Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 26, 1865, Image 2
ft'cbraskci C-Uiucttiscr v 1 r. MOWyi'ILLE, TDCRSPAT JAN. 2, ISM. We are p Icr sc J to fee our Councilman make a motion for the adjournment of the Legislature on ihe 1st cf February. In times like these, when money is $o much needed by the General Government, and I r tKa familioc rtf our Viraro .erdrliors in the field, ujoue should he wasted by our . Legislators in legislation to stop the in- - crease of dogs, black-birds or crow?, as .1. . . t . . i. . . i that they cannot repeal, nda individuals can legislate thetn cut of existence to he best advantage with a shot gun. We would suggest, that if possible, the Legislature do adjourn as proposed, and vote the amount thus saved to the fami lies of our soldiers in the field. It iaay not be possible to do this d:rec:Iy, ns the approprintion is, we believe, for "Legis lative Expenses,'-' and if net thus ex ' pended merely remnina to the credit cf the Territory, but, no matter how arrived at, the act would be tut one of justice, nd would redound t the credit of. the present members, besi.Ies encouraging those who are most worthy of it: Our brave diets. Try it ! lished at Bellevue, Sarpy county, Itsbfas- I . ' I . L 1 r. . o, au arucie uu ie iifcvv araii, as in tensely disloval as it was mfcntte,l tn j j ..-w .v. be scorching to loyal men. After some evere thrusts at the President poor "We presume hit "loyal" supporters Trill not complain, but are all ready and anxious to fall in." "Loyal men! In . tensely loyal men, come forth !" We copy this at it is a fair index of connerhead pm!mpnt In tha w..-., a x ..... m luk i.1 VI 111, uuu the dread they have for the draft. Of course if all the loyal men go to war, the copperheads could soon get things fiied up t their, notion, and run the Government to h Hod the secession track. And, again, the more loyal men who are killed the less opposition, there will be to the Copperhead -Democratic party, North and South, "when this cruel war is over !" The whole tenor of the article rnioted is : if your simpathies are with the Union and Abraham Lincoln, why don't ytt. en ter the army ? Now, it appears to us a poor.rulajhat won't work both wa's," and we will ask the Times : If your sym- pathies are with treason and Jeff. Davis as no one, reading your paper, can dotibtthey are why, in thunder, are you not in the rebel army? Why do you remain au cf your element, and become a stinck and stench in the nostrils of your neighbors ? Copperhead ! intense cop perhead. cme forth ! W e are indebted for the following table to the kindness of Wm. II. Hoover. It has an iqn'matQ connection with the Herd Law, as showing the number of .Cattle and Horses and Mule in this .county at the date of the last assessment for 1864: Name of Precinct Washington, Peru," Nemaha City, Glfn Rock, Bedford, Lafayette, Benton, Douglas, .Iirownville, Afpiawali. No. of Cattle 128 l'9l 463 729 234 253 205 199 1000 473 Value. I1.P29 13.374 e,o: .85 2.62T 4.926 2.520 4,777 12 544 6,231 No. of flor. atid.llule 2i 258 153 188 34 37 ' 60 103 343 1 117 Value. $ 1.360 18,100 8,S9 10,49rt 1,755 l,92i 4.1 10 5 085 22.722 6,435 Total, 4,W0- 6!,T09 1,525 $il3.7S0 The Nehraska City News comes down on the Nebraskian hea.vy for ccm . plaining that it got none of the Legisla tive job work in Omaha, and remarks .Damn a fool." We may expect start . ling developments from this quarter soon, .or their' .no truth in the oiiage "when thieves fall out honest mea get their dues.' ' Damn a fool. 'J- We have recently learned of a most .henious murder committed near Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska, on last Cbrist mat. Our informant -says that Mr. Spencer Roberts, went to the house of a ,lIr. Dean, to collect some money that Dean awed him, an altercation and fight ' ensued, during which Dean strnck. Rob erta on the head with a Flayl, from the effects which Roberts expired the next day. Our informant says that no arrests have been made, and it is supposed that Dean has left the- country. Wilmington is reported evacuated by .the rebels and in possession of the Union troops . It took th& milk of eix hundred cows to make the great California cheese. : Admiral Farra gut was born near Knox rille, East Tennessee. '-A Toronto paper complains at the pretty pass Canada has been brought to by a squad of subsidised and reckless journalists and Southern refugees. , The great rale of caj tured cattle and .theep at Yprk, Pa., las! week, tmyunttd to S39.775.95. Capitol Correspondence. Omaha. Jan. 17, 1565. Xr. Editor: A few Initiative mat ters