Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 15, 1864, Image 4
A "JTrTT A5D LAUCC STOLU Ot ! t STOVES AltD HABBWxJli; FOR SPEING THADB JOHN C. DEUSER, Xtrrs bt "' ti p1 i r"sf ere extsoie la LaCad y-isue t J 1 , e. ia QUA VTITY OK QUALITY. Hir::U:Jii try preseat rtxk bef-re th !a. re cf itir'T per eitt. erai. - tr vrirrUi who Utc to iltir v-k at pre-t ;rie?s- i r I.ri aailEiB-SfcrtBT- ed frtm Kisri ir. whki u priaiirai UX U CrMl iTta XbW S-0lt. COOK STOVES, TEE LATE AND IMrF.ONXD PATTERNS; srcn as Encli'i T-eerIes, derated Orcns Superior. Golden Era, 5evr Era, tc E2 rr r t r m OF FAPvLXEHS TO HIS LARGE STOCK OF HEAVY SHEET IRON, FO?. SrGAll SO'LETiS : ALSO HI3 LAIIGC CIST 1ROX KCTTJLES. FLuM 10 TO 2i GALLUNi. A VARIETY CP CZTAP ID AD COAL OIL LAMPS C ; jt ai &X.MI Ira Wars; Larsiert.. Sies fJ aid Jtjn Warr. A LA ECU QUANTITY OF Ti.LV MCE AD IO.VVLML.NT iCA TOi II5!I;I0 TO PXT UP FECIT A l.kTr.T. 0rA5TTTY OF IjIjOW WA1 jf ETEKV LEIilABLE ARTICLE. TTlE ATTE5TT0X OF rnEKJiiTF.ns AnoniEri3 IS IjIKIELTED TO BIS - COOmG SS1LLEIS, OTEXS, It. Guttering and Spouting. a!l Uf wort f L; t ic .Ur:et mtc. as4 i a wo-t2.i;:l irrrfr, vLica La wrra&u t rT WiTUon. v-a-l 7BEIJJAriiIH ROGERS. ffli U?1Y Sffli FASTEST HORSES Atd bttat Carriages. VTwt cf tbe lijori tirtr, acd will feira ti i ratf-cui!e rtie at reaccb raua TEHMC CAH. A LARGE CORHELL YARD for S:ck. ZXoraos HSoArdod Bt tli Usj, Ve.k cr ilvLlb oa reaoaatla tnu First Street between Main and Atlantic, BR0WSV1LLE, NEBRASKA CASH PAID FOR CORN!!! BUSHELS. WAXTKD, tT i. W. Bli, wha U now t-r'.a at Brrni . n-l Pera. He i ptvme ttpbiibeit cirhet jric In i?ii BriLjoa r our Cora wbila tie price iJ tr For tlCUIr :1ti,re uj. 7. liuti ii ftn, rJ.W i t'r .w, B iin!;. Hy ISfi. r3 rs-iX CHOICE LIQUOBS. . : . : ..... .. Wholesale and KetaDx Evan Worthing, OF THE l Or msyz?Ktz0z BROWNYILLE, Hat Jut ftpceived the Urrt and best tck m Liqart aod Cif r eer cCeret In tbu mrkei, aa C'I tut ax as iuw u any Euue ib Uta Ternwrr. TTUITXEr'S BLOCK, Main Street, Browcrille FAIRS ATTK ETA5DAZD SCALES Or ALL KIXDS. J Also, Warehouse Tmcks, Letts Presses, &c FAIBRAflKiGREEHLEAF & CQI IVi 1,4 id: ST., CHICAGO, tJ"B carernl. nd bn only tlit ebuineS - MOLINE PLOWS, 500 0 Land acd to arm at P. A. CONSTABLE'S Iron and Steel WarehoiLss, S8 ana tl Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, MO J' . ...mi iwi "W milaw j.- - - - v .. . - - ! ( GROYESTEEN & CO, PIAMj forth manufacturers, 4CO X3X.O .A TCTTT. . ,f -.P;V. 'i r,i iit ii 1ETH iuia aZ ti. Kitra icrrvrcau, FTacb. Cri.i U I'iU Ira Fraite. Otm- Strang Eas A- a-i eii irjTTLt K:.:r tiir tie rereaa! a -rTi -a A Mr. J. H. Grorieta. wao haj Tlic GroTeXeen Piano Fortc received the !ii?be$t award ormerlt OTcraXl olheriat llie Celebrated ITorld's I'aXr! j. j -ftix 'Ei frvsa ti t-t laakerj f L-a i.-n- Piri. 'rertaiiiT. paili'-Ivia. Ei't- t r, R aaJ.Vt lrl; to 3 H lit dUfncia - i-Tft we auase atill Urj-Ij, a rktlj cai. f Jit are eU-I Utftr PEICiS No- 1. Stc3 OrtTa. rrwt-I eora-rs. R ew.l pase c 5i J. ,. ST?a J -tare, nti-i e. n.-r. ewo-1 fcory m -uiiis -3. 5.3 SeTea 0:T.ra&iexn.rrii, IicwJL- XI '-. Ii t3ii t far f t?-abTecut. rcrm nz Xott Casli, DECSIPTIVE CL-LCULII SENT Zl V. llX. p ectitaitlj cd Lizi an a.'ortzLt cf Extra-SnpexSno to Common I?3 "T" i 0 TT 3L. 1 XX , SHINGLES, Ac i all other article ataaTly kept ia a trit-clasi Hen-baLt PiouriL? or Saw Mill. BrowaTille, March Sl.-t, '61. cO-S I j. FfMilE & LYON'S! BIPROYED aWIflS ME1IISS. The greatert JEproTemeat yet ia tLe Sewlna 51a- chlaa Art. A earicitj worth teeicz Pleae aexd for circulars with saaaplet of Sewicg. Thee IrrHOTed Mahioes Te one banI-4 rr eett. of tLrea-I aai t'Ak, ati itaka tha Loek-SUfcea aLka bD U;h t ideg. Thy require co irstrattioa to operate perfectly, except the fcpiiated davctiwHi.' No charge La eewicg from oaa kial of gooda to aso'.Ler. Ail co taki?; apart to cleaa or oil. Our Xew Maaufactory ij nw comp-Vf e. wi:h a" it n.athiaerj aai UxAt eotireiy nc,aal iia!rea.i rapid! tnmis? ' ut lchioe. whi.b f.rf U;uty ani Trf-ttitn of fisiUh aronor tdrpi&i bj atj ianu factura La the world. B. Should anj Ma:hiae prore OTisatiafctorj. it can t returned and BJoatj refacied. Af?nti watted ia couatiea cot caaTased bj our owa AfenU. FLRLE &. LYOX, S. 31. CO. 50. i33 BSOADWAi, . Xo. 4?-T5-Iy. EAGLE ii an STB, BREITMYER & ROBISON." "B call tie attention cf ite Lad es and Geatlemaa f Brownmie aad Ticinity to car new lock ot Doot and Shoes, Gaiters, Ual morals aUice Hoots, Polka. Shoes and Janny LlntlN, Rows?, 31 Is)', CUIiarm and Infants 0 zz o z: 0 Jnt ReceiTed. wbich we will aell aa cheap for the aaa aa any noae ia tae w"et. BOOTS AXD SHOES MADE TO ORDER la tbe Tery latest atyles. We warrant all ear work to fire -a!ifaciion, for we employ nucetat tao best of wcrkaiea LEATHER AKD SHCF FINDINGS Fob a ale, aad eTery tldce be' to the trade. tT rttota onr tbanka to the public for past farora aad by strict atteoiiun to our buine bopo to merit that liberal pa rocere bestowed npn us heretofore. ise.r in miud tbat onr motto ia tbe "NIat BLK PN N r." O-COME AND SEE US.