Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 03, 1864, Image 1

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1 ii AT US U P AD VL?. ri.vlNG.
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. TERMS:, one year, in advance,
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.bicrli-tioD, must Invariable paid Advance."
- BH)k Voik, and Tlain nh Taney Job Work,
ninel-! 'ja ami on kh-rt notice. '
Yf.;5fV -lver"i ti'Tx" H'-r'i v i' " ' "11:0.
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practKC in aU tfcc Courts .f Xel.rasl:.
'. STEWART, -LI. D.,
Uours-7 to 'i k. a. aa 1 to 2 nJ CJ2' to
dv5I, ycbr.aka, May 5tb, 1S'4- N. SS, 1 J.
OITICE AT nirf IitsflUENXiS.
2sth, lf:r-i. Ll7-vS-pdly
: o vrxviLLE, .veer. :sz.i.
, i -f-e to fce- y.':r Pir crw, lie -i i rci-an -J t
Vni'isit 3'ni.nri.- Ue sizt-a i'Ju-iivi-t'hi.
, . well-electH ktxk ol Ailaut.s
w Unite: v a-rth M-!e of main S'l eet c t o
! A. 1 1 Sl.ic, I'( r-..r: will wtU to
. .. :ro ; c-'! iu w -ri; ni'iif r-t re
,';ar ;:) I'll I'liiJ-nn. al.r. iti c ipyini;
.re. Divif-trJ. i'l-i: 'ri;c:i -
- A:.:i-.-.;i. ? t.. ll.e Sm-!:' f lirvjiie and vl
i ",:.,;:.. tbaT htie l...s p.m leciived iroui Hit
I'.jri h in.i"iiitue:it itf ii d
:.;:a akd u:::ir uiliikisy oocrs,
OTisi.;(.r:s . f
cs' and Ilics li.-r. r.ets nnd ITats. Hib
bvi'j. Viewers, t'--
: -ii stie in-, ifo') o ::?ien' n.: of the d!e, feeS-
Uinry & Dress-making
j tint bLu Lay ju-l C"iu!iK-E-.'e.I a first das
re wc.rV !'.! In. Jor.e with croat car ia-1
a!!--r t-it Uut iI.iU:in ttvlee.
liiiC it i rt- lirin d:'t.e in the very he t
i en rl. n tro. l'lease ol! at tho rwi
:' 'iKi.'i'y .,. -,-ui K-i lv J. V. Golexva.
V.Ay 4:), ;'i ; .
St...rt..S;to I". 0. Uuildingbet. 1st and 2J. I
r:. ti.acks to j-atro-in fr f..rm?r llhcra.! j
ns 1 is ill;', a j;h rfM.ij to eliitv t-, i
r. r s '.irf-alnir in tlcW-t f.le.
v:- - , 21, '(-,4. " 7,17.--1 v.
'ail Fnpcr Wall eper ! !
i-'.s'T .;:.-.! at X'h:. Tsilur Shop, ty
ti i,.ee in ti.e moi aj-rrove I etyle, aiiu
J 2 I?t4, 5 -v
V v ft j :t. i.m. iy .vi-:"oi-tu h'u work,psr-
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"r' ' "m J,,;'t.t?rj, t:ln?.;rr,r..l ri'cr har
"'''t notk-., i,4 the iB-4t ar..t:roc-d OiV.,;.u a calf,
ii J.un Street, cue of Atkinsou'a CiotL-
Ml'.e, Ajrl! 7, ly.
5 reNj.ccifiiM inform his oM enstv-mers that 1 e
n ...jjp,!tus Jere!rj &"P in b.s old e!:d on
rt'i. t.'tj M.;e. i wo il' et of the iJ.-own-':
.'. l!e !"!; m tatt.1 a Ofiendid am-orirrifMit
rt,':" in Ji-'C r ! iwue.-, wiiva Le'wul
:it ten; for Cali
"ks vr4:che.a.:.i Jiwtlxy !.ne on the short
vil'.e, Kt.i,.. Hay lBtb, ISCi. n37-v8-ty
T, LET. riEST ai;d second TS.
71',' V - V s, Gir.?er Breat,
IT "s c"'1'-!"'- ou Lin.l.
" -ciLS tt ka m tl,e leiii tj te an.t n -
etc. i
ix-i ly .
Tiic Cresilus at Fredericks) arg.
1 lay in my tent at ruiJ-day,
Ton fail "f i;n to Jie,
Wlitn I act. J Uia Tice of Bnrnsida,
Aad ua aiiiwericj tboal teply.
I heard tlio voice of the General ,
'T wns !i 'in, though IjW and svl;
Eat the ri.arlhat followed Lia question,
Liuliti out till tie hVls were gUi.