may interest your readers, and be lieving you will give my scrilblicgs a favorable reception, I proceed at once to speak of the Legislature. This honorable body has been in ses sion nearly two weeks. The members fcecm to be hard at wcrk, and not given much to gas, or tujjcoir.b speeches. Sev eral Li'ls of a general nature have origi nated in the Council. The House e:ms almost wholly occupied in up local bills, relating toronds, mill-Jams, etc. A pel measure of cne cf the mem bers from Oioe counts is "a bill to dis courage the growth of dogs," and, I sup pose, it will be ably discussed at an early day. Since the notice was intro duced, I have not Lard the barking or howling of a single dog in this city, and ihe father of the till is delighted with the anticipation of ctir-tailiog the pro lific prjpagation cf the species. Truly, the member is "dogmatical." Kirkpatrick is Speaker of the House. Th:t gentleman is from Cass county, and is familiarly known to the cjd members of the Legislature as "Kirk." He is good on "Rules" but Las a weak pair of lungs, or the Representative Hail is too large for his voice. However, "Kirk" makes a good efneer, and is respected by all the members. The Council is presided over by O. P. Mason, of Otoe county. Do you know Masoii? If ycti do you will agree with me in saying he is hard to Leal in this, or any other country a jovid, excentric, whcle-soultd fel!oy,' full of fire ai-d tow, a re&dy and llun debator and a lawyer of much ability, combined .with lojg and extensive practice. II makes a prompt and correct officer. The Coun cil, in my opinion, was fortunate -in se curing his,valuable services. 3ov. A. Saundtrs cannot be excelled in his decorous and affable manners to all the members. He soon gaiis the jrocd will of all with whom he comes in contact. His acts are intimately associ ated with the history of Nebraska, and not a stain can be successfully stamped upon his reputation as an efficient, cool headed and practical Executive. The Governor intimated in his recent Annual Message, that it might be his last message to the people of Nebraska. I know not his grounds for the assertion, but believe- it is not the wish of the peo ple that he should be removed. The' regret at such an event would be univer sal. Secretary Paddock is found, like a faiihful sentinel, always at his p;.st. He occupies a poskiou in the affections of our citizens, that cannot be easily filled by any other person. His capability, honesty and fidelity as an officer cannot be questioned. He is beyond doubt the "right man in the right'place." 1 propose givii.- ycu a then sketch of the Governor, Secretary, members ot the Council and of the JIo.use,.as near as I can before the close of the Session. .The Amendment lathe Revenue Law, introduced by our Councilman passed the Council yesterday, by a vote cf. eight to four. The principal amendment makes taxes due first Monday in December, nd Delinquent first of June. The penalties and interests now due on unpaid Taxes are suspended, or do cot attach for 1S64- The bill for the Pay of the Militia has passed the' Council also, apd is now before the House. It will become a law, and the "bra-e Miikia boys" will soon receive their greenbacks. The Herd Law is being discussed still rn the Council. Much feeling is shown on both tides, although each member ad mits the law ;o be au absolute necessity. It will meet with violent opposition in the House should it pass the Council. PAWNEE. Omaha, Jan. 22d, '65. Mr. Editor: The Legislature adjourn ed cn the 20ih inst., until to-umrrow, in order to give some of the members a chance to visit her families. A certain amount of time must be wasted, anyhow, it matters not at v.hnt season of the year its sessions convene! nor does the groan ing, bleeding condition of' the country, financially, have any weight with the Honorable Legislature of Nebraska! The Statutes of Nebraska are net to be cumbered any onger with Local Laws. The Council gave the precedent a few days ago, and it will be strictly" adhered to this Session, at leasC This is a move in the right direction. We have had enough legislation for private interests. Full aud ample provision has been made Sot all cases by the. General Statute, and under . its broad wing an asylum can be found for Mill-dams, bridges, &c. During the discussion on, the iferd Law much was said about the Common Law, whereupon a South-Piatte Council man arose, with his hands ramed into his breeches pockets; and with a trembl ing voice, saitf : "Mr. Stone (meaning Eiackstcne,) did not know anything about the Herd Law; never was in