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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1864)
i fl hi : U ... If i t i i i i I i ;t ; 1 i A: li.H t CHOXCS LiaUOES. Wliolesalo and Eetail -3van Worthing OF THE BROWNVILLE, ri Jnt Received tte U-Ft unl test c! Lqo.r aci C;frevcr iferei la, J-J l.l te I them aa lw a any Ucnte in the Ternary. Tl IIT.'VCT 3 LOCH, Main Street, Browarille BENJAMIN ROGERS. Frc-pritcr of th Effil UifflY STflELI II the FASTEST IIORSES And bestet TrTest of ft Mis uri Blver. will kir thea t responfil-ie parties at reasonable rales TEIIMZS CASH. A LARGS CORHELL TAB. I? forStcck. Horpos Uonrdod By the Day, Week cr ?.f .r.:h on re-icon-thle tcrmi First Street between Main and Atlantic, BROWXVILLE, NEBRASKA March 21gt. 1f4. n?.0-v5-ly OF SEW AND WELL SELECTED Juit receiyed at JOHN A. PONN'S CHEAP DSI GOODS AXD GHOCERT STORE. MJl.V STREET. The Latest Style of Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Hats, etc, etc. Dry Goods, Groceries, flats. Cars, Boots, Shoe?, Iron, Nails, Flour Bacon, Queensware, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Window Glass, etc., etc., etc. Wtich he will Sell CHEAPFCRT CASH!! C!l nd exnn::r. L13 stock before jnrefcasing else LrownrH, June 25, 'C4. c 42-tS-jIj MOLINE PLOWS, On band and to am re at D. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouse. ro an! 22 Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, MO '.rab2i,tr.-tf. - BKNNET, P1ETEIIS & Co., F.ed Jacket Red Jacket Eed Jacket sto:h.cii niTTrns ISITTKRS STOMACH IJl'iTi:ilS The p'orriefor f tL; - ;iitir vteemei sad well known br ..iid o! 'oi-u.n bitters. Jo u A deeia it cece.-ry. in order to pi ve their gxxJo fictitious or evfn sn ci fcnpel va'.ce, to take a fiinr t ail other B;t'(-i, nl proclaim in Email csrital thst ti.r ire w-rtb:es. Our Bitten do nt neei thib, -re tLein Sef"re the rublicon their meriu, invite venr t.rpfcl a teotion to tt e A we a!l-w onr lra!'l n-.n, k:owicc we d. that or repntati'-n rg at stake. Ti e name 'Kel Jiket'' ist&kcn fr'.m tbp rr:g:cl cor- i-i ty tte tutive cliildof tL forert. an-1 witb the at fit: on 't a few bertf by Dr (JLx; m, Uiaie more f t i tbe l'e, ttey cow Lve pecitSiarly tea::J y, M.'.h ttp, anl r c';r!ive i a; ..c.' e';.-is!ly f t the pa tient r'"- tr-jin the be it eickue-, l .ss of 8Meijte, tfitie-- a'ter etitu, dutzice. ani all Cleaea ariz ln fr t, Torpid Liver or in.iieit;.n. Tbey trengihen anl inviir jratfc tne "rtem. ihey are unequal led for general detility. Tbey are a sure care cere for dype;-:a. Tney give a p-od and healtty appetite. . Tbey ait digestion. Tbey ara the le-t e:iia-a!nt In existence. They are a eure cire j reventive fur Fever and X?ce. Tbey relieve u-ui;'i'a. Thoy enre Kervins Ilec Jiche. They are rerfe.t!y pure and pa'ateable. Tbey make the de'jilua'.et strong, and restore to vtreutb the exbau?tel. Ajred persons and Celicate females will Cni ILey can ave Urre- dct -r t.iiu Vy vMz:g tbe-e bitters. Wo take vieasure in tUin;? atter.ii m to our very xfeQMve catakgne of Bu.k and cased Gvoe, cvdm.i Il 1b part ot Strawberry AYIne, Llack'oerrj Raspberry . Ginger Muscat Claret Lemon CorC'al Peach Brandy, Apple Brandy, CfcampaUne. Catawba. Ca;if r-,ia P.irt, Sv.e'rrv, Jfala fa and Jlacira Mine. Gir., Hums. Brandie, li 'arhun .and Rye Whiskies, wbich are perfectly pare aivt nly U triw m oji i uy aii Drnp fiata and dealers thronxbout the cvuniry. Call for nor giHxla and take n other Circnlari to the trude nt piipl on applieat'.on to Proprietor, 21, River St. Cbicajo. Bold by W. II. McCnBEHT", Bruwnvil.e , BP.CWN fc PliOUTiT, Pern, .T. QADLCo, " " " . Zrownville, June 2. 1S64. no 29-ly BERKLEY & NEELY. ' Vagcn Llakers. having recently fitted cp tdeir hop with new machinery euch a? aturcin-ln:he. eircle-saw, etc., are prepared to turn out a Ne. I article of Waoons, Wagon- IIcees. Wagon Bows, Vtw axi IiirEoVKD ClTLTiTATnns, and everjthing in their line that may be called for from a complete wa"on down to the emallest repairs needed at lower rate than they can be ts j t any point East ar Weft vf thia place. Brown ville, April 84. oS3-8-ly DRIED ipplea, Dried Feachea, aago, Rice, starch, aoap. Candles, etc., et., At HcTeuhlin A Swan'. TI1K highest market price paid for Country Prodnce At LIclj:.v.srr.lin & Swan's. Probate Notice- ' To s.1! whoiu it may Concern : Notice is berr-hy given that there hss been aprlicaticn made thi? day to -the Probate Court ol tise county, to arjioint Isrna P ilcxford AduunLstrator of tha Estate of James L L Mhjs late of said Gage county; and that Monday the 5th of September next i th tiaie et to hear and determine said t licaiion. ALBERT TOWLE, Wobtla Jni. : IaUke,N'cb,Jiiij 27,1661. tii 3t ?2 1 J s , 77; 1 -r , : " - . : 5 ' . ' i - y ..' , v a .0 h ?Jt f 7 k- y V .:-". -'-TA ' I V'.' GROVESTEEN & CO, PIA'U FOltTK M Arv U I' J UKEKd, TL'? a'!, n i. u ' f ti;e IW:ic ni tr tnJe is inviud ;.. iur w Sv.Ie 7 Oe;.ie U".-i-woiJ Fjrfc, vL. li f..r ro'.