Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 29, 1864, Image 1

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Oive fqur (ten lis? t rr 3 i:rrt" , ti C J
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crtiser Block. H&in S't Between lat ft. 2i
iaicM card, r.x !;- cr 3j C3 jiir
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Aii trar.-isc; iTrti.-zi'!a:j mutt hi pi.l is vj-
Yearly iverii.-e2::i quarterif in i1tt-. "
the. best stjie on abort n : c ani re.-Knavle :.--su.
' b..k Wcrk, nu' Plain L.d fancy J-b Work.i
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NO. 4r.
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N.. r.:. i
;. S. IH'ItNS. M. D..
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"i- tC'T (.111 Oil t'li ! C'thrfS
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and Hiss?? Bnnrets end Ila s, Hib
bons. rioivers. tc- invitetl.e atte!it...n of the U.lie. feel-
tt,ev !e le: : er f u i -el :u : l Ir. ..tia.- :
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' ttri ti Geutlemea Je.iriag uew, cei
V7earin2 Apparel,
ths. CasSlMKHS, vfsttvos. &e..fc
- vi:r:v latest styi.cs,
'-:'.! e:i or fcke u-. t.. order, at ni.prece-i-
e. Itavnu: or. one r
jo ot-Moui ai ratas that defy coai;.e
I 'rarrar.t tut work,
uoli hk .liadiine Work.
J to h,Ll out peculurly t.vtr.blt in!
In Ttie TnlliglU.
There if .nhourrof lon'y inu!ir2f
.uch e in twilight silence come?,
WheOtiofHc flowery thtir ftai clo.-in.
TLe heart ' bet witbe; gather tome.
Etcii human Leart Lj'.I- bidd-i. tre?are,
la rtVej :, in ;'-T..e ...
Er'.g'iit tt).;. 4 (ft- '
;ct dreiBiB of
WLi.-c- cL-rit wtrv br-V.t-n if levealeJ.
The dav cut v;??.- ir. jrW r.d EBuiih,
Dar1, '.df uiif bide th znn- sky.
Iiut .;.: ij c:cl) rie may j.ut isnjaUa,
At Tv. i; g'l: b'. ur tfapy rsruot
Tbr:: iu our heir i iiitre trri;;'.b (ften
A tt-r. ier p"Ief fi-r tbi r' v ne?,
Aul wi i'tbc tti.:. libaj.jwt Swfteu,
liuw oft tbc tenr-ur. j. 5 W3,
Tier; thought cat td v e iT on cherished treaeuro-
ff-veet w .rdi. rare etfiil of Jon ?o,
And Hied it'j Etrar.j-'c au.l unt'.l.i pleasure,
TN'e iiuer i.':-r thtiu. ! atb to yo.
Iu.k.rJ we float to'iir.v- f tbildhooJ:
We wD.Jer by ;Le rij -l:t.f FJream,
V." j..' uck lrh L!fioai from the whiriwol
AJr I 't:1 but a tnilibt dream.
ArEiSKCCS OF Upt'XZhloa Ol Arms ;
Inasmuch as the question of an armi- ;
r a .
tice l eiwven the contending parties in
our civil war is now under ciscussion. j
'.V.TI .1 It T:r.t Iif TiT , 1?I ! B 1 1 ! P tO f
lorx i. us to ieac us on trie si i- oci:
In ca?ei is r'l an armistice a ru,e ,
cover some tritk cr maneuvtr, honcr-
in war, dishonorable in civil and
private life? Or thing is very certain
the winning party has, every thing to
loose by letting up an ensgenist at the!
crisis; lor, wi'.houi
f'and from the rt-
.i'.hout fable, we niav under-
crperntion of Anteus
that Hercules gave kn. a Irt athir g spell
b -'weii rounds, as in thi bosinz ring.
This was l aivalent to short suspension of i
n r!l::
on- remainiir case, of
are rare exan.ks, it is j
wii. n the:
prompting of generosity.
to commence with the 17th century.
What have been the characteristic of
nr - j.iij.p i urr rr 1 he In 't three ' t Iiturif ' ?
