SUufriisn-. EiTHUBSDATSEPT. .1864 O C A. X.- II Flagi for' sale at this i at McLaughlin &, Swan's ' cigar aud fiue-cu; cbsw- resident artist, is tntmjad- His new Skylight Gal es perfection. Better pictures J anywhere in the West. all. c SwiK have ju?t re ;e addition to thf-ir ftoct of 3 are determined to main 11 earned reputation for Ices and the choice quality ". C. Teikins 13 still ouhand re m.icliine and prparrd to j very first tjualuy. His !lery is a!m-.t c-Miiplriril. hi- fai'ilnts fur taking Vim i Amhrniypes will Iu uik-un-sy in th; country, while hi .tie! render him ahle to fur r ns wi'.h fir.-t tla.- pictures- (f jum we. iii-urly ewry i JJ:im)iv;lh' have leeu re t G od. Among others wn y well assorted lwcl at Theu- John A. Voi.u s, lierry ic A. Por.u's, . Dt-n'a and hl.n 'wo new sturts have been 'Jue ty the Me?rs. Hackney, ,er ty Mi. Gia:.t. Ti.e new , 11 a.-sa; ie), nd the iarjest ,-vcT I. ten If ought to the place. '.dy's liuck; fur October, ha3 iVtd, and it, aatvtr, filled wun c'.iu.ce reading' matter ; while d faihitn plates are unsurpas hness and bt auty of designs. ., tins month turtle try rare ravins.- --dy' BjoIc is cut of the richest . superb periodicals published, ','lo be in ia Lands ol erery ..e land. aa ic Co., hare just receired and lieir Fall and Winter stock cf It is the largest and best Clothing ever brought to Ne nd they are selling at very low There is the place to get your Llotninff. lneir assortment u w , and they will fit you out a: rates. Go and see them before ehere. x ion. Thue Uiing the Red Jack- fh. Eiiicrs are warned to uenaie iition and tuununcutu. .. ors of ihetc il.iura havi Uie of several fc&ioou keOLtrs auJ who Lastly impose upon ihe pub- hey buy one' dozen, and wneu the are empty, they hil thtin with a .3 article. proprietors are doing their utmod .eel the public agaiust counterfeits, sy as the public, as a lavor to bulb , to buy oniy of respectable anJ . dealers. "The Nun Voik curres)ondent ol siuu l'ort aunouilcra that a child u born to Mr. and Mr?. Tomb . It is however, ill no repect 3t from other liuie biy. Hi- promise of being a lull-MZcd fid. i; l.e hits, tome ut iheee able to carry both lather and in his great-cuat pockets one on to balatice. ;e Francis Train, writing to the :rk Empress, say?: The Chica )rm may be suintned' up in two -Beat Lincoln " The Union plat ys the Buffalo Commercial, can "s;ed iu three words "Beat the That is the difference. the Nebraska Democracj 3 or Ibc Chicago Platform. of nnr raJers desire to know Di-mocruu of Nebraska think atfonu adopted at Chicago, siuce making such efforn to tack onto alternauTe. Here is what one nifiks of it, aud hia reasons for it all : gard the platform as a Peace highly seasoned with water, so that a casual observe would hard er the milk in it. But inasmuch was not a word spoken ty Rny : in the convention in favor of a as prosecution of the war," and 2 is nothing in the platform which mts at a "vigorous prosecution" ans of restoring the Union : but ther hand recommends peaceable '.a be used for its restoration, we osed to swallow the platform and iioa, upon the same principle that ciaa whj has exhausted all his on a patient and find Lim fust own to the tomb, recommends a Catnip tea ' if it don't do any can't dojany harm." or Grant and Sherman. Citt Poist, Sept. 13. 3- E. M. Stanton, c. of War: ought to Lave the whole number J called for by the President ia the l possible time. Prompt aciiooin up our armies will hare ntore :a ih nemy than a victory over ofesi to blive and make their men beliera, , there is such a party in the North in faor of recogninn? tne Southern Confederacy that the draft can not be enforced. Let them be undeceived. Deserters come into our hues daily, fiho tell us that the men nearly uni versally tired of the war, and that deser tions would be more frequent but they belisre peace will be negotiated after the fall election. The enforcement of the draft and the prompt filling up of our armies will ave the shedding of blood io a immense degree. (Signed) U. 8. GRANT, Lt. Gen. The following telegram has been re ceived from Gen. Sherman on the same subject: 4- Atlanta. Sept. 13. To E. M. Stanton, Sec. of War : 1 am very glad to hear the draft will be enforced. Fir-t, We need the men. Second. They come as privates to fill up our old and tried regiments, wun meir experienced oificers already on hand ; and third. Because the enforcement of the law will manifest a power resided in our Government equal to the occasion. Our Government, though a Democracy, should, in times of trouble and danger, be able to wield the power of a great nation. All well. (Signed.) W. T. SHERMAN. Gen. "Joe" noolicr Slakes a Speech The good people of Watertown. whore 'Fighting Joe" Hooker is malting a brief kojourn, ctltl rnted the Atlanta victory on Monday night. A procession wa formed, and marched to th- residence f O. V. Ihainard, where the Genera! i.ppmg. and the hero of Lookout Moun tain made them the following pointed and characteristic aldress: 'F llow-citizens : You hare ccme here to rejoice at the success of the Union arms, in which I am ready to join you heart and hand. My business i fighting and net speech making, but let me now tell you that the army of Sherman is in vincible, and cannot be disheartened. We inurt ireat this rebelli n as a wie r.arent w u!d a Mci-jus chil i,he must whip him into su! jection no milder discipline will answer the purpose. Some are cry ing peace, but, there can be no peace as long as a rebel can It- found with arms in bis hand?. Wi.