Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 15, 1864, Image 2

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    ; 1
?iT.J!. r N,.t;t
A (Ilea-
lilting disposed cf all right, title and
Interest in the wVtlrcxl a 1drt rlisrr my
connection with that paper cceies with
the present cumber.
Ia conducting the paper for the last
thre months, I have ever upheld those
sterling principles of universal freedom,
for which,' as a soldier, I fought cn the
fields of the South; and although, as an
editor, it Las not teen in my power to 3oj
much towards their advancement, I have
the eatisfaction of seeing them etdsrsfed
by an o'erwhelming majority of my coin
tryuien, and the candidates of the Pr,y
rustaining them, both National and Ter
ritorial, triumphantly elected.
In the discharge cf my duties as an
editor, it his been my constant cin to
collect and publish the latest, roost relia
ble and most interetting news; and new,
in vacating the triped, I return to'rr.y
patrons, my most grateful thanks for
their kind appreciation and patronage.
My f uecesiors are gentlemen of energy t
and the ffuture editor, Mr. Colhapp, is
not unknown to cur citizens as a man cf
editorial ability, and radical soundness on
all the political (jueiticns now agitating
our country. 1 would urge all the pres
ent patrons of the Jldvcrthtr, to continue
the cordial support they have given it
while it' was under my control, and to
urge their neighbors'to patronize it also.
It will locstijnotbing ly the change, and if
p-or'e will give it the pa rcnage it de
serves, it may gain much, and re built up
tj an equality with, the best papers in
the west.
V. II. MiLLta.
Letter from Meat. Pollock.
Friend Miller: I arrived here in due
time, and found the Nebraska boys aU
well. No prospect of an exchange.
An officer that was captured at Athans,
Ala., but is now here cn parole, informs
us that Col. Geo. II. Nixon, of "Ameri
can Eagle" notoriety, is a colonel in the
rebel army. That Nixon's regiment ha'd
charge of them, and that Nixoh himself
had charge of them, and that Nixon him
self treated them well, -and is a good
officer. His many friends in Nebraska
will be glad to hear from the "Cennel,"
I send you a slip cut from the Demo-
crat cf this mornis
an ac
count of the losses of the 44th Missouri
ia the battle at Franklin, Tenn. It says:
Company C. 1st Sergeant, George Bean,
killed. George Bean was formerly a
resident cf Nemaha County, and four
years ago. was a member of the Legis
lature, elected on the ticket with Baker,
Hacker and Fisher. I saw him abet:
one month ago, marching out of Benton
Barracks at the head of his company,
and little thought that I so soon would
read of his death.
The company in which Ca'pt. Thomson
and his sons "Djck" and Biily are, was
intending to be part of the 44th, but the
regiment was full when it got to St. Joe,
and it was attached to the 49:h.
The Colonel Strickland mentioned as
commanding the brigade, is the 'irre
pressible" Silas, formerly of Bfllvue
Nebraska, and afterwards Adjutant of
the 1st Nebraska.
Your friend,
We omit'the extract sent us by Lieut.
Poiockas its facts, which would interest
our readers are contained in the letter.
-Ex. . -
Sjncpsls or the President's Mes
Jlessage. Again the blessings of health aud
- abundant harvests claim cur prcfundesi
craiitude to Almighty God. The condi
tioo of our foreign affairs is reasonably
satisfactory. Mexico continues to be a
theatre of civil war ; while our political
relations with that country have under
pone no change, and we have at the same
time maintained strict neutrality beiween
the belligerants.
-The proposed overland telegraph be
tween America and Europe by the way
of BehriDg Straits andv Arctic Russia,
which was sanctioned by Congress at the
last session, has been undertaken under
very favorable circumstances by an a:so
ciatian of American citizens, with the
cereal ood will and support, as well cf
this Government as of those of Great
Britain and Russia. Assurances have
been received from most of the South
American States, cf their high apprecia
tion of the enterprise and their readi
ness to co-operate in the constructing lines
to that world encircling communication. 1
learn, with much satisfaction,, that lh
iioble design of a telegraphic communi
cation between the Eastern coast of Am
erica and Great Britain has been renew
ed with full expectation of its early a
cqmplishraent, thus it is hoped that with
the return pf domestic peace the country
will be able to resume with energy and
advantage her former high career cf
commerce and civilization.
The Financial affairs of the Govern
ment have been successfully administer
ed during the last yetr. For the actual
receipts and difbureuier,ti for the first
I qiurt-r,.ati.J esti;;:at"d receipt anJ di-
qum.r,tau.i es!i;;:at-d receipt.
turser.ii:i! fcr the ihrfe remaicKig quar
ters of the current fUra! year, aui the
gnrral operations cf the "Treasury in
il-tail " I rtfcf you to the report o: the
Sr : re. try of tbi Treasury.
1 co.nvur with t i.u in the cpi::i3n thai
the proportion cf "he money required to
M!t-t the xpn?es coa?eqfiPi:,t cn the war,
dt rived from taxation, should be further
rn:rffcrd, and I earnestly invite your at
tention to this snlject, to the end that
there my such additional legislation
as ahail he required lc meet the j usl ex
pcrs'icr.s cf the Secretary.
The public debt cn the first day cf
July, last, as appears by tbeb'x.Ls cf the I
Secretary, emcucted to 1,749.600.453
49. - Prolatly should the war ccrrticue
.'cr another year, that amount may be in
creased by riot f.r from SoOO CC0.CC0.
