Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 05, 1865, Image 3
BkOWNVlLLE.THUI.SlAYJAN5f 1835 Ulank Ltt-eds, J'orLjfas-.rxecutin Ko.-yinnt J'erriac I.H ense.Ac. Ac. Ac. tor nale at thi (jffi;e. See Bliss HilWnn in another column. ' Our Ligi.-3iu'r: w. .vup Ut Mon- of tli tali of Long's r'.: ;'"!.3' C'!i will h opn for tir'-air. v ry Mciudy and SaluiJay. . DjiA .fW- ' ?rrf' vaU of D.-t Good. ' 11 t!s Caps. Hard warJ. (""'l-ry.' . at the Piomer Auc'i..i U '- ""xl Satut Jar. ' Jurf - Hewfli'i Lecture lfore the Literary Association, last Thursday, cn tje MiijVct of Ed'icatioii was an able cTitrt, a ijd is highly puk en of ty all who were present. Thp firm of Grant and Becktold is fo nvre, they having d Solved, the termor ttili retailing the stand, where he will be pleased u serve all his old customors, cheap for ta?h. ; : , Perkins is still at work; "and still they come!" His pictures Advertise themselves, and need but to be seen, to make every oti desire to have one. Cali aulee his pecfmns it wul repay you. even if you should not desire a picture. Se the 8ftment of the Phoenix In surance Company, in another column. It will le ren by litis hat it is finaru-ia My sound. It is one of the oldest and most submittal companies in the country. Judge Sander is its Agvnt in this county- Th' re will lie a meeting of th' B-owr. villf Lrum. I.i't.inry and Literary As foria'iou, ihiv ev ning at the LlTiceof C. G. Uor.. y E.-i- In d-fault of m Lecture there will be a D-n" or) 'h" f )i'ovi'ig Resolution: Rf solved. That the name of Brown ville ahoulJ be cliauged. We barn that cur' C)unty Commh pi tir- l.yve d. ci 'ed up.m putting a co 'd Stun- B H.j-v at'rois therrfk at Han nifi.rd'- ih- Scli"d St-nion. 'YWis , ri: H. The bridge thi t utile i m li : 1: v (' a' iiu . . v. ; ,ik f -, i:A w - :'. t V sr c: i- 1. ti On th- '21 !i .. r. . I' (VI l y r v H'jhs, Ju'i'-- -r IV .t t!i r-.-i-dent- or Mr. Kn,;i- Unl i-.r in Siuih Jiro.vnville. Mrs. EiizaUth B.i;l..w t Mr. Louis Wrtldter, bjih of this C 'Ut'ty The placj to m.ike your fortune wi'l le at Lett &i M'Pherson's Auction Store next Saturday. They have the goods niid will -iell at your own price, only hid They are regularly nuiho ized A'.iC !ionejr and are ready to t?ell anyihicg worth selling that my be brought to tlietn, such as Hor-es, Cattle, Wagons. ILirness, Second-hand Furnhura, in short anything and everything you with to sell, bring along, they'll sell it to good advantage. It will be seen by the proceedings of the County Commissioners, in to days pa per, that C. . Wheeler's loses in the erecionof the new Bridge across the Litile Nemaha, were honorably made up to bun by the B ard. This act of justice wdl be iluerfully acquiesced in by erery honorable citizen of th county. The case was fairly laid before the Board of CommiMoners hy Mr. Wheeler, backed by a petition, signed by nearly three hun dred of our heaviest property holders, in favor of ; nd a duuppiiuied bidder, in opposition. The, we understand, in-ftrucbd the Court with -uih per.-istant vehemance, that he tame- near being fiued lor coutempi of court; some inn tna.e that his head was very -'sore;" but, be that aj ii muy. we did not believe thai any honor lie citizen of the county would desire to see the county improved at any one individual's expense, even though it miiiht be technically legal to do so. The "Ca iipaigo" -a fairly opened in ur City; the first acion of the .season "rT.,-.f M .nday. (i-ft-ral RoHii thrw t a coli !t.;K of li ru:i-!.ers 'r:uht ;u t:u': si u'. it-r . a r'"ri'.i -;!. '-'. rn c-v-:; . f j -K - 1 ti e position " ! J lliiljrr.lf a twice, but uas UV.y ,c,..p-. lb d to fall ' ack,- his forcwa wuaiderabiy doiaoral- jZt(J . ..ji. .-v; s fif a i ism :t;n ii '! h ir. X r ; o-1 ' 1 1 : i '.Mic1 or'l The next actioo was between Be: ry and Hackey. Which in the hackneyed southern pronunciation. turned ;, cut "berry bad-!' v . Next Capt. Ban.. Rogers 'flanked' a blackguard for uainj grossly indecent Iauguage, in the hearing of a lady who was passing along Main street'. ' Lafct that we have heard of was be tween Bennett atid Westfall, which end ed, we are informed, by West falling. "Our'special, not thinking the campaign had opened, wan' not upon "the -pots" in lime to gie ili!ji.rdiiofid, but hereafter we fchall draw our illustrations from the Mayor's Docm-i, a correct record of which we iail give from time to time. Rowdyism must he Hepped. We have a .Mayor who will do his duty, and it be hoove evt-ry good ritizeu to susiaiu Li.u and :h? othtr filcers in ket-ping U.e pfate. aud punching jffeudcr. Tne dance at Marohur's Hall, last Fri day, was a brilliant aiTiir. decidedly the bet conducted of th season. The Mus ic was good, aud the supper cot'ld not be beat. United states Internal Revenue. Notice- Kotir It hrcty ?lven lo II prr.n cnnrprrpil tba hc Swjin IrH-cme list, tn:,de ii1 taken muter ttio Es cie Liw of 1 1 r fi f e. 111 In il.e Pi nn-i B c''ir(!"ii "Nen alia aicl Pnee, iitTerrl ory r Ne b' -k hu vc Krci- 7 pi nf tu nii. Mid will I pen f..r px-tiiMixli n in iny (ithce in iheTo-u of Fall Cl'y C ut ly i f RuinniH iu r..r tne ue oi ten !) from mk' srier t le lie of ihiK otji-e. Ana l:t ap peals relx'ive t- ry errn .u or rxre.