly the whole of three years ; but, he, notwithstanding, looks hale, and hearty as though killing rebels had been to him gcod diet. His company was most ly made up in this section, and the fol lowing Nemaha county boys, who have seen "grim visaged war", and mtt him nobly, front to front, returned with him Monroe Gwin. S. M..Calian, John Cav eny, Henry Grice, James Tidwell and Daniel Limming. "The only fact that ca?ts a shade over this pleasant meet ing is that Lieut. Straw, with twenty men of this company, were captured and may still be in the hands of the rebels, altho' j their exchange had been agreed upon, but not consummated, the last time -the Captain heard fromhem. Two hundred thousand copies of Dick en's Christmas story were sold in Lon don 4S hours after publication. A relief .fund of S 102. ISO has been raised in Boston for the aid of sufferers n East Tennessee. . The Richmond Dippach, of the 12th instant, contradicts the report that Blair had arrived there, and presumes that he ifc still in Grail's camp. The" rebel General Slaughter's army in Texas is wilting. Cause, desertion. PHILLIP DEUSEK, . Main Street bet. First aud Second Sts. Urownvil o, ITo"k5. Keeps conettatlj cb baud the best quality of ul3 033 iLCOO CIIEWINU AND SMOKING, S E G A E S , Confectioneries Candies', Plain and Fancy, Oranges, Raisens, Lemons, Dates, Figs, Xuts, Apples Si'c, S)'c. All kinds of Toys, Canned Fruit, and Oysters. FITILf.- is BccomHic dating, cbiigir,. patriotic Rnd wide wke to tLo interest cf tbe f nblic, and bas the bvst assort rcent of Varieties in hi Hdc ever offered in this market, and id determined not to be undersold fur CASH. CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail Evan Worthing, OF THE BEOJVKVILLE, His Jiint Received the Uriwt r.4 bet itock o Liquor and Clears ever ofiereJ in thin market, and will u tbemas low aa acr Qonse In the Territory. rJIIITAEY'S DLOCH, Main Street, Brownville Feb. 4, '64 yl j. FAHIBAITJ STAXDAED SCALES OF ALL KINDS. i Also, 'Warehouse Tracks, Letts Presses, fcc FAIRBANKS QREEMLEAF & CO! 1T2 LIRE ST., CHICAGO, 3Be ct'-ernl. aud bvj only tbe Renuiue .Cl t'HT A FOX: A sent, in St. Lnni. r-ix-l-if. - PROBATE NOTICE. To all whom it may concern : Notice it hereby giTen that Henry Ilunoseher ha mde aj plication to the Probate Court in and far Pawnee county, Nebraska Territory, fr letter of Administration on the Estate rf Elisabeth Urcch. latoof tbe coun ty afnraid, deceaited. and that Saturday the 31 st dar of leeembcr,a. d. 1864, is the time for hearing aaid aptJioafifm. JI. O. LORE, TawnfCity. Xor.2?!B,l?4. Pr Ja4- ix 13 4w-i-'4 w - - - Mi wn ii " AH MY AGUE DROPS. TIIE SOVEREIGN REUEDY FOP. THS CURE OF ASV ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. ATTENTION!! ' EUTFZEER3 FllOil FEVEFw AND AGUE, etc. This mct wonderful remedy fcr tbe permanent enra of FeTer and Agne, etc., waa diacoTtred sccie years ago by one cf the Most Scientific-and Successful Chemists of Xtucrlciij Out ef of caies it has nerer even kiown to fail in effecting ayaiical core. A sicgle bottle of these Drops Las cured diseases which have STUBEDJ1NT.Y RESISTED THE MOST SKILL FUL MEDICAL TALENT; It contains nothing that vriil injure tne Constitution ! ' . It Purifies the