-jrr.e ard j uritj t.f t.o are unrivalled by any hittivrto t :Ti. u in tli. tn uk-jt. Tliy --cta'.a a" ti. c; d?rc :t; rv' Frrfc,i, Gtm& action. Harp I't Jul, Ir-.r, Km . Over- Mrurg lias Jtc. atJ -a..h i?irua;-v rirj m . ie ur.i'-r he yrf-ri-v .-'j: rv;-i "-t. t Mr. J. H. l."vt.'tei.-u, wv id a tr?i.V. (is erktce f (.r: 0 ytar iu tb-ir araufciur, t fully wnrr in e. ry j articular. TZie "Cirovestecn I'iano Fort received tlio IiiItest axvard cf merll overall ethers nt the Celebrated ilu'.i I'airl VCVfir wrr ;Vt if. i r !Ti- m-ct frt Hi tlie best maker of L( ad on. I'ari. Gcrannv. Piiila lelf.'aia, B.t't- itver uie i .L- fr. mlo'U f wb!.-b caa be seen at f ur wre-rtooa. By tt ': -r, of iaij-roTcascnti we u!ke a? ill a .re perfect Pi.ino Fv-r'e. ar.i by canafactttrlag lari'Iy, ;;b a .-,.r.?t1y cj.-u 6y;( m, are ecab!el totScr thcie icitruucnti at a price which prwluie !! n;-'. 'A i . n. I'ulCLS No. 1, Seven Octave, h ulI ccm?rs. Rvew,v4 ptacs ease $275. 2. Seven 0.-.t.ire, p-trJ c rrers. Iloscwovd beavr muu! lir. 5333. N. . "ven Octave, r u:.d c-yrctr-:, li ;twcod 17ei"xxxs: ISTott Ctlx, PESCRn'TIVt CIi:CL'L.v:i SKNT FitLf. THE LVi FLOURISG 7 3 dLmoa .nrd i-a-""'L j WILLiep cctitart'y on hatd an e-sorta:snt of Ertrs-Supsrfine to Ccmmca TJ IE il if! via I SHINGLES And all other srt !-:' -:t-lT kept in afrt-cl.? Mercban Flouri:. 1- a-.v 'i;. Brown rille, M.-rt;h :Ift, .!4. t?')-v ly. kJAtit IMPROVED PUWnjP " T .6 P TT T rj l? liWiiyfj i?iiibali5ii5. The preate-t irrprovement jet in the Sewicn Mi chine Art. A curioiity worth seeing. Please send fur rirni r ' The?9 Imt Tfivel Mah;"" .ire on? hinl-ei pr cent, cf ir.-a J an l.-;Jk, ad m.ike iL Lk-.Sxit;-h a::e r.n tf , . ids. Thev r "riirf r 'v. --v n '. 1 rie r-'.-rfcc'Iv. excpl the "1 ria'.-i dsr-v.-t; -m." No chi: m . tir:: :rcta 0 And no t'; t':. rt to clein or oil. Our New Manifacf'ry 5 nr.w cofn;.;-ve. wl.-h all 1 ' a i: 'id inrrr nr I prlirt-.i new a t. I : s ' rr.'i .1 v t raj id'y 'urrm - ut wbich i-r i...;-iaty a fid jerfc.-ti: n of L'.i'!'! nrjnr ;urj.;;2;vd by any niji.i! facture iii the w.rll. 3. B. Fhfiu'd a;iy M.chlo ve ur?.'!t;?fict'"Ty, it cj le returiii-i an 1 mov.-y ili. ic-J. A;n'? wctrei in counties not Cinr3--el by cur own Ag'.ats. n.Miir, u 11 ox, :ti. co. NO. 53S I.P.OAL'WAY, N. V. Xn. 4Vv3-ly. Ii: -A. G IL, 15 TfTfinm A ms flT701 "wrT FOHr Sin VlTfl t-iTJ .1 hll; 1 , Ht Ui;in UU 1 iIs;iJ iUH Wil M i ilii, BREITMYER & ROBISON. WE call tte a' tent ion of the LaJ e ar.l Gentleman of Bicwnville an! vicinity to cur new '.oc't ef Coots and Shoes. Gallors, Ral moiafs, Lai c Co'tS I'oIIia Alices and Jznny ZAiul'x, IJo5 .s?.2j, C liil-lri ii and Infants S II O 3 S Jn't Receii ed. which we will se'.l as cheap for the eh as any hon ia the Wet. BOOTS AND SHOES KADE TO ORDER In the verv latest sty'.es. We wa--rant all enr work to tiveati..'atticn, for we en.ploy r..-i.e but tha hei of wcikmeu- LEATHER A?JD SHGF Fih'DiNGS l"or sate, and every thing telonsirgt to the trade. TTe return enr thanks to tbe pch'.ic for pc?t favcrs and by ttrici attention to ir l.i.Miies. hope tii merit that liberal p:.-.i.a:el.eitowfJ k, -n u. !.eref. fore. Bear in mind that enr taotto is the VIJroLKPKXN r." a-COMK AND SKK US.-C3 Dvn on short notice in a neat workman-lite manner. EKEITYTER A ROBINSON", Br iii-iiie, Xetrasts. E34-vS -vly Arm 23. isci. NETS Or'e?n, Canned, Crushed and Pu-jere(I Sn ptrs, Golcten Syrup Sugar House and Sorhaai ltolasses At LIcLartehlin & Swan's. TTJR best from tfceL. S. V. ti. Xil's in quarter half and who'.e aks kept ATITLAUCHLITi Jt S"v7A3T3 QAWS. H.-romers, Uatchets Fi!s, Ox Chains and J Jiiners Tl. tl I At TcL.?.tijr-l!in A S-rrcn's. CITRON, mace, fpice, rer-por. frineer nutmes, Cia nauion, etc., etc. . of te; quality At HMcLiaugbiia &. Swan's. McLArGHLIN it. SWAN ar coLstant'y receiving addition to their itoct of Groceries and Hard ware. Their Goods and Pri will suit ryaWy aiy etaer aiaa." CfilOKIXG cd C! c!i " Ti 1 . riirirs i.ii p:r, : price cf te sub-rrnrtion. Or. if l re e-isl. a n.- newt uu i..iidr...i i-i.a. xps. ia s-jii wr.eij-, n-iiiTr caa uie u.e ir I -i, ara n cor v ! wiiwis is nere -y piven to i l pe ai icjjai.gaiin & Swan's- it "Anions the fine," or of "I ndercurrenta f.f ; --t ice list, vainatiais and en-.meratkr ,-w. - w . " J Street," by R. B. Kiuib!!. fcanni in or 1 ".?n Jer l Si IVl.r. ::ruii B.t of-Sanshine in Thourht." br" Chnr!M 'a..!,'" ! ,u -:tni:ei of H.,.ttara,a. .Nemaha At ghl in & Sw-n's. j L"uiaXl V p i io ?:'2j, a fa? sin:"!e cf the tbovecat. ! ixx Current 2Tvx2a.diEJ- jaa-.- ohi.U -vi !y J . PHILLIP DEUEIi, j -Ma:ii Street bt. Tit? nud Secorvl St i a-i-te C3 -13 CD u 1 ! S E G A K S , Confectioneries Can J us, Plain ar.d Fancy, Orarg.s. Rniser.s, Lrmnrs, Duffs, . Figs. Y;tts, vj le tVc "c. mdilhivJs of Tuv, Cu J Fi uif. ar.d Oi-si' i'S. FFTII-Tj -"-avT!i J.i'ir.. .-. str;-.:3 an T wld'. aw:-ke t' f l liiiiT-i :" ih -juLi e, :.d :b-.' s.rfi;vr:t i.f V:i. ictif in ':.!i.'ie er-r i .T ifj in tl. ci.-krt, :u.u is d :toitu:;:ti uii to be V7I.L II. lelcCRELHY, irn-l! TV!:oa?e and IhMil Beilrr in Urn S m- irs. ,,y a Paiiftti, Oili aiJ Dye Stuif, ! Pure Li.'iiioi -s for 31eUieal Purposes All kicds Patent Mcd!cini.s DEXTJL JXD F.'LXCY GOODS, Blanli Books and Stationery, The t-2.