Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 15, 1864, Image 4

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    4V --tES
1 1
Yuri HOltACri THlW 31 01)
t.e f the te M ir.uft lY- rt .rl 'y i'Xie1' rv
teUa'a, Bia ... tnl T tlUi.e. I'-e tt i ver
deep, rooad. ot neilo: tie tii-t i4''-r.
iwch riM warranted Ii fi.e )t.. P. i. t f v-i
I t,7l.
f he ITrinr irir PlaHie r kDownaaataont: th
verw tet." r.ri;lit.s
Jfeta? ,-;.k cf fceir writ, fr to peraonal knowl-lr."-rr''u
' tracer.
With tbe fn'. if." nbcr." Uonr J urnal.
JlOO :." K'.v 7 CCIAVO i Jl.O.f.of -i Tor
" ... ..'. f.r 1j . :.h frvri leg.
? ..' . eltl f-f. i-.r"t P:'. aid Urie-,n at
'. . a-o, $-5, -JCJ, :, vi, m-.
'.' "'- .T':e-t -"!' " Patent n-'.--.
. i.-. . r- - .3.
, - to CtT""! Ctircbte 'j
' Sf",.Btrc Tf v i r. ii, .
. ' . , t t. No. h.'.'.' y, li. X.
t it Z'" &wA lull
i ' ' . . T.f : M. A tf J".-;?r.g f-r .VI '.-;
-, ' i : 'T 1 lae luy J"iil Lii. i ic
j- r ;: a' oit two hutnlrel cb .l'- t:n.
i 'ji, irS'. si4 fb'irt
"... r f t .;.( w ,"f a tifTH'iy f-r if. I Wu:k. fe. .
. -; i i ; A '"-n U-r muu) tic "
j. ...g. ' tuU "lille Ll." -oh, tf I
' . ',; -Birl 'f Imu!." 'Tt'iT vr trr '"
. , , : "u'irni." ' i."t me f tta j m r.r i-o k."
K ! i c-r:p1 r f Ker. 'i ij t of
fWirui :of Ciflf p'M. Prirts f.t;r '.- .
- touo, 20 ir 1; b ua- 30 i'fi t-r IW :
c !ch b 'i i.1, fr.-JM:" ! nil. A't nt 115 j er Lv. . 1
S5 c piei furr nM l llir iuudf el l i v..
ikl tbv f fcloil irce.
A men? tl, rr.vt "!-r,!r ; f "", 'Hud
. Ki"i AVjW." ' :ir: ii .: 3Mjfu: I:--r,"
?-ir I. Y-
1'i Ci.
tu. 'JJ
4 U
4? ii . t-.T'V
KFNT - Pi )
- t;i !! ' ' - ; - n t w;-: - . Sr. J. f.-'- - - : r. . .
7'--- r t'!.r. irf
ill t'.i- re---"i r .-..
t;'i t?ic:.t ? It J.s alt "d " i iis :si :
1 v
'.J. L, hit t ::t--i.:'a I .
f I v
. t!.t.' Hf-l for Wry." c P. ! J j; 7!
t)ni;:n. All.f (u t Ct. a't!t ft y, qyj T "J
I-Jol iri k 'rfo. M-;5 K- N.r:y . it:!- , W J J t
l.Ur pJl! t.H l:-u "1- i ' 1 t i fv t I 'J j I
' . A
i . "rrf .
i- U U .!
XJ iGi- O
r f
''.lr A :.i;
f : Li -
A c.
Ptjr, t. j:.i of f 40 r !-. ?v ier hu.J 4 ; ',!,
f.imi-t.; i iL8 u.e 1. -i :")- ..kv. i J .
': v. .m. i
t ..ei . m..k, vi tkUc L . I
., t Mi Tt.e lur.'ii .'; n. 'w-;.!.j:i-
i,tt; If r '"( i:i' ; fie .f ':! le )
. till ' V Frii (i.i ..c ' vpi 2-)ui: Jtii
T L:u'lr-1 ; v.r-f.1 3 r.f.f .2j ir !;".iih);'1 rwl ti..c. J3 .M. i t'J pr
Miir4 ai 'l it-': I : ! t r I!. W-
tr. !-r of Similar S r...l N 1 i ! -. hirt
.r i. j'S -r - ,f . i'lT i V-"' -
r.e.e. e '. bv ii JilA E IT A 1 ZV.A:
j i--r.
t-.Vg jrl to c'a or l
,f., . :t
if i i r ::-l f ir i if i-fi .
-rUi -An.''. I; t r ai, :,i:i:
f, iiil, k-fele :y ;'.' ij.i f'
Hit k)i Tie',.'-!iff.ii"'' t.!..r; (v., tr. t..
iuofbA)u; t'lrul!. t:.! rti 'jf ;
nin'i ffcn:r?; Coltu iii iin.f 1 rrr ; ilrri,i.
c I'll' pafr truer-, Ibcem, lUft Laii
aiKl. . wel i the teuii j n
Ail LimN V iU id M. iltrjsi'-s
2 ianh Books and Stationery,
pprnrrucn anil To'.ict Good..
He n mtci hi tir in. aM j l i prTvrnWj
' 1)9 t:I ,-j "t Umi.' n xtVo-iv t,k t tli? r
i :t ! - riH-iiU. !..'.! su.vfLif. an-f - jt'cinj;
; ii-i.nilv k-.t a ft f.rt i-I.t S i fr , which h-
. j..f! I. x r .f.. I ... .!t 1
Ercwnvtt'c. Nebrashii.
k j l of rv;-
p.! U-
' :!.! J.i.'- latf I
; tr.k-
Tl iry of FrJ'ii,
"fit!fi 32 fitfl'it Tip, tine n- L run, ff PM
f.-.fn. A fuii8 IU "h .! h w u'l fc 'it. rr
t'f'Wji' i !et cir jj'at.le ; Ur t u-
i(U ; Tt f I uf il b rtty, ;. Pr.c ce?
ic. 40 . riii i e' 'fotfC, $3 per fcui4ri; pvt I
riif e.h.
Ag -f i-li
p . A f'f 1.4 .
v4 raiiviMHi wr
r:S4LF. K I .fr M. CO.
3s iuoa:way, v.
lluth : A S'rtd Cn'alM.
r-Mtn 12J tc. Wrdi b' Hev. ? )ier Dr1,
I f Prof. fili. 1't: i rj x ellenl fntck fol eM-u
f.r M. !hvz Pn. ppr fjAt'v 29cmsj lApr
lutidtir; tuit'J :!:'f. i0 er booJ.eJ.
... BOOT 11 Ell STII
. Tl' HerUrt! Mi Hook
ci.'tBio Ti Vt'l1 T)tiH r1 hmiii. d!fcr4 for rt
prr, i.J ciiferea' cieeutiir. Pn ia p;t
ri". cirri "t.e, rent; 9 pr tisMt:-!
'(. 3 tl t! tfiil iiie.
7"A -4 ihr a vutit C'jVt'tiiin.
o-i.ti'nn ,.- rm ftnr .!!! Viid-fJ ! tr.
hMl. Iifw rv1 o'lt, if Iba ftnirt Hl. fi
, . r- '.' 1 '. -i . t rt:iii'.r.ary, ter-rane
-iJ lit I L'U I of erCvU a1 ao
:. Tff lyinif in ltt bo-J h lift and an-
.t4- - -l iUirn 5h.ra, Ke.t for ITi er.
a i.c.vtifi.l orll; Xbd 'r',i
i-r; T! ee l a Un4 of loa; 8 u f!
"ouit tnto m; C'1 tv iLe N;i'iii,
t ' fl
. nies. I.i:n1 63 fruili i (:ar
.u.d crtitNne.l Hilt, t0 t ui : U
,i '. at tr.a rua.l pr.:-a. HOB ACI WA
.4wy, roui, Pi.biiLtr tf tht
WflftcaM iLt al'ei.U n f ILe 11 e nt r,et.t rati
,r Mr.trnvi; i .i r!ci?i!y t. .ir nr vk
Coot and S!ir. f.alti. Ha!
moralN. Litre HootK, !olUa
C 2x1 Idi it ami Infants
' (D II O 13 0
1 Jnct Rfairti. wbirfi win pell tef f:r tJ
a ht. af an? toia In tl.! Wet.
I 'oral Hfin'c, vilh J'iauo wTiicor.f.
A urge er'irlr,ieiit iT cew and p"i Ur acng, ballaOw
due' . rustle t, an-1 i-Ji-nf, t-auei daily. An
tj.tiuoat pppiiisr are, liail wt fcli'.w e-li o:her tbere.
Lwviihy; W l.y tiT8 ray love 1 oi!eH jone ; 1 will b true
tutrie; ob, iLere'a fi- i-h glr! at iuir., by rosier;
Ktinef'a love ia tr'-e ; 8et e, Xortl wf fc...
iiy Keller, M ce'i?a ejet: ; 1 fcer iweet aitisirtK;
)l-tne la hoin; r ret If yvU tia, but fcrKtve, by
1 huruaa, ct-.i'a fu d.
iLattumeuial Mjia for lit Ciano Fc-rte Wt are
f. ti-.ini r;tt'..-r Atra'ani, kiX tiut.dri'il tlnaud uiort ;
. Alai lrx k u ILe at'.uriy ide; Mall wt ktmw eiL
cliitr U.ere' itC,, wi'iU trilnaol varlatluns ty Crb,
f0 ceti' .h.
Polka. Waltves, Marches, Quick'tap, QMRdrilla,
A.e.,ty ). ;.uUr auiLns. AH kin :a of Sancins a1 In
trootu n b k Sh. C'atalcniPF rnai e If ne to aio1 auUrtsa
ii uaie UiiiJ at tie abot e prices.
