Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 12, 1865, Image 4

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i i
No, 17 Slain Street,
Having dctcrmiricti
to. Wiud up my Dry
Goods ttusincss this
Fall and Winter, I
will oiler to thetnUo
my immense stock
it. greatly Reduced
Having made hrgo
purchases can and
will sell mv en tiro
stock comprising tho
latest Styles oUcrcd
ia the Territory to
Cash buyers at a.
great sacrifice.
Intends to dispose
of his superb Stock
by March next, con
sequently is enabled
to offer greater in
ducements to the
trade than can be
given by any other
House in the West. .
17". Or-
WILLkep constantly en batd an assortment of
Eztra-uperflne to Common
W 3La.O "EX
And all other arUeles'usu'illy'lcept in arst-c!a
Merchant Flouring or Saw Mill.
Brownville, March 31st, C4. n30-8-ly.
Sain StracS , Opposite Ware's TJank,
' BPB! HIS! Hp
The undersigned, hsvlnc secured for a terra of years
tbe new and tpacious room under
SLSaixx troctf '
.BfS leave to annoance that they are Prepared to sell
Hunt anything a man may atk lor in their line, Such at
Of tbe finest quality.
Tor Children.
History of the Rebellion,
At d;"rent pricci.
Also: All the recommended School
Books for the Territory.
Onr atoclt of Letter, Cap and Kote paper being very
large end of the best q ulity and bought ben (rold
down, we will sell 20 percent, lower than any new
ippobiUoi that may aprlng up. We aUo have a few o
ihoaa New Cheap Fatent
ft. And BOrS inch ECLLT HAKD SLED3 as yon
wtma 7n evenbody wtere jou can find anything yon
Ca U read with a good place to red it la.
' MAXSa-IiO'S i- 200K,
jrT. u.UH. lx s ir
mm iiwhwm n imaiM ii n i t ' ' . ... -
1 ii i i -1 i i ii i " ii i 'i1"" 1 - . i
''-. ,v '-,7 'Vi"V " :i A-Jjr-
The atttEtii.n t.f tbe Public an.l tiie traJe invited tit our Xt.w Si-alo 7 Ootatrc nosevr'.'r.d P;nn
Forlca, which fcr rolumf; an.l uri:y of tnno are unrivalled Ij any bithrrto oST-n-d in tbis tqdrkct. Thfj
'ontain all the luniei nViBj'Tuvonie js Fri noh. ( acii m. Harp PeJl, Iron Frame. Over-Strung Uasif,
ic, and -each instruniout U-ir. jde under the personal ?'.ipcrvi.ion of Mr. J. II. Grovcsceui, w'ao ha?
had' a practical cx erience f over 0 j-cars in tbf ir inunufictare, is fa!!' warranted in every particular.
The "Grovcfitrrn Iirso rortea-cceivrd Hie Isfslsl awarrtof nieril
over yl! otlicssat (5;t Vi Ivl .rated Wos!cTs 5'i;ii!
ere were exbil nc-d iiitrcnient:' fri in t'e l eft makers of London, Parjj, Uermsny, Piii!djl,)b, BiH
uuorf ,lv??ti;n and New York ; and also at the AnuriiMU Iu?i.itute for Lve sacct'Soive jeaff, the fold and
silver inodl5 fn ul o U of whh-h can be soon at car w.-iro-niotu.
the intr i?-ti'-n t f ii:ij n.To:iK-i i we mike a still in' re perfect Piano Forte, a-. J hj rcinufacturinj
largely, with a strict-J C"J ejttu, aie enabled toifTc-r these instruciecis at a price which .fill preclude
i'I rniui.eti'ion.
PUICES No. 1, Serrn Octave, round corner. R ?ewo.d piano c:isi S275.
Ni. 2. Seven O. tiive, r ulJ c., Uosewood h'f.vy moulding
' , Seven Oc?ave. r,c :;d corners, K..ewoid Lduij. XIV" s;.yl j f ;l!f iK toTeeat.
Trnri: rTct" O'i.ola, isi Current TF'iTicle-
DnSOr.Il'TIVE CIKUuLVilS Sr:."T FEE. jnno o) n ii-vS -If
71 n
;;2 l; y ? r
Tb'J p-rrtet inr rcvrm'-rl in the Scvvlsa 51a
:h:ue Art. A cuiiviity v.urili ticic.
Flecss seed for circulars with snurdea of Sawir.g.
r Improved M'hin! ?nre cne bnnlred por
of thread and oiik, ax.d mko the Luck-SUV.L
eiit n hlh . iitd
They require ro irptrntin to operate 'perftrct'j,
except the -priu-ji direjtLn.''
N charg3 in sowing from oae kind of goodj to
And no tslking apart to clean cr oil.
Oar New Manufactory t" rw ccrapleo. wi'h all
its c:achinery :md tfl.- e'itirt:iy new. and i? aire?
raridly turnin r out Ma-jhin?, wbh-h fur hcauty an.i
re: fcta n of lli.i.-ii ht:
facturo ia thaavorld.
nor iurv-iitd hy ary
X. FJ; Sh.-v.ild ary ?.:Tc!ii?.e -rove Tirat'sfactory,
it can le rjiuinij aud vajioj rtfauisd.
Apnti wanted in ecna'.ica cot canvaed r cu:
riXKLE Ll'O.V, rz. CO.
0. 533 l;r.0ADV,AY, X. Y.
No. 41 vS ly.
, IHi- r-i V1.- T
: -u ... :
Thess Pitters are preiared, in pure IViuibon
T"liieVy, fn.iu a combination of ctt tvrioty dif
ferent Lhula of roots, larks and l.erH, i.:ch
act in perfect concert one ilh the otlier, 1 re
pared from t!is oiif-iiisil formula friven by t!i
great chief, It. .1 J.r. W.-t, t. L'r., y-lia
used thm tucc'.'r-.-fu;!y in his practice Ir
years, and by their Ubeiilued a pcpuhtiity
In t!ie treatment Kiid cure of l.'j-ypojia, Mver
Complaint, Consiipatkn, SicV arid' ervcus llead
ache, Fever and A?r;ie, mid rti uu s art ir- frc:n
torpid liver or iiuiip'Rtion. Tcrsons :tti i ii, from
eitht-r of these loathsome diseases will Ccd a sure
cure by the use of these Dhters, v. hiet. are perfectly
pure flnd free from all tlrursand niioni ni
aiiy put up in gtich preparations ;iril p:ilnn d oil' on
an unsupccti;:jf j-.uhlic. A fci:ij. le tii.l will ccn
Tincethemo; bk- ptical that in the 1IKI JACKET
there is virtue which no otlit-r Lktcrs poss.
They Etrenthcn asd invigorate ths systoia.
They are ULcqlcifor gencrel dsbility.
They tre a stare cure for dysprpsia.
They i?c a rroci end hsaltuy eppetite.
They assist difjesticn.
They ere the tect stinclant ii
They are a preventive cf Fever aii& gn3.
They relieve ccastipatioa.
They cure Nervous Headache.
They are perfectly pure acd ptlatallo.
Apt-d pmona and delicate ftrtalca will f.rid tli'y
can save large doctor's LUU by tl.e ute of thtt bit
ters. Iieware of connterfeitn. The Led' JacVrt tit
ters are only told ia boitles i:b our name 1 lonu
on the fide, and our private govtrnn.cnt bt-iujp
across the cork,
'Ji&: v ::::
For Medicinal and Table nsn. which are perft ctTr
pure, and nted oi ly be tried to be appi-rciuled.
Kone genuine uuIoks they have our gold iaUl on
each botile, and our initials prexstrtl li wax over
itie cork.
S..U1 ly !1 dinrgists ar d dealers throughout the
country. Call for our goods and take notthcr.
