Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 05, 1865, Image 1

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- Om equartefl ! or lasraaJE3rtioa i 3
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Ose half eoaoaa onejear " 53 6)
Od fourthl columnooe j?W 17 ? J
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One column ix tu-ntha " .. 49 Ct
One half column in montha 1 tj
One fourth column aix raontle ' 21 C
One eighth colama aii montia lit)
One column three ttVw - - S3 69
One balfcolaaau n six lajnths 21 PI
One fenrth coiumnVhree montha l&Cf
One eighth cu:nn tbree month 18 II
Announcing candi-Ute for ofTwe 6 0
All transient advertisements moil be j all In ad
vance. Yearly adrerterrwata rjnsrtcriy In adracee.
All kind cf Jub. l'ck and Carl printing, dona i
GEO. W. HILL 5c CO.,
. -
irertUer Block, Main S't Between lat'fc 2d,
Urownvlllo, 3J. 1.
- '
' W W
Tory, one year. In advance, - - $1 5
-ubeeription, aauot ioariaW, be paid inAdrance
ry Book Work, and Plain and Fancy Jub Work,
r a in tbe beit atyle, and on ahort nolle.
..." .. T . - '
70L. IX.
NO. 16.
r k WAVAy Ay aw o (v vvvy aWy vnk y vx vx'vye-s
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nri n ess oAUDb.
Uinry & Dress-making
;.beiito inform the ladies of BrowniUe and
aitj tlial rbe hai jnt commenced a first claaa
work will be done with great car and
Bi,and after the latest Eastern etjlea. -Mching
and repairing dne in the rery beat
sandoo abort notice. Hease call at the reai
t formerly occupied by J, W. Coleman.
ownfiHe, May 4tb, lSfii.
at bia poit fet, ready to perforin 11 work,par
rK to hiabnaineaa.
use and aiftn painting, glazing, and paper hang
etc at ahort notice, and the moat approved
Terms cah. Give him a call.
op on Main Street, east of Atkinson'i Cloth
tora. tiwniHe, April 7, ly.
te place to ret your Pictnre. He l prepared to
ll kinda of Picture Urge Mied Pbotograpba,
ntype, -c.
terp .n b.nd a well-aelected atock of Albuma
lu.tFarph f'xxi- ,
new Gallery i nortfc 6h!e of main Street oppo-
;(.l.n A. Pi-nn'a Store. Persona m-tM do well to
ivin, before itew.nK work done ele-bere.
liclar paina takrn with tbildrna, also in copying
iftiue. Erk-reil, black, green, or'plaida are
-olora for cbiidren'a drefsea.
a St., opposite T. O. Building bet. lat and 2d.
irn tmna to bi patrons for former liberal
tag, and ia still on band ready to share,
j oon aid drew hair In the best style.
..anvuie, April 21, X4. n33-8,ly.
ch AsTSr dorsey!
JUih.lRfil. n32-8ylr
;hysicamiamd SURGEON.
,h East corner of Main and Firet Streets
icb IIorRS-7 totl a.m. and to 2 a&d U
P. M.
rownville, Kebrak, Hay 5th, 1S4- Ko 15. ly.
"IrTs. burns, mTd
Somalia, CTity, . T.
iIt 2th.ll'U. n47-v8-pdly
reat Western. P&otograp&
""irst iDdr Wi-t of Srownvills Ilouae,
liHOWNVll.LE. N. T.
rcje-ifnlly announce to the pnhllc that he
i 'ci np Sltv-I.ight Gallery, and if n-.w prerared
.kfvery kind, fixe and etyleof pictureK kmwo t
:i mm n.I the laiet and m l approved styles,
t lopr price than any oilier anit eKt .f S-.
! ti. wi-hlnit pkiure will find it vreatly to
r interest t.. caM.and fxauiine bia apeiuiena and
ft- before pninc elsewbere.
t kinds of 1'iciurs copied iato Photo
grophs. 7'HI?
Offlce comer of Main and First Streets.
"fTa.ll Paper Wall Paper!!
wUitantly on band at Marohn'a Tailor Shop, by
iar-hanglng dne in tbe moat approTtd atyla, and
' lMrnh terms.
