Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 29, 1864, Image 2

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    Nebraska SUiucritscu
Glorious News.
f Th tide of victory is setting in beauti
fully for the Union arms, aud, thank
heaven, we have Generals in the field
who L-now how to take advantage of it.
Heretofore the best and healthiest sea
son down South has been frittered away
by the Union troops, in cold, comfortless
winter quarters, while the rebels, during
their most pleasant season, were recupe
rating and gathering strength to begin
hostilities afresh in the spring. This
season the McClellan programme has
been set aside, and the 'fighting season'
' will continue until the rebels are whipt
into the Union. This, at the present rate,
will not be long. The following is from
Savannah, Dec. 21st. To His Excel
lency President Litccln: I beg to pre
eent to you as a Christmas Gift the Ciy
cf Savannah, with one hundred acd fifty
heavy guns, plenty of ammunition, and
about twpntv-fiva thousand bales of cot
ton. Signed,
A dispatch from Gen. Foster to Grant
on the 22d, says that on the evening pre
vious to the occupation of Savannah, Har
dee escaped with the main bod of his
infantry and light artillery, after blow
ing up the iron clads and navy-yard.
He enumerates as ba'mg captured, eight
hundred prisoners, one hundred and fifty
guns, thirteen locomotives in good order,
one hundred and ninety cars, a large lot
of ammunition and materials of war,
three steamers, and thirty-three thous
and bales of cotton.
The news trom rorter s expedition to
Wilmington is good. Some of the heavi-
est vessels in our navy are with him : the
Colorado, Powhattan, Wabash. Minneso
ta, Suequehannah and New Ironsides
each mounting 2 guns of heavy caiibre
and long range. Richmond papers con
tain the follawing in regard to'it :
Wilmington, Dec. 23rd. Twenty-six
vesiels of the Federal fleet re-appeared
this morning.
We look for glorious news from this
English neutrality has lately assumed
a new aspect, by raising 17,000 to be
expended for the benefit of rebel prison
ers in tLe North ; and, asked permission
to sent an agent to distribute it. This
has been justly refused by our Govern
ment. Mr. Seward, in reply, says :
. "The insurgents who have blindly rush
ed into that coalition, are suffering no
privation that appeal for relief to charity
I I J rr-. - "- L
B.i uorae or arjroau. me Amenuau puo
lie will be likely to reflect that the sum
tnus insidiously tendered in the name or
humanity, constitutes no large portion of
tht profits which its contributors may be
justly supposed to have derived from the
insurgents by exchanging with them arms
and munitions of war for the coveted
productions of immoral and enervating
fclava labor."
This is but another drop in the ocean
of insult received from that quarter.
Our country has proved itself cool and
patient under the most trying circum
stances, but the time must ctrae when
"patience will cease to be a virtue," and
England will have to learn over again
the lesion of 1776. . .
News from Dakota Territory to the
20th, says : The Legislature of that Ter
ritory is in session at Yankton ; W. W
Brookings, of Yankton, is Speaker of
the House, and Mr. Stultzmen is Presi
dent of the Council. The Indians to the
north and west of Ft. Rica are in a
starving cond:tion, Sullyhaving whipped
them and destroyed or carried off alj
their provision. They are reported ready
to treat fer peace and provinder.
The following we find in the report ef
the Department of the Interior to the
present Congress:
'It appears from a communication from
Gen. Dix, the President of the Union
..... w vuiuauy, Uiai 11. lias
since the adjournment of Congress, ex
pended more than half a million dollars
upon the main line of the road leading
westward from Omaha, of which one
hundred miles have been permanently
located, and forty miles are in process
of construction."
This must be gratifying news to all
who are not locally prejudiced. The
prosperity of the Pacific Railroad is the
prosperity of Nebraska. The threats of
Geo. F. Tram who has been switching
ff from the Union to the Sesesh track,
ad HlitumlQ 'bust" its charter, are
thus 'quashed," and "it still moves," lo
cal prejudice and local 'gass" to the con
trary, notwithstanding.
Col. Bennet Pike, of Rockport, Mo.,
has been appointed and confirmed United
States Attorney for the District of Wes
tern 'Missouri. This is a good appoint
ment, as the Colonel is a good lawyer
and stanch Unionist.