Nebraska, and besides hevernt no farmer." The friends of the bill subsided, and a vote was taken without consuming further ! lime in its discussion. A large batch of Memorials, for and against, a Herd Law are presented daily. A memorial has been, oi will be, pre SviiU'd, signed by a number of respecta ble Pawnee Indians, again t the pa-sage" of the -bill, "discouraging the growth cf dogs." They state this is their sole dependence for4food ;" in viewof which fact, a law to increase the "crop" would materially contribute to the comfort and happiness of the tribe.' I suggest the propriety cf referring the matter to a vote, as this is eminently a "domestic institution." A majority might be eppesed to it. and politicians in these latter days always repose on the "oppersido" of every question. Gov. Saunders has ere this applied, no doubt, to. the Secretary of War for per permission to raise a new regiment for frontier service. If a combined, vigor ous, and united effort be made in all sec tions of the Territory it can be effected. Our worthy Governor is fully conviuc 'ed of the magnitude of the Indian War now at hand, and you may rest aslir.'d his every nerve will be pointed in the right direction. The necessities for im mediate action do not call for argument ; the "War-whocp" has been - heard and must be met, and its death-chilling cry on our borders forever hushed! Has not the time yet arrived for the work of extermination? Does not the blood of the defenceless women and the weeping "little cne" awaken a desire' to wipe every "Red devil" from the face of the earth ? i Gen. Mitchell is now absent from these Head Quarters, having left on the first reception of news, for the region cf the late Indian raids. . Capt. Moer, Ass't Quartermaster, ha gained, as he always does, the good will and confidence of all with whom he comes in. contact. He is social, energetic and prompt, ar.d his knowledge of the intri cacies of his position equal to any man in the West. Capt. John A. (Vilcox is still filling the important position of Com. cf Mus ters. The Captain is widely known as a correct, competent and above all an honest military officer. - Capt. Carson, Com. of Subsistence, designs, or has. already, tendered his re signation. The Government cannot se cure a more faiihful and efficient officer to discharge the arduous duties connect ed with this department cf the service. The District of Nebraska is managed in a style highly ccmplimentary to the' military skill of its brave and gallan commandant. PAWNEE. Fiihe.r and. works on Federal Point. Our loss is heavy. Two 15 inch guns burst on the mortars. We captured 4,500 pritouers. NebrasKa Legislature Monday, Jan. 16. . Council met pursuant to adjournment. .. C. F. No. 5. An ct to provide for the valuation -and assessment of real and personal property in the Territory of Nebraska, was read a third time. Mr. Allen moved t indefinitely post pene further action G:a- the bill, and the ayes and nays were called. Nays, 5 ; yea3.7. Motion lost. Mr. Allen moved the postponement cf the bill until next wecik, a.nd that it be mde th special order cf next Monday. Ruled out of order. Mr. Alien then moved Jhat the bill be recommitted to a select committee of three, Mr. Chapman' to be chairman of said committee. Ayes and nays taken, and motion lost. The question then recuring on the final passage of the bill, the ayes and nays were called for, which resulted as follows : Ayes Messrs. Albertson, I3ayne, Chapman, Griffey, Holladay, Kennedy, McCafland and Miller. Nays Messrs. Allen, Bennett, Blan chcird and Porier. The bill passed and title agreed to. Adjourned. Tlie Fall or Fori Fisher. Washington, Jan. 17th. The follow ing official dispatch has just been 're ceived at the.War Department, from Fed eral Point, N. C, dated the 16:h: .General : I have the honor to report that Fcrt Fisher was tarried by asauli this afternoon and evenii g by General Ames' division and the 2d brigade of the 1st division of the 24;h army corps, gal lantly aided by a battalion of marines and seamen from the navy. The assault was proceeded by a heavy bombardment from the fleet, and was made at 3:20, p! r. ., when the irst brig ade of Ames' division effected a lodg ment upon the parapet, bui full posses sion of the work was not obtained till 10 p.m. - The behavior of both officers ar.d men was most admirable. Ail the works south cf Fort Fisher are now occupied by our troops. We have not less ihan 1,200 prisoners, including Gen. Whiting and Cel. Lnmb, the commandant of the fort. I regret to say that our loss is severe, especially in officers. I am no yet able to form any estimate of the number of casualities. - ALFRED II. TERRY. Brevet Maj-Geu. Com'dg Ex. Fort Fbher, Jan. 16. 