c r i t R , .... Ir-sir;- i ; f . C".,i l;"S. Cc t i. M' ...tW I , : i: .:. ti. . i -1 , - , , ' t . . , -i s .. . i. : . . I..-- r, I - ..re- .cc: : I IT i ' "i ' p". in a i ;'; . t. .", t- : i ; 1 n ail. ' A J - . . i - : ' ' '9. I ?a3. " f ... T'f R. ? u- r-. Ti. o: i e 1 v ) n ,1t ,!ttf- Co. i 2 LLv-t A considerable force of our troops had teen sent to Front Royal to guard the ra;If'-aJ. which is to Le opened to Manas A glorious dy' for Kansas and Missouri, j sas Junction, so as to secure cemmuaica- of Ieted to Kahsas City, Sun 'lay 23 J 5 p." m. KiiLisas has Ufeo rtlicviid frortr Martial tjon vvitla Alexandria. The repairs La. v. A great tattle fought ttr.d a great . ?r.e road Lave already teen cornpleiet victory achieved: i' ice'a f.ire army liedaariu vn. - dvfeaied" and ' rapidly retreating south WaJdr.icn, Qci. 13. A ffrnilr THE MEW iOiiK WEEKLY HEiLD. TfceCiicapest Taper la The VYpria. n I to Vipj TSo .TtpnsSrA iin.1 rrmi,rehenl V6 fW.li IPS - 1 tl if enabliS the f-UcfKlfcTOil of thisWES; LY UekaLD t.) jaranteo ibo latest and io?t re liable tnL.rmatiou pcs'.Uy to bo obLiiuei, sol t-ulj fn m till pans t-f J.s UuitcU iiute-s ut irca all r, o C..A :,. ..-ts.l ' Our cavalry m hot pursuit to-ther. vniiiwhoMt Sheridan's nrmv reports that '' 'T: f, j J'i"rV i,ll'li'tt-' Pia8a,:.tn'. full force, uunheriug 15,000 lhe rebel, reoccupy Fi.heVs Hill, on the SS-- r ,i't.- the !.Iirket nuur.vd r:n. ' , .l'ft of the position heretofore' carried by twiuine-i to levc n lare-J by is fr:tJ vLV. ThcMn,r:;y rtnlo for Fcrt Scon, Cen. Croc! , ard are erecting forJfica'. T" t :;;r .v..c f'- u ; U-L vcl lJt,y be too hotay purged to do t;0P3 t!i.ro. ()jr trno nrf! i:ith, Ii5i.h- i'T? TJ 'L, ? Hi .in maer D:cuHSes. thisRiorn.:. .Yesierday the wer-' l.otlv-enjsed, end" Col. Je'uaiiOii ' rooir.o.'.-j or h; rn-Siir" ' v.ho-e r. ::e r.-e arid Mi.ii-h; did sornVsj '.end id fi::htin?. rPV.L.(. '5 u ic-ar:i.cc:ni'3 to but 'he situation looked preuarus for -j ,Kr'r , 1 ;vh Pn-e crcupid th liue of the I:; , S. nduy iaa to ,e3 coun- ' G,,. (i;u3l .t th, Ka:, , n-;;t - r, ci:J al 0 9 yet ,1 the co-t-try and marry h'.r. : :on he net vas Ju-Ie Wh t- ! J hi n th .t it was Mr. Dr s;.as vva3 coi ciT, tu: h-is at'ciy ur- riv it C)!a;he th;s iricrn:i:.g. ();. S;,;'.irdav n:-ut at i:nepcncr:.- General Plantoa thsed tho lallMy tiNiii.tain its cvri-f "t airi'tweiiU in HvJ k'l f..r vtir '..;! a 1.. s.l.), H wii! ciuwor m i'h-i 1'uiHro t niu:iiiu tt.e rt:n,t :t oas a?ioinul. I. .. . . - I. r' i.l al!l tuO rAMiviLLc, Oct. is Hood's arrr,v! ;v,;i. .asdeiired iha raiiro-id for tv.vntv- 4 l.ti.ihaitzvti exfoni tohTf ' r'0 tviiles .ban-eea Tunnvl Iiiil and ,.nc b,s h vis3ta, ajo cctweea L:g h..:aaiy --a.ua f-.t-jis-taai win t- rco'.iv.J )rn -L-;v.pa a.-d Resai Alutuona. Th? rel-el c mmririer dmnded th? surrttider of IvLnra, thrJt,ut-p.int; dvath othe garrison if the , detinnd was not v Jbi ntn .t it v a s 1 r . u ? r j ' , f ' xnjn garrison 11 ii;e , Cfitntiti was not v,ir rr ,v, Ci- h- ,'.ouM a larf n-irr"tr, Cl ,',':':,1;V acciuTdComWnfrJer Colonel Wea- ,. , . 1 . it.-.o am i i). v-r, t'Jth Ohio, rr:fud to surrender. . i.,ig;y he aarttJ ;n eean Jilje xy,s fne 1 fu ntle, south ,f ka,!; AftHr snM? bf!sk ,kiraii$h: lhe r,Lel v- lx.l as Mr. D,rsny ' asCi;yi,:jlhe W e'p l r1' f' forci withdrew 1 ' , ( 1 - . .,.!-.iii t!i v! filiJ fiirrc so I or several uuui ? - - cdvai.c.d and heavy fitting: endued. The eiitmv rapidly fell lack from Ins I former position and an artillery engage. 1 mem ensued, th- infantry sluwly advanc ing. Fighting wa kpi up until o p. m. Arthis tinif Oen. Pleasantoo ca.ne in en cur left and a grand charge followed, re sultm? in a total route of the . enemy Our inlantrv then left the front. The w-s the man he would '. ,!UriUjt v;:is virorouv hnpt up ly our i.'.art. d hr.ine:!ia'..'.y for j uh.do cav&Sry. The mUniry touotvit.?.. f ,! 1.. :n ,va cr;ri,r,- j C.:u. Elut.t co-i;nauding the vo'.ontet : force on the kit, On. DcirzT commana- in tlie Coontry at that -tiaie My find bi.n of course. j him 'hat the test thing he to tahe his sta:;d upon a front of Mr.' Doey'a office ill he came in, which su? i miI' diaiely acted upon. ' a few hcurs learned that j rs it "Jt ; r. ,t.t' ve heard .. f i.hu iir.ee .a t - ii.:c congra-.Lia-i;.av to sofienrd. d gonileinaa in our town . adeo"' are always fi-iijwca .1 is in favor of an "am! -n-: months hi t-ve;u the Lrni:ed .e C ...fvderacy. 1,, a 1' o r-r--r r.1,1 r; :. vvnicn V.:"S Ci.m- v,r c:.7 :r;in t.n c!o. iars 1 ,f .1 M t- r, mi-hii'i. lhe rn:- la th ec-:.t.-y a:.d marry ! j.,.a c,veu J ;U::ke w;th glory, not a r..v) fahrrt-d. Tl. ' C,'h.r::L). Col.' Ford ccrrman-l-iar-, va-ia thy ihivh.-st of thrf T'ght and r ado i.vtral briihant charges. Col's Je:miMm and Iloyt ani th l'3di and lG:h Km . -t s v.vn- alio conspicuous upoa ih-fk-!d, an,! di.-p!ayed t!:- ciiuo-.t valor.. (jtn. D-.