Held as it is for the most pri, by our
own people, it Las become. a substantial
branch cf National, though private pro
perty. Fcr cbvicus reasons the more
nearly this prcperly can le distributed
among the people the better. To favor
siiL'h a general distribution greater in
ducements to become owners might, per
haps, with good effect, and without inju
ry, be presented to persons of limited
means. With this view, I sugge-t wheth
er it might net bey both expedient and
competent fcr Congress to provide that a
limited amount of some future issuescf
ijutiic securities m:gnt b3 Le.d by any
tr-a fje purchaser exempt fro::, taxa
tion, r frcm seizure for dell. Under
! such restrictions anJ limitMions asmizlit
i be necessary to g.:arJ against the aline
cf so important a
enatie pruieni p-Tivr.s to set aiitie
srmll armtiit?' 'st-a a posiille day
want. Privileges like the si would rea
der the posses!!n cf such securities, to
the amount limited, most desirable to
every person cf small menus who might
be nlle lo save encgh fi r the purpose.
The great advantage of citizens being
creditors as well as debtor, with rela
tion to tha public dehts, is obvious. Men perceive that they cannol be
muth oppressed by a debt which they
owe themselves.
The national banking system is prov
ing to be acceptable to capitalists and to
the people. On the 2-5th cf November,
five hundred and eighty-four National
Banks had been organized, and a consid
erable number of which were conversions
from Stats Banks. Changes from the
State system to the National system are
rapidly taking place, and it is hoped that
very soon there will be in the United
States no bank cf issue not authorized by
Congress, and no bank notes the circula
tion of which is net secured by the Gov
ernment. It seem3 quite clear that the Treasury
cannot be satisfactorily conducted unless
the government can exercise a restrin
gent power over the bank nete circula
tion of the country.
It is of noteworthy interest that the
steady expansion of population, improve
ment of Governmental Institutions over
the new and unoccupied "portions of our
country, have scarcely Leen checked,
much less impeded or destroyed by our
great civil war, which at first glance,
would seem to have absorbed alaiosithe
entire energies of the nation. The or
ganization an-,! admission of the State of
Nevada has been completed in conformi
ty with laws and rules. Our excellent
system is firmly established in the moun
tains which eneb seemed a barren and
uninviting waste between the Atlantic
States and those which have grown up on
the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
The treasures of the United States are
generally in a caiidition of rrosperity
and rapid growth. Idaho and Montana,
by reason of their great distance end the
interruption of communicatioE with them
by Indian hostilities have been only par
tially , organized ; but it is understood
that these difficulties are about to disap
pear, which will permit their Govern
ments like those of others to go fnto full
and ipec-dy operation.
The quantity of public land disposed
of during the live quarters ending on the
oO.hof September last was 4,221,312
acres, of which 1 ,53b, Gli acres were en
tered under the IlomesUad Law the
remainner was located with military
warrants and Agricultural scrip certified
to States for rulrcads and sc hi for ca.-h.
Th",crsh receipts from sales and location
fees was $20.11)3 4G the income from
sales during the fiscal year ending June
30. 1SG4, was 078,007 21 against 5636,
077 94 receipts during the preceeding
year. The aggregate of acres surveyed
during the year has been equal to the
quantity disposed of, and there is open
to settlemenj about 133,000,000 acres of
surveyed land.
The great enterprise of connecting the
Atlantic with the Pacific by Railroad and
telegraph lines has been en cred upon
wuh a vigor that gives assurance of suc
cess, nct withstanding the embarrassments
arising from'the prevailing high prices of
materials and labor. The route of the
main line of the road has been definitely
located for one hundred miles westward
frcm the initial po:nt at Omaha City.
Febraska, and a preliminary location of
the Pacific Railroad of California has
been male from Sacromento eastward to
the great bend of the Mucker river, Ne
vada. Numerous discoveries cf gold, silver
and cinnabar mines have been added
to the many heretofore known, and the
country occupied by ihe Sierra Nevada
Rocky Mountains and the subordinate
ranges new teems with er.terprisic; la
bor, which is richly remunerative. -It
is believed that the products of the
mines of precious metals in that region,
has, during ihe year reached, if not ex
ceeded glu0,O0O,OQQ in value. It was
recommended in my last annual message
that our Indian'system be remoddeled.
Congress at its last session, acting on the
recommendation, did provide for reGr-""
ganizing the system in Cuba, and it is
believed that under the present organ
ization, the management of Indians
there will be attended wnh reasonable
The war continues. Since the last an
nual message, and the important lines
and positions then held by our armies
ii t
nave Deen maintained, ana our armies
have steadily advanced, thus liberating
the States left in the rear, so that Mis
souri. Kentucky, Tennessee and parts of
other States have again produced rea
sonably fair crops. The most remarka-
ble feature in the military operations of ;
heyt-ar is Gen. Sherman's , attempted
march of 300 mi!es directly, through the
insurgent regicn Jt tends to show a
great increase of our relative streEfth
thai our General-in-Chief should feel
abl to confront and hold in check every
active force of the enemy and yet to de
uch a well appointed army t mave on
such an txpedttion. The result Dot yet
being known conjecture in regard lo it
is not here indulged. " Important move
ments have alo occurred .during ihe
year to tke efiect of moulding society for
durability in the Union. akuou?h short
nfrnmn!pt ure.p is muc i in.t . Tisti
. . -
direction that 12.000 citizens a eaca of
v V w v q
I the Sta'es cf Arkansas and Louisiana
have organized loyal State Governments
with free constitutions and are earnestly
struggling to maintain and administer
iherr. The movement in the same di
rection, more extensive, though less defi
nite in Missouri, Keutucky and Tennes
see should not be overlooked but Mary
land is secure to liberty Union for all the
future. The genius of rebellion will no
more claim Maryland like anr.thrfoul
spirit bing driven out. it will seek to
tear her, but it will woo her ni more?.