2 a. in. After a careful rtconnoisance on the 14th. it was decided to risk an assault. tn Fort, Fisher, Paint's division with Colonel Abbott'sbrigade, tobld our line, already strung across the veninsula, and facing .Wilmington, against Hoke, while Ames' division joulj asfault on the west end. After three hours heavy navy firing the assault was made at 3:30 p. m. Cur tis' brigade led, and as" soon as it was on the west ekd of the land front, it was followed by Pennibacker's and he by Bell's. After desperate fighting, gain ing foot by foot, and severe loss, at five p. m. we had possession cf about half the land fronts. Abbott's brigade was then taken from our line facing Wilmington and put into Fort Fisher, and on pushing it forward at 10 p in., it took the west. of-the. work with but li'tle resistence, the garrison falling back to ths extreme of the pnin sula, where they were followed and cap tured. ' " Among the wounded are the comman ders of the three leading brigades, Gen. Curtis being wounded not seriously, but Colonels Pennibacker and Bdl dauber ously. The land front was a formidable one, the parapet in places foutteen feet high, but the men went at it nobly, undei a severe musketry fire. The marines and sailors went gallantly, but the musketry fire from the ea&t end of the land front was so severe they did not succeed in en tering the work. - ' The navy fire oa the-works, judging from tjjie holes, must have been terrific. Many cf the guns were injured. How many there were on the Point I cannot say, perhaps thirty or forty. C. B. COMSTOCK, Lt. Col. A. D. C. Chief Engineer. Another dispatch estimate the number of prisoners captured at 2,500, and the number cf guns at 72, Gen. Grant telegraphs this Depart ment that, in honor of the great triumph, achieved by the united valor of the army and cavy, he has ordered a salute of 100 guns to be fired by each of the armies operating against Rich mond. ' C. A. DANA, ; Ass't Sec. of War. Fort "Monroe, Jan. 17. The steamer Atlantic I as iust arrived from Wilminjr ton and confirms the capture of Fort January IS. Tl:e Ucuse met pursuant to adjourn ment The House received notice from the .Council of the passage of a bill, by that body, for the payment cf the Milam. Mr. McCandhth, presented a petition from the citizens of Cuming county, ask ing for the repeal of the Herd Law of that county. Mr. Maxwell, Chairman of the Com mittee, having undtr consideration the question of revising and codifying the laws, reported a bill to carry out the ob ject. The Comraimre on Fedeial Rela tion, composed of Mestrs. Maxwell, Johnson, Dunning, Leightun, auJ Hall havug under consideration the memorial and joint resolutions to Congrtss, rela tive to the relief of the Nebraska mili tra and the protection of the overland route, made sumo amendments and 'rec ommended the immediate passage of the memorial and resolutions. Mr. Pickard introduced a bill to en courage the increase of stock by exempt ing certain classes from taxation. Re ferred tc the' committee on agriculture. The" bill providing pay for the militia was red the second lime and referred to the committee on expenditures. On motion of Mr. Maxwell, the House took up the Memorial and joint Resolu tion from the Council, and. with some amendments it' was passed, when the House ajbjou'&ed till to-morrow at 10 A. M. . Jauuary, 17. Council met. Air. Mason presented a petition from SCtlCt.l-fllSLriCl, itHT.K v-.ij pre ii t, riebraKa, praying tnv so murh of &n act entitled an act "to re- strain swine from running at large in the precinct of Nebraska City, may be re pealed. Referred to committee cn agriculture. A le, a petition fn;m the citizens of CaS3 r.nd O-oe counties, protesting against the p.age. cf a general herd law, utrned by tweriy-eight citizens. Referred to committee on agriculture. Mr. Bennett alio presented a petition from the ciuians ofiereral precincts of Otce county, praying for the. passage cf a general herd law, signed by uinttj-ihree citizen?. Referred to committee on agriculture. Mr. Holhiday gave notice that lie would introduce on . to-morrow or seme fumre day, a bill f jr an act to repeal an act entitled an act to consolidate certain acii&ns in the district courts. Also, a bill, for an act to s?t spar nnrtinns nf n rorlain street and alley in i . ... - - the city of Brownvtlle, for the use of the Walnut Grove Cenieiry.e T V. Niv fi. or Memorial and Joint Resolution, praying reliof cf the Nebras ka militia and