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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1864)
EBBASKAfeADYERTISER Or, - z :! i Of;.; ; o, ,;- . ,-.-. i" 1 . ; Cl i . Urn !. ; O , r 'n IV ; o s,n -i. Hi. .:s. a Y -. i . - - -" fen-- f iu-eriioa " I'J "-is or k-- t. j-r 'j C evur - c-3 ' V. II. MILLER. , .erf-;rer Clock, Xatn S't Between lEl i. d - vu. -i- j r rati : " j -ir .. i :;i r. ;. - ' '- i I" i ?'t i.i- ' '"9 . ft ;t V:: . ;. c i?;rr.?it : a.. . 21 ( ) 15 f ) 13 n C Ci -rp vrar. In .'rne, f 3 To . vyr'f ilon, must fcvirlaVr, t f a'd in.'Ivanee e ." 1- ;!:;a acfc; r, t Vcii. R -Tls-n t..3 J1 Wort . i -, e I 2t a; !e, 5K' v'n h'- ,r' O' t eg. LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE, NOW AND EOEEVER.' i'OL. IX BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY,' DECEMBER, 8, 1864. IN 10 I ;o-t v. oa. l in t!. t i. , .'; s, i, f mm-1? , l "hl N E SS C A U I) S . IStllSlISIEi. I, - b JJ f ft p t j. . ::' ;..!:.. .if nr;.WTiV:i!3 Tfcivl , ,. : '-j.-i 1 .kj nveia f.r-t c!a.-- un;:::y dress making n . :: l : a-n. i'.b g-oj r.J . ..-,11. u;'.--r lat v-l J.h.- te.-w Fty';s. r.r 1 r 5 '.V.'.r. i.i '.! tut Lrot . .-. . ; ' -t I'l't-.p prti: at tl.c mi' '2717 i:iNTi:.:r: sayzs i;mzv 1:;' ; ' t y r'-'iy to crirui hll iroik,par- - .. ! !. I tir'.n"-. avl jaii.tir.s. (?l!zia:.iiil T'r-r"r hin,",- nt -b"M Ku! fri t t!.e cj-jrove.l 'i'.-i th- ; i .' lii.'ii ft puil. n Maia Street , tai of AtkiD9r,n'6 Ciotb e. :;.;, A; r": 7, ly. B. C. HARB'S Y LIGHT GALLE1H i- f ' i ci y ur Pirtnre. He U iTe;i-red to .,i k. . ! 1 1 l i: ; ;n e ' ..'' oizri riiui-.grd, bs. i j . i -; .- . :i l:A w(!i-fc- .tH fctoclc of Albums 3.. h .,. cry i rorti fW.c of wiin Strprt f t po- :iA.r fli'i S;:c. I'cr:;in V;J1 do well 'j :., I -I. . e sviti.c ui-r!: d. tip ei.-e where, j. ..Mi - ini Wi'.'n childrnn, also iu copying I'i'U rol....b:;ii, creeu, piuiils are I r:. f(! (J '.!lTC!l'S Cl(. r. l?;SLil ANi) IIAIIMIItSSSOTt. .-t.,oj.;obit !'.. D-iMir.g let. lft an i 2d. ti jrA' fo ri'', f.-r f.rmr K!xti1 r. .: ! it on l.uxsi rta-ly to sbive, i ilrc liiir in ti e beet ttyie. :.iii-, Ajtil ZJ. ' n-;:5-8-y. i i Jin n. i n i La .i , LIG I roil in" CHANCER V, -r r.(r rjf Wiilj Mll-t "! t ,ti ifi. I HAS. G. DORSEY. n'?. tt 71 rr ttt '-; 1 :i M. r? ,Vt '? f . i ;-i F. STEWART, M. D., immmmw sshseon.-. OPPIC12 r-ict CTucr c.f 'ni-j a a I Fir.-t Street. t Horns t - ... .. an 1 I to 2 ar.J fiia to 1 ;. v . YSiClAtf SURGEON ! . f:tv at :;;:snL.scH. Is.'-:. n-t7-!-.vW i 1 l .... i. 1 ij 'X j 1 ALL j Cl'ri'. ?: 1IA ? ilA. V.l! ;-:-rf-;!.ce 1 si Hi IS? Cj i N-lra v-i.c-l-C a 7?)r i77A AUGUST. , c,' v- , ' .-.:.. ;'K?:-pr nrci-1, cie. f :. .i--;,, .-..!-.:.-,;. !y li.ui.1. J X;Al.s i-c-vt.l in Ue bi-Jl style an! t-nli rl 'est Western Pliotoapli '-rt a.ior Wo t o." 3ro.vav:n3 Iloasa, inrowNvn .ia:, x. t. 1 reject r-tUr sr"r:ine to rl:e prt.lic thut tie 1 ui tkv I.hj'.i f.i.! lory. 'i. if l. ... K""i-.l evt rj- k iinl. h.:.-? an pt vie 1 1 finuwlt iwo t- . i ... an-, a.l t' " ir I--t .inl n.o.-t ver.vfil HjU--, . ir prif.' t iii:i a;.v, ot!'r f ri i I -t ol S Tn .e vi-v.'nc vM:- wlli y,, i iti.-ejtly t.. ' ri.i , xaiiune k.-iiueiit auJ ! re fi(.f-WBnta. ,f I- a Is of copitjd iato Photo- g"'j hs.: ... 111 "Faplr.'Wall Paper Tl f 'sU!..:y .n hind .t'Manria Trf,l;r Shop, by , T'-'.'.3ji-ii;e d n iu U;e trroveJ .yt, nl t ..-li ,rn. . . -HLLINSEY GOODS ! Attr..-..ucM to U,p of ErCirriltt und' t1- rn'ty, tbiit sb. hi(l ju,t recCjvCj from the 111 453 .PISTES. UILLIJnCST G00ES, CoD( Wes' andMig,eB Bonnetd nd Hat8.1Tib 4 boas, Slower s. &c iilarM?lBVU'stbatfenUon of,he !!. f' J or rric "ej "-not be better goltci In style, . til-ly J :ainfcM. cUitfled Crbon oil.iLitnr Washington, 30. Inil steamer from City Point reports heavy artillery and mui.lvet firing, yester day morning, north cf Jaios river, ia th'j vicinity of Dutch Gap ; guaboats a!.;o fjppotsed to be at work; firing Lad near ly ccaeu at 1 1 o'tlocL Nnv York, SO. P5t special sajs ni'.-hrnoad papers of' M'i.(!ay are silent regMrdijgShcnnan'8 rnoveif.cats, they cvtuce great treprda- j t:cn, cud every rtron, to beheve tbat iujfrnrica is making hi. viy triu.i!