Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 19, 1865, Image 2

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    th re can eccrcely be a doubt ibat work
: - Trill scon te commenced on ibat line alio,
I iherefcrenhink you will admit that I
did not predict too much for Nebraska
trhen 1 said to you, in my last annual
wesfage in alluding to these and to the
ether jrailroads which were proposed to
be built ihTcuch car Territory, that:
'Yiih these magnificent works success
fully prosecuted to completion, connecting
us directly with the gr?at cities of the
Atlantic aiid Pacific with thet advant
age of the Homestead, a virgin and
fertile oil, of f xhautj salt springs,
with a climate an eolubriutis as exists
in.lhe, w.orld, iione can hentate to pre
die' for Netraata j;igatjtic stride iu the
attainment cf wtalih and power."
At a former session of the Legisla
ture, I called the attention cf members
to the prevailing evil, io common every
where, of deferring, till the closing
hours of the seiion. the passage of most
of the acts or bills of the session. Tins
practice is 'sometimes fraught with much
mischief, 8nd often with great wrong to
the people. It is madti the duty of the
Governor to examine- "every bill which
shall have parsed the Council and House
of Representatives" and he is. required
either 4Sto sisn or return it wiih his ob
jections." You will, I hive no duubt be
astonished when I tell you that out of
about cue hundred acts and joint resolu
tions "p-isstd at the List session, mere
than one half 'of them were presented
and signed on the last day of the ses
sion; and yet that session was no excep
tion in this particular !o the gvaaial rule.
Let this Legislature, I entreat ygu, set
. a new example in this particular, and let
your work not only te well d $ex but
. done promptly.
During your last sfsicn, a joint reso
lution was passed, askirj- Congress to
pass an act to enable the people of Ne
braska to form a Constitution prepara
tory to an early admission into the Union
as one cf the Independent States. Con-
' gress psssed the act, but it was doue
" near the close of the session, and there
" was scarcely' time enough allowed be
tween the. date cf the reception cf the
bill in the Territory and. the election of
the members of the Convention, for the
. people to learn of its passage certainly
1 not enough to enable them to consider,
thoroughly and di.-rassiccately the prin
ciples of the bill or the terms on which
it was proposed to admit' the Territory
' into the family of Slates. Under these
circumstances, a large majority of the
people decided that the members of the
Conversion' t-houlJ adjourn without form
ing or submitting any Constitution what
ever. This decision of the people, under
' the circumstances, was juit what might
hare been anticipated.- It however, is
no proof that when convinced that libe
ral rerms are proposed by the general
Government they wculd not readily con
Wat to take their place in the great fam
' ily of States'.' One of the great and
' leading objects of forming Territorial
' Governments, is to take the first step' to
" wards making a State. This it doubt
" less the object and aim of all Territories.
' Tiie strongest argument used sgaiust
the admission into the Unix;n, by thoe
' who opposed it, is 'perhaps, the last one
". that should be resorted to by the friends
of our Government. ' I allude to the ar
gumenl thai we ought not to tax ourselves
for anything whkli the geneial Govern
ment is willing or is bound to pay. In
other words, that so long as vhe general
Government is willing to pay the ex
penses of the Territory, so long should
the people refuse to change their form 'of
-ready to admit that our Government las
quite as much as it can 'well do to main
tain itself against its wick ed enemies
who are trying to overthrow it ; u.d it
seems to me that all kyal and Union
loving people should be willing to assist
bearing their proper hardens ; at least,
that they should no, longer insist on
drawing from the general Gpvernment
that which we might provide for jour
felves. Your own knowledge rof the
Irishes of the people beinf fresh,' from
their midst will enable you to decide
whether or not the perple would desire
any further action at present on this
subject. I'shall therefore leave the whole
subject with. you, believing that you will
decide th matur in accordance with
their wishes. " :
. ' After this bri?-f reiew of the condi
tion of public atuirs, it may not be deem
ed improper, I trust, for me to r. ake a
brief -perM; allusion. This raay be.
and prpbably is, the last annual Message
I shall ever present for your cemidera
tion. The period fer which I was select
ed to fill the office of Chief Executive of
ttie Territory, is rapidly drawing tp a
close. : It is due to myself to say that it
has been my constant aim to discharge
tLe duties of the office faithfully, impart
tiilly and ffficiently. bearing constant
ly in mind that the yreat and only true
object of government, is to obtain the
greatest security of life, liberty and prop,
eny. That on the relative safety of these,
depend the real happiness and prosperi
ty.of every community. I have earnest
ly desired that the scales of justice ehould
beheld evenly balanced between man
cd man ; that every interest should re-
ire just protection, and that the laborer
I erywhere should securely reap the
ceeds cf his toil. I have most earn
iy debited to aid ic establishing a good
"to th exTstericToT"a Republic and the
development of lb natural resources, of
our Territory, b encouraging the erec
tion of railroads, and bridges, by the en
courage mem of immigration, and by the
introduction of improved stock. I have
al.-o fr.dearorcd to aid the other Territo
rial officers in the work of so managing
the financial affairs of the Territory so
as to relieve the people from the
large Territorial dbl that has so long
been s. burden to therm How far I have
succeeded in these aims and wishes, must
be left for others to judjje. None how
ever, tan regret any manifest short-comings,
niore than mysHf. It is also -due
to my feelings, that I should epress my
gratitude to you, and through you to the
people of the Territory for the kind and
generous manner in which 1 was receiv
f ed ar,d have been uniformly treattd by
each of you at the different sessions of
the Legislature, and by the people at
large. '.' " . -
Although the labors and duties of the
Executive otil ;e are onerous, and to some
t-xteut irk.-ome, yet the candid manner
in which all my recommendations have
been received by ycu and your predeces
sors, and the cenerous responses by the
people of the Territory, to all demands
that I have had to make upon them, ha
more than compensated tne for. all my
anxious solicitude and labor. . ."
