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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1864)
y y'7 w,;. Pi 1 - --'ia D H A S K A (5 A D V E RT I S E R TCfiUSUID EVKT TUCSSrUT T W.-UV MILLER. 31ock. Ilaln St Betwecnlat i 2 J. 77 advertising. ' e One -!nar (ro lht c..- ;:-Ic'rt;f.r! f ) hkca aaJuir! tn.ertiaa It iJ'Kine er.i.n l?::ej r r ! la f n column tDnjr ... PI Ct One buf cciuron .,t C One fuurtbl coitimoorj jf r - - PI Oae eibtb colnnnone jeef - It 01 C'oe roiuion tu rub 11 Oo blf cy!!ini six BiArii.b 24 19 One fourth caiuTin it - 21 U On eighth eoinraa rcoath 15 UJ One eoiuma tnre fnnihs - JJ C? One h!f c!nmo n ii.x tn-.ntfc - 21 O Oae fourth columnifcrte moai Ooe eighth ciua:n throe nxmr - IS 3 Annonnfin carii.iaf c fiir 'iS.;a - ft Cf All transient aierti?ctaufi call be ia ad- r! A. i r i r (17 fiy t i U . 3 J! O 7i)pAj X3x-o r.tC"rr.ne3'f,ir'ln'jTE::f' " " " Sulfation, trust ianab'-j, be rVJ iiiAdTaaeej Vance. Yearly adrertijcmf nf quar'a-lr la s2?.. All kinu of Job, li ..ok an-1 Cr 1 prlatinr. do I be best ftyle on !.'ri rr-t nri ruRa.'fc.'e tntia r.-.k Wort, and Plain end -Tasey J-.b Wot ... r.c in tie Wet ; J on ?hor: '-'''' LIBERTY AND" UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE, NOW AND FOREVER.' VOL. IX. BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 15, 1864. NO. 33. cmv if H 1. i - A 1n r ! ! V Sisyl: Dross-ffialdog F .1 1 . .- .... J a -:".! grtat ctrt nJ l.H.?t-r!i atvle;. '. in the try ;. r,t; fit the r"si- sr:i ".ii- TIHE SATIS MNZV' ! t h ;- s to priVr-a n'.i trurl:,T-ar- t-i 1 :- a:. 1 :ni-i.TiUr.S.g:!'rir.,aivI r,I'"r : i r-o , .l rt n t;", ai3 tl. ia5t Tfi";:c.o. ;:Toh!.n!. V n "..'.ia Street, ea: of AtkinoiiB Cio'.b- B. C. HARE'S SKY LIGHT GALLERY civ.i;jr?'.,-!'i'f. TT inirirsrM ta ; -.if : ! i' i . ! -. , . a wf!J-r:c'.H stuck of Al'jnuia r v i sifp of r.)R. Srcet -'i.p.- .. v. r.t. ---. rpi?.n. ni ?o to r.rh. :.'tr ;.j:n jkl wm'.i . 1,.;-J: 'ir. a;o Ut ropyifif 5 ir. :-ri-.c1. j,TCn, or l'!ai- are I. i a! t- fr i.-lr ti " 'lr BARBER' AX I) IIAI3-D3ESS0R. n ., 1 1 j oaita i O. iiullJina; tel. lit J1. Kct.:!-. tl.ftuk.? ro hi i-alrous for firmer l;rertl ttfr..'ay'j, ar 1 i still on lunl roJj to iLava, ititn.'.'-i : an I uri hair iu the b3t Hyi. l'.-J.wuvilie, Aj-til 21, 'C4. q:;3-8-1j. CI I AS. GrpollSEY : ATT01.xEY AT LAW BROWXTILLE, NEBRASKA. Af.rii 14' T(. 1SRI. C. F. STEWART, Ivl. v., PHYSIC! AlUAfH! Sa?,8S0H, , Foutn K:-ft cimw .f Main an-i First Streets Ct:ch nofK3-7 to 9 a. m. arid t to 2 tti 6, t, Erowcviile, N'tlk.t, May 5th, No 35, ly. E. S. BUIiX, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I 2o3arxvIx., City, "ICT, 1. OFKiOE AT HIS RtSiDENCE. July 2th, ' Mi. c47-TB-iily W. M. 0. PERKINS, GreatWestem PMogrspn Firat d ;or "Aro ." i j-rivillo House, li i t ) S' N V) ! J .1 N . T . .-. . ,i f i ! ! ? p'iti!ic thst he 1 : . . :ry. i.-l is ti.w !re &.-ea .1 f oi p:cf2--f k:i u t. ,1,.' i i t .'vi-r.n-Ji.J tyis. . V : !.:-- .vi'.i t:n i it ',.Tj'.iy tr, . r .'.,0 b;tie-.i and copied into Photo- is. 7-?. la;. 2 : If tl : t-. t.. I .fc P fvfrv V: t Ei't. - i ' !.' a! !. b : Jrl'!'ll. '. . ' thejr i:; r-',- AUh ituls EDWARD W. THOMAS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Cffl'j c-rrs, r.r Win ! Hr-.t Struts. B i O W N " I L L E , N h: 13 R A SKA. Vrall Pap-r Votil Fapr '. ! C itt:.:iy on Ui:d at Msr T:"cr SU-?, ty LUL'IS WALSlTtUlt, T-itr-Y.znr , ne in tie r.icit r?rcvrl ttyle, and ttSuLi!.iec!i t jLis. ruwL vti'e. i.t Li. jiir.o 3 130:, 5w , 2?r rz). AUGUST, snow r-v75Ti.TTjXi zsj. rr. OyMer", CnSe. rc, C- iin;er Itrca.l. etc. tc. i-f ' i d.'-fit v' rt.tistaii! 'y mi h-iiil. Bo )i JCSALS servrd in the iet ttyle an-1 ts-livt t.otice. ix-l-ly Mil OF ISWIlNi! MILLINERY GOODS ! MRS.3X.4RV IiriTETT, Annonnoei ta the la lies of rrov.xv:lio aad vi ciaity, thit has ;nst received from iut L East a luasaiflceut to k of FALL A3D SIILLISSSY GOOIS, CoUEiititig of Ladiss endKiesot Bont!