4 i f M r -v HACKNEY -& CO., llpvojc.-i i ;iT:r.i FVpuid st-c!i of iT5trilo fvxxcl policy .4V Which ilrv r. i:ice l C. Til: 7-f 'fcji.i Dr-.-J a run- .' k4...-i.i 5 '.n . t i v..-"'! t:;" - a i.tit t . . Tt:K C(.!lr.r, Iiorj Sett?, V.c ;refr, r.r:-J .Wis etc-., ce., etc. ::.c-.rf.r.lartrfiE-:ittf . .wV-i i - fJ C-i.y ' CI JS iiy S-jr.'rb -Si-eh f r nil liads tf BOOTS & SHOES. Domestic Goods of all Kinds FL.LYXZLS LY .ILL COLORS, Lin2Crs; Ticks, Stripes, Bleach & 3c7n Slice wisr'i AuJ t'l ether trticles tfU'tilykej-t ia a Dry Gccdj . ritcra. give "C : : : PUP' 7 P PPPfivBTP (Jliiihl Ci liBbiiiuliij, HAVE Jt ST 0?EJ ED A XEVT STOUE 0Nr .1aiVi Sict Luwlcti Fir it end dcond, BROWKVILLB, N. T. TT8 tirein itiro a Ur?- ar.i well tc'ectci itoclt at Calicoes. j:-lin, French Tiwst, Ila's. Csp?, Boots, Shce, Leather, etc., etc., etc., etcelra rn:cn we offer fousalk CHEAP.FORCASri Groceries of Every Kind, Surr, X"e a, Suda, Torpfef. Tobacco, i i I t V '. 1 I Mai.;:-. All r.t'-a we. r?r at tl:? !;--et frieei, deter- I.lIt'C'i Let t u Le or-:,'- - i (Jl H A'2-iT DECIITOLD. r.rjvrnv.'.-c. Net)., ix-l-jly GSOIGE LICiUOHS Tviioleaie and Ketail vortiuzi, ; . - OF THE 2 EHOWNVILLE, TTi Jon! Tlcelved the 1arrr-t aiid I ect gt-xk r J.4jVi r &ti.i C:K:.Tcver of.r-rel in t!,:n Ke.:, ad teU tbcta a1uw as any linue iu il e Teiriury. TvrrrT"'T!i r A Main Street, Browr.ville FcV.l. y!y. 'Ibe bpst, Chr-r.n 2 laost Suocstfal i.'r.!iill7 1 apec m tae Uuicn." A COXPLITr: PICT3HTAL 03" TIILTIIIIS. HARPER'S WEEKLY.. ' SPLErr.TDT.r I LI. C ST Ji A TED. Criiirtil 2utlce of the I'rc.t. lis frefh leave, its clear tyje, 'it cnWtairiiEg vrity, its e-jvero batjuft criti -irwi ur-on the (ollit s cf the time?, its cbirtly written end instructive r rti-.le-, nr.d its fili!e enrrespondeuco, hll ciubine to make it th tnide! newrsper of oar c.untry, anj one that every JV.a.ily tiut priza. Its c r.Jcn.-' d weekly 8uairaryif forci jn a til lomett'c iii'-Hi-gtxce is il together superior toirtt cC3-t."i5i;cd it ncy other journal. lining published, ton, in a ,v,v for preservation and binding, if taken care (,f a it deserves tube, it will be found in fut'ira yr rs a weloi.oie a corainion fr.rtha family nnd '"ti si ie ns 1 be day on which it ' was Crit cr-sued. Y. i YYc wouid not fo ften ea!l atteosi -n to IlirrFK's WtESLY if we were nat well sati.-'ied ih.it it i. the lxt fut'tthf J'nprr in le Uvf" tri'n, H'.d t'or that reson, and ttmt ab-n, we de-ire tt ft it ut.dcr laino and root out a' certain VirA cf !irmi-4 too ircv.r.eit, which V.nt th avn-aU of its n.r. Icr? vitiitcs their tatto for seailde reilin,. arid is nl fcr.dj bad in its t Heels. X;i;r civ rAJce Loudon 'Wherever wo go in rail-ears r.nd ftca"ibo:i,s wa Cnd it soiled with er.gernet.:, h-caose .i i to pj-ir-ited bkctehas of fX5siii.i events. Wea'l like to Jook at the faces of tuea we bars rr-r.d of, at ihi-,1? and fort3 that, have f jjirred ia the bloody scenes cf war. Cf &!I fui h men .and places, find event", this pap-;r Tarnishes tho l,est illustrations! Our future historians will enrich th"i?'.lrc2 out. o IIaePES WrtLEY Jong after wriicrf, and raint- r s a:id p-ibliihcrs are turned to dut. .V. d'A'vda- Ono Cof y for Oro; Trar ..3 a Ona Crrv forTwj Year? 5( 0 An hlx'ra i.-py will be nllowcd for everrl.'Jal f r 7 25. Mfji-c ;'EK3, tt i2,53 c&cb,or 11 Copies 1 Vks . ' IfAr.T-rr.'s "aciazp--: nci IlAnrEJi's Yi'eeklv, t..T..;;c,-, i-ne y.:r. 1 (' 0. " ilAh.y ."..s V.'r:-.ri yis cleMrotyjcd, and back LCii !-:!- r b' 1 :' Viy tira".- V..'- I 'If., It!.. I ''., V . c:il VT. fir the Yer.rs -S":7-t i-r--: :T:-ti'. vr.,.f-;i;:.'.:. v .wkekly J.anamely5 '-" ' ' ' '-'"" rr-e t:,, h r.re rev rcr-i'-'. V -e . ; --'iirs u;v,n nxrER s vS f.KL", w ;m n p:il hi .lov.i.ar-,. at tho oTuu whre vr,-,:, h -- i."'V 3y - . ' - - -- - ".-vv ' " " - - fc'-' -''- V'f ty ht-'-.oi.- durst lit ;' . .- -" ; . iLi-. ' r---v - ; o. mcKmsHs -..ii.r upon ( V : VT-'-l ' MS" ( -..' t--' the lu-Sior; of the - J ii:-.- I iT- f '"" J '- . i V ;:'--Sr:'i32sLc.:y into vigorous rrtJvHy, W GROVRftTSEN GO, PI AM (J i 0 11 i K M A in U A U.-1 U K K b , T1 - -f'-fi n f tV r.:V.L onJ t'j tn.do is invited t onr N-w Scale 7 ('.!! luewocd Piano K..Vt7 vhlh t r t i t;t arni rurity of t..ne af ur.r: valiM by rny bitlito i.fTor..,! in tl.is uiuket. Tb'-y v . ..-... -.,-,.,.,.. t i.ver..u u-:.rs in i.i'-n tu. .i . . r . it..:.. ;'-evcMfori T'lriio'rortc" rccri'.f il Hje :;iT5jrRl iiv:t;tl ofEajrril irr wore csl-ibiifj hTtmsnenty f:v.m tb bet makors of W.od, VmU, Guruiany, rUiliJoIphia., Ka-fc-m ..r,r r.-ctt.n crd V-v York ; tiii rNo at th Anx-riraa Institute tor lira tucotive years, the g.-iJ uni irvcr r edi! fr..iab-ih of wi.i'.-h can b? mn aS our w.r.'-rH.ia. . , . Yv vLo ir.;rcd.-tio cf iiuT,.vctaviit we r.Hke aciill xnue i-crfeot Pw.tw Forfe, an.? by runntifactanns I.ir -'y, with a strictly vatb --.Uii, are cuabii-d to offer these mstrnaicuts at a rnoe v. Lica u! p.-ecludo I'lJICtSNo. 1, Scrcn Ootave. r-r-und corners. r.oewa-.vl pbjna en?? $275. No. 2. Seven '. ince, rnui.-i o.-rncr.'. U-isewo.4 heavy in. uidir f 'JOO. N''".SSevca Octave, n-wud ccrncif, IMewood Loui.-" XIV ;!e :;25, a fMui!e of th Tcrnra: Uett CfBii, prSCRirTl E ClilCirLAUS SKAT KCEi:. -inn ' .7"," WILL keep crnstantly ou Land an aJtcrtmcEt c' Estra-upcrfino to Common Ar.d a!! r.fhcr art'e'e? rrsa'dy' kept ia afirsl-clas: Mer-h.-.at Fiuaric-or Svv Mill. l;r,,w. viUft. N'.areh ST:, n20-S-lr. IMPROVED W llDy idhbiiilJiiU. Tho feate-t iui:-rovcm"nt vet ia tho Scwinn Ma- eh'.ritjArt. A curiosity woiU seeing. . r.cjt'o scr.1 for clre-'iH with Jara-Ics of S.ewlag. Tho?e Imf.ved Machia yave Wna hnni-ol pr vent, ol" thread had aiik, ad ia..':3 the Lo.-k-S.teSi al;k-2 vh b jlh , id-: .3. . o Th'y re.Ti'.ro no ir.-t.ri."