Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 22, 1864, Image 2

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    - I - . . . 1 I
Nebraska. SUtosriiscr
" ran fiiesidext
.fox -vice president
op ti2i;nesee.
Appointments far Speaking.
The i'io5njr car.-rds'ss for I)l:gite in Con
grt wII JJro tht ir f Iiow-titizu is a fallows:
At Tcent-l.-, Ti:eu!py, 2r-M. , 2 uVlrw-k p. in.
. TsMH-ck, Wednesday, 2Ul, 2 o'clock p. ra.
Pawnee 'i'y " - 7. " 44
S -1 in. Tr.u Jny, ?fd. S oM' k r.m.
F.:M3 Ciy, Friday, 23 10 o'cl-ick a.m.
)iul, "7 " p in.
l:nwpvil'. Si'iirdny 21th 2 o'tl. . U p. m.
N Si -i Ci v Tu-(H, 27th 2 o'clock r. m.
U., k muffs WcJsJay, b, 2 " "
I'.aifMiiOulh, Th.mdiy.29tb, 2 11
Fel.vcu", Fridnv, 3Ut'u. 2 " City Satur 'ay. Is 7
I r -luont ('it v. M.P(!8f, 31 7
Cvluuibue, Tuesday,! h, 8
Another Glorlons Vlctorr.
Vi'e have this morning received intelli
gence of nnoihr glorious victory in ilie
fc-hanandoah valley. Sheridan has whip
ped Early and driven Liia ever twthe
. The rebel loss ia reported at 2,500
kill d. and 5.000 captured.
Eut as we are now just going to press
ne will have to lay ov;r further particu
lars until next week. (
Brlgr. Gcd. Clinton B. Flsli.
The Daily Nebraska City News of
the 16th. inst ?ays :
Wa are vry much pleased to learn
that the worthy rtficvr and good soldier
whoe na-ne 1 eaJs this ariit le is now in
IS'onhwetdern Mi:&ouri restoring order
and enforcing law."
We are also much pleased to learn
that this er ntlemnn is ,4re8tcring order
and enforcing lan" among the quiet,
orderly people of Nuh West Missouri,
ani fee) quite confident that he finds full
fcops for the exercise of all his ability
as '"a worthy officer and good soldier" in
this pari of the country. His mission
to North Weil Missouri was to make a
lump speech to some Sunday School
children who tvill fully Understand and
appreciate all he could siy about the
yexed political questions of the day, or
the army either. Hope he may succeed;
the endeavor just suits his ability.
Again :
"(Jen. Fik is an accomplished scholar
and a mt exemplary christian gentle
man. His .txsuuilti as a soldier who
never uses atdtct spirits, profane lan
guage or tobacco, j-houM be emulated
?n our armies, ar.d his influence in these
respects are no-.? beinir Mt for good.
wn.crevtr he conminnded."
We are quit sure that Gen. Fisk
never uses "crJtuV spirits or any other
kind of spirit? or tobacco. He discoun
tenances the use of profane language,
but let the News ask the old 2d UnVnde
13th Division 13th Army Corpi, and, nil
the citizens of Helena, Ark., if Gen.
Fisk never caused them to use it. When
tve have heard them sending up his name
and damnaiion intimately linked together
in their daily prayers, we have wandered
how men could be so perverse to the
'good influence that is now being felt
Mhf rever he has commanded."
We never kuew of his being "drunk,"
but he has been tight that is, in what
he evidently thought a tight pi tee, from
the manner in which he nought the rear
of the column.
But a j ain : ;
His family are now;visiting at the
-residence of Gov. Morion of thu place."
It is perfectly consistent with hi con
duct in the held that he should now be
visiting this disciple of peace, for it was
in he field that he was most emphatically
m ymva- mn. TTc WUUTO reFpt'CUUljy
suggea that during the war he thould
lay by his stars and go to the Sandwich
Islands nnd preach the gospel of peace.
Men of his refined feelings are compelled
to co disagreeable things if thty wear
the "star'? in time of war, and then they
wou.d become him so much better when
there is no war. and he could listen to the
golden sound of the title MGenerar' with
o much more ease when il does not in
sinuate that he is a fighting man.
Thefollowing letter, rec-ived from Mr.
Tipton this morning, we insert for the in
formation cf all interested :
Omaha, Sept. 20.
Jlr. E'litor : Please say in your paper
f that the Acting-Governor, Paddock, has
tailed on Gen. Steel by an importunate
letter in behalf of ilie men under arrest
at Duva!lj Bluffs ; and aUo in behalf of
McPherson and Callan.
: He is also locking after ihe interests
- of the men witi. Lieut. K lock at Si. Louif.
Yoir fur ihe right, the
v Union and 1m Nebraska,
... i -
. c?.:, - -
Among the resolutiong adopted at Chi
cago, wai the following introduced, by
Ex Gov. Wickliffy. of Kentucky:
Resolved, Thai Kentucky expects of
the D-m ocratis President who will be
elected in November, that his first official
act will be to throw open Abraham Lin
coln's prisun duors, and let the captives
That shows what Democrats txpect of
their. nominee in case hs be elected.
How would the people of Laurance Kan
sas like this man Quantrii is ialifubo?
In speaking of the DinK-cratic Fia'ifi
cation meeting at Nebraska City on the
14;h, the Nebraska 77mm say: "All the
speeches were excellent and reflect cred
it not only on the gentlemen themselves
but upon the party." We remember
distinctly' amon? those speeches, one de
livered by Mr. Early of Piattsmouth, in
which he denounced the war in strongest
terms, because "it was a wicked crusade
again3tva brave, patriotic and noble peo
pie. who bear upon their tanners the
Heaven born colors of red and white."
Vented his curses upon the f oldiers who
persist in pulling them down, and addtd.
"if any of the Linco n sons of b iches
are jirpsent, li thpm thovv themselves."
Does that reflect credit upon Mr Early ?
Does il reflect credit pbn la1? Democ:ai
ic party ?
Perfunnt to the call published in our
last iisue, the members of the Union par
ty will assemble at their reactive pre
cincts, oa Saturday ihe 2 1th iust., to elect
delegates to the Union County Conven
tion, to be held in Iirownville on Monday,
the 26th inst.