&t3 r.nd Hats, Hib bcu3, Flowers. i:c -; T( which sh Icritesthft 8tt(nt ion of lite laJ'., feel- ins ttsored they cacuot he letter suited ia ayle. qra!,- ity or price. r.i-iy iJiffASIjRr.JLVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TALL.3 CITY.'.KEBKAHKA. -tjT practice ia U tae Cj Tfl.r: T-tx-l-Sa J TTTKI T. Buckets, Chnrna, Sieves, Mause Traja 1 41 Clottiea Tins and Castile soap Tp-'VR. Jiaittr, Brca. p-n. etc.. te.. CHOICE LiQIjOES. Wholesale and Eetail Jivan worinmg, OF A Ax a j n L ?. J if ? r- ' S '7 '-J - J f M LKOVrNYILLI, rn J-sst r.Trivl c v-.rft jn.-! tr-.t ' ! I-i': .:rs .--.r l c:g-s c---rji4'"'f4 t;i sin mark?:, un& j Til: eJ i-'-tiiaj'iw 4..?: but.-e Ttrriw:. ! Main Street, I3rov.nviI!a ! MATE1M0HIAL ! ! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN If yti -r:; ti to TrTjr, f 'irr- ttia ti;vlerr:7i.rJ, "vill hCi, ! j,-n vi i;t "'f' .i" u' i wiih'jiit j.-ri'-. l-lc :)' rvu:t !i :r .r:i..;;t y.n r,nr-y Ii.i;;-y ("III il T( ' t. "I ivp -, r ; rp. WPlith t")'.'tA'. Tin- i;si r : : i i i . i : i .-j j ct r.iit it -i'liiii, fin i if . wh-u to n.irry. 1 vi'i ;,co ti 'y t.. j-o:i. All lo?.:r t :y t-..!r.o'i-. .1. T!.c'f-ir'i ir ' rinti. n t-e il t y rflura ii.ii i, .'! i o 'i-u r ti j. s a -U -J, s.Wtj 5.i'ij y. Ljiusevt, ic;:':s tv. Ke V?k. 5 -v STASAD O w il .JU O -TTTA or 1. k i m . 172 -LA UK ST., CZIICAGD, ."5"i cr.rfal. !inv only Uie tuiuup 1'itAT A FOX: Ac?f?i','in St, Lni. v-ix-l it. Great Gift Distribution! 2SO.OOO Oixo ItXillioxx ZDo11azjsi. Ati to Mid for ONE DOLLAR EACH! Without, resii! to vtlnc ! Xot to l paid fur unti! yon kn-jw yuu are to receive! Splendid I.stof Articles!!! All to be Sold tor One Doilar -Each ! ! ! CSfl fJcn!Mrt'l II nut ins case Wa'clies .S to $l!'3,cb 25) L.niie ;.!'! Knainele-t.cjic za to ;to f0 t4e:it' Tlnnunjr case S:H cr ' CtMi lriamofHt Kni t", a-trO t;-.ll Vt u( Sri-k Chains 3:00 41 " " ' 3 M wi Rj,ii, r.r. tlets, rV.'OC C'ia.i Gold It a t Iris i'.-uo Cf .( isxne i-id uar, Ciniiij -)3 K)in;.ire (r'l i,.rirriiv 25 " 70 15 30 ilo 4 " S io 4 " 8 d 6 " 10 1.) n 2. d. 4 19 l( 4 ' tlo 6(M0 (Nirl. Oy. nd Kural'l It' ,.,.. 4- 8 d i 5i;o0 M...-:c, Jt-t, liv and Floi eii'.i'io Ear l.'4.w . 4 " fi do t600 ('-ri, Oin1 anl r.iMeral K.r Di-ojh 4 ' I.j 4'1'Jfl Caliloru A Vnull Vui.s vi 5'l " lo -lo 3' ( 0 Uuld 1" U aivl Vest ffi;rh tiys 2 . S rt. 4'.(K) F.4 aiKl Vet HitUm Slides A " 10 !. Jjot't) SethS lit:re3.eevo Hn:tvn, S " 8 -l.i 4000 uld TliihiUles, Penciis, A.c , 4 " 7 d loco Mioatnre locLe'., 2i'l " S d j 4'o0 Si 1t1i.1t u e l.ickettt Ma-ac Spri;i 3 2(1 i SOI tu1I T--th!i. a.-.. Crosses, 6.C. i " .j Nf.'O Piai:i ioiil ll'tifis 4 " i 1 it 6iW3 rbasettrii.I.t Kiti?s 4 " Hit-.) 1 IOO-I tito'ie Shi u: ivt Ui.:c 2 60 " I i i'j l:o CiUf'ivata Ulmon.l R.nes i ' 13 J 1 ;5.o Se: l.attiea Jewelry Je: & fr .U 25 " ;5 ko 6 3 Ret 3 " Jewelry C:Me...! 4 " 1 d Iojdo US.i retif, Miver Kxteu.-iou h..l()e ;k: IVt'ciU 4 " 19 do locf-c ;. !t! Peoti and tioidWo'tnte l- H. '-'ers 3 " 3 da 5-00 Gold pens and Gold extension 6 ' It) do ho iiie. o-v-i Silver Gojlets and Drintipg Cups 5''' CO do Silver Castors, lo " 1.0 .io -oo Silver Fruit attJ Cr.kenastkets 20 " M .. ...a IK-r.ea t-iiivcr Tea Ko'im 1J ' to jm. ou'jo ilj Cv laO.e stxj'ins lot V'l 4U do Ja ci ti-eciuett-e of tlie jrveat HtunAtion of trade 111 th'-tr.rii!? districts cf En?!an:i, throne h tfce war liavti i' -.ut if il e sUiiply of C truti. a iuanti ty f Vaiuniiie Jewelry, o'tiiialiy i ite!i.le i lr li.-, Kniit-h ni '.rUe'ti as ic?n bent . it' for in this evuti try, ati'l Mt'.Sf Hit Sul.i at any sacr-a -el!! UitJcr tbe-e irctim-tam-es AK'.t IN'UALK i. CO., actin,; as Accws rr tl; prnnijt Kurii?n Mtuuiac luic.s. 