Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 29, 1864, Image 3
CX nr.4; c f V jv Goods faUo, an assortment of Dry V VXr iiAi.l Goods IIalSf Ca?s Clothing, .Sic., ffec r ,;.0VNVU-LE,TaURSlAV D2C.20, 1S54 L O C A X.. s"ok Ieds, Mortaraeg . Kit-en t ions, IU j String, "rnag- I-i-t"e-4c- Ac. Ac. for eale at tiie 0?e. Tii regular ebioa f the County ... T, . - J T There will a j-rrnee.eB .ieem: i-t tire Methodist Church, in tuii v. commencias to-morrow ereting. V crimen sre already njraged digging c ru'.ic Well, 'and it will tot le lou- fjre it is firiitLcd. if the weather re- lias pleasant. . TUre will he a Watch-mettinj at the Khodist Church, in this Cay. on New ear's D'?ht, to crnnie at 8 o'clock, are iLvittd to attend. e preeSchonI Festival, at the Chris CUunhon Saturday evening last, ou to satisfaction of all pres uud with credit to its originators. . Thf dance at the Brownviile House, j.'! Friday erei:::r. was a Epltndid adair, rvtry.LirS'' went ciT pleasantly, and we ire informed iLe tup per was 'gorgeous.' Thire will he a New Year's Ball at larhon's Hail on Friday Evening next. ijiit-yV Quadrill? Bind is the heat in le c uMry and we predict for those who v.e::! a coed time. Tor fale cheap for cah one fpan of :,e Horses, two St-tts Djuhle Harness, tJ one new Chicago Pjggy. Enquire f riisj at the Pir.neer Auction Room, r at .Cgfttt-irs Livery Sialic MtLauiihhn Swan have a large lot f Axes aiii Axe-handles of the test ual.iy on hand, It will le to the ime iA of purchasers to examine their as--r:r.icut Ufre buying tlttwhere. We understand that Mr. Petticord, of ulrarka City, takes charge of the revuiviiie Huue in a few days. He is ;:jan of energy, and Las Lad experi u:e in the business.. Mrs. O. B. Ilev.ett has on hand a su triur nock of Milliner Goods. She reps C!iiy the latest and best styles, and :use de;nng to muve with the fashion jie world should patroutze her. Savannah Captured, With 813,000,000 vrth of Cation, and Hackney &: Co. . e jusi receivtd a choice lot of family ."jceries i, all kinds, which they will 14 i e y low for cash, call and at litrir Stock. D. li. Hewet will deliver a Lf-cture .pfore the "Brownviile, Lyceum, Libra ry and Literary Association" this even The Association is makiiig arrang--,enis to have regular Lectors everr Thursday evening. Hollidny G'oods in superabundance at Fh.llip Dustr's Variety Store on Main .-.reel. Phil has the Lest assortment of . . A . . r ire works, Toys, Candies, Tobacc and antral noiiuas eyer oiJcrtd in this mar- The Ma-iocic Fetival last Tuesday, was a rnoft pleasant alTair. Al hf'Uh udue but the 'elect' participated, d.eHalliiai crowded, aud the boards "eirly groantd beneath the choicest We will have to wsh Qir patrons a Ilart y Ntv Year, ia a quiet, old-fashioned, prosaic style- this year, as our Pontic is out of ordi-r, aud i;el-v-')n g. isinore profitable engaged ia the rbalard" luii,ess. Fred. Augusta's New Eating House is Wci.miug a place of great resort, for tcse u ihing tingle meals, got up iu ;od style. Drop ia when you are hun gry, aijd we cbo insure you a good meal, t"vaeu up iu style. The weaiher for the past week has bffcn unusually pleasant for December, - fa v,u-h davs as iabt Iilonday and Tueday wuld have made the crossim on the ire unsafe, but Wednesday was c-ld and clear, as is also to-day. A School Tsacber W isiiD. Mr. Henry Sieinmau requests us to say that good teacher caa fiad employment i.a nitdiately in Brntoa precinct in this county. Particulars as to salery, etc., fan be obtained of him at his residence on the Muddy in said precinct The rale cf Hotel Furniture, last Sat urday, drew as large a crowd as a circus. The Hotel is now idel ; but this cannot last long, as the demand for hotel accom modations is considerable, and it will be much more ia the Spriug. There is a fortune in it for 6ome one who has energy and capital. .F or Sale at Cost, at the Fionser Auc tion Rooms, 2 doors east of the Post Ofic'e, Brownviile, N. T., the entire Stock of Boots and Shoes lately owned l'Y Britemeyerk Robinson, will be closed out. at eastern cost, to make room for Call sqou if you v,ant bargains. Quite a serious, accident happened lo Dr. Crim, of ihis city, on lan Tuesday night. While crossing over to his residence, he fell from the bridge on second street a distance of about twenty feet, upon the rcucih, frozen ground. Mr. Duser who hud passed over a little ahead of him heard hira fall, and immediatel ly procured assistance and had htm con veyed home. His injuries are serere, but he was doinz well at last accounts. A serious, and, perhaps, fatal accident happened on the Itsland above this city, yesterday. Jack Sedoras and John Zook live upon the island ia the same house, near which Btoed a large tree, leaning considerably toward the