Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 29, 1864, Image 2

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I - J
i '
" '
Nebraska iwcrtiacr
r - V ....
A Slander.
Mr. Miller in Lis speech at Nebraska
City on the 2?ih inst.. said that "he had
traveled over the lower counties at the
. r A Cowardly Trick.
On Saturday last, after the two candi
datei for Congress had ma'Ie their speech
es at this piace, Mr. Hitchcock challeng-
risk oi his life that there was a perfect ej jr. Miller to meet him at Peru on
rein of terror down there that there
uns an arrangement made n pull him
otT the eiump at Browuvil'e that jay
hawkers rule dawn there," Sic. &c.
Wecaurictlelieve but that Mr. Miller
Monday. This preposition Mr. Miller
refused to accept, tut immediately . set
about making arrargements for himself
to speak there at 9 o'clock Monday morn
iii7, tending' out Li it era agent? to pub-
I know when he tundo thes3 stRtotneau that ; j,..a tre notice.
they were without a shadow of truth This pusillanimous trick was not known
at Urownville, or was less lnterrupte-i;
and as for any arrangement to puii him
eff the stump is concerned, tit!.: statement
is too absurd and palpably to require con
tre.diti.ri. 1? u as never thought of until
this cotton ij.ecu biting-, soldier swindling
sutler beb hnl it up from the rottounes.
of his own hart.
Z The people of Southern Nebraska
rOH IjHIM"CSATE TO COGRCvS . n,...-', nntion fi,d fori naninrfi
with rebels cs could expected of them,
and no stroi.ger proof of it is needed, than
ii'i't'i-Tt T f ft T' T . L T Y IT- ft A 1 iL I
. . -- .- . . 1 fair, r opportunity to speak trim he had
in thpir foundation. No man ever had aito Mr. Hitchcock until after 10
Monday morning.
This faa alone shows, fir; the weak
ro:t wccritEMiiEvr
. . OF O LI AH A.
g. . . . 1 ...
Apalnlnit'!it far Spealklns.
Th f 'lowing are tho ttru-w nJ j'e.'a selwtod
tv tt.e Ulicc CuaJi ii.te fr the Cuui.dl, A. S. JioL
L.'!'AT, fiiij the 1; Birat! cabdiiflie fur the s--:,n-o!r,
II C. I.tTT, forj"'kt "n. or.. Otbr Cyiu
tj C. i: Jatci kr irrit'd tc te jreent tiiJ partici
Ite :
P.?ru. Tceiy, O.-tcVr V.h, tt I cV. oi, P. II.
Glen RncMVedaMJar, Ort. 5tb, I "
fcL Frederick, TLuwJaj, - Cth, 1 " "
F"r View, Frid-iy, Octobtr 7lh, I " "
Aijinwall, Saturdj, . 8fh 1
N'.-niab Cit, AIoJ, ' lUihll" A.M.
BfjWi.viIIe, do M 3 " P. II.
iiess of his caue, and a.i.viid his own
weakness and entire inability to meet ari l
the nominee of the Convcntian for Coun
cil. The balloting for, RepreseDtatiTe re
sulted in the choice of the following gen
tkmen: -
Samuel Petit" Esq. of Peru; W. B.
Philips Ecq. of Glen Ptock, Geo. Crow
Esq., of Brownville, and J. YV. Taylor
Esq., of Atpinwall.
For Commissioners in 2d and 3d Dittricts
F. H. Arnsdenand Henry Stenmau were
nominated by aclamation.
The Convention then adjourned to at
tend -the great Union meeting the utmost
Jianuocy and good feeling prevailed the
unsuccessful candidates for nomination
s.Ic diriu' themselves, "teeth and toe
I nnik" to tlir j:r,ne.rt of the nominees, all
successfully ccmpett with 3Ir. Hitchcoc."i , , , ,f or,,:-fia,i
V. A j ' t I. -J L II L I, I 141 w 1 . 1 V
with the ticket, belclving that it will be
triumphantly elected in October, by four
,drcd majority.
iiu n thr-v iiive snown so -..inch ctvjir.y,
to a man who carno amrnir them as a
copperhead representative of a disloyal
It i? useless to refute snch groundless
7c Car ratron?!.
We republish this week the proceed
ings of the Editorial Convention which
tscr-lh d in Nebraska City cn the 14th
inst., in order that people may the more
fully und' r.-tcJ why wo are compelled
to inrfease tne Eutecription rates of the
Jvirtiscr after the 1st of October.
