Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1864)
Ilj Sl&wrlisrr. EZOvT I VILLE, Til URSP A Y DEC. 15, IS31 Black Deeds, Mortgagee. Elevations, 'lvio8, Varrisfc Lknse. Ae. Ac. Ae . far sale at this OJS;e. Messrs. McLeujhlia & Swan hare :.Jst received a lot of Indian Mnus end VinnfcUijo IcsLets. These articles were jiirc!ied at ibe Omaha Ati-cy and i:j-'Ud tothe.-e geiitlemeri at this lace. The weather for the fast week has len cold but not unpleasantly The river at this place is ?panned by t firm and fulstantial bridge of ice, over which hoavily loaded wagons are con k'aally crossing. Cody's Lady's Book- for January ic.5.5 has been received. This number is raiher better than usual, vnich pronjises Tvtll fr the comir? year. . KE.UOVED. The Tost O'Se has been removed to Bool Store of Mar h Bro's &. ZouL Mr. V. U- McCre t-ry h-ts j;ist re cited u reiv jot cf goods, consisting of tuntd Fuits, Drus, Groceries, Tcbacco Cictn, etc., etc. (iive him a calL On last Thursday night a Mite Socie ty, for the lctfit of the "Presbyterian Cnarch, ua? organized in this place, Eo3c! Rule!! Role!!! John T. Scott, proprietor of the P ml. ii j-Alley at Worthing's Saloon, makes ".he rri.e offers : 1st. To the man who'milies the hih , tit run of Ten Pin?. S7 ; 52 for the next highest run. and SI for theWxt'hiiihest, tetween the lOth and t!lih days of De cember Those rolling for the above prizes must roll from the end of the al ley. Gen. Hanks to Return to New Or leans. Washinctox, Dec, . The Daily ChroniAe of this morning, je iking of Maj',r-General Backs' pre pirations to shyr ly leave here for New Orleans to resume? Lis nomion as tha heA of the Department of the Gulf, including Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi' tz.y lis civil policy has met the approval of the President of the United States' and he returns to his past at the request pf the Executive, and it is pleasant to anneunce that the kiiiliest 'rela'ions exist between Gen. Banks and Catty, in charge of the Tuilitary operations of the Division of west cf the Mir-ii?sippi. Joscy being rather remiss in his Sun day school lessens, Mhft ter.cher remarked that he hadn't a very good memory. No, madam, " said he, hesita i g ? "but 1 have get a firtt rate forgettery " A clergyman at Cambridge preached a sermon, which one of his auditors com mended. 'Ye," Faid the gentleman to vnom 11 was mentioned "it was a goou termon, but lie etole This was re peated to the preacher. lie resented it, and called on the fentleman to retract. .1 "I am not." replied the Hggre.For, "-very apt to retract my words: 1 ut in this in stance I will. I faid you had sto'en the srnnoo. I find I was wrong. lor, on re turning hme and refTrin to the book whence 1 ihoug-ht it was takeu, I found it was there." The Governor of North Carolina says that deserters in thai State are numerous tad defiant, rove about the country iu riuads. commit robberies, and make themselves generally mischievous. The Governor of Georgia, ia his late' mes sage, announced the same slate of facts. Similar evidence of the disorganization of society, appearstin all the Stales ia're bellion. At Vitkscurg, Lieut. Dee, Commis .sary of Subsistence of the cavalry forces, was killer recently by Capt. Jesup, of the 4th Illinois cavalry. Both officers were somewhat intoxicated, and were playing "William Tell." Die placed a cup on his hea and Je:up fired at it. As he pulled the trirr Dee raised his forehead. Jesup is now under arrest a-id is to be tried for the deed.- Cobb, of Alabama, who was expelled from the rebel Congress, about a month iicce, died a few days afttr. He was largely interested to a real estate in thia country. Neb. City Newa. PHILLIP DEUSEB, Main Street bet. First and Second Sts. Ui-s constantly ou Land tbe best quAlitjt..f 'OBAGOO . S E G A. K S , Confectioneries Candies, Plain and Fancy, - Orangts, Raisent, Lemons, Dates, . figs,S,iiit, JJppks. Src.,4"c. kinds of Toys, 'Canned Fruit3 and Oysters. rniLL Is aoconnco dating, obhpinp, patriotic ant) vide awake to tea interest of tbe public, and has tbe best assortment cf Varieties in bis line ever offered in this market, and is determined not to be undersold for CASH. fjn.tirATOSlS. acy'ne. Trades, Rtke, nt, V Shades, Eaovela, etc e,c, At JLIciaulgMia $ Swan'a, . IS DEN'S TICKET ! And ten's Candidate is and ever winbe QUICK SALES AND SMALL PRC FITS. WM. T. DEN, WHOLESALE A5D KETIAL nOC f 1856! E5TELISHED! . 