-iuier, Gov. Cur.x-y and Gen C.Kiis Acre c ms'antiy with the advance The I.k-s r. t heavy on ur s:Je. Rebel !o& not known, but indication of dead ami ;v,-ni'ded b.-'t ca thi field thoV the lra.ha Tones of the 20;h L, S r-Jd -t n u !". u:: : r j.!'.- atau u ' j uti l-ji t.- v .... -1 rit'm.nv T.i'.i v. i'.l b ;o iLe cviiit-i "f tl w.-tk ia all ;ai i bS'c.-e th'uk... 1 ' . - Vii's t,r..))rifct.r.l;rotJ t P'.ru.;n :f th3 paper t ; . . . 1' . 1 l. 5- Ho d-A'ais atil ai'tv cms i'it Jttr-M moriwis. KJi-or nri IV, 1 :.?'or I.'v-;!. '. c'rocrof,l;'al:'U av. N.ia 1 stress. ,e v v-,:k e:-v, N. Y. TliC.s. are n.. trave:na-.nu :'or t;:: ii " ai.d. ," ih' Criicro plaifurm and L . 1 1 iJ .ins j . U i i- n.4 2 .ylul u. x h .'ur-, on Tbur.ay ii.r. 'i-r I...-V. t vt-r, v. ri to v.ani. vd at fast as it fflh n iiia V iir.Cj, a epporhrau a ct IL-iivue Nebra?ha, by a p., iu-hi u uu-.u ..lr. j 1 lNftraka Citv on the 1-lih Itays that wo havo u.hl .rid adds i!:ii it only shows jn corre-po': .. 13-.U, ays Shtrmun i : ot ;u;b;i ? Ih"d. I in rJM.'T iiiiiiaL'i:),' if p...-;ib. to hi n up in the vuhey ar .1 iT.rve i.::n t. d. a.a. II-'-oo has vvo iully fud.-d in l":r.d!mr ' r caj--:-ir.r.g wp ; l.ei. lid trying hi. best to avoid Hi.- att rr: " : c J to r.vak la-.-k 1 1 r '.it 1 j u 1 . 1 all C-recfi Gp, t'Ut iJmg. that 1 u 1 .. I ',.1 .,,1 1 . I.a f I o f .,1 . 1 1 .j, t I' I . U'-:r !''. Ihas r.-!?T.ing h.? 'is repined a nnh ?,:;u u half Ulow F.-yt:t. . SLeitoan i jitrhsps sis tades from n:a. V..?xr::?cT -s.Oct. 21. Presidcr-t Li: coin i.-siit d a pi c cla.nj 'ioa fctt::r:g spar, the la-t Tl;.Jtduy in November for a d : l! ar.bi y.vr ana praise to 1 , ; r. t- cen 1 1 I .-! 1 to g-j." beio? i ho-?: '.o",ht that we were ?ur ;.',V,ii'i i; ot.r Tt i rtiTta l f-umjs, t ul wheu 'V w:a-'fi r.iy God, for having, among cth:r thtnri , vocch-af'd to many and signal v;oo jin cvr ih-er( my, rcvtamenilmg hi iV!.',).v-cttii-n i'j htnnl le thtn-elvfs 11 the dut and from ;heoce olTer up' pni i-i:t avd tre:it p'ayers and sopplic-i j h-.jv.s to I'!-- crt at un-'--??? -i cv. tr ,oi r . f YV Atan.vcT-j.-'. 11. Itarfordarr- with '.e.d,-,r.2-:,.'.:fTof Con.Me--, Nivy Depart in-nt. to-euv tde;:riiplf. d the prv.pi- au t'totf.ies in San Francisco, t arm i-v.' I . .... '1 ... . ! .. r . : ei.:....ji o .- i.'.t :r iu ii 1.1; as don-, we became end- .-? t!i? tnan, Inw-'ver, i "cativ j better. Gamier and hbel l Ihieiaee.r SulicIeV a id bar y, v-'jj ar t I: w a m t !i ho vents his 1 s.vi to proceed on an expedition to lb. .s. as Lng as it j a,:;'C-ea! !e j r--di to corn -n: nee eper-i't-ni for tit. ca.-.r.i:U:n of t..e ereat cvci.a'. ! tde iir'?, from CUiniii rivr in Va.Mii;r,r ton Terri'.oiy, to A moor ri"-. r. Ru-s.ia. r an I grri'T-ng '0 hhn o-if .is ciiibre wdi never dj a ny injury.- is an'h-r di!?"'abie lit'.; h- f-a-vie Talented so.irce. In e copperhead sucf ets Ta Sarpy cvs : ha cvir.nd. gg cm ra!l-n. Pry gojds nav-i ai d.'tt n h-uscs. O ir ma;ori- ": i-. ;'ty 'o iuvdreJ aul F-w tile sfi: .Ab ? - , .j..-i;' i-.i t-..cuuy ar..i butter," ;::.y ena- t:- t' have a little 'Z- ii t at w.H inake him cr ev a an himert man. x :i , 't it-. ei;.d fc'iowin:. r'lts l:.T.--e Waters., pot o.u.u ny. Is'ew i rh. Th-y ve i.t ej fur the Cam a gn. hV.ITiiXMRN RALLY. ; Prvemen, rally: An crhr if;ucd by nichmon-J YYar Oftif e, conrip'.s i ne. fifth of per?cr.s en gaged in o. Jininre bureau, ihus securini' four thousand 10 t ie mili ary force. Tin order is couid-red a breach of faith. I' girt-s gre-at.d is.-a: i; faction, but &hcr th' .-traits lhe rebels are reduced to. Lonjsireet, in an order dated th If) h 'Vs tv.nnnand of his old corp?. relieving A:.der.--n. Ci.r- vrr.4Nr. Oliio, 11. Rv-pors rr "eivei' froi: I difum. show large Unioj. gain r ISC-.l. rortorj will prohub-h bave CO. COO n.-'j'.;rhy. r. j-rotable gain c' two Uui.ia ci re--i :i. Return; frco Oi.iu i.idicai e the succesi cf the Unicn tichct. 1 Cairo. Cd.. IS. Th Ptonntf.r T -:e Mtnphi. has ar rived fjnr.i .Mmii;-!;is, with a few bnles of c for L't. L'l'dj. Gr?--.t rx-:lte::.pnt existed at Memphis ! whi n t!;-e St amr r lef'. r,a the fv nine a;. 1 i.:ve and 'rw, t'v 'n i- r.ur candidate. m. :t '.v .( I r.snn. icq. :lpad'i-.f HQi:' C. . iln-ad," Via.f. f lEGo." " o noble Uaieu." of the 1'.':'-., fr- m an expected at'ark rv th- c ty by a Mrorrg b.dy of ForrestV foivt s. who v-re report' d hot a shnr t!itarce fro in tie city. Fiery prepnra ti.-n ws be-'rt jrr-.de to defend the ci; tr d rpp.-l the fe thotdd ha ven'.ura t afitc'i. (J?n. rrroft in pcr?ra rprted tr r-ave h-en s"fn ab-out fifty miles back ol Pa -T.n-ah. I-fv. . d'V I I'f're V'n'v. ath .?. 5t':a'rrv Fi.t 1 '' ;'v nipliin was hied into wilt v. i h f.,y face to the Foe." j n;i: -h--trv on her. way op, at Lucas B-.-:.d. es G. lia:k. and others. ,r ,ra Mi-souti tub-, f-vurtefn r. tiles cents tacb; -U per tiot. j 1,''-V Cairo. A nniiibcr ff shots struck i !t:e pwi'. 