-L:tnt Iv to the sea coast. .Jferald'rf arisy uf'the Potcrn-tc correi pordentcf tliL2Sih fay mere Hrlhg th in u.:uU v i the 27th, in the tveiiin--; r-jbtL fired J'rom an ad vc need psin: on thtir new line ju.-t leyend Birmuda HauJred, our gunboats replied. Morning S:h filing qnito bri.-'c n.-j A-etry parti'. i,-ating. no battle ensued. Rebel deserters re port Kwf il's corps gone souih. Thro' cut all the 127th firing on Dutch Gap Canal was uccomooly heavy and persis tant, but doing no damage. Dy s;camer from Fort Mnrgsn we have late advices from the Guf, 5 01 our gun boats lie in Mobile Buy only three units from the City. R?tels have important earthworks a little below City at Bagdaa on Mexican side cf Rio Grande. An expeditionary Union force, under Lieut. Col. Sterling, captured company cf rebels and a number of small grmsat Barren Budge. Ilavanna, CO. Biitish Etttmer Lolent left for Yera CrtiZ yesterdity, among i'.a passengers is Baron Wettertiadt, Minister trom Swe den at Washington, who goes to Mexico to officially rt cognize the Emporor. Kew British Consul for Cuba, Mr. Bunch, arrived yemrday. 7,000 Dominicans captured St. Domin go city after overpowering ti e garrison. jS'ewbern, 1. C, 1?;). R-"Tcrtfd that ail available re el force froiti Wilmington and other points are moving to the assistance of G'orria. Bragg has been assigned to the Depart :nf m of N'-rth Carolina which ron-tii'ite his c-mmand. Rt Lei papers of this State rt-port ll:e abandonment of 'ilmiiigtcn and its occupation by the Union forces which appeals io give them rreat relief. jN-W Yrk, '.10. Cr pt. Hall, of the Arctic Expedition, Lis ! een heard from, on the 27th o' .i:gij;t Capt. Hall ia at KowVs Wei ccme bo'iiid up. Yessels from llu hn't Bay all in lor this year, no further tid iijgs expect, vd till Sept. Monticello will wmter at Two Brother's By, Ncrth ol Chej'erfield inlet. Schooner at Marble Island. Iht contains Icnc: article on blockadi running fic-in IVaysaju, says that vessel clear from New York for llav; nia an i put in's Nassau under plea of distress.. when their good Rre landed and snipped on blockade iumars. Rebtls openly i beast -.hat through merchants in Nas-au they can get what goods they desire from the U S. Ilavanna is becoming a J-pot for blockade runners. 3 steamers from Nasrau are to run between Havannaai.f Galv.on.. Large quantuies of good.- : ate being sent from Nt?w York to Cana dian pons, and from thereto Wilmington. Na-sftu correspi n'!.-i't of the Tniiune. from f:eet olf i.m.! 'on, tays sttami recently run LLn . kiide m oj-ei hy. pj.-.s-ing in ;;j!it of ( ur flft at atu! or. " riu.c-s aru.V Po.oiii; c tpfcial says a recotit attempt of reb Is to destroy r portion tf our line by darning the str?am has thrown waters back through bend o pcrtioa of r-bel line threatens scrii-us damRtd M.iitary tailro td has been t-x-tt'nd.d '1 miles furiLer on left. New York, 30. Herald's M mrce special says Florida sut)k from unknown cause, supposed she sprung a leak in se:ims weakened by blow from Washusetis at the time of cap tore. The latfst rebel in'.ellignce from either column Shi rman's nrmy pieced Slocum column at Greensboro on Mate R. IX. S4 miles west of Augusta on the 20 h. Howard's column at Toemsboro on ti e R. R- l-ia miles from Savan nah en the 2'2d, both columns ha J crossed Ucomu'izee n:,d Oconee river--., two prin cipal streams m ibe rjute of march, ami wr.s at that lime fully half way to Savan nah. World thinks it not likely that Lee his sent a large force to Georgia, thinks 11? must rely on levies called out by Gov. Brown, of Ga., and iov-B.mham, of f?. C, to niuforce tr?op.which have probably teach d A jgusta from garrison-' at Savannah, Charleston and W ihrimgtoc Wa-hh-.jtoa, 30. Otr.c:al report t Navy -Department iho-.vs that extraordinary ciiorts were made by the Atlanta as well as by th:se on board the Florida t save the filter vescl, i was only when impossible to pre cent her from sinking became eppar ent that further attempts were abandon ed; Nashville. GO Five hundred rebels crossed Chat's nocga road ntar Lavergne last night. 15 miles south of Nashville garrison. Shel ly ville attacked by rebel cavalry Monday after some severe skirmishing rebels re treated. Skirmishing at the front of daily occurrence. Our forces have evac uated Shelby ville, it is now in rebel pos ... Ata nro m rations made to dXT HMh.'ui. Lhouia b.Mift ueiBjo I'B capture. . "- Kev York, 1. Richmond Dipa'ch of the 2Sth'says: Georgia pipers putl.