Both branches of the Illinois Legisla
ture have a Union majority of 20. The
Senate three, and th IIue 17.
We are pleaied to, see the St. Louis
Democrat the ablest loyal paper in Mis
souri take a position in opposition to
the question of Negro Suffrage. The
Republican papers of that State gen
erally are opposed to its. The Demo
crat of the ISth'says : ' x N
"So far as the Republican party the
party to which we belong is concerned,
it is lid now, nor is it likely to become
one of its measure. There is nothing
in the condition of Missouri, nor of Ui
negro in Missouri, demanding that the
issue should now be made. Missouri has
but few negroes left. They have not
asked die privilege of voting, and there
is no reason why she should trouble her
self about forcing that privilege upon
It will be a great pity to rob copper
head sheets of their "miceginatiou"
thunder, but it can't be helped.
Gold In Dakota.
The article on the prospects of the
Pacific Railroad which is attached to the
report on foreign and domestic com
merce, just issued by the Treasury De
partment, contains the following interest
ing statement:
It is now well ascertained that the
Black Hills of Dakota Territory, situat
ed on the 44ih parallel of longitude, and
between the 103 and 105th meridians of
longitude, are rich in gold and silver, 'as
well as coal, iron, copper and pine for
rests. With the pacification of the Sioux
nation and the establishment of emigrant
roads, Dakota will be the scene of great
mining excitement, as the gold field cf
the Black Hills is within two hundred
miles of the steamboat navigation of the
Missouri river, at the intersection of its
chmnel with the 45th parallel of lati
tude." ' Ft. Keabnsy, N. T.f )
Dec. 21st, '6i. J
Friend Colhapp: Permit me to con
gratulate you on your accession to the
Editorial Chair of the Advertiser.
Knowing your radical Union sentiments,
I feel certain, loyalty will never be at a
loss to know whether your paper is medi
tating treason, or "keeping t-tep to the
music of the Union." It will utter no
uncertain sound, and pander to no cor
rupt influences. In Journalism, as in re
ligion, "ye cannot serve God and mam
mon." With the financial improvement
and purified political sentiments of the
present day, you have unusual facilities
for success. And as the season of con
gratulations i3 approaching, and I may
not be allowed to share holiday festivities
with your patrons, will you permit me to
hail them, from a distance, in humble
verse :
Hail to Nebraska ! with garland an J crown,
And banner of "Red, Wliite and Blue,"
With incense to burn, as a Temple perfume,
She standi with the tried and the true.
TJail to Nebraska ! she follows the flag,
Which the fathers unfurl vi to the worM,
Keeps step to the rausio the Union has made,
While treason and traitors are hurled.
Hail to Nebraska ! she strikes for the right,
With bullet and ballot proclaims her renown;
And seals her devotion in blood of her son,
Three cheers for Nebraska, with garland ani
Eut what is Nebraska, the theme of my song?
Not mountain and prairie, and rirer and glen;
She exists not apart from the Soul of t Slate,
Her virtuoui women and chivalrous men.
Then here's to Nebraska ! explicit and clear
My neighbors, acqnaintances, countrymen all;
Uy heart is with -youre in your noble designs
Gods blessings upon yon unitedly fall.
BrowriTllle Ferrj.
I deem it but an act of justice to my
self and to the citizens af Brownville, to
lay before them a statement of the finan
cial conditiou of th Brownville Ferry
Co., as there is nothing so intimately
connected with the present arid future
prospects of Brownville, as the Ferry,
and the mauner in which it is conduc
ted. On the 1st. day of May 1663, it
was placed undtr the supervision of Theo.
Hill, Esq., where it remained untill the
10th day of June following, in all. 40
days. 1 then took charge of it and there
was paid to me by Theo. Hill, as the
surplus, after paying expenses, the sum
of $26,15.
Since that time there has been collec
ted up to the 5th of Dae, 1564, 4,091,
82. Expenses during the same time
83,649,82, leaving a net proffit of $442
to be divided among the proprietors.
