Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 05, 1865, Image 2

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    tje Jeejeebhoy, Patterson and Jarvis
tiood blushing, and yet delighted, before
the harbor-master andeveral officers,
who come to hear the convicts examined
Fate and scowling,-the Prophet and his
followers stood in .the compound ad
joining the harbormaster's house.
'And now, my brave boy,,' said the
harbor-roaster, tell us by what means
you succeeded so admirably in counter
plotting thtse murdering niggers.' '
...Well, it was just Papaver d-oscor
ides," replied Patterson, pulling at the
tuft of his Scotch bonnet, "1 was doc
tor's bey on board, the Jamsetjee, and
.when I was not reading the Word of
God or the Seamen's Manual, I was just
studying the nature of herbs, drugs, and
mineral?,' hHe thinking whatk use I
should one day male of them against
these sons of Belial."
Nebraska Advertiser
JOHN' 1, CO 1 .1 1 A PP, EDI TOUT
-r s-r w N-""v
BiiOWNVILLC, Td'UUrlUY JAN. 5, 1355.
; The late raid of Gen. Sioneman into
East Tennessee and West Virginia was
one of the most successful of the war.
He met 'and defeated oOO rebels of Mor
gan's old command; encountered a lare
force under Vaughn, defeatt d them a nd
captured their artillery: attacked and'
defeated another formidable lorce under
Ureckinridgo, at Marion Station, drove
ihem'over the mountains into North Car
olina, and finally attacked the Salt Works
at Saltville, which were defended by 700
rebels, who were either captured or dis
persed. All the railroad bridges from
"New River, in South Virginia,, to the
Tennessee' 'line, re destroyed; three
railroud trains without locomotives, and
several extra train of cars, with engi
neers, were captured and destroyed ; all
A':i i j . : ...u ,i V;.:.
me ranroau uepms m -juuiu-wcm uiu
ia, and all mills, furnaces, factories,
f orlifMwo3 irtirnne nH A ml.u.A nPPS.
Twenty-five thousand rounds of artillery
ammunition, 2.000 saddles, a large
amount of harness, 2.000 horse?," 1,010
males,' thirty-fona officers and SI-5 pri
vates were captured. The greatest lost
lo the rebels will be the deduction of
the Lead works, at Leadville, and the
Salt works, at Saltville. This was one
among the most successful raids made
auring me war, ana its endows will be j
most keenly feet by the rebels. I
Rebels have lately sealed the croaking
and gone to groaning over the revests
the rebel army has lately experienced.
They have "many a time and oft" pre
dicted the defeat of the North and the
tuccess of treason, but &uih things will
never be while our noble spirit-d ainiy
exists. . It is an unheard of circuoutance
for a country, having as large a debt as
ours, to owe the most of that debt to its
citizens; but a still stranger circum
stance, and a still greater proof that we
must succeed in cru:hing the rebellion,
is the fact that during the last year our
army has leaned Government 20.000,
000 to carry on the war. This is the
nearest approach to a self sustaining
army the world has ever een; and if us
cjufage and self-denial are but stained
by the loyal Norih, nothing but the ptr
sonal intervention of Satan its God
father and all his imps, can s-ave the
Confederacy from total annihilation, and
its leaders f rom the early damnation they
so richly merit.
The following we extract from a Fort
Smith correspondent in the St. Louis
Democrat, of the 26ih. Gen Thayer
is deridedly Nebraska's ''bright, particu
lar star" in the military firmament
though her beroed thousands serve their
country upon ihe field of battle and we
regard, with bride, the complement paid
him. He has been in the field from' the
tegiuing of the war, and has won his
rank amid peril and bloodshed :
'Gen. Thayer is the most industrious
man in bis army j looking after ihe de
tails of business in the differant depart
ments himself, trusting nothing to sub
ordinates. ,Vith one of the most diffi
cult places to supply in the United States,
he has, besides keeping his array sup
plied, fortified this posi in such a scien
tific manner, that Inspector General
Marcyand General Herron pronounced
it-one of ihe strongest places in the Uni
ted States.
A thorough gentleman, courteous and
kind in his manner, the humblest citizen
or private soldier can -approach him and
gain a respectful hearing, if they have a
real grievance or complaint to bring be
fore him, and in no case have I ever
heard of injustice or fraud in his subor
dinates being tolerated by hira. Ou the
other hand, he has caused a good many
delinquent's to bepuuished, and hindered
the consummation of a great many frauds
ought to be perfected on citizens and
.soldiers, in the shape of sundry con
tracts." Sherman is at Savannah taking a rest
after his locg march.
The New York World says that 50,000
Fenians have been drilling for some time
rat, with the design of roarchiDg
tpo Caaad.
For the following interesting tables
we are indebted to the kindness of Wm.
II. Hoover, County Clerk. We belie?
they will be interesting to our' readers,
and know that they show a gratifying pro
gress in the number of youth and ih
educational interest. We will be able
through the kindness of the above named
gentleman to give many interesting
statistics of our county, from time to time.
Report of Wm. II. Hoover, Clerk of JYc
maha County , JVcbraska, for the School
year ending September 30A, 1S64 :
Abstract of Reports4of Enumeration of
Yuuth by Buard of Education: f
Name of Tewnship' I Ko. of white yonth between
or Di triot. . lie aget of 5 and .21 years
in each Tovtncbtp or
3Talea ' Fimtlea Total
. 160 166 306
. 82 ' 67 149
33 25 ' 68
..13 3 21
.. 53 37 15
.. 129 135 264
.. 145 167 3i2
.. 39 42 81
.. 61 60 lit
.. 104 T2 176
..18 14 32
.. 13 1 29
850 T64 1,634
Pern Tiwnh'p,
licit lie -
hf VOl'b
Douglas "
UrownriMe ........