On Monday there will also be a grand
UnioD Mas Meeting h Id in IJ.'ow nvilie.
Hon. S. G. D.uly, Hon. A. S. Paddock,
Gen. E Etabrook, Hon. J. S. liedick.
Hon. P. M. Marquett, Hon. O. P. Ma
son and others, will be present to addrest
the meeting. Arrangements have been
made to make mis one of the larges.
meetings ever held in Brownvilte, and al1
loyal men are invited to attend and
their families.
The draft is m progress in St. Louis.
It was begun on the 19ih inst., and among
thore drafted that day was the reporter
of the Evening Jftvss. One of the draft
ed is seventy-two years old, and another
bad been dead two years.
The Democratic County Convention
will be held in Brownville on Saturday,
the 21th iuft., when Dr. Geo. L. Miller,
Democratic nominee for Congress, and
Hon. P. W. Hitchcock, Union nominee,
will be present to di-cus puny policies.
All are respectfully invited to attend.
A rumor has been in circulation for
several days, that Qnantrile, the notori
ous Missouri Guerrilla, has been captur
ed at Ind'ianopelis Indiana. It is certain
that a man bearing some resemblence to
Qunntrils was arreted there upon the
accusation f .a refugee; and dispatches
were sent to Lawrence Kansas for a full
dUcription of the famous guerrilla, which,
when received identified the perton ar
rested a the same.
Frcni Atlanta.
Louisvii.Lr, 15. Journal's special
correspondent atAtlania, 10th, contain
a congratulatory order from Sherman, re
counting his victories, and an agreement
between Shtrman and Hood for ten days
truce at Rough &. Ready, on Macon Rail
road and ccuntry around it enclosed by
a circle of two miles radius, to Sept. 12th
to enable people in Atlanta to remove to
points further South.
Letter from Sherman to Hood not at
tainable. The following items from a
notjee issued by the Mayor, by command
of Sherman, gives an idea thereof, "t h
izens are requested to leave Atlanta and
proceed South or North. The govern
ment will furnish transportation as far
south as Rough & Ready, and North a?
far as Chattanooga. Citizens may take
their movable property, transportation
will be furnished for movables. Negroes
who wish to di so, may go with their
masters. Other male npgroes will be
put into Government employ. Women
and children will be sent outside of the
Shermnn's order of the 4thcommence
Atlanta cemg occupied ana exclusively
used for war-like purposes, will at once
be vacated by all except armies of the
United States, and such civilians and em
ployees as may be retained by the proper
departments of government." It con
eludes : "At the present time, just ar
rangements will be made for the supply
to troops of all articles they may ' need
over atid above clothing, provisions, Sec.
furnished by government. Ai no place
whatever will traders, manufacturers or
sutlers be allowed to settle within the
limit3 cf fortifications. If they do man
age to come in, in spite of ihis notice, the
quartermasters department will seize their
stores and appropriate thm"to ihe use of
the trcop-, an deliver such parties, or
other unauthorized citizens who thus place,
their individual interests above that of
the United States, in the hands of some
provost marshal, to be put to labor on
forts, or conscripted into eome one of the
regiments or batteries already ir the
service. The same general principles
will apply to military posts south of Chat
tar o ga.
Hodto Sherman 9h, says, Permit
me to say the unprecedented measure
you propose transcends ia studied ingen
ious cruelty, all acts ever before brought
to my attention in the dark htstory of
"In the name of God and humanity, I
protest! believing you are expelling from
their homes and friends the wives and
children of a brave people." Hood's let
ter to Ja3. M Calhoun, Mayor of At
lanta, ssys, "I shall do all in my power
to mitigate the. terrible hardhips and
misery that must be brought upon your
people by ibis extraordinary order of the
.Federal ccrrrrander."
Macon. 10ih. Wheeler's f jree has
been dispersed near Tullahoma by Stsad-man.
. Ex-Gov. Wicklifle, of Kentucky, made
a speech at the McCleUan ratification
meeting in New York, and after stating
the object of Lincoln's Administration to
be the disolution of the Union and de
nouncing him for consuming so much time
and money and men in dorng nothing,
said :
'Now we propose to you, an artist, nn
engineer who understands business : Dis
miss this unworthy employee that you
have, nnd lei us kee if we" cannol reel a
n-w :-et of unU r:ni;-rs :hat will Jo-it for
less nj'.me-y, in less unit, and in abetter
This is a mere frenk avowal of the ob
jects cf the Democratic party than we
hod expected tu hear, but it expresses
their true aim the dissolution of the
Union in the shortrst possible manner,
with ihe leatt possible c. st of money arid
First Nebraska In Dbtrcss
The foil. wing letr from Lieut. Pol addressed to the editor of the Ne
braska City Press. appeals equally to all.
It is the duty of all loyal citizens to re
member the brave ones that have re
sponded to their country's call in her
hjor of danger, and to assist in relieving
ihem when ihe late of war renders il
uecessary. When this letter was received
at this place a sub;cription was immedia
tely set on foot, and 81.42 50 was raised
in about six hours, which was immedia
tely forwarded to them by express.
'Ihe subscription is still in the hands of
Mr. Wanhing and all who love their
country, or her solJiers, are requested to
come forward and contribute to their re
lief. St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1SGL
Ediior Pris&; I suppose that you have
received th account of th captur of
seventy men of the 1st Nebraska Caval
ry at Jones' Hay Station, in Arkansas,
on the 21th of Augusi.
Tiie most of those men are now here
having ben paroled and sent North by
our eaptors.
We were robbed by the reb-lj of
everything, money, watches, knives,
combs, boots, hats, a ud in many instauces
1 want to appeal, through you, to the j
people of Nebraska in their nchalr. lne
Government has furnished the men with
clothing, but they will not receive, any
pay unid November, and ar not alij'.vud
to leave the barracks to work, so thai
ihey cannot get money in thai mtmner.
1 hey need tin cups, plates, knives r-iid
iorks. Vpcous, tin-pans, stationery, post
age stan-ps, tobacco, pocket-ki.ivc-s, comb.
needles and thread, ut.d many oilier no
tions. They di ink iheir a llee out of a
few uyster cans that they have picked up,
and take their bn-ud and mtut in their
1 tried, to-day, to get the po.-t Sutler
to let them have sucli things as ll y ab
solutely needed, aiid wan until f ay-day
for his money, b -i he' cooly told me thai
he dul no: di bu.-u:es in that way.