-h a great deal about Sherman's nioyemems, nearly as in:jch about our own, all of which it vu!d be imprudent to copy ; :t was.pretty well a? certained that ih? left wing of Sherrrian's army when it reached Madison number ed 1C.000, they burned the town when they hjft. Augusta pipers thew great exciicnieLt existing in that city weelc ago Monday, ! thpy were in great need of.troo,s, it was prpo-sed to m.-presa negroes ; on pap-T in that place va3 very fearful of trt:-jth:Ty on the part cf citizens on Sher-irnri'-j arrrral. Tho ituf ort;;nco to t'13 Confederacy of Macon acd Aug'Ji-ia i much dwelt upon by the rebel pre.;.s,.and t!.e!r fall w.u'd, thrv admit, Lea creal disaster. The Iiich-'ior.d Whig derive sjme comfort from its assertion, ivht;rh it strives to b.iieve tJ be true, that Sher man is oniy marching at average cf 7 miles a day. From li'ohmnn.l E in'rr, If) v. 23 On Thursday hst a serious attempt ws made by Federal prisrn3r3, confined at S:il!.snru ?f n . tn rr..i! lhnir er ir.p. .u..... 1 , .... w , .j " wi ch was eiTertualiy ioiled .at expense of con idrrabl- Yankee blood. It an- pears that the plot was formed amoog the prisoners, of whom there are at Salis bury some 32.000. to overpower the in terior guards cf es.campinefct. then break thro' the line of parapet guards," after securing 'ill the arm? they could, to march through western North Cnioliea into Tfnuess-3 ard mske good their escape. The first part of their programme suc ceeded , the interior guard was over powered anl two unfortunate men kiiied while resisting; ihy thon attacked para pet guards, wlio fought bravely against tetrible odd-, until the alarm had been fully communicated to the garris-on and two pieces of artillery tl rcwu into p s lion bearing upon the encampment ; two of the parapet :uards werekilb d in 131. 1 larit d-rVns;-' the criiHety sor.n op' nt d ep:n the prisoners and alter a few rak ing disihares cf grape and canister they Med out for mercy, declaring they. would' not aain try to e-ap?. Time's sr-e.-.ial Nashville 30th at mid night tay.5! : Enemy at four p. in. made a heavy attack at Frant.lin with two corps, but after persistant lighting they were rep;d;ed at ail points - with a of G,0:-0 killjd and wounded. 1000 pr s -oners anJ on? rebel Bivjadier captured. Our loss about 300. C'.ll-nm VooJ, C. "'., L.t. Custom authorities yec-t-rday reized boxes containing L-un carriages, canister, grape shvt itc. for aa IS pounder. Steamer Georgian daily expected. Washington, 1st. Richmond papers of the 20th contain dispatches from Augusta to the 20h, which state that Sherman hain't ap pioached that city, and demiting the state ment in the Savannah pap ts of the 2dth that he had been cL fened in his trior s ts cross the Oconoe river, and that h s attempt to march eastward wa? La'dl-d llmeis claim tliey still occupy A a ju-:a arid the Richmond Ea'purer argues th:.t Sherman cannot reach tbafcity. Wash i 11 m on. 1st. Following official dispaiohos c o.Jirm-in-j the vi.t ry in T was reci ivod it Head , pinners: Franklin, K.v. 30. Knemy i:vde a henvy and persistent attack with 2 cer s, commencing at 4 p, in., luring nil aft- r dark, and "was repuL-ed :hi roi:.t viih very heavy los, probably or 0. .housand men, our loss about one a n l; that number. W oplurei n-n 0 men, including one Brig. (en:jral. (Signed ) SCHOFn:LD. New' Yor'-, 1st. Commercial's rpec'al says'eid papers of Tuesday con ain intei' .oncerning Sherman. They sta'.e tha neither Macon uor Augusta were taken on ihe L'Gth. New Yo k, lvt. Rio Janerio dates to October 13. h re ceived. Violrnt tormdo occurred en the BMi. city sullVred severely for about a opiar'er of a in lo in width, unny bouses blown down, ethers comdetm'y riddled by hail. Tornado lasted 15 m nutes. scv gral vessels ca; s ;2ed auJ a number c ives lost. NaihvilU. Doc. It. Hood's infantry crossed Horpeih river this morning, and has not ad -anccd tho.t portion of Lis force since his- cavalry crossed Horpeih at fords above FranUin this inorninff at daylight closely follow ing (ion. Wilton, who retired in this di reciom Skirmishing