1C5S BROWVILLC, XEURASRA. IIis now on hand the most complete a id peneral as sortment of Merchandise in Brcwnville. My stuck consists of AND GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, Chicago Custom-Male BOOTS & SIIOES. of Jrcj.erior Quality. Also a full fpplj- of Bar q . Dres-Trirnmings, Hoods end Neulias Gloves and Gauutlets, Hosiery. lnraripty conitir:c of Tab'e arul Pjcct Krlve, Cliisels, Br:u-es aufi hi.R. Files a 1 i4.iiicj---reiic:ie,, h ittfi and iii rewis. Sw ani lXtUiUiers( Axe and 7 des. A tall aiiborttuent of si cz "w" s AND TINWAKE, Co Vg. rfeatiiiff and Parlor Stoves, Larce Kettles, Stove Piie, SUeet Iron and Zinc. Quoensware, WOODEN, WILLOW AND HOLLOW-WARE, A full assortment of READY-3IADE CLOTITIXG, At Low Prices.' Blank Books, Tocket Books and Memo randum Buoks and Stationary of all kinds kept constantly on hand. Oile, Pint & X9sru.S0- A complete of assortment of F U II N I T U 11 K . on band, Birean, Bed-Stesds, Lnnce. Tanlee, Ifat rase, Kfaa, rtkSrs, Wash standi, Cribs, Hxtinj Caairs, LnuVin? (Tlase. Also: PlougLs, Corn Sheller. Iron, Kaiis and Steel, Mush, Keaver arid Otter Traps. Keraen)?ier teal Den if t tLe HistieM mirket Price for ttlDES, Pelts and Purs, ani rKODfCS of all k:ai!s that Le wants. Call a21 examine my stork before pnrcbaHBg and ave yonr m uiey. f r niy nn-tto if to hefp the tct uf Dry j'.is, tl:e Cliuicest Family Orocern, Canned Fruit ()jters,- ami ilie bet ut Stoves to cix.k tLem on in the market. Try tliem . TI'M. T. IJE.. is-7-y":y iASfiOTO STOCK OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Jastreceired at JOHN A. PONN'S CHEAP BUY GOODS A!il) GROCERY STORE. M.J IX STREET. The Latest Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc., etc. Dry" Goods, Grottri s, Hats, Cars, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Nails, Flocir Bacon, Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc Which he will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call and cxair:ne his stock before purchasing else where. UrcwcTille, June 25th, 'G4. n42-vS-v!y HELLO, STRANG EE ITIIEttE IJJE YOU GET THOSE ISTEW GOODSP AT J. BEllliY & CO'S., TJIE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROWNVILLE J. BERRY & CO.. Hsre Jnst reretTed, ana are now opening, at stand on Main street, one of the largest stocks ofthe BUY GOODS ever offered la this market. Remember the place, ' J. BERRY & COS, y BROWX VILLE, If. T. . n47-tf RIKO Apples, Dried Peaches, sao, Eiee, stareh, aosf, Candlee, etc , etc., ARMY AGUE EROPS.' THE SOVEREIGN REUEDY FOB THE CURE OF - PoVOr LX1.CL J ST3.Q A5D ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. ATTENTION!! BUFFEEEE3 FHOH FEVER AND AGUE, etc. This most wcnderffcl remcdj for the permanent cor of Fr?er and Ague, etc, was discovered some year ago by one of the Mast Scientific and Successful CI:?m!sts of America, Oat of .hnnsar.ds f.f ceses it has never 6een t kr' -n to fail "i eCect:)? a radical enre. A sinjrle bc-i:!e !.f l)rop las -cured diseases which have STCltLORN'LY RESISTED THE MOST SKILL FUL MEDICAL TALEXTi It contains nothing that will injure tn Constitution ! It Purifies the Blood !! It removes obstructions from th Liver ! !! It promotes the discharge cf Bile !.'!! It efftcts n radical and permanent Cure by removing the cause upon which the Ague depends !!!!!! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS As it naruo import, has been and is the great Spe cific for all Biliou? Diseases in the Army. It bus no eqnal. Its popularity in our noble Army and elsewhere is as universal as its cures have -been quick and wonder ful. Asa It has proved a g?eat Meg?in and saved many a valunble life ia those itiia-mtie localities .where tl.ey would havdfi!ea victijii to Bilious Diseaie. The Chills will not return if these Drops art taken! THE ARMY AGUE DROPS QUICKLY DRIVES AWAY Liancour jw ba, Is. 23.0022 ! AND RESTORES THE SYSTEM To U natural BUOYANCY and ANIMATIOV : IN VIGORATIXG the bo"y and clearieg out EVERY VEST1GF OF DISEASE produced by loathsome miasm. Ee Wise ia Time ! ! a r5'No person residing in a Frver and Ague District should be without a Bot tle of , ARMY AGUE DROPS, And it rt strongly recommended to persons tr.el ing through places c'uarod with miasm. Wc respectfully rail attention fo our Tetiaioni '.. Many of our letter attest that h undreds ef iives have Inwnssved in the Army by its use. In dd,io well are its curative qualities appreciated in Arrpy, that ifieiuost successful Surgeons in thi fields id Hcfiiial uf it aim-t exclusively in 'h di'-'.