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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1864)
n a w w- - v . w- .. w J . Oa jnr ft rg r;rs t,r te inr? : fc. A ill mi i, " i ,j ;J ivT'V.Q " l:a.:n crltSjC r.n or ! f r.4 r UnectiiiMi n!i rptr - - -. Vae hiU i nicn as jtsr ' - ; - , t i Vat eighth e lurnn rn year - One e luran ,x m n:bj Voe blf enla'OB P':X , lne fourth c.intni mr'w i One eighth coisiua ,x r .' i , One eoIamD three r r,:;. . One Iu(f e;la.&n u-.tu One fy'ijsii luaintb re ;r;.a; h Ooe eighth irce nior:b - i i) i ' 5-7. S3 f J -21 il C ) 39 a :i t I 3 33 C ) :i i n ) t j V ."1 ' f GEO. W. HILL & CO, advertiser Block, Kaln S't Between la t - 2d, i., IK Iff. X v -. , TERMS: 6 (H All trarknt 2v.rtii-eMi.ts tuusi fIJ in a ubeeription, inu't invariably, be pa'd in Advance jj- Bxk Work, nJ Plain and Fancy Job Work, neir. tbe tt and or; aart notice. LIJ3EUTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE, N Q W AND FO TIE V ER." Ailkioid oi J-.l, :i k a-il.3r I j'-T2i"5. d. r,e in VOL. IX. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 29, 1864. NO. J 5. riEBSASKA-ADVERTISER: """' i ! 6 fA a i I ! 1 I f 5 : 15 "Tfc 1 N Eb GAUDS. Jfiffinry & Dress-making NISS K. It KARRIS, Tiihto inform the ladiei of BrownTille nd rlrici'J that ne La jnt otctnenred a firt claw MILLINERY k DRESS MAKING TVbcr work be d..r.e with jreat fare nJ r,:nc..'-i'i a-"'" te 'r',-cst -ieni ttjles. Bleach irig. an 1 irairing in the rvrj bwt f:vi!ilon fb.tft notice, il. nse cl! at the reii-g.-Two f -rrncrlv t-ccui ;ci J. W. CoUomo. Llr'.r.v!le, My, i "STIT -H 15 THTZ SAVES EIKE'" ITILDTCR, In at bin j"nt y;t, rrnly to jxrforui li work,far taining tu Lrbuine?s. H-iuie and '.?n paiDting, glaring;, and faper h,rjj irr, etc-at nhort notice, and tbe moBt approved atrlc. Termseaph. Give Lim a call. Shop on Main Street, eai of Atkinson's Cloth inf; Store. Ur. irnvillo, April 7, ly. " B. G. HARE'S SKYLIGHT GALLERY I ihe v'm-e to se your Tictnes. He it irpjiarM to ke 'i k.nj of Picture lavse Fizeu pti.-t..graihs, ii'i.M'''y;ie. k.r. lie kerp-. n a Trcn-selccte1 stock of Albums ai1 Fi.'ii'.cn'i'ti pN. Ti e ne ti.-werr i n-?h aie of main Ctrert oppo f J'.f u A. P' iii ' S; e. Persons win do well te eai' mil, t-ctore pc'vnr work dne elsewhere. Pi icular pan s tVii witlj cliilJrun, also in copying till Pictures. U4rk-ret, 11 it, green, or piaiis are fiKji coiurt for ct,i' Ircu's dretse. J OS EI II L. ROT, BAB3ER AND II 11 II-DRESS OS. Vain St.,f'p)3itt P. 0. L'ailding bet. lt and 21. HrtiT tVtnk? to patron for former LIithI ftro age, and ig still on hnt;d rcaJj "lo thive, .Liin. ion ail d hiir in tLeb.'5t Ftjie. l;rii...c, April 21, "oJ. i:." -S-ly. CIIAS. g7dorsey. VTTOBXEY AT LAW CKOWXYILLE; NEBRASKA. April U h. IS64. nV2v8yly F. STEWART, LI. D., PHYSlClAiJ 3f.HD SUF.GEQI1. ,-:outh Eaft ronirr of Maio and First Street OrriCB IIoVRS 7 to a. li.aad 1 to 2 and C',' t 7i r. at . Brom-nrille, Kebraka. l!ay 5th, 1S'.4- Ko Jo, It. E. S. BUKXS, M. D., PHYSICIAN l SURGEON! Nemaha, City, TT .17- OFFICE AT U1S UEtjlUEXCE. Jn'r 2th,lS''l. . nl7-vS-pd1y V. M. C. PERKINS, Great Western Pnotograpli - First .i33r f v;t of DrDwrar'lle Hoiie, BKOWNVll.LK-N.T. 'r.'.(i re;je tfully ainiunf to the politic that he - B !-! u4. a S'v Lis-'ht ;:;e'F. and i ow prepared 'r every I.ii-I. .jk ixt lyif of pr'ture kimwn t i t. i t::o la'est aud i.t i'r ri-d ftyles. - i l.nrer prire.i ttmn anr other artit -est of S-. i- efti. Ttwse wi-hin-picture will tlnj it ureatly tc xci' lnt"-et n. ca!i auit riauune Lis iinieni and '.'-t before f' iut elsewhere. All LiaJs of Picturt-s copied into Photo- lT-7-Stn 3DVARD W. THOMAS, ATTORHEY AT LAW, AD SOLICITOR IN (JIIANCERY, :?. r.TtfT of Vain aui rirst Streets. RHUWNVILLE, NEI3RASKA. V7all Pzpir Ws.ll Fspcr ! ! CiiiUctiy on Land at lr.,ln' Tailor Shop, by LOUS WAvLaiTCi:, Piaer-hansirc d ne iu the niuat arrroved itr:. nd TowrT-ille. Kt-ti Jnr.e 3 IIljIjIlTEnT GOOTiS! 