-t b.-and5 of Cb(-w'T:r sr. I Sju-'iln TOBACCO AXD 8KGAIIS. Txr3iS3 of rx3J. Colors. Firriimcry and Toilrt Good IIea--urei hi? .atrird t:;s ..ubh? cer.. rilly. he v.'il ieep on h. pi Jx!'s-;:. of t'i ar tic!;? ni'r: tinned, hoiuei ar ; insr nn i ever; '.Moz Ufn-iHy kpt in a f- -t. cLi.i Ih-uz t re, ;, he i prepared to h-V. at low ra fvr C.-h. Cali ar. 1 cirmiine ttr yourself South-east Corner Main and Firs: Street. Erovrnvillc. Iebmcu. Prescriptions ana Orders Carefui'v Biled it ?!1 hoars. rCTTTJ i iiia The rctioer of the Co:t; vi... t L : r- ti w.r" '.f 'i,c f t!ic it t:.:tri( irri-"rtn t f.iU.r. i' ' i- :: ':' b it a"-.d f r ; !. c;i!"ir- 3 'ie:: t v ti..n vf r';e .1 . or : r w:k:ti !- rt-ir. No ; ';::;;..;... n , kit.d 1. in V . ar-l t:" i Li -f "t :'v r.-w. -r ';s :' hi ! l'.r-rv t..r. r L'-t- ii, r i.-v an 1 if 5i very .Ttp'! thr.1 i-r.:".e to it.f p;i---'f fr- ::i i " iaC a. In t5t. i ?n--.- o- n '. '' r.o i ' rr--- :v i I' r: vr 7..,.c . Ike th'- t r - i;t. " 'i wi 1 r If f o ' :i: " "y or of i s t-.-: r t wr t'i t. . i. .! , r i tbr-t 'T.'l- ,-t! .,! h r..-t t:i..- t'T i-: :!..r..(So?. j ry 'r1 r.-ilertwn i i '.. t '. ( t .. i I fVf.l :. i what it ;. v- o -a.- it- r- .: IO ti.i'-.V :. r'.t- f r :L V' :i ; an- r ' r-' 1 J ' 'o ''.' ' i til ' ! . v. v r ' .- i - ! , Ve: r.t-i I -'ii 'p tlf n'irc-':':!) vtrfj j d-irii- that ti ro -:i--ji.;:c.i ? ! -i.t'-c el' vv'i :;- ii io a c.-ti'r .-.:. v. it I i r r .ilove t. i" vi iy v"i.i t a tt-'-i;! i nnd . oii'-..-I u- j r i. vriri-. ir to ?. p .-itii.ri fir above that pre- I ly i.e. piei hy f,:,y l.LI'Im ia" ' f ir e lir d in ! Am-ric. I., pr-.of of w'::i-.:b asrerth n we c.'-.ll a!- j juntiont. th-t.n-.nef,--: I. Of it, tvlk-il article repub::!-! in pttatrrM ! c.,,m. a .. tM Lh hvl. : tv. f:!r. a tirculaiioa I of orj Lc.-i ir-l ?n I six 2. Fr-Ti it liter irv U.CiV.'l :-r.'-. rtiij.'nt. a injlo s.Tisi h -, i ' h 1 . ." V e r y r.:-v!-l. "Anw th, m', s la ne-riy tutr:y-f.r-: Two other serle of it b'er.'.ry bei-n repubi:bc-l in h- f rni. le-t h ire a!j : uo p,r- tun ..fa thir J .:'.re:ly u: r-' -. Ni. s';r jluitvo f- i- i ; .1 he a? lodged t-. prov t'o the ci' ''i."n e f it. , t io. r t 'he Coming r th ;r e'xTrio.-dii S :i: v: an 1 its eo"a:.ct r-.t'-o detc-'mtDv 1 'hit it !;! B't fall behind. P.-e?errin all 'th'- 5- .id?!:-s, riof and ability" which a tnoLar.d j.,-urna' ha-e altribat-d to it, it wiil greatly en"srue t f acti .n. and dis'ru-s. f'vir!" ':- a;, i frankly, erery rrir,c::;!e n- u.-.hed id U:e jrr-;-,.- ' of the day. The f ti l-iii.ds cf the ccuntrv etu' rr!"'r: the men r. . ! f-miliar with its d p! 'ma- y and 111 it d.stina'thcd j for a'uiiiry. are am-nif it C' cttibutrrs: us -A it is no m-ra 'natte':.r' or -t):Kso of a propc-ctns" to say tr.At this-:n t i 'r tiie si.i euiLo 'v ttic 1 he i the fir-t i-iUr.ioct in Atatrict. und r 'aupf-tc-s v Li -ii I hb rhi..; n v-l. '-The Oulf V- t-veeu th.-m. wri? ro pu- iloatiou ever c.joye 1 bff'.-rc i'a U.: country, ten by the if rest noveiir, Mi.. Mephens. wl:oe Wi. u it. Ct.t:-.V. m i eiirc-r d.iJ-.J ! Barb ion and Faunae" La-j a larger clrculatioQ opinions on the g:tt -f the day, it wttl ifcan ny other purely li'erary novel cfcurd iy, cot- bo a mere political j much the larcr j and a regarded as so ma-ter!y a work cf fs. ii n portion ot its columns Will be cnliv. nM, a? bt reto,by ta-es, poery and buro r. In a word, the Continental wiii b.- fourd, u:t l '.-itaw f fatf of j'ditt rs.occupyin ad iti-.m and pr -seutia at tac tions never b?to.-o founi in ln-is'tne. TF.i::IS. TO CLUBS. 1 wo err-;-. tor one veu-r o.t tt j r ft . 1 Three c. pii-e for one year, Six ;cs for one year, Eleven c j ics for one year, I'M ! --V i iwenty copies for me year, pA-p is arrAxes. roftae Twccty-fcur cents & year, to te psii by the Subscriber. SINGLE COPIES. Three J "ars a year, in el?;..?. Fofae paid by tho Publisher. JOHN" F. TK0TA. 50 Uwm Sr., X. Y., Publisher for the Proprietors. As an tndnc-ment to new suhs-ribers. the Pub lishers offers tha foliotrin libera! ire;a;uui ; : Any person rt-mit'i'D $ J, ia, will receive n rfEit'ic;: $ "", 13, Will receive ine fn ra Ju!y, 1-CJ. to Jannary, l,6i 15 tlj whole of Mr. Kimball's and Mr. th e rnrinr. lhn erwni-ir, mi"! ucw f?nai?. unicn are - t . - , C-nh the Ivhini fratAil rr'. t .1 : k V . , ' . ilI" V ' l bocto b eeat ; Any person rerattiBir 4 50, will receive th rcr- 1 1: n from its c. uimencetnent. Jannarv. l.15 ta January, IrvU, thus seenrin Mr. Kiaiballa'-Waj lary, lrv4, thas seenrin Mr. Kiaiballa'-Waj I neeessful ?"ar-d Mr. Kirke's -Among the Pme " ' -derehan Story," and nearly 3,003 octaV. ! isofthebcstliteratareintbeworli. Praaiua Ae siieeess ard '.ki-rih. i- .V.:. S" uiywiciiurB n me woru. rrtiitir 1 --' " " ej w i 5 , v " i - i PILLS. Are y,.u flck, li-t'e. and (nn;ii'! J : JJU I'Ul -tr?ryvr-r " of o-.:.-r. your fymm .JilCr. ' -I v: (---s-o. iib.c ? i i.e?e rir.p rWiWiu?: J!-:.- ? 