house. Sedoras concluded ytsterday to cut the tree down, cutting it to as to hare it fall from the house ; but instead it fell upen it, mashing in the roof, and seriously injur ing Mr. Zook and Mrs. Sedoras, the lat ter it is feared wiil not reco?er. We learn that a band of horse-thieTes have been ferreted out, and some cf its leaders hung, ia Pawnee county. Ons of their number, I y the came of Shuey, tumed slates evidence. The evidence is said to be to the effect that this gang has committed highway r&bleries and even murders. It is about time these 4,lsght fingered" gentry werejearning that the climate of Nebraska is cot healthy- for them. Farmers have had enough of the 'Military Commission" business, and wiil protect themselves. W M. C. Perkins is still taking those tplendid pictures. His Gallery is crowd ed every -fine day, and his work gives general satisfaction. We have heard but one man grumble, and he was so ugly that the operation came near break ing the camera, and then the picture was so natural that it frightened the original, who would not take it home, for fear it might cause a ''Incus natura." his "bet ter hair5' being ia delicate health at the time. Call at the Gallery and have your picture 'tuk.' Messrs. Lett k M'Pherscn will open up their New Auction Store, in the old Land Office Build'cg, on Main street, next Saturday at 12 o'clock. Their stock wiil consist of upwards of 84,000 worth of Variety Goods. Here will be a rare 4 chance to get bargains. They are de termined to keep their stock up, nd will be continually receiving new goods 4 Thy being authorized Auctioneers, all those who have anything to dispose cf at auction will dq well to get them to sell for them, as there is a heavy penalty egainst auctioneering without license. Great Sale of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, nn-i Household Furniture consist ing of Bedsteads, Feather beds, Mat trasses, Ihilows, Btd spreads, Sheets, Stoves, Tin, Crockery, Glass, Stone and Queensware, Table cloths, Towels, Blankets, Bjeketts, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &.c, &.c. ; Also, a lot of New , 1 urday, Dec. 31st, 10 oVlock, A. M , at , J ri , . , J. W. BLISS, Auctioneer. Theo. Hill has put the pork pack ing business through this season, and his pork house, on the levee, has been, and is still, daily th-onged with fresh arrivals of hojjs from the country. He has already packet upwards cf o.OOO hogs this season; and has 1,000 engaged t-till to come. Messrs. Morrison Si Keiswalter have slaughtered about 1,000 hogs at their house this season. Altogether the pork packed iu Brownviile this season will be a fair increase on former seasons. BACK TO THE OLD STAND! CLS3EES. WATCHES. 5" jH 7S7" 313 iFL 2 2 JOSEPH SIIUTZ WonM rest ectfull inf-rm his old cnsiomirrs that he li-f Benin pjieneJ Lis Jewelrj Sii-p in his oid sta'il ou Kin i.fret mnih side, two lor eut of tt.e yille no'Ke. He keep. o baml s;if!i'lii arburtmeut of in bin line ! wujsb, wliicli be will sell on Uie iowest term1 fcr Cab Of Cl.yts; 'H itches ana imr on the short eta Notice. WORK WARRANTED. BroTnviUe, Keb.. My I9:h, 1S61. n3T-v8-Ir Fulled urates Internal Keveaae. Notice Xntice U herphy riven to irr,eror;r correrre'1. tha the Si eaai Ii;rt.r:e list, made ai'd tat;en ntirier tlie Ki ce If ti tVr VvJ'rd Sta:e. v irl in tie Cor.r.'ios o B card-i-n. Nc r..lia and Pa nee, and Terri'ory f Ne- lrVa Hen remrreit to ijje. nd :!1 le open f.r exuuiiia'i -n in rry ofl-ce in tlie To n of Fll City kn C :'.tT nf Rirhar1sur. fcr the space ol ten dy Ir,ui and after the date of tbis ice. And that ap peals re'.ihve to auy erronestis or excessive valuation, i'l be rereived hy me, oh the 19;h day of November, 411 appeal to the Asse-or must he made in writ inc. jsitfLe;, jnsKpn tt. BrrtB WK;. Assessor Xebrasfea Te-ritory Dated this 17th dar cf Kov. 1SC1 v 9 no-9-2w C".. TTVATl).S, Srytnes. Crad es. r.ate-. Hue, c . . c-. ...I. j ' auco, yuuicin, rit. B.C., At Mclaughlin & Swan'a. BERKLEY & NEELY7 Was; on Uakexs. nAVIXQ KFXE.NTLY FITTED P? rkv phopwith new taachiuery sn!h as a torning-Uth circlo-snw, etc.. are prr(i to two out a No.l article of Wagon's, Wiw IIrrs. Wahox ttowa w and Improved' Ci LTiTATm, and everjthinf in their line that may he called far from a eotuileU wagon down to tbe sraciSest repair nocded at owe: rate tha tbej can b Lad fclaoTpwiat Mt o West of this place. lirownville, April 21t, 4. 33-8-ly A Splendid assortment of Confectionary i&ciudmg urt aiW fancy candie Xt itcLfaucblin & 8 wart 'a. AR LIT AGUE DROPS. THE SOrEUEIGX RUilEDT FOa THE CL'IiE OF Povcr anci ui.srtxo AND ALL - BILIOUS DISEASES, . A'lTENTION!! 