i KEIIHAOKNSY & CO., . j If eftjlt Uprejuit recelred a fplendid ElockcX ' ''.'.';-' . : "' 'J.--. "V ?-.-;l-,.',,' 1 -' - ' 2 ; Which tbey wnisell vnnv low tor CAsmn On iff l.e t - t Novelties in DjeGoous of ait kiuds and varieties Finite:, Kite, Braids, Buttons, &c &c. Late;! Sivle cf Ladies Winter Hats. roifar-?. Ivory Setts Fancy !; mil fciSe Combs, Head Desses, and Nets, etc., etc., etc. rrvT? "'T7VC rrrVTCnTVr! rrrnnl ttL,IJWOiuuMuU JIf niCccnt arsortmentof Sppcrb S'ck cf all kinds cf BOOTS & SIIOES Domestic Goods of all Kinds TLJXXELS IX ALL COLORS, Linzcys, Ticks, Stripes, Bleach & And all olber'articlei uiually kpt in a Pry Cooda hioro. 2- O-A-XjTj!!! IX SUIT & BEEHTOLB. nivE just ope;: ed axe w store ox Vuiii Street Leiicccn Firtt and, Sccondt BROWNVILLE, N, T, fl tvf In itore a large acd well ietectf d stock of Caliches, Tuin, f rench Tiwst, Uats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Leather, etc.. etc., etc., etcetra v n: err at n offer for s alb CI TE A P .FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind, Coffee. 5o0a, Pepper, Tobacco, Starcha , cCC. i .f T.'.-i.-'h vp r.iTf r nt the lorvcf prices, icier- C. !IAN.T& UFXIITOLD. r 'v...::!e, , ix-l-ily ""choice' liquoes.- Yholesalo and Retail Evan Worthing, OF THE EROWXA'ILLE, Hal Jcft Receive! the lsrpest and bet stock 01 LiqVrK and Cignr ever tflered in il.i maikcr. aud will sell Ujem as low as any lluuse m iW Territurj. WHITNEY'S BLOCK, Main Street, Erownville Feb..'Cly!. AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! mnnnn inn TnnTiiTTii; Cje Every Description at the L0YE T ntlCES FOR CASH!!! .Army and Conctry Merchants. Pedlars, Tra-iers S;it lera and enc al Ieaie can make enormous profits upon a imul investment ! Jewelry of any Pattern or Quality and in ary quan Tiiy msiie to -raer CTyKstitnatex Kir any clacs cf WOik furnished. Cj'''Hrwlt att eotioti pid U. u- y.yiua Auctioneer., couutry re1iirt luilin Tradei and Arnjy Petera. Anyatylauf Gvw.d mannfactrired. such as Inven tionn. etc , at Ktrt notice, f 7oot ranvaing Cierks. withatmll ci.ul can find constant em. jjloymDt! Illustrated (Utsacd lull particulars tree 1 Tl E PROFIT TO THE RETAILER ISVBRr LARGE. A Wlioifnale Stipr'y can be carried in a knapsack, kaud v!i!e, or carpet ban. and will not be like book bu.ky or iucoovenient to carry from place to place. Kf member another thing J TuIk buMueMt is strictly ' hcuoiable! Cj-riiere i u need of tnisrpre)f niin r exKKeriiLX. Oar Uin ds tb-jw f ir tbemcei ve ! ! Ii is a tman.e-a iuwbu haa ample and ati:acu)rf c-q-uivaieit is siven fr tbe uioney received and a ec-c- ur;iKn.p profit i iorke:ed at tbe sam time. It lj an -cctiintion in wdi. h tiu penuu ined be afraid or as kauifd to -.1 vi tbe aiu Ceid attain and atu. for :. .:-. 'r if-. . art irtrotocti a i-eruuueai and c r.-::::-,r . -.!'n-.t.d t- .real.l '' s ,..ti-iii tie Army, or those at home disabled 1 . ! ...! I..;,h . u-ar i . CiCigriueri out of health, Te.11 'et.-. I' .-; iiis:er., .r a-iy pe Mia who wihea titber i.H ... i r :i 1 1 v j:i and one 4bat brings with i:C..f.x: i-c-.,-i ary e i.ents this presents an op. . .r;. :,.i:.-M.:a. i" i".r: wrt iTyiil Andtee :oryour- ; aI;IS i l.L'C i.t!.KC1hU LOTS OF JEWEX.RT com. J1.1 i;. 1 ;.r 11. -a if: (,) .':- and most saleable Variety nf Uvi-ds 1 lie mm siirwiiere iti the I.yai Siates. vve trrMisii;;,!) tii1.'.. orders from person leaving ibt ct-:.nf .! ... is w.-.!:- with us. To socu we piouii Hie !- cce-.:se f -ir tate r,d jcittment and m m (i,r 1 i-xi-c-u-iice can eiirure t-ailntaction. We ak ri'. ;-jv : i.vfci.i e, ftte wbat nyle and quii;yof t-v' ic!' :':i-..u, bnd we win ?end tbe same aadcoi let i.y i r .;.t .'-c.-s at Lhc cc.dcf tne Eoute. (y. and siLiVra watciies q moTcircnis and manufacture! iu tbe bet man ' v..; c r itenal.ail wrrautet at pn.es from Ji? 1 i.ii ,!(.' . esih. Sent any beie pay col Ucted tr V-f- . tati. laction guarantees All Watcte a; !,,-. tht-y beiuR of our own importation. 1 1. -u.4. iree ly mail t Send for them I T. it H. GoruiIAN. llanufacturers and Iuiiorter lx-?-3roi 716 Broadway, Kew T0rk, TJLW Oi!ean, Claiified, Crushed and Powdered Sv a pars, Gulden Syrup Sugar KoiJse and Sorghura 1l fiTstiet f- & UoI-axtUnlJraA'k TTTI ( GROVESTEEN & CO, ". P1AMJ FORTH MANUFACTURERS, - i M.r,tw.n .f th Public end tuc trmio is mviua .' . '. . , i...i:,.r. . .., .,..,-,.: in. 1 hv inv .ii!;prr, .liTV-rt'fl in this m.irKct. liics -ontDin all the modern imrruv.n.ent., French, Gr ..,l action, ilarp Pe l, , !ra Frr.a:e. Over- Mrung Lav Ac.ffnd caol, ir.r0r.tt.,..guJ-..d.una.Tlh rff,a ol r.r.J.H !. Orovcwcn who h.i; had a , ractioal exrencme f ovirCO year i.. thHr ,3rut;.tture. nfullj war..,uted iu every particular. Tlie "GrovcKtcc-n Piano Forl?! xvroi vc! t2e !if?r!irst award of merit overall cllscrsat Si.c C'clefcraletl Wgi Id's rair! rre wero exbibiipd h.ctruir.cts from tb oaxcrs p...ttrn Now York : rnd sloat tlo Amnri.n KilrcdaUfn.in both of which canUs,, en at iur 15v the introduction cf improvrim-nt? w? iuhkc aemi litr"'!y with a strictly cati y-teui, are enauicu lunici all fomnetiiion. , , PRICES No. 1. Seven Ootave, round corners. Il:sewofI plane case 525. No 2 Seven Ootnre, rt-uua carter, ic?ewo.i uv.y iuui.i.u,; 5 N". 3 Seven Octave, r. ui d ct rm r, H.. oi.d L ui.- XIV ?;y. ; .i-'o a fas Fimllc of the above cut 37cr222.: 3Jctt 0&ix, ixa. Cixrrout 3?-uncl3. rESCRUTIVE CIIiCCLRS SENT FkEE. juno 3i-n-vd ly " THE SLr- a 7"u SAW ASD.FLOURIXG I WILL keep constantly on hand an assortment Extra-upsrfine to CommcrA of FI9O u a. LIS 3 -A, JO And all rtber article nnVltept in a rst-cls-Merchant Flouring r S.nv Mill. Brow -ville. M.irch :.Ist. '61. n?.0-8 lv. INI3?Il OVUJD ISCIIIIS. The greatest imfrovcmnt yet in tbe Sewinn Mi cbine Art. A curiosity worth seeing. Flcase send for circulars witrt simple?, ot Jspwing Tbeo Improved M.vhinM ave on5 bnnlred per cent, of tliread and di!k, anl make lta Lock-Stitch ktike cn both i J s . Tbey require no ir,?tm,tion to operate perfect! . except the ' printed direction. No chargo in sew; anolber. eg from one kind of goods t And no taking apart to clean or oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with a1 its machinery and tools entirely new, and is already raplllv turning out Machine, which for beauty an.