Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 05, 1865, Image 4

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    To Close Ortsfficss.
Ko. 17 Haiti Street,
Having determined
to Wind up my Dry
Goods Business this
Fall and Winter, I
will offer to the trade
my immense stock
at greatly Reduced
Having made large
purchases can and
. will sell my entire
stock comprising tho
latest Styles offered
in the Territory to
Cash buyers at a
great sacrifice.
Intends to dispose
of his superb Stock
by March next, con
sequently is enabled
to offer greater in
ducements to the
trade than can be -given
by any other
House in the West.
21a. S3- "T. C3r-
iwa GF3
WILL keep constantly on hand an assortment of
Extra-nperflne to Common
PIjOIJ 2E2. .
I Ml Jm
Alii all other articles usually' kept in a first-class
Merchant Flouring or Saw Mill.
Brown rille., March 31st, '64. n30-8-ly.
Rain Street, Opposite Ware Bank,
Gil! ilKi IB!
1 ... .
Tba underiijrned, fearing secured for a term of years
the new and spacious room under
SkSalxx Otroot -
9 ! to annonnce that they ara prepared to sell
vost anything a man may ask tor In their line, such s
Of the finest qnslitr. '
Tor Children.
History of the Rebellion,
At different prices.
Also All the recommended School.
Books for.the Territory.
pposltiosi that msy spring np. W also mt iew o
tnose Kaw Clteap Patent . .
cons sixcixcns
left. And BOW snch BULLT HAND SLEDS a you
SSuwihKj wher. yon can MurtUV f
VUh te raad with a good place to read 11 in.
lt.itix,im u-siy
jjiwiairMi'w'M'''w,""wT" - '""TTT"?!?- , . -- ' '""M""r". '"' "'"'
i . ' r .. - - f- i. i mm,,. -,- . . i r
.. ; ruM A ;' Hi
The 'attention of the Publio and the trudo ,3 invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Kosewacd Piano
Fortes, which for rolnme and purity of tcno are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market.; They
?ontain all the modern improvements, FreDch, Grand action, Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-Strung Lass.
Ac, and each instrument being mada under the personal sapervision oi Mr. J. II. Grovesteen, who has
had a practical experience of over SO years in their manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular.
Tlie "Grovesteen liano Forte" received llie Ii!?licst award of merit
overall others at t!sc Celebrated llorld's.rairJ
ere were eihibitcd intnimeiits from the bet makers of London,' Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Bilt
iuiore, Boston and New York ; and aleo at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and
silver medals from both of which can be sean at our ware-room. - '
By the introduction of improvements we malce a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing
largely, with strictly caih system, are enabled to offer these instrument at aprioe which jwill preclude
all competition. " . .. i i .' '! t :
PIUCES No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood plane case $275. .
No. 2. Seven Octave, round corners, Iiosewood heavy moulding $300.
N-. 3 Seven Octave, round corners, Kopewood Louis XIV style $325, a fae simile of the above cut.
' Terms: JSTott Onslx, lax Curront Puiicbs.
. Ti PTPufpat improvement vet in the Scwinn M
chine Art.': A curiosity worth seeing.
Please aenl for circulars with samples of Sewing.
, , i, - , -
These Improvel Machine save one hundred per
cent, of thread and silk, axd make the Lock -Stitch
alike cn both tides.
' They require no instruction to operate perfectly,
except the '-punted directiens."
No charge in sewing froai one kind of goods to
And no taking apart to clean or oil. .
. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all
its machinery and tools entirely new, and is already
rapidly turning out Machines, which for beauty and
perfection of finish are nor surpassed by any manu
facture in the world.
y B. Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory,
it can be returned and money refunded.
Agents wanted in counties not canvasied hy our
own Agents.
F1XKXE & IYOX, S. 31. CO.
No. 8-vS-ly.
1 1
I.;; V
j w - is.
Th8 Bitters ar prepared, in pure Bourbon
Whisky, from a combination of over twenty dif
ferent kinds f roots, barks and herbs, which
act In perfect concert one with the other, pre
pared from the original formula given by the
great chief, Eed Jacket, to Dr. Chapin, who
used them succeMfally In his practice for mar.y
years, and by their use gained so great a popularity
In the treatment and cure of DyppcpsU, l.iver
Complaint, Constipation, Sick and Nervous Head
ache, Fever and Ague, and all diacast arising from
torpid liver or indigestion. Peraons sun'erinj from
cither of these loathsome diseases will find a sure
cure by the use of these Bitters, which are perfectly
pare and free from all those drugs and po Lions usu
ally put up in such preparations and palmed off on
an unsuspecting public. A single trial will con
vince theraort skeptical that iu the 11 LD JACKET
there is virtue whkh noother Uitteri poetess.
They strengthen and invigorate the system.
They are uneqnaled for general debility.
They are a sura core for dyspepsia."
They give a good and healthy appetite.
They assist digestion.
They are the best stimulant in existence.
They are a preventive of Fever and Agto.
They relieve constipation. . , r
They cure Hervous Headache.
They are perfectly pure and palatable.
Aped persons and delicate females will find thy
can save large Coctor's bills by the use of these Lit
ters. Beware of counterfeits. The Red Jacket Bit
ters are only sold in bottles wkh our name blown
cn the side, and our private government stamp
across the cork. o c a
For Medicinal and Table naes, which art perfectly
pure, and need only be tried to be appreciated.
None genuine unless tbey have our gold laJti on
each bottle, and our initials pressed wax over
the cork.
Sold by all druggists and dealers throughout the
Country. Call for our good and take no i ther.
Circulars to the trade supplied on application te
Dennett Plelers & Co.
8oli by Ko. 21 IUrer b. Chicago.