City District
Nemaha City Town'p
Afpinwall Township
benton . "
Apportionment of School Fund in Nema
ha County, for the School year ending
Septemkr 30th, 1864 :
NUi of
T 'wn. or Dist.
No. youth
ia l8o3.
' Tax
P iU township ' 271
tilcn ;tti k . .11
Ltravttte 41 52
Wahsinjtoo u 2
Bn.wnrille " 20
City District 2n5
Nemaha City town'p 54
. , .. ... District 118,
AFpinwall tnwuchip 125
lIf.-rd " 25
14A fiO
80 05
153 ?,9
29 -'O
68 55
14 80
13 70
472 o:
34 i SO
162 07
63 55
19 02
... 8737
4 22
Ueutoa -ToUl
1.323 .725.29 2032.39 2757.78
Towvshiy and District School Tax leayied
in J"emaha County for the current year
commencing October 1st, 1S64, includ
ing School House Tax,Sfc. ;
Nfin if Town'p or Vitt:
Peru Tiwtubip,
Amount Lrvied.
(xlon K.k
Lafayde "
Wa iiington "
Douglas "
454 01
512 80
610 93
Hriwirille 44
Nf mala City Town'p and Pi't,noJtvy
A. ii wiiU lown p
llnlford 44 '
lifcDtuQ 44 '
164 62
304 96
Proceedings oftlsc Board of Coun
ty Commissioners.
County Clekk's Office, ).
J3rownville, Jan. 2d, 'Go. J
The Board of County Commission
met in regular session.
. Present: Stephen W. Kennedy, Cobin
Guusmar.n, Commissioners ; and Wm. II.
Hoover; County Cle.k.
F. H. Amesden, vho was, at the Oc
tober election, 1S61, tlocted to the orhct
of Commissioner for the :M District ap
peared and entered uon . the duties of
his office. Henry Steiuman, who was
at the same .time elected to the office of
Commissioner for the 3d District, in
place of Herman Utech, resigned, ap
peared and entered upon the duties of
his office.
Ord-r made for the sale of the old
Oid Uiide at Lung's crossing on the
Little Nemaha, ou Satutday, Jan. 2Sih,
1S6J, at 2 u'clock, P. W.
Allowances made : '
Luther Hoadley, for rent of office for
Probate Judge, lrom July 1st, 'G4,to Jan.
Ut, 65: 32 00.
Wm. II. Hoover, for Books and Sta
tionary for County Cirk' Office: 50 20.
l or rent of Clerk's Office lrom Oct.
10, '61, to Jan. 10, '6-5S15 00."
. For 2,000 Nemaha Cuuutv Warrants
and Express charge: $39 GO.
Joseph O. ll iuiihuti, lor lfjS Pigeon
holes for Ci'iiuiy and District Cierks
t,'tiice :
r30 0U.
W. Hill & Co., .for 1.800 Tax re
ceipts for Cuuuty Treasurer: 22 50.
Atkinson &'Cu.,for Clothing for Waulv
bridge Goodrich, Pauper : S21 25.
Daniel C. Sanders, for fees iu writ of
Habeus Corpus, case of Caldwell and
Shirts: 3 40.
For Stationery for Probate Judge's
Office : S3 00.
. .
For filing and approving Commission
er's Bonds: 3 00.
Cobus Goosmann, Commissioner, for
fcervice aiid milage : S4 00. -
Ileury Steiman, Commissioner, for
service aud mileage ; S4 00.
; Stephen W. Kennedy, CurLmissioner,
for service and mileage: S2 60'. .
F. H. Anisden, Commissioner, for ser
vice and huleage : S3 00.
Cyrus V. Wheeler, for loss sustained
in the erection of Bridge across the Little
Nemaha River, payable out of the Gen
eral Road Fund $363 50.
Stephen W. Kennedy, being the oldest
Commissioner in office, was declared
President of the Board. :
Petition presented for change of Coun
ty Road in To.vnship 6, Range 14. John
L. Eastman appoiuted a Commissioner to
view the proposed change.
Thefe being no further business, the
Board adjourned until the first Monday
in April.
n S. W. KENNEDY, Pres.
Wm. H. IIoovi:, Cierk.
A delegation of "conservative" Ken
tuckians have been trying to induce the
President to revoke his order banishing
Lieut. Governor Jacobs.
All quiet in front of Petersburg.
No:hiog definite frorri the fleet off
i Ft. Kearkey, N. T. )
Dec. 29ih., 1664. . .
From the 1st. Mb. Cav.-the Piatt VaU
ley -the
Jflw vv m '
Plains Contemplated Scout Christ
mas at lort Kcvrney Sfc Sfc. . v
I had a plesant trip in returning: to my
Regimen; at Ft. Kearney, though some
delays on the way, consumed thirteen
days, of time,, before. 1 reached my desti
nation. I must tay that the great -Valley
is the handscmest tract of land I ev
er laid my eyes upon, and is already dot
ted with well improved farms; and the
intelligent people are becoming well
paid for their enterprise in reaping boun
tiful harvests from this fertile counry.
They will dcultless soon be blessed. with
the advantages of the Great Pacific Rail
road running past their very oors.placing
them in easy access to the great markets
of the East, and enhancing the value of
their real- estate very materially.
Company "C." is at Fort Kearney do
ing garrison duty, not yet having -.been
n ounttd. The health of all the boys in
our Regiment ; is exceedingly good at
present; indeed, sickness among the old
soldiers is slmost unknown.