-cive valifaaiou. i will l.e rhM t'y me fn the 19rh day of November. tf 61 v4 1 1 appeals to the A(-e-8ir uiuht be ma'le in, JOSEPH H. BritBlXK. A"fi Nbrhki Terriioij. Dateit this 17th 1y cf Nu. lbSl v 9 no-9-2w BERKLEY & NEEXT Wagon Makeis r HAVING l;K(K.TLY FITIED iJV i-hopwiih new miKHiiijery fuch hs a turning-J-ti6, ett'., aro prepari-J to ti.nout a' No. I article of Waoxk, 'a0- Ht'BES, v7 AGOM Bowa VEW AND iMPKoVKD CfLTIVATlirii, Hhd VVtT)thnf iii ibeir line that uiajr ie culled fi ,roin a completi wfigcn down to the r-uie'lcMt regains needed atlowai raffs rhrni ihej caii be bad at any point Eat C Weft of tliia filikce. . JMwnviI!e, April 2ist, n4. a3t-S-lj . BACK TO THE OLD STAND! CLOCKS, WATCHES. AND JOSEPH SHU T Z Would resj ectfull inf..rm bis oM customers that he li i aexin 'iH'iitl Imh Jwt-lrj Slip in bis old stand on -'reel t-'uiii -ii J, two d)- r ej t or ibc B wn vilie House, lie kee o" b.iri'1 splfrii.1 aorime:it 'it' evriy i.iii in bis tine vt Im-iiienh, wliicu be will ei I ou Ue i-jwtM tena" lor Ca-li XT or.iri tx & Of r'l.x ksj Watches ud Je'elry Uine on the ihort ei Notice. WORK WARRANTED. Br-nviilp. Xeb.. May t9tb. 1364. n38-Iy Alain Street bet. First aud Second Sts. nrownvilo, ?Job, Kt-ns v n! "li Lautl tle be-t CU.iitVof JC- OBACCO C:l;-WLV(j AMI .SMOPiO, S 1: G A. I I s , Confectioneries V.. (ti.n fi, l . iii: f'i -1 r -u. "f, Dates, ,'.' A in'U of Toy a. Cahi,rd Fruit, and Oysters. t ill is n'voinntod.i-injr, ohiijein, r e r i e i ana - id umikn to t e 'ntt-r-"t f the public, mid . i. h"f.t . MBi)rtui''nt t V.iri-tie in hi. I i n- ever -) ?. . I ti tins i!:m krt. 'iid id d t.-ruiict- l mt to li--in. - -1 - j . i fi.r (,'ASil. In "lie ii :ttiT of tho ni'jiii tition f the linar 'i :.n i Siiuiut-l ItoU for a liceDse to sell a portion 1 his .Mil. Mi the 5 h d iv of I -c eniler, a. d. 14. .Joseph tl-l ii-i rl a ii of Samuel Hell, a inin'ir, fii I is i-'ti'vn i r-iji?i'4 tor a li -ens t- sell a tKirtimi o.-' i.t-i'iil I's'a p of ilif pidSnmucI Hell, for the rK.--"ns tlKTi:i s'a'-d. Clier'U:!'n the iourt. d'-'h .rd r th i lie ncrt f k n of ai I ShiiukI Hell and ill -eron intTe-ted in ssid es'nte nj ju Br p-r--uii;i!ly before th" 1'n.b.iie C:irt"f N'u iii ia c,un- v, Nebraska 'i eirit(iry, on Tw'f la.V th3 d"ty of J:i titi iry, a. d.. Isfi3, tlien tind then In shw cauw a l.yeiii.i hcouse should not be jrrai'el. D.C.SNIEKS. ir-12-4t Probate Jud.-a. L1ELLO, STRANGER WIIGRC DIU YOU GET THOSE, NEW OOODSP AT J. BE11KY & CO'S., THE VERY CHE ATEST HOL'SE IN BROWNVILLE J. BERRY & CO.. Have Jnut reclvel, ana are now opening, at -taud ou Jfaiu street, on of the largest slocks of the DEY GOODS AND aver offered In this market. Remember the placa, J. BERRY & CO.'S, IJ"o. 11, IVXaixx eatropt, n::ovNviL!.i n. t. lUT-tf S OA LES! Ut ALL 1MI. Also, Warti.PUEe Tracks, Letts Pit:ic, &c FA;wuy RlsJLEAF-& CO! ITZ L.4HC ST., CIIICAC-, . C3"Be csreful. snd tuv only the Renume i iUT A FOX; Ajats,in St, Louii. r-ix-i-tf. Amzrr ague drops. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR THS CUBE 01 Povor and ,y.gpu.o AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES, ATTENTION ! ! 1 SUFFEBERS FEOM FEVER AND AGUE, etc Tbis most wonderful remcdT for the permanen' eur of Fever and Ague, etc., was discovered som years ago by ona of the Most Scientific and Successful CIicmist of America, Out of tboHFsnds of cases it has never fceen 1ii own to fail in effecting a radical cure. A tdnglt bottle of these Drops I as cured diseases which have STUBliOHXLY RESISTED TTIE MOST SKILL FUL MEDICAL TALENT. It contains nothino that tvtil inmre tin r. : - - - . . V.