rilCKtfPArNOV.lO.lBG C AL. Ac. Ac. forale at tbi OEi-'e. iLleat. PolecK.. Jay the following let roloct, acknowledging money snt him ly the es of Nebraska. The ibis place wa ect ia '.er, but as it n$ ad . it went ly the way .vhere the Ileg. Barhici, Mo. laL ed your kind It-tter 1S64, which came via r the very liberal do hich the citizens of .j us, pleae accept a cm myself and cotupa- ars from Omaha on , whkh releived the j cf ihe men. and to ll: e Cli-2,50 frum rrccirid $135, from aska'City. 010 from 10 frum James Sweet. :vear.ii.'V. m 3ney r.moiig unities .having what .:pany use. a people of lae korrora Nebraska of actual pectiful'y ynr Obedient Servant W. A. POLUCK. . 1st Neb. Car. uls. icus Harder. ,l!e and mysterious case v - agitating the people The body .as been atii:g in of a man cut found at dif East river. ivgh invei-ratiens are far the murdered man '.ifi.ed, nor any due ob heauthor of the hern detected. ; iTtlscments. special attention to vertisemhts which ll we the first time : 6ke Marsh. IWs opened this establish , and hare a iarg-e and .k of Books and Statiun- p the latest eastern pa. a Netraeka Advertir and see ibem an;i gf-t a of the Var from the -.a Adrer'ii'.r Italleiii. us has Lous lit cut the yrmerly talunijing to R. Mr. Morris is an eriter--mlnJs his "little lis," public to call and see hii .vesting anywhere else. 'hessiuw, Cf Nebraska the people of this part y his catd, iha: he is pre orders in his line cf trade, vise pteple to patronize he patronizes the printer, a good business man and 5 Cook, Free to E?- -NETT 1'lETtRS ci Co., e published a most inter : for 1SG5, which can be m any druggist in -the title reader fBennett i Almanac, free to uil. nplete list cf the U. S. Laws, all alphabetically Almanac for ISG.j. Tost 3 valuable suggestions to A talle of the value of Gull is a; ctrtaio table of the premium on n 15G2, r63 and G4; and alle Informatioa." Our NV fail to prQcure a copy your drufgest is not m rder them, or write cd it will be sent by Oct., 29. The Court of r.apolis has affirmed the Martin in refusing to mus against the Govern a to the soldiers vole on tution. October, 29. Governor juot proclaimed the new stituuoa of Maryland. . t the measure are honor a di.-piay of bunting. m has put the out an im- inscription, earin , 9 nor'a proclamation coa- Thc results of said elec duly certified by the prop i several eleciiousnd' up counting and casting up returned to me for aid ' . j -onstituuon. including the :crt5aid, jt doth appear that tf ere were 30,174 ballots for the cew Constitution and 29,799 against it, and there were 61 blank ballots reported as given against lha' Constitution, but not counted, the persons offering them re f aMnff to take" the oath required by the Constitution; and there being, therefore of the aggregate vote o cast a majority in favor f the adoption cf snid Constitu tion v Now, therefore, I, Augustus W. Brad ford, Governor cf the State of Maryland in pursuance of the authority so vested in me by said act of Assembly and Con stiiutionVoresaid, do, by this, my proc lamation, declare and make known that the said-Constitution and form of gov eminent so framed and adopted by the eor.rei.lic-Q aforesaid, has been adopted by a majority of the voters of the Stale and that in pursuance of the provisions therein contained, the same will go into e ffiict as tha proper course and form of government of the State.superseding the one now existing, on the first day of November next Given under my hand and the great seal of the State of Maryland, at the citv of Annapolis, on the 2Gth, of Octo ber, A. Dv 1SG4. A. D BRADFORD, By the Gov. W. B. Hall, Sec. of State 1 The people of Baltimore. Maryland, celebrated the emancipation of that State from the dominion of slavery on the 1st. Five hundred guns were fired at day-break, accompanied by the ringing of the- Church bslls, and the disp ay cf signal flags from tie publie.Hui'diugs and frcm runny private residences. W. M. C. PKUKLNS, Great Western PMograpli Fir: ;t doer West of Erownville House, uiiOWN vi i .ia:. X. T. WViuM repptH-lf u!!y Hnn..uii"e to the public that he ta CUPd up a St--I.icht Gailery. and i now prraret to take evt i y kuiJ, tize and hts lei'f pictures kuo'ii U t p ai t. r.ii kil the iasei-t aijd tiiiht approvitl ftyies aiid at lo'.ver prsci-u any oll:cr ai u.-,t wci-t or Ju.rh. TL be .-ti i pictures will fnJ it nrpatly to ilicir lLteret : cl:L an i xa.iue my fipciiacii ud All kinds of Pictures copied into Photo- grop.1 Great Gift Distribution! 230,000 ' V.rib "ver A i to tt wjid 0 N E D O L L A R E A C II ! Witlwut. i?,irJ to v ilae! J"t t t be fai t fur uutil k!i w w'.ai vou aiet ) re tivc! Splendid Jjist cf Art icles '. ! ! Ail to be Sold tor One Dollar Each ! ! ! C0 fientsO..!d lini.iiuzra-e Vau-ne $50 t $i.V)eai h 2io LaJi (ii.l K:iiiielei-'"J':i 14 3j ' t'i do 6iK) Genu Ila:ri:.xtite Silver 33 ' 70 do CiHJ liiaiiK'Tic! Rif, b-J " ICO do 2(100 G jIJ Vest aiid 2ck CLaics 13 " SO doTf 3'KX ... .... 