- perfection of finirh urcnur turpuiicd by any manu facture in the world. N. B. Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory. it can be rcturnod and money refunded. A pent s wanted in counties not canvassed by ou- own Agents. & ITO?.( S. M. CO. NO. 533 BROADWAY, X. Y. No. 45-vS ly. A G L E boot 11 m ai, BREITMYER & TvOBISON. call the atlention of the Lad es and Gentleman of Browiivilie and vicinity to our new stotk of Root and Shoe. Gaiters Ral Ksorals, I.ace Hoots. 1'olk.a Mioes and Jonny Days', Iiss C!ildrm and Infants ono E3 Jst Received, wiiith we will eeil as cheap for the ai-b as auv houe in the We-t. DOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDEK In the very latest Ft les. We warrant all cur work to f.ive a'i st action, for we employ iioue but tbo besioi wcrkmea LEATKEil AND SKCF RKSIKGS For a1e, and every thing belonpitiR to the trade. Ve return onr thants to the pnt'ic fir pust favrs and by strict atteniion to our I'Vi-ines li.-vpe tn nietit that lil eral pi rmii-e bett wcl njwm ns time' itoie. Bear in mindtbst onr motto i the "NIMBLE PEN NX." 0"COMK AND Si:i: US.-S Done on short notice u a neat voivkiiQ-HU manner. Br.EITMTKR k ROBIKSOK, hn-wnyiiie, Xebraska. n34-vS-yly Aprll 29, 1S64. JACOB MAUOUN, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, . ........ SKURASK A Calls the attention of Geutlemendeilipg new, neat servicai'le and fasbionsbie Wearins Apparel, HEW STOCYCF GOODS. JUST IsECEIVED. EttOAD CLOTI1S, CASSIMEKS, VE3TIKGS. tc..ft. OF TIaK TEUI L.A.TKST STIXBIS, Which he will sell or makeup, tordt?r. at unprece dented low prices. Bavin on band one of SINGER'S SEWIXG 3IACIIIXES, he it able to do Custom work at raitss that Uofy compe tition, I warrant tny work, Hand as well as Slacliliie YTorlt. Those wishir.B any thine in bia lice will do well to call and examine his stock before investing, as he pledges himself to bold out peculiarly favorable in ducements. Aiguit. 18, IS6II7. mm to ,ur Nfc'f Se&lo 7 Octur uo.-ewooJ 01 in'.on, i an-, "-nu .nr. i Intitule lornvc mcveive year, ino goa ana .T - 3 - r.ntn. iu"iw pnu- i ii..o.iu ... iiumuku PHILLIP DEUEPi, Main Street lot. First aud Second St Keeps ecnstitillv on Land tbe best qmlity .f CllKWIN.r AXI SiliMvIMJ, S E G v. K S., Confectioneries Candies, Plain and Fancy, Oranges, Raisens, Lemons, Dates, Vgs, Xbii, Apples Syc, iyc. All kinds o f Toys, Canned Fruit, and Oysters. FniLL is aocoromo dating, obMing, patriotic an" wide awake to the interest of tie public, and ba the best a?rtment of Varieties in his line eve offered in tliis market, and, ia detenriued pot to b- undersold for CAsH, WE H- McCSEERY, Cash Ul:o'c.-a!e and liclail Dealer in r5ED!C!NES AMD CHEMICALS,- Taints, Oils and Dye SiulF, PurcLIaosfo Jlcdic.il rnpos All kinds Patent Mtdicim s DFXTAL AXD FAXCY GOODS. Blank Books and Stationery, The best brands cf Cbcwingnnd Smoking TOBACCO AXD SUGARS. Inlifaofall oloro. PerfucH'ry and Toilet Goods, He Hsisuro.-. hi .,t runs, and tbe public yen rally ho wiil ke"p on hitnd an extensive to yf thft a tu-Ic men tidied, beside;" anyltin? find everything ufimlly ki-pt in a first el? Dru Srt re, w'ni.-h I 1 prcpurcl to sell at low rates tor ?u-h. Cull ai.. 'xau.itid for yourself Syuih-easl Corner Main and First Street. Erownville, Kebraska.. rrcscrlpllons .md Orders Cnrcfullv fiMed tt J.II hours. THE V 'mil : i The readers of the Continental ar nware of th :mrortnt position it has ?tiiued, of the influent which it exerts, and of the biiilla-it arrivof piliri aland literary talent of the hihe-t ord r which uiijH.rs it. No publication ot the kind has, i: .ii;c un'ry, fo Fiicressluily ct mbimd the errrgv ind freedom of the daily newspa. r w i!h the hih--r literary tone of the. hr.-t-c'uss monthly; and it ii very certain tint no magazine has given wil-r ranife to its contributors; or preserved itself so eom- detely from tne narrow ir.ai n-rs of party or ol faction. In times like the present, such a journal i either a pow-er iu the land or it is nothing. That the Continental is n"t th latter is abundantly evsd-'ucel bv what ii hs d-ne by the relic. -tion o! t counsel in many iii.; i.rtaiit in tbe character : lx.wer of public event.-', thoffO who are 11.- -tlHHnchest supi r'i-rs. Though but little more than a yepr 1-as (.'?ncr :irice the Continental was flrst eat.-:t$ih-d, ir fca. i iring that time cqiiret a s'erenir'h and a pjgni fi -a ! tlcvntinif it to a position far at-nve that pre-vicu-ly ; 11 j.ied a strea-th and a,p'!iiical .eicniri cance elevating it to a p.isitini far abuVtj that pre viously cicutipied bv ony ;! Ic.itien'i f the kind in Amvrica. Iupr.tofof whi' b ai.-ertion io call at tcntii'ti to the tollowing fact: 1. Of it.i pi-Iii'al articles repr.b.liehcd in pnrap!:l-t ftirm. a single ine ha ha I, thus f.;r, a circulation of one hundnd nnd fix th u-:iid copies. 2. " Fri'-in its literary department, a single Feria! novel. "Among the Tine." ho, wi'hin a very tow months, sold nearly thir'y-five thouand copies Two other serie of its literary articles have also been republished in bco't form, while the first por tion of a third isnlready in press. No more con? lusivo facts r ed be alleged to prove the the excellence of the contributions to the Continental, or their extraordinary popula. ity: and i's conductors are deterrijiurd that it shall not fall behind. Preserving all "lh-j boldness, vigor and ability" which a taonsnud jmrnaU ha e attribntrd to it, it will greatly enlarp itscircio of action, an 1 discu-", fearlessly ami frankly, every principle in iiolvcd id the preat o.u-istion of the day. The first minds f '',e ci ontrv embracing tbe men uur 1'iuiliar'witu 11-' d plomicy and "u?t distinguished for ability, are am-.ng its n.nttihutois; and it is no more "aatterinir. lsroii.isc of a prospectus'' tnsay ib it this "mf: ?fiino for tin time-" will emid- y the the first intellect in Atit"ri-v. undor auspice whi.