' "0 cumrade, crca the curtain ,
And n'.e where cr.r men sro b'naJ,
FcrL'.i be:trt i. siill ia r.iy I'o.-'i.ra
At that terrible, inirtufiil sound.
"Andbnrlc what the Gcnerr.l orders,
I'ur I could not calcli his word?;
.And whnt k:cas that hurry aiid movement;
That cliiob of uaslieU and SvToiua? "
"Lis fctlll , lie iiil, my Captain,
'Ti i:t:t!l lor volunteer;
And the Loi.e that vr xea year fever,
Idoa'your duier3'clii.'t'rs,"
"Yi'ti-re go tLry ?" u Across the river."
"O Ci lud must I lie flil',
Whila ihat druia aiid lhat ruejisured trampling
Uove frcci ia far uuwa tho hill T
"Uow nany?'' "I jude, four liun lred,'
W'i.c tre they ? I'll know to a nmu."
''Oiirowa Nia t l'-'Uth nnd Tv. etueth,
Aul tLjfci'veuh ili'L':!ta."
'0, jr;l-ut to p;n with ray comrade!
Ttar tho curtain away from tho hook;
I.r 1'il ft 3 thcui march duvvuto thsir glery,
If I Mjri-.h.'-'y tho look !
They 1(3 cd in the nx king .'lall .
1 hen i.iIV-r.'d Lore oi.e eoul J r;
And ti.e brcize -a? aijya wi'.h laughter
Till toatua htaiio to row.
TL'.n the s'i'pro, Mhr-re the Kcbcis baibcrod,
Was riioed wiih a guih .f flditu,
Ar.d buzzing, li he bees. o4er the wa'tr .
The awuriii of their bulkti ciitud.
Ia ilelie,Low dread and soloina !
L ' ori-g1.-, hi-w grand und true !
Sft l;lT, tcau:ljr orwar-J
1 he ui wUil jo -
Nt.t a vb't.-nei l nneb tuna vras cmsaiom.
lie "stood ;n the sight of dtath;
rio I o-lowvd to the awtu! jreffncc,
Aud treasured Lia living IrtA.h.
Twut death in the air above tb"m,
And d'-..ta in ti.e waves beiow,
TL'ouh Li Us t.d fer.'t-e and si.arpr.el,
1 hiy xux ved m Gou. Low tloyv 1
And roury a brave, .stu at fellvW,
Who .-r;if in tLe l-tuti with mirth,
Ii.O 1 1 1 y rjade that f i ! 1 -.-ro-rHag
Was a load of ijukri e.-.i th,
And c:ar.y a brave, stout feilow.
Whose Jiiiibi With strength were rife,
Was t n. :j.vl ei urheJ t n 1 :LutUrtJ,
A iioii'iets v.icck fof lile.
But yet the boats moved on vv aid
Tbrourii .' n;.d ird lLv liiove,
Yk'i'.h the d.irl-, rtil! n:afS within them,
And the fLiitr.g stars above.
Soloudt-rid iivarit S 'ursd.:!
I E'.ar.ted at ti. sli .ut,
A the k-- It ground on the gravel,
Anb tho tagf-rmeu bunt out.
Chetraftor cheer wo srnt them, ?
As only arm'escau
Cbe.-ra for old Ma.-sai-.haietti .
Cbecr3 for yng iiuhigan I
Tl cy formed in line T lasilo;
Not a rji.n was ii of j.'acc. .
Tbca With leveled strd th-y burlad thca
St'-itight iu tha Holtii' iaje.
"0 In !f rahtld me, ci-mredu !
I'.t ttar n;y cy jiia. drowu,
A.I M'e tueir t iirry ian;:r rs
i?:reati up ;bc-fn cky tona.
''Aid ree the noi.y w-rknifn
O'er tho lengthening bridges run,
.And the that gwarm to'cross tbota '
When the ra id wori id done.
-'For the M hai: cr a new one,
1 liuio iit: in ctery vein ;
And wi'h f'jver cr with passion
1 am faiiit as death again.
"Iftbi i dcata, I care noli
Dear raa nea from rear to van !
Oe ia to th'.tr for MissAchuialti;
And on" Mi b;g'in !"