-;i.'n !o oj-evata f crfert'y, c:::ci.c the 4 ruiu'e i J:r-iin'." K-i crga in scwia from ona kitfl of jrc-ds t. aao'.her. xVnl no taking a'irt tlcrtn cr oil. ' Our New MT.afaet ry i? rvr Cf liTj'dftta. with ai; its irr. hin"ry and t -"U ontiri-' new, and i?a':r"dy n:..id!i.turair out M.ie':i::e--, rnii-h t"..r be.niiy aad r.i riVi th u of t',ui-h .-reti.r juti-nsed by any auuu ftclaro ia the v.vrid. N. I!. Phor.M any Machine prove unsatisfac tory, it can bs returned aid oi iac-y refunded. Ant wanted in counties not canvassed "by cur Ott li Agehti.. TlXIil-C &. LIO.V, S. 32. CO. NO. 5C3 1.R0ADWAY, X.,Y. Xa. 45 vS ly. IF .A. OLE DltElTMYEIi & RODIS.ON. enlt the attet.tlon of Ihs Lai c anJ Genttcinan of jUiowLvihe a:i'j .iinj;r to our iiew rtok .t f Soots ntitl Sj-ts, fiatlers. Kal- Miocs :istl Jo.u3" Coys', :flif-v, C!ii:U n anI InfaiiJs rx -0 3 3 Jn?t r.cctivcd. vrtii.-h will sell as iheap for tic aU as any Lou-e iu t!ie We-st. BOOTS AM) SHOES TO ORDER Tn IVe very latert styles. Ve warraal H ocr work to pive tat'sfactii-ii, ftr we en-'pivy noueLut lliu best uf c:kLi;ca- LEATS-iSH AHO SHSF RKCIH Tjr faie, and Cvefy '.hir.s bc'.oncirg to tlie tra.'e. V."e re.prn r.".r tl.a-iVs t.. H.e pnh'ic f ..r p?t favors an 1 I y urict st'ca'i.' t onr biinvss lio; e to n.erit a...t Jlt.c-al patrol e 1 etywed upon v. .- vt..t..re. U r i n in i i.d t h . on r n hm to is ll.e 'KIM I:LE TEN'S V." I'vue ou bUo. t, uttice in a Le;U wJrl;ni5!i-!i!.o njaiuicr. ' ' ' rsciriiTrTt ti r.oRiKsoK, Hn-wnyiiie. "N'lbr.itka. Aor:i:3, ISCt. n34-S-yiy JACOIJ MAKOUN, IvIEn.Cn A KT TAILOH,' Du OWNVILLE, E D IlAfKA Calls tbe attention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat i.crv;i:atle anrt t;i-Lion;itile Wearing Apparel, 111 HIS. - . , Ilex! STOCK G? GOODS. . JUST RECEIVED, TlO. AT) CLOTHS, CAIMERS, VESriKOS, SiC..&. TISC VEIiV L.4.TLST STlrL:S, WMch bo will sell or rtake 6n. to or!er, at uapicce dcnte.tlu'vc price. Having en band 01 e uf 'filXGEirS SEWINO Mirucrs, he is a'jle to do Ctis'oin work at ra.es tint di'ty cjui;C- tilo'U. ' ' I warrant ir.y work, Hand as 7cll as I!I:icIi!:io Worli. T'u. t-e v.iiilL any thin-; in his line will do well to ctU huS eiimine his stock before laws.iig, ac t.e p'e.h:eiirnseif to bold out peculiarly tavuriM In--laierueats. . i Auju.n, IS, 134 ly. kai ia kill mm, - ; Ljj..uji.mimij i1 -i i-.'K ren ' ' ' ""' " ' ' " " ' . ' --- 1 " ' " " "t ' ttiufuciuro, is f ally w.i.T,.r.t--d i;t evrry j-.jrtia!iir. e above cat. iix Current "P.xrcl?. j a r.O-nt J vS ly PHILLIP-DEUirER, tain Street bet. F;r:-t and SeccnJ S:s Keep' e'. tn -y ( l:t. 'l the b fi;'-',''.!y rf. CilEWlXli AM a KIN S Ii G I I S , S. C.sr?;J?, Plain ar.J Fanry, OtNjt, R tisci-.s. Lumens, Doles, Figii, .7.i, -tyj'ies. Sic, be. CVz?;; r, c:!; and l Osfii'li. miLL is accommodating, r.b i ; u'. Va riot.rc ..i r:t wide atvak to t be iuterest f the jt. i.e, at;d ha :h host ans.rt i;v tS of uvicti .r i:: 1ms i'.no ever ro.i in th's niii'ir-t, Mtidii dttrc;;ii.Td hot to be undersold i r CASil. Cash Who!e5a!e anJ lU-tall Dealer in MEDiOIKES AD CHEMICALS,' . Pahj's, Oils and Dye Stuff, Pure Liqaos fo ?,Ie3 Ic:il FtrG3 All hlvAi Patent Medicines DE.YTdL AXD F.LYCX GOODS.. Blank Ecchs and Sta'icneiy, The bet brandi of Cheirga;:d Siookin TOBACCO AND SEGAHS, InltBofali olorn. Perfuricn r.iiU Toilcl Goi!?. ' Ko ngjturei bis r.atron, -sr.d tl-e .ubli, vent n!iy. he will kep on hiii.d m exit'o--v i'i c'; , T mj, nr tiele? iv titi Tc.i, bc-iu.- ni'thii:f and ewrythin usually kt-n' ir f C-.-t e! .-s lrur Sf.v, vbj5i he ii i-rejiareii to at iow ratea toi C:ich. t'-li ai.d Kxuiaiiie f.r youriv.-if South-en;t Corner. ?. Ia :r: tru! Fir-iSires-b EroT.'iivilic, Ncbrr. i itsii ttUi.ri 4.t,i4 v..i.:.3 Carcful'v t;.!od n ' ;;! u s. i h h 7!? rav r r-f h'i .V::7r:?-'TAL rr sv.T-r'1 r t iinvvrf.-nt r --'i : -r, ir bar- !, .f 1 whir h it fvc! t-', and t t'.e Iirnli i:.; -it.-i!:d iitsrury t..i'-r,f T t!-i bl.-'-Ctt i Mi).-'.-ri.s jr. No j'liblii r-ti.-n he- r v-L:v h.-:-:, iu fhijivoun'ry, ?o ft-i'-'uiiy c. nd free), ia (f the d.-ily new.-;.; rr l.!-r;iry t- ::e ot tho 1'r--t-chi-very vert.iin tba- n. tn i a e rji;Ke t it r-oiitrih'if- r.-; .r ) ) : ;: jirti'-d t he er.e; c ;.;-r -.vii'i the hk'h- :a -!it:'l ; aii-.i ii i; h ' ;ivt-i vv : 1 .-r rv i i'.-'''if e , la olf'fly freia the raiTo Ce'i-.n. I 'I liinoc ;,!(. r irnu !) .- i ir- v ( f the '.re-. !;!. a . ; h jt-nrn-ii is eili.r n i,v.lr in the b-r.- jr ii L ti io. 'J'ti;..! the t ntin;' i.-- n t !'. laiTcr ' is i'1'i-t..i-vt'v f vr. !.!). d bv what il hs d r-. ile:-! :;: of i; coiifcl 'n jnai'y in-jtt.tnt in the ehar;iier .n:d T;or'er ot liiil.i tv .nr.. i tuora w ho i.rj it- stiiLiit h.'st sr. oortiT;. l l...(i; I . ; 1 1 Put le ii'ore tr-tn a yrat 1 f Vr.- e," in e the Contitiental wa- tl . t e.-o'ih d. i' ' 'da it: s that time JH-ouin A a ..!'.Tr,"l; ji.d a sb;--i--fmee cleVntir.r; it to a r- ;-"tj, Tt j:tr a-,!.ove th.a pte vi uAv (M'ciiri - 1 a tre;-i th M. d a j.'Miic'd .i;T.:a- vHi.ee vlcvatin? it. 'o a p.-yiH-'n t'nr a Love '!'.:. t pr VI '.11 y o ci;:'H' i!m- ki; .1 in Aieri-i.' iijio-Kio! vh.-h pssitli .n we il.'l! i '.-: : re re: '.:.- i tenii-.i! t;. the to!!. 1. Of i's . ,!; :il in ui; hM f.'-rin. !! ne 1: ir. ;i i ireLhatiou of e t-t.ndri-d i:!t l i hot: - 1 -id .-. . 2. Fr m i?s !t'erry d ;.r;:.r":t . .-rir.! v f.-w n v !. MAt!i': 1 1 i l'i; nt n::l.-, s--!d t.. :.r; v t: .t. ( !V-f:ve :h-u vi co In t... I'r Tv.o oilier si .1'. - f lis literary t ' boon ret-ubil.-hf d in book form, v.; T' ti-n of a third is already in p:. '. No more :ei tiusiv o f.iets . nc-rd fcn ilU'-'K'-d to i.rove tlo! the exee.lrnev i fr.e c nti i ..ei;. -'s r i ;!.e 1 Continent. d, or their c.i:'io-.i;n;t-y p :r:! ) ity: :uid it conductor? are dete: n.inj'J. that i;, .-o.i.'r uot J ili b..hJi:d. I'revervin-r 1 1 "i!ic bo'.daes.s, i- ir and ability" v hu-h a thoiii ind jriiiru.vls tiaro nrtrionti d to it, it will rei' tly cnhire its circle id' a. ticn. and di.