In conclufien, I would say that I will
most cheerfuiiy co-operate with you dur
ing the present session, in perfecting
such measures as the public safety and
welfare may require, acl your wisdom
devise, and expressing the hope that at
the conclusion of your deliberation, on
your mum to your homes, you may re
ceive the approval of an enlightened auJ
generous constituency. .
cbroska Slitter finer.
Missouri is Free ! The new clause in.
her Constitution abolishing Slavery or in
voluntary servitude, except io punish
mem of crime, was adapted by the Con
vention, at Jefferson City, on the" 10th
For'this glorious boon to our si.-ter Stau,
we "must thank the slave-holders rebel
lion, as an evil instrument in the hands
of the Almighty made to do good. $he
will bear the scars of the bitter strife
for many long years, and the effect of
her weary y ars of bondage,, but she
coms thrice glorious out of the strife so
sternly fought and nobly won. The fol
lowing j? reelings were passed on the oc
casion between Gov, Fletcher, cf Mo.,
and Gov. Saund-rs :
'"' JeiTDson City. Mo., )
- " Jau. 11, 1S65: " '
Got. A. Sacsders
Free Missouri sends you her greeting.
- : T. c. fletchpr;
Gov. of Missouri.
To which Gov. Saur.derr replind:
Omaha, Nebraska, ) .
... . Jan. 11, lSUo.
Gov. T. C. Fi.ETcnKR, "
: , Jefferson City, Mo. :
, Nebraska tails Free Mis.-ouri-twin
icr - xa-rTeyeiieTrtTrqrTSIaryUnd the
''first fruits" of the; SUv.holder'b Rt-lel-
I ion. Alay her diseuthralhnent from
Oppression and Wrong, prove but the
"beginning of the end." r
. . Gov. cf Nebraska..
Southrn Nebraka. wt . believe, .xill
be much-benefitted by this act Missouri
heretofore has been dull and lifelessin
the .matter of public improvements, at
least twenty tears behind much younger
Slates ; this has materially effected the
country lying west of her; eastern cap
ital, seeking to go westward with im
provement, has gone around by way of
the free States, as though driren away
by a pestilence. This has aided to build
up Iowa,, and aided her railroad system.
The black hand of slayery no longer
retards the. Wcerward march of empire,
no longer does its hateful sSarfow darken
the' garden spot of the West; but, in
stead, already gray streaks of the sun
of prosperity rise above our eastern hor
zon, and yonder, in the distance, se the
smoke of the "coming" iron-horse, mak
ing sixty miles an hour, through - the up
pr tier, of counties in- Missouri, for
Rrowuville. v. -.''
The St. Joseph Herald says that a
gentleman called there tind showed them
specimens of shot gold taken' from the
sar.ds of streams in the Black Hills, also
lead ore, ja nearly a pure state, of which
ne says he saw one solid, vain rjearly
three fet thick. He says the trip to
these mines can be made from St. Joseph
in ten days.
By marrying again a soldier's widow
forfeits all her pensions from the date of
such marriare, and if she aain become
a widow he; cannot resume them. - This
i? according to en act of Congress, July
lit, 1SS4.
Speech cf A. Sr Hclladaren lUe
Herd Law.
The Council having refolved itself in
to Committee of the Whole, on the 14th,
iast., for the consideration of Council
Bill No. 7. a bill to encourage agricul
ture, promote the growth of timber rand
fruit trees.and restrain stock from' runing
at large in the Territory of Nebraska,"
with the pending amendments reponed
by the committee on Agriculture, A. S.
Holladay. of Nemaha, said:
JUr. Chairman : Has Nebraska made
that progress commensurate with 4 her
natural advantages of soil, climate and
geographical position ? Clearly she has
not. Other Territories, not' her equals,
have grown sid increased in population,
and long since entered into the sister
hood of States.
And, now, why has Nelraska been
outstripped and left still in her svvadliiig
clothes ? Her citizens have not "slept on
iheir posts" have not relaxed ihidir
efforts in turning the ti Je of emigration
- - . " .
to her beautiful lanos. Again, I ask,
why all this?. Is it the fault of Nebras-
kians ? I answer no ! The early set
tlers have long and iai'lhfuily worked to
lo swell our pjpulatiou. Is it to lie laid
at lh door of the general Government!
1 also' emphatically answer no! Our
present noble and patriotic Administra
tion has bent.ficiently saiJ ' to ihe hoiiu'
less: go and fiud homes in the West, al
most without money and without price J
Ali has been done for us that can be done
:u increase, our nuinbers. The 'emigrant
hearing of the gentrosity of the Gov-
elnmtnt that he can have t home on.
any of the public lands gatheri up the
fragments of a wrecked fortune, and
conies to Nebraska ;: he finds every stick
of timber, aiid ' even 'every twig tig
enough to chastise a child with, : owned.
As he beholds our almosi boundless ocean
of prarire, his heart, buoyant with the
expectation of. finding a- home, sinks
down detp under the chilling waves of
despair,'' ' His resources "are limited. He
admires the ' conntry, but cannot obtain
the oi.ject for which he'eame,' and must
settle elsewhere.' '' ' ' ' "
. Let u? look facts in'-ihe face. ' Some
thing must be done, and thai speedily, or
a decrease in our population instead of
an increase, must be the inevitable re
sult. Wfesee that Homestead Laws arid
Emigratioa Societies have been and are
still futile in opening up the Virgin 'soil
of Nebraska. Ten years have elapsed
since our Territoral birth and still we
wear the paraphernalia of ' infancy.' The
cause 'of our feeble condition must be
apparent to all. We want population
we want our lovely valleys and wide
spread savanas dotted over with the hab
itations f the industrious tanner
want to rise from a condition of Terri
torial dependence to one of dignity and
independence among the Union of Slates.