-e be to th ;se who cry peace where there is no peace. Thii Union must be preserved, and there is no way of preserving it but by the power of our arms by fighting the conspiracy to death. This rebellion is tottering now while I speak; it is going down, down, and w ill soon tumble into ruiD. Politians may talk to you about the cause of the war, but I say put down the rebellion and then, if you choose, enquire into the cause of it. But first put down the in surgentsfirst whip them, and then talk about the cause, if you have nothing else to engage yoiu attention. I believe in treating th rebellion as Gen. Jackson ;reated Indians whip them first and treat with them afterwards. The LTnion cannot be divided, let politicians talk as . .nmv : fur if diviinn commences, where are you to -nd ? tirs.t iiic ow.. would co, then the racifk States, then Mew h,f;giani , ana l near, mat e.;ie noto rious politician has advocated that th: city of New York should sect do from th' Kmpire State.v In such case there would be no end to cebeliiou. Gentlemen, every interest you have depends upon the suc cess of our cause, every dollar you pos ess is at stake in the preservation of thi Union. It will better accord with my (e. lings to see ihe. limits of our glorious country extended, ra!h-r than circinn scribed, and we may feel it a national necessity to enlarge our borders at no distant iay. This Union, gentlemen, cannot be dissolved, as long as ih army have nuns to fiht with ; furnish men i .1 i .i. . tt : - ,.,.,-...4 ' au'i iimKei-s .inn uc unii'ii is jn.uicu, SIILIUFFS SALE. Notice 18 hrfby irivca thnt I will vlTor fur Kale Bt i.ublic nu.'tion at the J.M.r of the ItrwnTillfl ILuiso ia iirowi.ville, Noiu ib County, Nebrsk.i Territory, that bi in the Louie ia which the District i'ourt w last lield.un Monday the 26th day of Sept. a. d. 1S64, at 10 oVhf k a. in. of Mi.l Jj, the f illowin. renl e-tnte. t--wit: ho flirinx low 8itatol in (hi City of (ilen U wk. in thpxnid rminty of NVinih i, Uf-wU: 1 L':i4557S9I0 11 12 13 in bU k 50 : I..f 4 b 6 7 8 9 1 0 in t.U k 4i ; lt 6 in b:k ?4 : th. whole of bWks fiS.K2. 8i; lo. 8 9 10 II 12 13 i4. in bl.nk 100: (be hole . 1 .l.k 108: b t3 1311. in block 3-i : lie; wh- le .f llvk 2v) ami 15 ; !; S aud 9 in LVkfij; b.t I 23 4 sa 7. in block 109. ANotheb'tn nl bloers eitute-l in BrownTille. XemAha county, riutabrred s follows, to-wit: Lnt 13, in block 29 : bt H in block 57 : lot 13 in block 4 1 : I t 6. in bio. k 24: l,tl, iu bloo34: I -t 4. in b'oe: 40; lot S in hl.-kM:tt (I, in blvk .2; I t 5 ul 2 in b!o-k58: lot 2. in b!k 23 ; lot 2, tn hWk 27: lot in b' --k 37 ; !vw 1 ari'l 2, in V riO : lot II, in b' u-k 97 : lot 9. in b'.i--k I6 ; 15 hi ! 15. in biurk s ; lot 10 in block 3H; lot 13 in block 121 ; low 4 an.l 9 in block 43 ; lots 8 and 3, in blovk 07 ; ioU 3 aud 12, in block 80; lot 6 in block -25; lot 1 in block ll: l.t 14 in block 75 ; lot 14 in block 13 ; lot 2 in block 63 ; lot 16 in block 43 ; lot 1 in bljck 14 ; lot 9 ani houxe in block 23 ; lota 1 2 3 4 7 in black b2 ; IoU 8 9 7 6 10 11 iu block 3. Also the north balf of tha south ea t qnnrter of the iouth west quarter of section twelve 12 in township fiy 5 north of range fitcen 15 ewt of fith rineipl mori.lian.coBtAining 20 twenty acres iuoe or less ; all the above real estate was her e to fore taken as the property of John Me Phcrson on executions isnued fro J the Pi.-trict Court, of the aidcuUDty of Xcuha, Nebraska Territory, and or dered to be sold bv w rit of Venditioni Exponas and to me direct. sheriff of said caoty ia faror of ,.''T ,n- Patios, to-wit : 3 n th k Co. A.J.Frounnino & Co. M.L. I!v.Jk Co. Wm.. Prui ki Co. t.,fon undtr my band thi 22J dtv of Assist, a. ii51-5t $ 18. iI ASTERS SALE. sSj u t7 " r"' S-'brlu. Tcrrit-ry nud virtue of an ,rder .(f iZi Chancery, of tne Distric; Ouri ol Slfl 1 g sa,dTerr,t,.ry,inf,r4,rof L (S r T ! ar-uut Edward M. MoUom a, t . ," "nJ r j .. ., ii -i . -n o clock a. m. on Monday the :26th day of Sent. is.ti r . r .k. ii-..