. W. IT. ZlcCHKilO. Y, Brownvjlle,
BROWN &PiiOLiTVf, Pni,w.l
GADE Co.. " " '
Brown vine, June 2. 1864. no 39-ly
. . . . . ... . . ..,
Successor to B. Brown Ai Co.
"Would respectsully announce to the Citizens of
Browuville and vicinity, . that, - be has purcuased the
Large and Well Selected Stoclc
He assnres the public nenerally, that he will keep on
hand every thdng usually keept in
Fust Class Drug Store,
and If determined nrt to be undersold for cash.
Taken np by the undersigneTl residing in Glen
Itock precinct, Kemaha county, Nebraska, one
white heifer with rod ears , two yars old next spring
Said heifer was taken np on the 15th day of Novem
ber, 1864.
Cash Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Taints, Oils and Dye Stuff,
Pare Elqnos for 31edlcal Pnpose s
: - AH kinds. Patent Medicines
Blank Books and Stationery,
The best brands of Chewing and Smoking
Perfumery and Toilet Goods.
lie assures his patrons, and the. public generally,
he wiii keep op band an extensive stock of the ar
ticks mentioned, besides anything and everything
usually kept in a first cla Drug Store, which he
is prepared to sell at low rates lor vaeh. . Call and
examine for yourself . .
South-east Corner Main and First Streets
!Brownviller Nebraska. ;
Prescriptions and Orders
Carefully filled a t all hours.
THE. .
annum iiiy
The readers of the Coxtinkxtal are' aware of the
important'poBition it has assumed, of the influence
which it exerts, and of the brilliant array of polit i
oal and literary talent of the highest order which
supports it. No publication of the kind has, in
this country, so successfully ' combined the energy
and freedom of the daily newspaper with the high
er literary tone of the first-class monthly; and it ii
very certain that no magazine has given wider
range to its contributors; or preserved iUelf so com
pletely frcm the narrow influences of party or of
faction. In times like the present, such a journal
is either a power in the land or it is nothing. That
the Continental is not the latter is abundantly
evidenced by what ithes done by the reflection of
its counsels in many, important public events, and
in the character and power of those who are its
staunch est supporters.
Though but little more than a year las elapsed
since the Continental was first established, it Las
uuricg iuafc umc acquired a siercngrn and a signi
ficance elevnting it to a position far above that pre
viously occupied a strength ar.d a political signifi
cance elevating it to a position far bve that pre
viously occupied by ony publicatien"'of tho kind in
America. In proof of which as;ertion we call at
tention to the following facts: " '
1. Of its polical articles republished in parophlt
form, a single one has bad, thus far, a circulation
of one hundred and six thousand copies.
2. From its literary department, a singlo serial
novel. "Among the r'ine?," hos, within a very few
months, sold ne.irly thirty-five thousand copieg
Two other series of its literary article . have also
been republished in book form, while the first por
tion of a third is already in press. . :
No more conclusive facts need be alledged to
prove the the excellence of the contributions to the
Continental, or their extraordinary popula ity; and
its conductors are determined that it shall not fall
behind. Preserving ail "the boldness, vigor and
ability" which a thousand journals have ettribnted
to it, it will greatly entarge its circle of action, and
discus?, fearlessly and frankly, every principle in
uol red id the great questions of the day. The firt
minds of the country embracing the men most
familiar with its diplomacy aud most distinguished
for ability, are among its contributors; and it is
no more "flattering prom'se of a propctus" to say
that this "magoiino for the times" will employ the
the fir?t intellect in America, undor 'nuspices which
do publication ever enjoyed before in this country.
While, the Continental will expre.-s decided
opinions on the gtcat questions of the day, it will
not be a mere political journal: much the larger
portion' of its columns will be enlivened, as hereto
fore, by tales, poetry and humor. In a word, the
Continental will be found, under its new staff of
Editors. occupying adosition and presenting attrac
tions never before found in magazine.-
Two copies for one year $5.C0
Three copies for one year, 6.00
Six copies for one year, , 11,00
Eleven copies for one year, 20,00
Twenty copies for one year, ' ;i 30,00
Postage Twenty-four cents a year, to be paid by
the Subscriber.
Three dollars a year, in advance. Postage paid by
tho Publisher.
JOHN F. TKOW. 50 Greene .St., N. T.,
. Publisher for the Proprietors.
As an inducement to new subscribers, the Pub
lishes offers the following liberal premiums:
Any person remitting $3, in advance, will receive
the magazine from July, 1862, to January, 1864
thus securing the whole -of Mr, Kimball's and Mr.
Kirke'e new serials, which are .alone worth the
price of the subscription. Or, if prefered, a sub
scriber can take the magazine for- 1863, and a copy
of "Among the Pines," or of "Undercurrents of
Wall Street," by R. B. Kimball, bound in cloth, or
of "Sunshine m Thought," by Charles "God Irey
Leland retail price, $1 25. The book to be sent
postage paid.; ' " ' . r.
Any person remitiRg 4 50, will receive the mnga
zfnefrouj"' its commencement; 'January, 1862. to
January, 186 1, thus securing Mr- Kimball's Was
Ae successful T"and Mr. Kirke'a "Among the Pines,"
and "Mercban's Story," and nearly 3,000 octave
pages of the hest literature'in the. world., Premium
ubscriberg to pay their own postage. . , .
On band and to arrive at
Iron and Steel Warehouse,
20 and 22 Third Street,
Feb 21, n26-tf.
PAILS, Tubs, Kegs, Washboards, Keelers, Children'!