Taking these "and many other thought
lulu careful eous deration, 1 am forcer
to the conclusion that, sooner or later,
the bili now pending,' or a similar one,
must become law of unavoidable ncces'.
try. :Tiie' groves of timber along the
Missouri are fast- becoming exhausted,
and even fuel i3 a matter of serious con
$110 in many parts of Ntbiaska.
Omnha ia not the only place where fire
wood is sold at'exhorbitant price's. Otti'er
regiotis begin to comprehend its scarcny
and to ' sniell greenbacks" in a green
cqttoniwood pole. Ye's, I duubt'noti' this
day many' rifionr citizens ere shivering
over a 'hajdful of expiring embers, and
cannot be comforted because of the h gh
pric of f nft Ttiere are. dUut,ilHSilJ VM-y
miny 'casesof acmal sufffrnifr ari.-in"
from a deficiency of the necessary fu'l.
or from ft want of the means to procure
' Another fact should not be disregard
ed nor forgotten. A large : number of
our farmers must make new fences, be
fora they tan successfully cultivate and
raue another crop. Others will be com
pelled to do so in a few years, as their
old fences will soou be. worthless, and
not fit for the purpose. -
The present system of fencing is in
adequate"; and the consequent destruction
of grain, annually immense. The loss
one' yeaqwouhf, perhaps, herd all. the
stock in Nebraska for five years. One
farmer oflfawnee counf.y says he lost,
last season, enough to pay for the herd'-
ing of all the slock in the County fpr one
year. '
' With such facts, glaring and palpable,
is it not astonishing that objections are'
urged to the passage of the'Law ?' Bul
these, I believe,' are made generally by
men who have been fortunate enough tp
obtain a few acres of timbered land. To
such objectors, let me replV in the words
of Hi! Excellency, the Governor of the
Territory ; . ,
'llut granting all that may be said , on
the subject of the; scarcity of timber,,
have we no way by which we can insure,
at an early day the settlement and culti
ration of our large and fertile praries and
beautiful' valleys? I think we have,
f imply by the 'enactment of a General
Herd Law for the Territory. Those
who have already fenced their lands, and,
are prepared to restrain their stock fror
running at large, need not be dara
or effected by such a law, while alb
who may thus cultivate their lun
out' tbe'expense of fencing.
afford to be taxed', to
herding their sio""
Tliese' "Worcs - of "the Executive are
worthy of our rr ost serious attention. .
Bu we shouli look at the measure
wiih ur glasses of selfishness laid aside.
Because we can boast of cur gigantic
Cottoii-wocds, our stately Oaks, and
beautfuio groves of young timber, we
shoull not interpose an eternal barrier to
the cultivation, of the. ferule prairie. On
ly 63 class of our fellow-citizens can
suffer from the rejection of this bill not
the nan who is ih owner of limber, but
he wlo has it not ! those who will be
recipients of -the ' benefit will be the
owners of timber, and above all, the men
without timber. Give the latter a well
constiucted Herd Law' and soon our broad
and productive praine's wjll be "changed
into homes of the thrifty, contented and
happ farmer ; untold wealth will pour
into ue hands of our citizens, and-our
population increased to a number suffi
cient 6 support a State. Government.
;) 1'miph't cite you to many other ad van
tages'and benefi ;'sof a IIjrd Law. which
must, at no distant day, be accepted, Sub
inittee to by the people of Nebraska.""1'
! Tw o'her quiitieiia : Are the people
of '-Nebraska prepared for the passage' of
the Law, a,d are 'they sufficiently cju
'vi net d of its importance ? My consmu-'
entsare grtaiLy divided on the .-ubjtci.
and, perhaps, a, majority are bitterj p
iosc to it ; but I believe a shun time,
'. ill ihow a large, majority in favor of it.
li isiiulya (question of time; as feiice
after! 'ft uce decnys. and for'rests after
foress are cm 'down, tne . people of Ne
brasla will be convinced, by a' sad and
unfb'rnna;e. experience, that a Herd Law
is' depandod. ' .
I etrnes'ly 'desire' ths growth and proV-
perityof Nebraska. I'uUh to see her
-magnficient, fascinating ."domain, teem
ing wih millisus of inhabitants, devoted
to lh? development of her agritultural
resou'ees Who does' not wih io see
this?' Let the prayer of each' heart be :
Ma he slur of hef prosperity never be
dimmd, but grow brighter and brighter'.'
Until negtnilo iioies of civilijitl. n and
happuess are 'heatd in every breeze !
Lock' out on the almust unbounded hill.
valient and plains ! Mu'st no.'n'ute of jjy
or ot ileature tci.o from hill to h:ll, (:r
frr'm jalUv to valley ? Must that rich
virgi'ijsctil bo left uuijiled, and.remain ti-n
homepf il e pro'.vlii.-g woii ? Let a well
devisd Herd Law be in operation for. ten
years and the cha nge in the Territory
may b imagined, but. .cannot be describ
ed ! iistead of b(eak "plain our eyes
wooldbe saluted by a refreshing. scerie ;
live ft'ices. graves and dwellings would
be sees everywhere.
No neasure can be of greater moment.
If it isrejeeted, rest assured, Nebraska,'
ii use trito nbrns'o- r'H-r--1 -i-'1 ;
The lifi if the Territory, at large,' (s ai
ttake irimis measure. " Shall we sustain
and nou ifch thai life ? Shall we' sacrifice
local ini'ireits on the altar of the ''great
est good to the' greatest number ?" And
will y'ou'close yo'ur'eara to the Macedo
nian cry of help? B-cause I can give a
reason" -or the Hope that'is within me,",
must I nil desire' my neighbors to obtain
a like precious Hope ? You see the up
'plication'' May we do our duty to the
whefe Territory, and I know v.e will be
hailed 'by the people of Nebraska with
the pfuadli: '''Well' done thju gocd unci
faithful servant". .