-h no publication ever eujii,vel before in this country. bile the Continental will eXire.-s decided oniniosi in the e- at ijutstii ns f the day, it wi l not le a mere political journal: much the larger portion of i is columns will be eniivencd, as hereto lop-, by taes, l oetry and humor. In a word, the Continental will bo found, under its new staff o lvuitiirs.oeeuiivin ado? It ion rik! j.resenting atirac tions never before found in ui.iijaiine. TKIIMS TO CLUBS. Two copies lor one year $5.P0 Three copies for one year, 6.H0 Six copies forono year, ll.iiO Eleven copies for one year, 20.0 Twenty copies for on year, 30,00 PAID IK APVAXCK. Postage Twenty-four cents a year, tp be paid by tbo Subieiibcr. SINGLE COriCS. Three dollars a year, in advanoo. Postage paid by Iho i'uhlisher. JOHN F. TKtnV. 50 (.Jreene St.. X. T., I'ubiirhor 'or the Proprietor. As an inducement to iiew subscribers, the Pub lishers offers the following liberal jireiniums: Any iTon remit i i pg $:), in ndvance. will rcceire th t Eiagnzine fr ta July, 162, to January, 18(5 1 thus securing the whole of Mr. Kimball's and Mr. -it . ia" 1 1 .1 tvirke s new seriais, wuilii nrc aiotie worm tlie price (: the subscription. Or, if pre'ered. a suH hcriber can tnko theuiacaiino for lSf3,i.ndacopy of "Among the Pines," or of 'L'l.drrvurrcnrs of Wall Street," by K. It. Kimball, bound in rloth, or of"Sunshin ta Thougbr," by Charles " God I rey Le'.and rrtail price, $125 The book to be eenj postage paid. Any persin remlting 4 50, will receive the nngv line from its cc mmencemert, January, lcil2. to January," I S54, thus securing Mr. Kimball's' Was Aetuexesstul ?"and Mr. Kirke's -A and Merehana Story," and nearly 3,CU0 octave psges of the hest literature in the wodi. Ptvmium 'sbscribtri to fay their own pottage. ' ' Pinnr 3?IIL,LS. Are von Fick, teb;e. and crintoaiioti ' Arrjouout of order, with your system derhiiiretl. and our tecliiiL'S BicoHUbrtab'e ? i bese sy nip Un.6 ate oln the preluie Wt. K to M-noiis i.'ir.css. cM'nit- ui "5-t-rvV t f .i.-'viiw incwei-iiiis upon ( vou. ail sUvuM be averted ti V: -' ij n-:m-dv . Take A -r s I ll's, NA'p-Vt'; ai d citiii'W out tbe tior- !. 'Ms -1:mk1, and let the flmds t?-::--,'- health again- be sftntn- L---c the fMncti -f the kv!r ii.to viioim activity, purifv the system Nm t.-' Otistriiciioiia hicb make l:-.st. A co d eft:e rn-.w he.e ij. the bod v. -ml obtiucT it i.-taral fucnoi; T'e, it i.et re lieved, reset u?n ib. n.iesai:d tie aurro 1. :t g c-"TH'S. inm:"-irg L'ctfial a -luvttwn. Mil.e.ii.r, rud die. Wl.i e in fids condition, opprci. by the deraiiarewei.t, take Av. r's l"ls. M-e low directly ilwr renore 1b r-t !' itI0' u lie tern, at'd with it tbeb'Mvaut lacing vi b a!th j?nf.i. What is true ai d m f-Pi .i-M i.tb,stiivi!ai d cm moii comi 'fint, is a': o line 1.1 mai v ol t!:e lei-p-F-ated ai:.l .ian-rrous .iMempers 1 h- Miw P'i" :a tive l ih ct xw9 tu rn. I :.u-ed by sfmuar 0U11 uc tiOKS and tlcrai.-ciiui.tiof the M.tnrai tPi.ct.oiiS lof tbe bodv.thcy are rapidy, and mim ot tl.em cttred bv the nine hmoi.s. k,,.t" virtues oftiiese 1 ills. i e- . ct fo einp oy tLtia whcii Eiii'cring i'r.nn tlit l:or:ers they cuie. MaUiLer-t? fioni iesali-ff 1 b ficipr? i re me ct. e ptii clr al ciiits, and lioti other ve.i..uou puiuC pcrsoua: i From a Fortranling Mrrhnnt cf St. Louis, Ftb. 4, Drt ATFit- Ycnr ri!B"aire the r.con of all that is t-M-Ht is. me-..:cii:c. .They have cured my Istt.e ih u -l ier of tlct-.ous fres i:pon her h os ai.d itct t':?t l:nd piovcri it cunbV ioreais. iler rHo.ner has Leeu loi jr ci ie oust pinictcd with baches and rmT.U-a on her tV.in r.id in her hair At.er our cl.i d v rs cried, the tlo tiied your J i.:s. end they Lavvcuit'dUr, ASA JiCLOLlDUi Aa FaqiJy Tiiyoic. From nr. E W. Cttcri'jhL Xeio Ortffn?. Your lios sue the pince of 1 fires. Iheir ex ceVent rva'ities FUipan eiiv c;".hiit:c we possesj:. '1 lice are' mi.'d, but vcrvpertain oi.d eih cti'al 111 their tction 0:1 tbe bowels, v.hich makes thtiu iavaluaMo to us in the ilaily tieiitivut ot uie:-e. I2ea:ac!ic,Sic5 iStii:!ac!ir, Font Ssaniach. From Pr Efhrmf ft'il, HaUhrwre. Pr.Mt I no. ATtn: J caiii.ot m.wer you irhat confj aittta J have curat with vour 11: Is lower than to a o l that iren-tr u -it tnfh a psirintircmcti clue.' 1 place preat depordcrce on tl.ut eueciual cathartic in my dai'v contest with di.-ease, ai.d Le bcvirsr.ris J To. thnt'jour l ii's nlloid us the bct we Lac, 1 lii couicc value the;a hioii.y. riTTsnuno, I'a.. May 1. Foo. Dr.. .1. C. AVKR. , Sir I Lave been reiH.-iite.dy cu.td of f be worst he t'ktche aitj body csn have by a ilo-cot two f our 1 iiis. It seems to arh-e t ;oia foal Munach. which they cleanse at once. Yum vil'a gi eat respect. KD. V l'KEFLK. o y ci-rk ftf Steamer Ciarioru r-...,. 7r. TI ,.).,.. r, r.f Ynrl' t'it'l. ?Cot oi.i v art vou.-l iiLsadmiiably adapted to their n.iae at an apericDt. but I i.d their beveri(ia r- have in nv pmctice proved moic tlicctual for tha cuie of liiou.it c-mijiuihit than any one remedy 1 cau niei.tbn 1 wiicere.'y rejoice that we l;ae at length a jirra'.ve w bich is w orthy tiieconlideuce o( the piOleioii lOid the jieopie IVpartmekt of titt- Ixtehior, 1 Masionplon, D. C 7ih Icb.. 185'5. J Ftr: I have n.-ed your l'iila in my general end l;o-i'ital Mxctio ve"r since ou mr.de them, and cai:i ot Irfifnte to Fay thev are tbe best cathartic v e i-nipT-v. 'Jlieir reauiatjpg fction ou the liver is t,uick till decided. coL.-ee.teittly they ate 011 ad ii.irble tmcdy lor ciciai;?eii;i'it3 of that or;raii. li.de'jd.' l;bveFeldom toui.d a case of bilwus dis ra.(? to jbr-titiate ti nt it di.l j.ot. rendiiy il'!d to, tUm. riilcinally niur.