Cabs and Wheelbarrows
TTTETL Backets, Churns, Sieves, Mouse Traps
Clotbes Fins and Castile soap
Are you sick, feeble, and
eomplainina:? Are you out
, of order, with your system
deranped, and vour feelings
uncomfortable! These symp
tom are often the prelude
to serious illness. Some fit
1 of sickness is creeping upon
1 you, and should be avertea
I by a timelv use of the right
J remedy. Take Ayer's l ills,
j and cietnse out the disor
Amrfd humors curifv the
vT - r'-f 'blood, and let the fluids
r?'-.: ' i ' vrmove on unobtnicted ia
1'J'f. '"i4 health sgsin. They stimn-t-5.':-
r-i'i'55 tate the functions of the
sr-rSSi body into vigorous sctivity,
rrifr the system from the obstructions which make
Veae. A cold settles somewhere in the body, sjj1
4)strucfs its natural functions. These, if not re
bvtd, react nj)on themselves and the burrounding
Opans, producing general aggravation, sufienng,
ad diseate. While In this condition, oppressed by
tfe derangements, take Ayer's Tills, aud see how
d.-ectly thev restore the natural action of the sys
tm. and wfth it the buoyant feeling of health again.
YMiat is true and so apparent in this trivial and com-
ti(is and derangements of the natural functions of
thbodvthey are rapidly, and many of them sure.y,
euud bv the same means. None who know the
viaies of these Pills, will neglect to employ them
whu BHlferiiig from the disorders they cure.
Satrmentsfiom leading phvcinns in some of the
pricipal cities, aad from other weil-knpwn publio
. peroiis:
' Frona Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4,
Dt Ateb- Your Tills are the paragon fall that
la gt in medicine. They have cured jny litt.e
daii(l:er-of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet
that Ltd proved Incurable lor years. Her mother
has ben long grievously afflicted with blotches and
pimpla on her skin and in Iter hair. After our
ehiid vas cured, she also tried your I'ills. and they
' have sired Ler. - ASA AIOitUlilDUE.
A i a Family Phyalc.
Ftom Dr. K W. Cartwright, Kew Orleans.
Youi Pills are the prince of purges. Their ex
cellent qualities surpass any cathartic we poesees.
Thev re mild, but very certain and effectual in their
action n the bowe!s, which makes them, invaluable ,
to us iathe daily tieatment of difcase.
K2ejdiche,Mick Ilendachr, Foal Stomach.
From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.
DilH Bko. Aysk: 1 cannot answer you trflct
eomphnts I have cured with your lills better than
to savjtf that we ever treat with a purgative medi
cine.' i place great dependence on that effectual
cathatic in my dailv contest wiih di.ease, and be
. Kevin as I do. that'your Pills afford us the best we
Lave, .of course value thca lugfcly.
- riTTSBCRO, Fa., May 1, 1855.
' Da. 1: C ATKtt. - Sir; 1 have been repeatedly
cured rf (he worst headache anybody can have by a
dose oitvo of your Pills. It seems to arise from a
foul s tontch. which they cleanse at once.
Yuis with great respect, ED. W TRERLE.
. Clerk of Steamer Ctarton.
XZilbna Disorders L.ivrr Cmplninta. .
Frm Dr. Theodore Bell, oXeto York City.
If ot uily are your Pills admirably adapted to their
jir.rposi as an aperient; but I find their beneficial
effects ipon the Liver very marked indeed. They
have ii ntv practice proved more effectual for tho
cure o' btfioui complaints than any one remedy I
can miction 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at
' lengUm purgative which is worthy the confidence of
the polessiou and the people.
1 DAKTSlEjrr OT THE Iktxrior, 1
L . Washington, D. C , 7th Feb.. 1S53. )
6i:I have used your Pill in my general and.
kospita practice ever since you made tbem, and
cantot hesitate to say tliey are the be6t cathartie
we empov. Their regulating action on the liver is
quick ani d'c-dcd, consequently they are an ad
mirable endy for derangements of that organ.
Indeed, I l a e seldom found a case of bilious dis
ease to o 1st rite that it did not readily yield to
them, irateually vours, ALOXZO BALL, II. D.,
Physician of 'the Marine llospitat,
Dyafattrrj, Dkarrhra, Relax, "Worma.
From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.
Your Pills hive had a long trial in niv practice,
and I hold thn in esteem as one of the best aperi
ents I have eve iound. Their alterative effect upon
the liver roafcs thcni an excellent remedy, when
given in stnalldoses lor bilious dysentery and diar
rhoea. Their tugar-coating makes them very ac
ceptable aud cmrenient lor the vja of women and
children. i , ;
Dypcpsii,InpHrily of (ho Blood.
From Itev. J. T. Jlimes, Pastor of Advent Church,
-. - ' Boston.
Dr. Ana: I 'have used your Tills with extra
ordinary tuccesiin my family aud among those I am
called to visit indMress. To regulate the organs of
digestion aud ptrify the blood, they are the very
best remedy I hive ever known, and I can conn
' dently recommetd them to my friends.
Yours, J. V. HIMES.
Warsaw, "vVoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855.
: Pear Sib : I an using your Cathartic Fills in my
practice, aud fiia them an excellent purgative to
cleans the systco and purify the fountains of ih
blood. JOHN G. illlACHAJI, M. D.
ConnfipatioR Ctivenrj, Nupprrmioa,
libumaliMii.'Uooit, A'euralgias, Dropay,
Paralyaiaf Vitm, rtc.
From Dr. i P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canadt.
Too much onnot be said of ypur Fills lor th
cure of costive'. Jf others of our fraternity have
found them aetlicacious as I have, they should join
rue in proclaining it, lor the benefit of the multitudes
who suffer rom that complaint, .which, although
tad enougl in itself, is the progenitor of others that
are worse.; I believe cost ieness. to originate in the
liver, but our l'iils affect that organ and cure th
disease, j .
From Aif. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife,
j Boston.
I find oe or two large doses of your Tills, taken
at the prfier time, arc excellent promotives of the
natural ecretion when wholly or partially sup
picked, lud alpo very eifcetual to cleanse the
stomach ind expel worms. They are so muck the
bett puyic we have that 1 recommend no other t
my putieits.
From tht Lev. Dr, navies, ef th Methodist Epis.