5UrrESEES THOU FEVER AND AGUE, cte. This mo wonderful reincdj for the permanent cure of Fever and Ague, etc., wad discovered Bum jean ago bj one of tbe Jhst Scientific and Successful Cli emlsts of America, Ont of thousands of cases it has sever (ten known to fail in effecting a radical cure. A single bottle cf tlicso Drops Las cured diseases whiob Lave STUDtOr.NTiY RESISTED THE SI03T SKILL FUL ilEDICAL TALEXT- It contains nothing that will injure tne Constitution ! It Purifies the Blood ! ! It removes obstructions from the LiVer! !! It promotes the discharge of Jh'le !!!! It effects a radical and permanent Cure I v removing the cause uron which the Ague depends !!!!!! THE ARMY AGUE DItOPS As itg name irnr0Tt., has been and is tn pren? Spe cific for all Biliuu Diseases in the Artnj. it has n'i equal. Irs popularity in onr nob!-.- Army aud elsewhere is as universal as its euros have been quick and wonder ful. As a It h?.s proved a jreat blessing and ?Rvrd many a valnshle life in those miasmatic localities where they would have fallen victiois to Bilious Discuses. The Chills will not return if these Drops are taken! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS Q UICKL r DRIVES A WA Y Tjansotir W ocvIilxxcszs! AND RESTORES THE SYSTEM To its natural BUOYANCY and ANIMATION' ; IN VIGORATING the body and clearing .ut EVERY VEST IGF OF DISEASE produced by loathsome miasm. Ee Wise in Time ! ! f2r"No person residing in a Ft ver and Ague District should be wiihout a Bot tle of ARMY AGUE DROPS, rid it it strongly recommended to person travel ing through places charged with miasm. Wc respectfully call attention to our Testimoni als. Many of our letters attest tbat h undtcds e! lives have been saved in the Army by its use. In deed, so well are its curative qualities 8tprt'citit-(i in the Army, that tbe most successful Sur;rv:ris in the Field and Hospital use it aim iat exclusively in the diseases for which we claim its infallibility. The bust physicians alwavs seize the best menus to efitt a cure, hence the universality of the ARMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS ! ! ! We are happy te refer to His Excellency Abraham Lincoln. General Geo.K. M.Clellan. General Fremont. General Rurnside. General II:incock. General Kilpatrick. (Jpnernl Kioe. Cob.nel Fve, 95th N. Y. Colonel Qui k, 17ih N. Y. C. . Colouel rowlcr, 14th N. Y. S II. Major Doreajus, A. 1. C. M:ijor R-if:iTn(ler, 35th Pa. Major Wiiicox, A. D. C. M ijnr Ramsey, "j Miijor Still well, ! Sanreons, M jor liab-.'ock. , U. S. S. Lient. Whelnn. J Rt. Rfv. Hishop Fottor, N. Y. Rev. Dr. Tyng, do U-v. Dr.Tavior, do Rev. II. W. Heecber, B "klyn, Rev. K. H. Cbapin, do Rev. Mr. Cheever, N. Y. Rev. Mr. F.imjrs. do His Honor Mayor Wooi,R'kIyn. Hon. M. Kalbflisch, do Hon. M. F. O lell. d Hon. Mayor Gunther, N. Y. Hon. Horace Greeley, d- And hundreds of other equslly well-known gen tlemen, iur which eo circulur PRICE GN'H DOLLAR FEB COTTLE Wilcox &. Oo. Principal Office. 1S1 Water Street. K". Y. V. B. JCone Genuine unless bearing our signature on ihe wrapper. Don't Jet roar Druggist pat yr-u t.ff with ary other remedv. If he doos not have it for sale, en close us $1 25 per mail, and we will sud you I bottle of the Army Ague Crops per miil post pa WILCOX 4 CO 181 Water St, New York. MM ia mi i ni THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. The Cheapest Paper In The World. The extensive and coinvrchewive facilities in its iKsrt-ion enable tbe.i'KofBJETOK of the Week- LT HeraLO to guarantee the latest and ncft rs liabie information ps?b!y to be obtaintd, rot oiiiy from all parts of the Uuitod JSu.tes, but from al! . part of the world. I ti nome cosrespoiiaeais, k umtj com. and "Tonnu'-ted wub each new oaal aud military exptdakinof the government, prove that ii is de termined to leave no spot uncovered by its opera tions and no event can occur that tb&ll not End im mediato rejirt in its columns. It costs the propri etor over ne hun'tred thousand per year to maintain its corps o! correp'tjdects in tae field. In its collation of Foreign cws the HekaI.D ha fjr yt-Trs held a high position, and it will eddtavor in the future to maintain tbe stand it Lu assumrd. Jt has special correspondents tUtiontd in all the principal cities of the wotld. ItitclegrapLicamcemeuts extenl to wherever tbe clectr c wires arestretcbeJ. When the Atlan tis cable is laid, which fstt will soon be accomplish ed, telegrams will be received from Luroj,e and Asia, as well as from tie United Siates. Then our readers will have the events of the week in e!1 parts of the civilised world regularly and clearly laid befo-e them. The proprietor devotes a pirtion of the paper to LittTaturc. Fiiion. Agriculture, the Mechanic Vrts, Sportinc Matters. iuiness, Theatrical and Fiusucial Knr!, Cattle Aiarkets, General News, acd reports of all eveots calculated to firm an ex cellent metropolitan newspaper- a weekly photo grapbie view'of the eveiiU ot the wori?. and ait at a very 5 w prine. The Weekly IIebald is issued every .Sa'urday morning, and furnished at the following rates : One copy - - r - - .