Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 24, 1864, Image 2

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    TVTrtU CA Nvf t ' 8re uja-e the instruments nvA means!
ilUUUJttU tUUCiUStli K.nallv. there can b no Peace save
vr. ii. uxlxer, i:ditci.
McClclIau's Majorities.
McClellan carried lut three States and
those by a frca'.l majority, with a gain
for the Republicans cn the vote over for
mer elections.
New Jersey gives McCIel'an about
5,500 majority. The Unionists gain
9.CC0 votes in the Slate over 16G2. Gov.
Parker was elected by nearly L5,G00
majority. The Union party carried
every county in soithand west New
Jersey, and elected every member of the
Li gislature there. Two Republicans and
three Democratic Congressmen are
. llecorritd the State of Delaware by
alcul MO zu.ijority.
"His majority in irentuchy, so far as
heard from, is 1o,-jCG the vote standing
15.S21 fcr McCl,-::a2 to 255 tor Lis-ecln.
by recognition of the independence o
the Confederacy. .V.' Y. Tribune.
The Nebraska Recistei. This new
and valuable little paper has been coming
to us rpgularly ever since its first issue.
It is neatly printed and exhibits decided
fcbility. We extend to it our editorial
friendship, and wish its enterprising pub
lisher the success be so richly deserves.
A.Q ingenious fellow down east has in
vented a metalic shirt bosom which is
said to last a man his life-time, and wash
itself twice a week.
Jefieflon Davis Talk.
ThrRfcUl Congress met in Richmond
on-Monday, auJ received the usual ad
dress from Mr. Jeff Davis. It is a mild
cV-cuiiicnt, Mr. Davis having apparently
recorertu from the frenzy of frankness
into which he, fell on his hte- Southern
tour. At present he wears a face of
cheerfulness, and whistles with shrill
pood spirits through three columns cr so
of a dingily primed Richmond paper?
He rtjoitts, as he has reason, evt-r
euccess ia the trans-Mississippi Depart
ment; the recouquest and for some tune
permanent occupation of Texas, great
part cf Arkansas, and nearly ail Louis
iana. On this side the great river there
13 leSS lO iO.lil Ui, L'Ul IUC I C-JJUMCiSIUIl
of parts of Mississippi, Northern Ala
bama and Western Tennessee, is rather
Ifiosely aitirrned. It is alleged that all
incurs jn upon the seaboard have been
prevented, save ?t Mobile; that Grant
has vainly tried four months to take Pe
tersburg; that Sheridan had to burn the
Shenandoah Valley because he coui-J net
hold it; the capture of Atlanta uAs prov
ed a barren conquest to Sherman. Mr.
Davis considers that the small results ob
lained by the possession of Atlanta ought
to convince the Southern people that no
place is of mu:h real importance, and he
soberly seeks la persuade them that even
Hichmynd may be surrendered cheerful
ly. lThere are no vital points" on the
preservation of which the continued
existence of the Confederacy depends.
There is no military success of the'enemy
which can accomplish its destruction.
Not the fall of Richmond, nor Wilming
ton, nor Charleston, nor Savannah, nor
Mobile, nor all combined, can do more
than protract the exhaustion of the North!
It would seem Mr. Davis desires to an-1
."ticip&te the effect of expected losses of
these places;
It is complained that foreign powers
ere s'.ill neglectful to recognize the Con
federacy. Historical suggestions fcr
tneir cnlightement, preci-dents which
prove that Francend England might
recognize if they would, Mr. Davis is
iparngi of.
A tnef view is given of Rebel finances
which we still further condense1 as follows:
Receipts for the two
New York, 10.
The Herald's Ilj'ton Head correspon
dent, under date cf the 15th, say : Just
a3 the steamer Fulton was about to sail
from that place Tuesday, for the East, a
report' came down the river that Sher
ry:! was marching on Savannah, that the
inhabitants of the city were fleeing in
Gen. Corse, the union commander at
Rome. Ga., on the 10th inst., destroyed
such bridg-es there as might be of use to
the enemy and abandoned the place for
the purpose cf withdrawing to some more
imp. -runt point.
'I La rel-l accounts frcm Hood
say he is in a position to marca into Mid
dle or West Tennessee as he may decide.
Tbey admit that the rumors of the cap
ture cf D.-c.v.ur from the Union forces
was all a hoax, and farther that their at
tack oo that place wis merely a ru.e to
enable Hood to get his army veil posted.
The Herald's Shenandoah ccrrespon-
dent says the main portion of. Early's
army was' in the vicinity of Woodcock
in a wretched condition and much dis
contented. When Early made his ad
vance last Saturday he thought Sheridan
had been weakened, but on learning his
mistake he Ivat a hasty retreat. Early's
retreat is regarded as an abandonment
cf the lower part of the valley.
Louisville, lSih.
Intelligence deemed reliable the accu
racy whereof cannot be determined to
night, says: very recently the rebel Gen.
Breckinridge, with 3.000 men attacked
Gen. Gillam near Bull's Gap, and after
a desperate fight defeated Gillam who
lost 400 prisoners, the number of killed
and wounded is not stated; no fears of the
invasion of Kentucky as consequent upon
this reverse is apprehended, as the mili
tary authorities are fully prepared to
check any advance of such a force into
the State.
Philadelphia. 19th.
'The Bulletin publishes a special dis
,jtch from Washington to the effect that
the fitlion&l Intelligencer understands
that Lincoln isaboL't sending peace Com
missioners to liichmonu cHtring a bosis
upon which the rebels can aain return
to the Union.
Chattanooga, 18th.
