Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 15, 1864, Image 2

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ran vice riiEsiDEvr
or teitcesei!.
Nebraska Democracy
'. The D- moenicy of Nebraska met in
rtr-vi-lY. UII HIC llin
lnsjt ani noprtn-tt'-'il-Bs their candidate
for D.-leate to CJnre.-s, George L.
MilLr, Esq. of Q:naLa City; placing
'him, however, on araore indefinite r.Ut-
lorin, if possible, than lint on which Mc4
Gellan was placed at Chicngo. They
adopt, as their creed, the phtform of
principles laid diwn by the Chicio Con
vention and McClellau's letter of accept
ance. The Chicago platform ennunciates no
principle of policy but opposition to the
Administration and the War, and de
mands peace on any terus : while 51c
Clellan repudiates it nil, except the fir:d
resolution, and speedily declares himself
for the War and the Union. His letter
of acceptance is a rebuke to the party
whose representative he shrinks to be
cnm, and an apology to the people for
n.'cc piin the .nominaiion on a platform
he 'repudiates!', Thus they are willing to
acrept both the peace doctrine of the
Chicago platform and MtClel!ans war
princple and by welding them together
make a sound podestal for themselves of
the incongruity.
The second resolution of this Terri to
ri il platform says Mey tv.ll encouraged!
fiurts towards a peaceful solution of our
national difficulties when the armed forcps
of Sta'.es now in rebellion shall by
;;' '
down the.r arms and acknowledge the
tuprerniry cf the Conitution and the
LavwKi:hmeans if it. means any
thing at all that if the pace doctrine
cIops not win, and we fiiibt the Avar"uuC7
they will "encourrge efforts towards a
peaceful solution of cur difficulties1' after
they have been settled ty war, and ac
cept peace when thsre is nothing more
to fight for.
It is a very weak attempt to get on both
fides of the question, and so transparent
that it is rpuljive.
Many of them acknowledge that tlvy
are only Democrats because they could
not accomplh anything as Republicans.
Put no other solution to the caqse of thrir
failure is needed than the ability they
cow exhibit; which will be likely to make
thetn about as successful now as they
teen heretofore.
Army AiTiiirs.
The recent successes of our army at
Atlanta and Mobile has had a good
effect on public feeling. All are gro y
ing more hopeful with the prospects of
tpeedy ppace, which from the overwhelm
ing numbers of our army, our advantage
in portion and resources, together with
rebel weakness and exhaustion, cannot
be far distant. When we count the time,
money, labor and life such victories as
Atlanta and Mobile cost us we mutt ad
mtt that it is fearful ; and then consider
ibatihe rebels are on!y driven from their
position and must be fought again some
where else, il seems that the war would
rever end, but ibis is the only way in
which it can ever be ender, and the best
policy is to throw the greatest possible
cumber of men into the field, make the
te'iges ?hirt and crush the rebellion at
Since oar recent successes great disaf
fection is spring up in the ranks of the
rebel army, and many of them are tak
ing advantage of the terms offered them
by Gen Grant, and are coming into our
lines and taking the oath of alleigance.
. Sherman is gradually falling back on
Atlanta and strengthening his positions
with a view of making it a permanent
po't, anJ a base of supplies for future
The re was a rumor in Washington on
the 12 h inst., to the. effect that Mobile
has surrendered to Gt.n. Granger, but it
was not officially confirmed. However,
it mattery little whether it has surrender
ed or not h is only a question cf time
its fate is reduced lo a ccrtair ly.
From the Department of Arkansas the
new is not so cheering. Steel's whole
Bdminstraiion in thar Department, from
the beginning. La been very lai ; and
for tcmetime the Detriment has Leen
almost at the mercy of the rebels. Two
gunboats have bttn capturtd lately juH
- below Clarendon and another at Si. CLar
le on White River- A veiry severe at
tack ha3 been made on the Little Rock
rai'rad, which rttulud in destroying a
, pr.rt cf it, and almost every day we hear
cf soma guerrilla depredations cr disas
ter." The last report say that Little Rock
ar.d DuValls Bluffs are both in rebel pas
session, but the report" is pet j generally,
believed. in Memphis. Wj? should not be
surprised, however, if such were really
the case. Since the disaster at Camdenr
last Spring. Gen. Steel has dons nothing
but indulge his superior "knowledge of
the arts of civilization.,, ...
The latest news from the Shenandoah
Valley indicate the withdrawal of Early.
Ar.d Lee can very well afford to with
draw him, now that he is through gather
ing the crops in the Valley. There is
some very bad management here, 'files?
rebels from Richmond are allowed to
gather the crops" from the "-Shenandoah
Valley every year, and several times they
have gathered large amoor.ts of supplies
from Pennsylvania' and Maryland'.
