Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1864)
To THEODORE HiLL, Ko. lUIaln Street Having determine! to Wind up my Dry Goods Business this Fall and Winter, I will olilr to the tr.ido my immense stock . at greatly Reduced Friees. swfci GROVESTEEN & CO. PIAKU ROUTE MANUFACTURERS to our Jew Scale 7 Octave Hose wood Piano purity of tone are unrivalled by anj hitherto offered ia this market. They rovemerits, French, Grand action, Harp Pedal, Iron frame, Orer-htuung Bass, btirz m.ido under the personal supervision of Mr. J. II. Grovosteon, who has THEODORE HILL, . Having made L'.rgo purchases can and. will sell my entire stock comprising the latest Styles offered ia the Territory to Cash buyers at a great sacrifice.. 4CO :OXOXT7,E7'-A"3r. The 'attf-ut ir n of the Public and the trade is invited Fortc, which for volume and -ontain all the modern im Ac. and each instrument 1 !i: J aprac'.hal experience of over .30 years in tneir manuiacrure, is tUity warranted in every particular. Le "Grovesfcn PJano-rorlc" received flie Eiighcsl avrard of merit overall otlitrs at the Celebrated Yi'orld's Fair! t tp were exbibi'cd ir.strumrnt from the best makers of London, Paris, Germany, Ph;lad?lphia,'Balt h.iore, Boston find New York nd ulsoattbe American Institute for five suec-ssive year.--, the gold and siiv.?r me.lftls.frt mbotb. of vrhu-b can be seen at our w.ire-rooin. - By the sritroduotion of improvements wo mke a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing largely, with a. strictly cash VaUie, are enabled to offor these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. - PUlCEti No.-l, Seven Octave, round corners. Tlosswood plane case $275. No. 2. Seven Octave, n ucd corners. Rosewood heavy moulding $.300. N 3 Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood Louis XIV style 325, a far simile of the above cut. Tct saxes sTCTot-fc Ofigsia, in. Curront ZPixzaciQ. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FKEE. , june 30-nl3-v8-ly IMPROVED r- VT w T ! mm mmm. wm. n. i&cCRnrirsr, Cash Wholesale and Ilctail Dealer ia 2D XJ 2 THEODORE HILL, Intends, to. dispose of his. superb Stock by March next, con sequently is enabled to ofTcr greater in ducements to the trade than can be t given by any other 0 House in. the West. THEODORE niLL. THE Sm 3- "7". Or- SAW AND FLOURING WILL keep constantly on hand an a;Eortiiicnt of 23straupcrfli:3 to Common . IzF 31g O TDT S2. s Ij A T And all other articles nnslly'kept in a first-class i'irnuui c louring or naw muu lirownville, March 31st, '64. n30-8 ly. THOS. C. CEE1ISHAW, MANUFACTURER DEALER or SADDLER? COLLARS ALL KINDS OF ARNESS, WHIFS, SPURS, LASHES, K"ain Street, Opposite Ware's Bank, NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. The cvralesMrarf''Vrm,,rit yet in the Scwirui Ma chine Art. A curiosity worth scalu.' Fljase scui for circulars w ith samples of Sewing. The? Improved Mrhines save one hundred per cent, uf thrtad and silk, acd make the Lock-Stitch alike i.n both tides. 'They require no irtrnction to opcrata perfectly; except the ' printed directions." Nochntge in ecwin,; from one kind of goods to another. And no takirg Apart to clean cr oil. Our New Manufactory is now cmlete. with all its iiKu-liinery and tuo!s e-itirely new, and is already raj idly turning out Machine?, which for beauty and perfretir-n of tnish arunoi turptsicd by any manu facture in the world. B. Should any Machine prove rn?.itisfactory, it can bo returned auiuiuuoy refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed fcy our owu Aleuts. FICKLE & S. 31. CO. No. 45 8 ly. .NO. 533 BROAD WAT, N T. 11 Tire? ittcri are prsnared. In rure Ikiurbon T"liirky, from a combiuation of ov-r twenty dif ferent Linls.of roots, Larks and herbs, act in perfect concert one with the otlier, pre pared from the original formula piven by the great chief, Red Jacket, to Dr. Ct.ftpin, who used Uicm guccepsfully iu his practice Lr many years, and by thch- use gained so great a popularity n tjie treatment and cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaiut, Constipation, Sick and Nervous Head-, ache. Fever and Ague, and ail diikascsariMnpr frera torpij llrer or indigestion. Persons suCerln from either of these loathsome diseases will End a sure cure by the use of these Bitters, wldch are perfectly pure and free fmm all those dmps and poisons usu oily put up in such preparations !d palmed off on an unsuspecting public. A drip! trial lill con vince themo! tki ntical that in the LKV jACHiT there U vh tue which no other Litters possess. Ttey ttrengttea and invigorate the Eystea. TLey ere uncqnaledfor general debility, They are a euro cure for dyspepsia. They give a good acd healthy appetite. They assist digestion. They are the best stimulant in existence. They are a preventive of Fever and Ague. They relieve constipation. They cure Kervous Headache. They are perfectly pure and palatable. Aped persons and delicate females will find they can save large doctor's bills by lie use of these Lit ters. Beware of counterfeits. Tbo Red Jacket Fit ters are only sold in bottle with our Dame blonn on the side, and our private government stamp across the cork. o c a FT??; ". ii i ! m av - m r r n Jr mm, . t w- a ,m i e i a . . .