Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 22, 1864, Image 1

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    bates of advertising.
Oat autr (t?a liaeaor leujs L'erlivtJ , C3
i .
roues thcksdat bt
w. n. miller.
r Clock, Main B't Between 1st & 2d,
rownvillc, 3J.
i icq ftd'litiuns! inT'jon - -
Ilii'lno't erj, tlx llasa or cat J
ci lutoa on jr -On
bif culusin unajmr "
Out furh eoluiaa a jesr
One eubtb jeax
Ona f"luratix to-nib
Ona bi?'Iumi ax moo ths
Om fourth clumn t wmtbt
One eighth ruluain m a-nntba
) coluaia tbnf nKOth
One L!f column thre ln-utbi -One
fourth cuiumo three m BtV
On ih'h clutm ti.rc" m n'i
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3) 01
21 01
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d Tttr, In advance, '
All tmr.stitni jKsrtliCUieutJ tSUit 1
ticn, nout ic.rLil'j, L Adi
. Voit, anJ Pliu aiid Ficr Work,
.Y-nr'.T dTPrtijfa'n, qmrter v U. .. v.
All kin i f J. b. 15 - k ana Car t j o:t '! n i
NO. 3,
L. IX.
1 .
1NKSS. 0 A It I) S.
1T0K J' t'HANCKUy,
orcUre in " Cuu.-U .r N-l-r-K
T-is-1 Cia !'!
t citut 'f ii. Fir-t rrei"
iv.wii.i.i:, M:im4SKA.
'j 7 A.M. niiii 1 iiu
a i ... o ...I ft l ,.
P. M.
. S. UUllNs, M. D.,
jrirtlxv. City, "PT. "Z1.
eTc. nARE
r to get Pict'tre. H I" rr-,'rf J to
ni dx ,f rictr.r i!ge ttiw Pli"U'graj-L,
nil littud a well-nele. te'1 fctick of Albunu
(inl rry 1- rortb fir of rvti'i Strc ft !';v,.
A.P llV If'M.l! vul 1 -'t t
i -t.t- nt-tlilirf ..rt .1 i.
sr p,!i,- i,.iit cm. a i n i- -,.),j :ni
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:0 llf liUUiliiiiiii"!
is. zi r.r.ivsn t,
uiii f io i ! ; h '' f l oTivil1 n1 vi
'jr. i L it hi- In- mki f.mej Iruin ili
I a nufii fl1 "i i 'f
xxd suMiiru I'liLir.'Lsr go 022,
C. Ijhl'!ll' Of
VJ ia' t ; -rs:". rtai' 'n:K-
(1 tr.vito- ttip n: ) i.i-i of lvlies. frl
1 lbe i'auiiui lie beaer iuittU in kty lr. c,hhi
. L4l-iy
nry &' Dress-maIdng
MISH 17. ff. El lit It!",
to inr.1r.11 t!, U l.ft ot It r . w n v "' '1
.'l av tia ju-.t -- iu:iirt.i :.j a firt elm-
Srt O S-5
w.ti-k 1 -i-.ri with p'ft r'e anl
ufttT lhi' Vut l.n-teru VU !.
an! rcj.J'iririjf nii in t'i rry
on l,..r ii"?i!-. I'l . cull at te resi--t..
tIv upin. 1iv .1. W. Guleui.ia.
ilU.'MiV :h, ImII.
.ir,st i.. now
,rpi oite V. 0. Puildirgbt. hi an-1 2i.
litt to Ms patron fcr fcrrnor liberal
, Bud io tkt :i on bari'l r':iiy to ibsire,
ar.d drt'?" Iihit in tbe bett Rt le.
Jle, Aj ril 21, Y,4. rr,.1-8-ly.
1 Paper Wall Paper ! !
!y nn tnnJ t Mrohn'8 Tailor S!i'T. by
E'r.u d dms lUci't ar;rl ntjle, and
h li rint
Nil. J u:c2 5
I",f,t y f-aJj ty jivrl'crui ill work.pnr-
i b UCi ij' .
i "K l'liiiiting. glmins.and ipor banp
bort DoticH, and ihe im.t iiroTt"l
aia-h. tiivp hins a ra!!.
!ai0 Stree', fit 0f Atkinon' Cloth
i April 7. !j,
ctfiiu lnf rm hi, m c.....m thit
M i
1,1 " J1l"rt"! Su p,,, l,,. i, m, ,1
-.oil, k-,! tw., ti n.,, e,.t ,)f Ul Bl. w.,.
