Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 08, 1864, Image 2
cbcaska SUtocrttscr TY. II. JXILL,Ent EDITCK. lOWXTILLE, THURSDAY DEC. 8, 1881. . . A Board cf Tra3?. During the past week we have ten to several of our leading- men out the organization cf a Beard of rade, and from the favorable attention iven the subject we feel encouraged to .all upon the merchants through our col urns to give the matter a little atten tion, and let us set if we cannot do some thing. . Brownville is decidcly behind the coun try, but enly needs to be brought into no- ila rita in its nroner level. It s a well known fact to all persons at all ac- ouainted with the rlace find its acvanta- . fPa as a bu-iness location, cr a com -Tcial point, Rrownville is equal tj the -. T-1 r--'Ki. Lvic? nearest to the v!:v;. tl.e ccr.tsr cf commerce r ': ; : - .i- .r lail' oa J cenmunicstioa with '.:! r. near Tt. Kearney and - . ..:.- .;r'ry r:cs. of it, with better tier natural advantages ev illy n5ci t make cn? ccn- AV .l-o .Tort. tx we will bring a. l;iowr:ville tlat will surpass our I' u.-sl eULguinc expectations. The growth the plac e fo: the past year has been ut it may be made much UAH :u e rail e, next, if our business men will greater take the matter iu hand, and udopt some means of bringing the place into notics. And m -thinking of this subject, they must consider, that every dsllar expend ed for this purpose' will Le as "bread cast upon th waters," to return to thsm with a large interest. ThaL- this would be the case, every intelligent man must tea at a glance, for with our. natural ad vantages properly improved mi public ipirit properly aroiiai, &cir trad 3 vould b maDy times grea'.v-r, and their property woithmore nowr- We are informed by I !.' Wheeler, that the bridge across the Itnaha about cine. miles wet of this p. .ei, is now completed. -This rcmed. 'J the. ody defect in the route from t!Hf place to all points west, and gives us abetter rd to Fu Kearney than can be found from any other point on the Missouri river. , While it affords the bsst facilities for travel between this place and the weatern counties, the people of which will no doubt fell it much to their advantage, now, to do all their trading at Brown rille. "We learn from Mr. John Small that Ben. Holladay's stages will be along ii the course of two or three week?, as soon as enough slock can be bought, to tlock the line from Nebraska City to St. Joe. Put we also understand that Mr. IIcl ady complames very mucfat some roads in the neighborhood of Brownville, end threatens to run the line west of the city, if thev are not improved. Cant the citf- - rens of Brownville do something for these "to"-? Somebody move in this-matter --Mr. Don has been receiving a large :;;:uc di) ring the past week. - :uvertirment in another column, rrnr.'l to""1 - -Tuesday rvc. Wednesday of this y : 'k', v, ere vory cold and unplesant. $xo'ft fail to the depth of three or four inv-hes. and iL "old Muddy " Cm is it zm over- The Steamer J. II. Lacy passed down by this place ca Sunday last. We have been unable to issue more than a half dieet this week, ca account cf having our effice finished. Two days of last week and one of this, we had eve rything turned up side down, covered up, and carried out f the house. It is only by the greatest exertions that we are able to make an issie at all, and there- fore, we think our patrons will excuse us. Notwithstanding the bad weather .we nave has during tne past week, Lusi- ness had been very lively. Sirpr&l of our Merchants have bee n i c.u- r a r. . . . . , - winter trace, wnica mey are now sening oft wttn unparaueiiea rapiaity. ine lact is, that people are begining to learn that goods are as cheap in Brownville as in any other western town, while ii is as good a market as can be found west of the. Missouri river. Everything farm ers have to sell, can be disposed of as radilv. and at as rood trices here as - J o aDy where else, while they can obtaia any thing they want at as fair prices. Persons "knowing themselves indebted 11 nloficA rnmo forward at once and settle. We must have some money right away, and must depend upon our patrons for it. We hope they will not let us