1 cmfp .tut no (,re was hurt. Jchr.rrn Can.paign t.t-! . ? -;ra""-hip l;orr.ing ' Siar. which mine Rroiheri. Price 10 1 ' vv Y-'k .ihe lt inst., end fears JhO. '. I f"r f-fetv of which were enu rraintd 'j: WATERS, Pub'f. c!:r;v,ll SA Othzzs cn the e-vtoing s are ceuatu " tt e.-a we rrreet w.i. tit-: r rom Sheridan. HOWARD ASSOCIATION r:in.Arii:T,rTii . .1 ntv.'f.'! lixHtHf'nn ettn,:u.r,:d by epccir.2 E d -.rer-t f'r int .V'.V.f of th? S-ck DUtrrssf erf ,-(ri ti-ith Virulent an 4 Chronic Disrates and fJ" ;c:''l.j for the Cure of DUeaes of the 6iuua Or.- ?.':. I.lCDlGAIi AD VIC71 fiven gratis, tbe Actiup S'l'.-e'.'! . V.ii-i.O'tP P.prts on SpnrtiiHtf.rrlicea. ar.-t oilier ,,.( !',.i Sernul ()--' r.t. ind on I lie KE '.V - R K M S Ol PS onrii.-yfll in tin' .'ii. "). ;! y, sent in iente! (t'ttf! tvr i yeiart-e t clsarift . T or tlii-feeo" jiu;i accept- kulC A.i.l:Tss Ta. J. Stttl.IOXT 110i"nTON n v.-ard As ! t,.n. Xo. 'Z. S..-:Li. Nili'u S; rr oi, ehiiiiUelpLia, Ie"!iiir 12. uia-ly The r-nemy advanced upon Dabon, which was s-urrendered without a 5hot lin ing fired, by Cilonel Johnson, 41th U. S. (colored), who could have easily held the to.vn if so disposed. The tunnel at the 1 1 1 1 1 station wa un molested, though the cars and huiidinjrs t-.t that s'?.iicn were destroyed. From this point Ila.irJ went sou. hwest on the road, but was confronted ly the 4th rorps. under General Stanley, at Snake Creek G lp and severe lighting ensued. The re.-tdt has n t been aitair.ar.Ie. Beauregard id rep irtel as t!:e Com-imYndani-iii Chief of the Department of .M;ssiiippi. ll od being only Comtnand ;ii:t of this D,-pari:aeut. fherit on is wat ';ing every move rd ht antaaenist. and important operations mav be expcte;l soon from that ro-t rter- Dispatchr s this morning report Hood at Sutmnerville. IN'o reirnrorc'jmentn h;ive reached him, hud his militia have nearly all deserted him. Prominent military 'men believe the rebel movements will result disastrously to them. A small rebel force i? reported at Ce dar Hill, near Springfield. Tennessee, un'er Ifohr.es, a gnernila, and have tij.en.t d a 1 eerutmir-canip there. Th-2 Commercial's Nashville di?patr!i -ays luod was at ir'hipjs Gp th.re miles eat of Lafayf.te. on the iGih. Sherman wfclnse o.i hhn," and a battle canimt icn.r te delayed. . T.be Kew Vyrk Ihrall say.- c: Admi ra: l arre.cu:; We i ave seen letters from distin-mn-c.-'d Eritirh at d Frenr-h naval c'fi.-er? in ;.i. h hvy speak of Farra'ut in u rtns of the most txtrav&p.mt admirxvion, even xr-dtu- 0 far as to compare him wi h the deini ':i'Jr of Greece and Rotne. others as ihe nat al her-., ot the nineteen. h century. Nr.w Venn, Oct , 13. The Trib::v.e : Wahir-c'i-n special says u rp-cia! t ' Uti: rrn:n E-ijtimo?,i was required to-day to ing d ovn 00 or 10') merchants am! cl-rks, arrested there for Mrlling jjO'-ds lo "ititih-rs for runnins" the biocKade. Sim 1 ir e.rrests wi-re made Etmul'a n?iej!y in Sr. Luas, . Cin-.tiiir.aii, Phil-.cn-Iphia and iere. A riumr-erj r-f l u-ir:-ss tnen of fair r p:..'e ?-ehi to i; ; 'ar fd-d. Ot uc ive ye.-teid.iy d sc.ve' tl a man irTi rt 1-y "f co-in'erfejt nn Long Lla.-id ariot.d E.ve al m'-n rn! s.-care-l tr.e tres-ses-. pHper nud print-d trntes. ih is hr third estaUtshmeut broken up within the p. a wetic Cuno.. Ocob,-r 1C. Admiral Torier whose removal frnm ii.e eranind e.f ihe M:sisipni squadron ht- ilrtody be n enncunctd. has, it is s-i;'. I :'A 1,:r:' ",a'iy r-.ns wLi.-n ,ietu J 1 , ' j ' u:ic -. ii t.lo ;i.i:t UKiTu'e esrst whiflt carry tLt ti"fli or-Uerec to a c. eii.-np v.A at p.t .. . , .. J has sent forime of fiis bet officers, requesting them to go with him. A correspondent writing from Natches. Miss., .ns 'here were thiiteen reirn r.t 1! flags recaj t red by srou s under Li-rur Jhirhe, mostly belonging to Indiana reg itients. " Kii .Hr. iat I.'.r'jiU'.'Catfl-- ;.nwket.!s,.er1ri and rviirts cf .til tvetiti c'al-itJ t f,rai an ex-i-ciicut in&tttH.hUu ritWJjjp-.T- a tve-rkiy piyta grJiie v.e. of tbe tvtuis ol the ifuiiJ-iu.ci ul ui a Vvm v ! w price, - ' ' Tliu NYlcxly iiFKALD is U.u.ei evory ?a'nxd:iy af.;raidf, a'utl furuisUui at tb'a tuilowixiy raUa One cur y - - - - - . i-'l Five c(I:s . - - " .. " ten cispiei. - - - - e Ar.y Urgc-r na.abcr, al Jresfcd 10 unajs tf 6Sil scribetd, 1,50 va-h. ; : "" : Au tstraet'py w.llrie s?nt to every ei ib of-ten. Tweuiy coj ic-;, to one u.i.lrcs., one year, ami iDy litr-fr aumb'.r r. th-J itus rriee. A.i extra roi j will ho sent to clubs of twenty. Aicrtist-injiirs ti a lhnire.l natuber wiil be ia ecrrtJ in the Wej:kly i'i.K.ii.a. " '1 l.e V tK-it-v lifciiALt). tt.i-j cents p?r ccr.y. T n u'.!l x:i ier ycur i' -r tt.-re Lu; w.rii pj sixty-!;,;vei-a-. i'iv o.iilvs r .-ii jretiLs. 'i'tfti LiliOr.iiJ w: iiVil 7 ;?c;v) I3i-"ii w:l t:ke pM'n-e tL-tt Israel H.Caiu iM'r.:'y s! r--:t:.T. h t C'e-l r-fttt'eei a;uhsi- ni H. -iM'.' ;:SU-:Vti-Un: . si." rtiw -::J "I tH Dis u : ('..ar. f-f. e:u .h-v C t-o;', Nchrr.sin Terrif ,ry. ihe ol.Jc-: tv hi-.!. U'.. ct:-'.ti : jt:l,:.'ravi.t agiii;! ir,-v .f..r tl.e .f .f...U.0e-w;th it ertvi iv.jtt l-.