'aavtf . rcolvei u;m:i a GltATIS GKT D1STP.I- illl()N. snijcoi. to tlie tolluwing rojalaii-.tis: CKKTlflCATK S. n.uuiiiR each arttolAaJ its Viine. re inaov.1 ii. Sealed Kavei -ie, unJ well uiisel O :e of these envelopes will be bent y luaii toauy addras e on recii'i of 25 ceuis. All Articles sold at One Dollar each, vAHiCiii regard io value! On reread of 1 l.e Oemfiorte. y.n''.r;:i see wVat yon are j-'.ii'U 10 have, and Hk-i ir is t your o; k.i to f-u.i ihe!i'"l;r k'.i1 t :ie -the si ticlo r not. lArC!i.-.serb 1'i ty V.x'.t .ib!i:i A (o!I wjt-.::t. Di mi.:)d Ri!:.i. .r any y--t of Jc--elry uttour list tor O.N'R i'OLL. an-! in n.. rj, they set Iesa than one.olUr' wortit. .- :iii""o ate i.-? 'ill'. Tue jrice ,t Cert ideates ii a ijUv--at 0:i i r l ive for Klcren for for 5ix!y-flve for :e llim lt-f ! fir $1 2 5 10 15 AGKMS win-he Klluwe 1 ten cents m every Cerfifl n ordered t-y them, ;Tv:.!e-l ;he:r rr:-:.fc.n:ee io'ati to One Dollar. Agents win colkv. 5 o.;it or eory (' tiflo.ito. anl rci'jit 15 cetitu to its, cither AIiRAXDALE '& CO., - 1P7 Broad-jray. Xe v York. ix-7- NcT7 Pvncdies for SPEHIilATOHRHGA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION rnii.ADt;Pi:TA. A nrr.ftclcrit Ir.tiitvtun (tGths.r:i by ryarj En-don-'wtt. fortn Hthtf of tkf S'ckcnJ luttrttxei. atictri with Vtfuitr't cvd Chronic IKttotts, and tljitrin.y fvT the Cure of Disrates of t fie Sizud LlIJDICAIi ADVICE fiveu tratii, ty the Acti-j? Surptou. Valuahie Eope.rtR en Srernatojrhoea, and other Mt e??i cf the Sextial Orcacs. and on theNKW KKME- DiK3tmi.!oed in the nisi.ei.iny, sen iDseaten Jettei f eovelQies,freecr charnt. two or lureeaiacips accept aoie. A-ldraaa DR. J. SZU.LI.V HOrGtlTC". Ko ard As K(.iri-.n, Ko. 2. South NiUib St rest, Philideipliia, ? Dc-euit.r 12. ISil. u23-ly MOLINE PLOYS, soo 3 Oa band and to urrivc at D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron find Steel Warehouse, " 20 and 22 Third Street, ST JOSEPH, MO PAILS, Tuhi. Kec- Washboards, Eeelers, Ch.ldren"g Cahn and Vlife'.ta.-row 'lis Sweet to e Rcsii'sul'cre'J. ET JAWS .'. CLAtiS. w In the cifr.-y (1:3 of j. u'.i:. Vi hii the irorM ia r,i full of briz'itso;?, Af:i thlcvo rftuiii? iJ truiu -hen r b-aro 2ik tLe xora;;:s Iwsw 'iv-xi jtbfj tbe sea, Atl every Jram tro know cf Ufa I? or.e ci' i; . I';- 'Tis set; lo ,r ieia-?robcrc.l A th . jtL?" rf:t:e!;:lfr e;; t!i, S5rfndir.g r.-tf i't car uxKytuy, I'.iiin a'.i our Leuitj wi;h n:.-:-. 0 ' 'lis siToct to I f rcr.f.'ivr-J in the t urn :n?r tim of 'Ac, Lre reach tb bemir s-iiiiiu't With our trciglit of wo3 &rt'l tri., To lt'ok b.TikTrorJ tliryrth tb ihnioi Vhtr casjwcrDcy r-!i bcn, Aiiu ?h?r.hlea Cjer.-; if uittuory Turn thi-ir f.i :es to ti' 5 on T i if swic t to be rercf iub,i'ql A the br'!.-7e r'-rnrbr d iy, Fir-sting uj f..irfl from thr. v;i!!, UVr ibo i'griui s we,iy 0 ! '.'is srrt to 1 rfu:c;2r?T Whon i'i:r li! -' n,!.-; lost b!-.t;fa, Aii'l every wornirg sun u.oi ?I.-ty 3o::v'..- vur.t the tab; When y.uib U' f.. 'gotten, Am ftr.e with yoP.ri'iig? fauJ, Frorrj a worl l whert;:!i nro :1 v ir.ij To a Jo;itLIe.--s ?.t!J l-ev.-r.ii '1 is sweet to bo r-rui. i.;bor: l Ai tbe t:rtj reiacmber tiijbt, SiJrki d'.-nawi'nl throo-h (Lo darkcesj. With a psrrarxl bo'y lirfu!. Ci'en. Scott's Autoblogrrapiiy. Sheldon &. Co. haVe jast published the "Memoirs of Gea. Scott, written by him self." whi?a have heen promised for seven months, and on weich the. General has heen engaged for nearly two years. The' ore comprised in two volumes, and extend down to, 'he, period when he re tired from active service. The latter years, however, are but brie Gy touched. We extract Leiotv some interesting par ticulars of Gen. Scott's share in the events which immediately preceedttd the present war, as well as incidents in the Lieutenant Geueral's earlier career. Scott, a? a young lawyer, wis present at the tnai of Aaron Kiirr. He concerning