1; u a C '-;: tbe re.uae - '. v'"" S" -' 10 feriaus i;iie. fit r'-'lUl,. ' "r t f t'- U ct ej inz opon U ?-t'v v (.f the n,U rr-ec '- F ' :S n m dv. J ire ur s 1 1.--, ';'r'fV. aid cf-a.!e cut t:.e c-or-C'AV' .- dcred bufi.ore pri:V the t ' -s.-. it r ir.ovc ou ui:ol-'rcf.d ia fcC r-:-;--:-.;:-''.'it l.-:b ajiii: " - laic the r;i:ct.-..! 01 tae i::to :(!( t: activiry. Fi.rify the tvstem from t: e ot,-:r;c?:or, a , -- ---V SiSraie. A cold .e so!nwr.tre in the od,. ai.a otnrtracta it tktnrel f.'NCt;: ve, u -ot re J.:?vJ. rsct ur-on ttc-eJ;.'d the rroj! and distai. Wbiletn this couurKm. cppreed by tSie deran emett 3. Uke Ayer 11. a"1 ,f mon contr-Iaifct, is aiso trae ia luanv ot the ueep seatcd and dsD-trous cttein; cr? The Mme pur? a effect esfr! Caad by efau-ar oltruc- -,...,. Crri.i th rlior.iers t'ipv cure. fc-ctfcirierts troia leadice i hyK;ai.s'in some of the principal ciiie, and from o;tcr well-known paouc pCTcCuit From a Fcrvarding 3frrhanl f St. Zouis, Ftb.4, Da. Atzr- Your ril are the paraxon of all that i -r--at in icedic:ue. Ihey have cured n:r litt.e tli ii:?!:ter of lik-erous fore? uj-ou Ler Land? and Uet tt-t Lad proved ir.curstle ior;.esrs. llernotLer fcaa been Ice? grievous! v af2:ctt-d with biOtclies m d rtmrlea on hn i-kin and in Ltr Luir. Alter our chiul v as cmc!, ene sho trk-d yc-r l;t;!. Lave cured Lcr. AA 21'ji.oLlDGL. Aa Family Tli !c From Dr. E Cr.rUcrtSJ. -Vtf Orir.s. Your J'iils sre t? e prince of pr-s. 1 h.-.T ex- c-'li'i't cn'ie? sts: y? a--' - ctit:artio we j obsess. Tt.ev are iruV. but very Cvrtuta nnd oTtta.'. in th--;r cc:ou on tie -'s. v hi.'!, fiakts them invtuiia.a to us" s:ttLe oui iicatn :t i tii.-efise. IlttavSftt k Urnrfache, t-'oti! Kumncra From fr Ffirirn P , r,-i"r,i:-rt. Dear V.&o. Atfk: I c:.i t t ?.t:tr oa tr.f eoi::-:aint. 1 ! r.e cur J w.t!S your l-va-r than to fiv ? : f.V-4? we mr tre-it tct A a purfni.-- nrui cine.' I plate great !. e:.c"t:.ce on tfectual c-i'i artic in rnv diily conf.-t with dl.-va?c, and te vn:.T. a. 1 do'. t!at yevr 1 ills al-ra us the best we Lave, 1 of court value their, hhh.'y. riTTar-rr.a, Ta.. May 1, " Dr. J. C. Arr.r.. fclr: 1 hae been rtjeatiUJy cured cf the worst headache an body can have by & il.ot-e or two cf lour Fihs. It seems to ane from a toul Ftoraoch. w'lJch thev cleanse at ence. Your with great reject. HD. W 1'ITFrLr,. LUrk cf Steamer Lliriun. niUort HiTffT Iiver CnipJnit Fron Py. Thtr?--e P-.". r.Yfr York CV'y. Mot are our l'; 's adtiiirjitlys'iapted to their p.tnofe s's an E;r:ci.t. tut 1 fcr.d tene.icial l illcts n; o!i ti e Liver vt-ry marked i;,0eed. 'J i:ey luive i: ttv ptsctice proved more efcctual for the curt cf o.'Voii ieirjH'uhi!s than any ore remedy I can xtientk.a 1 inct.rely rejoice tbat ve hne at ieurrSo puryative wisli-h Is wuriLy tnecOLtiucnceof the pioliadvu axid ti.e pctp:e DitPARTMET Of iNTTniTt, 1 Wsh:r -ton. D. C , Tih i eb.. 1 l-l J Sis: I bare tttd your in i.iy jrf i.t-ial ar.d l:wpiral practice cve'r titxe you muile thcin, and cannc; l.t-si'.ate to say they are t?;e Lest cathartic we enpiov. Ti.c-ir reVi-'iCZ action on the liver is Fiick and deci'ied, consequentiy they are an ad-I'.i-Me reri.etlr for Ctrf.r. rrif-i'ts of t! ut organ. It-tiled, I bave'feMorn Joun'd a case cf ..'.' ; uis t ve so ctftiuate that it C;l rot rea.ii v K-!'l to them. Fra-.tri.a.iy vonr-. AL' .ZO b-ALL. M. D., t ' P'.-.-j vein ' 0 the Marine Hospital. 3yscntery, H'.atthaa, P.tiai, "Vrrn, Frm P'r. J. (7. 6rrvi, rf f'hicrtft. Ypnrl'ills have had a loi- t:ul in wv practice, a: i I btid them in -tetm a one cf ti.e b-?t a; eri ei.ti I Lave ever loand. 1 heir alterative ettcct ujon the liver makes tl.eta an excellent remedy. wr.a given in small dosva lor bilious dysentery anJxHar' That. Their e uar-coatlr ? makes them very ac c i t-.Lle aiid coukfcnient lor the use of women and ch-iuren. Cynpepia, Imparity of the Zllood. From Res. J. V. JPnus. P ut 'or cf Adeem Church, Do.Atzs: I have u.-id car Til's with extra-cri! f ucctss in my tern!!;.- aLd cmor. thoe i am Ckhed to vitit in ftistrt-.s. To re zulate the crcat.F of d-ytsrion end purify the Vwl, they t e the very I'M remedy I have' ever ki.own, tt 'd I caa cona dentiy ic-commtud them to fiiet:d. Yours, J. V. HIMFJ3. T7ae?aw, Wyoming Co , :,. Y.,(kt. 24. 1SC3. Dear sir: I sun w-in-r your Cnthanlc I i.;s in rnr practice, rnd find them an exceiient purgative to cleans the system si. i purif.i t!i fnvntaivi cf tha bL,d. J'JilN G "alLALiiAal, ii. D. Crntf pntitn, C'olivme, Wappre?on, 5'arnlytii, Fit, vie. Fori Pr. J. P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canarft. Too much cr.r.not be s;.i'i of your Tills for lb 'tire of cost rt:tc3. II otoe;s f our frateriutv Lav fi Uiti 4i.,-rjl Sa ttiicaciouf a? I 1 ave.thevsliotd join tne iu proclaiming it. for the l rtiiiuf' uiuimuae wK fufT.-r rrom that comjilair.t, which, aithotijrli bd enougli in itself, is the progenitor of others that aie worsel I l)e!ieve cistirrn'r'ss to oriimite in the liver, but your Tills aCect that crau and cure tte CVease. From. Mr$. E. Stuart, Phyticim and WJici I find one or two Janre does of yoor Tills, taken ui u.e I'iujtr lira', iiremci.i-i.ij'.'