$2 Five copies - - - - . - - 5 Ten copies. - - - - e 5 15 Any larger number, addressed to names of sub scri bars, $1.50 each. 'TT.Z An extra ct py will be gent to every club of ten. Twenty copies, to oo wklress, one year, ili, and any larger number at earns prise. An extra eppy will be sert toeinbs of twenty. Advertisemsuts ta a limited number will ba in serted in tbe Wkeklt LlLHiLD. Ihe Weeklt 1'ekalo, fji-ee rests per copy. Ten dollars per year for tirH- hundred and tit'y tbree ;ues. Five dollars fur tix month;. Two dolliiia and Uftv cents Tor tbretsto'.ntb. JAJlEb GORDON RL'NNF.TT, Editor and Proprietor Northwest corner of Fullou and Nassau streets. JNew York city, N. Y. There are no travelling agents for the Hebald. Fisirs UMP HEATING APPARATUS, BO I LINO rUTIKC STEWING STEEPING WITH THE FLAME THAT LIGHTS THE BOOM. Pj the flame of a common lamt). at tbecoet of acent'e worth ot oil, a very comfort Mbie breakfast can be cooked -V. Y. Trib. UUP.. Simple in construction, caily kpt in order ready for use in a moment venieut to have ou baud Jjrxyjist'ii Cir- cular. fi?Vrt Laap is one of the rat pop ular novelties of the day. . the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heat ing and cooking fuiull articles, aud can be made to c ok ni-als for a great niRny persons, which is actu ally done on the ambulance cars which carry the sicl; soldiers. cl'-ntlfu; Am rienn. j"or family use, hospital, tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing nursery, or sick room, it is an article of comfort b-yond all proportion to jtscost. Hand' Journvl uf Health. I have tried the apparatus, and my wife and I proLim tbesama a iu .st rrluable and iodispensiole artu'le, and we now wonder how vrc ccnld have so long d ne wiihout it. EJ. O ml Oil C.relir. An ceo unreal contrivance fcr get ting up beat at "short notice for nursery and general household purposes, one important point is tho saving in co.-t over coal firei. X. Y. Evening Post. PRICES FROIU TU'O TO SIX DOL LARSCAPACITY FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKED AT ONE TIKE IVITH O'E BURNER. Yrrangcd for Kerosene or Coal Oil or Grs V Descriptive Pamphlet of 30 pages furnished gratis ALSO THS UNION ATTACHMENT. Price 50 Cfcnts, To be attaobed, tc a Co mm n Ker-S'-nc L irnp or Gas Huruer. by which Wattcr m.y be Roued aud Food c.i krtt : also arrau-:ed to suppTt a rhnde. EVERY F A M I Y XEES ON E. VM. T). KL'SSELL, Agent.. No. 2i!'5 Pearl t. Now York. Agents Wvnteh; v-I.x-3-Rw. NEIIHACKNEY c: CO., npvejust reocivrd,a splendid stock of etjolp and ZP 4 TTLich they will sell VERT LOW FOR CASH!!'. Cnmprinjr nil the Latest Novelties in P-iessGooda nnd Hrtss Triumingsof all kinds and varitlies Fluilcd Ribbons, Braids Buttons, &c &c. Latest Style of Ladies' Winter Hals. Veils, Collars, Ivory Setts, Fancy Hack anil Side Combs Head Dresses, and Nets, etc, etc., etc. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Slagnificent assort fnent of Superb Stock of all kinds cf I300TS & SHOES WW Domestic Goods "of all Kinds FLJIAWELS IX ALL COLORS, Linseys, Ticks, Stripes, Bleach & Brown Sheetings. And all other articles usually kept in a Dry Goods ritore. Scj mher iPth, 11. ix -vip EATING IIUE! BY FRED. AUGUST, llAIUf BUT. FIKST AND SECOND STS. snow yv j fiXjxa re. t. Oyster?, Cakus, Pies, Cjokies. Ginper Bread, etc. tc. rt U descripti-ins constantly on had. GOOD JtSALii served iu the best ttjle ant onshort uotite. i-4-ly T.rcbArGHLiK' k. SWAff are conftantly rerevvin? aiiiiUi-jDs to their !ck of Groceries apd Eard yer9. 'Thrtr Goods aud Prices wiil scit eyarybody '-o St y oter D;n." CtTKOX. mce, srice, pcer, thiper nutmeg, Cin Bnion, etc.. etc. or l't Quality At LIcIjKUgruin & Swan'a. TiA i Ca-ds. ileal majls, i'ir e :ur,aJ. iuiid itubut-r Broom iwrne, to he had JPLAT'GIILIN SWAN'S CaArKKRSof all kinds. S.-la.Ea ter. B .n!0n, Sugar, wTiand Pick-iVic trarier, Areata Btcnit aad 6mpo, TO UEfiCUANTSaJlBJIE "AXD BLACKS lIEOnj IE01J!! p. qqnstaele, OAS OS ITANP ANT TOT. SALE A LAli'JP AND V.'iiU, Si.LECTDSTUCK: IRON, STEEL. AND IBAYT -lAMWftlB! C0SIPr.I5ING: ttorst; nail5?, natl tuds. IlOFoE AND ilULE SliOKS, ANVllA., SPUING, D5LLOWS. AXELS. VICES. THIMBLE SKEINS CHAIN WAiLN l.viXLS. SCitLYv PLATES KoLSTKU PLATED. FILES, HASPS, WKENCCES, SI.FDGi: HAMMERS, HAND RAM METIS, tdlOEING HAMMERS. PINCIIEK, NUTS. HAUKOW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC..4C, AC, ALSO WOODWORKS! coapKisisfl HCT.S, SPOKES. FELLOWS. WAGON L'O'VS, SHAFTS, POLES, AXJ. S I10LNDS, AJE HANDLE JtOJkI HANDLE:?, PLOW 1 NDLES. Ac. ALSO AGENT F THE SALE OF F ZTLB&SJZS C LE S 47 HAYING LAID IN A LARGE STOCS OF THE A HOVE' GOO US, h