The question is often asked are we
agoing to have a new boat this coming
spring. Let the facts answer.- Assum
ing that a new boat will cost $15,000
(for one suitable for this place will not
fall short of that,)the interest on thel sum
at ten per. cent, would be Sl,500.per an
num, assuming again that a boat" will
last 10 years if no accidents occur, such
as sinking, burning, or being carried
away with the ice, the ware and tare
will be $1,500 per annum, the expenses
the past season for running the present
boat was 82,368 ,62 grand total expense
of a new boat per annum S5.36S.62 de
ducting the amount collected the past sea
so S2.575.32. Leaves a defict to ih'e
owners of 82,793,40 psr annum. Rath
er a larger amount than some of the
Bro'wnville firms would likd to lose.
We admit that a new boat would brmg
much more travel, but would it bring suf
ficient to counterbalance the expendi
ture, and make a living profit for the
The present trouble .in Mo. always
have and will millitale agaiust us so
ling as tha country remain in the pres.
ent condition. I have three propositions
to make t the citizens of Brownville.
1st. I will put in my share of the boat
and priviledges into a Joint Stock Co.,
at a fair valuation, to be regulated as
such Companies usually are. .'
2d. Or I will get a new boat with the
assistance of the citizens of Brownville.
fomewhat after this manner, for in
stance, an individual subscribes 850, he
has iheuse ot the Ferry for one season,
if his' crossing does not overrun that
amount, if over that he pays, or if he.
subscribes 8100, 2 years ; $150 three
years, etc. But if he does not cross to
the amount cf 850 he looses that much
or let the Scrip be made transferable.
What I am at is to get a new boat.
3d. Mr. L. A. Barr paid Mr.
Hoblitzell for his fourth of the boat 81,
700, cash, I will sell my three fourths for
82,000 including the charter on the Mo.
side of the river, which Mr. Barr Las no
interest in.
Gentlemen it remains with you wheth
er we shall have a new boat or not, and
whether Brownville remains as she is, or
whether by the enterprise of her citi
zens, she shall arise, and take her place
among the cities of Nebraska,
lam gratified to state that there hns
been but one wilful and persistant vio
lation of our charter rights during my
supervision. '
I am open for any arrangements that
will be satisfactory to th? patrons of the
ferry and any degree of justice to my
self. R. V. MUIR
-Baa Bleed.
The Red Jacket Stomach Bitters
are the best blood purifier in existence.
They clense the stomach, produce appe
tite, and consequently remove dyspepsia,
menial depression, fevers, etc. etc.
they are for sale by all druggists and
general dealers. Beware ef counter
feits. See the Bennet Pieters & Co.'a
private government six cent stamp is
unbroken over each cork.
We learn from the Nebraska Register
that a man named Kelly, living at Salem,
Richardson county, was shot through the
body several time3 by a man named
Rogers. Mr. Kelly, we understand has
since died. .
A southern paper says "that Sherman's
march will lead him t the paradise of
fools." This a good joke on the Savan
nah rebels, whose city he has al
ready entered. Grant is "fighting it
out on the same line" for another 'para
dise' of the same kind.
The official vote of Missouri stands
Lincoln 53.53S, McClellan 27,782 ; Lin
coln's majority 30,784, The loyal Phoe
nix has here arisen resplendent, from
the ashes of treason and the shackels of
The Legislature of Arizona Territory
has passed an act giving a bounty of 8100
for every Apache scalp taken and deliv
ered to the authorities.
Since the Presidential election Gold
has advance from 240 to 400, or 840 for
one, in Richmond.
The Omaha Daily Republican, of the
26ih, says :
'We learn there was a terrific tornado
in Denver fclast night, unroofing many
buildings and doing much damage.".
Gen. Cheathem is reported to have
said that Hoed had orders to go to Nash
ville or to Hell. Our latest news indi
cate the progress he i3 making toward
the latter place.
An important decision has just been
raade by the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, to the effect that parties selling
Drake's Plantation Bitters and Hostet
ter's Bitters must take out a liquor deal
ers' license.
Kentucky has just sounded the prelude
to the death of slavery in that State.
The Union Executive Committee of that
State have just issuid a call for a State
Convention to meet at Frankfort on the
4th of January, next. Guerrillas, rebels
and their sympathisers are expressly ex
cluded. John W. Forney's chances for a posi.
tion in the Cabinet seem very good. We
believe he is "worthy and well qualified "
Nevada is all right for the Union. She
gave Lincoln and the Union ticket 3,000
majority. H. G. Biashdel was elected
Governor, and J. S. Crosman Lieut-Gov.