-11'lMllUllwil ; It Purifies th Blood ! ! It removes obstructions from the Liver! !! It proii-oies the discharge of Bile !! !! It effects a radical and permanent Cure by removino; the rause upon which ihv . Ague depends !!!!!! TIIE ARMY AGUE DROPS As it nsme imn.iftn, has been nnd is the great Spe clfio for all Rili .u Diseases in thi Arrav. It bn: no equal. Its popularity in our noble Army and elowhere if n universal as its eures have been quick and wonderful. Aea It has proved a gt eat blessing and saved many a valuable life in thoe inianiiitio localities where they would have fallen victims to Bilious Diseases The Chills will not Tflurn if ihest Drops t Up J r are taken ! TIIE ARMY AGUE DROPS Q UICKL Y DRIVES AWAY Hjancour - W oaIx.nos8! AND RESTORES TIIE SYSTEM To it nnml BUOYANCY and ANIMATION; IN- 1'iUlwA i I .Mi the body and clearing out E VER Y VESTIG F OF DISEASE produced by loathsome miam. Be Wise in Time ! ! f?5fN' person residing in a Fever and Al'ii' Dorset shouli be wuhjut a Bji- tle of ARMY AGUE DROPS, i:d it it strongly recommended to persons travel iiig through places chitroJ with miasm. We respftctfullv call attention to oar Tetini'ni; a's. Many of our letters atteft that hundreds '-; lives have ben saved in the Arrav by its use. li deed; so well are its curative qualities apprm iat. d in the Army, tnat t tie most su cesslul hurgeoiis it the Field and Hospital hh it. a'm -il etiiusively in f tie di senses t r which we cl:tnu tt infill. lniity. The best phy-i(ians ulwV'' se;ztiie be.t means n effect a euro, hence the universality of the ARMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS ! ! ! We are happy te refer to His Fxcellcncv brtihara Lincoln. (Je nerol (Jeo tt. M, Clcllau. G'-neral Kretntnt. General Iturtiside. , General Hani'oek. General Kiipatrick. General Kice. C....nel Pye. 95h N. Y. Colonel Qui -k, I7ih N. Y. C. Colonel howler, li b N. Y. S II. Miijor floretnus, A.D. (J. Major Reifaynder. 35th Pa. Major Wilifos.A. 1. C. M j ir lt.itneyf " Mitjnr Still well. !Sur!jons, M Bab- ock. U. S. S. Lieut. Whelnn. J Ut. R.ST Hi-hop J'ottor, N. Y. Rev. Or Tvnir, do Ttv. Or T.ixb.r, do Rev. II. W. Heei-hery B'klyn, Rev. E. H. Ghapin. do Uv. Mr. Oheever, N. Y. Rev. Mr. Bang, do His Honor Mayor Wood, B'klyn. Hon. M. Kalbfleisuh, do H.m. M. F. Odell. do Hon Mayor Gunther, N. Y. Hon. Horoe Greeley, do And hundreds of other eq'iilly well-known gen tlemen, for waion see oircuur. PRICE QUE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Wiloox k Oo Principal 05ce, 181 Water Street, N. Y. N. B.None Genuine unless tearing 1 our signature on the vcrapjer. , Don't let vonr Prne?ist pit you off witr- any ihtr reto'dv. If he does ut ha v it Tor sale, en close ul 25 r' mail, and. we ill stnd you bottle of the Army Ague Drops er mail post pa WILCOX 4 CO., 1S1 Water St, Nw Tcrk. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. Tfie Cheapest Paper In.-Tbc Woria The extensive and comi-rebensire faoeilities o it ooettssion en4b's the.PKorurrOB of tbe Wse LT IIkbaLD to guarantee the latest and mot r-i liable information pow.bly to be obtained, not onj from M parti of lite tuitea states, but from. 41 farts of tbe world. ' lta home correspondents, engaged at hearj cot, and conneetad with each new naval aud miiitar y "jtA?J!i.b.e. 11 u. 1'' VCIUIIUCVI lO IC4V UV myvm us. v - kij .m v(jvn- tion and no event can c-car that ohall not find h- mediato rejort in iU column. It nOa the prori etor over one hunJre4 thoand dollars per jar to maintain its corps ol correspond en t4 in the fHd. In its collation of Foreign News the Herald las for year held a high position, and it will edderor in the future to maintain' the t-taod it hajassuLfd. It had special correspondents statioued in allthe principal ritied of the woilJ. j Its telegraphic arrangements eztcnl to wfcesver the electric wires are stretchud. When the Alan tia cable is laid, which feet will soon benccompsh cd. teligrsnis will be received from tnrojeand A$ia,a weil aa from the United States. The our readers will have the er of the wet-k a nil parts of the civilised world regularly and cearlv laid before tbeua. I The proprietor devotes a portion of the pawr to liittcraturo, Fashion. Agrkuitare, the Mcfaaniv V rls, Sporting Matters. iiu-nne, ilatnea and Finam-ial lieports, Cuttle larkeU,Gcneial N'ewi. aud reports ot all eventi calculated to form in ex- j wdlei.t. metropolitan newspaper- a weeklj photo- gramme v;ew ta lue etni9 ti iuv wuuu uiu &ii - a vcrv w tirice 1 he eeklt Her a UP is issued every f nray ni Tiiiug, aud luruibbea at the follow in; ntes : One copy - - , - - - : . 2 r tve copie.s - - - . ; , f d ien copies. - Any larger nutnoer, addressea to n-inxsni sua ocrbois, I.6U irll. , An txtra c py will be sent to every cits of ten. : TwHDiy copies, toone saldress, oneyea i'li, aud any birir uumbor at saina price. Au extra copy will be sent to clubs of wenty. Aavi ti.-ein ra'.s to a limited uumbr tilt bo in serted in i he Wkkklt Hkhald. . ! 