At the last session of Congress a pro
posed amendment, cf the Constitution,
abolishing slavery throughout "ihe" United
States, passed the Senate, but failed for
a lack of a two-third vote in the House.
I venture to recommend lha passage of
the measure at the present Congress.
The most reliable indications rf the
public purpose in this ccuntry is derived
thrcugh our pcpular'ciecticn3. Judging
by the recent cinvass and its results,
the purpose of the people within Ihe loy
al States to maintain the integrity cf the
Ui.-ios was never more firm.
The eztraordinary camr-ess ar.d good
order Withwhi. a tnti millions cf voters
met .and mingled at the polls, gave
strong assurance cf this. Not oty
those who support the Union "ticket so
railed, but a great majority of . the
oppoiing party alo may be fairly
claimed to'te actuated by the same pur
nose, lfis an unanswerable argument
that no candidate for any orn:e whatev
er high or low, has ventured to seek
Votes on the avowal that was for giving
up the Union.
While it is melancholy to're fleet that
the war has filled eomany graves an
caused mourning loso many homes, it it
some relief to know that, comparred
with the surviving, the fallen have been
so few. While corps and divisions brig
ades and regiments have formed and
faught and bled, and gone out of exis
tence, a great majority of the men who
composed them are still living. The
same is true of ihe Naval service. Tae
election rcturs prove this. So many
States regularly holding elections, loth
now and four years ago, to-wit: Cali
fornia, Conneticut. Delaware, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Mary
land, Massachusetts,. Michig'an, Minne
sota, Missouri, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Ore
gon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver
mont West V irginia ana wesconsin casi
3,952,011 votes now against 3,770;222
cast then, showing an aggregate now of
3.398 211, to which is to "be added 33.
7G2 cast now in thejiow states of Kan
sas and Nevada, which States did not
vote in 1SG0; tpus swelling the aggregate
to 4, 075, 773, and tho net increase du
ring the three ysars and a half of war to
145,901. A table is appended showing,
To this, again, should be added the
number of a. I soldiers in the fieid fFom
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jer
sey, Delaware.Indiana, Illinois and Cal
ifornia, who, by ihe laws cf those States,
could not vote away from iheir hemes,
and which number cannot be less than
90,000. Nor yet is this all. The num
ber in organized Territories is nipple
now what it was four" years ago, while
thousands white and black join us as
the national arms press back the insur
gent lines. So much is shown affirms
lively and negativeliy be the electi on.
New York, thai lovs sensations, and
is fond .cf outdoing Boston has appro
eriated $2-5.000 to do the handsome
thing by Captain Window, of the Kear-
Attorney-General Speed has baen ap
pointed only for the .unexpired portion of
Mr. Bates's term, until ihe fourh o:
March next.
Over one thousand
England arrivsd in New
shipj'last week.
cn one
"Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy" fs the
of Mr. Dickens's Christmas sfory.
New York, 9th.
The Port Royrjl Hercld cf the 5th says
3 deserters from Savannah arrived at
'Fort Pulaski on the 30th. They say
Sherman is advancing on Savannah in 3
columns, one by way of Millen, one by
the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers, and
the other accross the Savannah at Leiters
Ferry 10 miles above. He flanked Ma
con but did not stop to occupy it. He
had whipped Wagner and Ccbbs militia
at Oconee river bridge, driving them in
New York, 9;h.
Recent proceedings in the Squth Caro
lina. Legislature look very much as tho'
that Srate, L- consistency with her enter
tained secession doctrines, was about to
secede from the empire of -Jeff. Davis,
Resolutions have been introduced into
that body denouncing as unconstitutional
Davis' proposition to emancipate the
slave's and abridge the freedom of the
press ; declaring that slaves are not
amenable to Richmond Government, and
advising other States not to submit to its
Richmond Dispatch says Sherman
seems to be becoming more timid or more
exhausted, as for five days, up to last
Friday, he made .only 5 miles per day.
He has lost so much time and given the
confederates such opportunity to gather
strength, that hs must if necessarry strike
for Savannah or Beaufort. He was ex
pected at Savannah on the 26th ult., and
all that night the shipping off that point
threw up signal rockets jot his guidance.
Richmond papers say Grant is massing
on the extreme right.
New York 10th.
Herald's army of ths Potomac corres
pondence says on Wednesday last owing
to auuoyanci by rebels firing upon work
ing party at Dutch Gap Canal, a portion
of three regiments colored infantry nnd
a section of Morton's 5th regular artil
lery, under Gen. Ludlow, crossed at north
fide cf James, drove back the rebel and
eflecied a lodgment at upper terciiuus
cf canal, where they entrenched them
selves, thus protecting laborers on canal.
Burbridge and his forces were at Bean
Station. Hast Term., Tuesday, bis move
- m i - r . .. . . -1 wAfli-rtrr-dTfl !n
mem io sua iroru causu rc-cut
fall back with his mam force beyond
Bull's Gap. . Herald's Shenandoah eor-
respecdent says Early and Breckinridge
been ordered' to make a demonstration
on Sheridan's aimy.
Rebel naroers sav that Sherman's p-rin
c-pal force remained in the vicinity of
an cava rr 1 dar for ihe rumose cf
frathericir surnlies. and that on the 2d
hft resumed his inarch from north of
town, on 3d his advance was reported
skirmiihinz without loss rebl forces de
fend iiiij Savannah, it was expected that
on the 6th he would reach the coast.