Burr's acquittal: writes.! "This is to be regretted not that the thirst for blood was nut slaked on the oc casion; hut because, there never haviisg been an execution in the United Sirica for the highest of crimes, our people were, in ar.d ISfil, still untaught a roost needful lesson the playing a' treason is a dangerous game! Hence to threaten treason has bacon. an ordinary party device in nominaim Pre?ident. and in factious debates even en the fl nir of Congress; hence, nullificaiicn in 15Ti2-'o-3, and hence the present ( iri") mighty rtbellio'n. It i a striking fact that three of our ex Vice President? Aaron Burr, J. C Ca!hot;n and J. C. j Breckinridge became, eoch in his day. a leader of treason. I HOW VICtORII ARE JU-vCTD. ' When the victory of Bueni Viia readied Major General Brooke, (a ircle old soldier,) commanding at New Or leans, and a friend ;f Major General Taylor, he rushed with th report in hand through' the streets to the Exchn-, nd threw the whole ciiy-iato a f renzy of joy. By and by came the new? that the ?ar nud stripes waved ovr Vera Cruz and its castle, and "Brooke, aho a friend oi mine, w.ts aaain ear to spread the re- v, "I 1 1 111 port. cnieDody in me crown cancel cut, IIuw maamea has Soctt Lt?' Brooke was delighted to reply. than a hun dred.' 'That won't do,' wt-.s promptly rejoined. 'Taylor always loses thou sands. He is the man for my money.' Only a few faint cheers were heard lor Vera Cruz. The lone: butcher'.-, bill was wanted. When I received-friend Brooke's letter giving'thes? details, I own that my poor human nature wis piqued for a mo ment ; and I said: 'Nevermind. Taylor is a l-.OUlsiuiftM. Wo ehll ii Jo ti'nc' liear the voire of the middle, the norih ern and eastern Slates. They will esti mate vicioiies on different principles.'- But I was mistaken. The keynote raised ia New Orleans was taken up all oer the land. GEN. SCOTT S WARDING TO BCCHA.IAir. October 22. I emphatically, as has been seen, called the attention of the President to the necessity of strong gar rieons in all the forts below the principal commercial cities of the Southern State, including, by name, the forts in Pensa cola harbor, etc. October 31. I suggested to the Sec retary of War that a circular should at once be sent to such of those fens as had garrisons, to be on the alert against surprises and sudden assaults. , After a long confinement to my bed in New. York, I cacie to this city, (Wash ington) December-12. Next day I per sonally urged upon the Secretary of War the same views, viz : Strong garrisons in th Southern forts those of Charleston and Pccsacc'a harbors, at ; those on Mobile lay and the tVlississipp:, be low New Orleans, next, etc.. etc. I again pointed out the organized companies and the recruits at the principal depots avail able for the curpore. The Secretary .t i&iscdlaximis. d?d not concur in oue of - my view?, when 1 1 begged Lin to procure for ma an early cerview n-;:h ihe Fre?:dect, tbat I i trsisht make o;je. flfvrt rayre to save tbe j Ivtti and the Urioa. hy appoiSinieat, u;e secretary accom- A:i-uti i 1, says that ho has a telegram ! : , . - of ibai datrf from Hardee, wno sr.yj tbat ! 5,.vvhen tae .an:e, tece.;s:on:s::i, . ' r.i!.. : . r,,, an J cfifr:eti the lavairv bvi'J", a: the tnoivei in the ooinicn cf!f"r:v r-t out from Beaufort by the. envj vx-orn r'i t 'i i ii : i l - ii im i. iikimi - i i the President, no danger o an early ae - : cejoo beyond South Cnrclica, the Pree- ident, in reply to my arguments for im- mediately reinfcrcin3 Fort Mouhrie and j4,,rlJ' Vl"ci , 1, 7""' !eodnS a-g9rrison to Tort Sumter, s:id,t Pnt cu the Savar-rah and Charleston i in substance, the titr.e had not arrived ! rsilread. . ! for dainrr so ; thaJ ii..' ; ot-!d wu't the ac- ;;ion ot the ('onveniiorr oc Souili Caro.'i-; ' ua. ju ttt'i exp-fi'.atis'.i .;Rt a ccmraisstca wcjid be Rppu:ntea ar.d sent to negotiate ! wi'h him Oongrca?, respecting the eecesiioo of the State and tae property of the United States held within iti i thm K -on'-l cut xrain.