-' f-.T which w ciini it infallibility. The lest'ians alwsvs ei,e the besi means to cf-ct s cure, liTiji the aoivers&Iity of the VRMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS ! ! ! We are happy te refer tn His Excellency Abraham Lincoln. General Geo.B. McClellau. Gi-aoral Frcwint. General Harnside.. . General Hancock, (ionetal Kiljatrick. Gonersl Kicc. Colonel Pye. 95th N. Y. . . Colonel Quick, 17ih N. Y. C. Colonel rowler, Uth N. Y. S If. Major Doremns. A. D. C. Major Rcifaynder. 36th Pa. Major Wilicox.A. 1). C. Major Ramsey, "J Major Still well, ! Surpeons, Mj jar Bab.-ot k. , U. S. S. Lieut. Whelan. J Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, N. Y. R.v. Dr. Tyn, do Rv. I)r. Taylor, do Rev. H. W. nec her, B'k! tb, Rev. E. II. Chapin, do Rev. Mr. Cheevcr, N. Y. Rev. Mr. BaHgi, do Fis Honor Mayor Wood, B'klyn. x M. Kalbfleisch, do Il .n. M. F. Odell, de Hon. Mayor Gunther, N. Y. Hon. Horace Greeley, do And hundreds of other equally well-known gen tlemen, for whuh see circular. PBICE OriS DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Wiloox Oo. Principal Oflce. 1S1 Water Street. 27. Y- X. B. Vo7te Genuine unless bearing our signature on the wrapper. VDon't let yonr Prorgist putyoti cT with any ether remedy. If ha dees not have it for sale, eu clffl ns $1 25 er mail, aid we will send you bottle wf the Army Ague Drops per m&ii post ps WILCOX k CO., 1SI TTAter St, New York. iaUi THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. The Cheapest Paper In The World. The extensive and eamfirehensire faocilities ia its fosaes-ioa enablt tbe,rRorBitToit ef the Week ly Ikald ta guarantee the latest and in net re-li-b't information posr.biy to be obtained, rot only f n in all parts of the United States, but frcm ail rts of thd World. Its homo corr.spondont!, engaged at heavy cot, and cociifcctei with eah new sav&l and mitiury cxiditionof the g ivernment, prove that it 13 de termined to leave to sKt uncovered by its opera tions and no event can occur that shall not Ead im medUto rejxrt iu its colamas. It cots the propri etor over ons hundred thousand dollars per yesr to maintain its ccrj'? of correspondents in lbs lib! J. In it colir.lion cf Foreign News the HKBiLi has for years held & high position, and it will eddearor ia thefutcre to maintain the stand it haisaned. It hasfpceial correspondents VUtionei ia ail iLe principsi cities cf the world. . l.iu-ic graphic arrangements extenlte whtrere. the electric wireg areMrelched. When the Atbn tic cab', is laid, which feet will scon la ac'orop5ih-ed,teb-raiE3 wiil be received froia Eurrpe and Asia, as we'! kz frm the United Stiitas. Tt.n mr readers will h. e the evtnti cf the week in xK parts of the civilized world regularly ati clearly laid b.fora' thni. The proprietor devotes a portioa of thesaper to Litteraturc, Fashion. AgrL-uiture, the Machauic 'rti, Sp rting Matters. Lu.-iuas, Tae-irica.1 and Financial Rep,rt3, Cattle Markets, G:nriil Nrw. and reports of ail events calculated to f x 11 an ex cellent nirtrcp'iiitan newspaper a weekly photo graphic view ff the events ol the world aiid all at a very if.w price. The Weexlt Htkald is issued evry Vnrday morning, aid furnitbed at the foiluwiu; rates : One Ct-py - - - - - $2 Five copies" - $j Ten copies. - - - - $la Any larger number, addressed to cmtsof sub senbers, $J,50 ea-h. " An extra ci py will be s!nt to every clue-J tan. Twenty copies, to ojafciirt-.-, one year, 9 2i, iii any larger nuaiber at Hbm siias price. An extra topy will be sent to club of taenty. Advertkuments to a limited number wiil bo ia tertediatbe W' HE3At.n. Tb Weekly Herald, tree cents per copy. Ttn di-IUii er yer for tlMh- hundred ani s y tdrce i.-uues. Five dollars for t-ii momLs. Twj dJArs and fiftv cnts fr three months. JXlEa GORDON BENNETT. Editor- nnd l'r.pritar . Northwest corner of Fultou and Nassau streets. ew York city, N. Y. There ara no travelling ac-nts for the Hehald. FISH'S LAMP HEATING APPARATUS, B0ILI5G ritYISG STEWING STEEPING WITn TM FLAMK THAT LIGHTS TH BOO. By the flume of a common Urap, at the cost of accnt's worth of oil, very cnir.f'.rull breakfast can be ooked X.