We sincerely rfgrct tbat circumstances
have compelled us to this step, but there
much consolation in the fact that the
tame ciicu-nstances have increased the
value of almost everything else from 100
to COO per cent., and our patrons are
tli" refor able, and, we fully believe, wil
ing to allow us in this advance.
The gradual advance in material.-pa-p?r,
ink, Sec, had continued until it re
qurrcd every cent we could raise frcni
any trurce to keep our pspcrs i:p, and
a the advance was still cjctinuing, we
.t-i Id eee nothing beforo us but bank
ruptcy and ruin, and sw we met in con
vc.'on to devise ecrae rnenns'to preven1
in joint dicussiun. Lt it be remem
bered, that this cowardly dodge was made
after challenging Mr. Hitchcock to a
joint discussion of the issues before the
people. The people of Nemaha County
hive never doubted the cowardice and
: i. . I . . - P . 1 : i i i
imnecnity ei mis coppemeaa sutler ana Dj yoli wanl NtLrdika made an acylutn
c:tton speculator. They have bard of j f.r roriegade . tra;t0rs ? support the cop
his leeching operations as he followed j p,rh,.. x.,,ua ljrc.d. brass bound, irold
ii ' j
S. Vv. KENNEDY. Pres.
D: D. SMITH, Sec'y
the successiul marcn ot cur arnn -s in i
Arkansas always taking care to be far
enough in the rear to be out of th? way
of tlio pnomip9 rums r. ndii' l!"T' '
i i . . . I :
of. or
slanders. The people of 'the .Sou-hern j an exhibition of his en'.ire lack cf h
Counties" only need to know that he i3 i as well as courage. .
He is clearly a cowardly man, repre
plated Dsmocrawy.
IL-:nton Phecinct Np.:iau.v Co N. T.
Sep;. iiCth ISCi.
Knilor of t !$ JJivftser.
I Itnrn t h t I have been nominated by
the Copperhead Convention (sometimes
sents a cowardly party and stands on a j called D.-morratic Convention) which
met in Brownville on the 24th inst. for
d I desire to
circulating buch about tliem, to rise up in
just indignation and curse him as he de
serves; and on the llih of October they
will rit-e, andvheap such a deep condem
nation upon him that he will never cfl'er
to shew himself in this part of Ncb;asku J
ar-ain. I Dj you who do themselfes j nttd by that Coi-vtmi -n, without my
- - ! and their party ciedit" by doxiouncimr
The Union M;.,s Meeting at this plaw uUr lrave ,0iT6 a3 LmcoWs d- 1
cowardly platform.
Let the voters of Nemaha rem; mber
fill such men at the polls.
nominated by the Democracy cf Nebras
ka,, as their Candidate for Congress, 1
have the honor to challenge you to ac
company me before the people, for the
purpose of discussing such political ques.
tiens as may be of interest to them."
I accepj your "chalenge" most cheer
fully, with this modification: That we
discuss before the people the issues in
volved or incorporated in the respective
Platforms National and Territorial of the
Union and Democratic parties.
The Union and Democratic Central
Committees through their sespective
Chairmen, will arrange as to time and
place for the various joint meetings,
should my proposition be acceptable to
you, of which please inform me at your
earliest convenience.
Very respectfully, &c,
Co'irtv Cemtr.issk-rer, at
m;ike. known through yur paper my tiown
j acceptance of that position, I wes n;
views on the subject, that I did cot be
lieve we possessed either, in sufficient
degree to" warrant the acceptance of tha
provisions cf the enabling act passed in
the winter of 1S63-6 1. If it were other-.
wj38if I had been favorable to State
organization I can see no possible bear
ing which that fact could have upon the
great issues of the present canvass.
It nfight be "of interest to the people
cf Nebraska" to inquire how far you
compromised your freedom cf action and
of rating inthe la!e canvass between
Judge Kinney (the Democratic nominee
for Congress) and his successful compet
itor, in order to retain the "humble and
obscure position" of Post Sutler at Fort
Kearney, but even this would seern tome
to be equally out of place and' in bad
taste in the pending canvass.