32 RS. MARY IICTTETT,. "Sa Aunotncea to tbe ladies of B'ownyi'.le and Ti--J cinity, that sbe ts: jrt received from itie -w East a magnificent lo.k ot ALL LZTD WUTTES HILLIXTLY GOODS, Consisting of "iies and Tiisses ronnts tnd Jlats, Eib bous, Flowers, &c. " which rte invite? the attention of the ladies, fee! -ured ttey canuot te better acited in style, qnai 'Tor price. RE A VIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS CITY, ETLBRAKKA. C?" Win pracuce in all the : ITew Remedies fci SPERMATORRHOEA HOWARD ASSOCIATION i r , . rnrLADELPniA. f"f Institution ttta.blv.hrd by tvtciel -Comment, for me Relief tk Sck and Distreued. J7Icf4 vuk Virulent an J Chrouic bueatet. ani erpecxal.n for the Cure of Dueatu of the Sexual Orpant. . HEDICAi JLDVTCE Jiren aTatia, by the Acting ireeon. Valuable Ke-sorta on Spermatorrhea, ard other dla K4of the bezaal Oreans, and on tbe NEW REVK iS employe! m tbe inipensary, aeut in sealed lettei 1 op'Ireof rgt. Twoor threeStamps accepu Wraa VI. . StILLTK HOrGIITOK. Iloward Aa ''atiun. K. t, RoatnKuith Street, Pti lade IpUia, Pa. niber ll, i36i. nU-y The Latest Popular Konscnsc. The following h'jl,ly elegant and inte'.lectnal pro duction it aaid to be tbe "very latest" in LcnJon. It it furg, whistled, danced, bummed and grunted by eTerybvdy old enon h to walk : THE 'DKRIBLE TALE. 0 ! it's Vrribie tale I'm going ?o tell. ' Of a sad mitfortune that befell A family that once resided' In the very selfsame street that I did. 0 ! it is ench a 'orrible tale, It's sure to make your checkf turn pale, Your eyes with tears will be over-run ; Wig-Wv, wfggiety, wigglety. um. They'neTer aaw dj ecmfAET Tho' a highly rcrpectable family, Till ach grew more sadder and eadder, And each wu affri'btcd at the tilher'a thauow. TLey pu"cd down the tlinda to kecp-out the light Till ere-y thing was dark as night; " And as they were determiried,on suieidine;, I'll tell yon the manner they respectively died in. One day as their father in tbe garden did walk, Ee cut his throat with a piece of chalk ; The mother an end to her life did put, By Lacirg heistif in tke watar butt; The youngest daughter on beaded knies, She poicor.ed her&tlf with totftUd iheesr The jounget, sou a determined fel' .w , Iiiew out his brains with an old umbrella The gard'eercame in and (aw the blood, lie run Liuxself through with a piece of rhubab : His wife saw the sight and it, turned her savage riLe burnt herseli with a red pickled cabbage. The old torn cat as be sat by tin fire, Hit a piece off the fender and then did expire; The flie of the ceiling, their cae was the, wors'n Fvr they blew themselves up witn spontane ous combustion. The eld cow in the ld cow hed, Took ud the pitchfork and knock'd off her head! The little donkey hearing the row, Knocked out hit brains with t bedhead of the cow. O ! it it inch a 'orrible tale, If 'a sure to make your cheeks tore pale, Your eyes with tears will be over-run; iggfJ. wigglety , wigglety, warn . kd Stag. IT Kcne sf my Essiness. BT 3iaC. HAXSIET B. STOWE. TL-13 was one of the golden sayings of Jedediah PettisoL One might think so at least, by the frequency and emphasis with which it fell from his lips. Jede diah was reckoned one of the richest men in the village of Keedwal. He lived in that great white house you see yonder, with the tufis of lilacs before each of tbe front windows, the great su gar maples in the grassy yard, the light, neat picket-fence ; the large tarn so per fectly built, so trimly kept, and surround ed by the well-tended acres of the richest farm of the