TowtiTili. Keb. Jnne i IR64. 6w
m I SIOWffflLlFI
Announcea to the ladies of Brownrille and VI
J cinity, that ahe haa just received from the
t. East a magnificent atovk of
Conaialing of
dies and Mlssei TJonneta and Hats, Eib
bons. Flowers, &o-
bicb she invites the attention of the lies, feci
: snred they cauuot be better auited in 6ty le, quai
tr price. . nil-ly
3" w"iu practice i n a l
Itew Remedies for
oenevo'eiif iufjffio ttte.blith.tA bw mtrial E
-ovmtnt.for tut Jirlitf of tkt Sick and Dittrttttd,
ltctt4 vtxtk VirvJtnt and Chronic Dittatrt. and
neexml.if for the Curt of Dueoe$ of the Sexual
rgn. '
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratia, by the Acting
Taeon. "
Valuable Reporta on Spermatorrhea, and other dia-
l oaaoai Orpana, and on the NEW REXK-
SS employed in the DircnsrT. mt lnilt itt .
- elopea.f ree of charge. Twoor three Stampa accepW
dreaa DR. J. 8ITLLTST HOCGnTOX, Howard Aa
lon. No. 1. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa
WtmtK 1, ICI -n. . . T
.yf,. u'ij
The JiiKselJee Jecjcebboj.
It is now exaclly a year ago, that the
Jamsetjee Jeejeelhoy, a leak-built, op-per-bouomed
tteam transport, started
from Singapore, with a cargo of Hindu
convicts, sentenced to transportation-in
the Andaman Islands.
This transport named after its original
t proprietor, the benevolent Parse 4OMr-
chant, had been hired by our government
to carry native convicts, a most strange
gang of whom filled it between decks,
the June evening. 1802, that followed
in which the ship had left its anchorage.
The first few hours after leaving port
are full of bustle and excitement f there
is rope to coil away, cargo to fchake into
its place ; the men used an hour or two
to forget their license on shore, and to
return to steady discipline. By and by,
every one jets into his own grove, the
ropes tighten, the rudder works, the ship
"gets her siride," she forgets the land,
and away she goes, true and steadfast,
on her destined mission.
This transformation, this taming-down,
had taken place on board the Jamsetjee
Jeejeebhoy. The carpenter . .was busy
arranging the hatchway for the prisoners
sleeping births ; the second mate was
superintending the transfer of stores
frcin one'part. of the hold to another;
the men were splicing and knotting, scrap
ing and scouring; the doctor was rating
the ' lobby boy,' a tall, freckled, ungain
ly Scotch lad, Sandy Patterson, who was
always pouring over an old copy of the
Seamen's Manuel, when he ought to be
compounding medicine? ; and the boat
swain was reviling Jack Davis, the ship's
boy, a brave little fellow, but rather too
fond of mischief.
The ship was like a great sea-bird,
which ere it finally quits land, rests a
moment on some foreland to prune its
wings and ruffle out its plumage for its!
long flight. The great white canvass was
shaking out aloft ; the vessel rose buoy
antly upnn the large waves; cheering
thouts rang from stem and stern; the
boatswain's whistle piped shrill and chid
inrjiy; the vessel began to " walk," as
sailors call it, before as fresh a gale as
captain could desire to have at his back.
The convicts on board were Sikh fan- j
atics, chiefly from Lahore and Umri'sur.
They were followers of that pseudo pro
phet. Baloo Singh, who had all hut ex-
citeJ an inf urrection in the Punjab. Bv
trade a tailor, he had declared himself to
be Baluk Singh, the founder of the sect
who died sixteen years ago, riten from
the dead to preach down caste and sut
teeisin, and to expl the English. This
dangerous man's disciples wore black and
yellow turbans, rosaries of white wollen
cord ; practiced military drill, and used
the words "Wah Gooroo" as their mys
tic watchwords. The only good thing
about the deported sect was, that they
preached temperance, cleanliness, and
truihielling. In olher rejects, these
Hindu fanatics were as sensual, blood
thirsty, and insane scoundrels as ever
abused the name of religion. They had
been several days on board before the
hip left port, under the somewhat logse
guard of the second mate, a mere youth,
iu the service of the company to which
the steamer belonged'
It was iust sunset such a sunset as
can only be seen in such seas as tlie con
vict vessel was now traversing a sun
set as unlike an English sunset as a dai
sy is unlike the Marvel of Peru one of
those volcanic outbursts of golden flame,
and stream? of crimson, and wafts of
purple fire, and rainbow radience of
green ppd yellow, that seems to mantle
the whole western sky, and turn the
ocean into a whirlpool of blood. It was
coloring all the sails and ropes, and ev
ery plank of the convict vessel, and bath
ed the walls of the state cabin, wherein
the orTicers were just sitting down to din
ner. . . .