I then huiiteJ tor ihe Sanitary Com
missi n. and was informed that u did not
tiij ply anything but hospital stores. 1
have never known it to supp.y anything
to soldiers.
I now apply to the peopl-j of Nebras-
One tenth of the mney that was
iv?rn hist spring to the Mississippi Va!-lt-y
Fair, judicio i-ly pent, would make
our men comfortable until pay-day.
We tufff red terribly whil in the hands
ol the eiivmy. Many of us had to march
three hundred miles barefoot. A great
deal of the road was mountainous, and
covered with sharp gravel, which cut our
feet and lamed us very badly.
I do not know that any Nebraska ti
was killed in the tight. Corporal Slocum
was murdered after we surrendered.
Hoping that the people of Nebraska
will not send canned fruits and other del
icacies, but that they will send Mich things
as I have named, or the means to pur
chase them.
. .... 1 1 eiiioiir, iiui -ffif.iiJ,
Lt. 1st Neb. Cay. Vol..
Letter FromLlcnt. Polocl;.
Paroled Prisoners Barracks,
St. Louis Mo.
Sept., 11th 6
My Dear Wife,
Billy acd Myself are both here and
unhurt except that our feet are very
We were captured after a terrible
fight. There were about three hundred
of us, and the rebels had three thousand
men, and four pieces of.artillery .
We had a little barricad eof baled hay
and the rebels placed their cannons half
a mile of, and with their shells they set
our hay on fire, and their solid sh ot (ri
fled caiiojn) tore the bales to pieces, and
' r I
Kiu-u tua men oeaina inein.
W2 stool this bombatdment for three
quarters of an hour, uutil the West sid
of Our barricade v?a3 burnt Up, and the i
rti! h, rrraA U . !
rebels had prepared to charge on US .
with their whola force, we thea tried to
fijlit our way tO the woods (four miles
distant), but they had u surrounded, and !
came down upon ui "like the wolf upon
the fold," and we were forced to surren
der. They then robed us of every thing
money, knives, combs, hats, coats," and
in many instances of our boots and sho
Quite a number of us have marched over
two hundred miles barefooted, through
swamps and creeks, andover mountains
and a great deal of the road was rocky,
acd covered with sharp gravel, which
nearly ruined our feet. The first three
days we did not get as much to eat as
we ought to have had in one day.
It grieved meto look at the men, they
looked so hollow and hungry, but tbey
bjre up manfully. When night came, if
they goi some corn, or beef, they eat it,
if they got none, they had to do without,
and they were so tired that they would
drop down on the ground, and sleep as
best they could.
On the first day cf September we
were paroled and sent to Pilot Knob.some
of the men got to the Knot) on the Situ,
but Billy and myself and fifty others, got
there yesterday, and came immediately
to St. Louis on the cars. We arrived
here at midnight, "where there is rest
for ihe weary." I have on. an old white
hat, my black pa-its, a thin and pair of
daawers (ihdt I t ave worn since I vvaa
cap:ured,) nd nothing tLe. We have
walked from twehe to twenty milts per
dy, and our feel swelled to twice iheir
ordinary sizj. Al night they wouid throb
and burn so that we couid hardly sleep,
yet daylight would find ustubbhng along
again, we were so anxious to get to "ihe
happy land of Canaan.'
Besides it was
not safe lo tarrv on ihe road.
I have no
duubt, but that soait? cf our men have
been killed, since we were paroled.
There are about fitly thai have not
come in y-it. Several of whom are Ne
braskinsans. There were in Nebraskans killed the
day we were captured. I fear there
were more, but as a number went to
Danalis Bluffs before the fight, and I had
no roll of what was with me. . I cannoi
tell exactly what.our los.s was.
I have no desire to overate our suf
ferings, bul no amount .of money would
induce me to undergo the same amount
of buiTcrisz
Lt. 1st. Neb. Cav.
There hn b?en much sppculaucn iu
regard to the decline in coin, lut it is
now btin?; generally ndaiittt'd that the
propect of the fall of Atlanta and Mo
bile, produced the first fall and that the
actual achievement of these successes has
produced the scoad. On the 16th it
stood as follows with a tendency to a
still further decline.
New York opening nt 2,23, declining
to S2.2G, closing at 2,25 1-2.
St. Looi? buyyig at $1,25 pretn. , and
at the s-aihe.
CrotYnvlle JIarkct.
September. 20th.
Reported and corrected every week by
McLaughlin Si Swan.
Fall Wheat $5,00.
Spring " S1.50,
Meal Cl-2-j per bushel,
Potatoes 2 25 "
Appl-s. 2,50 " k4
Corn (new) 75c per bushel,
("Id) 1 .00 -NO
8;i-,r 33 l-3c lb,
Ri C.-liee CO.;
Pooler 61.25 "
Shot 35 j. per lb,
Brooms 40c
Butter 25c per IS.
Ivjgs 12 i-2o perdoz,
Sorghum 31.00 pr gal,
Si:r Housh S1.S0
Bckhers Golden Syrup 82,25.
The following we condense from the
last reports:
St. Louis Market.
Flour 0 50, to SI 0.50 per bbl.
Wheat 1,87 to 82,10 per bushel
Corn 1,-15 to 1,55
Rye 1.22 1-2 to $1,30"
Barley 81.90 per bu,
Hay--28.00 to $30.00
Onions S2 20'
Potatoes 4.75 to 85,25 per bushels
Apples 3,75 per bu.
Hides flint 20c per lb.
Chicago Market.
FlourzrJ0.20 to S10 25 per bbl,
Whtat I,fcO"UT 551.00 per bushel
Oats 63c per bu.
Rye SI 32 1-2 per bu
Corn 81,33
Barley 1.94 to SI. 95 " "
Mess Pork 842,75 per qbl
The market closed dull with a
cline in most articles.
Cincinnati! Market.
Wheat 2 00 to 82.15 per bushel
Corn 1.25 to 81,26 "
Oats 75c to 7Cc
Groceries and Provisions declining.
J A D Y E R T I S E 31 E N T S .