? s 4
A Bit ef Army Bomunce.
luuuwir.g story is toia uy a corres
pondent of the Missouri Lemocrat, who
vouches for its correctness:
e followinrr
'ower true tale" might
hare been told a week arro. but I h:
been waitinnr to t- ll it lruiy, knowing
that it partakes grtaily cf the marvel
ous. Of the correctness of every par
tic.ilnr. I harp r
... w.v "in"- uuaius m comrnenc
xa -nt or the war, and afterwards a major
in the E. M. M., from which position he
was removed Ly Governor (
was removed Ly Governor Gamble, !
through the influence of Col. Flesh, com-'
u anding the regiment, for bring a Radi-'
cab He is, besides being a worthy and
m i. t reliable citizen, a nun of great de-
cisioa of character, courage aud teif-re-liance,
and Le posaesses, in a peculiar
degree, the quality recomrneuded . Ly
Dan'oa : ''At-tlace, audace, loujoura au
dace!" :
Oa iLeTih iast., Captain T. J. Bib
cock, being in command of a miL'tia corn
pa!))' organized under Order 107, was
returning from Rolla to Jefferson City,
with thirty men, mounted, having been
sent to the former place with dispatches
from Gen. Brown to Gen. McNeil.
About twelve miles trom Jefferson Ciiy
he ca:ne upon a rebel picket guard of
thirteen men, iucluiirg a capiain an J
lieutenant, at a farmhouse, part cf ihe
party being inside Ihe house. Thinking
a bold course the belief one under the
circumstances, he rode up to the sentinel
in the road wiih the greatest, coolness,
and whfcu the sentinel halted him, he
said, wi a commanding tone, '-Halt your
self!" and assumed tuch an auihoriiative
air, that the rebel supposed him tote one
of the officeis of their own army, mak
ing the iirar'd rounds. It nuri Le re
membered that Price's rebeb are some
times clothed by whole' companies in Fed
eral uniform. The rebels, thus thrown
off their guard, permitted Captain Bab
cock and his men to ride intj the yard.
As soon as the house Was suit nded,
Captain EaLcwck told the whole party oi
rebels to surrender, in such tones as con
vinced them they were. icld. He had
men ihat he could rely upon, anl he cr
dtrtd ihein to shooi down any rebel lhat
attempted to m .ve cr ue h'u gun. Thr
rebels outaide of the house dropped their
guns, and those inside, seeing the hju:
fsurro'ju.'ed. surrendered at discretion
The horses of ihe rebels were hi'ched a
some distance in the woods, thpse tlif
Capiai'n nM for, and rneunting his pr:s
;ners jwo. cthcers and eleven mea
started for Jefferson City.
This capture was within one mile of
Vi ice's main column," and Captain Bub
cock toon found himself like the man tha'
won the elephant in a rafile'. He Lad
"got a good thing" the point was u
4 keep it." But the mind ihat ccnetiveo
tlie cap' u re tf the rebel ouwpo-t was fer
tile in expedients. Unplaced his pri
carters in ihe front, and s'arttd to g
around the rebel' nrmv, which I
tweet) him attd JeLvrsrn Ciiy. cros
sed ine Osae several limes, a:.,d itade a
number of narrow esmnt s from running
directly into the rc-bel lin-'s. Ha va
tangled in the bends of the Osa-ge, 1 1c r
Mr. Raymond, in the "Elbows of tin
Mmcio," at the battL of S dferitio. . Bu
he knew the rountry, and succeed d it:
effectually dodjinj' the wh.jle rebel ar
my. On the next day after ihe cap'ure tf
hie prisoners, while riding down a hili.
he saw a itUl curpany descending a
hill opposite, and co.riing towards hini.
As on the previous occasion, he coa;eiv
ed that his safrty iu bcl-lness, an J,
with his thirty men and thirteen prison
ers, Le charg-d on the icbei coinp-ny
wiih a yell, and drove them bat k. Ea ".'i
prisoner hid two cr ruen e-peeial:y
to look after him a& t ii as after tiir en
ray in fro::t, atid the captured rebs, iu
stead of being an incumbrance, Wtre at,
advantage, a3 they helped to swell tlv
number cf Can ain Bibcock's force, arid
make it appear more formidable. Nv
iconor had he got the rt bs in front of Lim
on the skeduddie than he made a sudden
detour by a Ly-paih, and got inio the
brush, It was afterwards aiccrtaintd
J Uiat the tkedaddlers reportt d lo Pice
tha'Jthe Federals were advancing in force
in their n ar, and Le had -his army
drawn up in line of battle to meet them.'
The rebels were hunting for Captain
Babcotk for six days, Lnowing he could
not have reached th-i Federal forcss at
Jefferson City. ' .
The brave men of .his company Lad a
tedious lime camping out nights; and be
tween guarding-their prisoners and keep
ing a watch cut for the enemy, they had
little time for sleep. Six days and six
nights were-th'is passed, -when Captain
Babccck and his faithful band safely ar
med in Jefferson Cny, and delivered to
General Brown their thirteen prisoners,
whtare now safely confined here.