-Y. Trib. unr. Simple in construction, easily kept in order ready for u$e in a moment con venient to have on hand DruyjUt'i Cir cular. I ieb's Liup is one of the most pop ular novelties of the day. tha utility of it is un'tnestionabls, a great saving is made in hcat inz and cooking small iirtirle s, an 1 can be uinde to ci ok m for a grt-st many persons, which is actu ally dono on the ambulance ears winch carry the sick Soldiers. Scientific Auiwiciin. pur family ujc, ho;pitaI, tnt, bsr rsck. pi'nic, fishing nursery, or sick ro-no, it is n prtijlf comfort bcyjnl all r roportioa to iiacust. llxal Jvuriiolof Health . 1 have tried the apparat us, and my wife and I prool.tfin the scnio a mot vaiuable and iudinpeniiible article, and we row wonder how we fceuld have so lor.g done wi:hout it. . Ed. G'tal Oil Circular. An ceonmical contrivance for get ting np bat at short notice for nursery and gnera! household jurposes, . one important point is the saving ia cost over coal fires. V. Y. Ercniwj i'ort. PRICES FROM TWO TO SIX DOL LARSCAPACITY FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKED A-T ONE TIKE WITI ONE BURNER. Vgrangcd for IvTosene or Coal Oil or Gas V Descriptive PaiuphM '.f 30 pages furnished gfiti ALSO , TE5I UNION ATTACHMENT. Price 50 Cents, Tu be attaobed, tc a Common Krneri9 Limp-or Gas hurnr, by which Wattfr may be Builtd ai.d Foid.c(x-kl : abo arranged to sapport a shade. SVEkY 1 A M I L Y N E E IKS OS E. .W". I. RUSSELL Agent. 2f6 p. srl St. New York. AOK-'TS WvjrrctJ. v-tx-3-?vr. TT yf XT NEIIHACKNEY & CO., Ilpve jest received a sp!ecdid stock ef Which tber will sell VERY LOW FOR CASH!!! Comprising all the Late-sl Novelties in Pjes Goods and Lrss Triauiir-J of ail kinds and varieties Fluited Ribbons, Braids, Buttons, &c. &c. Latest Stjle of Ladies' Winter Hats. Yells, Cellars, iTory Setts, Ffincy Back and Side Combs, Head Dresses, and Nets, etc., etc., etc. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, llajnifieent assortment of ZEZevts Caps, Snp'erb Stock of all kinds ef BOOTS & SIIOES Domestic O001I3 of all Kinds FLAXXELS IX ALL COLORS, Linseys, Ticks, Strtpss, Bleach & Bro-wn Sheetinsa. a And all other artioles usually kept in a Dry Goods titers. G1V33 TJO epteQ;be i9th, Irti ix 4-ylp BACK TO THE OLD STAND! 5" S3 a. JOSEPH S II U T Z iww mi V V W T Y V YT UMU, WATCHES. . AD "JEIILmjE ConM respectfnil inform hts old customers thit te h-s aeaiu opened bia Jewelrj Sh.;pin bi o!I stand on Main street. sonCn lide, tar (l or eit of the Br .wn v:!!e Hous- He keep o" banl a splendil assortment f eyerytl. ng ni Una) of bniiness, wtioh he will sell on tne ..w-t terms fer Can Ft &jii.Trxi& Of Clrtcks; Ttato esand Jewela done on the short est Kotice. WORK WARRANTED. Broernville, Keb.. Mav Ith, 1S4. n37-v8-Ty IMPORTANT to Smoke. s : Toe best assortment of Smotiog Tobacco, Cigar, Pipe, Steaips &c. is to t (otn4 Jt M?LAVGHI.IaT 4 gTAX. TO MERCHANTS, F A KM ER AXD BLACKSMITHS. IE0H! IE01T!! D. A. CONSTABLE, HAS 0 HAD AXD FOR SALE A LAROf A.ND WELL SELECTED STOCK 0? IRON, STEEL, iliiiiy 1. Uiiuii WiiiDi CJJiPRISIXQ: HORPE NAILS, NAIL-ROD3. HORSE ANL MELE SHOES, ANVILS SrNl'ir BKLUjWrf, AXELS, VlcSS.'TSirMBI.K SSETVS CHAI., WAGON KOXE?, SCRIiV," PLATES EO EST Eli PLATES. FILES, HASPS. WRENCHES, SLEDGE HAMMERS. UANJi HAMMTOa, fcUOEINvi HAMMERS. PINCHERS. NUTS, UARhOW 'Tc.F.Hl. WELL WHSELS,iC.,iC.,iC, ALJO WOODWORKS! COAirilSIMG nr. ps, fposes. rr.r.t.ows, wagon wins, si :.: ;.-.row:a. AXK s. iiOC-.'l;r, " AXE HANDLE B.i.'M)f HANDLES, PLOW l NLLLS. A.c. ALSO AGE'T T THK SALS Of F IPwBANHS C LE S. AT HAVING LAID IN A LARGE"ST0C1 OF THE ABOVE GOODS, D I it EOT FROM THE FACTORIES, IiCrOItC THE RISK, I a M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES TH. DEFY COMPETITION. ftsT'Send in Your Scrap Iron.3 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WR0UG3r SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE FeU4-n32-6m ST. JOSEPH, MO DAN'L W. PEASE,- flos re-rpened his first class North-east corner Maiu and Second Street, 13 liOWK VILLE. NEBRASKA. Wbere bo is prepared to do all kinds of work la his Iin cheap fr cash. Horses Shod, Plows Sharp ened, Wagons Ironed off, in fact anything in the Klacksmithing line done in the best style on abort . V-lX-l-lY. FAMILY GROCERIES MCLAUGHLIN & SWAN. a WOCI.P Rr SPJCCTfTLLT AXN0UNC3 TO THSI? friends an! ibe public ceuerarrv, tuat they have j recelveJ a snr.erior lot cf Fr.nly fiiocer:ei?, end iml the aiteiiUon (.i purchars to thoir stock lucluJiaf CI.AttlKIEU lo l.M HKiU A !. Ti. Cltl'-HKD -1o YOUNG liV.OX TSA, UWUiiEKD Uj BLACi TLA. RICK, SaGO, SPICE PErPET'.. Cf.'iVi S, CISSKxO COVE OY ST KK3, R.tlSlNS, Ci H ;t AN'Ij. i-t-:. rt SOAP, PL'KK SODA, VC LXS I i' SALKP.ATL'i, X3 S3-, COD LAEi TEOUT,iih;:I?lG, ill? GREEN ATTLE5. CRANBERRIES, PA RED PEACH En. DRIED APPLET. DRIED PEACHE Molasses, Cccl Oil, Cider Vicgas KATCRAL LEAF CTIEWIXO TOBtCCO. ffLDK i KaF AXDOTI1KR OHOICB BRAVD- FIX Cl'T t'A VEX DiSlI, K! Ll.'