4 " 6 do 3'KW Oval Kaud Brace lets, 4 " 8 do fiuob Chai-eiJ Braitlet 5 " 1" do itflU Chj'.eluirnf -.. Guard riiain 6 " 2J do uv-j Snil:ive itu-l Gj'd Uruu:hes 4 ' 11) di Zv)3 Liva and Horni-:ne Kroo 'r.c I '' 6 do ."XiOO Cvfal. Ot): and Kmerald lirithi 4 " B d Kar D. 4 " 8 do 7500 C-ra!,'Ujal Mid Emerat Eiir 4 ti do 4 tmi CnliluviLi Unni iul n.-Cisr P;n 2 fcj " I do 3.00 G..ld ".h ah I Vest W'.itvli Kcs 2 5'J ' 8 Un 4. iJ K b mi l J H.f.tvts S-i-If 3 10 do SoUS .inaueS ef.-e bu:to'is S'.U'.ls 3 " 8 i 4:i0 Gv'id 1 Lii'i,J!6, Fonctls, 6wC , 4 " 1 rt t lj.0 -Miualure Locke-R, 2 K) " 8 !o i .o Minitiu e l.i.kiMs Sit-ins 3 " 20 d S'K)') iwM Ttlii'i.k-. Crusct, 6c. 2 S dj Plain G.nd Kin:6 4 " II co 6w 0 Ctia-.H: G.ild TtiUt.' 4 llio 1 .imj OIUoil'.: lt.tutoiid Ui.'i-4'i 2 " li d 75 o Ld:e Jf!:j Jet & G 4 So " ia do tiixm Sei.- " JeveUy ".;:. Penii-j 4 ' 13 dj Khj'jo G. Id l' iit, M'or Kx'.eiiU jU in.'.:tr ;ui.i IV-M-iM ' 4 " X J d) lu'Oo G.-i'J f iit..l G j.d MoU.itf tl- j .c'i.r-1 3 " 3 d 6 o O. id j ens aad G ji J Px'euiioa C 10 do hv1 :'' ft.Ko Silvt- tt Uei ai'-J C.-:;kinj Cup 6 6) dj f iivona.ii'rs, 15 ' CO do ij.Kj i.:ivor K: lUt anlCafe- B lik?ts U " bO ilo .u. 1. ?fu SilverTci HM 10 " 20 p d ; S ..) do tio Taole riniis r-rlt ilU ' 4o do In jinrj,:e:i-.-e of thu .rv it tt;unt'i,u of t.-hda .a the luaTiura-'tu! mi iitricin cf Kiis!and, tliruu-h Ihe vvui Imvii-.g t:il i.t il.c -Ui-5!.f 'f C 'ii-ii a k q.unu t .;t ValiMbie Je veJrj, uii;.iaaliy iu'erilil tr th Knp ::niki';U . ite:i s- iu !.r r:ie in tiimctuu trv. ciii AiL"iI' Mi. SOLI) at any r.fl ! ! i Luer Hi.- cir-uuiM-:ce, AK'.t A N OA L.R & CO , aciibit as Acats l r iLe r.i.tip! Kuro.n Jlauulac-fjie:-. bsvv rfu.v.i Ui-jii a GKATISGIKT mM'lil ijL'i'lCV Mil jeot t. the :.'il-.wniii re;,.i lati.Hl: CtlvTll ICAlhi'. i:uii .4 f-rli ai tide and i:a valuf1, nre ..:aced in Ei;v-i .pa-. al vvellmixol O ;e tit tLe? fiiveicpos i,o icat uy i-ail toaay adhci e nii receipt f 3 teul. 7 Articles aoid at Ont Dollar each, u-ilhvut regard to vulut ! On receipt cf ill; Cen.ii.-ate jt-u will fee wl;t you are puiii,; to hae, and theu i: li et yojr uptiuu to tend the I'uiiar and tke luc krttj! r uot. Piirchiutrs ru iy thu 'ibiaiu a G old Wa'.ca. lrtmo:iJ liii.'S or any Set ol Jewe.ry . n v.ur lit tor OS A UOL.I.A11 aii l in . tase Can 7ti i .a oue dollar's wurtn. as tLvie are ue ti.anke. Tbi; ir:ce cf Vrllll.:aics is asfui:'us; Ouc for - ' 23 Couu. Vive for m m m pi K I even f..r 2 TUrty for - 6 S:x:.r-2ve f. r - - 10 I'tif U -inured tut - 15 AG K NTs ii; t-ealiofd ten cents on every Certiil cate orderl ty iLeui, p;ovi'ied their ri'iuiit.ive aiuo jus 10 One IuKar. A(:eu! ill collect its cut fur every Ce. 1 1 tict j, ani rtuiii lj ceui to u..t euuer iu Caatl or ijstaje S. :n;n. AillUNDALE & C0M l-7-o.-as lt'7 t!ruad-ay, I'ew l'ori. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! i ... wksi is mm Of Every Description at the LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH !! ! Armr and Country Merchants, Feslars, Trailer Snt lers and Peroral i)eaie taa make enoruiuus up .ti t-'uaj investment ! Jeu eiry ol anv Pattern or Quality and in any quan tity uiaJe to order. -j"1iU"1;U!' for any ciai of wi.rk turuished. rl-yartieulat attention pid t tu piyitiK Auctiutieers, Couuiry Medlar, laUiau Irader and Army Dealers. Anytylaof (i.K,us ruannfarUireJ. siich as Inven tions, eic , at hh..rt notice. C-1mOJ Canvaing C.t'iis, wuhariaill ca Aiid ouiistant e:u pioyraeut! lllutrtted !uu and lull part-.c-uiars free ! TEE PROFIT TO TnK RETAILER IS VEP.r LARGE. A WliuleKie Supply can te carried in a kia'p.atk, uuuaii!e, or cari.vt bag, aud will utl be like ImiM buiky or icronvident to carry iroui place to place. auutuer thinj ! Thi badness is strict n.ju jiaiie. Ij .'here i no need of misrereU:i g o. exjKt-ei alius, our Uovds tnow for ttemselve ! ! n i a DuMi.e ia wLith a ample aud caiiMactory equiva.e-it i :vea t-T-iLe tu..i.ey received aud an fu Prcflt is pocketed ,t tbe sam titao. It is an occuiu.,. m wlllcU Bl ViraiU neeJ ifrki4 uf M. ha.u-n tauvaasrhe.auu Ce!d aRiUa and aKaiu. fjr be C oiK-e.vago.are ll4tro.iaced a penaaueut aud cjiiwauou otuiiid is created , V,'"1'fr ,U,,J.e Ar tbose at home disabled Ji 't1'0' Hr' 10 Cle "ut of heaitU, 1 .stticri, or ,ny . no WUss tiUt, , U al or an am e occupau. d. and oll4 tM L wlu Unreal lecuniary Iuuu.eoieuu. lhlt p Cseli,,,,a op portuiijt y seldom w.ti with. Xr, u J Ala c J f Jw JJ. CAKKFCLLT SELECTED LOTS OK JEWXLHT m pri.iu our newest style.- aud ruost saleable varieiy of txoods wiil be ent auywhe'e in the Lyi abates. We are constant!