neighborhood. Jedediah was reputed a snug, safe man an excel lent manager of money of which he had laid by an untold store, how much it was difficult to say, but there was a. "slow, dry smile" which curled his hard features when the inquiry was made, that stimulated the imagination of the questioner more than the mention of any definite sura. Jedediah was an excellent householder in all things that pertain to his own. His wife lacked for nothing rustled to church in the stiflVst of silks and the heariest of satans, woTe an In dia shawl and got her bonnets quarterly from New York, to the great edification of Miss Pewit, the country milliner, and of all her rural ncigbors. All Jedediah's sons and daughters walked in brightness and lived on the fat of the land ; they wpnt to the best schools, wore the best clothes, ate the best things, .nrla-ere re ported to do everything in the best way, He rubbed his hands as he looked around on his rising race. - He flattered himself there were no such children going. He took care of them ; they were his, and Jedediah always took care of his own things. Vhatsoever was his; though but the bread:h and thickness of a hair, was his. and was attended to with microscop ic nicety. But to all that was ncl Lis, to every body not his own. to everyone's cares, wants, oujside the circle of his own, Jed ediah had one short.' golden saying: "It's known of my business." Jedediah was a proper, church going man nay, a church member, and, being a church member, his townsmen thought the least they could do for a man of such ubstanc and admirable arrangement was to make him a deacon. They hoped thereby, in a measurt, to bring the affairs of the church into the charmed circle whict he called his own. They were much mistaken. He was too shrewd for them. If they think they're going to get their burdens off onto my shoulders tb?y are mistaken. I pay my subscription punctually ; that's all I agreed to do ; as to the rest, it's cot my business." If a subscription was up for any char itable object, Jedediah was very acute in findinrr out that it tras cone cf his busi ress. "Subscribe to town library? No; what do I want of a town library ? I am ibl to buy all the books I want, And pre fer to read my own books." 4But, Sir. Pettisol, think how many of your neighbors are not, and what an excellent thing for them it would be!" "Well, let them get it,it?s none of my business, I'm sure ; we've more books than we can read now." Mr. PettissI, we called to see if ynu would subscribe foi a furnace for the church." v "No. What's the use of a furnace? The stove keeps us comfortable enough." lour pew'and two or three about it, are comfortable ; but the galleries, where the poorer people sit, and the pews by the door in short, half the pews in the house are very uncomfortable." Now, Mr. Pettisol was a very orthodox man, arid believed devoutly every one of the" fire points of. Calvanism ; and he could set any young minister right, m a twinkling, that blundered tn them. He kept an austere watch on his new pastor, Mr, Service, whom he suspected, some how, of not having precisely the good old waj-s, "I don't hear you preash the strong old points," would say ; "Divine sovereignty and election," and the min ister smiled in a manner that Mr. Petti sol wondered at. "Did you ever hear of this doctrine, Mr. Pettisol ? 