I li E (? T F K O M THE FACTORIES, crrqxiE the kise, I AM ENABLED TO SELL T Q THE TRADE AT PRICES TH DEFY COMPETITION. EtST'Scnd in Your Scrap Iron.mJg HIGHEST TRICE PATD FOR WROUCF SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL TCAREIIGTSF Foll4-ii32-Cm ST. JOSEPH, MO FAMILY GEO CEFJES M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN, won.D EESPECTrn.LT Axxorscs to thei friends sr.d the public generally, that they have je received a screrior lot of Family Groceries, and invl the attention of purchasers to their :ock iucludUi XEWOHT.FlXS SUGAR, Pr.IUK RIO COFFKH, CLAUlKILi) do IMl'KItlAl. TfclA. CKI'-I1KU do YOl .NG UXVS ISA, OVDi.E,ED do BLaCH ItA. 1UCF-, SaGO, SFTv'E PEPPF.R CL0TE5, CIXNTAwO COVE OYSTERS, -JLAISISS, CURRANTS, STARCB SOAP, rrjRB SOUA , DK- LAXDS' saleratcs, a- PISH COD FI5II MACEERAL. TTHlXE! LAZE TEOUT, HiRIlTC, bHAl GREEN -ArrLES, CRANBERRIES, I' A RED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES. DRIED PEACH1 Molasses, Ccal Oil, Cider Vine g a; XATCRaL LKAP CHEXING TOnACCO. G.-J.PiV IKAF ANnOTHKR tMIOICB HR NI) 'T FINaCUTCaVENDISH. tlLLlt. XlCt SMOKING. COil XOS DO. Cigars of (is Rest Brands la tni JIarkct CUESTXL'TS, ALMOXD3. PFXaXS, FILR2STS, FZ& NUTS, &.C., iwc, vc., A Splendid Assortment of Stick ttr.i Fancy Candy from ihe Best Maaufso turies in the East. Flour, Eaccn, Butter, Eggs &u The Highest Market Prices Paiu ti Country Produce. MeLAUGIILIX & SWAN, Nemaha Vallev Bank Builiiso KkOWNTiLLE, Jan. 14, 1864. ti20vS-J2O-ylj JACOB MAKOIIX, MERCHANT TAILOK, BRO WN VILLI ...... NLiJRASR A Calls the attention of CrcnUeisen desirinjuew, nei ervicuhle and r'a-hion-ihie Wearing Apparel, NEW STOCK GF G00D3. JUST RECEIVED, EROATI CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, TESTINGS. Ac.fc. r THE VERY L4TEST STYLES, Which he will sell or make n:. to o-der, at unprece dented "iow prices. Having cn Land one of SINGER'S SEWIXG MACHINES, he is abia to do Custom wurk at ries defy couipe tiiiun. I warrant my work. Hand as well as Jacliine Work. Th jse wi.-hins any thirds iq his line will do well to call and examine hi stock before investing, aa he p'&lges hiaeit to hold vut peculiarly favurible n ducement An-"Ft.18. 1S4 ly. "TVJ E W Oriesns, Clarified, Cmshni and Powdered Xt cars, Goideu fcyrup ugjr iiuute ami Surguau Kolasbes ' ' . At Mclifltt ch lin & STC-aii'w. PROBATE NOTICE. To all vh&m it may cont em : Notice is hereby giken that Heary liunozelier his raxde appliciition to the Probate Court iu and for Pawnee couriy, Nebraska Territory, for letter rf AImirJ.i;tjatiua on the E.-Ute rf Eliinbeth L'rech. lata of tbecocn ty ai'uresaia, deceased, and that Saturday the Ii.-t day of IWeirhr.a. d. 18S4, igtHe tiwe fcr heirin,; jBiid nnjdira'inn. 11. G. LORE, PwW City, Not. ;?:b,lS5. ' rro.JuJg?. ix IJ-iw-j-'d er I i l A jIOXTHLY jjagazixe v.? LITERATURE AND FASHION. Th January nn tuner of our New )!ax!ne ha met with a very Citttrinreception fn.m the jura ai of the cuusiry. Leal toe fuilowiu-; aiuL( luaar. NOTICES OF 1UZ VZ S.?. The Lady's Psirxo. This i? the title cf a ucw mAgmino pr.l.liFhcd in cur eity by DeaeouA Peter son, Zn. 313 TTalnot Street. Ai it title indicatn is is csj hutLally the ) idy's fri -ni, acd is rrplete with everything CAlculated to jW.-e aL.l iotroct Tbe crr of contributors t-. it. e'uius embrace eon? if the bet literary talect ia tbis covntry and. in LrsULd. The plli in this number, January, are sunerb aad of the latest style, while there ii an abundance of patterns of all clasps and Jewripti-jDji. Gabriel V'ilkie's 'Return fruia the War" is a pj.'cpded f ieel engraving, from a deijjn prepajed. exjTef sly for the AJagaxine. This new er.ter; rise is eminently deerTir.a the patronige a( our l.i."? y frier l'hiliie'iihia lnnuirtr. iiw LaiiF.s' ilAGAZiNS. Metr. Deacon A Peterson have il;ied b f .rc tbo public the Crrt Damper cf a new u't'r, enlled The Lady's Friend. It i rvidtntiy Tery well tdited. hy Jirs. Henry IVtKir .D ; ia well pneted and handsotneiy liu.-traud, ar.f! Is ful! uf eiecllcrt nri-nal reading Amor it.- eo)trihutors are Elcaruor C. iKm neliv, whose eiL-ci.uut liula sfcettb called, '-Gal ri'd Wilkie? Rcturr," with it steel enravi?. in this nnaibfr : Mi. Kujenia Mott, Sir. Peterin, Mis Virginia Townnd, .M.n Hurland, aud iiny other?. 'a Mediaeval U ' 4f ly Mrs. R-n-i h, Tonally eouUio tbe fv. thoughts of the nuuiii-r. Furuer's Press' PuiUdelphia. TERM: CASH IN ADVANCE. 