! Church.
' Tulaiki Hocse, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6 1S56.
JiooitD ia: I should be ungratelul lor the
relief voir t-kiil has bi ought me if 1 did rot report
my case o o:u A cold settled in my limbs and
brought Mi excruciating neuralgic pains, which,
ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I
had the lett of physicians, the disease grew worse
aud wopc. "until by the advice of your excellent
agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your
' lllis TiEir efiids were mow, but sure. By per
severing in the ue of them, I am now entirely well.
Senate Chamber. Baton Eonre, La., 6 Dec., 1855.
Dr Ayes: 1 have been entirely cured, bv your
l'iils, of Mheumatio Gout painful di;ast that haa
afflicted me for years. VlNCLJsl feLlDhJ.1.
- E7" Most of the Tills in market contain Mercury,
which although a vn'uable remedy in skilful hands,
is dangerous iu a publio pill, from the dread tul con
sequences that frequently iollow its incautious use.
These contain no mercury or mineral substance
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for SI.
Prepared by Dr. J. C AYE32 & Co., Lowell, ilass.
WM. H. MctntEERr, Brown ville.
G. A. BROWN A BUG., Peru.
Dr. H. GRAVES, Salem.
HOLT A SCOTT, Fall City.
. LEWIS A SHEPHERD, St. Stephens.
Attractive Feature. The $5,000 Priie Novel
The Gulf Between Them. By Mrs. .Anne S,
Stephens, Authoress of "Fashion and "Famine,"
"The Rejected Wife," he, Ac.
In addition to its attractions; as the first and
most authentic Dlustrated Paper' in America, sur
passing all others in th variety, accuracy, an I In
terest of the numerous illustrations which it offers,
Frand Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper will begin in
No. 435, dated January 30, 1S64, the thrillingand
absorbing novel,"Tbe &ulf Between them," writ
ten by the great novelist, Mrs. Stephens, whose
"Fashion and Famine" bad a larger. circulation
than any other purely literary novel of our day,
and was regarded as so masterly a work of fiction
that it was not only republished in England, but
was translated into aliaost every language of Eu-
rThe priie of $5,000, offered . with nnusa .. iber
ality by the proprietor for the best nor drew
forth no less than two hundred works, 'ny of
them of great me-it. Among these, Mrs. Stephens'
novel was selected, as ovidently surpassing not only
all others offered, but almost everything hitherto,
published. It is fully equal to Fahion and
Famine," and will be ts widely read.
It will be of greater interest, from the fact that
the scene is laid in oar land and eur own times;
and in delineation ot character and absorbing
power it will fascinate and charm the reader.
- Subscription $3,50 per year.
Address FRANK LESLIE, 2 DuaneSt. N.Y.
" Copies of the paper containing the commence
ment and continuation of Mrs. Stephens' novel,
"1 he Gulf Between tbem," can be had of any News
dealer in the United State? or Aritish Provinces.
SALT by the brrl or pound, Fine Dairy salt, tor
At McLAtJGiiLiif & Swans.
ICELS by the doien or barrel, t a superior qual
ity, crnstantly on hand
At McLScghlin A Swan,s.
FIGS, Chocolate, Maple susar, assorted Jellies, Can
Peach Pmnpr sauce, Mushroom catsup. Worces
tershire auce, &c, Ac. h
AT aitijAiuHLix a pwas s
BROOMS, Blacking brushes, Scrubbing brushes
Whisk brcoms, BUckiug, Matches, Ink, Writin
Paper, &c., Jt
McLatjghlis & SwaV
FLOUE, Butter, Kggs, Bacon, etc., ste..
A.t lioljtuitt&lin '& Ehran'i.
mm compiainr, is a:so rnie iu uiit v r
red and dangerous distempers. The same purga
ti (T.t ovruTTa iUom Ctiiisrtl bv sfimlar obttruc-
Mauuiacturers' AKents lor the sale or
Watches, Chains, cc, ike,
1TORTII JJ500,0000 ! !
To be sold for one Dollar Each, without retard tavala
" Of Articles all to be sold for one Doll Sach
100 Gold Homing Cased Watches,
100 44 Watches,
200 4 Ladies' Watchea, -
AO Silver " -
600 Gold Guard, Test and Cbatelain
Chains, .
4000 Vest, Neck, GardandChatelain
. . Chains, - - - . -
3000 Cameo Brooches " .
3000 Mosaic and Jet Brooches
3000 Lava and Florentine Brooches
3 00 Coral, Garnet tx. Emerald Brooches,
3000 Cameo Ear Drops, -3000
Garnet Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops,
4000 Lava andFlorentine Ear Drops
40O0 Gents' Scarf Fins, -SOM
Chain and Band Bracelet.
3600 Gents' Breats Pins, - -300
Watch Keys, - - - -C0i0
Foo and Ribbon Slide',
7000 Sets of Bosom Sluas, - - -9000
Sleeve Buttons, -9000
Plain and Chased Rings,
7O0O Stone Set R.injrs,: ' - . -
7000 Miniature LH'kets, Crosses, Ac. -12000
Sets Ladies Jewelry,
loo each
- eg eacn
35 each
15 each
$15 to 20 each
to 15 each
4 to each
4 to
.4 to
-4 to
4 to
4 to
4 to
2 to
5 each
6 each
6 each
S each
8 each
3 to 10 each
2 to S each
2 to
2 to
2 to
2 to
2 to
2 to
6 ea h
6 each
6 earh
6 each
6 each
2 to 10 each
a t 15 each
All of the gtxids in the above List will le sold, wiih
ouv retiC1 vatiun, for One Dollar each. Certificate of
all the various articles are placed in fcimUar envelopes
and sealed.,. These envelopes will be sect, by mail, or
delivered at oar office, without regard to choice. On
receiving a Certificate you will gee what article it rep
resents, and it ie optional- with jou to smid one dollar
and receive the article or not.-
In all transactions by mail we shall rharjre for for-
forwarding the Certificates, paying post kb, and d-ing
tho business, 25 cenis each. Five Certificate wi!l be
sent for $!; Eleven for $2; Thtrt rr $5; Sixty-five
lor $10 and One hundred for $15.