-j '.: t''-,--' i' t! -'vl ordti-i-.vrr-, to ii ': -'i' t Cauittiins ai-l t!s:Vr Ibe :-i.ti:icul smiu t.f iitA K...r.jy !.i't -,u; ly tuui t'n.nr'r for the usu of ir-ii-n;i SeU"tub,r. 17:li I. - 'il at h:S ti-;: est. An or.ler of stJieriitiient Vu ,sat'J out of it I O.etr a i f thf.,!!..w":,j; re i! cs r;i;c ';! .itM in s ii Ci.ur.fy of Nh'-ivi'):'. to tif. Vl'fVi 1.2.ol'Se..t'.i Wet 1-4 .eelMMt 12 Trwiifhii i-:,.. 1; T;.:-:. S. uh F.i.t l-t.f Somh Vtt 1-i .s.'.-ti"':i T'.wn. iiii ;lii.'- IjE-it was atn.jliwu us tt.e i roo-rty of.-ai-'I B.w.a. Suiil tr.icon is ri f.ui! i t snV7cr petition lj ihe "th U.iv of Notu.bt r IS, t. L. Vi". TiiOMAS, Attv for I'I'f. Ftj.t. 22n-3 1SG tt - v-l-:5-4tv L A al P IIFATI N G A PPA RAT L'S, roiLiNG rnyixG jpte'.vvkg s t r r r 1 n o V. .TU XU;; I 'LAMS THAT I 16UTS T!2 IMO-'J. - y V.;, ,,;,),. (if a c'c!;vioti '.iriip, nf heer.?t of acuiit'w tv.utri of f-i', a vtj 'i-no-n r-:tk:'a-Jt can be co-aui " . -V. '. i"ri. rnr-'o, in emtruolion, e5";y kej. IE01T! IBGHH D. A..C0riSTA3LS, HAS ON ITAXD AND FOl ALK A. LAI.C J A.XD WELL SELECTED JSTOO.; Oi: IRON, STEEL, r AXD I 3 t' ;? i -ia AU tl n ft Tlsm 8 il TJ n $ w i y ki I. I j 1m 4-. ihl cjnrr.!:j!::rji ncr.r-r: sails. rATL-sopn, n0?v5 AND MULE SliOKS. ANY1L3, sl nIN'o. BICLl (Hri. ... AI-IEL.ViCE. Tili.'litL MCCINS niAiKt. WArnc L-ax:-:s. sOklv.' i laTes " LoLS'K'i I'LAliis, ; - T" T T . .... t . ...... r nel ' SLF.lrj:.; HAMMi-XS. ilA.ND 11 A M v. F 0-?, OJtsiKI llAil.MKP.S. i LXt llil.i, NUTS. HAlU.s.iW TLfeTli. Vi'LLL Viii;LL.,iC.,i.C.l iC, THELOIIACI VAlLilci :I0I:IIX iiircovcD ovtasTucN-j : AS3 i: Jl-j j.HJ J --.-.- --J era bn'.'t t-t V,:t be ft ar.d r.iort tV-ro'isVr f ie.rp ! rn terU'. ar.;l will fUa.l any ciita.e.e. T: a tone isverv aep. rii n-I. Iu'1. ar.ij nietloAr; u. aeJi el.-.-nc. to S7C-o. TrTtvr.Niiia ''The Ilo-n" Wafers Pi noJ are known as ra-rj tt err test." rrp-j: We cat ai elk f tbei' merit frcta pcri c i tuujrl ei?e.'' C-'i'lstian Inte'H'jecer. ' ''W.ee- s' Ptai i u-l M".vc-.-t!- ctn't.sns -r n e. tik.3 will it e C.oj: m:ao iivwi,.v." Jjam-zi. 130 ii-tW V CCTAVOI'IArivL.Or ert iakei. r $-3t !... vii Ci.vei it., il-o, JJtjjMi.'i). f.cu!i-!-!ul Fun-.s ! M--:. -..- at $-'.. 10, $.JU, $tUJ, $ltJt -j,!:-!, C t.-'-'. -' &1K0. ijrr'fTli Jisji :::! LJ i A tit A H J 4 -b V " irrri t-'" r-e-? T T T 1 J 1 ALSO WOODWORKS ! COUFBISISO !, nUPS. PPOKES. FELI.CV.'?!, WA'JON t.U'V vS, StlAFTri, POLES, AX P. S, JloUNDS, JLX2 IIANDLU LK'JU.U HANDLES, PLOW l XULEri. i.c. :"." t ALS'J AGS.N.T P TCt SALS 0? V . f AT : HAVING I.-AID IN A LATiE ?T0CS Oi' THE AliOVi-: iiOOD-J, . DlltEUT FROM TliL ' facto i;iE3, ir rI- rr w-Tff I A M ENABLED TO PELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES T li ULiT CO M P E T 1 T i O X . ZZ&nd in Four Zcrcn Iron. CPJCEST FRTCE PAID FOP. WROUGHT bCKAP IKON AT r?TCTrp a X5T "??n W w -i O i Jti--i -ill fcJ , jLikt.i u.u v r a . i j l kj i. . FcM-i-n32-fra ST. Jl'SFml, M0 DAN'L W. Pl;Abh, - . rs-opem-ij hi first cttts ?Tortj-cat earner M.m. rr.tl-Si,..-yi.d S'rort, ilrt.JV: ViLLt; Nir.iir.ASXA. Vt'here . he h i.-r2i!nrv.-d to e tl I.iii is of wor!; In hif.p.n-i cLchj.v n.r -ali. II ir.i?? $, J'to.v.- Sii;ir; es.el, Wn-io-.is Iri.in.'l ilf, in i.u-t ai.yUa..a: ia Cup i !:!".-ks;r:iihin iiii j tiona iu tlio tt:t tj!t: on elori notice. - ' T-ix-1 ly. 'AMILY GKOCEHIE3. t;- in c-'ler reel'." f-r ti- inoiaeut - I'i-.'i'i L-tup u (mi of thj w..?t io n!.ir Tj.ivetU of t:te .!ty. tU u iii- o it is u f i s -i i-.- n.nVule, a r.v-O. saving i a-.iJe n le'at :.ni nn.l i..-oI,ieg i:itl i rtn-lejs, and can e in ije t ft Tl 71 T T'.'i'fnf-ti -"r "A , C' , ! ,.PniTAtI1T5" IS-The u rV J. vf!h'! tSyoa holeft Winvht-.-.c i.i i riebrssha ?cr lat f o-nrdav. farr,. .1 .1 ... '-I' Cmpanv U wadded cf VKiriniaiV: v Ph v. cfjhe Overland Mai! j nlias in the valley. 1 Jt nhi . v...-..i..ctfd hr?t weth a.d j had hipper ed. and thtrr-rlv trin pier- erioos . -c . ' T 1 - , , " l i 'v iram? were ---j.iuy j.-aycus.er .uuvini: remariy wnh s;,-cn fug escort.. . 1 . " " j-eior p;;r- m t y a gurrnia Jvtc?. ? !--p:.tr:;; g point -.f the ! ' The' eleven cans . -a- pt-.irp J frorn l, f,0:l Atcnion ; rebels by Sheridan had arrived at Win Le t.rx-.ui:h ir ad will i rhester; on Friday two more came in --!--:,y t .ext, and after j Ti.ey were formerly United Slates "un3 uave r-gthirly , ; and wcra probably obtained at th- snz- ere of cor arsenals, fcc.lv thp tpU J - ' s o . A iUA i iibi iiiA-wi Aji,Nii litj:ratuim: and fashion. Th.j Jat-iniry tiuni'ier of ur New M:v-n ..:. li:i n..t a vt.y i li.-ing r-.-c-. jitiu.j '. -r.e j mra ..ii of iLiij cuuury. Lct-i i.m f...;'.j'. L.j aaoiii uiiiy. - NOTTCES OF THE ''ES. Toe L f-in i- :si This is the tiMe of a nw .mi,; -tr.il.' , :.!:..