'Look not every man on his own things, but every man on the things of others.' " "That isn't a doctrine," said Mr. Pet tisol ; "it's a declaration of the Bible." Why isn't it a doctriae ?" said Mr. Service, and left him. Mr. Pittisol felt for seme time that dull, confused sensation in his brain that is produced by a new idea fumbling at the rusty lock of a very old door. He had supposed himself primed in all the ins and outs of doctrine ; and in all this time nobody had ever said such a singu lar thing to him as this. It confuse him, and he put it out of his head, The min ister was young and modest; he suppos ed hi had dropped a seed which he hoped would germinate he did not make al lowance for that flock of domestic fowls called old prejudices, who make it their business to gobble up all such seeds. When he thought the seed had germina ted he called on Jedediah, to open a case which lay heavily on his mind and in which no one in his parish was better able to give him material aid. There had recently been a factory es tablished in a distant part of his parish, which had brought into the place a iarge population of young lads and girls, who, as often happens in such cases, seemed to be under very indifferent moral influ ences. Sunday was a perfect carnival of ut seemly proceedings. The boys ma rauded through the fields, robbed orch ards and melon patches, and the girls, daunting in gay dressers and laughing loudly, were often seen in certain dubi ous coflee-houses, which had sprung up liLe mushrooms in the neighborhood of the factory. Mr. Service, with two or three energetic, self-denying men and women of his parish, had ventured ituo this region and set up a Sabbath School, and succeeded in producing some interest in bettor things. That morning, at table, Mr. Service said to his wife. "If I only were rich, now, I know what I would do. IM put up a neat little hall for our Sunday school, and have a library in it, and I could draw ip ever so many ; it might become the uuclues of a church as well as serve for the use cf a Sunday-school.' "Well, let's get up a subscription for it." said his wife, "there's Deacon Pet tisol owns the land, perhaps heil give us that." "I doubt it," said Mr. service. "O, yes ; only go and talk to him tell him all about it he can't refuse." So that evening Mr. Service called at fir. Pettisol 's, and was cordially receiv ed ; some fine pears and grapes were offered to him in the best front parlor, and Mrs. Pettisol and Mr. Pettisol were delighted to see him. He told his story. "I hardly see what call you Lave to meddle with thatfactory peculation," said Mr, Pettison. "If I mistake not, the factory sands the other side of the town line, and its the business cf Smith Si Simonds to provide such thingsif any body. Why don't you go to ihera?" "I have been to them, and they are mere money making men of the world, and don't'eare for anything of the sort.'' "Well, then," said Jedediah,"! be lieve the faptory, in point of fact, stands in Mr. Brown's parish." . . Perhaps, in mere point of geography, the line may run this side of thd factory, but in point of fact, the people'are much nearer to us than to him. TL9 fact is, Mr, Pettisol, it is for our interest to take care of this population, or they w'll cur rupt the state'of morals among us. These roviDg, idle young men and hoys, bright and active, will be leading away the boys of this parish ; even now. the Sab bath is dreadfully profained among us." "I'll risk my children,"jsaid Mr. Pet tisol. "I can'4 cut down all the dock weed in my neighborhood, or clear off all the caterpillars from ny neighbor's trees, but I can keep th weeds off my own farm." "I doubt it," sa:d Mr. Service; "but if you could, it wonld be less wo'k to cut 'down oneftalk cf dockweed, green in your neighbors' field, than to hoe up a thousand young docks after the wind bad seeded -ourfarra with them. If any one would have made it their business to clear the caterpillars eff the wild cherry-tree at the head of the street, vou would have saved two days' ivork in jour orchards about." 