-IT: BOOKS ! I0KSIB1 ' MARSH BRO'S & ZOOK'8 NEW D00S-STOBB. The ondersiirned, hsvlnc secured for a term of year the new and spacious room under HARE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Ber lesve to announce that they are prepared to sell most anything a man may at for in ttjtir line, such as MISCELLANEOUS COOKS, ; Of the finest qualltf. Tor Children. VICTOR'S & KETTLE'S History of the Rebellion, At ditTerent prices. Also: All the recommended School Books for the Territory. Our stock of letter, Csp and Xote paper being sery "large and of the best qality and bousht when Gold was down, we will sell 20 percent, lower than any new ipposuioa that may spring up. Yvenso uv jcw those Stw Cheao Patent conn oheijIjEtiq left. And BOr such BCLLT HAND SLEDS l you never saw. Come in everybody where you can find anything you wuh to read with a good place to read it in. . ' If ARSU BRO'S & ZOOC. For Medicinal and Table use, which are perfectly pure, and need only be tried to be appreciated. None genuine unless thry have our gold label on each bottle, and our i'v''n'f pressed iw w ax over the cork. Bold by all drupglsts SDd dealers throughout ti t country. Call for our goods and take noothtr. . .Circulars to the trade supplied on application t Henuett Pie(cr & Co. Sold by Ko. 21 Elver SU. Chicago. ' W. II.lTcCix;ERV. Brcwnville, UKCWIST &PKOt3Ty, Peru, . GADB Co . " " Brownvllle, Juae 2. tset. no 39-ly T. J. F. MORKIS ; 3ucocssor to tt. Brown S. Co. Wonld respertsnlly announce to the Citixens of Brownville and - vicinity, that he has purchased the Large and Well Selected Stock OF iO. 1EL TJ G- ? MEDICINES. PA!HT, &5. OF R. BROWN" &. Co. lie assures the public jeneralty, that he will keep.on hand every thdns us tall' kcept u Fust Class Drvj Store. and if determined net to be undersold for eah. PRESCRIPTION'S AND ORDFRS C AREFULLV FILLFD AT AT L HOURS .W HIT-KEY BLOCK. MAIIJ" STSE2T BB0WNT1LLE, NEBRASKA. ix-8-ly ESTRAY SALE. Taken up by the undersigned residing in Glen Rock precinct, Nemaha county, Nebraska, one white heifer with red cars , two years old next spring Said heifer was taken up on tho I5th day of Novem ber, 1361. ii-3t-ii David watkins: Paints, Oils and Dye Stuff, Pare Li31.cs for 3icdical Panose s All kinds Patent Medicines DENTAL M'D FANCY GOODS, Blank Eooks and Stationery, The best brands of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Inlioof.-ill olors. Perfumery end Toilet Goods. Tie assures his patrons, and the public generally, he wiil keep on band :vn extensive .stock of tho ar tides mentioned, besides nnythin-r find everything usually kept in a first class Drug St ore, which he is prepared to sell at low rates for Cash. Call and examine for yourself South-east Corner Main and First Streets Brownville, Nebraska. Prescriptions and Orders Carefully Glled at ail hours. THE mmm IPS? ppnpnnj iilli bltitiiilM The readers f the Continental are a ware of the importnn t'pofition it has asuujed, of the infi-.ienco which it exerts, and of the brilliant nrray of j lit i cal and literary talent of the highest oriJT which supports it. No publication of the kind has, in th;s country so successfully combined the energy and freedom of the daily newspaper with the high er literary tone of the first-class monthly; and it ii very certain that no tuagnzine has "given wider range to its contributors: or preserved itself so ct m pletely from tho narrow in3ucn?cs of party or of faction. In times liko the present, such a journal is either a power in the land or it is nothing. That the Continent! is not tho latter ! is abundantly evidenced by what it Las dono by the rejection of its counsels in many important public events, and in the character and pwer of. those who are its staunchest supporters. Though but little mor than a year a rlfipsod sinco the Continental was first ctab;is-htd. it has during time acquired a stereiigth -and a figni fia'sce ivnling it to a positim f;r alove that prn-vii"n-!y occupied a strength and a p'liiric.i! signifi cance elevating it to a posit i'n far above that pre viously occupied bjr cay publicatifnof the kind in America. In proi f of vhi -b ssiprtu.n we call at tention to tho I jili'wing facts: 1. Of its io!ical articles republished in pansphlH form, a single onohnshu l, thus f;:r, a circulation of ore hundred and six thousand coic. 2. From its literary department, a singl serial now!. "Among the Mncs," lua, within a very I'cr months, sold nearly thirty-Cve thousand colics Two T'tlier series of its literary nrt'Jes have sho beeD rcpuM'ihed in book form, whilj too flrjt jur tion of a third is already in pre.s. No mora coii'lusive fcts ..ued be allclged to prove the the execl:'- t f the contribution, to the Continental, or thoir extnotc'tary popu!a:ity; ai-d its couduetcrs are determined thai U shall not fall behind. Preserving all "tho bo!dnts, vv;r and ability" which a thonsnnd journals have nttribntcn to it, it will grestly enlarge its cii 13 of action, ftni discus?, fearlessly anil fr.mkly. evury princple in uolved id the great questions of the day. Thefiist minds of the country embracing the mm most fVmiliur with its diplomacy and most dist ingo'shed for ability, are among its contiibut rs; and it i" no more "flattering promiso of a prospectus" to say that this "magozine for tho times" will employ the the first intellect in Am.Tiea. und :r nsnitt s which no publication ever enjoyed before in this country. While the Continental will express decided opinions on. the fiustioi.s of the dny, it will not be a mere political journrs!; much tho larger portion of its columns will be enlivened, cs hereto fore, by tales, poetry and humor. In a word, tho Continental will be found, under its new titatfof Editors, occupying adosition and presenting attrac tions never btfore found in magazine, TERMS TO CI.UDS, Two copies for one year $5.f 0 Three copies for one year, 0.00 Six copies for one year, 1 1 ,00 Eleven copies for one year, - 20.00 Twenty copies for one year, 30,00 pAID IN ADVANCE. Postage Twenty-four ccuts a yet r, to be paid by the Subscriber-, SINGLE COPIES. Three dollars a year, in advance. Postage paid by tho Publisher. JOHN F. TUOW. 50 Greene St., N. Y., Publisher for the Proprietors. As an inducement to new subscribers, the Pub lishers o2er3 the following liberal premium-) :. Any person remitting $3, in, will receive the magnzine from July, lf-62. to January, 1861 thus