-C5 n.ojaalx'i Tk g ofall JIZItj d Dvne fcn thurt notice ia if t workmaa-Uka manaer. ' ' VfiSnJCTER & BOBISSOK'i. Bruwnjihe, Kebraeka. April 2S. 1364. n34-T9-yly NIW Orleans, Clailned, Crashed and Powdered Sa hara, Goldeu Syrup Sugar Houe and. Sorghum Xolastes At ilcloauihlin & Swan's. T 0 B beet F.cnr from tbe L- S. T. G. kfiPa in Quarter aU and whole sarks kept AT H'LAUGULTX & SWAJTS AWS, Ham men, Eatchets Files, Ox Chains and ' Miner Picks At McLaughlin A Swan's- SMOK-IX and Chewing; Tolaoco, CUtara pipes Pipe a tern and T-baoro Ponchea, in preat Tanetr, - At McIaMicoLLd & Swta's. M ACKEBAL. LakeTront. White flh, Coddah, etc., etc., constantly oa band At McLaucbJin & Swan's. PLAT Ca'da. Meat mania, Sboe thread India Bobber Balls, Pattent thread, Scissora, Wrapping and Broom twine, to be had JIXAUGnLDf A SWAN-3' TILE highest market price paid for Country Prodao At llclaux tlia & Swan's. THE "7". C3r irr .YZ FLOURISG Vw S.I U-ftar twrewcod Piaro ia'.iu kie MKame iit 11 aal m re r-rfrt Piao Fre.a-J fcr taanfAeicri.-.r isiU-tctti at a jr.e Lca u tree Iti Ourxont SPindiB. jaae 31 t3 ij PBILMP DEUSER, u.:. e . v.. t. . j f i c. laiu cucri kti. r irsi auu oct nuu cis. Brownvillo, r ; olo. Kfp ftrti'lTs tafri be rxt qV'j cf CiIi.Wi.Mi ANL aJIuKIN.i, s e a rt s , iConfectioiieries Candi'S, Plain and, Orangti. Riuent, Lemont, Dales, l igi, -Vtij, mdjfles be 4c. AH kinds of Toys, Canned Fruit, and Oyiiers. FHTLL is accoajmodatiup, obligirg, patriotic anl wide awake to tb icttrwJ cf the public, and hat tee bett aortment of Varietiea in Li Line erer c2"f red ia thia i&axktf and ii detercJsed tot to le Boiersoli for CAIL WM. H. McCREERT, Caih ffho!esa!e anil Retail Deiier la MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Paint, Oils and Dje Stuff, Pare Liquors for liedleal Purposes All kinds Patent Medicines DEXT.iL iXD F.iXCY GOODS, ElankEooks and Stationery, The bet traaij &f Chewir-g and Smokiaj TOBACCO AND SEGARS, 1 ZnLu9 of all Colors. Perfunierj and Toilet Goods. Be a?sor kia catroa, and the paUic pen rail j, b e will keepea band aa exteBiTe ttiei ffr tcie tzientioaed, be?id. y'vl,T wkicfa be tic fhi'feftSTcTllrrtoVme ir Ch. Call and ezazLsioe fcr yoaraell South-east Comer Main and First Streets Erownville, Nebraska. Prescriptions and Orders Carrfuli ailr-J at all hoorj. THE iiffliTE mm The rair cf the foNTlsivriL are aware of h- itBi'-rtact j-?itii-a it L .cit, of t1 n.3jei4--- Licb it rxert. aud f the brilliant arrjj? - f p- :it i cal r.d li'eiary talratoftbe b-a:,-.t ord-r wr:b uj.pi n it. S" r.u'oi;i-;i'.Q f the kiui h-i. m; tbifcntrj, nst-ewfa;".y c mbint-d i'. f tr n J freed' ia of thedai-y Erwerai-rr w':"h ti.-? h h er Urf-rarT t- te of th .--t-c'.a- niviitMj: and it ii rerj certain thi n ta.'v:ii as T-n wil-r ran? to it? eoti'r.r a- r: .r T.rr-rTcd i'f o r. :.U':iT fr ci :n iirr-.w a iry cr ui faMii.n. Ia tim--s like the t-k at, t-h a j--or:i ; ii either L"wer ia tt;e lmd r it ia n- Jt;t. 1 L the t.nli'.ealal nf't f: itt-r ;? eT-d-DfJ l-y wlat ,t r: d- n r ;ii it ccun-ei--' in rcfcty Sui1"-n.r,t .ui.-:i. in the chara-'-er atd poer oi ihje ;tnoh-t tuyireTf. Though but iitt Je rcre than a year since the Contio-rntal a first etal i- 5e : ' i-ur.. a: i Kiiw arc U baj e!arcfl ;hrd. i' Lm during that time acquired a sterec'h acd a signi-fr-aoce elemticg it to a piiicn faraboTe j-re-Tk.uly oo-upied a trenth and a poiitU! signifi cance eleTatirjg it u a -.U'-u far aVxire that pr Tiouiy occupied by ony paWicat!im"-f the kind :n America.. In prxf of whi b aerti'.n we caii al tectioo t the ftJlowic? faeu: - , 1. Of its polictj ankle? rcpublifhed in fmphlt form, a ring! e on-ha ba-i. tbu? far, a circulation cf one hnnired and six th. uacd copies. 2. From its literary department, a sing!' serial novtl. "Among the Fines, ho, within a rery few months, sold nearly thirty-are thoa.'and copies Two other series of ita literary arti-les hare also been republished in beck form, while the firs; por tion cf a third is already in pres. "o more conclusive facts .need be all edged to prore the the excellence of the contributions to the Continental, or their extraordinary popularity; and its conductors are determined that it shall not fall behind. PresetTsc all 'the bo!-ir:e4. Tijr.r and ability7' which a thonnd journals bare attnbnted to it, it will ETeatly enlarge its circle of actios, and discos, fearlessiy and frankJy. erery principle in oolred id the great question? of the day. The fir?t minds of the country embracing the mea most familiar with iU d plomacy an j mrt distingaUhed for ability, are among iu contributors; and it is no more -flattericg promise of a prospectus" to say that tbis"msgoxine for the times" will employ the the first itiusilact in America, under aupices which publication erer enjoyed before ia this chantry. While the Continental will excess decided opinions on the gieat questions of the day, it will not be a mere political journal: much the larger portion of iu columns will be enliTeced, as hereto fore, by tales, poetry and hamor. In a word, the Continental wiU be found, under its new staff of Lditors. occupying adosition and presenting attrac tions never before found in maguina. TERMS TO CLUBS. Two copies for one year . Three eopies-for one year, 6.03 ix copies for one year, 11.C0 Elerea copies for one year, 20.00 Twenty copies for one year, 30,00 PAID IS XDTAXCX. IVtage Twenty-four cenU a year, to b paid by the Subscriber. single corns. Three dollars a jear, ia ad ranee. Postare paid by tho Publisher. . J0HX F. TKOW. 50 Greene St., X. Y., . Publisher for the Proprietors. Ai aa inducement to new sahscribers. the Pb li hers offers the following liberal p.