Circulars to the trade fu plied on application la
ilcunctt 1'iricrs li. Co.
SoU by . o. SI Kivr fcu, Chicago.
W. H. TTcCrti- LWtV. U.owi.viiie,
JiP.C Vv JNT & PHO UTY, Pet u, . T.
OADKCo.. " " "
Brownvilie, June 2, ISCt. no 39-ly
J. F. M0R1US
?ucc:s?or to It. Bioxn ,V Co.
Toald rcspectsul'r ann-nnce ta .the CiMrens of
BrownviilU and vicinity, that he Las purchased the
Large ana Well clecie Stcefe
CF B. EltaWN fit Co.
He asnres tt epjiblicsenrrallv, that he will
hand every thdns usually kee' a
Fust Class Drvg Store,
and i determined net to be nndersold for cash.
AT AI L HOt'Rk ,.r mr,T.-nm
i-8 ly
jL i?rN vrri-i .vv---r.
imr- - 1 t fits': ,Jr
Takennp by the suhscribar living on FToney creek
in Nemaha County Neb. cn the l.t day of Decem
ber 18f(4..ine e-leHy ytare pnny and colt. The mare
i bay bind feet white up to pastor joint, star in
the forehead, when taken bad on a bell. The clt
ii eorrel, white hind feet with bald face.
Dm. H'ILSw A.J iiftrdM.
K,J" "V," ,
anJ Edafl Dealer fu
Paints, Oils and Dye StuiT,
All kinds Patent Medicines
El.iIi Bocks and Stationery,
The test brands of "Chewing and Smohin
Fcrrnnierj anil Tollvt Goos.
ITs ft-.aures his patron, and ths pubiic gemrtlly.
he will keep n Luii'd an exten.i' .-rock of tho ar
tlcie.-i uemioned, beiides anythinj; and erery'.hinz
usutl'y kfpt in a first class i)ra- St ora, which he
is y rari'i to jell at low rates tur Cash. Call and
e.T.iu:i.i,e. for ycure-idf
South-east Corner Main and First Street
rrownrills, ITetrasIiA.
PpcsrrfpJIans and GrIsrs
Caruf uMy G'.kd it all luur?.
The readers of the Continental are aware of the
iinr.ortan tp iition it ha a.tturuej, of the ir.Cuenci
which it exerts, and of the brilliant array of politi
cal and literary tal-nt of the highest crdwr which
upjN.rt v. No publication of the kind ha, in
hii ei.unfry, ?o jucce'! ul!y Cf'mhined the energy
nd freed, tu vf the daily newspaper with tha hih-
r literary t-ino of the firt-ciAs monthly; and it ii
very ctrtsiu that no ins"zi:;a has givn vriler
rsne to its contributors; or preserved it?eif to com
! It-lr fr ci tho nnrr-Av infiu-nM-a of party or of
tat-yon. In tiui.'a like the prrst nt, u'-h a j(,urnj
i cither e p'.wr in the land or ilia nothing, 'lhat
the Continental ii not the latter is aVumdantly
vsdeneed by what it his done. by the rcilctiou tt
its e'nrrl in njaoy iir.p rtant j.nhlio event, and
in tha character aud power of thto who are it
tannc:i,:?t ?uyijireri.
1 iii iti ii Lui ii'l le n:or than a yrar U' flauv!
';n"t? the Continental wa
establish, d, it ha!
I iiii. thst titiieaccj.-ircd a ierenth and a aigoi
f. r!cv:iii. it to position far ubov that pre
viously oc ui.'d a streii.'th and a political tinsS
e:icu cl-.-vating it to a pugiti.n far mv that pre
vi..r, .'y occupied by ony prib!:.:; ien .f the kii:d ir.
A. inert m. In proof of which csserii. n we oll at-i.-M.tiop
to the t'.liowtrijr t-:t:
1. Of it? ( ..'.icr.l articl repub!ih'jd in par!r.vl"t
:" i m. a si:; :ie ha h.v.l, :huf.ur, a circulation
of i n-. huti'l.'d au-i six thousard cpi-i.
2. Er. m if. ii'crarv i!i;artaent, a'sinjtls tera
r: "Anrn: the i ir;.' ln-s, wiihin'a very few
nth, -Id i.e.:rly tii:rty-r9 thnutand c;j-:e
Two other f( ris of iis literary rti-1 have i?o
i. k-.i rj 'i-,!'.-l '-d in b- o'i form, while the first pvr
tin of thiid ua'r.olr ia pre.-.
No uni i-(n;!l:i!ive frtcts need be
alleged t-
prove the thn txc-lieni-e t-f th.e contributions tw ih
Cm tiiif rptal, or thoir extnordinary jop':!a ity: or;d
it coiidui Lhts are detei mined that it !hal! nv-t fail
i rt.iiid. Pr'-serving nil "til's boi.lij'"j!.s, vior ant
1 iiiiy" v. hich aUion.-Hnd joiirnais hai'e at'j'ibnted
to it, it wt!1 rerft iy Ciihrc'! it?cir-leof action, and
!; -u.-i, fohilesrly anl fia.nkly. every princif.'le in-
oolvrd id the- iU;t,!(n.- of the day. The fir.t
ri::-! of the o.oiitry ou.lrficii1 the men most
i'-iiiliiar with it d-pb.ina-y nt.d -in--t disiingn'.saed
for ability, are amor iis oor-tribut'.ri; a. -4 it if
no ujore "uf.t'ering j n n 0 of a j-r'i-e-rlus" to.-ay
Uit this 'liinozioi! I r l!u titne!'' w,!l employ the
tha tirst lot-licit m ntnric. uu.ler u'l iets which
no publication ever enjoyed before iu this country.
'Vhile th'? CoTi!it:e:i:l will exore.-s . deddod
opirionon the g:ent qu?tii i.f? of the will
no' be a mere poPt;.;al jou.n'.i: touch t!ie larej
p iti-,n of iistol'.itnos will be enlivened, as h'r:t.
toff, by 1. 1 rs, poetry and huc.i-.r. In a wurd, the
Con: i:i' ntal wii! bo found, ni: I -r it tow staff oi
";.jin a do-siti.'n atj prefcalin atsrao
tioas never Lo W-iv fuitni in liutiino.
Two cnpi.:i fur one j, err f.".f:0
Three copi1 for oneye.'ir, 4V.C0
Six copies fur one year, ll.C'J
K!'-vcn c!'i-:s f.-rone year, !).(;:
Twenty copies fur one ynr, - 3JTb'J
r. tge Tvventy-l-ur cents a year, to be paid by
ths bubici ibcr.
dollars a year, in advance. Postage psil by
thi i'ubli.shcr.
JOUN F. TI.OW. :.o Crccne St., N. Y.,
rublijhor'fo.- th": I'roprito".
As an indu.erant to new subscribers, thd ruhr
li.-hers olfors the foilowinj premium: '
Any i rion remitting $, in advance, will receive
the mngnzine from July, It 02, to January, 1801
thus eocurinth-! whole of Jir. Kimball's and .ir.
Ivirke's new terial, which are alone v.'irih the
price of the suh-enpiion. Or, if prafcrcd, a su
.'criher can take the in it.s'ne for 18S3, and a copy
of4Anr,P2 th rincs." or of "L'r.d' rcurrenta i f
Wall Srrett," by . li. hltm' ill, bound ia, or
of "riunxhino in Thought." by Charles Godfrey
Lehin I (retail price, $125 The book t j bo tent
office p. iid.
Any port-on retnitiBg 4 50, will receive the meara
ine from it c mnien-.cii:er.l, .Innoary, lviJ,'to
.hmuary, 15'U. lhu so-Mirini Mr. Ki in bell's -Was
At. f.nece.-iul ?"and Mr. Kiike's ''Anion;-! th- Hiucs"
and "Mci-;rlin-s Story," and rsarly 3,0 )0 oetave.
p.igc? of the best literature in the .w.-rld. l'rtniium
uhscrihers to pay their ctvn oitago.