He kf" " h-..t pillrt.i it.-ot i
111 bin Hue ..r i.n-iue, WultU U wilt
im 1e iii. ftr i" -ti
Wtct,e a..d Jtili) d tie on t'j abort-
, Ji'eb.. Jday I8ih. 1SG4. cl7-8-Iy
'tf ntmn rf Gautleoien delriTlg new, nef
& 1 4-.t1ion4t.i6
taiinrj; Apparel,
10 mi
vi:iu LATuvr sTi'iaCS,
"HI r1 I or inakf up. to onter. at on piece
es. liaviu,; on taud one uf
ao Cu.tom won at raies tlial dety cojje
I warrant my work,
1 well a. .Uaclilne TTorli.
iriK any tlant In hi tins will 0 well to
nine hi stock lietorf. tnveatlne. a he
eii to hold out peculiarly UvoraM la-
15. 15(54. iy. :
A Dream.
Ct Uiir b. niELis.
I had ftdrttm, apUasant dream,
When a'.! wan itill at dead cf tiigbt;
rcrcbauce an auel in mj room
114 j aui'd a m jUitfEt on hi flight,
TLat to m J spirit eot'il aiJ,
Tbcy are Lot lost, our gkriuua Jtai.
Tb-j are cot lost, onr g'orioni dead,
VboMl uion h. Vattle-jUio,
Fioa carib tbey onj pasi awaj,
Apu-er, ba;iier liia ii Zat
Aiid wll appointed art-e! kt-ap
iLcir viil w'cr tlie aoldiura aleep.
Our glorious ronntrj sba!' not fall,
Tbo' tmw a-tuibd by iiebei' tnigbt;
Ooda.tber laLdaiarka when abo iboas
li. i ! iK,lroi btavsu'a uniullh-d i'jt,
An il.viu d laim uti ILa, .
'iLo0 oi ot tb abol'c aiid aeaS.
Aiid jet tboie folia of pureht dja
lUre i,-t)ei deep and dark wiiLta,
Tiio acrpaut, witb bi la'.al tuoi,
ILi foi ei Gvid, tiifc deadly iu,
Aiid jus'tica in dread Tfr,tuc kart
Lrttk fur ib iu dcaoUtiu vxr.
rierflig must trail thro' dust and blood,
1; rid eJ whora it j rouUly wc,
Aud 'iD'd tbf Cvilitcai'r Trttriul pau-e,
bi.iKip at tbe uiditr' Lurru J givaa;
It gracelul toiJi Oa otleli prcid,
Arouudviird or, liiu-tr.o-i dad.
Aud UtLcl baud wi.l rudely ac';i,
To laud apart, bur atari of llgbt;
DattiJ,wao guard LardLiuy,
li fcuida i a m. ileitiiijr aiibt;
On i. .weep ol II s aluiiiny wiu
1 etc to tUu al: tr.ii.
Tl.aa e'lall ber iitaadtrd aiieel i.umo i'orlb,
1.. k L'l: jU nl a lifcUuii till',
U il .-ilia l.lif i i Tuill li.S iLil,
'i i-o 2oi ill J -Uku ui.i.- iiOu,
Ami lo liur luLiKiul.i u tiilg il,
Al i iUviTc bi ili. nut j.-Tj o. i AUf.
And fl 4tiiii; dowa ibe yuurs uf tiuif, '
l..ui o. ty i'ifi; uu . itii.i uuuia
JSiiu'il i.iii Lcu:..t,ii iuu ink.u ioid
'io iiliUi I'llilIklili 4 likLUU,
Aim ii.k Lic-na ILIiuttCC ItUil
iv an lu Laii,Ui vl iutt ca.'.ti.
ijiak iviilu a j ui uiwieuCUai Jt
Andcrtuia, U..J S.riiu, ai,d mui tiU
Abd I lL lvi,ft paal ayi
An j men liir c. Ujicua.lviu Oii0ui,
Su.ii bieud n,.liu fti.ix UcaVc-' uvin libt.
Tbii w.ia tnr dr.ajj at ui d-ii'j.' watch,
bLi.U o Ji .mafias' Ui,it piaia
J.pojti in an OuJfc.iu;.!!;; aicc-i.