The rebels attacked our forces at
Strawberry plains IS miles above Knox
ville in force yesterda) morning at day
light, the fight continued at intervals ail
day our forces held their own and repuls
ed the enemy ia every attack.
New York, 19ih.
Thf Commercial's Washington snecial
Mobile Posts correspondence say?,
Richmond Whig- Wednesday stales Sher
inon has sent a large part of hii army
towards Seloia indicati:;? a movement up
on Mobile. Tii3 Whig also' demands
rebel authorities to cail out a special
force of 7J.0O0 anticipate that Shej
man and Sheridan, thinks this can be
done, assails rebel Congress f sr incompetency.
Raleigh Confederate, .announces the
evacuation of Wasdiinerton N. C. It is
occupied by a Ftderal force. The safe
arrival of the Tallahasse at .Wilmington
- I l vrvt
issaiso ancounceu- lieraid $ specii
with bhenuan, says the enemy 13 m con
sederable force between Fishers Hill and
Sirausburg. His cavalry heading along
our front. Oour new position being
greatly strengthened by erecting earth
works and rule pits.
New York, 20th.
Atlanta letter of the 10th, to the Her
ald mentions the arrival of tho escaped
prisoners from Andersonviile, who con
firm the bta'.ements m:ide of reb.?l atro
cities towards prisoners, also thatiotrav
eling through Georgia they founa the
crops harvested and barns generally well
filled; very few rebel soldiers in the in
terior, showing that there is plenty to
subsist our army en while but little resist
ance will be offered. Last train from
Atlanta iound north was to ieave on the.
18'ih, the on.'v troops at Atlanta on the
10th wis Slocum's corps.
Herald's - Chattanooga correspondent
of the I5ih sap rohmg stock in Atlauia
has been destroyed', aii fac.'one. mills
says Gen. Grant is expected in Washing-1 and founderies from Ch;tta00 10 Al
ton on Monday, hanu bjen su nmontd jlanta and several mibs beyonJ destroyed,
are reported at New Market and at Jax
ola. The situation of the army is un
changed, Washington 19th. '
A private ia Sherman's army says
every man nas been supplied with two
pair of shoes, preparf.tious were made for
a GO days campaign.
New York, 19th.
Richmond papers announe the defeat
cf Gillam at -Bulls Gap. They sute that
on the night of the loih BreckenriJge
turned Bull's Gap when the enemy re
treated, at one o'clock on the 14th he
struck their celumn, routed it, taking sev
eral hundred prisoners, 10 stand colors,
6 pieces artillery with caisson? and hors
es complete.
Ex-Gcv. Hammond, of S. C, died
suddenly at St. Louis on the 19:h.
Port Royal, 15.
Fleet of Steamers from Fortress Mon
roe with 10,000 rebel prisoners aboard
for exchange at Hilton Head. The 17ih
was to be duly celebrated at Port R jyal
as the anniversary of cur capture of that
St, Louis IS.
Cairo Special says Orleans papers re
ceived, state that reb-el General Slaugh
ter at Brownsville, has been reinioredd
by 3.000 men and 12 pieces of artillery,
in anticipation of an attack from the
Federals. Orleans Times says Gener
al Canby's wound is not as siriuus as
first reported, but will confine him to
his room for a few weeks, considerable
excitement existed ia consequence of
a report cf Beauregard marching against
the city with a hrg force from Corinth,
every preparation is bc:ing madi fur de
fence cf the cay.
New York. IS.
Richmond capers cf Wedurfday aro
ed with speculations as to SriP.aus
movements expressing conviction thai ho
hasadvancsd to near Harper's Ferry.
World's, correspondent with Sheridan
contildicts the report that Early has
abandoned the valley, he is still at New
Marlet and Jackson. It is reported that
Capt.Brasher, with GO men, had a fight
losby on the 19th, and was whip-
No particulars.
New York. '22nd.
He aid's special says the news from
Sheriin through rebel sources has creat
ed anvxened feeling and increased con
fidence in the wisdom and success of the
great oovement.
Time's Washington correspondent an
nounce! the story .of an interview be
tw.een'iie French minister and Secretary
Tnbine's Washington . special says
Sec'y Canton was again at his ollice to
day, Lehad no idea of leaving thi Cab
inet. ' '
The reported death of Gen. Canby is
feared yr itie. Department to be too
true- ILs death will be a great loss.
Gen. iawlings. Grants Caief of SialF,
telegraphs that there is a great panic in
KiCiirnoiiu concering biienmns move
ments. The 16ih corps has been, abol
ished itnd Gen. Emory ordered, to report
to Mil. Diil. of the Mississippi.
Wushiugi.m dispatches of yestordy
says, information received hern shi vs
conclusively that Eirly his besn rouied,
with L$ nire force tro.n the Valley,
j New York, 21.
The'WoVJi '.Vashingtoa Special says
uapaptrs oi iii-z u.n, coaiain
positive infvnnatijn that Siierman is fur
g--i;ng ol Atlanta, and Steel is mov
ing onwaid. The people along his route
and mobt of the Southern cities ara in
a high sic is of excitement, and theie
teems to bj no troops to retard his prog
ress. Hood is still near FijrenJe, and
r :
is retreating.
quarters end in
30;h of Set-.embtl.lSGl ? J 15,191 ,5-5'J
Bai. in i'fty Ui Apr 'C4 22,722
Total - - 87,474,272
Applied to exlinguiih public deht
Expenditures six months 292 ,378.505
: Total - - 6014,938,505
Bal in Treas'ry Ocl ?C4 SIOS.535,410
Whole debt - - 81,147,070,203
Amount of arprepriation for G mouths
ending June 30, 1&65 8138,102.679
Which it is ihoi'ght n.ny be paid out
of bj.!u.ia of iiar.peuied appropriations
toJnn. 1. 1SC5, - 8107,410,501
Concerning which rose-cclored exhibit
cf economy in expenses it is necessary
to remark that the War department has
found it cheap and profitable to supply
itself mainly by wholesale stealing, and
has therefore, little use for cash to pay
securing . bills. A scheme is subnittej
for giving value to the o iuianding treaa
cry notosr so called, cf the rebel Gov
ernment; but we leave the consideration
of that to the comic Journals.