1 jpy, one year, - - 2 copies, cne year, -4 conies, one year, 8 copies, aid one to ret ter ap of club, 20 ecpie. fund one to setter np of club,! i2.00 3 t'- i 6.00 12 (10 One cupy of the ist and one of the Lrdy i FrieaJ, - - - - 3.oa j?uhscr"Ler inriti,h North America mtt remit twtuty cent 3 in addition to th6 anntal subscription, a we Lavs tj prcpy tie U. S. posje ts their p;i;)f-r. ts tbe prve r.f Tbe Tart is ihe same as tLat of of The Lady's Friend, tbe Cluts may b coujnoed exolusirt-y of the pper, or r;ly of the paper and partly of the Jlug.iiin. Of eouie, the preicium tuny be cither one or the other, as desired. The in.ittorin tbo pn per will aways be discreet fr.ra that iri the rungnzins. peciaica Euailers o! th; Post :ent gratis. AJ- m CON 4 PETERSON, No. 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia. AT "WHOLESALE ONLY ! ffflg 11 JEWELRY Qf Every Description at ihe LOWE T PRICES FOR CASH ! ! ! Army am! Country Merchants, PenUrs, Tracers Sutler-, and iipne. al Ieaieisc.a wuie euuruiuus profits np'n a sniail investment t Jewelry of any Pattern or Qnalify and in any Quan tity made to onter. tr.j'Estiniate' for any r!a of work furtn-titMj. H3"irlicu,ar att at'0, 1,1 8UP" pi5 iiK Auctioneers Couutry Pedlarit, Iodin l'rader iiid Aruiv Dealers. Anystlauf G '1 Tnannfactnrd, such as Inven ;ioiis, etc , at bh-irt notice. j;.y"'.od Canvassing C;e-ksf with asm ill capnal caa find constant eai-pU-yuicui ! Illu.-ariited lists and lull particulars free I TEE PROFIT TO TFIE RETAILrit 13 VEST LAEGE. A Wholesale Supply can be carrlid in a knapsaei, hand vah-e, or ca- pi-t has. and will not he like uouks imiky or iiou euient to carry from place to plare. Renien.l-T anntlier thins ! This tlUiIles8 is btrictly honorable! .''iere is nu ned of misrepresentin? or ex utgeratiijj;. Oar (iLo!s thjw for lUemselves ! 1 It is a unttiiies in winch aa anij la and ttitiraciory equivalent, t;en for the ni;ney received and z,n en Sour.ipit.? profit ts pocketed at the sitti time. It is an ocenpatiou in winch no person need he afraid or as hatued to ca!iv?si the sa'ji field azain and aaiu, fjr whei e once our go-ids are introduced a peruiaueut and continuous demand is created. Tm Soldiers tu the Army, or those at home disahlei l:y the hard.-hips of war, to Clersrinen out of heaitn, Tcahsr, Postmasters, or any peron wax wishes eitner local or an active occupation, and oue that brines with it Great Pecuniary Inducements, this presents an op portunity seldom met wiia. Try it i Aud see .'or your selves!! "CAUEFCLLI SELECTED LOTS OP JEWELRV. com prising our newest styles and most saleable variety of Goods wiil be Si-nt anywhere in the Loyal Slates. We ars constantly fiiliuj; orders from persons leaving the chwe of G.iods wholly with us. To such we promise the best exercise of our taste and judgment and from ..ur experience can ensure satisfaction. We ask uo pay in puvance. state v-hat style and quality of Goods are wanted, aud we will send the same and col ect pay ty Express at the eud of the Route. GOL.D A3STI) SILVES WATCEE3 Good movements and manufactured in the best tnm ner, of pure material, alt warra: tet at pri es frolu 10 to 'J5o dollars each. Sctit anywuere pay coPtcted ty Kxpte-s. Sati-fsction guarauted ! All Watches at first prices they bs usc of our own importation. Cncuiare free by wit ! Send for tbeui ! T. &. H. GOI'GHAJT. XanufaCtnrers aud Importers 1x-7-2tS "16 B.-oadway, New Tork. EAGLE 1ST 13 W BREITMYER & ROBISON. "VTK call the attention of the I.aJ es and Gentleman of Jiiuwiiviile and vicinity to our new stock of Hools and .Shoes. Gaiters, Ral niprals, Iace Roots, l'olka feliocs aijd Jannj Hoys', 3Iiss Cbildren and Infants S3 O X3 O Jr,st Received, which we will sell as cheap for the a.-b as any house in the West. BOOTS AND SHOES jIADE TO OBDEH In ti-.e re-y latent styles. We wirra'it all onr work to :ve aiisractiuu, tui we euii ioy none hut tho best of -.vcrinaeu 0 LEATHER AMD SHOP FINDINGS For sale, and every th'ns bth'csing to the tragic. We re'r.rn oir thanks to the Er-'- for psst fav ,rs ind by strict at'.entinn to our business hgpe to merit that liberal pa'. n.uae besiowed iii-ti cs be-et'ifre. Bear in mind that onr motio is tteKIilBLKPEXXr." E3-COMK AND SKli US.-C2 X5.erivir-xLs of eiU. Hinds Done on short notice in a neat workman-like manner. tRSITMTER fc ROBIXSOX, brownyiiie, Xeoratka. April 2S ri34-v3-y!y oTii mm $4 X t .t. Ji Jjl OF NEW ANP WELL SELECTED Jut received at JOHN A. PONN'S C II EAT DST GOODS AND GUGCE&Y STOUE, MA IX STREET. The Latest Style of Ladies' - Fancy Dress Good?, Summer Shawta, Hats, etc., etc. Dry Goods, Groceries, Ha's, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Kails, Flour Bacon. Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc Which he will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! CV! and exnniiTie bis stock before purchasing else where. 1'rowtville, Jane 25:b, 'CI. n42-vS-y!j STORE, f j TMPORTAXT t. Sjioke s : Th bt assoTtraent of j - Smoking Tohcoo, Cars, l'ipcs, Siemps, tc. is iu j he found j At McLarcnus k Pwaxs. J TR1KD Apple. PriM Peaches, sao, Rice, starch, I 9op. Candles, etc , etc I a lie I icjjlia &i8ww'i. THE HORACE VATEIIS !I0D i full nior; tt.auh ?iAirc:i are built .X ll trest atvi BiX ;nruu:hl -d-1 sia lei ia', and ill stand aay t. T t..n t very de'p. rouud. full, wi rielior; xte toned ela?ic Kach Piaue warranii U-T n yvVv Prueaf.oui to $700. : TF.HTTMOVfaI.3. - 'TJ: n--n.