4iI know that," said Mr. Pettisol; but I ain't going to do other people's work. That tree .standson Jim Sientou'? ground, and if he 'don't attend to it, I ain't going to do it for him, I'm sure." . "Not if it fills every tree . of your or chard with caterpillars ?" said Mr. Ser vice. 'I can take care of my own trses," aid Mr. Pettisol. "I'd rather do twice the work on c y own place than to work that isn't mv business." ! "Mr. Pettisol," said "Mr. Service, have you thought any of that doctrine I spoke to you about ?'' "What doctrine, sir ?" "Look not every man on his own things, but every man en the things of others." What do you think of that doctrine! it's in the Bible as plain as the doctrine cf election." At this point Sir. Pettisol beran to have secret doubts of the validity of Poul's epistles but he (fid not venture to assert ihem in so many words, so he passed the grape dish again to his min ister, and said: "I trust I am always redy to do my duty in my on field.---But I believe in order, sir, order; in eve ry ne sticking to his business. Now we have engaged you, sir, to attend to us keep up our preaching, and weekly Iec ture. and prayer meeting, and really.) sir, I don't see how you can burden your self with this work without taking the strength you need for. your main busi ness." "Mr. Pettisol," said Mr. Service, "I do not consider mysalf in th light of a man hired to take care of you, merely ; I am the shepherd and servent of Christ. J and my duty is to all wandering souls whem I am able to reach and care for ; but if I thought of nothing but your in terest and that of your children, I would gladly do twice as much as I do now for this population ; it is the cn!y way I can save th children and youth of my parish from corruption." I don't ihink you can an?wer for your boye, or I for mine, Mr. Pettisol; boys are more attracted by boys than they are by fathers, and mothers, and if they are gay, lively fellows, who keep some kind of Jolly thing going, they care very lit tle what ?talion they belong to." "I shall ferbid my sons all tuch asso ciations," said Mr. Pettisol; "and I should like to see any of them dare to disobey me.,' "I should not," said Mr. Service, "nev ertheless, I fear they will." ."Well, perhaps I may feel it my duty to give something," said the deacon. "If yoa would only give us that lot of land this side of the factory, to put bur hall cn," said Mr. Service. "Why. Mr. Serrice, you ain't up in business matters." soid Mr Pettisol. with a patronizing smile ; ''that lot cf land is rising in value ten per cent, a year." "For all that, I think it would be jour best investment to give it for this cause. It is in one sense far more our business of the owners cf ihe fac :.. ry. They da cot live here. They have no children here. They wili'rsu, in their persons or families, fufTer shall, from leaving them to go to ruin." " Who wants them to go to ruin ?" said Mr. Pettisol ? "Cant they rcine to our church if they want to? There art free seats in' the gallery, without cur go ing down to LuilJ a place for them." "But thoy won't come to our churc.h and expriaace has shown they will ceme to a piace appropriated to them alone. Our poor little loom i3 crowded every Sunday, and seme go awa-y . for want cf room J Well, Mr. Service, I'll think cf it, i and send you something, though I must say I don't think as yen. do. If people won't attend the stated means cf grace, I really don't see the need of going down on our knees to them it's their own af fair after all." 'The Lord Jesu3 didn't think it our own affair whether we went to destruc tion or not," said Mr. Service. "He did much more, cue would think, than his part. "We were enemies, and he left heaven for us, lived poor all his life, did the worst of deaths; and is he to do all this for us and we feelt hat we are not to lift a finger for"ach other 1 "Well, well, Mr. Service, I'll think cf it, and let you know. I'll subscribe something," said Mr. Pettisol, and so the minister rose and left." "He is a good man," my dear," said Jedediah Pettisol. 