"Touching the conduct of the war, Mr
Davis is of opinion that too many men are
till exempted from the conscription, that
a general militia law is needed though
vnder ihe central tystera cf Richmond,
it is difficult to pee what is left to be in
cluded in militia, unless it be the women
cf the Southern States and that fur
'ther consolidation of depleted regiments
bhould be effected. Military supplies
and proviuions are teclared to be abun
dant." The treatment of prisoners is adver
ted to, and this man has the itTrontery to
to repeat the lie that Rebels in our hands
suffer from want.ol adequate food, .cloth
ing and fuel, but nci even has he the ef
frontery to denyT the horrible accounts of
the cruelty, the robbing, the starving. the
murdering cf cur brave soldiery in South
ern prisons. Let us hopeif we can
hope anything on this point that the ar
rangement recently proposed by Lec
and acceded to by Gen. Grant, lor the
tracsraition cf supplies, maybe carried
cut on their part with something less than
-the usual trickery and bad faith.
Mr. Davis is opposed to the general
levy -and arming cf slaves in aid of the
Rebellion on the ground that the time is
cot vet come, and because such a dispo-
. . ' i ii i u : . - ...uu
sitionor tae niaciis woum m icneie wuu
the beneficent scheme' of Christianizing
the African race now proceeding on the
plantations in accordance with that Di
.Ise fntention where of the lash, the fet
ter, unreqited toil, and indiscriminate
jTMlitutian of the wcrncr. cf th race,
to consult with the President. This fact,
in connection with that of the war esti
mates bsing based on the large force and
active cpeiations onlp show that the Ad
ministration is determined to make rebels
feel the full weight of the sword. The
State Departa.ent is investigating the
Florida a.!fdir. -
The Richmond Wrhig cf Wednesday
riys an immense fleet cf transports ar
rived in Mobile Bay, indications of a
movement in that quarter at an early
The special Committee of Rebel Con
gress have reported WT. R. B. Ccbb as
disloyal a; d recommended his expulsion
from the Hoihe.
The Washington Republican says last
evening passengers from City Point re
port that active operations may soon be
expected. Gen. Burntide has taken
command of the 9th corps.
The Commercials Washington special
says Sherman has fooled the rebels by
making them believe he is going to Mo
bile, there are indications that he has
gone towards Savannah. The Post's
Washington special says the peace ru
mors have found foundation from the
fact that the Preident complimented
Euted nn his New York speech. The
stories of sending Peace Commissioners
to Richmond are wrthout foundation, a
proclamation may however be issued ia a
few weeks. There is no truth in the re
port that Mr. Fessendenhaj been selling
gold to bring down the premium. To
those who are aware of what js going on
at this moment in the present routine of
the war it is not surprising tbt gold
tumbles; instead of the campaign being
ended there has not been a timn for six
months that the Confederacy was jq so
much danger at different points as now.
New York, 19th.
The examination in the case of the
forgers h concluded and they have all
beu committed without bail.
Washington, 19th.
Rear Admiral Strebbling has com
municated to the. Navy Department the
particulars of the destruction of a valua
ble rebel fishery on Mar-h Island north
of the Oakalana river, by an expedition
from the steamer Stripes Oct. 19. The
fishery which was a large and valuable
cne to the Confederacy was entirely de
stroyed, many prisoners captured without
any loss cn our side.
The following captures are reported to
he Department : The English schooner
Suey with an assorted carge by the
Schooner Zebra, the crew with one ex
ception escaped. Acting Lieut. Schmidt
commanding the U. S. iieamef Nita. re
ports the capture of an unarmed schoon
er on the 24ih cf October. Tha crew
also escaped to the shore in a small boat
befcre leaving they fired the schooner,
but the flames were extinguished by a
beats crew from the-Nita. "
New York, 20th.
Special to the World from Sheridan's
headquarters coct-Jicts the rumur Bqtj
Eaily is retreating and Sheridan pursu
ing, also contradicting the report that
M!lm:U tr.rn nr mvi n:it hpwirv. Use OT
brought to tb? rear. Atlan.a no ion r
of M;htary importance. Thj country
for miies around it is wasted beyond pos
sibility of service to ihs rebel army.
Another account s.tys Sherman's head
quarters on Monday were .it Kingston,
with the Hlh corps; he issued an otdr
telling troops they were about lo
through a country heretoforjj uuin'xri'p-.-
ed by either army, thai ihry were u sub
sist on the country, taKiug ail tao norscS
and m des within reach. 1 lift corps rear
guard SnerinuuV army moved from Kitig
& ton Mondays
Herald's IZty West corresponi .'tit 10th
states that a rebel steamer wna 40d bales
of -cotton aboard is blockaded up S.vdm.-e
river by our boats, anotlier up Crystal
river. - Freeman's Journal his been ex
cluded from Key West and that Depart
ment by Gen. Newton.
Washington, 20;h.
' Post's Norfolk, Va., special stys Fer
nanda, Fla., has been for-sjui3 umj in
possession of U. S.