-..:i. .. . "'""'i House, iD th9 c.ay f J. Acbra k Territ nrv. if... v. i. - "'""'""t vuuury, Atbra k Territorc the p!co where the last tur.u of id court for Ji i ernnty was held, offer fur sale ,t publio auc ion ti tha highost bidder for ooeh. the fuilowing dccribed real estate, to-wit: the north west qu.irLr ofc--tioa number 29 tn township number 4 aorta of rane number 15 east, in Nemaha Count v Nebra. k Territory. W. U. fiLASJ l)V, Sheriff of Neu;nh eouRty,' and Special MUr la Chancery BrewnriU, log. 25th, 6il-5t-$3 AYEE'S 11 Si 'for ruwpTnia the llocd, And forthero;dy cureofthe foliowiii-r eomplaintst Sero-ruI nnJ Srafnloe A ffirct ?. mnr mn Tpinr. ITIrtTx, Unrr. KrHft'lvn, I'impk-4, Patal. U'irhe, EiUt ltlaiua, stud sill Nkia rti--. Oakland, Ind.. Cih June, J. C. ATElt Ik Co. Oeuw: I teel it my duty to sc. knowledge wl:t yonr Sarsaparliia has done for toe. Ilavio Itherited a Scrotuious iufeetioa, 1 havs) mlTcred from it in ra. ioas ways tor years. Socse times it burst out in Uers on mr bands and arms; frrptirnoA jt tnriieii inwsrl dim! ufrtreM-i ine at lit .totiiacli. Two j tsrs a it broXe out oo mr bf ad aud co erert my wra'.p and tiru with one fore, which was paialui a d 'outluone l-eron t darcrip'iia. I tried mai.y tnt'd. vines and feee'Til pn.Tfcic?ins, but witiiout much reJef from anythinz. In tact, the dif-order i;rew woiv. At length 1 vas rejoiced trj read in the Cos;! MeeR;er that yon had prepared an altera tie (.SarfapariUay, for I ki.ew Ijohi your re putahon tiiat l!i;n: yj'j in:-dp iuut be good. I Mnt to Cinciiiiiati ai.d got k,';id ut-etl it tiU it cured me. 1 took i', as yon ?dvic, iu small dores of a tcarpoonfal over a roonlii, aud used almo.-t three botfies. ew and balthv kin soon beaa to foria utidtr tlie scab, which after a '.v'..i!e Jt-11 off- II v kin is Low clear, ki. I kLow by my fce'ii'gs that the d)-e..e basone troTi my system. You can weil litiseve that 1 ltel Lat 1 ani i-i.iii wheu I tell you, that I hold yon to be one of the ao-t:;s cf the ajje, and remain uer gratefully. Yonrs, ALFRED li. T ALLEY. Mt. ABtKany'- Flrr. IIoe or Ervniwln, Trtter nml tlt ll!ran, ru!J ilcad Itii3vorm,for t)riy. " ' Lr. liobert M. TiehN' w ii:os fr in .SVem, 2. Y., 12: h Sept., Li'A that be ha cured an inveterate cac of which thr-uterd to termii ale la- tallv. bv the iTfecrintr ure cf our baraparil!a, aitd : also a dm c -n.i: MnUgnr.nt Fr;tpelat ty larjjo does ol the mine; s be cures the common Lrvp Uom by it coustawtly. nrnthorHe, CoitTft or wr!lr1 TSeelt. Zt Uioi; oai:,cl l r-i-ct lex?', w n: li)ree LottW ol jonr Saepanlia euied me liot a Coitrt l.i k on tiic i.tck, Kiiisli 1 had tu Ictcd foul over two ) tiis.' I.rHcerrUflra or Whitr, OTnri.n Tnmsr, I H-riiir L'irrrntiaii, Oi-cac. lr J. It 6. Cl.ii.nii.ii. of Jvcw Vosk Cil, wiitcs: 1 rr:-t checrji.ilv co:;i;lv with the rojue of oar r 'er.t m T have found your fcaiMipari.Ia a r.o-t exc'.ci.t alters tive In the i:uuiero'is com i'luinl lor which we employ sncH a ic-medy,Lut fneclaliy in l'oialt Uis'i of tie Scrofulous r;iathe. I have cared many Inveterate case of Lcacorrhoca h- it. md 6o:ne "where the complaint was cau-ed tv'u'crra!inn of the tifcrut. The nleer t;o:i tTielf tia won citml Kothi::? witl i'i vnv ki.oh de equals it ior li.ero fcina e deia!igemei:t8.- Kdward S. Marrow, of Xcwbury, A's., writes: "A dar."eroas oarin tumor oa oi:c of the fcmuloa In rnv lainily, triuch hud delivd all the ten.eJka wa cou'd ci'iov. has at been comp-eU-iy cured bv our Katiact of Sai.apiJi.:a. O :r pnvncicit tf;usht l'othin? but cx'irj.ption could affou! rCiict, but lieadvifedthetiial ol jour Saifcp.irilla tiid h;: t mort I eloe ci'ltiar, ?m it proved effectual. Al'er taking our reim-uy tijjht vrwtki eywioui ol the dueuke icuiriLn." Nyphili nnd !rlircnr,il rsi-rae. Siw (i.;tu.N, i...i .u:f, 1S-"1. fn. J. C. Atku: ir, 1 comply with the re,;:-st of o.r tc :t, n;d if; t:t to oa fotno of ti e eflocts, I have t calked with your Sarxnpariiia. 1 lia .e cured wiih i'.in my l'isctir, nivl oi'ttiO ronip'aints lor wLirli it is iccoimuriidod, r.i:d l;ne loiiml its t-fiocts tiii'r wo.Mieiful in tl.e en e of IV .Tii awl Mrrcurlil Jiwa One of la.v a-ti-i s hud Svi.l-.ilitK; Uiccr io ! n h.cfi coi-rumin hi4 palate aod t tie to; -t I. is inoutii. Your Saiiipai i'ia !-3!;iv foVo rn:'d hi'.si in tiire weeks Another wa sltacti-tl bv w co-mury s nij tontsin his liOe, alid the t cr;Mii Im i cn'cfi twrty a coiifidcrab'e pait of it, so tl at I l--.eie tiie ti Order would s.hmi r?:c!i l i- t r;,is and till liim. I'.ut it jielded tomv admii!itrutioti ot'j our XsrMtparii.a ; the ulcer l.ea'ed, atwi f? in will sirKi'i, iai .i khiim wiTliout somr dtinraiion Ut iu T'ce A w. l who bad ln-cn trcK!e! t: t'-r ttine c'l.-oirtle;- l intr cury wan sulfcr:u l:om ti,- n l.i r i fu tl Ihey hud become no rcn;tr c to i ..e v it,: , i fhat t.a n damp day the saTcrd excrucni'h.;: pun in l-cr joints nod bones She. too, was cur,' cot!':'- ty your Sair Spnrillo in a tew weeks. I kaour lioin i'.s forraala, whicti jour areut pave tu; thit tiirt 1'ivpatction lrora our iaboretoiy ini-t W a rt;it remedy ; .consequently, tln-?e tni rtia:'.-kuL m t sulti with it have lutVurj i 'i-.1 i: .'