-, A L i0 1 -ALL, M. L., I I'JiM:Lan t f the Murine L'."jital. DysciJrry, Uiarrliorn, lirlax, Wortus. rrmn Dr. J. (iri-en, of ( hlcono. ycirl.is l:ae Ixd a loi. li'ial in l'nv practice, n;d I I'd t) em in esteem r.s oi e of the best aperi ents I Inecver toiind. Thiir ::.teratie elfcct upon ti c livf nu.l.cs them ati ecel!ei;t remedy, a t-n iis'iiad tiosis lor o'Jiou 1 renteri aiorumr' el. iiie.r mar-coHtii; miikes tl.em verv f c- c. 1 ch: .rl aud cuutLici,t .or tLu use cf v.oiuea and dru. Dt-itri'-sa, Impiirily of the Klood. Froin ice. I I'. Iliints. raster ff Adcent Church, j liotf on. rrt. .Yr.rt have used jour Tills with extra oi'iiina; v fci-ss iu my laini'y and iiinona: those I cm cai'et to vis; 111 distress. To re;ru n.'e the oi raiii of diertion J puisfy the h ood, they ate the very best rmed;l have ever ki.own, ai.'d I au cotit dcutiy reeuniieiid tlaia to mv Liei !s. j ' ' You.-'s, J. V. IIIMES, IVAP.f Ah "Wyoming Co , N. Y.. Oct. 24. ISiS. DtAit Mil I a in using your Catluit.c 1 i.ls hi my praci.ee. m.j lii d thua mi exce.iei t purgative to c.iai.: t.Lej<m r.nl purify r.'ie j-mntithi.i tftht. t.'ooi. f " JOilN l jiiiic iM.'I, ii. . Conf!rit:i, i;-iiuitiviii, io it, Ai-uraljjia, AJroiioy, ar dx. i il - F"Oi-.J)'. J. P. Vnnrfhn, Mmtrrnf, Cnvi'ta. Too msr;i c:-i.i:ot be said of jour liiis lor lh C-irc oi rA'u-u-s.f. li'cil.ei of our iVatcrnity Ian jouivJ tlicrt t.rlfcnc:ons s.s I l.:c. fl ey tiion d joit me in j 1 nestling if-lor the bei.eiitoi'iiie muoi'-miet vlo n.l.crfoni tint co!aj).;.ii.t, which. allhor.gU Lad ei.oitjjhii itself, is tbe j rogenilor 01 others that c;e worse, f believe cost ire tu-j to o; iinute in tbe Jiver. but) rl L'.s nfivct that organ und cure the cii:-vu. ! Fro.n Mi-sX. Stuart, r?jsicia and MiJinfe, , Jicsfoit. I find ornr two la rre does of yonr Tills, tahen ft the pio;r time, Oie txce. el.t promotives of the -tit unit fei::'. i when wLoJy or pmiiaiiy n.ji- pie. sid, tu t-'-o very ci.tctuai 10 ctn?e roe nx!i I'll etf.-vl form, llievaio so mncn me l'-tr.Vifve Lave lUit 1 rtccmiueud 110 oilier la best iuy putieuj From the kr. Dr. ITairl:ex, of the Methodist Fpi. 1 il-uirh. Tula?! IIousf, Savrmi.rh, Cc.. Jan. 6, 1?-j. Ilooi; sin- 1 Fhouid Le unci titc-tul lor the rc'iei'voiiFki i I rs ttoiLt ue if 1 did 1 ot report mv cnYe tou. A cold eetticd in my iimbs and l.f.ii 'bt caocruciatirig vrundjic pain, which i.-iicd in cltmic rlu niiiatiam. Notw.lhsiaiidirg I ' 1 . . 1 . ..n' t Iu ..iiiiirf fl-A rivi.iA i.-rr w l lirsA and worse.ni.tii by the odnce ot your excebent r"ent in lttimoie, Dr. Maci ei;ie, 1 tried your llils. Tbeijt lK cts weie h ou, but sure. I'y j:er- i ... iiui rl 1 1 01 I mil l Ckv owl irp! v i ..P ecvciing a i j.e use of tUiu, 1 am low entirely wed. i-nate CMiirn. l-aton irouge, La.,&iicc.,isoo. 1,'ii Ayki: 1 have been ei.lnily cuied, by your Pi: s. of Jtufmatic Coul fi p-tdtifiil oi. er.sethat baa alihcred m4lir jenrs. YINCLNT SL1DELL. rjy-JIospf the I'illa in mat kef contain Mercury, which a;li.t:.:h a vn'uab'e rnieuy ia skiiliil bands, ! . . ..i 11. n Til ll i it. 1 .ill 4 . . k I I 1 1 r ft a ...; I l.l f , .'i- IS UilllVIVf I" " j... .w ..., . . i FC n.M.ee4 1 .it Im.l.ellll io.ioiv its ii.euutioi's use. These coniiu lo mercury or uuueiui fev.b&taiice W hatevtr. Price, J3 cezti per Ecz, cr 5 2aze3 for $1. rreparsd ly Dr. J. C. AYLU Si Co., Lo-arcll, Llasa. WM.n. MoCKKElir. Tlrownville. ,J. A.lilNlWN ."t WiH)., Peru. 'Pr.H.MtAVKS. Hiun. 'JOHN W. HOLT A III;.).. Falem. , TIOLT& SCOTT. F'.ls Cifv. LEWIS & SIlKPliKi.'I), St. Stephens ' EAS v3-r.S4y f- LEY 4. SULKLK, Uulo. rKAICII LESLIE'S. 1LIUSTIIATED iNEWSPAPEPS. Attnrtive Feature. The $5,000 Prize Novel Tbe tiilf P.otween Tliein. I'y Mr. Anne S, -tephms, Autiioress of Fashion and Fuminc," "The Uejec ted Wife," .Vc, ic. . In abti'ioi l its attra.'ti uis; as the first nnd mopiaivthetifichMtn'ratcd Paper in Am-nea. Far pasing all otbffs in th? vtritf y. iwvur.i:iy. .w-i I In terest of the iiiiiierous illu?tratioiis wleh it oiler Fraud LeaieV Elusirated Xew.pMr will be-in in NT,, 4:lj..;ated.I:.nmrv 3i), ISiH, the thrilling nn-l bsorbin-,uov', -The Cult Ih-tnen tl.em." writ ten bv the prr-l f- n-velis-, Mr?. Stt-phcns, wsmt 'Fr.i'on aridKamife" baa a hirg-r cireuiath.n thifianv other purdy li'erary uowl ofourdiy and was regarled eu m ter!y a w..rk t f'tti-n thai it Waifn , on'y repubii.-hed .in Knghu.d, tut waftranslatcj inti almost every langaie ot Lu rop?. The prize of 5.P00. on-red with unnsu iber ali'V by the tc -prictor for th ? b -st n-.v drew foch no less than two hundred works, -"nyo; thm of (rreatrr.o-it. Am .ng these, M.s. Stph.-n' mHl was sekoted. as evidently sjurpss'. iwt only all others oiired, but almost everything hitherto pa.lished. It is fully cpi il t. "Fa bi .n aud Famine," sal will be as widely reaJ. It will bu if greater inter .-t, ir ra the fact that tlesceno islail m our land and otirown times: and in delineation' of character and ahs jrbmg power it wil rasciniite, irel chirm tbo r ler. $uberiptiort CiLiO pr year. Address FRANK LESLIL'. "2 Daane St. N. Y. Copies of ihrf psp r couLi'iiin ih C'ttfUience mrataud ontinnation of Mr-. Stcohens' novel, ' I ho liulf between them," can j had of any News dealer in the United S:ares or Ar;tL-h Provinces. 'ALT by tie barrel or puuud, Fine lairy Sail, for Sale " At McLaucitli Swan's. JiCKLLS ty the tl. ien or Larrei, nf uperioi qu4i- ity, crustantly on hand At MeLSrcuLiK & Swas,s. - IjHOS Cliila'-e, Maple suar, assorted Jeliie". Cn Peacbe. Pepper saucf, Mu.-hru-ni Catsup, Worces lerbhire uce. &.C , &c, At McTjrn?fi.iv A Swan's K(HM.S' biackiuvr t. tir-he.-, 5ctuuliiu lr!is!.es W'lit-k bicoms, B.ackius, ilauiics luk, Writin Pper, 4tc, McLAUcntiif 5c Swan's. A Splendid assortment of Confectionary including Uck and fancy candies "' At McLaualin & Swan's). ...........I inu t.ir the sale Tf 3a ai ui w- ui rz i 9 - Watches, Chains, &c, Sec.,. IVOIiTll $500.0000! To bt sold for one Dollar Eacb, without regard U'valua SPLENDID LIST, Of Articles ail to be !t ror one Dollar Each. 100 Gold Him in? Cased Watches, . $ HO each K0 " w-atcnes, - - - . - 200 Ladies' Watche3, 6. 