In 11 vary a.' We w'
slvt atiirtatH' r., M we eri.y t:
a'it a'1 i nr w-.rk to
i i.o Lut tl,. teat f
Uutera Chtnp ilninii or the Million.
Arrar.j;tl a toioen, duets, q-iartetfa an! cbrot. ft
Uiualral a'r;elie, cu!r. ut1ay a--i. u! p'illisrhKila
aejiin.arleH tic. MjhII Wf kuw nut. oilier tlier ?
Jhm't you Lear tjt ;uuei '.line? M all we nevi
nd tbe river V lin In ti:ne; There la a iatii?n'i
or Id j' lie re li-etty f'wel jj. i u:y country ; Kre.)iji,
troth and rlslil ; We aie r r!i' Father Al ra'asu. x
htintrel tUotiifl mo: e ; Tuere l a tnl of lore; S-.r-row
aliall c-iDie acatn tiorrre; Heavenly f,ic ; C:'iue
nog to nie of Heveri ; I.huJ In slpht ; W twill iooiir
hnnday StUhq! ; O-ir ol la W TntnLi on ; r.diiTt the
Katinn ; Whilt ier'b'i!'"g -.'f tbe Plani a )n Xfjci, ; rir
Freedoin'a 14 urn bas da-' ced at U.'i ; (.ertlie :u ':n
taln ; Over tbe niuuntaiu ; l.ittie KiU'a an ar-fi ! ; Wil
lie' gone to Heaven J SufTsr li'.tle ri.tlrtvep to r.,o:e
xtatc me ; Kury me io l!it in r;.in, 11. tMer Cot-.e to
tiy rtst Sweet huur of Pr r, L.c. rn.. 3 tt-L'.t.
etnta per Joi., per 1, ui"itti ; po.taae 1 cri r ea h.
lb alieet form. wiMi piaio. cjiniaiii.i pt. 6 e:
Puliitba ty llOKAO WAlfk. AK't.
ho. 4st MTiaOway, K.J.
For aa'e, ami every tl,;n; ! eU'tieir.p to tlii f'le.
Me rrtnro oir tbarlrs to t! pnMi'? ftr f?' fv..;a
ami ly titrt al'?iiv ii t j '! t.-'.:ic.- t-.p t.j u,?it
IfTaVT I u Hal II uli iiiu an lit utr a Ja. a'.a i .-. b .
trco.Mi: ani si;k its-.iji
llyiie on alu-rt rof.e in aneat nVn:i.n-l;icer..a::iier.
T':ie rea-!r of th'oTtvFv,r 1. ir ware .f tfn
iuiiirt.iu ittiift) it h-H au I, -f ihv it.fl.ieni-'
a hich it txcrte. and T tho bniii.v.r. wrrjjuf pi.iit i
calaiil liteiarr lalnt f tle hiuht rfr w!;tch
o j-rtil. puUi'4'i"a of h km !hn, ir
hi orifTjr, no auH'fui!jr e. n;b4nerl he erri)
mil' tn of the :iy newfeijHr with t!e high
er U.rrary ton i the Cr-t -la-.i iii'!ily; n1 it it
very eertain thaU-n-. ni.iajiina h iftvvo wi ler
raric o ilt r.-ntril n: or j r-.-rvcil ifi-i tf r.'in
pletwlT frrui tbe iiftrf.v iii3tt.'ir.T of f-arry ir f
faction. In tiruea Iikr the j-raent, f -h n j. nrnnl
I cithern t.wer in the :a:il or it is tiotLIn. Thl
tUr 0 lit io -' lb" ltT Tl xl.iin l.u.I'j
evieriff J by what it h:t .Jn- Vy 'he reflection . I
h ir.e' in tn.'iny itnjirnt iul !i; eriita, srol
in the f haracter ai;d -wr ..f th-.ea nh-.ariii
iitp;iu?!iot ujr r't r.
Th..zh lut iittle tn-re har. a year t c
pitc t.'f Coi.tir.' ts firf ctaMt!o.l, it J as
iltirir.c thnt tiniC at(u;ril ?'.errns'''.iti.J siirni
5 'nmrc ',-. vn'iri: it t a p iti- n fiirj V ihal jf e
T"i.Hij .iij.'u,.i a treilth aj.-i t -ti Wi-.-.l ri:iti
cnncr ... vat ;r. it tr. a j!li n u' ti. it re
vi"iif1y wij-j.-J hy ry p ih'.U' i:iortr.f rh? kif.-J in
America, in prof f hi b assmi--:: i.l at
tention ti the folioirir. fact:
I. Of ilf polkal aetae'ra crn-!is.M r r-jtrnj-I.-iet
f'.nti. Jiniin i-nc In fca-l. th"; '-it, a circus lli.'n
- f ;;! haroirrd an-! fix tb .:i:iMi .
2. Fr r its li'cr.iry .ii jrtruii -i:-, hj p'ris1
u .v 1. "Ani-injj the rinej, h wi'!-in . vry lw
m-n'5i, a!-l!y thirty-fivo t'.v.uvir.i c.-jvi.-a
Tw- titl?r rri-. of i's .literary artt -k-s L-;avo al--;-hecn
rcr r;l.lihM in In- k f .rtn. n.'.-j the firsi jr
t'o f a third iii.irM ty in pre.
;u re c t:-!uive f't -.,-tl b XoC.'rt-i t'.
j i-t-'ve the th erf!enre f ihr f-r.tribau-.'Ls to the
; Y-iittsC'!:Mi, t'f-'T fX!riuruui;' y .;.;:;. ity
lint -it anal-, u-it i.:
itr-hiii'l. rroherrii all ih- !! ln'-. ri .r ai
ni.ility" whieh h tU'-n-'artii j'-urn;.' hae ;iVihnttl
tu it, it niU jjreii'.iy c'.ir it?eiM -. f ac:i-;ii. :i-J
'ii-u, foarl4-.-iir !! frni.Uly. ?vo-y rriroir.! ia-
Arei!23. Wi.
BKElTSf FKH ft. IlOBiNt.V.
B-.iwiv:Iji, Nc'-iak.'
ti-.tvn; :a ti-c- jrret timMntn . t rr,t? jay. je
! M:i;i:ir iU Jt I'' '"'"y s; ! ti: .?t t.iii-cuUii:u
j .i" ii.-.t "i!.u!-rii:;r j.ron;. of a i.rv.:-r-.?.-:u." t,.y
i :o! t!.!. ':i.izi I-'- t-.-r l..- r'u;'.- -:;! .-f:i;.! y th'j
TT7 Jt fTfTTfj TTItTn "?? r-"' Cr"' t,',---IU-rt in Am-:rw, avh.-r v.'.i.-L
Of Every Description at ii
i -c- a i'i
j litio;.! j ui-.. h ti.j l ir.-r
4i -I
I r
14 auofacturers of
Photographic Materials,
Kliolctalt aud Re'ail,
In addiiirn to orr cain lut ine'aef rhoto?T I c V a
terlals, we Rre ReaJtiurtern for tbt Uln.w:n, vu :
Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views
Of these we have an iDiniense assortment, it-cl'i'Iint
War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities a;i-l Lan.l
ecapea. Groups, Suiary, tc, kc. Al-ip, kerolvinff
8tertohC-4e8. for puoiic or private cxiitit ion. Our
Cataiojiit te iH to aiiy aJilrea on icceipt f
Photographic Albums,
V were tbe flrst to introduce the iut tbe Tnitel
States, and we manufactnre immenfe ejtur.titlea in
f reat variety, ranging from 6') cents to eucU vr
Altntn have the reputation or bein nori r in btau
ty and dnraki!tty to any otliera. They will be i-oat by
wail, FREE, on receipt of price.
Our CaUlcgue now embrace over Pive ThauaamJ
lDereni autjecia to wbich additione are coiit.uaaily
helng made) ef Portraits r Eument Araericau. ttc.
J'O JtMjur-Generala,
200 Br j-adier Genertli,
275 Colonel,
loo Lieut C'.loncls,
JlfO U'ier orn -c-s,
a Avj- uracer..
! Statesmen,
1 130 Diviuej,
125 Authora,
40 Artintg,
. 125 Sta'e.
t0 PronilneQtw'onii'B.
150 Proniir.eot Koreisn Portraits.
a.OOO Cr. .. ' v.- v-ka of Art. .
Jnc' - c i of the most rA)W,r v
;:'aes, &e. Cataloguca aont on
Aj iifer for One Doieu Pictures
." ' A be filied on the receipt of
Free. ,
! : ierg ordering good 0. 0. D will
. e per cent of the amount with
V.. x E. T. AKTHONY &. CO..
j Ji f'c;-rerof Pbotoprartic Materials.
.2" J f :.' quality ef our cooit cannot fail
- i.: v
t-rc f.
r t -rr-
Army ar..? Co'i- try, Peilara. Tiei'' ;
1 era aLd lier.e a'- leu!oxcan nia's eti.rn:u jr. t!!- '
Jewelry of a"y attrn or Q ;.!t- ar..; it, any -, .ir.- '
t!ty ti.a'.tto or lrr. 't i tit nt I r ir.- x- . t 1
( rk fvrnlrl el. fJ-PBiiiciiUr u f r.ii r. pH r, i; - .
plylPi AKftrieeia, CuOttty P:AUt, I', iuh In-.';:'
a ul Amy l'r.