Tee Indians have been doiDg all sorts
of mischief along the road, every now
and then firing into some passing train,
or attacking the Overland Stage. Some
two or three weeks ago, a party of In
dians attacked a small Mormau train,
killing one or two of the men, and cap
turing all iheir stock. Major Majors,
Plnm Creek, started in
- 0 -
pursuit of them, overtook and chased
them nearly a whole day, killing fiv of
their number; Since that lime, the In
dians have thought it safer to lay low.
! A big scout is in progress here at pres
' ent. This scout is to go out with thirty
! days rations. It will
be tolerably cool
work to go. out of warm winter quarters
in 'Jauuary. but as ihe country has to be
served, and as the soldiers are paid for
serving it. I suppose : it must h borne
I do not believe it will accomplish any
good, though this is only the private
opinion of a private. . But judging the
future Ly the past, we must come to the
conclusion, that the inclemency of Janua
ly weather in this climate, on the plains.
will kill more men for us than .we can
compensate for, by .-killing" Indians 1- ly suited him: aod that he va a cer
hall be well satisfied, if our'officers,' are tain to take Nahviila as that the ci-y
willing to go with us and submit to the
same food, clothinz and shelter that we
rPto hnTR.' Onlvlet us have no "lav -
. .
inz in the middle.
. . .K m , ,-, '
We have had a very plesant Christmas. !
though we did not forget in our acrri
ment, Chritmas, one year ago, when we.
entered Batesville Arkansas with Col. j
Livingston's command. We remember
the great' severity of the campaign that j
followed that Christmas; and we remem
ber, too, the brave, boys who were laid
in the silent grave during that most
eventful period of our whole service.
One member of our Company William
McKee, was accidntly shot a few day-
a?o, The wound was in the band aud
quite severe.
A a rw-mber of Co.' "CI cannot
clos, without paying a just tribute to our
worthy commanding Officers. Captain
Thomas M. Griffin, who has now the
good opioion of all his men by his strict
impartiality and constant cafe for them.
We never got along smobthet than no
e. b s
The Chicago dadies have fronf up to
14. Beef thins are S2 in Richmo'ad.
Tb manufacturers of Pitfbursh and.
Wheeling have reduced their)ric $1 per
keg on nails.
The N. Y Times fjets .nfT the follo
wing, ffood one: Ginnl Thomas' Chr
istmas present to the wayward sisters
Awor.-ted Hood-"
A woman in Monterey has produced
during hpr marired life twpnty twins.
Her husband is reduce'dt j a s'-tiU't ri.
Sherman's army, tired of turkey and
sweet potatoes in Central Georgia, are
trying' oyttrs and rice as a change of
diet. - , .
, Seven thousand acres in South Indiana
have been taken by petroleum borers.
There is "every promise of success."
,M Josh Billings" is- Henry G. Shaw,
an auctioneer at Poughkeepsie, New
..General Tom Thumb and family are
now raceiving crowds of elegant and aris
tocratic visitors at the Hotel de Louvre
in Paris. '
Mr. Hewry J. Raymond, of the New
Yorlf Times, denies that he is a candidate
tor the embassy to France.
" It is said that Wilkie Collin receives
from his Lon 'on publishers' not less than
$15 000 for his newnoval' "4t'Arm'adald."
; - i .- . ''. ' . ' . f
Alarge amount ofectton is being rrfj-
larly shipped to St, Louis from Memphis.
The people of the Northwest propose
to hold another great S?uitary Fair at
Chicago, to open on the 22d of February,
and close on 4th, of March 1865.
. t
; Cuua, uic J aic lu UIU-
er and weigh eighteen rouuds more tLan
iiritisa soldiers.
About 2,000 head of cattle and sheep.
enthered bv our Irnon in the Vnllptr nf
inrrr.v;- ,i ut fj
ugiiim, ua.vru Uliuuwu r rn'TltK, iHO.,
recently en route for Pennsylvania.
Eight of the.Copperhead ruffians who
attfinpted to murder .a provost marshal
and hi a;-sistan$s, in Auglaize county,
, unio, a few weeks since, were taken to
j Johnson' Island on Saturday.
vThe" President" has ordered that the
execution of. the ;three guerrillas who
haVa beenTians on the 23 uh..
One"thinT must be conceded, which is,
that General Thomas knew how to make,
a livelihook (livelv-Hood) better 'than
any other man in tKe country.
The Chicago Lake tunnel has been ex
cavated fur neariy a quarter of. a mile,
and is progressing at the rate of ten feet
per day. ' 'r V. I ' l : ...
A democratic -dior in Iowa profane
ly i-ays his party in that State has taken
the degree of L. L D --Lick - Like .the
Major Gekerai. Joh A. D;x La
asked to ti relived of ioinniaui. "No
action on. the., Jet kiuvvu to
have been taken. . . ,
Out of 300 substitutes vvho If ft C"Ium
buv Oh.ii, for L-juisvlla, Ky., lOO deser
ted ou ti e way.
"It instated that a lady walked down
Broadway, New York,-last evening,wnh
a diess which cost in the aggregate two
thousand and five hundred' dollars.
The number of hois' packed at Chi-
catro up to the ISth uk.:, was about 400,
A retired actor, with a fondnesi of
poultry, was' asked why he named s fa
vorite hen ''AlacddttV , He replied that
it waa because he wanted her to "May
ord". r . ,.:
TheNew York correspondent of the
London Times admits, that ihe utr
iu which the Presidential election was
conducted is in the highest degree hja
enable to the Americau people. ' -
Thomas Sims, the fugitive slave, about
whom there was such a pow-wow m'B)?-
lo:i. ten Vfar? aro, is now
recruit incj;
1 1 j j
aqent for 'colored troops in rNdahvill
Time mawes ail ihiua t-ven
The Pj'rtiiVi'd Alv jriisjr sta'.3 that is-
,b-f t,
..111 la
is Veil understood that Mr. Fessendeu''
will not remain at the Ueni iif the Treas-
- ury Depariinent after ih 4tli of March
. . ..... it 1 . . . . . ... ii i...
nesf' Uuuer 110. cireuinsuiucea w.11 ub,
Luuer mi uii utiitiauuics m
retain. thut position alter thai lime.