Grant has completed his railroad from
the vicinity cf Petersburg to City Point,
thus him to oSiain supplies with
out hauhVg them so far over the high
roads as heretofore.' He is quite confi
dent tiow that if the Government can
(rive.hiih 100,000 mr n immediately ne
II f... nl lp tn sucnosefullv end the
paign by taking Richmond and perhaps
in crushing out the rebellion altogether
Lee has moved his Head Quarters from
Richmond to near Reams station,' on the
Weldon Kailroad, where he has' been
massi.-ig troops for several days past, with
a view, probably, cf 'giving Grant battle.
The case wi;h tiitm ha-i become desperate.
The Weldon railroad is of vital import
ance to their occupation of Richmond,
and tstiring, news may be .looked for
irom there soon. Another great battle
seems imminent. -
From Fort Kearny.
I .. Sept.,-7th, 'Gl. :
The countryria this'direction, h'as been;
foa the last four weeks, incomplete ccu
motion from Indian depredatbas, as you
doubtless long ere this have learned ; but
I am satisfied that the extent of this
trouble, is. not .appreciated. bcyoml..ihe
limits of the Territory in which it has
occurred. O'l d A V ': -
The facts are thexs: the various tribes
inhabiting this country have repeatedly
received premises from the G nrrnmem
to the effect' that at stated timevblankets
and other-necessaries would be i?Mtedito
thrm, and under these promises they
have repeatedly assembled to the appoint
ed times and places, and have 'as oftrn
been disappointed and lefc the rendezvous
in "disgust, nod .increased hatred ta tlu
people who often have broken- faith with
hemJ -'',. '
. This failure of'the Govermiient to keep
its promises hn cot been recently iniug
urated, but exunds'back through seveial
years, and Tati'we b'in t'i,t'Aj.r l!'3
more tumi fndiannature can bear. They
hnve, they believe-, been by us deprived of
their grounds, and.; not only' expect, but
have been promised certain remuneration
for their lo3, and we repeated ly fail tu
kepp our engagements with : them,- but
each time postpone the time foi- the de
livery: of the pri'inised -' articles and
-which they chtinot di without can xv
expect their conduet'to;be different from
that whi'eh they are nrvv-'purt-uing ? '
i Travellers and the- inhabitants .all
along th route 'from-' Denver to:'thi
place have beenmurdered by these sava
ges, to the nuaberof forty or fifiy.-
Ranches have no security in their prop
erty; and; in fact, the most of them have
deserted their houses to sav their own
and their families lives, golng'erther to
Denver or as fur3 as' Otraha -in the 'oJh'-r
dtrtction, a few remaiDiffg at their-pos'.
--'iVt,' 'however 'much the GoveTnfiVni
may hare failed in its promises to tbm,
these Indians' (Except. -'perhaps, thePa'.N-
nees; aiiJ I wuuia notirus'. tuem j must
be thoroughly, whipjfed btfore tiie iuhaL
tauts r travelers wii .have. any. security
in person or property. Tiirc are man
pec pie in the! States who are under the
vrroneous . impression; that 'mo.t of the
accounts! of ihf3e Indian deptedatu ns
have been exaserattd by'partifa iuterei.
at the usual Vac f voting therein, on Ud in rai-ing the price' of rall toiintiodities
SATURDAY, SEPTEli5E32!U, lSGUto a fabultus figure, or in having a large
, At.- p. m , for the purpose of sse
jeciing Delegates Jo .attu'o l the Union
County Convention, to be At-Jl.-owu-
vnie on- . u 1 -
5iOXi).ir, oei'TEjIDE?, 2GII1, 1SG1,
...At 2 o'clock, p. m., for. llv; of
nominating . a ' Legislative auJ , County
Ticket; to be supported a; the coming
October Election. .. -u ..
All Uuioa voters .are earnestly j.fe
quested to attend. . r .
The various Precious .will ba entitled
to send the following number of Dvde
yates to said County Couveutio'i : : ' i. .
Mr. John W. Dopf has bought out the
AtchisonConnty Journal, and 'promises
to make it'a bn'tter paper in the future
than it has been in the past. ' " '
Mr. Dopf a sound Union man
stands, on the right platform and we
doubt not has ability to improve the Jour
nal, if he will only . dis-ard the re vol u
tionary spirit that has. presided over the
ual heretofore. . . , ; . . .