T'hp i-Tiiii'n-T a iioi irn fir our cuns id .-.'
raticn is this:' Is- a General Hiffd Law
practicable ? It certainly" "is, if 'the peo
ple wiift.oiily-' th nk so. li worked sue
ce.-fuliyr a few.yeari. IImvq no fears
as1 to' the ' public eve viewing it m the Huh.
of the brtat Uw ever devisud by ihe Leg-
islature'cfl Nebraska? ' , .
Lei Uib,;v with due deference I) the
feoliug,rsijii'ij.:-ni8 and views of .our
rtspectivH jor.'s'.ilu'tfiji;, but, after all, be
tfiiifir! i-i nnr !tuiilatin bv i t-nbu.
- - w . - - j 1
and careful judgement as to the
best inti
resi-s of the Territory at large.
altentioa niipht will be directed
ncfnious expense of fencing.
"our ditcible of Able alTvrd it?
to the
Cun tlM
i l a thousand has ihe capital;
I 1 . , - , ''. ' " '
i 01 ODX
but uiJ e ihe benevolent provis
the prof b"d law all poor frmei
sious or
rs will
have lh) I havy load 'ffectually removed.
Do you) psire to .id the poor man in his
iQculwnt lo ftt-ijuiring bread and
himself, wife and little cns ?
ant to see our waste lands bud
;om as the rose ? If so vote for
age of a General Htrd Law..
arn Imni -lelf graphic news that
Gen. 1 , hnyer- bad. rpceivtd orders frnn
Gtr (
an B
of the
by ioo
i hy, on the 27ih uh., to evacuaip
ran and Fort Smith. Destination
Tocps ho-known, but supposed, to
derate further south. ; '
II erald NVRshirgioa special
rciera have beeu telegraphed, to
, for the warrant of Col. Chiv.
Tor ihe' slaughter pf Indian near
ave been sent , to seize all
from the Indians logeth
hnant who scaped lugh
ni taken care of at the
nse- untill disposition
says ;
Ptfn?t :
ingti n,
Fort L
er f
ri gue rrilla,
'si a few
struggle f
B.r.z tit)- f
th. r-f
:. !;
Nebraska legislature.
Fbiday, Jan. 13ih, 1865.
Council rjet pursuant to adjournment.
Mr. Holladay reported Council Bill
No. 1, A Act io make provision fornhe
Insans. of Nebraska ; correctly engross
ed, : - ; . ,
Mr. Holladay, from the Joint Commit
tee onNhat subject,, reported in favor of
the appointnieM of a competent comiiii
sioner to revise the laws and report the
second day of next session.
C. B. No. ,5. An act ta amend the
Revenue Law The Council resolved
itself into committee of the whole.
Mr.T AIImi in ihe chair. -
Iteported with aiiifndments and re
committed to committee on Judicary.
C. B. No. 1.. Passed.. ...........
VH..B. No. 8. An act to ertablish a
Territbrial 'road from "West Point to
H.-B, No. 3.' An net to establish a
Territorial read from the toll bridge on
tbB"LiitjeN.' mah'a o lVy Fefry on the
Big Nemaha. - -,
nea'dlsi "and Od time and referred to
cdaimifiee on roatts ' "
. Ou .mutiun, adj("'arii"d. '
i HOUSE.... .' . i
- ; -FinAt. Jan. 13 :b, 156-5.
Th Il'jui'e inet pursuant to udj'jurn
luent.' , .
Mr Phillips pre;ent?d a petition by
tlir i'lttzena t4 Ncm iba c- n:i?7, fur it
revision .of- Ui schvi'l law, cssposin
v nh the. ofTi .e. fupiiaif-i, driit, and for
and r . (pi;i I il i ; i r i 'i0 1 n o f t i i e- sci; o i.i 1 f ' u n d .
" Air. Crew, ciriinnan f (ho com nilte
oil"' corporation's, rfpjried . t.ack witii
umeivdnients' tl e bill' nu'irorizini: Mr.
Cook.nijd- utt'ets la ertrcl nnd keep a m;il
dam across the I'liiauu. , " .
jir, Maxwell, of the cnmmi'.tee sp-"p'in'n-d
to cuh fer with the Council. iub
mirted the' foll(".vinLr :
Your ct niiiiUiee appointed ori'iho part
of ilr.Ii'use to confer, with a hUe c.m
mtttee from the Council, to .take., into
consideration, th besi and most prac
'uoal Viii-ihod io efiect a ttio'rousti reyi.i-.i'n
of our laws would r. sp cjiiully report
tha they .have conferred with ih? c;--m-initte.on
tho purl; of Ujc nwd
'h'iV jointly recommend as . the lea.', una1
mki practical incih u, ihe p aag m an
act " rir vict i t'Jir f r tii- revii-.n
.... ' 4
of owl" laws. Tile g- iif'a! irn, ' Of i!i-revir-jon
lu iotitvrin ks. m ar ' as poJiii.bJe
with "bvan'sj Uevied Staiut-s of Omo,"
and for the purpose we n r.. Id rectni
ii 'end the app.'nii'.mni of a coriipteiii
cr ."mini Sioner, wbo ch ;ol ubmii lii r-
vi-d ixWi, VU ihr htC -i 'i !.( of n xt :-es-
bion oi the L :i.siuu j ; andiwe W '.-K:
furiher xtccminend ti.u a.i apprpna
iitn. uod'-r t'r. r;.u:j r a;r jiiS' ti,- m:i:fH
...I! ' ......
io Oi lra) tue iiii:'jiti:y ixp-i.cio u; ;o,'
rcistoh. " ' ; '".'.