4I believe Mr. Ser vice is a very good man but I doubt his orthodoxy.' 'Why, my dear,' said Mrs. Pettisol, 'what makes you doubt h;3 orthodoxy ?" Oh, these modern young ministers with their humanitarian notions, want to carry the world on their shoulders, but they're dumb oa the doctrines. He says he believes them, but he don't preach them. Haven't heard a sermon on di vine sovereignty and man's dependence since he's been here. If he had more faith in that he would be quieter.' I think,' said Mrs. Pettisoll, 'what he f paid a jout our children i3 redicu'ous I'd rik our Juhncy 'any where- yoc'r linli fellow, he went to bed with ib? heachtche,"ear'y this evening.' The fact v a 3 that 'our Jonny,' at the mornem these words wera spokea, was far enough from his ted. He was, in fact, down at Smith's factory, learning to play poker winh Mike Donor, a sharp, shrewd, adroit, droll fellow, who led all ihe.loyscf the village, and had taken en'ire possession of Johnny Pettisol. The next morning Mr. Pettisol en closed in a very cold note, seveniy-fire cents to his minister. Shortly after secret disitisfaction arose in the parish. Mr. Service was accused of heresy. There was a great meeting of counsels, much talk and dis cussion. Tccr Mr. Service was bad gered ar.d baited, and obliged to spend so many anxious hours, and to much tiiiiie and strength in explaining exactly his views of the consistency of God's de crees with human ability, and in defining the exact state of the heathen in the fu ture world, that the heathen in Smith ville were If ft to go oa their own way. In a short time Mr. Service was dismiss- i ed. the church hired ministers at ten del a SaLfcalh l0 surpIy the p:3tp;t a cd said that th is vya eojnomy, Grog-sbop3 grew up in the village, the poor-house increased its intr.ates, boys grew up god less, dissipated young men broke their father's and mother's hearts, and Johnny Pettisol first and foremoit. There were days, long and bitter whsn Mr. Pettisol, old and trembling with par alyisis, and hi3 wife, rad and broken hearted, wept over their spendthrift, ua dutiful sons, and wondered why they should have turned out so bad in spite of such excellent . instructiens. The dock weec and catterpillars could not be got cct of Jedediah'sfielJ.vuthall his energy; and in his own secret soul, while tremb ling on he vercre of eternity.and review ing the use he had male of his life, he sometimes remembered Mr. Service.and wished he had given more thought to the great doctrine. "Look not every ma a on his own things, but everyrnaa also on the things of others." There is a gentleman in Boston who, hjs an income of S36o,lo0; S 1,000 per day, with a little pocket money extra, A nephew of Gov. Vance, -of North Carolina, is under arrest at Matamoras j for robbing a stage. Over 200,000 was cleared at the Na-1 ti.-T.r.l Sailors' fair, B;tcn. Cqbeb Saloon. Will yau walk into taj parlor ?" Fa'd the spider te the fly ; "Tis the prettiest littler pirter That ever jnn did spy I Suppose the children hsv? all read this little song many a tixe, and won dered at the fiy that was so stupid E3 not to -ee through the deceitful invitation ef the spider, before h rzr:i Tn 'the net. But there are a great many people mere stupid than was that fly. And that spider was more cunning than some people are. This spider called his trap of ruin a parlor, but it was in reality on ly a "Cobweb salocn." You knew what a saloon is ? Chil dren in cities snd villages know, and I ! am afraid some of the larger ones some times are tempted to go into thfm , I was not long since passing along a street in one of our western cities, and read in large glowing letters, the sign. "Cobweb Saloon." "Cobweb Saloon.'' 