-emiams: - Any prooa. remitting $3, ia adranre, will receire the taagaainefnm July, ISM, to January, ISii thus securing the whole of Mr. Kimball's and Mr. Kirkee new serials, which are aiona worth the price of the subscription. Or, if prefered, a sub scriber can Uke the magaiine for 1852, and a copy ofAnKng the Pinea,"or of "CndercttrrenU of Wall Streei,'' by R. B. KiUll, bound ia cloth, or of "rfunshiae ia Thought," by Charles ' Gvdfrer Inland retail price, $1 25 The book to be sent postage paid. - - i Any pemn remitiag 4 50, will recIre the nuga- ! tine from its cemmencemert, Jaaoary, 162. to Jaeuary, ISS4. thus stearin? Mr. Kimball's "Was ' Aa aooreful ?-arid Mr. Kirke't "Among the Pines." j ana -jiercnan s story and nearly 3,000 ocUre pages of the best literatare in the world. Prsmiaa uUtritars to pay thair era peatafe. 1 rSf Ayer; r IPJXJLS. Are to fki. fett. as I ec-trrlaiais?- Are joa st Crf order. ". J oar frnexa dert-B ri, aod Ter fc-? ra nccii&rtabae fTbe ryt p toxaa arc enea tie f re-n'e to Mr-iocs iHsea. Soig t t ef ackaess a errrit; epoa J to2. aad bcsid t-e arer:l J bj a tT tr af the r U r rtoeJT. Take A? er a lid eiea&K out the c-ot-i cert A hmaors j-vrify lb I tlof-d, axd Jet the fciia "aaore os axobrtracted ia i hahh aaia." Ttj rtiaia i jte tie fasctict cf the body into Tizorojw mutct, rari tbe rtni from the oU tc-or i ff 8 otrarta ia BataraJ fstcta. Ties, iftrt J fe Bered. react foa tieceiTea atd the ar"'"4-"S orwrf. r red acre e ral airjrnrranoa. ansesTT ,, axd ee- V Uia coi-tn, cf7 reed ty tbe dtraren-ecta, take Arer a direcJy tLr restore tLe aaral acon cf tbe mb ta, acd wia it the baoyaat feeSc? ef health aaia. Whit ia tree aod eo apareat ia thia triTiaJ aad ccsa bk kbp aizt, m ao true ia many of tee deep-ea-ed atd caugerow ditempT. Tije fae psrev tie e?ct tiptJ theaa. Ca.-d by aixar cUtrae Ujfc and Sraareaiei.u of tbe calaral faactwca of the bodT, they are rapier. wiaay of them aT. eared bV the him Eea&a. ot who ktow tbe TiTTae of taeae lla. anil rct to ensp.oy ttesa wfaea aaSenii? frm the dxfQer they erne. froia ieadix; J fcTciaL i of.,f priwripal citks, aial fewa xhr it-twin pah-rf peFRu: ircaa a Fo-rvrdis g Ifrkant ef St. Lnit, Ftb. 4, Dx Atxx- Tear PLtls are the paranw cf a" that fc r at ib Dcjcit. Tbey Lae eartd my htt e ctvjAt-T cf tJcr.-wi w i roa her Laxcva atd kt tht-t tad pixi iixar.fc Kreai. lierawUr Labetaikrrpieo: affected wuh L crtcU atd p4ir;ea ca her a ai-d ia Ler Usr Alter or ei; d wta ci:fed,aLeao fcd jc; hi. - "d tl ej LivecedUr. AsA ilcL.UIX a Family Pbj.le. Fry Dr. K 7T. Carton SM '. AVw Orrrr. Tout l are tia priie f j ere. TLeir ex quaiir rja- ay ea:! ricjt TJr are mild, bat Tt-ry eerta:n rd -Trcfoi ia ttr tr-Zaoa iLe towe. which Piakw tba tat a-Bah.a to us ia tLe cai-'y treat aseat of cieae. OcaadAcbeMkk nraiacar, Fwatl Slacuacb. DrE i-M. iTis: 1 cablet auatr iot ara c&ii: jr-u-1 crd wjta oar Ut:er tija t a . c7 .'5-i re etrrtrit iruk a yury-Uu-t - - cathartic is raj caiiy cx.te tfb cew. aLd be lie .ug. as I do. that year Ii; j afford sa the Uat La it, I bf coare tttn hiUJy. iTTTSBrEO. Fa.. Hit 1. l"a Ds. J. C. Arrz ,Sr: I hate Ues rnf'y c;rJ of the wcrvt head-id fij tod caa bae by a caeortwoof yoar I uls. It una to ajite Loa a fcai wtcaca. w'fich they eJeaaie al Ywu witi reat mject. fcD. W 1 EEELEL CZct-1- cSttaxutr Ourum. Cniwaia DiaeVwrra L.iTer CawptiKta. 'row Dr. Tkeviore Bel, rfXcm Tori CVy. Jiot ouiy are J otrr III ia addiiaUy adapted U their paipoee ai an a;erkat, bet I nd their beeCcial e'ectf cpoa the Lirtr Terr taarked inced. They tare ia bit practice prOTed motm fcStctnaJ for the care of IMioua compCumtM lhaa aay oce recjedy I caa tnextion. I aitcerefy rejoice that we bare at Jea rta a pa retire whics worthy the cc&de&c cf the prai&tiMiia aad the peop. Dir.agTitr.3T or th Itttbioh, I rTuhiarOB, D. C , 7th i fcb-, iiOv Sir: I bare lued yoar 1H1 ia ny generaJ aad borpital practice erer aiaec yoa made theaa. axd caLLCt Loaaie to aay they are the beat caiharbc we eraplor. Their reraatic actios oa the hrer ia quiet and decided, cc-ueqaeatiy they are aa ad mirable remedy for derarremerta cf that orraa. Indeed, I bare aeidoa loud a eae of Ultom eatt to obstinate that it did act readily vieli to tm rraicrtai:y toots. ALONZO CALL. M. tkfticia qfdte Mariiu UotpitaL '. Xyaeatrry, Diaurfac, lielatx, Teraaa. Jrvm Dr. J. G. Green, ef CXteayy. Tocr l i.l bare bad a long trial ia ntr practice, acd I to d them ia cteeoa aa one of the bt aperi etu I haeerer aboad. Tlar ateraiire tZcct