0 Silver " - 600 Gold Guard, Vest and Chatelaia Chain.'. - -4000 Vest, Xcck, Guard . andChatelain Cbaiiis, - - - - -3000 Cameo Brooches CD eacb 35 each 15 eacb $15 to 20 each 1 to 15 each 4 to B eacb 4 to 6 each 4 to 6 eacb 3(s M osiio a-ad Jet Brooches 3000 Lava atnl Florentine Brooches -3. 00 Coral. Garnet .v Emerald Ilroocbes, 30"0 Cameo Kar Drops. - - -3KK) Garnet Mosaic and Jet Ear Props, 4tHo Liva arhlFloreuiiue Sar Drop 4 to 6 eacb 4 to 6 each I 4 to 6 eacti 4 to 6 eacb 2 to each 3 to 10 e.cu ' to 8 each 4W;0 t'eu'v s arr F.ns, - - -tOoO Chain and lUnd Bracelets, 3boO GeMf" Kreuts Pins, 3(.( 0 Watch Keys, 2 to 6 ea h 2 to 6 each to o Pot MuiiK.hbon Slides, . "i('s Sets of B i.-tm Stud - . oo Sleeve Butto"9, MiO Pk'.m and Cha.-ed Kings, "o(;0 Stone Set Kions. . 7ot0 Miniature LtK'kets, Crosses, &.c. - looO Sets L.lies Jewelry, 2 to 2 to 2 to 2 t 6 eacb 6 each 6 e.u h C each to 10 eacb 3 to 15 eacb ah oi .t.e so"i in me aoovp i,i.t win Le sold, with out ree-vati n, for t..e Dollar each. Certificates tf all tl.e various article- arc placed io similar envelope atnisca!ed. These envelopes wiil Le sent Ly mail, or de'ivei ed at our olllce, wittiout regard to cbei:e. ()u receiving a Certitic .te you will sec what article it rep-re.-ents, and it is op.bmal lih lou to bend one d oliar and receive the arte. Ic or n..t. In all trai:sac:ioiis liy mail we shall charce for for- fitrwarili'iK the Ceri ideates, piyin postiie ai'd d.-ins !!,e ! n-me-s. - e:i;i e i h. Five Certificates will be -en for Slj Eleven r.-r 2; T.iiriy for$o; Siity-tive tur $10 i Ctif htindi e i i"r CtltIt!SoPo; LUNTS my rely npin a qiiick an.l prompt anuwer to their order. Our husine-s is c..u-ijtictc-d upon liberal , honest, sir j;3htrrwri principle, and we guarantee Fatisfuctt- n in ait cases." Our pat rons may always depend upon havine ibeir orders raiih fully ami pNi.ctually supplied, la uo case wiilcorres po'uleiits Le lieKlect.xl. jCti.rresyjiiiiont3 should be careful to write their signature piaiu, and j:ive their Post t mice, Cotimy, and Sti.e. AddrehS, GKO DEUKItlT 4c CO., 229 Broadway, JVexr Tfvrk. 53" navini? had business relations wi.h the above Rem Iriuen. I take pu-a.-nre iu saying that they are honorable, upr:,:'.! men, ar.! erforui u they promt bin and the Jewelry I Lav seeu ln.ni there isitem:ine,aud picea satisiactiou. R. O THOMPSON, n47tf Nnr'try H..1 Nib. PllOSrLCTUSU'OHTlSGl Anrndepcnf ont Democratic Dai ly, Cini-V7csli2y and weekly Newspaper, IW.U U' THE WORLD AND AIICJUS. The XTorM, to which the Now York WeeV)y Arr-js has been nnited, hs.i to-day vn times the ag-re- jjate orculafion of say leia r.!!ic -r conservative newspaper. It addre.is. 3 weekly alone more than 100, Oil (A subscribers nni constant purchasers, an.l reaeues at Iea?t half Ciiliioo readers. With the steady increase in circulation which it now enjoys, these numbers will soon be doubled. Nothing less' than this should satisfy those who believe that the only hips of restoring the Uuion and the authoritv of the Constitution over a now distracted and di vided country, lies in wresting power from the hands cf tho.no fanaticism has helped to provoke invite, and prolong the war; ond that to accomplish this end, Bo wans is so etfective as the ditfu-icn through aMeutMl ent-rprising new-ip-ipers. of unun political knowle iga among the working 'men, th thinking men. and the votingmen of th N'. rth. Fnterprisc, iridmtry and m.-ncy will In liberalh expended to nuke The World the Best Newspaper in America- Its news from every purt. of tfi world will be early and uthentio. Whercrer the Megraph ."xtcds.or rutlroals run, or steamhoati ply.itwili gather the latest intelligence. It bad a Urge staff ot a -coinplishrd correspondents with all thefed-al armies, who will telegraph and writo to us the lates: - ew from th'd varijus stilts of war. It h.n orres , oii.lc-nJs and rpporfers in tverv political and c..m nie'cial centre in AMericaaiid Eu.vpe, whose l-.-tters and dispatches wiil leave nothing worthy of ucto unknown to its renders. The Market Imports of the World are more emi ; lere than those of any other newspaper. Th-Fdito-s invite cotap.irion iu this respect and point to the reports of the Cattle Markets, the genera, nd country Produce. Markets, aad the Money Mar ets ia its i'oluia.14, as proof of iis ex :eihn ;o in this respett. ""fbo Wll-,i niW H,0 a jpptj department ievotcd to Agriculture, filled with ediforiil nrri.-l communications fn.m practical farmers uud ojechan ice of the counter. 1 he wur in wtich the nation is engaged again: armed and infotuated Uebels, and the ra.li.-nl policy . f the aduiinbtriiM -n which proiong it. h.iva con pired to bring ti g:br upon one platform !l con--ervative, L'nion-l' vir fi and Coutirution b vi t men, el wh.tfj-er forru-ir nam and cree l. M my Mios who within the limit" of the C.mstif ution loiight the r;.ttlcs of Its ballot box under tin cmlership of th se patriotic statesmen .f her ar-d better days, Henry Clay and Oi.nicl Web-dtr, to go'.her with the mouses who-e prinoipl-is e tho. of snch patriots as Andrew Ja -ks). and Wilh.iai L Ma rey. Silas Wright ard Stephen A. Dooglns, no sho(" shoulder to shoulder upe-i th: same p'atfor'L isa pb.ia ,ne. It is t. restore the Unio.i, ni lin'air. the Const it tit ion, and onft-re.-s the l.iws. Wbat eve. makes f r ti.;s e:ef, the e.tereie T force of tin policy of c i--n. Tba Wor'J wid a.lvoeate wh tever ui ik;s ag.iinst it, Th-i vv',.r!, wii; ej.;i..,s.. It w ilU ppotc every enemy tf.tlie Uiih n, wiictiie. armed in rebellion at the South or i;vdioi!ij plant ing the oeedd of disunion aud ejseuiiitl disloyalry a. the North. It wdi );ppo?e every violation of the Constitution which is the only hope and bond of Ui.ioo, and ou only authority for exhorting or compelling tbe alie gianceof theSonrh. It will uprise every in fraction, of the Law. in hig' places or in low. by recklrss nnd misguided parti sans, or by the administration which hue been tLer ex.'iui'le. It will fearlessly exercise the Freedom, of the Press : it will cons.. intly uphold and defend Free d ue of Speeeh and Froed -m of the Ilailot. To the lawless acts of the .ddministration, it. arbitrary and unjust arrests and expatriations, it de.iial of the right to the writ of haleas corpus, it id -gal prce.l.iuiations, its nbrogution of Statoan fo i.