Any ayl of ' da iran'ifartwre, ai ti I-r;..
tinsia, e".. . at .. t w m. tfy:l a. it.? :
Clrk with aiut! cpit tl n lift rr.M.I' i- i
li. I:M!iirat1 htai.tiu:i tti;.r.iii t'--'.
tii f. pH'.Fii to ihb arrii..:a invkitY r.A;ttK.t'U
A Wf..leat r.i;ptyrB'i )oirl jn iko.rh
t.4ii 1 va'.nt, -,r a' o-t 14. at I a !1 '. t. ,k
1 -I'ly 'f iwi' t'.ia'.t to.rr)fr i, i a i' U"-
Urn etol r o..ti.rr to.i f !--T).t Ij'j ).f It. . I f i!
t"Hi4lir! Jf J".".a m t l I f iti 'irp'i )'!((
tr .a'fi o f j4 tt I it.. .f 1 1
It ItlKii'tii ,u U iiiim
f4H 1 t iflveii f-f ! tu 1 If i '. I M- v.
uralli f " k'M i ti i ' i '(, ,
trtirt ,u la wlti: ' !.). i a-i l a f'.i4 .r
haturd u f... ti- r'i tei'. ( ) i i ,! o-ir '. '0 a ! i i a a j i t 4
Cnt if.n'.ta t.ri'l t
T ! 'H'er in ll.r i4 n..y, l'c . a' l t,i . A',
lth Lll!-t'l f W', t' ' .,,1.1. .,i ,f f,4,:,,
Tta' !ier, I' i -1 ia !(, .r ;. t -., i, . v . , , i '
li.-'tl or B1 B'tT lpl.)t . !. O . I'j4l tl,' , i'l,
11 (i el l'a '.i lioi i a..' i t'i4 !.,.. ,i. ,,,.
poriuMty e .l. m hat wi'u, trf.'l ii.i ij
ae'v'e I !
CAKKKt.M.i.Y su'.rrni'P vm', jr,n t .
priti,j o r or i 'y ir a- 1 '. .( ' ja ' of
Oif d4 wiil te ai,! ,j t i', o,4 1 ! 4 We
art i,lbu-..i ly n,.,.i . r',:,'- t. n . ..! i. a" n.
eLu:'t'.r ia i i r ' i .' te ( i oi
tfct tef eir i f o-'f f fc' J 'vL.'i'.f' okI ff.,ii
ourl.irg ei rr-.a'r ro .i.f.,h' i ,, Hni
no pity liil'lrai-a. r'xte ttrj bii1 't'.i nrol
GJa art antj. aw! t l ro.i o 4i.m .:J eil
ltv.1 pay ty Kijr at tl.t t 4 tf ! a H'-'.".,
a old a;'J) hi rvm vATCirrn
Cooil Bup.yi aril ti,.-i.if- o, tt In H e 1 t nwa
rtr, a' p-:ra intiai, all wa.rjttlat pri t from
10 to 2.0 dollart tacn. e.l ai.twoeie pay filnteil
If fiitt-a. i attf acti-n t ifiMoi I All Uatctca
at flrti pticea. tty ti'i of o:r own I'nportatija.
Cltcuiart frtt ty a,il I San -1 r. r tl en !
T. & u. ;oi J1IAK.
Uaiivfar: i.ref at.d luip.-rira
11-7-37.1 113 Bu a-'wiy, New York.
i t; ii -f ii cM-uc-m w:Ii tc ea,!vi. -1, t hi-r"t--
tl. the
fc'a ol
, S'j-U'oi, f K '.ry ob-i huni'.r. a w
H: . u!ri! .v:':l t-i fvU'i 1, t::i.iT it- r."W
or.-Ai'-i-jTi : a)aiti -ti au ! re-?i.tir'
r t : ro f .'hi J jr. njt;ajine
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.::''. A te ft tint
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.-a -e creo the priu it
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4T -j ""' " -;t;"5 i. r - 'J- - ; - ,,. -.
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r a-. n i-. f'l -r: :-i- .'s H k3
r-ii-ci- : ; i
!.! e a:
t:. ;.. W !..'..-. ifu t-".
f : c .. . A;.-ra
'::-' :'' i-C' l!. l-itu'i
z i h;:?; it 1.? i J 3"t
- ( - -.O -'S J.--f'"::i "
! v. a d
io::. t:'f'-' !(?
ii ; fc i
f : il I r f t w
:t. cl' !!?
: .;: rs.ih ? i::.
: - f :'
. I '.-
c."wC.-,si.a jioij c.iii.'.
ti e c:--t r-
l: t r '.rt;a-r.-r.r
!.n.f;'.orc c f
,-cf t.i- !,.: t t:-.!iiuie y.
: '.'a. : w I o V ' :.e
v : i.r.- ' ?! -i l' "-m
( 'J.-o. ici ; ; c- f.
f :"''- f i e
V t'l-i-i-C "il
a , . f. low
T-i in?.
i r '
c r- ac-! r.f f" 1 at
u; jtii.ui.f. T.:zy i.a-.f rii n, iny i.n.e
r t-f I ";f ir-v p'i- ! f v: l:T l a:. its !' ft
' ..-;'-1 e t.ii-iltr IWl t-r
f rC. .'- " i Ii L o'c'.i.' kt-u
i .r i.Kar. A'!''" ' :i
. i
i I... t-O ..-;
i,;t r; c o: iir i. . i. .
t. t ;- '. !i-Sli t"!' ' - ' '"
i om iiii.n. AA Mi. IX j
fr:-t r. F. It', r r. .'.f Or ''-ft.
; ji !'.'" :' ''' i-:!. - s lii,-". l.-'ir er-n-'.
-f n,s !.- Mitt-- ; :-t ;;
r.- -:.l-L" v-'ty ct-: t.iii t !.:.:! -"ii-! a. t' t.r
.:.,;, I:.'- !... i.M.h 1 ' ?i.Ui lUV.LL.a
; Lt ;. t. ro ill e! tii-i t-e.
TZm.ix'hT,l'. m. S2fftfrtth'. ! oal iimnaf h.
;- r. V .- r.,' V . '7;r".r.
;:; i'i... 1 rjoi.t,: .-.r -,j fl.J
r . r ? t 1 ?...- t .' f w..-:i . --'.r U :i r
t. - .' t',.,it t. , .-, r 1. . ;i Vi:h :t i ""' '-
j -. i- ; 'iii-' -- J.'J- -(' l : ti al
J ; :.!:); lit l.i lii t '.t
;. . t- i s.. ti it :- !
Lah, 1 tllvj:; i a''- liiei.t :
l'lTT'.s-r'i, I n . 3f?y 7. is
o ' .--" !!'- tf -
i a Li L-t-t tvt
. a
f i-'C 'lit i( i 1:1 ' " I"' i I 1 ?' I- Ii". 1
Ci 'if- i' .;.!;:; 1"vv c'.i r.'i- :it "i c".
i.u:..tii,catri:.--. KI. V.' JTFP.T.H.
( Url i.f SU.nir. r Cinri n.
Zl'.iler.n ni-orl r a.irr Ompiainta.
Vr. "- 71-o-t.,r r,.:.rfy,-r YrrK i'i'.
?-oi t...iy rrc tci'r J ior, : !iv ttiiui-U (2 1 ','io'r
j i, rs j.r Vtt-i j jrj.t. !,:;t J hi t tl'ir Ivij li'.ial
lin:'.; u; ; i li. J-i-.or r-ry n atLo l i. :ii"h 1 hfy
hi., in 'ir.c'i.X' t r-i-.i t'H'io tfio.iii..; fr II. a
C ji..- of ,'r':"fil n. IK l 'la in! VtUtt :u ; uo. l'-tr,"-ly I
a-j !.,-..ih.i J!y rt-jiic; idn: we l ii.t. at
levU a purati-.e w iiirh wvrihy the cct:hJccc ut
J.iOiviSi'Oi: ail'l tilt 1 of-'C
F"t'PAHT?it."T r.pTHr J'Trn:rn.
V.'j-.-i.u ttt.i'. i. V . 7'i Iih, 1;V!. J
S : I ?a i.ur J'ill io t ;'. fi"!Hi n;.'i
JuM-i's.: ;riiric ce'r "U r.ia!e II:' ni, evd
. ra:,i..-i Irf -ita;- lo vjv li.-v a:f the Lri caTl.ariic
r.r :;:.'.. . 1 ho;r i ';-" iM;t ? afti'm n ttiC ii t-r ia
,l';ri ';!.. (i:i lJ. cou-eU.-l.tty tt.r t'f Ml t'i-
Ii; it-.'.nlv J r i.:SH!ls-i.ts th:.t 6rcan.
l-'.t-'i. J I .; t- ?'i:tii i'j':t i ue of lilioas
H' -'- it s?.' tl.Bt it r.'.-l nt ttroiiv .io;l"tt
ii4V:u'h . oi.r. Al. 'Ni I-Al.'.. M. lr.
' I :.,n -ci'i f r'te Mtrt:, ff j i'al.
I?7wr-ry, I-rrTa, nJa, Wtrtaa.
'i i'r.J. w. (-.r.m.i-f li.iriqn.
Jottr ?!:; ive htol a :.';! li'uiv prarfice,
i', t ! -.. i m n; ! t ili t-t ajft
et! i !,iritir! j m 1. Diii a.if 'Lti.i e;h tl ut-oa
l-e ,r..- ji'!ii i-'.mu ai jn--'!' :t. ruiji-itv, i to
.ur-.-')-.-i.i.f ii. ui. ;i,C'n Miy ae-
r..'.i. i l.i.i m
c : 3''.; at.ti cuvii.m lit Jcr ti; ic cl i'tnitu abil
C ii:i J - r..