Our Lxuutiy '., ui j-ii-ii"ivi. J culiQ,
L Ln lii.n'J ill I ic V y awd
'ii-cj J (i:Ui null tlieir blood.
Mrengtla or l lie Ucbel Army.
I Lave dihgt-mly lu'iir d, tiuce enter
in j Atlanta, in uaittrs liktly to be well
intormed as to tbe jiast and irestnt
strength of the rebel atmy opoaiug
Sherman. Johnston had at Daltou, last
spring, just before Polk's reinforcement
of 20.UUU, 55,(JC0, of all arms. Daring
the campaign, this aggregate, 78,000
Las been reduced nearly one half, leav
ing Hood not over 4S,0L0 itgular troops
o: all arms. Ofiiiihtia, six thousand
al Maco.i, militia, mcluicd, Huod
probably touid not inuiitr over 60,00'J
uitU, j i' viaus iv the laie movement. 1
am pi i t i y ci'ttaiu ibis vviil not vtTV fivt-
thousand Irum the muining repoits of
Hood's force.
Their rations for many weeks have
been confined to.corn meal, bacon, and
oicisional issues of freh beef. The
yiuiiibling in their unny on aicjunt of
the stanty supjly-iable, Las beeu both
and deep. Cor. St. Louis llp.
Grants II adquarters, September loth.
There is every reason tu believe the reb
els have iu contemplation, ond are al
Taily preparing for, the evacuation ot
Petersburg, aud r.iriuy their at my with
in the defences of R.chmund.
This 11. ay account lor the protraClt d j
4iie in our tront unce the t ilur to
regain ihe portion of the Weldou road
f.'ipiurtd by us. There has br.ea con
siderable firing along a poitiuti cf the
line to-day, but without result cf any
moment cn either side.
Herald's corrts-puudent iu front of
I eUTsU.rg, wuh VUe yiU Ct,rpSj cu
13;h, says, dtserter coa inue to rej-ori
grtai dissatisfhctiou aiu:, the'rebl
sold.ers. A new regulation has been
established, if a rebel tolditr ' atfvan
ces began his post without his musket,
he is to be fired cn by his comrades, and
if he couifs forward with his piece, of
course he is likely to be fired on by
a m
Vermont and Majne have led off glo
riously in the great struggle of 1SG4.
Erery northern State will follow.
HtllL'lian's Lelier or Acceptance.
OflAKci. N. J., Sept. 7, 64.
Gtntlemcn : I have the honor to ac
knowledge the rt ceijit of your Ittter in
forming me of my nomination Ly the
Dcti.ocratic National Contention, recent
ly at Ch cago, as tht ir candidate at-tle
next election for the Presidency of (he
United States. It is unnecessary far me
to eay to you thai this nomination ctme
to me unrouyhi. I am happy to knnv
that when the nominal ion made the
record of u.y pbiic hie tas kept in
The tfiVtis of a long and varied ser
vice in the crn;y, duntig war and peace,
havy beni to sirrnt' hen ar.u make uidel
hi le in my tuu.d an J fj-i'.t t, ilie Lve snd
retr'ix- f-.-r ine L'iiivu, Cjuetitution,
Luiis -mi l if-d f i'ur cojntfy, impres-
d i p ;u '.ne in euriy youth, These feel-iiig-
bdie thus far gutdtd the course of
uiy ule. and must continue to da so until
its end. The exuteuce oi more than one
Government over the region which once
owned cur flag, is incompatible with the
peace, the power anu the happiness of
the peiple. The preserrasion of our
Union was the sole and avuwtd object for
whic l the war was commenced. ltsu u!d
nave breu conducted lur thai otject only,
and in accordance with those principles
which 1 took occasion to declare in active
serv'ce. Thus conducted, ihe work of
econcilliation would have been easy, and
we might have reaped the benefit of our
many rictoriei on land and sea. The
Union was originally formed by the ex
iMei.ce uf a spirit jt conciliation and
To restore and preserve it, the same
-pint mm i prevail in our couuciia and in
ilie hearts ot the people the re--siaU
lishment of the Uni m in all its interests.