-fiUins i rd .rs !r.,ui peraus leavni? itniceof GtMMis wholly W4tl as. To such we proini- tlie bei-t exercise ol our tate and judgment aud from our Ion? experience can euure satt action. We ak no pay in rdvaiice. FUie kbit tyie and quality ol (io.Kis are wanted, aud we win t-eu-i the same aud col lect pay by axuress at the end or the Uoute. GOLD AND SILVEit WATCIIE3 Gobd movements and manmactared in the le?t man ner, ol pa.e Liaterial, a. ! Warranted at prt -es I roia IU to Hollars each Sent anywbeie py coiiined by Kxp e. Satuibctiuu guarautcd! All Watcae at firii p.ices they ben. of our owa importation. CitcuiArs iree by Oiil I Seud lor tuem ! ' T. & H. GOUGHAK. Ms.nt;ricitirets and Imp-Tiers ix-l-Sms 7!6 Broadwf, New York. SHEKP SLearsof H.e trjt approve make, for .! 1 fit.. .il3 TO) AHLIY AGUE DROPS. TEE SOVEREIGN REMEDY F 03 THE CIJEE 01 iSD ILL BILIOUS DISEASES, ATTEXTIQX! SUFFEEEH TEOH FEVEE AND AGUE, etq This met wouJerful remcdj for tbe perraaneot our cf Ferrr and A jue, etc., was discovered iome j eara ao by on of tb Jilosl Scientific and Successful Clicmists of America, Out of thousftnJg of cases it Las never len krown to fail hi effecting a radical cure. A sirg'e bottle tf tliesa I)ro;)3 Las cared diseases wbicL Lave STUSBOSVLY RESISTED Till MOST SKILL JUL LiCDICAL TALENT; It contains nothing' that will injura tne Constitution ! It Purifies the Blood 1J It removes obstructions froln the Liver! !! It pron.'ctes the discharge of Bile !!!! It effects u radical and permanent Cure ly removing the cause upon which the Ague depend i ? 1 1 1 THE ARMY AGUE DROPS As iU name imports, has been and U the groat Spe-c-fl',- for all Btliom Diabases in tho Armj. It bis n e.iual. lis popularity iu our noble Army and elM-w Ucre is as universal as its euros have been quiek and wonder fol. At. a It has proved a pent blewinj and sared many a valuable life in those raia-matic Idealities wiiere tl.ey would have fallen rk'tims to Bi'ioui Diseases. The Chills v:ill net return if these Drops xi re taJ.en! .THE ARMY AGUE DROPS Q UICKL Y DRIVES A WA Y AND RESTORES THE SYSTEM To it natural BU0YAXC7 and AVIMATIOX; IX VIGUKATIXQ tbe body and clearing out EVERY VEST IGF OF DISEASE reduced by loathjcrsa paiasin. Ee Wise in Tims ! ! fri?"No person residing in a Ft ver and Atrti District shoulJ be without a Bat tle of ilRMY AGUE DROPS, KtA it it tronly recuironded to personj trartl ing through places charged with niidsni. Wi.reooeetfully call attention to our Testimoni als. Many of our letters at tt-at thl hundreds ef live. hnre b"en saved in tbe Army by its use. In deed, so we'd are its eurativa qualities appreciated ia te Anuy, tb tt the most successful Surgeons i.i tho Field anl Inspital it aim st esclu.-ively iu the diseases for which we claim its infallibility. The best physicians alw.ivs seiie the besr rceuns to effect a cure, heneo ibe universality of the AKHY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMOiSTI AILS ! ! ! Ve are tappy te refer to . His Excel leu.iv Ahnham L'nojla. (Jenerul Cico.B. MuCleliaa. XJenml Fremont. (ieue.r?l Hurnsido. General Hancock. General Ivilpatrick. dreneral Kise. (Jol- u.d I've, 93th N. Y. (Lionel Qui -k, 17;h X. V. P. Colonel row'.er, U:h X. V. S il. ?!jor Doremus. A. I. C. Major Iiif:yndcr, 35th P. Miij.r Wihcux, A. L. C. Jt ijor Tinmriey, "J Major Still well. . Surtjns, M.'.jor 13h oc k. f U. S. S. Li-ur. Whelan. j Ut. K-T. Hishop fottor, X. Y. lier. Dr Tyng, do ltv. Dr.Tavlor, do Hrv.H. W. Bceeher, BTtlya, , Rev. K. II. do . Kev. Mr.Cheever, X. Y. Rev. Mr. Baas, do His Il'or Mayor Wood,B'klyn. II n. M. Kalbfljisch. do Hon. M. F. O tell. d Fl.m. Gunthet, If. Y. ' Hon . Horace Grvidey, do" Aud hundreds of other equally wall-known jen tUmvin, for whiuh Beo circ-uidr. pftiCS ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Wiloox Oo. rriccipal Office. 131 Water Street. U. Y. JV" B. JVbne Genuine unless tearing cur signature on the wrapper. Don't let yonr Proggist pint yon off witb ny fiber remedy. If be does not have it for aale, eo close us $1 25 per mail, and we will send you " bo l tie of tbe Army Ague Drops; per mait post pa WILCOX A CO 181 Water St, Jfew York. TIIE IIOKACE WATERS MOD ESIi IHFEOVID OVIBSTRUNG BASS. FULL IROir rilALIB-PIAIIOS are bntlt fcf tbe best and most thoroughly seasoned ma terial, and will eUnd any climate. The tone is very deep, round, full, and mellow; tte tmch. elastic. Each Pituo warranted for five years. Prices fjom tv25 to $700. TZSTIMOXULS "The Uoracce Waters Pianos are known u among Ui very best." Ewngelat. 'We can speak of their merits frcm personal knowl edce.' CKiistian Inle'ligencer. 'Waters' Pian.; andMelodeonschallei-feeemjiarUoB with the finest made anvwhere." Home Journal. $100 -NEW 7 OCTAVO PIANOS, of differ nt maken, for $l9t)f do., with carved tegs. $200, $226 and $240. Second-hand Pianos and tteiodeouj at $25, $40, $50, $60, $75, $100, $116, $115, $150, and $160. Tie TIorvr rri'?r' Mtlo'ltont and ITqrnoniumi Tnned the Equal Temrtrainept with tbe Patent Dirlded Swell. Prices from $5o to $3oo. Alexancer Or gan 8 from $200 to $5o0. 