protection for the Over land Mail Route, Mr. Allen moved that the Hi'use amendment in Sec. I be adopted. Carried. H. F. No. 42, a joint resolution and memorial praying fur the establishment of a Department cf the Flams. Mr. Chapman moved tha the rules be suspended and 'the bill read a 1st, 2d and 3d time, and put upon its passage. Carried ' B;li piissed and title agreed to. Adjourned, January, IS . Council met pursuant to adjournment. ' CF. No 7, ai act to promote the grvth of timber, and restrain stock trom running at large in Nebraska. The bill reports of the committee were considered by a committee of the whole, Mr. Kennedy in :he chair. The committee arose and reported the projre&s. Mr. Bennett moved that the report of the committee be adopted. Carried. Mr. Allen moped that the bill be or dered engrossed for a thiid reading to morrow. Carried. . Adiourned. . January, IS. The House met. . Mr. Crow, gave notice of a bill to en. courasj'i the growth of hedges. . Adjourned. Thursday, Jan. 19. Mr, Holladay introduced the follow ing resolution. . . Resolved. That the Council and Houie of Representatives adjourned sine die on the last day of February next A. D. 1865. 'Laid over under the ruies. . C. F. No. 7, an act to promote the gvowih of timber and fruit trees, and -to restrain stock from aunning at large iu ihe Territory. '.'Mi. Bennett moved that the bill be read a third time by its title, and put upon its passage. . Carried. ' Ail. passed and title agreed to. Adia-irned. January, 20. Council met. Mr. Allen presented the petition of the citizens of DtSota precinct, Wash ington county, Nebraska, praying for the pis?age of a hrd law. The resolution cf Mr. Holladay rela tive to the adjournment of the Houses on the 1st day of February was passed. Adjourned. - January, 20. Housftmet. By Mr. Neliegh. remmonstrance frcm HICHAUD COLLINS, . MMDS irai. Address BroirnTille or rem, Neb. 18 tf GUARDIANS SALE. " Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an cr i"T of sale ifued Ijr the Trilte Court of Ncmah.i County , Nebraka Territory. I ill on Saturday, the tltb day of February, A. P. 1855, tell at jub lic auction , to tb highest bidder f-.rmsh, thcful- .. t ..'';,. ..,.m,t .v, i lowinz d-3ribsi Ileal E.-tae,to wit : The Lot No. Citizens ot v,unm.m wumj, , Contining 4'J 50-100:b herd law embracing that rassage or a county. By Mr Kir' pi'rick one from the citi zens of Cass county on the same subject, and protesting against such lawfor Cass county. This one wound up.withiha startling announcement that the ladies of Cass, denounced the bill, and proclaim "woe to the man that supports the herd law." Married members take the an nouncement cool, bqt the "baches" are a little startled about-it. Bv Mr. Bi?gs, a remonstrance Pawneca gninst the herd law. By Mr. Crouch, one from tha citizens o? Otoe and Cass oa the same subject, Mr. West reported a substitute for the bill to encourage the increase of sheep, and the destruction of waived, &c. The bill to exempt certain stock from taxation. Recommitted. adjourned. faom There is a snow-drift near Lewiston', Me., five or six rods long and averaging 60 feet deep. The Californians man. are lauding Sher- b. acre., also Lot o. 3. in Section 32, containing 52 -O-tOOths a-Tcs, both in Township 5, Rangs at, in NtsuiaCa County. N brak Territoty. Siiid S.fie will take place in Brown Nemiaa County '. T. " F.M.BARNES, Ouardiiia of A. J. Drirpi. TO TRESPASSERS. NOTIC All person ar warned against euttlnor hauling Wood ir Timber from any f the Half Dreed Lnd lying above Wrddles' Bndge, vi the Nemaha rirp r. Any person having buino.-s .'onntteJ with fher-e land: wiltcail vtct II. 31. Atkiticn, Hrowi Tillo. " w.p.scoix 13-4tpd. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken tip by the ub-rriber, hiring on Uney Creek , between lirownvitlo and Peru. Otie browa horse 1'ocey. Mar ir. the fori h t ad. rfuppl to te 3 years oki in the tj-riry. Taken op Jn. rtrh '65. 18-3 JOHN W. iUCilAKDSON. EST RAY "NOTICE-" - Taken up by tLe ?cb?riber, Iirir.g near Long's Bridge, on the 5th , one ml e w wuh crop off both earn, ar:(i a ;l.tiii lub. ears,&ifcof the tail ou 12 or 14 years) oi lS-3t rl. BALDWIN. B.L. Of)Tf' ? Of) tf? 1 mi ine p 820. opulation of St. Louis is 1S7- Potatoes are one dollar each in Rich mond, w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SADDLES BARNES COLLARS, WIIIPSXASII'ES, LINES srncixci.ES, girths, JiURTLYGJLES, IAMES, CLIPS. Cecils yei, Snaps, (line and breast) of the mol approved patron, Uusrgy Trimmi:tgs ofEvcrj-scripiion. Pad Screws, Terrets, Water Hockb Various KINDS, DFCKLES, E2TTS, KIXGS, SPCIlS - CARDS, BRUSHES, CHAINS, SUrrups, sinciif ?, Tapidarees, A N D v Saddle Trees of all Kinds, To all of which I invite the attention of a generous public J. W. MIDDLETON. Jaa. 2?th, 1805. nl'J-v9-Iy J. w. CUSS, AUCTIONEER, AND COMMISSION DEALER, llain Street. 