CHOICE UGUOHS. Wholesale and Retail Evan .TZorthirig, OF THE . . rj LVOV TT Wl BROWXVILLE, I Baa ;it EecrtTed the larl exd tect srtcx Licu-rs sad C:rraorar cTerel la U.U market, aa) vui Mil Vtea a l.i aa any Ilouae is tfce Ternary. TFJJIT.EYyS CLOCK, Main Street, Brownrille Feb.4.'C4y!y. - BENJAMIN ROGERS. FASTEST HORSES Ar.iler.e Carxlasoa. West ef the Miuri ILvtr, scl will Lire lis a te rerpcxsiV e at rales TERMS CAZIII. A LARGE COIUIELL YARD for Stock. XZoreoa 23oarclocl 1 tie Day, Wcik or llon.h ca reaeoaaVe wmi First Street between Main and Atlantic, BROWXVJLLE, NEBRASKA KarcS 31ft. Wl. fc30-vS-ly I2AM0T11 STOCK OF NEW AND WELL SELECTED Joit received at JOHN A. PONN'S CHEAP DSI GOODS JL5D GROCERY STORE. .V.7.V STREET. The Latest Style cf Ladies Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Shaals, Hats, etc, etc. Dry Good, Groceries, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Nails, Flour Bacon, Queenstrare, Hardware, Furniture, Sash Doors, Window GUis, etc, etc., et?. Which he will Sell CHEAP .FOR CASH!! Call acd exalce bis ftock bef .re pcrchaiirg elaa- Erownville, Jcae 2iih, Xi. rZ-r-y:y w- For Rats. Mice. Ro-jchs B i?s, Moths in Furs, Woolens. &.c, In ects ou Plants, Fowls, Animal, Zee. Pot nplo,I II.CO R-tef. Bo tl. and Flwis S3 aad f Tie frll P-blic In?tirut:onsf 4c Oa!y infaliiKSe .-ra-diee iua." Free fn ta -ioLa" 'Not Jicr'on to the Ilircaa Fanir.' Rats oine out of their holei 1j die." v'd Wboie!e in all larsecitiei. ijr" Sold by all Dmrjefuani ketailer? everywhere r5" !I !Ei' are !!! t'f all worthless irnititis. . tjf See that "C.tib's" uame ie ot e:h Box, K.41;e, ana i la.;., before yoa lav. rrAdirt. HZNKY CO.-T, tf" t nvcirAL DrroT 4?2 ERoacwar, N. Y. Sold bj All Wiioiesa! and P.euii Draggist 5" Browiivu'e, Nebraska. MOLINE PLOWS, Oa hand and to arrive at D A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel Warehouso, 23 and 22 Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, ZMO Feb2l,o2-tr. " t a Ton a -wrtr STAXDAED S CAL E S OF ALL KIKCS. Also, "WtxehoTiie Trucks, Lett Presses, fcc FAIBBAfiK? GHEENLEAF Si CO! 1T2 LAUC ST., CHICAGO, ltj"e r-ernl. nd try r-nly t;e Kecr.ioe.U 1-itaT 4 FOX; AgeiU.ia Su Loait. T-lX-i-tf. J. W. UIDDLETOIC Manufacturer and Dealer in BADDIES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, LASHES, NETS CCRKT COilBS, CARDS, BRUSHES, CARRIAGE TRIilMINGS PLASTERING II AIR, 15D A VARIETY OF EVERY, THIN 5 PERTAINING TO By Strict Attention to Business I Expect a Continuation of the Liberal Patronage Heretofore Beitowed, by a Generous Public Hepairing cf aU Kinds Ere cuts d PROLIPTLY. CASH: PAID FOR HIDES. . W. KIDCLTTCX' Attest 2, IS, al.lx p.,..,. tf ti. Ftrtee, which for volume and parity cf tone are unrivaled by any bhuerto oiTerrd ia this market. They l ci t-e y,Jtlia tve k ic,rB :x r-rta,e;ti, French, Grand aetior, Harp Pedal, ln Frii'. Over-Strang Lam, IHVH I I If H ' Y VIA H I H ' exjerlenca cf cverSO yxs in their tanufaeiure, isfaliy warranted in every particular. uilir UU ill iili 1 U 1 XiUiiil Tlie -CroTCte n Piano Forte' received the highest award of merit i "urg" Anis. B-d K- . i GROVESTEEN & CO, PIA.N'O FORTE MANUFACTURERS, Th ttnti. i.f iK Pcb'.is and the trado is iavid to oor nrerall others at tne ceieDraiea 11 on as air: Where were exhibited icfaxrcetU froa the bet makers of Lc-cioo, Paru, Germaay, FciiaieTpLia, Ealt imore.Bovon ac J Ycrk : aai a'.w at the American In?ata' for fire aeoefciTe jearf, the goli aaJ silver 'iali frtiaboth cf whiTh can be eeea at cur wire-rx-n. 3j the if-r.-dartlon cf ixprovciaeat we Etke a f till more perfect Piano Forte, asi bj rctcafacturing iarl7, with a ttrk'Jy caih ejitem, are erable-i UcSr these iairaniexiU at a price which will reciaie a'.i crcrtiti-.a. PSIC s No. 1, Seven Ostav, round cornen. Rjewl p!aa cue J275. No. 2. Seven Octave, roccl ct rser?. IIorwod fcerv muoiiicr $530. . 3 Sevea 0?tve, rc-ani eorcert, R--woci Lc uL? il V 325, a fa fimHe of the above cat. Term: jyiott Casb., DESCBIF7IVE CIRCULARS SENT FRtE. THE "7". C3r. ITT xVi FLOURING TTILLkp ecrrtattly co taxi aa asscrtcert of Eztra-Scpcrfins to Common n nw SHIN And aH .-tier art:?!e? c?,3aTykfi:'t ia a nt-:!aes ilerrhant f i.uriaz or Sw Mill. Br.-wsville, Ma.h 31st, '64. s30-8-Iy. FICKLE & LYOX'S DJPE OVED mm MACBIHBS. The rreateat improveiaeiit yet in the Sewian II chu Art. A cariutfity worth feeing. Plea aer.d for eirTr wli ospiea of Sewing. The Impf ove-1 Ma.-hiae ave one hnndred per eett. of thread and silk, and make the Lock-aiiioa alike ca both : i Jc3. They require co io'tra-ruon to operate perfectly, ex:e-t the '-px:n:i dire.ti jIlm." No ehaage. in sewirg freia o-e ki-i cf gcodi to aactttr. Aai do tekirg apart to clean or oil. Oar New 5Inufctnry i ccmp'efe. with a!i it. n.a'.hinc-ryai.i Ux.U entirely aew. tod isa'.ready rapiiiy tarnia out JJecbiiie', which fr beauty and rrf-ctioa tf finish are cor ttrpaased by any aiaaa- f4.:ture Ln the world. V. B. FhoaJd any Jlachice rrova aawtisfactory, it caa be rfctaxaed aadcicaoy refiiaded. Agenti waated ia coantiea not canvased by oar ownAgeatg. rtxnxE & irox, s. 31. co. KO. 53S DSOADWAY, N. Y. No. 45-t8 ly. EAGLE BOOT il SHE STORE, BREITMYER & ROBISON. ym call the attention of the Laie and Gentleman of Brownvllie and vicinity to oar new itock cf Hoofs and Shoe. Gaiter, Ha: itioiaIi, Lace IIguIj. i'olka Slioett and Jaunjr Llnd's Doj83Iiss Children and Infants 0 ZX O E 0 Jntt BeceiTed. which we will sell aa chesp for the aeh as any Loue ia the ffet. BOOTS AM) SHOES MADE TO ORDER In the very latest style. " T warrant all onr work to f ive satiifactioa, fur we eart'ioj nocebut tho teat U weramen. LEATHER AND SKOF FINDINGS For sale, and every tkl: balonglrg to the trsde. fT return ear thanks to the pnb'lc for pat favors and by trict attention to oar tcines hope to merit that liberal patronage bestowed n;n o heretofore. Bear ia mind that onr motto i U e N1KBLB PKJiJiY." aTCOME AND SEE US.