witli advance hi' oecurrod ail day. Wilson orcupics a po-i'.t-n a few notes south of Nashville, and is able to resist any force the. rebels may bring against him. An eihcr who witnessed the fighi at Franklin describes it as cne of the most su.guinary of the war, the determined bravery tf the rebels exceeded anytbing before seen, although slaughtered by hundreds they ftill joivnced ogiinst our batteries, within fiv h.mrs eleven dis tinct assaults were made 'against oor works each a failure ; battle beiag over, ocemy qui-tly withdrew from' the town. Among the equalities is Maj. Gen. Stanley, wounded by shot in the neck. Rebel Gen. Cheatham reported wounded Reported this evening that Hood is moving east to Murfreesboro. New York, ?d. File Georgia papers to 2-5:h iy ; rr" of "i--f pWhjIe.Sheruiaa a no doubt steadily ad- Tiucinr. in 8c;ordance witn the program me w hich he prepared for himself before leaving A'lanta. If a judgment cf his movement wa3 to bo foruad from the?e frightened rebel newspapers, we. might consider his course very erratic, for a cording to them his army is omnipresent, then aain 'fts no where, 'tis here. '.ru and everywliere, strengthening hs terrific I nes accro.--5 the State and ann it has vanished entirely. Riehunnd papers of Isst Tuesday sav that rebel papers s-':;l cesi'py Macon, that Saturday- Sbprrpn had not approached AuiT':?u. lit-i',eU ta :m tor uttieia t:mft tia KHpatncirs cav.rlrv were ren vl at O ;o?i.f: ri-vr C i hi-? I u!r. A-iu-.-t x Cu'on.r.'e avs i t?..rt on t.e sniie day Yan!-es let line of G'l. Mi'rt.'ad, going sou'h vird, wh.cli rr.cans 'hit G';n. Sljcu.a was mo?ing his cubit:: a t3 ui:n a iuaction with that of i Howard. - - S'i?!!nan!s tnorerner.ts havo cut Gov. Brown off from the rntiii-r with" e;? -.tern onion f Uie Stute, and ihe Presidrii f ihe St'-ite Srnnie, Mr. 'Wright, a p. ar tntlv de!i-;tited in' one r-i-recv-iit h-ast par.tntly deligtaed in' one r-i-pecv-it h ;isi ly tHj cccni renco, luis ta-:n advuirarje tt it ani arsuttifs ex-c tiicio giit( i na'iirirt.' , .1 f I I "Vi 51CI" tn-m -Aogua a prociamam-n -revving he Governor's orders regarding mihtia Mr. Wright directs the militia to report and not to Gen. Smith rs Browuhim a hsd oideied. Gen. U ade 'Hampton, from X -, nd Brgg, from North Caro, arrival, reinforcing Georgia rebels New Vork, 21. H-' raid's Natchez correspondence of 2 1st give an. account of rebel operation along Red river, in Lotns;ana paruetuar Iv at and around Alexandria. Rebel Gen. Rjckoer commands in that regie n ;iih headters at Alexandria, where additional' -Amidab!o deteusive woiks have been erected, for the purpoct? of n ndermg it impossible for Union gua l.nj s to again ascend Rd River. Dnns which Gun Btily constructed to release the fleet which accompanied BiuVsarmy have been used to form part of these for tihC3tions, apparently with wry good suc cess for rebel dt s-gns. In il this coun- IjLry a far arouini as Buckner's awthoritj rv a. hes an sndisrnm'.nate merciless c-ni-.-crip; ion of ail male iuhib.tarnj is er. f r.-ed. IL-rald's O-lan? C'rr'spo,;deve fur- ' aj nish:-s addition il conli 'm itum of Recent r- p;rt t!at Alb n, . rrr- Govern .r rf Louisiana had organiz -d 10 regnnenrsoi t egro 's at Slirevep r?, at present l!:e an einpdoyed in strengthening deben.-es t. thiit-'plaoe but are instructed in regu lar niili.t iry drdl, and will soon r -i cive authority from Richmond pulling tr.ern into the rebel army. ' 'Union Gen. Le, in histate sucoeiful cavalry expedition into the interior of Louisiana says ihat he had a fight a-- f , Oflfl t-riiirj inrlilii- trig 2-5 ofnoers, 3 pieces annlery, bet ween iix and seven hundred horses and 1 immtitr of nLroes, and destroyed an in n.-iise amount of reUlaimy store on the raihoad. Louisville. 2. Tiiis morning's Journal says that Thj-ets has abandoned his p ;skon at Franklin, focnedline of kuile with in 3 miles of N.shvilie ; yteniay a' o'e!..i:k hostile ar.ti.ts 'were ekirmish Oig, rnttle of oi-.-ket! y pi.ii.dy lit ;;'d m N i !i-i:b'. 4 i title ii:ix'i).-i;t. Tno iias . t: ('.) r bat He lie re to b.;ur a ivnivgr thaj at atiy otJur poiiit, his left res Oil MuifreHbwfo, and when sren3hneu rv '-tcc.s a; Cb.auanooga wiil be strong -n u.