2 doors East of Post Office, BROWNVILLE, NEB. AUCTION SALE at the Pioneer Auction Ecus Krary S:arJar. J. W. BLISS, AUCTIONEER. o nn A rn - , 1 Lie LnnJU: . - i '"Mtwl ft bf 4- the An-liter of thm t...... k V t the 8titct ts.,- : r 9 m rrT 'i Shot Out) , Rifles twd RiVol?eralfor sale at Blua' Auction Kcoui. ZoKawky's Celebrated Lubricator, f.r waeon and carr'a:: Ax!et Thrashi"? l.'achines, Ac. For sale at the Pi jneer Auction IIou8. I5;h. lS6t. is'.. Tbenjirifl t tk!i efl75 oL KAM I Cvnn. - " C aTITIL V- Th apanr.t l Ci;i:al St ifle it . - ii. Trie nnnt ? Cj':tt! AS.!ET3 ts. Csha ni la Caa in luc ef Awnti. tt B-1!j reirMe f.jr col 1 iters! mcuritj., i'O W ' Eills recfivib e f..r loc ' cured by Rf D' e $4 jvj Healet;e uuencomber'!. j- S.ocig and B-jD'J as fO T t. Par ri,' 60 sliare U S Trast Cum ' p4tiy' txucX 5". Tort I'W shares Sietn.polnBC, k Ni w T .rk, js. SX) hhara 3ir,a.'s:JT3rr cd JIrct!a;.t tmt twck XfwT'-rk j 430 a. es V?chnjc bzut to k. Xaw York, ja 2"0 nhsre Merchants' T.t- taL siiH;. X. I. i1(k 10O share ilerefcan's' " lan!t stock, X Tork, 301 share Firniers and Me. f hamcs b'k t'k. Hanfurd t oao 2C0 i-hare ciiy b k st'k " jv" en) stare A?rna " a" 50 tio Ph jcuIx " " JoiT iLO d. Mercantile bsak t k. Hartf -rd. 12H hares State baak, it'k, Hartfcrd 60 bares HsrtTord b'k U,k Hartford. 5Q shares Cf.Dn. River t'k stock,, 10 i-hares IIavt rA co. b'l stci k. Hartford, 1C-0 sbarei- New Britain b'k t h k, Ki-w Britain, Ct . "CO e Citixeus b'k tk VTaerbury. Ct . 33 chares Waterbsry b'k si'k. waterbury, Ct., 50 Iiare' Xia.ra Dist. 'k f.t'k, St. Cith'r,CW i',0 stare ontari-j b'k st'k B.)wroaiiTi;! 100 hare U ! oke 'i:ir p.wer cn' tiik. Hi 10 Hartford City boiitij 2o Teno. State bon is C. s. stock, 7 J-loTreaary NutOs C. S. Sues r 1SI C. S. Five Twenties Shio S;ate stock of ISTo 6aa Frauclsc boc4 Vi ooo 1 Or . It. u J. Icia Ilia VtS, a Ov r C iftta at E istra cost, at Bli.V. Fin 'a S:vk of Ladies' Shoes the Pioneer Auction Ilnuie. for sale at cost at Sec 'til hand Cook Store for aala cheap enquire at Bliss' AucIoq Uiouii. Dorses. V.'aoDS and Buggies, for sals, inquire t tb- V i ecct luciun Louee. Wcjlen Hod.j, Ladies Sbawl, and a arit of goods for ja.o cheap at ISiis Auctiun Jtouni. Iccnianlated Interest Q Laars x Ttalruti d LIABiLITlKS Stb, I.libi lt!est Baskl, orad?ri,t:t or nut dne t, fib, Loses adjnted and one " Ij 7th, Li-sse itber tiuted or J Stb Jt lj"ic l and nt d'.e. f 9th, Lt in suspaaie wa:tin rsr.kie prf . loth. All other c'sitns senintt tii Cjijty atuail fer jinauui, S.Z., A fine assortrucct i f Tabic Cutlery for Sale at Bliss' Auction R xjni. Larco St.vk of B -js Bot3 and rihocs, at coat, at Blips' Auction Rooms two doors eaal or the l'ost Offipe, Men's and boy's Data, and Caps new styles for sale at low figures at Bii.a, Auction Rooms. ESTRAY NOT1C& Tp ken up by the undorsisel living. fie riiles above l-ru, on M -Kiiok's Island on the f.r.-tdayof Ioreinbcr, 1S54. Uae Muiy Cow with red head and neck, undcrbit laltit car, ab. out 4 or 5 years c'.d next Spring. 19-3t p'd. ' B. S. WOOD. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken np by the subscriber, living 2 miles south of Browoville.'in t'ae bottom, one red and wbita Bull, supposed to be about 3 years old . crop off right ear Tid undcrbit oat of the sains, no othe mark1 or brandi. l(.'-3tyd. TifADDEUS TRIMMER. AN ORDINANCE. To Proh ibit the erection of Wooden build ings on ary of the lets, fretting on Jtluin Street, in Blocks Vo. One and Two. mYineteen and twenty in the City of Brownville. Section' 1. Be it Oc-rdained by tbe Council of the City d BrownTilie: That frt tn alter the 3ut 8j of January, A. D. fhaM be unlawful for any person to erect any wooden building, on any of t!;e lots fronting on Mm Street, ia Biock3 nuuab.'-r Una (I) and Two (2), Nineteen , 19 ), and Twenty ( 20 in the City ot Brownriib. Sec. 2. Any person . ffndiog against the pro-vi.-;ii3 ef tLii Ordinance shall, oo conviction ihrreof,be fined in any sum not exceeding fitry doll.-rs. Audit shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Marshal of said City, in cn?e any per son snail erect, or ctujtnence tbe erection of any wooden biiiliinin the limit preseribed in Section one of this ordinance, to tear down, pud remote such buiidin, if the owner thereof shall neglect or refuse. to remove the same alter one di.ys notice be inj given, by the Ma-.