N Joseph Bacon will take notice that Israel P.. Cum
min-s,as plaintiff, has filed a petition against said
Bacon, as defendaut , on the law ?ide of the Dis
trict Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory,
the object of which is to obtain a judgement against
fr,om Vll f,th 852, for cattle then sold and deliver
edto said I.acon oycaid Cummings, and alsojfortbt
aiu Diu-00 ior me sura ti 5iu,0U witb in erest
additional suai of 321,18 money laid out by said
Cummings for th8 ujaf Bacon September, 17th
1S64 at bis request. An order of attachment was
issued out of said Cour an I the followinz real as- in fitiol Cid.nntv nf Vjmilm t vi f
West 1-2 of South West 1-4 Section 12 Township
5 Ruge 16 E: '. S u'D East l-4of South West 1-4
Section 9 Township 5 Kanga 15 Eait was attached
M0tbe troptrty ofaid Baom. .
baid Lacou is r qaiifcd to nnewer said petition by
tba7thday cf November 1864.
Bapt ISM A8, jJaw7,
Bj tha flame of common lamp, at
thaCot0factDt'-worthofoiJ,a very wirruKa
breakfast can ba cooked I. J no.
unl' ' Simpl in conitrootion, eail j kept
in ordar read for usa in a moment con
Tenient to bar on band
C1i?r FUVsLaup iiona of thamoit pop
ntar noreltias of the daj. .'. of
it is unquestionable, a great sarin is made in heat
inland cooking small articles, andoan bo made to
cook meals for great rcaay persons, which is actu
ally dona on the ambulanee ears which carry tha
lick soldiers. Skhntifle American.
For family ue, hop;Ul, tent, bar
rack, picnics, fishing nursery, or sick rom, it is an
article of comfort beyond all proporrion ta it3C st.
Han J't Journal of Health.
I have tried the spparatm, anj my
wifaand I proclaim thenars a mot valunbie ar.d
indi-Fcmibie article, and ua now wonder her we
cu!d have so lorg: di ne without it.
Ed. Ooal Oil Circular.
An econmical con'riyance for gft-tino-
ud heat at short notice for nurry and gener-tl
household purposes one importnai piint
if th ivir. in cost over coai iires
T. Evening Pott.
Vrr)iTi f..r K-rvc ne or C :il Oil r Oas
V .yc1TipriTl!l'ttrnthlf-t..fSO pswci f' grati?
I '.ice 5'( (
Tu beattvihed, te h Cii smi K-r. ."t.? L.iap . r
li-s liurntr, l y h Wsl'i r io iy l3 "Muitbd
and FuikI kd : ao arraujd .o
sui'iwrt a h'te.
EVE U Y I A U I - Y X E E O X E.
W ''. U. RUSSELL, Aj.f.
. 2i6 Fart at. 5fW Yin
Agents W-tkd;
TueCIieapest Paper in Tlic World. ;
The extcniMvo and comi.irehen.-iTe fao. il.
its no.-sessii'D euabbs tLeiPRPBiaToa of tie rt'is:.
LV UERAL! la guaraaite mi iaiest -.u uio-t, ,e-
liable information f i-ssibly to be obtaiu.-a, s-ot av
from all pans ol the Uoitvd Stattn, tui lr- ui ai
parts of th World.
Its homo corrcsponjatits, enag-J ac; c--'., .
nnd conujcied witii eajii now n.ivai a,.J x .;t ry(
exp (i.t.oa ut the govornm ot. jrovj t .it a i- j
teruiiiicu to ,ieivo o spot iLio aercd 03 its (, er .
juiiS aiid no tveut Ci.11 v 1 ur Ih ii t.t: fi.ia i n
1 ;
e or over one bunaroi Ciuusaud iliar.i j.i..- yt-ir :
meuiAto ret ort in its coiuiuas. It coU lt? :,.i i- 1
lu mr.niain lid uur(a a correrpoi.u.ia 111 i.i-'. a ...
in its collation ol Fureia Ne thn IIk;lLi ::a?
for jearj held a high x.eition, and it, wiii d .,
in the future to ta tintaiu the .-tumi it La.) a.-.-'iuitd.
It a tpeeial emrcspoiidnts eUliuuoJ in nil ihe
priuci(Kil ci i-a of tho wotld.
, lis leirr.ii'tiic Mrraiijfiiucnta xtoud to wij.reeo:
theo e t.c ia a.-i? M-;-t.-b':d. 'iiou ihe A:iaii
ti''caoi is iat'i, whioh fc?t witi -:hhi be uccomplish
el, Udegranii wiii be r;firii tri-ia Lurqo and.
As, a, a- wt.i 11 tribi tnu L nitcd stfttes. alien w..r
raUurf v, i:l h.iva ibo crits ot thu ak in .li
;'.tr:.- of the ciri! iz.d tuiid ifgu.aiiy nu cierlj
.did oeloro liiviu.
Tho j.-ropriet-ir devotes a portion of tho paper to
LitUraturo, Fshioa. AJriouiture, the Aiechatiic
Vrtt, Snorting Matters. Lu-:inesi, Thoatrioa.1 aad
Fiuaujial Kcj...rt, Cuttle iiarkets, Cueral News,
nd reports cf all events calculated to form an cx
cfcileit pietropolilan cew?p.ipcr a weekly photo
graphio v;ht cf the events ol the oxl( aiid all a
a very 1 w price,
Tiie Wkexlv IIkkald is i.ssued every 4Saurd;iy
tnoruing, aud furubhcd at the following rates :
Ono copy $2
liq copies - - - - - $ a
Ten copies. - - - - e - $.15
Any larger number, addressed to names of sub
;n burs, $1,50 each.
An extract py be nt to every club of t n.
Twenty copies, to one aditreM, ww y or, ao.;
any urr cuuioor at tuo sami prue.
Au extra ropy will bo scut tot.luts of twnty.
Advertijfui;iii. t. a limited nuuioer vi;l ij-) iu
serted iu thu WKriSLV 'ikUkLO. .
11.B 11 tiny iinuui. rnrcf Mnr . .
Ten dollars er yoar lor three Lui:d'c3 3Pu ftr7
Tbe W eekly 1kali. thnf cpnt
iir... i.vum. ! IV OoIla'S t'.ir Uiouiuo.
dollars and titty cents f r lore-; m:ntbs.