-h to close on Hood a 'id cut vThis ; ire; a i d, it Hoo i IS p.essmg slowly - Nashville, 2d. The LiMh- at Frar.klin was cne of the loot brili.aot of the war. For three lays sii-Tj. kirinihing was kept up dur ing the n tireire nt of our army !rom Diek River to Fritnkhn, during whiL time a multiplicity of exploits and sue eesses resulted to national arm. Gn Cox conduce 1 the movement of the20ih i:id achieved a splei.ded victory at Spring H;ll, while Gen. .Wilson's cavalry gained i teries of important successes over For rest's advance under RuJdy on the Pike between Triune and Spring ILll. Dar ing p. m. 30.h rebel army sorely pressed us under Hood who had Ch-athem and Stewarts corps and a portion of Die'" Taylor's command, numbering in all over 22.000. O.ving to Cox's galiaut check ai Spring Hiil a portion ot 4 h and 13th co-p? et.a! led to gam Franklin, where ihey threw up a Ime of works extending from one end to the other of cuiv.-s in th river, behind which our entire infan cy tciinnaiij took po-iaon. At 1 p m. "t.tirt rebelLrce made a charge, ending n breaking eentre neur Wagoner. wi;h character!'. .impetuosity the. enemy cum -prising Chatenf s corps d ished in.o o'r works, he operating wiih attaching par' on tie ir left aitemp'ing to envikpe and lestrey onr ngltt, in n'ck cf tin.e ti'op of Wagoner were ralhed and ihro-viug t!:ir force onto the rebel cobjici, the y drove Hck the storming party in gr-at disorder, capturing several Imodred j prisoners. Four times the rebels charged in three lines and were as often repnl-ed with great slaughter. Rebels on num bered' us at lean, two to one Nearly half of the 4th arid 2lM were held in re serve. Our breastworks were .not over knee high. Rebel loss in killed three times ihe number of ours, while , their wounded at least three times more than curs. Ail attemps of rebels to gain per manent advance frustrated. At dark federal position unchanged. Rabebs re tired under corer of woodsjonih ofcCql- ' . j . - ucibia lhl An art iiery wa- kf . i i i j i -i - j ....... j. ai.u;jj ojr i.r.-o a;M i..v'n:il eaea jfer- ut con:ifuceii crying Hrp-.ii rir, t-d nite rtcimcn: v.tro placed 4 o;ner- s., r,r retired to w.u.mj 'or uuies of thu oay. j ,hal tht.y Wer u-.Mjhir 0 r-'imer.t ' ltie r.giit at t ranklm wa? not n tne t;.ii!, fill UftUiillf limit's.-J f .- r , ' . r- ...-l . I ... - uuii uirn ir.'n .iu.isjijc: alia ill j sate cr --n-g or river by r trains. Cm. F'tt-.h ii here with fleet cf irou cla !- soilicseni not 'only tv insure safety uf N:i.-hi !)-, cm. auouii-r Vitttry i.i caiC vt n m 1 1 ng f o" , -j i. r.-i'ov'ig t!;.-pa;che leceived at War . i'i '.''"'!' : . L.v iVur. 2s.- II ' Lmwi Ilxfunir.- v ;i,!iti! i S i:erii;-i it will sifteed ; e:i. n tig a coast ; oner jnpers t-ii'. li" u ' l it-ired UC0u;e. L GRANT. Ci y l'ni. 1 Grfg's cavalry wa sent sou h ihi-i m,:rp.!.ig on n on;;;,"s-.ii.cof more far ly to I'l-cuier i; tNicuiy wre moMntr j troops ?cut.h. J).p itches j;M icceived rely tire t. h i at h- lim m ier.s .iuv Pou. ti iC, S p m.. 1st: To Grim: Hive not heard from t uregg, ins nip nc--u :eu h p. m re pur? n iiiri:) ' cneiiri v! S'.i'tiv ' ie-' ia:ion. de fended by mlariirv tied ravajry in wot K witfi artuiety. lis cp'nr.d.two pi-s 1 4,f unirkets, roods were here cap .Miilery, Lot 1.01 haviog means tu bring luIvd and bne restored ; for two heur them oif spiktd them and destroyed tar- j ,j a h.-If ba'ti3 raged all along ifn-.s. ri:iges, had 1C0 prisf.ners, S wans, 30 f 17 du.tinci attacks were made by enemv moh-s.. Destroyed all cars and sttre?. itU, r. pob-ed. At least o (!0'j' rebel No information obtained of any troops LiiioJ, wo-irj:!J an.l caMurfi, wbib 'our being .send south either cavalry or it, fan-, j.s u: nrobably reach 1 ..100. We have try. w.ien bearer or ui-pa-ens nst tne enomy snwed signs of cotn enMittmc, buthe thinks Gregg wih-be m camp t.y micir.ight. S gnsd, MilADE. Ne- Nork. 2. Commercial's special ays titere is high, military authority for saying the iituatbu an Tennessee augurs success. B.ihim ore, 3d. . Party referred to in statement ot pa railed toidieis ib.Hii. Georgia, as teiiig connected' with incendiary plot to fire northrru eiues, . undcrsiouu Lere to be Morris Montgomery,' a prominent j arti cipitor in tne resistance to Government in thi- city .'j'ooui the memorable 1.0 'h of April, He w.i- at that an oiO cer tii t-he MatyluLd Guards, and letl iiihntiore dmiog liist ytiir o: the war :oj 10 the re Del cause. New York, 3d. Richmond Examiner SO-.h ?.ys there is iiov-i io.po: tciiil news be?y end couarm ti'g tiie i-.