Ii k.', Imparity of 5 Dlood.
Ti'"; :r. . Hurt'. ri:r ff Ai. cut Lhurch,
I; .t. Avn: I hac Ufo l 'our rii'a tvffh cxtra
cnlu.ary rnr, i" rny family at:'t wi'iriptl.e Jam
cnH.ii '.' iit it: Itrcs. I o r xt a:e the or-ara of
:i)r.-t'i!t rttJii'y !' I. oxi. tl-y are tpe very
trt-t iisturiy J hit.- er a town, ai,'l 1 can conn
dent.' rcouiUHtid theni to mv fiM-i.(t-.
x Voura, J. V. JIIME3.
TVahbah". W.-omttur Cr .'. Y .. tt. ?4. Ko.
!.;; Mi:: I atu iiii? t;ur arhanic 1 in my
f rr.rti.f . :uil liti't 1!mii nn -Jiei.t purgative to
CitRl.t tJi fifitm M"l )'Hnfl the f-.'tnfotitt (ftht
U .-it. ' JMS O 3IKAt HAM, 31. D.
On-ltpnliai:. 'olirrtir. fiprrian,
li'.u u:tistii. ;oH, .Vriiialsto, lriy
IuruJy, ar'ita, lr.
. Ji .J. p. f",fW7", l.
To-' n'.iit'l. eaiii.ol'lK: km-I o!" yi.ur I'iii" tor ttt
e:jr" ot -..sirait s. Il otl" r ot f..r lr.itr'i ?.if v
fuiitid !!.. io att-ihcr.cioun i." 1 ha- . !onhl jvsu
i'i n. pT'M.-ihiuiTi c it. for tho iHTefit i tbe nmltiituiot
v.Po Mioi-r lit. us thit crii:j iiitt. wikh. a.-thtnuU
.it! t ii'.'i'lt i' i'-fcl, i the fort liior vi t'ther that
aio v.orM!. i.olif.t "!' iit Htiss to o-n.'-a' ir. the
!:.rr, la jour i alKxt that ciau ai-J cure tht
Mrs. F. Slur.-' n-;ticin and MiJicifr,
' I .'-rti'. cvf r.r tT !tfrf? ( cf yrnr I'i lis. litVen
ft ti;o .-ri pcT ti ;'. i'i c txcoii' ot I ! moM. t ' ct the
tri:nu 5t.--; tlh-n vliwi vi hclly "or f rtia!iy tv.f :. n.r-o very eOi-ral I i c;"iftio; t:,
ai.-! f.r. for-. '1 1 i'v are ro mtich tho
ho-.', j.hyi.! we have 1 ricomu-iiil nu other t
r.iy iuti".-uts.
Fran the J?-r. r. Itfrty. cf ihs Mcih-Kiiit Fpls.
( !:ri. h.
Fi"..Ki Docsr, i iv.a; ;:;, Cr... J.ix. f. V-y.
IhiM't-.u: ftt 'i. I ri'n iioi he trrjrrau-li'i lor lh
?c!i..f -4.r fhii! ! hiwyht n e ii I tin! :ot tej5i t
mv c.i-e t ) A f"'i ft-::2ed in toy limbs atwl
1 rV :;-;!; t'eswr.t. :..:"! tf .'i urc'yic ?. vvLioh
f. v.o'ii in chr i' .'.. hi. Notw:th-i,iui.;ig I
i--:i tiie N--i 1 - .ici.-i..". the (?:..-t';;.-e '.w, wr
worst. ; by t;.e i-ovii-e f j our execiient
TL'i t.t :'. l'.ii",'."' v. V:. i!.U''uf-M;;ii. I t ri; i your
l"iiis. 'j!'. ir ri'tfii vvi h'T.v, ..'it Mtre. h'y per
r: riii in the tue oi thin, 1 a:u now entirely v,t;I.
Spxatk fn.MT.r.t. Prton Hoitre, Lc, 5 Prc.,15."5.
l u A vi it: i U:t- f.-.-a ci !:i i!v c :n :i, Ly year
";". ct'.'.',. .v.?.-:',; a p:'i-if';l tifocsethnt haa
S'lh.-.c.l l ie i. r ) trs. - Y12. i I.iDKLL.
r'"-M't r.f His- ? rii! ot contain Jlr-rcr.ry,
T.i.ici; s Ii M.'Ki.'l' ii va'Jiul- ' m in hl'J'il h;iima,
za i::ii'.'cm:o i'i i' luh.i-: ri'-, U!',ii 1 r.i ' '. .il coii-
:i !h it i'. -i
'.oLtuiU is v Uiz
.y ci
1 II I".. II. :''..) Il-C.
Trice, 25 cn- r-r Sct, or 5 Soroi for SI.
Prepared by J. C. ATE2 & C;., L:x:I!, Hsu.
P i :: Ttr
V,M.ii M V.t fnr'.Uc.
(i. A U'.iJWN & J;kO.. I'-ru.
i'r. i". A S FS. :: to.
.i'ljJVW . HtU.TA Ki.D.. i-!'.-.
IIOI.T i. :-f'7T. Fa!: '-'cy.
I.KWIS A Slil I'lU'Iil). .-t. Stephens.
LA.-MA A SliriiKli, Huh-.,
v H ly
AttUflteo I'fiifiire, Tho'') Vriry N vr!
Hi'- ti-i'.f IJctwer, 'fhm. Hy Mi-. Anr-w .v
. ' ' liHji, A ill h .r" 4 if 'Fiihiri ulnl P:i,i lie,"
" I I ! l;..j.-i id '.Vij.-," A"., a-.
Io ii.J.ji'1'i'i ' it" Htlni'-ip n; a Hi" ftnl
ti.' 4 i lii-Mi" jl!ii'rai-.l I'tj r in 'A morirj, rur
i ' H n! olh' 1 in lh' iro.;y, -ir.-'i'vy, an I n-
,it I , I' ltd' I.iIIIiHxk I'liot- flo, irln- ! it r.llrrr-,
I i' 'i iVclie'- Itliiniril-"! .Ni rtijitp-'r hepin in
S 1 i -,-laii,'l Jitiiiry . I''. I, Ida t! ritliiif an!
bi,i iti't;; n"i l, f ie itil '.; a ran Ih'tn," vrt
.1 I ' V. it .1.
. .., ... i ...;t ... .. ,i. i t v tho rreai r'vt- i. ira. unit, nooa
i ii t ? f i i i, i i. ii i iii iic r ii :ii mv i ,i V in .,,,.,,o. i;i,if m"'""I. ,- ;4i"'e r!"",' b,-,,1
... i i l. ,i i. . i..i. , ...i ttu-u iriy other turoly l.'.' n.iv.l ,.f our l:iy.
.f "An, i ( '.h. I' ', . " or ..f "J'i,IemicM .It ! rn1 h ... ii..k.tMl.r a w;.rU of Ccth ,
VV,,'i i " i i i' it iv ... a. . it i ! i ,.r i iLi it rarctouly re.t.h!i,.-ti in ..rm-I. hut
-f" ",.,.h . .: r:..M'.t l.v l-.r.-a J;.lre 1 w'' triiut it''i.t et. ry Urg-ia r,;u,-
The ! t, to le e-.-rjt
NI Orleanr, Clarified, Crnauei anl Powdered Sa
gara, (rwidaa Syrup ugar Ilotiat acl fursaua
At MoIv.thl;n tt Bvras'a.
CaACKERS of al! kinIs, Soda, Ea ttr, BoBlon. Sugar,
Wine and Pick-h'ic Crackers, Crtata Biscuit and
Ginfcer Snapps,
McLAtGIILIX h. SWAM are eonstantly, receiving
additions to their attx-k cf.Grcccriea anl nard
ware. Their Good gnd Prices will 6uit everybody '-
any other man." s -
CITB.0X, mace, spice, pef per, pinser. nutmes, Cin
aamon, etc., etc. , of l otqtiality
At McLaughlin & Swan's.
TjhAlf C&.-ia, Meat mania, &'h..e tLrjd, lnlla Hnhter
- Ualla, Pattent thread, Scia-iorr, Wrapping and
Broom twme, tote bad
iixAuanny a swan'3
l, i oii ; M-mi I
. .Mft J, I,
Aoy ,,i--"i r'-intMj i '.A, wiii rtor-iye the nip
iifi. ir in H coU'Iii. Ik t iiai.l, Jur.-iiry. li"2. tn
.1 iti'iry, I ' I, thm -.o'-urin-f Mr. Kiuiiiairs'-Wny
k it'-ci-vi'!of .'"an.t Mr. Kiik "Aui. i'tha l'iue.-,"
"f i.'a Stoiy," ani nearly 3,'Jii octavo
f n;!. of O e i.ct literature in the world, l'rauiiura
cUcriLtra to f ay their own jxiatag-a,
CalU the attention cf Gentleman Jeslrlag new, Beat
aetvicafcle f:7iiuii.iMe
Wcaiing Apparel,
TO 11 IS
VTLicb to will fs'A or n.?lce rjp. tn order, at unprece
dented low prices. Hav!&t on r.anif one of
sixcer's mmsu buchixes,
he is abit t du Ctonj work at ra6s thdt tlery c&n;p-Uti-jn.
- - - t . A.
I warrant tay work,
Slaml as well as 3fachinc Wor2i.
. Those wishing any ttinz ia his line wiil do well in
call and examine bis stock t.efore investing,-aa he
pledges himaelf to hol4-fcut peeuMarly favorabla in-
. Aufut, IS, 1S54 ly.