Charleston Mercury says that Foster
has fortified the position which he took
. . Tr-n '
i:p alter tae rattle on noney iiai. wueie
. . ... f I -
it is supposed he will remain until Mer
man reaches within sinking distance of
the coast. . '
T.p.iurl't' n-r 9. BarbtiJje and
command were at B ar's station on the
6th. His forces were organized, supplied,
jrH In trr,; ( n r-!S. Ti e 1110'.'-IH "1 t of
Burlridge on Breckinridge's fltnk had
compelled 'he latter to withdraw his force
beyond Boil s G.vp. excepurg a small cc.v
alrv d-Machm't. '-
Vaughn is Reported at Cheekv Bend
with a cavalry force, and Ba-hrod John-
;-ir nt dor. Psbrro 1 'it thos-J rcrcrts
considered doubtful.
Louisville, Deo. G There w.-.s consul
erabie excitement here yesterday frcm
the arrest cf gamblers and h-. impress
ment of the horses off the street. The
street cars were temporarily '.stepped for
want of motive power.
A irang of Gentry's men took po -session
of Lagrange yesterday aft-rnocn, anu
If ft after ir juring the ra;!;oaJ so as
disarrange ihe runniur cf irains for
day or two. .
The Journal says,i is our impression
Breckinridge will. turn up in a new and
unexpected quarter before long.
N E W A D V E R T I S EM E N T 8 .
FftkCDiip by the nuts-'riW lirir.g d Henry er a
in Nctc:.b.i County Vo. cn t'us 2il.,djj f li.ceia-.
bor lfifi4.ii ei'.c.y ia .re j o: y an ! Co i . Tke Dia'e
is bay hind feet white ti t raster joint, star in
the torebeal, mhrr. ksn ha J n a b I!. The colt
is ?orrt-l. wliue liiuJfcet wilh ta'J fac.
Dec. 15'Gl. 3w A.J liU-hard'on.
I want 50 Wood Choppers to cut wood
on the Sonora Island, so whurn I will
pay SI, 50 per cord for good steam boat
wood- I want 1.000 or t,000 oords cut.
Brownville Neb. Dec, 15, T61-tt
Taken up by tile subscriber living at
Glen Rack Nemaha county -Neb. cn the
1, day of December 1$04 one bay horse
1(3 hands high with white left hind foo
supposed io be about 9 ytars old.
A. xM. T. ZOOK.
Taken up pn the 13th of December '61
by theVjl scribcr living three miles south
cf Brownville Nebraska 1 red arid white
spotted cow with crumpled hrrn.
ix-13 -3 DAVID HAWS.
In the (cattcr of tha apf ii.-aticn of the Guardian
of Samuel Dell for a liociie ti ?c-;i & portioi: f hU
, On , the 5th day of Djcrrar. a. d. 13U, Joseph
0elt, Guardijn cf .Sasnuel Poll, a rr.ior, filed Lis
petition praying for a lieci-? t sell a portion cf
thereat estate of th i-nA Saouel Hell, f . r the
rea5on3 thenin stated. Whereupon the court d;th
crd.T thtt the ncot r.f kin of fail Sanriel lili and
all person intcrtd in w;d estcte appear per
sonally btforo tl.9 Probate Court of Nemaha ef,un
ty, Nf -traska 1 rnit'-ry, -n Tudny the" day of
January, a. d.. I then and th-re to show caue
whysaii l'o&nso ahouid do? bo granted.
ix-12 4t Pnoate Jud:re.
Nrt'-ice i. bcr by gi?n that Tdoiiday. the 20th Say
of Jlay, n. d. ji the titue -:t f r the hcr,rjc
nnd HtijustD'en? of ci-iims n i 3? tbo Krate of
Wil'iaia Wilson. deacd, la'o of N;-uinb a county.
Nebraska Territory, aud z prr--i:3 hari:,L; chiijusi
against said fctat arc re-juird to !e itt side, be
fore tie, cii cr Lof-jre lh i-aid J.iv.
i'r-l ate Jijdjo.
l?o4. ii-ll-4w p'd
Cruwnvil'e, Not. 23ih.
Taken np l:y the un.lVrsigncd livirg two mile
West of DrowRville, one red s-tccr, niMley facfl.Iong
high htrn?, suppo?Ld t.- fce thrno .years c!d last
spring. ?aid steer was taken up cn the 12th day of
November, 1j04,
A Laige asi:ortn:eii vt Pocket knives. Butctcrknivj
etc. etc., can bo seen - ' .
IMPERIAL. Gnnpowder, Young Dyson anJ Blacl
Yeas of superior qna'uty,
At Tlcljuglilin & Swan's.
Notice is beroby given that I will reU at public
vendue to tho bijhe.'t bidder, for cah,on theprcin-i-o
in Nemaha conntT, N. f., rn the 2!.t day of
December, Ir64, between the hours cf y o'clock, a.
in. and the setting of the aun on the 3atne.dav, tbo
f .l lowing described property, to-wit
The 8. e. the r. e. qr, of fetion 25, an the
s. w. qr. of the ?. e qrt of section 2j, and the s. e.
qr-.-oi - w: w;-tirurTccnon-aT:TTaty"ng7qr of
the d. e.qr and n. w. cf tha n. o, aud 1 t' N l and
5 and the a. w. qr of n. e. qr cf section S1), township
5, north of rnrg 14 a k.