call any more. It is a stern necessity that is pressing u. : tzi it Ct::t b met immcdittrty. The Brownville Home has changed hands." Mr. Jarnes Wood has taken charge, from he enfrgy he ditphyt, we feel warranted in breaking for him trnnA n t rnna p. He is very accom- fe I a modatin, and w wih him all the suc cess he could desire. Keasba Conner BeprcscnwiiTes. Seme of the gentlemen who were elected to the effice cf representative a the last election, owe us a small amount for printing tickets We havt sent them the bills, but as they have not responded we presume thy have not received thtm. Let us hear from you gentlemen eocnt -First among the men to whom we feel curselvs much indebted fer personal favors are Messrs. Marsh Bro's. & Zook. THjs week, when our office was turned upside doAn and put out of door?, to give rom to the workmen who were finishmg the luiidiDg, they kindly gave us room for ctir crises in their Book-store, which enabled us to make tho regular issues cf the Bulletin, and get enoigh matter in vr-fi. to isiue a half sheet Aderii-ier. They are a gentlemanly, enterprising and accommodating firm, aud richly de serve a most liberal patronage. Their stock cf Cocks, Stationary and News rapers is the most comp!et3 of any in this country, and we would recommend the public to deal with them exclusively in this line. Call and exaraine.iheir stock, you will always fiud them diopesod to ac commodate you, and always prepared to furnish you something interesting cad amu: jcg. BkOTVN VILLE, aI. T, Dec. 2 J, 1S5L To Editor Advertiser: In the columns of the Advertiser, cf yesttrday, I find reference made to-my ofriee. In one ar ticle headed "Scandalous' purporting to be an extract from the Nebraska City News, I find a comment, or rather an apolcgy, by the editor of the Advertiser, in behalf of the officers of the steamer Lary, and tha blame attached to me. I would here state that my instructions from the clerk of the Lacey was to leave ail dispatches fer the steamer Lacey at Mr, Theo. Hill's stcre, which I did as rooa as received. In another article he takes pains to in form the public that telegraph news was received at Nebraska City seme three days befcre wo had it here. In reply to this I have only to say the news received i there came vii- Omaha, the line bebg out of repair between thi3 and Nebraska City, I of course got nothing. In anotner article ne also reicrs to Mr. Den. The dispatch sent by Mr Wm. T. Den never reachgd ihis office. I received a dispatch from St. Joseph (and the genuine is still in this office,) directed to Wm. F. Day and signed Wm T. Day, and as I knsw of no euch man, nor could find out by inquiry, the dispatch was net delivered. Such are the facss in the caee. Respectfully, C. O- BUDDINGTON, Jr. Operator. i Denver, Sth. Detachment cf the first and third Col orado, under command of Cel. ChiTin.?- ton, had a fight yesterday with Indians ner.r Fcrt Lyons, killing between four and 5 hundred Indians, and capturing ,-oiae 500 pomea and mulos. Chief Black Kettle, White Antelope and Tittle wero kilhi. Indians numbered about 900. Our loss niae killed and thirty eigat wou-ded. Our troops are still pursuing the suvages. New York, Sth. Richmond Examiner 5th says Sher man's arisy passed MiHcn without enter ing the town, a eclumn which had been lingering for some time in the neighbor hood of Macc-a has left the country and srone off. Unable to say where main bx!y is, but prerumed it is the column which is said to have passed Macon. -Neither can it say where the main body going to, but believes that Sherman is making all speed for Brunswick on coast, and may reach there with some of his army, but before he reaches blue vvatsr he will probably have to fight one or two general actions, at any rate carapaing is drawing to a close, 'and the end will be Sherman reaching the'eoast, or his defeat perhaps surrender at some point near where he is. The Tcpeka TriLune.2oih ult., an nounces the death cf Lieutenant W. A. Delong, H. B. lit eback and Oburn Nay lor, cf injuries received in the late cam- rpaign against Price. Deleng was ccp- tured at the li g iiiue and tnen sno:. lie was tau en to Kansas iity, auu nis wae 7 t V , i ' ' and