We extend to him our kind regard an3
best wishes. ...'......,
Uclott CoaEt7,ConTi:tIpn...1':
. The Union Voters of Nemaha Coun
ty. Nebraska Territory, are reques:ed to
assemble . in thsir respective Precincts,
Piir$ or t:io KcSrasSa First Unfier
" Arrcst-Aa Outrage.
vM. EixToa:lVill you please relish
the following, letter and circular, in .the
columns of the 'Advertiser. The letter
sufficiently explains itself. The Nebras- i 0f the Union, ;.U a' (Ltertaiu-dx unity - of
ka First has been a credit to our lerri
lory. Of i gallant'deeds evry citizen
of Nebraska may well feel proud. For
The following i3 an extract from
Grant, dated City Point, -Va.VlQth :
llon.n. B Washburn: Dear S;r -I
state 'to all citizens .who visit 'uw, Uhat all
we wanf nov to entfe early restoration
sentiment north.' The rebs have now in
their ranks their last nsan. Ikys and
old men are ruardiug prisoners nd rail
road bridges, forming a good part of their
three years they have nobly -endured -ali-jrrisons" for " Vntrenchf-'d - positions.
Any man lost by them cannot be rrplaetg
They have robed the cra-ile grave
equally to get their present force.
Bdaids what thev have lost in fre-
hardships and privations, and performed
everv duty withoUi'flificiuDgor conpl'ain
ing. Their fame is not obscured by aay
art of dishonor. Those who haveserved
till their
ho' Ion
friends. They waited patiently unul the
full time of the last man in the lat com-
rany bad expired. .That they should then
be arrested for 'refusing to do duty and
in a
Sot iee be:e r jriva tH.sit the vlq'UtA-I V
tcr in fH.-i.ry oV-XeunrTa count, "ebra.k Ter
ritory, by virtu jtf aa'OHerof S tl j iu. t by,
th Kci-ittf ia Cnwery of the Iistrift C-y-irt of'
sr.iJ CDimtf jn f T-.-rrftory, in favwr of StChn
F, Nuok'.JU tin 1 ' nguust HeHtii Nu'k"1N A lsniuii-t.-atr
t' the e.W.p ..f Charier M. (ireever, di-.-ea-f.i,
I'Uizab'Jth .-KxiLTa.-!, Jhn O, Sutni, IVt-ir
OrsfVi-r, -Li7lnV Cir:evr, Suan iirrvr, Sarii'i
(i'ctver. AnlrrjMr Urej?er, AViKiam (i.-eever an!
Sam'ud II. I'jffl.atoDo Vl.K k . in. on ,
Monday the 2dh dTiy of Sept. a. d. 1SC1,
i- front .f the Br w;ivill ILtti.', in tha City of
"'wrvt!iV. f rnnhrrc,inn''y; Xtbr-isk i Tor.-i toryt'io
j e who!" t!p I it I'.'rin of 3 ti l court of l c uii
ty was hvH. oXsr for ?nh at pu'i J ajctiori t tli?
hihe.t hi Jii.?r f r rznh, tlio following .IoTi'r.t
rvnl cststrc, to-wit: 1'hi n ti'u we-'t qu:irt-n.f tho
imri'i iM?t quarter anrl lot i.n cf .-oetiun ?", &n
s.ut!i wst quarter l Hi" n .rt:i east q'i, rwr, anJ tS
dishonor. 1 nose who naveserveu n,ieDt &kiruwshea .aud battles,, they arc-t" v tU:l,'r ot-xae n-nh e.i-i quarter. n-i
- -.--?f c y ,r- j t,' ,XA TTa ! ' m" ' i . ' ..I m thJ irth wosr quarter of tie soutb eunt queer,
eir ttme has fud; expired shou.d l3 0w dosing jfrom; dest-riwn and other j,tt4aw,(,tlflrU TJrtef of thc.rM eJt ,vf
"er retained Troni "their homes and J causes at least one regiment pt.r day. j tcr, n.i the north oi-t q-iartrr i.f tie s-Mt i .-..x
With this drain ttnon them the end : quarter.. ar,.i t&o 9ujnrai q-iarter t, !zii
Ts not fur diiiant, if We' will only be true
lo ouMei vt s. - '1 heir nly hope now is - a
dhordered iNorth. : This .n ight Lrin;
tht-m Tt inforctmen.ts from lX-nn., Md.
detained for' an .indffinite pefiod. is an ! Ky., and -Al iryi iud. huo: it would
cutrage. Somebody is to blame." . . us ' with draft qutetly euru.ceu
. v, , the enmy 'w.-uld become d?p indent,
. Tvvo.:m.enbers of f Company C.h.av -.... Jliulj . . re3iAauC& Ue iu
been imprisoned without., tril for .three
months,, although the Articles of War
expressly . say .that . each . prisoner tsh'all
have a trial within eight diysv A.peti
tinn to'Tfihtr wiih a conv of the Circular
.-.! ' - I J ' . , ,
tT'l iJ tLV 1 T Will H r wr u. ..Try .. . -
:-; . :. 1 . :...
trust the mutter will receive a spetdy in-
" .A. ClTIZL.V.-
lirowuville, 9. Nem ih.JD ty. 4:
Peru, 6. j Aspin ail, 3.