Lot no. 1 of section 10, lot" no. , 2, 3, and
section 15, lot no. I of fectjon 22, lot no. 1 of ge
tion 14, and lota do, 1, 2,3 ar.d 4 cf aceticn 23
township 5, torhof racgo 11, east.
hot no, 2, 3, 4 and h of section 30, and the n. w.
qr of tho n, w, qr and tha r.. e. qr of n. w, qr and
the B, P. cj of tha p. w, and the n. w. qr of the n.
f. qr, and lot po. 1, of- section 31, township 5, north
range Id eas-t,
Lct3 bo, 2, 3 and 4 of section 23, lots c. 1, 2,3
and 4 of section 21, k-ts no. 2 and 3 and the s. w.
qr of "the n-w, qr of section 25. township 5, north
f range 14 eft-1.
.Lots no. 5, fi, 7 and 8, and th 0 a. e. qr of section
23, apd lot no. I of section 25, township 5, Berth cf
range 14 east.
LoU no". 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, snd the 1, e. qr of the
n. w, qr and the n. e. of tho 8. w. qr and the n. w,
of the s. e. qr of eectton 25, towqtbin 5, north of
range 14 east of the 6th principal meridiq.
au-h sale 13 made oy tno order t f tue i'rocate
Court of Nemaha county, N, T.
Nor. 23th, 1854. ii,I2-3TrrSl8.
To all whom it may concern 1 Kotjce js hereby
given that Uenry Huuozcher has made application
to the rrobato Court m snd tor rawnee county,
Nebraska Territory, for letters of Administration
on the Estate rf Ehzabelh Lrech, lata of the coun
ty aforesaid, deceased, and that Saturday the 31t
day of December,, d. 1S34, is tie time for hearing
said application. U. U. LORE,
PiwneCity,NoT.29th,l8G4. Pro. Judge,
I mnt aid will hra mo'iey, thrsj inJstteJ t
ma wiJS coim nl p ii bj'ure ihe lit. of Janua
ry rex, after that, accocn: raj b& fiuni witi
A choice lot of Whia Lashe-s have
been received and are new open for in
spection. 1 have them from ihree to
twelve feet long. Thoe in need of jhe
article will find them "Bully."
"William U. Peni e.n.1 R. E. Turner, !. M. Fra
ir, IJ. L. Wiltiauif, jartnera as Turner, Fnzer aud
CoiBLany. will take isiti; that L'cnjamin IJ..H.-. Uy
and Je.iie I!o!!!t tnrs Civnrceuced .1 suit n the
Diitriot Court'of XoaiiKi County, Nebraska Ter
ritory, on the eli.inecry fide thereof, in vrhiih they
together with Ar.lrew S. IL.-liaday ctd Liicrctia
litliHviay, hia wifj. the city cf BruWDvillo in Ne-rc-iha
ivut:ty, 2t-bmsk:i Territory, ani Ch-irle G.
I isey .!.y." of raidei' j, ar.i ficath Xur.lls and
ChAriea (i. Diray, AJarnHtrator of the Estate of
Joseph Deroin. dweasej, are parties difen
dans. Tha object cf ai l suit is to foreclo.-e a
cenaia norths n;rde by th.i ?aid Andrew S. IIoI
!.vUy an t Liiretta Il jJl.i l iy l:i- wife, :n H.e 2iith
day of February, a. d. l-5rt. in fiv.rnf s ii.i p!ain
tirfs, on 1 jts nanibr nin? (V), tpn ( 10), a id tleren
11 ), in bb:k onasber tenty-thrtf, an i the en
half cf lot nnmW eievea 11). in fclo-. k number
nineteen 1 llJ ), all in thtt City of ItrM-nviJ'e, ii the
sai l county cf Ncma'sn. Tha j.;ycr of said reti-
i;un 13 ma me aiJ loii t s 1J un ier
ier-K; of
said c-urtan l thttbe proceed b
;.pp!iCI l!j
meat of two rrt nii-s.ry m.n.-s mpdo I v tho ?:iid
Andrew S. II-jIiaLiy, ii farr t" said piaintilT.
a-j;ouiit;r. to tha ?unj nf S ti.'.lO with ir.t-rcst
fra August !5?h. ls'35, a d that ta-h and h!L oi
iha hU defendant be I'-ir.iver deharrl and torc-ch-sel
of all ti'I ! i ltr-n-s, r ii t. in r t th-; said
is.'irtcisc-d psfL-iise?, WiM dtf?nJant3 W. Ii. Pooick,
a: d 'f urnrr Fr iz'r ar"! r.z -ayy ari roquirer. to. an
swer cn cr L-iforc h j2')ri d-y T Januisry, a. d.
13. L V. THOMAS,
ije-lC-lt-5IS SJ. far Coxnp.
r- i KA 1 nJi iLr,.
a."-. o-t co.-r.'-r ot
'orr. th-; 21 of
:U, iih-.'jt 1 -ii vesr-
N'cn-iha --ir.y,
L-oi:-; bor, i fc'4.
1 'i'-.r:
r.f . .
je a rc
a d--rk
a Y 2 J
Vith li:
b.-. -k .1:, i 7 L-c a fco
l '.:r l--d .n I'.f let
0:.' n, e;
1 ... 1
IZ ."t: i.i rr, wta It i t
i'.'it;.. M.rCLCKE, Jr.
Taken np by tho nndcrs'n , ll7;r5 on Ijck
Crec-k, Nemaha county, on the I2lb day cf Noveia
ter, lS"4,tw j-onies, erti of th.-tn i.i a ?.rrel, tha
other a dark bay and n.i a whit-s ?pit in hij fore
head and tbrfce white f ot . Oa the right shoulder
of ea-h is a braad aupr.osed ta bo either a 2 or p. Z.