his tody wag brought homa for burial. The new State of Nevada, which ten years ago was inhabited almost solely by Indians is bounded ca the north by Utah, on the east by Colorado, on the south by INew Mexico, and on the west by Cali- forma. It contains vast mines cf gold arid silver and is believed to be equal in rifchness to California. he telegraph operator at Plum Creek to day informsjis that the Indians at tacked a train near Plum Creek. That Capt. Majors immediately started, after them with only fifteen men, and came upon 100 of the redskins, when he would have been worsted were it not for a re inforcement which came up to them. Then the soldiers all went for th Icdians and ran them through the bluffs till dark Lillins: five cf them. Good! Rocky Mountain (Colorado) News, 21st. 0 Alittle boy returning from the Sun day school taid to his mother. "Mv aia't there a kitiychism for little toys? This cai - ecuism is too hard for sot- j 55 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LAST CALL; Tm'? and will hra money, thotf indebted t miwiii e.,) ;,d Dat it before tha U&, of Jnua- r" mt, aft -r tat, ccount iaiT bs found with ('. i. I") .-ir.fc. J.W.JI1DDLITOS. BUCKSKIN AND RAWHIDE. A -choice lot of Whip Lashes have reen received and are new open for in tpection. I "have them from three to twelve feet long. Thae in need of the article will find them '-Bully." J. W. MlDDLETON. LEGAL NOTICE. William Tl. l'cnick and R. E.Terc-jr, J. It. Fra ler, K. L. Wiiiintus, partner? 83 Turner, Frv.zor Corapany, ill tube notice that Uenjau.i.i iloIlyJsv nd Jee Uolladj bar; commenced a fuii in the District Court of Nemaha (Joust;, ftsbraaka Ter ritory, on tbe cLancery side thereof, ia h;cb they togethei with Andre S. KolUAij aai Lusretis llo'laday, hid wife, the cit7 of Ufovrnville ia I.'e mnha county, Nebrarfca Tsrritory, enl Chsrlea G. D.rsy iJayo"- of said ciry, and Heath Nuchollu Charles G. Uorsey, Ada;i isirator of the Es-ate ef Joseph Deroin, decease aro tcsda parties defen dants. The ohje?t of said fait is to for?':to"C a rertaii mortfae made by the s.rld Aiiiraw S. II-1-Ja '.ay pnd La -retta II jllaTay hU wife, ca t'ae 2'. h day of February, a. d.lSGO, in fivorof aa'd plaia tilfs on t.Ae number aia-i (9), ten (10), aaJ eleven fll). in block nnmi-ar twestj-th.-oe, and th? cRgfc Lalfoflot number eleren (11), in blo.-k cumber rintteea (19;, all in the City of KrowtTille, in the eait-sonnty of Nemaha. Thi jayor of gill pcti t i-sn ig that the fa id lots be noli an It a decree of court and that the procee-ij b nppied i.l p-'-f' 2i"nt of two jnmisaory nottg n;fac by tr eJi Andrew S. Ila'.biday, in favor of said plaiatiif, au.ountIng to the sum of f 23A6.I0 with interest frai Ai:!i st 16th,lSo.i, arid (hat each ar. l all cf the sri i i defend into be forever debarred a-:d fore olivsed of al! titls interest; or lien in or tr the fnid m ;rt'aged p"onies, eaid defend anta Vir. R Poniek, at;l Torucr Trzrand CV.m'.iaiv are reo.ii.ed to aa- i,r;-r ta cr Lcforo thd 2ord day of January, a. d. 1S65. E. Y. THOMAS, ix-12-It-JiS . Sol. for Conip. ESTRAY NOTICE. Tnkcn up Ty tho nn -lersined, liviDg twenty-two r'iies !"r iu Go:wnvillo, in tli sonth-we?t cf Neuiba eountv, Ne'jra.-ka Territory, on tho 21 cf Iloocmber, YJli. one yc1e of oxen, about ten yea'j old, one a rel with line hxAi and whife f;:ea. the o:hera dark trown,e:h branded on the left hip with a Y and 11 and on the left horns with B i F. 12-3t TII03. MtCLUKE, Jr. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up by the undersigned, living on Rock C 'vek, Nemaha county, on the 12th day of Novem ber, 1864, two ponies, ene of them is a sorrel, the other a dark bay and has a white ppot in his fore head and throo white feet. On the right ehoaldr of each ia a brand supposed to be either a 2 cr a Z. 12-Ut JACOU LUKLEY. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up by the mh'-criber, living two and a half west of lirywnville, one yoke of oxen ono r- d, marked with two swallow foiks the other a briudle with eomo white on back abdb.l!y;eup ? '. ro 1 to 13 asout o ycarj old, Etagisa ia aptar- auco. 12 Si A..DODD. rilOBATE NOTICE. To ell whom it may coneern : Notice is 1 &7 given th&t I'eury UunozeLer bas made application to the IVf-hue Cucrt in end for Pawnee county. ecra-iia i emtory, l,r letter 01 Aduiimstrauon on tho din'.a rf Elizabeth Urech.Iataof theeoim- ty : : r' .