The bill authorising II. Cai and oth
ers to rect' a dam acrus- Litile Nf-mahn
was engrossed lo Ce bruught to its thud
reading m-iiiurrow.
", Adjourned to meei to-morrow at 10
A: M: ' -' "
: S A?FKn at, Jan: 14, 1SG-5
Council uit-l pursuant to adjournment.
Mr. Hollad ty gave notice of a bill ;o
amend certain poi iiou of ihe Crimiuai
code, and to confer jurisdiction upon Jus
tice of the Fesice in certain cases.'' r ' '
; T,he Council testuveu I'eu uw voiot
mi'. tee uf ,ih wtude fur the ccusiderauon
f C. B-'No. 7. a bill io eoco irae agri
culture, proujute, the growth of limber
and fruii trees, and "restrain Ktock from
rwaii'ms at large iu the Territory of Ne
biaAa w h the pending aiir'endmtnt
reported by tie couunittee on - Agricul
ture. After seme time pnt ther-in,the
coiii.itii'.ee rosei reported the bill batk. io
the Coon, il' with Vioitlry aii'ier.d-en-s
a .d recosiKuend. d th;.t the bill as amnii
eil bf .engrc ssd for ii tir-i -reading ou
AI...ijday., which recoaauv'ndat sou . : wa
ad.'ptfcd.' -'111
B. No 3. "A 1 ill to eaWish a
rcrrii tir'p t r ad in N inaha' and 11 chaid
oiy cruin y. (vo Kuysfefr )
Was reporud track-wuli ' amend.-
hneni ynd rs-d'.'r , ' 1 ;
Adj.,urntd ail 1U A M on luouuay.
'Saturday, Jau. 14. .
; The: llhufi iiief. "
. Mri Purler, chftirmin of the rfmit;it
le ou lnietnal-nnproviiit-nts. rnprri-d
adverse to th'. bili granting S-5 iU' t .td
in i'on-'r jctig a biide a' ross t.'n. Vre.a
-.. A bill providing 'pay 'fr th 'Mdi'ia.
pa'isrd its 4ei:on'd i di!i:. nr.d Mi. M tx1
W.elbuKiVvd 'liui i; t-e rett rred tothe -cum?
fnittee.oi the-., wh.-lf, .and .b'r inadcj a
tpocial urdeV forM-'i'day n--xt.
The bill to grant C-30O' u aid in' the
c')riirucrinu' bral-r'. aeoss tHe B.g
Nemaha. In ijfinitelyp.sip)ned. :
Aojournsd Monday 10 A. M?
Hon. Ileary VVils-ju was on; the. 10th
re-elected U. S. . Senator frs. ni , vl.isri
nhusei'.s. liftd 207 vo'n.s : . Gnvei i.or
Andrews 12; and Vip;hrtp-l; :
' The Tennessee. Utvnn Ci.-overstiyrj cigt,
on the 10ih, ai N,ariyii!e at.d o-fl.ti.izvd'.
electing Samuel l Jlcgprs, of Ku x Co.,
Presid'-nt. Parson Erownlow. ar.d Hor
ace .Mfiynatd.are in ntt',fd u;c.
To Prohibit the erect ion of iVooJr.i build
ings on any of the lets, f'-criiifig on
JJain Sircrt. in Blucls jXo Out and
Two, ' Jttneteen and iwtnty in M
. City of-. Brownv-ille. '-'
Section I. -I3e it Oordained by tbe Co uncil .of
the City ol Brownrille: That frcin ai'd after tbe
31itday of January,A. D. 1S85, it ia'l be unlawful
for any person to ereot aty w(,cdea building, on
a:iy of thi lot? frim-insr on Miin Sfreot. in Fil-is-is
nuuib r One V, and Two(2). Ninoteea 18;, and
Twenty (SOT, io tbe Cy o' i;ri.wni!lc.
Skc. 2. -Any pro aTend-n nin3t tbo pr--Tisicns
ef this Ordinance shad, oo enicJ-n
thereof, bo fined in any mm ' not exceeding fifty
dollars. And it pball be and is hereby made tbe
duty of tbe Marshal of said City, in ca?e any per
son shall erect, or commence the erection of any'
wooden building in the limits prescribed in Section
one of t nic ordinance, la tear down, and remote
uch building, if the owner thereof shall neglect or
refuse to remove tbe &amc after one d.iys notice be
ing given, by the Marshal, to the owner, if be bo
found in the City, if not by leaving ft writte i, or
print ed notice in 8ime conspicuous place on the
prciniej. .....
Tbe above Ordinance was adopted at a meeting
of tbe Connril of the City of Brownvilla, held Jan
uary, ft lb ieS5. . - ; ,'
C. r. DORSET, Mayor.
Attest, W.n.MeCKEEUY.Clk.
ACKERS of all kinds, Svla. En ter. Boston, Sajs
nf and Hi. k-Kie Crcier, Craa U.irail ku
fnn a titbit in n ii?F.m3
2 lwViiam
ACilress Erownvllle or Tern, Kit),
,18 tf
Notio3 is hereby giTen that rursnnt t n dt
irr of mIo isau! Yy tbe l'n-lle Court cf cmh
County , N clritka Tcrritorj. I t!i on Saturi.iv
tho lltl day of February, A. D. 1854. c!i at put
lie auction ,to tha highest bidder f-.r nsh, tbefoi
lowing d:-ribeil Ral Efa,.e, to wit : Th Lt c
4 in Se,'. 31. containing 49 50-1C0' h- mrps.also L
o. 5. in yction 32, contain in.i; 51 23-lfiDUi aorn;
boh io Tovrn.-hip , Ilnnge li, Eait, ia Neai&b
CountT ,Nf b?k Territory.
S id i!e will tio plco in Browiivills, Kemihii
County T,
'- Gnardiau t f A.. J. Drij ps.