It must continue to be the indispeu'sible
cjnditiou iu any settlement., bo soon as
it is ltaror even probable, that our pres-fci-ul
udver.-anes tire ready fur peace on
tJ.e Las.s of the Union, we tli juld ex
haust all the letources of the satesiuan
sliip piactittd by tivihztd natiuns and
iuu.u, uy luaaiawtr Au,cllcau
people, ColJsistttit rriii, bii iiunur aim ui-
tvrtots of. the country, to secuie such a
peace by re-fsiabhshuieni of the Union
and a guaiantee for the future of t!ie
C nt ltiiii.-a tl rights of every S.ute.
The Union is the only condition of pi-a.f
we ask nothing nure. Let me ud-l
what I d-ubt not was, alth;
njt im
pressed, the fcei.t.meul of ti e (Jt-iiVen-
lion, as it is ct ine peoLie t:,.-y r. -r '
rf l
s.nt; that when any one Stat- is willing .
to return to me union, u snouiu ue iu
ceived at once, u i.h a fidi .u mi c:
. I TT . i lit i
all Constitunofial tirtt.. it
earnest and rtr;;s'.ru'. fli'.ri
. 6 a a
these objects shc-u.d ii-A, 'he r'p-1:
i: tl-
ity for ulterior c.i. u .s w ,; mli "H" !
On tLOse Wtl'J n ilirttij Ul aims J.'c:i;j,; in,-
Union, but ll.t; L'tis n n-u.-t re-ery- i ',
at til haztrds. 1 c; .iJO 1 .ot I ui-' in l.'.e
face ol my ga'unm c lurad.-sof the a; my
and navy, uiu ivh i m -0 mi':V battles,
and leil tin m t.'i .l H-eir h. bus and the
s;i riine of : many of o ir bravo soldijrs
ai.d sick ant v.. uiided liud bem in vain;
thai we had abandoned that Union for
which we Lave so often periled our lives.
A vast majority of our people, whether
in the army or navy, or at home, would
as I would, hail with unbouned joy the
j.ermamni restoration of peace on the
basis of the Union under the Constitution
u ulitiul t-fiUMon of a nnthitr 1 rvn nf n .it 1
...... .
r - , j
but dj peace can be permanent without
Union. As to the other objects present
ed iu the resolutions cf the Convention,
I need only say that I shall seek in the
Constitution of the United Slates and the
laws framed in accordance therevvt. if!fc
ime of duly aid i- ons cf executive
low t r, and endeavor lo restore economy
in the public expenditures and re-establish
the supremacy of the laws, and by
the opi-ratiou cf a more vigorous national
ity resume our commanding position
among the nations of the earth. The
condition of our finances; the deprecia
tion of the paper money aud the burdens
thereby imposed upou labor and capital,
and the necessity of a return to a sou no
t-yyiem; the rihi and binding authority
of law over the President, the army and
people, are subjects of not less vitnl im
portance in war than in peace. Believe
ing that the views here expressed are
those of the Convention and the people
you represent, I accepi the nomination,
fully realizing the weight of the respons
bility to 03 ! shull ihj pjjpls rat
,tfy your choice. Conscious of my own
weakness, I can only seek fervently the
guidance of the Ruler of th Universe,
and relying on his all powerful aid, to do
my best' to restore union and peace to a!
suffering pcple. and to establish and
guard their librf'es rjii right. -I
am, gentlemen,
Very respetifully,
Your obedient servant,
r geIicCLellan.
To Horatio S"eymouiand others of the
Editorial Convtntlon.
NtsRASKA City, N. T.,
Sept. 14th, 1SG1.
Edi'.orial Conveuu .n met at 7 o'clock,
p. m.. Mr. Robertson, of the Nebraskian,
was called to the Chair, and W. H. H.
Waters, of the Press, elected Secretary.
A. F. Harvey, of th Nebraska Ciiy
News, stated th.t the otject of themeet-in-r
was to adept uniform rates of adver
tising, and to consider the propriety of a
general advance"iu the prices of subscrip
tion, job work, and advettising.
On motion, a committee of three was
appointed to prepare a schedule of prices
of advertising, consisting if Mr. Sturgjs,
of the Bellevue Times, Mr. Taylor, of
the Nebraska Republipan. and Mr. Giles,
of the Cass County Sentinel,, were ap
pointed aid com nittee, r ported the fol-
loiving, which was adopte.' :
Weeklies, per year, . - - $2 50
Dailies, per month, - S1.Q0
Tri-Weeklies, per year, - - S5 00
1st insertion legal and transient ad
vertising, per squire, - - - SI. 50
Each subsequent mertirn, - . SI 00
' Business cards iu Weeklies p ;r year 10 OU
do do do Dailies per mon h 2.00
A square to ba counted as 300 ems, or
100 words.