-r.i.', deceased, and that tfaturiaj the Slst o.iv 1. ;j.--::i.;r,8. u. it04, is tne tirae lor bi aar ' ; a?i-U-;ioc. II. O. LOP.C, rwre City, Nov. 29th, 1354. Pro. Ju i-e. iil2-4w-pd PROBATE NOTICE. Nat Ice is hereby given that I will sell at publio ve-ju tots 3 r.igcait onitfer. fer cash, therrera ' '?- n-. .smvA- ?ouDty, . oa the S1?S-dsy kcf lATcmbtT, Jto , between tne hours of 9 o c!oi;k, a. m. sad tbe fetlintf tha son Cn ttesanie day, the follovriF2g deiciibed property, to-wit The a. e. qr.of thes.e.qr, of section 25, and the i. w. qr. of the a. e. qr, of action 25, anl the a. e. qr. of the a. w. qr of section 25, aid tbe n. e. qr of tne n. e.qr and n. w. of the n. e, and I t N . 1 and 5 and the a. w. qrof n. e. qr of section 36, township o, nortn ot range li cast. Lot no. 1 of section 10, lets no. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of section 15, lot no. 1 of section 22, lot no. 1 of sec tion If, and Icte no. 1, 2,3 and 4 of station 23 township 5, nor'h of range 14, east. - Lots no, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of section 30, and the n. w. qr cf the n. w, or and tha n. . qr of n. w. qr anl the s. e. qr of the n. w. and the n. t or of the n. e. qr, and lot no. 1, of section 31, tewuiLip 5, north 15 east. Lots no. 2, 3 and 4 of auction 26, lots no. 1, 2.3 and 4 of section 24, lot no. 2 and 3 and the a. w. qr of the n. w. or of Bcction 25, township 5, north f range 14 east. . Lots no. 5, (5, 7 and 8, and tho a. e. qr of section 23, and lot no. 1 of stctiou 26, township 5, north of range 14 eait. Lets no. 1, 4, 5, C and 7, and the . o. qr cf the u. w. f,r aud the n. e. of the s. w. qr nnd the n. w. of tho e. e. qr of seetin 25, township 5, north of rarije l leostof the 6th principal meridian. Yhioh fiile is rfi;ido by the t rder cf the Probate Couri ot ilkhiirusou countv, N. T. AUGUST TRAVEKSIE. Nov. 23'h, 1864. ix-I2-3w-$18. In the matter of tbe application of thn(Jaardin of Samuel Ueil for a license to tell a portion of hLs land. On tb 5th day of December, a. d. ISfil, Joseph Opelt, Guardian of Samuel Hell, a minor, filed his pdtition praying for a license to Fell a portion of thereat estate of the faid Samuel Bell, for the reasons therein stated. Wherenpon the court dth order that tho rext, of kin of Faid Samuel Bill and iill persons interested in said estate ai par pcr sin;i!!y before the Probate Court of Nemaha coun ty, Nebraska Territory, on Tuesday the 3 day of January, a. d 1305, then and there to show cau'e wLy saidlioense ihould not be granted. D.C. SANDERS, ix-12-4t Probate Jude. PROBATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby givon that Monday, the 29th day of M?y, a. d. 18G5, ia the time set for the bearing ond adjustment of claims against tie Kstate of Will am WiWon, deceased, late of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, and all persons having claims' agaiusi saia isiaie are required to me tue same, be fore tne, on or before tho said day. D. C. SANDERS, Probate Jude. BruwDville, Nov. 2S;h, 18G4. U-ll-4w p'd ESTRAY NOTICE. - Taken np by tbe cnderi-ignel livirg two miles We?t of Lrowtville, one red steer, motley face, loner hiirh bj'ns, huppooed tc be three years old lat spring, said steer waa taken np on tho 12th ddy of .November, 15:64, ll-3w-pd ROBERT GILLjIORTJ. TECS. G. CREHSHAW, MANUFACTURER DEALER . IN COLLARS or SADDLERY .AU. K1SV3 OF nADicnss, wijipjs, spurs, lasiies &e. &c. I7ain Street , Orposit Ware's Bank, NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. " A Large assrtr:6Ltof Pocket knivea, Butcher knive etc. e'..,e'i jo seen At WLAZGULIX & SWA2TS. IMPERIAL, Gunpowder, Toung Hyson Teas of cQierior cuality. and BlacJ At McLaughlin & Swan's. OR.ACK.ER3 of all kinds, Soia, En' ter, Boston, Sugar, TV'ineand Pici-ic Crackers, Cream Biscuit and Ginger Snapps, McLAUGriLIN & SWAN are constantly receiving additions to their Hock of Groceries and Hard. ware. Tteir Uoous and Prices will suit everybody "o any otfter man." CITBON', mace, spice, peeper, ginger, nutmeg, Cin