-ral laws, its dcspoiio ac-ULa jl itiyns of ungrmi! ed powe r, aud its subversion of t--e safeguards o: civil and pertocnl lib- rty.it will constantly o, dose the letterand the spirit ot our snir-'mo taw aud th-advtK-acy of sound doctrine, until American free-u-n shrill be rvused to the recovery of th.ir rights, their Itbeniss, the r laws, and their limited and wtll balanced g.iVernmeut, by the re.Tistlcss dccisio.i of the ballot. lVef -u! diy imr''.sod with the d.v:re tocontri b iteall tha- it may to the reat work of thi gorier lition. namely, to restore oarnafion.il unity, and to place tho United States again fonnos; ai-i- ng th' inti ns of the earth, and C.st id the peace, pros perity, and h.atp'ncss of its peoo'e The orlii seeks from those v?ho desire sueb thing their sym and support, and, above all, tha favor of liim who crowns every good work. TERMS. DAILY WORLD. Yearly Subscribers by mail SKMI-VVF.ELY WORLD, Single subscribers. per annura. Two copies to one address Three " ' five 44 44 fen 44 44 WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subscribers, per annum Three copies address on ea-b paper Five '4 " Ten 44 44 $3 00 $:$ oo 5 :) 7 tin 12 0 22 50 $2 no 5 00 8 on 15 bo Twenty copies tll to one ad lre 2 j l': Clubs ol t w cty or ( ver can have address put on e:ieh per lor an additional charge of ten ctni e.- !.. For every club of twenty an extra copy will bt .vid'.'d for tbo getter up .f the c'ub. For every clu! t.f fif-y, ihe Semi -Weekly, and for very ejub of nu b nnd red. the Dai'v will bu sen, when requested ,ii lit u ot tho extta copie-) ,f Weekly Additions to Clubs may be made a, any time at satin ratc-u. Papers cannot bo changed fri.ta m Club to another, but on request of th.? person order itigtheClub, and on receipt of fifty cents extra, single pipers v ill be taken from the Club and nt to a seper:ita ad-lress. All order uiuat be aooompnnid by th Cah. Address. THK WORLD. 35 Park Uow New Y ork. MOLINB PLOWS, TZ-Zt f!T On hand and to arrive at D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouse, 5Q aii 22 Third Street, ST JOSEIPII, MO Fe 24, n28-tf. riULTIVATORS, &y.neB, Cradles, Rakes, Hoes, v Spades, Shovel, etc e,c, i At McLaughlin & Svtui'a. 1 PYPII w !W WW!' A MONTHLY MAGARINE"- The most corxrrehen.ive mieecllaoy cf nfu) inern st. Literature, pertfKl:-a'.ly ts-nXto&VoZSdt-, embrscing all the fea- ,. ff a I'olyucnnic -- I i erary Repository and Monthly negtsrer ciX devoted to Financial. Commercial and , h i Interest andalijoir.t stock corpora.i. Iadaj- trial Interests, and tioa coa- C Having commenced th, . Kfib Votutae of tnu M.rtx'n whoSnece.8 evinces tb , tne efforts of i' wndoct-r havebceu appree.atei by a dtacnml ulZl public, we would call attention to it cnar Si on tbe part or the large t ay of re ers who are not yet opon its suKvnption lists. Our par kin this publication is the diisen.nation of practical information en sufcjwta of positive , ntthty to the people, c mbired wi.h a diversity of literary Uractioaicuring the servh-es of the bf pets tn the various depigments of Sciei.se, Lsi.ei-Lettm and General Literature. While aiming most es peoiallv to render most elective serve, to he TradeCommerce and Material Produettoo of the Country, many .i Jus of the m-cj of the mental world reite daa cons.dera.ion-L.e Historical, Critical, sthettcal and Im.nauv- as well as tbe Financial. Statistical, Tr.;huJog.caJ and strictly lUrcanti'.e. We emp.oy alike tho ro seach of tne savant and thi fancy of the ltnileti.n-i-t. with the rrni,I experiince of tha businc-. man and the worker. In the treat men'. ,.S scur-.w-O topics, the mode selected is the p u;ar m sty.e rather than tne technical. The uienpii pha a f ' the hou. it shall be our endeavor to portray, an i we avail ourselves of thj contr'.hutio.is of new Di-c T ery to the Circle .f Knowifdge, and sbab record with all pra.-.ticabie succinctness Current Intoui gence, whi.-h will be of future ntiliity and his tone interest when the Pr-sent shall have become tin Past. In fine, tha Americrn Ex(-hange and Kevi-jw is adoirable r.nd ever welcome monthly visiter U its sub-riber--inipartiiigtherii brva t.f koovrledg improing the tajie, aad fiiruishing intdllcctsal gra'incaLt'n. The Keview has its special iti--s in distict and m creasing Departments, with a funeral Division f-i tho widest consi.-tent scope of themes. We give a Sf ecification of topics which are tho snbjecU either of wcasionai ) rregut .r p;ir.licat!on, viz: The arts, sthotk-s: Agricnlture. pj!id Chem istry, Archaeob gy. ti- lies-Letters. Biography, Crifi ci.m. Lcom inks i'l liii- ;1, Arithmetic Na'iouai Taxation: Finance banking, currency, Ccrporatioii Accounts, Exvhung, F'ui-tu itivu ii Securities. St?ks; Iliatufy, Ifdas-tral nd Mercantile outer prises, insuratiec. internal Improvemen"? Kai! ways Cacal, Telegraphs; Mapufacturea Products, tech nology; Mech mi-a, Mining Mir;erh..gy, Oeology Metallurgy; Patents Fhy s.os, physiology, statistics, sfa-ial sience; trade foreign and domestic, shipping mercantile law, Navigation ; Topography, Travels. SUBSCRIPTION'S IN THE UNITJCD SfTIS. Oo copy, one year, in advance Five coniei 44 3 Of 12 00 Ten ' 20 uu When paid at the end of the year, 4 0 per an num, single copy. Sample copy mailed on the re ceipt of cents. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. Single copy per annum postage paid. Canada." $3 72 Cuba, 3 72 fJreat Britain and Iiclani, 6 oo Frnnee, 3 72 ticrm.iny, 3 72 West In. lies, f British 3 72 West Indies, No British. 8 00 South America TW-t (bia-t 8 CO i'OW LEU & MOON, Proprietors. No. 521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. t THE SIENTIFIC A3IEKICAN, FOR 15G1 Tho pnblishers of tha SI.'