- noj3JLx-ixiS ofall 23Iixxc5Ls Dvue oa short notice in a neat workmaa-like manner. 1TXTI a KOBIKJOV, Bn wnyilie, Kebrafeka. April 2S, ISM- nS4-ylj NEW Orleano, Clried, Cmthed and Powdered Sn aars, Golden Syrnp Siigar House and Sorghcm XolaMes At ilclisughdin & Swan's. THK bot Floor from theL. S. T ha't and whole ack kept G. Kills in qnarter AT H'LAUGELE? ft E WAITS SAKS, Iljimnieri, Miners Picas Hatchets Tiles, Ox Chains and At KcIar..srMin & BTin'. SMOK.IXG scd Chewing Tracco, Cijisrs. pipes Pipe steins and Tuhaox Poucbes. la jreat variety, At Ju.cLtau.ghHn & Swan's. MACKKB.AL. Lake Trod, White tSsh, Codflkh, etc., ate, cnstiatly oa hand At X&ctiftnghlin & Swan's. CITKOX, ciace, pic, pepper, pinker aamoa. etc.. etc.. of tet ccsiity natmec, Cia- At Mcliaughiin & Swan's. TV-'T LaTGHLLK It SWAS are constantly receiving -- auitt??! to their tiock ef Groceries and Hard war. 1 heir O jj .ad Pricss wi.l suit everykody awf stksr aaa." t Scale 7 Oetave ttoeewood Pisco in rront jane 3J-c45-vS-y PHILLIP DEUsER, Main Street bet. First and Second Sts. Srovvavllle, TJ"oTd. Kep5 ecttLt'von Lao-i the qus!ity cf TOBACCO CHEWING AN1 SilULG, i S E G A K S , Gonfectioneries CandifS Plain cvA, Oranges, Ruisens, Lemons, Dales, Figs, .Vuj, Apples St'c, Sc. All kinds of Toys, Canrud Fruit, and Oysters. FHILL 1j aeeOTBmo daiinf , oblijisr, ptriotis an 3 wide awske to the icwrtiiK.f the public, and ha tea be?t arJai!at of Varieties in hi line ever ccrd is this market, and u determined cot to be usieroi i for CASU. WIl II. tlcCHEEHT, fash WtoMe asJ F.erail Dea't-r in C3r S3 . MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuff, Pare Liquors for Medical Purposes " All kinds Patent Medicines DEXTAL A.YD FAXCY GOODS, Blank Bocks and Stationery, The best brand of Chewing and Saaokiag " " TOBACCO pp SEGABS, Inks gtL Colors. Perfumerj and Toilet Goods. . He Mi u re j his patrons, and the peblie pentrally, he will keep oa hand an extensive stock of the ar tide? mentioned, besides anything and verything usually kept ia a xt cUm Drag Store, which he is prepared to sell at low rated for Caeh. Call and examine for yoaraelf South-east Corn?r Main and Fir5?trpts Erownville, Nebraska. Prescriptions and Orders Carefully filed at all honrs. THE EOlffllfflL Iffl! The reader of the Contimxtai. are aware of the important position it ha aaial, of the itSuence which it exert, and of t'ae briiliant array of plit i-f-al and literary talent of the highest order which iur p.,rts it. No pnblicatioa of the kind baa, ia thieeoantry, so suerees.'fa'.ly etmbiced the energy and freedf of the daily oewsj-aper with the high er iitt-rary une ox tne art-c.acs niociBiy; ana it 11 very certain that n tniine h irivea wiler racge to its contributors; or preserved itself to com pletely from the narrow iaflnenees of party or of faction. In times like the present, each a joarn&l is either a power in the J&ni or it is Eothini. That the Continental is not the latter is abundantly evidenced by what it ha done by the reflection of its counsels in many imr-crtant pnblic events, and in the character and pvwer of th-e who are its etaaaiheyt eufpirters. Tbongh but little core thaa a year has elapod ince the Continental was first established, it fca. durini? that time acquired a - stereegfh and a signi ficance elevating it to a position far above that pre vioaly oocupie'I a etrenth and a political sixaifi- cance elevating it to a position far that pre vii iifly occupied by oay parHicatien"t f the kiEd in America. Ia proof of which assertion we call at tention to the following fcU: 1. Of its polical articles rerublishe-l ia pamrhlet form, a siarle one has had. that far, a ciroulatioa of one haadred and fix th u.-Atd eop:es. 2. Fr-m its literary department, a -iagla serial novel, "Among the Pines." bos, nithia a very few moatb. sold nearly tairty-Sva thoas copies Two ccher ser." of its literary articles have also beea republished ia book form, while the first pvT .ioa cf a third is already ia pres. No more oiiilnsTve fa?ts .aeed be alledg to prove the the excelieace of the contributions to the Ccntiaen&I, or their extraordinary popula'ity; and its conductors are determined thit it shall not fU behind. Preserving all 'the bJJness, vi.r and ability" which a taonnd j.jurnsls hare sttnbcttd to it, it will greatly en'arje its circle of action, and di?uw, fearlessly and frankly, every principle in nolved id the great questiens of the day. The first cind? of the country embracing the icn m st familiar with 1 j d plomacy and most distinguished for ability, are among its contributors; and it is no more "flattering promise of a prcppactas" to say that this "magucine for the times'' will employ lb the m intellect ia Aaeri,urfdr auspices which no pcblication ever enjoyed before in this oonntry. While the G atinent&l will expre decided cpiaions on. the gTeat queftions of the will Dot be a mere political journal: touch the Larger portion of its eolumss will be enlivened, as hersto-ft-re, by UJes, roeiry and Lutcor. In a word, the Continental will be f.