-t t!te on, tnn no cuiu M tUreiai'oi cement.' and telegraph the cuamaodir.r oflicer (3Iajor Ander?t-n) of - Fort Moultrie, o hold, tue ?-rts (Moultrie rud Sumter) against Vi'd thu Sccreicirv, vuth annoftion. added : 'We have a vessel of War (:!ie Brooklyn) held in readiness at Norfolk, ana he wuuid then send' three bundled .iieii, in her, frofti Fortress Monroe, to Charleston.' To which I replipd, ftrrt. Thru s many men cou'd cot be with drawn from that garrison, tut could Le .aten frim Nev York. Next, that it would thca b loo late, rs the South Car olina Comct:s:oners would have the gamo in their own haruis-by first using and then cutting the wires; that, as here wa? not a soldier in Fort Sumter, any handful o? arn:l fcetewioniits might seie and occupy it, etc. Here the remark may be permitted, that, if tbe Secretary's ih'ree hundred men had then (or seme time later) been eut to Forts Moultrie and Sumter, bcth wovd now have been in the po:ts$tcn of the United States, and not a battery behw them, could have been erected by iht Secessionists. Contequemly, the ac cess to those fcria .from the sea would now (the end of March, 1861,) be un obstructed and free. On the reception of Mr. Floyd, et Richmond, tho Examiner pronounced a ulogy upon hirn in which the following passage occur.? : The invented by General Scctt to stop secession was. like all other cam-. nrii'Tts devised bv h'UMvery-' alJrr Wi-m je,aiis au.j lltariy certaioof general suc- coss. -The bouthern btates are rtnl of arsenals and fort, commanding thir rivers and strategic poimi. Gen. Scon desired to transfer the army of the Unit ed Slates to these fori? as speedily and as quietly as possible. The Suutnern States could not cut cfT communication between the Government and th fort resseses without a great fleet, which they cannot build for years or take them by !;tnd without one hundred thousand men, many hundred million dollars, several . .ampaisn and many a bloody seiv. Had Scon been able to have got these forts in the condii'lan he desired them to he, the Southern Confederacy would not now exil. The same day. December lo, I wrote the following nc? : "Lieutenant General S ou begs th President to pardon him for supplying, iu this note, what he omitted to say th:s mornincr,' at the interview with whtcn he was honored by the Pr-ilent. 1. Long prior to the Force bit! (March 2, 1533), prior to The iss;;e of his prcvbmaiion. and, in part, prior to ". passage cf the ordinance of nullification President Jackson, under the eel of ?rarch 3. !S7 -Huthrizing the employ ment of tte land and naval forces" can -e-J rein-forcemc-ii'.s to bo scut to Fort Mouhtre. u,d a thiop-of-war (the Natchfts). with two revenue cutters, to be sent tc Charles ton harbor Qiii u- der Sc.xr). in order to prevent th seizure of that fat by the utilizers; and i3. To insure the execu tion of the revenue laws General Scott himself arrived at Chariest.m the day fter the passage of the ordinance oi nullification." and many of "the addi tional companies were then en route for the me destination. President Jackson famaiiarly said at the time : "That by lHe asseinl'laau ' those forces, for lawful purposes, he was not making war upon South Carclira ; bat that if South Carolina ettaiA-ed, it would be South Carolina that made war bpon the United States." General Scott, who received h-s first instruction (oral) from President Jack son, in the temporary absence cf the Secretsry of War (General Cass), re members those expressions well. Saturday night, Dec. 15, lb60 TThe Cincinnati Gz ttle learns thai General Butlers proposition to exchange Pollard, of the