CORRESPONDENTS msy rely upon a quick and
prompt answer to their urders. Our baines i con
ducted upon liberal, honest, straightforwardprinuple,
and we guarantee satisfaction iu all cases. Our pat
rons may always depend upon having lheir orders faith
fully and punctually gupplibJ'. In no case will corres
pondents be neglected.
fi"i-Corre.ooudeiita should he csref-a to write thir
signatures plain, ana give ineir post utnee, coun.y
vnatures plain, and give their Post ufTk-f , Conn. y. and
State.' Address, GKO. DKliEKIT ft. CO.,
2C9 Broadway, Aiw lork
53" Havinij bad busineis relations wi;h the above
gentlemen, ' I take pleasure in saying that they are
honorable, upright men, and perform nil tbey promi kiu
and tbe Jewelry I have seen irom there U:enuiue,and
gives satistaction. k. O THOMPSON.
n47-tf Nunerylliil Nh
An Independent Democratic Dai
ly, semi-Weekly and Weekly
The World, to whioh the New York Weekly Argus
has been united, hag to-day five times the aggre
gate circulation oi any uemooratie or conservative
newspaper. It addresses weekly alone more than
100,000 subscribers nnd constant purchasers, and
re.iches at least half a million readers.' With the
steady increase i) "circulation which it now enjoys
these numbers will soon be doubled. Nothing
than this should satisfy thoe who believo that the
only hope of restoring the Union and the authority
or the Constitution over a now detracted and di
vided - country, lies in wresting power from the
hands of those fanaticism has helped to provoke.
invite, and prolong the war; ond that to accomplish
this end, no means is so effective as the diffusion,
through able and enterprising newp.tper, of sound
political knowledge among the working men, the
thinking men, and the votingmen of tho Nc rth.
. Enterprise, industry and monoy will be liberally
expended to mtke The World the Best Newspaper
in America Its news from every part of tfin world
wiil be early and uthentio. Wherever the Wlegrapb
cxtcds, or railroads run, pr steamboats will
gather tbe latest intelligence. It has a large stiff
of accomplished correspondents with all (he. federal
armies, who will ttlegraph and write to us the latest
news from the various seats of It has corres
pondents and reporters in every political and com
morciil venire jo AMerica and Earope, whose letters
and dispatches will leave nothing worthy of note
unknown to its readers. ,
The Markot Reports of the World are more com
plete than those of any other newspaper. The
Editors invite comparison in this respect and point
to (be reports of the Cattle Markets, the general
and country Pr-nluoa Markets, and the Money Mar
kets in its columns, as proof of its excellence iq this
respett. The world hits also a special department
ievoted to Agriculture, filled with editorial articlis
communications from practical fanners and mechan
ics of the country.
The wftr in which the nation is engaged against
armed and inft.ruated Rebels, and the radical policy
of the administration whi.;h prolongs it, have rn
spired to bring together upon one platform all con
servative. Union-lovirfi and Constitution-lovi.-'g
men, of whatever former name and crtted. Many of
those who within the limits of the Constitution,
fought the hr.ttles of the ballot box under the
leadership of those patriotic statesmen '-f other and
better days, Henry Clay and Daniel W;bter, to
go'her with the uio.-ses whoe principles wore these
of snch patriots a Andrew Jack sol and William L
Maroy, Silas Wright and Stephen A, Douglas, now
sianr" shoulder to shoulder uj'en tho same platform
isa plain on. It is to retor the Union, nnintain
the Cn.-tit;-.t!onj and enforce the laws. Whatever
makes for this end, the ex'.reu-e f forfco of tbe
policy of con-;ilistion. Tho World will advocate
whatever ni.ikcs agninst it, Tho W,,: ld will oppose
It will oppote every enemy toth Uniiiwhethcr
armed m rebellion at the South or insidiously plant
ing the seeds of disunion aud essential diloyaltyat
the orth.
It will oppose every violation of the Constitution
which is the only hope and bond of Union, and our
only authontyfor exhorting or compelling the alle
ginncoof the South.
It will oppose every infraction of the Law. in high
places or in low, by reckless and misguided parti
sans, or by tho administration which ba been theii
It will fearlessly exercise the Freedom of the
Press ; it will cons. anty uphold and defend Free
dom of Speech and Freedom of the Fallot.
To the lawless acts of the Jmiui'tration, its
arbitrarv and unjust arrests and expatriations, it;
denial of the right to the writ of hrvl eas corpus, it
illegal proclamations, its ftbrog-ition of.Suteand
federal laws, its despotic aecnniuUnons of unprint
ed power, and its subversion of ti e safeguards of
civil and pertonal liberty, it will cousrautly opioxe
the letter and the spirit of our suprtua law and the
advocacy of sound doctrine, until American free
man shall be roused to the recovery of their rights,
their liberties, the r laws, and their limited and
well balanced government, by the resistlcai decision
of the ballot.
Profoundly impressed with the desire to contri
bute all tha it may to the great work of this gener
ation, namely, to restore our national unity, and
to place the United States agin lonnost among taa
nations of the earth, and id the peace, pros
oeritv. and baipiness of its people. The World
seeks from those who desire such thing their sym-
and support, and. above all.' the favvr of Him who
crowns every good work.