The change of Government from Terri
torial to State look place on the 1st of
this month.
The National Bankrupt Act passed
the House, on the 20th, by a major
ity of twenty. It has now only to 4go
through the Senate to become a law. If
it becomes a law it will take effect June
1st, 1665.
The bill providing for the rank of rear
admiral in the Navy, to correspond with
that' of lieutenant general in the army,
and at a salary of 87,000 a year, was
passed on the 20th.
The Covneation, elected on the 8th of
Nov., to amend the State Constitution of
Missouri, meets in the City of St. Louis,
on the 6th day of January, 1865.
Th garroters are again at work' in
New York city
The Fenian -Brotherhood are begin
ning to give serious trouble to the En
glish'authorities. So says the papers.
Connettcut enlisted nineteen, hundred
men last month. . , ,
The official figures give Gov.' Andrew
of Massachusetts, 7rj, 101 majority.
The funeralbf a son of the Mexican
President, Juarez, took place in New
York on Saturday.
It is estimated that 875,000.000 'her
rings are sold annually in the streets of
The latest Paris "Fashions" state
that bonnets are worn small, round at
cheeks, and have generally handkerchief
shaped crowns.
The London globe says Lord Lyons
has not resigned, but is about to return
home on six months leave of absence on
account of ill health.
About one thousand Southerners have
so for registered their names in New
Nfw fractional currency is redbacked,
with a metallic ring on the face, which is
printed in black. It is about twice as
Ions: as the old issue.
The 44th Indiana . regiment received
400 recruits in ten days.' Who says sol
diering is played out.
A report that the rebel congress has
voted to Jtff Davis his salary in gold is
reaffirmed. It was done in secret ses
sion, and. efforts made to conceal the fact,
lest it might disconcert the Southern
people. ;
The Wisconsin State Prison is vacant,
and the jailor, is away on a vacation.
A National Convention of the Fenian
Brotherhood wiil bd heled inXiccinnatti
on the 11th of Jan. next.
The Legislature of West Virginia
meets oa thd second Tuesday in Jan.,
1S65. ' '
The '-Union" is the title of a new pa
per started at St Joseph, 'Mo.
The PaladIp'ua Ledger, which has
been continued as a penny paper at an
expense during the list year of 8100,
000, has doubled its price
The Germans of New York talk of
building a splended new theatre.
The Next Legislature-
The following persons were elected to
the Legislature at the October election
from the Counties and Districts narrjed ;
'Dakota, tVc, Thomas L. Griffey.
Washington, Burl cV Cuming. E- A.
Douglas. John R. Porter, B. E. B.
Sarpy Dodge. Coringt,on Blanch
ard. Cass. J- W. Chapman.
Cass, Lancaster, e. J. G. Miller.
Olot. O. P. Mason, John B. Bennett.
A'emafia. A. S. Holladay.
Richardson. O. P. Bayne.
Pwnee. be J. N.McCasland.
Platte, 8'c. Full returns have not been
received from this district. Lander
Gerrard and Isaac Aibertson were the
opposing candidates.
Mr. Blaachard has the certificate of
election. t His seat is contested by Hen--T.
Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and VEau
Qui Court float. rNa than S. Porter.
Dakota. John Heffernen, Jr.
Dixon, Cedar and UEau Qui Court.
Geo. A. Hall.
Burt and Cumming. John D. Neel
eigh. Washington. H. H. Hitchcock, N.
Douglas ;Charles H. Brown Elias
L. Emery, James W. Pickard, A. J.
Critchfield, Charles M. Conover.
Sarpy. Amos Gattes, Martin Lang
don. '
Dodge. N. A. Ely.
Platte. Guy C. Barnum.
Platte, Hall, Merrick, Freder
ick Evans.
Kearney, be. A. C. Leighton.
Cass. J. T. Hoover, Samuel Max
well, S. M. Kirkpatrick.J.Mc. F. Hay
good. Lancaster. John Cadman.
Lancaster, Seward and Saunders.
William Imlay.
Otoe. Rochester Hedges,' John Buet
ter, Majon Crouch, Henry Seigel, Geo.