'IheW EtKLT Hekalp. " fl'ree cents pr copy. I n dollars per year for t- hund'ed ind fix'y- three tsoue. rive dolIars lor fix njaihs. two dollars and bitv cents lor nree ra .ntns. JAME& GORDON KESXETt, Editor and I'r.iwieor Northwest corner of Fulton aud Nnsaustreefa. .. ew York city X. Y. There are no travelling ajent t'ur tiie Ikrald. FISH'S LAMP HEATING APPARATUS, BOILING FB YING STIW1SG STEEPING WITH THE FLAHK Tn AT LIUUTd THEKOoM. By the flame of a ramm lamp, at thecost of acent'o worth of oil, a very nif..rfHb!e breakfast can bo cooked . . Y. Trib. KMC. -'''' Simnlo in construction, easilv kent in order ready for us in a moment 1 . i-- C'Ul- . .. . , n fin tl -i nt Lru'tjfiHt'a Cir- WHICH,, w un.v wu cular. Fish's Laup none of thenost pop ular novelties of the day. theatility ol it is unoueHtionable, a great saving isnfde in hcat- iny; snd cooking smsll urt les, and can Je made to c-ok m -ale for a great many persons, wlich is actu ally done on the ambulance car? whiin carry the nick soldiers. Scientific Ainricnn. r or family uso, niipnul, tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing nursery, or siik room, it is at. -rticleof comf.Tt beyond all proportion to itscost. Ifand'i Journal of Ihilth, I haw tried inesJDaratus. and mv wife and I procUitn tbesame a oust valuable and iudipcnsible article, and we not wonder how we . m i . 1a;. aa. -l m. I'euia have so long aono wunou u. w w Ed. Oind Oil Circular. ! An econmieal ooi'nvanoe for eet- ting up beat at short notice for oirsery and general household purposes, ne important point is th saving in cost over coal fles. Y. Evening Pott. PRICES FROM TWO TO SIX DOL LARS CAPACITY 'FROM ONE TO FOUR CHARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKip AT ONE TIKE ' WITH ONE BURN nt. Yrraneed f-r Kerosene or Coal Oil or Ois V Descriptive Pamphlet of ."50 jages furnished grati. ALMJ TH3 UNION ATTACHMENT. Trice 50 fo be attaobed, to a Co nnnon Kerosene Lamp or Oass liorner, by which V atr nmy be lioilod and Food i-oi kt d : al.-o arranged to supiwrt a shade. EVERY F A M I f Y N EE 1 S ONE. V. D. KUSStLL, Agent. No. 205 P.-art It. New York. A?EJTS WtMED; . ' vtx-S-8w. I ! aEIIHACKKEY & CO., Ilpvejust received a splendid stock of Which they will sell . 7ERY LOW FOR CASH ! ! t Gomt-rising all the Latest Novelti3 in Djsss Goods nd Dress Triumings of all kinds and varieties iFluiled Ribbons, Braid', Buttons, &c &c Latest Style of Ladies' Winter Hats. Veils, Collars, Ivory Setts, Fancy Lack and Side Comiw. iieau Dresscs. and Xcls, etc., etc., etc. GENTLEMEN'S FCRXISaiNG GOODS, Magnificent assortmen t of Superb Stock, of all kinds ef BOOTS & SHOES Domestic Goods of all Kinds FLANNELS IN ALL COLORS, Liaseys, Ticks, Stripes, Bleach & And all otber. articles usually kept in a Dry Goods etore. . O-A-XaXa ix 4-lp, Nff.i-uiber i'9th, lam. EATING HOUSE! BY FRED. AUGUST MAIN, BET;. FiBST AND SECOND STS. Omers. Cikes. Pie. C-wkies. Ginnpr BreaJ. etc te.. 'f ;i dewripfMns constant ly on b i i. GOOD XiAL3 te.-vtJ 1" tbe tet style anl on-short liouce. , ix- -1 j "J. .TcLArGnLIV i SWAN re constantly receiving A-, adaiiion tnheir h'oc f t Grocf ie and Ilard ware. Ttieir G.MjJs nJ prices im buu iveryoouy -o si y ofi' man." fMT&oS. mace, spice, pew'-- Pincer nutmeg, Ciu- V aaiiiuu. etc 'c. .of bei ouuy At McT.'iughiin A Swan's. PLA Ca d'. Hot manls. Sh" !hril. Iulia R.ibber Bll p; irnt 'thread. 5ciMr, Wrapping aud Broom iwn e, to be bad M 'LAUGH LIN i SWAN'S IRCKER4if all kind. Ba ter. Boston. Sugar, V Wine and Pick-Xic Crackers, Creau B;ruit and Ginger tejpa. V At1 TO HER CHANTS, F ASM EE ' AND BLACKSMITH. IE0IT! IE0IT!! D. A. CONSTABLE, HAS OX IIAND AlfD F0H SALE A LAF.GF ASD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, AND HI lollVUl! CJi?PRISINQ: . . r i IIORSE NAILS, NATL-IJODS. nOUSE AND ML'LE SHOES, ANV1L&, ' ' HI KINGS, HKLLOWS. AXELS, VH'ES. TIIIMBLK SKEINS CHAINS, WA(ioN HOXES. SCKEW PLATES UoLSTEK I'LATKS. FILES, UASl'S. W KKNCllES, SLEIXiE QAMMEKS. HND HAMMERS, SUOKINu HAMMERS. IMMTHEUS, NUTS. HAKUOW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC, iC, AC, ALSO WOODWORKS ! COMPRISING nurs, spokes, fellows, WAGON lions, SHAFTS, POLE, AXE S, HOUNDS, AXE HANDLE BHOOU HANDLES, PLOW l KDLES. Ac. ALSO AG 1ST T IHK 8ALI OF F IRB AXJKb C LE S TAT HAVING LAID IJ A LAROE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS, DIRECT FROM THE ' FACTORIES, . BEFORE TIIE IlISE, Ta M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES T E DE.FY COMPETITION. EggTSend in Your Scrap Iron.j HIGHEST PRTCF. PAID FOR WROUO0r SCRAP IKON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREIIOISF FebU-n32-om ST. JOSEPH. MO FAMILY GROCERIES M'LAUGIILIN&SWAN: WOULD RK SPKCTFULLY ANNOUNCI TO THEH friends and tbe public generally, that they