securing the whole of Mr. Kimball's and Mr. Ivirke'8 new serials, which are alone worth the price of the subscription. Or, if prefcred, a sub scriber can take themagniine for 18G3, and a copy of "Anion" the Pines," or of "Lndercurrents of Wall Street," by K. U. Kimball, bound ia :.tloth, or of "Sunshine in Thought," by "Charles . Godfrey Lebnd retail price, $125 The book to be sent postage paid. Auy person remifipg 4 50, will receive the maga zine frr.ui its commencemer-t, January, 1SG2. to January, I i, thus securing Mr. Kimball's Was Ae sueeci-sf ul 1" and Mr. Kirke's "Amen g the Pines," and "Merchant's Story," and nearly 3,000 octave pages of the best literature in the world. Premium ubscribcrs to pay their own postage. MOLINE PLOYS, On band and to arrive ak D. A. CONSTiVBLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouse, 20 aDd 22 Third Street, ST JOSEPH, MO Fe 24, n25-tf. PAILS, Tubs. Kegs, Wasbboards, Keelers, Childran'f Cabs and Wheelbarrows M Laugh! in A Swan's WKI L Burkets, Chums, Sieves, House Traps Clotbe Pini and Castile sotp . PILLS. i 'CV ''J-.l-:t mo e . "i.: t j . Are von iek, teeble, and coni!aiiiinjr? Are you out cf order, with your system deranged, your feelings are often the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, ml should be averted fcv a timelv use of the rijjht rernedr. Take A' er's Pills, ai:d c!r.e out fie aisor cered liumois pttiil'v tlie rod, and let tlie Hums e on unoDstrucieu ju !th again. They Ftimn- -O'" ' late the functions of tne Vrzjuv ?azA hnrfr into visorcus activity. prrify the svtera from the obstructions which make disease. A co:d settl-es somewhere in tlie rKly, and obstructs its natural functions. These, if not re lieved, react upou themselves and the t-urrouudiRg orjrai:s, producing general aggravation, sul.ermg, and disosuse. While in this cor.tiitiOD, oppressea by the detangemeitfs, take Ayer's l'ills, ar.d see how dircctiy thev restore the i atural action of the sys tem, aud with it the buoyant feeling of health a-am. Wliat is true and so apparent in this trn ial and com mon complaint, is eo truo in many ot the deep seated and dangerous distempers. The same purga tive efiect expels them. Caused by smiiiar obstruc tions and derangements of the natural functions or tie bc-iv, they are rapidly, and many of them s urely, eared by the same means, oue who know the virtues of these Pills, w ill neglect to employ them hen sulleriiig from the disorders they cure, btntemer.ts fom lending physicist: in some of the pnnc?pj.J ciries, ai.d from other well-known public peiotis: From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb.i, livG. Dr Ater Yonr Tills are the parfgon of all that Is great iu medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved ii cun ble tor years. Her mother Las been long grievously r-lilicted with blotches and pimples on Her skin ml in her hair. Afier our chi'd was erred, the alto tried yonr Pills, rr.d they Lave cured her. ASA ilOliOlUDUE. As Family Fhy&te. From Dr. F W. Carticright, Xew Orleans. Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their ex cel'ent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual iu their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluabl to us ia the daily treatment of disease. EZea2xc4ir,t KEcadache, Foul Stomach From Pr Fdirard Boyd, Baltimore. Dear lino. Aver: 1 cannot answer you irhat complaints I have cured with your Pills better thra to fay a'l that tre ever treat iciih a purgatire medi it'C. I i;Iace great dependence on that effectual csthartic in my daiiv contest with disease, and be lievii:?. as I do. that your Pills afford us the Lest V9 Lave, I tf caurte value theva highly. I'lTTSBt'Ert, Ta., Jfay 1, 1?53. . Dr. J. C. Atth. . .;r: I have Icon ie;eatedTy cu.i-d of the" w ;it litiudache mi) body enn have by a do e or two of your 1 ills. It seems to arise li in a foul f totnach. which they e'eanse at once. Yolu with great rcspect, ED. W PREBLE. Clerk of Steamer Cuirion. IZ'Aloan Disorders liiTcr ConiplninMu From Dr. Theodore Fell, rXew York City. Jvot only are your Pills admirably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial . fleets upon the Liver very marked indeed. They Lave in mv practice1 proved more effectual for tha cure of bilious complaints than any one remedy I can nieutiou 1 sincerely rejoice that ve have at length a purgative which is worthy the confidence of the pioicsiiou and the people. Dkpartment op THE IlTTEItlOrt, 1 Washington, D. C , 7th Feb.. JS5?5. ) Fir: I Lave m-ed your Pilla iu my general and ho.-piir. 1-practice ever you mt;de them, and cei.i ot 1 esitate to say they are the best cathartic Tie emp'ov. Their legulatrng action on the liver is quick and decided, comeijueutly they ore an ad. MiikLle remctly lor derai)gmeiifs of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom lound a case of Lilious dis rate to obstinate thnt it did rot readily vield to thein. 1 rateruaily yours, ALONZO BALL, M. D., Physician of the Marine Uospital. Dysentery. Piarrho?aj Kcl.ix, Voruis. From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago. Your J ills have had a long ti ial in in v practice, end 1 hold them in 4-steem as one of the best aperi ents I have ever totind. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes then an excellent remedy, when fiven in Fmall dores lor bilious dysentery and diar rku"t. Their sugar-coating makes them very ac ceptib'e t.nd couvcuicut lor the use of women and chi;dicii. Py;opfcia, Hrfipurily of tlte IIood. From Rev. J. V. Hiwes. raster cf Advent Church, ' Boston. Da. Ater: I Lave used 3 onr Fills with extra OHiinnry stiececsiii my family end among those 1 am, caliid to visit iu distress. To regulate the organs of digestion ai d purify the blood, they are the very Lett remedy I have ever known, and I can conft. . deiitly recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. HIJIE3. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1S55. Dear fcia: I am using your Cathartic 1111a in my practice, aud find them an excellent purgative to ilcaiiba tha system and purify the fountains efthf Hood. JOHN G. IIEAUIAM, M. D. ConMipnfion, C'Mrriir, pipprrioii, lilieuuinlisnt, 4out, Aeurulgta, lropr, Iarnlrii" fit ,c From J)r. J. P. Vavghn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot 1 snid of your Fills lor tha cure of costircncD. If others cf our fraternity have found them as ctlieacious as I have, they should join me iu proclaiming it. for the beiielit of the multitudes who suffer from thr.t coiuplaiiit, which, although lad enough in itself, is the progeiator oi others that Fie worse. I believe cosfirchrss to originate in the liver, but your Fills affect that or'un and cure the disease. From ZIrs. F. Stuart, rh'jslclan and iridiclfe, iioston. I find one or" two large do-es of yonr Tills, tnken at the proper time, aie exceilci.t promotives of the natural secretion when wholly or partiaily sup pressed, and also very . eiiictual to cleanse tlie stomach ai:d erjxl irorm. They are so much tha Lett physic we have thtt.l recommend no other to my patients. From the Bca. Dr. Kiykes, cf the STcthod'ut Fpis. Church. rtrLASKi Ilorsr, Savannah, Gr... Jr.n. 6, lkoiED MR: 1 should be ungrateful lor the relief j our sU;l l as li ought rue if 1 did i rrt. report rny case to 'von. A cold settled in my limbs and biot'ht on "excruciating iuunJ-jjc )'uni, which iK i'3 in chronic rluiimutiv. Motwiihttiinding I had the Left of physicians, the disease grew worse end worse, in'.til by the advice of your excellent cer.t in Baltimore", Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your I'll'?. Their cfilcts were siow, but sure. By per? fevering iu the use of them, 1 am now entirely well. Cr,.,r CnAMBF.rt. Baton Torre, La., 5Dec.,lS"5. Vi?nf ';fnun Oout n painful iis. ase ihai hjis I " - vVars. vilS CLMT &L1DELL. Biit:ui.LLt I; j r-?-"Mo-t of the Fills in market contain Mercury, 7M,0;1 , 1 ..!.! r.mli!v in kkilfnl hands. r-Lt i i u u ittiumi". . , is dni.-erous iu a public rill. Jioiu the dndful con '-ueuce tiist frequently loliow its incautious use -r..s . .i.i i.a uiercurv or mineral substance These contain ,no mercury or aui tuiuv. whatever. Price, 5 coats per Eos, or 5 Eozc3 for $1." Trsjared lj Vr. J, C. AIE2 L Co., Lovcil, Mas. ROII TIT wm. n. ;cci;r: r.r.v, CrowaTiiie. G. A. UUOWX & i-::0., Peru. Jlr.H tUlAVF.S. S.ih-. J0n?fW.H0LT.t r.liO.. Salem. HOLT k SCOTT. Fails City. LEWIS & MIPPIIE.';!), "St. Stephens. EAMLEY A tiilEUKU, Kuio. v8-r.S-ly FHIvK LESLIE'S. ILLUSTRATED KEWSPAPEPS. Attractive Feature. The ?5,0CO Prizo Novel The Gulf Botwecn Them. By ilr.j. Anne S, Stephen, Authoress of "Fashion and Famine," "Tho Rejected Wife," Ac, Ac. In addi'ion to its attractions; as the first and most authentic Illustrated Paper in America, sur passing all others in tho varied, aennracy, ani In terest of the naincrofts illustrations which it offers, Frand Leslie's Illustrated Xevuaper will begin in No. 435. dated January 30, ISfU, tha thrilling and abiforbing novel, '-The Gulf Bet ween them," writ ten by the great novelis, Mrs. Stephen?, whose "Fashion and Famine" had a larger circulation than any other purely literary novel of our day, and was regarded as so masterly n work of Action that it was nt rply republished in England, but was translated into ahaoot every languago of Eu rope. The prise of J5.0.00, offered with unnsu iber ality by the proprietor for th best nov drew forth no less than two hundred works, 'ny of them of great mo-it. Among these, Mrs. Stephens' novel was selected, S3 evidently surpassing r.ot only all others offered, but 8'.niost everything hitherto published. It is fully cfjaal ta "Fashion and Famine," and will be as widely read. It will be of greater interest, from the fact that the scene is laid ia our land and our own"1imo; and in delineation f character and absorbing power it wiil fascinate and charm tha reader. Subscription $11.50 per year. Address FRANK LESLIE, 72 Duano St. N.T. Copies of the paper containing tho commence ment and continuation of Mrs. Stephens' novel, "Tha Gulf Between them," can be had of any News dealer in the JLJnited States or Aritish Provinces. SALT by the barrel or pound, Fine Dairy Salt, for Sale o At McLaughlin & Swan s. ICK.KLS by the doien or barrel, tt a superior qwal--itv, crnstantly on hand At McLJCGHLIK A SAN,S. FIGS, Chocolate. Maple stisar, assorted Jellies, Can Peaches. Pepper sauce, Xushroum Cits up, Worces tershire auce, &c , &-c, At McLArcnus A SwAxa BROOMS, BlacUus brashes, Scrubbing brushes Whisk brcoms, Blackiug, Matches, Ink, Writin Paper, fitc., &c.f McLArcnLiir & Swan s. Mai.utaci urer' Ai.'onts lor the aie f Watches, Chains, &c.f &.C., TOKTfil S500.000! To be sold for one dollar Each, wiiiut Trsrito vsloe SPLENDID LIST, Of Articles all to be sold for one Dollar Each. 100 Gold Hun' ing Cased Watches, - $100 each 100 " Watches. - . ' - - - 60 ea 200 Ladies' Watches, - - 35 euca 6- 0 Silver " 15 each ftoo n,.i.-! Gnartl. Vest and Chatelain . Chains, . $16 to 20 each 4000 Vest, 'ect, Guard andChate!ain Chains. - - -3000 Cameu Brooches ... -3000 Mosaic and Jet Brooch M 3t00 Lava anil Florentine.Brooches" -3, 00 Coral, Garnet & Emerald Broo:ls, 3000 Catueo Ear Drops, - - 3'i00 tfamet Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops, 4U00 LavaaniiFlorentineKarDrops 4000 Gents' Scar Pins, -6000 Chain acd Band Bracelets, 3600 Gents' Breats Pins, . . .. -3GC0 Watch Keys, -60'iO Fob and Itibbon Slides, 7000 Sets vt Bosom Studs, 9000 Sleeve Buttons, ... 