P. West.
JVemaha.--George Crow, Samuel Pet
tit, William Phillips, J. W.Taylor.
Richardson. F. A. Tisdel, Jr., C.
W. Dunning.
Pawnee. John Biggs.
Gage end Jones. H. M. Reynolds,
probably. (No return from Gage.)
Johnson- No return.
A Call by Uic President for 300,000
By the President cf the United States
a proclamation.
Washisgto.v, Dec. 20th, 1664.
Whereas by the act of July 4th, JSG4,
entitled an act further to regulate and
provide for enrolling and calling out the
National forcei, and for othsr purposes,
it is provided that the President of the
United States, may at his discretion, at
any time hereafter, call for any number
of men as volunteers for the respective
terms of one two or three year for mili
tary service in case th quota or any
part thereof of any town, township.ward
or city, precinct, or election district, or
of a county not so subdivided shall not
be filled within 50 days after surh call.
Then the President shall immendately
order a draft for one year ta fill such
quota or any part thereof, which may be
unfilled. And whereas, by the credits
allowed in accordance wl;h the act of i
Congress in the call far 500,003 men
made July 18ih, 1S61, the aumber of
men to be obtained under that call, was
reduced to 200.000. - -
W;hereas, the operations of the enemy
in certain States have rendered it im
practicable to procure from' them, their
full quotas of troops, under said call.
Wherea?, from the ftreg jing census,
but, 250,000 men have been put into the
army, navy and marine corps, under
said'call cf July 18th 1S64, leaving a
deficiency on that call of 260,000.
Now, therefore, I, Abarham Lincoln,
President of the United States of Amer
ica, in order to suply ihe aforesaid de
ficiency and provide for casualities, in
ihe military and naval service cf the U.
S. do issue this, my call for 300,000 vol
unteers to serve for one, two or three
The quotas of the States, districts and
sub districts under this call will be as
signed by the War Department through
the Bureau of the Provost Marshal Gen.
of the United States, and in cae the
quota of any part thereof of any town,
township, ward of a city or election dis
trict, or of a county not' so subdivided
shall not be filled before the loih day of
February, 1S65, then a draft shall be
made to fill such quota or any prt there
unto this call which may not be filled on
the siad loth day of February, 1865.
In testimony whereof I have hereun
to set my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington this
19th -day of December, in ihe year of
our Lord 1S61, and of the Independence
of the U, S, the89ib, '
By the President.
W. H- Seward.
Sec'y of State.
The Commercials Washington special
says: Fe.ssenden, Blair and Stanton are
mentioned as candidates for ihe vacancy
occasioned by the death of Mr. Dayton'.
The deficiency bill' appropriates S90.
000,000 for the Army, and 820,000,000
Gen. Dana has just issued an order
placing freedmen in his district upon the
Mississippi plantations of Jeff. Davis and
his brother Joe. and that of the heirs of
the laie Gen. Quitman. These estates
comprise about ten thousand acres of the
best cotton land.
.Died, on the evening of the 10th inst.
at his residence, six miles south west of
Brownville, Joel C. Mays, aged about
fifty, years.
Mr. Mats was a Kentuckian, but had
resided for a number of years in Jack
son Co. Mo., from which place' he mi
grated to this County, necr two years
since, leaving a comfortable home, and
most of his Stock and grain on his farm,
impelled by the ravages of the merciless
bushwhackers. He has left a wife and
a numerous family of children. Mr.
Ma ys seems to have been one of those
peculiar characters, who have as many
friends 83 acquaintances, and though his
renfjence among us has ben brief, he
has left many of his new acquaintances
who feel the keen pain of anguish in
their besoms, on learning the sad event,
and who deeply sympathise with the be
rieved and sorrow stricken family.
On the 19th inst., at his residence, one
mile west; of Peru, Nemaha county, of
Lung Fever, Jefferson L. Combs, aged
about 45 years.
Mr. Combs -was one of the oldest set
tlers of this county, and one of its best
citizens ; his death will be regretted by al!
who knew him. He leaves a wife and"
seven children.
Main Street. 2 doors East pf Post OfS.ce.
Will attend to the selling of lieai Estate and Per.
sonal Property, either at Auction of private sale.