H i? li e vktor ever re-sort' d to then; when
his prooiem app.earec surt. o. u sitts:;o;t,ry ;
suiution to mmse.i; ere tnty- not on
the other hand, dictated by the feeling
; which promj'ts an aparent victor in a nan!
fist fishtto a?k a plucky antagonist if he
has had encurh? Be ass;:r-d the ques
tion proves that the questioner himself.
lU- , 1 .,,,t. nr.,1 ',( 1Q c-1
eno:!rtl. afi'-l. II ne SliU-
seqnently win the battle, his physical en- j
tliirance. n -.t hi m :rai force, carries him
-11' 1 ' S i ill ,
Durif." tl:- Th.rv Yt ars War we hear i
1 ut little vc ai irw.-t:." -s or trues. as u e un- i
uerManu u.-tti j u: oauiets re .u- ,
...L. I. .' I iKf.i KnvJ 1
t to held their hnds til! !
compelid to do so I he race ot 1 raue. j
in -- c- n tirTTt nr -lfi r.ii'!'1 rn !
, :n jvj .i rin u. i.-u , tiJ ,
! the ran of Saxony and Brandenbn-nr,
which rave new courage, energy, and j
force to the Imperialists. Its effect upon j
the Liberal cause nc'.hinc could have re-1
trioved but the extraordinary genius of ;
Banner and Torstenson. and the almost
superhuman oxertions of their troops, un- j
!d. r the world-famed Swedish discipline- ;
.ii utu iru uir nai uuiiw-.. i c. m.u
I . . , ;
T. w t .... . . A .1-.. .t r. , K , f- t t . . o ,-.1
! o manded such victories as ub.aK.,,,.
i Brtitei.feld, and Jankowitz, to compen-1
sate tor the weakness of diplomacy. '
ell niiuht old hluchor crow!
Pens ma?t nt lose bv writir.g
V.'hat vt:r& have E'oe t r Eihtir..
lrt"aty c' heutrahty of Uhn. ente-
td iljtofy lhp Eiector 0f 1646.
" as lie fit"1 ure5'gu hat the Roman
Cholic party were getting their gruel too
net, even lor tneir nery mroais. it ex
posed Maximillian to the ravages of friend
aini top p.t. ft itt rpenlt Pi-son led to the
pr - a. - e of Westpalin, in'164S. which made
Sw.-tb-n the "arbiter of Europe,"" and
. 'd rroiestantis-m on the firm lasis it
ha-. s:
nee ocropicd on that continent.
v r. Ti isttns" ii was besieging Brunn
u: H4-; his j..-ki:.rr for a susr-ensicn of i
arms (
or j',.. d.'&
was the turning
cf I he
nts:nent, which failed.
The Iftitgvd vUhsu-d th
e armistice,
u.aur a soccessjul sortie, and gained ad
vantages which complied "the gTeat
Swede to abandon his enterprise.
uiiui, tne civil wars of Fran-e. pv-
ery armistice proposed or con-reded to j
tlie Reformed party, was a confession of 1
caumso on we part ct the Government
to ne vioiatea as soon as circumstances!
were favorable. Each renewed suspen
sion cf arms gave a breathing spell to
the revolutionary party, and enabled
them to protract the struggle till the ccn-
centrated and augmented power of Louis j
"""" " -u s'"s ""lticr o: Lheras-co, m JVO, wasa pertect
XIV afforded an opportunity a ud vior tu
j the court act priesthood to itriue a tleci- of his career previous thereto. Waver
! !vp Moir. Rjt this eventfiii succeis was I in,: fortune seeuieJ about to relent and
not the result of any armistice proposed
or agreed to I v the Crov.-c. Each such
previous offer and coLces-icc en i: pari,
i had so strenntheiud the !..-.r;i!s of the j
j "kinedem within the kirgdom' to u.e
the term at one tin-. applied to the Pro
testant tr Ht;uei:ct Lfarue ic FraiKe
that nothing lut a train of for?ui?ous
and corcurrent circ-p.-'ances the suc-
c.ituu of such niinij'.cr? - as Hichelm,
and Lrua-ious enabled the royal power i
j to triumph over the seceding so to speak
I provinces.
i The prrpr.cals fara truce cr armistice !