' 1 A Larpe assortment of Pocket knives, Eutcherkniv
ete. etc.. can b- seen
CtJIriTAWRC Scytnes, Cradles, Eakea, Hoes,
Epales, Shovel, etc.' c,c,
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
PAILS, Tube. Kcc. Washboards, Eeclcrs, Childrcn'i
Cabs and Wheelbarrow--!
M.o.Lacghin& Swa'a
WEIL Bucket, Chnrns, Sieves, House r Traps
Clothes Pins and Castile soap
BROOMS, Llacklug brushes, Si-rnbbin? brnsbes
Wbii-k brcomsf Blacking, Matches Ink, Wriiin
Paper, &.c, -o., .
JMcLaughlin & Swan's.
FLOCB, Butter, Bie. Bcon. etc.. sic..
A. lleliaujtalin & ivan'.s.
IMPERIAL. Gunpowder, Toung nrsGii and Black
teas ox superior quai'ty,
At liclaughlin & Swan's.
ASpletxlid assortment of Confectionary including
stisk and fancy randier
At ilaliHuzhlln & Dw&n'f.
Are von sick, feeb, and
eonspla'inine? Aieyouout
nf order, with your syptem
derar.?ed, aftd your fte.'iurs
ancoinfortabief I he.e. -nip-tcrti
are often the piutJe
to serious iiir.ew. bonie ut
of sicki:e is creeping upon
i r. ' -a-.- ---'.r-J t ii. i
d !;'.W'a be aveneii
-: 'fi t a tiinelv use of the r:CLt
rtmct.v. iikt.o-rp ii'
V '
tk-A c!-ar.e out t::e fiisor
cerfd pj.tnore pitaify t!;
i.' ...i i .1 lit the f.wii
-iry.-v nioe' cu tinob-t: uctetl ia
- - V -
'!:ev st;nin-
xrj-j, late tne iui,cnon m
-t,'-'t hnriv into vigorous rctiviry.
... :,-.;- . -, .
pirifc the its! era from the obtt ucnoos which tiisko
Clt-s-jj-e. A co'd wtties fono here in the Lolv, and
cbntcM its i,ataial functior.a. These, if i ot re
lieved, icact ispcu themselves and lis eut rom;ding
orrrr.ii, piotiiicirg getieta! r!.vR:ion, FUl.ering,
aud discs-?. While in thic co?.uit:ou,'oppi.-cd by
the derRi.-einentg. tie Aver's and see how
d.rtctlv'thcv fffto're tne natural action ct the sys
tem, and w i'th it tl.e Luovant fceiins of heaitn apain.
What is true and to apparent in this trivial and com
mon complaint, is ! true in many ot the deeiv
it-ated and iiauerou distempers, lhe wme purga
tive eCcct expels them. Caused by ob-truc-tioi:s
and tferaiifremeii tact' the ritural function? or
the bodv, tl-.ey are rapi J'.y, and many ot toem Fure.y,
cured bv the ape means. 2voi.e who know the
virtues of tiiese Tills, wi l teect to employ them
hen Bui;'eriin from the dh-oriieis they cure.
btbtcnier.tK itom lesi iinp phyticiana in some of tne
principal cities, and t. cai other w tli-hiiown puh.:p
pel tons:
i 'rem a Fortcardini Xerchcir.t qf St. Louis, Feb. i,
Dr Ateu Your r.:il are the pars-gon of all that
la prt-st in inet!icii:e. They liave cured my little
c'siuj.liter cf uicerous itores upon her and feet
thst had povrd itci-iaLle toryears. lleriaother
L8 Leeu Ion? gr:evou!y all'.icted with blotches and on her skin and in 1 er hair. After our
chi d was cured, hi ilo tried otiri i!!. and they.
Lavs u; i:d Lerl ASA JiOItUltlDUlh
rrcrx Dr. E W. C:rtt?rigJt!. Xew Ontnnt.
Yoar l'iils arc the of purees. Their ex-eV.'-.t
Quslilieii sutpnr auv cathartic we poi-f-ess.
Tl.ev are mild, but vcty ceifain ai d t Ui-Ctual in their
action cn the bow elf, which tnr.kea them invaluuhle
to us in the daily tit a: went ofii.--eac.
KcxdacIiCjkL Ittttdachr, Voal RlomacJi.
Front. Er EJiranl Jtnyt, Baltimore.
Beak 1 an. Ayek: I csr.not answer yon trhnt
eoaiplaints 1 have cured with your Tills Letter than
to ay ail tl-ii tec ever treat tilth a purgatirrmeiii
ciif, I place greet, t'epenr'.ci.ce on tliat ei.'cctual
c(lHirtIc in my dra!v conter-t with diccflf-e, and bc
lie'vi; r. I do. that our I iltitretd us the lest we
Larc, I tf caur valuii theru highly.
rtTTGBt'no, Ta.. Iff v 1. 1535.
Da. .T.C. Attr. fcir:-l have been repeutenly
r -i t 1 of ha vx-rt-t iwhiche nuj body can l.uve by a
cceortwo of rour '1:11s. It fiems to aricelioai
foai Honiscii, Which t .ey e'eanse at once.
You: with great lespect. ED. W TREBLE.
Clerk of Steamer L'uirion.
Eillsna DiaorjJfTi-a Iivrr CBiriR-t.
, Frort Dr. Throfor Bell, rXew York (Vy.
Mot okd.v areyocr Tills ccmiiehly adapted to their
pnij.ofe as an aperient, but I lit d tl.tir benehcial
3c!s upon the Liver very marked ii.cecd. They
Lae iu mv practice proved moie eilectUnl for the
euie of Ixliout complaint m than any one remedy I
can mention I fcii.eerelyTejoice thct we have at
laiigtii a p-urgative w inch is worthy the coLUdeiice of
I'm pio-taijii aud tie pcop.e
Pepaktmest ct tt. I.tTtr.roit, I
War!,ii,ton, D. C , ih tb., ISM. (
Fir: I have need ) our Tills in my general and
fcorpi'a! practice ever since you made them, and
cannot l egate to say they are the bef-t cathartic
r e employ. Their regulating action ou the liver is
cuick and decided, ooniec.uently thejr are an ad
inin Lie remedy lor detat.Kements of hf t organ.
Indeed, I l ave' seldom lound a case of bilious li
eate to chetinete tint it did l ot readily ield to
them, l'raurnally o ir. ALONZO TALL, il. D.,
' f!.jician cf lhe Marine lloiii'
Dy&rsterr, Lliairr3aa, litlax, tf'on
Frn:n Dr. J. G. Green, cfCtaeaj.
' Tour J'ills have hid a lot g trial uiy practice,
and'I ho'd them in tecm as one of the test cperi
eu'sl l ave ever lour . I. Their alterative eiTect npoa
ti e liver intkes tl.eri an excelient remedy, w iisa
g':en in n;a:l doses lor tilwus dysentery auddiar-r.a-.i.
Their suaar-coatir.g makes tiieni very as-c-
ptah'e and couvciii'Mt lor the use cf womeu and
IJyTsrpssn, IstrTrif7 cf tb Elooil.
Fror.i J. V. limes. Pastor cf Advent Church,
Dk. Atik: I have used yoar mis with extra
ordinary success in ray tamily and among those i am
called to vimt in diotress. To regulate the organs of
digestion and purity the blood, they are tne verr
beet remedy I cave ver known, and I can coufl
Csntly recommend ttem to my friends.
Youra, J. V. HI3IES.
TTakaw, 770Tiinr Co., K. Y., Oct. 24, 13oo.