5000 Plain and Chased Rings, 7000 Stone Set ll;nj?s, -70OO Miniature Lockets, Crosses, &c. -12000 Sets Ladies Jewelry, All ot tte fiu.His in the nwrf List will he sold, with out, reservation, for One Dollar each. Ceriiricates'of all the various articles are placed in similar envelopes and sealed. These envelopes wiil be sent by mail, r ueuvereu at our-omce, wimont regaru to choice. Oo receiving a Certificate you will see what article it reo reseuts, aud it is optional with iou to seud one d ollar and receive the article or not. In all transaction? by mail we shall charge for for forwarding the Certifkaies, paying os,ss. andd'dn the business, 25 cents ej':h. Five Certificates will be sent for $lj Eleven fur $2 ; Thirty for $5; Sixty-flve for $10. a.i'I One hundred for $1.?. CORRKSPON DENTS may rely upon a quick and prompt anpwwV to tl.eir iordfrs. Our bQMiie? in con ductea upon liberal, honest, strai3htrorwirapnn,.-ip;e sua we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Our rons may always depend upon bavin? their orders faith f dI ly and punctually supplied. Iu no case will corres pondents be neglected. 53Corre-poudeiits should be carefnl to write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County, and state. Aauress, gko. DiiiiliRir & CO., - 229 Broadway, New Tork 1 to 15 e a 4 to each S ech each 6 each 6 each 6 each 6 e&cb 8 ea J to 10 each 2 to 8 each 6 eacu 6 earh 6 each 6 each 6 each- 2 to 10 each 3 to 13 each 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 3 to S to 2 to 2 to 2 to 2 to 2 to 23" ITavinfr had business relations wKbMhe above, I taUe pleasure in saying that they are honorable, upn.'.t Eien, and perform all they proud sin and the Jewelry I have seen nni there is ?cunine,and gives salisiailluu. U. O-TIIOMPSUN, ni7-tf NurFery Hi 1 Nb. rnosrilCTUs for isei. h ti J it M& An Independent Democratic Dai- ly, temi-Weekly and Weekly, "ITcw&paper. 1 UNION OF TIIE WORLD AND ARGUS. The TVorld, to which the New York Weekly Argus has been united, hag to-day five times the abro gate circu Idtion of anj Detmcratio or conservative newspaper. Jt addresses weekly alone more than J OO.OUU Edbscitbers nnd constant purchasers, and reaches it 'east half a million readers. With tho steady increase in circulation wbkh it now enjoys these numbers will so u be doubled. Nolhin-r less than ttiis should satisfy tbv.o who believe thai the only hope of rtonr;jr the Union and the authority of thtt Constitution over a now distracted and di vided c unrry, lies in wresting power from the bands of those fanaticism has helped to provoke invite, and prolong the or4d thut to accomplish tnis end, no means is so eScctive as the diausien thronih able and ent:rprifinir newsnioers. of sound political knowle'ige aymng th-j working men, the thinking ran. and the vofincmen of the North Enterpriso, industry and money will be liberally expended to nnke Tbo Wr-rld the Best Ncwsrarer i - T. j. 1 - . in America- its news irom every pirt of ttij world wiil be early and uthentio. Wherever tho telegraph cxtca,or ranroaas run. or steanboat ply, it will gather tbe latest intelligence. It has a large staff or accompnsnea correspondents w;th all theleiral armies, wha will telegraph and write to m tbe latest row from tho various sonts of war. Jt has corres pondents and reporters in every political c.m mcreiul centre in A.Mriea and Eiir.p.-, whose L-ttcrs aud dispitebe will nothing worthy of note unknown to iis rendws. The Market Keporis of the Vorl 1 are more com plete tL;in thosa of any other newspaper. The Editors invite comparison in this respect and point to tbe reports of the flattie Markets, tha tencral and country Produce Markets, and tbe Money Mar kets in its columns, as proof of its excellence in this respett. The world has also a special department J k 11. r 1! 1 T1 . . n-voieu 10 Agriculture, uiie.i wun eauortai artici s communications from practical farmers and mechan ics of the country. . The war in which the nation is engaged against armed and infotuated Kebcls.and the radical policy of the aduairiNfration which prolong it, have con spired to bring together upon one platform aM con servative. Union-lovirfi and Coustitution-Iovir men, of whatever former nin: and creed. Many of iiu the limit of the Constitution. fought tha battles of the ballot box ur.ier the leadership of tVt"J"v patriotic statesmen of o;her ar.d hotter d.s x. liefi. y l id.y and l hater, to- t?Ci IhMzllh'jliiU, A MONTHLY' MAGARINE: The most comprehensive " niieetllany of asefoi knowledge aniUeneral Literature, periodically is sued in the United Stages; embracing all tha fea tures t a Polytechnic Journal, Economic Expositoi Literary Jleptwitory and Monthly Register. E.-P. cially devoted to Financial. ComtnerciaJ and Indus trial Interests and all joint stock corporation con cerns. Having commenced the Fifth Volume of thia Magazine, whose success evinces that the eSforts of its conductors have been appreciated by a discrimi nating public, we would cad attention to its char acter on tbe part or the large body of readers who are not yet upon it3 subjcriptioa lists. Our pur pose in this publication is the dissemination of practical information on subjects of positive ntUity to the people, combined witii'a diversity of literary attraction securing the services of the best, pecs in the vavious departments of Science, lielles-Lettres and General Literature. Vh";!o aiming most, es peoiaily to render most' effective service to tha Trade, Commerce and Material Production cf tbo Country, many sides of the Country, many sides of the mental world receive du consideration the Historical, Critical, Jilsthetiaal and Imaginative, aa well as the Ficancial, Statistical, Technological and strictly Mercantile. We employ alike tho ra eeach or tne savant and the fancy of the feuileton ist, with tho practical experience of the business man and the worker. Iu the treatment of scientific topics, the mode selected ij thj popular ia styla nuher