Blood ! ! It removes obstructions from the Liver ! !! It promotes the discharge of Bile !! !! It effects a radical and permanent Cure by removing the cause upon which the Ague depends! !!!! ,' THE ARMY AGUE DROPS As it name imports, has been end is the great Spe cific for all Lliliou-t Diseases in the Army. It has no equal. Its popularity in our noble Army and elsewhere is as nniversal as iu cures .hare been quick and wonder ful. Asa It has proved a peat bles?irtgand aved many a valuable life in thoe miasmatic lucalities where they would hare fallen victims to Bilious Dissaaes. The Chills will not return if these Drojis are taken! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS Q UJCKL Y DRIVES A WA Y TiftTigour & w e AlxLxxofza ! AND RESTORES THE SYSTEM To its natural BUOYANCY and ANIMATION ; IX VISO RATING the body and clearing out EVERY VESTIGF OF DISEASE produced by loathsome miasm. Be Wise. in Time ! ! sSn No person residing in a Fever and Ague District should be without a Bot tle of ARMY AGUE DROPS, And it it strongly recommended to persons travel ing through places charged with tciafm. TVc r?pectfully call attention to our Testimoni als. .Many of our letters attest that hundreds ef lives have been s.'ived in the Army by its ne. In deed, ?o well are its curative qualitie appreciated in the Army that the most su"ce.:-ful Surgeons in the Field and IL:.pital ue it aim .t ex iuive!y in the disease f.r which we claim it infallibility. Tbe best physicians alwavs seiie tbe best means to effect a cure, hence the universality of the ARMY AGUE DROPS. 1 TESTIMONIALS ! I ! We are ha pry te refer to Flip Excellency Abraham Lincoln, (ieneral (ieo. B. SlcCIliau. General Fremont. , Genera! Hurnside. General Hancock. "General Ki'.f atrick. Genernl Iiice. Colonel Pye, 95th N. Y. Colonel Quvk, 17th N. Y. C. C.Ionel rowler, I4ih N. Y. S, M. Major Poremus. A. D. C. Major Reifaynder, 35th Pa. Majnr Wilicnx,A. 1. C. Mitjor Iiamsey, " Mnjor Still well. Surenns, Major Uabcock. U. S. S. Lieut. Whelan. J Rt. Rev. Rishop Potior, N. Y. Rev. Pr. Tyng, do Rev. Dr. Taylor, do Rev. II. W. Beecher, BVyn, Rev. E. II.' Chapin. do Rev. Mr. Cheever, N. Y. Rev. Mr. Rang, do His lienor Mayor WoodjB'klyn. Hon. M. Kalbfl?i3ch. do Hon. M. F. O.lell. d Hon. Msyr Guntber, JJ. Y. lion. Horace Greeley, do And hundreds of other equally well-known gen tlemen, for whioh see circular. PRICE QUE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Wlloos & Co. Principal 05ce. 181 Water Btreet. IT. Y. B. J"one Genuine unless bearing iwr signature on thtvrrarptr. tPon't let ronr Pmegist put you off with any other remedy. If be does not hav it for sale, en cloee en $ I 25 per mail, and wa will send you bcttla cf tL Anny Ague Drops per mail post pa WILCOX A CO., 181 "Water St, New York. Sgd axJ7 BERKLEY & NEELY, Wagcn Llakcis. HAYING RECENTLY FITTED UP nTI:l ybop with new machinery sch as atQrn:ng;-Uth; cirde-saw, ate- are prepared to tern out u Xo.l article cf Wiooxa. YAao nrtB3. V7aGOr Row New akt Improved Ccltivatok, and everjthiaf in tbeir line that may be called fo? from a complete waon down to the Biaallest rpirs needed ut lowei rtes than they can ba Lai at any pint I!?t 9 We-t of this place. Brownville, April 21st, 4. 