.NTIFIC aMERTCaN ri'-jmcti vely give sotic? that thti Tenth Volume New Seri j will coin:ci?e on the 'fir-t f Januin f!xt. This journal wis esrabiished in HI, ri 1 is un.ioubtodly the nt 'st widely eir-u!ated arid iniuen tial publication of thfs kiu I in 'the world. In com mencing tile new voluturt tba publishers desire (o ci,l sj'ecial attention to its cUunsas A JOV8-VAL Or PCPULAR SCIENCE. In this r"pect il stands nnriralb-d. It not only lindoits way to a!m -t every workshop in th country, as the earnest friend of to mecnanic and artiien, but it i f-und in tha counting-room of the manufacturer and the merchant; also in tho library and tb bo.jiiold. The publishers feel warranted in saying that no other journal now published e.n tairs an ttjual an...unt .f useinl iiiformith n: while it is thi-ir a. ui to present a!l subjects in the nwat popular ard attnic'ive manner. The Sir ntih.- Anerican i jublished once a tveek, in convenient form for buiiu.g. aod ficii EiiinL'sr contain sixteen pages cf us.tul reading tnalter, ;ilu;lrattd with " NUMEROUS SPENDID ENSR. WINGS of all the latest ar-.d bc?t iaventiocs of the day. This feature oi the journal is worthy of special r ote. Every number cont-iins from 5ve to ten original en gravings of no--h.inie.il inventions r-hitingt every d jartment of the aria. These eng-Mving are exe u je.l by artists tipo- i-.iily erur.i iy.d on the paper, itid are universally ackir-wl-.- Iged t- be su. erior to nithig -f Ihe kind pro-i i -cl in this C!-w)t-y. The yu't ii-iiFri of tl-e S;-a:iS.t Aficri -an j.romi-c. to present, as du. irg pi""- ceding j"ars. ail tbe l.itt i'oprovcnu-nss in Si earn Kiijii peering. War Ves-els. 0 finance m'litary aud ia,vfii Fire arms Mechmies Tool-, Manufacturing Machinery, Water whe.-!. romps aud other HydHuhj Apparatus, Moii-.i-h..ld L"ker.s;lJ. Klcctris. Chemical an d Mechanical Instru- aents, Flying Machines, and other Curious luven ;i ns- besid ' all the varied articl-s deogned to ighten ih? labor of tnaikind, not only ia th shop iiid warehouse, but in every place where the iu-iustric.-n I )d'e are purPu.-d. Fn-in its cotnuici.ee mcnt. the Seien'ifj'J Ainerican has been the earnest advrata of the- right of American Inventors, and the. REPERTORY OF AMERICAN PATENTS. In this important depart. nent , so vitally connect ed with all the gr-.-at inter-sts f the country, no thcr j .ii'tial can lay any cla'iu whatever; as in its : liimie- there is publi-ned a we. kly O.Tieial List of brt --Claims" of all patents granted at the U. S. Patent Udice. THE PRACEICAL RECIPES alone nro oft tiua woe h aiore to tb suharriber than the amount of a whole year's su'o-:riptioa. EERM3 OF SUBSCIPT10N. Two volumes of tbe Scientilij Atn-crican rr pub lished each ve tr, at $l,.y J cash, or 3 per fvr nniium with i orre-p- ndicg b w terms to Ci ;b-; il will pay for f..ur inoT ths' si.b.:eription. 1"n-,'. niitjers for on" year, when br-und in a valuta-1, cenktitate a -vo-'k of b"2 fsg'iscf useful information, which every on" ooght to (.ness. A n"V volucio wili comtaenco ou the first of Fanu iry, CLUB RATES. Fiveenp:s, for six monthi f Ten copisa, for six months 1? T-iii c.p'e-for twelve months 22 Filteeu copies, for fvclse ni mths 34 Twenty copies, for twelve months 4 For all elnhs of t cnty and over, the yearly sub criptir n is only 2.0'. Names can bt-sent in at diffcrcut times and fri-m different Post Otrio. specimen copies wilt bo sent gratis to any part of tbe country. Canadian subscribers wiil please to remit 25 cents -xtra on each year's subscription foprep-v pKUge. M V.N N A CO .Publishers, No. 37 Paik Row, Nw York. salixalbaT The Greatest Tliber for the PKAIRIES tTt It nkes a perfect I'e lsre fence In fonr yarsl One Ai re of it se' tics fall, ia fire year wil! make euoD'-U wk. for oe Psmiy! JC It Kfo-ws ktrailu, and very tall ! jCj It never sprouts fem the roots; but when cut down. w'.:I grow a.'.un frum the stunip. very raoi-Ji ! fcf.H is tte best sort wwil for fuel, er any other purpose! Jtj: "A hcn ket off toe ground, tbe rails wiil last 10 years ! jLf" It erows eqnally well with ns on upland, where ibis rich. s in the bottoms 53" C.ittina ei?ht Inches long ituci in the ground In t e FaO. never fail to si ow t ITS" We sell it for 4 ncr thousand rtntt erei at any of our Aenci.;. 5-j- Parties wUhlni to bny, sho:;!J orderearly of our Aems, that tliey may notify us iu tioia. crrri.vGs Bundled and delivered at the ahove places, as koon as the tea res fall. uCW S33rsJ Ef3. T. R-. FISnKH, -nwiiviile. i A,'tat for Xemaaa arid C3t half of Rirhards.m Counties. CCKTIS PEAVKR, Pawnee Citv, are A??nts for Pawitf-c and pst h "f of Ricbard,-on Counties. ' RKV MR. T1NCUAM, Beatrice, is Agent for Gasa and Jonca C inn'ies. J. II. UUTLBlt, Austin, Agent for Clay and Saline Couuties. Eex7arc cf Willow Peddlers. We leirn that many swump of common 'Wil!''w iue been cleaned up, :nd the Cmiii: ..pi j-G.sy Win ,w. We uet our Wi'jow of SAMt'KL FntVAIIUi, of La Moille, Illinois, aittAponsibieNurserytr.au. DRIED Apples, Dried Peaches, sago, Bice, starch, soap, Candle, etc., etc., t At IdoTatagh-lia Swia'g. 186-1. 11. PROSPECTUS the -J m iri-inniiir, For tLe Year I3C i. DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY & ru The war drima is approachipg L--Vt ""' merest. This year wiil prt.bably enritnJV Ihiota r.f th licholiion, wi'neig tha XstiV' ernment re-torcd in tbe fa!a States t'-,,i,"JW' eratcd, rd Si.iv.ry obliterated fr- a V. a "llTj T4X!lk event of 'ol will b am- ng the l: z'..,'. ' '- the History of the Country, and B-abtieTj''.-clude tha return of Peace, and t-j9 tvl," America ujs n a r.ew career of uti ars'.V .tios and f-rospcrity. V.'ith Lt'-y,r rln the reproach of str'dra, the Pe.p! j w;-;v ,! on a higher platforn intlliin j3 v feel a siiil proioun lisr interest i tv, j.. ' 1 : the progrcs- of their own and othr Un L. ' wor:d is catering upon anew gris of rr-, '" to trrmiuate in tho triumph cf D' m ri -p" V"1 tbe Atlantio ; while ennraticn to Air" ' " acquire a i.ew and treci-'itl-.m irapstuj, i- -.... iu-.tu.rn-ely ur productive pow.