The prise t f $5,rf:1, rfTrr'.-l !iii unriu ih-r-nMy
by the i r-'prirt;. for the hri ivv jp:w
fi:li uoleM.than t fcunireil .,rks i-'V.'f
hem r.f cr at tne-it. AmoJ the rt, Mr. Ste phers.t'
n.vl W44 eelc--ted. Tolontf" 'urfti' on'j
ali ethera offerr i, hat aiujt evayth'.iK hitherto
ruhiibi. It i fully e'ual to J-'artiiyn AiiJ
Famine," ui wi".! he a widely reaJ.
It wili hf cf prtater interest, f r ra the fai t"t;a
the arena ialai l in our land ar.d our own tin.r 5;
anl in delineation of character ir,d Ahsirbirf
power it will faj?iale ani eharin tho ruadar.
Snh-crir,tir.n yr year.
Addrea? FUANK LrhSLIFi. 72 Duare St. S. V.
L'oj ie of the Ir, r eobtaininj tho ocuin.enco
JTct at:i catsnaatuin of Mrs. Sstephew' novel,
"The Gulf Hei woen them," can he had ot any Xowj
k'akr in the Ucirei riiais or Aritish rrcvtt.oe.
OAl.Thiha trrel. or poiyi, Fine Diry Silt, for
iV.e , '
At McLArnnLi Sc Swan s.
'CKEhS by the dozen or barrel, af a aupeiiui qvat-
i:y, Ci Bs'ttiy oa hnn4
At 3IcI.?'--f;aLiN- i Swana .
"t-li'l.V. t 'hocolaie. aiap't snsar, af-trted Jollies, Can
A. peaces. Pepper saiice, Sluahrooni c.itoup, Worves-
teishire ':e, , iw. -
At cliArr.nuv A Swans
T.OOHS. Blackittr brn-nes, Acruonicg ornsnes
Wliitk brcoms, BiacKiiig, iiatcnes, w ruin
Patar, ate., &c, opt
gp'lendid ascortineut of . Coclectii-nary iuolnaing
Me n.4 faery ca.ul'ts
M ai crsciurara' Aieo. i" ' 0'
Watches, Chains, &c.t xc,
r0 goiil f jroiiehoSUr a
rf rtir.'ea aU to It aot 1 for cue lac
ICO GiM Hiin'ii'a Caei ''4iiCue
l-0 " W"a;.te. - -f
. Ijv'ies' ".Silver " -
scw,ooo!-', uvnns5Ts,i? s?hibFi?;W
t eaca
35 eacfc
16 tash
Thtrrf'ft cemprehenaiT Uijey"nj cf aetW
knw:eVt "i tceral Litraiara, frivii?-a::yia-
twed in le tailed stares: enrr--'r;g an m ie-
Go!4 Gcard. V-.t and Cl.t.aiii t f , p. 'ytechni? J ..ureal, ho r-mic i.x;a-ilor
40C0 TWt Srti, tora ; , JS f .. d;0..j u FiMBc5ai. msi Ir.i,.-
r.n r,,. iir. - - - 4 to t each trlai'lrtereitJ aad ail jdnt stx ccrjratitn coa-
4 t .t
4 i.
4 (o
6 pvh
6 ea. r.
8 Wd
f-4.. h
4 Io e
2 to S ea-n
:o fi er'n
. 2 to g each
ltd ti.b
'1 to ea
2 t.i pare.
to 6 fj-h
. 2 to evb
2 to S eab
2 i j T--- rscb
Cei-t.2c.-t e . f
tho tr.'J-
l i.'WItJiJt If. 3ft
1 a t' jva'i "i" -... iJ - -c-ra
I .' C i ':. - i e: B.-ur-.l at-ro-chea,
I -ftjX! 'icM fcjr "
I 4 SO tiailet au t Jt Ka" Ercja,
j 4.-da Lj i ai'ilr!o-'.'t-.' Ki." 1"P
iu!l Ui'ii..' . "' - - -
cci ("Ian at?-i haMl H-a--t:s,a.
".ij ieet' ftre: Pie
tt,a?t. -
ttr e P f '.J R-S ?ot .:i1,
j S:fH..U. - -
& P-ik a;!. .'."la-ev? H
T.j", SLi: t-v rt ,i . - - -7l-jo
.! ia'1-.-e ke . C.i."?eske. -i."--'
a '-ies J--:ry. -
:: !Lf r -.'ii iu ti e : e L:a!
,7.i -- s ri. f rO'.? C.ii'- ea r .-
iH ,' j vri-j-. at';' atepi-.-f! ;n ir e::ve;..;,es
.a:.-l : ra1-:'. t ef6wili 1 ejt tr r.MiI. or
i ce.iTorel at tur i-Vir. ie;"l t-i rt.-I ii. On
r-4-e!T:t if a 4 er::-1-.ttr fill tee wtiat arric: K rep
rf:'?. i:i i--ii : .; ;:& vu to e'ii ote i u!ir
,...1 r, i e ru. tr r u
It: . :r .- ?j by trml w rh' c argj fur f-r-:.
v.-a -.::;. 1!:" t'-4,t'.' t?i, tyiini -!ai.'e. ar-1 (J. u i
:ft. 1 n-t: . 26 ir;'j ea'h. f':ve rr: inciter: w;;! n
-en" I t t; K.eL- ;. r ii; Tniny frjoj 5ixiy-Ct
f :' a;: i t'. r ui...:tt l .r fl.
C'-KH?P;.i C. P.NT' -iy rny nrn a Tirk aril
pr. !"j.l aneer It- it.e;r 'orOera. -! tt-ir.,4 i c-o-auctec
up 'i .1- era:, ..ri.t, atr ;;r"-jrw. t prtt,.'ip;a.
ji.i k:i8i !.f t.f.;t. fc in ii ca.e Our -at- inv !? aepetxl "p-u l-O'i-f :!;ir o'ei fa.m- t gnce,
j t y ali i 1 -i;.i.iui. if-i jne-j. luiivun wincurrea-
j-, t:.feut-i Le L'-,:ie te!
'y-i. .r-e-p '-i io:-' ';-- t e ra-e? t write their
.--1,-ijitnrfti i-'-ai:., an t C.. i: e.r P. ? tiftlre, C" in-y. and
.i'-;t ;., l.Kti. MUKKIT -k t'O ,
Mr.a'iay, .Nit T.Tk.
CF 7Vp
ti Ter i;
(teer.s. ,
ttaTira-erii:iEnrad tb Fiftb Toliae r.f ihii
fa:r', fh'.iKi ynrceat eiincea that the e?.rt cl j
U ecBtJ Jft- ri hTa tean tTTree.are-: ry iV.jrriTa!
natiBa: FGli!. we wKl rail atftilcn to tts chif
acr on the part rr the iarjje t-Jy c' re?tJ?ri rct
aro c. t yt-t nif a if ittihecrif :cn U'-n. Our vir-
The wtr d-atc : rr-r-r j.., -
iatret. Th; year ViU 7 roi-alir -J7 N:
D n cf iht ne'Ii' T., w rj x '
eransnt fe:rej is tvj fiJlai J:,,..
the di-vBir:i;ia cf j ervtH, c l S jitt cb
-5 .
,, its tnt. puciiCfliion ;a
rreietjeal ir.r.rcoxt) a on r.&;-c-a .j ,Bii;.ei.;,i7 ,Tr,Kf II itb- r - f- . ,J."
to the r--p?e,c. robin-! with a Jiwi'j of '.'.'-:-ry 1 ,v3 K-Jtjr f ti;, s-'"j,;?: t,'
attraction -?tcri-? lb? kiti! cf th-its' zi j 0!u.le the reira cf I'm;--, i
ibe T-i-Bf depirtaentJ ?f . ie--.-. P :'-?j-i-'t ci Acc.o!" srea t'?r rtrttr 'f ' ""' '
n i iwj. rtl Literature. V. ftls 3irc;r. nv--i e?- Ufij vrcfjerit?. TT. J.'-J.' 'T '..--t,ro-!it
t.i rif ic at'eff-etira er.- t- h u rtti vf ??;il. tt I;'' -
Tr-1?, unrstt'-e and 3!?esiai i r-iu-;T,cn r-j tt ca htg,r ivr- (.?!,;;;..,.;. ,'i
Cur try. r.t.y ".i- of the Co-.rtry, tnaar r!:3 of . fit; a ,;;i; ir,i-i,f ,.; .
a-. . ...
Ui-trrie!, Criti.-al. .A'h'tir! I Iniagi3t'T-. as
aa tbe Finaroial, t-UtitJ-a!, T he -'.r i-a;
id ftriot'T 5I-rc3iiti. We ersplcy siike th r-
astach i f ih farant ar.'i the firj.y of rha fuiJ-.t res
ist, with the prav't'tea! iprria: e f tha bu-ipe
i the worker. In the treato'St of ciectiSe
r J f,V:V
j fi.. ! f i
j Ji- l.ijraii e Ij;..