than the technical, 'lhe men;al phase ofl the hour it shall be our endeavor to portray, and we avil ourselves of tbo coulribulions of new Discov ery to the Circle of Knowledge, at:d shall record wii,h ail practicable sueoiuoiucss Current Intelli gence, which will be of future ntiility and hiitorio interest when the Predent shall have become tha Past. In fine, Ihe'AuKriciu Exchange and Review is a desirable and ever welcome monthly visiter to its subscribers imparting the richiMMS ot knowledge improving tne taste, aua furuisning intelloctuai gratiS.ation. The Review has its specialities In distict and in creasing Departments, with a General Divisica for the widest consK-tent scope of themes. e give a specification of topics which are the subjects tither of occasional it regular pub.ict'.tion, viz: The Arts, Esthotics: Agriculturo, .dppliad Chem istry, Archaeology, Belles-Letters, Biography, Criti cism. Econrmies Politi-al, Arithmetic aional Taxation: Finance tanking, cturensy, Corporation Acooimts, txchangf?, I 'uetu-itlou-s ia hecnnties, Stocks; History, Industrial and Mercantile enter prises, insurance, internal Improvements Rail ways Canals, Telegraphs; Manufactures Product, tech nology; Mechanics, Mining Mineralogy, Geology, Metuil-jrgy; Tctent?, Piiy.ncs, physiology, st-itiatics, social sienee; trade forcgn and domestic, shipping mercantile law, avigation; Topography, Travels. SCESCRIPTIONSIX THE UNITXD STATES. One copy, one year, (ia advance 3 00 Fivo copios " M 12 00 Ten M " " 20 00 When paid at the end of the year, 4 00 per an num, singlo copy. Sample copy mailed oa the re ceipt of 15 cents. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. Single copy per aunum postage paid. Canada, Cuba, Great Britain and Iielajvl, Franca, Germnny, West Indies. 'British' West Indies, I, No' Rrttish. South Amr-riea We-d GomsII FOWLER k MOON, TropriAtor. No. 521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 1864. OF THE iussuimi m 111 For tha Tear V: y VV W m-mm , imih, IkI-ulEKLY a The war drama is approacbirn it, v ."k interest. This year will pr-'-' h Dom cT the Rebellion, win,..,.' V"X eminent restored in the fa!l,-n . 'a erated. and ..averv oblit.. i even'.i of 6I will he .i, n . ''"'5i the History of tbe Country, arj1"? '" elude the return of Piac.' nd "reer of With L,v"B-r J3 72 3 72 6 00 3 72 3 72 3 72 8 CO 8 00 "eiiier wnu t:.o mosses vvm.-e i'r:n;:!:e weic f such p:trior.i ns Andrew Jack so: and William L t . . ft II' a v :;:n'T. ."litis r.g :n ana jiepnen .. laiiiC'is. now staiif sb-tuldtr ta sh(.ti!-Jer upon tho same platform isa pl t;n on, lt.t? to restoro tb'j Union, muntatu tje Const tuition, ami enforcj the laws. hittevcr makes T.r Ibis ent:, the exercise of force of the policy of conciliation. Th? .'orli wiil advoeate wttatcver L'riKes ng it, 1 no v or.a will oppose. It wiiioj j.otc every enemy to tha Union, whether armed in rebellion at the totith or insidiously plant ing the set'daot disunion and essential disloyalty at tho North. It will oppose every violation of the Constitution which is tho only hope and bond of Ucion, and our (.l'ly an'h. i i;y for exhorting or compelling the a He -iji !;ce ri the South. It willoppr so eve ry infraction of the Law, in high places or in low, by reckless and misguided parti sans, or by tho administration which hz boea their e.xamplo. It will fearlessly exercise tho Freedom of tho Prfss ;lt will cjns:AntIy upheld and defend Free don cf Spee.'h and KreHl;in of the Il.iliot. To tha I t lcs ai-ts of the A dmiuistntion, its .arbitrary and urjust arrests and expatriations, its denial of the rirht to tho writ of habeas corpus, it? illegal prucbimations, its abrogation of State and federal laws, its despotic- accutnohitions of ungraot ed power, and itj subversions of the safeguards of civil and portonwl lib- rt.v. it will constantly oj Jose the Utter and the sj.-.tit I oyr suprwtn.1 law and the a'lvivarv of soii' d fb'f'tiife, until Am' fre.-m-. n shall be rou.-.e i t tha recovery of th'.-ir rights, thoir libeitie-J, th-.'r iws, find tauir liuiit. d and wcil ;nccd government, by the resistless decision of the ban f. Prof..u::dl T-ivTesiM with tne ds:n to ct-ntri-bnteull th it luy tithe great w.-rk of this genvr ;.(i.n, r...;:i iy. to rtJtora oar national unity, and to i lace tho United "State.: g:n ft:ia;st am ,ngt!ie nii( pj of !ie earth, and iit.t, id the p".ace, pros perity, am! happiness of its :?! e. The cr!d socks from those wlio dc.iie such thicz tfc?ir?ym- and, abovo all, the favor of 11: m wli.i crowns every good work. TERMS. DAILY WORLD. Yearly Sub'cirto by mail J8 00 SKMi-WCLLY WORLD. Single snbs'.ril) rs, per annum $3 00 Two copies to one address . 5 CO Three " 7 00 Five 44 " IJ 00 Ten - " 22 50 WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subscribers, per annum J2 !10 Throo copies address on each piper 5 00 Fiv " " 8 00 Ten " " IjOO Twenty copies tallio one address 23 00 Clubs of t w nty or over can have address pat on each paper f"f an additional charge of tea cent each. For eyery club of twenty an extra copy will be added for the getter up of the club. For every club of fifty, ihe Fcmi-Werkly, and for every club of one hundred, the Ddily .fill be sent, when requested, in lieu of tbe extta copies of Weekly Additions to Clubs may te ma.e at .any time at saue rates. Papers cannot be ehange-l fr ,m one Club to another, but on r-?qiest of the person or ler ingtheCltib, and on receipt, cf fifty" cents extra, single papers ril! be taken frem the Club and s. nt to a seperate ad Iress. All orders niuit be accomoaniod by thi Cash. Address " THE WORLD. 