spoa the brer makea them aa eaceiieat remedy. wLa fit en is raxal dorea for biiiotu dytcxlrrj aad dior rnx Their Mrar-coatiBe stake thaaa Tery ao eeptabte ax.d con? eaieat for the ase of vooea iA chiidrea. Dywprpeia, law parity f tke Claad. . Trva Eev. J. F. Hiat. Potior rf Adeem OmrcA, Boston. Da. Atxx.: I bare afed yoar PCj with extra ordinary raccec in my tarriiy and among thoe I am cahed to Tisri in ditrefs. To regulate tLe orraaa cf difeftkm acd t ariff tie bkxi, they are the Tery beet remedy I bare erer kiown. ar-d I caa coaa . deat2T xccomxaead them to tdj friesda. Yoara, J. V. HlilXS. TTaeaw, Wyoming Co., X. T-, Oct. 24, lii Dxaa mi: I am awng yoar Cathartic Pilla ia my practice, and find tLtra an exeelient parrarire to c'tanae the ayauat aad priff te n?ijai cft&e Cm.iImiIm. a KaranalM,Uil, .-taraixis,a'iTfij fvraly!, t, ee. Frvn Dr. J. P. Vagn. iffmfreal, Canada. Too mcch cannot be raid of yoar Pills for tha cere of eorei- If otLen of our fraternity tare fouud tbeaa aa eCcaeioua as I aocu.d joia Eie ii procircing it. forth benefitof the maltitudes who aufier frotn that ccmpiaint. which. a.tbourh bad eLougb in itself, is the pro relator of others that are orve. I Xx.itrt cost irentu to oririnate ia the Lrtr, tat jonr liLa aCfect that orgaa and care the dieaM. Fran Mrs. E. Stwart, Fhysician and Midtife, Lotto. I fad one or two lar;re .s of yoar PiT.s, taken at tte piojer time, are exce.ent promotivt of tha naturul sreretwn Lea iIo.1t or paitiai.'y acp pTtl, aijd ai-o Tery e2-ctual to craaae the s'or. 'M.k aud expel arorm. Tl.ey are to much tiie Ut j hrnc we Lave that I reccminexid to oicr l ny p-iieiita- Fron tie Eev. Dr. Extes. rf Ou iletXodist Fpis. rTTLAPKi Flors r. Sat-aisLsh. Ga.. Jan. C li..t.EU MX. 1 sS.oa d be uirateial icr th re.jti our tki-l Las b.-ouLt n-e did i ot lepo t ia.- c to job. A cold settled in my iii&ha aud biOULt ca "excractalliig ntraljic jtiM, which f-i.oeu ia ckrenic rkemalum. otwithiandii.g I Lad tl tt of phTiciajJ. the di)-eae ciew wci bd wort, anil by tl ad. ice of joar exceent trest in Ftiito:e, Dr. kiacienzie. 1 trx-d j our Ii.;. TLeir ei-ct were so, but ure. By ir ackcrin iu the ue oi um, I am low ei.tireijr wed. SrsaTE CHAXBtx.Faton Eonje,La51cl5C5. Li Atiu : 1 Lae teeu eiitirejy careo, by onr Ii of fAsamrtic HotUn paitfai cir-?etbat Laa aic'rd for jear. VLCLM MJDLMX. fC?"i-t of the l"i"s in n-arket ctntsa Mercery, U-b aJiLoaU aiLuiU nnnrdy in rkxTul hakua, i,pt-rou iu a pub ic pill, from tLe dreadful con-tf-ijUt'iiCes that frrqaentlr follow it incautious ase. or auaeral suhetaac wLiicvcr. Price, 25 eeU per Ecx, cr 5 Scxej for SL Prepared by Dr. J. C ATX2 & Co Ls-xtJI, 21 2?Ai S 1 WM.H. McCREEKr. Br..waTUl G. A. BROWN A PRO.. Pera. , - Dr. H. GRAVES. Salm. " . JOHN W. HOl.T A HKO.. Salem. R(LTA fCtJTT. Fr.City. LEWIS A SHEPHERD. St. Stephens EASLEY A SHE RE R, Ralo. t8-e3 ly FRAim. LESLIE'S. ILLUSTRATED XEWSPAPERS. AttractiT Feature. Th J5,003 Prise Norel The Gulf Between Them. By Mrs. Ann S. "tetben. Authoress of "Fachion and Famine, -The Rejected Wife," Ac, Ac. In addition to its attractions: as the first and most authentic Illustrated Paper in 'America, sur passing ail others ia the variety, accuracy, ani In terest of th numerous illatrations which it offers. Fraad Leslie's Illustrated Xewspap-r will begin in No. 435. dated January 3), lS5t. the thrilling and absorbing noTel,fcThe Galf Between them," writ ten by the great norelU', Mrs. Stephens, whose "Fashion and Famine" baa a larger circulation than any other purely literary norel of onr day, aad was regarded as so masterly a work of fictioa that it was not only republished in England, bat was translated into almost eTery lasguag of Eu rope." The prize of $5,000, offered with uaasti ibcr alitr by the proprietor for th best dot drew forta no less than two hozdred works, " ny of them of great tce-it. Amocg these, Mrs. Stephens noTel was selected, as eTiienily surpassing not only allcthersouerei.bat alt-ist CTerythi hitherto published. It is fully equal t-" fcFahjoa aci Famine, and will be as widely res-i. It will be of greater interest, frcm the ftct that the scene is laid in owr land and oar own times; and in delineation of character and absorbing power it wiil fascinab aod charm the reader. Sabjcriptioa 13.50 per year. Address FRANK. LESLIE, 72 Daane St. 5. Y. Copies cf th paper containing the commence ment and continuation of Mrs. Stec-hens coTel, Th Galf Between them," caa be bad of any News dealer in the United States or Aritisa ProTinces. ' Wttim STATES INTERNAL REVENUE NOTICE. KOTICK 1 keretrv nrn tn tl j . - ' ' -- wumiun. that the litr Talaau aa aad enameTas mala aad ir.ra vouer me rvxci.- uw r ue uuted States, with in the '-o-vsties of tUchardson. Xemaha and PwBee and Territory of Xebrasia haTe been returned to me and wilt be open for exii.;njtUoQ ia nr oCce ia the Town of Fills City, xnd Coua y of kVicba.