-cus fearlefjly aoo trinkiy. evtire. prinendo iu uolvi'd id the jrreit fjiuti'..us uf the Oay. 'Ti:e first ndrrds .f the oenntry. tuibraeiro. tho rn -n most fs mi liar wi.h is d-pbuna-y nnd nvst d'stingui.'-hcd fir nhiliiy. are ataung its coiitrioutt.rs; 'od it is no more '!hilferir-g promise of a pro.-pi ttus" t-jt-ay ihatliiis "uiM.rcziu lor the titnes" will employ tn '.lie firt iat'.-heH in Amri -a, und x auspices which no fub;icat:on ever eejocd before in ti is country. "U l'.'la thvi Continental will exj-re.-s . decid -d oj.inioiis '-n the jricat qut.;;i(.i.S (f.ihe day, it will not be a mere pub tie a I joarnrl;. mneh tho hirtjer .portion of its columns wii! be enTivcned," ;is bcrcto r r, by tales, poetry and humor. In a word, the C.nt'iienial will be found, under its new stat? of riliior-.""eu1 yin.' ados t;on and prescnlii; atr;w tious never before found iu ma '.nine. , . .TKIiMS TO CliUnS. Tiro copies U-r nne ycir I'hroe copb's f.r oi.eyoiir, ' Si Y copies for o,;.j ye-jr, lllevcn copies f .rono yenr, Tiveniy colics for cneyear, i PAID IN' ADVAKCE. "v filh) 1 i .no Sl',1'0 IVatte Tircnty-fuur cants a year, to be paid by the tiiiLcriher. sixai," coriEa. Three d.lara a ytar, in advance. To-taa paid by tho ullisher. ' ' , JOHN F. TKfV.Y. 50 Green Pt., X. Y., ' - i'uh'.i: her for the Proprietor. As cn indueement to new subscribers, tho i'h lislois oii'.-rs tho f.iHowiri.-' liberal prcm'U:a: Any p r-, n r.-mittin 'J, in advance, n il! receive the nmpttiina from .inly, 1m'2, to danuury. lio i thus HH-.ln tb-wUolo of ilr. Kimball's and Kirke's r.ow friM 1--, wbLh are alone worih t!io Jirice cf the gubscriplii.ii. Or, if jre'ored, a ?ah seril.pr can tke the mity:alno for 18i3, and n c. pv 'fiti:t,; the J'incs," or of "Und .reurrcnt." of Wall Sue t," by Ii. li. Ki nhitl, h-.-ui I ia' cloth, or of '-.-hMshin-i iu ' Thoui;'at," by Cbaxje Godfrey I.td.Li:d retatl pii.e, $125 Tbo book to b? s-u"t pcrtngej.nj. Any person rcra-ti;ts 4 51, will reecivethe nnga ' zlno froia its cmmi n -c;i;er t, January, ISfiJ, to i Jaruary, dS-if, tun? s.i.-urins Mr KiuabnE's'-Vras j Aetuceessful i"and Mr.Ki!ke'g4,Amon2th3 Pines," . and -.'derchans Story," and nearly 3,000 octavo 1 pF!C3 of the Lest literwiuie in the world. Premium ubferibers to joy their" cii pottago. ; . , 1 - t .- ' - A A. kW.ll l ilt . 1 ' .1 : , 4.1 f t ('.-Sell J, ,'..r..1..r..,v,i!B. 1;.!:o iV(T3 I Iiju f ll'i M'C l.O V ten. at'-d wi-.U it the buoyant Jyeiirx o. l.M.ia ? .i.a. Wha is trt:e a;:d w cr-rgut n tMs u n . :n;l o'n- ; n'-i true in l:i!inv or u.v o.v. seated a.'i oai -ro-'s i!ie;.v rvs Te f-'n,!';".- live cii it cxpeis ti.em I i.l. -eu OV fhih ur 1'i - uui- i! taac'.ior.s ol vi. !. . .. t i:om li-Htl!!-' 1 1:' iw,m.t- in nunc ol tos piinctpal chief, and 1'iuiu ctt.'er vcil-knowu puhc , poisons: Vest a Forvardlnj Mrrrhnv.t of SI. Louis, Fib. 4, lSi,;b Dr. Avert- Ycnr Tiii-- are the parr-jrorc rfall that is pcr.t in racclicine. They have c;nU my littio , c-an' 'Lit r cf i icoit-rs Fen s u" on her huiul and ieit that had ptovtd incund'e iorcais. Her met her b;-s boeii hu.-r nivvctith ain.ctcd v.ith b!oches m-d pifftiics cn her fkin i-;;.! ia her latir. After our ciii-d was cnitd, the chy tiitl yenr I'i'ls. anl U:cy Lavtcuicd her. As A ioiiOKIUOlk . Ai i F!in- Fliysic. rrom Dr. E V'. C-:rxrriyht. AVf Grteinf. Vci'.r M:'s ara the ptince of l:i-.. s. 1 heir ex cchert niaiith-s (-rrt.-.es anj c:-.;li;iii:e we pi.:-?v. 'd'! cv'f uMvilh I 'tt verv cm ti iu nnd vii'ectaal in t!'e,r r.ti.v:' on li e t-jV.cV. wi.icli mokes theia iuvaiuaUa to i.s ia the ilaiiy tieat.nci.t td dittai-e. Pv.'.n !::-. Avi:h: J :;; i.i.t rn--v.-r yea tr?int CC-o'. I h.r.o vo':r Pit is Uf-.er ti-aa to t?v ::! t:::! a-'j t nail rt i ;';.'' illva v:, -li- clue: 1 pltce :c i c. t.-coo.' v.i tnat c;.ci.::il C-;! "'. c" n rr.y th i'; oi'- t ' ih lil-case, m d le hi i '. r-s I ii. that'votir 1 i'.V r.f.'crd us the Lutt xi hiv.J t-fcorsv value tlK'.u hildy. riTTSSt'HH, Pa., -day 1, ' Pk. J. C. A rnrt. .Vin 1 hue h'-cn Vci-atvct'y cuiviu'''t! e (cv' r.i:;. Lo.'iyvan P r.c by a ii;-c ia-1 v f x o'.r Piils. Ii :i;s t.i i.hc liCia a iul f io;oeh. v'hic'.i it:-.'" e'eat.fe at once. lours t.-hii gitat lfipcet. 1 I. Y 1 III--. I.E. , ( A rl. .! tuinr d'.irun. IiiIio:si I5rr7!rri Lit -tCo:JipI:i-'its. Fro---i Dr. j7. ''. cAVre Yor!;Ci'tj. yi io.i. ate joar lii:.-;:Oitiiii.:.;.v fi'aptvil t. their I-u.-v i iia :.j i iei.t. I tit 1 liod tixir Pei.i.itiiil t.I.ets ojioi the bivtrwrv iaail: d ienecl. 'li.ry I..;, a iii lot pncic" p-o-.ct' i lore- t-'h-c'ii:'! for tho t urc of l.fiuus c""i:-:,i'i!3 than cj. oi.e mncdy I t jn ti:ejttiu 1 fiiifcrvly i;oce lhi't v. e 1 ate tt Jct.gtli i. pitri'ativ e v. i.icli is tt ci i t:y the c ufclidetce oi,' the piclc toit ri d the l coiiic IfPr.T m t;;t cf TTtr IrrrraoTt. 1 V.'r.'hin.M.ji-, 1). C , Tiii t'eb.. J Sm: 1 have ums our Pi. is io niv g-iu ral and l.o-p:tr.l pn.ci tee -over Mitce ;ou ri:i' th-m. and t-:M-!. l.cMta'.o to tey th- v i.ie ti: best caMiaiiio ve ta filov. Pl.i-ir ro;-;;';--!; s-ction ou the liter U (itih-k i.e. 1 dec:, id. cxoio'tet'ti , tiav ere liu au v i-::t.'e li-iet'iv f- r ;.-:?! ;;eritii:s c t . : t orgsn. lt.dx-eJ. 1 !i:txc"f'.-.xioni 1 oii'.o a c-t.-e cf -iiirus tiis ;v.j i-j ob.-::oatc tirt.t it old r.ot it (t-!y t i-hl to tuem. IVattmulIv yot.r--. Al.C?.Zt) P-ALf.. M. 1)., . . i-.'-it tj' t.,c Suirmc llo'pital. Uyvnfrrr, Zll.-.xi ittra, Worms, iVora Tr. J. C, '..-. . t, ff Vh'.cc. Your I i ls hrve l.:d a loi. tnrl in my practice, R "Oat ll ti I ill I --cer . to x xm ...v. .y. rxu- ct- I have ever found. 1 i.-ir tsu-fatr.e eitvct upon tee -iter m.-' cs li;. ..1 an excellent n-met'.v, v hcti je. ,; ii; r mall doses lor .'.'Vlo.- .uunu)uldi,tr- 'o t. 