The bell had rung, and the steward
had just brought in the soup; but pne
officer, the ensign in chargp of the con
victs, still stood at the rabin window,
watching the burnm? rath the setting
sun cast upon the tranqujl ocean.
The doctor laughed and said : "When
I was eighteen I used to look at sunsets ;
now, I only regard them as signals for
dinner,- Come. Crawford, the chaplain
is waitinsr to say grace. We are not' to
wait for the captain."
The ensign colored, and took his place;
he was thinking of other sc enes far away
across the sea.
The party consisted .of the captain,
Crawford, the doctor, the chaplain, the
first mate and the second ensign.
"How's the Rajah to-day ?" said the
first mate to the doctor.
"Oh, well enough ; but the rascal
missed his opium, and shams ill. Soup,
"Thand you. I should like to give
him a round dozen. I catch him some
times looking murder" at me out of the
corner of his eye."
At that moment the captain entered,
and laying his cap and double-glass on a
side table, bowed to the company, and
took his place at the head of the table,
Always some worry," he said, "in
this dejightful life" of ours. Now it is
that boy Davis fall down the companion
ladder, larkiog, now it is a head wind
that keeps us at four knots an hour ; by
and by, we find all the coal on board is
bad, and the engineer does nothing but
grumble at the little heat it gives. And
yet these young gentlemen looking at
the ensign. rave over their cigars about
the glorious life of a sailor ! Pshaw ! we
always like what we have'nt got. I should
like them to have our work, Jobson, to
the first mate for four and twenty hours
that'd ficken them."
Mr. Jobson laughed, as in duty bound.
"Glass of , wine, Captain Favers ?"
said Crawford.
"With pleasure. Steward, hand En
sign Crawford the sherry.
"We shall have a fine passage," said
the chaplain.
"May be, if the wind keeps up." The
captain was evidently ptjeak "But hang
me at high water mark, if I wouldn't
rather carry parrots and monkeys than
these niggers, with their particular food
and their perpetual complaints."
Soup was removed and the second
course brought in. The steward had
just lifted the cover from a magnificent
joint of beef, that smoked like a great
sacrifice, when Patterson entered and
w hispered in his ear.
The captain threw down the knife and
fork in a pet. "There again,,' he said.
"Here, Mr. Jobson, take the joint. Not
a moment, night or day, one's own. Excuse
me, gentlemen ; a ship's captain is every
body's servant."
There was a howl heard, and the next
moment the captain eutered furious and
"Mare's nest again," he said, "By
Jove, Sir, if that boy Patterson didn't
call me out.d cctor, to tell me there was
a mutiny going to break out among the
convicts. "Whv ?" said I. "Because I
heard them whisper together:" said he,
cool as you like. "Blockhead and lub
ber," said I, giving a backhander,
" what harm can niggers, whem I could
snap over my knee, do. by whi?pencg ?
Let them whieper; and if you come and
interrupt me again with your mare's
nests, by Jove, sir, I'll keelhaul you."
"Well, that's very odd ," said the chap
lain, "for this morning, when Davis
brought the coffee to mybirih, he told
me he-was afraid to tell the mate, but
he was sure there was mischief brewing
amopg the Hindus. He told me one of
the men had seen the Rajah, as they call
him, slip his hand ntarly out of his hand
cuffs." "Nonsense !' said the mate. "I ex
amined every handcuff myself at eight
bells. Those boys are the pest of lhe
vessel, with their cock and bull stories.
If I see them again near the prisoners,
I'll keep them all day scrapiDg the mast."
"Crawford and I always sleep with
revolvers under our pillows," said the
second ensign; "and there's a sentinel
at the door night and day."
- "Mutiny be r -," said the captain,
testily, "and revolvers, too. If the f el
lows did rise I'd tame them in five min
utes with the ships fire engine."
An excellent thing for lowering the
pulse," said the doctor. By the way,
Crawford, you must remember I chal
lenge you. to chess to-night."
Here s the mate to check yo,' said
Crawford, pointing to Jobson.
Jobson s hard to beat,' said the doc
tor, 'but I back the chaplain.'
That night in the dead of the dark
ness, the boy Davis, who had fallen a
leep in the cook's galley, was awakened
by a storm of musketry, a splash over
board, a clash of sabres, groans, shouts,
and cries.