Said rates to lake effect on the 1st of
October. 16G1.
All J-b Work to be advanced 50 per
cent, over old pricej.
Mr. Waters ottered-the following:
ReMlved, That alt nw.-pap-rs in Ne
braska represented here, ly either idito;
of publisher, s.iall be bound by iiie action
taken in thi- convention iu reunion 'o the
prices, and that each uMv-pap-er ahn'.l
here to ;he agreement.
Mr. Taylor moved the following:
R -Milvtd. that wt- will nn lsereafter
pit li h '.h- list of D-lioqjul LaaJs nnd
T ivn Lo.s, t the rai;-s tmv allj.ved by
1.1 'V.
A 1 p-ed.
It whs moved that Mr. Robertson, of
,. u umi tp fnrton. of the
v,.i,ra-! a Citv News, be appointed a com-
' "
tee to report at next meeting of this
C-Mivri.'tiijn a history of the Newspapers
in Neb.'rtiba.
Movt d that, this conrention meet at
0a;aha. Net,raska, uti the t pening day of
i tn j next s
ion of the Ntbtaska Legis-
Moved that the present officers hold
over to the next meeting.
W. II. H. Wateus. Sec'y. ,
From Arkansas.
A report was brought to Memphis
lately that the gunboats Hastings and
Naumkeag had been captured by ihe
rebels on W hite river, below C arenUoij.
and Captain Rojers. of ihe latter boat
killed. It was impossible to obiaiu any
.1 a .1 n....ii' M'.,rr
particulars. iuiiiuti.;ai juu.i
and Liule Rock had fallen into rebel
possession was believed to be without
foundation by Gen. Washburne. All
probably arose from the fact hatfor sev-
firul day no bom b?i4 ttrrivo) f 1-
vall's Blufl. at "I' mphis; but as regard -ihe
reported destruction or i-np'ure f
iwo gunboats, .there teems fome proba
hlny it may be true, as aid news comes
by ihe Government steamer, Mattie,
which arrived al Memphis last Sunday,
and reported a rebrl force of 500 men
threatening Duvall's Bluff. Reports from
Helena, through rebel source, confirm
this statement. ' It ya3ab0 rumored that
a gunboat had been sunk at St. Charles.
So much faith was placed in these tales,
that a force tinier GriersDU stariei some
days since on a reconnoissance to see
whai was actuaily tbe matter on White
River. All will probably return in a day
or two. It is not expected that any very
considerable force of rebels would be en
countered. The Liule Rock Democrat of the 26th
has the following: -
Yesterday morning as the train wh;ch
left hsre for Duvail's Bluff neared Ash
ley's station on the prairie thisside of ihe
Bluff, it was warned that guerrillas were
0:1 the road. The train ran up wivhin
ig, ht of ihe station, and came m view of
at out 2,000 rebel cavalry, who had sur
rounded two companies of the 52d Illi
nois, stationed ihere. There vras at ths
station, or near there, large quantities of
bay which contractors had cut on th9
prairie and bauKd there to tale and for
ward to the depot. This the rebels set
fire to. Several citizens concerned in hay
contracts were at the station end were
taken prisoners. The rebel also tore
up a jjoriiutf tb r-:!rc?d trsclr, Je.
stroyed a hay press and other property,
and left. The attack was so sudden aod
unexpicteJ and nude iq such force that
it could not be resisted. The injury don
the road can be repaired ia a few huuri.
The capture of to companies by an over
whelming force is nothing to boast of,
and would hardly pay two or three thou
sand men fcr riding a circuit of a hun
dred miles or more.
Maj. Jones, cn the way to pay tha
truops at Davall'a BIurF, reports that the
rebtls attacked Aihley Station from three
directions. The main forca wa on the
Austin road. We lost three men killed
and several wounded, among wlum was
Lieut. Junes. The rebels look eighty
oue prisoners. The rebels theu moytd
from Ashley's to the next station, two and
a half miles distant, and then probably
to the next, four miles further cn, both
of which are supposed to be takeq. Col
onel Mitchell, commanding the regiment,
was at the middle station. No tidings
have been received from him. The tel
egraph Ime is torn down and injured. A
number of rebels were killed, and rider
less horses with sa Jules were seen on ihe
Carinas in Missouri.