I .-. t tne i
! til'. " ati-:d-;ti
i ;.4T-:f
if i'i.T;t wiih t. at'. re
! ra u, e i'i a
that il ry re
"ii ti.e'.. ai t pt-rl-.ri.i .il. tne pivnu nu
. t ii.tirri, ir pi I'I fi.Enir.itifjiU
n. B ' f PH'-taPSyN',
to-k.tht- tj -.df (elected is th rv j nlr.r in ityle ! ;y Jrjieteu in ih c
ratter than tae le ;a--n;4i paA en
the hoar it hM be our endeaTor to portray, and w
m ii oaraeiee of the eor.tri but ..: of ne DL-eor-ery
to the Cin'e of Knowledge, ard shall rvori
with ail prvtkn'.ls Kir.ctnet Curr;:: IcVlIi-
hich will he uf ftttctre r.trl.ity acd fcitvse
.rtii-rtt wh tbe JVi-eat ahaU hAe b-?cr.i ths
Pat. In 5if the Atneiicrn Ea.bans and Review
ia a desirable ard ev?r wfjevme UKfilhly vi:tt,r to
it nioxtr'i't err isartits; the rk hneat of knowlfde
irnjrorir.j tbe taate, and farniihing ictowertAl
The Firiew bw it rci!itie in diti-t and ia
ereatisp with atirncfal IMviyjoi f .r
the wid.-t eoi'Fi'tetit ic-p5 of tbet&e. V"t t?t
;pi6ca:i a oi topics whk-h are the er.bjecta either
uf orca-u r re;nlar p-ii-ltefili. r, .vi::
The Ar!, .Ea'h- tios: Af rilmre. Jr.pie-i Chtrra-
V, a - - . - - j ,.r t V a. r v , . i
m.r.i 11 irit?t.uj rji lf,
to trruitt'tte in i : 3 tri imih cf Ie--ll':'
th Atlasl;; vl:',: i ;'r;. j tT tP"
a .'ic:ra a r.w trerr :: i i,
iu. a.ely 1 ar r-Ia-:iT- y- -r.
I La ai.n-t ertcu ii T.r.
vfr : - 1 . , ' 'v
1 mmmm rtii.ti .-! -r .-r r - r w
actire thaa ei'.r a. a m"iL,
. e r.
y ....
..'1-3 .1 J
i-'KOMVKcrrs for i-jm.
... '
l.'aMif, Te-l-cf'ih: ?. aire fact are? Prod'' a, tach
;.oh ?v: Jlei-o-v: V. .M'n'.ni ?ura'.. y, ;;
Meiai'iBry; P-'.fcU, Fhyn-s, hyaiol. y.atatistk-.
I s.x-ial :er;.;; trsu. fct-igo 'id :U.-jr:ti? -vhip pir j
An Irrlci-.c-idnt Dc'nocrr.tic Dai
ly, fcc-mi-Wcfi5ily Weekly
UNION OK TJIi: Vi'ORLD AND I nrrrcar.,;!HUw,NT,sa
Th "tTurld. t-; wh oil th-? New York VetXly Arjni
hB- leeti tio:!ed. hi to-day fre fitra the e.;jfe
t'e cir je.i.;. rz cf ar,y lipmraf-p of c.fii'oTTBtiv;?
nen-par- It r.dd.-..'? wveKIy ah ne m-,ro thnn
iv'!,t"'J 5tc5?.-:bTf rrd c'-a.'iir.t j-urcDt"er", airi
reH?hrr a Iea htjtfa miTor, teedp. . V,'j:h the
Iipiriby tie s
ledir r r !t tr bat
oosaT wi!' l-.atiDC to be j 9 (..
IVrov'e, atvi f r-Hi t to da.jii; iri:-
p.J:ua! t-r lasliisfj ajr-irsai iM.."
their ru?a. '
j IK '.-.-,-' .. . ' ? ij' . .
in :-ar 'tk':y pat er ta j :V,
I -d e!i- a ar-i:ra?t of .i r- ,-.
' ...UM J'r--'? 1 n -" "f '.'.r
...... -o a
and l i t :;'. .
, OtfrTii-HV.U'y. '- - '
tbt Isrertaat U-?aI s .1 C e-x. '
1 of ta l.'
:.try,.4ri L.;. hgy.n,!les.L . T
ta, K.--6' ote IVliti-a', Arithmetic .M i'.wi I Li la J A I I
AceottBtit. Ex-?hi2-i. FttK-tjiarit'-i" in Se:ttn-i I S!. i',l r.' ct ex.'e:le..! y
ht.4.R4; iiiat-. rv, Jnvf'rt.u Jr.a .-n-n-nnt?:- enter- Wi? hua uar.ro4'-! our 1.
a. naurr.Be. l::t.".'l!i.-ii ii;;?:
s'.a-Jy.irrre!tev in c-:r''i'3i."ari whi-h it rtw enjoy,
then- r.trtrthf-e will re on be i-.oUied. Nothniif less
than ibeeh.-'iid & fy th'-e who be?;? tbnt the
only b.-f of tsl' ri g th f e; n aivd the authority
-.fibs Ct-ostitutjoa over a now di'irated and rfi
vided e. uatry, Iiea ia wres'io-; pr.wi-r fron the
iir.d-i -f thote fapti.rianfi hra helped to rywro!:e.
iiiTi e. and prolong tfce wr: ,r;d that to Bewcr lieh i I -?!vv
tbi" nd, do ravan is ari e5riy a tb d.-lra-k-o. ! WW Ijxrjoa, nritiah,
throaSh tabie end ect. roriairz t-et5r:i. of aoiin-1 ! We i'.e.lih.l
One copy, one yar in adra.a: 3 (W
Five crj. es " 12 iuj
rt-n " " 28 eo
When p'hl at th end of t'i yt-ar. 4 00 yrr ats-
rirn.':'revvy. r2ta;'!e epy raaiied ia the re
ceipt -jri5 ee-su.
Singie eory per an not: pata-1r parid.
fanada. Ik l
thiUi, 3
fel Brilaia 5 Iselafld, 6 t-
t t t 1 -r f I rn-i ; r r.
Frcro '.-.'-lir.jt'f, f-v:a L.r-er V
fr in th-3 Micuri a.:.t I:!;n i C
wi;l he '-:.h!:-he'i i.i a-ii .'"n ' : :!;
AH-M v
W re -ju ;: ail i'osti-A-rter! ad f Lv.
.-r!t. '
S-n i f.T'"'r." ruTib-;r 'f tit ?
1 V r ' t a .ii.--i:'cu: ;ci:, 1:1 . '.'r.r a..';
,'y f-.'raar.led.
S'n I a. m-.ry tara-.a a? p :--"- iaC. i
iiir ::i t-' oft a;i"i3
f:- IVtmas:'? er th z::t j f '. ...
U ia nt ri'-iTB-l a l ;l ; -:
t'i iit.. lo'r ii-'o.i.. ';i,a. J.'.-rj,-o::, oi-rr-' ' j
p;ii al XavW.e-io rr;-ir, tt w,TKio. rtyn, th.
ihwihin iro:n. ftwl tee T.f:rs;rceii of the N.rrh.
Koti rpr-'.-. ih.i.-y and m:.o-y w.Il he lihen!tj
ei;aB.d txrt .ae Tee W.r-.J v-m v.i Xtvrj a. per
m Aipe.-i. .a near fn.ia eir pjrt t4 tSe w .rid
wiil O" early nd utheatla. Wherfaertnetairrapii
xfeti-, or t-!;r---4vi- ri r,; or p?ta.''h.iia ply. it w:ll
yacr th la;."9 ittiixf rte. ii h-ia aiireAi?
l ro vty'. iihrd Cirfrj-.t.iieirta taiit :l ti? f:irai
arraiea, fco teL.tpJi ad 1 w-it u as tae Itt
n w fr in tfce van-'iit aeata of w r. It ha eorrea-t.?jd-.f;ts
aid rcportir ia taera p litktal ud e( tt-tn.'n-Ui
eesira in AM' riea end En-r-i-, letter!
anl dptcba will ieart coihfu worthy of Bote
URii. B V ita ryier.
Tbe M"rkt IVportr of the VT. rfd are azn coin
plfie tkan tbcat f any other rwwi-paper. The
11 Jit or a iavitt coptrita ic ta-ie renl ad poiat
to tbrep4.rt9 of tht Uatt't ilark-U, the general
oud coaetry Pr.3uc M irketa, and tbe Jfoney Mar
kets in itaeeliitsna. as prof of it ex.jeileoce 10 this
rrpekt. Tbe world h. also a spe?:s.I department rd to Agriculture, fi!!ed vr:t-i edlt'rial artk-h
cc-iErciicio&ticoa fr-.-vi practical fartaerjaad mechan
icfi" tta co-ntry.
Tbe war it. waitt the action i earj:ed aa'cit
armed and icfo'eei.?d Rel.trla.antJ tna rati-vil j.iliey
of ibe adttjinL.-itrs'iori ?hi-h pt-..!or!; it. bavo ecn
5pired iobrtiit; toge'her ap' b ont platfcett all eta-,
ssrvatire. L ;:i.c h air.5 and fVr?'tatioB-loviis
nei, of we.'err f"rm-r nnw and erted. 2d any o!
thwo who wiihiti the hunt of the Censtitutiou.
fjujht the bailie" of tbe baHtl b--x ur.der tbe
lpaderb? of thv?e rtriotic atate-mea of other and
beit.r dy. Itrsry I'.'ay and !?.T:iel Wthsir, to
gether Witii tEe i2.'f who. pxlsoiple were tSott
of Shih T-atri'K's at Acisew JiwthaoL aiw! WiJiiaia L
Marcy. .""iias VYriht and Stephes A. Iot;i'!a., toa
;tark thou.tsr to s-a a:ier r.pea lh sarae piarfonc
iia pi.'.ia on-. It is to resh;ro the I'nioa, rniiiitaiu
the Cotj;ii :licn, ar.d enf-rj the law. Whatever
utfthes f r th: ea, the exercise of for? if tbe
r policy tf cor.'-; i:xiio3. Tb World will alrocae.
wbateaer mail- ataiB?: :,lo orld wi.I oppn.t.