5A liberal discount to Clertrynien, Churches, Sab baih Schools, Lodges, Seminaries, and Teachers. EOH ACJ2 WATiCKii, Ag't, Ko. 481 Broadway, JJ. r. TU Day School Bell 40)000copies issued. A new Singing Bvx.k for Schools aud Semiuaries, called the Day School Beil. is now ready. It Contains atut two hundred choice songs, rou-ids, catches, due's, trios, quartetts, and choruses. Diany of them written expressly for tbi work, besides 33 pages of the Elements of iluiic, which are easy ud progressive. Anion? the lame number of beautiful pieces may be fonnd, ' Cucle Sam's School,'4 "Don't you hear-the children coming," "Always lock on the sunny side," 'The little lass, 'and "Little Lad." -Oh, if I were a little bird," "Bird cf beauty," "Pretty pear tree," "Anvil Chorus," Meet me by the running bro:.k." &x. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of "Sab bath School Bell," No, 1 and 2, which have had the enormous sale of 825 COO copies. Prices paper covers. iScci.ts, $20 per 100; bound 30 cents. $25 er 100; cK ib. bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents, $35 per hundred 25 copips furnished at tne one hundred price, it ailed at the retail price. SalUtli fyUoll Bell, No. " contains 144 pages, and nearly two hundred tunes and hynifa, nd is tbe most popular S. S Book ever Issued Aniongthe most popular piece are, Words," "Eden Above." "Christian Hero," "Beautiful Zlon," "I ou?h: to love vry Mother," "The ansels told meso,'; "In the Light," "Best for the Weary," &c. Prices paper covers, 20 cts. each, $16 per hundred; bound, 25 cts. each, $30 per hundred ; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 39 tts., $2 per hundred. SAbath School Dtll, Xe. " is an entire new work of lf2 aatses, and nearly 225 trne and hymns. a the music is a little nire diCtcult it i just the book to follow Bell No. 1. Nearly one mil lion of these Bells have been issued, and are now ring ing through tbi and other countries. Among the many choice pieces may be found, Shall we meet be yond the river ? There is a beautiful world. Sorrow slrall ccma again no more. Don't you hear the Augel- coming? Thou, God. sees! me. Sabbath Beils chime on, ttc. Pi ice of Bell No. 3 are tbe same as Belt No. 1. both numbers cah be obtained ih one voiume. Price, bound copy, 40 cents, $35 per huudred ; cloth bound, emSiossed gilt, 60 cts., $15 per hundred. 2C copies furnished at the one bundled price. Mailed at the isujl price. Haters Coral flarp. - AnewSnn'tsy School Book. of 160 pages of beautlfu: hymns and tunes. It contains many gems, snch an Shall we know each other the:e Suffer lit tie children to come Onto Me; The beautiful shore; Oh, 'tis glori ous. Leave me wun my moiper ue leauetnme oesiae .till waters, &.c. Price paper covers. 20 cents; $15 perbnndred; bound 35 cents. $20 per bundled; cloth mund, embossed guitt.. 35 cents, $30 per ' hundred tailed at the retail price. Iis edited by Horace Wa ters, ao'h jr of Sunday School Hells Nos. 1 and 2, which have had the enormous sales of over eight thousand cpe. Just published by uu auk watH3,ao. 4a i Broadway, New Xork. Th yiete Patriotic Song Book, contain 06 TSS of songs, dr.ers andenornses, both sa cred ana secular, including 14 pages or prayers ror sick aud dviij soldiers, and soldiers' Scripture Manual. it is well suird for social sinking, as wen as sabbotb worship. An ong the inanv beautiful pteces may be found, Where berty dwells is vcountry TheCjr'.s tian hero, Ttree cheers for our banner; Come sing to meofhesvju; Columbia, the gem of ifceocean ; Fiee mau's gathering; Columbia's Kiuir forever ; Jiarching alor.g, tec. Prices pprco. eis, J5 cents, flupei hun dred, failed at the retai! price -JThe Hnrp of Freedom, contains 32 pases of songs, dne! a and choruses, for Free dom. Among the choice pieces we would name, Fair freedom's morn; () let my people go; Over the moun tain ; They worked me all the d.iy, &e. Price 6 cents single, 60 cents per dozen, $3 per hundred J postanal cent each. Buth : A Sucred Cuntata. contains 128 pages. Words br Rev. Sidney Dyer, music by Prof. Cull. This is an excellent Iv.k for concerts lor tlmy ung. Prices paper covers, 20 cents; $loper hundred; bound 25 cetut $20 per hundred. The Berical 21 u tic Hook A contains T3 paces "of tnnes and hymns, designed for re vival, prayer and conference meetinfrs. Price in paper rovers, single copies, .10 cents; $3 per hundred. Mailed at the retail prices. The AtlititcuM Collection. contains Between four end five hundred pages of tunes and hyums. pew and o'd, or the choicest kinds, for ehiirch. S.indiT school, revival, missionary, temperance prayer aid conference, and all binds of sacred aud so cial meetings. The music in this book has life and an -inia' in it, Tike. Shilling Shore, Rest for the weary, Shall we kn-iw each other there? Shall we meet beyond the river ; There is a beautiful worid; Kind wgrds: Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a land of love; Snrler little children to come unto me ; God save the Nation, &c. Price sincle conies,"", b'uind 60 cents; $45 per nundred ; cloth t,ound. emiwssed gilt, 60 cent ; oA per hundred, il ailed at the retail price. noRACE WA TERS. 4S1 Broadway, New Vourk, Publisher of the abote Books. " Focal Mutic, with Piano Accompaniment. A large assortment of new aud popular songs, ballads duetsquartetts, aud chorueo, i.