.'u. . .- !!. :n.o ti r-u t v p.. . f.r. t TiTf, ttlOtlV 'CS 0 1 IDO . a? . ."'4f1T TTlR a!urd rfrc.'-c''wl.ea w hoiiy or partially sup. v:a;iir'U srcrt:t- wnony io i""--1; 1 . . . . ' 4 -v f n rrr-vi-i1 r.r.I t n vmt tttiCluai io c'hk tUKiarh and expel ir-.rrrn. They are so much the j rvsru fci.u ---o ery .u, v. ... oe;t phvfic we Lave that 1 rccuuimena lj i my i Clients. Fron the Rev. Fr. Hvs cf th X'efteditt Epu. FcLAPfCi RorfB. Sr.vcM Ca . Jan. 6. 1. JioxnaEO Sir.-. I fhou i "te r.t rrateni: lor tu relkfvour skill hr.s Iro-.-ht rie it 1 cid i ot reiort r.v .Jc T.", r-.v-A .::.! in uv iimuS uud biotifht o:i "exc'raeiA-liv t; i "-'., which nue.1 in chrrr.ic r.T :.-:.:'..-"!. o:-r.t.stancng x w L"'i tre t-e-t of p! "si.tans. The cs-3se grew w.r?6 end wore, until by the c.t.ic-.' of vonr exce.lent ar.-1-t in T.kltlrrore. l'r. ."if ..t-.:e, i -.i.e-i jeiir Til's. Their ei;-c'.i w--e s o-v. l ut fere. Ly per- j eeveriu in the u;C of them, 1 tm now f Ltire.y well, j Sfnatf C-tavbzk. Eaton H- tire, Iji., 5pec.,lo5. l'.t Avis: 1 hf:c rn-.u ei.r.v.y c.:.ea, im u.ur I'i' , of Jihiwxatie ' cut r p-.Mal tii-ssethat Laa aihicted me for vears. YiM-l-N 1 tUDLLL. Most of the Tills In r.:sk t contain If renry, wr :ih slthoujli a v; 'ir.-l'e it v.- ay ij sk;.fi.: Lands, i chrM-otiit m a ruh:ic r-i '. t'om the creao'.tu cca- H-iCfilces that f.-e- uer.tiy follow it i tc-j tnat l.-e ;uer.:iy io..ow ii ircaniiuus use. T'iV-e ccutaia uo "mercury cr mineral substance wi-tUver. Price, 25 cet3 per lox, cr 5 Boze3 for $1. rrej ired by Dr. J. a AIXE Si Co., LoeII, Hsis. sor r- r.Y ' VTM.TT. h-i ;:l K;;r. Tl-.-wnrne. G. A. :i:"iVX Vint.. IVru. Pr.Il. (-RAVI . .;-;. JOHN W. 51' ' T H'lO.. n!-m. 1K1I.TA SC'iTT. F.i'!Ci'-. ijf. wis & i'Hr.?;:. t. sphens EASLLY A niiLKZil. Ilulo. vC-ro-1 v IZ-i-.ta. il J-iui,i lJ. ILLUmUATED EWSIUpEIiS. Attractive Fcstore. The ?f;-0"t Mr-- y, The lu!f Between Them. 1 Mr-. Anne S, M?phens. Aathores3 cf "Fa-Lion atJ rumine," "The K j cted Yi.'? Ac. Ac. In addi'iou l its attractions: a th-? first and riyst authentio Iilu-tratvd Taper ia "Ainarica, sur- pa?sing all others in the varieiy. ao?uriey, an i In- teres: of the nutuer 01s il'n f i;.-nsj who ii it 'oicr. Fra..d Leslie's liiasTtt-rl N.-wpi:v?r will le-n in o. 4oo. .tatea J:nu trv .j ), ijI. the ttr.lun ar.i that it was not only rc ubli.-h- d in En-rland, but was triii.-.aic-d in;.j a:L:o?t every ianguaa of Lu rop?. The prtie of $5,0'"', offered wuh iher rliiy ly tho proprietor for the b.t b--t drvw f ri h n b s. than tw hundred w.-l;, ''rycf ot rent me-.t. Jotvs- tii-i, Mrs. Steh .-j,' r.i.Vcl WAS ;-;i-.-t'J, as tvtir;.:!y f'lrv. t only ;i ct tiers ohcioo. out amict evtrvto'p - hitne ?nbii-cd. It is fully h ,u; t Fa-" i..a aau Fr-.mi.-V .-rd will be as widely rrt.J It will bo of rrrr.a-er in: r?-:, Ircta the fvt that the sr-eno is Ii i in onrlto-1 sat our otg times: and in drl!-.eti:k a of char.itttr and ab...rbicg .ower it will t'as?inate ant eh ana Mia re.vier. Sub-crit tun Sd.oO r-r vear. Addr;;s TliAMK LLiLIE, '.2 Du'ane St. M". Y. Cojies of the pper containing the c. mrr-seac-e-mentand continuation of Mrs. Ste.ben-' r.ovel. "TLe 'ulf Between Shorn," can bs h,id of any News dealer in the UniNd S.a'es or Aritl-h Pr vinees. "WT -g- rm 1f jrv t fTI 1 rwi BT1 W ?) fca ' A T U 8 Jll - aJLJLJ -M.liLJiAk9 IVTrDVlT r rTX'TTi Vrrnri rsor.s concerned. 9 mi..e and ate, -xith- a'i icrruory or eoraKa have been returned to me ' and will t-eopen fr exmioti..n in rny ofScta th i 1 -v 1.0 vi. L'r.iii1 01 nun iravin Tar iha t rce of fifteen days frcm and after the date cf this '-tice. Ar.d ib t aroeais relative to anverrone -. .:r xcet vaiuatk.n, wil 1 be received and determined ffe n lte of J,,ne- PPels to J" m SVia 1KT AfrXebril? xceve vaiuatk.n, wil 1 be received and determined .-. ... v,i - w n..o:u,,,iWni0ry. ij 4iti, im. BM-Tt-tM cirectiv tiT restore the i-aturat eciwii u. tcm, ad wi'th it tLe buoyant feeJin- of hoa.ih 8-a.a. Wi.o ;. M parent in thia trivia! sua coniT t.uD ana uerrrineira the todv, thev are ra id!y, acd r-anfot t.iem sure y, cured I'v the euii.e meats. 5ore who know the virtue ;f i! wi ! l.e-ltct to err.i-.oy luta SJanufactErors' Aiienta lor tbe sa! of "Watches, Chains, &c.f &.C., To be aold for one Pollar Each, wUiiaut rfb'rd toala SPLEITDID LIST, Of Articles ail to be sd rr one Poliar Each. ICO Gold Kan'.ii:.' Cisel Witches, - $100 each 103 Watches. - 6" each 2X1 ' Ladies' Watches. - 3i ecb &0 Silver ---- laen 500 Go'i GJird, Test and Chaie :ila C bains, - -. $15 to 23 each 4000 Vet, Keck, Guard andCLi;e;in CaiiiV - - - - -3-3CO CiDW 5rcocte , 3:Jtv M -rwie a- 1 Jet Breeches 3000 Lav and Frcn:ine -3. 00 Cural, Oari.el Eittjraid Hro jzhas, S Caiaeo Sr Divp. - 3-.KK Garbet ii:?aic and Jet Ear D.- ps, 4-..-i Lava aS'iKioreLiir.e EirLrup 4f.-0 Gent' Scarf P.u. - Ctj Cl:n au-i Sard Bracelets, 2d.j-j Gent.-' i?-ea: Pwi, S'J'J Watch Ke;.. - la 3 f. 0 8PiK:tloa SliUes, "COO Sc-" s of B '-cii Siwils, - 9.;. 