Especial attention paid to the sale of all kinds of
Deo 29th6t. 9-I5-tf
Taken up by the subscriber, living near Frown
li in Xi m:iha conntv. Vcbraska. on tho2ith of
Dec, 18(31, oue red and wDite stear, tiu-n
out of the left ear.abaut tw or three years old.
Takon up by the underpinned, living six miles
west of Brownville. Dec. 14ib,onered and white
8ter,threa year old last spring.
15-3t h.W KENNEDY.
Taken up by tha undersigned, living tro miles
above Urownville, Ntmaba County, Nebraska, on
the I5r.h day of December, one black horse colt,
two a ear old, very poor when taken up, no marks
or brands. 15-3t IrfAAC JEI'FEKS.
Ilaving opened up perurinontly on
32tff.i3tx Strcot,
One door above tue L5iltim ru Clothing Store, ia
prepared to do all kinds of work in his line in tho
very best and tjle. Particular attention given to
Contracts. vS-nli Cm p'd
Taken up by the undersigned livicg five miles
West of brownville, one sorrel Colt, white Bleak in
forehead taken up on the 1st of December. Ii8 1,
H-2w-p'd. GEORGE EilPcOX
Taken up by the undersigned living 1 mile
South of brownville, Neuiaha countj, N. T. One
red line backed cow. Crippled in the Jeft hip
supposed to be six jeais old. Points of horns
sawed off. A13NEH WALTERS.
Nov. 1st 1864. 14-3w-pd
Takeaup by the subscriber living on ITonry creek
in jm..hi f!inint W-h on t'lil tt i:lT fit" lptpm.
j - J
ber 1864,one esteay mare pony and colt. The mare
is Day Dina ieei wnweup to pusior joint, star in
the forehead, whep taken had cn a bell. The colt
is sorrel, white hind feet with bald face.
Dec. 1 B. ow a.j liiciiarason.
Large assortment of Pocket knives. Butcher knivr
etc. etc., bo seen
Taken up on the I3ih of December '64
by the subscriber Imug three miles south
cf Brownville iNebraskii 1 red and white
spotted cow with cru-npK?d horns.
ix 13-3t , JMVID HAWS.
IMPERIAL." Gunpowder, Young Hyson aud Blci
lea of aperior quslity,
. At .McLaughlin & Swan's.
William Tt. Pcnick an 1 H. E. Turner, T. M. F.a
zrr, II. L. Williauw, partners as Tunr, Traztr anl
Company, will take cotico that I3enj;imin IbllacUy
and Je.?e HolU't have coinuueneeJ a suit m iho
District. Court of Ne;n iha County, Nebraska Ter
ritory, on the cliiincerj fide thereof, in which thry
together with Andrew S. ILdU-lay and Lucretin
tioltaJay, hU wife, t-ie citj of brownri!lj in N
roalia county, Nebraska Territory, an i Charles (i.
D irsey Niayo' of $aiicity, and iieath Nuckolls ard
Charlei R. Uorsey, Administrator of the Es'.ntw of
Jcph Dcrois. deceased, are rondo parties defen
dants. Th object of said suit is to foreclose a
ceriaia mortgage made by the said Andrew S. Htt
laday acd Lucretta U-AU-Uy hin wife, on the 2J;h
day of February, a. d. !Hf;. in fivorof said plaia
tiifs, on I ts number nin f i) ton (10) an'J eln
(1'i.inbfx'k number twenty-three, &nd the eat
half of lot number eleven (11), in blx-k number
nineteen (19;, all in the Cj'y of Urownville, in th9
said county of Nemaha. T': payer Qf 9xil peti
tion is that the'eaiJ lot r-Ii und -F a decree of
said Cv-.urt and th.t the proe edi bi app'iad in pay
ment of two promissory notes w?lo by thr? a:id
Andrew S- Holladay, ia favor of said pla'ntiiT,
aiLoucting to the uno of S2:5i5.10 with interest
fr .ni August 15th, ISjj, and that ea-.h acd all of
tho said defendants bo forever debarred and fore
closed of all title interes' 'or lien n or to the said
mortgaged p?emi?es, said defendants W. R. Penick,
and Turner Frazarand Company are required to n
wer wn or before the23r l day of January, a. d.