-sued daily. Among the most popular are. Shall we know each other there, Lowrey; Why have my loved ones gone; I will betrue to tha; Oh, there's no such girl as mine, by Foster; Mother's love is true; Sweet love, forget me by Keller, 25 cents each; I hear sweet voices singing; Uome is hqu;e; Tercet i yuu can. but forgive, by Thomas. 80 cents each. Instrumental Musis for tbe Ciano Forte We are coming Father Abra'am. sis hundred thousand more ; Always look ou the sunny side; Shall we know each other there? Ate,, with briliiaut variations by Grobe, 60 cents each. Polkas, Walt, Marches, Quicksteps, Quadrills, fcc , by ropnlar authors. All kiuS of Singing and In struction books. Catalognes maiiedfrce toany aidaess Music mailed at the above prices. Watert' C-"p IZnitii for the Million. Arranged as aolees, duets, quartetts and choruses, fot musical societies, choirs, Sunday schools, public schools seminaries, etc Shall we know each otoc. there? Don't you hear tbe angels coming 9 Shall we meet be yond tbs river? Be in time: There is a beautiful orld; Where libeity dwells is my country : Freed,m. truth and riht? We are comiug Father Abra'am. six hundred thousand more : There is aland of love; Sor row shall come again no more ; Heavenly home ; Come sing to me of Heaven; Laudinsiaht; We will love our Snnday School ; Our God is marching on ; Gidsave the Nstion; wnittier's soni? or the Plantation Negro; Fair Freedom's Morn has dawned at last; Over the moun tain; Over tbe mountain ; Little Klla's arj an lei ; Wil lie's gone to Heaven: Suffer little chibfrra to come unto me; Bury me in tbe morning, M tier Cuius to thy rest; Sweet hour of Prayer, &c. Price 3 ceuts. 30 cents per doz., $'2 per hundred ; postaqo 1 cert each. Ia sheet form, with Piano accompaniment. 25 ceuts. Published by JIOEACE WATFR3, Ag't, No. i3l Broadway, K. x- B. &. H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 3f auufacturersef Photograpliic Maturials, Wholesale and Retail, " 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to our main lurinessof PboJo(rrathic Ka terialS, wa areHea.i.ianrtersfor the following, vn : Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups. Statuary. &c.. &c. Also. Revolving Stereoscopes for public or private exhibition. Our w ant uv ui m my auait uu ipwi vi stamp. ' Photographic Albums, We were toe first to introduce thes into the United oiBiea, ua we manvfacture immense quantities ia (treat Tariety, ranging from 6) cent to i0 each. Our Albums h.tve tne reputation 'of heir. superior in beau ty aud durability to any others. They will be sent 07 ruu, i ttttE. on receipt of price. 3FIJB ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER. x CARD, PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousand different subjects (to which additions are coatiuuaily Deing made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, kc.; via : about l'O Uajur-Generala, . I Statesmen, 201 Br gadier Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut Colonels, 250 Ot her Ofllcers," 15 Kavy Officers. "130 Divine, 125 Auiburs, 4 Artists, 125 Sta?e. . 60 Prominent Women 160 Pr minent Foreign Portraits. copies of Works of Art. Includ.r.j; reproductions of the most ce'ebrated En gravings, Paintings. Statues. &c.' Catalogues sen t oo receipt of stamp. Aa on'er for One Duieu ' Pictures from oar Catalogue will be filled on the receipt of ai.uu. and eut by mail. Free. t-betographers and others ordering good C. O. D will lease temit twenty- five per cent of the a'moubl wi.h meir oraer. js. &. H. T. ANTUOSI & CO., Manufacturers cf Photrapbic Materials, nOl BROADWAT, V&W TOitt J2"T priret end. quality of our good cttxnot fait ! I in ni i.ft, t J Tviss Clttera v vt Jisky, from a combination of ov-r twenty dif ferent kin.Js of roots, barks and herbs, ahich act In perfect concert one with the othsr, pre pared f.