Private letters from fleet off Charles
ton says, outsoe, sighting a bloekadj
runner, slipped her cable and gavecnase
without eiiect, returning suo,-equentty to
her aurhorage, rebels' opened lire on her
from fort Marshall, to which she paid no
attention, a 10 inch shell struck her cn
the forecastle, killing and wounding a
number of men, 7 of whasa died instantly.-
. .
Tae rcailboat from City Point . tic t
information oa Thursday taat heavy fir
ing was heard yesterday at Bjiler's front
Dutch Gap, accompanied by rebels at
tempting to force our picket lines, they
vyer completely repulsed.
P. O. Department re-established the
P. O. at Helena, Ark.
Philadelphia, 21th.
inquirer's special says Richmond pa
pers of Friday have Augusta di.-paicnes
which say scouts who left Jonaboro Wed
nesday morning say Gen. Howell Cobb
with (3 or 7 thousand militia and 3 brig
ades of cavalry attacked the enemy and
is steadily driving iherh. ia- The Enquir
er his another dispatch which says on
the lSih rebels captured part of picket
line between the James and Appamaux
numbering GO men- News from Uity
Point says picket line recaptured,
i : . New Yo vt. 2 1 st,
Charleston Mercury. 15th says since
last report 250 shells have beeij thrown
at Sumier 109 at the City. Richmond
dispatch of Friday says exchange of
prisoners inaugurated, those atSavanah
to be transferred to City Point.
- Bristol, East Tennessee, Register, say
rebels captured arii destroyed a train oj
cars loaded with com.-nissary stores at
Morristown on the 14th ; also, a wagon
train consisting of nine wagons, killing
13 and. capturing a number. -
Richmond Sentinel says new moves are
on fuot ia Va., and in Ga. and Term,
vast campaigns singularly complicated are
in process of development. Sentinels
dispatch insists that Sheridan has sent
has i-iiide no uileinive movements. D.s-
patches from G-jh. Rawiings, Giants
Head-tiurters giving the substance cf
news iu iue Richmond papers confirm lae
The Provo rlarjhall ha3 issued or
ders, for the euruliment lists by putting
on the names of those persons who have
become liable to military dmy stne-i the
last enrollment. Taking oif the .name
of those who are not liable to military
duty. The 10th army corps has been
dis bauded and tne troops who corn-
! pn ed it and put it into other corps.
General Buruside's reported an assign
ment to the 9'.a corps proves untrue.
New York, 19:h.
The Richmond Examiner of the 15th
contains the following dispatch. Augus
ta, 14:h, a fight orcurred at Rough and
Ready between Steel's troops and the
Yaakees,in which the latter were driven
back. Laier returns from Atlanta says,
th city was evacuated by the enemy at
twilight Monday. The nuil brings news
of the 10th,' which left Hood at Tuscum
bia with two divisions,two of his divisions
had crossed Tennessee River. The im
pression was that the rest would soon
Washington, 15th.
Later from the priny of the Potomac
says, inactivity still prevails with the ex
ception of ordinary movements. Ihe
exchange of pickets and .batteries and
casualties occur. Daily along the picket
line, stray shots freq ueiitiy catch us far
ia the rear, sometimes intli-.tiu fataj
ivou'ifU. Barnsida rtacned ci:y Rjiiiton
Wednesday oa visit to his obi o:p.
New York, 19.
Trib'.w's army correspndeuca sp--
chl of James river says, intormatioa fro;n
Richmond renders it pretty certain that
Lee" is detatchirig part of his force, for
-ervice jdewhere, rebel pipers betray
gV;2'rit trf-iditio-.i at.r&poned move'
ments ar-Jiir'i'ins ar"1- exl,re3i3 1113,
' Aui- Jsta iU.icon w;ier:: as
1 " ..!.
is w..Mi:tf i'-j n;tve
o.vJer rnilis, evi-
iety coacertiin
well as at CjI
their most extensive .
deutly entenani gravCit appreheisioas.
New ir:rk. 19.
Rumored h?re to-day that Lorv,'s:!r.3$t
and E'trly with thirty-live tho'isaud rr..H
lilt? veil south fro.n Fisher Hill Tuui
d iv n:ght, eviija'.iy . to iaterupt Shar-
J.Iontreal, lGi
Case of the St. Albans' raiders, is
postponed until the 13ih of December, to j
procure evidence lordetenca
; Indianopolixr 16.-
Fifty rebel prisoners succeeded iu sca
ling the walls of Camp Morion Monday
night, 40 escaped.
New York23Jn
There is nothing later frcm the She
nandoah Valley worth notice. - The reb
els have apparently abandoned the Val
ley, or at least the contest, for the pres
ent, with Sheridan for its possession.
World's -WTash;ngion special learns
from an officer who arrived here to-day
from the front at Petersburg, that the
rebels show no sins cf evacuating Pe
ternburjg, on the contrary they resumed
picket firing in a most animated manner,
no demonstrations have been made by
them since they captured a, small portion
ot our picket line in front -of Butler
which they still hold. Ternbb suffering
expected there this winter.
New York, 22d.
: Serg't Gibbon, of the 1331 N. Y., and
another ' who escaped from
Charleston, report that the lower part of
that city Las become unteuable iu conse
quence ef our shells, there are 50 0t;0
troops ia and around Charleston, 8 heavy
guns are mounted facing Sumter, there
are 6 cr S batteries mounted in the city
oa the wharves, the citizens are much
troubled in cu:iseq;ierice of the Lombaid
liieut, they expect m-ich sulTeriiig this
Washington, 22J.