. Col. J. H. Baker, 10th Almnesota.has
been tr atiftttud In in the con.iiiaiid of
the Post ' and Sub districtof St. Loiiis, to
the more important positi6n of Provost
Marshal General of the - Department of
the Missouri.
While General Hood was at the resid
ence of a Mr. Raiiis, near .Nashville, on
the 13ih instint, ha .remarked to an offi
cer, in her p'-esence,ihit h ? had in-pec ei
' all th ftiri;fkMiiou. and thai thev exdct
stocd whare it did,
The N. Y. Tribune's Army of the
! J f Pcial sa5 lhal r
refugees from
: Uichmond the scarcity ot iron is so
- J
m-at that tlw rebels are takfcig up iheir
water p'pt from th tr. 1 1; to cast inro
shot, and fr.-gmeMis if .-hell thrown iiito
their lins me careadiy saved.
TnE N- Y. Tri'ii'i editorially ihinks.
with th iv)--J- bnv ii.uli, Ts;ta
tiie wtioh tfiitv
mercy, and cu
i nh uf Virginia at hu
it at ' pleasure
It say-
n-nv bet dlj 1
She r ma u.
and 'i a r i-
Some person ar- ; ! 1 f t
that the nnv cull for .'i 00.0 a? i.'s
inak up ih d- lfici jnc T i'
error, of which ttir-y .-h-'iii i 1
a th prerlt rail h - :. -i-. :
any ptevious n- in us 'appi.e ..
ii Ui.
ii ;ili
district--, tut eaoh tnie will hi
u furni.-sli ita ailoticd number.
I tvj;li
r (1
A memo-r of Gen. Meade's staff re
rerrly saw a ratrged boy with an uncom
mon large muffier about. his neck. Ho
a-skel what was the matter with him,
arjd he replied that hp hid got the itch.
; The officer investigated, and found im
portant dispatches to Gen. Lee.
"The lill which parsed 'tho Ifou3e
. - r i er-
mustering out vi M-rvice an omcers
reported adversely to the Senile and de
fealed. It was tw sweeping in its char
acter, and would have worked miuifest
injustice to some very worthy t.ffifers,
though its neral r-ult; would -d jubi
lees have ben beneficial to ihe service
of the counry.
It is stat?d in a Washington despatch.
that ihe conmutee cf ways and mean
are almost tianiniou-ly in favor ot ihe
repeal of duty on Mr Mor
ril, of Verno'nt, ks unJerstoud ti hh pol
icy It isfurthr-raddtd that the fact that
the reteniwi of ihe du'v will not only
pruduce u revtnun, but add about one
million of dollars to the ct of govern
ment prinnn? nxt year, will have great
influn.'e upon Congress.
N E WAD Y 12 U T I S E 31 E N T S
Main Stiset, 2 doors East of Post OlHce,
A lot of eemless Sack?, for al? t the Pioneer
Auction Huse,2 doors east of the Post Office. '
Wante. Second Hand Fumitnr, Saddles,
Hamos JaffaloKubc-s, etc. At tbe Pioneer Auc
tion Ilu.
Hiirnej f ril" r sxchHtige. En i uire at the I'i
oneer Au'ii. o I! d.
Fine R-k S .It.
cheap at A:
;ir.d c) flUarger's Brooms for s it
c-i.i i flj-t iu. . . -i
u y 1C . ftnd ShoeSf M m( t
: nn'Aultiou Room? diors east or the lvt
Mcp'sli:d b y' Hat-. an l Cans nw Ftylos for
ale at figure-;, t V$. Auction Kooins.
I ' A Jars' assortment t-f B i. and Shoe? for rno
l . .
i IT
TV;l.t Vjh KnVfl Hrfkta lrf-Ht l'.n ht i n lr
Gloyen. Kentucky Janes. ('iiMar-P". varta c!oth,
Shoe Dljckioj;, etc, for sale cheev. u; the 1 ioneer
If too have any description of prop"'tp todi.-Dose
ea'l at B iss'i Auction F.oomi begeU ih highest j
priaw kraJlkindJ o old trapa. '
Of the Condition of ihe
On thf thirf yflrH Jsf'c Pr" Dr. 1683, ma
' the A Wilil. rx- fcrri'i ij 2.rfcEa, rnr?
u ilie ftftufc o? tkat ;eriita;y, ipproea ecru;irr..
16tb. iSSl. '' .
The mm f thi compriT is th PHCEMI
SURA.NCJS vOJfPANi; ad is located at Uaiirortl,
2d. Tte amount of Capital $ 4-.o.oo
SJ. The amunt of Capital
sUKk paid up, ii
' t v: :t assets- -
4th. Cash on bind and in
Bank ' S-?; :?
Cahb tn lini cf Agents.
I . 1
Bills fccplTaMe for Unna
bH ured by veronal aail
col literal eenriiy.- $10,140
Bills receivable f r loans
secu .l by R-al Dne $11 ino
BenlvtuTe uneucuiuUered $:7fr0
Marktt Yalut.
Stocks and B nds ts fO '.!? vz :
. . Par Value.