DtArt Mr: I am ui-ing your Cat i.crtic Ti.iB in my
practice, and find tiem iu excei.ei t purgative to
c esnte the irstein e'd purify the fountains cf tha
lliKd. ' JtlN O. AlLAC'iiAil, M. D.
iti),-umftisrii. uout, curaid, Jr.y,
kairalyaia, 'it,-tc
From Dr. J. P. YctuGhn. Zlmitrenl, Canadi.
Too much cannot belaid of your Tiiix ior the
cure of f!otirens. If otiiera of our fraternity have
found them as etf.cacious r I have, they whou.d joia
xne in proclaiming it. lorthe bet.elitof the multitude
who eufl'er from tbit complaint, wldch, although
bad enough in itfeif, is the progenitor ot others that
are worru. I bt-iieve costiwiess to originate in the
liver, but your l'iii nflect that oran and cure the
i'rotn Mrs. E. Siu-irt, rhyiicia and 2Iidvcfet
I find one cr tvro doses of your Tills, taken
at the proper time, l ie excellent proniotivia of th
natural lecretk-n wheu wholly cr partially aup-p:?B-d,
and a co very enVctual to c'tante tl.e
ttomach and ervel i.-ornrs. 'II ey are to much th
best physic we llave that 1 recotuineud iiO other t
my patient.
From Vte Eev,. Dr. lTa'rkfs, nf t7u Ueihodist Fp$,
Pulaski riorsr.., Ca.. Jan. p., 1355.
!.:.ok.i bin. I f-houkl be urprateiul lor th
re'ief ourt.kid has h: ought n.e if I did i ot report
mv c?e to jou. A -cold settled ia my iimbs and
Li'ou' ht on excruciating neuronic i.tiiu, wlucli
ended in chronic rhtumatiam. iiotw ltht-tandiug 1
Lad the beet of ph. iicians. the d'ea-'e giew wors
and wor-e. until by the ad ice of your excellent
ak'ei.t in Ta'tiniore. Dr. JUckenzie, 1 tried your
1 ii's. Their cthcts v-eie s.ow, but pure. l?y per
leveiing iu the ute ofthcia, 1 am low cutireiy veil.
Snxiir Ciumber. Pnton, La., 6 Dec.jloo.
Dit 1 hae leeu eutiivly cured, by your
Ti os, of 1.,'tfumatic (.ou: a p;ui it'll oi-enethat La
atltlcied me for ytani. VINCEN T yLlDLLL.
ry-3Iost of tl.e Tilli in maiket contain Mercury,
which aiti.ou'!i a ta uubie renmly in t-kiltul hands,
is ai:gerous hi a puh'ic j ill, liom the c read Jul con
fejueiices tlmt li eiient! v loiloiv its incautious use.
These contain to Uercury or mineiai subotauc
Trice, 25 ceitJ p;r Eos, cr 5 Poxes far $1.
Prepared ly Dr. J. C. AYE2 : Co., Lowell, Hun.
- WM.n. Vet ItCl'TtY". Brown villa,
(i. A. 111! OWN" A I'.UO., Peru.
Jir. Tf ti'lAVFS. Salem.
,Tt)i::W. IlOl.T.l PI.O.. Palem.
IIOl.T.'i SCOTT. fV'.Is City.
M.V. is fc r-iit I l', r't. ctcpaens.
KAriLLY A SiiEKhlU, llulo.
Attractive Feature. Tl.e Jj.CCI Prix-i Nvc!
The tiiilf -Betweco Them. By Mrs. Amie
-tephen. Aiithon-.-s of "i-'a.-hion and Tamiae,"
'The B' jectcd Wif,,'' A'-, Ac.
Ia addnon t. its aU-teti .n- a? th-i first end
most authentic Il!u"f!'t-ed Tat er in "America, sur
passing all others in the varie'y. :ic;iir.icy, .ia I In
terest of the numerous illustrations which it offers,
Frar.d Leslie's ldusTited Xewpajer will begin in
No. 43o,datel J.-rnnny 18n f, the thrilling an 1
absorbing novsl.'-Th-s fiull Between them," writ
ten by the great novel's' , Mrs. Stephens, whose
"Fashion and Tatnir" haa a linger cireuhition
than any other purely literary novel ofonrdc.y,
end was regarded as so msteriy a work of fiction
that it was not only republished in England, but
was translated into almost every Ungues of La
P"tv?s) The prise cf $5.ffC. off-red with nr-nsu iber
nlity by tho proprietor for the best nov drew
l 'lth no less than t'vo hundred works, 'nyof
them of great m-it. Among these, Mrs. Stephens'
novel was selected, e:t evidently surpassing not only
all ethers offered, but; almost everything hitherto
published. It i fully ciual to "Ehioa and
Famine," and will ta as widely read.
It will ba of greater interest, from the fact that
the scene is laid in our land and eur own times:
and in delineation of diameter and absorbiug
power it will fascinate ant charm the reader.
Subscription $'1.50 per year.
Address FRANK LESLIE, Dnane St. N. Y.
Copie of tha paptr containing tho commenco-
ment and continuation of Mrs. Stephens novel,
"1 he Gulf Between tbsni," can be had of any News
dealer in the United 3:ates or Aritish Provinces.
SALT by tha brrel or pound, Fine Dairy Salt, for
At McLArcnLix & Swan 8.
WCK.LLS bv the doen or barrel, fcf a superior qual-
X itv. crnstuntly on hand
At MeLSrGRLiN 4 Swan,s.
PIGS. Chocolate. Miple snear, assorted Jellies, Can
Peaches. Pepper i. auce, Jiushroom catsup, Worces
tershire iauce,
Taken np by the under--irnti livire five miki
West of Brownville, one Forrel Colt, white steak ia
forehead taken up in the 1st of Dec ember. 1S6 4,
Kaiiulacturar' Agent lor tbe sale ot
Watches, Chains, etc., c,
Tube sold for ous Dollar Ea-h, witnout regard to vi6,e
Of Articles all to be j!d fur one Dollar Bach
100 Gold HunUng Cased Vatcbes,
$100 ezch
100 " Watches. .
2C0 ' Ladies' Watches.
6 0 Silver " -
600 Gold Guard, Yect and Chatelain
Chains, - - - " -lOOO
Vest, Keck, Guard and'Chat el ain
Cbsin, - -30no
Cameo Breeches
Sjom Kosiio aud Jfi B.-ooches -
Zim L:iv and Fl nenune Bwoche. -3.
W Cui'iT, Garnet &. KmeraUl Broothe,
203 Cau;eo fear Drop. -SC0
Oan et JJcsaic and Jet Kar Drops,
4-t)0 Lava sa 'Klorentine Kar Drops
4!MH) Gents' Scarf Pins, - - - -60o0
Chain nd Band Brfe,lets,
:-'30 Gep.;' Brrats Pius,
3'.3 Watch Keys, - - - -CO'
0 Fi and Kibbon Slides,
70tH Sets i.f B-Kom S'.uua, - -
9oi;U Sleeve ii.itt'H's. - - -PWO
Plain and Chased Eicga,
7oti0 Siotse Set Hmu's, - - -7oCK
Miniature Locket. Crosses, he. -12000
Set Ladies Jewelry,
80 eacb
35 eaih
la acC
$15 to SO each
A to 15 each
4 to 6 ect:
4 to
4 to
4 to
4 to
4 to
4 to
2 to
t eica
6 each
C eacb
8 eacb
( ecb
8 eacb
3 to 10 eacb
l to 6 ejeh
2 to
2 to.