.k X1CK SMOKIXG. COil A10X.LO. Cigars of the Best Brands In thi Jlarkct- CDESTXCTS, AI.MOXD3 PECAX3. FILEEHTS, PljC KLTS, &.C, A.C., &.C., , A Splendid Assortment of Stick - aa Fancy Canly from the Rest MaRufa luries ia the East. Flour, Baccn, Butter, Eggs Czr The Highest Market Prices Pftidfw Country Produce. MCLAUGHLIN & SWA3, Nemaha Valley Ba5K Buildis Bbowmvillc, Jan. 14, 1SS4. n20vS-J2yrf. BERKLEY & NSELY? Wagcn ZJakcrs. HAVIXO RECENTLY FITTED CT iinL sLo&nitb new machine rj--snob as a tarnia-iatb4 cir;i-saw. etc.. are pr!3ire fO tvTQ cot a Ka. article f Wagons, Waoos UrBBS. Vt aOOH B-"w ; New and Impsotzd Ci'ltit roa, and ever in their line ttit way bn cV.l f from a ".omp'em wagon down to tbe sajiUe-'t rsjMinf tecdd at lowet ratos t'oan they can be tai ataajpoiat Kai r West cf this place. Brownrilfe. Ann! 2)3t. 4. iS-8-1 V 0 MOUSE! BY FRED. AUGUST, MAIN, 2JST. FIHST AND SECOND STS. UIIOW Z37TTaTaX3 TO". 17. OjKter, Cake. Pie, C'-k:s. Grzer r.rca-i, etc. tc.. of all descriptions constantly on huii I. GO-Xi) ilKALS eervei in the best style sal m-hrt notice. ixJ-Iy EI L Buckets, Chnrns. S" fvf, Tra e Clothes Pin and Ca;i.:e s. jp ILOCE. Batter, :ts. Bacon, etc.. ate. AND BATl A MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE AND FASHION. The January nasaber ef cur New i! risers met with a very fitteritg reception froa tie joora als ef the esuatry. Rai tl. f jllwwinj aaiwcj oany. NOTICES OF THE FE33 Tei Lapt's Frij.xp. This is the tit!efnw aagszine ptblished ic cf city by DtacocA Peter son, No. 313 Walnat Street. As its title inaicstet it is ewpbatifaily the laiy's frind, and is replete wiih everythleg calculated to j'.eae ai.d iciLrael The corps cf ccfttrikntors t its C!!omns embrace tome cf the best literary talsiit in this co is 5 try and, ia EDg'.ani. The feshion pJtts ia this nurtber, January, are superb and of tie latst stylo, while there is as abundSK'e t f patterns ( f all cie?s ani descriptions. Gabriel Wilk'.e's "Return, from 'die War" is a splended steel engraving, from adeij:a prepjd eiress'y for the isgaiire. This new enterj ris is erBint!n!.Iy deserving ths vf our Hdy friends PsiisaVphi Inquirer. A litw Lai its' JIao'aZjni. Merrr. Deacon A Peterson have just placed bfjrc thw pubiie the f rst nucber of new msgBi'iie, railed The LadyV Friind. Itisevidentij vtry well edited. by Mrs. Uccry Petersen : is well printed and handpcrc-'y iliy-trated, and is full cf eivellent original read-r Aoson j its contributors are Elam-'' C. l.n nelly.whote exrellent little sketch caii l,4-G''.r.-i W Okie's Retarr." sppears with a stet engravihgin this number; Mis?. Lusaia Mott, Mrs. Peterson, Vt Virginia Townsend. M;rJn Harlan', acd usnny otbt-rs. MA ML:3sval aV" by Mrs. R-c-dol; h. probably contains tbi JtC? thoughts t ifce n k ir ber. Forney's Pres PLi.J.'Thi. TERM: CASH IN ADVANCE. 1 -tpy, one year, - 2.f!3 2 ci;,iei, one yesr, - - - 5 ''tf 4 ot uiei. one vear, - 6-1"' t"pios, aL,l .ne t gutter op cf clr.l.-.' rC cl- Lv;. iandoce to gttter up of club.! 1: C'i 25 CI One oupy t,f the Pvst and one of the I -.y't Friend, -. - - - ?,j') Subscribers inBritiVn North Arr.erlt-i mit rtnit twenty cent iu add'.lkn to the annua! siibT;rt;,i:, ai we have to prej ay tLo L". S. j: jstie cl l'-.c.T paprrs. A thi price c f The Post s toe ssire as tiit of of The Lady's Friend, the Club? miy bo csir ex::sivo!y 'f the piper, or partly ofthe paper r,d partly of iho Msga7.ii:!. Of cour", tb piemitni in.'.y ho ti;her one of the ctler, as desirt-d. Th matter in the p.: per wiil awsys Is dl?.rett f.'v m tbstiu the magazine. Specimen numbers of the Ist sent gratis. Ad dress. T Z CON & PETERSON, No. 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia. AT WHOLESALE O.NLY ! ' Cf Every Description ai the LOWE T PRICES TOR CASH!!! Army and Country Merchants, Pedlars, Traders Sut lers and General Dealer can make enormous prv,fl:s nP'.in a suiall iiiTestmaut ! Jewelry of any Pattern or Qiality and in any quan tity made to order. tj"Kt.tiui.tes for any c!aa of work furnished. JCj-j'a.