-tind, under iU new UkS ot Editors, ocenpyi eg adoitioo and presenting attrao lions never before found ia magasine. TERMS TO CLUBS. Two copies for one year $5.C3 Three oo ies for oue year, 6.00 Six copies for one year, 11,00 Elevea copies for one year, 20,00 Twenty copies for one year, 30,Gd PAID IK ADTA.VCI. Postage Twenty-four cent a year, to be paid by the Subscriber. SINGLE C0riE3. Three dollars a year, ia advance. Postage raid by tho Publisher. JOHN F. TKOW. 50 Greene St., y. Y.,. Publisher for the Proprietors. As an inducement to new subscribers, the Pub lishers offers the following liberal premium: Any prn remitting $3, in advance, wll receive th e magaiiae from July, to Januaiy, ISCt thus securing the whole of ilr. Kimball's and Mr. Kirke's new serials, which are alone worth the price of the subscription. Or, if prefered. a sub scriber can Uke the magaxine for 1863, and a copy of "Among the Pines," or of "Undercurrent of Wall Street," by R. B. Kimball, bound in cloth, or of"Saashiae in Thought," by Charlee r Godfrey Leland retail price, $125 The book to be sent postage paid. Any person remitiag 4 50, vill receive the maga tine from its commencement, Jasnary, 1S02. te January, 1S54, thus securing Mr. KimbaH's '-Was A sueeeesf ul ?" and Mr. Kirke's "Aroon g the Pines," and "Merchants Story," and nearly 3,C0O ooUve pages of the best literature in the world. Prtniiaaa aribrs to pay ihiir ewnpe stage. 5: '"j IILLS. Are ow sick.' frfb'e, and riwiplainina? Ar yoe out of orticr. w::? yowr eyKera rd. and voar feelings reottrtalkeThe y rap toms are often the prelude s-. Mt i te eenou lanese. MiDf f sickcrM is f r-piB epon r.d should b avert! - -A br a iinsiT ve of the n rJ t r!E'-dv. TatfTer! s, 1 and r'iaie rat the Jw.f i rfrrtl haiEore ririfv the ticod, su;i t t -.o oa jccitmctw in '.Cl fceaJth jrin. Tr.y stima itte tle fanctiot a" cf tbe bolv into vigorous acrrrrrT, rsnfr the sTstea from th ofcrraeticn wfach taaie d.-. A coideete sotaewhere in the body a4 cttrecta iu tarsrai f3nioi.a. 'rte. if tol i. licred. react epoa theraelves aad ti.e nrrotiodicg O'lut, produHr rtneral arv:on r. di-raie. While in this eoudirion. eppriu- by the dransaBta, Uke Ayere l"uis. aid s how dlrt:v the restore He aararal acaon of oe sys tera, aid with h thtaovant flinjf pf rraa. What is trae and so anrent in this tnioJ and com raaa cocspUiat, is ao true ia many cf the deirp said and danzerous dittewprs. The same para Lf eiVct expels them. Cased by similar twtrao tkES aid deraazeiaent cf the ratural fanct:ons cf the boiv, thv are ratkiiv, and niiny of tLrra aare.y, carri by the' ean-.e melius. 'or.e who kiJ)w the virtues of tsese tlK will resk-ct ta employ them when saSeriu- froM the :iordrs they cure. ttsttmeETs rrom k-sulirs; p bysciais in ome of the principal cities, aad from itiLxi weJ-kxown pLhA persou: J"n7 a FonKsrdi JIirr"htt rf St. Lfsd, Ttb. 4, Da. A Tint Tt'mr ril are the pararon cf all that Si pre: in tceiiciae. They have eurtrd my little daughter cf alcersas sot upon ber haidj acd feet that bad proved b.curable forvears. Her mother has been lore grioouslr atBicted with blotches and pan-plvs on fcer skin and in ter hair. After our child was cured, the alio trw-d roar PilX atd they Late etytd Ler. ASA iluIiUlODuE. lisFamUr rfayale. Pr: Dr. E T. CartrrijU. AVa Orrnf. Your IV. are the priic of p urt-es. Their ex cellent qualities rrpaea aay cathtr'.ic we potss. TTe- are EilJ, but very certain and efVcraal in their acion on the bowel, whkh icake them iavaiuahi to ts ia the claiiy trf araseit cf Ltze. IlemJacbrr'Ick Keavlacke, Feal 9feaaatch. TV ZV Eh'cvA F-vjd, E-iItijrvyre. Dxaa Er. ATta: I cannot atwtr yoa srJ.ii eoiBAimts I have e-jrtd with ycur Illis btlter than - to say cut fitif a- errr treat art.' a prtrgittrr wdi cst.' I place ret dependence on that cectual cathartic in ray daily content w::h di--a-. at.d be bevia. a. I do, that your I"il a2ord us the best we Lave,! of Cvurte value them highly. Prrrs b raa, Ta "Cay 1. 1?5 Da. J. C. Ana. Sir: 1 hae been reptedJy cajvd of the worst te idiche aayaody caa have by a doe or two of your Iliis. It (wnu to aria froia a ial ttotnaeb. w'hich thev cleateat once. Year with great mpect. ED. W PRERLE. Clirk efSieamr Ciirvo. XXilisme Diterdere Livet Cenplaiats. rm-m Tit Thf-ntir EtlL of Xt Tort Citw. rot ouy are your tis acmLraifr purpoee as an aperient, but I tad their tJ.ty upua the liver very ma-ked ird?