Captain Put bs, commanding the post
of Boonville, Missouri on Sunday lasi
s arted with a force of forty-five men iu
search of a camp of bushwacker said to
be near llocheport. Two or three milts
west of Rocthport he was ambushed by
about 150 to 1200 of B.ll Anderson's and
Tcdd s men: was ovtr-powered and his
forc scattered , with a los of seven kill
orourvvouridedhad hit arm amputated.
The dead were brought to Buonviile, num
bering seven,- on Monday morning. All
but two had the appearance of having
been mutilated after being wounded nnd
takt u prisoners. Two, from c'ark tli
cjU rations about the throat and face, and
rope marks about the neck, oppear to
have been hung; and" two were scalped
Indian fassion, ons of thern having his
throat cut. The same gang subsequently
captured the small steamer Buffington at
or near Rsdieport, making her officers
While about passing Rccheport. at
four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, the
steamer Sam Gaty, bound for this port
was hailed by a party of seven mounted
frucrrillas, and ordered to come to shore.
Her Captain declined, and the party s;:
grew to one of seventy-five guerrillas,
all well nn unted and armed, who opened
a severe fire on the boat with ravy re-
...1 -..,1 Rb L-rt
VlliVI'l Ld U IJC3. Qll'J A -
on her way the scoundrels pursuing down
the bank, and continuing the firing, fcr
a distance of half a mile. Happily no
person on beard was injured. Six balls
pas-ed entirely through the boat. Seven
struck against the iron-plated pilothouse,
and several against the smoke stacks.
The vilhans finally concluded further
clia--e useless, and returned to Rocheport.
No shots were fired from the boat.
The Gaity soon afterward met the
Mars, and informed her on the attack,
upon which she returned to Jefferson
Utty to await Cacort.
The guerrillas Anderson gang
were mounted upon excellent horses,
were .well dressed had on black shirts.
Willi ieu UOSO'.US, .iliu uiriajcu nil auuu-
dance of arms. T'ly have possession of
Rochepjrt, and of thi entire north si Je
of the river from Portland to G'.u.gow.
The Sim Gaity reached St. Louis in
safety last evening.
September; 14th.
To Brig Gen. Evirg:
. i 1 l . 4 .4. . l .
A squad of thirty or fjrty guerri'.hs at
tacked fourteen men, commanded ly
Sergent Warfield, Co. A, 3d M. S.M.,
at Caledonia, yesterday at 12 oc!ock,aud
were repulsed with one man killed and
several wounded. The Serpent had two
men severely wounded. Last night at
12 o'clock they plundered the stores at
Jrcn Mountain, and destroyed the pipers
and machine in the telegraph office.
All the mounted men I have are in pur
suit of them.
JAMES WILSON, Maj. Ccra'g.
. From Cure Clrardeaa.
Cape Girardeau, Soptemer 12, 164.
To General Ewicg: Captain McClomiha.
whom I sent in command cf the force
into Dunklin county, is j'ist ia, and re
ports that he found Major Tarrctt, wi h
t ao hundred (200) men, encamped neaj
the Arkansas line four (4) m.ks Lt!ov7
Homeaville, a;id attackf d him last Th:ir?.
day evening. He killed thtueen (13.)
capturtd fiive (5). and tcok twenty (Q)
horses and a number of arm.
Th :ext day. Cap aia Fdsvards ertnr
upon a art of the same rebel force, find
killed stveu (7) and rap urtd to(2).
As prcvLu-ily reporteJ, uu luss cn cur
II. M. HILLER, Lieut. Col.
Terras Tower Exrbslon at To
.peka. The Tcpeka Register relates a des
tructive exploiion thich occurred in the
store of John Billing?, on Monday tast:
'Mr. Billings was drawing riaptha,
and some soldiers who had been helping
him to cnLad gv-cds had jiiot ly. thei;
pipes, and carelessily threw ih.5 match
neir the naptha aLd i.'n;teif it. Oa a
shelf, immediately over ihe nep b, was
a keg of powder. John Billings, after
givin? the alarm, went tack into the store
w th Mr. A. Gale, aLd weni 10 throwing
salt into the flames. The powder cculJ
not be reached. Ia a few moments it
exploded, throwing the building in every
direction. Gale thinks he went up as
high as the ceiling. ILs hair, whiskers
and shin were turned, Billing came
out mintn bat and hoes. John BinU
was on the s,de walk knocking open salt
barrels. His face was cut up with glass
and alsr injured seme besides, but we
judge he will not be laid up lorg, Mr.