-4M ' for the rr-ac of flneen days trim and after the date of th.a vixe. Aad th t appeal reatrre to ax,y erronexoa r excest-iTeTuatioB. wjn be receiTed aod determined by me on the Ith day cf Jzuae, I6W. all appeala ta the AaaeaMr mast b male in wrttias. JOSEPH H Erss-txri w.. ... I si w nr X ehraU Territory. atay JTta, LSaA. ass-Tg-s 1 ViefftrttratV A t rr.ta tor ta aa'a of Vi O Si v w C ' 3 1 To aald tor & DelUr Eca, wiiiit r rfaxS tajralaa SPIxEITOH) LIST, Of Articles all to e aa!d fac ac DUar Xaca. 199 &&Id EtHMisj CaeedTaiAe, - ficotwea 1 lTaictea. - 3eca a Ia! c' Watered. . - tteaca Si'.rer " -600 Gold Gaari, Test aad Oate'.aia Ctai a. - - - -4300 Teat, a'eck, Gaari,aa.iChat:aiB Cnaiia. tOOO Cameo Booefce jcco Jfoaic a3d Jet ErccteJ jrco tara aai riorenUte Broocaea" - Coral, Garset at fcaeraldBrotctea, 30C Cameo Ear !!?, - ' - Garnet V xiaie and Jet Zar Irct, o0d Lt aa-SFloreBtiae Sax Prcpa 40 Gents' Scarf Fin. -jrjjo Caaia aci IUa4 BractleU, l&JO Gesw BreaU Tins, Waica Ke - - -fcOC-9 Fo andB5ea Slides, TOOJ Setacf Bioa Siatia, -jC s:jfte!a'i, - - -9000 ruin and Ced 2ia. ToCO f uue Set Bjccj. - - -70O3 Jliniaiara Ickeli, Croaaea, Ac. - ll to 13 each f tolSeaca I La Ceaca 4ta Seat 4 to Ceacfe 4to Seaca 4 to f eaca 4to rack 4 to C eari X to S eaca Stolaaca 1 to 8 eaca 5 to C each t to S each Sto (eaca Su I aaca 3 to eaca t to 6 eaca to 1 eaca 3 to 15 ec& 1M &f tie eauda ia Ike abero List will no acd. ..a -- .i i . ' k tv reTatiua, for On IKnr each. Cemicue all tfee Tarioa articJe are placed la aitiiiar eaeiope and aealed. Taese eacWjea wni be aetit t-y taul, w ,viuiCrtiiot( ya will ee wtt it rep a-xj -t ia otKwbai w:u lea t aaa d allr rxi rn-ive tie arucio tr sot. Ia ml! trmnsacticca T mail we alall ciarra tar tor- frriiiic ite Cert:3:ate. parr f tare, aid d-i3 Lbe baie-. 2 ceata eaca- Fit Certi5cte will fc t lor XI : Eieres ftr $2 ; Ttirty tor 15 ; S.xty-flTt I t" ai Oae baadrel f"r 41. r,xkE5FOXDBST3 aw; re'.y apoa a qaiek aa r. u, lifir wwi. Oar bafcinc i eja . rrfura.ur atfcw is ail caea. Oar pa .-. t maj alwy d-il a fcarisr liesr ortJer fAiiA 'al.) M ia ao c tui eerre? unit' fee nexiertc-l-j---..rTpp.fl-j: boc'd te caef-I t wr:: tbei ri.ut6re niaia, m rivele- r-J V'-. ujh.j, ;ie. aiieu, Cr-U S .ili 1 to . j-y Ritibc hai bc5ri-f re!a:i-t wi.a te - t.iiea.ei, 1 take p!e-Bre is aayii tiii;teji. b--tt xii e crip i sea, iiAi perform ml tieyprvnu n nd the Jrweiry bse een irvai tbe't i ecsi, fi(r uiaUtUvS. B. O TtlOHP-i. tf7-if a rry Hi-L 5 th. PROS PECTUS FOR 1S5L Wo: An In&epen&snt Democratic Dai ly, Ecxni-weealy and Weekly Itewspaper. UNION OF THE WORLD AND ARGUS. . The TrrH, to whih the Xew V-.-ri We' f A-; has beta Baited. hsr U .lay five ttaies the aj'. jate eirealatitJB vf acy Ifas-jcratic t-r e n-TTat:T nwyper.- It addre' weekly a!ae ta re th 1&3.000 srcribers nod eoai5l parehar, i -reac&es at least half a mi.ii-a rea-lsrs. W.tb ib steady iacreaae ia circa !atin which it cow eaj.y theee nnraoers will o.n be doubled. rCvthtrg le thaa this h cl i satisfy thoe who beliere that thr only hope of restoricg the Unioa and the aathoriti cf the Constitation OTer a new distractei and di riil ecuntry, lies in wresting pewer frjia th hacdj cf tb-iae fanatirifm has he'pei to proTcke. iarite, aod proioag the war; otvj that to aerompIUh this esi, Deaat is so efferiiro aa the d ' T aic-D tbroaZh able aid eaUrpririag Bw?paprj, of -.a r. pclitk-al kawleige aujOLZ the workiar ra?o, th tL ink is g seen, and the Totingtnea of tha crth. Loterpnee, indaftry aai m ner will be liheralli expended to mke The Wurf l the Best Xewrpape in Ameriea- It new fnta err rurt of tf a w-.rl-i ill be early and a thee tic. WhereTertheulerrapt- cxtcd,or railradj raa, or steamboau ply, it w:l; gather tbe latest intelligence. It bar a Urge sta5 cfacec-mplished ecrresponieaU with aJJ the federal armies, who will be! -grip a aad write bo as the latest new from the rarivus aeais of war. It has cor. as pondentj acd reporters ia ererr political acd e m mercial e? litre in AiL;n.ra sn-i Europe, tsm letbers acd dispatches will leare noihlag worthy of note aas sown to ita readers. The Market Leprts of the W,rld are more c-.ra- plete than tto? of any other newfiaper. Th- Lditors larito comparison in this respect atd pcin to tbe reports of the Cattle klarkets, the eera. aai eoantry Prviace Markets, aai the M-aeT Mar kets m its columns, as prof of iu exre'leace is thi respett. The world had also a special dertmec: JeToted to Agncalture, filled wiLh eiiurial arti.l t er mmnjiicati'jni from practical farmers aai mechaa les of the country. policy of the admini-trti n whici p .Jocg it, hare eun spired to bririg betb-r upon oaa pluf..rm ai! ea aerTatiTe. ULioii-loriiS and Cuastitotion-b. ri g men, of whaterer frTajr name and creel. M lay tbese who withia tbe limit of the Cor.stutivn foarght tha battles of the ballot box ncicr th. leader-hip of thoe ptrijtic ftatet3a of O'ber ard belter days, Henry Clay aad Daniel Web-ter, to gether with the rawse wb-e principles wf e tiivt of tca patriots as Andrew Jack(. and Wi'.iiam L Marty, Silas Wright and Stephea A. Douglas, now iua" sh-.-allr to shoulder apen the same piatferas is a pliia ote. I; is u restore tha Caioa. maintain the CoBti:u'!oa, ar.d enfi,rr the laws. WhateT?r m&kes f r this eai, tbe ex-rtire of f :rce c-f the iA'.ej of c. i.iiiit. a. Thi Wor'.i wsd adroc bteTer C;kc a-jLiiit it. a ".