"Where did you say McClellan was?"
faid a Unionist Ma Copperhead reading
The New Yoi'k News of the 21st. and
swearing raufdLd oaths over this para
"Mai. Geiv McCJeibn went ; last j
J . . . ... -
iuesty io.asn ngion ingi.ts on a vis-:
it to James Gordon Benett. Esq.
"I saii he was down at Benett'
a.a1JHc a,uvuula,cuc.iS.
"Oh that s nothing. Wait till No--;
vember and you will. .see 'him down at '
,he ?o'
the polls.'"'
Ceiebruiisj; llargaa'a Ueai!i.
The fust Tuesday iu October has been
agreed upon by all ''bea.ts of burden' as
a day of thanksgiving and praise to Get;.
Giilon and his command, for the timely
and religious act of terminating the life,
robberies and wholesale thefts of John
II. Morgan, the most renowned land pi
rate of. the'nineteenth century. All Ahe
beasts in the "Animal Kingdom" are re
quired to assemble precisely at ten o'clock
and commence their devotions. Blooded
horses and mares will convene in their
respoctive stables, and rebel Presbyterian
ministers will lead in their devotions
standing tiptoed with their pockets stuff
ed with lying rebel newspapers and with
their faces towards ''old Westminister,"
occasionally pausing and profanely swear
ing by ihe God that made John Calvin,
that "whatever is, is right," except the
election of Lir.c-.du, and that God had
'foreordained wharever comes to pass,"
always excepting the issuing of the email
cipaticn proclamation.
."'Jules,- of high and low degree, wilj
convene in their lo's and pastures, in the
open air, and the;r devotion will be led by
Baptist preachers, who, slandiag in wa
ter up to the seat of their breeches, shall
swear with their right hand on a jug op
corn whisky, that there is t o salvation
without swimming ihe Cumberland river
as often as John Morgan has done in
search cf mules; and when the preacher
pauses to take a dram, every inula shall
bray by way of response to the pious ex-
The jtt .-kasses shall all convene in thir
respective stables, and with clost d doers"
after the manner cf the "chis meetings",
conducted by, the rebel Methodist preach
ers ;' the jacks shall be interrogat. d, the
preachers kneeling, as to what progress
they have, made in producing horse arid
a?s "equality." Each preacher shall
take his text ouk of the; Southern Meth
od ist si ave cod e, itndafifcCjX-ftfXaauit.iLfl
er, to which ihe jacks shall respond in
"notes cf sweet concord," the audience
shall sing at li e tops of liu-ir voices
'J. din Anderson, my Joe Johru"cve.
Closing out at 4 o'clock the animals
shall their pastures, "wiser and.
b:ti'er" brutes, und the reversed clergy
si' all go to their homes, all get drunk
and mistake other men's wives for their
.;wn, under a pretense cf seeking their
' rights.'' Ivnox. A'hlg.
Ecbel Ittiw'i oa Ecsara.
On Wednesday noon, the 13th, the
pickets of tho Resaca garrison, on the
Home and Resaca, weri? attacked
by Rebel cavalry. The skirmishing was
ipuite lively ; all ihe efforts of the enemy
to drive in our pickes proved ferule, for
as soon ai attacked the pickets were de
p!ved, and stubborulv held their ground,
refusing to relinquish one inch. After
about three Lours steady skirmishing,
.uriuir which time considerable artillery
firing was indulged in on both' sides,' the
follo.vitjg insolent and larbarutis demand
was sent in by Hood, who, it will be re
membered, recently-accused Gen. 'Sher
man cf "studied and ingenious cruelty
'jeprecedeuted in the annals of warfare.'
I tiecd not comment upon the atrocious
document, for it was simply a threat to
repeat Fort Pillow on a more extensive
He d'qr? a eky Tess.'. Oct. 12 1S31.
To the Officer Comma cdiv'g the. United
States Tones at IksdcaGeorgi'z.
Sin: I demand tlpi immediate and un
condiiioual surrender of the post and gar
rison under vrur command, and should
ibis be acceded to, all white officers and
soldiers will be paroled in a few days.
If the place is carried by assault no
prisoners will be taken. ;
Most respectfully, your ob't serv.
"J. B. HOOD. Gen.
Col. H ill, of the "SCth Hiineis -Itegi-
rneut, received the flag of truce, and cor -
poral McKammon, Adjutant-General of
i the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 13;h Army
Corps,-conveyed the demand to Colonel
Clark R. Wever, of the 17th Iowa Regi
ment. Commanding ihe Post. To this de
fiant demand Col. Wever sent the follow
ing unconstitutional 'reply. What a con-tra-t
between these two simple docu
ments :
Headers. 2d caic, 3d di v. 15:h a. c. )
Resaci, Ga. Oct.. 12, 136-1.