As he lay irresolute and frightened, a
b.airy, bony hand clutched fiim by the
arm; then a voice he knew to be Patter
son's cried; ,Davis, the villains has risen
and murdered every soul on board save
us and the fireman ave three, and
those they're chasing into the state-cabin.
They've put a guard over the en
gine room. I scumbled over the captain
just now; he was stabbed at the companion-ladder.
O Gcd,' guide us ! Davis,
He is good and great and He holds the
seas in the hollow of His hand. He is
a arrbng tower and a fortress. Davis,
pray, for here they come.'
A dozen ship's lanterns moved swiftly
towards them, and the next moment the
two were in the clutch of a dozen Hindus
whose white tunica were splashed with
the blood of murdered men.
They were about to plunge their bay
onets into their kneeling victims, - when
their leader, the Kaian, with his
sabre struck up their weapons as he
shoute'd the watchword of their sect,
"Wah .Gooroo !" 7
The Rajah vtas a fat, smooth-faced
Hindu, with small half-shut eyes, and a
cruel mouth. He had the captain's
double glass slung around him, and the
captain's gold watch chain twisted round
his black and yellow turban.
Davis clung to his feet and prayed for
his life.
, 'Hooly, hooly, Jack,' said Patterson to
him, but without looking towards his com
panion ; 'let. me alone, wi' the bluid
thirsty deevil, and I'll try him wi' just a
word or two of his ain lingo that I picked
up at Singabore. They wanna twist our
thrapples if I can help it. No, fear, man;
we must make the best of a bad husiness.
Speak them- gently, maq, and don t
screigh there is if you'd got a dozzen
knives in your wame.'
Patterson was a raw-boned Scotch lad,
ungainly in body, large-footedj red-haired,
shambling. But he was .a brave,
thoughtful, shrewd lad, and forgot his
own danger in care of hi? younger com-
panioq. - ,
He did not utter these exhortations
in one breath, but piecemeal a3 they
were both led to the state-cabin, where-
Baloo Singh was "now enthroned.
'Take heart, Jack,' he said, 'remem
ber how David, the son of Jesse, slew
the big thief of a giant wi' a wee flint
stone.' -
I am not afraid, Sandy,' replied the
little tellow, his cheek flushing; I'm
only a wee skeared. 'Look ! the mur
dering rogues, they've got poor Mr
Jobson.' ,
'God help him !' said Patterson.,
Poor Mr. Jobson !' groaned Jack ;
look, how he's cut on the foiehead.'
In the cabin, with one foot on the dead
body of the murdered captain, sat the
chief fanatic, Baloo . Singh. He ras a"
tall, thin man, with lead colored eyes, a
face of a corpse color, blue lips and long
shriveled hands. ' He sat erect, with no
trace of any human, expression upon his
face. He certainly acted well the part
of a resusetated dead man. Thirty or
forty Hindus, mad with excitement, stood
round their leader, holding lighted, can
dles, boarding pikes, blood-stained sa
bres, and ship muskets still smoking at
the muzzles; - -
Worship him, worship Baloo Singh,'
they cried, asthey dragged the unfortu
nate mate to the, feet of their chief.
The brave man stood erect without a
look of fear,
I be cussed if I do! he said, and
turned his quid, and spat tpon the ground.
The chief made a swetping movement
with his hand, and the mite was dragged
from the room. There wis a struggle, a
yell, ana a pistol-shot, thm silence-
Wah Gooroo !' shouted the fanatics
with one voice.
Wah Gooro !' said Babo Singh, with
a voice that seemed to jie from a tomb.
So perish the unbelievers1.
A weasel faced Hindu, bin as a girl,
andlns dark, mean features almost hid
den by rank, stiaight blsck hair, now
seiied. Patterson, and, sabre in hand,
dragged him to the feet of Baloo Singh.
Gmd bye, Jack,' said Patterson, with
a rueful grimace", and clasping the boy's
hand. " 'It's gqid'bye i my hams
brains now the dour deevijs. Yet
God's still a boon a', and jl'll hae a try
for my life stilL' : . . . . i
Hadji Hanna," the bloated wretch we
have already seenj stepped forward and
sticking his fat fingers in tie red hair of
the. Scotch lad. , raised a carving-knife
that he had snatched from the' steward's
pantry. I
'Son of heaven,' he said to his chief,
let us sacrifice this unbeliever to the
godc-ess Kimlee ; she has toll us to purge
sea and land, of these jnfides, who deny
your resurrection,'
Good-by to old Aberdeen! the Lord
have mercy upon nje J' groped Patter
son. Then a sudden light came in his
eyes, and he struggled forward and
seized the Tobe of the false prophet.