1 etween Spain and the rovchtd Neth-r- !
j lands. or'United Provinces in 1607, by !
the Archdukes, was considered to man-!
ifestso great a desire for peace on the ;
part of the Spanish authorities, represen
ted by the Northern Executive in our
case as to convince the worid that they
were destitute cf the means for sustain-
ing the wfir. This truce, concluded in
1009. was tantamount to a declaration j
j cf th ii;dep.;i;d-nce of the seceded States j
j if H. Hand, ar d was ratified by tne peace !
ut WVlia, in IG-IS. The inteFvai be-
tiuf n 1609aiid 164S, thirty-nine years,
was a p. rio"d of rcnewed continual war
tturen Spain and her revolted provin- '
fPg i:j wj,;cIl lhe border State, cf the
th- theater of furious hostilities. By this j
lruce or armistice, the Netfcei lands, cr !
seceded States, gained almost every ad-
vantage, except actual recognition, they i
could have won by successful military i
operations. This case is very apposite I
0 the relative cendiun of North and ;
Suuth at this mom-ut. j
Frederick the Great was not partial to
cessation of operations, alias armistices,
unjust; every advantage uas on his side
.v,. c .. ' ti . i
'U .iir taint vi vsi.s. ii," ailiilsilLe Uf-
r t i i-c.i u
twee n ku-sia arid Pru-sia. in 1G2. when
... . B,inn. nii , . . .
made a difference of at uuce 60.000 men
to Frederick, -au advantage in point or
numbers greater than he could- have ex
pected from gaining three pitched bat-
, tics.1
It was only when au'e-d ai.J w
3,varian Succen." in 17TT-S.
.j,al we naj him consenting to a sup.
tion of hostilities. This was in Mate:..
1779, and followed by the peace of Te-
chen in May. The proposal came fr-'-tn
Maria Tneresa. the Empresa of Austi i-i,
who, from her appai superior powt-r.
tliouht the uam ai htst wa? in h-T own
ljaiJds ; and she, the
'OT.os-r of the
armistice, came eft
M VM.-
d best in tin
i ir-aty. iae same remaru in tne major- i
t-i . - i .1 !
.... ac n,f., ;..U,- frn vl r,-' ti, ,v!m r
Gi ta?t- iiu.j: gojj o. iiiu-se mio are .
,.lllt ardent for ivarp
l,Usl arQeni Ior peate.
apoiron ackiiowietigeU that the arm- i
Iv!i,. n.- i?Ofi. w,ca nrferf !
- . - i ....
5troie 0f foriune for hi,. h Vvas pro-
i i t i m i i
pQ Infc court or lurin, wnen "th
j;.!h,est check," he said, "one caprice of
fortlUje, would have undone everything."
Here we have a' military power, the 1
rrrreented bv Nanolon aved
.. uiuu, rLittiJiLu uy ajui .ji,, safu .
ly the n,or! weakness of the Allies op- I
pose(j to it wh0se armies were superior
m UTimhtrs, epecialiy in cavalry and ar-
iuIX 0or own case exactly well sup
i;,-! will: tvrv tpt(r and in nf)0mn '
. u u tv ' 11 dUU 'ii l'o e.siou ,
, , , - , .1
fortresses the French were not in a
ux::i,Ai l0 reduce. The result was the
,,.hlpiele humiliation of Sardinia.
When the French Directory cent Gen.
Clarke to propose an armistice in 1797,
after ArcoU, Napoleon would not permit
him to enter into negotiations because the
future Master of Europe saw that unfal
tering audacity and fiery energy were
the keys to ultimate triumph, not a ces
sation of hostilities or an armistice.
Napoleon was in a disastrous condition f
in April, 1797, when the Austria, feel- j
in their own wounds and not perceivin I
the weukness of thet ri-'iny, proposed the
: armistice of Leoben. The result was i
the peaca of Campo Formic, sohumiliat-
inc to the eld Emmre of Austria and
o I
glorious to the young Republic of France, j
What plainer confession of weakness
cn the part of the apparently-successful
invader than Napoleon's seeking for arm
istices while in possession of the old cap- '
ital of Russia ? Alexander, du;ed upon
tbp Viomat, had learned that th (
i" :
can adventurer, become Emoeror Iv his
ambitious ability, never offered su-en-
sions of. arms, except to get the better of
an adversary by seizin- the
v-Yi Oi Luii.wj
conceded to gather up hi reins, coacen
trate, and prepare for a sudden, that body of able, . sagacious repreaenta
blow. tive men rise in their seats and with
Napoleon confessed that his consent to udifted hats and swellin? voices make
the armistice of Pieswiu or Neumark, in j
lio, tvas p-rps iue rreates; biui.der
! smile on htm again. That armistice added
i Austria to the coalition ag-ainst him and
j Irought the Allies to Pans in the suc-
ceedin year. He also proposed an arm-
j istice at Leipsic, tut the Allies who had
accepted that of Pleswitz to perfect their
plans, cover the j unction of the Austrian,
and get ready for a crushing, concentra
tive advance, had to oyh sense to accord
a "let up" to an adversary who knew
how to profit by such a "slip" on the part
of his enemies.