'their (-n-tir-co. t i..:.Us them very no end I ho:.: tS ttt in c-tei m one oi t..e bc-t i-;:eii C. ptiible V-l.ll Cvll'.tldvlit ivi" th-.- mc Cl t. ciucu ana cLihisce. SiTrr-sIn, Ipiparily of t!:? iKIactl. r:-ev.-i AVi'. V. II A;-;-.;. Pt.!.'.:ri-JVt CAarc":, AV:,of. I n. Ayl" : I brvc n-ed j onr Pil's v. iih c?:tra cxrtii.of.ry i i;cces in my iui:.!'.y tndvsnong those 1 r.i:i Called to ; -ii in C'Miitr.. Txi r-'ia'ide li e ortna.s of .i,'i.tm bt i ptuity the I Vou, li.cysie the very lc:t k m-fty I tunc'cvir known, nt d 1 can coi.U Ctcl'.y lt-eoniricou thii.i to my i.k; .). Ycuis, J. V. nniihi. . VT.x rtUAV.-, rrvomti-ir Co., X. Y.. (Vt. ti. I! it I loin r.-i; g oi. ri'rthiiitic 1 li.s in my rrtic-tice. S'l.d in xt ti.tm iln exceih-i:t uigatite to can the t.vstci.1 and r'.'ri:' fhe fn.nt.vut tf the 0om)7. ' JotlN (j. yiLAC 11AM, 31. d. CiMNjp3i;on. C't lirr"r, Vnps'iroon, i;?5ViiMnii-ii-i. t-xi, Ai-.r.:gia, iUrjpwy, Ii:':i!; wij n its, ;;-. f j,r j p'ynwjhn, .Vu..'v', Otw'-i. . Too t..: c 1 c:i;iot lo'.-:.id el o.:i- l'hls tor tha cij of x'. li cihc.- cf our iVr.te: taiy have 1 -nun! them as ( .hcac.ous v.s I 1 ate. tney should join me iu eoci:.i jii.ig it. lor the hi: i-nt of ih lauhitudt v.bo M-.tU-r dif.a ttet '.'!:? jo. i ;. t , t hn-'u it.:!.oi'-h I :!!!-:, ii, iiolf, ;t'.c 1 '.; :.i'c ofi.thers tint t .-,r. . I i x e ve v.N.'o- -' 10 i.:;ir.ui.- in the j: tfVl-ut jouri.t.s v.h..l thai oicua ui.xt cui tha i iloe:iS.x" " ' I iVo;a .V.-j. L. Z'.K.irt. rV'.-A-ois out? AfhiVrc, ..e-'-ia. I fle.d one or two hive ! e' of year rills, tal.cn rii:.e u or time, r.te o.e. ... -t j.rv:.-.otiys of tha m.zttir.ii .-.. tto.e tth 'i v. h" :y 1 r partuo.y Kitp- ta'.f. I i:d i.fit) Very to'.e.i;-i it e, ice i:ie :.- ,.(... .1 suid ?! i'r-s. 1 hey are so io;:cli too-h-est ph sic nc have ti;;.l I ic-cmiaviid no oii.tr tj 1!IV pj.hc i.IS. Froli rAc.AVf. -Dr. in.rlet.-rf the 2Uho.'Mt Fp's. i it. Pvr.AeKI Ior?F. S::-.iM.r;ili, Cn., J.n. . Ic-",l. Jltrova t M:i: 1 hvu.: I e ii!i-;at..-tul tor tbo rci-U'totii shi'i l::.s l::ce; ht in.'. 1! 1 did nr.ticpoit inv tHse to ton. A cent setta-d in my hints a:.d liu.ii-bt on 'extract:-.!'!!!: vtru!ic ,-tins, tth;c"i r-udh.i in throv-.c r!. i r:' a ;.-;;. Notv itbstandti r I 1 ad t i.e Pot of J-Pt sie ';..s. t'.-e dl.-'ei ciexv vtorMJ M.cl hcim., nntn by the r.d.iee of toar excr-lient i :.t iii r.aliin.ore. Dr. .M: ct ie, i trit-d ytiur l i.;s. 'INir ellex ts v.eie mow, bat urc. Ity er-"ttvt-tiii' in the use of thx.ni, 1 t in now entirely Will, f ;:xatk CuAMOFTt. P.rdosi Tlot'e. I.n.,fI).T.,l". Da AY Hit: I hi'.te bet-U ciito-..-litti:ei!, by jour pi , J.ii, .iniflc (.cut ? pt t-.py hefi- ethpt Las ahhcicd me far tears. YiNt i-M SL1D1.LL. C7-Mo-t o'the P.lls in Matke-t cr-i.tain Mercury, which i.hno:: 1.! a vt.'uebie rt-n.d;-' in i-ixi'lid h ints, is dun;'.': t'u. ia a pith ic ) lib it mil th- tin tallu! con- k l,e--i that fteorieouv io!i.. it.: ii cr.ui'ors lire. 1 .'.e c ntuiu lixj'iucicury cr uiiivrai tiuUtance v. 1 -it ex' or. Trice, 23 ccr.t3 per Uox, or 5 I? ore 3 for SI. rrcparel by Lr. J. C. ti Co., Lowell, Lliis. fii'i n pv V ..I. it. i :...:.!. I , . : 1..i3. ;. a. p.i.'.'WN a p.:ii.. rem. ' lr.(!.t-!'. r . :-.!-0!. Jt'Iih" '.V. lii'i.V o: P.ilO.. : ..k:n. ll-M.T A St")'!' 7. s City. I.F.W i A MIKi iiMil!?. St. Sr jhens. IlAr-J.llV A tsULIitll:, lie!-.. . vR-t:5? IV r E Alt IZL S L X 'S. ILLUSTIUTO KuSPArrio. - Attract :'v? Featere. Tbxv ?..T0 Pri.e N'-rtl The t.nlf Ih-twe-n Them, by Mr. Anni: S, 1-tej-hef,-i..A.itho-e-s of I'.ubb-.n and liai.ii.c," 'The K-jec'ed Wif- &c. Ia a Idi'ioi to its u.tiaot'-r.s: as tho CrH and nicrtSiUthcr.itj Ulus'r.ited Pajer in 'Am -r tea, snr-;-a-.inf all ' th.-rs in Hie van;.:?, uemri;;', .'t id la-t're.-t the nnmero-is i'ln a -;tti ns vthkh it o!Ar-. Fraud L slit's !liuiratd N .v.-pap.:r wid be-iain No. ), dated .linn u-v ..0, Is;'. 1, the tbri'.lia.' and nb?orbio- n.-v 1, 'The" Ouif dlctwrni them," v.rit teu by tiie trrent iiovoiis, Mrs. Stephens, wh. .: "Pushion and Famine" hni 1 p-r t-i'vu'.ition than sny oti'PT purely l';rrrry in t 1 .fotrd:iy. nnd .was rejtirded.as do nn-wiy a vt'-tk of Ih.-ti n that it Was in t only rej.ulol.-h -d ia I.t.rl.ind, but was translated into aliuoft every lan -u.-jo of Lu rope.. 'Ihe vi'ze cf Jo f flO. offered with rrnru iber olity by the i r..priet r f..r the b-st nov drew fotth n b ss "than two bun. bed w-.rV, 'ryof hem ol'reat me it. . Ai'tm: those, Mrs. Stephens' nvI was s Ice ted, :s evidi-ntly furp.assirt,; ttnt only ;iii etbets i,Q -red, hat alnnst every th ire fiiihcrlo tnhlhhel. It is fully e;nil to 'Ta-hiouaad Famine." andVill be es widely rend. It will he of irr.-p.UT interest, from the f.ict that thescena inlaid in car land and . our ovn time;; and in dcHey iti n of ch-t Meter nnd absorb: nj pe.Wir it will f..se;r.at.o oni charm the r-adr.: Se.h-eri j tion f.it.aO per year. Address FMANK PUSLll!, 72 lUi.t.ie St. N. Y. Cot-ies id th-v pt," r containing the conimeiice nr'nt and mntintvittou f Mrs. Stovhen-i novel, "The Calf Hettveen tbetn," cap he bud f iny'NjvVb deahr in tho Cnite.J Star oj or Arltkh Pretinecs. C;!aI.T by the b-iTl or pauaJ, Fine liairy Sail, tor At aTc-La rc ii i. i h 5c S'.vmn's. TjiC'x i-'LS bv ii.o li. zi it to barrel, vt a saperl n iai X iiy, ci lia' j; at iy on ban 1 At IdcLt -oni.iv A Swas.s. TpL0l.lt, Bulter, i:?c-, Bicoii. etc.. bte.. i- -At IlciL.iu,-:bliu ch Svvr.n's. CULTIVATE ItS. S.-ynr-s, (had es, Kaics, Hoes, Spa.Iss, Stiove! ., fe'e p.c., At TJ c La vtfch: In & Swan's.' PA1I.3, Tebs.'Kcss, Wa-hb ja.ida. Kee'er, Cti.U:'n'a tubs and WbeeiLirrc.vrs Jit aJcJhuslilin & 8 k an's "tTTJEU. is tick 1 :-ts, Cbiinm, Sieves, M jnso . Tiin, j wV Clotbx" Pin and CatJIe Koip i t';c bnV, tkev nr,i ret i'ii--, ond itii ity o. li.em vutc-y, ccml bv the u.nte means. o;.e vno-ki-viv tho tinne- of these 1 iiis, wid iie,-lwt to- employ thciu i...