-hal. to tbe wnft. if he be faund in the City, if not by leaving a writte.i, or printed notice la soino con'.enous jlace oa, the pfeuij.t " " The above Ordinance wnn,adope l at a meti- of the Counoil of the City oi Liownville, held Jan uary, 5th Ib55. C.(J. D01SEY, llavor. Attest, W.n.McCIiEEUY.Clk. lS-2t.10.fli. PROBATE NOTICE. To aH whf m it u.'y concern, notice is borby gLven that apj lieatiou hs been uiaie t the Pro" batc Caur', Nir 'he app.-irjtia-D of an A ministra torupon ths E-tato .f William H. FIii, decefJ and that Monday, the 3C.:.i day ef January, is the time sf't.t.ohejir nr.d determine said applioatiin. Brwnvii'.. .laj. 7:h, ldo5. co-17 -3t-3,o0 D.C.SANDERS, I'robite Jude. PROBATE NOTICE ' To s.11 whom it cay concern, notice is hereby given that apj lCitj.-n has bc.-n made t the Frt Latc Court ,f Xcoiaha Couuty, Nobraka, fr the appointment of aa Adininistrar;r, with the wilt anue.ud, upon the Ettate f Joseph Ginder, and tl at Monday, tbe .'.Oh day of Jan. 1855, is the time set to har said rofition. p. C.SANDEr.S, do-17-"t p'd. l'robate Jndg. legal"notice. " Jfary JaneSher'y will takenotl.'o that Abraham F. Sherfyas plaintilf h a Sled a petition in the Dis trict GVurt cf Nemaha County Nebraska Territorj, on lh 3 Chancery side thereof, against her as defend andt. The otiit and prayer of said, petition is to obtain adecie; of said Court annulling the marriage relation heretofore exi-itin. between said parties or divorcing the said parties tn ia the bonds of matri mony. Defendant ii rejpired to answer said pe tition by theiiQla day of i eLrnnrv A. D. 1?. E. V. THOMS. 1$' $3 - Sot. forC-.jjpliaant. GUARDIANS SALE. Notice is hereby givyn that pnr--nant to an or der of sale irted by ibepiobate C urt of N maha County, Nebraska Territory. 1 will on Saturday th 2Sth d.j of .Jar.uurf A. D. at pr.biic auction, to the highest bidder for ca-h. the follow ing dfjcribcd Real Estate, to wit : The S.u:b Eat quarter of Soct'on No. fourteen (li) in Tt'vnhip io. tour (4) Torino: .1 . fi ean ' ! hvt of tho 6th principal meridian ,in Nemaha County, eorasiia lerricory. Said S.;l wiir take p'acc in La County, N.T. jcnrn oiti.t. IS 3t.-$7 Gaariian of Sam il Bll. " PROBATE NOTICE! To' all whom ii may concern Notice is hereby given that application' its this day been tnai-j for thu ,flpp' -intment of an drnjni?tra tor upon tho Estate of J.-iT.'rson L Combs, licca el,and that M-.n I y, thei-il day of January. A. D. 165. is the time set to hear said ajpika'ion. iruwnviii9. January jj i"so "CHARI.2.ST it ' A?pin wall Ncrna- l-3t $3.50 D. C. SAUNPEiy-?, IVol atu JuJ; CRACK it R3 or all kinds. Soda, Ba ter, Boston, Sugar, Winand Pica-fc'i Crackers, Creaaa icull and JACOB MAUOIIX MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA Calls the attention of Ge-JtJemen desiring new, neat aerviCibie and!e Wearing Apparel, NEW STOCK OF GOODS." JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTIXGS, fcc.fc OF THE VERY t 4.TEST STYLES, Which he will sell or niaie-np, to order, at ucgrcetv dented low prices. Caving on ban-1 one of SINGER'S SEWIXG MACHINES. he Is able to do Cuior. &t ;e5 tliat defy cuipe- kn. . J warrant my w rt. IZandas well as 3irt;hlnc TYork. Those wishing any thie ; v u: hue will uowelllo call and examine hi stuek iie.'oie invetinK. aa he pledsres himself to hold.oui peculiarly favorable in ducement August. 18, 1S64 ly. " C. W. WHEELER, CABINET-MAKER CT3T?EaNTTER, Having opened up permanently on 2I.ixx Stroot, One doer above the Baltimore Clothing Store, is prepared to do all kind of work iu his line in the very best and j!e. 1'arti- ulc r etenth ne given to ! Contract. t9-i.1I 6:a p'd " ( . ruuLic; sal?:. On Saturday January 28 h 15. The Board of Coui.ty Commissioners iell at Tublic Sa!o to the hn?est bidder for eab on the premlKe. the luirWand ail material of the Old Britle across tbe Little Nemaha, k.nown a LonV Brida. By an ord x f the Boa'd ILLlAM.H. lit) ) vEfl. Co. Clk. LAND FOR SAKE. The beautifu l tract f Land kn rn a" t'ie"ITar- wooJ reim, contnrnig It 0 are. Mtuatd mi." e.-r. oi Urowavu: . i for (ale aply t 16-4: p'd WILLIAM Il.'liOoVEB. ESTRAY COWS. Taken up by the utidor.nedliving near Glen Rrck, Nebraska ,t ne larg? brown Cow. whit fr bla-k ring round the left eye. half crop oJT the Cow letter "C"od right ear, aNo, one larg5 b'ak n;ht hip. Sciir.g. 16-3t-pd Each supposed to ba ? 3 ears old ia th JONATHAN GILL. ESTRAY NOTICE. Ta an up by-tho nnderiined livinj in Dongla? Precinct Nemaha Co. On red ar.d white speck led steer, rue year cli brmi.-l on the left h;p with an F" and on the right hip wita U."n( oth er mark j ir brands. 