, Gen. J. B. IIcoJ : Your cerntnunication
; of tVds date just rereived. In reply, have
! to state that I am 'somewhat surorisfd nt
,i - , u . .v. cr
the copcludmir paragraph, lo the ; effect
- - . , c , ,
.v' , ; .: , . r.. ,,rr:, .4 k-
j prisoners will, be taken. " ; ;
In civ oninion. I can bold ibi.s post.
If you walll it, .come nnduake it. , I aia.
General, very resp'y. your mos! ob't,
Ccmd'g Oilicer, U. S. Forces.
The Rebels endeavored to perpetrate
the same trick that w frustrated at Al
latoona reardim? the-flig of truce.
While the ptcket officers were respecting
and entertaining the Rebel Sag of truce,
the enemy continued to move into position
for the purpose .of investing Resaca.
The oilicer on duty informed the -Rebels
that the flag would not be returned - un
less the movements cfihe troops were in
stantly halted. This request was speed
ily granted, and the operations of the ene
my were suspeded until the return of Cel.
Wever's nonchalant response. As soon
as the answer was received by Mons.
fllood, he belched forth all the fury wh'ch
two batteries could rai.t up en the fortifi
cations, thelhng two railroad trains, and
causing a general stampede in. our lot-g
wagon trains, which were parked south
of the Ostanala river, in a', position sup
posed to be secure from the enemy's fire.
. f --
TiR:!ikhni Bay.
By the President of ihe U. S of Jluiirica.
I; has pleased Almighty God to prolong
our" National fife aryihi-r year, defend
ing us with His guardian care apaii ;i
unfriendly designs frotn abroad, and us in his mercy many and
signal victories over the enemy who i-!
of car own household. It has also pleas
ed cur II.ven!y Father to favor as vvi
our citizens in their homes as our sol
diers in their camps and our sa;lorton the
oas with unusual health. He has 1 erge
ly augmented our free populatiofi by , e
mancipatiou and by imigration. while lie
has opene'J to us new sources of wealth,
and have crowned lhe labcr of our work
ing men in every department cf industry
with abundand reward. Moreover le
has been pleased tcaniinate and. desire
our atid hearts with fortitude,
courage and resolution nimcient 'f jr ht
T : e a t trial of c i yj I J.wa r in t . vh.iclt T x-. :
naverbeen brought by our adherence as a
nation to the cause of freedom and hu-!
manitv, and to afford to us reasonably
Lvpes cf tii uliimaie and happy dejiv
erance from all our dangers and atrtic
tior.s. . 1
Now, therefore. I, Abraham Lincoln,
President of the United States, "do here
by appoint and set apart the List -Thuri-
. . . . , I V J I . ' . , M - . . J ........
desire to be observed by a! my fellow
citizens, wherever they may then be, us a
day o f thanksgiving and prayer to Al
rnigh'y.Gcd, the ben.liceni Creator and
Ruler of the universe; and I do fur
ther recommend to my fellow-citizens
aforesaid, that on that occasion they do
reverently humble themselves in the
j dust, nnd In in thence offer up penitent
and fervent prayers and supplications to
the Gicat D.sposer of events for a re
turn of the inestimable blessings of peace
utiioii and harmony througheu; tlie
which it' has pleaded Him to assign as a
dwelling place for cursives and our pos
terity throaghoat ail generations
In testimony whereof I have hereun
to set my hand and caused'ihe seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this
2Qih day of Oct.. in the year of cur Lord,
und cf the Independence cf the United
Ssutes the eiirbay-nttith.
By tho President;
Vi'sr..' II. SnwArtn, Stcrdsry
IiitercHnj; to Faiiiicrs.
A. Hinsdale, of Ohio, iu an art ah: in
the Ohio Parmer, gives the foh'oe. h:g
very sensible advice: ''Get a gocd bread
tf meduan-slzeJ htgsthat will' fat at any
age; will 'weigh from 300 to 400
pounds when matured if ycu hare? no
cheaper feed than corn. Keep over win
ter none but breed in g sleek. Besure at.d
keep enough of that, for if you have too
J rtary pigs you can always co tcmetaiiig
wi'A tlnan in the spring, iiave ymr
p.igscome about the first cf April Keep
no more than you can keep well growing.
Re sure and Lave good pasture for them.
Make all the pork you can from cheaper
feed than corn which must be the base
of fattening. .