Neatly two weeks have elnpcd since
there has befn any direct information
frcm SheridJn. Government h;JS no ui
telr.gence 0; iiis recent moveim-nts latter
than those contained in Richmond papers
of Friday. Sheridan about a month ago
informed the proper authoriti-s at Wal-Ii-ington
cf his plans, which, judging by
rebel accounts, have thus lar been carried
into effect with br'ght prr sptcts of suc
cess throughout ihe campaign.
Information received here from Rebel
papers state that Sherman was within 30
miles or Mrtcn on the ivuh. It is re
garded as probable that that city has been
occupied ere this.
New York, 23d.
The Tribune's correspondent at Wash
ington says information received at the
Wqr Department states that Gen Canby
was improving. Late Rebel papers say
Gov. Wales, cf Alabama, has had an
official conflict with rebel conscripting
officers, the people uf Selma being forced
into the army they applied for redress la
the Governor who issued an order that
as S'ate officers they were exempt frcm
the draft, and they were therefore re
leased. The Richmond Examiner is very
secereon defectioa of Gov. Brown, cf
Ga., and the Legislature of that State.
and the Governor of Alabama, and says
that the Convention of all the Slates
North and South for the purpose of agree
ing on terms of pace will meet on the
same day with the Parliament of man
Kind for the Federalization of the world
and not on hour .-oner.
The Herald's snerd says advices re
ceived te-dnv from Gen. Sherman's army
how that he was on the 19ih within 30
miles cf Macon. He has met with but
lifle opp )sition.
Macon is 150 miles from Atlan'a and
one of the jzrrai railroad points of G ,
it al.-o coiituins un extensive ar.-enal and
e;ip factory ; its rapture will be the first
of a series of brilliant results tob? hoped
for from Sherman's grand campvigti.
New York, 31.
The latest intdligcr.c? represents Hood
w-jth 2. corps, i;ua:bt ni'j together about
35 000 men, was stiil in the vicinity of
Florence, Ala., on the T-nnessoH river.
Tulten up by fno gubscriber, living neir Wfcdjla'
ri.if Neini'ca county. 'eba.ha, one-bay, mar
po'r.yT two or ihre8 years ol.l, f rot on tha left siJa
and b;fzcd f-efl. ibe b J raw-bi'ie tc- tied
rouriD aerLeck when Ukoa un. i. i?. icinic-jn.
ix 10-3ir-pd
Ero'.TnTii2c Gecielery Association
Notice is bereby Rivsn that in accord iocs with &
notice publisbcd in the Advertiser of the 3d in?t.
the fnliowirg person, to wit. U II a lley ,.T,ha
MPbersoa,A. S. IIo!ialy.T. W. B-.-di'onl, Theo.
UiM.Vvr. H. Miliar, G.W. lir:tn. V,F. II. i!eCn?ery
and"E: V,'. Tbotnaa tssenfeted at the tun fled place
state ! in sa:.d notice, anJ .r,':v:ji2cd ta:in.lrcs into
a eeraetry a.o.-wtion. to be known fur the present,
tn "The Krownvillo Cemetry A.-?- clarion." mo
ion it wajt retired tlitjho next owetiii? be hell
at the l'rsbvferina Cbar-h in itrotTiJla, on tha
9ch diy of December, L-Hf, at two o'clock 1'. M.
for the purposs of ei'iapltti.ig the or.MiMtioa of
th asoiatit-n by the ciootion of tru.-reaj aui a
tLsrfc.with. a view t t.ivir. tha asiuMoa ioc.r-jv-rated
nnd-T an a?t of the I.'isluture of Ne
braska Territory enir!c.J A n A"t to create and
regulate Iucrp.r iti m ia t:o Territory of Ntbrns-ka'npppA-r-d
February loth IH.
AH who desire ! be cm i iu-.a"' of the associa
tion are invited to be prceni at aaid meeting acd
to take part in the election.
Nov. 7tb 1SG1.
' E. W. TiiOilS, Secy.
Ym noon sim
John Tl. Ui? rey ard l'ary F. Ulirey, hi? wife will
tike n .!n e tbat" Q. A. Surith as plaintiff has
BK-! a petition in rhe i'istriot C-urt of the (,'ojnty
of Nctj iha, Nebraska T rriUry. on th-j Cham-cry
ii'le theroot n-iir-sr. tl fm together with Joph
Coleman fled U. J. V7hitny a- defendant. The
objui-.t and pravor of pi, i i r.ctiti n i.s ta f roclose a
m rL.' ij;. r.i i i by s :id Uir--T and wife in f wot of
Mid p'.untiu on the South F.;t 1-4 ( f S.-c'li n No.
17. Town-! ;p no. 5 N..n.;. of Kan.e N-. 15 Y..t of
the prirci-al Mov'r.iii ::. .situated ia thesi
(Vu,ny cd ' ?Wu:ihp.; tO' b- .t'.n do-'cw for the sale
of faii btr.d , ar-d t- ; ly the pr in payiaent
of a i-ert.iin r'ri tti:.ti;-kVy sn i U'Irey irt f;.v;.r f
said phiintid' fr t-' i'5 JJ , u-itcd Aurut 8th iS'.l
and duo v3 ni"athiufter date with ii!tre;.t 'it the
i;;t'" of fitfy per fcaf f.' r nnnuia fr -tn ujitu-i'y.
S.i id V I .' ft! i i'tf-?Rte ri-'jaircd t :in?v r .r.'-l
rctitiju ty the 2 "ih da o:" I -?.t;ih.r. . I). lsJ 1.
L. V. Til? iM AS,
.J. fur L .p.