-r!.l will o:-'re I: Wiii or j tJ nrrj taT tt, the Uci.n. ntt'tr-arm-i iLr.irf'iwiai the S.t-ta or i.? Jiij p:act :. the h4s duasiii asi eseCEtial dk--;-yaltT- t..e '..rth. I n ii ..r.; al - h . t : to! - -n y i'tx-e of the eTery T". La'ioa cf t r h-'t a;i o -T 1 J ah. Csstitntios U.a all i ! i. . ... ..: - . r v It w eTerr ictn-rti a 1 1 Lw. ia big :al-.d bee-j IV- r' 1 r.Uit s or :a ' , tT re kt a vi a. I or.' nrlr the di.alUU I a. . It will frle-!T exercis th Freed.-vra of r: r'res : it will c.oi a:Jy uiald ar.-i defcod Frc d u. of j.-erh and Fwed.ra of th Ballot. T.. t; of i i.r e iawiew - i tr ar cf the .ti-aia'-trat'ca. r-er- s ; Zj :j: wri; r. i r .- - c. wf f.e r.jf iil-; it-rlsoia, .3?, it aor , . j federal law. iu d-;pi'tic rcotnaIi...-: of sr- td rxiwer, aai its ubTer-i-3as of the of ciTil and pert-il Hb-Tty. it fill roa-vactiy o;-t e ;he letter and the spirit of our arm Uw and the dv'.ry of 'uid d-c;riie, astil Am--ricaa frc? mrj shall be rtacd to the reerery of thir ri?-M, their liberties, the r laws, ai-d their limited aad well badard grernraeat, by the resLtI?4s dscisiif oftheb-Uot. Profound y itntes?-?'! with the d?!" to e Tri bute all tha it tuay to the great wfk -f thi. grner atiun. nameW, to rertor oar nstiiGl aui'y, and to place the United States gi:c fwaiMt amiBgth nati'.ns of the earth, and id the peace, jr -asperity, and happiness of its jeo,-'. Ta or.d seeks from those who desir such thicg their sym and support, and, ab-jTa all, th faror f Hita whv crowns erery g-jod work. TERMS. DAILT WORLD. Yearly SabscriVrs by mail J3 Ctf SEMI-WEELY WORLD. Sing! snbscribers, per anaata $3 Two copies to one address 5 Ct) Three 7 CO Fir m u 12 06 Tea . 2250 WEEKLY WORLD. Sing! SabjCTiberi. per anaam J2 00 Three copies address on each paper 5 00 Fit - - s C9 Ten - 15 00 Twenty copies all to one address 25 CO Clubs of tw sty or oyer caa bar address pat oa each paper fcr an additional charg cf tea cent each. .For eTery dab cf twenty an extra copy win be added f-r the gatter cp of the club. For eTery dab; of fifty, ih Semi-Weekly, and for eTery club of one hundred, the Da: y wM be seat, whea reqaesttd.ia lieu of the extta copies of Weekly Additions to Clubs may b mad at any time at saas rates. Papers cannot be changed' fruot on Club to another, but cn request of the person order ing the Club, and cn receipt cf 'fifty cents extra, single papers will be taken frea the Clab aci smt to a seperat address. All orders atmt ba aceorapaaied by the Cash. Address. TIIE WORLD. .. . 35 Park Row. New York. aLT by the Barrel or poaad, Fin Dairy 5. for Sale At McLacghlix &. iffiJ S. PICIJEL5 by the doc en or barrel, af a aaperior eui ity, cnutafiliy oa hand At AULIraHLix A Stixa pLOCa, Batter, Kftra, Bacon, etc. ate.. At McLtftcgalin & Swxn'a. CCXTITATOR3, XcyTaes, Crad. es. Sake, Eaea, Spade a, SfeoTels, etc.' e,c , At lIcLanshlin & Swxn'a. Ti POET A XT to Sracke.s: The bet assort mint of A. SasvAirc TA, Cf, ri, Jtaa, u to b lial . : - ' At lL:LArC2LM & Swaxs. A Bplendid aasortmeat ef CoafectioBary Lacladiax mU - aUck and fancy caadies At lioljuixh-li-n & Swxn'a. CHXXF Shaars of th most approTed mak. for aai At !XoZaAx!ilia wa', - mm A W rAbiiiii-Ji IL&Jhiu, A MONTHLY ZlAGAHlirEi Tient ectrireiezsiTa ra'.eetary cf csa.' kacwleda ai Geaeral Iitcra'sra. pcTi lcaTy i sitti ia Li United r -Jtei; etshracizs all Lse f tares af a Pciytecbaia Jooraai, LVix.: Lx U Litrary Epwbcry arJ Hathly Leg-ter. F-p-rialiT cTot'.i to Fiaanrial. CcmtsTial aad Tadas trial'labereaU andsUIjsiat rtotk eerpcriaa iwa tie FIHi Tclaas this -..t?e w'tTe nrtM erioees that tha tZ xi of its coadacVjTt hare ba afrre'ate.i by a diam'sai caticg j'Oblic. we wtali e-l a'.stioa to ita char acter c the part cr the lar ycj cf renders whe ara not jet opoa it tairr:;t'ca lift. Oar par poM ia this pablitatioa ia tha 4ii:a:rAtI ef practical icforsaiia oa sakjcts of posttire atillry to the pof!e,enibined wita a direnity cf literary attraction seenring the serrv.-es of tha hea- ta ia the Txrious departments of Siace, ir.ea-Lettxe andGeat-ral Literature. While aiming mo peotally to render att e5actire semea la tie Trade, Cotamerca and Material Pr d action of Lb Country, muy aids of the LVatry. may -idea ti the mental world reel doe e.iniJaTiB th HitoricaltCriti-al, Jt4hct.eaJ ar.d I.nirlfUiire, well as th HuatH-iai. oi..i'ii-i, ithria , . . sew rn and strictly Mercantile- fmptoy the re teach cf the rant aod the fancy of th fexileb ist, with the practical experieace of the ba man and the worker. Ia tie tretmat of aciettlSr Topics, the n de selected is the p'.lar ia sty! rather than the technical. The saeaial pcavw oft the boar it shall be ocr endearor to portray, axd we Til ocrselres of the eoniribatio-js cf new Di-eon rry to the Circle rf Knwlede. a.-xl shall rer auha'l pr- ti -at ! a-ciBetae CeT-at litcU oee, whi.-h i!i i-e -f i"atr t-f liy aai bitfr -.'