Kdtior and l'r pri-to
North wet comer of Full' u aad M isiiu sir?cts.
New York city, .N. V.
Th re arc n travellin rngut n.r the IIkbald.
. . ... " . .a.. I ...
best, CaeapHt, nd most Puocessful
i'ainily Paper iu the Union."
d-iticnl Soiice of tht: '.
Its fr'-si; v--. in Hear type. cntcrttitrru
viirtty, it V' !-: I1.1t j-.i-r .t'.- r i- .n n 1 i'..; ?. 1
r th- tie. i . - .i 1 1 y 'vu:-n .nd ir - : ro : 1 - -irri.
ii-, ;ii.d its iitl-j C'irr'S'.'i..i ".'i';-. .ili . : :
r.M tV.e it th-- m - i i !!" -j .: ; r ot our r, i . -v. ,
i:'''i;,tt cvfvy 'r.aiily u.i-t ;r i I's c. r.i. r.
ivtcii.v jiiiaim.iry fir- i:n ia-l .. .',(,, .7
ivuft't is H'.'oi thvr Mircrior to fi,.-i.t fDii.trii.j:-;! i:
a n- other journ.l. l.-iu publi-!). d, loo, ia a i, t-.,.
fo: preservation and binding, if t ikc-n cure of n it
ics'Tves tube, it will be found in futur.-v ;. a -
w clci.'iie a ccmp:ir.ion for the hi.oilv h :ni
the day on whit h it ws
d.- A. 7.
Eiuniinj flint.
... ut. u'd not so of ton ch!i I't-." si . 't a.:iki;'s
U'ekkly if we wit- not weil .ai:ii. ir i., ;be
Lutfimiiy Paper inthe Uriitrd tultx. aud for tha
reason, aud taat nlon", we desire to . c it under
mine and not out a certain kind of litoraturo to.-prcvilt-nt,
which blutits the mora! of its re-i s-ts
vitiates their taste for sonsiMo readin'.'. ami I
ready bud in iu efoct. X'iver ew rAdtt Lnnd-.n
hcrevrr wc go in mil-cars r.r.d stoati-li.,-:.-,
we rind it 8eiz.-d with cagrrnts-, because oi ::y o:r
ittd sketches of passing events. We h!' !:ke t.
look at tbe faces of men we have re i i of nnd :.
ifbips and forts that have figured in the bl -niv
seeues of war. Of all such men mid ol dest, an.:
event-", thisap;r furnishes tha best ii;urr.-.f i.m..
wur luture IiistoriHtis. will enrij!i t Le :h 'ivs .,.j'
iUKPEhS Wekkley long nft-r writ.-r. ar. l
errand pubiishot-s are turojd to duir. .V. Yhit-
yel txl.
Une Copy for One Year 5:5 o-i
One Copy for Twu Yeaw 5 (itj
1 Kxtra Copy will be allowed for every (.i;i:-f..r
25. SfBSClUERS. at 42 .(I i.r I 1 I'.., ; ., . .
lux r
tlAKrEK's Maoazink nnd Hakpeii's Vkshl,
together, 0110 vear, ib 00. Weekly is el-e'rofvi-rd .nn 1 c:i'. :,
numbers car be i. id at unv time.
Vols. I , iJ., III.. IV.. V . ur.d VI. : .r tbo V. -
lii7 to IS 52 mclasivo, f "Hiii'i-: tC WELivLY,"
hands.i.ut-ly b anl in Cloth extra, Pricy f ea'h
are t:0 ready, liia nostti's uum llAKtEns
-l,Y, w hen paid in iiuvauoc at tbe office wnere
it is recent,;, tw-ntv "ix rents a veir.
t KAMlI.IN yL'AUK, tlM Va,t
March 31st, 'Rt. n?,0v8 ly
March :ilst,'l. t30-v8 i
ysiciiii mm.
James II. Btddow and Fdicilie Biidow, bis wife,
will fako notice that John Q, A.Smith as plaintiff,
has filed a petition on the chancery side of the
District Court of Nemaha County, NebnukaTf rrite
ry, against them tut defendants, the object of which
is to foreclose a certain mortgngo made by the said
Felieitie and James II. Beddow, June, 27th A. 1).
1859 on tbe North Wet Q.iarter, and tba S-. uth
Wtst Quarter of the North 2wt Quarter, and Lots
No. one and two of Section 23 and LotNo. oie of
Section No. 25 all in Township four (4) North,
Range Sixteen ( 16)Eat of 8th Principal Meridian,
situated in the said County of Nemaha. Said mart
gage having raad to secure the payment of a cer
tain pronvss'iry note boarirg even date with fa d
mortgage, md by the said Felicitio and James II.
Beddow for $520 .00 due ;ix months after data witb
interest from maturity at tne rate of five percent
per month, tbe prayer of said petition is that tha
f aid bud be sold the proceeds ba pay
ment of said note.
Sa-d defendants nri reqnircd to answer said pe
tition oo or before tba 7th d iv of November A. D:
ISa. . v . THOMAS, Sol. for Co'nt.
. T-Ilti iw.
. Xoti?a is berel-y g!re3 that ""Wj 4l!
ter in Chaaoery of A"eaiwoontj;N6brka Ter
ritory. w,, br rirta, cf aa Order of flala iaei by
tb.Sgisteria Canary of the District Court of
m-.d count, in nil Ternary i ft?
trator of th a eUte cf Ciarlej M. Ureever, J
U.-eerer. Anirj Urrer, Villia3 Oteever an!