Be? leave to anmnrve that theT
most anymiug a iu.n may ask tJt iu ,T '
O: tie Cuest jua:ii,f
f or tin Urea
Histcry cf th2 rteb-':
Also: All ihe rccomia-tl.Jei
iiooKs fur the Ternary. ";
NOTICE i. hereby giver, that the firm hereto', r
xitn under to? ii;ci3 aad style of li. Uron
ifc V-O- 13 this liny UiioiVti.
Il.Br.O'.VN CO.
per II. O. I,ktt.
Nov. 2d, 131
James Tl . Udow ar-d Fe'icitie B-i Jow. hi? wife.
will faho rti.tii-e th;it John Q, A.SLiitb as plaintiT,
h:i fiiud a p'.t'tion on thj chjtLCtry i 1 i f the
District Court of Xeta;:ha County, Xtbraska Terri.o
ry, against them dfviid-mt, the object of whub
is .o fore.d.Ke a eertaia m-irtage ra le by the sa:.d
Fdi.-itioand Jjtnes U. llvl-iow, June, 27th A. 1-'.
18j'J on the N -rtu Wo.-t Qirartr, and the Sou;b
U'tst Quarter of the Xrth IT-it Quarter, ar.l Lot
o. one and tw- f Se.ti'.n 2d and .)l No. oe of
S.-ct.n No. 2.5 all iu T.a.shi four ( 4 , S-rlh,
Ita&;9 hixceen i 1 i -iu i-t of frth rrincijal Mi-ri I!iu
tu itcd in the said County of Nemaha. Said mort
gfle having made to ?u n re tha pivraeut of a eer
tain- prcm'isMory note beari even date with said
EK.rrgasre, uiaJa by me id rclicutio and .Tames II
H-d.iow for $521,00 due .six ra nths after dat with
inlere.-t foBi maturity at tr.o rate of five percent
per month, the nrayer of ' Fa; J petion is tbat the
said land be eoM the proceeds be aprliei in pay
merit of said u-ite.
Sidd dofeo dants are require.I to anwer aid pe
tition oa or before th l'.hn i v of IK-e :ab.T A. L'.
lbd I. E. Tii-JMAS, Sol. f ...r C .'nt.
r-Ix-3 -to
O9itckot Letter, Crp ,5 V, -large
ani ..r tbe test qu i'y ,r f lt
w.,s d .wa. ewMw. j.7' , "bI
:HiM..flt?!.ltm,y .,nu9iUi;
tuse .'.ew Cne.'p Fdteat ,
Wt. And LOTS suca BL'Llrii'u'r'
never sw. l' i-iis
x..T.:oih, is: i.
J. F. Glomus"
j.i cj-sjr ic It.
V-nld rpspe.t:;irr nn.
' t ) r
Larse Stlcclel i:
or a. B?.o-rx i Co.
oticeis h?rrby jriven that Taxej i.f the Ci'y rf
lirowovihc lor tue yrar i3 )l nr-j vw ducaiid "he
Tax Lit u:s be.a pla -r-d in ir.y ntnds for collection.
Tax Payer? are notified to c!! at inv '-'.S'e snd ?t-t-tl
. their t i.'ies on or the fit d iy of January
l St"5. After that date a p'-najy of tr n percent, and
ten prront. -ntercit p'-rcnr-uiu will b.i add- d to ail
taxe? not then j'.ai I. Th'- law tlr.c not noT roaire
theci-llictor to f-ali on t.'.x pn vor f jr th ir tx-s but
ii; p.r:on are rej uired to p-iv the .-atno at the col
lector's offieo. JU.S If CW KTl,
ix-9-Ct CUv Tx C-J.eotor.
Lo'.iisviilc!, 27.
Early has left the Valley. Hit forcti Part of hit army to Grant , says Early
Frirate reliihlff news rlat-.'d iiovie, Ga.
17th saw: destruction of Mdiiuia-jiures.
.Mills and other build. n.s, of o-re;r val ue
to the eneiijy, common' cd yeteii:iy ex
tensive rollr.i r mills, .stahies auJ bt jre
ho;i3(J3 were uairoycd Ly uida' of Gen,
Core some plaoes of minor importance
tired Ly soldiers.
New York, 1 7th.
Following reports hy a reiiabhi contra
band : Sheridan iJestroyed 39 d .veiling'
houses, 450 times, '31 mills, 3 factories,
1 forndcj, burned 1C0 miles fencing,
100.C00 hoshfcls whsai, 50,000 Irhfis
com, C.000 tons of hay, captured 1,700
cattlo same number cf horses, 4,000
Montreal Gazette publishes Young's
commission from the Rebel Government
auihorizing him to organize for special
service a company nof to exceed two hun
dred in number from those who belonged
to the Confederate service.
New York, 10.
Washington special states -one officer
from oneol the District Colombia Regt's
reached lure, having escaped from the
rebel prison ays: 8,000 Unior: pusoners
are in Stockade where they fare some
what better than at Andtrsonville, 25,
000 prisoners are at Milne Ga., this
seems to indicate the removal of our
proscners from Andersonville.
Washington, 17.
Richmond papers .cf Tuesday make
no mention of Sherman's moves wtich
in fact are regarrded here as evidence
that he has met with success. Rebel
Senate house had a secret session Mon
day , at which it is surmised that the
question of arming th.e slaves were dis
cussed. Report! the President seriously
cqntemplates issuing another proclama
tion of ainnesty.
' Chicago, 16.
A gentleman of this city, has receive
ed letters from relatives holdiug high
positions under Sherman, stating that
2raud movoments are about to be mad
on Savannah, for which point Sherman
ha already started, taking 30 days ra?
tioiis. ' ' ' '
i v i - New York, 16.