2 to
2 to
2 to
2 to
6 erb
6 each
C e:c-i
6 ea' L
6 eub
S e.L
2 to 13 each
t i) 15 eico
All of the RoiKls iu the above List will be sold, wiiu
oui re-e'vatk'H, for One Dollar each. Certificates ct
all tbe various articles are placed in similar envelopes
andi-ealei. These enveh-pes wiil be sent by ra-iil, or
delivered at our oftce, without resard to ch T4 On
leceivinsa. Certificate you wi-i see vLat'art;c!e it rep-ret-euts.
i.nJ it is optional IthioU to seud on dollar
aud receive tbe article or nt.
Iu all transactions by mail we shall charje for for
forwardio th Certificates, paying pof tae. and d dnii
the busuless, 25 cants e':h. Five Onificutes wilt be
-en for $t ; Elevan for $1; Tbirtj fr 5; Sisty-flv
ft.r $tfJ ami One bun-Ire 1 for $'.5.
C tRKKSPOM:EN TS may rely npon a quick and
p'liiiiiiit atiswer to their orders. Our buninen.- is cum
itucici upim liiieral, honc-bt, s"tra:ahtrnrwjrit..prinjipi.
and we guarantee salisfactioa iu all c..-e. our ppt
ron may always depcud up u haviuy tbir order faith
fully anl punctually supplied. In uo cafe wiil corres
pondent Le neglected.
Jt3".Corrfcspoiideuts should be crefi'l to writ their
siinniures plain, an.t pjve their Pust T. e, C'onmy, and
Stal2. Audrco, GUI DKMLfil t &. CO.,
2-9 Broadway, l.'e-v lull.
55" Having; had tuf-ir.ens relations w-i,h tr.e tcovs
cemleincn, I fate ple-ure iu sayin-r that u.ty hi e
hvoorabte, nrrijM cieu, and perf'-rni ?1; they pr.m.i iu
and U.e Jeweir 1 have sten Jrra tnJ.eiri.c.Hiiiit,auJ
gives K. O lliiJiiPSUX,
u47-tf JCur-ory llnl Nh
V j . - . -y. W fe ,. SZ?
V-:AV -r .j '1
3 V1
An Sndepends"3.t Demccratic Dai
ly, Lemi-Weskly and Veol1l7
Th" "World, to whiuh the New Y rk Weekly Arm
has hfu tinitod, his to-day fir time the ar-
j.x'.'i circu itriiui ot sr.y lreinoertl.3 or ci-nvtiV
n w-p x :;rr. 1 1 ad ir;.tnoi Wfekly aljne 711 re than
100,01't snb-:r:b--r. t-nd constant i,u.-ebs-r, and
.cv cli.-s a' lr bfclf a millii.n re.i.'r. With the
'.eady iu?n . i. i-:reaiiriorwhvQ it now enjoy?.
fhi-r fimovrs will tot-n be d-i. -.ihin !!
than ttii shout:! s.iiisrv tuo wno bi.e t ji tis
only hope of retiring tb Cidon and tt auwh. riu
of the Coi.titLiti'.!i ov.r H"-.t ii.viaeted and di
vided ecuDiry, liw n wresiii. power from lb
h.-.nds of those anaiicisai lifts helpsd to provoke,
invite, and p-olong th war: ond ihat to aceomyHsb
tbia end.Jtf luean ii ; elective as the dilfusicn.
through able and ei:t rpriIn n..-wppers, of nuno
pr-Hticai fcrunr th workio uen. th
thinking cio, and tbe tctinjuien of the Nerth.
Enterprise, industry and mori3y will b liberally
expended to ra ike The World th Bst Newsjafr
in Anierioa- Its new from very pirt of tfi w .rid
wii! b early and uthectij. Wh- r-?ef the wUraph
cstcit, or run, or t iwu'j iau ply, it wilt
gather tbft latr in:!Kj'.-o. I-has a lrr t-f
o.'acc- tr.plisii-d c:rj;"u;,ii.t w 'ti a,! le f!.af
armies, who will tlgrtph s.r.1 wri: to u fie latest
1 ewt fr -iu th vri-,-u sU 10" w.-u-. It hn eoTef
ctduti and reporter ia cve.-r p-.litical and con
tneria! centre in A id erica and E't .-;, w!f.s Uttr-a
and dij..tchs will Uit nythi worihj wf not
untnown t iu reaje.-s.
The Msrkei Ri,r: if the World ar mer eci
nlet than the? of any ctbr rwp:apr. Th
Editors invit eopanV!i in this r-spet and p it
to tbe reports of lie Cattle Markets, the jeeera-l
and oonntry Produce llarkts, and the Muny Alar
sets iu iU cduinus. as proof of iu exiaileao in thia
repett. The .,rii has als-'i a special deartmeji
ievoted to Agrii-uilare, filled with cditortil artich
ooramuniation from practical fairaersand mechan
ics nf th c-.-uniry. .
The war iu wiit.h tha nt:.ii is eifr;! against
arsnid and infatuated lie'Hda, m.l tho raiii.;i puiiey
,f . adtniiii-traliou wni.Tj pr-j;ot pf it, have caj
apird to bring trgthvr uon one p'a'f.rni ail con
servative. ar:d C nsiituth-n-h vi'g
men, -f whatevtr f-irutr uAL-i- and creed. Ma iy of
tlii.e who within tho liinit- of tha Cn;ituiia.
f.'Uht ih bsttUs rf the ballot box under the
leadership of those patriotic si atesmen of orherand
bt,t?r day. Henry Clay an i ljinii Vrot-r, to
i'j'ber with th nir.-s-s who- prirnjipi wer th
of snch ytriot as Andrew Ja.tksv, end Wiiii.nn L
ilarey. Sija Wriyht and Si Lm A. Douglas, now
is a rl
houldar to snoia.dor jjrvn tho same p-atforui
in ca. It is ta restore th? LTni-a, r.iiintain
the Cui.'ti'.i. t'on, and mf. ro-; the isiw;. Whatever
n-.akes f-:r tM em:, tha ei-r.-is t f force of the
poii.y of o..u:.-iiiatio;i. The Woi'd will advoeat
whatever m-.kes ii. Tbi r ' I will uppos.
li w ill (.j .tt every er.emy tith) It. Ion, whether
ar-ncd in rebellion at tha -rth or ii.e:dim;ly j !ant
ing the seci.Js of dijnion and essential d:s!'!ja!ty at
th-j North.
It will oppesfl evry violation" tha Cortitnfion
which is toe i!y h.-p d b u of L'oion, and our
only au 'toiri'y f r exiurting or Cvoa;i.-i::n the'alle
ianoe c f the South.
It will oppose evry infraction of the Law, in h;gh
nlces or in low, by reckless and misuidt d piirri
sfins, or by thu administration whiuh hat bsju thoir
It w'il fearlessly exerds.i tho Fredorn of the
I'res : it w ill cnns.a ntly Ujihold an t defend Free
dom of ,-(:-C-ch r.n-1 FiT-doiu of to Ballot.
To toe Invi'le-'s oi'ts oi tha .dimmi trntir-n, iif
nrlii r;ir" r. ixl unjust arrests ani i-xj aii-istiom, its
d -l.isii of ihv riht to tii writ of hoi n enrpu, it
lib a! proi hirnatious, its abr ..:ti.n of Stit(- and
fe.l-.Tst 1 la ws, its desp .tic c-utnu! .h. of n,tfrr.t
td power, and it- subver.siM of ti e si'-irar-U of
civil and pTtoofii liberty, it wii! t r:a:.?ly t.j. ( "t
the letter and tho j;vt o our s.r;rM- .asv .tn-t tn
advotary of sound docrrtBe. uri'l An;.'ri. n fre--nin
ehli be ntcl to th rc -ve y i f m.-ir rit-t-i,
their Hb-rlie. tho r laws, n:: 1 til "r i iuit-l au!
well bn!n -d g-ycriiniciit, by toe i t.-istlcjj d. ;ilo:)
lVd'..u -.liy intrre.i.-cl with vbo djir-. t- contri
bute ail tha if uoiy t th-j trftr.'it k oi'ihls ,;.n.r
atioa. rianicty, to r.-t-re o;ir nut . ui.i'y. aud
to p!a.-e th Uni ed Sum a.'ji fo. in -.-t &m- ! he
nati: ns i f tho f.T ti!, si d i i th.. p'-:i-,-, j -r-.s-pssrity,
atnl has j.'utcss of in j';i,', 1;,9 s rid
setks iri 01 th. a- w:.o dc-M.e r:.--h il.iu. Ih?ir sytn-Hii-1
8upp.rt,ar,d, ah-.-ve ail, t'n favor of ilua ttit.i
crowns overy "-' w i n.