Yearly Subscribers by mail $3 03
Single subscribers, per annum $.10 0
Two copies to one address 5 CO
Three " (M)
Five 44 44 12 00
Ten 44 22 50
Single Subscribers, per annum 12 00
Three copies address on each paper 5 00
f ive 8 no
Ten " 15 00
Twenty copies all to one address 25 00
tluos ot tw- nty or over can have address put on
each paper for an additional charge of ten cent
For every club of twenty an extra codt will be
added for the getter up i.f the c?ub.
tor every club of fifty, ihe Semi -Weekly, and for
every club of one hundred, the Daily will be sent,
when requested, in lieu or the extta copies of V eekly
. Additions to Cluba.mrty be made at any time at
pane rates. Papers eannot be changed from one
Club to anotl'r, but on request of the person order
ing the Club, and on receipt of fifty cents extra.
single papers will be taken frem the Club and s nt
to a seperate address. .
All orders must be accompanied by the Cash.
Address. THE WORLD.
35 Park Row. New York.
To ConsnmptlTCs,
Consnmptivesnfferers will receive a valuable pre
scription for the cure of .Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, and all threat and Lung affection
ifree of eharare,) by sending their address to
Kings Co.
New YorV
INDIA Rubber and Horn, Dressing, Poek and out
Combs Wooden Pocket cociui, ToOacco Pooch e
Wallets, Fish Hooks and lines, &c., A...
SMOKING and Chewinx Tolacco, Cigars pipes Pipe
stems and Tobacco Poucbes. iu ?re.H variety,
' At McIjaughliD & Swan's.
MACKERAL. Jke Trout. White fish, Codflsh, etc.,
etc., constantly on band
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
TUB best Flour from theL. S. V.G. Mills In quarter
half aad whole sacks kept
'Th most comprehensive miecellany , of useful
v-il and General Literature, periodically ta-
.,,.a in th United States; embracing all the fea
ture f a Polytechnic Journal, Eoonomio Eiposit
Literary Repository and Monthly Register. Espe
cially devoted to Financial. Commercial and Indua-
trial InteresU and all joint atock corporation coa
corns. ' ... ,
flavin" commenced the tiiia oiume ot tnis
Mrine. whose success evinces that the efforts
it inductor have been jppreciated by a discrimV
natiog public, we would call attention to ita char
acter on the part or the large body of readera wh
ara not vet UDon iU subscription lists. Uur pur
pose in this publication is the dissemination f
vracttcal iaformation on subject of positive utility
tn th T.eorle: combine! with a diversity ot literary
attraction securing the services of the bes; pecs in
th rii.n deruirtusents of Scienoe, lleiies-Lettres
r.d (iencrsl Literaturo. While aiming most es
pecially to render most- effective service to the
Trade. Commerce aud Material Production cf the
Country, many sides of the Country, many sides of
the mortal world rooeive aue consideration we
Historical, Critical, Jisthetical and Iuiaginati-e, ad
well as the '-Financial, Statistical, tocuuoiogica
and strictlv Mercantile. We employ alike the ro-
seach of tne savant and the fancy of the feuileton
it with tha nraeticil exuerience of t?ie business
man and the worker. In the treatment of scientific
topics, the mode selected, i the popular in styla
ra;her than tho technical. The mental plase off
the hour it shall be our endeavor to portray, and we
avail ourselves of the contributions of new Discov
ery to the Circle of Knowledge, and shall record
with all practicable succinctness vurrens mieui-
vpnee. which wiil ba of future ntiliity aud histori
interest when the Present shall have beouse th
Pat In fiue, the Am&ricrn Exchange and lieview
tfs adesirable and ever welcome muntoly visitor tc
ita subscribers imparting the richueia of knowledge
iinprotldg the taste, and furnuning intellectual
The Review has its specialities in distict and ic
creaainz Departments, with a General Divijk.a foi
the widest cousirte.-it scope of themes. We give
specification of topics which are the snbjocti eithet
of occasional or reir'ilar publication, via:
Tho Arts, Esthotics: Agriculture, Applied Chem
istry, Archaeology, Uelles-Lfctters, biography, Criti
cism, Economics Political, Arithinetio National
Taxation: Finance banking, currngr, Corporation
Accounts, r.xcnanz9, r iuctu;itiou in securities
Stocks; History, Industrial and Mercantile eater-
prises, insurance, internal Improvements Railways
Canals, Telegraphs; Manufactures Products, tech
nology; Mechanics, Mining Mineralogy, Geology
Metallurgy; Patents, Physics, physiology, statistics
social sience; trade foreign and domestio, shipping
mercantile law, navigation; Topography, Travels.
One copy, one year, in advance 3 01
Five copie 44 44 12 00
Ten " 44 ' " 20 00
When paid at the end of the year, 4 00 per an
num. single copy. Sample copy mailed on the re
ceiptof 15 cents.
Single copy per annnia postage paid.
Canada. $3 72
Cuba, 3 72
Great Britain and It eland, ' 6 CO
France, 3 72
Germany, 3 72
West Indies, rRritish,I i 72
West Indies, Not British. 8 00
South America fWest Ooast! 8 00
FOWLER k MOON, Proprietors.
No. 521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
FOR 1S64
The rublisben of the SIENTIFIC aMERICaN
respectively give . notice that the Tenth Volume
(New Serits will commenoe on the 'first f January
next. Ibis journal wu cblisbcd in la Jo, aud is
undoubtedly tbe most widely circulated and influen
tial publication of tho kind in - the world. In com
mencing the new volume the publishers desire to
call special attention to its claims a
In this respect it stands unrivalled. It not only
finds its way to aim t every workshop in the
oountry, as the earnest friend of the mecnanio and
artiien, but it is found in the counting-room of vhe
manufacturer and the merchant; aNo in the library
and the hosehold. The publishers feel warranted
in saying that noothr jounial now published con
tain n equal amount of uceful information; whi'e
it is their aim to preseat all subjects in the molt
popular and attractive manner.
The Sieutifio American i publisboa once a we,
in convenient torm lor nmaing. ami eacn numoer
contains sixteen pages ef udlil reading matter,
illustrated with
of all the latest and bent iuvtntions of the day.