I therefore insist upon my original
proposition to discuss the issues involved
in the Platforms, Territorial and Nation
al, of the parties which placed us in nom
ination. You must le aware that I am the nom
ine? of the "Union" (not the Republi
can) party of Nebraska as th-:ir Candi
date for Delegate in Congress. I mu?t
insist, in'fore, that in any future corn
municai.tVis which von ma have to mike
the people, for the purpose of discussing; connected with the cresent can-
vass, you address me as tuch. The term
'Uniou" may be distasteful to you ; but
however that may be, the duty which I
owe to the organization uhichhas honor
ed me with the nosition which' I now cc-
In iustice to you, I may re-. ,, , T a : . .i . .
J J ' - nnv rfiiurM lh.:it I ;:r n.i m-T-t that if
existence be recognized.
Til V U i 1
last reDorts!
i "
Nfduaska City
Sept. ,16ih, 166-1,
Hon. P. IV. Hitchcock, Republican Can
didate for Delegate to Congress and U.
S. .Marshal of JVebraska
Sis : I respectfuliy acknowledge
the receipt of your communication of this
date, in reply to my note of yesterday,
challenging you "to accompany me before
such political questions', as may be of in
terest to them,"
I regret that ycu seem to have taken
exceptions to the mode in whijh I thought
it would te most agreeable to vou to be!
r '. il rrssed
a scrnevnat mti-
orn Colors of red
on Monday was the largest and most en- Lirein , vvho arv ,Va?inS a ,nfernal war
thusiastic political meeting we have ever j aYrj(1l x.itt :ieaV(.u j-.
seen in this place. Somy-of our oldest
citizens compared the crowd to that which
assembles here on circus d;:ys.
In the afternoon the croad gathered
at the Meihodisi Cl'.urch to hear the or cc-nfent, and I wvi not be
u candidate on any such ticket, ror can
any other man who L.oldd my principles.
1 belong 'o tho lT:ii- a party, and those
who nominated n.e need net think they
c.iri f;atitt- or bring me into the
! ! thru- nominees.
sp:akirg. Mr. Bu'k, of Ntlraska Ci;y,
speke iirst, and did himself and the piny
to which he belongs great credit. He
was fallowed by Mr. T;pu.n, who spoke j from Hoods army, and has oil cred tenas
and white, and the ncbh; patriots wi;
bear them," v brought1 into power in
broska ? support th.? coppevbeaded, zin-
lined, brass bound, gold plated Dmoc. The German are as loal peopk- to
racy. - j the Country of their adoption and will
I vote the Unh-n ticket.
Gov. Brown, of Georgia, has issued an HENRY STEINMANN.
order witbdrawicg the Georgia Militia
for about two Lours, completely analyz-
:f f eac to Shermaiu What his picpo-
ing the platforms and policies of the I it-ons sire we have not yet learned. The
CL"j:ii.g"ncy. More funds were
Nquind t0 ray the increased prices, and
more funds could only be raised by an
1 mcreaeo in cur prices to correspond with
the increase of everything else. Bat our
'advance has net been half e greai Q3
ib?t. It ba on!y been iufficient to ena
ble us to kcp up our papers on their
The next thing- to be done is to cut off
from our subscription list ell those who
have uot paid thtir subscription in ad
vance. The obligations we have made
to etch other in the Convention requires
us tc do, this, but the obligations to the
Convention are not rno-e bir.d;rg or im
perative than our own necessities. We
Lave to pay cash in udvance for every
tb irg we UoO about the office, and how
crn we do it at an expense of SCO a
-cek, and wait with our patrens for their
subscriptions for a pear ? That would
be insisting too much for their accom
modation, and more than they will ask
us to when the case has been fairly laid
before them. WTe hope to see all 'our
ciiy Fubscribere come up and pay for their
papers in advance before the 1st cf Oc
tober, but we will keep our books open
to our country patrons until the 5.t, for
the receipt of subscriptions at 2. 00, but
after this issue, ire cannot furnish the pa
pers to aryone, without respect to per sens,
unless paid for in advance !
Unless times ohould change we may be
compelled to make another advance thi
winter. Material is continually rising,
tnd th preseat advance is only sufficient
to make the paper pay its own way. But
cur readers tr oy be assured that if ano
ther advance is made, it will only be when
we are ecrupelled to do it, and then as
alight as possible.