35 Park Row New York. THE SIEKTIFIO AMERICAN. FOR 1564 The publishers of the SIc'NTIFIO aMERICaN" rcsjuH-lively give notice thJ the Ten th Volume (New Sc-rits will coiu-iiMiee on the 'rt of January next. . J his journal was established in IS l. and is nn.'oubtodly the most widely circulated and intiaea tial ruliicati'Mi of tlu kind in rthe world. Iu corn- met! -tngtlio ne'7 volutna the i ubbshers dtsu-e to call special attention to jts eUitns as A JOURNAL OF POPULAR SCIENCE. In this re.'pect it stan is unriv.-illed. It not only finds its way to aim .t everv workshop in the country, a3 the earnest friend of the inecnanic and artiieli, but it is found in the counting-room of sis manufacturer and the merchant: also iu the library and tbe hosehold. The publishers feel warranted saying thut no other journal now published con tains an equal amount of useful oformf:on: while it is their aim to present all subjects in tho most popular aod attractive manner. lhe jMeutifiy AOifcvicari is published a tvek, in convenient form for bindiug.and each number contain sixteen rases of useful reading matter, illustrated with NUMEROUS STENPID ENGItAVINCS of all tho latost sn i best ir'vi-ritini of tfc d;y. This feature o: t Ui j .iwr.fvl i worthy of spt-i-ial uoto. Lvery number contains fr-m five to trn original en gr.ivings of mechanical, invenf ions relating to cvry department of the art. These engraving' arexe cuoed by artits specially employed on the paper, nnd nre universally acknowledge-d to f e superior to nnvtiiing -f the kind pr:lu:rd iu this country. The yublishers of the Sintifij Aaisri.-an promise to present, as during prcccdiDg ye us, ail tbo late-t improvetuenss in Steam Engi'.eerinr, Var Vessels, O r d ua nee m i I i t a ry a n . 1 r..i v al F i re a rtns M cch an i-s Tools, Jinufactur;'ig Ma-'hinery, Water wheels. I'limps a'j l other Hydraulic Apparatus, Household Utensils, i -.icctri, Ch-?micil an i Mechanical Fnstrn mcnts, Flying Machines, and other Cariom Invention-- b -v.'Ii-. al! the vnricl articles designed to lighten tb-: labor of mankind, not only in tb i sh. p .....1 .,V . .... V n f ;n ......... .l..A. I. . . I. iir. ii'.iwj'.f vu. ii on-ijr . 111:0 nuvic IUS 11 dustries o! Jile are pursued, From ls commct cement, the Seien'iSo American has Iff r. the earnest ndvocata . of the rights of Ainoriean Inventors, and the. t KIPEUTORY OF AMERICAN PATENTS. Iu tuis iroi! rtant d part;.5ent, so vitally eonntct ted with all the great interests of the country, no oth'.T journal can lay any claim whatever; as in its columns there is published a wetk'y 0.3 -ia! Ll.t of tr.a '-Llstms of all pat en U granted at the U. S. Patent OUico. THE PRACE1CAL RECIPES alone aro oft times worth fure to th subscriber than the am .utit of a whole year's subscription.. EERM3 OF SUBSCIPTION. Tivo volumes of tha ScienHSd American are rnb- li.-hed each ve.r, at il.iO caeh. or : rer rvr annum with ccrre.-ponding Uw tcr-ns to Club'; $1 wi'.l pay r fuur moutiij subscription. The numbers for one year, w ben tHun.i in a vo u'a ', constitute..! work of y.2 t n'-Ci cf useful information, whl.-b America uioa a nw ness and rTninprtv r r J " i.u L,?jr,r the reproach of serJoro, the peo s".;; on a higher platform of inM;e-. ''r facl a still profnander interest ia-f'!K the progress of their own an J oth.l!'' world is entering upon a nev scr;., V'- " to trrminate in the triumph of fj, r the Atlantic; while emimtioa u ?r- acquire a tew and trem"ni1)uslini;;, -imene!y t or p'nlu. tive pnT.r The stiring events of tha tin. jt'" ly depicted ia the coluus h e n we are resolved t rer.ltr m.,r9 j '' tractive than ever a a faithf d IJirrcr of Passb n-- Inspired by the spirit tf p.. ledging do leader but Truth The j ?M O.-KAT will continue to be soMj tVs People, and prv:nit to dn-.uces tr.i pol:tical or military aspiraot wio their cause. ii T ..n:.:.. i TT". v lu p.u-i.irioii u. uur 1. itr .v-v 0 in our Weekly paprr the .J"j'r y A'. ftr.i a'.ja an abstract nf th r. ,s and of the Proceeding? of Le-.yi- J and Illinois. Our Tri-Vv"eok'y, will chIihru,,, tho Important News, Local aalL,ular,1'"-, of the Daily. THE I)AILYDE3!Ca Shall not be excelled by sy p i; j,: We have improved our arrsngtai f f" CDir-i as tj pni p:.i rr"-- From Washington, from tbe Lowr "A from ti e Mi.-suri and Llini.; Ci will bepnblisncd tn 1 1 -rmn uxS ARMY CORRESF0S E5CL And our usuaj quantitv of General '?) We request all Postmasters aalfrinj Agents. Send forepeeimen namVrs of ih p,. Prospectus foi ditribaueo,acl U'viCht: ly forwarded. Send as many narc3 as pnib;9 in C:V ; their papers sent to one addrej ;be vL: the Postmaster or tbe setter ud uf the C a. It is not required that all tbe p.irrs jf 1 shall be sont to -rt Pos Otfioe. th nui::5 tat to dilSoreat Offlcoa, and add at any tita , The following are our ratf for the jit 2" DAILY DEMOCRAT.- Mail Sab-cribers one year - Price to News Dealers - - - - -JV.:.- TRI-UEEKf.Y DEMOCRAT Mail Subacribijrs one .-year - --..; WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Sing'e Copies ono year Tbre-3 Copies - - - - - - - . - Five Copies - - - - - Tefl Copies - - - - " "' Apt larger Club than ten wi'.l !) cbiii rato tf cn? dollar anl a half ver c-.-y. The Hbove rates f r ail Miil bt.icr;-. payable ia advance. Orders not accompanied with tbe 2 17 ceive no attention. All prers f either odifion, willle d'.r; at the end of the tiTe ipid f r. McKEE, FISIIIUCS 4 CO. Prr 41 and 1.1 Locust street.ST.bAi GET IP YOUR CLIRS Hl NEW AND SPLESDre FRESi: PETESON'S MAGAL' THE B ESP AND CHEAPEST IS TUIr This popular Monthly contains c mopey than any Mizaiine ia tho w.i. i ,it will have pearly 10D pnps, 2 t.. ?3 12 co! T2d patterns, and 0o() W'-d ..T.r ; all this for only Two D.dlar. a Y :r, less than magzmf s .t its . i,ia. .. -.ry to tako Peterson." In tn r"..-. its is the onlv 4 -I ' ev.-ry tne pnght to A new volume wil? com: To Consumptives. Consumptive snfierers will receive a Talnablepre scription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lang affection Tree of charge,) by sending their address to Rev. EDWAKD A. WILSON, Kings Co. 