5"-8-lj BACK TO THE OLD STAND! CLOCKS, WATCHES, a mSLm m m JOSEPH S II-U T Z TTould repertfnll inform his old enstomen that be h-s wain opened his Jewelrj Shop la bis old stand on ia treet. wutti side, two dtor east of the Brown ville House. He keep on nan.l fplendii a-ortment of TerytLin; la fcis line of einess, wiiich be will 11 on tie west terms fer Co Of Clorks; Watches and Jewelry done on the short -ei KoUce. WORK WARRANTED. Brewnvllle. Keb.. May lih, 1S64. a37-v8-Iy HACKNEY & CO., rpva just r?c2vc4 a splendid stocl: af TThkh they will sell VEIIT LOW FOR CASH!!! Comnrieins a'l tbe Latest in Li?s Goods and Drtrss Triunjin of all ki&ds and vrieus Fluited Kibloas, Braid?, Buttons, kz. &c. Latest Style ef Ladies' Winter Hats: Tells, Cellars, Irorj Sfts, Fancy Buck and Side Combs', lleacl Dresses, and NtH, cic, etc., etc. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Hajniikent assortmon t of Superb Stock of all kinds ef BOOTS & SHOES Domestic Goods of all Kinds FLAX.YELS IX ALL CQLORS, Linseys, Ticks, Stripes, Elcach & Browa Sheetings. And ail other articles usually kept it a Dry Goods is tore. G1VH TTO -A. O A TnT-i ! : 1 September 2&th, tao-l. ix 4-vtp EATING flqUSB! BY FRED. AUGUST, MAIN, BET. riHST AND SECOND BTS. Oysters, Cukes, Pie. C'wkie; Gsn?er Bread, etc. tc. of all descriptions constsntiy on har .l. GOOD MEALS served in tbe belt style and nnshort notice. ix i -It Sheriff Sale- Notice is hereby given that I will offrr for sale at jmbli'5 auction, at the door of tbe Hrownville H -ue.ia ."vwcville, y-njaha Curtj, N br.i-k lerritury, that the building in whk-h the lst term f the district Court fr bid County of Ncinab. was held : Oa Monday, the 13th day of Feb., 1S65, ai'One oVlock F. M. of said day. the following property, to wit: the right, title, claim and in terest in and to the lot, tract and pael of land leased by the Cify Council Of the City of Brown ville to Levi Springle, which tract or parcel of Und is escribed in said lease as fallows : 4np-n the levee South ot Main Stret ard Enst of Sraa'.i's lease," al-o tbe Saw Jiill and P'lojring Mill on paid leased pramise?, together with a'l the M icLiu ery and Fixture to the said Mills bv-lor.jinjr. rit uated in the City of Brownville in Nemlia Coun ty, Nebraska Territory. Said pr .per y i to ba s .U a abovt- grited by virtue of an execution ir?u-il from the (Jban"ery side of 'be Dinri. t O- urt of M;d County of Nim ilit. in a d;re r:u! re-i io a sjit therein J .hu Sliirts ii plaintiff aud Levi Spring!-. apdK W.ThoDi M.iiuioitraor ot the Giiiite J. G M-lvin, decked are defendants, ai.1 to nir dirfrte'l 8s Sjeci:'l Vaster . Given under my hani, tbis 11th diy ni Juusy A. D. I6 W a. HL ViJ-C. no 17-6-$ 16 5o Sberiff ul Sp-jciai It jster. ESIKiU' NOTICE. Trken up by te subscriber living fenr mii"s South We-t of Brownviiie.oa tbe a ii dy of Nov. la?t. One red beiter, shorr tail, lefi Ear torn by dti, h le in the riht Lar, about two years old next Si ri.T. aoH-Sw p'd. TIKH. COLLINS. HELLO, STRANG EE itiieri: die tou cirr tkos NEW GOOD.SP T J. BEEKY & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE J. BERRY & CO.. Have Jnst received, ana are now opetn2- at stand on Jfain 6tiet, cue of the largest stuck oftheJ DEY GOODS G-0 CBRIS3 ver