Do vou w-ant Nebraska 5ven over to
the rule of exile rebels from Missouri
ar.d Maryland, who.too cowardly to fight
Democratic pursy, and fully exhibincl Confederacy is boginning to crumble, and j tktir principles, displayed their 'chiv
their incons;stenci?s and evil tendencies, j before lougiu shattered fragments wi!j
The Democrats could not hear Lira thro1 j al! be seeking to place thcrisylves under
but le:t the house feclmg f smmed and J tlie protection of the old Union
di.-guited at themselves, lorg oi'f re he
ended. , lit- was followed by Mr. Dily
r.ho delivered a very good speech, when
Do you want the serpents slime of enp-perheadii-m
' besmeared over Nebraska?
the crowd quictiy dirpcrcd to their hemes Vote for the coppc-rhcaded, zinc-lined,
to come forth ogain on tho 11th of Ooo- trass bound, gold plwted Democracy
ber, to hurl Democrats, coppeidieads and
sympathisers,down from the position they
have assumed as a party with defeat and
shame so deep, that they will pray for
the shades of oblivion to conceal their
record forerpr. - -
Do you want Nebraska represented iu
Congress by a skoddyife,- cotton specula
tor, soldirr-swiridliog sutler ? Vote for
George L. Miller.
A ConfcTjs tithlo Trirk.
The Fa 115 City IVlxe, in noticing
e discussion at til-tice between Mr.
Hitrhcock and Miller, ?ay:
We have h ard a raintber comi'l.iin of
the avins"s nf il cefeL'"te Mi!i.-r.
rrom own words,-- our citizens r'-fi-rcljy,
have cou'ie to neioiv' t-tn u i;ur
i i , i i i
atr,c quaiuitja cy steaiitsg i:o'ir neujrt
t::;r.s horses and leaving their h-mes in
the liiglit? support ihe t-'p'-erheadd,
z;nc iiued, tr.ix uoitii.i, gold piated De
mocracy. Sell out to th suulors who feed -.'ur
.soldiers on rotten herring, rotin cheese,
rotten crackers, suck treason, hare the
soldiers, and you are a first rate Democrat.
mate acquaintance wuii you siuco your
appointment as Uni'.i States Marsha!
of Nebraska, and I Lave never been able
to discover hereto!;)! ; :my particular sen
sitiveness on your p ,n to being noticed
in connection with tlmt distinguished po
sition. To prevent any possible woun
ding of your per.-oo:;.i or official sensi
bilities, you w i i 1 i ave. perceived that I
now give ycu, the bent fit of the joint ad
dress 'of "Republican Candidate for D"l-
egate to Congress and United Slates
Marshal." If ycu have resigned the.
latter, or the former position, please so
inform me, and I will correct my manner
of addressing you in future communications.
Trusting that my proposition to confine
the discussion to the issues presented iu
the Platforms cf our respective parties,
will he acceptable to you, and that you
! will at ence authorize the Chairman of
the Democratic Cotumiuee to" confer with
the . hairi.ian of the Union Committee
iu reference i the time and place of the
proposed inretmgs.
I am sir, very re?p' ctfully yours,
Flour 9,00, to 8lo ?n
Cora 150 toU3,U-
Jye 143 1-2 toll -v-'
BarIeySl,40 to 1, ?
Hay--2S.00to 833
Potatoes 4,75 to 5
Apples S3.7.3rpri,J fc
Hides- flint 20c per
Hour y.9G to SlOo 1
Wheat 1,53 io S1&0 c--Oats
55o toGOcp.rx
Rye-S1.68 perbi '
Corn 3123 u ,
Barley 1, SO .
The markets closed dull fc
in Provisions. ;s
Franrh A. Dowier, adrni.-.,;rr -William
Ucrke,dveaee.l, ; j .i' r - ,
the sail Wm G.rke. nj:; t.e,'. 5 ;;
J. Duwler has ;-d a p-'e "
f.f ths District Cocrtof
' I:
1 '
T '
t :
ti. :
TiTn;ory,tae o' j -'ct of wh ,.
fr the ,9 of the frrlo;-.
qcaritrof ofotioa nambtr I toV- "' '
north of range number it, . O'
pal merMiin, and 9 ar-pi: f'i ,
if a-ach s.tTe in paj,-ueBtof a ce-u"-'' '
uryli bj6A.1l V'ii-" ji Oerk-j, Au-"'1- t-' '
r.ivcr,f Sai,! &T, f '
1.1 .- ra I e cf 2 j vtr een t. per anaii. 1 !
uue twelve UKintli afcer date; ti,'r-i
Wen cior: gavd tj aecure ihe faj'
cf 5oreir.ber, 13j4. Yl. J
Sept. 23tb,13oi.
r ,.