T presume that when ccin is over fif
ty cents per bushel, it will pay well to
jjrind and" coak it; but I Lute net trid
it fairly.. Fat well and - kail your p;gs
si oat Christmas', and they will ordina
rily weigh 200 pounds -of as nice "pork
as was ever put into a - barrel. It will
e ...... i . i i i i
ireuuent-iy outsell nt avy r.o:5 in-maruct.
... ....
I think ihat when ecru is Lfiv -.en-s
j a bushel, to make pork, raising a good
1 business, it should bring Cirer bund-
red, and for every ten .cents advance on
j corn, pork should. aJrance Sl."--
i i ui tne r ii
That t
jn".i gauur.t oi:cer no m ire tL?
. a
teh graph neglects dit ecdy to n.:or4t: us,
bt indirectly announcis ihe fact by t:,cn -
ticniug the honors t t e paid to h.s mem
cry. As lelore mentionei i:i c-ur ' ci-
uuins, he has been lying ill at PhiladI
hia, of malarious flax, contracted in Yir-
ginia, thoaja his case was not re,rard j
as very dangerous until within a day c. -
two. '
David B:;Ii Eirnr y was born in Ilurrv,-
vilh Alohirria. M:iv "0. 21. IT n -
moved to Ci;:ci .voiii in his 5:u'.h, v.e.h 1 is
father. James G. Eim-.. . He i.';.d;.
- j
law here, bu
before entering ercti the
act ice 'of the prcfccsLm, r-r::a:td in tu-
sinoss in Michigan.
In ISS he
wet . t:
Philadelphia. -LrAnr.?, 1 I. hj -raised
regiment t;-e
iwruu tnfti, a:.'j oti it. a exp.rati-;n
of its term ot, re-orM.-iizeil it f.r
. I - , - t
-in roe year;
Iii December, l?'!, l.o w:t:
pr.n.noted tu a Brig-idicrc-.hip. li'-tin.'uich-io.g
himself at Yoik-owo, W.Liamsbtiru.
ai.u Csp'-CKiiiy iu Uif.-secoi.J lafie ul iJuii
T?!jr. f!.ir-,vri,,f.. .11, t"i tV r,r r.
i.i si ic r
his gall.mtryrdt-erttioii and eaiin-nt "s-.I-dierly
qualhi.-s. pro.:;. i. n j: liu.vvd : pro
ration, and he beca;ne a Major-General.
Daring the present campaign m Vi-riniu
he Lad labored, unceasingly, and lis di
vision, wa-i anieularly c.-nsp'cj.uj i::
I ihe Lard fighting 'cf the Atinv cf ihe
James for the po.f-.c&f!on ef Cbcphik-
j i' 're ' '
t-.un, - . ,
It seems but yesterday tha: Grn. B!r
ny's achievements in frcnt cf
were thf- fnTLKfin.T tr.!.- ,? i1, 1
...... .vj.v v.. nic i:nivJ:i.
Scr.rccly had the first burst of admif.aticrj
iubst Jtd when, the warrior lay down lo
hi rest. .But though he has pisvcd 'a '.ray.
the memory of his brave deeds wi:i In-tin
the records cf ti.e present war. and
posterity as well. as his coiemporaries
describe Lhii who deserve 1 well of
iusreyuntry. 1 ' .
ini iiera.c! s corresponilnt will: I;er-
I .jaa on ti:C o-.j. t . Qiir K.t
are enjoying a respite after the late- lat
ib. Our position is nearly ihe sm tha.
it was before the battle, with the i :cp
tion of Laving made a LjJgeiaeut on ib.e
Ie:t summit of the
iias;aui'.eu lacun-
Tire foilc.virtL' is the ren rt rf
r-, L . .
what we capturtd on the lf)ih : iit'S't i
prisoners of ilio rank and lib;. 61 'com
missioned c'liic-Ts. 'i5 pieces of artill-.-iv,
-10 la'i-sons,. 3 battel y wairon -,. C'L? hor
and r.iiiles, w i;h L-irness' tot. ',;.!;.;. C"
ambulances!, 50 ' army wago?-,--, Lj.Ou'J '
rounds &Tt;i!ery aminunitiun. i.'jS'J snaiii i
arms, several waron La,l.. ir:, Le! n r nt:
'z SiOl:.-i Ct Ui." fl.e;!!V, til. a i I
. . a . ...... e . .. . . i .
large, tf batibj A b tt. r
J f,. ,j.e j
resident real
to "tho .an :V
nbam-in;: Gen. fiheril.m
:nd his b
! army for
ae iii'. s opt r;t iiiii in t'.O
. . i .
Villi."', e. peciaiiy for the
of ihe 10:h: .'.
ii .