Yearly Sub-crp.i r-- h
1 Kik.
V.-ii! 1 T
53 Oi!
A i'lF.LV V,'0?.LD.
Single snbs rio.-'rs.
." -niium
$.1 (!0
Two coi.ies to one m! irc
Threa '
Single Subscribers, pcranuuoi
Three copies address on each paper
Five " J
Ten "
0 Lli
1: f-
t2 on
5 on
8 on
15 00
25 ca
Twenty copies all to one address
LIubs ot tw, nty or over can have a Hre? t i
eica paror ior an aaciiiKnai tbaro cf ten cent
cab .
ior every club of twenty an extra c will be
aaaed lor the getter up of the c'ub.
For every club cf fifty, ihe S, mi-Wee's 'v, and fo,
every club of or,e hundred, the D.i.ily w iil I.? sent
when requested. inl'j of the extu copies cf Weekly
Addirions to C'uhs msy be rra.l at any tlma at
taue .rates, rapors cwnnot ba chanrd fr -na on
i.tuo to aaotuer, bat on reoucst of th osrson order-
ingthe.Club, ond on receipt cf Cffy" cents extra,
singie papers will be taken lrara the Club ands nt
to a sejierate address.
All orders muit be ajcomptnied bv th Cash
Address. THE WORLD-.
35 Tark Row. New York,
To Con.sump tires
Consanjpt;ye3nTcrers will receive a yalasbl pre
soriptioo for the care of Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, and nil throat and Lan afTactioa
ifree of pilars",) by sernlin their address ti
v i f
- .
3 i..-..-!.: K'
Kings Co.
. " New.YorV
IXDTA Ituhher sn1 liom. Dressini?, Po'ltet sc fns
Cimb, Wooden Pocket c. inbs, Tosteco Poucbea.
Wallets, Fish Hooks and iines, &C . X
SMoKIXG anUCbewirti, Cijiars pipes Pipe
stems and Tobacco Pnutbes. in Tunetj-,
At Jklcliaughliir & Swaa'a."
IiTACKERAL, Lake Trout, White fish, Codfish, etc.,
s'J. etc., constantly on band
At Mclhaughlin & Swran'3.
TUB best Flour from tbe L. S. V. G. Mills in quarter
calf aad wbo'.e sacks keot
The most corrprehensive mis-oellany of a;aJ
knowledge and Licaeral Lttcruure, periodically is
sued in The United States; embracing all the fea
ture of a 1't ly technic Journal, Ecoaocii-J Expositor
Literary F.era,siU-f.f an.l iionihly liegister. Epe
cialiy devoted to Financial. Coacmercial and Iridua
triai Interest ai adjoint tock corporation eoa-
C Having comniccced t!:9 Fifi Yolos3 cf ta j
Slagiaine, whose suce evinces, that tho es-rti 'tf
lit conductor hav bitn appreoiatsd hy a discrimi
nating" public, wo would cad attention t iks char
acter on the part or tto larg body of readers who
aro not yet upon iu subscr-.tioa listJ. Our pur
poso in this pnbiicatiou ii tb dissemination f
practical icformaii .r cn autjecta of poi-itivc utility
10 the, with a diversiiy tf literary'
attractiau aecutin- th scivioe3 of the has: pec in
the vaiious depart jj'.'TiiS of tf'.iease, ileliea-Lettrea
and (jrtral Literature. V.'hiia anninj onst ea
peoially to rendor most' ITectiva icirica to th
f iade, Conrmeroe a::d Material Frodactica cf the
Country, mny sides of the Country, many ida of
the m'.ats! world rsei rs du3 consiieraticn the
Dutuiioal,. Critical, Jsihtticai aud ljiua-iy, as
wtll as tha ,Fii;.ici.v, Statiii:l, Tsctiiioiogica;
und strictiy Mercantile. V eri-pioy alue 1 re
tcach if toefavant and th fancy of the feuiieua
ist, with the pi a. lical ipons.K.e of 111 btiinrsf
man and the worker. Iu lae trimul of cieutic
topics, the mode selected is t'ru p-'pular ia s'.yi
rather thau th tix:a&t;al. lU tuuiai ptas cfl
the houi it aiiaii he our endeavor to purUay, aud w?
avau ourselv of the oontrioutio:: tif ne D.-:o?-ery
to tha Ciroio of Enowiedgn, aud snai! rtfcorw
with all practicable saociao;nJ Currant luttlli
gfeuce, which will be oi future Liiiiay and hiitoric
interect when tha Frtrent shi.:l hate bcoin the
Fast. In fine, tha Atujricro Ex.b.in64e and Review
is a d sirahie ai,d ever waiooui? monthly visitor tt
its sut.M.-ricers iurartii: no rk-hn- of kuowledg:
iin.. ruling tha t, and f urjishiug inteilscUiat
'ibe p.-jiow Vam iu, r-.?;;tiC3 in Cistiet and ia
creasing Departments, with a General Diviiit afut
tho wid-t cofisi'ts it sc; ; e of themo. Y giv a
st -cii .-atii j of topic which are tb subjects eithei
vf ocoa-iouai r ttyi lir publication, viz:
The Arts, Es'hotics: Agriculture, ylpplid Chea
istry, Archa.-l''gy', Itcilei-L-t;er, biography, Crjii
lisui, E-jonomics I'. liti-al, ArithnVetio Nariona.
Taxation: Finaneo bankinjy.eurr-ncy, Corpiratiin
Accounts. Ex.har'j, FluciujtioU-i ia Secsrifies.
Stacks; lilst -iy, Eidrjs.'rial and Mercantile enter
prisos, insur!ij. internal Ii.'it)roveneEt.i l!ailwyi
Canals, T-.-l'-prapha: Manufaotures I'roducta, tech-uoioj-v:
llo'. -h:.ics, iLiniiia jJi ferah'gy, Gnolr.j.
Mtai.;uvy; i'atrnts, Pr-ysic, physiou jy, stai'stios
.-.dsl ie:tc: tad at:d domos'lc, hip; i;if
merc.'il.te .avlation ; Topograpby, TrsvI.
Cn crpy, one year ia advance 3 00
Kve copie " " - 12 UU
Ten " " u 20 Oil
When said at th and ? the yar, i 00 per aa
num. p'v.!j coL:y. Sample oopy uaiiled &a th r
c;f t. of 15 oeats.
for i ics scbscbiptions.
SIr-g! oopy per anaam postaj paid.
Canada. $2
Cuba, 3
ret Fritain and L'!n(j, $
franc?, 3
Germany, 3
Wa.f Ircies, rnritish 2
West Indies, or Hntiih. 3
South America 'Ws". tJoastJ - - 8
f 0WLEK 1 MOON, Propter.
No. Cht-stnut St., fhiiad.-iphia, Pa.