Glen Rock, - 3. . UiJford, 1.
Lifayette, . 1. '. Beaton, ' 2.
Washington,' L .Djjglas, i n2.
By order of the Union County Cen
tral Committee. ' - . '
. : k C. G.DORSEY,
Ch'tirman .
, T. R. Fisnra, Secretary.
September Uth, 1SG1. : ?...; .
Epi.TQ.a : S;r: In your
last issue I notice an article from a 'Farm
er," in which, I find a slight mistake in
reference to the duties of a Pr bate Judge.
Said farmer asserts jbat the Prolate.Couri
ought, by law, to be kept in session. every
day. and give, as authority, the Lawyer
cf Erownvjlle.,; Browpville, Lawyers are
like all other Lawyers liable to mistakes.
The Prelate Code of Nebraska says that
the Probate Court shall et on the "Sec
ond Monday of each Month,". but for
the convenience of the people who have
Probate business, I have hid sessions once
a wetk , iifetcad of , once a month , as the
Jaw require!.-, As for the .gentleman'
advice; in regard to my occupation is. con
cerned 1 shall take it for jut ,irfjat ii is
worth, andf&llow whatever . business I
see proper.. .. , -
, NrsuASK Militia, ...
Nebraska City, Sept. lOih, 1561..)
All Commissioned r Qnc,ers and Pri
vates, and all Militia Men, throughout
the 21 BrijraJe, are ordertd and com-
- ' ..... : '
macded to take no propnrtygoods, chat
tels, horses, or anything of value from
any person cr persons for the use 'and
benefit cf the Militia service, without the
free and voluntary concent of such per
son cr persons. ' Commissioned Ollicers
wiU see that this order is obeyed.
O. P. Maox,
Col. Com. 2d EgMe N. M.
-' i.i
i 9 m
' ' ' , 1 r. t '
The people of Nebraska take a great
delight in beauty, and have a very fine
faculty of appreciating if we may judge
from the manner in which they rush to
Mr. PerKins.' Photograph Gallery to get
their pictures taken. Mr. -Perkins is nov.v
building a new Skjlight' Gallery in this
city, which he will soon have ready for
operation. Don't fail to give him a call.
'military forw left here for their benefit,
or, perhaps, both. To a certain; extent
this is true. At this viery post, for tx-
tiU'i'-j tut il! iii r- tr-w timer- Wlfflfl iJCTS VI f
who have 'Hocked here fcrproteciion frotn
the saveges, as they represent it ; but a?
soon as )hi.y receive it, and, perhaps; food'
too, turn about and do all in their power
to injure the Government by combining
together to demand the highest price? for
corn, hay, wood, tc. ; and if their ser
vices are required by proper authority in
the emergency which his but j it com-
minced, they are not to hi fo;::J. .,
j. - .
Corn is three dwllars and forty
per bushel, and wood thirteen dollars an j
a half per cord, and cottonwjjd at that,
these enormous prices are, I am rehaoly
informed, more particularly th-3 rt.uli oi
letting the contracts. for tuch article at
Omaha rather than here.; Somebody i
to blame for this. ,-,;,
Bat in spite of all .thee things, the
honest, peopjieand they are a large pro
portioa of this Ttrritor.y wih, and the
iutertsts of the whole. .country demand,,
that there, ba an iucreasa of the . force,
now available in this vicinity, and that
vigorous measures be continued, as I be
lieve they have already been inaugurated
by Gen. Curtis, to " clean out" 'in'ese hos
tile vagabonds, even to exterininatieii it
necessary; and there is no time to lose in
this matter, for winter is coming on, ai d
the people of Idaho and .Colonido mutt
have the opportunity of laying in their
supplies, which is imposs.ble till 'thee
Indians are soundly thrashed, and. made
to. fear us ever afterwards.