- Wjie-s Piano are IoaaaoJet:f the very bent.' Epr-nar!,s'. W e cn j -rtk it: .! fr n personal kaowi edjl." CLtlif.Hi lit: f ,'iyt i.crt. Wa'e'i PiJU f ill-1 -.r )i'!r.;ecnmprl a wiib iteCiics- ma:, Utte Jwna. $C3.2iEv 7 0'S?.VO PIAJNOS.of d: Cer ent tu;kv4. j,..r $.tv: .. w:.h c-re-i 2VO0 and $i io. 'Sv.ri.t-L4'.!'l Lai.c a'vt Me:.-.,u at 8:5, $4J, W, iTi, ilL,, $1j0. au4 51 to. Tnued the Eqil TeTriruent wi:u the Patent Swell. Prices froi'tf j ?. A.xaiider Or gans from to fStf. t3A lihe.-al di-co' Tif Ta fT'eytii. O-urches. bath SchotiU, Lodres. f r.iiisnc-, a:-d v lie's. E JS ACS WATERS, AS t, 4 ay, N. T. '4n P00cop: Issred- A new Sinjr'ii B-.-vk f.rr Sc-hvl and S4n'itian. Ca.:ed ihe V-t Beil. is bow ready. It contain ,a it t""ui.dr?d choice m n. rovjtis. c.ltv;es. d'tels, l ri.-j. :r;ei!.. acd rboru4. mary of ttf-n wri' t rf cirm! :' ri:.. work, be'idea Zi vi.-et of. ti,e E.e'jie-is ui iu.'.' y-- re dsya..d pr.; t Anions t.,e laree nuuit-er of tec'.Vfo' p e"H may tt fouil, I t..i Sui- 4Ji V ' l a't you lsr tb cbiidien cnniiuu," "Alr;-;s iovfc .a tie suooy ! " ' Tbe liHI Us. fd "U-l,f l.vt." -oh. if 1 M a lime bird." "Jwrih.: beauty." -"'ei-y tsir lre,r "Auvil Cl:owus," -i!eel me b th runr.tai l-ro.-. itc. It is i. ujpilftl j Il.ti'at e Wii. iithir o S-b-lthS hod hn," s. 1 id Z. W ""h I jye bJ th enoi tnous n!eot 6i5 tx:d copies. Pi ;te r-v covers, 25 cents, iid per Hw; t- m.,1 30 c?n-. $-3 per loo; cloill bound, nnbo-ed fill, 40 tet:ls. $3? er UutMlred. 5 copies luriiislifcd ai the ou hulrU yrica. Jiil3 at the retail price. Suvta JSihoul. Veil, Jl-.- at t eonteins 14t psrc-i. and nearly t-v hrn-lreJ trr t hymsa, sod is tue uiost p. pu'ar S. 3 Bo k ever ik1 Aiuc:ig tbe n.ost r pa:r t.;e- ir-e, K.ud w'or !." Eden Alwe," ' Chnstisa lleov," - Hn uiiul Z.- n," "J ouirbt to love i M"tT." T,:e .muck toid me "," 'U ihe f&ht." ' -Rest for the Weary." Pri es pap'j-covers. 2" cts. e-'b. ".j pr fcet red; b. -nd, 2.' iv. each$'20 per h-n t' el, c.v'.u Pomu4 euiwl Kilt, cts., $JC per h'ta i-ei. Sillat S.Lo'jl Dill. i. . m Is ar e nlirj r.e-7 work of r.1 ftstte, aMrearTy T15 turiM and hyunts. a tbe mutc is a lit tie ere ditiicu.i it is Just the bro k to Tollow 1V.1 Xo I . Xr-r oneril ltouof thete Bells have br,eo issued anu ie d w nna iit? through this a-id oilier coii.-iinos. An -eg U many choice pieces niy I'f t tir.d, ba.l meet be yond the river Ther j i i lain iit ul w( rid. X' "ow shall coma agtin no more lh n't you h?r the A-ve!s coming? Thon, GikI. sefst, me. Sjbuath Bells etittn on, Ac. P. ices of Bell are tbe ai as Bel: X 1. Both numbers Ch te tui't ih (:i vi-lurri Price, b-juud copy, j ce-ils, $3j fr hundred; cloth bound, embosed silt, W r;i., ?5 pei Uui--e.!. 5 copie fiirnjbei al the one huau:4 pi ilai ed ak the retail prce. WaUn' Cvrul 11 trp. A new Sinrtay School Bok.ef 160 paes of bnlnl hymns and tntifs'. It contain many ge-n, ' Shall we kuow each other mere ; auder lr tie ihi:drea toconie onto ife ', Tbe bsitt:rul - ; oti. 'ti riori ou; Leave me with my mother ; H iei'te'li uie be-n.'e still wtr4i. fc.c. Price ja;-er covers. S'tcen'; !5 per hundred ; bonnd 3i ceut. $2j per bud-td,; ci .lu bound, emix used enit t IS teats, f.-fj per '.nn lrf-l Mailed at the retail price. ItWedifvt bvIW ve Wa ters, author of Stiuday Scbool Bells Xos I an i 2, hic1 have had tbe enormous iaie of over e:-' tuousant copies. Just puli-hedty IIJRACE W4TKltS,a. 31 Broadwa7, Xey l'urk. 4tT 210 r alrin',e Junj Loot, contains 96 paffs of sortg;, duers and cborue, both aa cred and att-ular, Jncluditu 14 pig?8 of prayers for n k and dying m idlers, atid Soldiers' Sriptnre ,Mnns! It is well suited fur social singing, as el! as SabiK.tu worship. Airocs the nauy tauiifvl piece mjy be found, Whs-re I. berty dwells is uiv couutry ; The Chris tian hero, Ttiree cheers f r our banner; l'i nie i'i: ti in of heayyn; ('.oluoibis. tiiw uotu of ocean ; F e--a.u's gatberii g; Columbia's .!: forever; JJ.irtMcix alone, Kc. Prices paper rover, 15 cei.ta, $1 jtt hun dred. Alii'.sl at ti:? retail price T.T,s 77-try vj frr:l'n, contains 32 paeesef sorus, due s aad cl.uae. tor Pee dtn. Anions the ch dee piece we w ud name. F.r freedom's morn () le; my people ?o; O.'fr the raor.ri tain ; They worked ti all the day, Ac. Price 6 e'K single, 60 ceats per dozeu, $3 per hundred ; posUags 1 cent each. Jiuth : A Sucrzd Cantata. contains 123 pace. Word. b- P.ev. Sidney Pyer. wule by Prof. Cull. This is an excellent book for conceits for tbsyooui?. Pri'-e paper covers, 20-ouls; fiij-er huudred ; Douiid 