-oni the original formula given by tha p-eat chief, iUd Jacket, to Dr., who used thtm successfully in hia practice for many years, and by their uae j;:uncd tes greai a pcpuhtriiy la the treatment aiid cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constirmiion, Sick and Nervons Hrad aclie, fever and Aeue, and all dUK-ascsarL-tiig fri.ia torpid liver or iixiigeation. Persons enfici ir. from eitlier of these lo&l!iome diacasfS will iiud a mr cure by the use of those Tdners, which are p i ft-ctly pure and fr-e frora ail tliose drups and iois)ns usm ftlly put Cp in such pre ariUor)B and palmed i ll on an unsuspecting pul lic. A aimrle trial will con vince the most sk'.'ntical that iu the KKD JAC KLT there is yirtue which no other fculcrs poss. Ttey Btresglhen and invigaratc the systcra. They are uceqtalei for general detility. They are a sara cure for dyspf-psia. Tisy give a good ai-d healthy appettt. They assist digesticn. They ere tha test ttiatlant ia existence. ' They are a preventive cf Fover ar.4 gne. They relieve constipatica. They care ITervoTis Headache. They are perfectly prire and palatable. .Aged persons and dellcnte female will f.nd trify can save large doctor's bills by the use of these kit. ters. Beware of connterfc its. The Red Jackrt Elt ters are only sold In boitles with our name blown cn the side, and our private government sump across the cork. oca Mm 'tVi!. For llet'ticinal and Table nss, which ara perftctly pre, and need only be tried to be appreciated. None genuine unless tLey have our gold laUl pa each bottle, and our initials pressed in wa over vhe cork. Sold by all drurglsts and dealers' throughout th country. Call for our goods and take no t.thcr. Circulars to the trade supplied ou application ts - ileuiiett Pjetem & Co. 8oli by Ko. SI IUyer St CLkao. W. H. T-TcCjLvi-iJiiit j: . b.uuv;ne. BBUWN AiPjiODTX, Peru.A.T. GADE Co Brownville, Juue 3, 1864. no 39-ly STOCK OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED JtHi received at JOHN A. BONN'S C HE AP DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STOUE. MA IX STREET. The Latest Style of Ladies Fancy Dress Goods, Sumrcer Shawls,IIats, etc., etc. Dry Goods, Grocen'-s, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe?, Iron, Nails, Flouf Bacon. Queens ware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, indow Glass, etc., etc., etc. Which he will S?!l CHEAP FOR CASH!! Call aud examine his stock before purchasing else where. : lirownville, June 23th, '64. nl2-vS-jly 5 110 ih sillhVuti f iiliilJiJ, A MONTHLY MAG AZINE OF - LITERATURE ANrD FASHION. The January number of A-ur New Magazine ha met with a very tJattering rewptioa from the journ als cf tbe country, iead tho folluwicg aiaon many. KOTICES OF TnE PES3. Thk Lady's Fkiend. This is the title of a new magi'zlua published in our city by DcacvnJfc I'eter- son, jo. -ia t aii.ut otreet. Ai its line .naicatcs it is emphatically the Indy'c friend, at.d is rerdcte with everything calculattd to p'ea58 ar. I ii.strncl The corps of contributors to its columns cn;brat:e some of tho best litf rsry t:tlect in this country find, in Euglucd. Tbe fatbion plates in ibis number, Jahaftry, fire nrrrr) and T the latest s " f wti,.C ' thf-ro is an .'.bundance of patterns of all c'.5;e5 and desi-r!ptjins. (Jabricl Wiikie's ' I.eturn frc-ia ibe War" is a sp'ended steel en.'Mvinj, from a do;rn ep.ucd cxf.rfct-sly f-r tho Jlarusits. This new enterjrisc is ctniiienrly uecrtin tbe jatroaugeof our lady friends Philadelphia Inquirer. i.Lff Ladies Magazine. Messrs. Deacon A eterson have just placed before Iba pab-ic tho erst number ' a new magazine, tailed The Lady's Friend. It t evidently very well edited. by,5'r?. Henry Pctcrsun ; is well printed and hnI.otnr:y illuf-tratcd, and 5s full of excellent original rea.lii.g Amon' its contributors are M'Si L. I'oii- nel!y,whoe excellent little sketch called, 'Cjalritj! Wilkie's Ileturr, aj pears with a stetl enravin in this number ; Sliss. Eugenia Mot.t, Mrs. Petere.-n, Miss Virginia Townend, Marion Harinud, and many other?, "a Mediaeval Poem," by Mrs. R-tn-didpb, jrobably cont.iios th best thoughts of tha number. Forney's Preys' Philadolpbi. TERM: CASH IN ADVANCE. Icopy, one year, - - - - , $2.P0 2 copies, one year, - 3.00 4 copies, fine year, ... o.Qfl 8 copies, and one to getter up of club. 12.00 20 copies, and one to getter up of club.J 25.00 One eoi.w nf th . I'." rl mm. Irrirr'.' r.icud, - - - Subscribers lnuntiah orth America must remit twenty cents in addition to the annual subscription, as we have to prepay tbe U. S. postage on their papers. ls the price of Tbe Po?t is the turn as that of of Tbe Lady's Friend, the Clubs my be composed exclusively of tbe paper, or partly of the p-iper and nartly of Jtie ilira'fe. Uf course, thi premium may be either ona or tbe other, as desired. Tbe matter in the pat er wiil aways be different frotn that in the magazine. ipecimea numbers of the Test eent grat3. Ad- dresa. . D CON PETERSON, No. 