( tave in practice proved msre effectui 2fot only are your 1111s admiratJy adapted to their i?eL They rr,ry nrvei mare enectuju lor ure em of rrrtiinJt that arv on remdy I can mention I sincerely rejoice teat we have at length a pcrjratire which a wonhy the coiidtnee or the projoa aad the peepie DxraaTifrsTorTHTlTrBioB. I Yt "ashiagtca, D. C , 7th 1 eb IbcA. f ffra: I have ued your Fills ia my general aad hospital practice ever sirce you made them, and cax-iiOt teeilate to say they are toe beet cathartic w e mplo v. Their rtalsun g action on the liver is Cuick decided, eon'etjueutJy they are an ad rJrab'e r-m-dy lor derP2mfcits of tl:t oran. Indeed, I have seldom touud a eie of buyout U tase so obrtirate that it did tot readijy yield to thia. rrateraauy Tocrs, ALOZO F.AlX. SI. D., ' f'lgstaan the Mire ll-rrjntjl, Dyaeatery, Diarrhr, Relax, Warxaa. From Dr. J. O. Grten, c Chicago. Tour FiLs have bad a long trial in my practice, and I bold them in tem as one of the test aperi ents1 have ever found. Thtir alterative eifect upon the liver makes thera an excellent remedy, when given in small do for buious dyteniery and dujr rlura. TLt.r suar-coatirg makes tLeni very ae epuble aiid convtiitnt tor the use of women aid children. Dypepela, Iwipariry tf the Blood. From Rtv J. V. Ilimt. Pastor tf Adeem CiarcA, BoitiH. Da. Attr: I have u.d yoar Pi!ls with extra ordinary eucctss ia tar umiTy and sniorz tLore I am called to viit in dt:re. To' reeuiat the organs cf digestion and purify the blood, they are the very test remedy I have ever known, and I caa coah dsintly recommend thtm to my tried. 7 Yours, J.V.niMES. ITarsaw, "Wyoming Co., X. Y., Oct. U. 1 V3. Dxas Sia: I am using yoar Cathartic Yie in my practice, and find them an excellent purgative to citanse the system and purify the ;hm of th Hood. JOiiS G. JIEACLIAM, 31. D. Gwwtuipwtiew, C-tivenr, Nnppve-iw,, KearalLa, JJrwpy, k?ratyU, Fit, etc From Dr. J. P. rzx$n. A'reo?, Cnmadx. Too Pinch cancot be tfi-l of tout Pilli? for the wxr w wtt.i j. II OTurs ci 7ur mirrcrjr nfte fuand thtn aa eiicaoiou as I hve,tbey shou i join me ta. prociaiuiii'g it. lor the be t.t ht of the icaltitadts who suffer from that coiEp.aiiit. which, a.thcegh tad enough in it?lf. is the p.-oeuitor ot c4ters that are wort. I believe eoiUvcnta to originate ia the -bver. but your illis aicct that orfean aad csrs the dxreise, IroaK A'rs. E. Stuart. r?iytlcivt and iHJvife, -:toti. I f nd one or two large dc?s of your Fills, taken at the proper time, aie excellent promotives of the waura5 tecretti-n when n holly or partially sup prwsd. and aiM very -rt.ual to c-Van tne s.7HK-A and expri rrw. Ibty are f-o nicch the best phytic we Lave that I reconimnd to other te my p-auent. From. tJu Eer. Dr. Bjrles. cf iTtiodist EpU. ttiurch. FrtAPKi Horsx. Savannah, Ga., Jan. , WA. lioOEiD 1 should be unrsteiul tor the relief voar khl has brought me if 1 did i ot report idt case to you. A cold settled in ray hmbs and brought cn excruciating mraijtc pains, wtica ended in chronic rluPiittiiv. cfthTsLd:ng I tad the bet of phyadans, the dl-e prew wore and orw. until by the advice of your excellent atreiit ia Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Their eSVcta were a.ow. hut sure. By per severing in the Ur of them, I am to entirely eX Srsarx Chavbir. Baton Eoure, La., 5 Dec.,15o5. Da Arxff: 1 have ten ei.tire;v cured, by your nils, of Lheumatie GU a painful dua?ethat has a.cted me for years. YLN C-vT &LlDtJJL. ZJ Mt of the rCIs in market contain Mercury, which although a valuable remedy in skilful hanas, ii dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con sequences that frequently follow its incautious use. Thee contain no mrcury or mineral suhetance whatever. Price, 25 eeata per Ecx, cr 5 Esie for SI. Prejared by Dr. J. a ATXS & Co., LoveH, lJi. SOI D e i VTM.H: MrrHHEP.r. Br.nvilie. G. A. BROWN 4 BRIU Peru. Dr.H.r.P.AVES. irzWn. JOBN W.HOLT P.I.O.. Salem. HOLT A SCOTT, FaCicj. L-.WIS -i SlIEPHEf.D. St. Step heaa. EASLEY 4 SEEKEI1, Bulo. TS-D?-ly " FHAIill LESLIE'S. ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPERS. Attractive Feature. The S5.CC9 Pria- Norel The Gulf Between Them. By Mr. Anne S. Stephen. Aothre,-3 of Fahion and Famine," -The Rejected Wife," 4c, Ao. Id addition to its attractions; as the r.-t and most authentic rdustrated Paper in "Amriea, sur passing all others in the Taristy. accuracy, ani In terest of the numerous illustrations whkh it cte-i, Frand Leslie's PJust-ated Newrpaper will begin in No.35,daUd January 20, 1S51, the thrilling and absorbing novel, Tbe Galf Between them," writ ten by the great novelist, Mrs. Stepheas, whose Fshion and Famine" bad a larger circulation than any other purely literary novel of our day, and was regarded as so cv-ierly work of fietion that it was not only reputuflrd in England, bat was translated into alaiott every laagags of Eu rope The prise of $5,000, ffrred with nnasa iber ality by the proprietor for the best "nor drew forth, no less thaa two hundred works, ' ny cf them of great me-it. Am .eg the?, Mrs. Stephens novel was selected, as evidently surpwinjnot only all others offered, but almo't everything hitherto published. It is fully equal t "Fajhioa and Famine," and will be as widely read. It will be of greater interest, froa the fact that the scene is iaii in our land and our own times: aad in delineation of character and absorbing power it will fascinate and charm the reader. Subscription $3.50 p-er year. Addreea FRANK LESLIE. 72 Duane St, N. Y. Copies of the paper containing the commence ment and continuation of Mrs. Stephens' novel, "The Gulf Between them." can be had of esy News dealer in the United States or Aritish Provinces. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE NOTICE. XOTICS is terehy riven to all persons concerned, that the list, valuations and ensmera.ik.ns ma-'e and taken under the Excise Law of the Cntted States, with in the Counties of Richardson, Kemaha and Pawnee aad Territory of ii ebraska have ben returned to me and will be open for examination in my cice in the Town of Palls City, and County of Richard ca for the space of fifteen days from and after the date of tUa Kutice. And tbt appeals relative to any erroneous or excessive valuation, will be receive. isd determined by me on the Hih day ef June, 1S64. Jl appea to the Assessor must be made in writing-. JOSEPH H. BCSBAKr. Asacasor Nebraska Terriiery. May T7U, 1944 aw-v- a t - i at I . - 1 Mantfacttxars' Ac enta tor the sal ef V7atthc3, Chsiiss, TFOUTII 503,0000 ! Ta be eold for an Dollar Each, without r erard tc-valut 0 WMB f- SPLENDID LIST, Cf Articles al! to be sold fur oae Dollar Sach. 100 Gold Eaaiicx Ced Watcher, f each too ' Watche. -200 ' Ladies' TTatchM, 5- 0 Silver " -600 Gold Guard, Test aai Chatelaia Chains, - - - -tOOO Tot, Xeck, Gaar&.and.Chatelaia Chains. - - - - -J00O Cameo Brooches . -JEJOO Mosaic aad Jet Brooche . -S00O Lava and Florentine, liochw 3 "O Coral. Garnet & &aiacaid S.ouchx-a, Cameo Ear Drof-a, - - -tOOO Garnet oaaic and Jet Ear Drops, C l each Si each IS $15 to S3 each M l 15 each 4 to each 4 to 4to 4 to 4 to 4 to u 5 to C eicfc S eact each i each C each C ech 8 ca 40OO Gents Scitf Pins, GljQ Ciuda and aad Bracelets, J6O0 Gents Breaia Pias, SKO Wstch Xleya, &o-0 Fo and Eitboa Slides, 7u Sets of Bv;om Siudx, S.-o Sleeve Buttwaa, ?XO p;:a ard Ched Jilpys, TOX) ?tne S"t Rifes, TWO Miaiatira Iyvrketa, Crjes 12ol Set Ladies Jewelry, S to 10 tack X to 8 each 3 to i to S to X co S to 3 to teeth each each C each each 4 e.b Ac. S ut leeacb to 11 eah A U of tie f jods ia the arove List will be soid. with out rerFa:kE, for One Di!ar each. Certi3catc ot all the various article are piacd ta similar eaveices aadte.ed. Ties enveiea wia be sent by mail, or delivered at our offlce, wir.tiut resari to chvi-e. Oa receivic5 a Certiflct you wiil what aruce it rep rerent, aad it ia oiooai wUh ion to sead one d eLar aa-1 receive vie article or :ui. la ail iraractiuns by ciail we ba!l cbvrpe fir ft toTwaMic the CertACcatt. pyint jcte. and d-iax :te bsu-mes. 25 cen;s eaca. i'jva Cr"tiM n; t -en f-r ft; Eleven f...r 2; Tamy fr Jj; ixtj-va tor $10 fit One hundred fur Ala. CuRRSPO"DEXT5 may rely upon a quick ane prvdpt anwer to their crdrs. Our bu-ises is oo d acted cp.n liberal, hoDeet, strauhif Jrwirdjpriaci; ie and we ruaractee ratfaction ia all cae. O'.r ral-rt-n may aiway &eiez& u,a tvixr sheir order, faith ful 1 j and i Buctcaily supplied. Ia no ca?e will corre-p-n.ient t netiecte-i. E3CoTepQ'ie2l hi uld te caref il to write their signature p.aia, and pie ttei.' Pui t'r'lre, Cuu.y, aad State. Address, GKO DKMEftl r & CO., 22$ Sr.adway, Sew lork. 3" Havirs had business relations with the a?-oe ?ei.i.;en:ea, I taxe pleasure ia aayir. that u-ey - hoevrab'e, upnght cen, aid perform ait :Leypria it and the Jewelry I haveaeea frvm thp-e ieooxce,iid (rives stisiactiun. S. O THOMPSON", a4T-tf ' artery Oul Stb. PROSPECTUS FOR 1564. The W sM: An Independsat Democratic Dai ly, semi-Weekly and Weekly Newspapsr. UNION OF THE WORLD AND ARGUS. nie'VrcrII,t'"vi5h the New T-rk "VTee'?y Arga has ten united, nag tvi;j tiaies tae agr- ite cirraiatioa of any JerC''raiic cr c rrvar'r new;pper. It addresses werkly alone n.ire than lOO.C'Jd tutseribers rad -eonstast purchaser?, and ,-?chee at least half a mUlioa readers. With the teadj iacrcae ia c;icu!tioa whkh it now anj-ys, these number will oon be Jouhied. Nothing le thaa thii should fatiefy lacs who believe that the only Lope cf reetcriiig the Cnion and the aathfrity of the Constitution over a sow dutm-ted and di-vide-1 cxnatry, lies in wre?tia; j wr frtm tbr hr-d of tboe fanatiem has ce.ptd topruvtkr. invite, and pro'ong the war:oai thai to awari;L this end, no meac is so e?e?iive as th d.?u-ioo zhrf-nJl. aV.!esid entTpriii: - n 'r.rn, of :--IitK-4l ka wltg ea.-or. r--v: v :. thsnkic uia. ani the v t i!i.'ueij t-: the ' r;a. Enterprise, in iaitry and money will be liberally expended to nuke The World the Best Newspaper in America- Its cews from every part of t5 world wiil be early acd nthentlo. Wherever theUlegraph exteds, er railroa-ds ran. or steam "oats ply, it will gather the latent intelligence. It has a large staf of accomplished correspondents w;th all thefe-ieral arcie. who will telegraph and write to us the laie cew frtm the vari .ai s-ts of wr. It has .Tes nlcLT' aiid rp rtf-rs in evenr p 'itieal a: d -:.-ajereial centre in Ailrnca aai Ear j. wh i-ttr itjd aifav?hes w.II lewve njthiig w.rtay of n.t ananowj to it readers. The Market R- rts cf the W. rid ar nvre c- m lete than thoce of any cthT ne-pp-er. Tr. Editors iavite ereprisa in this respevt and nz ta tbereprrts of the Gattl Markets, the aeaer aai country Prodaee Markets, and the Money Mar kets in itseolamns, as pr yf of its exe !eii in thii respett. The wrld ha- a!j a speciil lejartmtf' l-Vol4 to Agricalture, llrd with editorial artiob s communications from pnactkai faimrsaid mxhau ies of the country. The wr in wsich the ntia is enri?! aiiait armed and infotuated Rebls,ni the rii.-ai p'ii--y of the adoi:ni-tratirn whicu prolong it,htv e,n spire-i b bring wgth-r upn one p!atf..nn all Uticn K virfi d J C ntitat'i.-G-i vi Etc, of v'uiM-r ijTiair naaij an-i eree I. Me-r i ttoewao w:'.?.-n xmt I, ,.,. (V.nV 'uM.iri fougbt the buttles cf the bac4.t b x ULdrr ic.e leadership -f thj?pTri. tk fatemen f Oher ard better day?. Hnry Ciay and Diriel Wrb-r, t--g-bek wuh the n -ib-e pr.n-r.pi w re t'j- sreb vtri.ts a Aa i:ew J&c-x. an i VTK'i'ia L Mar;y, Si'is Wiitit and Stetben A. I'-ur:. b w jiau hoa:ier v shoulder upea th jauae platf. raj ia plain ce. It is Ut restore th Uii ms. roiintaia the CoL-titurion, aud en' -ree the Uw. Whatevr raVes f r this end, the ex.:rHe cf f rre f the p....ioy cf cn-il;at;.