-! ..: in oi-r ti.y l.y It!ie(.j..A. i'. ur ' 11. No. .'5 ! ; y -iii.'it S';'i f. As i's ?;tl ii !ier.ti-. i l I x.li, 1 ii !-.;:! tlo; l.s u flifl'l, ;..! !.- rcj.;. to vali -v.T'iiii -;:( 1 .!! i u, :.Uji.-c ui).) in-iiu.-! Pie e:.rj of t o!.lr:l-ct,.rs t it. e-t:itn:ss o.nl,r ,., mo .f tl.' h-rf ii enrv tl.-i-t in ti.io n.uui rv m..'. 11 ErtlifJ. The f.oihi. n o:Ors i;i tt.U eu.'-i"-Li r.u ry, i. re sttr.;fi n-i o! lhe ln-; t'vle. wi.iif '- Ti a hit., i T.--C- of en'tern. ! nil -l..-.-s ji...i l-s.-ri; !:.-. ('::,ri;-! W.ti v's !o -tse-ji fr.-: i . L, w ar" "!'' lej ire J -siovinz. f.oia :t de-ci' u d i-i'-,ly f r ! .! y,:xi...xn,i. T.,i- n- tii-r r:.:e N etMo.n !y -joi -v : r ur t! '' patlron..ge of ur h.dy fri-'tid-.- I'ii.ii-U ;hi Lnjuirer. A Ni-'v Lu-ifts' .Ma;;a.T!ve. Mrrs. Dcn-'n A iVr-r.-n h .vo ji-c ,!;.,. I ri.-l".,rc tin p.jl.iu :!i.j it.' ii'jiii! rr t -i o.w e,: -j;.JT,e, ( irj Yl-e L'tyV sri- ':-!. It U ( v-i.tcio 3 v.ry ell td.d. l.y M r-. I- i rv ! e.r,. n ; ;.; v. r.-! r.:r,!.:l ,md I);iu.iM iu -'y i i-t .Ite t. Kri t l tuil i,f excel i rt' er::'ll ;ll rtHiflit k'tjot-.i: its contributors ure il ;s Lic-Muor O. lon n !'. ',-; -j . Ii ..,t ! r!0 r:i'k !. '-(hi Sri-, i '!k;j'. t-..ri ,"' jij ,f;.ts wiLh u steel eniv.in; in hi-- n-i.jik,.T : ;'i;; --.in M .it, .!r. "lVte.-s.in. l.s.s iri.-ir.ia Tev. n---i; 1. M-irii-i lJ.-.rl;th-l, mo :u .ny o-h -rs. "a M tia v .! P.-nj," by Mrs. L.u. ".' h. jirobal-ly cmuii-j t'l-Li'st tiit uhis of the nun ! cr.- ForceyV L're--s' Phr.adv'p'i?. TELlMi CASH IN AJ) VANCE. L'c.;.y,,.!-.e year, - - - . 2Pfi 2 Coj.it.-, (;:: rer.r, - - 3 (1(1 4 c.file, one .ye-..-, , . S ci'j.if?. J.. d i :ip t.- jre' trr np of cu'."j 12 o Tit ciioies, f.-iDi ore tr cttor up ( fi-Iub.J 2s Oil t..e ccjy of tie iV.-t an 1 one of the Li.lv'.- Friecl, - - - a.ao j Sub-eril:rj in Lrit;:i N"1"- America mu-t r.-inil tvcr.:j ctiirs in ad lit ion to the aiirju' tul.Tj.ni.n. to tve ii. A ihr price of Ti e P. t i' the Fame fts thr.t cf d Tne La i-'s t'riii.d, the Cinb.inay he r inf.. --s i ci 1'ivive y of th p, rr, t r partly 1 the jap-r and p.;r.ly t.f Ms .rino. Of course, the -rcii;iuui ujiv tfe either oi,o or the ft her. as dejdrcd. The Matti-r ta ih.-pi;.er will aways bj diJcrent f-.v.n that in 'the rnr.uine. Si-eciaic-n cumbers or lu? Post sent grat3. Atl-drc-si. " . n I CON PETE L'S 'IN, : Ni. tliT -.VaJu.it .St., Phihidc'phi.. j.-or f.miilj u r, hospita!, te.it, hir t tci. picrus . fi.-hirg nursery, or sick room, it is nr sr;tieof cotn-ort oty..n.l all proo-.ri i ;n tt itscst. - x'i'am' Journal - Je'ikh. . I Imve tried th; apparatus, cn I m' ife and I pro ;! ii:n the :.in a w..st val.ille ami iodi-;;.! iiiii.ie ii.-tic'.e, r.r. I e no-v wonder liovtr wi euid Ij.ivc o hug d no wiihoui it. Ed. 0 il Oil C-rsutnr. An ccinr;iicl eon'riv-anfe for ret lic.jj up boat it slu.rt noti"e f..r nurtrry ami jrein'r;-.' 'Hoi-eiioLd pj--poj.c-, o ne jinportHiii. 'in' s th. sa.-i;i in :oat ovr owl Sr.-3. A. , Ul't-HIHJ J'sjit. PRICKS FROM TWO TO SIX DOL LAUS CAIACITY IT.O.U ONK 'IC FOUR QU KTS. Tirr.EE Ant :c Lti-c.wjti) ai csr. tike wrr-i one nuitsrs. Vrrr. !.; -d i- r iv--r-.vt.e or C ia! O-l nr City V loescrij-iivtf Pauiihi'-t of :.) uac larniehcd ra.lu ALSO THE UNION ATTACHMENT. P.ic .:() C"r.'s To attached, tc a (',., i-nnotj SFroenn Lfcip nr Ca.-s l-.nru-r, l.y v,l". h Watier ta.iy ho Loi:ed a:.i Food coi l:t-ri : a l-o arranged to .-ii; ; rl a h !. EVE P. Y F A y. 1 L Y N F E S 0 E. V. D. iaSELL, A n N". 2irt IViiil tot. New York. Agents Vivt-Tzv. 1 M'LAUGHLIN & SWAN. won.: Rr.fpncTruLLY A?"xcu:;c'E to theih 'rieii.'.-s sjIkI ti:e publ.c eiieii!:y, iba'. tad have ju receiu a svreiii r tot ot F;n;,s!y Groceries, !:! in-. i' ijit uite.'itiyU or uri-'.nrcrt. to i!;-.-ir Uii iiiciailiog -KT.T?r.BAXS stroAS. raiMJ: rtto coffee, . I.Aiti i'i filX 'Ui "- i.tli lirtlAl.T.-; V, -ii It.) 1j ' TfOf.V'5 It T '.... X2, uV. Or-iiOD d-J ULACii liiA.. The IV.raco iTtter J!e!',!cona anl '.-r.-.iani T i: I :t;e K.;'ia! Te-n -.:crt tn;S tt Pi?;.it Livitr-J Sweil. Pric- fi-o:ii i.ii lo .iJO. AisJCii"..V.- Oi-ijr-si fr-.m ;t u ?-j !& J. ne: :l Cli-cui to ferrrymer. Chtrchss. S-.) tdf'i r -h-I..'Vc-, i :-ciina-.-ie. a ul 7 sche s. L(!i ACn VATi:, A t, No. -i-J irraidr, V. 4". Or?-or ir l-s.-.ci. A new .;t.-:'.B J-.-s tr: t 6c:..ir:.i. l 's. c.i :!? l i art l fcci...i a.t j- tw tjidy. l e-n:?m a. pJt t- fctnerf t r.i- v e '. fuU'ids. Ce'.i-if". it;. i ta, ri s, c vn ur. .a-. . sj. rrrmv it the w i". evf-ft-iy f' iti tw..t I e-it'i hi Vakt t ti.e laments o: A!u,-fatgi. e a.i.l It--?!e-iv. A ni !;: e- o tarce n-.nioer of heinMf it p'-e may te fArr J. ' ft de Si:n' Sctic.l. ' 'D'.ii't y -n kea- trie i-5'i.di'en coii.ini, '-Aiwa; jok on It.e Miuoy .iie." 'Tie l.ttie las.- ' inl -Lntie La. 5," -j. it I were iKtie tsr.i." ii',r.l..i bauiy.' Pre'.ty vo.ir tree." 'Anvil Ctorns." - Vt-ec in t r tlie 'ru!it.::,' lru'.k." 4.C 1 1 is c n::i'et i y Hora. e W';e's. t.t?i' r oi " Safe in ti Sclmol B: t,-- ... 