Oar losses on th"- lC:h, ih t-;h r:.t of j
fieiolly leperted, will sum v.) loatlv- r.s
follows: Army of West Vir 4i..ia. bi:a d, i
.GO; wotUiJcd, G-jO ; prisoner?, 4G0 t
tab SiO ; I La
i cor
i r
-u. -
3 ; wound-
ed. l.CC:0; prisoners, ISO to-aL l.TbO;
Gth cot j:s, killed, 2 'DO, Vo;.;;d . J - 1 (C-.'-'J ;
missing, 50 letul 1,350.
C.-l. Kiich-n's dit-i,,!), Lih'-L 0;
wounded, 140; missing, 50; total, iIG ;
grand to'at, i.C'.-G.
Another crna; ci Ji r.t, of ihe J;h,'i
Cel. rviihcls'w idi th" G:h N.w York
cavaSrv ma .e a r'-ceri.'. essaneo yestcrJav
up the pike as far a.s Mowrytown. r ip. .
turtd iwo or three reb-A 'sc.-.m-- en tl
,, ...
He was i;if'rrn-d that Gen. Ho- er
division of rebel cava I y "as n Moor I
.liict.ftii Jil.ll lb." f I r-inr-.' ( f '! i
and Lc fig's,: reel's turps Lad -gone to Hi h-
I mend lo be rcrjafiz''J, armvd a?;J t ;! t:-
ped. Only a small portien a" th itb- L
who escaped from us. M Cdar :r-;tk
saved their tims. ai J cut ci t'; f omi
.. , --. ., ,.,.,,',', ;
; able batteric-s with whica dearly Lad hored -
i ,, . , , ,, . 1
id blo-v us. out V a:ley. t--i one'
. . . :
piece remained.
Washii gton'. Oct.So. Sh-ridan's rris- f
- . !
uut:i s; t i e iiO v. 1 1- oi Li nr ::.'iii! i- i
. . .. . . . . . I . . , . - v t
- '
LievenL'uadred were brought into Har-
per's Ferry on Monday, and 1. 1C0 bra!
been previously brought, in, aui 1.1C0 j
were 1-ft at "Winchester. (Jur civairv are
; i . ,i
i fTitneriu j m many stra:':iers trcra ine
n!r,h,t r-U. Thp!.r ? r. 1
" ' - !
I ccrs taf-turcJ will not fall slot cf cCO,
The entire lo-.s cfthe rebels in ': killed.
1 wcixded and 'prise m rs and etragglarsard
i esiitsated tfi.ever 6.CC0. Ker-Thaw's: wi'
Ui,ica had twlnty-two n-.v trafs car.n-ra ;
v o:ih '.-c-.e. ere
ei sr.'.ali rifm
n th
r.. ii. i. ii
J asc ;itaii.ed that t!:e id.. Is had i::
1 fantry Jivi.i.-.r.s, w;.h ih.'.r
of a:'
.... i
i 'i-" v. z :.: m th uiut.
! i;i the
J O.r w.."..n-.i.-d au b. if: rarid'.y coa
i v ycd Irf;a to rttarita-.b-urg.
jO"? h'-:' I A b.ttJ 01 t.IC -u
I T:.;-, f.'s in biii' 1 t 1 e.. -j.-.i. ..! iii thj
j ng'.t o; So:, l.y w.
i and fifty. Ti.o reb
., ). !4 J
1 1.
tti.;.M gr.-'.ii-r.
w.r i.- e ..u.f .; ed
Wt'ba.-e tak-n i'.t.i- f.ur
I r. . 1 : i in: Tf.
D.r: :
;j fr
i, Pri
y cr-nt i it: )
to rep.-rt t o l i .-"i !
his po t. Cvb;:;eiMo..i
ts of t'.-:1 by f pe..-p! he
ii .-i ci loyal. v a itiic:
if.. i:t tiit:g avlut in -f
Vi.-tit:g Icteriiim i'i 'n v i'
l J .1 I'l.J Hi
i,: - ts t;i v, i!i
r-; ; u. a j.j t'.
IlT.! :tlJ u-.iwa
i. n.oa
i.. ,ii
U i this nan uf thv ttate to cr t.. c -a-
.'. c-
try : rtte'i-.
Tne ecu:; e o. cvry
ioyal man sp aks it. 'I'..: , c f. : . ry l.-u
eJ iiCau.y in ic i.i;..: ir a i. i
i (h:v. an:! t.'. v ft l it i.a'b'. .. V'-t
blood will surely How if d i.-.'! led
ma ay days loader p'-biie lb s-..l!