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia. IMPORTANT to Smoke. a: The -best assortment of Smoking, Cigar, Fipe, Stemps, &.c. U to be found At McLirGHLIX Jt WANS. CITRON, mare, spice, pepper, giniter nutmeg, Cin namon, etc., etc., of tet quality At McLaughlin & Swan's. BERKLEY & NEELY. Wagon Llaheis. HAYING RECENTLY FITTED UP THEIR fbopwith new machinery sah a? a turning-lathe, cirtde-saw. etc.. are prep:ird to turn cut No. I article ci Wagons, Wagon- llrucs. Widos Bows, New asp Improved Ci'ltivatwi', and everjtbinj in their tine that may ba called for fn ta a complete waj-on down to tbe smallest repairs needed at b.wer rates than they caa be Lad at any point East or West of this place. - ' Drownville, April 21?t, 84. nS J-S-ly To CcDsumptlrcs. Ccr.sumptire pnlTerrs wiil receive vsdaablepre Kription for the ciire of Consumption, Atbma, Bronchitis,' and all tbro't aud Lun; aJocticnJ, 'free rf ebaree.) by Rending 'heir addrdai Ut Rer. EDWARD A. W ILhON, v Kicz Co. "ew To.-k. THE SEW YORK WEEKLY IIEIIALD. TlieCIieniicst Taper in Tho Woria. The extensive aid eomvreht r.iva f .ooili'ios ia its 4..scsioa enalros tho,Pit.'ft:iKTOR of Co Vki:s Li'litHALD to gua.'A.itfo i'ae Ltc$t ci. 1 uiozt re lii'L'o iuform iliou ruisibiy to be obttine-i, not ou'.j froui ail parts cf iho Luited but 1'roia ail )Hr Ot t:)5 World. Iu home correspondents, en-ted at tavj cost, and con n ted wit'.t e;v-a n:w an l ijili!.4rj expedition of the 'ivernineut, jirove that il is de termined to leave oo Jpot uncoverc-.l by its opera tions and no event can oieur that tbull not End i.n mediato rsjort iu its colaciris. It c ?ts the propri etor over one hundred tboasan-i d-lhtrs per j;ir to maintain its corps f eorresr-oudtf uti. in tne Ik-id. Ia its collation cf Foreign 'ews tb-5 IIsraLD ta? for -years be!i a h:gb p'sliicn, a::i it will edueuvor in tlie future t-j i-aiiuuin tio .t.r..i it bf s a su:n . It, h as spooial forrtjjioud-t'uts statitu-.U ia a.i tLj prirjfjai cities of tLa world. In telegrat.bic erraneraents cxtfai to vfiererer tbe electric wires aresrrt.;he.l. Whea tbo Atlan tii: table is laid, wbica foiit wiil eoju bo accomplish ed .telegrams ill ba rei.vivi.-d fr-ni Lur-pa a ad Asia. as well as fr.iJ the United Sjtos. Tbeo our readers' wiil h-ve the evnti of the week in a! parts of thu (.iviiiivd worid regularly aud civ&rlj iiiid before thorn. Tne pro; r -l.: vote a portion of the paper to Literature, la-shion. Agriculture, the .Mechanic ru, Stiortiiig Matters. Lujinev, TheAtried.1 and r'insn :ial I.epi rts, Cattle Market-, Cienenil News, and rejHjrts ot all events caicaiat"-i to I .rui u cx ct iient autrtpi.hfan neWopapor-a we kiy i hoto grapbi,? view t f the events t-1 the woiitf aud all at a TLry !-w pri:e, The YVuesLY HntAi.D is Usuel every A'urdjy morning', and fuiuibtd At tba fcHoftug rlcs : One copy - - - - - - t'ive copies - - . - - $; ten copies. - - - - e J 1 Any larger nuaibor, addressed to iutnes cf sub scrlbors, $l,pO ea.i.-b. " " , An extra crpy will be sent to eva-r club or ten. Twenty c;; ie-, to one aidres?, one ytar, 5 Zi, atic any larger njiatar at the aims pric. - An txtra tupy will be seat to clubs of twenty. Advertisements to a limned number i.i bj ia erted in tha Vi'epkly Heki.T). Tbe Weekly IIesald. three cents rcr crpr. Ttn dollars per year for thfea hundred ajii :xy ihnci.ues. Five donaj for fix lai-mLi. Tvv. dollars and fifty ce its for t'rea ru nihs. Jailb COItDON LKNNM T7, Kdiitr eg I IV'prietor Northwest corner of i'ul.oa and N;iuu sireets. Ae York ci;vr N. Y. Th?reare no travelling agents ft-r tha lk::tw.D. Iev7 Kemedi!23 fox SPERM ATORRlICEA. HOW AUD ASSOCIATION rniLADiibPniA. I BcTifvolcnt Inititvion est-ioUshed by 'P'CicI Tr d";"r,ier.t.fur tne lleiicf 0 the S;ci flu Dalrcxaea aj'litted ieit Virulent and Chronic JHsraei enc est-ec'ai.y for the t'ire of DUeatet of Hie Xezua. Organs. McIDICAIj ABVICn siveu grails, by the Acti uri5e.n. Valuable Reports on Stera3torrho?a. ani oiber di ase of the Sexual Ci esns, and on theXKW UKMS 01K3 employed in the Dbpensrtry, sent inoca'.eJ letre envelopes,; reeof cbargt. Twoor threeauiiiys acceyi. oie . l.iress DH. J. SJC1LMN lIOrGHTON". Hr ar.1 As sociation. No. 2, South Nielli S'reet, PUilaaeij-Uia, Pa December 12, 1S61. ni3-ly Fisirs HEATING LAMP APPARATUS, BOltlSG FRYING STEWIJIG STEEP15G WITH TEE FLAJI3 TU AT LIGHTS THE ROOlI. Py the fiums of a cotnm'in brnp, at the cost of a cent a wurtn ot oi,, a breakfast caa bo cooL3d very enuif.. .V. F. Tril une. Simple in con?tra2tion, ea5!y hep: rendy for use in a moment con in ora? venient tu have ca baud Iirvjjit t Cir cular. ' " Fi.-b'a Ltap is r-ne of tha mo?t pop ular novelties of the day. th utility cl it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in bes t ing and cx-kirg stnail art:cl , aedcau be tu'i lo u ci.ok tar-als for a great nr.any prrson. which is actu- -allv" done on the ambuianea cars whu-h carry the sick Soldiers. Scientific Aui -ric in. . For fimily use-, ho.