Finally, take as a lesson our Tacubaya
armistice in IStV. ictonous at Lontre-
ras and Cherubusco, Scott was "deeply i
impresed," through interested represen-!
taiicns of others, British prominent, says j
Rip'.y, xi. p. 317, "with the danger of j
seizing the capital of Mexico-" Al
though he knew from what they had done
what his troops could do, he halted and
offered negotiations. That pause cost us I
two bloody conflicts Moliuodel Rey and
the storming of Chapultepc.
An armistice is always a fortunate let
up for the weaker party to regain his
wind, and re-coiiect his senses, and get
ready for another struggle, in which a
lucky blow may floor the preriot victor.
Since the davs of Troy etery war, es-
pecially with such a government and such
people into rebellion, has taught, and
ehould teach, the truth of the hackneveu
quotation to "fear the Greeks even wh-jn
bringing gifts." For, rest assured, no
Government ever offered concessions cr
asked for suspensions unless conscious cf
defects sensible to itself and impercpti-
1 !e to outsiders. Cor. Army and Navy
i xr p t . .1 iT .
Fi:i.low Citizens ; At this late hour
it certainly is not expcrt'fi that I shouhl
mabe anything luv a pi.U.c sp-e-.h ; hut
iu rspone to your expressed wish. 1
slMii sav a iew worUs.
1 an: a msn of toleraiice. I am fcr free
s-pre. i. ani would extend our hospitali
t!(;'i to men of all shades of opinion, ail ,
... I
n I
union, aii ,
principles of politics, atl conditions of i
ti i , . ,n
nte. This much we owe to tne spirit!
. . i !
and genius ot our institutions. Our beau-1
tiful city of Chicago his reached its pres-
j i . .
cnl growth, and has never r&t been dis-
- - .
orart-d bv a mob. Wit i n the nat week
i - i
a ?reat convention, composed or men j
j i j j v. .1 i
widely difierent and even hostile views '
from tbo von re-n attended bv ? 1
Pnnrnil,sp nf ,((,,:-in. a,,em!,led here.
r .i i. h.,j t.'.-.. :
and vet I assure you as one of the cus- j
tcdians of the city's peace, that it has
net cost your treasury ten dollars to keep j
the peate during all the excitement of the !
past five aayS. Aniwhy so ?
.: . i
iIiere j10t violence, aitrage an
Because rentlemeu of the p
Why uas
nd disorder f ;
e, gentlemen oi the prevalence oi
i r
universal liberty of opinion, and of uni
versal toleration. Because as a people
we indorse and exemplify that widely j
i t ti t ct t.,t.
no'vn maxim of Ttomas Jefferson, "that
error can be easily tolerated while reas
on and Christianity are left free to com
bat it."
You who differed from our friends" so
recently here have had an opportunity of
examining their sice of the case. If they
were true and loyjil to the constitution cf
the country and tAe eld flag of our fath
ers, they had the opportunity to she it.
If their sympathes were with the gallant
soldiery that 2ie carrv:n? our cause to
the height of success upon the points of j
their bayonets, they could have shown j
it. " !
Well, then, waen the news came that !
Sherman had moved to the southward cf
Atlanta, and that volunteers were rush-
ing to Grant at the rate of a thousand a ;
day didn't you fear these men in their j
street assemblages and in their meetings j
in the square mike the welkin ring with j
their cheers for Sherman and Grant ? ;
Cries of no, uj. Well, neither did 1.
Whtu thev were sating in their conven-
tion. deub-?rat;f uroa the- choice of a
candidate, an th" nrws camf cvrr the
electric wire iat glorious old arr?.Lrut
had hoisted the stars and strip
es ever
Fori Morgan, and the rebel flag had
come down in humiliation, uia Tou see :
be "wigwam " ring ? Cries af no, no.