-. M-fiLi.-;. -it from tho dlsoroVrs the" cute. L. .....i .....iiTc'i'rr ni ii.r 1.4.1m. Mi.iiutractnrerJ Afnt Jur the sale of Watches, Chains, Ccc, &c, To be sold for cite Dollar Ehcu, witliout rc'arito t!c . " SPLENDID LIST, 0.' Ar-ie.es al to be sJ'.t for one L;oll ir l-arh. laa tiild Ii-in' ii!t; Cv-eu Watches, - ach ti i xAjre'. o.- - tit' eaeh 2'SJ Lihc vrate-hes. 0: 0 Silver ' - - F.n.i n .ntHiuard. Te- and .nate!?in .-, ,,.1, 15 each OSains. - - - - $15 to CO eo& 10C0 Veit.- KKkf C uard an.l.Chatttlaia Chains. 3100 CmciCo Brom-i.PS - - - 3:00 if . . saie bm.V Jet T.-ooches 3,;!H) l-iv. anil Florentine Br.vcPM - 3. 00 Coial. tiarn'" ICiueraM Erocchc?, 3yn Cameo Ktr rroi, - 3:ni0 (iurnet it-iie aat Jet Ear Drops, 4'.K'0 Lava a.no ''.ureniiue tar h'rops Ueiits'SeaM iVtiS, - " -Good Cnain ana DiiiJ UraeeleLs, 3Cot) (.eels' ffetits Pins, 31'CO V.'dUb Keys, - -tOf.'O Fob ate.l itibton Slides, 7000- its nf H i;-'ii Studs, - - " -9000 Sleeve C'lttofs, - - SiiOO Plain and Ct ased Eicgs, - -7iir-0 Sterne Set liio?s, -70'.-0 iliniatnre l.o,-Kefs, Crosses, -ti'OO!) Sets LaOies J. velry, f. to 15 cacb 4 to fcati 4 to 6 ca'h 4 to 6 eaeii 4 to b eacri 4 to G each 4 to 6 each 4 to 6 each 2 to 6 Kith 3 to JO eactl 2 to S each 2 to ti eaih 2 to 6 each 2 to 6 each 2 to 6 c?eh 2 to 6 each 2 t 6 each to I t e.icb 3 to 15 eth All et" the gj;is iu trie ut ove List will b s..l.t, wi:h oiiv re-e vati .n, t. rOoe Dollar caeli. Co-tit! cHlos.of all tne vatiotis articles are placed id simitar euvniopes and sealed. Thes'is enveiot.es will be sent by Mail, or delivered at our otf.ee, wituoiit'iettarJ to cbol-e. On reeeivinga Cortiac.ite.you will see what ari: ;e it rep resents, and it is op'i.:ial w'UU 5ou to scad cue dol.ar aa.i recoie the ariii'io orn-t. In all tiatis-ictioi.s by mail we shall char : for for frardii tb Ceitilica'cs. j-nynj; v jstaiit. an.1 u.ia' the busn e-s, SVeewis eaeh. live Ctitiiicat will be for $l; Eieveu O r Tturtj tvrfi; S.xty-ilve lor $10 iiu-l Oae bua.lrcd f tr $15. CiiRlitt PuNDKN TS may reiy npou a quick and prom ut answer to their orders. (er buir.oss is cn li.tiril opoii itbcrttl, tmnest, straubi torw.rd,priii;i:e, a'..I tt e C'l irantce satisfaction iu all ra-es. -O-.r i . rmis mav always depend wpoa havinjr t'.ieir or?: f iiih" fiiity and pi.nctoally suppiiod. la no case tviil Corrcs-pi-n.!ents bv nt:ie ted. j3--"Con o; j;. orients should be careful to write their siuaturcs piaio, owl jjlve I heir Pot Office, C-oooy, uU 3;ate. A jjiCss, OkO UKil Kill T t.t O., 2-t itruaaay, Xcv.- Tori. 5TJ H tvins had business relatlcni wi;h the above geiiticmeii. I ta'tie pii a-ii.e in syinc toa; tney re twaoT'o. Ui.rt T'it men, and ovf irni nil they pr..nii .-i:: and the Jettelry 1 have seen ir - ai there isjren'iinojoiid Sives sUaLti-.rK li. O TltOltlT'-OX, n47-tf N .ir '-r-y i-. i y,-b. PRUSPECTUS F0IU1SG1. ti c m - friz t r-x 3 Ail Indvopendont j0.cniccrat;c Dai ly, fc-cmi-Wcckly r.r.d VccIiIy Kevrspsper. UNION OF THE WORLD AND A KG US. Tb-a 7ohl. M wl:Teh the Xe-V York YT.-ekly Arn has L i i in i'cd, has .to-day nvo tin.es the ag'j;r?-r-it tir.'u'aii n of f-.ny l'eru.vratia or cotervat;v.-r.tw-pttper. I: ai-Jy-.-s'-s w 'chiy a!u.n in -.re thau IliO. ;.'() Sul-.-'crio-is ijied ef-n.-faut purcba.-frs. and r.Mciicf at h'.-st half a Dfihhh.n readers. "Vi:b ihc irji .'v jr.-'r.'-e in : .r-e.; id-.e r.i-i-h it no-v enjoys., th?;C r.JmUtrs v-i'l .-r.or) i.e (h-uoi'.d. Xotbin-r less than ti.is .-h-.i'i-.l f.tti.:y 'ho.-e wh Irlieve that the only h' pe oi r- jinj th? lnh.n and t! autbi ri'v of tbe-Cori?ti'uiiii:i over a now disiriieted and di vided cotin'ry, "lies iu wresting power frera the !::iris of thi.so t tt; !t;-."is;n h is heiptd to provoka. invite, an 1 pr -m the war: ou I tha; to acewuplish this m-l,it. tiienji is f- t-T--oiivo .13 tin dUn-dcn throu?l shle v.v.A e-it.:f-ri.-ii:;r tie wsp-; t.-.-rs. uf s-'iin.l , . ii-ie 1 '-xri Mt ie f;i'i-; th v, m--ii. the thir.k'nej; v.'ii. at.,i thj vorir-ctceu of tha North. j.::,i-rj-!..-e. i:. i:;-".ry nnd in.viey will he libeilly expend t ii'ii.'-.e 1'ut Vi'orid th? l.'et Newspaper in Ac'.erh a- I : -i :e.vs fr.-ti; every purt of tfrt tv.-rld wiil b" enly and t;the:itic. Vl-erevt-rthe t-k ji-aph cvt.is, or ri:!r'. ds 1 tin. r stimh it p!y, it trill father tho latu'. in'.'.-l.tjj.ei. It b.n a If-ie t.:T aceol:: : lie J Cx T I c-1 .. f 'k ' L ? r.tl. U'l ti.O iC l-rfai . . 1 .-, . . anl...t.-..vvh tV-,ir-.i .... lJ.- c u t- .a.. ! R--s trtrn tae va-nms su's 01 war. It has carids- j onckfs ;:nd repot l-r? ia t-tc-rv j li'-c.l a:--d : tt:- iei Cv i '.rj ;- AVicri'M and V. , ... 1 , ... and d:.sut.he lii leave S-thi ioiti)' tf n;tc to its read. Ike .'hitkel teports cf th-? .tr.- n-oro ?pm- .;:i.i -;id--:itu n .f th-j kii-l la 'tho w.-r: !. In com- j .V.v.- n.. a'.-r.r;-.... . S rh-te than those- ot any th-r ev.;-p.r. T ,:;.:,..-x tho r iol utmi the j obilchcrs d.siro to ; A ii 1 -a.-t-r? 1 -::hcr cliii r.-!kl,t..-s invite cmi-a.-isou m th.s r.-.j cei. and p-m? j ..j ;,;ir.Sl.i,:j t its clairasAS ' I at the to! of i-..-'i::.j "''.,'.;'!; to there: ovts of t.'.u (bttilo Markets, tha j, 02 oral ar. l eoa.uiy Prduej M.irh -ts, ,-ia i the Money Mar kets in its 1 htio; i- a-. 1 roof of its ei.-o leu.-3 ia thi r.e-e-e ett. Ti;- :! ii .s bls a .ne-i.il de; arini.t'if iiVeted U) A;.ix iitittfu', t'hed with edi.'oritl nr'i hs c-iiiiLMiideati in from practical farmers and ni.chaa o'S t-f th? era 0 try. 'i h ? war i.i w I i-h the nition 13 enipri-l .trains' ariiud and in'.-. t. n't-l ikhtls,and tha radh-al i liey of t!;e 11 dini.ii rr 'i 1. tvhi th pro! mt it. !i if-. co spin-d tc brlte tei:tlt-:r ujea one plat form nil ca-i-rv.U;.ve, b i'.i.'ii lovirfi and Con-titmhoi-lovi ;-ti;-.ii,xd wh ov-r forner nvue arid crcvl. Many of tL.-so i.L j w. ih in the limits the Constitotiou. tku-'h.t the b.itks of ':.a ballot lux uv.der tb- 1 :t t f th..