Baloo Singh, son of heaveri!'. he cried
in broken Hindustan, 'I' worship thcc."
(Then, under breath: 'Haud up your
heart Jacd ; there's precedent for it.
Remember Naaman bowed himself in
the house of Rimmen.") "There is but
one God, and Raloo Singh rose from the
dead to be hi Prophet."
"Let him go- he. is one of us! Wah
Gooroo!" shouted his desiples.
Hadji Hanna put a yellow and black
turban on Patterson's head, and bound
round his waist the mystic knotted enrd.
'This lad too," said Patterson, push
ing forward Jack, "is also a believerjthe
mi racles wrought to-day have convinced
us both. Baloo Singh. on of Heaven,
we are yourt slaves."
Again the shout of "W'ah Gooroo."
was raised. ' .
"Sons of the- unbelievers, saved by
Heaven from doom of thy race ! your
lives are given back to you!" exclaimed
the corpselike chief. "Hadji Hanna,
put on this younger convert the turban
and the cord; these converts will help us
with the accursed vessel."
The gabblin, skate," muttered Pat
terson: and then he shouted like a mad
man the watch-woid,' " Wah Gooro!"
till he was out of breath.
"Stay below here rjntil we have prov
ed your fidelity," said the chief, rising;
"you shall wait on ourselves, and help
to steer the vess jl. Kamlee still . cries
for victims. "Come, Hadji Hanna come
my deciplescome, and let us perfect
the work."
Ashe uttered these words, he left
the cabin, followed by the other fanatics.
Hadji Hanna stayed for a moment be
hind. ''Beware! ', he said with a hand
on the throat of either lad "any treach
ery and you die by my hand. You are
now the followers of the great Son of
Heaven, Baloo Singh. I place two
armed men on the cabin door; if yon
move from the door they shoot you both,
and fling yon to the sharks." As he ut
tered these threats. Aadji Hanna's blood
shot eyes glared on the two survivors.
The next moment the door closed, Pat
terson leaped up and hugged Jnr.k ia his
arms. "God guide and protect us," he
cried, "and forgive me for telling the
blackest and biggest lie man ever utter
ed! The accursed seed of Satan, the,
ravin' God-forsaken blasphemers, the cut
throa sont of Belial; but I'll be even
with them. Quick, -Davis; help me with
this table, that I may see out of the sky
light what , they are doing. Eh, man,
just hear them! They've found one of
our poor fellows up in the rigging, and
they're worrying him as terriers do a
In a moment the ready lad was on the
table, and with his eyes cautiously rais
ed tt the level of the glass. He was
silent for a moment, but his hands was
clenched, and the prespirition dripped
from his brow. There was a sound of a
heavy body dragged over the deck, then a
sound of shattered glass.
'"Ob,whatis it, dear Sandy! Do tell
me. Oh, what dreaJful things a;e they
doing!' said Jack.
Patterson replied in a low voice, and
with face glued to the glass; "It is the
Stewart, Jack. They've tied him to the
mast, and they're pelting him with cham
pagne bottles. He is streaming with
blood, and his hands are clasped. Hear
the cries ! Now one of them steps up
with drawn ii(e 0 merciful Fath
er! I dare not look again."
As- he uttered his exclamation, Pat
terson leaped down from the table, and
set himself on a chair, and his his face
with his hands. "Jack," said he, at'last
looking up, "as 1 live by bread.g it would
be doing a duty to set fire to the vessel,
and burn these wretches. It had been
better'for us to havg cursed their prophet,
and died h-ly martyrs like Mr. Jobsen."
"No, no, dear Sandy," said Jack cud
dling himself near him. "Think of Da
vid. God has cot saved us without a
good purpose. There's many a lowering
morning, you used to say, that brings on
a fine day."
"Ye're right, ye're right, bairn,"
said Patterson. "Come and kneel down
and pray the Lord Jehovah who put
to flisht the armies of Assyrians, whose
set the stars to flight iq their courses
against Sisera, who made the Red Sea
like birdlime for those awful rascals,
the Egyptians to give our hand strength
and our brains wisdom to beguile these
children of Belial."