1 ..
NEna vsic.v City,
Sep-:. 16, ISoi.
Hon. P.. W. Hitchcock, of the
" Union" party cf JSfebraska jor Con
gress, a:id "Rnpnui'icaii"' United States
HACKNEY & cr :"
flpvejait raceired a rJrtilj ,
Stn.j3lo and
aij pri :
- .
wr.l 3
-sound on tne l-oo. e ;
in other words,
ka that
discu.ision between Mr.
Miller and Hiichcoch at this pi, ice on
Saturday, was over," Mr Hitchcock chal
lenged Mr. Miller to meet him in dis
cussion at Peru en Monday, but Mr. j
Miliar refused cn the ground that no i
such appointment was made, for them by I
their respective committees that arranged
this appointments for discussion, and that
he had not time to meet h:m. But Mr.
Miller immediately sent his secret era
missaries to Peru to announce that he
would speak there on Monday at 9 a. rn.
This mean, sneaking trick was not
that he comes as near bciu ' a '-secc
as he dare.
Thf1 citizens of Richard -.-on county
not the only portion of Ne' ra:
thin!; just so. But if Mr. Miller is a.
much of a rebel as h? darei, he is not a
very sctr-.d one. for ho has not the cour to dare much to be a .yt'ii.irr-.
Do you want your hr-thr-rs nr.d son
who lost their lives in fiL'litinir ?!wi
ireasoa, dared to show th-: ns-( Ive and
called "d d Lincoln sons of b h-. ?
support the cop.perhesdod, zii.o Lned,
brass bound, gold -plated Democracy.
Pustmacter GeMera! Blair's resicT.a-
fion his been accepted by the President.
r f',.. T, : e :ii ! 1
tucccisor.' ''"'
.. . 1 1 " m Ca" - ' '
I n terest i; Co rre s? o n d cn ce.
B'dow we ive tie eorro'-p ;1d-nce be
tween Mr. Miller and Mr. Hitchcock,
relative to arrangements for the canvass
they are now making.
As will be observed it was Miliar that
;rave th chailenue, arid m t' :: r-ra'-adj-cio
style, too, (if ono pr- tr.'diiv to p rses
supriov ability, which is really th ; cbar-
As to yr.ur "address of myself, had Marshal of .Xilraska
it been your pleasure to notice me asj Sir: I have received your seccni com
'Fost Si-tier at Ft. Kearney," while I muuieation. I am ready to go with you
cheerfully recognize the; contrast between j-into this canvass to discuss any and all
that humble and obscure position n-.d the j questions you desire to discuss, reserv
i'lustrations cne occupied by ymirreif, -ug to myself the ridit to talk to the
the only exception which could La : ; people upon --such (juestiotis a may be
arisen in the fact that I long since re- :'of interest to them."
signed that position.
In your letter I find your acceptance
thus slated: "I accept your challenge
cheerfully, with this modification, that
we discusi the issues involved or incor-
porased in the respective platform:; Na
uurmr ana Territorial," "of the Republi
can and Democratic parties. Upon this
pomt I desire to state most distinctly that
while it will be my purpose to discuss!
vsm7- low for cj:
C rj'Tinsr all tha Latent J"ov't;J:-e"
anl Drc33 Triumin of all kindi and n; ,
Fiuited Ribb Brails,
Latest Style of Ladies' Wjrtfr'
VcILs, Collars, Irory St!tK!.c":"
B::e!v znA Si!e Comfy C ; T,
lJrtvMs, and .tb,
ciM lie, etc. H v:
Gh'iTLEelEN 1 1
i pany mo or. will you not ? An immediate i ".---
and definite answer will obh
Your.-,, very respectfully.
' "'b-i. .
, N-H--KV ClTr.
is;, pi. 17, lbb 1.
George L. .Miller, Democratic nomi
ne? for belt gate in Congrxss
Sir: Your a is received.
'ihe fontro-
.. . i ver-v between 11 s is simniv thi.-, - 1 v:n
wiih you to tne luhest extent "the issues i . . .