1 repeated to myself, "that is a very sin gular name for a saloon." I kept think ing, "Cobweb Saloon! what can it mean ?'' I knew that "Saloon" was often but a soft name posted ever the doors of driuking rooms, while behind their blinded doors or red curtains, were sold the fiery drinks that make demensn of men ay, of boys too; that they often proved the mere pass-ways to gambling and ether and worse vices, leading to infamy and complete ruin. I thought of all of these and .then I said, "The name is just as it sLoud be it tells the whole story." Look at .a fly in a spider's web, and then teil me if it is not a pretty good representation cf a man fairly cai?ght in cne of jhese sa loons. His legs have become so entan gled in the cobwebs that he cannot walk; his brains all so covered over with the cobweb that he cannot think straight; his tongue ia so wound around wiih them thathe cannot talk plainly. Yes he has "Gone down th,. windinsatair," he is in the "parlor" of the spider, and unless some friendly hand tears off the webs and takes him away, he will never come .out alive. The bite cf the spider is said te be very pois onous, causing tor menting pain.and certain death. Lsok at ths drunkard; how bloated is his face ? how blood-shot are his eye3 1 and how he raves when that terrible disease, deliri um tremens, comes upon him; he im magines that scorpions sting him snakes dart their tongues at him, and wind their coils about him. Ah, he is in the web of the spider, and she is stinging him to death. Remember, when you see these drink ir.g-aioons, that they are cobweb saloon?; boy-catcher man-catchers, from which there is no escape. Advocate and Guar- dian. A Clevi:r Sell. A great French patuntl historian one of the leading mem bers of the Zoological Society cf. France, was lately taking a towj-r ia Algeriajand had occasion to call oa th? officer cotn- mandirg the garriscnthere. Passirg througll the yard, which being a barrack was naturally crowded wiiV soldiers, his attention wa3 called to two Zouaves,-who were playing with an animal which to the learned savan was a perfect novelty. He stood and stared; it evidently be longed to the group cf Rodentia, but tc what class? It was neither the Mass ratts, for it had no tail; nor the Arvic la amphibious, for that certainly has no proboscis like that which the astonished professor saw'in the specimen before him. He asked the Zouave, an "intel ligent soldier," 23 he after wards obser- o ve 'What animal is that V 'Mcnsieur.'it is our trunked rat. You find it here ' 'In the neighborhood, bat very rarely. The natives say that they are dying out, andjthe breed will soon be lost.' Ycu will sell that one perhaps" 'AL, monsieur, it belongs o us two. Vh3t would you? It is cur little amuse ment. Yuur poor soldier has but few; still Jeaa and myself are poor and would part with our little playfellow for four hundred francs.' The professor objected to the price but finally agreed lo give one hundred and fifty francs for the one rat, and four hundred francs if in one week they could get him a female cf the same race. He was absent for a week,came back, got his male and female rats, paid his four hundred francs, chrisrened them the! c!ass mus elerhus, wrote r. long papfr'en. the discovery to a scientific body, posted j his letter. Colonel f Zouares. wh-j hap- j pentd o 'receive.' " j Ashe tiered, ilt'c-: ioel was telling a s'ory to the evident df ii-'n cf the ccr pauy. Thf prcfessrr joined . circlt'. 