The cruel massacre had been but too
complete. Two sailors only were left,
and they stood by the wheel, with six
armed men with drawn sabres to guard
them. The firemen below were to man
ege the furnaces; and the scuttle leading
down into the engiue-rooin waa alac
watched by a dozen men with loaded pis
tols. The murdered men's bodies had
been flung overboard to the sharks, and
the decks washed. Three or four of the
Malays, who had been sailor?, were up
aloft taking in sail, for the ships course
had been altered, and the little wind
there was, was now against them.
The chief and some twenty of the fa
natics were eating their usual meal of
rice and curry in the chief cabin. Pat
terson and Jack were waiting on the
guests with feigned humility closely
watched by the suspicious Hadji Hanna.
Once, and ence only, Patterson contrived
to get close to Jack as he removed a
dish, and said: "If I could only get to
the doctor's room Jack, I Jcould get
enough arsenic to kill all those rats in
half an hour; but they went let me out of
their sight."
A howl, as from a wild bast, made
the boys start. It was Hadji Hanna,
"Red Head," he said, "thou hadst the
care of the Hakim's drugs; where are
they? The Son of Heaven desires
opium; find it within half an hour, or
thou diest."
Patterson's heart leaped for joy.
"Son of the Faithful," he exclaimad,
prostrating himself. ' "I know where is
opium, but it - is unprepared, Let thy
servant prepare it One of thy follow
ers can go with me, and stand over me,
armed till it is ready."
- "Go; and Yassaktshi, go thou with
him; so that we may have the dream
producer, that gladdeneth the heart of
the Prophet and his followers."
When Patterson was gone, Jack's
heart leaped for joy, for he saw, desper
ate as-was their condition,' sonje hope of
In the meantime, the wretches in their
language, unknown to the boy, discussed
the murders of the day.
"And thou, too, wert not idle," said
the chief to Hadji Ilanca.
"I slew the captain with my owj hand;
and I slew and stabbed four .of the in-
fidole. -on in the riprnr'nn' one in his
hammock, one in the cabin stairs. Heav
en be praised, and glory to his Prophet,"
"And I threw an infidel overboard,"
said another.
"And I beat out the brains of the
"And -I chopped down the Christian
priest as he tried to shoot me; but we
are invulnerable. Glory be to Heaven
and the Prophet! But here the Red
Head comes with the opium. What
Gooroo! it sends blessee dreams."
"It is good," said Hadji Hanna! "it is
fit only for the faithful, it takes U3 to
heaven before the time. Quick, Red
Head, and you Yellow Itair, bring the
smoking-tubes of the dead infidels, we
can turn them into opium-pipes."
Patterson left'apd returned in a mo
ment with twenty or thirty pipes, and
some hot charcoal from the cook's gal
lery. A large cake of the moist black
paste was prepared; and the tactituru
chief and his followers, arranging cu?h
ioLs on the floor, settled themselves to
their intoxicated sleep.
Patterson eyed them with the eye of
a raven watching a sick lamb. Jack was
breathleis, because he saw that Patter
son had some scheme in contemplation,
and he dreaded its failure.
The opium was powerful. One by
one they ceased to talk, and fell back in
dreamy repose, the eyes fixed and dila
ted, upon their cushions, the pipes still
in their mouths. One or two made
faint efforts to raise, then fell back, with
hands half raised to their swords; but
the most including the chief. Hadji
Hanna, and Yassaktshi, lapsed slowly
into a deathlike terpor pale,hut breath
ing heavily and loud.
Patterson and Jack stood by the side
board, surrounded by twenty entranced
and healple?s meq. "It gangs weel it
gangs weel," said Patterson, in a whis
per, as if afraid of awaking the sleep
ing ruffians,"thanks to the Papaver dios
coridei and the drachms of morphine.
A little more, and I could have sept the
blood thirsty gang to their aia place, but
I jest thqugt I'd keep 'em alive for an
English gibbet. But, Jack, our work's
pot half done yet; quick, gather up the
pipes; we must takethem on deck, fresh
loaded, to the scoundrels at the wheel
and on the engine room-stairs. As sure
as there's heather in the Highlands, an
other day, and I have dosed their rice
with arsenic, and they ought to be thank
ful. Come, Jack, quick, the pipes."
Jack and Patterson gathered up the
pipes, and in a minute afterwards were
cn deck with them fresh filled and relit.