-ticuUi att ention paid U sn; plyinj Auctineers, Country Pedlars, Indian Traicr and Army Dealers. ' Anystyla.of Goods nisnnfactnrej, smh as Inven tions, etc , at 8Lort nitke. J3";-od Tarivasiii;? Cierls, with a m ill dpi! il can fla l contauf e:u ployuiout! lilualra'.td iists and full particulars tree ! TUE PItOFIT TO TnE RETAILER 13 VEST LAUGE. A w"hi)!esa!e Supply can t e carried in a kcpsark, hand vali.e, or carpet tag, and will not te like b cts bniky or inconveuient to carry fruin place to i'!jce. Remember another thir.f ! This b;iMne; istrtct!y honoraMe! 2j".'here is n neeJ of niisrepresc iirii! er exwcrafirg. Oar Gjis h w f.r tLemiielves ! ! It is a businets iawhkuaa snci '.eau'l tatii-rattory eqniva'ent is E'.ven fir tbe money reoelvod and an en couraging prcnt is pocketea at the sam time. U is an occupation in wkicu no person r.eei te sfraia cr a haaied to canvass the sams fie'd again and again, for where once our gix.-d are introduced a permanent and coniinnons demand is create !. Tj Soldiers m the jlnuy, or tine at home di3bl bvtte hardstipse'f war, to Cie griuen out of heaitl, Teaihrs, Posuausiers, or any person who wishes eitner Ical or an active occspa-iii, a::4 ot' tkat brings with it Great Pecuniary InJn -enen's. thin preioats an ci -portuuity aeldjm met wi-li. Tryii! And see .or jui- aelveat! CARKFULLT SELECTED LOTS OF JEWELRY c m P' our iieweal nyles an J mot saleable variety of Gj1 wiii be Ifnt anywhere in the Iyat S ate. We are constant ttllir.j rr4ra frota persons 1-mvsrz the choi -e ( G wholly with us. Ta mch we promite the test exorcise of our tate a'id judgment a:ri from . ur lung f -xoerieice can euure gati-t c;ion. We a-k no pay in 4dv-nc, state what style aud e.tia.i y of Goe l are wnted, and we will tea l the sau.e id tul-ie-t pay ly axyress at the cud of t'.:e P.juts. GOLD AlfD 3IL.VEH V7ATCHE3 Good movemen's and niannfaJtm ed i the be-t m in ner, of pure miteria!, ail warra tei t t'l e fr.m 10 to 250 dollars each. Strit any wi)ere pay col'tcted by Expie-. Sati.tsction uaranted ! All Watches a; sni price, thv of our owa importation. iroe by uiil 1 Send f.rthnu! T. A. II. G1 GlIAV. Manufacturer acd Ii:nx-rer tx-7-3'TS 716 B.oadwuy. New York. TVJEW Oi lcan-, Clarified, Crushed and Powderud Sn JL't gars, Golden Syrup Siii'dr liute at.d Sjrhuni l!o'.ase At McliartghJin & Srvqn'a. CRACkEt:3.f all kind. So-ia.Eu tor, Boston. S :gar. f Wine and Put-Xic Crackers, Creatu Bisci and Ginger Siiapps, TTcLAUGIlLlN it SWAN" are constantly receiving I I'iJ. additions to thir Rtovk of GiiCeriK and Har.i ' v v c. Their Gnodi and Pacts will suit everybody ' o ) :.:jt'ipr nii." ! "!lTn,OX. mace, spice, peeper, nutmeg, Ciu I ii;inioii, etc., e'-c. of tet quality At JMoL.r.usr-.'i'nc; cwnn's PL.vt Ca'tis. Me if mauls. A'n.-.n lot sail. In iia R'tbt'.'r Bilu, Pattcnt tLread, Seiz ors, Wrapping .ni Urooui twme, to bo had E j G L Ii mm BREITMYEU & ROBISON. VW. csll (te attcntinn of the Ls 1 es sr.d Oentlemiia of brownvilie and vicinity to our new btov.k of Roots and Sljors, ?a!ters, IJal moials, Larc Coots I'oHia Sitcts ai7l Jauny -I. in (is, SIoys33Jss Cliildr ii andlnfants Jnst Received, which we will sell as cheip for the ash as any bouse in the Wert. BOOTS AXD SHOES MADE TO ORDE In the very latest styles. V.'e warrant all enr work to give fatif factiun, for we employ Uue but tho beat o! wcrkmea LEATHER AND SiiDF FiNDi!GS For sa'e, and every thin; belonging to the trade. "?Te retnrn onr thanks to the rnh'.ic for past favors and by strict altentioj to our bu-ines hope to neiit tfcat lioersl patronace b?towe-l tin ns hereu fore -Bear in mind tfeit or.r motto i i!,e 'XIMBLK PEX S X ." STCOME AND SEIi: i;s.-r Ilopairirts or eiUL Done on short notice in a neat workman-like manner. LEEITMTER &. EOBIXSOX, Brownj-ilie, Xebraaka. Z2i vS-yty April 23, 1S64. JaVCOB MAR0I1N, MERCHANT TAILOE, BKOWXVILLE, NEBRASKA Call the attention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat servicable and fashionable Wearing Apparel, TO HIS NEW STOCK CF GG0D3. JUST RECEIVED, BItO AD CLOTHS, C ASSIZERS, TE5TIXGS, 4c. fe OF TIXK VERY LATEST ST1L.E.S, Which ho w'ill sell or mike on. to orrter, at unprece dented low prices. Having on hand one of SINGER'S SEW1XG MACHINES, he is ahie to do Custom work at ra.os that defy compe tition. I warrant my work. Hand a well as 32ncliJnc 'Torlc. Tase wishing any thin? ia his line will d.well M cslt and enmine his stock hefore investinit. a be piedgtes himself to holJ out peculiarly favor alia In ducement August, 18, 1ST,! ly. WATOBS 18 WW A Splendid aHisortnient of Conlectionary ineiudmg stick and fanrj candies At LIcTjaughHa & Bwin's. I TilEiiO'IM'A PULL lH02t I'YIA -J are b-.iit t fh W' aiwl n"t th'.roJ lr :ru- - -. te:ia'. aid 1P ti.T anv t t-as!e. '- 2 t .r.i ve: rfe?n. rnnn.. ft it!1!; n U Ech Piuw warrrs'.e-i Ux & jtsrs. psftsf uaj.,.'J to y.M. TysTiJtc-rs. 