Th-Te nre rt -pons that D;ch Taylor hvs
joined with an ;nl Jit io;.al force ot -10,000,
bu: i;:v.;s no mdicaiiuus. of early oticiisive
JJfauri'P.ard with Rbijl G?n. Stuart'.
. .
rpi?t was -nil at Curmtu, Miss., wen
laa.t lii-ari fio:n.
G-n. Thomas, ccmmar.dincr the Union
army (Usijriv'd t- che;k II jo-I's advance,
is rapidly coi.c.V.'!rath-g his force as tho'
dispoH-d'to make a;, attack on the rebels
in sonie dirt-ction. Ji.t one boiJ-'inj has
been destroyed in JohncOt.viiie, Union
troops still i.oid the p!ar--.
Tim reb-'l Gen. Breckinridge is sus
pected of a design to inarch from lliri
Tt nnssee and invade Ker.niekv. Gn.
Cartridge is making a rapid disposition
of troops to check such a movement.
I'nlteil states Internal Revenue.
Notice i Tiere' y civen tall j rrFtrv r-r.rerr.l. tt
Ihe l--e; lai Irr. p.fl i.,t. .M.l i.'icen nr tl.e Ex
rise c. ti t Ui i f-v in tl.e C.i:ievf
p:c,,a"3vn. Ker..Ua an I Pawnee, an-.l Terr, cry of No-t.r.vsa-
fcyxe teer rrTiT'.r.'. u, me. wi'i i. n en .-c
rxri!iia!i-n ir. nv.' ( fli.ein UicT-jau cf FsM City
.ihil O iirty cf P-!'",!..r,K.ii r- r ti.R sj aie of fen J ya
frv iu anil afcr ttc- &.? of ibis Not;. v Aril ll.t ap
re.i 's rei-if; re to any erron.n; tr ixTf-fii' vai.i .tio;i,
v.iM te recti fsi ly n-.e. on t!ult U ly of X'.vf ti tc-r.
iffil All aiipeaU to the Ae-?. r mu-t be mi.;-in
rsiieUCvM jost.m tt. ti?.:AVK.
J?a!el '.Iiis Hili day ci Xv. IcGi v 3 iij-9-2-
liauJ every ti)daa' usually kceytiu
Tidst Class firvj
ani i? deier-niael net to Le m lr?. f;T r.i '
P R K S C it I FT I O V S A X D O H 'J F RS C t Z T r
To Close
T;i" .y the ',b-rnler livlns tliree ir. I j tt
r. : e , i-m rh ..' I'r nvi; ;,- cn the bvttui r,,-J. otic
ii!k bay li rse tUiee year ti.lpit.
h-3-1.9 3. W.
Tl r.r
ken nn ty tl e vr''P',fi:r-fil. l!v:r? fw" prrf n hi!
r.ille-! ?i u. h I Br : w i.v: ' e in N'pn.aha . Xfbra-tn
T." ritiry. Cm ii;'f v. wi h n pie rpi . n L'j-i
jn ! nf-iU. r i ;i cfTE ritjt an-! br.t' ir t vitti ihe
loii-r (' ri-.fef t'i:. ( n-j lir.e t' h k I ri'f:li c.w
wiifi t!:efni? -r. i (i, f p.j n.:.tlj. 0"C r;nc'i'e' d-v
v illi a cr -r.T ihv Iff:. r.:r, ami nr.'.ic" i'it .iut i-f iu"
rir-Lt ear, brdcied wnU '-il" uii ; Le iei t
v. rr;xT.
N..v. U. tC 1.-1x3 -i D-Cv. F I.
Xa. IT luln Street,
ILvir dctcTiaiacl
to Wind tip my Dry
Goods Bui-incir's thh
Fall a ad VantcT, I
uilioLrto tb'.tr..'i!
" . "f rr"fV 1,.,. j
On Tue-'iiy eveninjr. the 22 J. in-t.. at th? I'ros-hrt'-riari
CUurvh in ti;i phi.o. hy Hiv. V'i!li:tui
JiiOanrilisb, Mr. T!:OtOIiC to
NANXIE A. NLLSOXj both of this cLty.
Angels that gnar.l round para aSTjction.
Ministers at Virtue's tbrona
Spread O ! re:l tbj wijs protection
O'tr two hearts lore bleu-ii in oao.
AmJ O ! for Ibcm fcedeek'IifoYpailivray,
With ev'ry gem Lore endear?,
To bles3 them in the present day,
And erowj them ia fuire yeaxs.
And miy many days to them ba given,
Bright with Affection's luster, v
While the innocent IaOil'3 of hearen
Aroun-J their hearthstone cluster.
On the lfith. Cha. (;.Drjey, Mayor o
thecity of Bwn-ili. Mr. cnitlSTOPnE C. I1AR
KLSON to Hiss JANE WLISOX, all cf Nemaha
AH who witneaed the ceremony wer3 filled with
admiration at the elegint ptjle in which th3 5"ayer
performed it. Ia faat a bachelor friend present de
clared his intention to get married s. a, and said
that no one but the Mayor should perform tho cer"
Barnard Otena.) TiKfore Colms Goo?mvn J.' P.
Neiu;iha couutr, Zebras-La Ter-
floward Mom.) ritorv.
rj'st tii1 ly the 11! if--!.er living cloven miles
8 "UiWe.t nf Br. wnvii :c St'), i no ,MCa; tlirc f J'
o 4, spotted bnirdcU "V." qu tl.e-lc;i. lip,
swailow fork iu each car.
AiTCo T. D. nCGII3.
Tiiken tip ly ,!' Hn-'nined livir? three mile?