Bamoa; etc., etc., of tet quality At McLaughlin & Span's. PLAY Cai ls, Meat mauls, Slioe thread, India Rubber Balls. Pattent thread. Scissor. Wripninr anil Broom twine, to Le had MXAUGIILIN& SWAN'S SAWS, Hammen, Hatchets Jliners Picks Files, Ox Chains and At McLaughlin & Swan's. TUB highest market price paid for Country ProdncJ At McLaughlin & Swan'ow 3EEP Sbeart of the most approved make, for fait At ICcLcugbiin A Swaa't. mi ESTRAY NOTICE- Talen op by the onderaigned living en Mc Ki?ock'i Island in Nenraha County, Nebraska, on the first day of November, a. d. 186J, oce white t ett with red epeck on the neck( crop off the right and nnderbit in the left ear, no other marks or brands perceivable, about three cr four jeira eld ii-jw-p'i F. JE3KIN3, ESTRAY NOTICE. Takes np by the ?'ibcriber on his premises, ten v. milea south west of BrowErille, ia Nemuha county, Nebraska, on the 21it day of November io34, one etar fsctd line brfckcl roan heifer cr.lf; no brands cr marks it.ibi. Tha ownor ia heroby ootiiiod to come and prove h!a property, pay tharjes and take saii e.nray aivay. li-Ct-pd STZPHESL. COLLINS. ESTRAY SALE. Taken up by the rnde-tigned rending in Glen Rock precinct, Nemaha county, Nebraska, one whit-3 heife? with rd cars ,tvo y;rs old next spring baia wiener was Uicu u jon the ljta iay of Govern ber, ISf. I. Jl-3t-pd DAVID WATKINS. Barnard Otens.l Before Cobua J. P T3 Ncciaha county, Nebrtska Ter- (Toward Monv.j ritory. On the 3d day of October 1354 said Justice issu'd 3a Order cf attachment in tha above ec'ion for S1,00. BAKNARD 01 ENS. ix-I0-3-$3,50 by E. Y. Tbomss, Atty. Eroniille Centtcry Assotlation Notice is hereby given that in accordance with a Dotica'oiiblisbed in the Advertiier tf the .5d inst the following perr.'-ns," to wit. L. ll m iley , J. hn M:Phci-3on,A. H. U:lia lav, T. V.. Bedford, The II-;;, W. H. Miller. O. K. Brr.tton, W. H. McCreci ana I.: W. Thomr. .wcibled at the time and phiee staged ia s-aid n..ti?.and orgar.izfd' tiioiuselves inte a r.vjr? ss.'oeliln. f be k'iown for the pn.ieut, as "Ihe iroriViil? Veuot.-y Assoclatn." Jdhh ion it wr. resolved thattt he u-?xt m-'tftiog be iu ld at the Pres.bvter:un Ch'ir.-.'i in li.owvilifl, on t! fth tUj .f Ucjcabor, 18S-i,at t.vo t.Vlc.k 1 M for the purpse of C'i:up!':tiTg the organ;:Mtion ef the asiociation by too election of trii-tes and a clerk, with a view to having tho association incor porated under an net of the Legislature of Ne braska Territory entitled "'An Act to create and regulate Incorporation ia the Territory of Ncbrnt- ka approved rebroary .h l 4. , AU whodesire to becouji nieiabors of tha a'soeia tion sie iuvited t bripr-ent at said Uceting and to tako pari in tne election. Nov. 7th 1SC4. L ITO A OLE Y. Pres. E. 7. TLLOiii.3, Cu'v. t-Ix-e3-4w-$10 50. LEGAL NOTICE. John R. Ullrey and - aryF. Cllrey, his wife will take notice that John Q. A. Smith as plaintiff has filed a petition in the District Court of the Countv oi .um3, .ecrasa lrritory. on tne Uhanc.eiy side thereof aiinst them together wiih Joseph eoteinan and U. J. hitney as defendant. Th object and prayer of said pttition is to foreclose a m rigrt m sae nysma L -trcv anci witoin tvor yt said ph-inti J on the South EaH 1-4 of Section No. 17, Towrinhip no. .5 North, of iianjre No. 15 Khh of the fitli principal Medrid'aa, situated in the sail County of .f.incbR; to obt:n a decree for the sulo of said lied, and to apply tha proceeds in pvraont of a cert-i j r.oce ir iaile .by ss'lLilrey in favor of said plaintiff for $125.03, dated Au-ust Sth 18."9 and due Ave months after date with interest at the rate of s'xty per cent per nnnum from mataritr ba:d Li.rty s.Tid wife are re ? !;.- I ; tnswer said petition by tLs Uth day of December. A. I). 1S64. E. W. THOMAS, Sol. fur Comp. T-Ii-n8-4w.-tl3,50. LEGAL NOTICE. James II. TJeddow and FelicUie Beddow, kis wife, wiil take notice that John Q, A. Smith uplaiciiff, has filed a petition on the chancery aide cf the District Coart cf Nemaha- Connty, Nebraska Territo ry, agaiurt thea asY.efendants, the object of which is to forec!o."5 crr'in mortgage made by tbe aaid Fe'.icitisand Jaties ii. Eeldow, Jnae, 27th A. D. 1853 en tho North. Vest Quarter, aod the Soatb West Qu&rtrrtf t- North Ist Quarter, and Lots No. cm t'-o vi iecti a 2ti and Lot No. oe of Section No. 25-- f":-o Township four (4)North, Rce tvi.rrWn Vtef 6th Krincipal Meridian, tufttcd in t '-.