FOR 1361
Th publishers' cf the SIENTIFIC aMERICaN
rep-ct:ve:y glv no'Ice l?: s the Tenth Vi-!i:bs
reri. sj er .ii er.uiiueuct on. tn hist or Jan J.try
nxt. 1 his journal was e.-s.-nblished in I.S45. a-id is
unooubt "diy tb ui it widely circulated and induen
tial publication of th kind in 'the world. In com
mencing the nsw volum tbe publishers desir to
call special attention to its claims as
In this r-'Mc; it stand's unrivalled. Ii not nly
finds its wy 10 aim It evry workshop in -th
country, as tue srat fro nd of tbe insonamc auit
artiiin, but it is f und n tha eountirg-room of A
tnauufai'turer and the merfhan'; a!o in tho library
and the hoseh dd. The publish era fet l warranted
in saying that no other j lar-ial now published c n
taing ii fiitial amount of ufu! inform-vtion; wlii!
it is then aiiu to prrnk a! 1 ubjocta ia the UMt
popular su i attraa'.ive manner.
the :tot.ii AraeiKan it publish! oaeo a wetx,
in coQvenierit fona tor biod;u. a:ii noa nu;obr
contain sixteen pages t ustul rwaltug niattr,
tihtstratsd with
of all ta latest and tiet inventions of the day.
This feature or the j ..-urnul is Worthy of soeioai not.
Every nuicher c.tnUins from Sve to ten original i
irav:n8 of me -hi nicrsl inventions relating t-i every
d:pritcT.t of th9 art. The engravings cr ex
cuoe i by artists specially employed on the aptr,
and are universally acknowledged to be superior to
scything . f tho kind pr-dwed in this country.
Tha yui tishr of the tienti! proai c
to j resell as during precsditig yets, all th late:
intpn in Sitain Engifjt-erin;. War Vessels,
Ordnnne military aud nnval Fire arms Mechanics
Tools, Mtncfat:tniing .M.uhinsry, Water wheels.
Pumps aud olher llyd aulic Af-p.watus, lloujeho'd
Utci ails;, Che mi. al and Msoh.inical Instru
ments, Fl ying-.Ma--hinea, and other Curioti Iaveu-tions-
h'-sid-1 all th varied articles designed to
lighten tho labor of mankind, not only in th sh.p
and war house, but in every place where the iq
ausint!S ot l ie are pursunl;
Fr m its conimei cement, the Scin'iflj Amtioan
has lrii th esruest advocate of h right' of
AmrV.i an Inverc.)rs, and the.
Ia this important d part. .-nt. so vitally cnQsct
ted with a!! tb g'ea- interests of thecouatry, no
other j -urnal can i.ty any ehi-m whutever: r.s in its
cdi:nns trerei- iu'u'
thrt Cla'.ai" of 'a'.l
-a -d a we- k'y C.7i -ia! Lit of
patents granted at the U. d.
l aieni, xji.o;e.
THE PKACE1CAL RECIPES are oft tt'ne w..rth m ra to th suba ribcr
than the amount of a w'a !o yenr's S'i'wriotion.
Two vein of the S -'i nt'ri.j atnerican ar pnb
1. J-.d 'jsvii o ir, at $ l..r ) e:cii or 15 j.r p-'r aonbiu
wii;t i-o.-re-p--.n-ti
f fur lpot.ths'
I w t;.rio. t Cicb.-: Jl wiil pnj
mi numt'crs Ijr
one year, when bout:
'.vuik of .SDd fncscf
v.-ry one tmJit to :
commence ou t.12 .sr.
1 i-i a yolurj.t. eon;tittire a
Uffjl information, which
-esj.' x sifit voiuuia will
if dnti -ry. 13 Ji.
F:ve oopi?s. f-"r six ainhi - J.T
id i-oj i-.-s, for six 111 -c-'is 12
f n eoiie f.,r twelve months 2-
Fifteen C 'y.iej. for twvljt-r ntha . 3-i
Twenty c j.ies, for t- lve rt'ontus -4
r all el 0 hs of 1 1 fi.ty sod tiver, th yearly sub-
eei-i, n-i-. tnly i-2 iit). Names can b snt in at
dih.-rei,t tita f.L-i in ta d..Icrnt Post Olio.s.!ll.n etipic wiil i s.iut gratis l any part 'of
tne rojtiry.
Caiiadiaa subsf r'l-wrs w'.ll plea, to rem . 25 cent
uAtra oa each year's snb-"-nption top. pa posta,
ML .NN A CO . Publishers,
No. S7 Park Kow, Sew York.
Tiie Greatest Timber for tho
TJ It makes a perfect Ite-le rnce in fonr years!
n " Oee A re or it -e: th s fi!. in Ave year, will
m..i.e r.v.r.f.U. T.'-x-d for one K.'oiliy !
It prews straitit. ii very tall f
Sti" It never tr.r.-ri's from the roots; but when cnt
down, will grow ai?ain from the stamp, very raniuly !
53" It is the test sort wood for fuel, er any other
S3" When Sept oX the grounj, the rails will iaat 3a
53" tt frrows equally well with ua on upland, where
this rich, as in the bottoms ! y
53" Cuttiues eizht inches long stuck in th ground in
1 e aii. never tsa to strow 1
53" We sell it for $ per thousand Cattiugs, deliv
ered at any of our Asericies.
53" Parties wioi!; to bey, should enter early of our
Agents, so that they may notify us iu time.
Bundled and uVivered at tb atov places, as
soon as the leares fall.
- T. R. FT?H?ia, nwnville, TT"Aieut for Xemaha
and eat balf of Rirhi'-cJson C-junties.
CCKTIS-&. PEAVEH. Pawnee City, are Asents for
Pawnee and e-t h!f of P.ichardson Counties.
RK V MR. TINKUAM", Beatrice, i Agent for Gage
and Jono Counties.
J". II. BCTLKU, Austin. Aaeat for Clay and Saline
Ecrrarc cf Willow redcller3.
We leirn that many swamps of comtn viiT"w have ;
been cleaned up, and tbe Cni'in? solo r'y Willow.
We get our Willow .f SAMl'SL El WA.ID3, of La ?
Moil I e, Illinois, a responsible N urserymau.
COAL OIL, best qTHy claiifled Qarbon oil. Lam
cbimncya and W' icks
Fsr tb
Tar 12: 1
Ti, war draa i, approaaair, , ' . .
1. teres;. This ysar will n?-
Do- ia ef th U-V
i.-beuion. '. i r :.. '
. .. 1 : 1.. .
-1 iiu.i.i r-v:rsu m tn la !n e .
1 ar.-., i
n?s aaa .rospfrity. With
,u",;il ''i esn.ionj, t-e 1
n a hi-har L'.iif. rci r ;.
fel a stnl i-roioucar iurt-st'ij :i
its pr -gress of their nwa an.J other a-
wur.a .s r.if n.ig up.,n a r,., ,frN 7 r
to trrmmate in tbe irmaj.h of I), l,
the Atlauiic; while emi-rstion t s7"
acquire a new aud trimeui..ui iai-v,.'-in.iu-n."y
mr prnJaciiv-i pwsr '"''f-i
ThrfstirirgeveoU of ta tin?t wi'j t,
ly dtoie'ej in th c-daics 0 tl. L'l'ir'1
yjare ris.-lved to rrder m--.r Tl; C1,T
tractive than ever as a
2 Mirror cf Passim? r?-. '
Isipired by the spi.-it of "p, nolsaiirbut Trnih Th , 'u
Oca aT wil! ooniinue to be sole'. I""11
Pe-nde, aud pr -m; t to denoace- '' ' "
poptical or'm.U-ry aj;irat w.
tusirrs-usa. .s
Ia d lition t- oar War Nw
in 1 .r V. ki- f(r th i7j'7 v
.J u n ai.,... . .1
i..i ... o.a in u: f r ."M-j
:i.i 01 i rootftiiugs U L
.. .. r . 1. .. L, i- .. l.'inois.