'NewYorV. IXDIA Rubber and ITorn, Dressing. Pocket and flat Combs, Wooden Pocket combs, Tobacco Pouches, "Wallets, Fish Books and lines, &c, At MeLACUIJLiy & SWAXS. SMoKINO and Chewing To! aco, Cigars ripes Pipe stems and tobacco Pouches, in great variety, At HcLa ughlin & Swan's. PLOCIt, Butiar, Eirtrs. Bacon, etc.. stc.. At McLeuhlia & Swjjj- MACKEBAL, Lake Trout, "VThite flsh, Codfish, etc., - etc., coustantly on hand At McLaughlin & Swan's. TITR best Fl5ur from tbe L. S. V. G. Mil's in quarter naif aad whole sacks kept AT X'LAUGHLO & Five copies, f ,r six month Tin copies, for six months Ti encc on tne fci-stot January, 1 234. CLPB RATES. 12 ?opie for twelve months 22 Fifteen copies, for twelve months 31 Twenty opit??, for t'.viivo monthj 4 i or all ciubs of twenty nt.d over, the yearly sub scription is only 2,0J. .-iines csn besntinat diffc: ect.times and from dilTerent Post OSoes. sp;n.imrn copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. Canadian subscriber will pleaje to remit 25 cent3 extr oa each year's sabs'.-rition to prepay pstage. MU.NX & CO , Publishers, 2o. 37 Park liow, New York. . SAL1XALBA. The Greatest Timber for tlie PRAIRIES 55" It makes a perfect Hcige fence ki four years ! 5Tj One A. re of it set tors fall, in Ave yeara will make enoncrb "VV.hI for one Family I JC?" It grow straisht, and very tall I fj It never sprouts from tbe Toots; but when cut C jw'i, will grow asain from tbe stump, very rapiuly ! 53" 11 I3 'he best sort wood for fuel, er auy other purpose! J3 When kept off the ground, the rails will last 30 years ! 53" It prows equally well with ns on upland, where this r:-ti. as in the bottoms! 53" Cet';is eisht inches long stuck in the ground in fe Vail. i.ever fail to srow ! 53- We sell it for . per thousand Cuttings, deliv ered a auy of our Agencies. 53- Pat ties to buy, should order early of our Aleuts, so that they may notify as in time. CUTTINGS Bundled and delivered at the above places, as soon as the leares fall. ABE T. Tt. FISHFItt. rowuville, is Asent for Nemaba and east half of Richardson Counties. C CUTIS & PEAVElt, Pawnee City, are Agents for Pawnee snd wet half of Richardson Counties. REV MK. TIN"KIIAM, Beatrice, is Ajeat for Gage and Jones Counties. J. II. BUTLER, Austin, Agent for Clay and Saline Counties. Be wars of Willow Peddlera We learn that many swamps of comnw "illow have been cleaned cp. and tbe Cuttintr solo t Or y Willow. We Ket our Willow of SAMUEL E WA IDS, of La Moilie, Illinois, a rnspoasibie Narserji; ow .f. lc rruuj Pitn.-'f til Sl.l?:9 U"-r - f And is, therefore, emphatic..;', i..- ii.if the Times. Tbjstoric3in "Pe:Tonn best published nny where. Mr-. A-s . .'-" Kliii bullion Mrs. Denison, Fr.. I1.--tbe outb.r ofHJfu!y ' I'' -rT." T- rA":-L.-Cbandlrr Moulton, Onbrifllc ' T-"' Town.-end. R.-sr.lle Grey, CUra A -"' author of "The Se"nl Li.'e,' b.-r, 1. nrr-ula' female writers of Af " contributors. In addition to t!. short storieg, th re wi'.l be f-wi Ori-.Mn.i! fV.r.v-ri hted Ni.Vclt?. T It i ne .Mai a 01 iwn u vj to-div, I?v th-j anther of "T.T -M:iud'3 Summer at S .nt-, Ij ; -bene I ct. Fanny's Nl'trtot -n, J 1. - In iH Illnstration a,.s.."P-:t,'r,:a '' The publisher ehal! Dges a com; r.-n sunerb Meotin-3 ani oth r jt.-l np--those i 11 other Magft lines, and ou at ! -i 11 everv number. Colored f;..-li.-n I . vanf-e: I; is th orlv Mj'M" " "' Plates can be relied on. Fsch tu?!' Fashi. ti 1'hres. er crnved on s ' 1 fr. m Frshions later than any ettier J-" also, a doxrn or trore New rv jl ' Wood: s?s. 1 P;i ft. rrt, from whi-'i 1 or child's Cutrcecan be cut, wi'i muntua-maker so that each Wl'fr' will save a year's iby-i o t. f "' '' Philde!pl.i.iand XeYork Ft.-b!.fl'5 at length each month. P.rr;'n' ILm I Orpsses, gitwa. Ii- Culjt-.1 ere! r .i lry,cr vjhet. ie. ., .. Tbe Woik- I'iiblo l).-pnrtm?r.t of t ';' ' whollf unrivab-d. Every nurti c"; 't. or in-'to pnrterr.s ia every virl '7 ' ' Cr cret, Embroidery Kcit-ii'g. " w. rk, &.., Evtry .u'.tiib, pattern f r siiopirg, pure or cb:f given each of which, at a retail m'.- fifty cents. . . ' "Our New Cor,k-Dook."--The hold Iiceetnts of "Peterb.n" are ' ' ." 1351 our -Cook-Rook" will bo . c;25,:., or.e of theijo receipts has be; ft tes sis well worth th j prie-J of "I'.-'er ceipts for the toilette, aiek-rwia, tivlo. and fasbinnnb! rrrt-iO in e And hints on Ilo-rticaltare, H-'l-:,-z"'J ' matters interesting to lidi -s. TFT? rAT. WAYS IN Ot:e cof y for on year, Three copies f',r one year, . - Five eyries f- rr Kight Copies for one year, Twelve copies for one yar, Sixteen copies for one year, , -. Premiums for getting "Pj'' Tj j eight, or more copies, mase a rK :; son getting np a clnb of tbre, ,nr;-iii ' dollars or a ciub of Five, nJ 7. , ,t tfi dollars and a half or a club of -lr. tinz ten doliars or a ciuo i t - fifteen dollais, an extr copy of tbeP- 1661 will be given. If Prefd'th" ei " send as a premium, unsie v. , Abmra, in "ilt. or either of our Mezzotint. . "f each 27 inches by 2:)-'3unyaa f;1' -t .- Wind Child, in Jail," or "B',i t ing for Uis P.elease ft om Prison. . ' getting up a club of Sixteen, two . . the MagMine will U seat, or acy "J premiums. . t pfTtS Address, pot-pa:d. CHAbLbf - o.00 Liicstuui liv ' ctJ: f" All Postmasters constituted .jejiT person nay get up a club. LpeC' . tously, if written for. ; '-zrz7cxS The undersigned, Board of Eianb meetings forthepurjose of exaiu,nn ,;i ers.on the first Saturday of ea-h ' PM, at tbe office of E. W. 0l0m tb" are required te have a certificate 'j,, previous t tteoomnienm'not.- irr Ullif.Oi1' CD A I. OIL, bet nali'v claiifled Carbon tbiainer aud w LcKs. si ' ' oil, Lautr X LAUGUL1X SWA X. SAWS, IliTnniers, Miners Picks Ilatcbets ULE highest market prt File. v At UcLatrg At llcliaai O At ilex-1": ov.l0th, 1E1. ii-S ly