- 12-3i " , JACOii LL'RLLY.
Taken upby tho fab.r!ber, liricg twjan 1 ahalf
iniks west of liry wrril'e, one yiko of oxen one
r-d, marked wit:- tw swallow fork., the other a
brinlle wi;h some white on ba k tnd bflly; suj
po?ed to be aivut 5 years old, itag-Uh ia appear
ance. 12 3t a nori.
Fran-'s A. Powlcr; admirii-iraror of the Estate of
Wil'.iirii viorl-:a.d;eap-.l, t-w the unknown h-ir- r.f
tho said Win Gcrk wi;i taki r.otlos that Tboiiias
J. Dowler t-ij ."-d a petit i-n on the Chancery side
rf the District Court of Ntj ha County. Nttraska
Tfrr:tcry, the 1 ijict of tich is to btain a decree
for the tale of tho following described If ad Fttaated
in said County of Nemaha, to-wit: tha north-wast
qi;rterof section number 11, towcthip number o,
north of rang numbar 14, east of the Cth princi
pal meridian, ai.d tha application of the proed
of Euch ale in payment of acertain rrcmisv. ry not
made by said William Gerke. August 5th, in
for of ssid plaictif, for ?25(l.i;0 with interest at
the rato of 25 percent, per annum after maturity,
due twelve nr. nibs after data; the .aii Uni Laving
been mortgaged to secure the p--aient of said rota-.
Defendants are re paired to anier by the 19th day
of December, lS-4. E. W. THOMAS,
Solicitor fcr Com laiaant.
Sept. 2Sth, 1361. y-4-4l-$5
Io?eph Bacr.n will take notice thr.t lirnei R. Cum
m:njr?,a3 p'.aintiT. has Sled a petition agaic-st a!d
Bacon, as dsfeudant, on the law ridi of- the Dis
trict Court of Nemaha C"nnty, "elraka Territory,
the object of which is to obtain a judcmrnt ag::ini
said Bacon f r tha um cf f10,0d with is erot May fith 152, for cattle then sold ar;2eiive r
ed to Mid Ba;on by aid Cumrtirg', an! ai-o for the
additional fmu ot 21,1 S nn-j laid eat by said
Cwmmicg-s for tho use of i-c -n SejJeuib:r, 17th
IS5 at bi nqiost. An vrder f attachment was
issued cat of said d-ar ant tb fvlbiwing real -tafe
ritnved in sai l County of Nem iho. to wit.
West 1-2 of South West 1-4 Jeetion 12 Towr.ihip
5 Range 15 Las n'h tail 1-4' f o- tth Wc?t 1-4
Steticn 9 Tcwnship 5 Bcga 15 East aj attached
at property of s;d liacan.
Said Baocn is rrquirfd t? nr.5w?r saiu petition by
tholvth day ot Dwctisher ixnl.
E. W. THOMAS, AitT fcr Plf.
Sept. 22:i 1351 v-l-:i-
Nctica is h'V.-hy sriver. ttat Txe if the Ci:v of
Brownville for the year I8o4 era n.w due and the
Tax Li?t has been placed in iny handj f"r collection.
Tax Payers are uctifi-.-d to call at my o2e and set
tle their taxes on orb-fire th Srst day of January
lSi!5. A: ter that date a peLai:y of ten j errf-nt. ac.i
ton percent. Mitercst p r anci'ia will be added to ad
taxes not then paid. The law .l.-c:; n'k row r--Quire
theccllector to call on tax payers f r th-.-ir taxes but
;I1 person are required to ps v tre sarr-o at the col
locor'i' fF.ce. JO.NAS IfACKFR.
ix-9-3--$9. , City Tax Collector.
IniitiS states InUTcal Eevecae.
X'-'5ce 1 r: rt-e? y flvp.i t a!l rfrpen c;-ft-err.M.
tfc? ' e-:ia l:-ci-:Tf it. n?i; (ilii'ii uu' ttET
c;fc L;.w or tt e r;.:eJ f tf s. vi;J in ti p IV'-ntis
U rurcli' n, Neisa'ia i P-awree, &;:-iTn i nry nf Xc-r-ia'-t
r-.'ve cc-iiTc ' r.ed t - i.r. and iii .e. ;c: i -r
csain::..'.i n lay C.T.ce in tte 7-.-. n f FaMs C::y
an C-ur.ty of Ri'UurCcn fcr t!-.a ypace ol tea diys
fr iiu aiid alter ir.e d ite of No-i. e. AnJ a?
jeaii,re!a;iv? t.i ,i- y errv-ns-.Ts cr excesi r valaitpTi,
v.i!l te receive i iy r.3, o.t tti?'t3;h u.iy c.' November.
1S64 111. appeals to tie A;- sor tiu t be mtde in
Signetf. JCSKPfT TT. nUtBANTK.
A-'M-s.-'T iV(-L-t3fe Territory
Date-1 this 17ih 4ay cf Nov. 11 v 9 n--9-2w
John R. Ullrey and !ary F. L'llrey, .his wife wiil
take notice that John Q. A. Smith aa plp.intiff ha
fled a petition ia tho Distrh'Cv-urt of the County
of Nemaha, Nsbraska Territory, on tbo Chancery
side thereof against them together with Joseph
Coleman and K. J. Whitney rs defendant. The
object and prayer of naid petition is t- furecloae a
mortgajro aivds by said l'llrey sa l wif in favor of
:.i-l plaiutUf 00 the Sou:h Ei.sf 1-4 of Secti-n No.