I must not close before saying a. few
words upon politics. The unnnimou
nouiinaiion, at Chicago, of Gen. Geo. B
.IcClellan vvas receivfd here with de
light by by fpr the great majority of th-
people, but most ajl find fault with the
- - - - x- . - - - r
p.aiform-upon wt.ica lie is expected to
stand. It breathes altogether too much
peace, and does not contemplate war at
aii. V " ; . '
The. univeral belief here is from all
the doings of the Convention, partk-ular-ly
the resolution that they adjourn to meet
afraiu that McCIellan will and must re
ject .this nomination, with a view to a
unanimous nomination at some future
tim9 upon a platform in. which he may
have the option of laying at least a fevv
p'anks, himself; in other words upon a
war platform if 'necessarv, and' with a
policy' for. which he has alwaj's contend
edj and lhe first object of which will( be
to destroy the rebel armies, or by' cth ir
dignified means to bring back the seceed
ed States to their .old places under the
Constitution as it was," with cre.di to
our once noble country. ' , ,
That your paper, advocating such meas
ures as it does. may. succeed and prosper,
should be the earnest desire cf every
man who loves v his country better than
particular policies, institutions or indi
viduals, and such is the heartfelt prayer
of SixMrac Vikdadeeo.
L ': -OfrtctCoM 'W MeSTCTtv" ,
'" Little Rock,; Aitx.'.'Aug'.' IS, '04.
Lr. h McRSE,A; (;. M., ) ' ;
.TJ Dtv. 7th A:.C. Little Rock. . . :
- .'5irr;;Yjou will pleale inform IJrig-Gen.
C. G.; A'ndcewsi.Coai'dgSd Dir. 7;h army
corps, thai thb oriLual Regimental term
of 'servfce of stheMst. Nebraska Cavalry
Volunteers expired on the 22d tiInmo. ;
but that tie absence of .the veteran por
tion of the regiment, the company com-mai.ddrs-,'
company records', and svli"data arrange the final muster and
reorganization of the regimeiit, bas'reri.
dered dtiimpossible for many enlisted
nienitheni entitled todisrharse; to return
hi Nebraskntifor ther. purpose of tiiu.-ii.r.
irigili out; c -and4., receiving ' retained pay
bounty, isic: ' 1 - :
The ttIiiPTs cf companies A. I. & C,
h iving retained their records, disposed of
"iherr ' teterah Wdonteers and recrhits,
and- prepared reug'i copies of muster-out
roil, ' were c toge tli-ir with ther'
members of thejr rompaities reportrd !.y
Wirk -ctiide, July ;lb'.h, lSGi,'as then ready
to proreod to the Twrnt i y. 1
AH m'en of c ..rnpanry-- C- 1. F. G. II
Ii Ki numberii;g '0 or 75 men en
titled to dhchiirge July 2Jd; lbol.-could
not -inert4 be retufneihtii -Nebraska with
out creating f dd i t ioiui 1 - con' 'us-ion-and
iroulle, besides n.-king'th? -11 ray,
musier, or being properiy discharged.
("l heir company cornman'ders were then
atid-arei still ubent. There'were wotcctn-inifsi-oned
OiTicerr? pre's-nt, who, under the
circuins.:ant could-. assume the respon
sibiliiy of. s tiling ivrnrjy accounts, fur-
. , ,1. .. : - . . v " i - j ' - ... i
nishiug nooi-Afy , trander. papers, ,or
.preparing mU'ter cwt r -Ms.
'.'I he interests . cf. lhe cnljit d men
sfems to. have been sadly ii-gketcd,' i.
ii.ouitteiiy ignored, that the. U-g.imf ntal
and cotnpjauy.. tomiuaiders tn:gut avail
thL-mselves of vettrai; f.uLughs.
, - v. i ...... i J
t , ry respectlul y t . .
. Your ct7t strvant, . .
Signed .. ... A. N, .Vncet, ,
, C m. Mus .D.u't Ark.
donbi buL.the' ettomy. arI excVVtliug anx
iou to hold -out; jumill, alter -the .Presi
dential election.. Have many hopes troyn
its ' elft cis.. 'hope a counter resolution,
hope for the eii-cuon of peac?- candidate
in fact; like rTacawbtr; hope for some
TT4"ing"rornivu, . v v. ; , .
?ri Our )e;fjce fneuds. if they expect peace
from separation are mucli mi-t;uken7 It
would tui'bi ths; b-'iuniug of the "war
Aith the?" thousand of : N6rthorn" "men
joining j.ha!3; uta, : because bf 'cur 'dis
grace in aiovvjng. separation.. To have
peace- oti any.lerpi?, the So ith wouhi de
i.'atid Vue re-torauoa oi her staves aheaify
freed, would deman-'i ltidiinjUy for loss
es5 suknined, would ' dr maud a" treaty
which would make the Nvrth slave-haulers..,.,,.