ufiered in iai market. Keniuiber u.e i isca, J. BEKKY & C'O.'S. TCo- XI. Main streot, ItiCU y T 1L.L.E, IS. 1. . w47-tf McLAl'GrjLIX s. SWAK are cmstantly rcceivin? aUdiiiun- to their nock of G'"oceriM arul I?ird ware. Thejr Goods and Prices wil ! soil everybody 'o any ottier man." iti a n n c- JUL 11 Vtf-UV CITROX, mare, npice, pepper, (ti iger nutmes, Cin Lion, etc., etc , of be-t joa ity At Ble Laoghtin S-yan's. PLAY Cads, Meat mtul. Sh tirad. Indi Rubber Blls, Pattent thread, Scitwora, Wrappiug and Broom twine, U be had O KXAUG ILTN A SWAN'S 1JIPKR1 AI. nnr;p-wder, Toang Hys-n and &Uct Tee of superior qua It y, At liclauj;hlin Sl Swan's. TO MrCIIA N T S, FAKl EI5 AND ELACES3HTII. mOEl IE0H!! D. A, CONSTABLE, OAS ON ITAND ANT TOTI SALE A LAHGf AND WLLL SELECTED STOC3L OF IEON, STEEL, AND HEAIY H1JW4M! CJiirRISING: nOR?E NAITS, NATL-TiOD, H0E5E AND MULE BOES. ANVlLi, SPRINGS-. HELLO WS, AXELS, VICEi. Till MULE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON HOXEj?. SCKEW FLATES BOESTElt I'LATKS, FILErt, KASTS, WRL'NIIE. SLEDCE HAMMERS. HAND RAMMERS, fciiOKIMi HAMMERS, 1'INCIIElid, NCTS. HARROW TEETH, W ELL WUtELS,&C.,ACAC, ALSO WOODWORKS ! coxmsixs nriS. STOKES. FET.L0TT3. WAGON l;on'S, SHAFTS, I'OLE "A XL , UOCNDS, AXE HANDLE RLwovl HANDLES, I'LOW i NDLLS. A.o. ALSO AG INT F. TUB SALS OF F IHBA1TKS C LS S AT HAVING LAID IN A LARGE STOCB OF TIIE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, DErORE TIIE RISC, I AM ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRAD-E AT PRICES TH DEFY COMPETITION. t?gm'Scnd in Your Scrap Iron., HIGHEST FRICE TATD FOIl WROU03 SCRAP EiON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WIREflOrSF FebU-n32-6m ST. JOSEPH, MO FAMILY GROCERIES M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN. WOFLD HKSPKCTFriXT AJfSOITfCa TO THSI frienJ and tLa puliUc generally, that they bava 'ja recelTej a ecperior lot cf Family Groceries, and inl the aitectiun of purchaser to their stock incln&n KEVOHI.EAXS SUGAtt. PRIME RIO COFFJa, CLAR1F1SD do IMPERIAL TEA, CKITMIKI) do TfOUNfi HTbON' TI.4, OTVDtEED Co BLaCK. Til A. RICS, SaGO, SPICI,PBPPKR CLOTKJ, CTKXAmO COVE OTSTERS, RISIXS; CURRANTS, STARCB. SOAP, PURK SODA, LAXDB' SALERATUS, b PISS COD ITSH JtACEJERAX, "WTIITi? 713 LAKE TROUT, KEiJIN G, SlLiI GREEN APrLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACIIEb, DRIP.D APPLES PRIED PEACilf IJoIaz33S, Ccal Oil, Cider VincgSe KATCRAT. L2AP CHEWING TRn'O. OoDtl . KaF ANOOTUKR t'HOTCE IiR tsc ili'ifl l CaVF.XL1SII C1LL1K hlCi. 6'MoKINO COil 51 OX LO. Cigars of the Sest Brands ia lis Market. CHE3TXCT3, ALMOVD3 PECaK3. FILBEET3, PZ avis, .c., 6.C., itc, A Splendid Assortment of Stick ar Fancy Candy from the Beit ilauufa x turies in tLe. East. Flctar, Tzccn, Better, Tggs, The Highest Market Prices Paid fJ Country Produce, Mclaughlin & swan, Nxmaha Valley Bank Blilijiso Browntille, Jan. 14. 