60 shares rj S Trnst Clow.
piny'sntotk N. Turk $6000
100 liiifM Metrooolitnca'i
htock, Nmr Tork, la,ooo J1,S
30O Hiara Muct urers
aad Mrcliaixa rui tocs
' New YiMk - -So o)
4C0 Khar? Merhanict bai.k
oct, Nir Torn. lo 000
200 share Merchant' Ex-j
' change bank stock. N. X.' lo 000
100 shares llerchantu'
bank Itock, Xew Tork. 6 oo
- 2o 000
13 ooo
lo ooo
6 4 00
38 3 )
22 4 o
21 000
3J 6o
15 u6o
18 ooo
7 15
3 75o
. Bo r
lo 9oo
lo7fo '-
2 u9o
10 000
11 600
11 5vH .
It 25o
12 000
33 6. 4.4m
21 000
So 4oj
lo 600
6 i 000
Kj shares Farmers a id Me,
chanici l.'k st'k. Hertford
I ).0K
2t ouo
to OOO
' shares city b k .
st'k "
iiO do Psioenix . "
200 do Mercaut.ld bnk
itwk. Hanf .rd. So 000
126 hbare Slate bank st'k,
Hartford : 13 600
60 t.bares BUrtford b'ksi.k
TIarirord. . 000
60 shares C'-nn.. Hiver b'k
8tck. Hartford. . 2 5oo
10 fbares Hartford co. b'k
stork. ntrtf.rd, 600
100 share New- Britain b'k
to.k, Nftr Britain, Ct . lo OOO
I'M ha.e CiUzeua b'k et'k
Wdieibuty.Ct Icooo
18 .hare Wtirbary b'k
s-'k wa'erbrtry Ct., I 9oo
60 Ua'e !pra lilst. -s'k
st'k, St. C ith'r's.'C W' 6000
8S0 thTP-" ontariu b'k bl'k . ..
Powniaii-viMe " ' lo oo
1Q0 r;re Hot i-Xfi Water ..
p -wer co's t. k ' leooj
29 New Britain Wa'er bands lo 000 -
10 Mirtfu d I OoTi-ls
4-'Teon. StTe tw)?i
U. S. Ftoci,7 3-lo i'rjaiury
lo oio
2o 000
3o 000
lo 00
6- IHK)
1 U. S.8ixer 131
jr. y. piTS V'flll'v'"'
445 6f6.4
3 1VB
; AcCnmutated Leam
t ; . .
Total neta
$00o Ol8.o2
6tb, LUbi lMssto Bail is, oromer, aa
or not doe t
I'h. I ea adjusted and dne
$7 fi9.91
1 7 h, L.-se' eiiher adjunted or )
8th Adjut.i aad tiut due, )
9:o, Lise la susooune waiting further
loth. All ' ter claimi a2S!Di ma compny m
amall fur priating, Kc,
$33 619 l
11th. Tbe ewwst araonnt iosured ia any one rbk is
$5 xo except e-il ca-c.
12th. Tbe am unt li suicd in nr one ci'T. lon or vil
la?, depetd-" upn nd b. w br.ili.
13:h. The a'uouiit iuaur ed in auy ouo block, depend!
a above.
H:h. Certified copy of the charier of ebe company
aa tiled herewith
Tit B.CLARK. Secretary.
State of Connteticuf, s s
Coonty of Hartford. $
HaRTrORD, A? ril llth. I8i
Personalty arPared Wm B. Clark Sors t .ry . aud
n.i..h t..i: thi lorejuh. 6'ate:Tif '. him Mib-
; acribed, is li ae 4Ccor.'is 1 1- tiir, U ka Jx td oo-
iier. bi:rr
R.e I
M'TlDf"K "
Slate of Con :w(h nt. )
Coun':y of Ihr.-f'rd (
1 Ci- -. I..' -v..-. -V A..
Cj -i i ' ".i .'. 0
t 'j
. y
Vll- .! If
H: vt? s . t ,
f .' Ii '
moK- c.-
,f v.:i:iU.f!
: ' . '. t . - -
.' t. II) I 1.. l . -.t.i!
J. . l'" -r.i ll -i i.
o.'!! f a: Jf?-t ;
-i r f f J-rtu ii. .
..' 1 J ' I C. lil'VB i.j
. 1 .I : d
. 1 i cer u j '.ti-. Geo II 1! '
:.--M!..i to th juratof :he .
4 . - on the Iay of ihe d -te
: ld " '-
, Jul; iUtu-. -
P Ltir. id Hid i.r ibecou'ity t.. li;
I :
i l toa tmiiii-ie' oath-, f rg-'Oiral purai.
ln W.tnttt Whereof, h.te berennto et ray
liaii-. ami . flixevi 'i.t Sal of SuceriorConri
oi UH'tioru touniy. ihi Iitaday or Ay.ii, A.
U. If-B4.
Apri., A . u. 1S61 p . r
l l'l -Afc'-Cierk.
tfnJm All Men bu thete Present!. Th t the PHCE-
ratod at nrtfi.rd. iniheStataof doth
herebv noainate and ai p-ini. for taeniM-lves and their
iur. the follows named ptro - -;
D.n et C. Sander. - - Br. . i.ti e,
jame, .Sweet - - - rCl
P. TV' Hiuhcck - - - 11),n
D. H Wheeler - - :'k.
.. ftitirtrMS an lwW Ar,entor Ait..nieyr to trans
act in the imwe nd l.-t.tir of -a-i couipnuT ine pu
reaof FIE lSSrBAX'K " the Territory of Ne-as-
i ka. And ihe iu conn.