Seilen was hit cn ihe arm with some cf
the timbers and Lis elbow dislocated.
Hit on Jewel was struck and hts ankln
much bruised. At present the surgeon is
doubtful whether his life can he saved
wiihout emputaiion. The balding being
of wood and a street cn the south ai;d
west side, an open .'pace-of iwo feel on
east, accounts for no mere Luildi'ngs bsin&
torn down. The gas produced by the
explosion or something f Ue put out the
fire, jeavirg considerable nepiha in the
can, although a hole was llown thrcugh
the top cf it. Billings said ho thought
there wa more powder in the bu:lJuiiT,
and the crowd soon got the debris away
and extinguithed the fire. The Messrs.
Ballings' loss will not exceed 1.700.
Mr. Brewer, the owner of the tu lding,
estimates his Iosj at $-.500. Tho ylav
and sj;h in Brown's saloon ar.d the Land
Office, and adjoining buiidn gi, were
shivered by the explosion. 1 lid g!a3s
in the Rit;hie block, acorss ihe street,
were? nearly all broken; and also the j;lts
in Herr'sdrug ?tore and Paulty's Laktry,
eijjht cr ten distant.
TIic Electoriai Cdlese as It n&T? Is.
The relative strength of ih; several
iS.atesju il.e Eitcionai College has been
: co;:s:-derabJv changed sinc
ine ;at
Presidential election by the deceuuial
re-appointment. Maine had 3 votes in
I860, and in 1 Sol, w.ll have but 7.
Mass., also loses one, falling from 13 to
12 votes; New York drops from 3.1 10 33
Pennsylvania loses one. Ohio loses two.
nnd Kentucky loses one. Alabama,
Arkansas Florida, Georg'a, Louiana.
Missis.-! pi. Nor a Carahu i, South Car
olina. Texas, Tennessee, and Virgiuu
will not le heard of ia ihe Electorial Col
lege. The vote iu California will be in
creased froMi 4 to 5 vote?; Illinois wiil
advance from 11 to 1G vote?; Iowa, which
had 4 votes in 1SG0, will now hare 8;
Wisconsin, will have 8 votes instead of 5;
-'--'t(afi iiwieast'i two votes, and Knu
sa, with her thr.'e votes, will bj a-JeJ
to the Colieire. 'Ibe following is an ac-
cunUe iatement of the number 10 which
.ach taie likely to participate iu ihe
electiou will be entitled;
Maine - 7 Ohio - 21
New Hampshire 5 Indiana 13
Mas-auhoseit 12 Limci - 10
Rhode Island 4 Michigan 8
Cunneticut 6 Vermont 5
New York 33 Iowa . 6
Wisconsin - 8 Minnesota 4
New Jersey - 7 Kan-a - 8
Pennsylvania 6 Kentiicky - 11
Delaware - 3 Missouri - 11
Maryland . 7 California 5
Oregon 3
Total - 220
She total number of votes to which
these States are. entitled in 2G. A ma-
ijority of this Eie ctorial College is ntce-
sary to an election, anJ that majority is
one hundred and fifteen votes.
Grant and Sherman are the "Peace
Commissioners" who arc destined 10 set
tle with Jeff Davi.
The Presidential contest is already
tirtuaily decided.
Important From Jiexlco.
CoaTtSAi Captures Browsaiilx
Cairo, Sr p-cmler IS bu
Ey the ateamf r James White, H. L.
White, n aster, James J. Luker, clerk,
we hnve New Oilcans files to the after
noon cf the 12th.