1835. . W. THOMAS,
ix-l2-'4t-$!8 Sol. for Cotnp.
And Den's Candidate is and ever willte
. TO, T. DEN,
lias now on hanl tte most c replete a tI general as
sortmeuc of MercliantliBe in lirwnville. My stuck
consists ot
Chicago Custom-Made
of Superior Quality. Also a full supply of
Dress-Trimming, Hoods and Neulias
Gloves and Gauntlets, Hosiery.
In variety ronRistins? o' Table an! Pmket Knive?,
Chisel. Brace ani Bi s. Files Mnfeey-vrer:tue-.
Bntts and Screws. Saws aii'J Hammers, Axea and
Sp.ides. A tuli assortment of
SS 1? O "7" S3
Cooking. Ileftin anl Parlor Stoves, Lire Kettles,
Stove Pipe, Sbeet jroa and Zinc.
vroopsN', villovtaxd hollow-ware.
A full assortment of
At Low Prices.
Blank Books, Pocket Books, and Memo
randum Buoksand Stationary of all kinds
kept constantly on hand.
. a complete of assortment of
on hand, B'irean, Bel- Stead. Loun?e. Tables. Wit
r5es. S-jdH, Clmrs, Wash siauiii, Cribs, R x.kiTj;
Chair. L"okintr Gl isse.
Also: Plough Corn Soellers. Iron. Vails fnd Steel.
Muh. Beaver and Oder Tray.
Remember that lieu pay the Uiibi m;irkt Price
f .r HIDES. Pelts and Fuvs, ani PRODUCE ot U
kind tli-it lie want.
Call and examine my stock before purchasing an l
save y."ir money, t t my nutto is to teep the bet of
Dry G0"d, the Cb;u-et Family Gr.jceries
Fruit and OyHe rs, and the bct ol Stoves to covk tneai
ou in the market. Try then.
1V3I. T. DEIS.
Have Jast received, ana are now penlcj, at
stand on .Main street, obe of tbe largest stocks of thai
ever offered In this, market. Remember the place,
J. BERRY & 00.5,
2iJo. llf ZaAlxa. estx-oot,
, 183. B47-U
s n a i ti.
I3"Be careful
HM-fcny Oft iy ih, -),
Great Gift Bistrifcut
Watches, t,i.ainf,5of!W
,. , Vori.iover
Ono Million 22cv!i '
Without regard to viiu? 1 j,t to u ' '
, ..uj!tno,r'rh'maratarsr?4i,,r:
Splendid of .Artiola3 mi
lor One Dollar -V3 bn
LcJ.e (;..; Eu!".twH
o'jm ueius' u anting case SiWsr
2'0 l):amoTi,j Kim,
2'X'O Go!U Vest and Neck CltIns
3tHX) " " '
3000 " Oval fcanJ Bracelet
5000 Chased Gold BmuIms '
2000 Cujte!aine and G:i.trl Clulaj
TWO Solitiure and Br.-ocl.ei
20OJ Lara and iir-nina Kr.M in.
' 1.
' s
' k.
fOOO Coral. Opal and Eruerai.) Brunch, i
5WJu Mosaic, Jet, Lava and FlfaUlit Drop
7500 Coral, Oyal aud Emeral Dr. i
4;0O California Diamond fcea.t p 'as'?
3(C0 (it-id F. b aud Wst WjuU Sij
4CCQ F b aud Ve-t Ribhun Sa.Ie. ,
auto Sets Solitaire aieev Bjtt.ji.a S'ud-i
40uO CrAtl Thnubies, Perils, itc '
irwift Vf .n it urn T .,rlra-- '
i-K) Miniature Licket M;U Sp,'j-. "
3'0U tljld To-tbyu k.', Crosses, &r
fOoO Plain Gold Rings " ? ''
6"0 Chased GjUI Rniija a
lixrj Stone Set ami Stimet Rir.ts i;.,'' 11 -I
mx CiiituiniA IW.j-i J 13
7,m e'i I.aU.c Jewelry Je; i q. j i " " ii
6.yo SeU " Jewelry Canie i Pe.-; i 1 4 w
louco O dd Pen, Miver EsieunuU a 4
1. li!.:r aud Peru is
loooo (I dd Petis and Guall! jaatJ
5oo G'jld pen an 1 G-j!1 exnioa
hi: idi'r
6.iOO Silver G blet and DriaUia Caji I .