Jlnd milker did 1 hear a single word frornl
uieir oracies or oraicra or syrnpatny wnn;
cur gallant soldiery who ( are Iravic?
death in th field, r of the fundamental
principles of our government, or one
single word ef denunciation of these
traitors in arms who arc striving to de
stroy the best government to world ever
saw. Not one word of censure had they
for thera.-3-Bjt the burden of their son-
was peace, peace.. Stop fighting, . they
cried; keep your soldiery from shooting
at their misguided brethren, and whtn
Jeff. Davis comes North, as he did a
year ngo, they will go to him and use
their influence with him to induce him to
stop shooting upen us. They promise to
ask him if he hasn't done mischief enough,
shed blood enough, and fired upon out
flag ei,ourh. and say to him, now in God's
name stop and give us peace, for "ble.sed
JelTerscn Divis entered Congress about
the same var I did. I have met him
often ani know him well. But there
was this difference between Jeff Davis
and me. I paid for my education, Jff".
didn't for his. He was taken at a ten
der age and placed at West Point, and
your father and mine was taxed to pay
for the instruction that rescued him from
oblivion. We nude the very common
mistake of judging of his head rather
than his heart, and did not notice the vi
per that was ceiling there, ana which we
nursed into life to sting us if possible to
death. When his schoolboy days were
over, Jeff was sent off west here at the
gorornment expense and spent a year or
so surveying around Calumet, fishing and
lounging, and shooting grcuse at govern
ment expense and eating them himself
He then married into the government
his wife being the daughter cf General
Taylor, who wasy-cported by thejovern
ment; went to Mexican war and re
turned to become st-cre'.ary cf war and
to viliify the gallant soldiery of Illinois
for their r.rt upon the field of Euena
Vista. For this Governor Bissell called
taim t, Ut .jhie particular OCCasiOD
Jeff didn't come out.
He v-as for pence, "blessed are the
W-hen hv- ceased to be
Sf -rtniY rf tviir. ht: vvube nri .-r.e m.-.rn
, , ,
t hi ri.'f''s. 1 PS t!:' mnr; wlw-i nt i
. -- - -
our bread, and sucked our blood, went
fii.ri hfl )n r:nrir.r r-.f ri'n I or.rl tr-ii-rr.
oul or 1,16 t-nion ana raiseu tne unno.y !
j .
are men, or at lt-ast those who have the i
, , . , i
form oi men, wao would ?ro down upon '
. . . ' 1 :
ineir icnees to tms perpireu pup r an-;
sav, "we know.
" - j
havn't had your rights. Jl'her
, ;
is nnicn i
i -.ft .M i cr 1 1 lrt t u-i I . u . i r- v nnlHt'-r Tour I
v" " i .
hands upon it ; please come and take, and !
, , I
ir there is anything left you can t usi
3 3 1
' " 1 iC u' uul' orn-' tuul" 1,410 ' v,r ,
want peace, and "blessed are the peace" ;
man era.
"hen I spike from these steps a few
weeks ago, I told you that decided stand
ceulu not !.- taken until the other plat-
field. We have it now.
p-a::orm is made, its principles enun-
una its candidates put forth.
2 has only one emblem, that of
p-ace. r aey sing but one song, that of
Pace. So I am for peace, but with this
difference: 1 want an honorable peace ;
they a disgraceful surrender.
When traitors fire upon the flag of my
fniinrrTT T bnntv rf but n:K filJIV lhat f)f I
- W U . . m. - " " " - - , T i
There are some things that I cannot
approve in the prosecution of this war.
But we must remember that war always
brings its calamities that are ins-operable
from state cf war, and whatever may be
the petty views of individuals upon the
non-important events cf the war, the man
lLat EOt star:d l7 his country now,
and faithfully serve her in ail
things, is unworthy cf a name cr place
among honorable men.
The leaders of the South Vant no peace
except upon the basis of a reccgniiion cf
the right of secession which we will
never grant. Concede it ence. and all we
love is gone. When we come together
for an election, and the question is about
to be decided by a count of votes, up will
jump seme uemagegue ieu cr), "ion i
I j .in .
do it, for if you do I know of soma state
I that will secede." No, gentlemen ; it is !
le. We must fight i: out, and i
when peace is obtained, it must be a last-.