The Pycauns has ths following irrpor?
tant news frcm Texi:
We have reliable intormarion ly t3
latest arrival from the Ria Grai u- i y
'h- Crntvn,thntCw;ti::?.5 cr . -td
the river with Lis wluAt f jrce 2 OCi
men, and 1G pieces cf artillery. .e d;
Rrow nsville.dririn cut th c.i"'.'' " :
under Coloui-I Fyrd,boited t Ti -5 Ui
S:utrsfl igar.di fur dhiiservio-s ihr -
theUnit-d States Consul a Vr-.z
the Government. The ra
iLovement is said to ba this:
;se ct ii..i
A O :.,r.l
Fisher, late cf ihe Mcxichi ar.ry. a
Tennesseean by birth, anJ hjd a' a:;u d
thai services and gone into the cnf'. ! :
ay. When Cortinas levied his fcr.'C
loan on the people cf Ma '.am Fih-r
atiempitd tointerpos between isui. tnu
t'oninas, and proposed to the Fitn-X
comaiai.der at Boca to uuue m exptl.ia
The French command ?r, beir w:.
and not desiring to unite hii furuu'
with tho?e of the Confederacy, declined.
Fisher, rot ccntecj" v: Cqrtinat
with a messinger. nytr thal i: an.y al
tempt was made to levy a forcdjoan ca
ih? French CjnfeJcrate cai2'.a4, -ths
Confederate forces woil do ns Gn'r!
Donega sometinie ego did, croo the riv 1
er at;d remdvv their fii-nls ta a p!.io'
of lafety. Coriims arcit.-i'd. by this, d '
termined to take mintiauve-, ar.d. a .cor
dmply, left quietly during i-.1..
leaving a small for c-j of 300 r.i?n ir. !t'
amcras, and went to a point bel ..v,
where h cro'sed the torce m i JO
pieces of anihtry, with wlti-h h; m.'.r.h
ed upon Brownsville, driving oui ill
force of Colonel Ford, which was cmi
posed of cavulry, wiihout artillery
Stales flag, and declared, as he wa born
on the Amebic siJ , jhe rivert he
- citizen of the Umfd Siates, and
mem. II- nltilWt!k-rty ihai-JxTeni-
commanding fHcer at B zz s of his pro
ceeding; and olfettd 1 L r o u g L h.m . i s
Government is o . n s n ;c -s ai.J.t!i..'
of his army. It seems ih.u & .mi.. I
French force at the aJvance of Corti as
down the river, they to. k to th-ir ship-,
but re urnrd wh u ibty f jj n J iLii
Brownsville was the otj ci in view
A Tcace Sr cccli,
J II. Woodward a y-uit g, rrsl
drnt of Iidiar.a. and at m- tiinj Ai-ir
tant on an luoiain reg nii-n. wa
out at a recent peac meeti.ig, a:
?poridf d as fallow.-:
Ger.tb inen : The great cry I
have heard lo d iy i.a b"en p v
peace. I will . yji that thre ' 1
mm in th? t n l .i who desires
mortt il.aa I dj a
pace. ChetrsJ
per mar en
And, ;
will t p 11 you how we 'v;!l i t :
this wr cut. ' Take tvery'ne;
r -
rebel States, and exterminate ev
rebel, no ma'ter whe-e yn fl
Hi-ses. Gentlemen, you 1 r: : try
10 hiss me down, for I am an o.1 .r.'cier,
and I I are faced almost a 11 inn a link
ing crowd as is no.v bef,,re me. I i:,-in
the thieves and 0.
Tennessee. I know I v-s called nroa
to mike a pefch out cf drri.;:jn,
intend to tell you what 1 thir.k cf ;
When God said H would are Sod.jai
if ten rightrcus inpr. : -u?d be f. u ! thef j
I have nodiuht he would hive d r 1 ;
ana n ay. r you a i sto -u oa ;?,e 1
of hell, aiid hj wer; to say he w;ti' J
ave you if on I ya! man ccu'd be fou.d
among you, I have Lot th least de-uL:
that a great many strange faces would b
sepn in hell for eupp.;r.
Gentlemen, when ynu wih to hrar
from me again, you hare only to cli up
on me. 1 am always at heme.
Maine Election.
Acccsta ., S'pt mbi
'p: mb r. Ib h.
Returns frjm 150 tu'.in.s, guy Cfii y
frr Governor, 1193 mjori'y. If ihj
Union vote ir the remainder cf ihe Si ne
is fqual in proportion, Coney's majority,,
will reach 20,000. ' ' ' ' ''
It is s'ated that in certain deliberiMns
at Chicago, the peac- mv,n 'Je;na..'irj
and received, as a cor.dit ion 10 il.- n m;
nation of MvC'eliap, t3 ag-.rme .-. hat
GVcTwZ Seymour should be Svcfciary
of State, and Valiaadighaa Secretary cf
War. . .
. 4