-e i.'.tti .fie s.tt-sinOit of ti i.tr an.l better days. Henry l i: y and Po-nie! Vith.- ir, t--;- -rher v. .r. the i... -scs v.h pr'n,:Ip! vr .o 'l. -? :! .. i.-. h -. ,ts ts AiiJr-.-..- .' a .-.s.-i. -1 v'ii!i.:a 1. M..r. v. ? :. V;1V f nnd St : n A. lk-i !.!-:. n -xx '.:r.' .-he -dder to . h tld.tr n i ;;:! i..i'ne ph.ii'..r.n ! i t ' -i-.r-: 1; o Ii r.:or;. an-i x-:.A r i! t b: ?.:;. .;ii vs. -. hriferr ihc ( '.-1 f ,r this cntl, !l c.t' r; '.f f -. r.-e i the ..'.I-v .-f Th" tVe.rh'. v.;i! :i-iv.ir- ! .h '"ever -;.;i..,: ir,Th3 ' ' ? I Is wdl p til- twry ft t:'-.y to the I , : n, v.-l.c:h-r ar-r-'-i 1:1 ret. ; .,;.o. ;-. : o;- a io.-'. t..-:y p.au- .- -.u ot xlifun :cii a:, i csacr.'.:..; .:.- y.,'.y at I :."." N i-!.h. I. . ever.-vi ht-h-i -f P't Const bu'i'.r v.hi-h ..i:'z : -r h ) x--y.:T h -.hi' U .d-e,;:- v ; v. v:.;y auth-a i y .r .ili-rt;;; or vv.-xp.'h:u tao ulio eh.ree il So-eh. 1; widi-v: .-e .-v ay 1:."-;.-";. ii of i.2 Law. in hit;', -ia isir in Pet.!-', l --.-i. !..-s i.d lull--rnoi-d p ;im ns. or '-y lac ;:d. nlc:t'..l. an wa;ca inij le-ja tac:r cx.-.'io i-. It vt.li fe uks.-dy ex-r::se the Frerd on of the Pro.-s : il t ill ; ns'..-.::'!y tii.k.dd and del. ad Fro ! d t: oi Sp- '--ti "i. ..- iTcoi'ifi .. t..e i a.;oi. ",' . in? l.i'vP'-s :e ts oi t .j .i.ini:n:.-?rar.a, it--, arbi'rr.rx- m.d uejo-t atre.-t? hnd ."Si-a-iiafier.-, if-d.-niai if the ri.-;hi to tax; tvv:t of iovl -as i'..ro us. it iii -al pre .dain.'v.i -a-, its at-rvi-a of S-.iten.i-.i i-vJ. rui i::ws. i: d-...-p-' ie -i- l.ioo'.i' io :s of r.a.:.'i!if-e-d .-w.-r, a s I its subtv.io.is f t'l J s.. if a r i - ct ,-i v;I a d .ritnaii liberty, it tv.il !. -'a r!y o,' -e the b-T'.-.-i- a.-.tt the s;.'.".t i f our sat;r.:uJ 1 1- ':id the adv vvy of fc'.-ui.d d-K. trine, ttt: tit Atoe;'i--:in fn-- ifii fcbxil l e roc v.t to the r v.;ry f ch--r r. its, their Iji.eriie-, the r Pitts, 'xa-i ta"..- l-'a''l tnd i.vl'. b:il 'd .ven.tneat, by the rv-ditlidc de-.-isio.-oi ti.e !;alh f. IV f. '!. l:y ;u:rr''l rvifh the di '.re toc ntri P,:;. u-t thas it i-ny to the gr'.'at work . f ehk t ;;-;-!,;-.: ;-:: ir 'y, to r--'. re ' -tr natlo-;.-! unity, an-t to ; Uee. ihe Fuif. d States rt:;.. n f r:n-:j- ?;a i :ic n:;.r.s of the t-nrth, tnd ii.s" il iha -f. pr-. - p.'iity, xtt.d by. pin ess of its jcoyh.-. I ; ". rid sex-ks tro:ti iho-e -,Vo d-vii o '.t h fhi-" ti;. ir in ai.d gaj pe-vt,ii. 1, nh-iva -li, ihs favor oflkmv. ii TFRaIS. DAILY WUIILD. Yearly Subscribers by mail SCMI-V.'llLl.Y Vv'OULD. Sin:;p snb-'eribers, r-nnnuua I vi'. e j. ics to u.i irt'ss Three " 4 f 3 C:i f d or. a tit 7 Oo IJ m, .22 0o i to . 8 0i Io M Fivo Ten ii Y LFfvLY VT0T1LD. Si5c Sabrcrib.rs, per unuuni Thr-te copied ad lrc-.s on each paper Five " Ten " " Tvv-?tiy eoyiie? til t.-x on; address . 2jf Clubs ot tw nty or over can have a ldr???riut on ra !i I'.ipcr kr ha additiuiul cbar-p of ten" cent ta-di. Pi.r every club f twenty an extra copy will be ti hh'd for the getter tin f the c'nb. Per every club of l.fty, i'ae Seriii-Vt'et h;y, and for every club i f n bri dr. d, tho Diiiy wi.l I sent, tthet: rr po stt d.in li u of t'.o extta coi.ies of Weeklv Additiotid to Clubs m vj be n.; le at aay ti ne -at sane rates. Papers cmat he :ha,n,': ?d ircni one Club to another, b it on request cf the pers.i ord r io;4 tho Club, r r.d rn receipt cf t fly cents extra, fiote paprs will be tahen from the Club i-nd 3. nt to a scper.ito addr -r?. All eriors mast ba acsosiani-H bv tb5 Cash. Address. ' Till-: V0P.hi). lh Park I low N-?vv Yoih. ' MOLINE PLO WS, rrT' '"? tr,- f - i s: 1 -j -Sixy O.a har.J and to strive at, D. A. CONSTABLES . Iron r.nd Gtocl Waroliouso, . 20 and 22 Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, MO Tea 21,r.2.-.-tf. A Sflendld a-or:n.pQt of C-iCieetienary iaciuxtn.g sack nnd liiucji fncties At Llclivuchlia & Pvraa's. hibiiiihuiJ lihii lui.h.J, A 2i.U i liii i.. T' e mr.it c tT rehen-ive mle: !! 'r,7 of usefv ! ir.nu-l.rd - r,.l l.btt"nl Lltcrat'ire. pTie,li-n!ly j. s,..,.,l inilK railed fi't-"l embracing ail t'.' f,.i tuti.3 .f a P.. lyievuui'j Ji-nrn-.i, Lo.nor.jo- jLj.Of-uoi Li'"-ry Ip..-it'r sn l Monthly Register. U.pe caUv devot'-d to Finnu'dal. Comrae-reii! and In-ia-triai Interests and all joint stock corporation coa cer1:?. ' ihvincj rriumenc;-1 lha rift ri Yob'.r.n r.f th'; lla-aiimT, nn.ee .ue-c cv:nc?3 that the e5 rts tj i's cotiitict-xrs have beto'appreciated by a d: -enud- to'th euinbi n-d with a dlvcrsi;y cf literary a 1 1 met Uj 'ii- sec u r i r? the serviced cf t?e t?3: t.ocs ia the Tvr.'.us ui'p'.rtaitnw 01 science, io.ej-cettre3 aoJ (ifiier d Literature. VVbite aiain? xacss es- peoialiy to render rnst eui elive scrvica tr th- i Trtds, Cciair-.erce and Material ProdtJetlt-n t-f th j Country, many sid-s of the Country, ia,-y st t of the mental v. ?il 1 ree-i ve due cor. -id ration t'.a historical, Critical, JL-thetWal and iK'-a-ioat Ire, as well as (he riaaoeial, Statistical, Ttchncliofti and strictly llcrcantilo. V, employ alike the ro seaeh of tae savant and h fancy of the f-uii?ton-ist, with the piae'.ical experience of the bakers man ai. 1 the worker. In tic treatment of jtkntiCc. tonics, the mode selected is tho p .i. ular in s.yla fritb-tr than tha technical. The menvil ph-ae old the hour it i-he.'I he our endeavor to portray, and -sz avail oursclve of tha cor.tributioas ot new LtiCo ery t the Cir.j; of Kuotvledw, aril, s'.niil r.i; rd wi'ih all prajln-ahie suoeincluc.-s Curreis Intelli gence, n'aicii will bo cf fatar nti!!:y and hi- t ';e intercut when tno Prsser.t vi-dl have bveom j the Past. In iTne. tho Amerieru Exehai.u and Iletiew is a desirable ana ever weleome m r,;L!y vi.