0 s;eeveliu't.;s, - - - S.:-0 P:aic arid 0"ca-eJ Eics, 70---0 Stone Set Kiuc. - 7iX0 iJiniature Lockets, Crosses, 4c. - liOOO Seis Laities Jewelry, 1 to 15 eah 4 to 6 e.o'a 4 io a ecn 4 to escb 4 to 6 ecb 4 1 6 ejeb 4 U 6 ech j .', g 3 to 10 e 4 to 6 e'scb 2t) t-4t, l'i 2 to S ei a 2 to S eau. & 2 to 6 eat'b 2 to 6 each 2 to 10 each 1 to 15 eacn All of tte g.xxis ia the above List will be sold, with re-e'vaii m, for One D !!ir each. Ceriiricates cf all th various article.- are placed in similar envelopes ami sealed. These etive'.oye.s will be seut by ral, or delivered at ir w:;bi.tit rerj to chij e. On re,:etvir;g a Certi V-i'e y u ci;l see wia'. article it rep resent, a.i i it ii -; :i w;Ta lou to ssud one d oiiar ac i receive tLe ar;.:. '.e or n-t. In ll traiir-cti. !-s br mail we stall charge for for forwardis tLe Certificates, paying postage, and d Aug the btice.-i. C5 .e'iH ea.-h. Five Certificates will te sent Ur fl; Eleven for $?? Thirty fr $5; Sixty-Sre lor $10 aii t One Lmidre-l X'. r $15. CoRKESPONDENTS may rely upon a quick and pn nipt answer to their orders. Our bu-i::e.s i j con ducted upon lioeral, honest, titraisthtfijrwiraprincipSe, and we guarantee satisfaction ia all ca-e. Our pat rons inayalwivs iepemi u;ku havintf their orders faiib ful:y an-1 piintt.ia! y supplied. In uo case will correa pundeuts be cc.iev.ed. 3C.'rre.-i' ti-te::' should te careful to write tieir fUiiatures plaiu- an? givethetr P,-t Oi!ci, C c:i.y. and Stiie. A'-idrtsi, Gl- O i!Ki! Ei:i r ii (i . 21a Briauway, e v i-r navir.? 1:h1 b:t..e-s rtf:. - i.h the crt.tictvc:;. 1 tie j iri-ure in savii.i t:..,i t:v i,. ::..r',;o. u-.-i.i men, ;.ert an thcyr. ..; ti.l ii.e Jcwc :" 1 Lave teca ir.. piVi-'S .allSiaCt.ioU. un-tf Nur.ery K..L . b. PROSPLCTUS FOR iSGi. i i -r i An Indepcndant Democratic Dai ly, cmi-Veelily and. Weciily UNION OF THE WORLD AND ARGUS. The Wor! 1, tow'iich the Xw V.rk We?hly Ar u -b3 boon h-irf to-day five times the atv- -irate cir. a !atiin 'f any I.'t-m- ef.i'i-r t c- ris---rv.i.'i vc j:cv-p"ier. Jt .1 ! ir--.-s.-j w-.-.-kly aim ni'reti;.;n 1 00.'.-! siit. ihvr? rnd Cfn-t.-sr. ur hs-T?, i retteiie a' ivhC fcn:t 4 ffli.ii ,:, ioti :.--. n it:i inn steady iD.r'a'- i:; t ircuii--'n wit :i it n t:1 .v., tht:e i.;:ub-rs will -'i, n b? d u !-.!. .V 'hi - 1--- than rhis h.l i Ri:i-fy th. v,:4 . h.-'i. w jL r It cf rc't' r:t. -"thr l'.r. a :n i th: a.rh- ri- of th-s C-r.siit-iti-vi -r a r: -w iitr -t-d .. d - v;r-1 C u:.Ty. !iv r, t vv.r if t; b:l!.d -i th..- fAna:l-.-sa has ti-.iicd to ; ,-. v invite, andpruli r: tUo iv.--: thai to act-i-m: this er-d, no mean ;.' st etj.-'ive as the d Ti-i-p irt' si'es!: ! ?..t rpri-hic -tio,--r. of r t.iif.Ar: 1 , m n. an i tr!a. Totttamea of iz.v r'.h. ri?-, in Iit'Tr sr. i m r.-;j will lib-fr. in Am rt a- In m-w from -veryprt of tf . w .rid will or; e:.r!y srji nthentstr. Whrrerer the tl;at H xt'.-Js.or r.'.lr-aii run, or -t -.i.l. -iti ply, it w i .it;j-r ti e Jar.--r. late.i.-rc t i. ir. ''. 1 s 'i t d crrsr1. '"..i-; arn-t -, v. r;;- wiii tel-'raoh .:, news fn.ra the various tviti. al. ti.- d '-tl j .'. i'.e : J ti- t v ia:e; i wi- It .-;es- I ponder. and reporter in every p .:' m-ivial centre ia A?J-ri .-a ut, Eur .ivl d. pitches wil! !exve ;t.:hL-, i. a J in:oiov,o f it 'i H:trk- f r.-'Ur: . 1 Ed.'C invite c--:u- tr.- r. t to tie r- ; r - of t 1 1 i.t i- in i;--s. 1 r-- :' !;:. r."i--tt. Th-.' 'V -; i - . a st bvo'ed t- Ac.-iv ti'-nr.. tl.i-i v'; ".a.mni.i : trm jr. -u a. ;-.iis.-ici f the c ;." ry. Th w.:r io h-.I h ;' e r : 1 is iirm-.-l ...! i: t- 'it i I. Is, I !a-l .. 1 3 . t t Uiu i'.uiu r! ; v.i.-a 3 ..; i i-r . i it. .".t a .-pic -d t i br.n . r i., -n ... e 1 att.-rta a.l c.i servstive. t'n!'a-l-vli and C-tsti'nt.on-I vi a1 iaen,'f whatev r .'riii:-r n-t n? an i --'e i. Maay ti .se who within th-? liaiit ..f ti e Cn.rirntia. jcsrh: th !.; wf ibe t:it x under the i-.iiuer-cip ot pi,: .tic s-atcsmen of n-her aci b' tter days. Me ry t.l.iy ani lNr.i-1 Yeb;fr, to se'hrr with :a .- v-.-e rla-r nl" w. re tr -0 f sr-"-h i itrl - - A l ire . r Ji.;.., ar;l o.riin L .-.1 is Y"!'.' t i:.- t-rr.ea A. Ib-ns's. r. w - Ui" houl,;,r t .-; u: I u,.ii the .-.iuie il-'-f ris is tl.iiu vn?. I" i- t r.-?t -re 'hd L'ni.-.i. niii'iiu j the Coa.nitatioa, ai.l af. r-.v the bwj.- What-rcr i...,Vj.- f . V - .1 - , ,,;..-(.f - u;:'..r-s it rn;s cnc. iue ex- r ;se ..-i i. r?e it IDe " " wsteTcr m v s The vV-.rll will It w.l.r-Tj.ot? every t r.. lit u ;:,e 1 e ou. whether J irtifil in rei e'.lion at the S--ath or ir.: l:..-'v t 'a te: i'.e s c J ; of dieurloa and cs2ati&l the .W::h. I; will of '? ere w'ri-. ti . nlv ':. f the C r'i'-': w f I'. : -i .1 ..a it ,i.:,i ; : t s r in v: . . rv ':.--. . r ly the .iui:-.iatr it w.t tertT:ef-..y estr.-iy-j t t -n .. i ' ' j i: i.r r-p.-' .i sn-s J r-.-'-a -ia i XL? i:vs n.-t 1 ta 4rb'."rrry aid or jiijt arre:- a i- oi.,; ( f the rijj-t: :h writ :.l -ai pr..;-aaia:..!:. k- sor -I- j.-ci-in.-- n. i'- , .i ri j. at na; ii. i,, i - j f ' ja .