. Irutenikily you;, ti. V. I..MUM1.1., M. D fChenninf !mi, flr.tft, T. rr C!ift:i:. lxiKli.;iDKN''K, l'ie.tou ('(i . V.I.. tl! : Jti.V, 1 V5 Dr. J. C. Ai Lu: Sir, 1 l ave U vi aiSk-ted'tvitn a Eairifu! chronic J'hetiPKt' t -.r h ti.iV;, xv!.i.:l ai'utd the l l:i.l I" p!iv;cian!, m.d ftuck lo iiio in spite of all the rc-medie 1 co-;. i tii.d. unt.i 1 i.-n i your 4aiiptrilla. v:.e bon e ci;-e-l j.ic in wee lie, and n-Mored m t- , If'.lth o!i that I hiii fir 1-..i:it ti f.:- (l(.,tl errc '-", 1 thi'ik it a wonderf ul Ljolicmt- J J KLAJI Jule. Y. CeJchcli. if fit. I..,,?e. write. ' f bnve been aftlictea for jeu;s v;t'i:;:i c.ic.'j -.i tflhz f.;fr, which destroyed "my l.ea.ih. i.--d fi"-rvthii:, and everything fUiied t- relieve ?:ie; hi'd I iiavo Let u a biokeii-down ninn j.t iumo cir i.o otter cuio-e thun l rattyci- ht t,st Lh-r. .My beloved ia!or, the lv Mr. H-py, d vised me to try otir Sar-apariMa, becMue he :.d he knew ) on, 8j"d'an tliM! von tiiuele was woith Irving. 15y ll.o Lleinl' ol'ou i! I.hs cu:ed ine, ami L:i Vo pt.riiicd my t'iotx) :o So iiiadi- a 111:10 of inc. 1 feci ouir' rii. 1 h" 1 1 ct tutit cu be tkid of joa is liot Laif gjod ciioul:.'1 S!tirni.. C-incr TT'iniffr"!, Tl:1nrj:',nrnt, l licr.i'i.'):!, C.iiirj ajil ijL;'oliaiou of A iC'CUl firietv Of eefs ltnyr leo roirt.i.l . , - - l.ll miunO'C CUlt'.iUIIlS tlHVO resulted irom 1 he .ie !' tlun Hincl' , but our ni-ce here wll LA n.limi tu rn, homo of may be 2o;n.d in our Aiueiicun A'm:i : c, w!:io.i the agents Iil ij-.v l amed me j.,ttM'u to 1u;-iumi jitii to a.i who cu:i for li,e!ll. Ujjfrpi. IXrnrt TJitnic, F;!, Krvllcpy, jJi .'.i.n-iiyiy, A ;niii;i. Mt)!y rcmu. l.uL - cu.'-.m of thte silections have Iwt n lr.Noo liv elte: u'.ie ower of this mediciiic. It the viiai fuiictious info i porous ac'iion, i.ti t ;l ii: ovcrtomes ihorder? w hicli wouid le miji-poM-d b' voiul its reach, i'tich a remedy has Ion:; L 'eu minted by tl-.e neceH!ies nf the people, ami we arc coi!iI.lct;t t list this will do for them a.l tiikt ntccieiue can t'.o. Ayefs Ghorry Pectoral, ro.t Ti:t llATIl CCKL OF f'oVrS, ?'-;?,. ?.!I'-T.51. II Trf-TJ-s, tJl'O'iji. sr..ii''i .,!. B ,ii;)ieri ; !o.i. If U ..; ":!, l .1 I t"r iS'-Jifi" Ol" i'ii .'Jill Jl I' E'.itlvilt.S ill n .linn-.'H MlaeH Thi ! a remedy so tu.i i ei i-:ui v known To FTrpjw 3!iv o1!iT ioi'eo!'t;iroatni.l ! l!i.'C'ii!i;riii;,t-. il V. it is iiM'IfiS ii:c to iiii i-li ,e c iiiere' u' i:t!ei;. !: uniivat.vd excellence for tal, m-i. - l i'-. : :.(! its 1 1 n ! wonderlii! cur' ii'i:v:;ti-. ;! '-i'-c. have made it ki.own ! . I ' :;:; j'iii- of t.e earth. Kew ar-1! - ci-i:iri- :, -. o." even taini!ie-. nmoi:; them wfiolia; c m'.n p-.T.'Oll Xpeijei.cvi of its fff-cis --M.iTiie ) .uz . licphviii tlu ir i!in:sf of its victo. u.ei c. m.', M.J :L vicious li borders f the tir-o:t ct.d lit!..'- Aii ; M-ow Joe oiPHtituI latll'v ; -e :;-r;:.,.. Mid a t ry know, too, 1 fit- etl'eeN o: !lis we need not ?o more than to a-surethrm t it ha. now uil the virtues that it did liae !,en la-jli... tne cute wbich l ave won o sic.i u,:i ti.3 eouiidci ce of Prepared by Br. J. C. ATTH i Co., Lowell. Uiis. 80DD BT W.M.TT. Mct'HEKRV. Hrownville. (i. A. BUOWN A HUO.. I'eru. Dr.H tiUAVrs. Sab-m. JOHXW. IlOiTA 15IIO. . Salem. IMH.T A MM IT. Flls Oily. LKWIS A Slii:i'L?KI). St. Stephens EASLEV &. SllEUEK, Knlo. v8-t8 lv STRAY SALK. Notice ?s hereby K'en that I will mub to b; sold at public sle, to the highest hi i lej , in en -h. a' A s pinwHil, Xemnhs CourU), Nebr.t-k . f.n Safiitd iv, tbo 2 (th day of September, one 8'ray i i.ik ii up by .1 vm't Ojirt. J. M. l'Al'LIN. .1. Sept. 3 I85. v-ix.i-:-i.?. ESTATE OF J. G. MELVIN. Notica is hereby given that we. hTin be-.-n up pointed by tho 1. obato Conrt of Nemaha County Nebraska, co!urnt?sioncrs to review, examine an 1 a 1- just all claims and demands ajiiu.-t the e;ta;-j . .f.ias. ' . Jietvin, ueceaswra, will proendo t review, - am me and adjust all such claims on Mond tv the 1 1 d-iv of October A. D. 1964, at 9 o'clock a. in. at the .!T; ,: of the Probate Judges in Brownville ir: g iid Cutin'y of Nemivha, and will adjonrn from day to day uLtil al such claims snail be adjuste.l. Noclaiici prescnttd after the Clb day. of October A. D.1SC4 willbe adjusted aainst saidieslate. H. C. LKTTe , t txt tirnrou !! f t oni . 4, if . AJUMi VLVLS.) Sebt3th ISol. v-ii-I-2tT. 4 - 1 - i For Rats. Mice, Rouchps Ani". B-'d I3tirs. Moths in Ftirs, - Woolens. &c, In eects on Plant', Fowl?. Animal. &.c. Put tip in 25i.and ?1.00 :i xe'. 'to d F;a-ks $3 and S3 sizes for !Li:-ls, Public Institutions, do "Only iufiiliible r-ra dies known." Frce fnm jioi.-ons." 