This fwature oi the journal i worthy of special note.
Every number contains fpan five to ten original en
gravings of mochnuieal invention roUtingto every
d'partmnt of the arts. These engraving are exe
cuoed by artists specially employed on the paper,
and are universally acknowledged to be superior to
anything of the kind produced in this country.
The yublishers of tho Sientifiii Aaisrican promic
to present, as during preceding years, all the latet
improvements in Steam Engi'iering, War Vessels,
Ordnance military and nnval Fire arms Mechanics
TtMil, Menofiicturing Ma-hinery, Water wheel..
Pumps aud other Hydraulic Apparatus, Household
Utensil, Electric, Chemical and Mechanical Instru
ments, Flying Machines, and other Curious Inven
tions besides all the varied articles designed to
lighten the labor of mankind, not only in th -i nh"p
aud warehouse, butin every place where the in
dustries of life are purued.
From its commencement, the Scientific American
has been the e.irneet advocate of the rights ot
American Inventors', and the.
In this important depart nent, so viully connect
ed with all tho gTeat interr f the country, no
other journnl cau ly any cl;i;ra whatever: a in i's
cdumns there i publi.-hel a weekly Ofl5.-ia! List of
the "Claim-" of all patents grauted at the U. S.
Patent Olfiee.
alone are oft times worih more to the suhsrriber
than tbe amount of a whole year's subscription.
Two volumes of the Scientific American ar pub
lished each yer, at $1.50 eaeh, or 3 per p-r annum
with corresponding low terras to Clubs; $1 will pr
for four months subscription. The numbers for
one year, when bound in a rolurn, constitute a
work of 832 pages cf uefal information, which
every one ought to possess. A new volume will
commence on the first of January, 1S.H.
Fiveopi;s, for six months f 3
Ten copies, fit six months 1?
Tn copie for twelve months ?2
Fifteen copies, for twelve mon'hs 34
Twenty copies, for twelve months 4
For all clubs of tw enty and over, the yearly sub
scription is only $2,00. Names can be sent in at
different. times and from diHerent Post Cos.
specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of
tha country.
Canadian subscribers will to rem' 25 centa
extra on each year's subscription to prepay postage.
MUNN A CO., Publishers,
No. 37 Park Row, New York.
Tlie Greatest Timber for the
JC It makes a perfect IIeige fence in four ysirt I
53" One Arre of it set thjs fall, in live year will
make enoush Wood for one Family!
53" It arows straizM, and very tall f
ff3" It never sprouts from the roots; but when cut
down, will grow azaia from the stump, very rani. il v t
53" It ia the best soft wood for f ue!, f r any other
53" When kept off the ground, the rails will last 80
year !
53" It grows e4ually well with us on UDland. where
thu rich, as in the bottoms !
53" Cuttings eight inches long ituck in the ground in
t e Fall, never fail to grow !
53" We sell It for $f per thousand Cuttings, deliv
ered at any of our Agencies.
53" Parties withing to buy, should order early of our
Agents, so that they may notify na in time.
, Bundled and delivered at the above places, as
soon as the leares fall.
-A- 23 mc
T. B. FTSHRR, rownville, is Ageut for Kemaba
and east half of Richardson Counties.
CURTIS & PEAYER. Pawnee City, ase Agents for
Pawnee and west half of Richardson Counties.
RKV HR. TINXHAJf . Beatrice, is Agent for Gage
and Jones Counties.
J. H. BUTLER, Austin, Agent tor Clay and Saline
Eeware of Willow Peddisrs.
We learn that many swamps of com mo" ""i! low have
been cleaned up, and ibe Cnttine solo Br y Willow.
We get our willow of Samuel k. WAtDd, of La
Voille, Illinois., a responsible Nursery
GOAL OIL, best qnaH'r claiifled Carbon oil. Lanf
ebimneva and icks.
ullll M
For the Year
ernment restored in the fallen
erated. and Slavery obliterated from ,.
event, of '61 will be among th. m-.s!'-
the HUury of the Country, m4 d5fc
elude the raura of Peace, and the -;
America upon a new career of BDurs' '
ncss and prosperity. With Ibor ?iDi:Hr
the rej-roach of serfdom, the People Ji'
on a h gher platform of intelligenot lr,i '
feel a still profoucder interest in all 'f-T L
the progress of their own an,i otbsr Lji
world is entering upon a new serie flf
to wTiumaie iu ioe inumpa of X),
tbe Atlantio;
wane emizrstion
a new aud tremendom ia5peta. 1
?ly tur productive power.
Tbe atiring event of the timi ;:i v.
ly depleted ia ihe eolutns o the Dix,
we are resolved to rerder more Taiaaa''
tractive than ever as a faithful '
I.Iirror of Passing Hk-
Inspired by the spirit of D'aoenw.
ledging no leader bn
t Truth-ThsM ,; '?
ucntr wni cuuhuui i7 wo .'oioiv laa o.
People, and prin;t to denounce aaJ t,,. .
poi'tical or military aspiraat who lai,.
their cause. -5
In adlitioa to our War New., vf .
in our Weekly paper the We-k!r W7,t,,
and also an abitmct of the prt-l.n
aud of the Proceedings of LejsUia,-
and Illinois. i'
Our Tri-Weokly, will e.mtiia u
the Important rews, Local and Cuuuitr:
of tbe Daily.
Shall not b excelled by any par
We have improved our arrangeaen
Shall not b excelled by anypanir ift,
We have improved our arrangeaea'.i fj,-;j
From Washington, from the Lower M 'mr-
fr- m the Missouri and Illinois Ca, i:;,' 7
will bpub!ifhed in addition to the L'n(
And our usual quantity of General JfewiSii
We request all IWmajiers and In-tzU K4
Scad forepectmen nnmbsrs of th Fiis
Prospectus fo diitribution,acd they till Wp-
ly foi-warded.