'lb cetU. -'o per huudrel. The revival Aluic Eooi contains 73 paeesjjf tunes and fcrcms. d?sirirl for re vival, prayer, and eui.lereu uii'tUus. . Price ia p.iier ' cavers, siiifcle D.pins, 10 cc'.sj tS per buudrti. Hailad at ihe retail 'prices. , Th Ailituciiin CuZmtt'i. contains between ronr and Ave bnndrsd pa xe of tunes and bvrrins. r.w and o'd. of the choicest kinds, f-.r church, S'tuday schocl, revival, missionary, ti ruprrai;. prayer and conference and r.ll hinds of sacred a-d so cial meetings. The runa;c iu this tok has life and n. imation in it, like, Shiuiuz Shore, Ket for tiie wuft, Shall we tu -w each otLer th're? Shall we meet beyit 'I the river ; There is a eeiutifcl world; Kind words Sweet hour of prayer ; Theie is a land of lovetSnSer little children to come unto nie ; G i save the Nitu n, &,C. s.mU ctpi6, hound 50 rents 15 per Hundred; cloth bound. emix si-eJ .U, S') cents: 55 ;er, hundred. ai!et at tbe retail price. il'.iiACS WA-. TERS, 481 Broadway, Xe lourk, Publisher cf th above Books. Toco 2Iuic, villi J tuao Aorvpaiumsi.t. A large a8snrtnert of new rd popn'ar songs, ballads duets, qu.;rtetts, and charrseo, i -.4.t daiiy. AtwH the most popular are. Shi'l we kno erh other there, Lowrey; Why have my loel ones 5"t" i 1 will bet- : tome; t)h, there's no such iil as nmie. by F..ster; ifotiier's love is true ; Seef bve, for?i nrenot.v. by Keiler, 2w teuts eacb ; I hear rweet votres singtar ; Hobie is houie; Forget If you cati. but fwrsive, If Thomas, 30 cents each. IustrnmeuUl Ai'isis for the Clam Forte We are corning Father Abra'ani, six hundred thotisauJ inorr Always look on tbe nirny siu ; 5h'' w know esco other there? Ac,, with LrilUaia va; 11 j s by Grobe, 60 cents each. Polkas, Waltzes Marches, Q :ic ' f ,i Q-mlrills, Ac. by popular authors. A' 1 k.ii'.s o. ...xi:ik and Tu- . t ruction t.ks. Cdtsit.oii" nurcdf rce to iLf ai- esa Mwn mailed at the abov; prices. Tt'afers CJ'K'p Haiti': jar lie J"J .'?. Arransted as soloes, duets, qv.xr'c! and clio.-iise. 1-9 ruueical societies, choirs, Sunday ;!; ) dt. pi.olic rL. " seminarie ?tc. Shall wekr-ow evu on- tbe-e V Don't yon hear the di;!r-is rniiiK? Sr-all weLieei... yood tbe river? He in ti ho; Tirre is a beauti.'til world; Whre libe-1 t.wells is mv corn" v ; r'Mirt. truth and rlht; We are romir.f Father Ahraam, sif hnudrad 'thousand more ; Tjere U a li'xi of loei S ." row ehall cme auain no more ; ITeivau y li.-me ; Cjiu Fin? to me of Heaven ; L.ind iu mini ; leo r Snnday Srhool ; O'jr God is ; oil ; a d at e 'ha Nation; WhiUier's so:ij;rtiie Piaaiati n .N? o; Kail" Freedom's II ra has dawned al ' ; Ovei tie Dta n tain; Overthe mour.iain ; Litt! El.a's n anei ; ' . lie'sjrone to Heaven ; tf'i.'.cs r?::e ehiidre i i c on unto me; Bnry ice in tf !ioft,ir, il..ii.,r; n.e t thy rest; Sweet hoar oVrayer, fcc. FrLe 3 twas. 9b cents per do., $2 per hundred ; po.tce I cert e r..-l Iu sheet form, wrth Piano acnoaipsmtnent, 25 c n a ' ' P'ohUsLed ty il'JKACK WATFliS, A-''t, io. iSI Uroadnay. X. . " 11. & H. T. Aii THO IIT CO., Manufacturers tf - Photographic Materials, Wholesale r Efti!, , - 501 BROADWAY, SEW YORK. In sedition to onr rosin b;: ire-t.,f PiKt ;rs ti'- Mw tenais, ws are Heajmrterif"i the K'it. y.z -. Stereoscope t Stereoscopic Views Ol these we have r, 1-nmere asrtntnt, tnclad.i f Wr Svni, Anierirsn and foreign Cities and . Land scapes, Gron?-., ytamry, &c, ti. Aii, R-vv, tterowi;es for p'ibi e or private exualujor . . Our-' Catalyse will be eii W a' y adiev .cci,t f stamp. Photographic Album We were tee Orit t. iiitf d'i- the- ;c.o tje V'ctteJ Sta'es, ai;d e insmiaPf'i-e iciT:iene cnt In areat variety, ran?iDi from 5 ) cen:s Ui each. Our. Alburns b.rve the rep'i;a;i"ii of bo u; sijeri ., 4q beaa ty aud durability to any others. Ti.e;-- WtM se st Lf icail, FREE, on receipt of price. tl-'.XZ ALBUM3 ii ADKTOOaOSa.. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. ' Onr Catilot-na ai em'rac- rer Five TjtisujI diffreni subjrcts (to wi.ich ad.'ition r ratiu'u J bring mad) f PjrtraiU uT Ejilna Ji A aerica.., Iw ' viz z about . - - . I'O Major-Gene-als, 20") Br.p idier ienera;s, 275 Colonels 100 Lieut Colonels 25i 0;her UMcers, " N'avy Dt;cs-rs, 5.V Sfi wisin, Mt Uivium, IZo AtiiLors, 4. Ar'ivi, Ii'i 5 .we. 6j p.uaiuiora Wjti too Pnririeiit Foreio P.!rtra.U. 3.000 Copies of Wo-ks of Art. IjCindi' K reproductions ol th? rn-t ce'rrti TSn jravnus, paiiiiins.'j. Ac. "t .il ;uc-s sec t o) iere:ptof slamo A:t ort'er t r tfnw P;.rtnre froui o'jr ' le wi'.l to a tbe rectipt at $1.80. and sen; bv mii I, Pr4 hoti prapiiers a?d ther orderis j .M C O. I wt', piea-e ieuat twenty-fiv percs-nt of ir.s. tni w.J their order. k. A. H. T. A.VTH T t'd.. Manufacturers of Hrot i,bn Manna's. CC12.iaAAY,MK Tvjr.S-. 277n priitt ottf naiiSM f our fcodt caaV U 7 ly