'Noi daaerons to the Hiraan Family. ''Kats come out of their holes to die." F5? So'd Wholesale in all br-i-itios. t-T" Si.M by all Drntsan i Retailers everywhere 11 !Bswai;r S!l of nil wort hle?j imitations. IT" Sea that "CoiTar's" uxms i$ on each Box, Htt'.l. and llask, before von buy. ET Address "IIZNHY COSTAR l-tf 1 kicipal Dspot 45? Bkoadwat', N. Y. fctT" 6old by All Wholesale and Ueuil Oru-jieU ia BrownrilU, Nbri4a. fflEMMSfflili J, MONTHLY MAGAZINE ' OF ' LITERATURE AND FASHION. The January number of our New Magazine ha met with a very flattering receptioo from the journ als of the country. Ked tne folio wtug.aaoii many. XOTTPFS OF TOE PE33. The Lapt's Friend. Tbi is tbe title of a ne magaiiDe published in cur city by UeaeoBi Petcr .nn v 5tu Watr.nt Street. As iu title indtcatca it i emphatically the Udy'a IrieDd, acd ia replete with everything calcuUted to tleafe and instrucl The corps ol contributors t- its columns tiMbrce rome of the best literary talent in thii country and in England. The fashiun plate in tbU number, January, are urerb and of th latest style, while there i an abundance of pttrrii of all classet and rf.rir.tif.n. Gibriel Wilkie' 'Ketnm from ihe War" i a aplended steel engraving, from a design ,,rir.i iuI i.T:.rn,!v f.,r the &!ai:axine. This new tnterjrise ia eminently deserving the patronage of cur l:iay in"nuJ j uii.iur pi io i"i"'i. i f r.inrra' M ah aZINS. ilers. Deacon Pcteron have juit phiced thapiblij th 6rn number of a new ru:p:ime, anru in l-suy i Krierid. It in evident. very well tditrd. by Mr.. IWry Pcter;n ; is w U printed and band.-unily illustrated, and i full of excellent original reading. Ainon iU cbiitribufor.t are M Elenmor C l)on ntlry.whoe eicjll-int little sketch called. '( ibrii l Wilkie'n Ueturr," appv.r with a steel eiirHviij;; in this Dumber: Lugcuia Molt, Mr?. IVtersm, Win Virginia Tounnd. Minon liarlnud. anu nnny othirs. "a Meiiiicv..l I'ocio," by Mm. Kaz d 1 j h. probably contain the best t'aoiigbU of the number. Forney' Preys' ?nilad.-!?!'i 4. TERM: CASH IN ADVANCE. I 'opj,one year, - - - - $2 CO 2 copies, one year, 3 00 4 -opie-, one year, - - ; - 6 'JO 8 coiiicM. f:i d one tocetternpof clib.l 12 0a 20 co;ie. ind one to getter up of club. I 2S 0(1 One copy of tiie Pot and ouo uf tht Lndy's Fiicnd, - - - - 3.03 SiiWribcrt in Brit-sh North Araeric mut remit tirctty cent iu ad 1 lion to tht. Brumal ub.r j tion, we have- to prepay tje U. S. poue ou thiii Ai the price of The Post U the same a that cf of The Lady rnead, the Llub m iy be comp-j-.eU ex -liisiveiv of the i;ter. or pyrtly of the pap.-r and pirily i f "the M igraine. Of coure, the premium :u.iy be eirher one or the other, it itoircd. The matter in th-paper will away bo dilfurent from that io tlie mume. Specimen numbers ul the Post rent gratis. Ad dress. 'H CON k PETEIiSON, No. 31 y Waluut St., Philadelphia. rie7 EemcrUcs fox 'SPERMATORRHEA. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PUILADUTjPniA. A Brntvoltnt Inatitntun, titaMiihed by special Er. downent forme Reltf of the Sick and Dixtretsted !? rrrf o'fA Viru'rt't and Chronic Diseases, and elipeciat. j for the Ctre of Dieaet of the Sexual Oram. "ifLiUICALi ADVICE Siven gratis, by the Acting Sure poll. Vuluati'e Reports on Spermatorrheea . and other 1is- -eof'itie ?ni and wn theSKW HKVR ('f'S iuji! yeU in the Tn-ijiensnry, sent instated lettei 'ua-:..pc,tji-t rit.rct. twoor tin teStamp accept- Mre- DK J. SKILUN DOrflnTON. n.,ward As No. 2. South Xiutn Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 'Wember 12. 1861. n23-ly A XrMV AXD L. ARC? 12 TOCfii Ol STOVES AND HARDWARE, FOR SPRING TRADE JOHN O. DEUSER, Main Street, BrowrTille, K". T. Ketnrns ibauk for the T.trf-rnct here'nfore PTfemleo to Uim, and rr..ini-e-i to snjiplv all wants, either in QUANTITY OK ClUAMTY. Ilavin !:i;d iri n-.y jrefvnt t-ck lieforn the lnt. ri.e f f tl.'rty pi r cent, trabh s ire ti undersell all who htive to In in ih ir stin k at present j ric?. My v"n f ar..- ;sll from Sf L ui-, audi tnnnuf.ictur ed from Missouri irou wLich is pronounce I lob' the Lot iruu now known. COOK STOVES, THE LATE AND IMPROVED PATTEliNS; SL(T! AS ri tick's I'corJrss, tiScvart Oven Superior, Cioldvn Era, Kcw Kra, &c. nE FURTHER CALLS THE ATTENTION OP FARMERS TO HIS LARGE STOCK OF HEAVY SHEET IRON, FOR SUGAR ISOILEKS: ALSO HIS I,AKGE CAST 1ROX !iETTLES. FROM ia TO 2o GALLONS. A VARIETT OF CITE A P LARD ANI) COAL OIL LAMPS Of New awl BeauMfrl-Pattern ; Larno Ohonneys. Stiaiieii. c. B-iis, Copuer. ant Sleet Ironware; Lnnivrn. Shovel antl Japanned Ware. A LARtlE OF.WTITY OF i 1'i u; f-.tone Glass Kf-f-s-eaUne Fruitcar.e i Vi.Ri Mi l. Nli tuNVKNIKNT Fui: TI1SE HKSIRrXii TO PUT t? FRUIT A LARHE QUANTITY CF OF KVLRV LKSIRARLE ARTICLE. THE ATTENTION OF FREIKilTRUS AND UTIIEUS IS D1R1KCTED TO HIS CC0KIXG SKILLETS, OVENS, Ac. Guttering and Spouting. He i prepared to put n? guttering amNpoutinjr, noil li i the work of his line at tbe hortest notice, and in viii k.Lnlike nuuuer, which he warrau:s to give sat tisfaciloo. v3-nl-i CASH PAID FOR CORN!!! BUS HELS. WANTt-D. by j . W. Bl. who now bnjinjl at Brownviile acl Pera. He ! ?aviiiR thehialiesi marhet price In cash Brlnpr on your G r;i while the prie is tip. For particulars enqiire of J. W. Bliss at Fein, or J. W titfUfW, B.wn vilM. . Mmj 19ta. 184. t37 vS-tf PLAT Cad, Meat