. ; ,-: ; . .... - :,: ;. . -.
Recruits are hurrying to- -the.-front
from Pa., much limre readily lhau ' any
previous tinr. Total' number of men
who go through this city'not less
than, fifteen huiidt.-d.. ' Cidss oi. .lien now
.eomin.i' from tne cjntry are; Jioug the
best wno tiave yet entt-red tlie fieiU.
Death of Jolm ilorgan.
The'followihg additional dispatch rela
tive to the death cf John Morgan "was
rtceiveu oy u.overnor jonnsou: i
. ...tV4Bu'Li.1s Gat. Stptember 2d
".'To Governor Johnson: ' ' '
."Ail Morgan s jipers 'fell
hi'tr-i.'.tl (ioi.tvru VV . "
-. -- - a , .. . -,,3
- - vs.
Tbcta.i.vrj..::rnl .-.n, JefcnLat". j
'on. ni ic? i ne f.i r- ri, wj.l tv - . .
abHvVijfiA'.trttnViiuN.i.f',-,,, Ti cf a
rJ.!.kj-'JVftt.'yitii.; ..-v ,he l)k'i, .i
UWI.'fl ll:..?rV,!I ..f r..,..!n,f V Ll
sen-.'.rtrtfc tf.:it . n the 2 I .i.j,,.','
L is' j tn r i f S '!, i .i irt n p.,, ' th? L
..i' li,j (:..: 13 c.i.-if in ;iit t'.ri.ifv , ,'M ;'. r
Tnut s i. J iK- ! vn ';-'t :n
J! v ti'iA-.n v. ., '..,'3'Bro-.
I l.-ii l!l I 1,1 f i T 'V'N ... ft 3 v. "
' -";l. ' i.'Xtt .!''.' I, , , ,
f -.1:1
N- 1 .
.fjTmec of section 3? iri"t.siitp 4. ""rf-f
runo lo ca-f, con'Ainin 3l'J a:.-e.s aol .!) l!)!lt'i
ami ioU I, 2. :t. A 4, ur-s-'t'iii nu.n v 3l,ail tnj
rmrth w.jt q i.-irttr.-of the 4iuth vv-ii-l iju iruir an I
the south ..-l f;nnrfer vi' the s.'U.'h' wc.-t :n ,
'and to !. !i eat -. iftfr of rhj s nth w.-st .;u ir
ter .;' tfii..a l.r t.'fiisljrp 4." 'Tr:h l? r:Li";d ll
c.i.-t.c'ntau:'nj; TlU-ifj an 1 '2'1 1')') "s iti4 li h" i
tiiarfi.uth wc.-t irter-tf-tne a-u'-i vJt q i trt f',
a:.i i 2 & ii s.Yiinvi . 2 j iri tin n-Tia
jMHi-ur of tL nrthW'.,.t-t. uarter aa-t tha si.ut't
wtt irt-T of th-j oort! wt -i ir T in I lh ut!i
oyjit qiarior f the n.r h we.'t'qi.JY:'eran I rtia n n'l'.i
east tjaariOf of tli n .i.r:.!i wasl qiarter of .tcriu -f$
in i.s tin 4 i.wr' h .)i.' r.iiifi io e i st, cyn'ai'itft
'if if;-y at'il 7'riO.LlK-;, all in Ncaiah uuan'jr, ao-
b?.4ika 'fcrriljrjr. " t
.M.-iit; r in t'nanrrr.
rrf.TTnyitloAn 2rh5l. r, . nil -3 -Stj
""''"'' r "'m as r;:i?ssALfr ; :
X tf.-e fs her- by Iv. m t h - ; I n n 1 -r i JL 51 -er
I a U!n ory, .f Stiah- V .fy." SA t-' i r 'r
riioiy. w.i.i. l,y viriiu t an M-r !' sil is i 1 b.
the n.-i.ter i i . d n cr .A: t.ia Dru L. irt ..:'
co j.if v. in Tvrr.-..-v. i.i Civnr i' W 1 i.i .
11. Pcau k ufi i -t-i! rir. ',liui i; Ker.if Utioli ii.
-ALrn aatt'-AroirvW S. II ,lu i ijr.:a: o:oVci..:n. y. .a.
o:j ..-'. - '
Monday the 2Gth divy of Snt: . n.'lG.L
i. front of tho l'r..wvil!e M..i. i-i the
vr.iwovi.!. V;n i C uny. Sx) r-.ik.i frrrit. r .