Samuel It. Fafford. at ona o'clock p. m. a
MonJar26th day of Sept. a. d. ISul,
infroul tha Brwnriil1? Iloaie, in tho City of
Brownririe.eB.u'cii county, Nebnwka Terri tjry, the
place where the last tarm of sid coart of said coun
ty was held, offer for el at public aoctioa to tho
highest bidder for cash, the following described
real estate, to-wit: The north we.n quarter cf the
north eest quarter and lot on f section 3-, and the
south wet quarter -f thn n irtb oa.-t quarter, and the
jouth !H!t .jurtrtf!" o ib n. r;h e:t quarter! and
the nrih wit qmrtrr i.f the iiouth eajt quarter,
nnd :be juh wt qurfr of r'i ith eut quar
ter, and tho norrb o v-t q iarterof the south e-t
"quar'cr, an I the s-oth t ai quarter of tbe so-i" h qu irter of ... 3 in t. n-!bip 4, 'iort!i of
rane 13ea-; con-aijin 3 1 9 acre.' and 39 100th-.
and" low 1, 2. 3. k 4, i .wii-n nunaV-T 3l,aol tb
n.rrto w-st q i k-L T of th- .-ith wt qaartor an I
,tf.e !! fi quarter i-r thes-iuth west q'iarror,
and th n rtii eat quarter of tha south we; qu''
ter of ti-a '51. town-hip 4. north of rn 17
c-t,Cjp-.ain:nz 3 1 . :res aal 20 lOOrh, an I half of
tl.2!J.!i niiintr wf t!i s uth vo-t quarter,
and !n;32i 3. in trt 25 aud the n-rta wj-t
q'i ir-.-r f rh? r-. rtT w:i quarter and tie south
r.-z , f .n :t.ri t q la'ief and th sou ib
quarijr f th fr .h w.-M quarter an 1 the aorta
; e ' quu' tr tuou ii in wt quarter qi swctian
1 in t. w ; e;-,: 4 i..rtfi ,t" ranje 13 east, containin;
311 a-r- f 70 LOJ.h.-., ait iu Nemaha county, 'so
br u-ii Ttirilory.
ilajf. r in Chan-crv.
tr .w.-v.'V-v i - 2V "it n5l-5:-5t3
i, U l.-r-:v -iv th in-i un It-r-ia -J, Mi
ter ii Ct..!f,vtry, .V,aib .uaty, .Ntr"l.a i1---
. .-j-. vn.; .y I'.-ijn ...' "j order of iss i 'i by
tb?- iixi.'.'vr i.i Cl" :n -ery.t the Diefr;. V.-.-tn...,t'
i. l . r. y, i.i a.d T"iTi'ory, in f.vor of 'a' i . -u
ii. i'c !,. a a i ttn-if. WiiJ.ain (J. Iv-rn. rin.i ...
ii .. :: i A a ir. S. 1 tlld 1 y, at Oio j'.:!ck. p. tu.
?vl ,ii i.i y
it.-.- i
a. p. LCU,
.v i . v ,
1 t "u:ry
. i
rf I'.:
v t t. ; J. i 1-r .-; af ju. i - i 'i- 'i. to
i ;0 ' t i i .(), l.ic ;ilio. i-tij ;K'.- ;r;ti" i
.i; , w.' : 1 Ot.-nii-.-ry r o3 of til-.-n-jft i
! ,! ti j -' qu irtdr of e.iii 30 in ty.T
li h t) -r h .if rin- l-ieist, beita ninety rd
r- k.i, fr in t-a-i to we-t, n 1 aU-t ten otf 1
; ,v ... tt, rt rr t o ;rf..-r f th - iarti st
; 3..,.n , 2-. , f s..: t ,w..hip 5 ring- I ft. :'
it t.,. . r,.j; t. , ; 0 r.,..r j.- ,a: , a u. ;
i,: ., ,- , ,, .. i . , i t ,vr sly rod v i .' .u
ju i. -"-r
r !.; Jf i
f n. I (j'iai; a!tiiiNiua .
: r 1 i tf.t -ry.
C-US. (i. DOP.SE Y.
Md-iier in Chancary.
1 4 5:.i, 31. ul-5t-l2
r w ri 1 1 1
Notii'.- .a bcrooy iv'on that 1 wili o.fai- f r n'-i 11
I'ubli' auction, at. ;hid.:rof tbo .1- vri7.::-j ;iou -n
in Hr avnvi;io, Njiuah.tcouoty. Nebraska Territory,
that inua h :i-- w'vjm the District Court wa
.y t h"i.i. on
Mo:i'.!RJ ti:- 2o :' A i S ptenibr.' ISG 1 .
at 1 .'! k (1. i'l ot : i l.' f!",A .''.ill, :vT r .' -S-
ti to-wi: : ! ' s .. ta.-u quurtc-r ot tbe .u
ea.n ciiar;cr of s ;v.,:.?y -f ir, ..t i rba oula
ourtw .f :Le n-'th ! v rirr ;md the-oiitii
h.tlf of 1 if-? M-r'T fi-t q it" f-r ot the nortb e-astijuar-ter
of'sHj:ioi numbur inirtefta in town four ran?!
fifteen l tbe tu.d; vM ? ) yx lrtof the nortl
eat u irt.;r .;f
rung'j fii'tci;;) oast.
Chuncvry of r.'.i ) i
ed in mni ; i.r: ;
Co-.a 'iij-t A... :
toe d'rvf'f n -Ma.rr
Oivi ur.i't wy
d., I8o4.
i-.Mtiou ta:rry-r,vc
H Ft.-
1 1 '
t s . i' 'J......
i : t.
.11 ;
. ..- - 11 a iv
- a;,.i
f A:..;.i.f.
. S VT-.r?
'1 M. ft .
X.-Hcei l.o.Tbv :v.-n '; tr.e .;
r in Than ry . -f N; ; ..j..-?. ;, r.-;.
rsfi-ry, w i.'I. 1 vtr-f - ..r .1- .f j ;
1 iri-j -tt-r m L . -n '. ". . . i ,- ..-... r
lii- on:.' v. tr. -; I 1 .T.i.-.i-, :,: .; ,,,:- t :
t '.'..Ii
Uit; t A' r r:j '
Jiiiiu Y. U.ikf.-,
i ?-. - 11
- p rrt ortrrty v;t-4w-fr
'i '', i'l
front "f :! tr w 'ivi: ; t
ft: i-.ty of
Tt TV, the
l'.OIiVi!'.", N . I'.;l
p!:,.i; wt. .- r : ' ',
i'O j-.'y mt i- il. 1
th.- -V-.: bi.i.I' ;
pr-per.y. t :-vi-; ',
nuiut't-r II'!. i-
1 -'i ; '; ' I ti r Mid
..r ." r -' v : ; 1 - : -. t" ii r..
i f .. ' r i'.'i ivo; ; .-..:! V I
t- . f .: i- lit. 1 X 1 2 in block
to'-. r ; l:cu, in Neiiriivi (oaa
', m-J .!( iho Shw and Ori-t
d n ,-'iia !..ts and m! the Ma h
in - t..f-i to aaiH-rtiininj;.