-puri torn th.) t!.ti;.y has -em ;i' in ihtt-cLion of s. a coal a .-mail bo-Jy of rivalry; d..y before ye-terday they stru.k raiiroatl b' tvveen Sfivtinnm anu Augusta ut Wiiynest'oro 30 mdes from Augusta, and are s.iid by some to have plu.ide.ied tie trains there yesterday. Ve are informed that the expedition has h en intercepted and part ot the raiders cap u;ed and the rest of them dtiveu lack o.i Sriermaii's n am b dy, the oi j-ct oi ;Ii;e movement easily si en, this party were on their way to ih;au.ort to convey ;n:dh-'"nce of oiieit.: a's yosilioa to his goverim.i nt s;nel emmumcaie Its pLns. -overrule nl unci, communicate iiis puns. 3 mi Whig says iioin .unuhern prpMs 2o.h received bs; nigtu we glean Hah- -hat ispnd,m to pulh-h. Aug.aConstituticnitlo-tHin' SeJiel ,:-ys it is tu be h,p..d thai iht I r...r...., fir. ..,.',...!,,: s,- ,. Sell i.jol sifys it is to be hop.. d L ne-ni-n i'j IjaC r-eou tr-ron gii wintu i - , man proposes topi. s .Mil .1 t: eiii-Civv oi-.on iiim with a eour. . tii.-m a?n?r. inert .:- u t bei'.vi. en Siiuation r-i.o r .'j..- il od ho is in an enemy's co..nry, e.hiio Hood is' laii'jng friend.;; no ia. rhioexd proper- no activity i' h;U. counted now or conacre.. txoe-s:o i tear dn bridg e, U o. h ro.ds, rem wr , t i ' or des'.rov supi ", cut oil lor.gers, ami . - ti'.rht at every p.u-s. ti on--rmaii snoaiu i e able to accompli. h suca j urn-.y as he prcpo.-es htiag as he g--es ii will be proof that he was n u b.comatjly re-ts.-od. Whig, after stating liiai n u strict ly prohibited from puhlishing miurma tuij concerning Sii ro;au ; tays ail we t an see in Aew v oi k or oar ovrij we are clearly of opinion mat Sherman i x r ir .r. . . iicaurort, mill nis mtenor ua-iu is to unite his foices; whether our forces wilt be able to stop him of not tiep-nd.s e n so many i-onting'-ucic-s tis imjo.-taiiie tororm an f-ptnion on th sulject. I'iiat ne wih take oi-lif.r Siva:iiuh, Chnli-. stun of Aii gu?;a wc don't fear in the least, if he is able to take even Macou tis more, liran '.vo believe. Ciritim: ati, 3 h Gazette contains some adJi ional par ticulars of the taliiO of J' inn. in pUn of the battle was vej' simrl- ; we had no time to get op a complete plan, as the enemy pressed us sorely and ooiig J lis to li'.nt oa liinu. irigaau pi m wa s j to wiila! raw forces . of Sin 'ib id taor i meeting our remorceniats and five lut tle in vi.aiby of N.tshiiie, lut .ur .-;i!r g Utile rebels press-ed us loo sorejy nod wlioli Sthv.-fi'id p Hirceived he : i ; .1 n a avuid a'. dve.v n; iiis i ie aiio i.i In.- of baaie in front of Frat.Min. 3 o'clock tne -rebel asuuii cnioi-noo'!, Ch.-a them's corps on ihe righ', .e t'., on ihe hit, S. D. Lee's p.- in iesvciv.. Ga .he centre Chealh m threw fas whale vo.-ps-on Wagner's division wuh great impetoosity, and after half hours do -per-ate righting, pushed Wagon-r back on the second line, where they became mingled with Cox's and Roger's men tin our left and centre, rebels encouraged ly; the 20th ult., reported taiders destroyed success cf driving V3gner back, ad vane-', cons-deralle property, ed with loud cheer3 on our Itr.e. their or j RichmoriJ Enca.irer 3d says: wa be der of advance waas very peculiar semi- j lleva that Sherman's army .when it re.;!i it-iii? Cc-p;..g ail i . jtp. Op: Lvman, comm:.;;dii:g uruh HI trv J r,-r-,! J-h .:. ' .t r-'-.- ? j -V . - -0 - - . T.. , .... J . J . . m a n;;t ii ,r.-..-. . K 11 .11 lJ . )es s!v.ra: j or 1 f 2 i t a x. u ij i." :i r. si..;-w--r;u th-3 ?bnri:5r mt'-t r;-ikfr'si biavery n'- l and wl.j-a w:ihiu a lew h :.: 5 ru; 1 our rai i;-ur tn-ys o;er;. i :,rnl.ic v,vb t-u-k-trj : f .io-;;.:, ;.j lVs. ...... i , ... viv re u. i ...:..,ri.-. .- ,'.!... ,i t!, Vet V f ij :i I'l'i i ii s ; i; ; j.,, )x their i-.iv- r ed ih'U)' w S VLl C. I'Tv-tii that u.LiH. lke. Pre- .re .a this tinw' bf i jade c-mioi j. d '.v Cm. j i)-vlyb-e, 10") h Ohio, whi.h h id b--n ; 1 1 iiiie-'. tve, rutin u r-rara io restore '.iu- ro'erJi.