13 4'S3,CJ
Ail p.-rsoc are warned tiguirist euttlcor haulinr
Wood .r Tinil'ir frt any f th H ill LWed L:in 1
lyinff atii.v Wednles' HriJj;. ;n the Nemaha rivrit
Any person Laving lUMns fi-rin.;clod wffh ibci.
luad.-, willckil upi ii il. ii. Aikif. l''i''Ti'l
; .. . , W.D.SCUTT.
13-4td. -
Taljcn up by liitf fcub.-t'jiU-r. living on IT. n. between Iirwnvill':iud. P-ru. 0 so br
Uurn I'vt" y, Mr in tbfc'f Jr. fi.'i'.i. Sui-'pored io I
3 jimf iiiil in tbo Siun.-' 1 I.a-up Jhit. 6h 'f-1S-3
wUHN Y. MOliAl-.D.sONV
' Tatcn op by l e ii!brb?r."livir r.enr I. '
l-;.tle, "u th? 5h . r.o red c,-w i!in p oi bi.
ny. and a I;t iit. li,fli tars, art cf tbe laij .1T i
.r 14 venrs .U .
. 13:36 i ' -B. L. BA!.lV,IN.
at) .t -y cm rr T i
v - -
J..r. BLISS, -
U w 2 iJ J."is 4 i-4
Main Street. (2 dcor East of Fst Oflc'
'. hilt) w v i j.i. i ni b.
'- . N
Kv:-y Sa'ruiiy. ' '
i . . . - i t ... -
) Hnn , R 2es and Revolvers, for mlc hi Bli.-.-'
h II-.rqpsy, 'A.iikTominvl T)'i ii'Qi, fr Bt-, iniju'ri
r h " j r. - r A'.i.ti'-n V. n?o.
V oo'-c o Ii odj. I'Hii- Ss'.M', Hr.d n tnrt
P'xhIs fur ade b- p it hW' Auoti R -i m'.
VvVTTTD. T-t r'tpW'ork ters. ami Six ?-v
Cit. at h it' 4:Ktio:i H -o.:i.
A fl:sf y- rpi"u; if T..lic Cutlery ' r ?a!ea. B)i' '
A;;rii..Ti H on. '
W amki) - S ). .. il ,.Fum:iiirc. ir.i,'.:'..-
n i f.-.--.-!-'uir.;:. -,';",.. .aj tt. vi ux Au
ti-1. f,- ' '
l.nzu fv.J ii oi : i aioti ."iifi, at nf f ,ii
H'i-is' Au ".i'Ji iojm.i f.fu tiwrs east or tL i
M.-bV b yV rijit?ii(i (!apf n-w tylc ft'
alo av l I'nre-, jt ii-'i.f, Atii-timi KuiUis;.
Window Sa.b . I'.fyf I?;;s. J.Vrdef. B. i;b, llif
(i!i.vv. Kt-'iiliiu-y Jiiiiv-'s, ('ii.-itiTr. pun's ! t
!Ii.kI n-r. ot?, ' for tale cbc(?i a; tlto l'ivci ! " f.
Auv.ti hi K-.i.iuj
To all-wbni it nmy ccici-rr., rfioe fa bcb
given that nppliontin ba ben yia(i t- th 't -af.e
Court, tT rhc a;ua!if 'i nr of :in. A nv"ii'ri
ti.r upn i Et;it-if Vill'miu !I. HIP. !' -i
-t mat Monday, the 39fh day. . t' -.lanuifj, i t'i--'liT3'J".nesr
an,l delttrninc said appi tntia.
iio-l7-3t-$:r,'Jlr7tb, lSi.5. ,
, ... ; . . , .-Jud ..
. T i nil whom if rr-nv eo-virn, w-tfc i brr. :
g en th;it au; I ca:i;.n La ho- u ia L t ihe IV
trtto Curt .'f .'tru.?i- t'"-j!iiy, N-br.i.-k;. fur 'f.
:p.iiirm'nt r-f fin Ad -lini'riror. wi'.ii ihi wi',:
.ii n-xe I, wid t! at Moiiifay, r!i 3.V!i d iy nf. da:
lsAti ihe lituotft t hiur !i ":.-t.'
1. , S NLM K-. .
da-17-2t pl. 3'TJ ..iieJUid
Miry Jn V-ny will takn n ?iH t?ii? Ahrahiri
P. Sberfy a-i pl-nut id h-i iii-'J a petition i.vhe Vi
r,i. t (;..ii-t i t N u. h i Ci.unty V-lri?!;:i Tt rr:t r;
..a 'nun eery -i i. t!n.ruf, gin-t kcr as defend
.nit. Tti'. .?ijt c and r.ty-r (! slid piliHjn is I
,il'iv:n adreie." of s.iil i'nurr ''innuI'Mig th? m;iri k' .
r -i -tti':j dn-r.:S"fi.rf.!xi.-ti;ig b-W sen .'Hid rtu
itirv,;.1" jg ad ! 'T "1 'h l"ii'l.- f nil'"
luov. l 1 H-lnii. i1 r:ur.-d t rvr:i Mid
mi m by I ho li'Jili J.y f l'xijf.'vrv A..D. .;.
.. - ' -I. W. liIiT.U.-.
1g-t: $3 S-). fur Oornp''. '
; -i : GUARDI ANS SALE.' '
tNo'iso i. .h-r-by triviL tht pur'M in to a"
I t t s.-ib- ri-ii d by it un.tat! i urt.'.f iiiul.
C.i..tT. N-'.ra-k-t Territory. ' I ' ' i 1 ii ?.tt:.r.i.