bare Je receive a superior lot of Family Groceries, and invl the attention of purchaser to their stock including NKW ORLKAN3 SCGAR, PRIME RtO COFFI1, CI.ARIFIEO to IUPKHIaL TKA, CHi'IIKD do YOUNG UTsOX TBA, OWUKREO do BLvACK IK A. RICE, SaGO, SPICK PEPPER CLOTES, CINKAmO COVE OISTKR3, R.11S1NS, CURRANTS, SXARCD SOAP. PURE SODA, DK LANUa' SALKRATU3, ; .t. Jto., COD FISH H4.CS.E IAL, WHITE! IT Laa) TiiuUI.HiiiilKG, SHAP GREEN APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHEN DRIED APPLES DRIED PEACH1 Molasses, Ccal Oil, Cider, KATCRAT. LKAF CnKWIXG TOBADOO (.uDir ikaK ANIXKIlKlt ;ilOICK KRNU.T FIN JiCl 1 CAVKNlMsll KICK SMOKING COM MON DO. CIpirs oflhc Rest Brands u tux 3Iarket. CHESTNUTS, ALMOVD3 PECaKS. FILBKRT3. PbA KUTS, Ate., 4tc, A Splendid Assortment of Slick an1 Fancy Candy from the Best MaDufao turies in the Eitst. Flour, Bacon, Butter, Eggs, &u The Highest Market Prices Paid foi Country Produce. 3ICLAUGIILIX & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bisk Buildiso Brown ville, Jan. 14. 1864. n20v4j:i ylj .JACObIAUOUN, MERCHANT TAILOR, UKOWN VILLE. NEBRASKA Calls tbe att Jtinn of Gentlemen desiring new, neat ervicabie and fabionable Wearing Apparel, TO HIS NEW STOCK OF GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, BROAD CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, kc.k OF TUB TERV LATEST STYLES, Which he will nell or make up, to order, at unprece dented low prices. Having on hand one of SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, he is able to do Custom work ai ran that defy compe tition. I warrant my work, Hand as well as Machine Work. Th e wi.-bin any thin in hi tine will dj well to call and examine hi stock before inTestin?. aa be pledges himtelf to hold ont peculiarly favorable in duocmcnt . Anist. 18. 1864 ly NEW Orleans, ClaiifJed, Crumbed and PuwderedSa ears. Goldeu Syrup Sugar Houte aud Sorghum kolae At JIcTjanghlin & Swan'a. PROBATE NOTICE. To all whom it rcay concern : Nutice iatcrehy giren that Henry llunozcher baa applicatiun in the Fnibate Court in d4 for l'awnce county. Nebraska Territory, fi r letter if Administration on tbe Estate rf Elizabeth Urecb, lalanf the coun ty aforesaid, decease-!, and that Saturday the 3lt day of DeecL.ber,a. d. 18ol, iath time tor berin said application. II. LOliE, Pawn-e City. Ncr. ;?th, 1 331. Pru. Ju !J;e. is I2-4v.j.rd TOE LSI A MONTHLY HAGAZLNI OF LITERATURE AND FASHION. The January number of our New Mafsiphi net with a tery fiatteriog reception frona the journ als of th country. Lead tbe fiiowio; a:duc many. NOTICES OF TnE Thi Ladt's Friknd. This ii tbe title of a new magiine pnbliFhed in ur city by DfaconJk Peter Jon, No. 31 Walnut Street. Aa iU title indicate it is emphatically the lady'a IrienJ, ami is replete with orerything calculated to plea?e and instruct The eorpf cf contributors t its columns ome of the bst litemry talent in this country and. in England. The fashion "plates in this numbrr January, are sunerb and of the latest style, while there is an abundance of patterns of all eludes and descriptions. Gabriel ilkie's ' Return War" is yplended steel engrain, from a Resign prep-tjed expressly for the Maaxine. H i new enter) rise is eminently deerTin; the patrutiwe of our lady friends Philadelphia Inquirer. A NaW Lapiks 1 ahazink Meri. Deacon A Peterson bare just placed before the public the COv number of a new magaxine, eul'ed' The ' LaJy'r Kriend. It is eTidentlj rery well dited. by Mrs. Htnry Peterson ; is well printed ai.d; illustrated, and is full of excellent original reading Among its contributors are M s Elewuior C Don-neliy.who-e excellent Utile sketch ca;led.'Gbriel Wilkie's I urr,'' appears with a steel engraTing io .this number; Miss. Eugenia Mott, Mr..- Peterson. Miss Virginia Townsend. Nrfn Harlans',' and mi ny others, "a Meditcrnl V by Mr. R-c-dolph, probably oon tains the tT"" thoughts ot 11j number. Forcey's Press' Philadelphia. TERM: CASH IN ADVANCE. Icopy, one year. - - - $2 fit 2 copies, one year, - - - - 3 Ut 4 eope, one year, - - - 6 00 8 copies, atid one to fetter up of club.l 12 0r 20 copies, and one to getter up of i-lub.J 26 0 i One copy of the- Poet and una of the LsdyV Friend.' - - - 3.0(1 Subscribers in British North America must remit twenty cents in addition to tbfc annual subscription as we have to prepay lie U.-S. postage ou their papers. A the price of Th Post is the same as that of of The Lady's Friend, tbe Clubs miy be composed exclusively of the paper, or partly of the psp.-r and partly of the M'iguxine. Of course, the premium may be ei'her one or the otber, as desired. The matter in tu p:er. will awnys te different from that in the nrngazine. Specimen numbers ot tbe Puat tent gratia. Ad dress. CON A PETERSON, No. 319 Waluut St., Philadelphia. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! I iSTElSil JIWSL1Y &f Every Description at ihe LOWE T PRICES FOR CASH ! ! ! Army and Couutry Merchants, Pedlars! Trailers Sut " lem and Uene' al , Ueaie' can make enuruiuua profit ap'U a small iiivasitineiit ! - Jeweiry of any I'liifm or Qnallry and in any qnan lity na-1e to irJer. 53"Kt,tiuiate tor ny class ot work turtiivhPcU 53"' 'icular attention p( v t piyinit Auctixueers, Country Pedlars, Indian Irailei aud Aruir Iejleis.' Anystylaor Got.ds manufactured, such as Inven tions, etc , at nhort notice. 83"iol Cauawln Cierks, with a smtll capital can find constant e n ploymeot I Illustrated iimsand lull particulars fiee ! THE PROFIT TO TnK RETAILER 13 VERT LARGE. A Wholesale Supply can be carried in a knapsack, band valine, or carpet bag. and will not be like book. iur ouveuient to carry trout pUc tw place. Remember another thing ! This bu.-incas is strictly honorable! 5r3"l'"er0 ' n' ned of misrepresenting or ex iterating. Our Goods frhow for ibeiui-elTe-! I Ii is a business iu which as ample awl auiiiv.tor equivalent Is Riven for the money received and an en Tourattiug profit is pocketed at tbe sura time, (t is an occupation in which no person need be arrald or as halted to canvass the sani Held again and agaiu for whe-e once our god4 are intioduceda permanent and continuous demand Is created. I' To Soldiers in the Army, or those at home disabled by the bardr-tips of war, to Clernien out of beaitU Teachers, Postmasters, or any pe son who wishes eitu local or an active occupariou and one ibat brunts with it Great Pecuniary Inducements, this presents an op portunity eeidom met with. Try ill Aud sea .or your selves 1! - CAREFULLfSELECTED LOTS OF JKWELRT com pliiIlt our newest styles and mm saleable variety o Good will be sent anywhere iu the Loyal S ate. We are constantly filling orders from person leaving 'hi choice of Goods wholly with us. Tj such we promise the best exercise of our ta-te and judgment and from our long experience can eoture satisfaction. We a-k no pay iu rdvance. state what style aud qua.i y ot Goods are wanted, and we will send i he same aisdcol .act pay by alxpress at tbe end of the Rouio. OOIiD AND SlbVEH WATCHES G od movements and manufactured in tbebe't man i.ei,uf pure material, an . i .t nri e rr.ii. IU to'ioQ dollars each. Sent anywuci e pay clcie' oy Kxpie . Sati.tacti..u guaranted ! Ali.Watcbe atnrstprices tliey be m of uur owu imporfaiiou. Ciicaiars free by umil S Snd for them ! T. &. II. GOI'GtlAX. Manufsctureis and Imp rie-s lx-7-3ni '16 Broadway. Xew Torx. IZ A. G L E 10T11SI1SW, BREITMYER & R0BIS0N. - WK call the attention of the Lad e and Gentleman f Biownvtlle and vicinity to our new ick yt Koots and Sliors, Gaiters, Ral moi alK. Latf IIos l"lka ' Shoes and Jjnny Mud's JI03 s 3Iiss Cliildrt n and Inland fB XT- O U 0 :nst Received which we will sell aa cheap for the ash aa any house lu the We it.' - BOOTS AND SHOES JIADE TO ORDER In the very latest stTlea. We warrant all enr work tc xivei-aiikfacUun, for we employ none but tho besivt wcrkmen LEATHER AND SKCF FiNDiMQS For sale, and every thing beleDjiini to the trade. We return onr thanks to the public for pust fav-ra and by strict attention to our bnaine hoi to tneii 'hat liberal pa'ronae betowel npon o beret.. fore bear in mind 1 hat onr motto i ihe 'N IM HLK PKN N T." K3-COMK AND SEK US.-CS Done on abort notice in a neat workman-like manner. BRE1TVTKR h ROBIN'SOJT, Bn wnyilie, Nebraska. April 23, 1861. n34 v8-yly MIMOTII .STOCK ' ' ' OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Jast reccired at . , JOHN A. PblSTN'S CHEAP DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE. MJIlN STREET. The Latest Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods; " r"' Summer Shawls, Hats.'et?., etf. Dry Good?, Groceries, Ilats. Car3, Boots. Shoes, Iron, Nails, Flour Bacon. Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc Which be will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call and examine b is. itock before purchasing else where. ' Brownville, June 25th, 'SI. d42-t3 yly IMPORTAIxT to Snokes: Tt best assort mrrt cf Smokjtf Tobacco, t'iar, f ipea, Stemps, &.c is to be found At MpI irsnui ?wivs. DRIKD Apples. Dried Peaches, tags, Rica, stirtL. toa, Citidle. ec , etc., At HTcjhlia fc.Sw-tJi'f iiuhaci: IF .A A A ... J ax. J ij yj D 4TS XT ! '.IN'. FULL Hi. are butlt cf the bct a teria's, and wilt aia4 Jiost tboro isl e.De-l to deep, ruTjod, fall. atI cai? liti. ie. . -Tl tofie ia very Kach J'lduo war.