, 1 1 , I t -' viiiic- L-itii; iu iiri jiii- it.'r: issues
-iivel'ed or mcorpora'pd in the resntct- 1 1
jitsi-iii.iu ii, oiuito.iua ot our re-
boots & sho: :
t )
T '! t
! T.'Vr-;
act eristic 1 o '
v pride, b:gotvv and i zn-.-ro
Proceedings or (lie Vnion Conven
tion. rursuotit to announcement, the Union
known to Mr. Hitchcock until about 10 i County Cmventicn met in this city, cn
o'clock Monday, cf (,cnrse it was impos
Now that the discussion he'dvin-m .Is
in so legated and contemptuous- a man.
ner, is granted hi:ti. he fn-ls himself
swept from the rostrum by -the superiori
ty cf his opponent, and sneaks off to
P-ru fo make a speech by himself, think
ing none would be present to refute his
limrepreseuutions. 1
Calmly consider the style of their cor
respondence and LbU-'-T ilijht from
the n ties lions of interest to th
I had supposed that my proptoitioii hi- I
sible for him to meet Miller, if he had
desired to do so under such circumstan
ces. t... r : 1 1 . . 1
jjui tinier was r.oi so su.ccessi.ul in !
thi3 pusilanimi'.y as he supposed he would
be. Bat running in terror from the solid
the last Monday for the purj.u-e tf nom-! ILtchcock, and say if it is net just what
innting suitable Candidate to bo snppor
ted at the coming t lection.
The Convention was called to order
by C. W. Wheeler, who uiuvi d that S.
W. Kennedy be caiied to the chair
On motion of Rev. Isaac CLivinr-ton E.
urniimwn r,;-l cnr.niii' 1 iKi- U...ei. I
, 1 ' D. Smith was elected Secretary
r.rM- Ihit rr r-1 t .el tt . 'l,. A I i
, , . . ' 3 i ua motion or r . II. ivuisuen,
nnu nis cause m iemnna L'ounty cn bat
Loyal voters of Nemaha county must
remember that George L. Miller is the
copperhead candidate for Congress,, and
that PLinetii W. Hitchcock is the Union
"candidate. George L. Mdler supports
the treasonable doctrine cf the Chicago
Convention, opposes the war, opposes the
tdministraticn of Mr. Lincold, and joins
hands with' the parly tLat seek the dis
traction of the Government. Mr. Hitch
cock is loyal to the core, favors the ad
ministration and the war until peace can
bexbtained cn terms honorable to the
That' the difference.
urday, run directly into the arms cf S.
G. Daily who "whooped him up about as
lively a dish" a? the Union lcvii g citizens
of Peru desired, and gave him the chas
tisement his cowardice deserved on the
Now what Las he gained by Ins mean
ness; Exulting in Li3 own ability: and
"brains" he challenge M r. Hif.hcock
for a joint discussion befare the people,
and when that discussion is greted him
he finds himself beaten, and tries to fly
the track, oes eff to Peru(after refusing
a com
mittee of three was appointed to exam
ine Credentials ommittee consisting o
. H. Amsden, John Burnts sn.d Isaac
The following Gentlemen was present
Brownvilie; Isaac Chivh.eton, E. D.
. . .
Smith, S. W ' . Kennedy, W. Penny, W
H. McCreery, J. Coleman, T. U. Fish
er, and C. W. Wheeler.
"Aspinwail; Thomas Higgins, David
Fraker, J. M. Paulin.
Peru: Samuti Pettit. Cbdrles Gode,
j Y. W. Smith, E. D. Phelps, David Ben-
. Hoir do jou like Hiem?
. The folldwicg are some of the mot
toes cf. the Democracy cf Nebraska as
displayed et Nebraska City on the 14th :
4,No more bastiles."
'The Miller for the people George
L." ;
W'ake enakes day 's a breaking.
that he had not time to do so) to make a
speech where Mr. II. would net be pres
ent to refute h:3 misrepresentations, and
finds an eld campaigner there to ansAer
him and expose his coutempiable mean
ness. The frying pan wes too bet for
his so be jumped out of it and got into
the fire, tew where will he jump to nexl:
An Urchin at our elbow known as the
devil cries Ac" but 'we hope he may
never see more of that place than he will
about the 11th of october.
and murdering defenceless women and
"The Democracy copperheaded, zinc ; children in cold blocd. turned lose to
continue .their depredation? ? Support
the Democracy, j
o I T t' -. i v :
to meet Kr. Hitchcocic on tne ground . '
Ncn. uua iiy; Lr. W . r airorotner, Jas,
Hooker, L. Moore and J Barnes.