1S64. n20r8-J5O ylj NEW Orleans Ciriried. TrrisLed and Powdered Si " pirn, Gulden Sjrup Sugar llouwe and Sorgutun Hulaseed At UcXtanhlin &. Swan'i. ISIIA3I RCVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS CITY, IJEBRAKKA. Will practice ia all the Cocru yf iib. Tqt7 Reins dies foi SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHTLACTTXiPirTA. A Benevolent Irutitutivn esta.b!i;hril ly tptnal E doirmtnt.for tne Relief of the k'ick and Distressed. eJF-icted tfith Virulent and Chronic Dieae. and ezpeeiat.y for the Curt of Ditate$ of the Sexuai Ornant. MEDICAL AD VI OS Siven tratia, ty tbe Acting Sorge-iD. Valuable Report on SperTcatorriicpa. and other di aaof tbe Sexual Organs, and on the NEW RESK DIIS amployed in the Dispensary, sent in -sealed lettei evelopi,freeif chart. Two or tbreeSiamps accept ai. Aldrets CX. J. SSILLIX nOUGHTOK. Howard Aa etion. T(r2, S.-ntii liinUi Srreei, PUi;a !iphia. Pa. "'"eer II. nSS-ly Wail Paper Wall Paper ! ! Constantly on hand at Al3T-rtT3s Tailor Sfcei " LOLXS TTAI.OTEK, P;er-han?in d-nf ia the most approved style, ana ja.. a"l M.-h trni. TowuvUie. Neb. June 2 1364. 5w ASplendxJ Mrtaient of Conterticnary iDCti.cL9 stiek ii fancy rand e hate just cpeted a yxv stOsz ox Main Street Lctvcen First and Second, BKOWI-TYILLE, IT. T. TVS haveia stre a large and well se'tctci sloci ct t-S aj V W b- rj Calicoes. Iaslin, French Tiwst, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Leather, etc., e:c, etc.etcetra .WHICn WK 0FFE3, T07i SAL3 CHEAP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Surnr, - Coffee, Tea, Scda, Allspice, Peprtr. Caijdles. Tobacco, Matches, Starch, - Allff Krbi-n we ofTer tt tbe lowert prlcet, tfeter j r.uced nut to t nuuerioIJ. GRANT. IS DEN'S TICKET AsJDen Caadiaate Is and ever will t a QOCK SALES AND S3XALL PnOFiTS. WM, T. DEN, WHOLESALE A5D RXTIAL HOCST 1856! ESTELISHED ! BROWTILLC, SERRASKA. lias nnw en hand the most cmplete aid (teneral as sortment of Merchandise In Brownville. Aiy in-ok cousistof AND GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, Chicago Cuetom-3f ale BOOTS & SHOES. ot Superior Quality. Also a full efp!t of 3NT O ION Dress-Trimmings, Hoods pnd Neubias Gloves "and Gauntlets, Hosiery. In variety cont.istine of Table and Pocket Kniree, Chisels, Braieno Bi.s. File d Mnkev-wreuohe, Buit auJ bcrewn. Saw anil Hammer, Axe and Spades. A full assortment of EZE7 0 "W jH3 3 t i n Ay .A- a e Cor.kirig neatins and Parlor Stoves, Lare Kettle', Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron aad Ziuc WOODED, WILLOW aKD nOLLOV-WABB. A t nil assortment of READY-MADE CLOTMIXG, - At Low Prlcei. Blank Books, Pocket Book, and Memo randum Buoks and Stationary of all kinds kept constantly on hand. A cornleie 'tl assortment of F U n X I T U UK , on httid, Earein, Bsd-Ste !i. Lnn;, Tab'ei. II-rt-r. S'i i8. Wisii giai.ii, Criha, Raking Cliir. I."iitiU (iU.f. Als: Plv)iiti, Corn Shelters Iror. Vaiis and Steel wiifli. lipaver ami Otter Trap. PememT'er that Ien ia- ifce Hiehi market Price fr HIVES, Peils and Jfurs, and PRODUCE or all kind.4 tti.ti he wants. j Cxfl and examine m slck before pnr.-iafinst ar.d I ave yur money, f r my motto if to Leei the bet of Iry UO'd, the Ch'icet family irierip,'l fruit and ()y:ter. and the beat of Stuve to cook theui a in the market. Try them. Y2l. T. DHV iSiiOTfl SvbCIk OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Jast recairel at JOHN A. PONN'S C HEAP DUY GOODS AND GEOCEilT STOSE. MA IX STREET. The Latest Style cf Ladies' Fancy Dress. Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc., etc. Dry Good, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shcn?, Iron, Nails, Flour Bacn. Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Djors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc Which he will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call and examine tig tock before p urcha?;r,g else where. Ilrcwnville, June 5th, '6-t. e!2-t3 j)j MOLINE PLOWS, OO On tar. 4 and to arrire at - D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Wnrchcnze, 20 aci 22 Third S:reet, ST JOSEPH, MO I11L LliliACE m AIELo II CD 11 ii-'psotsd orKr.5Tr.vN bass - full ip. or; ttLZzz: pja::c3 are bnili f tb best iul most thfl-iiiCh'T ic teria', ar d :!! '.t'l a rvi. .. ! ! tone mery derp, ruuoJ. In'.l. ul ne!iur; l toiua ;itir. EA- t P juj rrDivl fji 0 ;er. ?ntei tra to "JO. . , TITIJIOVIaI 3. . j t - "Tt-t Zlrr-i TTt- l uns r knowa at asci t rtry l.As' . Lvan-ttliMt . "Wf cm f!i o" -tiir m.'t:i frtra (ertoosl kawl- 'Waters' i'uu a:. 4 M 'hoju t'js'Ie-se rrrnpxrio with tbeCno' arivtrher.' Hont Jrl. $100 2iLV 7 OOTAV O TlJ2i O 3, uf d.Ttr r.t make' . fur a.. ;:a carvel lei. t-cO. $215 an.l $J J. S.h-u: -l-'ijiri 1 r.j. :o act Uejojeui, $Jo, $iJ, 0, $0, f.i, AiJJ, Alia, li3, lig,aa4 73 Hvfact rr.4?er Zf-Iodnt end Tar : um TTjncI the F3: Ttn?;tni wy.t tt Tt'.ent D:vl ?e4 i Swe'.i. Friers fri-ai ui sUX J. AiSXiiJr Or- ) lf. liberal dico'ir.t t CT:rr:er. TbTrcte. ?i hiit i. 5v h .;"-, Luxlip, Se!4lnirni. J Te.'C'.e'. IiO Jl AC. W ATZiUS, AS t, X.4.-"1 P.-. ! j, X. 7 ,19 I''oy ii !- Hill- 4C f"X)i-pi jre f. A r" f '-cir t ?- f 5c.! arid mi'irMi. ci I e tLe Tav b-:i. Beil. lies reaJy. It cud :.- (it t iii;.,;. .! c.Lica oua, roaiitl. catcte. ! ..els, iri . jr.s'riu, iiJ tcruo. many of th'.u wri" en exrr-- y tr i ?! w?r beiJ 31 ia?e el ILa Elements of iiu-.., w.tL are eay au4 pnsre---i? Ani'Tiu- the t.iree er t -atifu' p ee miy fouRJ, ' Vi.cte 4?.r!- Joh H-f," i.u't Tiia kr i lhl'ilrn rnnilr.c " A.'n rffck i-n tie aunui :de." 'Tiie Utile ias, ' i. l Liu f !!. "' i h. it 1 wera a litt. ti.-j." a-'t-f ,rj-. f " ' par tree,' ''Anvil C!h.:." '-"eft n fv ue ruLr.:n bruok. Ac. ll ; c 'i;.i!e t i,., a( e V.":- e. of i'tiSLU'l B:i," X . I ai:4 !.uu ho l J ti e n-i-ni,n fft r; fnrei t rr Cier, Wi-ems. $2o rer lOi; b nu I 30 ". :b -rr J ; v i'uti tx-Dini, er.'n-d t:it ! cei:'. jrer UMndre4. '5 "fie Turni Ii rnl . i.diit lni.i1.vl rru'i v. i ai re:al yr.c. rirte;ri 141 p-i:ei. nj riary t f;-. 1-rJ hyr!. hV.-l i li e 4 l- Lu'jr S. S E 'c ever .t.i.-4 j A !w us ni ; p. r.r.r p: i are. ti'i W.ri;," j ' Datfii Ai.-.Te." ua iio nor,s" ?Antirni Aioii," I "I o1:!.' in .W-'ht-r " ' au;. , i .j ir .'' j ' In t:. . zut." ' f-.r tti ffci'." Ac. Pnc paper o-ve-, Cr?.- (ri, :j lTw:re.l: b-uu.l, t '-a c:. euts p.-- fne-i, Ci,.a bo$i. cu.Laae4 giU, 5 wla., C5 ir Li. a Ire-.:. l an" tvS .-riM tve. :.d i er! ?C3 tnr.M ;.! ynn. a . tie m U ; t'e a re J:!tli:i!t t I j:it he Kn-k to foili w Ki :! No I. ir'y n -li 'ti "if the-e B.;s h avi bee u imiH. mil' U" r;?t ins throu.:n tUU and c'lor c-.!in:r:c. Am-o tu Marr choice pi.v e-s . be f -nnd i u!l we ( ycD. the i iver ? Hsvi i a l i'juiirul Wirid. Sorrow nhal! "c tzn t t rn rp P u'l rori hr ttse Ai:e! ci.niini.? Ti.ou, iiA. rL n,e. BelUtmie on, Ac. Pi kp of I'el '. 