PtivhmonJ Enquirer, for A. D. Richardson, of the New York Trilurit, has been refused. In Taris alone there are at this mo ment no less than 60,000 men who. have no other reh'gen or creed than that of spiritism, or as we call it, "spiritualism.', There the belief is as thoroughly organ- zed a system as any sctof tho Christian religion. It has its disciples, it3 priesta etc., as well as its papers, reviews: p-jp-licauons of all sort, whh editors and booksellers of-its cjra. Kews from Bcfccl Sonrces. RubniondYape, cf Sr-.turday, Dzz. 3J, ! ve fceen.rceired whhin our liny?. A disp-iich from Braxton r.i, dated ; einy y had been driven bck to. -ar-j the latter pince. He is anticirat - , . inc;, ivs, ar:otber attack- at mother :-:e iv: j.:; .ia ..f.nnnior ct t.t! 2 ad. ciiitOf :?Ilv hff? the fe!lcvir!2 : All nerrs t A k o:n Gpsigia is c-xcetuhily encouragin t was reported that the rUd Villon nr.d t v cays a jo i VarA-s had reached Millen, and there every propect thai Sherman would rHi'" ;-e coast, ihis is fale, and if ' fjers thrcngh nv. which i ; donbiful, it will be with' the loss of half of hi army. The ik-n', Whig, and En: 'juirt-r, of this date, eentnm the official dispatch of B.-gj about the fight with Foster's troops, but no ether facts about Georgia. , The Fxaminer cf the 3d says: The following official disnatch was re. teived Jat tha War Department last night: y Head Quarters Array of Northern , Virginia, Dec. 2, 1SG1. Gen. Eearly reports that Gen. Rosser, with Raines' and his own brigade, encoun tered, on the 27ih ult., ne?.r Moorfield, a small party of the enemy, and captured forty prisoners and one piece of artillery- On the 2Sth h5 surprised andcap turfd Fort Kelly, at Ne-rv Crtek, with four field pieces and four siege guns and between seven and eight hundred prisoners, a large number of horses and mules, eight stands of colors and destroy ed two hundred wagons', and a quantity cemmicsary and ordnance stores. He brought oil the wagons and the field came of the wagons, spiked ihr, th-ge guns and destroyed the car- r:n Hi- tiUo cm lured Piedmont, auk I destroyed ail Government buildings, con taining a nuciber of engines, buined sev eral bridge, did considerable damage to railroads, and collected several hundred head of cattle. His loss was two killed, and two or three woui-jed.. The boldness and energy exhibited cy Gen Rosser. and the conduct of his mn deserve much praise. Signed ' R. E. LEE. The Richmond Sentinel of the 3d. con tains a series cf peace resolutions, pre sented in thu North Carolina Legislature by one Poole. They are as follows: Resolved : That five Commissioners be elected by tie General Assembly, to act with Commissioners from other States cf this Confederacy, as a medium for nego tiating for peace with the United States. Rao! red : Tha t each ef the other States cf the Confederacy be retpectfuliy n-quc-stcd to create similar commission, to co-operate with North Carolina in re questing President Davis, in the name of these sovreign States, tc tender the United States a conference? for negotiat ing p?ce, through the medium of these eommuftioner?. . The Whig ci the 3d, contains a tale gram from Petersburg! statii.g that Lee had not demanded Pryors release. Ger. Willcox, commanding whsre Prycr was captured while violating the orders cf both aimies, and in retaliation fcr the capture cf "'officer Burbridgs under simi lar circumstance, adding that Pryor could not he released. The rebel Genera! Grscia, of Alabama was killed, on Friday last, by sharp shooters. - N The Daily Dispatch of the 3d, says Grants movements on Lee's jiht seem to be important. It reccrds ths burning of Stiny Creek depot, and the destruc tion of the Weldou railroad, twenty miles below Petersburg. Their acctunts con firm ours. The Enquirer says that persons from South Carolina