-.ir. rtj 1 i- s j-uiribcr iinraiti? the richi:tj ol knoTt ie dt isi'jiravias tha tasto, aud fdrs:Li:; iatcll-ctuii gritiajH'i.oi. The l.rv'ojtr has its spo.;aUt"?3 in c'st'et and in creasii;? IK'partuie-Dt?, with aU?ner;;l Ihrisioa f.jr tho Wl-;Ct C-.'.-i-t ?copa 01 to. C T:VC s-cc;hhatioii r,f to; its vihie'i are the sohjcols eilhei of oec.isioruii -r rejahtr publicatien, vi: Ihc Arts, -Kef!;, ties: Agriculture, .4' piie.: Che3 istry, A ivhace.k-gy, BeIIe?-Lettors. liio raphy, Criti ci.in. fh'oi.omics I'olitkrd, Arithuicti National Taxatkc : Fi u j nee r curren.-y, Corporation uaiin luo.ie, c-u.u e-.4 . w t-r- mivr ihi t ne. ' ? &cter on tha pnrt r t-.e Ur;n bodycf rea.-.ers w..o ;., ,., f ? ti, p , ;i ? :- , are not yel u-.-r ics suhior!tion iisss. Oar pur- eT",. ,t '. "'''f v r.-o pose in ti; is publication is the dimtnath-a if crtc i; aH .- -- -1-, r.ractie:tl ir.f.au.ttionon subjects ot r.o?itivo atiii'y . rl- 'J"Wi.:-:v - . T 1 ...'! . f. ; . V - Arcouats, Eseiiung- Fkicluatiou.' ia Securiiio.s J Shall totU exccllsj lj 1 -Stocks; llist '-v. Industrial ci Mer.Tntlid eater- V.'e Lava vxr.ov..-1 ,-;r i . ' ... . - . ". :. . . T.. - -. - V.,:ur.,-. t - j Ti.--, ; n-'ur.' lien. i;.it:. uai io.i ov c:u. .i .c ; 1 v . a 4 Cant!?, Tcieifrapbs; Manafaet.irt-s Prod acts, tch- : Oi'! wsiiit. I eli.' " nok-y; Mhanics.' Mlnia-Mincrtl.y, Woh.-y. j Ff.(m Washiroc. ir.,.a rt Mtjtallary; P:il.-ns, I'DVircs, physioie-v, s,Mtstus, j ,r tve v;t::Jri 8, : soeial sienee; tnid :j foreign a.:d doiuesttc, shipping t ,.:.. i,.,.'.-!. p.. ,i . mercantile law, Navigation ; T-.-j ..ti hy, Travcti. j " V;)1;v pjn'in : i . SUBSCRIPTIONS 15 TUB USITZ STiTZS. n J t.r,r u-.i-.I ccr 'i'y .p,--' Ono copy, one year, f la advance 3 Pa I'ivo copes " ' 12 Oh Icn i. . i'o vi"i Yi'hcn paid at tha end of the y-ar, 4 1)0 p.?r nn num. na!ocjjy. aoipld copy mailed va the ra ocipt cf i cea! s. 10KEIGS SUaSCRIPTIONS. S-irglo-eopy per annaia postage jaid, Caradaj. . S3 72 Cuba, . 3 Tj, tivo-it Drha'n and Iiehind, 6 fni r rar.."e, 3 '2 (i'.Tmar.v, 3 72 VV.-st Indies, Tritisbl 3 2 W'ts'. Io-lies.-No' Ilr.tish. S ' Suu.h Aui-.-rica fV.'e.t tJoiutl 6 I' it HSWLEll, & J.iOON, Propneteri. No. jC t Chestnut St., i hh.idti hia. Pa. tiii: oiLAiiPlv .AxULiUuaA . FOIt 1S61 The T-tihlkhcrs if t : SIKNTIFIC AMCTlIfJX reso e'i-civ .-.v-! noiee tn.it tno 1 cat a ? t-rjruc ruc ! eve -i- r.ir -r.-i , N .-,7 S,-rit.-1 v. ill .-oij..i $. 00 t hi 'f ..-t f J.iiiti'fy To rl "re r;: ' - a'i i -nest. J hts iouraal tv-.s fs:::bli;hed in I hi. anl is I pa v. !.!- in'a lve.:. . r en ,:.. o;v l ;e ic -.-t Wi,ej v eire'ji.ited ji.i.i to ia en- 1 )r :.-r?. t .n - -. A JOURNAL OF tOPULAK SCIK.VCE. In this reSjCct it stands unriv.ui.d. I. n C or'y Ctds its way 10 aiiaot e-veiy vi.rk.--hp i;: tr. co- ntry, as ae earnesi frier. il.. f the iu-.-i.-ii.ic a .-l ur;z :'i. hut it is found in tha c wi .tir sr- r--..'n of the lu.iriu.'act 1; er i.r.d tho u.r-.ha-if ; ah-o iu- the library and the h.SoV.ld.- The to:V !.-li ers l-. i w.-.rrant-d in ".) in -4 that n other j-ur.:a! no-.v pah!..-he-.I vn-t-iii s j'.i cv.ti.i! nniotml ol UjciuI inf. rai : ih-P: vth.i-t it is their ana M 'jn-eut ail ouojc;ls ia the ato.-.t pofibir and attractivo aete.i.er. The Sicnilh: Aiii:r5..:iif. is publihl occt a week, r - r...... r i.t.i i;,. - . .1 .. i. '-. ,.. n'. .. . r , . . . 1 .'. ' 1 t : . -i I r o n . v 1 x . . c.--nti:ns siiteeu pr-ed cl uit..ul rc.u.iug ti-.tticr, ' ', h'l t -l. X; .,.'.. I' - ii;-;' rta;i I vj tuk, -i'. ,--s..a." ' . Kl'MFdlOl'S SrPENrin FNCRAVINOS ! rives, it- i ll.e ,,1,'',' '. of ill tiit- b.te-t aal bst iuveuti-m ct tha tlay. j J, t n.-. i -r .'-. . , 1 -.' . ' :rre the j..or. .-.! is w, 1 thy cl ?jM-eh'.l i.k'o. u, ihe: -.-: a. -. Mv. ry i.v.-cl-xr '.tai.is f'r :.: live to tin tr:-;k; :1 e-i- i t... 'p.::- -'. r.tt m-js o; ii.--.' i:::ei-.na'-x-:i'i..r,s r- . 10 e-ry a .- aitte.rit td' tho ur's. 1 hese er-';t'ii:.:s ai-.-; e.e- .:; , .,1 ca-Vd :-v ar'i.-is ev. laily e;.i. .. p f i n ihi ;::r;r, p;., ';; itid ate itt:i vei - iiiy a-I fl-w!:-i :cvl to be sat -n -r U tnvthi : i f li e hi;: i ; ; .--h.i-.v-i in this ecu :i try. i l.o ya'd.h:.r e 1 n a ? -ertiU : .leirt- an .. .h-.is-i I p r son?, as during 5 - 1 i:i.r t- "is, ili the l.-l- st t a ii:'!.-'Vetc-!.-s iu Ste;-.:a Ft.'.i.oetiii:..-, Vcr e.--e-i.-. i .. xh .1 ivllitiirv ::i:.l n-tvui 1 Ire ..."as . l-.e., 1 ---I-, ..i!!:,;;.:";::r :.; -:a--l; ; nrv, , :' v. ::c . -. ( . -r i '-..1; s att I -"ti r '!yd.v.a-;j Apptira if su-di-dd J itmm -' -. : (' . ';i:'-i ' Pie..-:'-'. id.-'',! i-.',Ch .oil ! ...I .'io.-'4- :0..:ii i : -.: u- j j '. -a . h -a ?- no-its i'oxi'.; 'da.-hiti-.-s, ani o-a-T Ciri-.u lavi-n- ! A n ; S. ':. '.. ir: 1 !.-- l- '-idesaii tii.i va: i.' i ;:?!..;: d?:l '-c-i to i ( ,v, ih- s, ;' T : 'i'.i.-.xii ike labor of i.a;eho.l, i;:-t oT.Ivir; in :4h p j ; ....p, ? v r ;' .-'!. j v ar-e use, i u: in -ex. ry place vv.;c-iO tua iu- j 1, . .,. 5 I4..': rv'- N- " ia" Iri-- . ; i he :!! p 1-. ;i .1. i J.-, -t. Tha-'Mti- '.,"' l:iu its e -mtad.ca u-ni. t'.ie :? n if att'Cti Xhe t '. -ii - ha bceu la.- e-trii-i; a-i.'oe-:c! cf ;'u? I! ,::;U o; ', .i .. a .-i x- '' American luvoneors, and the. Errr.iTeRy cr amikicas patent?. In fi i lio'- ria nt il-.f h .r.so vi:.ii;y e. r.ncct- t. ii' wttn v.). tho oiit mte-r-rMs ct the country, r.o .'ti.e-r j -tirn-1 can lay any chi'm vhct;-ver; n- in i-s e. Plain.- there is j.uoll.-.ie l. a we.-k'y t b;i-:.i; hi--; of i'i 4Cia:n4s" of all parcr.ts gr:.atcd a; tha U. S. l a'.cnt Otik-i. the rrtAcriCAL Rrcipr-s ?re 1 Tt ti'ns v-."h til re 1 1 the ?!.5?rl-cr iuu icv aiuouni oi wa...... y-':ir s 'ljef;j. .ij;i I Ell MS (IF .H'ilSCirrie.N. e t-o Vi b.iin-b of th- Set. nt'ole a?:', rvrm tf 'ib- . H -a-' !' !.-hu ft; n je.r. at 1.50 c -eh, .r "J ;.- pr ir.naa; ieuxk'-o x;;!i cotc.-i. nd:ir; bw teru? to C'.nl-:.4; i v.; P. p.y j Ihe ' : f.nr mot.ths s-.h-vription. The nan.''.rs t .r wh-..!;' ..a year, when bound ia a v-k-c-i.i:..:ii..r.