'The nrarrt-eWs'ert f in are rMimr!S 1L We can pek t - ticir roerits fr.n personal kao 1 e!re." CVfii..aa I-'t hmcxr. Waters Piaa ao.l Kel :evtt cY "Ir:-,r -r,rr-nri a with lle Cneat n:a:.e jC! ere." Uoxi Jotrnr!. ICO ZiUW 7 OCTAVO VlAX'JS,! s. Cer ent uniert. ,r wuii crei ezn. T2t sut S-tO. ?e-T 11 i-bap't I'Uto ?xl Jlfim'wa a.t If .US 410, $00, $W. f.i, Lj, ai.4 Tie LTo'"i', THi'-'V iriilt 'H fn7 Hirmnnmt Tuned tho E(inal Tentr.erinint wUt i Pteut Divi let SweU. Prices from A06 i 3 a). Alexander Or gars from ta $5-0. tjf-A lerl uisvi.ct l Orjrjai'o. Oio-rH-. bala St- ho.11.. Lu--es. ?et;nnes, anU Tei ie-. l!tt AC WATLUi, I, l. 41 iirtJwir, N. X. 4C PCcct-ie ttet. A new r,t:in?H fr Srhw acl iJcriiinji ies, cille.1 in ! cu.l Bei!, t nr retJv. It jnta;n nt I w t::iiJreJ choice Ton-iJu. ct. res. !.:et., lrji, r.irie an.t hirees. V4r ft them wr'i'n expre j !'.i- woit beiden J2 p t tlt Kiea.e2!t 01 il w;c, wbnU are ey nr p:'.'' eive. Acion - toe laree iT:nVir f teA"!i?Til pie-e any t" fi'ci d, ' Ik!s San' i)"!." ix,!j'i yut hear tbn eht.ii'i Hii:iir.e," "A; w i. oX u ti unrT tiJe " "Tlie 1e li!-s. ' and 'Littie Im I. -Oil. If 1 were a h'tle H: '-3.r!.f tat," P.-M'y ;,ear treo "Aavit Chorus, " i!efVoi fcr C-e rtrsrim I'timt." h.. Il is c xu il! I.y iiorn. lter, aaiisr-r ol " i V ba'tS'. I I an t 2, wtich bit bi J Us em rnioiw .!eof 8C t'OOcnpien. pircvreT, 2ftcc::s, $23 r loo; bono-1 30 cpdi. :s pvt 10i ciriL th'UMi, -n.lMvie! gilt. 4u fiS ter hmxire.j. "5 Cfpte fnrr.!teU at iLe uue Lun-IrfJ pr:te. Jtiiel. ai it retail jru e. I tvjjn. ni i- t:,e m st ppuiar IS Hot eer v0ei Ai'tci; the rQt.pi prlar riece a e s.uJ wi-Mi, Tip iKve." "Chrisnin Herts" B:ifnl 7n." I ouih' to lvf yy ..iher " The aise! tuld wn.-m "in t:.e L.:gut.' Kei for tie "Weary," fcc. Price ! rrr-r o re'. 2"' et. each. ! !er hoiVre-l ; U..i.n-t, j Is cii-. ejcU, per tenure"! ; cioift Uul euiwat4 Sfilat, l iitil, c. . is an entire w-ri "it 1" a-HandneaTi TTi ni4 sad r.ymtis. a te mUMJ i a iuiie cua. uittt t ju-t the btx-k to foi'..w Je'l N. f. Nr!y on mil lion of tt.e-e Pelis have been ieuevi, and are now rtns iu tiiia aod othi-r co'tn'rie. A'ti-o the many choicw pi.s r,iy b f- uml. Sualt we meet yoii.1 the ri ei "Thtv e ia a heaiiMful vuid. Strsr s.-'al! Cv-ine gin bo more. V--a'i yon near tbe A.rei . con. inn?. Then, God, aeect me. Sab' an Be!' ti.n en, Ac. Pi ke of Bell Nu. 2are the auie aa Heli X... 1. Biih nnmers ca biaine-l ih v.-.t Price, b.nnd cojy, 40 cent., Ja ier!.'i-. '.. e : ; tlotti bocnl, e-uibossed ci'u, Ik et.. i.e.- hii..d. d- t-i copies fTni-e-l al the one t i.. vi io:.. -.;d at the retail price. A new Sunday School 1; J". . i.r Ztj ji ' ; tyuiii. an.! to-'ie. It c r:i." i'. Shall we know eac't ot'ir j , : 'r ? to roine niitu ale ; T. w . r f: !: ri ; :.. t oo; Leave n:e witii !.. i ; !io '. stiil water. Ac P- .- -:r C ; " per huiidred ; txiuiiii . - i." ' bound, fvi Mailed al tbe reta . . v , : . ' I -i i- ci - v, J- ter, arlh r of S :i ' " ' '-.- . . . hive hai tbe tr . . f '.,-- cp:e. Ji'itr'' " : : ' -' "'' Broadvrsy. New T " - rr-. - - . i :.n r i . ' j a . eaa'aia K pav r. - -. f - :,v . cred and serai -. :: i . ' ar.J dying o t " s .'.' . j ", "' It is welt S'u: i i. " v :. ,.: ;,. t - 5 worship. An . '. i ' " : : ' ' ' funod, Where 1 . - - . " . -tian hero, Three dec 1 ' ' ' '" ' ' ' me of havn; CoiumLi-. r ? ' ; man's aatherirg; Ce!tinhia : ' ' ' ' r -'V t along, fcc. Price paper rover', Iww , v i dred. Mailed, at the retail pi tea TU Harp uf FrntJ contains 32 pages of S'jngs, due's and chorines, for free dom. Amon? the eh ice pieces w W'lti'J uatr.e, Talf freedom's m rn; O let my peop'e g; Over the m:n taia ; Tbey wuike-t me all tne d.v. .c. Price cent single, 50 cents i e: dozen, fJ per hundred j postage I cent each. P.:ttf A S.crtd Cantata. eontalns t'S psgea. Werda b Rev. Jidi.ey Pyer. mnala hy Pref. Coll. Thistaa:! ex-.eneit N. X frcn.ertv for they uae. Prices paper covers, CDi-eots iipr hnndredj bjnd 2icentx $.0 per hnnired. The Heeical Xic T-onk cont'n73 pgo?!ef trres and brmns. dsirel for rs ival. praer and conff.