- 'sii 1 znty of Nemaha. Said mort-fctr-h sscwre the payment of a cer tain p.ouiiatCTy .note bea'rt' f even date with aaid mortgage, nado by th said Felicitie and James H. Beddow for$52J,00 due nix months after date with interest from maturity at the rate of five per cent per month, the Krayer f said i.ttion is that ths said laud be sold the proceeds be apriied in pay nnt of h'aid inte. Said defendants are required to answer aaid pe tition on or before th I9h d ty of Oi mVr A. D. 1&64. . W. THOMAS, Sol. for Co'nt. v-Ix-3 4w NOTICE TO CITY TAX-PAYERsT Notice is hereby given that Taxed of the Ciiy of Brownville for the year IS-14 are m w due and the Ta: Lit has beer placed in my hands for collection. Tax Payer-- are notified to eali at my o5e and set tle their tixesf-n orbfir the first diy of January L-tij. Alter that da'e a penalty of tn ten percent, ntertet per annum will be added to ail lazes not then paid. The law dies not cow require the collector to call on t ix payers f.r their taxs but all persons are lepuired to iy the nsc at tho col lector's office. jo.Vas daokeh. ix-y-3 Ci:y lax C. lifccti tor. United sj ies Inieraul Notice. Revenue. monce l nrrecy civen ifin j rf r.ns ronrr rTe !. 1jh ibe S'ecifi Iiirr;e lift, nnde n1 tyk.i urnipr t'j Ex tife.hw of tl e I i i'fl .k,r.- i;.it the Ciiniso B-c!:ards-?i. Nen aba and Pawoee, an 1 Terri:ory rf Xa !n-Rska N cm rei'irred t" ii:p. v.-j I ict ppnr mtniuvi a n tiy i:m:e in tne Tf n or Kail Cry nil .J i:r ty or KK r.r iMiii rf.r i: e spare of ini t .ys fn ui ai'd r;er tfce d:ite of ibis Notke. And that ap l.enls'.rclative to any erroneous nr exressive vahi stion will be received l v on flie'l! h day of Novenbcr 1S61. 111 appeals ta tfce Atso-sor mu. t be nide writine. Signed, JOEPiT TT. CfRBAVK. A ,s,-vr Xebrnka Tt-r'i'ory Dated this 17th day cf Nov. 1S. v 9 n..-9 -2w LEGAL NOTICE. Joseph T:vn will take notice that Israel R. Curu min.s,a plaintiT. hns fi!e l petition aiint saij Hieon. as defends nt, on tbe law tide of tLc Dis trict Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory the object of which is to obtain a jii'lijeraent against said Uacon for the sum cf fblO.OQ with in crest from May 6th 1862. for cattle then sold and deliver ed to said Bacon by ?a;d Oainoiinjs, and alio for tbe additional sum cf 21, 13 niouey laid eut by said Cumnitnyis for tho U3e of Bacon Septesnbr, 17th 104 at bis reuuest. an order of attscntcent was issued out of said Cour. an i the following real es tate situated in said County of Aeuviha, to wit. West 1-2 of South W est 1-4 Section 12 Township 5 Rmge 15 East. South E?t 1-4 of So ith West 1-4 feection 9 lownsnip o Kane la l,ast was attached a? e property of said Bacon. Said IJaccn is required to answer said petition by the LV-a day cf Uecemner iro i. E.V'. THOMAS, Atty for FTf. Sept. 22nJ 1S54 v-l-3-4w LEGAL NOTICE. Frsncia A. Powler, administrator of the Estate of William erke,deceased, end the unknown heirs of the said W in Gerk. will take notice tiiat Thomas J. Dowler has filed a petition on the Chancery side of the District Court of Jea lia County, eorasaa Territory, the object of which is to obtain a deoree for the sale of the ioJowin described land situated iu eaid County of Nemaha, to-wit : the north-west quarter of section cumber 14, township number 6, north of number 14, east of the 6th princi pal meridian, and the application of the proceeds of such sale in payment of a certain promissory note made by said William Gcrko, August 5;h, 1853, in favor of said plaintiff, for $250.00 with interest at the rate of 25 per cent, per annum after maturity, due twelve months after date; the said land having been mortgaged to secure the payment of said note. Defendants are required to answer by the 13th day cf December, 1834. E. W. THOMAS, Solicitor for Complainant. Sept.29tb,lS04. 