; 11 ts.i;. i'(siKY,
Mast-- in ('hmrerv.
ka T-.'. ri
Mill f rn.i-r'y .: tu
ini:rv, (i- it- iitiJ A;
f' s:ay Notice.
T.ikrn ui
h.itf mile-?
i !. i-.L-. ,:
by t'.e
d'Titgucd, living two and a
! ri ii i!le, N.-miiiH Coii.-.r,.
'..;f. t, '.;- i. .. r.,i,n St.,"
! . -' S - ri f ( ". I .
';'; . S i'EA ;-;L'.
j v
f A. d
N ii - r tu "1 Plstrl-
; . i -if 1- re V, Myer.-., d :
' - II.--vol '-y rs. J .m-s My-r-.
I t . V dt.ifi-, bvin ot lieore .
. t :. :.'-. - ;.: -c tbil J .;; B.
.." - -r.; t:f . tT21 L'-V-
j i- ;'.: . .ry I', the l'i"
',.! ' : -:a T rr r .
ii r ' -' ' n i S"l :i - i-i -i
; .- ; ::. i : ' - -'i;t..., M
t !." ' : - i J . ' . t .
",' : : ' : - '-1 ." 1 . S'l j C.-irjly
' . v .-t n V-.- pl'-r't-.i of S -ufi.'ii
; N-.ri'i ot lUngi; 1) r'.t .if l ie6 h
!! i.iicri, ;'tti totbtiiin deerce of .i ,
tli-.- .- ! .-f .-li l I i n 1 a n.l th'i ;pp'.i-a ....
i'.ts :n p.ituetiv of a jnd :fn-tit t h' a:it d.
1 -o' in I'lV'-r of lhffl,. -state of r--
tni'.i-- r i
-..-.:r- d-
t TI
i :f N. .,
25 ;r. 1
.r kfi--; i :
(o.iirt ii
of ', i-r
Mar-. V
I. v a;
I. ft!.
or b'.f ;
t b..-si:.l M !yers lin.t W
i-i -s r-r. ijuir "1 r.- a. -r a?.t tv;t;tion t,i.
- 2'":b day . f S- i i. n.her lSt.
I'.W. TAD I S.
Atty for p!uinti2.
4 t 7.50
vwnvii'e, '1, ot.
Sigma ;.! - i .' ib-i -;Mfit K ansa-, wjl!
ipiticc A Perry !'- ' niinen.-d -i.' ion to t ,.
District Oo-jrr of N"in i!'.- County, N- l- el V r.-
ory . ibe D'-j-.'! of -aid action i tiobla.u ji-ig-in-nt
M:iinst 'i.-; "aid S sslcr f .r tba euia of ovon-y-f-
ur;i-f ai 1 veity- five nts. with intrrest
rum F. lrna-y, lt, lwf! ; j-'.--. ' - "- sum
i.f i w.-r-ty-live tr w;ta ijt'-r . ' tu Octtb-r,
I.-t. I r.C I . both at ire rate -.f 'rr- r ' .:' j er hot um. are r'ani-d ' IVfy on to
eertaia prf.m-ss.ry n t..-s ni ; -'..d Saltr p t r by o'.ier f A , - r, - 'f - .l-uif.b.
1st 1 So I. and due ti.t. r. . i ; tha sec
ond tlaiea Jui7 it. 13': Ju-j lit f s-i :n af
ter date.
Said Sessler wil! further taks n-.tice
-i th.
rili ig of t'lJ us-! u-y
hasc:iued an order i -f --a n -:.i r.- i
the $atd C--ort aial t if t--i, ti-
a' . f I
teid of N Jini'a i, t'i-nt -,-i t Tt r . j
attached, to ait; N-.-rl't. ;' i ' i- :. C
ter of ectn-ii .1 T -w'i .r-a ,x
Eaft of tat- gtii P:in.-ipie Mc-;.ii i';.
Said Senior ij reuuired to an-wer r Jea ur t
said p?titition on or before the 2!5.1 d iy f Sep
tember 185 i
J. M. boling:?..
Mty. fur p-.-iii.tiJ.
134 i 7 .'-ft
BrcwiTllle. NS. ahz. 11
In rursii-ir,.?o ..fanrrdi-r by tho Pr..n.ite Cnrt of
the County of Nrmabfl, Nebraska Tcrri ery, I wll
on: -
S-xinrinx fiIt daynfOr'oltr A. D. lf4.'
af 2 oVl-wtP. l. 'A that day, fir Tor ', it, n-a.
li-auct fnnt. -f th ? rvV .,:T5 .: -. t.-- i' v .- f
Peru in Mid CVan-j Nea. )-l. :. . - . :i .!-se.-ibed
reali-tite t w;t:b .Vc-i L - ., ..ri
Wct quarter f s c i.-. N' . 5, To .-,- ; it. Km-'-
15 East of thu B;h P. ' t. L o. 1 3 t d 9 in
Bhic-k Ni.43 ami Lot N-. 7 .u I'-i - k No. lltin'h
sai l City of Peru ; all of th h1k.v property bing
situated in th C .uny ' S. maha ar.d Terri ..ry of
Nebrn-kasnd b!on-r.g 'o tb Estateof Nebe
miab Slires djc. a--1. .
J. M L ON-1 FELLOW. Alai'o.
Scpt.8-.h 1331: nt 3-.
Taken np within the enc!od premises cf tha un
dersigned house-holder living three miles north
west of Brownville in Ncmiba County, Nebraska,
on tho 19th day of August, 18.14, one Red Ox, with
line back, right horn half off, ears badlT tern, sbout
eight years old. GEORGE "W SAPP
.ota u icrtby giren that th, Bd .
1 1 Chancery, of Nemaha ta' V "
tory,wul,by T.rtueof erder,rtV ?