It will or pot's eaery ereny to tbe Union, whether
srnie-d in rebellion at the S-.-uth or iurdi'iwiy plast
iiiirth.' yeedsof dtiuuion and es.'tr..ial dijioyaiiy at
lh N'ir'.h.
It tr iil orpe ?ver? Tiolatton of the Cocstitutiia
trhieh i.- the rn'y Lope and bond f Union, and our
only authority t-r exnrting or eooir.'elling tho a!le
-ia;ie5 of the Smth.
It wi?i oppose tv-?ry infraction of the Law. in high
f laces or in low, by r.-t;k!.-s a-n.1 misiruidcd p:irtr-snna.ori-y
the 'vlministrdtion rrhi-th hai btca, their
exaaipec. "
It w.i! fearle?j!y exercise tho Frefil?ni ef the
Pro.. ;it wiil corii-.Anr'y uphold acd defend Free-d'.a-.
A tin:! ;'redum of the h'a'iot.
To tho !awie?s c-ts of ths Aniir-ihirition, its
erhitrf.vv Hiit ur. (usf nrrei's a.-d ea at.iattons, it.
dr;r,;a! t-f iho ria: to the writ of ove.-is oorpuj.
M'nin Aeivro 1 f
FOWLf.l; A Vi05, PrcfSBf-r?
y. a2l Che-tret t , 'irtiadelpaia, P,
3 72
2 72
$ Pi
8 Ofl
sp.qi! be cn I I.-" j te . 1 a? ;; a
ena to d'-clerea; J ;, u 1 a i"i'i ns mi,
at any tint -Tae
f.;i-w:5?ar oar rfi"? fr:'-.eTrj
M.vl Sji;iiiivr'-..r,ftr -
j Tiic-e r- e !- -ri V.'.'
j TRI-V. T.r.KLY BUMOCHT .Subsr'.ba- ft-t ,J"r - " -
j Ten Oi i-Ji - -- -- -- -- -
! lev lrrr CI ah ! ttc b :'-e,nt
l'r.;.Sfl - " -
; - - - -
FOR l&4
The DnWifhen of the FIITI Fff ArRICaX
respect;e!y jrve rfVe rbt Rw Tenta VnitiM i rare vf e.e ct'lir asd a fctll par
(New Seriiej wt'l o.te.a-oe on te :frnt tJanvif i "Jlie ahof r. fr ail ia:
n-xt. This o ornal wm -'heM n an-! is
uciouLfod'y de'y riet;ited arid ir,Can
tial p'iear!vn cf tbe kind ia 'the world. Ia et ro
rcet.!6 l&e new vol 6 me tbe psbltshera deaire to
call ap-cial attertion to it claitaea
a joi'HSAL'or popclv-i cttxrr.
Ic Ihia reepeeA it standj unrivalled. It bo onr
ficda its way to a!a' erery workshop in tb J
crtntry. J tee earnest if ieni o: i?t oceeaatie anj
artiiB. bet it it found in the c&!in j-rrom of the
pSTio't 1 uvss-e.
Or.Iera arcouspari'-d with t;t c-:rf
cir no a'.'.nt'.m. . r
All pprv f :.'.hr". w::i U . -r
at the end of too t:v mid frr,
ii-KEE,Fi-ihi.irs ro. r- -
41 and 1.; Locnii ;lrra'...'T. I:
-EV AJD Sl'LEMjVe PStMl'-'i '
raacofaetarer and tbe Bterchac; alao in he library I -ri"T,rP IVWT'd T P t
lent feel warrtiatr-l j i JLi 1 iliOUx 1 O 4.'! AU -11.;
aci i.e bcM-h.-id. The pablWhem
ia aay'.nt that e. other joartial now pcb'.a-o.I ci j
toiio aa eqcal aajx-uat A uef-l'a: whiit
it ia their a; ra to preeuf a i uhject ia tht ravtt
popular and attract ivu v.anuer.
Tbe Ster.tisa Au.erk-an U publiahci opce a week,
in e.-nvecieni form for bia-ii.if . and ewea nrrycr
Thi popular 'I..i:h'y c. nraia i
rcorey tny "ogizMie ia :'a w,
it w:il hivt nearJy iU T't'T?.'. 2i ' '
' i t ..ior-'d T-::tter;n, end 'J'jO wd ttr
eoniaii' aixteen pa 59 ef useltii reaiiing tnMttr, !
iiluatralti with
of a'l the ltfti ; r. i bet i'it nf ' r a i f t day.
ad ti.ia r.r r-u'.y
T eo L) 1
Thi feature cl the j,n?Wi i v rthy rp-;l rote.
r'o.. f trt yr,:t.
prices itapathe or..y :...:
ii; t rie;.., either to sia't '"'-'r-
rt, c-xi'-Jiia '-;. a'
leu tbT. niyuiii of it', c'.aaj.
to taw "iV
-? trt
lta ?!'
iiie.'St prir -!ivi:!'i "in", ifs at
fed ift it i"
r'-.-i': ,", of r-tafi.anl
ti- -?"iu!f:!or.t or ungraj.t-
eer.-ie,!-.-: "f th-? r-jlV'ruaru o)
V. o w:
i ' 1 :' -..ur
'in.. j
, 1 rv . .
!iii, J";
:J oti.'.r-ie
a.:'i :h
i vu.i free
r ri-i'-.t?.
: it.f :;aiite4 An 1
reiistlja derision
y :i'
1 wi:!; the
ih 3 cic-.t w
r this giner
i nr..'. 't. and
od t.wor, st-d
t v--i ar.;t pi'r'
I ur it. i'-r a r -3
.nlV'.-H' V '.i
m-n sfl.t"! U .'v!..-.-ol
f !:l i-ri-y. the r
-cl! hai:!i'od -of
ihebitlh t.
I'r:-f.'U-d;y ':r;."--loitc-ali
tha it i;.i 1
nfior:.- mm. I'V. to r
o ) l:.. o th-; I ni!-.-d St'it"- a -4 .in f tr-.-it am .c the
1.1 tl-rii oi th- . -irth, iinl (.. il the j cv-?, jf..j
j,. ri'.r, and ha.pi-ieaa of its' Th? V.orht
,.( I j fr 01 ti.-..: -t h'. ih idre fu'-h thing their .j-ai-aod
nipp'.rt.aud. ah'-ve a", the fvor of Him wh.i
rowna ewr . d w-.rk. .
Vftprly Siiher--;ri by miil
,sr;:.M-vpi:i.v world.
itiile e Wriber.:, per annum
Two eopie to one ad Irejj
Three "
rii " "
lea "
??ri;f,Y wr.r.r.D.
anl ;.. chsrt'.j
F.verx cntnber cr.tsirs fn rn f.r? t? '-r.'-Tsnl en- TiUic?.
graf itijft f aeo'i!2cl iBvertifT-a r?!at-et' every :
de?iftm?rit of tee rrl" f he er.r7;ri: ero ere-, i'n.l'i"l!'v.e, -i
cnoed by artwra ejrwrj!ly r?.pl.yr2 on the ppert j r.!ia lijdn.r.r;. r-. I'-ni n. : rzii )'
ar,d are iir.iverrally ck iw!odd to be ynper.:. to j , e jftj.-r of ":-ijy i."i L- irj.-' T. v
anything of tht kirei produced in this c entry. . Coasifer Mca't. t-a'-reiie I.f
The yubli.-hcr of the r-iertifio Arrari pf.-.tsiac. Tcwr--n-J. "la Grey. Clara L-.y
to present, aa during f.rwed".r: yr, ail 'the Jatat ' agtber t t -The rfro-. i i.i :
ipprovetBOBas in Stoata Ks jjinerirj, Va Ve-e!..i, T--.; k;- wricr if A'' :'
Oidnance iii;i:rvan i n.Tai Firearm ?;.that.;e ; (i.4t-i".: .;i Ia a '-r ' --
Tim,I. Mnafatiiri&i; ilaeiilnerr. V"-.ter b ! a.,, i,. tha re wi'.l he -''"
r.x.l", MaoafatftiiriSir iiaei;nrj. V -.ter wt-?-!.. jh rt ?tr:e, th re w:.'.l l- -..-n-"'
'uni;i aud other Hydraulic Appt.atu. tl-ueh. !d 1 (ri,:t.; C-:'y-r;h rl No:- r r's.v
Jtcnsiia. fdeetric. Cheml-al mad i;e?hd,rieal Instra- ! t ,-,. - It.r-cr s"" ' ' '
meat.., Flyinj Machine!, aci oiber Curiuj Inveo- 1 AbVs. S-ei.-4. The ? ' F -
tlon L.esiJeail tha varied arlic'et doi-ined ,-,ji,Vf Uy' tL? ia' ivr --f
lighten the labor of taankia i, not oa!y i.i tUtsh-p i i ,,, ra ".-. .r j; S-'r it-c"- 'T '.
aiid wir'h. a.-e, but iovery place where the in- j ct. runty" ?':-r:'- " '7 '
duiitrie.aof life ate pnr.- 1 II; iVi'.'-'r.u n-':'s '.ivi:t"'-'"''
$3 CO
$.1 ')f
5 l-f-7
1; ;
22 if
rr. iu it? emijenceai..:!;. tb : c;n i3c Ara"r:c.u
lia.a been the e-irnent Ji A;itd of the rih'i vi
Aniorieao Inventor, and the.
In this iuiportant de;4.rr:cr.s , so vial;y ("na'ct
tkd ar t la al! the grr-e.c i::ere-ts 1: the country, bc
tiier ji-a; nal c ! i .y '.ny ",! i'.u; whaiOTeet rin i-.
coJu ,!. there i-i pntdi-hel a .Tc O'St ":! !.;: of
tbe "Citatia-." of ai; puuLia gvatci AS the C. ii.