8-4-4t-$5 BACK TO THE OLD STAND! CLOCKS. WITCH AITD -2T22 JOSEPH SHUTZ ITould respectful 1 Infqrm fcls old customers taat he s scam opened his Jewelrj Sbopln his old stand oa Min street, south aide, two doors east or tbe Brown ville Honcr'. ITe keeps on hand a splendid assortment of everyth rr i his lire of business, wuicu be will sell on tbe litre t erm fer Cash. X3L 3j3ix"ixae: Of Clocks; "Wato es and Jewelry done on the short est Notice. ' WORK WARRANTED. Brcwnville, Neb.. May I9th, 1664, n37-v8-Iy M PORTA XT to Smokes: The best assortment of Smokinz Tcbacco. Caar. iped, Stempi, 5tc. la to be found m eh MARSH BRO'S & ZOOK'S mN COOK STORE. The nndersisrned, bavin? secured for a term ef ysase the new and spacious room under HARE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY HTstixx Otrooti Beg leave to announce that they are prepared to sell Eiost anything a man may ask for ia ther iine. luch 6 3IISCELLANE0US BOOKS, Of the Cnest e.ulitf. Fr Children. - . VICTOR'S A KETTLE'S History of tho Rebellion, At UuTerent prices. V xlso: All the recomrneDdrd School Eooks for the Territory. Onr stock of Letter, Cap and Note raper beir? very zts an l of th best o nlitv and boutbt wbtn GjIU ws d wo, we will gtl 20 percent, lower tlnnyny n w ippt)itiois tbatmsy spiingnp. n e Uo tuvs a lew o tnese New ijbe-ip Patent left. And BOTd such BULLT nXSD SLKV3 as juq never siw. Cow in eerfcoly wbere you can find anytbjaj yu witU t rea.i witu a KjocI place to rea-1 it ia. MARSH BRO'S A ZOOK. Kv. lOib, 1G4. lx-8 ly J. F. M0R111S 3u. cesser to . Brown A Co. Would respe--tviTy annn!ne to tbe Citizens of Brownville aud vieiiiy, that be baa purebred the Large cna Well Selected StoeK OF 3 SI TEJ Or S. frtEDlCiNES, PAINTS, AC. OF C. BSOWK St Co. Tte as'nres the public penerally, that be will keep en baud every lining usually kcet iu Fust Class Drug Store, and is determined net to be undersold for cash. PRESCRIPTION'S AND ORPFRS CAREFULLY FILLFD AT Ai L HOURS V;vnrraiY block:, matt cTRTiy.T rt rTtfx IV v T t T T v r ! n i c r i lilaU If il llUUJj l 1 U U i O U A i ix-S-ly To. Close llnsleess. THEODORE HILL Ko. 1 Xzln Street, , .. , llcg determined to Wind up my- Dry Goods Business this Full and Winter, I vill oCTor to the trade my immeuse stock at greatly Reduced Prices. TIIEODOliE HILL, II.tving made hrgo purchises can and will sell mv entire stock comj'riiing the latest Styles offered in the Tt-rritorj to Cash buyers at a great sacrifice. THEODORE HILL, Intends to dispose of his superb Stock by March next, con sequently is enabled to oiler greater in ducements to the trade than can be given by any other . House in the West. THEODORE HILL, To Consnmptlres. Con?nmrtive?nirerers will receive a vulcable p-e- ?rijtion for tba oura cf C-jnjaaiption, Asthma, UronetJitia, and ail tnrcm aaa ljun ' ajactiji free f charge.) by sending 'heir addi'csd to lev. DWAKD A. WILSON. Ivicgs Co. Ner York. X PI A Rubber and Hrnr Dressin.i, Packet and flat Cosubs WiMj'Jaa P.icict combs. T"bacco Pgnchea Wallets, Fish Hooks anil lines, ic, &.., At lie LAI, GULLY J: SIT A X3. and Chewina Tolacco, Cigars ripes Pipe aieuii and Ticco Pouches, in Jtreit variety, At Mcliaitghliu & Swan's. MACKEa.AL Lake Trout. White flh, Coiash, etc., tic., cuiistdnlly m band At VlcIi9Uftl:n & Svran'a. THB best from tbe L. S. T. G. Kills in quarter half and whole sacks kept IT U'XATJGSIIX $ rTAIl'S IS DEN'S TICKET ! J And Den' Candidate U and ever will b qnCK SALES AND S51ALL PROFITS. WM. T. DEN, t WHOLESALE AND RET I AL HOUSE 1G56! ESTABLISHED ! 185 B110YrXV2LLlV 5ERRASRA. now on' band tbe mot complete a id general as sortment of JiercLauuise in Brownville. Ay el' consists of O t. 'i tu3 AND GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, Chicago Cu?tom-M aIe BOOTS & SHOES, of tnperior Quaiity. Also a fu!! sup;.ly of Dress-Tritr.minT. HoofL ar.d Keubias Gloves aud Gauntlets, Hosiery. In variety contistine of Table and P Vet Ktuves, Cbiiel.