17, Township so, 5 N'rth. of l:an--9 No. 15 Ean ,,t
the dtb princiifil Medri lhn, fi'nated in the said
County of NtmaLa; to ob.ain ; decree fr tbs sale
of sail lot.d, and to apjdy th- proceeds in payment
of acer'.sin not9 Jruad oy d C!lrey in favor o.r
said piHintillfj. !25,0J, dated Aua.-t cth l'j
arid Jae Eve m.,r.;;i j after dat with iutrer: r.t the
rate of sixty ptir cent pc-r aniiam. toiuautufiir.
rij.d Lllrey nnd wife are required to answer said
fftuioa by lha 2bth day of I?or.:r(r, A. i). lf,4
3 1. fvr Uuian.
JarnesJI-Beduw ar,4 Foljciti Baddow, h.'i wife,
wit) tfc,a nptjca that Jr fcp Q, A.Huith RsplaintiJ.
hss. filsd a petitinr, pa tha ehareery sida of tha
J)iitr;i?t Conrt)f iYeiijaha Caunly, Nebraska Tarrito
ry Paginal rhens 4sfcr,t5ictj, tha cajectof w'sieh
is to forecjea'? a cey aip, tajort tsa mad by the said
Pcl'i.utieand Janicj Tl, Uti-U,Aan; 27 h A. V.
d52on the Norm Vf"rt firff, and tha South
Vfest Quarter f ths Xcir tl. Quarter, and Lots
Na, one and two i f HMtjan g Lot No. tae of
tfs?.tio,n No. 25 ail h Tflip four (i) North,
Range riixteen (11 .a-it of fjth pfir.oipal Meridian,
t'4tod ja theaaid Ccur.fy Seujaha. Said mort
gao baying niadj to eecuro tfca psyrnent cfa cer
Uin proraisiory cats baArirjf eyen date with said
mortgage, rnada ty tha said Fe!icitia and Jajb3 H.
ikddow f'jr$5i').C0 due six month after data with
interest fronj ruaturity at the rata of fira parrent
per month, tha prayer af said petion is that tb
said land be sold the proceeds bo aprlied ia pay
ment of said note.
Said defendants ara required ta anawr said pe
tition on or before tbA 19ih day of Occeiaber A. D.
1S64. E. W. THOMAS, Sol. for C nt.
Taker pp by the undersigned residing in Glen
Rock precinct, Nemaha county, Nebraska, one
white heief with rod cars , two years old next spring
Said heifer was taken up on the loth day of Novein-
t ber, 18(51.
I ll-3t-pd DaVID YATaINS.
r .i.. V... th nn iersVricd livinr on XI
KilA: l5'nd ia yemil Ci-.i.ty, co J
the -t W r Nu.Wr, . d. 1 ore white iteer
i.h rd . cck cn the neck, cr. p ciT the right and
nadorbit in the left r, r;,'h-r mrk oT bratd
I!-3 I 'd
Taken np by the u'.riber on hi prercjcs, ten
miles iuth wstof Brwwnr.Il, in Neuiah; conaty,
N-br.ska.on the 2lt dnj of V.rerjbor i"f4,OD
?t ir fat-t d lir.e backed r'jRn hifr calf ; no brnji
or marks Tisibla. Tbo owm-r is hareby notified to
eoiseaLd prove his property, ray charts and We
(aidetriy avray. poTTT
1 1-Jt-pd hi LI LUi.niAo.
Barnard Otens.) Fafara Cbas G"fm3 J. P;
vs Nemaha coiiuty, Nebraska Tcr-
ffoTifl Morr. riu.ry. . . .
)o tn : A cf Oct- ber I e-jJ Ja-tn-a liFard
.. it..-hmnt in tho above action for
, r t7 t. vt . 1 roni. f Al IT,
Drownville - Cemetery Association
JC,,.-1C. p, hercb? given that in accordsree with
nntico iVub'.ished i'o tho Ad.'ertiser of the 3d inst.
l e fllowit.z person?, to w:t. . H. aJley. Jena
MeU.A.S.IloIVlay.T. W. B,df,ri The.,.
W !! M:-r. G. Y.'.Brattun.W. 11. ilcCrcery
V- V.' Th.-n-.a ssj.-mbN-d it th lime and pie
stated "ir. .-aid noti-e.and . r.ttiz-d tl.trr-e! vc- mt
acerr.ctrr a.'.ci itir.n. tj ho known for the pr-jfent,
.... .. 1 1 - h.n-nr;!!. Cpmrtrv Assceiation." On mo-
-v. -t Hit next inoctmi be held
at the Prrslyterinn C'a-jr h in Brawari'.ta, 011 th
o,n ,i-,v r.f lii-opoiher. l-i. at two o'clock P. I
f..4.r,r,nv..-J(,f rt.mrAtktir.z tha oraniiation f
fh association by tha election of trustee anl x
clerk, with a view to having th i avocation incor
P',rr.tfd un-lcr an act of the Legirtatura of Ne
bnsk Ttrrit: ry en:itl "An Act to cr ate and
re"u"ae Sn?'-.rrK,r-tion in th- Territory of Nebrni
ka a pi-roved fcVoraary 15th IS "4. .
Ail wh: -losirt u b-.m mtau.-erj of the a?3.?cia-
ti a are :iirit- l t h pre
to tf ko ;-art in tho tiecti
Ncv. 7ih 160 1: -
:?ii at jaid aieeticx and
L HO AD LEY. rv.f.
E. V.'. TliU-MAS, Secy.
v-Ix lS-4w J10.53.