The nras that Pi co is ley.-.r.l th )
S:ae line ;'.. au:ht, $ ith ihe ia h. r :
f.ven'y co e'5 in
bis tra:.-. h ii !oen tho
i . . 1
ll.e. cr..:.'i. buck. Oa-
military aathoiities mtiy a.s ;vl hnj.vtho
,y Prli'i1.
Abeut the timu Prico crc--.o:.g thj
O.age, P.iil Andersm gfh. r-. ti to-"
hts bushwhackers ti." i..-r:!i s: J ; of 'h -t
Mi.-souri river, an m rcl.h.g the:!'- r,
c..nArut-'.. d raft oa;v.hi:!i t cro-s over
i ill " :
IliC lit - ii i'UM s a u .. i.
1-et.over he lied t-'O'l.-.-r 1 .1,
a . i
i 'a
ia'o the river and dr.,v:;d ii. a. . Uv -r
a htuidrr
t :-.e .'.) s.
M ...
:c Pri
a in
corr.tiiis.-i ai ia tne
i . ! if it M-o r. r . '
10 1'' t .v v
t-i n f -r
II- iV.cj-i
ivi.le, and tiiersj Lj I a) n.'.ervi,y
with him, which wa e,i.::: .n: !v
to the banilit.
l i.t?
. r ;
e. . j
a.u. ia t:.t; ci v i. -.;-i, v;, ... i
. 9 T 1 '
i r;:y a
! tiuirtt-r?. iaice coi.: li.n-ntd An-
a '
i,c r; n
e an : d . Vot.'o.n t'O
Southern rrm-aiae.', nr.l I..av:t:-' 'ive.i
- i i
j ntm t.n ap; int:ne:;: as c i
I ia the
A., Govuruof R-y;u.;
:'.! ii a
ion &j aa o:.;,- t ia
. j C'(
of B. vide were c
circu-:ita:iC'-s. v- hi
! h' in - lu 1 0 c"
t r ij
; Anderson w ;
i-:X o- ;s t n
r.-en It " n.u
I . r. . i
: at
ia-ice i'
lie V t.
f , .1
i .- . I ' ;.: ii.i
. U i . I : : '
m:. '
J LO o.f.
c a
no--: ov.i'.v it; '.'a -
- 1
i erence to t..
I Li'ice ;;t:d tj a L. ' .'-a.- .a:.;, a,'
Cf v ILful-ot.d !
to o h-r
to i.taahTi of t.t,, th .t h.f h p d. 1 y
.Li.t! -rs::i u::
n.a!v.: a j" ia t a
'A CoicJ"
e:a'e c
:v oi n:.n.
v I
i :
r-r.f r is o. . a t o:r ci 1 1.
t::fii':::ed rel
v-. :, j
C :
and i;i!;itiii.;.Uu MeLi-;;.!'!. li
a action u
f ia- (J. :
j c
. V,
!sj far a it -4 ; 'a fo'rr.r'oi i-rl-.-a- .
e a-ibovi-
preset:-., r.- 1 'i.tvt' sa; 1 n.-i r... h
-iou, a'rdy of 1 i i t whf h. i.u I .
tb i;cr', traiv rruve lh t dawn ci if.
this and Vb rh-
. i r7 7 ef li h ;r.' rra ". a thz
Lv ih
l:.:: rs
1 heart, and to v tr
c'a::n, Ha l, holy Lg'.t, ti
, I'.ri lorn tf ih' c-'tne, co-''-.
A r.v. Mzy lead .-e ;a.-y ua
blamed si-ve C'-d U l'.ht."
-The r.u'hor;;! s o!t!i
". pr t?
' i cs 'Lave a I L-;.gth di. v.
l' cs Live al L ; ti i. .:-" a lb . :r v
. . " ,,
ceisioa Jm-rf Is ara tro:.1 eu-fiai.
, . , .
ers, and are i.'jw as'tK rj o ?. own.
' !-(ioVfr:;:ne;.t to be rid ef tl
ui.'ao.-l accord a
.d i.ll T,;:
: wj.i t.s cxt- r n ia t-ria 'in ' ui--s-j
ii r ;. orr . ,j" r , , , r...
jCrtuiie.s ci K.icn. a peaa to pa-
; ...
"SoarMnt, :i L-tv.j- cm;
; sunrose. to v. t ir.e ij
ic- lit
I .-..ri'.rr V . i '. .!-", , .! i n
veteran who i-i.-."red Lis 'ore.
"I have been L in- D.ui.crats fr
threj Trar sawf'th- seldar. I am u:i
Jr. iU: fcalilo of Tb! i far th- :u-u I
lill.- -
i.i ide in Richmond ; l.v:
capture.:, a:d 1-.0G0 it:
have t'ueu c-t-her'.J fr.