Pend as many nam3 as pnib! io CaS.s
their papers a?nt to one ad lrsss ths
the Postmaster or the getter up of ta Cx
It is not required that all the papni i'j, .
shall be sent to one Post 05ce. tha naxbr
snt to different OfSces, and additions 3ujn a
at any tim
The following are our rales for the ynj Ei
Mail Subscribers one year -----Price
to News Dealers - - - - -I;5jii
Mail Subscribers one .year i
Single Copies one yar - - - - -
Three Copies - - - "
Five Copies - - - - - - " - - -
Ten Copies -
Any larg-r Club than ten will be ehtrgi
rate of one dollar and a half per eoy.
The above rates for all Mail fcalcr-rui!
payable in advance.
Orders rot accompanied with the bob?7-
reive no attention.
All papers of either edition, wul be iJCita
at the end of the time raid for.
41 and 13 Locust street, :T. Loca l
This ncrular Monthly contain .
money than any Mugaxine ia the w ...II
it will bve nearly lUO png?s, 5 to .lOn;
12 co!ord patterns, and VuO wok1 trrr
all this for only Two Dollars a JW, or s i
les than magaiinca of Us cn. Ert-j ' :
to tako PetvTson." In the g-ni vItmos
:, h nnlv Mnzine tht m tv-
ii nriee. eitner to sin.'j
and i, therefore, euipcaiics
the Tim .
T'na f,.,ir in Pa'er?on are (
hpet Till l.'ished anvwhere. j
A nr. r
Vi! ti, Mrs.Denison, Fras.k
J:e author of "Susy L's Dairy." T. s- " "'
L. ChaLdler Mo'i'.ron. Oihnel!e I.- 1 -
t ,1 n .,.11 l'.rv. L'U-a Ae.-t'U---
1 :)
author of "Tha S -"n I Life. b i-
1 . r 1. fara t.f AmeT"
contributors. Ia addition to tbe ?. ri.
short stories, there ill -be g.fB u
Original Copy-ribted .Nt-veUt. t 1 :
The Maid of II nor-a story . f Qa
Ann S.'Stephen. The Lst E .
to-day. By the auther of . '
Maud's Summer at Saratoga, 7
B-no 1 ct. Fanny's Mirtot.on, by -
Iu its Illastrationa a!so,-Pet-r a iss
Tu publUher chall nge a eomper,.n f
-uperb Mei.M.tintj and othor i-l enp r
thosein other Magaiinw.a'H .,
in everv number. Colored f-hi-n rs
r ;. .v.. nl M.iciin O'"-
li.t.. k..lilo. Each mail" .
Fhii 11 Plates, ereraved on rel.
r4 ' '
Irom fashions later tbsn ny ouer j
.!- . - A, .man nt tn.ire XeW SiV
vv-...i. T.,. PKttt-rn.from wbu'BS
or rbiid's Curtome can be eat. w"""1." .,
-V . K .nm Ur. IB
ajantua-tcaKfr eo iani etu
Philadelphia and New York rb"1 5
at lnjth e:h month. Patterns ",t;iJ
will mm
Haal Dresses, A3., givia.
!., givia. lis ouiwr
het, Ao. . y.-.fp
At Department of th ,
. Every nucibcrn"',,
in every variety f -.
em truidry, crochet, Ao,
The V,'oik- fable
wholly unrivaled
r, .i.' PL..!I fiiitlir.'. B'-S'lp
VTOC-er, LmODIuer; j
w.rV ti .in.. Lverv moutn, "f
,.artom ulintiin?. DUrser
. . 1 . Z.. .:i Bt. rS.
given each ot wnicn, ai a rw
tfty cents. n-.V
'Our New Cv'-ok.,,--The 0rr
bold Receipts of "Peterion" are 4''''' -
i'.i r-t,-n.-,w will Is evU""'
iu- a uui w w f v 1
onM f !hM recemt3
ha bepn tesiw
sis weli worm tae oi - . fc
.... -r Mlrrii!!.
ceipU for the toilette, sick-ro.mi
VJ.L r..v. laereryr
Jen mnu lauiunuiw w - r.
And hints on Horticulture, t ia"ui
matters interesting to ldie. r'tf
One copy for one year,
Threeeopies for one year.
Five copies for one year.
Eight Copies for one year,
Twelve copies for one year,
Sixteen copies for one year, ,
.v. n r?ars-
rremiutns ior glll" ""rT . r
" i-v r :,r. and fB.
sop getting nfccim ;-.rr
doIUra oraciub cf Five. ! and a half or a elub of f-' T.
ting ten dollars or a club of ? ff, tf
fi'to extra copy ' x" (rlr.,
18(54 will be given. If prtforre d. o ...
send as a premium, (instead of to
and Illustrated Lady's Aioum, -
ID Kin. or ikur vi
each 27 inohe by 2D "Bunraa h f
Blind ChiM, in Jail," or -Da-?" " 'f
ingforllis Release fr on Prison.
getting up a club of Sixteen, j&
the Magazine will be sent, or any i"
premiums. a t rfT.
Addr?SS, post-paid, OIAKLLS iit.::
So. 308 Chestnut Spin's: W
All Postmasters constituted j,a--
person nay get cp a club. Lpeliu
touly, if written for. Tpi
The nndersigned, Board of Em ;
meetings Tor tbe purpose 01 t
P M.atthVoffic of E. W. Thou'
r reauired to hare ft certia
. .
of W
,.. tk..mmanmni
T. R- VlsHShri Et
, t aj - .
SAWS, Hammers,
ilmers Picks
At McLaaghliOj
TILS bighest market price p' fl 4
SUtKP Shears vt the m-t "'
The war drama is approachinr iu
interest. will probabiv
Doom of the Rebellion, witni th. k