'.Le ploa; jviiurrlj I it ttt.iii ut.mM -. ;art Ur
ei.ii-.fy wa h'y.d. 4 r f..r ouh'i.; au.-tt.n. ut j t';ia oi -c Uol td th il
.v.., .,,-wr, ; , i.' r-H.iii of tiieiiort.i ..f t!i j tivutn eit .n irtevui o-ii.oi.l0 tn
smj) an-.r h f rniie ,1 b i;( . nm-f jr, r l.
Wi.Je f.(i:, norm t. -o rt, rt ,j ,, r- h ,i,i-...l a i l-itn
m-Js f.iifr..iD -H-t i.V w-ft, !ir.-l t. u riu. ..!.
n..rtn, fi r.j.i u-U-r .a' th; n.rt (jtn r.-f ut
st'e.o.ii 2y.i-f.eai t-w ,nht; h rn-jfi tfi. .-i Uuii ;
at thtf u rth ea-t c rii-.;r ..f m-I -,t 2'J i 1 ,n-b.-aoju.ia
jtri ..I ia.vl fv-ify rn l a ; t i
to j.ihio- aaH triiirj ri. li I mi tr-ta et'"f.. .
nl.n- iho r...rrh ino, of s.ud seaiioa ; all in .V.aida
Cuunt;, .'ibritfka Trrif..ry. . , i
' ' . ciiA. .Do:tsr:r, .,, ,
" " '" '' ' ' '' '.Mstr ia Chan 'T.T., -
or. will.' if rt ,... f : 7.- J i '
ti Cuatj in said T:-rnY.rT j ''"C "
cUU..a fcn,l an.t lUhtrl L t -
!rrr.-f fr'iKur.tu:. "'r ' - . . "
.ucaLdvci &r.rot :
in front .,f th Ur-wtViU II ,u. . : '
nrownvill ..uHhii cjaar. " 'U
j.I x-o win re :h . teriU .,'. J.T-- "
uouiity was UrM, ofT-r f.,t a! al 'ir. U
th byh.-itbi-il.-r ...rcih. tQor..,,'"'1-: r ,
riralf.,trj. tu-w,t : the nor-hrs, . K itri :
ia 2m .b'.Minr..-b--.kWlf, ?
nriji-n.n Chafm-.n. r'!uj'u.Pa0 I
t.-r tt the ftl;.l,i li.p,. ' - A f
Simj-sor tteceas'tl arxi S.ini, jJ:m. ' . T
s..n. Ati-.-e Sirnp.n-Ierjiniin- V.'""'l( i
Si:a..un- urth r,Sin(m Th-V iv';-' .'chc '
B.Simo'on. nr. a .1 hr. A. S,.n... ..' : "v .
u ... . - - - "" r
A -
'1 T.: -,f
' i t
ments ?
:: 'ii t T. 1 "
,; " r i.- ... , t r
rir.n. J.v .i v. -r. lo-r-.y . f ; ,
! fit. " F . 7
1 ..; i .
n. .':.-. nu or-, the cr:
h i ia it-iiiMrd mm : .'- , f qu' ' ;
CIhM.E.'" ';. i
s: . I-
U.'rrr;!!;. 411 1 f. PI ' j, j, 'fpeir;)
-w " V 4.
'hands, aiii ahow Iii iorccs-. to hive
cetded l.bU'O. His dead exi-eed 7-5." ILa
- - i.. : . ..' .; .;'- ; : . -. : ,
Com in and i;tu in great confusion atief
!' 4 ;. : : .'" -.. ,
his dea;a. ' I p irsiid 'tan eigli; mde- ?
lui. tlie hiviiiry use tiijsodrs with iu jre
viur than t:ie sLre.
hia papers.
h:in Oiij v-iiirj T .vili unl -ill
alvin c. (;n;Li:r :
E V A D V E ii -I Vi -S E M L A T .
" ii; a xiiifiniAN, :
..." .'.
.Fi -p ! h.-r. t.y given that the un-I rsi -if .1
-5h'.Ti.r i T .NVmiS oujitjr N )Uk i. T" K-y ,.)
r-M .t M.i t r in t'h ui 'ery io this .; i e. hi'1, b
virtV; of ' " .f i-rip.f r.'c-'-'f? .. .V
?' ". I'm o-. -IhstrKt -t '-un. l-PJii I re .
. K hrrii i:':ii,-li)v. 1 ' 1
hf her trMO 1, l4vij 1 1 .V. Ju, )',
!. M. I.Mi.-' Jitt ( i.fNV,ll.,sj:-.i f
- ' " J b-i-kr T-.T- ""lr' 44
.Tha ank.i'.-n he .f ' In CSvi l,ir
flerry . Sin th, d-vea-e 1. j ;. F,,4;
lle.-.ry K. Ila-n-aer, au.l i -e.