mauls, Shothraa.1 Tnila Rubber Balls, Patient thready SciMr, W.aipias aad Brooia twine, to be had MLAU G II LI.V 3i SWA N S Tif7R'L Buckets. Cbnrna. Sieves, iluie Trap, ;ioihe Pin and Cati! froap P4IIA Tuba. K -g. WaahboaJda, teeleri, Children' Cabf aad WbMlbarrowt At .McLaughlin it Swan'a laOIT! IBOl'III D. A. CONSTABLE, niS ON n AND ANT) FOR SALE A LAEGF AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, ISifl MlWiK! OilPRISINQ: HORSE KAILS, NAIL-R0D3, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, ANVILS, SPRINGS, HE L LOWS, AXELS, VU ES. THIMRLE SKEINS CHAINS, WAGON UOXES. SCKEW7 PLATES HOLSTER PLATES. FILE. RASPS, W RESCUES, SLEDGE HAMMERS. HANI) HAMMERS, fcUOKIM. HAMMERS. PINCHERS, NUTS. HARROW TEETH, WELL WHEELS, AC.,AC,U, . ALSO WOODWORKS ! COUmiSINQ niT.S, SPOKES. FELLOWS, WAGON LOWS, SHAFTS. POLES, axl s, hounds, AXE HANDLE HROO.U HANDLES, PLOW t NDLES. ic. ALSO A.GEKT 9 TEK BALK OF F IIlEAIvIIh C LB S, AT PACTOIIT" PRICES HAVING LAID IN A LAROE STOCR OF TIIE A HOVE O 0 O D S, DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, IILrOUE TIIE EXSE, I a M ENABLED TO SELL TO THE TRADE AT PRICES Til DEFY COMPETITION. STSend lii loar Scrap HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WROUQnT SCRAP IRON AT CONSTABLE'S IRON AND STEEL WAREHOUSE. Febl4-n32-ra ST. JOSEPH. MO DAN'L W. l'EASE, Hat re-ojened his Crvt c!a.3 Nortb-ca-t corner Main and Second Street, jJMiV; NViLLh;. N'cLKASKA. Where he m prejiari to do all kinds of work in Lis lini cheap for cah. H-jres Shod, Plows Shiirp cutd, Wairona Ironed offin fact anything in the Pl.ick.-niitbing llfco dte ia the lest style tn bbcrt notico. t-ix-1-1t. FAMILY GROCERIES. M'LAUGniQ & SWAN, WoVl.D IlF.PKCTFCLLT.AKKOCNCS TO TIIEIil frieud:4 bnJ tlie public generally, that tliey bave ju receivea a superior lot cf Family firocerien, and lnvii the atteiitiun of purchaf-era to their stotk luciuuig NEW Ot I.KAN'S Sl'GAR CI Alill'lKl) 1)0 PItTM B KIO COFFKiS, IMPLKIaI. TKA. a t -v. r mtM a BLACK IclA. KICK. Sa(?0. SPICK PSPPErt CLOVES. CIN'NAmOX COVK OVSTKH, RdlSlXS, CCItltAN'Ti, SrAH'JH, SoM PCUKSiODA, EK LAXIJS' bALEIiATCS, &.C COD n:iT KACKEPvAL, "WHITir PISE, LiZZ 1R0UT, UL&IZG, LIIAD. GREEN APPLES, CltAKIiERUIES, PAH ED PEACHES, UPilED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES Molasses, Ccal Oil, Cider Vinegar NATURAL LSAF rnEWIN'a TOBtrCO. OOLDEN iKaF AXD)TIIKlt OIIOICB HRMS FlNiCLTCAVKXDISU. KILLlt KIC i'-MUJClMi, COM JdOX DO. Clears oftlie Best Brands In the Market- en BSTNCTS, ALMDXD3. PECaXS, FILBERTS, PKa- AUT6, &c, 4.C, Jic, A Splendid Assortment of Slick and Fancy Cauiy from the iJesi iMttnulac turies iu the East. Flour, Eacon, Butter, Eggs cc, The Ilifjhpst Market Prices Paid for Country Produce. MCLAUGHLIN & SWAN. Nemaha Valley Bank Building. BrOwntili-E, Jan. 14. 1864. n20v8-J20-ylr. ATTENTION. Regular Meetine cf tho St. Pcroiri Cnnncil TJ. L. A. No. 17. are held at A. J. P.itter' Sure, ov Saturday Evxuingof each week. All members are requested to attend. vj uraer ot uenncr. IMPERIAL. Gnnpowder, Tonng Hyson and Black Teas of merior quality. At LIcLiauRliIin a Bwan s. COAL OIL, best quali'y claiifled Carbon oil. Lamp chimneys and ft ick& JI LAUGULry f- SITA'S. A Large aftr'Bient of Pocket knives. Butcher knire etc. .etc., cn Ueen At ll'LAUGKLiy & SWAZ'S. INPIa Rubber id It irn. Dresinr. Pockt ani fla Cuiiib . W.xcie.j P x-'lio: c iiub-i. T -t-iccj Pjuciiei. Walieti, Fi.-h Uo. ks nt llnfs, i. . tc , At y.cLAl .UHLIA .Vir4.VV. STAKDAED SCALES OF ALL KI5D8. Also, 'Warehouse Trucis, Lettei Tresses, &c. I7 J (AUE ST., CailCAGO, t3"J!e carrut. and bny enty the nmne.5 PaT & 01; AgaU,io St, Louia. T-lx-l-if. - Jjrv TLIE HORACE WATERS 310 LI KILN' IJtriiOVHD OVSRSTRCNG BASS FULL inorl FRAME PIAIIC3 are bctlt of the best and raoat thoron?h'y aeasoned tu teiia'j. and 111 aund anr clituata. Tie t ne U Tery deep, round, full, and mellow; ui tomli elistic Edcb Piano warranted for live ;eara. Price fruoi Ui U $7oO. TESTIMONIALS "Tbe Ilorace Water PUoot are known aicaftong ttf very best.' Ewngelist. "W can retk of their merlta frcra personal know)' edge." Chtistien Inte'iigtncer. 'Watera FiiQj anJ M(M iieja-cfeneneeonpartoa with tbe flneat tnde anvwyiere." llomt Journal. $190- NEW 7 OCTAVO U a, ol differ ent maker, for $i9j; da., wi b crre '.tl. $.'tX), and $243. 9ea-nd-hanl Piano and Meli'eu at $40, $X, $t j, $7i, $100, $114, $1X5, $150, aad ttGO. The LTofaet ITafr 2Itloltoni and Haroivm, Tnned tea Equal Temrerauietit wlrhthe Palest Divided Sweil. Prices from 5i to s30'J. Alexander Or gans frm $2U0 la $doO. E3A liberal discoi.nt to C'eTyytnen. Cbsrcbea Sab ba: n 3cb.