1 uJ 2, wmcI b-tre !:aj i;.e tnoim.jus ieor 8-25 Oi Oc-.p:Pj. Price?--c'i.t cove.. Joce;. $"0 per 10i b.iiii't 33 ce.i; S-x." Wt-r 1U.; cloth biTt'.nc, einiofej Fill 40 fei)t.. tio oer -ji:.lrefi . 25 c pies ruruisi.eJ a', tae une tunarea .r.ie. at Uie retail price. - WCVLt -!,--1 :o-.re'tr-.0'.7!-vi- ";e p-?J,,!e r..'.! j t.y Cd'.r . ' t t X ::! e I : it" i "1 '. t-. . I aiain. illy..- a.-u.i:-cjohot'r.."5, Ucy w.i. iL.civy I nii'V'.: SAVE Till Til MON'I'.Y. iiOTTO s ii all I ?.criT?.. dzzr.z. .i .;,' ir? 1 L A C) Sic k ccrrdst of Dry Gr-r.dit, Sply and.r-'tn'v Grocerisi, Clothing, 1 i U4 j ai:d 'Si. Jes. Ihu at.d Cap-5. i'urni 1.1 :.,' I D. Q'.- and Sa-h, S'ov-s a- I Ti'tra ire, Qtr e-nare, Hardwar-i.' O.nljtv. M-'ha n-i ;NaiN, GhJani Jity. 6,1 at.d I Faints, Drugs and Dye-SiaT.:, i:;., jiui u.ii.i OC luOH XJt;., ilil. on'iDS 1-14 pives. arifl nearty tTro' Lnn-jred tn.r;c at t hynin. r.tl i tl.e nioit pr.pnfar S. S lio..' eve isst-.l ! AninnT tbe Dust p .piilar pieces are, K.ud Wor.is," 'KJ--i A!)..re." ' Ciiiisti m II,..." Seauiif Jl Zi. i ," '1 o v,': V.t to I-ve Mother." Anxti x t.,;j me in ihs Litit." . ' Kebi lor th Weiry," S-.x Pri. os raper c-ves .s, ct. each, $';5 .tr fcuudtrj i t-. .; r.!, ii c. e.c. $2 per l!ci--ii f-l , cl.a t,ui.a, iwi .tt till 5-i tu., fiZ j-cr 1lo It e !. . - -- ---- , Jliita laree isert-nent of Ptn-T .- f-irI, L-.i1y' r ;cy H.'4iiiil tt.nnft.'V-iiJr.i fid M !- Kncy j iT'. N"ii.i. Ori.ve. -i xl. siiry, ss.ri. he, : At JLr.w Ki. rps. n f - k Ftiil AM.rrnitrl :t CtPt'i util 3 - ?-f"i-e Ci'i'lk, i'acrj rlj, i ; -r Cliiii', J- u itul .. at V, "-rr'' t ? rzi .is 1, i X i . VJ I n rr M is ft rr'ire 2fw worts of If 2 aiuc.s. nsul uir! '205 :cn"? at i I : ni-.s. a tbe ri'it: i-. a litno 1 1 re t ..li.-ut it i-; j-i. i t-e l : tj f lev il ' I. X.r'y o:.fMi' 1 1 -Ti ' : r il.e.- L'.'ts ti'.v? b?p ': i- - r .i.l av i j;-." i:...jt fin-. uiU t:.i-"ur.!i tt,i-i ar.l'o'l tr c.-n-:r..7F-. ' An n.; ic t;ij.i.y i-hoU-e pises msy Le f r.K s:.. :! .e n r-.-t tc y.;i:.l i'r.e ti.e: ? Tl.ere i a be.-i.iif -.i vr-rt I. S-.r-o'-v tt.til c-.ft.a ,;2iir. r; tu-re. L' n't v.- i '.. -jr i!:p .:.i.el co!tili:&? It-ou, 6l. sees! ne a-.'u. bc-.: Lo.tc.a on, .c. p. ice- o, Be'! No. 2 jre tbtt .'..! i-l, X t. B.eh r.'i, nbers ct't be l-ti.oe-1 i i o : ro.uaie. P.i-.e, IkjuuI copy. sO eer.t.-, $35 per t-i u!r.I ; ctt,th t.oiin , e:i-. .. sse t ;tr. 60 ctt.,- $tj pr hun-i'ed. 25 C'j-ies -it v.Nt.e i at ;iia enc b jau. cd .ij. lu..ei at tu vuii vrice. : VjLV. Cral 11: rp. A v.ctt Sir; ay Sh-v.; ?.... tc t.lk "1 00 ws f be'itir-.i! bytii-.N ati-i tn.ies. It c-.nit.uid 'i.ii iy gvu, m-!i aa Siall e know eiich ..tbir iLe; e; fcuSer n- lie cbi..-rea to waic unto Me ; "i'r.p bcci-itTit eo; iKi. 'tis ai..ri- I. e .-.e m itn i.m. ia-; her ; lie le-rie .i me t.f .-til 1 irs. Kc. Pro-e .i.er over-. S. :-s ; j per t.itn.Ii-e I ; hound S3 cms. 0 ir lxa cloiU bound. fc:.'iti..aeu i i5 cetiis. .3'.t jer r -i . ti i -.t ifallfvl ia tbe retail pri. e. I( i-s etii eu lv Ii . act- fc'a-te-, ::. .: cf :.). S -IkwI hli Xu I a a . 2, ubicl: have La.l the erucm .iis s,t e f over eu- it th..u.an.t e. p.e-. Ji.r pr.b".i tic-iby L Jit A.i. I'.'Ai'L.ic, i-jl iiio.'y, New luri. -Vcic Pat. itir. Ey.lj H'ivl;' o r'tins 00 p.-ics rf s-.fas, ct ;crs a;. t(-v .ru-ej. r-.ttx cre-i a. i-l e.'u l.ir. ia. I -v i.'-jT ! p "S- S "I j.r.i;. e.-- r jT nd dvi''C; O'liers, at;l s i.i;c. o-Ti; : ere Mri"i t 1-! wt; bci'e.i ?..r s:;-iiriT.T t e I -itb t'i worst, ip A in :i tle mai.y beanti'ul p5-' "- nt-.y be touod Wt f. e libe.'ty .iveii i my cc t.: ; y ; t .ifi'ii :'i ti3n iif-o j T.;ree c'i ei'.- f.. uur b.it '..r; L' s.roi n. n .t h ?jvii : Coi'.. nil I . tuo -aai ..r 'Leocean ; F- e--liuo's ysth.-'r.nji : C...ii':.t ia'o.K.Ui' f.T;'Ver ; ..r-.ti-.s; al. r.rf, c Pricp. i.j;.vi i' j.r.-, Icccats. 1 Uau flicci. "lalled tt ibejs til p: i"o Cheaper than at any oth-tr II..-j.s. m ur.vn. . E--' "--'-ir f,'! 5 i "S J r .--- 'J i i ti ... .'...t. i 'ii. i i . i '-i.j At VZX'S, to U( a t;;i;:c c .t a b- . :. , -... , . , -. ! ' - - Cblcago cr..I St. Louin Cu -toui M 1 Koois antl shoes. Ltiulci' I'uacj ii.iicri. Are tbo lie-t in the J nisi sr.us i iiim cmicai. ?.::nd : ...THAT, ASS VUU M At t i 'u: C2kap23tcoos:xj axdVa't.-.o'; v " n erg Of L'"e-f P'p-rs vf.-i p ;-i ii Cbea;tr tbaa t.auy o'ar iu Cra-xrartna. J r?s a !.Tf ,i-..rf"enr r TtV-'vrr.r: 1 -;r-,: Ti.i.S, litttVi' S !! '-ti-; t'-l i; ).v. ;i ; r f. : v .'. J '.' I-' 1 i O I,; . .1 V 1 1 . '.i 1 . . . 1 .. : . . ... .ion. f-rr rr T " ? - tn'rj 1 if x-( c-;i, e-ntain 32 piiees ..f s..ius, (i :e s ar-1 cL-'rae!i..f-r Trc d.;ti.. Aiji-.i. ttie cb ivO pic.es -o w-.tF'-l i uoe F -ir 1 ret-ton's 111 'n ; ( lennv reoplft K" ; Orrli o i". m.;i tin i "V : ( W'stkel r.in .ill iheiHy, cc. Pnc-5 t:-:i.. fiii-A'o. 50 it-ttu pe.- uOitu, $3 -per b.mireU ; puijxi l ceal ca-.h. .. ulh : A XavrtJ Ca.ituta. Cfntein1? 123 p.ipe--. Wor-1.