: named pe.ns to H-i n- irlfce ervrof P
l'fitnecpiuy, arcrd.., t me
Slate, and
waivius " w
mich ?erv:ce.
nmn... fl.a -pal of lhf
raid Phoenix Inar-ranre Com-
-w. pany and Hie tll-ii iimwi'iii-."! tut.-
liieo' a"l Se. ret.iry l)ere-f, at Hanf.-.rd In t.
i1" (Staieof roonect.ciit, tbis of April,
, ad. 1864.
n. KKLLOGG, President.
WM. B. Clark, Secretary.
ITartford. Aprli 11th. 18C1.
Thl i o cei-tlfr that the Pn.xois ln-inranct toin
pany. or", C-na.. received in tae Territory of
Nehr,lurlnir tbe year IS63'ioi to heam-i'Dt
f Tw.-niv ix Htndret and Twenty-two iS-loo Dol
l .r-- ($3 i-22 9'1) . orpwate seal, and tho sipntnre of the
Pre-llent and Secretary f aid company on
S i beiay and da'e aOi ve Kiven
1 S
Wm B
11 KEI.T.OGG, PreMdent.
PlAri. Secretary,
So of Connecticut I ss
Louniu or tiarijora y
J J Hartford. April Uth 1S4.
Pergi.naUy appeared li Ke-lof. President and
Wm B. Claris. S rotary or tte Phtnia Intirince
Cumpaby of HJitfiTil. and made atu to ibo above
btateiueni by tbera aubkvribetf . Bef-i-emo -
L a N-'tary P fcilc.
Tbe.e ii ao C ainilBioier far Nebr-k-i utriiiintrin
this city. U. KBLLOUU.
Certificate of Authority.
(To cxpiro January II. -t 1S65 )
criiCE or TiRRiTcati. auditor
!mih'. Neo Api-itUd 187-1
"Whcrefip, P w. Hucbcix . Apeui for tbe
Phoenix Insurance Company,
Ircted a Dtftiord. In tbe Sia'eof Crinectl.:nr. hai
filed inthi iftV c'PV of the Art ,f lncotp..ia.i m ef
F.-.ld OniraLy, atida stjitemeff order raib, abowin? iia.
ciditiru. a reqnireo by - b? fl-ih section ot r law ot
tbe Territory of Jffb a-ta, emltled ' An art in Rela
tion U lnarei.ce C nipai)'"," a; proved FeOreary 15ih
1S64; andWherei, a d c mpanr baa fu nict ed (be
um'erf t-me na ifaf tory ? de -co thit it i porses.ed
oi Four lluiidrec Ihoi.gaiid iMllara of actt'al c.-ipiui
Invef ted In utocks of at iei pat value, or In B.nds or
M rtgrae.on Keal Estate ortb double tbe rmuat f..r
wbicb branjit moruajed; aud Wfierea. aidc-m-pny
ba filed in tTuofUcea writt ru m-irnai iic undi-r
the seal of the company, t-igo dbytne Preftnien1 aad
Secretary tkreof, auth.iTiaiujt I)a:iel C S;tr.4er,
Brownvl'le; Jme Sweet. Kafera.-ka C'ty; P. W.
Hitbeck.X)m:ba ; and D U. Wbet '.-r, P.u.-njuuth,
to acknowledge feovice of pr. and ii; behalf of
Mid company, ceo-entirig that ff rvi- ar-.ce-; ;ip. n
tbo aforesaid person b all e tzki-n ml lie -1 to be
valid if eieJ op.D tbe c mpauy a-'Coidi-a lo tbe
La we of this Territory or any Siaie. atdwaving
I claims of error by rens-.u cf ih service; nd
Wbe;ea., DANIEL C. 5 N.)KK-i. C o. , bas fnnii.r:e4
ati'.actory eideuce tba: bo i tue aatborized Aceni of
aid cuiiipany ;
M-erelbre. Be it Knowen y Teso Fres-
j en's. That. in pernBAUc of !.! 'v:.!'' A' t I Wtn.
K. Harteo Auditor of tbTtrrstorr oi"-i'bbr;i-ka, oa
beret-y ce- tjry that
ha fn!l an'h'irMy to a. t a- . : - .
n.x li.furauoeC niaacy, at l . . -.i-. . -'
vf Ne::. ii-'li and to do am' y i: -
behalf oi mi l coiupauy a-ott-.c!; : :.
! a Mich Acor.t aidbytr, Li w
' til b- 3Iri djj i Jai:iia y.A .D 1
tlJI ii S-- Ijpr vnkd
' ' - ;-ud in
't , .- .' -lent
i tC ; UU-
' ibi ct.r.
;VC M5 '.serif,
; r,a i"1
ed iny nnieand cu.-td the n. '
'f lb Alldl-
ffl e to to aDxed. tbin 2i: day o
. -T
A. D. 18iA.
Territorial Auditor.
nl 4t
January 6ru, 1865.
IMPEB1AL, Gunpowder, Toojk CyacD and Black
Tea of anterior quality,
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
Mary J(ui3iprrf wi 11 Uku notico tbr'Abrah
Vberfy VUnui h wfiitd '
tr'i-t Cnrt of Xcinhii County Nf tr isk Ti-rritorj,
(,n the-Cbairery fills tlireof. -AinC herasdefeBd-
't T .c 'ro: i)r.-yr : nid ' t
. ia a ;-t(cof saia Carr .-Diliiojs'ho ru.Hri it
r'i-ifi'.'. JrTjt r f xi-ti.i ; lvw-ri nil )rtie9 or
diUir i' i'o"ai.l p'r:i vir. m the .'U of lu.itri-
tifio'n by tha i3tUtl;J of ftbru iry A. V. l-6.
IN -
S1. t'r C'iHi.inint.