-pital, tout, bar rack, picnics, Sfhmg nursery, or s; fc room, i! is st article of comfort b.-vDl a.l proix.r?i:u to ilic.jst. Hand' Journid" Jhalih. I have trie! an apparatus , ard c wife and I irorbiim the s:ian a mnA valua! a.; t iudispensible article, and wo now won 1 r ho. 7 v,c ceubi have so long doao without it. td Oual Oil Crcut tr. An eouEziciii con'm aa-9 for cot tir."up boat at short uotb-e f;-r nursery and gem;!;'.' hoUeL'boid purpose?, ju Jf, ona lniportint p' is the saving i:f co:t over coal ares. F. Eceninj Poil. Lprices from two to six dol lars. capacity FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKED AT 0E TII.'E WITH ONE BURNEIt. Vrr.inged f t K'-rjsene or Cial 0.1 or Gas V Descriptive Pamp hlet of .Id pajes f aru:jbcd griti. ALSO THE UNION ATTACHMENT. Pri 50 Ccr.H. To bo afttobed, tc a Ci mmn Kerorne Lmp or Gass Burner, ly which Watts r may be Uubcd . nnd I'ord corked : ai.-o arranged to support a shade. EVE R Y 1'AMI L V NEEDS 0 X E. v,'u. D. i:i;ssi:le, Ant. .V.. 2Cd P -ari S:. Neiv Y.rk. AGEXTS Wtmsd; ?-ix-r,-Sw. HELLO, .-STRA-NGEH TUEIIS: Dill YCU GET THOSE AT J. BERKY & C0?S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BROvNVILLS J. BEERY & CO., n Just reoeled, ana are now- cpenlnR, at tnd on 4lain street, one ot the largest tocl ofitaf BUY G00BS A 5 D erer offered In this market. EcmemUr the pl:e. J. BERRY & C'O.'S, . JSTo. 2.JLf TaXlrx otroot, IJIlOW.WIL.LE, N. T. 1S62 n47-(f PLAT C'd. Meat mul.. SUr sn4. Tn-Ha R-'V;r iJ-il!, Patter.t tLreJ, tio-ri, TTrayitg broom tw;ne, to oe hi il'LAUGCLIN A SVTAN'3 C'AWS, Ilauniier,i, Hatches Tiics, Ox Chuns anJ J iliuers PKk At MpLniiThiin A; .S'?in's. CJltOKlNij anrlCiiewins, Cik!r pive Pipe J btcuis anil TLUdeco Pon, ii: irr?-it v.inpty, At LlcliaughUa Si b-aa's- MACS.EBAL. Ltlte 'irmt. White &.-ti, Couiah, etc., etc., constantly ou h m.t ' At MefjT.ncrhlin ft Swr.n'i. McLAUGnLI-V it SWAX are constantly receiving a Mil: m to their sto-;k ct Orocerie a;il Hard ware. Tiieir Good and Price wUl uit everybody any oter maa." , TO !IEBCIIA5TS,r ae:i i. it D. A. C0HSTA2I HAS ni AND WLLE salt: s luc: v: 1 iC iV XT or 11 . il i il 1 J ; nor.? XATT.: ?K an u mull: S. AN VILS, SKEINS AXFJ.S, YK ES.Ti'.l Ui.LSTfili Fill:.-, KA.". . HAM) i! .1 WLL.L WLiiLLS, iC.,iC.f 4.0- 1L50 y;oodworks! ponrxijiso r.i'P-s, srcKr: FELLOWS, UA1 i, PU LIS, -AX;-. lIuL .NiyS. A XI! IlANI.'i.I i:::tOvl HANDLLd, PLOW i MLL:n A.C AiO AGENT F THE 3 AI K Of F ITlEJLirKS C LE S, XV I A V I fr LAID IN A LARGE STOCi OF TIIK AliOVi: . UODrf, DiilECT F K O M Tilli Dcronn tiii: nisi:, I A M ENABLED TO SELL TO T II E TRADE AT P 11 I C E S TU DEFY COMPETITION. ZZjSznd in Your Scrap Iron.rr EIGHEST PRIGS PAID FOR WHOUGST bL'HAP LUGN AT ; CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEl W.KEIIOUSE. Fclli-n32-a st. jo.-crn, HQ V . 1 U.1O1J, DAK'L I! 15 re-opened bii r. -t c!ej J.ortb-et corner M-.iiu ami Sven d Street, EilC-Vv N'VILLE. XiKK.V.lA. TYbere he 4 rcj urcd t do all kit Is of irork la hia ILue cbap l' Tcsi.-h. II-!r.? ii-l.Piov:s har: eacd, V.'Aoui Iroucd off, ia fa.-t arytbu.g la tta tLa biit i'.vl 0 i.u sburt w - aotica. v-ix-t ly. FAMILY GEOOERi: .AUGHLIN&SWAN, 1 WOUI O HE"PErTFUI.I.T "AI.'KOrNCE TO THEia frien-Ji and the public Bei.eraiiy, ibat the hit e ju receiveo a 5 11 per i-r lvt uf Family Grocene, anJ lnv it ;hu ol u.'ctae: 3 to ilieir at...k iucluiiui N'EOT.r.T?.X3 SrGAH, PR!'.tK Rir COMES. CI.AKl'r'ltLi tlo l.MPKKl.Vl. TKA, VuL'Ni; tll'cUN Til A. ftlCH, SaGO, fPICE.l'El'PEIt. CLOVES. ClKStMftM COVa OVSTXliS, KJlSisa, ii:;..i.tu, ci.inu, SOAT, l'UItii fcOPA , DE LAXUi' SALKUAT'CS, &.C nsi: ccd nsn LAZE TZOUT, iLL.Ii;G, cIIAD. GREEN AITLHS. CRANBERIUES, PA UED PEACHES. DiUED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES Llolasscs, Coal Oil, Cider Tircrar XATC3AL LEAF CPKINT, "CO COLDER ii,lP AND or:l!-M C HOIi E H!HM1 i lN-iCf'TC VKMHSH. CILUZ.' islCi i".'lilN'J. CUii ZLJS VV. Clears cfilic Best Br;ina.s In ins JIu 4 Ik V CaSSTXCTS, AI.VOXD3. PECANS. FILBZRT3.PZX- Taiicy Candy trum 11x1 LTsi. IuiiUid turies ia the Eict. Flcur, Eaccn, Huttcr, xzz :c- The Highest JIarLet Prices Paid fr Country Pfoiuce. Nemaha Valley Haxk Pitildisu. BaowsviLLE, Jan. 14, i 564. nC'JvS-j:--) yly. Ml'ERIAL. w !c Tu::j Eytt avi Bud i. lead of isureri.r (inal'.'y, At noli :n 3. COAL OIL, biM iTii'y cUiitiel Ca"t-a JPLACGllLrX fc SV, il. Liiay -1 -. A Large a ricrnt -f Fo-.iet feMve. Hz etc. etc., can b.) e-?i AC M-I.lU.VHi.V S) :chcrky 'i:rs. - XKCIA Raider il H rn, Dr. -..u. P..ict ai-l C.:.b-, WVa l',t'if!C"U', P.ilA Waiicu. ria Ho- n-l i. kc, , Jt yeLAMUU. - S'.VAM. r-iirwBAiiiz C A L E S llso, Ter$ic:3e Tracks, 1st! Pre33es, its LIKE ST.. ciiit'o, ' 5j"Be cre'til. nJ .i--i vii-y tbe Eci'iin 1'T A 10S.; Ai-:,ia M. Lci. r-i-l-'. NS'V Orle?n, C!ari5tJ, C'i?.-.l tzi P.w1'e3 5-.-. gars, OoMda Syrup Suif ii)U.ea-vI SoriLura