-a. The WwKi wi'l aivxate hatever m.k? itst i:, Tha 'V. '' i w-li o: c -4 It will op 'wi every eaeciy to the tcia. heihf r ari rn rer.eilioaat the S uth or in:d.j.-utT plant :iig the eeda of dijunicn ad ri j;:Ai d.l ya:ty a th? N -r.h. I; w;i! opr- every vi-.'ti .-f tv CVrI'u-s hieb ivheo:y h-.:ie aa-1 b-.l ! T: .-a-a'.y authori?y f r exhvrtiLg or coaii.-iig t-e al.e inceff th? SoT-h. It ofr...-e every infract: a r-f the Law.ia fc;j places or ia lew, by reckiers acd c i.-J.JtJ pn sad?, or by the administraua wich ha beea their example. It will feer!e!y exere:e the Freel-tn of the Press ; it will con:an:ly uphold an 1 defend Free desx of Spf-f h aid Fr-ed -m of the Ballot. To the lawless eeU of the -immiftration, it arbitrary and ucjut arreet ani eif atriati-r.s. it denial cf the right to the writ of habeas erj u. it iliral pr-iama-ion, its abrogation of State aai federal law?, its desp-: tie aeccaiularions of nnrant ed power, aai iu subversions of the safeguard of civil aad pertonal liberty, it will constantly opte the letter aad the spirit of our supreme law and the advocacy of sound d ctrine. until American free men shall be routed to the re-very rf their right., thrir liberties, tne r iaw. ci taeir limi'M an i wl! bAl-n-l government, by the reis'-le; d.if:on of theballot. Prtf modly i(tt;-ji 1 with the d:- t- ntri bntea'J tha it may to the great w rk i f h; ner ati jn, nemely. to rt- t.e ocrnaUon! uci' to plce the United States aga.n format am ngtae natKrs cf the earth, ud .st id the p-?c, p r frity, and happiness of i:a pole. The orld seeks from tho who desire sa.rh thLig their jn and support, and. above all, the favor of Hini who crown every good work. TERMS DAILY WORLD. Yearly Subscribers by mail - 00 SOil-WEELY WORLD. Sing sabrribTs.p-er annum . S Oft Two copies to cue addrea 5 Tare a 14 7 Fire " 12 W Ten u 3250 WEEKLY WORLD. Single Subscribers, per annua $2 C3 Three oopiee address on eaca paper a 0'J Hve so Tea " " 15 00 Twenty copies all to one address 25 00 Clubs of tw. nty or over can bare aidrese put on each par.r fur an ad;it:oL6.1 charge of tea ceut eah. For every club of twenty an extra eopy will be added for the getter up i.f the club. For every clab of fifty, the Setni-Weekly, and for every club of one hundred, the lily will b serit. when requested. in liea of the extta copies cf Weekly Additions to Clubs may be made at any time at saue rates. Papers cacaot be changed frvm Gne Club to acother, but on request of the per n order ing tte Club, and ta receipt of tfty' cenU extra, ingle papers will be taken frea the Club ard f ct to a seperate address. A!l orders miit be accompaaiel br the Cash. Addres. THE WORLD. S5 Park R)w, New York. SaLTby the barrel er pound, Fine Dairy Salt, for At McLatghliw & SwasV PICtSLS by the d-.-aea or barrel, f a superior qaal it crnatantly on hand At McLjcghtjw k Swasj. FLDITS, Batter, Ziva. R.o b, etc., arc.. At LlcXauahlin & Swan's. CrLTTTATOK3, Scrtaes, CraXea, Bakes, Hoes, Spades, Stotels. etc,' e,c, At Slcliangrilin & Swan's, IHPOSTAjT to Saiote s: The test assortment of Smoking Tuhacco, Cigars, Pipes, Siemps, ix. is to be found At M.'Larrraxrx 4 SWAX3. A Splendid assortment of Confectionary lacladinx stick and fancy candies At Mclanghlia St Swan's. S3 SAP Eheara ef the most approved make, for aale At UoLausitlin ft Swaa's. TTT7I T7T7 1 iFf Hivl 111 i fi 1 4 i i!AiiiJiii.jii m A MONTHLY MAGARINE: Tnemct cczprehetiive mlellany of asafJ knowledge and General re. peri'dleallj ia suad in the Ccitd S:ats; esbracicg all the fea ture ef a Polytechniu JoaraaL Ec-roti-: Expot Literary Repository aai Monthly Register. Espe cially devct4 ta Fisccil. Commercial and lad is -trial Interessa and aU joint ttoek eorporaiioQ eoa cerrs. Hanng eomneaeei the Fifih, Yolaase cf thU Uagaxiae, whie'snx'eM eviacee that the eff orts of its eoadacti.i have bieti ap p-reciate-d by a discriml naticg public, we would call attention to it char acter oa the part or the large body cf readers who are not yet upon its subscription lists. - Our p-cr-poee in this publ'canoa is the dissemiaation of practical informal! a on subjects of pcsi;ire utility to the pple, combined with a diversity oiyiterary attract iua teciriEg the servicea q the bee: peae in the various d'frtca-a:3 of Science, Belle-Lettjs aad General Literature. Wbi'.e aiming nioit e p..ia:iv to lealar m- ft eiVetive service to the Trade, Commerce and Material Production of the Country, many sides of the try. taany siles of the mental world receive due e.c.d erati -o the Einorical, Criticii, Xthetkml acd I z aginative, aa well as the Finaa-ial, St? tistiraL, Technological and strkrtiy Mer?acti'e- We emnloy alike th rw eacb cf the arct acd the fancy vf the feuileton ut, wiih tho pra.;tioal experience of the bn;n maa and th worker. In the treatment f sciec;iSr topics, th ra .de selected is the p-pnlar ia atyla rather thaa the technical. The mental pha?e ofJ the cou, i; sh;ul be oar endeavor to portray, acd we avail osrs-lire of the ontnbutioas of new DL?cov ery to the Cile f n- wle-lae, acd shall -record with all praf-ti.'ab'e fi.rliiCtx.esa Curraat Iatelli gace, which will be cf f itare ct;lliry aad hisUie isteret wha the Pretest sali have become tit Pa;t. Ia fit-e, the Amcricm Exchange acd Review is ad;rBb e aad evor welcoxe mjia:aly Tirior U its sah-enber imparting the richte of kaow!edg lmpr-aing the taste, aad farnishirj iatellectua sra'it n. Ti e KtVitw h vi ita ?priali;ies in d-Stict and it zr.