3 oo Silver t'asiors, ' :j . j
2(jio Silver Fru.t ai d Caie Pi, M t ' Duzeu Siiver Tea S'j i.s -, , '
6x d j do Table spi.n r.rlci ji i T'
. In coiise.ien'-e of tta tret su.-.i.: .
the nannraftisrini districts t.f g- g-jj a,
war uaviuj; cut uf tl e su. t lv i f c tUa j' Ai '
ty of Valuabie Je-e.'ry. o ib'iiui T ia'.j .'r;
Eiig ;h in.irsei b ji tee;i seut .r .a i
try, and MCST BK bOI.U atiuy ..-..3 , ;
Under ihf-e circuui'-:a-Jce'., AMaXil i -acting
as Agents tor tue pr.iieipii Kar..-?,iri!
tare., have resolved un a (iRATls iriT j
bUi'iOS. tibjHt tu tbe i.jl.'.oeni r.ji', ,.-t. "
CKKTIFICAXKS. nannns ewhtx:',:',,,
are yiace: ia dt od B.ivet ;e. tud we
of tbee envelope :il be aeut by uiii, u4.,; t k
on receipt of -j ieu'3.
All Jlrlklts sold at Cat Tv'arc
without regard q xahtl
On receipt of the Crii1ate yii
are Koiii n uav, and iben h t si uu.:i
tbeOo.lar aiid take the article ..r d. r. p.
i;uy thus obtain a G i.i wa;c.i Lb rnio.ij R j t
SVt or Jewe.ry on i'!ir lit tT t)N3 DOLl'.iv"
C4;e car. tfcf jet ies th iq nr. Joiiir' w irtu. k .
are ne blanks. Tfce price Cert.a.-atesit ,
Or.etor - .. - K .-.
F e for - r $i
F.lcreu tor- - - 4
T.iiriy for i
S.x:y-flve rr - .10
()i:i ll.urirud f-jr 15
AGKMd will beall.-ved ter cen's on fret'
ate ordered by tbf-::i, t-rovidc 1 r
mounts to One Dollar. A'evs rilis i'r'S
tr every CertinYato. and Ij cetj w i.f
ix7.3ms 1C7 H im.Iw it i : ;
VhoIesalo and Eet
Evan Wortliin?
Ha Jnst P.ecclvel f:e !.ir.-f l bet r
Liquor- and CiS.'-T ever otltfliu n.jr .
will se l them a low a any Hxumt
Main Street, ErniiTD.
FjhJlyiy. -
Sliillli sMi'iik
Main Street Ldiveen Firdauij'
WE hare in stnre a lartre and well se'r'1-'1
r a
00 a;
Calicoes. Mu-lin,
French Tiwt,
Hats. Ca. .
leaihe;, c'--
Groceries of Every
Su?ar, . . .
Candles. Tcb
Matches. . S?.aT:i,
All cf which we offer at the 1"" '
oiiued not to Le uni" !.t rfnlTu"
- - - oiiAiNTS:
Brownville, Xeb.,
Maio Street bet. First auJ - "
c p
Erowxxvil o, ?
KvVn crntintlyon band the b,-M,'
CiIl!iWlMiAM'o5i0AlJ. '
s e a a k
Candies, Plain and Fancy,
widawak3 to tbe intuit of toF k -
tbe bst aj.rtment of . "oti ,
offered in this market, and is .
underolil for t Ami.
In the matter of the app-"" . .
of Samuel liell for a licence ti
is a
land. , . i V
On tbe 5h day of V - -r.
Opolt, Guardian of Samuel Hem , , r
pdtiti.m praying for a lK-en ' J
tbe real estate of lb. f
reDS therein sratea. - j "Ei
oMer that the nert of kin of 'jt- t
all reron in
sonally before the Fmbate .
ty, Nebraska Territory, on la'-
J inuary. a. d. P 5, then and t6 v ,
'hysaid lieeu.-e ahou.a w 'yji'i 1 ;
. P.O. p.i
U-t2 4s
.ill kinds of
Canned tr