'Yes,' said il cclcr.. vzy felloes ar. ihf sharpest in iha u la-if a -.Wourl Meiaieur lo pn -ftssrL try iSat"tw ," thrill Ia-j j'.T? "J two c.-iuiu'3 la s fr ' 'Mv osieur le C!oni is partly wrong, partly right,' rep liestl.e pre 'tvr tats,' yes ; common rats, ns ! 1 Ley. are unique, and 1 ajn the h'-?I$ yurchaier. Rears cf !trrghi?r f Hflwe'd this ronf es soin, ani it wne out that th? Zvfj had learned froiii tbe citive a dJg? for making ; those carious creatures. Ilfre ia the receipt. Cut thj tail c3"'a rat, ct a slit in its ci?, stick the tail- it is like' hud J bg a r.:e hi to ths kia and plaster it up, ani ia a week it w:Il grow there rsturally, less ex'remes touchnt, and the rtrts elephes na so is this story, as the profoisor knnur. to his cost. He dare3 not go to hij so ciety, for there is his 'trunked rat;' if he goes down to his club, it is thre alo. It will be his social death. He is already known in Paris as 'ridicule mus.' Old Governor 11- has many laughable stories told of him. I renum ber seeing him once ia a state uf ixiad usually called wrath. The circumstan ces were a3 folle?,5 ; The Governs, returning home frsma tour to the northern part of the state, put up for the night at a hotel in th flour ishing and beautiful village of Princeton, situated oa the Tox river. The next morning, after arriving at hem?, he dis covered that he had left his iru?:k at th ' t hotel, twenty miles away. He ju3t then saw one cf his neighbors going to Prince ton, and ia Lis most pompous style re quested Lim to "call at the hotel ani sa if there was not a little trunk there be- . longing to hiai." "Yes, with, pleasure," replied the kind and obliging neighbor. -. When ready to return, he found his wagon heavily loaded; the trunk povei to be a large and wil . filled traveling trunk, quite heavy, and it was quite cer tain, on the principle of ar.tecedentprcb abilities, that he would nev?r, get a c-t for his trouble; ?so, seeing that it waa safe at the hotel, he drove home. As he approached the residence of the Gover nor the latter went out ani opened the gate, expecting the trunk woJ'd be ta ken in and left at the door. The farm er told h;m he was not. coming m. . c : "Bit," say th gorernor.dii you r$t get my. truak '' " "No, ycu dii'c.t ' ask me to get iu" "Did not ? What would yoa call it I asked you?" Thundered ths exaspera ted Governor. . : r :.. - . Why, you ask i d mc tIook and see if it was there. I did so. and ycu will find it safe thre any day by just driving over to Princeton. Good day." - Suffice it to say, the Uovernar did not asV that neighbor to do any mere er rands for hn. A man applied to Dr.. Jacksoa. the celebrated cLemkt, with a box cf sp?ci raear, filled wiih rpurklicg -aimllies-cf gold dust. ..-. -! . ' ' -! "Can you tell me. what this is, srr?' "Certainly I can, sir, that is iroa. py- rates." ... . , "What, sir?" ia a vcice cf thuLder. "Iron pyrites." -"Iron pyrites ! And what's tqt ? ; t' That's what it i," said the chemist putting a lot cn the ihcvel ever tha' hot coals where it disappeared.. "Drj.' 'And what's iron pyrites worth; V : 'Nothing.' - . : i '.Nothing! Why the i 'a a-'snMa our town v.ho owns a'whIe hill of that aud I'yf. rairried h-r.!'' It is esihattei thtt thers are three hundred thousand refugees from the South in the North. - A young girl in aa English, village tried to drown Lerieif her moth er refused to hi her go-to a ea p a r '.-', We are ender cbligationg to the. at tentive messengers of the Adams Ex press Company for favors thovn the - Of fice. ' . ' - '. .--. ,' A boy in London, was recen'ly fright ened to death by a -Guy Faur." ; -; A lot of srau .Tglers hive beea arrest led in St. Loa.13. ' Gold is said to have b?en fijil "ar.-Jy in small q'lntfttf irrar I) ... ntoi;, Yt.