-iLz Llr;arta;entr; with a General Division f r the wiir; er-ii-taut scspe of themes. We givw a s;"ifi ;ti.n cf t.ihrs which are the subject either vf orr--..034 - r regular publication, via: The ar;?, Xi'b'.ti': AgTTCu':are. Applied Chen. Ury, A r b gy, B-'le Letter. Biographv.Crit: :i-m. Ee a mks P.-liti -al, Arithmetic a"ira. Tazati.n: Fiaance tat.kiDg,eSfr-n--y. C.rr--ra:. r Arev.onr. Ei"hanr-. F-arta-t;. .n rcrir;- t-- ; H t- ry, Irrd- !-r.a- i.rie. rn'uran -e. iterza; I i r.vlly i j-:. ie.h Canals, Telegraphs; Macufa-rTure? r nol: rvi.i?cv ban Mlnini Mir:-ral- jJei-ilarjv: ra'nt. ravie.ibvic.-y.?t tis:v. -:iaI sien-': trad-? foretgrn ai.d;iO. '"'P.-' i rcereaLtile 5, Navg-atin ; T.f graph y. Trtis. CBSCHIPTI05 I Tt TV E- r5iTD STA II;. On c f y. a year I'iaainnce 3 0" Five e- p:e 12 W rm - u - 2 C. When pail a: ti- of the year. tt) pr u num. single cupj. Cwy mailed ca there ceipt of 15 cents. rOaEIG SITBSCaiPTIOSS. Single copy per aaannt jostaje palii. Canada. Cuba, lireat Britain ac J Ireland, Frane. OrcusT, We-: J -;i hj Wt Is" f.V.. H- rjjh. JT2 3 72 2 72 2 7- 8 0: r.e-. No. 21 Che-taut St lii.adclUi, Pa. THE SITXTinC AMERICAN. FOR 1564 The publ-.hers of the SICNTIFIC iME!!IraN ft-p-ctiteij g,v- n ti 'e- that the TrTiii Vvlam? -?w enpj ill e". mjieaco oa tae '". T Jajry -xt. Th:? journal e-tb.ihi ia !!. ts -ii ivubu-Lj ta- m -t Wide!y cir-iilt 1 a. l t..-il j uti i-t'i.-n tiie k:cd in the r 4 I j o-a- ui-.-LCw. ' tae new v.-iuaie tr.e n.t-i: rj U .-Ail ste-.ial attea;i& t-t iU cia; A JulR.ML OP POPCL.tR CIE5CE. Ia this rrte.-t it sraais BrivL'ed. I. nt cn!y tds its wv to alo. -at every w-. rk?h-.-: m th? oantry. a the earnest frieedofth meensa caoi r':i-n. but it i f.und in the C"unTig-r.uQ -f the mnufvt jrer aad the mer-hant: alo in the library ari the Ltrh--M. The publisher feel warranted a sayisgLL: n other j. ur;.! pub!:hel n- ti:s an euiml aiaunt t uaetal mf. raiat). a: whi.'e iri the. r a m lo present all aabjevts ia the nnt foiuiaracrd attrac'ive manner. Thfc Siest;5." arieria i pvb'isbed "-nee a week, ia convenient terra f-r blciiaz. d eoa number CoCUtiwS ?'XleB fr v nif-l SUMEROC3 SPE5DID AV15GS of all the latent aai bel inventivna of the day. Thi femJur o- the j-.amal l wenhy of strial cote. Every caxer catain.- fr m v to ten rigiaal ei jcravir.,Ti A c-s-haaical iavec:iv.v rla:lngt-i every detarttaent of the an, ihsse eng-aviag ere exe- eu-i tv ni?ia em . jje-i ta tae p he rarr. ani are usiver-ally cka'-wiirjst to be npnur to anvthicg of the kisi prdu -e-J ia this c atry. the yablishvrs of the Sirnt a- ari3 present, as du'icg tr-'i vrs. a.l tie Ii-T irapr-vet&ea--e 'a teara Lr..-i" ' -,.z. W.- V-e!;. O; inac-e miii'Ary aa 1 Btvi. r .rt jrii '' v-clii,i T.rjls M riif-rur t jlii-Lizerr. V''rr r.r'-' a'i h-r "tl na'w a:-!r'i.. ti 3 h ".- c tl 1. -. Y. sv-:r; :. C .'ia' aad Vi?- rji:-i ii - T - i V r 1,. r.-ne". and other C-ri'-u I -ea f-- 1- fi- vr;el articic iih-.e'. "1- .j. L 1 War-- 1 rr. .jutr; ' i.'.i a" Fr : ba v-e"r. th- e -axarri'-an I-t-- '. BEPEBI .-. V Ia ti ; iir .' i : ci t.k:ni, n-1 1 aly ia ta- ?a - p 1 U-i. u ein'.-r asenca: t ! r -ir cf the rlghis I aKIEIC J PiTESTJ. -r . wit a..y cnn-set- trd with a:, tt,- iu:-r -t- ther j ;rL" -3 lav anv c' - na'ry. r. a in ir c.iua.c tarre 1- puo.i-hrl the'.-U-'' of mu I4tr a k'y its g.'.i.. Pateat VZ - e. THE PBACEICAL BECIPE" alone are uft tin w-r-h o--r t t than the am uat f a j .,- y -.- - IIRM" or ;CBst IPTJ- 5. 4: f 1. Tw. v. ' -h1 ri ". i i ' --h. r f-r m-i-n ait -.rre.; 1 - .. t-ra-tt i i.i for 1 r.. T-.- r. tr t.r f ;ur ia--: on year, w.'i of sZS vrj vtif oc. b fa??. K. V.'ia. Vi'Tt 1 i v 1 ; ' ' : -, ' r. . whl -'B t- 1-.- a VuluLia wiU Ctmmence oa the tr of Ji.-aey, 15J4. CLCB BATES. Fiveeopi-. fir six mnta Ten eopie, i.-r six months Ten 0 pie fr twelve months Fifteen evpien, for twelve m -n'hs Twenty coi4es, f.r t-ive m.cths l all c.b of t v nty Ld e ver, the yeariy ub cripti n i only I2.0-J. Naaie cin be ntia ai d fereot time-ar,i frm "d Sere at Pt .OS-. w;mn -ir!? w be sent gratis to any part .4 Cauviin suO-enotr ai,i p:ea-e to remit 2j cent extra oa each y tar's subscription to prepay pottage. AlCNN A COPubllahers No. 37 Park Row, New York. SALIXALBA. The Greatest Timber for the PKAIRIES.. It makes a perfect Hecce feace ia four yeara ! tj" One A ve ot it r-ei th:a fail, an Svt jeara wil make ea-.nrh W.l f.-r one FanJ y ! It xrt- a.Tizht. and very t:'. ! Cj it tiever apr..nts rmra tbe rot ; b wbn mt d.- n. wi.; prow ti:n fr jni tfce tnn:p. -very rsrxolT 5J It 1 tbe beat soft wood fr fuel, vr aay otber pnrr'e! E3" Wbea ks;t off the ground, the rails wiil last So yer ! Xy It rrotrs etally well wit; us on upland, wbere tti neb. aa ia :be bottom! a-3- Cutsuiia eiztt iacbes long stuck in the ground ia t e al nerer fail to rrow I 53" aeil it rr $- pr thousand Cuttiacs, deliv-ere-i a: any if -jv Agencies. 53 Prt.