Glen Rock; C, E, Fhippeuy, Geo Aeb
ly, J. Gill.
Douglas; T, Burkholder, J, II. Ams
den. "
Benton; Henry Steimun, J.-Gerds.
Bedford; R, A. Stewart.
Lafayctt; Nathan Sinter.
Washington; Barnard Oteus.
J. H. Morrison being absent, Rev. I
Chivicgtoa was instructed to cast Mr.
Morrisons vote.
On motion the. Convention proceeded
to ballot for Councilman, O, B Hewet,
C, G, Dorser, Dr, A, S, Holladay, and
C. F, Hayward wre placed in nomina
tion, after the second ballot, Messrs.
we righ? expect from such ;hoddv ar-
isrocru'-y as Mr. Miller's represents. -
1 NebrVika City, )
Sept. Uiy, lo4.
IIon. P. IV. Hitchcock, U.S. Marshal
if Jfebraska:
Dear Sit: Having ben ncnrir.attd
by the Democracy of Nebraska, as their
Candidate fcr Delegate ',o Congress, I
Lave the honor to challenge you to accom
pany me before the-people, for the ' pur
pose of discussing such political questions
as may be of interest to thsm.
An early response to this com rru loca
tion will much facilitate the t'eriectinnr
of the arrangements for the iebatea. The
Chairman of the respective Central Com
mittees will be, in my judgment, the pro
per persons to name the time4 and places
Oi. Sj.'.aKiii.
Very respectfuliy yours, i
ivo nlatforms. National and TVrr iterinl " i '
i. , , I specuv j arti-:. You wish
it wilbe equally my purpose to debate j 1 1
1 1 j " , e I V0' dtmtnd ti; "ri'.'ht to
1 IUv 1 II-. Olll'l. 1. . V 11. v k. ' , l , i l Z
to the people ci Nebraska, irclufji-'g the
partizan scheme cf forcing upn them
against tier-ir will, ?he burdens of State
gowrnment, for which, I am credibly in
formed, you secretly labored and voted.
You .wi I therefore understand that I
hold myself .in readiness to meet yuu be
fore the people in the diseuss'cicn of all
such political questions as may be of in
terest to them."
I am, very respectfully your obedient
servant. GEORGE L. MILLER.
to do more
diseli.-s uli
Ac I all c iher art
::c i. -l
.1.: I.i
to t
W -M.l'J
n you
Late has jus
J . b 1 1 : i i i 1 i S
braied the very sulj.ct matter th
-interest the p.-pie' m d
their choice cf suffrage as betw
and me. I confess my own inabilit) dur
ing our brief canvass, to do justice to
those issues without anemptinj to discuss
all other --interesMng questions." You
may be equal to such a task. As you
demand it, and must have it, and as I am
unwilling to L,n-o the discussion alto
gether, I a.-eept your proposition and will
meet you.
Very respectfully yours.
ij.'eiWr P:b. I v t.
ill-. i y. ijiiUli ILL' -
U '
(i dd has nk,
wards. I-Mi, .
cmnatti to 175.
so comnlev L.
iiiarkets wt-rt. (;.
j qui. ta'ioMs from
n n:;ou. r lumblv.tlowsi
:i the iiUL ;i,t . ii Cm-
silr-r to JC0' which
! O-
'.! e tins week.
iness that the
have no
Do you want the prison doors opened,
and Quantril and all men who have been
shooting at our brothers from the bushes
fcr the past three years, burning towns
liiied, bras6 bound, and gold plated."
Shoddy affair aint it.
Nebraska Ctv,
Sept. 15, th 1So4.
Hon. Geo. L. J"ilhr, BeuiocrJdc Candi
date jor Delegate in Congress:
Devr Sir: Your letter of 'this date
(conveyed to me by the hand cf J; Ster
ling Morton, Esq..) and addressed "P.
W.- Ilichcock, United, States Marshal
of Nebraska," was received ths p. jr.
Waving any considerations relative to the
character in which you have thought prop
er to address me, (not as the Unin Can
didate for the same offi-re for which your
party friends have placed you in nomi
nation, but as "United Stales Marshal"
of this Territory;) and forebearmg to
retort, in kind by responding to you as
"Post Sutler ci Fort Kearney." I avail
S Sn.titXL. &s of Every.