& ii i id I
t i
.lji"n Sircct ictii-c-n First and Second,
Wl hsTatn etire alarge and well sheeted stock of
Calicoes. Muslin,
Frtnrh Tint,
Hats. C-ap.
Boots. She,
Liather, etc.
etc., etc., elceira
Groceries of Every Kind,
Co flee,
AlUt whirh we cTe r at the Iowert 'prices, deter-
iiaed cot lo te urviers ' 1.
Brswr,7llle, Neo.. ix-4-y!y
-T. W,r- Til-
1 j
Tcefk Titters are In pnre rontbfB
Whisky, from a couiianaticn of tt trt nty iVf
ferei;t Lin-is of roots, barks and licrbs, nhich
act In perfect? conct-rt one with the ether, pre
pared from ths oripxal formula fcivin by l?:a
rat chief, Jd Jacket, to Vr. Chopin, mho
usod then iucccHsfuhy in his practice lr many
years, and by their Qfc uueii sourest a pcpuUrity
in the treatment and cure of lyp?j t,Li, lay?r
Complaint, Con.tij'raion, S'ck and Nervous I t:nl
ache, vcrand A cue, and ail f!i-ass.-JiLii:5 from
torpid lirer or iiiC'i'Sion. Tersons srifTcritj from
either of these loathsome !ijcases will find a snrt
cure by the use of liis Litters, which are ir'-ct!y
pure and free front ail iho drugs and poisons usu
ally put up ia such prTratkiiis and niT cn
an unsu: pectin pu! lie. A ftin-Itf trial wHI con
vince t'ne most skeptical thai in t.V KKD JAt KlT
there is virtu hLa 1.0 ctiitr LiUcra po.-.-i.
Tlisy Btrecgthcatiid iaTi jorate tha 573teu.
Tdiey are ttctialed for general debility.
They tre a tzx9 ctre for dypep:ia,
7aey giva a gool czi hoallhj appetite.
Theya3ist digesticn.
Ttf y are ths best srinrant ia existcajs.
Ttcy aro a pre7eativc of Tever td Agtia.
Tiey relieTa ccustipaticn.
They care Xcxvcrs Headacae.
Tli:y are perfectly rare and palitatle.
Ayd persons and dciicte ft-males will f.nd ttey
tan save large aottor'a hills Vy the use of these h'.i
tcrs. Beware of connterfeits. . Theltcd Jacket Bit
ten are only sold In bottles with our name Mown
oa the side, and our private government sump
across the cork. oca
Tor Medicinal and Table num. which are BerfectlT
Pure, and teed only be tried to be appreciated.
None genuine unles Uiey have onr g old laUl oa
ach bottle, and ur Initials pressed 1 wax over
the coi It.
8uld ly T1 drnrjists acd dealer thronjhout tb
ountry. Call for our goods and take no ether.
Circular to the trade supplied oa application U
IICDiactt PieJcrs & c.
8old ty . - Xo. SI Eivw eu. Chlcasa.
W. U.TIcCitEUiit ,,
' LEC'WN PliOUTY, Peru, N. T.
OADECo.. "
rown vli ,a, 4 aze , iSll. - no J-ly
3acesr. to . Brown Ac. Co.
Would rs?e-ttilly annr-nn-e to the Clvaena of
Erownvi:ie aad vieiLi'.y, that be has purchase! tha
large and Well Selected StocK
ii-J G
OF R. BltOTT k Co.
n n.inrea thepablicaenerally, that he wilt keep an
hand every tndnt usually keept ii
Fust Class Drug Store,
and i determined net to be undersold for cash.
J AP AI L ri()UR3.
11 8 ly
timi UVUW
The nnderst.raed, hsrlnz 9 .
tt new ,nd spaci-jas room nnder 1 '",,
Ber leave to snnoTiTVj, ts-it thr
uist aartniDg a man nu a? k i,Jt ia .. Vw
Cf thefltiest qaautf.
For Cu.;
T1CT0H-3 it KTTLrs
History cf ths ReT::.
At d.ffcreD: prite. .
Alio: All the reccrr.fn?nJ"i
Books for the Territory
Onr stock of Lett rr. Op nd K-.'e r,. ,
lirge ni of ihe best t 11.1'y ,n,j .7
was d-swu, we will uaj.erceat. ,-
Dp"iU -. that rny j, r .:! up. We ; t
left. Ar:i HOT s?:. h Z. LI.T Htvr.
rr er inw.
Cuiiit 1:1 e-ril.: 1"
Wit-it l read w..h . j.-.j -r ' '
-1 3 A
Ncr. 13th, iy;
X. 17 Mala Street,
Having determined
to Wind up my Dry
Gooda Business tbii
Fall 'and Winter, I
vi':l oHirto thetrddi
1 my immenso stock
at greatly Reduced
Having made liize
purch.isss cm -and
will ' sell mv c;.tin
stock coiniri?ingtl'.i
htcst Stvles or.'l
in the Tinitory it
C:sh buyers f.t s
great sicrilice.
Illtciiils : i'i:O0
bv .Lnc!i ncxi.O':.-
scqi!f?ntiy is cnabl-.-ii
to oi.T grcritoi i;
duc.iticnts .to tb
tr,'.dj thin c:ia te
given by any cih-.r
IIiiuso in tho 'iVi-st-
WILL ke p constantly on hand sn a-
Eztra-npcrfins to Cc-
HP Xj o xs &
And all other 'articles n-uankeft in
Ucpchant Flourirsr or Saw Mill. , ,
Urownviilc, March llslZL-
ri If If
sadt;leht coi
AIX KIN-D3 1 0? .
IT Street, Ocpoite V T p
- i