.erert whio th- Pr --ot hjll haro b-rrn&e ti .Jit. Ia tit. :h- Aancrn Ilxvfcssg aai li-ri-rw dirsr a 1 . r rt a' cr ' -,i rt r i-n J -" : "l-f: h. .ra ih - . u- The ii w '. e-iag 1j . .r e-. . be wi it e- t. -.ecifti a -4 U ,- -' .hti-?a 4iMrt aad t .j a Lr-fari iT.,i'f. -e f thaei- We gite a ; are th i.r-je;U cibhef f otca-k-ral r r-rlr p kaUi-a, t.x: The axi , -i.-' A-!;tr. Aj.r;ei Chea :ry, Arctae gy. B . tier-. B; aTr.Cnti "a. b.' s t!i r- i.. A'i i-tie .a - ,.:?,""!T1!K DAILYDF.v- ' t v -j : j r ' . 1 Jl 4 "" j'; I. dtj-. a?j,rr-. irterr.'.. I'-.r-'ctaei. iaar CAtx;, Trlrgrapa: J:r -ture Fr-vda-'a, Wvi---j: K.tu.i.-, M i.".';r icrMTgy, Ge-.-gy r::urgj; Pirst-, Pj.-.phyjiol-.ry.rutinxjs 11 ie?-e; fvle to (jra a?d donst e. iipt4 I. -.rrratti.e Law, a-,a ; T- p'graphy,TTaTta. rBSCst!PTl05 S 15 7BC V31TX.O k-lraaee 5 c r t, imr ,iaa-iraaci w 'k aa & tee Of p 12 M When paid at the end ef th year, 4 09 per aa &m.rirglecvt:y. Sample ejpy i-wiI oa via r ;pt of 1 eeata. " rCHEICJ CBiCHIPTi055. SicgU ecpj per aitaa j-.Ue fa"-l. Cacad. Caba, Grat Eriiaia axd Iie2aad, raoce. Germany, Weat Iaciex, rBritiah - 'Tt Indie, -V.jt Br:i'c Ovali Acicric rWet G v-t' fOWLEK A MH)N, 3. ill Chestaat St, i-&...--;t c., THE SlIOTIFlL AMERICA?!.' FOR 1504 The pabluher. of th SIESTIFIC aMZKICaX m- -' r .wivA nrifiM t'n.t Jk TatV . i . - j. No rrits- wiil ermaac oa tae ri T Jaary . k."-. u i t a, ; o a wu w.w a ss a jtt. Tht j aral wxs e'b.ihed ii lt. n il in-, caot'dij toe m t w.'le.y -ir.-cted acd r2 :a; pi it;. c ..i kj,-i ii th- . r J. lac-.i. mtirc:ng tae nw T.-;iiiie ji-. .-i r3-.i.r. mil special aftt:- ;- Ia thisrepect it I'.rt.l i- a- t '-i. y hnds its way u -t erri w. -p .n i-r countrr as rue ea-ne--. frier.d i :c Lm'tuii ctji artia-n. bat it i ( end in ih- o cu'i"-r.--tu ! . manufactarer and ttc ucp-hn-: aI- in thr and the b-H-i i. Tne rablv-ber f-el n xm i-j lairj an eqaal rj -fcct f o.rr iiT- rtaiti s t is their aim to pretest a.' aurjrts .a tae s ; popular acd attrac'.ire maaa r. The Ment. a-? asnenean i .oc;ihi rnce a wea. a conreaiect tortn tor bi 5 a; J t tt.n-r contain sixteen -es ef u-.ia rciii g attr. illustrated with 5CMEKOCS PrtlD ECX.V1.1u -f all the latest ai bt ir.n:v. n -f day. fhis fiat ere o' The i-araa! i. w rthy of j-:al aot. Erery nuxber contain fr.m ire to tea ri taal i graTiLgs of mf-haaical i2Teati"0 relating to rery lepartmeat of toe an. 1 h-? erzaTT. ar- exe- a.ed by artists r-ria,jy emtMojl va tae p?T, an-i are naiTer-ai:y aekaowjeired to be sa pen jr to aoTifcisg -f the kini ;rd? ed ia this -ni try. TDejaoii-utHt-f tbe rvnt.ri.- ais-n a jroaci-c - pre j. a da-tr-r -r ye.. aM Th late-' i. it tn"U-- i a St- t: Kr;.:trr;. W- Ves!. -V. VI itcf wil H --eh 1 i Fi i - . . i - : ' - -.-.; -w.- . . j-i.eii ;' r ' , ... " .j -i- :o-;rie !!....;.. ;. rr-aii-r ei e.'.-.i. -.a beeti rh- e -r-t jl r.u ti laj-'-'aa isi M,r. tt.. SEPLXTuXT i'T 1KI2IC15 P1TE5T3. Ia ttis iirp rriit Jrp-vt j-c:. k Titally e-aaect-'-d with a!: the rr : is-erfi f ;hee-.stry, r f.-rj i-i j- .-,--.. j. n Vf'" r. .: ItKjs :.-- . j -l-.i i - i r -f; ;k" ' "- ." Pataat L'.e. TIIE PK1CI1C1L KECiri al-'ae arj ft bw w -r a a ce to tie aV-rihe tha tie as -ait f wh y rs sahnrfcp ia. rtRXs OF ?C;C1PTI05. T Tw'ai- f be Seien'.ii; aatencan are pb--bed e b -r. at Jj each, cc 3 per pet irn itL corre-;. ir:i. 1- w terts to Cls,Wt 11 wUl pay x'- ar mottb-" sabrriy-ti..a. The Biubera f-.-r one year, whe-a b-aod ia a eoCuaM. cwtirwte a work of fgcf tefal iaf i;tu o. whkk erery ouht to x.s. a tew tIs wii? oa the Lri of Jan aary, IS 4. CLUB KATE. FiTeeop:, fr rlx months 35 Tea cofic. f -r six m yitis 12 Tan cop!e fr twdre moaths 22 Fifteen c pies, f r twjTe av atas 34 Twenty cvries. for twelTe raoBths 4 For all eiub of tr eaty acd eTer. th yearly sab seription is only 12.00. Naaaes can be sect ia at different times acd from d;2erct Ptt Uis (iecimea copes wiil ba s it gratis t- rt of th couatry. Canadian rubber ten will pleae to reta't 25 -etb. extra oa each year s subscription to pre;.? t p MLWN A CO . Pi,t -i- r.( No. 37 P.-k Rc w. Nw V rk. SALIXALBA. Tbe Greatest Timber for tlie PRAIRIES. It? It crakes a perfect BeOcs fence In tone years J 3" One Are uf it i lira fall, ia fiTyer wil Bit eacth WdhI f. one Farai.y ! JTJr" It n.w straiefcu. aad rery tail ! d"ltnerer p-i fr .m ibe rcu; bu when cat down, win gmw ara. a rsa tbe tuns? Tery rapjiT t3 It ia the beat aot t wwd for f aei, er aay other pBrre ! y When kept oT the trocad. th rails win last so year ! tjm It grows equally well wua as oa upland, where tin rich as in the bottvta! J3" Ctitun e;;bt iucb ;0nf alack lath ground ia t e Fail, ncrer rit u rrow ! We sell it for f per thousaad Cattiugs, deliT- ereu ai ay ot t ar ajuicm. E3" Parties wiahtiis: to buy, fronts orler early of ocr Agents, ao that they may notify us ia liaie. CTTTISG3 SaadJed and de'iTered at th ahoT places, aa soon aa tbe lea re fall. T X. rTSuKk, -f iwutiiie, i- Aieat for Kesiaha aad eat half of Kichard Ccnatiea CCBTls at PKATKE, Pawoe City, a Ageats tar Pawne and wet half of aUcharttaoa Coaaues- K.KT MX.T1XK.H4JC. Beatrice, U Agent for 5ag and Joaes Counties. T. H. BCTUta, ATtotia, Agent for Clay a- SaUa Counties. We leara that many swamps of -mmoa i!' baj fcw Cleaned up. an the CottifW. ael-3 jirT w- W. get eur Wi:uw .a SiaCKI. XDWAltid. of La MoUle, Illiaoia, a re.poaiH Saraerymaa. fM i rrm sm. i ter. Boetaa. Sagar. I V Win aad Pith-x Ciaciera, Cream BucVl CiaaerSaapos. - f I. M tw'i-i.r l. At 22c:rjUa & CTTti t-w IS51. OT the mm p- T tie T, t Cr- ere saent restored ia Lhe-sCei !S era ted, aI SUr-ry obUterat';,' V, er tta cf '51 will be amm, J" k 2 Le aad prerity. Wr U,". ti! rrpreh of atr'iia, p.'