- fc- Ttev. S:rt;ev nyer, if-.ic by Prcf. C'til. l't'isistui exreiieiti b. k f ..- c u.i ti ts u.r t hn y.MitiR. Price: ;.u .or c-vers, -2iyCcUis ; 15 per bund: ed ; Oonr.i 25 ceutl 3 .0 .er buu Uc i. r Ti ?t c 1 1 I Ali "fTTI "?T m r 7-. CEX payj tl.e nibese Cac'a P.!o;; " ' ' 1 A r-.il 'As?-.rtment cf k 1 .jiJ.i'" .. . . 4 i ;J ox n..xo. - .. : iiC l.ooH coTit ni ns nii;ps"of t tr.rs urn kytv.ris ft.l'-rTip.1 for re vival. prai.r a:i'l c tut reuce i i.-evi.i Price in p.-er cvor--, fit cfe c--i.i;'S, 10 cuata; $i per i.cnurl. alai.ea at tno reta.i prieH. Returns bis '.batiks to tbe Public for ;st f.-.ror?. by strict attenticn to easiness b. p3 t- txnt tb-t : eral palronajo tetow oa biai he;3 ..'- . 9. TV f---T rr- - i." .'-.- J ii! J.i.iCitC.ii.l (,omi . P.ICK. SaGO.. FPJCE PEt'PFtTt cr.OTF. CIXX AmOX CilVK OYSri'JtS. B.1HIXS. oUllU VNTS. srAKCII. soap, PUiiE sor-A, na lands sALiiiiAiua, CCD riSH ACZE1AL, TTniTZ FICH, L "rT E TiiOUX, ILdltlKa, SILil). GRFFN APPLES, CUANBER1IIES, ' FA HEl) PEACHES. Dili El) APPLES, DRIED PEACHES cents! ns W-veen fo".r 4K-1 liyrins. t-e-..' a:;. I Lurc'u li'-.c i -y sc'-ool. t a.-fl ciiulprence ci.'.l roPctiiv-s. The o iMi ;: 1 ;i in it, 1:5m Sir Si.al. v. e k;i -w e.c.ti oii be river ; There is a Swtfi I.oiir ..f ;ir.:yer : ie cbi 'tl'-ea to cme Prices in it to co ; c.'!. '...uni i:t-.l. 2.! uiel 1st ti s. 431 iJ. uad-A-t, abo'O iJCi. &.C. iitr 111! II rn: a""1 (tve b'tn I -"o t pi;e- of tu-es o u, ol ti.e ci...;.tt !;;:!;, rot revival. t:isi..;i,r;.-, vr.. r j .cc aiol n 1 1 h T!'!s . r t-aci-rtii u.i'I mj usic in ibis I 'w.tc has life :.! ;i'i rhiii SI: .re, P.p-t for t: 1 rv, ier tbe.-e? Miil we liv: bev .nd .p;:t!'iri-! worM ; Ki.iU v-.r l..; Tbe-.-e H a bind f t..ve; S-.i.'ei unto loe ; 'icl sjve the Xni-.n, pies, b .licjI 6-J e'itsj j.nr M.iiis-e. silt, 6' cp;t ; i" -.er ;e re:a;l price. n.iHACiC V.'A- 2-iC'.v Yuurk, Futiijjcr ot lbs 2,lolz2s, Coal Cil, Cider Viaer ar XATCItAt. nrtAP criRvrixr; Ton tern. fJOLHN i KaK ANDllTIIKt tntOICZ liR VXCS UN C "I ("AVK.VU'.aU KILLik.-MCii.oiKiK.lXG.C0il- iio.v no. lo- Jfusic, tziih I'iuao Arctimjianlin'ni. A Iarpte aswrttuent of new ani p- puUr sor.K', tsdads duets, ii-.ariet, and cbortiso. i-sued d-ii!y. Aa-r-rz ilieni'-st pnoi.irtr arc, Shi'l we knnw eacb other ti.ere ltiv. rry ; V'cy b-tve n'y bivel oaes gone; I will be true totbe; Oil, tuere's no such Kirl as. wine, by Footer; Mother's li.ve is tvre ; Sweet love, ferret ine not ii.. t.y Keiler, j centi e.t.A; I bear sweet voice sitigin?; it .mc is bome; Forgei if you cn. but tr.ie, by rboraas. 30 cer.ts e-tch. I115.11 i.tnen; A .Minis for tbe Ciann F-rte We are Cfiitiiux Faibr Abra'am, fix l.ur.drrd tbou4nd more ; Atw.ijs b. .n tbe Ferny ftie; Sbail we know facii otr.r there? 6cc,,' wiib brilliant variations by G;'be. 50 c?:i-s each. Polk. is. V'alt7ei, Marches, Q-:ic!irt-s, Q ladriiis, .c . by oopc.'dr a-i'hors. All k.vs of S tu-t.a and la -trr.c;. n b ' ks. Catsb iines rii.i ed.'rca t j ny adu. es liuiic nidi. el t tbe above ici.'cj. Cigars cfC!ie Ccst Brands In Va disirlLCt- in r. 1 V. ti f..- V have to i.rt-j-.y t-e U. S. posta-e on f IT Ad-ir-.-.?3 0 '-m Fcr Ka's, Mice, Rouchos Ani, 15-. d Eitgs, lMMhs in Furs, Woolens, .ic-r, In sects ctx Pidiits, Fowls. Anitnai. Jcc Put up in 25.-. and Sl.Od IjTef, lio ties.-aTi riasVs $3 and $: 51254 f.r II :i is, l'ub!i Institution;, Jco "Only infaliihbj rein -dlis known." "Fr-e from p. i.ons." ''Net dangerous to the ll j'nin Family.' "h-'ts pome out r.f their hoies to uij." r" ' f'"'e?a'e i;' f'l hir-.i cities. Iff 'd by ail 1'rayjje stsan.l i.'ai'rrs everr where M !Bewakr 111 of ) wotrh'.ess iu;taui.na . lf ti:at "(0'Tar3" t..ani3 13 on eacb Box, t- .rie, aad tlajt, before tu huv. IIENLY co--7 r. rr J lllsClPAL DFFOT -iS2 PliOADWAV. N. Y "ii" "i-l by Ail Whole? ilj and liitail Oruggia!? 't; r.rr,wnvi!',i, Nehrask.i, "pLAV Ca'ds. Meat maats, Sbta.sad lufn Hnb'-er - B ills. Pal sent t bread, 6'coi s, Wrapping and b.'voia iwme tc be bad M XATJG ITLTN .i SWA NV, SArs, iutnn.ers, Uatcbeis Tiles, Os Cb4ins and ii;ners Picks At TrT.T.7--;,-il:r f.: P-eir.'.i. SiIviKlX-1 ni.ilDeilij Tila.o, Clears plops Piue ttttr. ur-i v.... r . . . ... - - r-iT-i-rrr i.itt e mttpt rr 1 ... , ri)U, s M. IU jrif , 2LilXlljlLi X C5 iNJTJjJLilJJl. At WcLavshlinidvaa's. I t - r- - . . . . T,, t.t.,'5- ' .i-l Av..vr.j..,L usseTmnt. white ash, coc-asc, etc.. f-t - --"-'- - eic, c.juscaatly i.u b:ind ft i rivn T,r n"V7i v riTTrn r-o rrrc-'- I ! .Ji.-t.Usni.Ti Jw ,r, i . rv . j . i j ii . :.tiLl l i . l 1. k l. L uir.iiv l .-turtnio rein' i! r--o to ' . - , , ."h.-p with new in biii-ry such as a turnir.g-It'hc, ! I J'i'-t'-. mace, i.pire, p.-r-; ?r, pinser natmei:, Cin- hrtra-rWr T nuao UU scrcing m hrjge droves j cireU.,,., are prep-ircd to tumntxti No.l U on, etc., eic or bo-t Qu.ii-y - , ' T- ' ' I,T2? . Lf ;-? read cf ctp'nreJ exen. sher p, :cm The de- ! 'tk-5 ,n V.