-aatwd for tta " ta t..n b j,;.x. to7oo. t o , , r"- lfK li A-- "The HoranceWate.v ? ktu. '. vary bet." Evnfr!:.t. "emcf th We cn peik of h":r n:.T fr..a per.. eds " Chtist-ai It.; riUeuctr. , -wi. Wale' Piaaaft Ji p a4-Jjl!ec5 comr ri. with the net mail's anr lie." ,'oia Joryuil $190 -A iiW 7 OCTAV O PlAN C3. of a:Te' ent Giaker.4. for fli.j; do., wjr.i carvel :ef-. $iuii. f 2iS and Se.oUi!-hjir. ! Pur-o aa.i .Vei. ra at ' $, W, !Vv, iil, aaA !j,ieo. The Haface Waler't JA 'c-f evf .T'lrmoaisns. Tuned the E. trial Te'ypa ner.i wnbth Patent D.vM-4. Swell. Prce frus k ui jj.v0,. Aifcxanier Or gsr frt.i-.i H)0 to $V O. 5j"A liberal diM 01. nt to C:?rryn:c, O.nrche. Fab baib 8- h- ', Lodue-t, 5eui jiar;f-. i: ? i IV at -be . UOJ ACK WATiRa, A3't, iil bn..y, 2J. I. fit Uvy Srk.A liU 40 0O0cople r?soe- A new SmsriS B-ok for S ho'a and Seniinaiies, cai!el tbe Iay Schu.l Beil i i ready. U contains a' tt tw 1.'usl.d ch i t m.u a, roa ids. catcl eK de'., irta, uiii et' and bonne. rtiny ff them writ'et: eprt y !ur!btwuik. be-ida 3i paee.4 ef the Ileienis aS iia , wh.i h are easy aud progressive. ' .''"'. " Anion.' tbe laree numl'er of kpnti.'Dl p.e- e may t foui-d, ' Uncle am' Sciii.J' J--.f y Lea' "Lw chi dren ciuitia." f 'A 1 n J UnX -u the uuny nJe." .' The linle la3. and -l.ittie UI," '-wh. it 1 a little bird." "Birdof banty." Pretty per tree." "Anvil Cborrjs," .Meet m tv tie ruui:iu bn.k. ixc 1 1 i c- nij.t lef ! Iloia-e Wi. auihorof Sat ba'bSchunl Bol1,'' N t and 'i, wi icti have b d tl. enoi moua saieof R? CTO .Trtvr: Price is per ever. U cents. $in per l'uu; buud 3'J ceoi". a-J per li cioiL boiimi, -tiilM-ed rill 40 ceit 3o per Uui.Ui e--. . -6 cpie turn'shrd at tbe one huudiea jr.. ai the retail price. ... . contains 144 pee. and neatly tw hnrvlred tnn ai4 byni-u. .nd i the mist p pn'ar S. S B k f u.-trd A m-.nj the ni-iHi p--pnla,- ii-ije, . a. nd Wur.i." KileiuAbove." 'Chrismn fIeriHM 1 if ti 1 Zi 'i.' 'I oinrht to love Mo'Ii.t " The n,e told n e o.' In the Lcl:t " Kel fos the Weary," Ac Prices paper overs. J' ctv eah. 413 L-er buti-'red: b.-ut..- '15 ci. each $-0 per buulrei j cioitt buuuii, embos4 ;ilt, 39 cu., per hunli ed. is an entire new work of :W ai-e, andrearly tenet aLdlymns as the niat; la a tune 01 re mmo-ui n is Jn-t the b"ik to fo low Bell N , I. Nearly una !;! lion of thee Billa h. e Uou i.icij . atd ar now , in. mat through tr.l- and c.nmries Auin tue many choice piev-es mar be r mid Small we n.e; yond the river ?, Tlie iSk heai-i'ul ;worid. a-.rru-r hall c mj aiii.n do Hi' tr D -u'f ynilie.r tbe Aiikela coming? Tliuti, liod. xftfs. da Sibna h bel- cbnua. on, fcc. Pi ice--of tieit ,.. 2 are th xm Bt N . 1. Bib nnmrera citi bdobumel 11 one vociiue Price, b-iund ct y 40 cent-, $35 per hii'id-e l; cioih bound, emlxl 5o "U., 4j per b ii'i e'l ii copies fnrnislieii at the oue bundtad puce Uti.eU at ' the retail price. H'd Ur.' Con. I IJ irp. A new Sunday School B ok. of 160 paves of beanf tf nl hymn ; and tunes. It eontT'Tie- m-tny im-, nu baa Shall we know each otber there ; SutTr ir tie ihilUrta -toome unto Me; The beautiful sn.oe; n. 'tii ai..ri on; Leave me with my mother ; He leadem me be-ida ' till waters Ate. Prn-e paer cover 8JcenJ 15 per hundred,! bound 35 cents $11 tr h i.n ti e1 : ciota txiund eo;i..-ed Kuiif .iOjut, ta'nir fit jilrt-d . Mailed hr ibe rKaii price. ' l uivl 4y llnrace Wa ters, an'br of .Sunday School Bell N.s I an I 2. wine's have bad the r.-- j u alJ ot over emtit tli'.uivl copie. Just Mki.i-ln.l by UHAvlCgSf AliU-i, 431 Broadway, Tork. . Tkt JTsi1 ratriAl' &tyj Bool, contains Sf panes of s.ings, dner and chorn-e. heth la cred and secular including 14 pjem of praera fur mtk and dyir.u soillefj. ahd 'J,iM;e,- Sj-tvture Minuil it ixwell suited for so:ll nia.iru. si well as Sabbotli worship' Airorit the mauy bvaut:rul pieces may ba found, Where I berty dwlts is my.contitry ; TUeCnr; tian hero, Ttjree cher f r o'tr banner; C'onie fn ta . me of hevu v Cohtiuoia. the ieui of 'beocean ; Y ee aiau's patherinn; Colnnibla'i K.!nu' forever; Marching along, 4.C Pncc paper cover, 15 ceut,ljpUtta -dred. Mal.ed at its ret-til price Th Fl'irp of Frt'dom, contains SI pstfesof nanca, due ' and choruses, for Free dom. Anion? tbe ch tee piece we wu:d name S.t freedom's morn ; o let my .people g; Ovmlis muua tain ; They worked me all the day jp. Prlc- & cents .ingle. 50 ceuta per dozen, $3 per huudred; pvstaf cent eacl. -; . - r . 1 . i Ruth: A &krtd Contain. contains 125 paires. fWords b Jtev. Sidner Dyer.TPnstj by Prof; Cull-. TMs an excellent b k foreonert or theyouui. . Pr(ct. pat,r ever. 2iceui j l5;ar hundred ; boond 251 $0 per bunlfed.' . The Hn nival Jaie Book contalwia p'oftnncs ?ir-r"?rTnins. de!C for re vtvar, prayer audc- tuereaaa uuem'J. '-Pi''-1 " P'l' covers, sinale copies. 