-enfe ii-etics. Tri-e in .Mif . cover, kingle copie. J cruts; i.per haudieU. Mai'.sd at the reu.l pr.c?. Th A:A:i CvUeitivn. contains atween feir and Qve hnnd-ed pe of tooea and hymn, new and o A. of tUe choicest kind. fr thnrch. Sauday set out. revival. rjisooary, teraptranr prayer and ronlereoce. and all of tarred and o ci a l" meetiiips. The u)ti!C in thia hx.k bai life ai.d an inati n In it, like. S!::niini Shore, Rit for Xiy wea'y. Shall we ku-'W en-li other the. e ? Shall wa meet ber-di.! the rir ; There t a teannful world; Kind w..rd; Sweet hour of jirayer ; There is a land of Iots; S jTcr little children-to carte unto n.e ; tiol gave the Xt;mi. Ac. Pricea slnsle -np:e. b mrid 60 cetiu; $:3 per hundred; cioth tx-end. emtuce 1 silt, 6i) cent; M per hnndred. Mailed al the retail price. HrjJlACB WA TERS, Broadway, Xsw Iurk, Pu6Uuer of the aboe Books. Vocal Jfuiic, icilk riaao A'-fmMtHimfnt. A large asaortnient f new and popular aon;, baitaJ int, quartett. ai;d chorreo, issued daily. Am the sn oat ;-opiiUr are. Shall we kti ow ea h jther tbere. L.wry; Why have my tve-l ousne; 1 will t trnw totte; Oh. tnere'a n wnThi tr! a mine, by Fsater Mother' love is trie; Sweet love, f .rjet nient.4i.. by Kw-iler, 25ceti;a each; I hear wt voices ini;nei riome i home; Forget if yjn can. but forpire, by Thomas. 20 ceota each. l:iatrnmentl Mtwis for the Clano rrte We are drain Pa:hr Abra'am, ;x hundred th-uand more ; Always look .id the auony ids ; Shall we know fcU otber ttere? kc,, w;lU brilliaui by Grobe, 60 cens each. Pu.kas. Waltie. Jfarche, Q'lcktp. Qradril'a, 'vC, b popolar anthora. All kiu 'I of ii nsi na an 1 In utrnc.ion hm.k. Ctalovnes tuai edf rce u soy aJJiea. Music mai.ed al the abvyvepness. TTif?r' C'i-np l'niir for the 3fi?Utu Arranged ss aIoe. d arts. Turret. and tVrnei, fo mnsi'.al s.ieties, rhoT. Stnd-sy whoU, pn'.li" ri.V.! seminaries ". Shall we know eah nhe tl.ere? Don't you hear the ao'jela criin ? Miall wenivetia yoml tbe river' Be in tine; Tbere i a h-;.i, if -ii voriJ; VTiiere lit.erty t well i-t niy conrrriT ; '.-... ,.-ri. troth uA'. i We are coi.ii is F.ot-er - i s hundred in ore ; There i a Un.l . ' .?'; s r row shall Cin:e a;aln no ni..r ; ll.-iv.'v . .i ; i sinz to me of Heaven ; L.n:d r Sunday N houi ; our tol i "o.: Nation; Whiltier'a t(i i.f tu Freodom's M jri ba dawi" ! j tun; Over tbe niotiniaiti : I..:-. Ue' gone to Leaven; a.. :.r nntcme; Bury rttt iu t ; :. thy ret y Seei hour of i. i . -j cet per doi , $- per b In sheet form, with Ti. Publiihed I) 1 -... ' ? - ; i'vf t.i:? ' j ' a r: e t 1 rp-t :. a X i E. Sc XL T. AlfTIIOr c CO. onrariLiit; Oi " ' ' K. i-W. aw - a 501 BKU Trt addition : - ... " ' '.-;'-teriais. we are " -.-- ' z Stcreosccpc? c. n if VJ Of these we hre a :i iio : . - : War Scenes, Aw ami i -. . ; a"pes, Groups. Nla: csrr, Ave., .ic. A -.;: -Stereoi-cpei. fur pui ic i-r p-ivam x'j. .. v' ;. Catalogue win te eiii to any -addies u ;-. f stamp. Photographic Albums, We were the Crat to introduce the 1st. the t'n.te t States, aud we tnaxnfarttire inimenke qnant.tiea t.i trrett variety, ranair.j from 5 I cent t : each. Our Alknm have the repnta'ion of be.n; sjpr.r in jsaa ty and dnrakiiity w any otbera. They win he ea mail, FREK. on re.;eipt of pnr. X3T XX ALBlilS MADBTOOaBI.3 CARD rUOTOGRAPUS, Qir Cattloftie now ernhrace Pit Tha'tsml diCeren sncjeci (u wmh aUJ.'io-js are non'im-.iiw biag.marie) ef Portraits ui Siiicsat A uericjus, auj it : aboi.t 10 .Vajor-General. S'atcmOB, 201 Bi-.g idier Geuerais, 275 Colonels, . loo Lieot Colonels, 150 Other OftVers, 6 Xavy j-tker, 130 Divine. 15 Au-.h.r, 4 Ar?i.:. . li Jk-at'e. 1 jo Prciineut Foripn Pjriraits. COO Copie of Wo-k or Art. lnciiKii' i: reprodnctioii ut the m--t ee'ehra'el Kts fraviiia. Painiing. S'-at-c, A.e i'at-s is n t oe reteiyt of siamp. An oier r tn,5 LK-zsa Pictures f oai our Ca'a'oci will t e G'.el n the receipt $t.hO. and sent b mat). Free. k bottrapherv aivl others ,'Jrn; g 4 C. O. D wit! pleae i emit' twenty, five per cetit of the amount wnai their ord-r. E. X n. T. ANT'.ION T A CO.. Manufacturer of PhoL trsnliic Material. 501 BROAUWAt, XEW TOTtK. tXr5f Jrritu rpittlify of o-ir t4n-re'i' ta 1 ty At Uel.jeueb.lia & Svaa'a. 1