-, r..a-. .t- ! a i Literal jaws, it '1 tt a.' iiia ..:..: r ; oi a . t- .u I d '. wer, an 1 it -ubvr-i ,us i'l. 3 i-at--a r ! - o" j eivii and pero?ial liVrty. i; nil! r. a ;:ly , ; -e i the b:t"r and th? stirit t f .-r.o.- i.v ,r.j ih i adr.-aey of sourd d - trice, catil Am r: -aa free- ! is-ii shun be rm-i t: the re- very ...f tlieir r;;:.', 1 their iibcr the r 'w. ar.d thf.r limi'-rd an i 1 si!! brtbin.-cu g vcrc. i.a', by toe re-i-tl. ucifi j:. 1 of theb f.iot. .. . -.. t . . i roi ur iiy irrr: ------ 1 w. a 1.19 a.r t- c.-atri- buteall tha it m.ty to the ra: w -rk of :Li 2'.-ser-stioii. n.'ti!' 'y. ;o rL-t- re ou nstl -i ' u:jiy.aii :j phv the U.ri'- i S;v ai n f -:u st aa n - rv -r.tti. n of the earth, ait I ..; id :h r -- :eritv. ai.. ha: 1 r.-. - ot us ieo-:-. t vc ". . r d seeks from t !. -' wi.. utslre su-h r..i:tr;- r; ,r -iu:- I atid SJ" f-rt, and, ;ib -ve all, tin f.i.'r ut crowLS every ..-.J . -k TERMS. DAIi-V WOI.LD. Yearly Subscribers by mail SF.MI-WEELY WORLD. S i r-j!o sub s;rib r. y : r anr.ata 7 j cLpiei to one a.i ires.3. vi u I r .. 1 IT.'- T-t., - 1 .! :. Trs, , 453 : ;- , . s--r-; j too ; 12 00 n!:, extra t-;: vO ' 5 fto S Ci "',0 Ti. 25 co The -.ton .tut 1 nree Five Tea tt WEFXLT "WORLD. Siri'e Pnbscrihers-i.iir niu i Lre topics ai ires on ev.-h f aperl Five " " Ten " u Twenty copies ill to en addres Clubs ol tw nty or over can have cHr esch paper for aa addition;! oharr? oi ea-h. For every club of twenty an ext-t c ,y Will kr aided for the getter ct of thi c'uL- tor eTerv club of fifrr. ih S. - r-;,,V'v' everv club of one huLdr .i. tho r -v 1! h - A n- tuCino my b? m.icl at say ti.a a"' saue rate. Pat-r wmut be :.,.(-.! fr ; 1 r.. : r a-ir, o'st. on r?-i's. .,t th- per?-,n o-d-r- .L-iascue, srj en reeniT r t;rv c-n'- tti-i , it:,:.e pipers wiii bo taken freui tho Ci-b - nt . 1 o'i'iic.-?. All criera raast be v. 1 ts , P..K Ad.irei. TUF. WOULD. 35 Park Kw Mew York. SALT by the brrel or pound, Dairy Salt, for Sale At 3IcLAr;GHLl., Si Swas's. PLCKELS by the doien or barrel, ef a surerir qual ity, crusuntlyxn hand At ilcLJrGHhis & Swan,3. "IJTLOra, Butter, Ec?. Burn. etc.. stc. At T-T ,-.T, C., CULTITATOE3, &Ttses. Craies, Eaies, Hoes, Shades, Shovels, etc,' e,c, - At iicljanghlin & Swan'. I J,UIili',i 10 -saeKe.s: an oet assortment of A nokia$ Tobacco, Cigara, Pipes, Stetaps, kc. ia to -" At JIcLACGELIX Jt STAN3. A Splendid assortment of Confectionary including slick, and fancy candies At McLaugrilin & Swan's. QHSif Shear cf the mot approved make, for al " At KalAuzalin Bvu'. msmmmmmm m pi mrniir----- " iith mm L 'fmw AzzmuvAu 1864. i'ALiiiiLiJii mjU imkl, A .MONTHLY ilAGARIKR The id ft eomr--rehenir mlec-Ilaoy of tiMfu caliv d?vo;e-i to F"inpn''ial. Commercial and InJui knw'.-.! -e ar.l tleneral Literature. pen.4i-':iy i- w sued in th.- United States: ernW-in? all t , "nTT'nT ture f a P. lvtechr.k-J., Economic Ejtsitoi ' f " j j j j I i 1 j. Lirerart Fr-wturt and Monthly ilerM-r. Er- HllljLUUni IL trial IuterfitJ and a.! joint f'.oci corf oration ca rer j. lldvir er,m!flQn"eJ the Fifth Vclune cf thU Mii;2?, whrnc 5i.'ce53 evinces that th c?..rt of r c-niuct--n hre been STT reciat-:! bj a UiaziisS.- natutr 1 ao.i. w w..u!l tail attea::on to its ertr ; a.;.rrr ..a t;-e or the Iar?e b-.dy cf readers .- ' arc n.-t vet u;-n it? ubcri; : I;--. Car Trade. Commerce nd .Ma -'i l Pn4actioa of Country, many the mental w.-r.are 'i- HwTii-ih Priti. a!. -l.-'v -r J If;:atlT. well as the F:n n!. S I'hi.-!-e i and sfric-'y .'! ' seach of te af .'. Vi - . 'V Sll'-tr " 1 ist. witn tno r m i --.i -x- tvn-'i M ire t ! i. man an 1 tb ; w . rk-r. In -L- tr-ya'aieit vf e.--:.t.5 topic, the m.- dc selected is t.i p'ruljr in .y rather than til;? technical. The!i! ).l..i'-; the Loui it shall te our eadeT-r to portray, an 1 vr avsil 'Urselvei of the cutribution of ce )-: cry to the Circle f Knowledge, and shal! r with all pra.-ti-a'l succinctness Curren InteL:- pence, which wd! Ye .t future :-a .,i.j spi KifT-t p:Mi x)f r.'"--ent sli.vll o ,r- b--..,;j.. Ti.- In . "r e ri. rrj r I 1 ti - . : v t". ie a d - -r:- v'e . i v.t w-:.--- Us ?'ii vT- t-r- trr. r"""v j- i i :' t ';---..; .lu..,. .t i "''"'i S-: ..t.nar.K wtta a .rc.efa .: - .. - a!n ! tho wi -i tet c cf tacniM. jrtrf in' i.t-vi-wf i i 'r'-.'ii ;'. :a sni.Ui.'i A-i r; . i i i !, - whies ar trc sarjc.i e :r t- ;i;.!i r rtuUr pabltcatioc, ri: a-;.-, .r.''b.ti.-: Agrh-ultar-. .tpplisd Che. .1 II- A i: IV, 4 T... i- y. t-ite- i. .-i-r-. j. ,...',-,.:, ;. - - I- Sit? Ari-liit -t ' s.l : . . . . i. . . - i . ' - t :, - ) y. rr.;vtis. tl " : .i: 1 .. . i . T J ' Sl'aMKiPri' I.N i!IE U.N1TEO STATXt. On- im py, r-.r adva:. --: 3 0'- t ive coi iej " ' 1 2 '; T-n " " 4 20 f.ii Tr!."n pr.;,', ?r t! e end of the ysr, 4 f'U p. ran r.-.rfi. : m -.7. Sauijld cvpy cii'.-d i on tha re j I j I ! i it' .- -0 -,-. ii.r!fi5 strmnioxs. ' 7 . '-r at.aji pi.s.a jaid. . . . i IldAC-i, is 12 5 tt-. 3 72 3 72 2 72 i : '! ; v'. ! ." 2t Se, ! iv -e in tUi. -t :..u;.o? i t- T"";';?.cl erstpJ. ad S,rT , j. ' a-5 ' S t- 6 e a t.-..