15-lk-p'd . JAMES W. JONES. l!ISCEI.LAFrU.S 11th. The (rrcatTt am-vjnt inen-'M iar; t5 0. 0 except in pj.e-il ca-. 12ti Tbe n. utit ii.uree in n r; t !e li iv e:.'S i :rp i l lS'.h. The aruouut Li$aiS in !. as sv. Uh. Certlfled copr the cair ( ' aa filed herewith ffil B CUli j. Statt ef Connecticut, ) s Coeny of Hartford J II ARTfiMlD. pr: '- Pertonally arpea'ei ffi 6 0 Ee eaib, that tbe foreaoiitf 3-ate-aej! ; criUed, is true accorrlan hi bt lief. Before me S v.s. ) UfcO. H. r" .. I Stale of Connertirvt. ) County of Ha rtf ortl.-J ' fonr f lUr-fcrr! t'cuntyj'to b,rt' - ' request of the oficsrnf tfie Pti xtnii pan? ef Harttorit, i ha exannnt u rtrck itau4in In tt nru or ;; m: ' sntb exunnaioo. aud mth ' actiml capital of Fvar II m.j-. n a-u4 Tested in ock?of at le-t pirroie. more clearly se'- forta u. iueeiwil i''" eonrtitL n of mi! c-nipaay tolo A Uitr s.1 tory '.f Nebra-ka " I 1 cer'ifv that Gej. II B :f i-k.v!' appetidea ta the jurat of the meet. s, on t,e Cjj of tie it u'i Fnblie, in and for thecuunty..: U-r : f1 "-" iied ioadmuiitto oa'h I r gen .-:V ?" In Witntsi Wh ertof. t t ( ) hand and tExed tt.e S4l .-f '-?'- ) ;t Uartforn county, tb. !-::' 1). 164. ApT'l, A . D. isst f. vnrm All Men bv thrte Prei' ' ,;; NIX TIRE IK SUE AN C2 GCX?J cated at nartf.-rd, U the Stata of f ' hereby notainate and appoint .for -sucresHors. the f.dlowi-Jg camcJper Paniel C.Sn-lcrs - '" .' Jamea Sweet - 5,J,i".r, P. W Hitchcock D. n Wheeler - - T ' as their true anf lawfnl Aeer.ts sr A" act in the name and behair of .4 o re-l of KiRI INH RANCK in tteTrn--; ka. Atd the said company outa o named person- to aekn. wle1if '' suih agents a aforesaid, fbali be uu aa va id an if served upon the o fi-pary. ; tawaof the Territory of Xebrt-U r - ' State, and Waiving all claim w err" : dtichserv;.. . ,:.t-ut ' Witress. tbe eal of the aid PVe.:i . panyaod the ffflcial n:n',,r ' . f .tent ar.d Secretary therrf. ( ( L JStaieor (-nuect:cut, tins '3 a.ISLLo"" TVM. B. Clarz, Secretary. This iafo certify that fbe P3' . par.v, of n iMford. C -nn.. r--"i'' ;n - , . Xe'Jra.-ka,Surin9r the year tb6J y of Twenty tlx Hundreo ai;J Taeinr-1 tars- 62? OT ) , V7;tne-. he cordate seal. an'. - President and Secretary f ' L: pedayandda-ea.-. Tm B. Clark. SeorstaO. Slnfe of Connecticut f County of Hartford, j ' nartf-rX,, ye-i!3!ly avpee-l If- Ke u?. (1 1 VTm B.Clark, Secretary of Con-pahy cf IIartf..rd. and ra' iita'.eniet by them aubscriberf . B ' : I va I cw yu-' I L I , , vVr. i' ' There is o Cmmisuoner fr j;,. thUcity. , CertiCcate cT Ant!: .... v-b 1 (To f x-.lro January tvct tt vrr ni l UJflUOrTlstn'l rtr IT .. !,r. I L 1 , Phcenis InEurancs , ic?ei ar H'ttord in the S-ae ( -filed inlbmlS e a c. pv of e ' r.A C(sr.y and a .isteaier m 3 , Cf-ndili'-n. as r(S-nre: f1! ' 11 the Territory or Sib.a.-ka, t "r;'! 'tfntftJ 1? tioa to laynrrce C- n'i'Hr.'e-.' :f ' ?, l;6i ; and Wbcrfaji bi.-fr-..'. e a. -r.. - , oi Toar IluirW Tb s. i.J -ui jr' . invixlfd in .t.V! A at .e-!" i"' . , M..-tini.-e on ReaLEsiate orth W I II II I I r '"ir 1 r- MI' - panyha filet m tTiattkea w , the seal of the company. Secretary th reor, autno-in ;, 1 Brownviie; Jmei S-et r ?: nithcock. Om.U; and V U ,ilfi-' 10 aoknowiede nau'i ?r;,f""rvi t ' aid cooipany. C"0e;iti'-s tait " " ;tfJ ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken np by the sub?eriber, livin? ceir Frown vllle. in Nunaha cJinty, Nra-ka, on t!. 27th o " lec, 18'4, one red and white te&.r, FmaM notch out i f the left bar, about two or three year old. 15-3t JOHN W. BE.NKETT. ESTRAY KOTICE Taken up by the underirn?'d, Jivinj six milei wc-t of Urownrille, Dec. 14 n, one red and hit. stear, three years old lat spring. li-3t KENNEDY. - ESTRAY INOTIQE. Taken up by the und;rincl, livfn? two rni!e above Drownville, Semaba County, Nebraska, o;i the Ifith day of December, one black hrse roll, jwo r$ oldrerv rnir wbeo taken nr. nwirk ,rbrada. IS St ISA AC JEFFtV. -nca the aforeaaid peraolia .ual I te v .j' v alid as if ervK hjk u iLe ' .? i ' thia Ter.-ilnrT or ary '": ...h allr'.ainw of prruM l-T rr-.S'-' Whereas .DAMELCJ'1' K , aid com pa tit ; . vf Tfcerefore, Be it K-f'.0 Ir ea;. That in rename efjn1' u( " B. Ilarveo Arniitor or ih? -?rM ' herel-y certify that -5 V SIM""' DAXICL C. . la. ..wlt.I' cf Xct.ra-ka-aud ir' 1C I haa fiill aath..rilT te a- t a an J nix 1 insurance C- mi-ai y, 15 l'7'rm ,. tutd n BV a koch A sent, ai.d by the ttl the 31.-t day of January, A- tiScate a.- ner re..kel ,.r'rvvoTA ., IN H ITy ESS WEE ' L.S.j A. 1. " is:!. Jannar) 5rh, 1SS5. TRTKD Anr.!f. PHe.1 U erap. ta-le,ee '