2Sb I y .f .1 v.iuv.-y A D. JSii, il at pnbh
nuo'i'-n. ihtt hijibst bidder f-r c-h. lb f:!;
in. d.j-nb:d Jte-al KTate, w il ? The S ut: K '-
u irtf.r o:' S ct inn N' .. t' 14 . T-? n-ri';-'mi
f j- 1 ) S )-, t' 1 i S" Ti'-'r i 1 5 i I' i
nt" th ?''tr pri--ial m ;ridi':i jti Xim.ha Co-ri'y
Xih-i-iki To.ri'i ry.-
Sa ti r1:.!-' ' w?i tak ji, ..--j!aa'all ra"
I. a Loa.'iiy. N.T.
lfi a i-i7 - G'.':rd-:tn of ciwa-l L'-!:.
. proCati; Nonce.
To a!,' ir'i oia it t;u:y concern
'.,?. i.j h-'reby t,iv r. ih-i; iiMiicsn h s Y'.. d
besj :'n id 'c rli ni p i' Uiirrit of ;ni' -tor
upon tiif Kst.ito of d..tlT-. I, C.!nb,. dtc-:-'
ed.and ihi: M-nisy. 'Uj-'lt i;iv .f d niMry. A ;
t.- 1?fi5. i th- t i'tie tet to' b : -a.3 Z icni
. Urv,fj i.ic. Jauu.iry 1 1 li'ia. '
D. C. SSL'NDr.
H-3t j:i.50 ntr Jiid'".
; On .Sj!i d :y J.m .r -5 i 'b. . Thi H nrl :
(' .l ir ."n:inir.-.'i rJC' '.il! .-fi 'it Tub i .",;iIo ti
the l.ip-; l; 1 -cr ti r ca-b .'.si the ir:m '.. . iht
lunilt). -inid ail.ini-erbvl ol t!.e Oi 1 Br.dg- aen.-. t-
Lutij 2suiah.i. kn .wu u Ij-wi- I.rui-;.
I'y ' on! -i of lh" i' . '. I
: : -wili.1 a:.i"ii. H.Vvi-:. c.-c:v.
Th.i b" in'if.: I ni.-r f !.rd kn..w.i ':. IT.:
Wvo 1 tarb)," eotdfiJi' I T. 0 aese. Mlo:-l. J
iu'v Wov .' I3r.cii u ' i iic HiiN '
t;M: T.'d .VILLf.-.I I. i-JtuVZH.
... KSI HAV caws. '
T.:k'-n ;!! bv t'S tiJcd;.? !:ir r.?".r n:-i,
Ux-,ebrskj ,iif Urjre brown.- C- w. whit fj '.
tlai'k rinj; r-iand tbe lift . ey.i half crop off th
right ear, nU. one lare b a k !w l;'t; "C"i'!;
right hip. Eiudi supj-csed to hi 7 3 cars oi l' 5jr't?i
Spricg. . ' ,' 1- ; ' . : -. ' .; '
15-3t-p'd if JONATIUX GILL. .:
Txtbn p by th nndersigie-l living in t-.- t'."
frwinct Ncmaaa Co'.' Oni-red and v.hiti iji;ok
led xtcwr. one t.U br.tud-i o-i tiio left h'p
with an "F" and on the ritit hip wito4 ii" uo oth
er marks or brands.
IS-3t-p'd . JAiSEs W.JOXBS.
Taken op bv the ubvriber. livinz near Errwn-
vill, in-iV'.-m.iba county, 'Nebraska, on tht 27 tb of
Dec, 1854, one ted and white etrar,
..... . i . t. . t r. . 1 . . . . ... V.
WWW t. ICilt Cdf . UUUk .Tf'i .1, t.ii .-i. .
... ' .t,' i.r. tth i.f Ni.hii.ta aliil loUuMF"" . w. hi
I.'tiTRAV 'MTinP
Tkea up by tbe nndersiitn-jd.' living s'x miles j YvmT?ESS vrtrJJj
wet of Urworille. Dec. li b, one red ati wbilt S 4 ' , ut a.,a cu.-tl'a"Vja '
stea. tlirte years old lat spnu. I I S lur' & ' to L
Takrn up by the undersigned, Iw.og' tw m:ies 1 , Januarj j, a. iSCfi.
above Urownville, ibuny; Nebraska. 't-a J -
T I t,ba 16th dy of Deuib-r. one black horsi colt, TBI ED A pules. refn.
J ' two yesrs old, very p--r when taken ur. p nirk ' J-' Cnf!la. etc . ee ,Sr
j it blind.. l l'si LSAACJEIFEK.S. At cl'1"
OnthHMtr-flr,tdy af '"
15;h. 1S. ,4-rri(j t
l.tX. Tb iim( f ti,:,
StK:k if .
11 Tii assanat ,f Cp u
Ca.h :d ha !n f 4 ft
BIITa rercivtble tnr tMm
e.iiiitrral lcuriiy "
Bill rereiTjb e f..r loiB,
fecu.e.1 br l,-.
Ecaletui- tceiu.n uL.ctH Wlo
S:oci r.d Ca . t to !,.7T
SCO -bare Motrf.p.,i;:4a0 t,
-t,-ct Kw Tork, " . .
r.-l it r eta:. v. ra'.ik ,i;C,
Ne- Tm k . . .
UO b-e rch3ici U.j. t.
. stool;, Na- Yr. .
CIC'J sl.jre. Mrr-r...T. p.j ' 1 3
eb'MOiM'ar. Sim t K y ,
l3nk !.ct. ' rlt. ,
3X sba-C Fsr:ur a ., Xg. I,
chnni. b'S t'i H ir r.r.j
2'0 Glares cv b i i . a
20 ' ". X,
2 V f P iot'iis " '' -i .
IV tit .Mfnn.'lli;n w
6 t rl ,
I2i ii... ih Sito li.u li si "m U ij
II V i. I ' ;.;
6-) brci l't i ; '" '
liit:oru. .
'10 th irf Hi-tu rd co. bi "
V'-O f Nor i!-i'.i!n VI
t... k, N.nv B-M.-n f 1 fc, , ,
W., (Mr.!rv C: i,, ? .