I'aUni, Ur!c.
the PE.trr.i c a l ii e r i r r
r- to the .uh- riber
eerms or sua--: :r i i-'-n.
Two vclucr. of the -; it ;. Aa!?rj.rT! ate pnV-!ih-d
o-wh ?e.r. 3' Al,o-iVb, il per t r -ir.t;s3
t;b eorr?--p- ni.'ii; low ;eruw to CiuV: 1 wiil r-.y
1 lie io,:.-.? er; t-.-r 1
alone are of; tjTir:j rr 1 m
tr.aa tae amount 1 ;i
a U h
i'i.'.n. me
n yeir, when bourd ia ro'-u'i:c. c n-tituo a
tin m in ' her ---;f"
m everv unm.--.. '
vn- J; i; the O". "is
i'!:.te.f c.:a he rt:- 1 "O. .
- ;.-hi a !:.:!-. e-.-r-x'-i
'rota r : 'fi '!- lr-t.r t.'-i.i "r..'
ai - . a .r.ra or .S' re ?'- r
Woo..: No. Pa: s '
or fh:.;'-! C'l-t-"A-t I : c---ii?.r-.
J-:-i-. ".icr ih t- ei-'i
; iTt a year . -1 j
Pat": t 2;-;--:--i.a-etx--l N r
f !-r-rh f
i 5? j 1 re--. ?
i-nil'r i.'vv. .-r
i ;!C tt o- iv . . cj . v ;
wh ii Kr-y
v rk
r o. ire r. i'terv - in every v 1.-1
work of ::'.-' pases cf ireful inf.r-Oist.-n. vA -h j Cr-hf," i':.:h.-. i 'e-V K.::"'
cvirj i.;.-j to ;. I'ft. A n-" . vo.ueaj Trill j n r;; ...A?., i -.. t,- -J i.-j -
ccaiiaesc oa tae i:r.-t or Jaoaarv. I.r.j. r.- r.r : -,;.s
Fiv9CAji?. f r a'u nr nths
Ten crpi:-s. f r six 1.1 -.T.:h
"l aa Ci i ie f.-r .w-iv ni'-rithi
Fifteen c- piea. t r" tT-dre ra -r.h3
T"rrafv c i i"3. f.-r twelve m '.!
A. m
tr '
Mrtfie ;'artrn?..i. p-r cr-.rna
2 rn
5 o-
I," 1
I lire cop'.ci La liress oC ev.-h parer
In "
l-r.ty cepi'i l"l'.,to or:? ! if'T CC
I.! . of iv. r.fy it -vr 'Mi hi"a.Hro p.r;; r.
each paper for at. a-idi:i :.! 'thare '.t ten teat
Y T overy club cf twny an extra c py will b?
iiiidwl f- r the g!ttar up f the c'.uri.
For ee?y einh of fifty, the -d.i W eokly, and for
every r!ub of one bncdred, tbe i.jiiy vr, he -4it
when rfjaeote lion of t-e e.itia ci-i" 1 !' Wtaxiv
Ad.l!fi-.ns to lIuo" ray he made at say time at
:5t-ie rites. Pttpt'r be changed fr -at ocr
t.luh to aether, bjCca rc-paest cf th pardon or.lor-ic-j
'he ('lab, and on receipt i f fifty' cents extra.
nint'Ie papers ati'.I be taken frcm the Club aid s. ni
to a aepcrate adire.
All oriera auit be accorapanied hv the Cjh.
AcMre?. TiiL WORLD.
35 Park K..vr, 2.'ew York.
Coa5aaptiT8 5al!':rers will receirt a reliable pr.
scriptioa for the cure of Consumption, Aathtaa,
Br-nchitij, end ail throat acd Lnn a.5octiosL
free . f cliare.) by send in 'hsir addr3J ta
' Lings Co.
New Yorlu "
IS 1I A Sabber and TTnra, Dre-i:n2. Pocket and fin
ComV. Woooea Pket omb, T .bacco Poaches,
Wallet, Fish Rovka an-1 lines, Jic,
At Me.AUGULiy fr JITA-Y.
SMOKING and Ctewinp Tot-aeco, Cicars pipea Pipe
atems aadLibacco Porches, iu great var:?jr;
At ilsLaughlin &Swui'?.
r . r ii clu ha of t. r enty end o ver, th? yearly t.h-
'r:j t;. a is only
iiiTerenf tia-" and fr.
tiae-i inptea Viil
1. ..tsiiit"- een
;a d-.-Teter.S P.;; O:::
t t - 1 Li.' I Uil.-.'J 'liu -J Cil., k'.-'J .kJ I 1 t, OI
the i---;i!iry.
C An .di .'i an'o'cr'tera v:T! pi to r-tn.t 25 cent
extra on each year a sabs.'rit-t' ri ior; 7 r..'ae.
51UN'A' ).. rr.r.iV-.'erf.
2j. i:7 I., w , ii'iw Vcrk.
to .en: 13 at ! eel
i v
pr -ru 1 r s
-ivci oa ;h
t.i':y ('.". .'" n.
tlur .i-.-v j::Z-i' i..v.
I-.. Id iU-.-eiot tf-iVri-.!."
,: i.i ..:-f rerei- . . A "
si writ w-r !i t.h.e pr'.ea - f -' . '.
-;t t-r.-
i ' :..
.v ?.r,i
A---.1 hir.f.
r:att'-rj i::'
1 i.i.- --
XJ R .A. T Tl X ID S
MACKERAL. Lake Trout, 'WTiiie flsh, Codash, etc.,
tic, cousuntly on band
At LIcLaugb!in ft Bwan'a.
- -
rpn eet Plrtorfrom tbeL. S. T. G. Mill la Quarter
i bait ativ'.tsack kept
at irLiTJ&sLiy $ n'ir i
i :--)
F-ve "-'Pie
r ,;- - t ;
S .-Ji'-i 11
i'. .i-i-
1 -r 0:1; '--f-r
o: -y it
-t i" r . - ; v
i r , - : 1
";e t--r . v.- ;.
-1. re r -.
tl ttake a rerfpf t JI- 'cp rsnc la fo":r t-?- 1
r.j- Co.- A to - f it ttw frH. ia Cve yeara wii;
u.uWe a. , n:;!i W .-! ft.r m y I
Ij jjt.w a-raia'rt. an I ve-y !a:! f
1. i-.ever fp-.'--' fr-.m t': r i:t. ; bat vv?ti
d'.w.i. Vvi.I irri:v s:n from tt-.? t very ra;-..i;v !
XT?" 11 ii ifcc te;t soil wo-id for f cel. er any oiter
- Yi her. kept oi the ground, the raiia will last 30
jrj- It proses ee.nallV we'l wi!h t: 03 ap'aa 1. wbert
tl':. rich, i's ia ite bottom !
53- C'11 trine eisht inttea long stuiiiathe groar J in
t e Pall, never fail to grow !
j- We sell i f.r per thornand Cuttinss, cl;ir-ere-l
at ar.y rt our AsenCie,.
Y Parties -aiahinv to br.y, aboaM or-Jitrearly of oar
Agents, so that taey may notify ua in tiue.
. '.'. -r- .r r. i i: 1 f.
.?r-'J a h-;i r
cir, z t .'.i or ? 1
rd'reen d. ii it. er"
'1 .
F:v-. '
3il w'
3cr.l as
and lire
1 1 1.
e :.t-
a pr-:.:Eiaun,
or cither of c-tr
ir.. hea bT lit i
,js: 1 1
Bundled and delivered ei tr.e above placaa, aa
aooa aa tiio leares fli.
Hiimi CMtd. in J.ui. t-' I,u -izzg
f -r His P.clea from Pt
.-Ariio" 111 a club of Siite'!-
thaMa-aziae iriil be srat
.' ' - 4 r"
Adire. ro5t-ra' l
All Pojtraajteri Citn-'.
p.:rsoa nny up a e'.a-'
t ;.- , f
r-i .-.'.. 11 11 ri. 1 'i 1
r::A- .
T. R. nSHPH, jt iwuviiSe, i ,tent for Kemaha
and et half of Riehar;', o Ooantiea.
C CUTIS & PKAVrP-, Pawne CitT, are A-tenta for
Pawnre iiil we-t of R obaroson C-m.-.tiv.
RK.V.i(ll. Tl.VSUi, Eratrice, i Aa..t for Gage
a.d J.Df s Connria.
J. IT. EUTLEa, Austin, 'Agent (,or Clay and Saline
Th-unJoriled, rrl et -.'.v .
eetinr-t f.irt'se purpr.-'-i : t 'j; .
.cn the r.t utu.-Uy .-. '.',.
Pil.atthao.iiuc of t.. -.
are ri-yui-ed ta hif-J a ' : '. ,
Drcviuus to tct Cosca ';-;.
Beware of Willow Peddlers.
VTe learn tbat many iasips of eomw" ''"now fcare
been cleaned cn. aid tte Cnttintr ol- a 6r y TTir.-w.
We tet oar Willow- of S AMUEL K; tl iDS, of La
Moille, Illinois, a responsible Nursery j.
piOAL OIL, beat nnall'y clailSed Crb n oil. I.aa j
w rLt'iiney ao-i :ra ' 1
)TL AVIV. Ill' A SVTl'S.
- -
r Vf -..-I.' i !
-". r 1 ,
: -
SA'WS, Enirrier, Ci.;C..,-i .
- . . 4. - . W - r arf,"4:
TJViJJ B1-0e""",t-..t'--