- wisaine; to bay, ahoa'd order early of oar Aenu, so ii.t tbey may notify us ia time. CTTTIXGS Sasdied and delivered at tbe above places, as toon aa the leaves fall. T. B.. FiSHXH, ..r.jwavii le. i Aeat for Vemaha and eat baif of Bicbardsoo Counties. CCRTI3 & PEATEB. Pawaee City, are Ax eat a for Parre nd wt b'f of KiCbarlun Coaaties. KEV JIB. TIN" EH AM, Beatrice, is Agent for Gaxe and Jane Counties. J. H. BUTLEB, Austin, Aeat far Clay aad SaUce Counties. Beware cf Willovy Peddlers. T learn that macy swamps of common Willow bave been cleaned up. aad tbeCattinrs soldaGeT Wllluw. We get oar Willow of SAJICKL KDAiDi, of La Ifollle, Illinois, a responsible Saraerjcaa. CBACUBS of all kinds, Soda, Xa ter, Bostan. Sagar, Wine aad Pick-A'ic CracAers, Cream Bisctut and Giajsr Saappa. At 2Ic5Ianjhlin fe STTas. 1864. PROSPER OF THi lMyili! P:rn? w - ' I - Tf tiTearl3il DAILY, TEI-ITTESLY t aiw era te!. acd Slavery cbli-raiei 4v nts of fi will be aav cVfvV J" eve ta ci'icry or t-e ccustry, ti d . elaie the retara ef Pta, 4&j :;, Aaier:ca upon a new eare, bt ,J te nert aad pr-?perity With La1 the he roprjsieh of s-ra, tie rnJr.S on a !i:gner iatrsa cf liteir ja-i ."r v feei ast;.! jrficadariar"i, tT-!1 thepcrei of their aai war id is ea'.erlc' r,,n ... tmtd&ate in th triaa;,h of IvJI AtlctL; whila ealmtiti tT r wrt .$ the Iv we are r-.:ved to rr jfr m rs t. tractive than ever a a :a, Lliincr cf PslssLh Iaf ire-dby the ipirittf L-a,' Icig-ej co leJr bat Truth Tka lC?" cvaaT wili evat to k-s 'j ti, , ?i rple, aca r a. t '- J-a- ai 'iv poi iicaI a li -ar a-,.i-.a: .A heircau la ai i:t;i.-B Co " i Tf S .- a ir We kly p tc - . aci aV. aa t r't vf r - - aa 1 'ti ire i' yl ' L . el t . a 1 -i 1 O-tr T'i-' f ;-li 3 -' i u lui Iff.-r.a'jt ."v--. 1:. j-. . THE 'dAILYDF.'v 1 1- ex bf W I11T c 1' SPECIAL TELEGPiA.FH r'.n the 31."ri an-i ! " II b-fib ers -j n i.- ..n tout ARMY OJKHL.-K1M r ; Aei r sil q-ijuty I , W-s i-xn'. a"-i P.i .3 - a.i .r.jjj, Ageats. - - r .wifffjll'i T-i'et f , :. Kr J 1 us t . i '.. . o it jlL, ij 1 j iy frVM-dexL St;Q 1 a-f many namea as y -ariiils is C.., thei" papers sl; t oae ali3 c , the Pct3ASir or the getter a af ti C . It is tut reqnred tias a.1 lis f . ' baL be s-nt ta en Post 03 re. ta tir-, ; seat ti d 2ereat Oi aai aiL-a, iv, at aay tiaa . -Tne ti j-viiag are oar ra'ea f;r , DAILY DEMOCRAT." - -fil SaS- r'b-rs ne year - - - -. ., 1 l'v? S-aI-r! - - - - -C s Mail &&hecribers one j ear - - - - WEEKLY DEM0CBA! SisreCcpiee oae year - - - - Three Copiee --------- Five C-piea - Tea Copiae - - - - - - -' - Any larg-rr Club than tea will be ir ' I ooe dollar a ! a talftr ei. Tie aiT rate U ail iia.l : i,i( in advaore. O-ier rw-t cr-mptceAl i;h lbs -eive n-f a'teniii'U. Ail fap-ers cf either ed"; :. w:H bs tf. at tie etd of the t.a i.d vt. McKEE. FISLItlJ'. S CO. P- 41 aad 13 L-icat strt.T GET IP YOUR CLUBS FC2' 5EW AID sPLESDTe PBTvU PETESUN'S MAGAI THX B EbT aSD CHEAPEST l! TBI1 Tais npular Jfon'biy enta:a f m..r.y than any Mgaj:ae in th e a . it will have near'y itiU pare. 2i r. .Vi. 12 fol. rei pattern-1, and fcoO wjh1 nrv .' n j ; ! 1 er: r i.i.' i-r T-a tLaa ol its e.aas. Z. T' V to taka "IVi-rsnn." Jo aha gti.-.t price, its is the only Ma.g-xia Ut n a its price, either f sig'e tiVrwr: aad. is. iherrf .re, erarUA:Lra.':r, T: Ii j the T iEQ'J. Th storire ia Pete.-wa" r v-i be-; published aa waert. ilr. t K.I:an Xlr?. Iec: c, Tzt LV. rhe aath r tf "Sa?v L"s l's ry." T. s i L. Chapiler M .o.r.'rj, Oa:--'"- L-. 'r T.,wtci. K.a.:ie Gr-y. C".a tr ii .0 .- -.,3 1 j :v -i r r- i I . t 1. 1 .:-u;a fe cvr-tnbu ,4t "- "' - j J - p f . 1 ? - - i - - .:..- - C T - ' - - . . u - - - v ' -: t' ; - -. .-.,-;-: ' r . t " . .. 1 --. - " - i t r -ul r. -..! -' -i a - ' "- v 1: a. - '.' ' ' f.!.-i I'm-: u.-k '--' - . -Jl- i 54 - - i;. N-- - .r.. - J h ..' -"I i 1 i'-e A - . 'in ;r :! - r-. . t .-h't. t. . Tb- ..k : -i: t.a-'-J.-1 i 1 -!Ti-i. r. -' o: F Tt t a A -.. A.'.. 1 :... '- - .1 1 je ee:a ci hich, at a rvU iftv cents. . .. -Our Neir Ck-3v-k.--Thi Or, h 'U Rereir.te f -Peteru a" are q- ly.loar-Covk rtok"- w.ll be ca :. oaeot thf- r-ei;ts has b-u te-'l- sis wr. w r K t. pr-e- ? ?' ;ei?'a fs,r le o-.le.t, sfk rwox. Kivi . New sad fa-b:-.-oabIe m a-c a fffn ' 1? 22 :t 4 c: TERMS ALWAYS LN ' o Ote eopy for one year, . Three copisa for oae ysr, Fire eoptes lor oae year, "Sight Cvpiee f it oae year, Tw-ive epie fr one year, :xern c-ple f jT one yrar, Pnmtnml f.-r itiri U9 b- ; r: of f aei: j C et 1 v j.t. or uure-i.'. ra-ke C.a! 1. n --v.i'ii r an m. fi ib oi .'.re, al J l -9 ! m r- 3. lUrs and a kalf or a eab -f t-4 ting tea dllar or aciab 0' "?t firten d.4larv. an extra co;y ' f J ' a 154 will be given. ead as a premium, (ia-! ,J and Illostntei LdvA Albaa. - in g.l. or ei:ber of our leia ; . r etwh 27 inche bv li -Banyaa J Blind Child, ia jel.- or -B-ayaa U e?. .- C ssr mz ter tin tvekca?? 1-1 -ii r-nlrnr up a clab tf MX'een. t" tae .Magixiae wui t au preciaa. T c, j v& Address, prt-pavi. CIANr M 1 No. Ch-t3ut v"': All Ptmate ' prn nay get np a cl- -r ' Bt tvtly,if written fcr. Ti'tP NOTICE" TO 1E-C 1 y. . TbeanJeratgaeiBoarl 01 de" met ting f,r the k e-. 00 the fif-t 1 f-i.y t. be 1 .. - ... v . . e 2V ' P ! .1 tS. 'c.- of fc. " t- ' tl are re-iuired te have rr.a prarivuj to the A.N . y II : ia- "DIGS. Chc"ate. - ir9C!e - - mr. Jm reacnes. rt-i " . . ;e ter-Jiie A.-e, a- )c,mr .Oyer's Catbarti'J V iV.erm. This year will prubiva Dora ef the SebeSiea, witoei .? a-a-ly ar cr-i.-tiv j-f. H The stiricg na of tne um -dtikted ia th e ev-lua o. tn. r.ft JS.!Atw , asawT-a' i 1