-tov-.' Vov Ilrnes. VAtx HoWs, i At iCcJCaucbiin Swgn?3. Arnt-y, ;ts l;n,i) jnitV Struct. u.. of the mills, I a m.s cc was a- ' .VET AN'! I:;p!"'vr'' r'--,,vT,,-;-'! ,,rd crubtr- I prcLACGnMX k'swaX are eonttantty rpceivin, n: li.CiiriTiS. and is ITefl .rh i '- O-i .... t' .,i ,l , n 1 i ,r lh"iT hno v-'-' R'-HJ called t .. fron-.1 tonotdcte ! J-"-- .i(ii:i :,n- totbeir siock of ftrucerie an t Kard- I,. W, t Ttneis Will no lont r : ts,.n c.n t tr.- funtdtst rpiir peede-J at lower I Tbetr G '-tl. ad Piicts wilisuii et-e: jboU -0 fritains. Adrat- rehire to n.aintain th. r ? vi In 1 rt tb.:n heTia be b.d atasy ro.uc Eatt or ! -''-' uia." , vu'.h'y Went of this pIhcp. j Lrmnvil!-, April 2Lt, i. n c ! Cjnp.S Sbears of tbe tuoot tri-r mak, tor sale J i tsJ At iicLvuushiia d. fc .aa'a. CHEi-TXL'TS, AT.MOXD.s. PECAX3. FIL2EIT3, TEa- "Sb'l'i, liC, &.C., A Splendid Assortment of Stick nnd Far.cy Can iy from the' Ecst r.laauiuc turiei in thd E 't. ' ricur, llaccii, Butter, C.c. The Highest Marhyt Fric-ji Paid foi Country Produce. "T,-.I I "'filTT V ,r CTlV xtiLlx." L IvtiLi.i W OixAiti) Nemaha Va lle Da. Mi I'l ilding. Bho-.vxville, Jan. 11, 106 J. r.CC.3-JC9 y!y. "j ypi-tltlAL. O-ir.p-.wdpr. Tou;. ITysun ai,d Kiack leas of tsperior 4ia!!ty. At xJCcIiaughlia & Sivan'3. CO An OIL. be-t r.uati'y clai iied Curb n oil, Lanjp cbiuiiitys and V irks- JI-LA CHILIS' & SVGA'S. A Larue a.ortmentoX Pocket knives. Butcberkiive etc. e'.c, caa b-i secri At yVLAHGWLIS & SWATS. TXOIa Ttubbpr and IT .rn. Drinr. P.ctft si t fine C.j.i.b . Wooieu Picket c..nwt, T..tcco Po.i'.bes, VVatiets, Fl:b Hoots am! iine-, &ls . U , - '-"" At V.eLA'CUULIX A- SWAT?. ' . rAiHSAi::!' Q P A T ? O O xl I-f 1 j kJ OF ALL klXfS. S?--$ Also, Varfctonsa Tr-acks, I-iita: p.-vi-cnis"-? rp::?'!i eft? ft r?H I . it lUlldl..4 VI MWittatuii l V-bJ T3"B. ciferr;!. aiM bny oiu'y the Eeoiiine fJ FxiT .V, FOX: Ager.ti.in Louis, v-ix-l -tf. T.TElv" Orlesns, ctsrifled, Criiibed ar.d Fr w;rd Sa-d-i irars, Giiifeu SSvi,? u;ar Uotue and Sr.auia iiotiiiCi " At ITcLsr.gTiMr. & S-rau's. riTHB he Flourfroni tbeL. S. V.G. iliil In carter A hjif ajtd whole aacks keot Wattra' Chirp i'uuic or f'.e XlU'ion. Atrau-'O'I p soloes, d-ieis, r, i r'.,tt i ai t cb-.rn-et. far nu.-ka! s cie'ies, cboirs "cb i. !i. p-...;icsch. pi scuiiiiarie.-. etc t-haii f ku..w ec. i c-t.c- x..f.v I) jii'i y. u b.ir tbe iiii-els c im.n-' ? Sna! 1 we meet t--yoa-t t'.e rive.-? lie m titae ' Ii.te is a b n .ti; .1 r:; Where liberty lweil: Um vK.ntiy ; Frt-rdiu. trntj a:ul licht; We are c .i.iii.i Fu!i;r Abra'.n i. six bi.mi-eit ib-.-c.-iju-i m-.re ; Tt.e -e is a I .-..I of U.ve; s r row sbal I cod . :)Caiii ni .re il.'aveniy borne ; iie sins! to i:.e of Ik-r-eii ; L;;.ii ia ri. tt ; WewiH ioe r S'liid.iy s.-t: ; o-tr OoJ is rn.-n-cain- .-n ; o..l.at. i -.a Xsticri ; V. hit tier's s-.i.sof th- P'aii'ati n Net ; Fair Freei!..ia's il- r-i bas da'vr-ed i l is' ; t;ver i;,e tu-,-in-'a t.; Over the a;t:clain ; l iti if E iia's iu ai i,ei ; v.'.i tie'a Ror.e io lie-iven ; .-'uftt-r lit: le b: i i c.i t. come nntf. u:?; Piiiry u-3 in t; i.i'r-i-, "slother; C tne to thy ro-t ; Swe?'. luur pf Pr.tyer. 4.c. P. i'.e 3 tens, Z'd cvi ts nc-r tii.z , $" ; or bu. ir l ; pot.u:e 1 cei.t ich. iu I .rm. w,.u Pi..r- ac: ::-.;.atii:i.er.l. -23 cent. FLbiisbed by llui'.ACi: WAii'tis. A-'t, . .1.41 li.oav.y, X. X- aJaLU ii It 1 AkjXj,f V? TI "Tw" Thif h vtit is now bcin rca nader tie fn-;erir.ten-decce cf V?ho will t.i!t ctro that there rhal! be no c-iuii 'aii'. as to thelio:' Crojir. Iieu'rl . At all Hcars cf tlio Tsy ! ! Emigrants to 't!i 3.1inc: w ir- -r t r;. -v' r - frrrryri r- .(,. : t jk w ooodsp AT J. BERK Y & CO'S., THE VERY CHEAPEST HObSE 1.1 BR0YITVILL3 ' J. BERRY & CO.. . . . . . Have Jnst re-e!ve't. ina ar n-w ope d:? t taad on itu-i street, one ox :t.e lar-c: . c'j ".lel BEY- GG0B8 AND 3-b.oo: ever otTerp'1 In ttls market. I,.. member tls J, BERJIY & CO.'S, ro. 2.12, rL-r-.ii rr;t io mt, Dii(ivNvi:.i,i::r. t. ft - . w . .W. I i I iD IT? X. I-I I 3Iaiixif:icturcr and Dta!er ig SASr)!.r3, IlAnNE.-A; T.?.ll?t C0llai:. WFiiL'.-, L.::::, n:::j CCilliV Ct;ML, C.'.'l!', LRCSIIC;, CATiMAGi: TI1M 'ia A':0 A VARIETY 0? F.VKUV tL'INS lXrcTAININi; Tl) TTitl find th!s sn excellent point for crostrtb rivf-r. . . Earls-ran' s Trra t5t. J-'eph sil au pit at Fist rf fcere. ever, if 1'oey sb wish to go by the Xcb:-ala ! T... ... ,-. ,..y m-t.n:.i,,i.in,r.wii:fjl I3;f Wt. T At'r-1?"! a ""-I -tr--. - bouniiivvriiin oi-.i-e ila-u ASi ' " j a Contrtcatioa fha JL-h-.-ml I ticrrj PROVISION. OUTFITS Can be bon;V.t bere C taper tnan at acyQtber poirt in tbe Territory. . Trava e.s ficra " ' ,i '. ' Kansas to Icira Cr frcn Icvra to K-msas R"iIl find this VL9 most direct rlttt to eros . ' it.: . iMUin. AT il'LAUCHLIII t STTA'S ' BrowBrlttc, rebraska, April 11, tMl. r12-re Repairing of all ILvizji rcc-tc5 V3T7 ;-,--'" r.w.i Xai. cash taid ro.usxjr:. iU-nl 29. 28-H."n7-lr