-o'(i, Lodqe, Seminaries, and Teacher. EuS ACS WATERS Ag't, No. 4SI Brdway, X. T. Tie Lay &ho4 lltll 40 OOOeoplat issued- A new Sinelnx 3oek for School and Seminaries, caned tbft Dav bed.i Beil. 1 now ready, lt cniala a e it two bund rl choice ong. roauds, catches dueu, ... ourtetta. and iborruea. many of tbem written exir-iy for thiswork, beidta 32 race of the Element of Music, which at ey and progressive. . . Anioni the lair number of beaatifnl piece-" may be fouiid, TiiCle Sm'," "Don't you bear ihe children coTuin?." "Always look on ibe tunny nide," "The little lass. and Uitle UJ." "th, if 1 were a luUe biri." Birdef beauty." "Pretty pear tree," "Anvil Cborns," "Meet rue ty tbe running brot.k." Ac. It is c. mailed by Liorm e rter, authtr ot ' Sb ba'hSohool Bo!'," N' , 1 and 2, wMch bare bad tbe enoitnous mlect 65 OLOdpiea. Prices -vper covers, 25cema. $'20 per 100; bum I 30 cents, lb per 10i cluih bound, tuibop-ed gilt , 4 J cents. $35 ier hundred. 25 ccpie inrnifbed ai tbe one hundred price. Hailed at tbe retail price. Sallaih &oull Dell, So. t, contrlni 144 pazes, and nearly two hundred tnne and byniMi. ir.d i tbe m gt p pu!ar S. S Book ever issued A ning tbe must popular rieoei are, K.tud Words," "Kdeu Above." '-Christian Uerm" "Beamif nl Z; )n,' "1 outtbt to love t -i Aioibcr," '-The Angel toid me so," ' In the LtSht." "Rest for tbe Weary," Ac Prtces pajjer covers. 2ti ct. eai-h. $15 per boodred; bijnud, 25 cti. each, per humli e I j cloib bouul, emboaed gilt, cu., $ii per hundred. SAlath School 3d!, Ac. 2. It an entire new work of 152 aases and nearly 223 tunet ai.d bmns. a tbe mi-u' i a little m -re d. (Sou! tit is just the bx k io fo !iw Bell No. I. Nerly due mil lion or ibee Bells have been Uiiel, and are now rirtf in throng tbU and other countries. Anion? the many choice p'e-es may be f. u id Sball we tueet b yond the river ? Tl.ei e is a beautiful world. Sorrow viiall coma asin no nure. V u'i you hesr the Aneels coniing? Thou, God. sees', me. Sabbath Bells cbirue on, tic. Pi Ices of Bell No. 2 are tbe same as Bell No. 1. Both numbers ah be ol tamed in oue voiume. Price, bound copy, 40 cents $35 per hnudred; cloth bound, embonsed gilt, 60 cts., $15 per bi.i il-ed. 25 copies furnished at tbe one hundi ed price. Mailed at the retail price. Tl'ntcra t'uruf Harp. A new Sunday School B ok.of 163 paies of beautiful brums anduuies. It cn:;ttine mmv srms, nuchas Sbaii we know each other tkere ; SuC'er li' tie vbl.ureu to cnie unto Me; Tt.e be?nti!: n-e; Ob, 'tis glori ous; Leave me with my nioiber ; He le.uieth me be.-Me till w! A.C. Prire mier cover-i 2 J cents; $15 per hundred ; hound 35 $2) per h'in tied; cloth Lo'ind, emi sed gi:ii i J5 cents, $3) per hum!rel li ailed at tbe retuil price. It is edite-l by Horace Wa ter, auth t ot Sunday 2: :ho:-l HiilU N'ui laud 2, which bave bad the enormous sale- of over eisht tbousand rop e-). Jt published by UOitA.K MrATSRSNn. 4SI Broadway, New York. Ths Ntc Patriotic Sony Cooi, contains 96 paces of songs duers and chorales, both ia cred and m-cuUr. moludinK 14 pnf of prayers for sick and dyina soldiers, and Soldiers' Scripture It Is well suited for gonial ax well as 3,butb worr ip. Anioii.t the many beautiful pieces mny he fi.uiid, Wbre l l erty dwells is m roimiry ; TlieChrl" tianbero, Threci cheers f r oar bai lo r ; C mo s U to me of be tv!i ; Columin i. the u-ein of herrau K - e -nian's gatberiric; ( 'nnibi i's Kmiu fi.rpver ; Maritime along, Nc. Pru-ps paper cover-, 15 cents, $. p. hau dred. Mailed at the retail price The flirp of f'redom, contain 31 pages of gontrs, d-ie s and chornes. for Free dotn. Among ihe ch ice pieces we w..u'd r.ame IVlr freedom's m rn ; O let my ppop'e it". Over ibe moun tain ; Toey worked me all the d iy, &.c. Price 5 cents ungle, 6o cents per dozen, $3 per hundred; postage 1 cent each. fitth : A Sacred Cantata. contains 123 pngps. - Words b Rev. Sidney Dyer,inulc by Prof. Cull. Tliis is an exi client h k lor concert for thiiyoutiR. Prices paper ever, 20ceutsj $l5per hundred; botind 2o tenu $20 per huaircd. The Recital Mmie Ceoi cflta'.ns 73 p-Ke?'of tnnrs and hymn, designed for re vival, prayer M c-mierctice incet-.''is. Price inp.iptrr covais, cii-eie c-pies 10 ceuts; $S per hundred Mailed at the retail prices. The AtheitCum Collection. contains between fonrand five hnnd-ed paces of tnnes iua w,np. new a'id o l, r the choice-t kinds, for church. Sunday scoo. aviv.-jl, missionary, temyirani'e prayer at. d coiiferenr.o an-! nit hinds of -cm n:i'l su ii:il meotinps. The music in this book has life and an imation in it, l:kt. Sbiniii); Suore, Rest fur tbe weary, Shall we kn-iw each other there ? Shall we meet beyond the river ; There Is a teiutiful world; Kiad words; Sweet hour of prayer ; There is a land of love; Suffer little i ui d; en to come unto me ; 1 save the Natii.n, &.C Pi ices hiintie copies, bound 60 cents; $15 per hundrrd; cioili b'lund. embossed K'lt, 6' cents; 55 per hundieil. fllitied t thi retail price. TIOHACK WA TKS, 4SI B.oaiw.y, Nev Vour, PuUii.Uer of the above Bjcks. Vocal Jfusie, Kith 'who Ace3"jmimnf. A large sortmept of new and popular songs, ballads duets, qii.nrletts, and choriiseo, i-iiid daiiy. Anions ibe most poful ir are. Sliall we know earh other there. Lowriy; Why have my l ved ones ; I will be true to tbe; oil, there's n such, mrl a mi'ie. by Poster; Mother's P've is tru ; Sweet love, foiget menot.jt., by Kc'ler. 1h cents each; I bear sweet voice siiisin; H .me is home; Forget if you can. but forgive, by Thutiiss. 