Kezuter in Char .
said acd .Ut;'
tun, st en 9
m front cf the lirowarilJe II ju!.":' "1
iirowDTiil,NeTiahacournT ' V'"- r. .
piaca wn-jre ma ui terra of ?vd r :
county wrs held, for e; tl h .
the bighe?t bidd r fur cash, the f.,q '
realestato, to-wit : the nonhwm ,
I am ..-
tor tf the -tife uf , rv Tv ' ,
.. ,,. j Liu. Ji
t"ou, Ah..- Siiitvt .i Hc-ii 'ii'n i
Sim; s.n. anh C.Siini ,n Th." iv
heirs i.f I ci rge W . Mmj-con de- e.r. ' 4
ceasd cunt! i:i.-.3ti. nr.t
Th .mM 11. Sioijs' r:, defendant, j
son. of tbe state i-f Tf-xw, will takJ5 ! Ii:L
ab'.re nr.mod P' in:-'aiiiatii.of Nrma!,4p'' v i
raski Territory' did .ki the lo-b dny
l.SfU, Cf tb-ir bill .r c.rat.liut j f -JrcCf T
Court r aii.i C infjr t.f Nemaha. i l .
r,i(i'-,;r' r? H',inst th s;j Ty ''-ia t
n ,
1 . . i-ecif nt btwen said GeirWs ri?h h'
:: - -. ; i -tit Tn-'tnas K. Sim; ., ,rr .
1 t!-f-!i l. .r,
.11 I
'"-1 aU. ' '
ti-.' f i.
m-i--oa: - lei a: m ri to tS.
ur .;.a itv)!iy f wij
a S ii i !
! I l.l'l 1.1.11 II I n 1, l y
at i o
v.i ever rud)t' !! T'.. a ) Ii. S 3 t, i - - -
; t; l o-.-ui..i.i!3aa- prsy fh .;".
r :!, ' !'. ..'. I;: ( t lai'-e-d tovn.
." ?.t't I Th-ann M S'top-'on i
;-.rrd t' j-t v.'r siri.f 5. .'
: -j r'..--Ar:
bo i
! D.r
jeir ir:
Ur l"ti
!'l. fr C..ts.vjore
15'olt i n. It, aj 'r!--4fJ-
,0 i.
i i :. ri-:
:r..-o.. lijvi.l f Imh, Ii, ODeu
. i.i'ij; 1 ia
1. - j'-iiiu'nn lo
f ! fa ;...., ttCC
r,- i W- ?d. '
Ii;- ry y.. 1 I'dw?; ; c-..
Ii v.'fy I '. :, j .
Tl-.- 1 .. . .. ' ;? ' -r
a.d ii'? -'V K. t,;.ii it r v.
Xst-' 1 ' 'I i '' 11.-: a-l .iv . r, .
.M L-.D-ilt : I , S
l'-' I C-' r - ! i hi 1 . j ...
ha U'.'.nt v Nt tr;i.-i.-.a Ti'-r..".i 'v ..
known h'-ir-t . IIjit- S:oi J;.
Dutnm r : d 'ln-y "I -A ki n it
ttiu fo-h - ; ;. - . .
T- N ". '' ' !. . ; .- ;
t f..Tt?. ot r--;.- ! J L-.j-...-)
ra.-!; k -rr.t :y - i . ' ,
j.r-.rjii.i.-v ijo'o .". .- :
i-caii b h..- dit i. ?i.-o r
sa'd mor'jf.c? -.Sit -compl
iin n'. T '
lha t
vJ i
h c
- - -1
i c.-i.. h ,-f ;.v.--.a
! Al J t) .
l r v
1 r-
r,, !
.- la f Tit f'-' ,
A-ij; 'J h l :o I.
On Moiidiy il.., 2
oV!o k 1'. M . S i P ,
I uhiio A'ivtioi 1 '-.
Nouiatia v ' t .
to-4-:t- S
BROOMS B'.icki.
Whi.-k broius
P.iper, &.c, &.c,
- to
.T. C
T all wh
given that "
to th- r-I-ink
J kllltri 1.
!;, r !, ,. i..-i i. -I'l'l.' n.'!'U--
.t l...lir' (I X.ijrt f-uri .
.-r'-rd A'luiiri-sti'.-r '! '
1. j- s !:-r- . f r:d
. y i h s 5 b o;' Se: tet.b t'-K -'
- : t--:i!".f r-t o ',"
i r at M
- j'. -o !
Tied Juckct
Red Jacket :
ui t. 2-a s-'-1T;:
t -'
TT. - .- ' - ' :" ' ' " .
i."-'i'! : -' ' ' .' .
, --M- t ' .
L i i ''
.. v i 1 1 i:i i : . ' i,,. h .n " J '
ii- r bi 'f-s il ! i tied liii-.'.'
.V... . .. .r. .... t! mr iimrilll. t:i'! I'O' '
f..tu.-n to ih2txAlS e a. !.'
- il- iha- i.iir rf-i uta'i-u ' 11
K..1 .J-let" ifitstt"" fi.-ntb? ff''1'
r...f rhi' I i.l th lo-i-st i w
,nt. , tto-r : ,.w hv. ic" ,
n. r- i;. t-.-iv mil ier. r'J,,
. ir .. 'tit 1-e.l tif 1 ;,
-. . m t;Kl.-'. r'1 fc
in-- 1 1 ; T.ri :. L-veroritiM-";' 4
ThV :'.r-ii-i lien ittnl iiivi-rj t t'
n ... .1 .... JPll-li '-"
t .. nr. f..rt rnr i"r '
i:-v i ".r j ... - .. ,
Tlicy aiv a cki an-l healf'7 !
Thev asoiitt riisn-ii-.n , .,
lliey are ibe uesi srinn'"1 lf "t
Tl.ey a;e snre carf preveuiiy
Tliey To'rev r(.nni ui- n
ir,. ,-n-i N'e.-v- us uanli-n
Ikcy .;r perfec-.y p'i-ai' t
Ti cy mke the debilitated "
btreiistti tbe exbjatel. ' .t
A?e.l er.-otn aa i!elic' ..
cb .- ' 'r-e '. " ' " -
W tatf fie -i
extendi a
lag iu par1 o' . . 'r
Straw Ltivj
Cherrj .
Blackbcrrj ,
Uli-rr " '
Jlasi. ; ?
p; .;, -
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