-j va a higher jlatfwna cf tauir JZ1 , ?l a sua ;ro;a&der ay their ji tcj IB W.. V 4 to Urs.' -a a; ia ti trsaaa tirt AtLaitie; whi". esizrat. , is Laseasey tar prod tJt f,m ' ThestiriigeTea'jsf tie ly depkted ia th sciaas , wear reulTe.i to r-K-itf trictif e tiaa erer a a sV -f rT ID c j -. a lap :rtd by ; ng sn L hi wi evi tc -l-r; ..f r . ad alv i-"s j . r L -it a . ?r n"ar -a or "f i.j j.. r Tf v aai ef th Pr7 an I Ii".i a. ljr Tn-We y. w.U eva- th Iaeftai.i w. f tie L-aHy. ioca r K..'?S- J jV:L,;ai:. ' ...r -j e h7-7 - c 'ffiv fr.iatie ?: &n iti L..-irr-4 wid b? pch L-'-l .a ai I ?. i AR3IV CuRRESPu.VELA J cd oar araai q lis -. ity ..f 'j-san, We reiat ai PMt2:n .'- Areata. Seed far epsc:aHa aaaen .J v Pr jrf ectaa foe dlfarihati'c, ai -Jirt , Iy f rwrdd. ;ead a? many aara-s m . iv th-sr pi;r sct t r- J: -J,t th PvtraM?er r ta pvtr . t It ia w required taat a.1 u shid be sect to oa fV Oij u, swcit to d. ereat Cice, ad avii..ji. at aay tiai The following ar oar rates fx ttt rt DAILY DE3I0CR II Mail Sabjcribers oe year .... Pr--e to 'w? IVkItts - - - - - TRI-WEEKLY LEMa C?i. r 1 1 3T2 C v JI2 S72 3 12 5 Ov LiiS Sshsrrifcers ca jear - - . . WtEKLY DEMvi V "'.Z ' C p.i- JeaT . - Tart- Ccj-e - ------ r ii pjes - - - - ... Tea Cojies - - - - - - - - - S; i: sr. : 1 . s te v x t r i - .i7 r a" 1 i a ;! ' ;-irer "er e. i LI GET IP I01R tLl; ri: 3EW ATD PLE5Dr Thi pvtu.r Xin-t!y c.Lta i : iu- jey ibmit acy Kfzi.m ia t .t nli hire nearly iwJ :'.i. 25 b 12 -i rrd j-nm, at.i JfvJ w jod ei.v this f.-r oe'y T- L jtt a T Icari tbava BMgaaicet uf ita cVmb. r. . w. ui "Peveroa. Ia th g" -. w pev-e, its is th oely Ugraae -i . iu eve, either to r.rgte fj- vs i ' jyi is, aiersfor, ezj-aiic. Tit otj tie Titaes. The stories ia "Peter-iB" aw co brst putliihc-i i2T:rrt. Mr. Ann Ela Kdsan llr lai-B. Fri-i Lt ' the aathor tf "Sssy L"? ry.". T. i" L. Char-dler M.too. I-";.! T"Wt.i. El-! ivT. l"i-l f "Th- S J ;4tur f;st -;'r . 4-rv -vnU".hu-"- I- aiii'i-. : " ' r- .:. ..-. th. ':... r.".'- irt V V . . :. i . -r- 't - - ' ' .1 ' "i -. - ' ii Si i ! - .. S. i- . w . i j .T. i. L- t : i?' c'. t i .. j I -?-T.. ". j I pi"b'-r cu I -iifli) WcX-.-tiatS - - ..rr f ;.-! ' s:. "Tb n, F- - - J 1 r pf . ah' n-d h-r steri e:r'S tifeia wher ilaosio. a! h-at f- ' razee: It is the only M-ra:3e ! P-at--M e ryl;-: -n. i-h rxr ? j a. ! " ti.a s s n t a r-.i, e a ib it -o. TiP'' iu:ad--iia aa-3 N; Y- rk r'v ai li-r a ech ujvu -3. Prtera Eid Lrresees, Ax. - a. It i .fC3 P. e tr:id err, er:htt. Ac. Th Weik- Tabio Le-hrtaie2t rb: wiy uariTaled. Erery aasbxr r sore patterns in eeery eari-ty ' Cnchet, Esabriiery, KaitliB, w.-k A.- A. . Erer-r m-,ii'3. a '',"', rattera ftr j.irr."nr. oar- or -." tai a li Ut. ty s:- no-h l,x wiich. at a rets.2 a: -xur New Cok-Book.--,n!e Orr biJJ eceiru of -Petenfn are ja::e lSc4oar-Cik-B.x.k wid i er one cf ties receipts has berates- sis wej wcrti-ti prio of eei ba for ti tuileue. akA-rouO. Ac. A-' 5. New aad fAhicnb'e xaa-l- i!',' And ala:s on Hurticultare, Ear matters iateresticg to- UdU. TERMS ALWAYS IN AD' ' (. rx( y for oa year. 1 cip-e f.'r une yar, F.s roee f jr i.m yer. Ei;ht Copie f.-r a year. Tweir e'p-is ir es year, Sixteen e-ries fur o year, ( m ,M Premiaar fxt -'.izz uz. eitat. or wy-e i Cb. ' Mag't'ia- aa,.- . f . d-4'j i . i a c..- f f t. a.'. , . Tiiie a ail c t: d iUr at, a h.:' r a cub tin ; i-:4vri r a :.'i) at t-- si ! 1 fi'ffa C..1; r. n extra co;r tie Ls-"-4 w":i fc-e giceu. Kia 5 a c-retaia . If prefefW. .- ' nstel if ita l:':i-ir.tM Lauy s Aiinax,a. ia g-lr. i r ctti-r cf oor M?u-jtia".s. etrb 27 ia hs by 2J Bairaa t ll.iri Ch Li. Jvi!" cr .r:ara.-V . ... . ? r 1. iar fcr li Resoas f-oa Prison. ' ';; c gnt;a o a club of Sixteen, t fI , ; sen lie Jiar,--in will b seat, or aay tJ " AdtTtto, post- pCi, CHARLES J 5 ' No. 3 5 Chesteat Street, t-1 t All Postmasters evostitated Ag?,:r. pcrsoa aay get sp a dkh. Lpecixai !c-Jr. il written for. a a a win , aa a WW, . Notice to teac1 . r- skaft - i The Badsrsiraed. Board ci Exaa. a7 -'.dsa- me;UEg3frthpurpofexaaui.i5i .. . ers.oa tie first Satariay of a? a Bvaa,i , v. . PAUatthecSe cf E. W. are required t bar a cenif .f i-'' prsrianj ba tieecraaieaeemeBt of , E. W.Tt'; o . ,a , r-.-v. r - TT:G J Chaeniat. Ifip'e near, a4 . f A Peacbe.PTpeMBC,Xsrv3C teridure aaac, Ac , Ac " . . feiTl TTPT7! f f.n'irilC ? A . i av ? wa m - DAILY, TPJ-TTEEaIT t TV- war drxara is appTr:i; w . iat.Ttet. Th:syer will l as f ti- Ee&ellka. w.-T' J tae IL'ry of tie Cosatrr tlaie tie retaxx af Pea,' T; Aara spoa a aew esree ,r G. TV" Ah . Ar McUrgaJt 1 . rr - -