-. rcb-s wh.) ha 1 crowded j ,,vt r 0iir vrk-s hadn't time tu retire a.d , 'v'- ;,.,. VV.i j:i r mn n !.. 1 , i,-.f,.r." rallii-,! ii-.1 ."n-lied th. ;. n.y on tlattk, wh 4e Opdyke i;!ia-g-d lit 'D ii) tt out ; Oi-r.fe i.rta 1 to haud iijlit i n.-ued with b-avorjets and t tub ,vvn lRit.y fhtg-. Gen. Scle h hi di- itced b:it;io from a f.r: on nor-h bank ,f the stream, where some heavy wro placed, wh'ch did great execution on eneiuys Was! i(.o!on; 31. Gov't I a.? received it-for;;iatioa tha: Sherman has cip'or-.d eLiien on Ga. C-.ntrul railroad on the 20:h ult., h's ar.ny coticentrated and thought has m v?d to S a van nali teloie ihis. LiLesi. ctlicti! Informal i u from Tliomai is ihit he hai 1 o"iier-nli-ot-d his forces at foriiti-a'.ion.-near.NH-hvdle, and is prepared for any uiovo Hood may to make. r.on, o ; R.-;obiica:i in E pt.'lliihes follow- ing ly arrivj-.l 01 w r.v; n.-e nt transpoits at Fort ?Lmrje la-l cveriiiig Government r.c vt-c. anvtces from Mu-rman to tne2-.: .t. ol D.'cemi'cr, that wi.en too steamer 1 ie't i.u'ounniofi i e tehed Savannah that 'ierm in's. adiance cavalry were wi-.h-u 0 miles of that city. des.eii' t .a Ibct widi news Ireuh.t by steamer Bell wh'th arrived Saturday night that S.tvan uah p.nptrs announced Sherman's iirmj wi'hin forty miles of that city: Tiu.-e papers don't state at what date he wa that distance from tdattity. Gen. Lyan recently from Savannah informs us then are no impottant defenses on west side Savannah. Baltimore, 5th. A mr-rii an's special says advices from Ft Miuo'oe last t vening rep -i ts ai rival there of st.-aiiier Gen. Lyon with 7-jO elefsMj prisoners. At time the Lyon , " 1 bavamr.h last Thursday mght news va, r-v-n more that isim-irian hau -cep'-u .-Iihen, his c.jwry sev- i itrn 'own wrh l-fl" e- s-M utce irmn ;!;e e.,e,r-v. Lvery m-r. ! J 'e v HiaOO tO (Itlrid .-.t V P IHi't li , l'i.t .-i-oiu'r.- i e port 1 Mfeo women :t.: VS Id year- o! 1 in i ire uch.'s ai J Wa-hi'.'g? jii, o h. II; aseiolled. Ail members in est hi.mcr. Sp".iker cilb d h .u-e to order. R.iii nib ti. iicuard-trf 1 .1:) n -in- ------ - bers qu.-ym ?nny!31rod in jnnn , nc , Moe received fro,,. t.e iiiformirtg the House that duoru-n e as.-i oibl'-d reudy to pifc.el to ta.s '."ss. R.-oluiioii .I'-opted i aerate that House was ready t-. proceed t o ! ti-m'-ss. Senate ciil'ed to order at noon ly Mr. Ciark, o" N. IL, pres. dent pro tern. 1 oo'e, of I., oiiere.-l ;i resohiion that Sc. of Senaie be instructed to inform the jp, ,,,. ,!l it Senate is ready to nro- Adc;acd. Nashville, 4th. Nothing of i;iteret trampireJ to-day nay along bnes, our artiilny was used at d'.leiroji pioiots aj i,i-t ieo,ls ivlioan eiig:gid :n erecting I rea-Av.rks wuh'm ha a' a m le of oa. Pii.'i:er brought in t -day say that la i;r-G nerah Gi t. S lake, Garuleray ai d ihovn of ie:.d ctrtny were killed at :: ok ha. Gen. -Ca -aiiiam lost every B. ig. Gen. iu his cerp-:. Wa -Itcgnm. -1'h Ni frem Savatna! u- eivtd here to-day fiioia .-O'iihern u e s ba'e no roo ;i for t Shi-in.aa .lia -uc- t u' " i;i i y f.uiit- TiwVvir n ;m V" (re ara;y. Richriio..-; J pipers taa a; ..lei oi a r ent i ore rir.a i i.'oo msr'.'-i. .o r i: a! 10 aavr; ra-c : il . is n e I it ce t ' ; i .- Creek tid I ie...a, H 'l p 00 w.-go-. nnd a C'..- i;t..-', l-"0 horses. i-j-j.) ijv .u c. ca and a r. mount it o'h:r pr.:p-. Cai-ture . of Ci.urh -'own. W. Ye... vl f - - : I Pi iry lis: 'cJ. also cleiical. Successful Union raid in Ila-t Tenr-rssee and West N. C. was made on pi circle two ir3n. i- lu o c er b.nk tv.vad.i a r iii Ti u.-J'utt.lj a ' --n l.i-i i ear. ;:i;:. r :ayj we Irn th.t pir::.-. .".j pro.uhed very :ib to t arrcu'.u in urpr fr:'ir.el r. I -t.vs: it was r .?d.?y t::.u tim. Hai-t..e Lad Ii.'jt to - I A::.' is j i e.i" .. , u.-'sr i (ii. i ii' e.j.' ; . ' p, , i ' : - Il r 1,- f I I t 7. J . i . 1 'J . ir tit a 1 ; -..I C. a wuu:.d rt.:rj 1 v-j o r ar:c u" .i i . ii j!d j.i t o il L s ar ..y jo ! i 11 i '. . ! . r ir 1 i ; ii: ..i I i e .1 1 .1 ii be i: m re , h;ary i ..p;t- i.!;-.:!-i:3le :. i.i tn,n t,f ,,:ui a men rr-c:si iirg i 1 "-T;inii's -r v"r quarter. Sayan;; ah Rej ul linn o! ibe r.r.:h ...y-: j y1. 'h-' Gn-v,a:.2v,!!e h4ht i in all 101. R-b- I aiv:c. a Ji.di'.-.r.e S!.