NthVei hereby s;iven that pnr-ninr to
dcr ( iH-ud by tha ptob.ite i-i.nrt oi .i-uinbi
, Cunty. N.-!;-iik-k 'Territory.- 1 win Sr..rUy
i iith il.-7 -f January A. O. IS5, sell .r i -ibfu-:
(..'ii!. hiht bi'l tor for e h, fh ' !io.-
l Illl .
I if
- r-v'd l.'e-ii K-ir.iTe, To w'u : lh" r--i';:
;;i.,l:'-'-'-:ii1 Ni. ri'l-lf.l.ll f T'l 'll
1 : qu
t No
La I
uk j-ia v. A-pin w.i!!
.ItipEi'il Ot'Ki.T.
- Ga;i'di;in uf S:iaMil ts'.i.
t ,5..-4
. : ,. PRODArE NOriCE. .
To all whom it may concern
Notice i i.e.eliy gUvn !'". h v" th;' di,J
been mKlofer j'no ,a,'.n. i iriuca. of ? a :j.mtri
t.r uj-n.n tb-i- Fft:iei J' -a-.-rson L t-otn'"8, IcCi-a-rd.mi
i th it M 1 1 v. th.H i.iy "f J.'u'y. A..
D. Iti'iji.t ilu liuie et o h-r t-i'i ai;ii.-aioo.
Browurilto. JaDUu.ry -i I Soi.
. lr-3t $:1.50 . IVo-atr Judo.
On Saturday Jun-isry 2Sra tti5. Tbo Boir-I of
Coui'ty Couimi-sionorj'wiil ffl! nt I'ublic .i!o to
the nicest bid lor lor cah on ttio prim i '. . the
lumber ind ail material of tho Ol.l Br:.! aeryi tiio
tit!e Ntinaha. km.wa ai Long's Bndo. .
JJv to ord-'J f th 15 vril
"William 11. no )v:;;i. c. cik.
The biut!ful trHOt of L:inl known a tha'-ITiy-woo.i
Farui," tonfamn ItiJ aore, d kjio
mile Vet o; Crywuviilrf. i- for exU sip!y fo
T;i!tn np by the. vrnjeiir.eil living n3r Gln
U"ck , Nobr;ika .ne large bn.wn Cow. white f-ice,
blii' k T'Vi r'iu fi'l the-. l-ft eve. bnlf crop off 'he
rij;rir bip.
E:tb supiHi-iod to bn 7 jears old la
' . . . -ESTRAY NOTI
E. '.
T.i.nn up by de a-i loriH-il 1 i v i r in T) 'Vh
V -cciiipt ,NoninIi. On. On rv.l siml wr'iite " j - e I? -Ie-1
fterr, oye voar J l Lrm lil on. td I. ft Lip
with an F'' and on the rig'Jt bip wi.'u' Ii" do oth
er in irks r l)tand.-. 1 . '
. lo-Si-p'd s- JAMES W. JON52S.
071 " HH f?? Cf
And Dpa't Candidate iff and ever will be
1856! ESTBLI3HED ! 105
ti H 11" A VIL. LC, XERRAS KA .
ITsk u -w rn hand tbe mos.t e-mplete a id renera! a.-.-f-ortint'iii
i r i4ernjiii.di.- iu BivnuTiiie. My ktock
cun-i-tof ' ".
"Sjr G7
Gil O
r. f
' -,r jriri
'1 A
of cpei U:r Qmlity. AIo a fu.i rp;.,-
Dress-Truiiming". Ilootf." aril N ilia
Gloves and Gauntlfts. Hotipry.
In variety coneistin of T.ible nd Pi-cke' KPiTew,
bieis. Braces ant Bi.f. File- d.M.iikey-wrfcii.tie-.
H itts and Screw. Sxwa and llaiuniera. Axes and
Spade. A full assortment of
C3 S
T I N AYA 11 E ,
Cof kirifr ITtine and Parlor Stoves, Large Kettle,
Stove Pij'e, Sheet iron aud Zinc.
A full assortment of
At Low Prices.
Blank Books.oclift Book?, and Memo
randum ILoks and Stationary (if all kinds
f kept constantly on band.
Oils. 2P,ixxta
A complete of assortment of
F U II X I T U li E ,
on hand. Barean. Bel Stents, Lnnnse. Tables. Hat
rase Sta. Cnirs. Wash ind. Uriol Rjukinz
1 ra
airs, L-H.kiiin (ilii e-.
Also: Ploughs. Corn Siiel:er irur S and Steel
Miirh Bi.-aver andOtie- T ap-i. .
Remember that Den pay the nii murket Prige
f r HIDES, Pelts and Purs, -at PKODl'CBor ll
kin is thf-.t he wants.
CtlJ and exaiuniK mr ttix-lt before p'irciain an I
ave yir money f t my px.ttn ii- to l.rep t'ie et rf
Pry GO d, the Cb.icet Family Goce-do. C.umel
Fruit arul (lyMer. and Ihe best ot Stove lo Co. k tbr:u
on in the n;i ktt. Try the in .
tV31. T. l)CX.
Ou bund and to arrive at
Iron and Steel Warehouse,
20 and 22 Third Streef,
.. . W i-...
"' ke. ilra, Ch id th'n
.., r w
.j. -I...ugJi iu & bwa'
iuvkvt., Churns. Sic
I'n. ..jiticasii tui
Ti ip
T5ROOJ4S Blaetiuje brushes, &.rBbbin4 brLShe
JJ Wliik bicoiu. B aoiiiu, ilhca mi. W.iia
Paper, ttc, i.v-.,
McLaugulijj & S. can's.