2 ' li.e n.r-e a Pel! I. B-iih iittnther Crf'i he ol t.i!'i-f ia one Toinai Price, botiud C('.y. 40 c'il, 35 ne hundred; clot botmd. enipej (till, 6vct., per hundred. 4 cepiea fijrniied at li.e ouehundieU VXi-. AikKd al the ralail price. TT"utr.i' Vortil Iltrp. A rew Smdry S h B ok.of 160 pa?et ef brMfal hymns aud tn:i. It cnnt-j?rte'rrt':ir cp u, inch at Shall we knc each other t'ipre; Su!r li' i.e chiidrem to cmse We; Tt-.t beautiful nie; Oh. 'lU ilrj ons; Leve me with ny tu her ; He ler)rh me b till wir, &c. Prii e paper rover. 2ueen!i; $t5 er Lond.-ed; bonnd 3i ceut . $Zi per hundred l tioth bound. (Bbte! guilt 35 ton s. $30 tr R indred Maiied at the retait pi ire. If i ..?d by Hrar Wa ters, anrh ir of S'unla.t S h-xd Be!.. S. 1 and 2, whicU haTe had the eu-ri!i..ii a'o of over e:iit ts':ai4 c.. J:ietpuh':sh?dl- ajftA.S iTAllii,e. 4it BrcaSj', Xew Talk. TX 2e"x Fairi-jtn 5vnj Co, eita,n 5 r ' cr n-s, '.leri aEdCuo?se;, tp'.k la cred and ff-tj'.zr, iiiclsdiug 1 4 ru.fraj uf prayer4 for U and dyinir so N!;ers, aid s.jl.Iiert.' S riptare Manunl it ii well c:ted I t -torial siaainj. i3 well a SbbtS, . worship Atv'T.t the msry beauti.'ti! pieces msy be fuund, Where Lbfty dwelt is n?y country ; TheChrie tian hero, Taite cijeiir f'ir our baiu-er; Come inf t meefheavjn; Coluribia. zfin of 'be ocean ; Y . aan'a ratherins;'a f.,rerr ; Marching aloiij, Ac. Price.- ja;er covers, 15 c-cti, flJyer a au di ed. Mailed at the retail prie ' The iZirp nf JVt " contains Si rK3f'f d"e s and cbo.-ns. fcr free, dor.j. Am-.c? the rU.i -e piece wa wi nij name Pair freedom' mrn; ( let niy people po; 0er the nio-m-tain ; Tl.ey wixl t ie all the day, Ac. Pn.- & cent sitiiile, 60ces pertotea, per hundred; pstaje cent each. can'.iln !t? page. 'VTrdk h He-r. Si drey ryer.taai'e by Prcf. Cull. This is art ex-e'l'nt N.k fureoncert'e. fur tbe yorinn. Pri-ta pa'r covers, 20centaj $ligt hnudred; honed Sacentx. $2u per hiLudred. . Tie iletieul JL'rc Tank centa!n73 p?e-nf tur;es and brmre, tfet'ffned f . Tiai. prayer, and nfereore n'etia!.'. Price iu ppt crer, ifi!e ci pn-. 19 ceuis; -i per hiiadr4.- Mailed at the re'ail price. The Athnnjiiht GjZect.'on, Contain between fonr and flre hnr.di e-1 pe nf inr ad hymns, new awl od. or t:.e choicest - kind. f.r, church. S'ltidr nchnul, reviral, m!iinry, traij.eraii' f. prayer and conference, an i ail hiij ! of sacred and cial meetinc. Ti.e tousic in tin t--K hit life and an. itna'.i'n in if, like, iihinms Shore. Ret for trie weay, Shall we kn w erh there ? Shall we rneet ujrz,4 theViver ; There i a beautifnl world; Kind w irdai Seet hour of pryer ; TUrf u a pi of iae; ftarTer little rhlidieu to rore u.f.u me ; "! v the Viti.-o. kc. Pi ice n.jle it.ip, bound 60 rent; 916 pee bond-e.l ; Ciuth tiuid. eni'ji'eil 2;':, fio cenr; 6fl v-er-bnnjred. illil at tue re:a:l price. fliJHAO H'A-: TEkS. 4fll Br.dway, New Vourk, Poaaatsr t Ia aboe Book. Yiit'd Zluiie, frith 1'iU'io Aetorim immt. A la'jre aortmeat of new and rrpn'ar aw.'?, ba.!a dnets, nuirtetts. a id ch'iru'.eo. iiu'd iatlr. AToi',4 the mvii p'inWr , Ei.all we k::ow e-icii othrtcere, Lowrey; Why hare ny ln.r Te-?-.tie: 1 nil betrt ' to the; )'., ihere' n j'icli m-1 a ni. by Fr ll-.ther's Inveii tri ; S-t lce.' f..rrct ne iff. i., . bv Kj !er. C.'iceni e.'h ; I he-r wt;t vmoei i:;.i4; I! me i i. ':ie; ! r.ret if y ,0 ca!i. hat icrw.. by Th nias. 3 cut i'.