report that there- is a fleet of two hundred Federal vessels at Hilton Head. It it believed to be Sher man's supply fleet. Details of the attack on Macon show that it was but a small artillery fight of two hours. Savannah papers say that their troops behaved worse than the Yankees, in j plundering after the fighting was over. The great Tallahassee is ia Wilming ton, according to Richmond paper. McCIellan's majority-in New Jer:-ev ! is 7.12 ; in Delaware it w as G10. The b'reat Wes5. V"hen Gen. Taylor was chosen Presi- fdent, only sixteen years eo, he iid not receive a single-Electoral Vote from he Slates lying north aud west from iLp r.'ver Ohio. .Abraham Liacola, favored y the diiseniions atnccg hia opponents, carried ail those States jn 1S50, some of them by meagre majorities, but received "! scarcely a tenth of th3 Tcpalar Vet? of I n T : - : X-r 1- : ! r " ' . 'hem ,y generally tner Mtsscun with thern b r-iissouri. io;.v. ne carritjs every iv.e o; .sed rrtaioriuer. by a very dccrJ It rr i a eu voie. nj as: r., ,i cnrriuu new i ... - tr i t. t .i . l State of IJevada, end-ha. lar.q-e absolu'e majorities ia California and Oregon, j where,.thcnSh he carried their Electors. ! li8 had k,rpiy tWO-fifths of its Popular Vote .'in 1 SCO. His majorities in that great section, which is saan to preponde rate ia cur National councils, aaay be roughly stated as follows : Lincoln's -iaj. Elders. 21 13 -16 8 8 4 ' - 8 11 3 o O 5 103 Ohio. C0,000 Indiana, IlhiV'is, Mi-'-hignn, Wisc'-iuin. Minnesota Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nevadn, California, Oregon, o;.t 30 000 10.000 5 000 40,000 20.000 10.000 3.000 20.000 3,000 Tctr.l, 12 Stater, 245,000 These States gave an nggregata popu lar majority against Lincoln in 1S60; they now give not less thji 210,000 for him, with gains of Members cf Congress in every State where there wa? anything left to gain. And there is no pretense that anything was lost to his adversaries through divisions ? The vote of the North-West is the strongest gus.rran.ty yet prefTered c( the perpetuity of the Union. The aliena tion of the North-West has been plotted and sought for years. To this end un counted lodges of "Knights of the Gol den Circle," '-Sons cf Liberty," ccc have been organized. To this end New England has been persistently defamed and reviled by the basest of renegade sons. To this end, constant stimulus has been given to Western jealousy and hate of the East.',-. The Puritanism and fan aticism of New England have been in culpated as plunging the country into a gigantic civil war fcr tho benefit of her cotton mills 03 if cotton mills luxuriat ed ia the dearth and dearness of cottcn and now the Great West responds by larger, more dechive majorities for the War, a heartier support to tha Adminis tration, than are given in the East. And the rattle of riven fetters in Maryland is more than paralleled by the crash of tho priran-housa in Missouri. So let us rest in the confident assur ance that the-Unicn will endure forever, under the guardianship and protection of tha Great because Free North-West! A'. Y. Trlivne. Old Massachusetts the cradle of Am erican liberty has even surpassed her sel! in the recent election. The vote for President, in 307 towns, stands a? fol lows : Lincoln - 119,057 McCielhu 40273 Lincoln's majority, 70.SI4 The Congressional delegation stands Uuiou 10 Demcc a:s, none. Would Lose Fifty Thousand Dollars. If a military cflker puts in an applica tion for a furlough on the simple ground of urgent private, business, he is about as likely to get it as he is by beig struck by lightning. A Main officer applied for one, however, stating that if it was tot granted he should lose -30,000. This attracted attention at headquarters, and the officer desired to forward a statement of how he would lose il. He did