-r. """- Tho .lt'.rirg events of the tim-.? w-'.! lv depicted iu the sltiui r. t-i-j l.-r.Mi3'.;- we a re r'Snvel M rcr ner mm vaiuat tractive tii.ui evr a a ii.thf.il Lllrrcr cf Passing EUtcry . Inspire! by the spirit f D.'-amcrjcjj.-f. ledgtng no leader but Trr.'a Tb ! s-or' , ocii at wili cout nue to bs s.dtij the t'r-u ,; People, and pr..mrt t denounce aad rfpa porticitl or military aspirant who seuij u ie thfir caise. Ia ad lition to our War New-, we WiB in onr Weekly pper tha Weekly SetnSj.in.'. uud also an abir.ct ot tne prs8;P., ct(i r and of tho Pi-vcce-itngs ot Lsgn.:x--i ( and Illinois. Our Tii-Vt'eokl-f, will eonta, tha Impottant News, Local aniC-'irt of the Daily. THE DAILYDEM0C1UI; Shall notbt excelled by a:-y p: ?r ia ;-. W Wa have improved our a;ra::g j f :';. SPECIAL TELEGRAPH F..CRTi From V ashtcg'o.T, I rota ts- Lvwor 3 . . t T from the Mi.-ouri and I.liueis t ; ti 1. "-a wiil published in all'in.i t.i tae lVrH.B: AHMY CORRESF0N KNCE, .. And our n-un! quanlity of he ;erd . ! 51. We request all Fot;U(tjtcrs ar.ifria v,k.n Agents. Send for epeci men r.utaboi cf th IV-iei Prospc-tus for diitributiuo.acl thy wiil w jr 4. Iy forwarded. Send as miry names ai posilIa io Cial-i .U)' their papers sent to oce ad Ire tbe alirnsi the Postmaster or the getter up of ths Can. It is not required thf all the panof shall be sent to ne IV st OtSpe. th oaiurttijj , sent to d'.Tierent Offices, td add.tious may b i at ary tim . - i The following are our rates fr tt yr Ik DAILY DEMOCRAT. M.il Subscribers one year Price to News lV.tlers - - n. TRI-WEEKLY DEIOCRAT. Mail Subscribers oce .year - - . - - M WEEKLY DEMOCRAT, Single Copie-a one year - - - - - Three Copies - - - Five Coitus - -- -- -- 4. 1 Ten Copies "" Any larger Club than ten wUl be cl';-l rat- of oiie d-llar and a h a'.f rr caT. The ib.-r rates for ad Ma.l ruli.-r y. MVuMi in a lrp-nce. i.rders not a-co-nps.ril with tbe m cjv. oive no a'-trr-t-oa. Ai: papers of either e.llti.m. w.a bi ' :' at the tod of the ti-re rai l f r. Mclvf.E.FlSJIiUCKiCO.PrW 41 and M L--ut s:re-t.-T. Loi.li.S- (iET IT VOIR CLIR5 WW If NEW ASP SPLESPre PRFMMDU' PETl-SON'S MAGAZlNi riir nrc.r AND CHEAPEST IV T ! E ; h'i r--fJ'-ir c'on-hly contain-, i:-. -r v inonev than any M.gnine in thj w 1 I. : it will have nearly l0) pa .. 2J r. 12 eoirrcl patterns ni. 1 Vwd w.-cd all this f.r only Tst U-A.n a ' : less tLar. nia n'm-s .,f its d.-s. I v. r. 1. ? to taki "Peterson." In foe g-rior., l prces, its is the only Mig-x" th .' '.mc-; ir, price, either t- sing'.-i suS-t-.- -r f. nd i. there foro, crepbatt-.-a-'y, a-u,L th Tinv-s. Tho -t..rie?i Fi-tor-i-n are -r -V - h. -t t.ut.lishe.l ant where. Mr-, k . ; Ki'.a Jii .i...n M-. Iv-::':-'-n. ky'x !:-..-. i .. A .. v . r ,.f "S ; r L's i 'ii'.' A;.i L. i'h-i; ol--r M . .'f-:, T..w..-.nd. i-i :','-:"v 1 A; author ot "ilio .--c"Oi ''" pt.pniar fcmalo wri- ot .lx- r. i.'..;v. T aldition t il-i. - . ' - ,1 .-? r ; ' rvi- ' Jh -1 tV.. re wiil li f "... v-n -htci N-.v r., M : Th- Msidot JI..nor-a su-ry it V f Ana S. Sterbens. The L-.-t . , lay. Bv' the aothcr f "Th, , M-nA Summer . rat'-g a h I I rt Panr v's N irtofion, by Li,. !'.. Li iur.iustratiof.iWo, f " 1 The publisher eh all r-g- C"1". 1 , , superb Mezmtinls and oih.r ei. en -those in other Magaue. and ow i in everv number. Colored fa-h-u v- var.ee: It is the only Mag'n- ' ; Plotescan be n lied on. M r J,u-0,nV; Fashion Plates, er. graved on s eM, J ;. Irom KBsbioL later than any ''"f -f-.J..! also, a d. tten or more New S') .. 'v 0.HI: nlso. 5. P..ttern,from '' ' 1 'V, ', or child's Cu-'tom'i can be cut, wi n.-i. mantua-miVf r so that each Eiitu---r. wili avt? a year's -i i a. I ' ' ." . PniU.lelphnan-1 NW Vork ta'"'1;," ' at l-n-h c.i.-h month. Patterns , II -a I l)r-, ic. gi?.'n. I"i c'i-''r'-'i r " embroi.'.t rv,r cht. 4c , . . y .,- The Wotk- fab;tl'.-pirtm-T.f '-t who-lv ticriv-a! -d. Et-'-ry n umber ; or more tatrirr.s n eycry v .r: y - , : Cr.a-:.e'," Etuif-idcrv . Stitrirg. -. ' . i- . ..,u 1 .n ' m. - .s.. a i- . r.verr 1 -lU'.J. m - g j atteru fv.r si'u p'og. par-e or c. given each of which, at a retail c3 til'tv cer.ts. . . 5 -Our New Cok-Book ."--The ; bold liccei,-! of -IV-rrion" are ooms 6( -v 18 54 our -Cvck-Bovk" Till bo coo-a one of the receipts haJ be n tested bis well wc rth the pr-ei of -Peter-on. ceipta for the toilo'.te, sick room, -ivie. .' .,;'' New and fadonable ntt-lc in " And hints on Horticulture, FpJi'-r -"' mailers interesting to I i. .r TERMS ALWAYS itf One copy for one year, '. Three copies for one yeir, i, F ve copies for one year. I Kii-ht Conies f r on- year, - T. Twelve copies f.r one yAr, isteen copies for onVycar, Premiums! f-,r irttin! up Clahs--'r" eight, ot more copies, nn't" Ci t - , . -j' fvn getting up ad ih cf thre :: 1 ,e , , -" dollars t a i-itib of Five, aru r ' -ib liars nn-i half or a club "i - " j . t'-ig ten d,;brs- v-r s elaS cf "f''- ' ' fifteen dollar.' an extn cos y ' V ' tv.'(' will be gr... If preiVrrc l. s?nd as a preir.sm. (inteai of .'r' aoi r,lus:n-li Udy's Album, bru- ,:,3i in gilt, or eith-r of our yrir.- i.u . t ,-. -ea. li 27 inche bv "Bwnyio rr.' '. P.lind Ch-ld. in Jid." or -Bunj ing for IKs Ueicse f ora Prisou. l 'r p' g-tting uo a club of Sixteen. tw j the Magaiiaa wiil be sent, or aajt-'0 ( premium'. . . oVf? Addreos, post-pti L CHARLES J :,t. No. 306 Chestnut :ree?. v.: All Postmasters constitutcl .jnt porsgn uiv get up a club. Lj'UK'i " toa-lv.if wri'tcn for. . XOTICU .ToTt CVX .s The undersigned, Board ot Exa' r ,,T a T ...... f a-r ittVillhi J. I . . mi, jei:..vaK"0!JL? ,r.l ).OLi i rv .--ii'--- Cats and V.rheeibirr..v i - $ WIT. Rn.Vt. t'hirris. ClotUes Pius and laatLt a? FLOUR, Batter. Bacoo ' . , A.t liwJ-AO , - OF ,nlJ.'" er. on the fir- atur lay 01 At PM, atthoSce of E. V.'. Ti ox.- - :ty are required te have a certtS- rjci previous to tho commen rcm-T.'