-r 1 nc.iue tut litt.e or no jrcgr-ss wuh ::e' in.i.n !oiiy K C tne it-l J ; or tec. H i is still tn 11. 11. 's-.jn.-e d;-tar; :e Lj- Von J M.lioc"'tpp irently rp!--i.i-hing h:s tosioiiiss irie admits b: n.:n ir.ui. bj terublyj ided by this tim-, li't!e prepare 1 to m -et i roubles t -em. Anothorhbt reported be.wcep Whe.ler ar.i Xi. pat rick on ibe 27 ult., 111 v. Inch the u as thrashed. Richmond Kxaminer cf the 3d siys: news, from Gt. ar.' cie. nu raging, if hh. r- 1 riiau getsji.r.,.-.1 low v.nia c no wii ivvj ti.i'i el ia 1 3 nr.iiV- Cairo, C. The Federal 5 hare b -en w itl.dia e r: f r u John.-unv ille Ttrm. Cv r: -:o-: 1 stores have been rt ni.v-d to partes an 1 gi n' oats abjve when they vac- ;a.'.d tho t.v.-r. Nv York, 0 Trlbme's e?': rrr air ! Si .(ion uu- .: tne -1:11 says: a c iv-ir? f sp 1 1 t " r 1 1 tier ureii. iei rni 11 i-iuaen v !.;;-y ;.-u 1, ret tuned, tlt y brto ;i.t a v. ay 2.Uo'0 ho t J cf t'luio, she op a; j -1 1 n -Ts. 11 ive irrt w note regions over 'vjico tn-y u.vrr pt-s. 1 ho! t t t 1 eii iie-0 .V H.'unis of M'..0 y an i hii ,-nen have been ,h oi -j-.ighiy civ ant d out, 1 . 1 1 . . .... . low reuei H 1. ooe rs oik ii. Tho ivsuhs of this raid are most im portant and will rtr'itiv increa-e of eiahcid'i-'s iu Ssjbsis'.iog cn that part tf v,u:iTy. mi - I'r.gton, oca. 1 b? Sen'-.' ic- Jay coiii .i-u i!e ii miralion of lioii. Ninaou 1'. Chi-e.n Chi -f Jusice of lite Supreme Co art. Nomination of James Spn. d as Aitorn-y (ieneral, and Win. Dennison as P. M. General, were sent in but notacttd cpjj. New York, Gili. The charter election wa held u-duy, a small vole was cast. The returns in dicate the election of the Tammany can didates. I oulsvilh, 7th. The J..vtrn! ,-ay.ithe. Rebeis L.i at Frai.klin It; gc m r-r 1 ciii ea rs, among th j;.i were G -n's Gjvan anl Ojiai ies no: prev;.jasly repjr'd. Cheat!;- iiiauesuo: previa si v repjr'e.t. Lt;eat:;- scaped capture on'. 7 b- tli3 tlocta j uf h,. u,. ae ' '" - N.ishvil!-, Ch. Artillery skirtah-hlng thro'- , .. t;:(, ti'iy iiall, t,)lii(.? u u . -.11,.,!. ..i ;? . . s. . , varied : v ihe ree pu-'o, ot a ti tg o; ,-eut in by (i. fi. Ho,,j, u,r. vas re reived by oar po ke's wo the Frank!; a pike, a king an e..:h.tnge of pr:-. i.ers. All sort- ot rum is prrvaib-d iri th.; c;y vinn the n.'.vs Out a llig of trueo had coine in goi a r-ja-l. 'I h.j g-.-neril s. in- position Hood haJ ib.-.-n i.u.h 1 the s arret, dt-r of the city. Gt nls M.I roy and Rosstu are at Afurfreec.b r j winch is ariipiv go tided a. id l a..,. U 1 al- t2a;::;l an) a Co u tajk it. D e.roit. Ml. h., 7 ?i. lafcririarl-.n cf a inu-t p.. i'n- thitrc U r that a raid upon this t iiy i- 1 ei;i. i r g.'nized by rebel ro!n rH H m Canada h;.a oeen received ly ih- cn.i a:id loni.a-y authorities. 1 H:!l. m Irary comuiin. -ler, iu a lia- to M iv-.r, pu.h:h ed this morning, r-c.ei,iuii.U thai br: mdiale in lit-ure-s be ta-ieu to organ. zj iUidaiei a l'k gimeni uf nuliiia jpro-ection. A large uu-ab. r of spev J p-Hr-A hav.j bei u enrolled and no: sperai ave raix-uies ttij lakiU to prt'ec tfie cay. New or:c, 7t .ft;. Chase will tike his so at up. a th-j bench of ihe Supretun Coutt to-m-xrow. ' Philadelphia 7ih. A d-h gat ion cf have gone to Wahii:g..:i to urge the appoii t iii"i:t of Col. If.-y as Secrr'arv of tin liUt a mr in 'be evtiit Jun-.ige.' Usher. gotng upon ihe btie-h or a- bevrettr ! Naiy ia ca-e S'-r..iry W tils j accept the emba y to Frio-'e. .:d rr-ic.v j Th? Savannah Depart rat nt ef thj W.. New York, O.h. I :ri".the hertabo.ts o:', b,dy. Man sa:i..:aa.rt..y aart .i:: a;.!' ,f a-a-a.',rcen-i, I;i!,v,i:)t ve,t-rday ii, any - ent r.r-e ra' j ofJ j :hmg ,s. deci i-'a of p .Vp.e ai io hi3 :..,. msr.,aj. Of:;. Tu . : v - -i - Ki '. l y i , i j - a e :aar:'b 'Vi.-J t ave tt. a Uiirmo-i at thi : a;s tar.a,g -in ia hiS'iiai o; v;,,i o ; :!gre!, at,i y Aog-.ri Chf.-i.ic Ul;aj.a .ft in- i J of the oh:U .-ays it l;;u a be co li-e ei tin " 1. .tr-T ! p i.-.t w-e J" rmtUiiu succ.c4Uhy a. 4U ihe part ci a.jatUt.iu ug:r, caafouaJsvg aii calculations and ex aii..g ap. prfl-tni'ou by his tnovenitats. The !ai est reports iadiCat-i that he ii moving to. wards Savannah river. .He may turn up on Augusta and seek 12 f jrcv? his way thro' Si u:h Carofii:?., or he rny pjsh for Savannah or Ecmsayick. i -