so to the effect that he had been in the army without leave of absence for two years; that he' was engaged to a young lady worth $-50,000; that there was another fellow after her, and that she had written to him that if he aid not come home and marry her right away, he would have the other man. He got his furlough. Portland Argus. ElecUen In Montana. The result of the election in its Ter ritory is;dred majority for the Democrats. The Territorial election occurred ca the first. Colonel Sam. Mc Lean, formerly cf Mountain City, Cclo- ; r&co' was Siren lae aDv nnjerny, over i l . . i i i castleM, uepuUicaD- The next Corire." wil ccLtain an overwLeltnino: Uuioa Mrcnty ia loth brnnches. Thc S?naie will le c-Trii:uted, fcliti- j'colij, as folK-wi: Unioniats. - CS Democrats, 7 Uuion-maj ttity. , 31 The IL'Uss will be divided as f o"cts : Dem. Maine . G O N. Hampshire 3 Vermont - 0 '-Mass.-uhrs?!! 10 0 Rhode Island - 2 Connecticut , 4 ' New Yr!c - - 21 10 NewJcr.-cy - 2 3 Pennsylvania IS 0 Maryland . - 4 ' 2 West Virginia - 3 t Ohio ... 17 2 Indiana S 3 Illinois 10 4 Iowa - - - B U Wisconsin 1- Minnesota - 2 0 Michigan - - G '0 Missouri - 7 2 . Kansas 1 0 Nevada - 1 0 California ' . - 3 U Oregon . - - I ' O Delaware -k 1 0 , Kentucky 4 Ct i Tennessea - - 2 f Total - 130 All of the Territories send Union D.I- ?gates, as follows : . ' LTiiiou. Cupp3".-. Nebraska 1 0 Colorado 1 O Dakota - - 1 .0 Utah - - - 1 U Montana - 1 : . O Idaho - - 1 0 New Mexico - 1 U Washington - .1 O Total - 8 0" The House of Representatives will stand nearly four lo one in favor of an amendment of the Constitution of .th United Stales, abolishing Slavery in all the States. Gen. ntanlej's cT t:rj Hat lie of Franklin. Maj. Gen. Stanley, wounded in the battle at Franklin, arrived at Cincinnati on the 4th inst. He says the reports cf the battle that have reached the pubho have not been exaggerated. The Cht was made to save cur trair.o which vrere of enormous size nad value, filling the roads for twelve miles. . . . It was not intended to held Franklin longer than necessary to get our proper ty out of iho way. Ths rebels had been pressing us' very hard from Columbia, and at cne time w were ia great danger ; but Hood lost his opportunity in not attacking in force ut Spring Hill. Shcfieid's arr.ij was composed cf the 4th and 23 corps, together with a few. recruits that recently entered the ser vice. They left Ptnaiki, November 23. and were so clasely pressed iha; it was fear ed at one time that the artillery and wagon trains would have to be aL mdcn doned, but by good management ail were brought through safely. ; . Gen. Stanley has been in neatly nil the battles in Tennessee and Georgia, tut says the musketry fire, for an, at Franklin, was the most intense lie ever witnessed. In addition, we had iweu'y eight guns in the action, havir-g full sweep at the rebel columns. The Commercial's N-shviil- dipatch says: Murfreeaburo, Bridgeport, ami Chattanooga aro safe. Nashville and the surroundin country for miles ha3 beea converted into a'hugs fort. The destrus;tion of rebel proper. in the defence of ih city was immense. Almost all the rich prcperty holder here abouts are rebel sympathizers. The advance of the rebel army neces sitated the destruction cf their property The Federal position is perfectly satis factory. , ' " The Southern papsrs tail Shemnc venture a desperate casa cf chmce. Very likely;but he made hia first "point"' in taking Atlanta, "passei" iI3cd. iuui Alabama, "eucherf-d" him in the nsxt deal, holding "loth bowers and an ace," he is playing, a 'ion? hand.'Vaad iaa- king a march,, with every preset of "go n out." A cotemporary mentior-r arrest cf a weman in the sireet "with ncthii g ou her person but a love-letter a ad a di-g-icrreotyp." Rafher a piic end pcrurerfjue co:nn:e. far a rr.sirepo.'is