-i-i! i-f-.m. a s Mt of totitive uttv 1 ' .. ,J '-''-rr. attraoti.a-.ecuri tr - rri of the her p in Jr -H and General literature. While aimin- most es- ,'1 .V. t S neotallT to render m-rft Sf--.tiT errice to the I ,,",!.. ' H " Uv,.' 3t ! 8 o: 1 n', Tr-:n-tr-. t L ..Ulp:..o, I'J Tin; FuR 1SGI ; . - - t I Xi'IFir iMK':i -,v . - - .' -. i-a tae Tenth V ., a. :a n . - o" .'j-j fc""-t iT J.iTju ry i : . . i -- 1 u 1 -h-i ia I45. a nd is ': - 'Ii -' W. ! Jv;-! and iajuva ' :.- k . '1 t:.e v ..rid. Ia Cvm l. v.. ro-- 1 ub.l.h rs desire :o a j-.ur.nal r p.prn:t ciece. . r - . -'..: u . r ; J ui Jt every w..;Pr.-. a :n in the i-'-'ii: i s-r- - :u ; tt,t-; l--.ri::V, i'V .'.' M .!1 i n .w p slorsre-i e n- j XKE BET 1 & . i!EA PL 1 iN T- i n - u. Lt..; a ,.n: ui.e ; -- vje-.ti in th'j m.-t -h ' a week, .1 .' rnaiber o io matter, 1 t. r r t Nn? 1 10. uiar ; .1 a; r.. The "ieiitiS a " in convea-et ;o . eonfaiis s,xtc- n , :. I iliaj-lraffd wi'ti ! vf all ti e Ut: v - '. his f-tur- . . ' rivjr.s ..qsr.:,: ca "ri ! ;- rnthl. j- - . : t ar , -- -J . .1 e s i o i or 1 a tiis - iifS- ara-r- -r- vi the ir- i a n p: , - JJ t.Mi'.Ii" " - n - 1 tS . t" " " ' 'r.t. : .... V.'a ! i - . i '-. ft., i -. HriKl KV ; F tMlRIf A.N PATENT' 1 -- v. ' .;: .- 1 ' -'." -.-. - r-pnV I ' - . , e- . . - j . . . . - : . ,-r - - w r .f.. u -G ' r - - t t t . j 1 .1 r .j ' - nr laonths' - .;-ti. -n. T:- "i,"r on-- year, whea fc -ur-i ia a Tola a. e r.-f jtea w. rk of cf n-tu! i.f.rrnuio. abh-s -v - y . ; .- ht f.r---?. 4 j.. 1 ..l.m; w i" o, . r .cf - -t. .y. t LT B RA r -ii : -. 1 1;- -.'.as .-a tv- a: -uth. 4 :ity vrr. the y-ar!y ab- .Oil. Mam--- can b sent ia at est ; 50 remit 25 cent : ;t..o.- p.-t t e N -. IMo-h r-. 1'.? i. . N t V, ri. SAi.iXALliA. 'i t iiit t Tiiiiber Tor tlio Jjf" 1- n-ae- e.-'.t-t ITc-ore f-tce in fonr yeirsf 3 e -r n - to - t .;; ia five je !r wiii ! - ' - - r r .; e F - v ! : !!' v" '" -t-ai.:i ve.-v -ail ! r-lt i- tL li '.rt ., f"-' i"k. !lluiL . ;ir -t! - J 1 ; - , r T.nrJ. tte rails will lst jj - r. ,i,HL A 71. v i: Te . 115 "n where - 1 , . .t , .. . rt- i " . ." imc grortai ta . r 1' !-ji.l Cai'i-ir -n- 4 ?1 !1?S .';i-s to f " o-!er early cf our -ea.s. o tai. .ney u.ajr r. .i;: a, iaxirae. Bunuied ar.J de ivpr-j lf lh. kt pimce aa fDn as tt-- eae it! T. R. nSHKH, r , tail or n'cri'-.' -i CCP.TIS PEAVEH f"v, a-e A e i Pawn and wet jM-r ..f f. ... ...T, C.-ur-t-e REV JaR.TlXKHajl. r and Jones Counties-. ' ar- -4 . r 1 - i. H. BUTLK3, Au.,tia, Aaent I.r Cy and p-.i 1- the Counties. Beware cf Willow Peddlers, j we leara that many iwamw of comtaon Will w bav been cleaned uP, and the CuttiRc soMi,y Wiih.w. We get onr Willow ..f SAMCKL EDWARDS, of La Unit! HKn..i, - - . , a ir;ipgii3,lin.l tt.'Wi ) lila. QBACKEHSof all kinds. Ka ter, B.:on ?air, J dnser Sn,PP.. - ; ?or fc, 1,,. DAILY, TTJ-n' Therd-rrai.a- ' totpre-! TMr"w :- :- irs- ! par - 1 r . 4 M the Tl ?'" rl. 'at 1 Lift WW TK i . . a . J I : - i 'i. wr u I- - . , . ' t-- ' : r - 'r ; , - i tr .. ij l. -; V uf i - -i i r j , j . J j i . e : r. ttriv- .: .4 i ' , 1 '' l iU j r -i-'.'u. . r-' .ei t . r- i,.r'2 ' ir. tive tr.B "-Ter , ' Miner of Pas.i"7t t t i : r i . i -. .;. Kt . 1 ; it t. i r i : -.i : : ; - ui 1: .;. ., .. i ! ' ; u j u r v S -f , - J , . . . ' .i - 1 T, " a : ai J r '-'"" --e" s, . ia - jr m v ,. ari 1 i,.irvv. I Our T.!-'Vr-.k.y. .;.. !:niE DAILYDC, ! "si '. tt'. ez." 1 i -V- hav .a. r -r.. r r- m Vv ..-t . . ' ? L j , r in 'tie M---'".ri 1 ' , . , wi.l ti-- )!! i t ; .-. ARMY if J ii K L-IV c A Aril i.:-' U A, " t U:ji2.j.l ;'-.,r .tin- 3 u p. i-" , ly ? r I- ' i i ' - (. )J f . , .:V r v.: 1 . -. -r y . 1 1 1 LL.....Y DI V. ; ; r.;i v dr 1 ri, V a: - --. r C k . . : I A Z " -rT - -I - J -Va.. V A ' - t - -it ' III. i i."j pp . '.1? 1 J ! t N r 5 w a n ( - p l r s r ' - p : . f u r .. .1 iv racney than ai.j ': ji 1 it wiii La.'e v io-i ; 12 c t red ! ;;t .-r-'' . . r a;; thii for - -s v . less thstn r- 1 " to tak - pri'-e ira " .. r I t'h: -1 . j jt- a ' II - a i i- ! j T i . -r z - j. i - w : -.. V -v.i t T. K.I e ' . h '. 1 ! ! . . v - . i T ' I ' ' ctij - ; .r tte a,.- c. sfj f tivie. UI i 1 IS r ! 1 m i-l- t.r- . h utj'-''- I A it . ..' '. . u - t 1 a a- tr. : r -r;-. t-. i TERMS -ALU AYIN AD1 o ... . - ; r. v --ir . - v -r. r . n-- v r. f- r .11 Vrir, f r ..n- y-a-. . , r.-, r ut r-j ';"f!.. ; -. tba C '0- ' , i . .! ff thre-t. "i ' ""' . f Five., at.- r-v r " -1 t. - or j i.i t 1 '.. n ,"- -01 ? ' ' - ", a- ' - diH-i - I fl: ec ! send a? ltt-.c:a :i, .n-'-'-l -f Ur.d Il'-t.-r.:.-; i..'fv Ahoum. fcr--:; ' . in or .i: tt - o .r ''i n f-r e-. n 2. in-n --rt j.-V-vU .: '. : !;;.,.: Cr-M. i. J k:;." .,r B -.." Tt i ijf I'T c r . . :l-b f S:t 1 -. ; ' " .6 . p-re.uiua.s. .r'"," Addross, y.n-iv-i, CHARLF 'f:.' Mo.S 6 Chest a it f ' 1 Ail Posfm.tsrera" Ai'y person uay cp avlub. Li-'' if wrttira for. : - , r-vf AOTICi: TO TF"1 The nrd-!ii ! j ' r Lte--tirrs f r -i - t -- -. " t r t - r - , - ! . . 1 '.V 1 1' . 1 !.'" - ; v .' - 1 1 ... . 1 a - ... r-e f t' W'S Cb-o-Uie. Jfi -- " ;i.i; Peach-. Pef a'saucr, Jia.-a , . terihi.e j 1.- .vr . . I , . ,.r...a,i- AT .Li-m'"-" AVPrS CatUiirl 0