3d cents e ich. Instrumental Mu-is for tha Clani Fcrte We are coniim; F.-vher Abra'am, x bui dud thousand more ; Always look on tbe Mirny side; Shall we know each other H ere? 4cc,, with brilliant variations by Grobr, 60 cen's ejih. Pikas. Waltzes. Marches, Q'lick.'tep-. Quadril's, Ac. , by jmputar authors. AM kin 's of S.diCiii and In htrnction b- Ss. C jtalognes maiiedf rce to any aJdi e-s ilUoiC lbai.cJ at the abv'Ve trices. Water' Chap iluiii'i for the Million. Arransed as sVnes, dne's. qntrtetts and cbornes. for musical M cienes, choirs. Sun lay schools, p ihlicsch -ola seminaries, eic hall we know eai h oihe-there? Don't you bear tbe angels Coming ? Shall we meet be jond the river? Bo in time; There i a beautiful world; Where liber ty dwells Is my coiinny ; Freedom, truth and ri;.ht ; We are comiug Father Abra'aiu. six hiindreit thonsaud ui ire J There is a land or love; Sor row shall come again no more; Jle-iveuiy home ; Come nn to ine of Heaven ; Land insight ; We wiil love our .Sunday S hoo! ; Our Ood is miri-luni; on ; CA sate the Nation; Whillier's song or the Plantation Neg.'o; Fair Freedom's Moi n has daw ned at last; Over tie moun tain; Over the mountain ; l.iu e Klla'r an anel ; Wil lie'sg.rie to Heaver. ; Suffer little children ij c-ime uutcme; Bury me in ihe nioiuing, .Mother ; Come to thy rest; Sweet hour of Prayer, c. Price 3 tents. 30 cents per doz., $2 per hundred ; po-t-gc 1 cert each. In hoet fi rm. wuh Piatio acc'mnani.!ipnt, -2o cents. Published by IiuHACn WAT Hi. Ag't, No. 4S1 Broauway, K. x BROWHVILLE STEAM 3EL 2EL This boat ia cow beln? ran under tbe superinten dence cf Who will taTre carj that tbre rhiU be no ccinrlaint aa to thelkat's Ccotttiug I. gul.irl At all Hout3 cf the Day ! ! Emigrants to the Mines Will find this aa excellent point for crossing th river. Kniiirran's from St. Jo-eph and all points Kst of here, een ir ibey th uid wisii t u.. by the Keo.'aska City It.. Lie il. Or (I it a- n ar to cress at tL;s p. iui and tbi r'.ad are icier on the West bUe of the tfi suuri ttiver tuin oi the &st. And PROVISION OUTFITS Can be boneh t here cheaper thao at any other paint in tbe Territory. Trave eis from Kansas to Iawa cr frca Icwa to Kansas Will find this the most direct point to cross at. II. V., MUIR, SrrwBTlile, Kebraska ArU U, 1S6A. 03vS4a mmmimm 1C5G! rSTSLISnrD ! T7M. T. DSN, WOULD most re.petraliylTj'e b iM'e cnt'a"1 tocli and ex tmtue bis Sto fc ' lkrictiiwtis hfr makii-c their puicbaes elewiiere. as Uej mi, elf J)KN"S SAVE THKIi: MONM-.Y. MOTTO "SMALL PROFITS. Qricr SALES," TCT INTO TUOT. DEN'S Siock consists of Dry Gocxij, Staple anJ Fancy Grucerirs, Kuts aud Shoe, Hats ar.d Caps, Futni'.ure, Doors and Sa?h, Stoves ard Tnr.var?, Queen!vare, Hardware. Catlry. Ir..a and Nails, Glass and Puitjr. Faiuts, Drugs and Dye-Suff.i, &c, iic. Hat a larire ssserttnent ef Fancy Drr Goods. Isdy'j Pancy lia s and Bonnets, Children an t Misses Focy Rats Noii ns Gloves aud Djslery, U lop Skirt.-., ac, At Low Ft ure. a Foil A-sortment rf Gent's and Boy's 5gmrr ClolhiLg, Fi.cj Soiris, Under Clutblnit, you lh f3 -1 at Cheaper lhao at any other Hju? in torrn. Bay yonr STAPLE A'!D FANOY GlOOEP.IcS At DKN'S. he keeps a foil assortment oo band. ChlcsfO and Si. Louis Cas'om Made Hoots and Miotr, and LadicaV Fancy tialt-trs. Are the Beat In the Maiket and SELLS THEM CHEAP, MIND THAT, AS YOU GO Ai.O.NO! CHEAPEST COOSIXO AND A1tL0S ' Of Latent PaUrtH tou flnl at . Cheaper than at any other House la Bruwnvllle. 3N Has a Urftn assort menr of TIV-WAnH. t,ART KTT TI.Ks, HKAVr MIKE f 1R0.V UuLWi. W slfi, St)V-Pli K aud UtUW, that be win n.t oe an : t. i.l HI2SS, PELTS & Flip, W.H pays the flhe't Cash Pike. A full Assortment of FARMIMB IMPLLMENTS os uaxi. Returns his thanks to the Public for past favors, a1 by strict attention to Business hopes to merit thai fi ' eral patronage bestow d on biui heretofore. wai. T. DLV HELLO, STRANGEK TFIIERC DIE YOL GET TCOr.Vj isrEW GOODSP AT J. BEHKY & CO'S., THE VEP.y CIIEArEST HOUSE IN BEOWNVILLS. J. BEltRY & CO., II:iTe Just received, ana ire nosr operdrtr, at taud on Atain street, one of tbe lari?ei.i stocks of their DEY GOODS a rt d tt efTered In this market. Remember the plac. J. BERRY & CO.'S, , iw. n-tt J. V7. IMIDDLETOIf Manufacturer and Dealer ia SAIiDsES, n.TWCES3, DRIDLE3, COLLAUS, WHIPS, LASHES, SET3 CCRhV COMBS, CAKDS, ERCSKES, CARRIAGE TP.IMMI.NC3, PEASTEXUXG 2IAIR, AND A VARIETY OK EVEIiV. TI1I.V3 I'EU7AI.IXU TO T2XX3 TTlAPat B7 Strict Attention to Easiness I Fxrc5' a Coatinaatioa cf the Liberal Patrcrrt-o-Heretcfor esto-edby a OencrouAFuh.:..-. Hspairin cf all Hinds Ezceyi cash paid ro;: mr: ' i. WifliT.i;-. AtuustSS, IS63. nUlf