X.;rlh i.f hri.wbviila utar la ".Shuto" .in .'! iha
('unj NeL'a-ka,';n I I'O jlrt J.:v orN -.v .-..lor Is'tU.
Una l-try kruwn mare' i'ybt-ntinl u the
li:ft .-houMer very (Ihii rJ cut ttif." 'Jr-i oi l.
r I c i;-7-:5f. I
I'Urcbises cm
: ,
vI inv
stock ccair.riJ::" tLs
Litest SLvles oZnA
in the Territory U
Cash buyers at . 'a
Tnlcen np v tha underpinned living tworda
hplf mUes S-.ut!i nf llrvrt nriile, fn Nmi'iha ("or.ty
Nebrtka, n the C.-?t tiny of Nryciuber, 18t4.
!. Etray Fiil.-y Mack with pj.m white on the
forehead and left hip a natural pacer abo"l fur
jearacM next S;r;n.j.
i!r. wnyiii.:, Nov. 1st. IiJi.
v-Ix-7-3w.l'd. J. B. SWANK.
Joseph Eccn wili tike notice that lrnel R. Gum
rein;.!?, as pi aintiff. has filed a petition ai;;iio--t ad
ISaccn, as defendant, on the !aw si J of the Dis
trict Court of N'eui:ha County, Nbrti."ka Territory,
the object of whih is to cb'.ain a juli.-emcnt against
said i:con for the tuoi cf ffilO.OU with in ert
from May 6'h 18-2, for cattle then si !J and deliver
ed to .id K&co'i by paid (tin suing, 1 alo for the
arUitionsl emu of $21,13 mo.iey !;;. (,ut by aid
Cnmmiiira fur the U39 of Bacon September, 17t'a
iSoi at h;s request. Ad order cf attachment 'wa
issued out of aid Cour an 1 thj fill .win'reAi es
tate sitnated in Bi I Ciiunty of N'otn ha. to wit.
West 1-2 of South Wet 1-4 J-e.'ti..n 12 Tcwnhin
5 Kings 15 East. S.-a'h East 1-4 of Sccuth Weet 1-4
Sevtion 5 Town-hi;. 5 Rami 15 Hut was attached
a ' property of fliid Bacon.
Said Cncun is required to sniwer said petition by
the 13 ch day of Dinner 1S5 i.
. V. T M AS, Atty f'r PIT.
Sect. 22nd 1831 . ,, t-1-3-4w
Francis k. pow'.rr. RJmir.irarcr cf tre E -: te of
Wiiiiatn Corke. deceased", ar l tha'unkni.wn heirs of
b7 . W. Thomas, Atty.
se from 10 a. m. until dark, pursuit
unflagging, at one time so near had they
pt to her, that in a short time more she
voal'd have been their prey, when night
set in. She escaped in darkness.
lard Otena.) Be
T? Ne
ard Mom.) rit.
4t .t o,t ri., ni.i .iT ; s 1 '
kid me oamy oi votooer ?aii .luiuca issui-u , in fl ,i v.- m i,.-rU. vi'i i a Tk,.
an ordor $f aUachmeut in the above action for j J. l)w!er ha? 21 -d a pMn no tho C'han-ery ide
20,01. BAKN'AKD O i'l'INS. ftf District Court of U County. Nebraska
Territory, he object of wh;i;h U t.i obtain a decree
lor the ale of the following du-oribftl land s'tuated
in ?aid County of Nemaha, to-wit : tha north-wt
quarter of iectiin number 14. town.nir ri'imber 6,
Kor:h of r.tnga Lumber 14, east of tho oClx j-rincf-I-fcl
meridian, and tha ap;)licoti. of tlie .nn;ecd.
of 8'Jch ile in rnytaact of a certain pr.uiiss;ry not
maii by sai l Wi',iir?:n iTk... o ti 5 h, 1353, in
f-tvor of fsid ilaiatif, S2.'J:9 wi'h interest at
tbi rare of 23 :,,t c-iit. per aonuta aftor molarity,
due twelve u-mth." after dare: tlie aid IaI having
Lbeen mor'gaj.-d tpcnrs the fay:nnt of aai-1 r.".
llefe.ndant are tequtred to er-wer o? t ivth cay
cf December, lbo4. '' E.' W. THOMAS,
Solicitor fcr (r.vt iainaot.
Sept. 29-S, -4-i'-5 .
Intends to dipoc
of bis superb Stork
by March next, con
sdquently is caibled
io olllr greater -.inducements
. to "th
trade than can be
given bv ar.v other
House iu the .West.
PUsterincr hair ami Ahon lime just
received, and for sale by
IXPOnjiZT to Sinoli: Th bpt assort mQct of
Smukiii( Tubacfo, Cigars, i'ipes, Samjty &.c. is to
Le fouuil
At MyL.Arr;nLiN A Swan3.
Qn ihe 7ljl, the StearnerS rIontgOI3ery J QtiEE be-Tot tie ma't approve 1 pake, forsaU
a Lillian, chised the rirate lullnhas- ,
fj? Will practice ia ail the CourU of Nebraska.
' ' - . T-lx-l-6ia 9&'
Oyer's Catliartic Pills,
t f !
Announce to tbe tadies of B'0'n; :' ,a J
r ' :J cinity. thnt tce ha jist re.-cr-
f.ast ina;-'niSi.eui toxi cf
iftsisila-r of
Ladles' and limes' Eoruieta &rA C3-3
bona. Flowers. &: .
r- wbic h- invitete at'ei'! -r.f ('
vs a.isnreil they cauuot be beiry it2J 'r4i'
tty or pnte.
OAL OIL. bet ,nMty clt'incl C-'frjn
cbluMre and WU-i V.LIS &