Dorsey and Hayward withdrew their j ny&clf cf the earliest opportunity to re-
tames. Un ttard Lallct Dr. iiollady pv
having received 19 votes, wag declared
In your letter you t-ay; Having been
Nebraska City, )
Sept. 16, 1S01.
Han. Geo. L .Milter. Vfnr.cralic Candi
date for Delegate in C;itgr;ss :
Sir : Your letter or" t
bren handed me by II
Forbearing all cenrnent in roferenco
to the new and ex tend -"J llllt winch you
have been pleased to confer upon me, and
desirous only that the discussion which
so luomuisy ;ioooseii, Ml.iil ii once ! ii,,. c.,. Ax, i V. . V . . .-. e. n c.
ill', cum.. uil III IK 1 ' : 1 . . I . I r 1 i I rOUl
be agreed upon, I answer your coiximu-j 21'J to 200, but revived auam to 201 du-
nication at the earliest moment. ring the any. Bu.-
You say, "I desire to state, most dis
tinctly that while it will be my purpose
to discuss with you, to the fullest extent,
the issues involved or incorporated in the
respective Platforms, National and Ter
ritorial, it will be equally my purpose
to debate all the questions that may be
of interest lo the people of Nebraska, in
cluding the partizau scheme of forcing
upon them, against their will, the bur
dens of State Government, for. which I
am credibly informed, ycu secretly la
bored and voted."
You propose a very wide range forthe
discussion, viz: "Ail the questions that
jhiln Street bet. First anl Sc:: -
browitvillen.t. u
V, 3 h.i ve i n stare a Iarje an l well t:?e.e;
rrj rrn
IS 1 .
French Tiwst,
Hats. Caps, By
Boots, Shoes, ' ,
Leather, etc.,
etc., et:.,?r
wnicrr we offeu roa salb
i . . i i . .
mucn unsettled t.-.r,u:.out tle country.
oi. L.ouis quotations are at 100
buying, and 105 selling.
may be of interest to the people of Ne
braska ;" and you propose to include
among them, the Partisan scheem of for
cing upon them, (the people of Nebraska)
against their will, -the burdens of State
Government, for which," (you say) "I
am credibly informed you secretly labor
ed and voted." I will remark that your
"information" on .this point, however,
"credible" it may seem to you, is erron
eous. WThilo I have long been desirous
that Nebraska should attain sufficient
wealth and population to enable her peo
ple wisely to assume the "burdens of
State Government," it is a fact, notori
ous to everybody acquainted with my
Erowiivilc Market.
September. 20th.
Reported and corrected every week by
MeLaugbho &, Svan.
Com 61,00
Spring SI .05
Fall l.:J5
Bticon 20c
Batter 25o per lb.
Eggs 15o per doz,
Fall Wheat $5.50.
Spring' " 55,00, per 1C0 lbs
Meal 61,25 per bushel,
Potatoes 2.00 "
Apples, 2,50 "
Apples Dried, 10 2-3c per lb
' N O Su-ar 33 l-3c lb,
Rio Coffee 00
Powder $1,25 "
Shot 40c per lb,
Brooms 40c
Onions S2,00 per bu,
Sorghum SI, 00 to 1,25 per gal,
Sugar House S1.S0
Belchers Golden Syrup $2,25.
Rice 25c
Coal Oil 1,50.
Lead 35c
Wood 3,75 to 4,50
So '
Matches, Starch,- ,
ZiC.,i.C, CiC -it a-
Allff vtic"i p rfTer at the lowa pr.ctf, "
tiiue 1 Utji ta unJersuiJ. 1'
ix-4, 'e
: r
! :1 i v -"
--r. 1
V V r T' Z' r) i Ti' ttsT,
io :
Ovs.ers, C;ikc. Pies. C.xkie. Gmzer i
etc.. of all (lescripLn.iiS constantly ouS''1-
GOOI AIKAL3 M-ve4 in Ike DeH DJJ.i,
notice. t
BHOV Bldcfelnsr bm?hes. ScrtftM lr.i
Wlisk trcunis, BUckiug, XaUtei 1-'
Paper, &c, &c. 5
r I c L a v c rnrx jtt-r e e
AlTa, Tats, Krg. w"irfct.oari. ' .
Cti an J Wi eel b'r..w - . e2 - '
At KcLivan-in 5
..,. H.i