Oar Trt-Wokty, wil! in u
th Importaut News, Lot.l aai ' r-M.
of th tai!v. ' '
Shall not 01 exoslld 1 Ir a - . T
W hav .J o'jr a -SL,i- ( - , f
ODTOI 'I TZl '-1'
t r-
U 1
h' a TTathirg'op, fr..;n J.owir M' '
'r -n, t'; Mi 'iri a-i-i I ir.. ; 1 ..; it .
will !. p:ib;i'ied !n s-i i i:.,t to it,- U-
And our u.ual qusutify of ti'ncrul .''. .
We r9-iut all f.tmasurs aiutr-.j;.,
Agont. '
Sead for peon nnmhar nf the Pi-
Pr'-s.'-e-'tu to. discribu'.ioQ,au 1 lli-j ;,; jj
ly lorwrded.
Sen.t a- nsn'i as pot:l!e in ,
their j-.-.p','s?-:it t' es a! lr- th .0,
the P.-iU!a:-r .- th gsttrr up of tb Ci.
It is not r-.-piirsd that all . th t
shall be "nt to one J V OJi -a. lh ina if a
sent to d; 3 erect Of2ces, and li-.ii iniEiji
at any ti'n .
Tho following are oar ris fcr iLe
Mail Subscribers one year ----- t
Frioe to New D-alers - - - - -IJU
TRI-WEEKi-Y DEMOCRAT. uoscrioers on year I
y-:ir - - -
pf. yr - - - - - .
T: re Conies - - - - - -
rieCot;os - - - - - -
Tea Col ics - - - - - - - - - .
Any larger Club than ten will 'e chsrj: .
rale r f one dollar and a half pt c;y.
The above rates f&r all Mtacr';;.
payahla ia advano.
Orders not accompanied with th onj'
ceii no attention.
All papers cf either edition, willb d'jt.53
at th end of th litre tail for.
41 and 13 L.eust s:rt.HT Lori;
JtW A .V D SFLrstre rBEHtrit!
Thi jocular Mon'hly
mcney than any
Mazioeit Vm w.'L -
it will bv 1. early 1J psg-?. -j to Unm.
12 cidi-rd patterns, and W--a w . ! iLgwijp
ad this for only Two Dollar I'w, art I
lass than msgniinea of its fllvs. F.v-rj :aij o"f
to tak 'Psi.ersoa." Ia th gn--ri a'.'vi
it is ths only :iz;" -.
its 1 rices, e;t
ith-r t.) si::' s-; .-!! t r-
and i, therefor, em;iat
th Times.
Tho stories in "F oro
bsi oubii.-hed anywhere.
' tn c ' ii .-:
Y.f. A-in S.
Lila L. ditiiin Mr. Denis -n
he r of "S-s;.
1. Chat dh-r .Moult.-
I.'s l '-7" T.W-r -':
lot ,'. - 9 L". ' -'
C.r.r, ( ' .-i .bir-i t J
OU I Lile'.-W--
T wnsi-nd. P-e:
j.u tbor of -'Taa
1 ; -.Pli J Wri.r.K "
. . . r
A r. r-'.-a
contributes, la ai.ii'K-Q 'o
short srorie. there will to giv-.i.:.
Original Copy-rifhted!ts. v-s:
Th'Uid of li nt'-'- -7 lr
Ann S. Stephen-. Th L-f fr '"",
t-dv. Uv the authc- of
M-.ud's Summer at jWit.-g-.-.
linot'ci. Fanny's Mirfoti-n, l.y
I,iiUli:urHtt..n a.i.-P.'-t-?
Thr? puM-.oh-r c
su'ierb Mi -ori-
. 3.1.I o:u-'r sis.
i fis'7-"
th sein ih-.r Ms rf
:e. si a -' . -
in evtrv ci-itler
C..1. n i fsrh n I
vsree: It is
tl.e 1 rdy V. : ' '
P:Bt f cv I e rt-iit'd o-n. !' , li
r-.-hi. n 1 Intt.-'. e jf-ev.d i r. s
lr. m rtohiota Iwt. r tin any ft' ;
also, a dozen t.r mor New
W.-oil: l.-o. . Ptt.-rD,from t
or child's Cu-tome" e;n b cut.-Cintni-Kkvr
so thnt - t
will mv a year's s iVvi .'- -Pbihwlflt
himn l New . r'i '
nt Ion;' a e.i -h inont-i.
ib a l Dresses. A , v
eiotro'ul-rv.'T --it ?.
The Wo'tk- fable !-
wlo.liy u. tivai-'d. L"
r m p.' ' ri.s i u er
Crochet, II iii'.r . j
a r'-rn '
y n-i n' er
y vvi-tr.
Knit'ii ,
1 '
w.rk, &c. x Kvery m
t.f.ifMrn f. r .It -..I o;re
I. B
....... -. . . r ..
jrivoti ea-'h ot wii:-h, at a reftn
"i)nr New (
. -k."--Ttie
hold INt-eii-'s (' ' P"
. 0"ar
a-.i! he C"-b
-,s t"'h
18 i I our "Ch k -i' -one
ot thes- T v-;-i : rs
. as'
1? nun n - in.i ... j...- .
-. r . r ... . : 1 ... n... 111.
ft-ijn tor iuo j'- . -
kiwle. . . ...rtr-
New and faOi;cnh mu-ie in .
And bin-son H-rtkif.r-;. Lim'
matters ioieresting to Ddies. . v
Ooe Ci.ij y for one year,
Th'ee copies for one year,
Five cooies for oneyar.
Flight Copies for one year.
Twelve copies fr one year,
Sixteen eoi.ies for one y-r, -
Premium- for j-?ttin up 9 V ,
eii'tit. or more copies. mae a Club. TJ , 1, . ..I iK nf i ll
doll 119 oraciub cf Five, n'JT.r?;'9,
r' 'trs an-1 1 h.ilf a -ViS of h-P- "
tit.- ten doll .rs f r a club of tai. -a ' "
fifteen d.iliits. an extra copy of ths C .
1SH willb giv'na. If preferred, ho
send ns a T"-miurn, (inst-.ii of tb
anl Illa-.trttci Lady's Album . n "n'.!' """j
in -1 1 S or fither of our MeS3ot!2'-i. 'r
each 27 inches by 20 "Busivai fTV.:f.ut
Blind Child, in Jail," or "Banyan's n
in for Uis Iielease ffora Prison.
Ta efr7
gettic; op a club of :iXtean, tw-' f .j i
the.Mazina will he sent,cr anyt'01
preniimns. rr1-1.'
Address, post-raid, CITABLE J
N0.SO0 Chcstnst. Street, l u; 1
AM rostmAsters c.iostitutI A?
person cay get np a club. Lcci!I1?-'
tou?ly, if written for. ' T
The under-'izned. Hoard or Efta; .t
meetings for tbe rurpose of cxstniM J? ''
ers. on Vr.e firt Saturday of et h r-n'- - ,
P M, t the oTie cf E.'W. "('.3,
are repirM te have a ce-tiiicat s.. ...... i
prtviuus to tliecvSiffieuremert. ' ' ' ?'
r. W.Til'r-!
T. R. FL-MEIi-.i ;uJ
r77 ct !
CtWS. Usm'ners, Hatchets Tie A
itiiie.s Picks
. a o-x- '
At 13l-W2-n
liB highest market prire pai
1 fo-C
At KcLavKi:.
.., -u-. .,ry oo:;ieritJ '-. . --w
v-rU of 'CI wll! be xm' " V
the Uistry of tie Con a try H.'::s'5n--"
eiud. tne ri.tum cf r'ea,;,' ..,'J f' V
America u:n a ir . - t?.."
t naA 1 -
CiniX? 5hea-o. the m-st
O At VLzl '-i--" i
14-3w-p'd. . ULCKUE EilPSON
U LiUlUk' S SWA'X.