, P- "j:-vb-'T b'i '; '
II, ...
jo it i' s i.t. j r.' -t.
.'0 t..-.--e. onf r.j D'?:'k "
li O rr.iiv H ! Vr Water
! v. rr.,-t p
'in N-h h ir-iiii tVi-e tm i. i , ,
10 n'.rrfk:il I'it; biiiil i 4
i.i Tpiii.. ti: N.ii 2JU,,j j
r. H fiJtk H-1j rrca.ury ' "
No'-. tvn 3i
t. S. S.?te .r 13t n '
II i 8 Kiv T!in4 1.,,.! 4
lUi S .u liioik ;57j ;
tccania'!el r:iie.eCiL.i
3'b, I.i -bi tt! t. Bu.ks. or o:ii? t ,i
or not Ju '
7'h. I.'Ssfk eisher ,i.i.mI "
X' h A :jrte I au 1 ii. ii p If
iitb. At! !!.er i! iim a?-nu :'!kC..-
Cr' X' f.i i.i t n
h 1 i t : i.r : I.... !... -
lit if f ' - ; ' ! '
;3.h T.)' a- :o .il.. I Ijj-j e . i .
14 h. Certiti.;! ccyy of tbe ch..f;r f ii.
a died be :'. a
b cum
at tit of ( onr,rrticiif. ) c r
Cutnti-cf li-iriforJ i
rtAHTI 0R, -
V'' haIIt tfpenre vVai r i" it ."!. is truo a. Jvr-' ,r. r i ii -m i k i.
K U.S. : ti.-.w. 3. 3
Nje of Connrrtirnt. ) r ,
Ciwniy or TlHr;f(ird '
I Cli. W. Jr.n..n Ai' r' '"'
tVnrt n' !Ir-irl I'inuu'y; hi. t.r'
. H)iift of ftp i. !-, r t- p...i!
,.! llaTtfnr-1, i h I'-p fXuv. I -1 .")
inkiilwifS in tii iihi- ut fun' "
icU ei .iv.n. ia-i ft.i'lv.'. l rj ;),; t "
.-t'ii caiit.: or F'i'r II j J .! r--:-u i
vftfcl in io.k.! ptrT'f'"- '
nore c!trlv e IrtU il, viixxm
i - '- teni'v th,- I ..,..,. ... ..
1" enl.- lu tit ; tr Mi ? v .
Vt - if.e t lie "i -11.
r - ., . ... ... . . . il,-,',-.
7f t .i
t t ban., an.; . :no u.t ';' ' , (
u I'-et ." -
-ire Fiau iNrr.Af.c.. c
.aied at II -rtr mi. in S;-f
4-el.v r. i M-te c ' 'f. .'' .
.... .!. r..i .
p W n c ' ' Ji
a iv ll ')if f - r . t
i. U.rr fr, i VVl't", V rV' .: . .'
e s of" HE!NM::mM. (. -t
' Ao' f"! -.,iiii. i . ,,.
!..?.'. --m.i.j i" -ra mfcste tr-
a ..:- - rfn 1 " "' ' .
, ,a if r"'i v un.-.: ..V 1 ,t
,.. f tl.e T.' r-t r.- ' - . ,
h:"I Wa.vii. t c.i..-,
e. v:.;". i
es.- l.e -el f '" ? - ;
V.i.v Mi OV: - '
l .!.... t a J ?:s fpt-ry i '".- .
s .p.r i-ouiietticu'i.
W.M. il Cl.AlX, Sfcrrwry . -
it, e. h
m.v. i4) h ' tr.w.i 1 ' :. ' ,:,
- l..r en.'.,
I f. -. I .t. I '
. T' n v -ix !I i: "e -
r t
Pi- 1
to - ay 'I. da'e aff - '
'' Or Cortl'ftitVl f 55
(ount-c; Hertford y . '
rer.:iy aT.rirl , , '
c.,r .i.y .f n.r.ri at -1
I I. S I . v -
1t,f.e is a" C a-.i-!-!'-e-- '-r ; , 1 .
L:- t:iy.
fTo tx ir- J. r.'ifJ ' ,
ivctm' cr' i'i1' . .',
AncKVriiFRi-.'" '
.111. 1 ' ,
r. f.,i intt .f. M'f '',.,
. -tri (' 11 1 n.y !i ' ; ''
r..-tTi "';' ' y ' '' '
:i .r N- k. ' '
ii..p t.. l irrrt t io- " ' . f ..
lk-4 ; t-i v- r .f -" !' - ' .
.- ,t ;. i.-t '.; ; -
31 -tsbpe.- r.n umi i-s-Mf - -( f,H- -
p,ny! .h tT, . tfr e a w .. n ,
n hm! ut the o.R-.T -.iia a'J t, i ,
Sucre's y ia rof. an tbo i'' ' , . C :'
. , . ; ri J w
a. . . 1 - . . n . . Mri-i -
vl claim- :f tv Vi. b-4
nnwa.-iyet.e!u.-thitt.cJf . .
t,.i l company J; " " ty T"';
Therefore. Ba KnJw;j V
B Oarveo A udi- 1 f tb Te'"lofX
Leret'y cer'ify ttiai fi ti.
11 a t in. r. s.42cn s LSl
Hi:bcock. O 11 -h; ail " ""
to a-:in-jy;eli :-c ' f p"'c,"rT
ou-.d pe-iij'!. ;t.t; V' '
e .: i.' eri:-?-'-a -'- , y.t.
l..,wor tt,is te;-i-"t.; -r .... ?-'
, small -notch -8. nili antk-rity t a-1 an ;tfi'
behaif of nai Uamrany "l'"r" , u-r ;
! lil tin- Sl.t i.iv i.t Jatua'y. y '