19 cents; $i per bundled. aailed al the retail prices. The Atheu(iJyUerln) contains between four and nr va--4 nacas of tunes nd hymns, uew and o d, or the choicest kinda. for hnrch 8'indv scho.l. revival. nnionary, tem: ran-:4 prayer and couretwiice and all hinla fl apd o lal mcctmcs. The nBSic In thi bk h a life and an niati' 11 iu it, like Shinin Srsore, Itet for the weary. Shall wekn .w each othei there? !.'. n Ve nieJtTiwv .1 1 he river ; There is a i?autircl world; Kind w r i weet hour of prayer ; There Is a land of love Sn: t ittie chi'dren to come unto me ; 1 save ihe Ntj. . Slc. Price- sinal copies bound W r'i's r 13 t-,f Hundred; cloth bound euibed Bllt, 6 cent.; 6iV per hiinilied. Waiie-I at the retail price. HoBACK WA TER' 481 Broadway, New lourk, Publiauer ?.& above Book. , , n . . r Vocal Katie, with J'tuno Aceompaniment. A large ssnTtment of new and p polar bal'adt duets, quart e!t4."ailr?iorae". I-"." ilaJTr" ""'" he most prnulr are bOJil know each ofLfr.ttiere. Lowrey; Why hv ir v Pive. miea gone ; Iwn I hetri.t oibe; oh, there n s-ich irl a mine, bv P ir ; other's love is true; Sweet love f-ritet n,e not . y Ke ler, 25 cents e.icft; I heur weet voire lin,'in; II me is hine; Pornet tf yjU can. but fotnive, by rboinas 30 cnii ea-h. ." Iiistnn ent .l Mu-i for the Csno P-rte We ara c.iiiina F. t ier Abra'ani, six hn- -! . rsarul J Always . ovwH-tbe sunny suit' .8 oti er the e T Sc,, with btiMiant V) ren a each . Polkai. Waltzes. Marches, Q ic xc ts nuD'iiar authors AUkni'i r k' eta Itj by irube, tt)4 Qr-edrlHi, .1 i and l l- .triittn.n b.H,fca. ratalogrivs mi. cifrv-ioai.j addiija, J4uia maited at the aboveprje J '' 4 irfcr' Chtnp Xiac or the 3Iillln. Arranifed as aoh-s. d'te's qairteti and ch rue fee mifcKal a.cletie'. choirs SnnUy ch'"l!, P'iiic vh ' seminaries ?'c hall we know i h oie- itH-re? Uon't ou bar the ain-'ela .riiiia ? StiaTl we me-t 1 votid tlie river? Be in tt ne: Ttief6 i a Sao'if it orld, Where li&e' t tWellU " CounttjJ rree.l.,111, ;rmh afHt rl :h ; Wear cmun Kabr IraVm hiind'ed th -us.indm re ; Tivr ii ftd i"e ; S-r-row shall com aitaiti no ; Hveu-y home ; Cm -ma to me of He-iven ; L :'! m ; e wi it n,t. t Sunday S. h.ioi ; Our tiod is marchnt tt O-l-a'etht Sation; jywttier's of-tne-P''! N!t ; rii PreedomTJtorn hasdaanM at tar ; -rtreo v io .i:!i. am ; Over the mountain ; l.atie E!ia'n ai-e. ; lie'sgone to Heaven Sofler little rh-i.'r t ::) ante me; Bury uie la Itt niornu.'Xl' 'Pit I Come ta .by re-it; Sweet hour..f Prayer sVC." - t'ri.e 3 '.eon, 3 .ei ts per do $1 per hundred ; polrtge I cei t e h, In &et form wish Pisio'ac.-oninani-i;nt 23 ren I. Published by UUJIACK w a rKHi Ais't, 4ol Broa'.ay,,X. X' xa. & H. T. AITTHONT rCO., , MiBBfactorerof .. Photographic 'LTaterials, . w: uiqealf and Rf.ali '" ' 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. . Tn.additrg to eerr-aia tm iresif Phctr?rsj hie Jfa terials, we are Hea courier for the foflow tr vi : Stereoscopes & Slercoc oplc Ylew3 Of thewe we have 111 immense assort innt. lucla.ling War Seen- s. Amemati and Korean Cities and Lnd arapea.Group, Sta' u irv, &c. ac. Ai'o. Kevo ving Stroc(ies for 4t:bix or private fbiM'iau. our Cats'. ue wilt Le ttt to any audies cu iecaiptef stamp. Photographic Albums, - s7e weT te Orst t lntrod.e the iot- e I'mts J ff'vea, and we manufacture tmuieae, jsaoi.tics la gra t variety, ranunig f-om 5 ceit t.i j oea. h.' t)or A.Bimo have the reuutaii-ji of t.3-r in-eci a'niji. ty a'td dnrsfci ity U any oihera . T"tej5tmitie' j t mail, FKKK. on receipt of price. tJ- St A.Bl.J4i ilADSTOCaDEa.J CA RD PIIOTOGFAPlrS. Onr Ca tlone now enrsces over Pive T"j:s-n different auojects (tu woi- Wit:.,:is are c .nnu t f being n)il-') f P.rj"ij'- l un'.H A.nencaua, . vit : - - - .. j ' '' I -T 5 i I 0 Major-G're'als. le Srteraso, ?(! Hr g oiter Generals, 275 Colonel". tixt Lie-it-1; lone!, , - 2 t) her uf-lceri, . "4 Say lasr,.'; ' 130 Uivme. 125 An-h jra, 4 'Artiirt. t r-S'u. - ikl Priniceac Waa;s loo Pr mineot Korein Yrr:. 3 UH Copies. W.rks of Art lnciorti- e "e;iriMimtioiii 'r,r tf :! rw'e-ktsd T.i gravmc Pjit'tmss." Sttu. a.c. o.tai nn e'i t a re. eipl 'tt f t i'op At r-for ' u Uizir I1c;ur?t from onr Ci'aiotnie wltl b iUa4 a tb receipt A $1 8.1 and eu bv unit. Pf: ' -'. b-nrnM.swa nd .;thcrj m'.!.erin? g')d C- O. D will pisa-e . j nit twjirtr. Bve per rent of iii. ,. m- nut wi.fc Ibeir wider. : . & & II. T ANTUON'T a. 4i.. Jlanufactu- er of Pitoti tr .hic M 'riis. 401 8&(Mlt'AT,.Vii,IO!f:. . . I f ;) ril