-, Bmees ano Bi.s, Files a.: J Moiite,v-w; e!ii,tie. Btitts and St-rews. 5Nws an-1 Hamiuera, Ase? anl Spades. A full assortment of C27 O 1B2 AND T I ISJ" AY ARE, Corking, neatini anil Parlor Stoves, Large Kettles, Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron and Zinc. TVOODEN, WILLOW AND HOLLOW-WAKE. A full assortment of EE1DY-3IADE CLOTHING, At Low Prices. Blank "Books'Pocket Books, and Memo randum Buoltis and Stationary of all kinds kept constantly on hand. Oilo, Xxvixxtai 4. Drugs. A complete of assortment of F U'll N I T U R E , s on hand. Bareaa, Bed-Steals, Lonnge, Tables, if at ra?8es. iiufas, Chairs, Vi'aoti s:ndi, Cribs, Kjckiu Cbairs, Looking (xlasse-.1" Also: Plougb-i, Corn Shellers. Iron, Naii.i and Steel. Mosib. Beaver and Otter Traps. Keraember that Den pay tbe Hi?hes( market Price for JttDES, Pelts and Fiji's, and PRODUCE of al. kinds that be wants. Cil and esaminfl rhjitock befe pnrcbasin- and Vave your niouey," f'ir.Uiy ni-Hto. is to beep tbe best of Dry G0:ds, tho Choicest F.imilv Gr.icerie, Cumed Fruit and Oysters, and ibe beet of Stoves to cook tbem on in tbe market. Try them. Y31. T. IEX. ix-7-yly OF NEW AND WELL-SELECTED Just received at JOHN A. PONN'S CHEAP DRr GOODS AND GK0CERI STORi M.J IX STREET. The Latent Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc. Dry Goods, Groceri s, Hats, Cars, Bouts, Shoes, , Iron, Nails, Flour B icon. Queens ware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors,. Window Glass, etc., etc. etc V'Lich lie trill Sell CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call and cx-iniine Lis stock before pnrcbain'' else- wnere. Urownvill?, June 25th, 'Gt. nt2-v3 yj HELLO, STRANGER TJIIXHE DIE TCI' GUT TZ20SE ISTEW QOODSP AT J. BERIIY & C0"S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BR0v7inTILLS J. BERRY & CO.. Have Jest received, ana are now opening. t vtani on Main street, ope ot the largest Wka ofth DEY GOODS AND ever offered In tait marfcet. Rememtar tLe place. J. BERRY &,C0.'S, ... V BIIOWXV1LLE, N. T. t?62 n47-.f DRIED Apples Dried P aches, aajo, RSee, atirch, oap, CandUs, etc , c;e.t At lIcrU2bJiL lia i. V v4 YY A y Vyjf Y V ry NEIIHAOKNEY & C"b., IIpTejnit received a iplendid stoef zr mm Co Wikh tbey wi'.l Bell VERT LOW TOU CASH"!!! Cemj riain? all tbe Latest Xoveltiai ?n Dj85s Go4j and Drsii Triumini of all kind and varieties Fluited Ribbons, Brails Buttons, &c&c.' Latest Style of Ladies' Winter Hats. Ye!K Collars. Ivory Setts, Fancj Back and Side Coinfcs, Head Dresses, and .Nets, etc., etc., etc. GENTLEMEN'S FURSISRIXG GOOD?, Magnificent assortment of Superb Stock of all kinds ef BOOTS & SHOES Domestic Goods of all Kinds FLJX.VELS IX JLL COLORS, Linseys, Ticks, Stripes, Elcach & Erovra Sheetings. A nd all otbtr artiolcs uauallj kept in a Drj Guodj tore. aiVS TTS3 September 2911, lhi4. ix 4-jlp i iicim If ATE JTST OPS5" ED A NEW STORK OX Main Street between First and Secern, BROWNVILLE, N. T. TT3 cave in atere a large and we.' leectel ttuct ot Calicoes. Muslin, Frtnch Ti'vst, Ilats. Caps, B:ots, Sheet, ' Ltather, etc., etc., etc., etcetrt. irniCTJ VT2 0FF2R FOHSALB- CHEAP FOIl CASH Groceries of Every KiimI, ' Tea, Sodi, . Allspice, Pepp-, Candles, Tobacco,' Matches, ' Starch, - &C..&C. AUot which wp rffer at the Ii-wert prices, if.n- mined cot tj te ui!.,'Vr..l. G RANT & BECHTOLD. BrwavitTe, Xeo . ix-i-v ly . THE W. Gr, " SAW AXD FL0URIXG WILL kee r constantly on hand an avsortasent of Estra-npsiSns to Ccmsion A T H BMINGLB 5 And all other article a.nHv kect in afirst-c? Men-hant FloorinorSaw Mill. Urownviile, March 3M, '64. uZO-S-lr. PHILLIP DEUSER, Main Street bet. First aud Second Sts. Kec constantlj on hand the bjt "qualitj of CUEWI.NU A.'D tJHOKLVO, . . ' " s e a n s , Confectioneries Candies, Plain and Fancy, ' Oranges, Raisens, Lemons, Vales, Figs, Xuts, jjfples. &'c All kinds cf Toys, m Canned Fruit, and Oysters. PIIILL Is aecOmmo dalle?, chlicinff. patriotrs r1 wide awake to the interest of the public, aad.cas the best assortment of Varieties iu his line ever offers iff this market, and ii determined no to nndersojd for CASH. ALT by in brrel or pound, Fine Dairy $t Sate , , ' At McLaupttli: S: Sw.5 ? PICtKLS Ij the dczen or btrrI, f ur. crnttcLiv on h jd 1 At McUrsHM! A Sasj !"TIIGS. Oiocoij- Mipt sn?r, assorte-l Je::if f' A. Peacbe. Pepper saive, Hiishrot'ni citsup,' l,r-e " tershire aauce, Jic , &.c, At McLAranuv ji ."TJjL. BROOiJS. Blnckin? brashes. Scrut-tin b"".''c" Wt.isk b.-c.oms. Blackiiii, Ink, wrin Paper, &.c, ito., , McLaccHLijr cc aw A3. ien!id asjonnient of Cootectiocary teoiaeJJ tick and faucy , SUIT At HcLu2 u:a a 7.