ing, permanent peace which shall bind
this Union together in bonds stronger and ;
more eacurm than tne eternal nths r ;
peace wrung from this traitorous crew, if
necessary, at the point af the bayonet and
by the strong right arm and best Hood of
our nation. Let us accept no rcconatTup-
tion. I have lived for nearly 3;ty years
under the government, and 1 neer expect
to fiui a better; and I repudiate all ia-i
novations, and stand firmly by the Unisa
of these Mates and the wciuututuu of my
fathers. I have had, in the ceur?e cf my
life, to swear many timet to support the
Constitution cf my country, and I love to
take that oath. Others may scout it, but
the man who cannot cheerfully take and
; ker the cath of allegiance to the land
cf Lis birth, or the country cf his adop -
tion. d-ssrvei not a Lcm in a land cf
Thea defend this Government an J ; u,,ve P-" J
sustain only the men who sustain it The rebel Generals Gordon ar.d Rn
misery and woe, and speculation and pec
ulaiiou. Then pvt doirn the War, send
forward your peacemakers, "but take pre
caution to give every one a musket and
sabre. Remember "blessed are the
peacemakers." Such a peace we will
I soon win, and our children will not blush
to read itshistory. This is my policy,
and all its favors we ask cf the men who
recentlv assembled in convention here is
to write to their friends down South and
tell them to stop firing upen our flag, and
become good and loyal men.
6en. Siieriusn's replj io Eood.
Wash-mgton, 21. The following is the
reply of Sherman to Hood's charge of
''studied ingenious cruelty,"
"General : I havethe honor to ac
knowledge the receipt of your letter of
this date, consenting to the arrangements
I proposed to facilitate the removal south
of the people of Atlanta, who prtfer to
go in th-t direction, i enclose you a
copy of 'my order, which will, I am satis
fied, accomplish my pu-pese perfectly.
"You style my measures as unprece
dented, and appeal to the dark histcry cf
war for a parallel, as an act of "studied
and ingenious cruelty." It is not unpre
cedented. Gen. Johnston wisely and
properly removed , ramilw ail hp vvny
irum li.uu anu. 1 see no reason why
Atlanta should 1-e excepted. Nor ia i
necessary to apiedl to lio uuik Li-ttry
of war, when recent modern examples
are to itanuy. toa, ycurseir, nurnea
dwelling houses along your parap-'t.
i have seen to-Cay all h
you rendered
' nnir'inf.iliiM t-i'P'K ?I.iv ttr.f., in ! (
r . ' T I T
i , , . ." ' ,.
r.f veiiir rnsN arid t'-,,jti i n i pn.
j that even cannon shot, and manv maket
that over.-hoi their mark, went into habi i
. . , .. , . ,
tail ,.ls of women and tmiJren. Hardee
, , , T , T . , . , i
du tne same at Jun-sboro. Johnson did '
, , T , ,r
Lliv. c u lltx. luck w:u:4.ii.. b-w .-u, .iiu-1.
v i r i , l -
i une no. accuteu vuu o. ieaiuess uru-
, . . "
1 rntreiy instance tne.-e cases o:
T.. rirS!rt.0,f.o ,.a m,.A mr.nemt
" , , , ,,
hundreds of others, and challenge any
. , , ,
fair man to iuJe which of us has a heart
cf piety for the families of brave people,
T c-r it i: Lin',..::. In tl.o f.i miliuj r.f At -
i . . it 1 H.llMlll J a tf lUtllllll JL A. W
Junta to remove them at once from scenes
which women and children should not be
exposed to. Brave men should scorn to
commit their wives and children to rude
barbarians, who thus, as you say, violate
the laws cf war, as illustrated ia the pa
ges cf its dark history.
"In the name of common sense. I ask
you not to appeal to a ju-sl God in such a
sacriiigeou" manner. You, who, in the
inidt of peace and prosperity, plunged
the Union into a dark and civil war ; who
dared and badgered us to tattle insulted-
r.i.r fl-rr coi-rl r.i'T trcorii!; r A f
11UL. I 1. U . M.-.lUtt
is, &au iuru
that were left in honorable custody, seiz
ed and made prisoners cf war the very
guardians sent to protect your people
against the Indians and negroes, long be
fore any overt act was committed by the,
to you, hateful Lincoln government. You
tried to force Keutuckv and Jfitsuuri in- I
to rebellion ia spite cf themselves. Ycu j rfebeI from Op-quan creek to Winch -falsified
the vote of Louisiana. You sent ; ter- The rebtU were ,:rcE ia a'--1-"-'
privateers to plunder unarmed ships ; vou j a"d TrJ liaate f ghtin-.
expelled Union families by the thousand; 1 sir to meaii oa to the Lieutena
declared, bv an act cf vour cengress, th ' General Ccmxandi the JIlaat can-rnntftt.-m'nf
nil d.bJdue northern mn ! d of Generals Wright, Crook, Earcy
for roods
"You may talk thuirto the marines but
not to me, who have seen these things,
and who will this day make as much
sacrifice for peace, and the honor of the
south a3 the be3t born southern among
you. If you must be enemies to us, fight
it out a3 we propose to-day ; and do not
d3l in surh hypocritical appeals ia God
and humanity. God will judge us indue i
line, an-- wni pronounce v.aetaer it w:u
be more uumane to figat wim a torn fui
of peop-e at our bacK, or remove tnern,
w umt, w ..1 w :cij u--n
own friends.