- ; j wo.ecfc tw J . :.': tf u-eful inf .joith n. v .:: h t t. i.v'-.ei every no-oe-? it tif.e.-e-s. a f-.r vuluuo v. e'o:u::i'.-i:cc ta ihc- fk.-t -f .lat'iiry, li?!. C I.U 15 IS TCS. r Ive eor-i-?. for fij uionthi i t n . s. f r s;v nc ir.lla T-r; c-.pit for iw-.lve ..ha I utei-j! iv pic-, f.-r tw-ie month 3 I..,-! c : :cs, f. r tifeive in . orbs t- r all e: i;h.i of t . c-niy and over, the yaily ?rh- ! Sx-ri;-ti.4.a is niv 2.o:). Nan.-js cn h-. :.r in f doiV-rent tn;i-s prd frota diaerent Perl O li.es. pe-iaicti copies ftili bs eut gratis . tj any t; 1:: of Casadiuii ynbserilicr4 will i lear to remit 25 cent- j t'l :''"? 1 ''-'r ' cxtfA oa taeii years '-.l-.m '...a 'eip.-cfT po ta:,e Ml'NN'.t CO.; Pvbiisher. No. 01 Park lh-vr, Nev.-- V SAL1XALBA. Tlie Greatest Timber for ihc PRATEIES, TTs4 tt rr-.he" a rc-fct l-t-'t-e f-ro hi fonr yoyrs! ti'Oae Srreotit se t.:s f .il. m Cve yej.rs ttili ni.ii" evtiuti V. ! f..r 1 oe f'.nahy ! It ?r..4! 8:rr.b-hi. nnd very tall! f iT" lr neter sp.-. tr-;-i t .e r. o:s j be? t f rn cn d-,vn. wi'.I ere.v.- asain frota H:- mp.ix':' r:;.:.:;v oj- 11 n ma ucm boh woa tor . uei. er hlv L;'.cr parr ?t-r" vrbt-n kept otT lbs sr.turil, tba rail will last 3D ye-tr-it . rCr It cntvs anally wetl wiiU us cn nplaad, where IhiN rich. ;.s in the t.-,tt.,nis I H'f Cnt iin-s ei-.-ht inches long stuck in th2 srenui ia t e K:iM. never ffroxr ! 2-7" w'e se!t it f r i per itioasand CutCa-;3, coliv-eri-'. a Kiiynf i.ttr'A'Tfncies. ITT I'.-.rt ;es tt isUinj to lay. FhaP-t or ler eirij- 01 oar Ascais, so that they may r.c-t.ry u iu tiuu. Cb'TTIXuS ' Candied and de'ivereJ a- tha nhive p'acos.ss 4 S..oa as the If 1 rs tiil. ' :3. T. R. rT.'-iTT.U. jf ixxavii,!.. ir. Aieut for jretnabi a;1c i-t half 1 1 Rirl.ardsoii C-miiiaes. Cl ilTIS V VKAVKft. P.twi..,-' 4. or. r A'P-.tsfor I P- -n.irt .....I .. a.. V,..!, .9 ! ..H .v.. I"" ... : .j . -.i.. 1 r 1 i r . i.fit, v.. 1.1 1 j .-.'! -.-i.-.va. lUlV iilL TiNSUAa, Beatrice, is A 'Sit fr C.ige and-Jones r .rc'ies. J. H. EUTLSSa, Austin, Asent for Clay-and Saline Counties. xTr. -ir" r- XhTill r,"cTT ? r I ' ""5 1 VTf fetrn tb.it pxafy swamps of cormieo Vf ill w have j Ji'; V. .'--i.. ? . '. I I ecu Cleaned up. and fbe CutU-'J' sohl as iray Vil.'uw. j i-. v .a-i' v ' -v ,f '. H e net our "Aiii-w of s.Mrb'h iJWAi.Ui, tr I.a h -' iloiile, tllbitis, re?ponsiV!e Nu.-seryr.iaa. . T7- ' ' ! TTVP.IED Aolle ve -, - ' l)"':" . -arifxi iMrnH.iujo, itice, aiarcj, . a, etc, .c'-C., i e r , . . I- V i X toau. Ciuuie At IJcT aushlir & Swan' 186 1.. PROSIT 1 ; : ' T DAILY,' TSI-iy t Ibd wir erica is .. .... thu ii;.-.t-:.ry tf the Cnn. elude the return of " - i . p On., t 1. T . n - J '. c.menci, upain;? c? ::css ana j r.-s-rity. Vi " ;'' "r tec ri-'jr u;a ct ?:-r'-I'..aj t-.,,,"'r on a- i.;I...:r l'.itf...ra 01 c-' ' V Icoi a :,'. t roon;;-l,- ;-r ; -. theji-'-.-p-sscrthrowaT-I:'-v.of.J h er.it?; a j: wpm Jt,('"" to trra-iuati-u tLaVnija T.; the At.anie ; p,.: j - , iv jairi; ;i ucai.itr.rr. tm'-; ii.-.. ty ur pr-..Ji. t-- ,' ' ' " !y a ;,i.'te-d 111 tae c. lav.-, . W--aio resolved t a renl ' " tractive tnaa ever as a i.u? 1 LSincr cf Pas, . SO. 3 s Inspired by the (f , brla:- :.o Nader but 1 ' r 0-XT v:i;x--i.tuiac t-j . ";. '. Pee, !:. and ; -..ut..t to .1-. v ; s" :,',i:l.'--d or -diUry 2.;:.. la ir 1. . -i '::,. " Ia a-' '. i'I t. our War T.. Iti ..ur Yv t.-;'r"'.y p-tp.-r th- h. . art i also a:: rl-.-'rv..-. ol ..' and 1 f ths I'r'.ce-j Jiij-i c; j,. O'.tr T.i-Xs'ck'v, ,- -. , 1.'. - ,,r ,i , 1 ... , THE DAILYI-; 5.:- V re'iu-.t id i'x..-..-.-. 'u' ' Aient". II Send f"T ep-vtr.fi r;jU- J'r iv'scs f i -dis'.rllLlhn.. Or. ly f.rva r.'i : i. Sc-..l -..- m iy citces a, 5.- ; p . , 1 ta ir 1 it rs sent to 'm s., too p....fmnttr or treg".'T j It i- not ropiire i . a!. ; sleid he .-'-:'. to i-f.f l'-.-.I - ' seat 10 i :P; -i-.i.t Owl.-e.-,i.ii. i i hi ty tun . Toe : foiii.xt'T.gnre "cr rcr- DAILY DCI.h .'T.i'I Sub-.-.-r.'o'r u?j'ir - J .' Ih'ku to Si'. S ik.ihj - - rpnt tV :.'C",r V TV 1 nP il i.l.i-J.l J 1U il i? -h--x. rioers ."t.-j jrtr I.X.iVl- 1 Jh-i..-i. Si-i'-'e C. o i one vi? - Tare C.pa-i KiveC. ;ks - - Tea Copies - Any largrr C'uo thin tci v j iicKlli.', v 1 "ti.;.'.'. i.m hi .11 41 :.i,.i Id L j : - ii -1N'I Li 10 1 . U. j I V ANP tFUM' U i Pl'ooo ;" 1' 1 tii e u ei r a .X :.' :: t lhis r-.;uhT .V'oc.tl'y Kun 'y than .y ?ia-z:e tt 'A'.il b ; ,-3 l. iel ia 1 w ' i S : 1 . Pi v..'. -red i -.i'-'i -, '.i! 1 J. - - 1 t:e -t- r. .': .1 -.' X'. : . t . - a-;:-, -r ': L. vh ' '..1-1 ' r t p - : j; :; .' .1: T j a . . I y v ; f f A . ti- ; Mr ; n -v tv iia l r ..,--.': It is. Ik: P. -it ?':.'' i.e r--i: P.--,4..'--i: .-. f.-.a: r.'-ho.i'-i 4 ; a!.-i, .1 i a U', I : .,'.:: or .'... !' t'u i- a 0. . oil : -i:.:!--"---x. o : - T o V44- -' 4 i - U'-l'i- k'. "ed I .It 1 ' 's e - -. .' . .t; I4; r ;.' ; i vc . . . a t "' h: 1 C-'i 1 i i'V e' r - i - - . j f b.-i 1 i:-'x;i 1 f t--t Ml I ix ' e J C e x4- " 4' - , ii w.;I e 4 1' t..r 1.1;: i ia 'e- .Nh-xr flol 1 Anl Mu.s-'i r to AH I'.:''. I-'4' 4 paton' tiav ;.4 ' 'J? iuu -i v. 1 ! " r ' 4 J. s 0 1 .a u .' b-r- uaec'.ii. : -1 r f '- - ! e:. oi, f : " t-f .1 .-" P M, ai 1: v - h are rci'i-fi t. jrt t .oui io ;.. :' t:. M -1 i ! 4 I . ri-cc ' . . ,' I'.-r 'P I , -.' 1 -V'4 1. h e 1. . ' -,.' ; ;.r..-,-. -. i r -'.-4 -v l-.ve ' ' ' -: : - - ''. j..', Pi,;hi C pi'44-t;'",:, ,-. " f, iv. t-lve c;-..4' t"r ' ',u ... Sisv-.n.'i-ie hr-. .-Prein'ui-;.- b r r'" 'm".r et 'uf. or i' .4re ' ',' . ft - d.diars i.t -1 A I a-.-- ., ." lif.z xo -...ie-:-4 '-J''.". st t:.: oe : ::' . .-ell I 15 a I'-'x-,. ' t. ar.d ii.a-v-' . 1 : ' v; "."';. "--i--'" ii- n-a -. tt , Piii-.IC-.'id. l:; e: . r.; i: ; f.r Ui; i.-'- ; ' ; r .1 ::,- - ce a ci-:' ', ' " theMjai'ia- 'h! 4 e!tf.-:..'.-. . , f ! ': O Ad-Ireii , p C4.. ' !'. .. 1'- ' - . .iiit 4