-u. Iimirtii'ientjl X j-r tr tie C:ai F rte We ara c r.;ini fattier AV's', ix Tinrrc.' tTinnu'it invrt ( Al i'iik in th n.rry tidt ; B.-tli we km. ejcU ofber 1! ere? xc., -miX I nlwai.; naii. l.ons hy Orol, SO cen i e.u.h. Pula. lalfz. Ac . by r pi-lar a'L r A'A k.!. . it S ot n ai ll KtrutUoii Citj'-iif. ni,u twit, ce to a:.;-" a-tiresa Muic at the u-,e e. VTiii'.ri' C'' ry M'ti'i-. fit t? .91. Arr?rga I i '.e d':'. r,uar:r;.A an I rli .risej, ft)f mi:si.. !..ii;ie, i!i r- su:i!ar -h ui:..c c &'' liiiLri- ?tc !-"h.i!i f ' r h ..- je' lliere? ' i-';aU f aee: he Tl.tre i a'u"iL yoiid ti'e nrer fa in ti ; pr Id ; W.ere !; ' r rtwr !i i iir fi--.n'ry r f t'n, truth ard ri.'ht ; V'e are ciiutis-Kafljer Abra'am. era h';nd-ed tl: n.-iHiid m-re ; T'.ie a Ur d'ive; t rnsi.;;ipimjjiniion!.re; ilveti'y h rn3 ; ri:i4 unj t'ini,r Hf.ivcn; Loi inflect ; We wf n lore otr STindny 5 -Ti-ioi ; 0:ir G -! , nrrtn,-.m ; r. .jif tU Nation; VVhit'ier' .ni? ,1 toe Piju'ati in ?.z-u; Frit. f reodi.m' J 'ti bu dawned at Ia4t ; 'jrer ti.e nivi. ia:n; t)r the n" intaiii ; Little f.i)'Z aiijre: : Wil. lie's Kne to II even ; ?t.?ter httie fh.i!rej t. c.,rns ante net Bury me ia the iii:,;:iK, M'e'; Come M thy re-t; Sweet h nr of Pi-ayer, y e3 cents 3 ce'.f per d . t- "ier hnrvire t ; p.-snse 1 cett ec.m ' la het f-irai. w.tii nr. .irip.Miimo'it. 2-ceu'e. Pcbae-i b uoEa'b WATK.ts. Ant. 'o. i-Jl.liroawsy, X. X' s. 1 n. t. Ai7xno:rr c co., Slau't'i.turerf. of PHotograpliic laaterinl W i.oiesale aid Re'a:', 501 BROADWAY, NEW -YORK. . ' II t';c"i'.irr! to itrr;ln Vt:' iri pv-t ; L-.r ITe tenal.'', we are II ea "-iU irttrs for i.k' .1 : SterccscopM & SJereoscopIc YienS Of thee we he an -rumen e airtrrei, inclndint WarSenes. A mri-n and fornga Cit;e-i ad l-am-.wapes, firoup. '.' n.ry, xc.. Xt:. A '.. Hu tib Srere-'-mves fjr r.t ie or prt:e eib.'ltiaa. oaf Cata'cgae tj-.U , eo; to any adl-ea oa revrii starn?. . . - , , -- PhotogTaphic Albums, 7e were tee 11 -t to intrdi.- thee lnt 1 the I'nuel State", ard we n arti'e ia;rae-te c.-aitj,.e ! - - - - areat Tanefy, riiiir.a f'nm fV) rent t t.' JS ",t Aihnrr. b-e the re-pi taum f Leir. a i-- ,.- mbeaa ty att rinrahi ry V any chert. They w.n fce a ml mail, fliKS. ou i e- ep tf price. . ET.' I." S .1 LSr 31 3 ii A T 2 TO 0 J ' HD PHOTOGRAPHS; 0tr C:!ij'ii' nw c;nv.ras n-r Pir Ti-iii j4 !i!T're'i n":jcti (vs whi-A addit.rm are crotiajs' being nndc-) rf I jrl.-aiU of Xuiice.-il Aucniu, wu : atx.nt 1' 0 31tr-G7ie-r. . J C" Sra:eitrB, I3d Div.oea. 125 Antiio-s, 4 Artiiu, IZS 3'.a--9 Proi?s. TT-raev 20 Br.g der un;rala, 275 Co lot eU, ItiO Liec-ilop ', 2o0 o-her t'::i :e s, Navy "irpT. LV Pr-minent ffeirn T-,rt a:t. 3 (X-'O C'rier.f IF.rJs .f Art. Incindirs: repdoci!-i. ef te nrvtt ee'fster! 1C yraTins. Pa:ntiB;s. Safoea. Ac. Caialoa; avj a t t a reeeit of fUm i. A - o- er f.w die 17 en P;;nret from oar Catahare win he va the .c.e;; tof $1.S0 ar-d nt l ma !. Pre. , Vhot prapben. aiui ,r:ers o'dertrt? exd C. O. D wia p!ea.e ifut intn;-. fv. rr fi:t rf n,e airt-'Voi w.Ul their orer. E. & IT. r, ANTIIuT 4, Co.. ila-i;.acti.;er of I"! 1 rr; 1,10 ;-rif " f.-f PTl.AUWAV, NKiT TK. Fel 2i.s-t i