LCUA, Bailor, E;fs. BiCoii tec. ate
A AliLuaiin & 2-m-ta'a
' ONE Doi'LT
Wltb,jat -rward tune, 'J1 l
Splendid L, or a?
2oo (;1(eni.1,.,',1w,'-i-i'
20i l)i-nn,.,dS,a3v "a,,T9r
20tM G..(.k Ves,i ii Cv .
i -
3i.iJ ' Ova; in., B
5,;w. fhM Hr, ,i' "
2i-0t fr.,te:..iW.4,lll 0ilJriJ r
1:A)i So,.ur an.l fi,.lti r ... '
2tH).i L and r lor,'u:iae u '
:.rjl Opai M Kit,r47?
- hi;)
j -.w. ... .-. . i r n . .
! 3 1,0 a
;''-' v.i w.,l(;:i
-ki-0 Y b
6iku!e.H e, vi. !1.,.L, 1
VMi ia iiim,!, s iv, ,f"--3.4,,
lt'M Mmrfiiii tr l, ,
4:i. O Xiin iia e U :i I
3iKa x, ,l.To..u.p., s Cru. ;'1 1
(k)- 0 Kii-ir liu.j H-njH .
50"0 h.t-i i.;l,l Kill-it (
ltw ....i:e e H .., 1
t C .': ru'ji rh-oiMnuf h, h'
0 . Se Li 1 f e)rr . , , i
h-,i ' Jeweiry-M-.e. p ' i
Iuijoo G id Fun, i-i'.VM1 fcj 'r' k:
LUIsr a. Pdn- ils "' '4
looo i..ld iVu aud UoiuXuoi.iri- 4
' U-iWer .
5ooo (i.'ld pens auXGuij, '
h- tdr, ru,fn
6.m Si Iver li.b!ets and Dr.a ,, ,
3 . S-iiver I a;or ' P 1
2i- Silver roil C iV n . i. !
6.i d co Tjb...J . ."9
lu ounspq-ieni-e of ib T6 UiJ
the ni.uur'turinx d-mri. i j '
vcxr iutviv-H CHI '-i tLe Mil 1i
-t .. I .. . V. . T . . - . '
- 1 mJ
E. isrr in irke-ii js bt ..H. ,j .
trff 7,d P iKJ .ili ...
.... , . - - " -
Ltiiier itt-e iirtntuia ce u"
acting f..r ib ,,r ,u t '
t'ne s h-ve rtfHuive-i u.i Gu
bLM'IO !.s:bjeol lli...Ji,rwr"''':
UfcltTlFICA I'KS n.u.n.rf tt "
are pic-.l in Jit-H p,t Ravel ,. ' '
of ihij-e e ivfi..p.'i vi i i b3j;tv j,'"
in-receip. of S3 oenia " "" "
Jill Article Hold d 0m t
without regarl U, ;'
On receij.tol ih- Ctr iCit Tt '
are i ins to have, ami : hcu iuh'j r
the 0-Ur and t.iktf the atrtivir ,.r
may thus obtain a G.i i -IhutV
bVl of Jew rj mi our :m r oy - ,
ra-e can the" -zet le tli.a .1.,1!
aie ue b.auk The price of Ce-uj- '
Oue for - . s '
Five fur - .
,Kleen for - . 4
Tinny for . . . -Sisiy-five
for . - '
On- II njilrel fir
AGKN'TS w.ii beail.wH t9 cilh
ate ordered by 'he n, prov: le: j..
lyo nrs iu Gue A--'t i ;i t ,
or every Cei tirlcfto n.i aiii 15
d caih or Puatje S. :iip. .
lx-7-3aia 1K7 S ..!,
Vholcsale end I
Evan Wortli;
- ,
of thf:
Union Sale
j Hj JntliiH-eivi! CI. lat;"t f
( Liq';ir-! and Ci?.r-evei iffr iiu
j sel them a.-i low auy U-'-
! iviiitti:i-s in
li.iVE Ji'-?. k;
TT-.T i T T
5 ( J
V- I
h t
Crtlit-oes. ZVIu-I iri.
French Tiwr, '
Hats. Cap?...
wn;cn ws rrEii v.9s"
Groceries of Evtij;
" Matches.
Si "
A 11 of which we offer 3t ti
iniaed uot t be an.lerId.
Brewavllle, Neb.,
Taken np by the -ob-n-rii'fr. !-r-ril.e,
in N m ui count., "rk"f''(r f
Do., l8.-) red and hl" "
out . f the left ear. about I""'
EST1UY. 't,,llE,
Taken np br the uJef 'n
west of Brownville, Dec. It ;'.1-"
stear, three jcr old i t 'ri''-'-15-3t
;u ri'
Tken m. !:y the unJjr'ia"1
abt.vrt liri.w ltlc, u.! SJ
t le ltu d M Dei-euib-f-
t;i ejr ooi.Ti-rjrj-urbrandj.
Ono tl.or above Uit B-''. p ,
r-i i..n j,i to dv.a'.! k!:.l t ': s'.
v rj l,vt au-1 i-jl-i. i rtl S
Cotitra. Cs.
Tik.-ri op bjr fF.e'ua-lfr: r
f..r'--':H-.,t f.lL.11 Ut tU itS '
(4 .)i,i d.
T.k-a up by tbo u"1" -Soutii
of I robiiIIe, .u
red !in b..---I cvW. ('r r)
. .... r. " rt-
Hl -i o.. l . ) 1-e Si )"".
i a.
1 1-.'
v '
1 u
in . ...,La Can y . ,:u " : . -Wr
J. si . ue e -w J iu-''l'"-io
b-biud to.'. hi-!?rf1'7i'
the forrhrn.1. when laic" t; ;'
, is tMrrI, white bind f1
'14. im