Urothtrs of the tih," said Patter
son,' "the Prophet bssjtit you two tours
of heaven in these rp-ir.i'-pipes. Th
relief-guard will be up before your sleep
begins. JTaksLthem. oJ shank .God .fpc
sending his blessed Prffhetv".. r
The men -took them with shams cf
' Wah Gooroo!!' and needed no ia-
1 t i .
ducement to at once begin.
The Hindus at the enj ice-room stairs
accepied them with no less alacrity. Iu':
a few minute?, thej irresiitatle dru
worked its effects, and tie deck waa
strtnn with sleeping men.
Then Fattersou seemed all of a sud .
j den to go stark' stating mad h hugged
Jack; he danced the Highland fling; he
shouted, he screamed, Le ran a little way
up the rigging, and down again; finally
he ran to the astonished men at.- th
wheel and 'dragging thpni cn thir knee,
cried : "Down with ye, Johnson, down
with ye, Jarvis; down with ye Jack and
thank God who smote in the night the
whole camp of Assyria, who made the
earth open end swallow up Daihaq and
the whole company of Abirarn for de
livering the good ship Jamsetjee Jefjee
bhoy from the hands of the Philistines.
Here let me take a fpell at the wheel,
while I turn her head back to Singapore,
and ye run and take a look' at the God -forsaken
sons of Belial, all lying like
drugged fish down in the stale cabin
thanks to the essenee cf Morphine and
the Papawr JioscoriJes.
"But you don't mean that you really .
have done thia!" cried 'Johnson;
"Sandy, you're mad," exclaimed Jar-vis-
Ccme and sso fcr yourselves," retur
ned Jack, taking their hands, as if they
were children going walking. "Ome
and see what brave Sandy has been and
done; and call up the firemen too all
that can leave.the fires and give a hur
rah, for the ship's our own, and we've
got a rope round the blackguards necks."
"Well, they have got pluck, eh, Bill?"
said Johnsoq to Jarvis.
" "It's lhe ueutcat go I trtr eee,' eoiJ
Jarvis to Johnson, as he rolled Boloo
Singh under his foot.
'Well, I never," said one of the fire
men. "That chap'll be admiral some day, cr
my name's not Jarvis," saif that worthy.
"And'when I am." said Patterson.with
a grime smile. "Jack here shall be po3t .
captain. But quick, 'ads I'm ia con'"
mand now to business before pleasure.
Get some three-quarter ' inch rope, and
tie these fellows hand and foot.and throw
hem in the hold. Remove all their
knives and pistols, and search their pock
ets; then batten down the hatches; and I
and Jack'll mount guard over them, and.
tell them our minds when they come to."
"My eyes, when '.hey come to, old
Hullabaldo'il think he is dead again,"
said Jarvis.
"And that fat butcher of hii, won't he
cut up rough?"
A murderous passion cf revenge sud
denly shone in Johnson's eyes; he swr rv;
a dreadful oath, and slowly cocked a re
volver, and bent over flidji ILmna.
He spared one of our messmates," he
said, grinding his teeth; "and cow I'll
settle his account."
Patterson leaped forward, seized the .
revolver, and threw it into a side cabin.
"Come, no mutiny, Jarvi," he said,.
"I tell you I'll not have a hair of their
heads touched. Thev shall answer for
these crimes in aq ther way. We'll
not repay murder with" murder. Re
member the ho'y bock: "Vengeance is
mine; I will repay, ssith the Lord."
Touch these men, and I will shoot you '
down as I would a mad deg, Jarvi-."
Well, I'll be hanged if Sandy is not a
mixture of the parioh and the king of the
Sandwich Islands," grumbled Jarvis.: "
'But I suppose we must knock under, fcr
he got us out of the mess."
The sleeping men were collected, and .
thrown, net very gently (especially "by
Jarvis, into the hold like so many, cot
ton bales. It took two days to get back lo
Singapore with that insufficient crew.
and the quantity of food given to the
prisoners during that lime was hardly
worth mentioning.
Small as the crew, was, they were suf
ficient, thanks to Patterson's energy to '
crowd up every piece of colored bunting
that was in the vessel an hoar before they
entered Singapore.
It was toon known that the Jarsiett
jee Jeejeebhoy had had a mutiny-ba
board: but, thanks to the courage and
prudence of two boys the cabin boy and'
the docter's boy ihe mutiLeers had
been seized.and the ship recovered.
An hour after the arrival of the Jam