S10.000 worth of hay was racenlly
feuraed opposite Nebraska City.
! m n V 'y - "
V,'ahTr.gton, Sept. VZO a
To IiIaj-GenerAl Dix:
j ruay .uajci ue:.erai neruan
! aluckeJ rarl' f-ht rrat Ullle;
: acd woa s?-:i r;cijrJ- OrcrZ,Q
! pnrs captured, ne tatt:;
i 3 c... : n
cfTicers were woanded. All
01 U.
J ray's killed and most of their wcu!.' - :
in our hands. The details are t'. j
the fallowing cfUcial telegram.- r. .:-!
by this Department. The D-;'
learn3 with deep rejret thai t '. v
eral Russel, killed :
Harper's Ferry, September U'. T -r n
To Hon. E M. Stanton: I rr.., ; .i-,
heard from the front. Oar cavalry u-.. ;r
Averill and Merritt engaged Erecken- .
! ridge's corps at Darksville. at dayl.ght,
and up to one o'clock had driven him be-
yond Stevenson Depot, a distance of seven
miles, killing and wounding quite anuto
ber, and capturing 200 prisoners from
Gordon's divisisn.
On the centre andjef t the enemy wr
driven about three miles beyond the
i Opequan into a lino cf earthworks, our
infantry attacking them in positioin since
then. As the officer left he could di
ticctly hear heavy artillery firing, and n
is continuing to this hour. Every mdi- .
cation is most favorable, to u.
Brig. Genl.
Harper's Ferry, Sept. 20, 7:40. a. m.
To Hon. E. M. fcStantcn : I hava j i?t
heard from the front that Sheridan hu
defeated the enemy u capturing 2.oCU
prisoners, five pieces artillery, and .r .
The rebel Generals Gordon and Rh: d
wr kiliid, ;:d York wowJ-
j loa is about Geuerai Itu
i . v
I the G;h rorns was kil ed ciecai t; Z1.1l
tosh Io.: hg. Th enemy ; ?r-rd up
the Taiv .under .ver
Of th:
. C '. : .i - i. ... V.'...ei
. x "r.--.T-T-,- . -'
Brii,-. Gen
Generals Upton, MclLtosh and Chap
man are wDjndd.
General aheridan trarmita to Gece
ral Grant th foiiowtng official report,
which has just Iten reusivid by the De
partment :
Winchester, Va., Sept. 10,70,p. m.
To Lieut. Gen. U. S. Grant: I LRt
the henur to rsport that I attacked tr
forces of Gen. Early on tb.8 Perryl
i .,
at the crossing of the Opequi:
creek, and after a most stubborn t i
sanguinary engagement, which !.'-'.
from early ia the marnicg uaul f:?.
th evening, completely dtrfta'..' ..: '
driving him through Winchester. fa tu'--icg
about 2,500 prisoners, fivt ..
artillery, nine battle-flags, and n --; f
their wounded. The rebel tcr.vni
Rhodes and Gordon were knhd. .J
three other genoral officers woundtf? '
Most of the enemy's wounded and alibi
killed fell into cur hands.
Our losses are severe, among them -General
D. A. Russell, oemmandtng a
j division in the Gib. corps, who was killei
by a cannon ball. General Upton, Mc
intosh and Chipman wre wounded. X ."
cannot tell our lasses.
Th conduct of the effcers and nrea
was most superb. Thy charged ar.4
carried every position taken up by th
Tarbat: and ether cfUcsra and men under
their commands. To then the country is
indebted for this handronte victory.
A more detailed report will be for-
warded. P. II. SHERIDAN.
Maj. Gen. Com'dg
About twenty-five thousand w'-J
are rceiTin2 rentiens under :h-
:i with
Th? mocm? of the Ijit RT.h?a:.ii-oi
Eurp,i er.-mavi; at cS.OC'J.t'OO a year
or 51,000 an hoar.
The soldiers say they prefer tobacco ta
tracts. Thuy want to be guoJ, bat they
also wiat to t moie.