I ' " a-ilnii b:irs ,of itkry :
aril Ifctr-r' K.' M'miK wfi! t:k i..
VitS-inv t ii by ho- n-tt f,:
II M I,p;Mt7 tt; I. or! the Or"! ,,(
!S(t fi, fi-:" ir( i rb- tJv. i- C..-'-
kr -mm tl'arJ S,iii;a, li-i-f,.,;, M- f-
fi !-r-T:r-r'--'4 H -rt '.f A (.-, a .i-.-
l!: ' JO,4"?- II ;1.T VX.1'11.', a
C ... v. .
3h;Ki.ty.iii-.ebdi.d iyr S.-ptu-A, nli j f fi:- ta , r r,.,. n i-ti, .. ,.,:
r.r;wnrili. X -m,h C ur.' v." X". Lri k i .'X,erri: ,rv
tn- ,i:M-i. Atbfro p,? 1 Vi Jf.Tta'.nji;,?! c:.urt ..r .i !
' u'.v 'a- io'-.I. u t'-r f..r -.-il.-it ) ii- n ij .,f. t
ihrt bh.i 'M itr f.r ims.V f '.'l.-w-fn ' -I -.j-b i
ry u trate, t..-wii ; , urr'n- .w .. ir?t r .rse:
ti'-.a nusiibor !:? in iip- i n,.,r j. ,J,,r,'1
rattle nut.i-r 1 j tait. in .u.i?.i (T.,.irry V rrisk
femtury. ; ,v... V. !v i )V,
' ' ''Sarl.T of N" :,i ia i -: r, '
. ' i? "foi Sji.-ivil il aI, rill iW-t'-fT..
iH.W!lV- Ail.-'JI'I, !l.
uj!-n-5 '
MAsrnrw-s sau:. .
' ' ' vo!9-n2-!y'-pJ
Xo'iei is bereby aiii-.'-n tSat I will m'H? to ho .'!.!
at j-ri I i' ?!; to tb ? h:itT bi 1 ter, in e'b,-;i4 s
titi'.i'at, Xvinif a C'un v.,e.b-avr., oi S ifui.liy
t e 'l!b d ly of Si jauiaber, i.iiu s -ray- cow, taker;
in bt Ja.i Or. .-:.' - ; ' ' ' ''
. . J. M. rAUUX'. .?. P.
;?pT.t: r. i3i"t. ' -vix-i.-T.
D U V A L L3 fJ LT F F?, A It . , ?
-Aujjuit 2'Jth,!lbOX. y
Friend Worth is oi I'-writ you at
ihis time to ask' you U do a fitvor.' -There'i'-'ate4
ii xty-ieven of th-e rold";:l&i
N(bra:l;a,; -non-vt-terans, at this plae'e
under itrrlrst,'. as we refused to do dutv
after our time had ipii ed.' Our ttn-iers
have a!! g ;-nc to the Territory, nui lefi
us here, and -wecan g t no satiifaciiof.
except the 'Circular I &end you, a" copy of
wh eh I vlih jvuto have published in he
I5rownville paper, as wa want the people
of the-.Territjcy. to knjw . how. we Lave
been ireated, after serving our three yr;ar
faithfully. i.-The authontias utterly refuse
to diichdhge uj until, thn .regimonl re
lurn tovthis place. Th la;t companitb
time expired on the 2it day of. July, and
we all dxi duty unt.l that tune. .Tlie 4th
i!iy of 'August we'refused to do any more
du:y aud were put uudr arrest.
:t'e hear the regiment 'i-i going- to re
main ia'the Ttrrnory and i tuch is the
case I' don't' know" when we gel away
if every1.' f,r-'
If1 'you' can get this Circular -pullisheJ
you' will oblige hie and Mxiy-six others
who are in the tauie boat 'SomeboJy is
to blam'e'sind the idtiierinj otricers sriy
it ' is our regimental add ciimpany officers.
I 'had a letter from Cha:s: McPherVdn
yesterday he' and Cailen.aro well but tan
gi-t'no trial. !
Oh last Thursday the rtbi-Ii'under Joe
Shtll-y made a raid oh' the radroad be
tween this'p'.ace and Little Rock, and
cap ured Lieut. Pollock and about seveni
tyc'the' recruit's of th-i' 1st Nebraska,
and eight comp-iuies of !he 54th Illinois
infantry."' They have not been recaptur
ed up this li'nei.but our forces are -after
them. We, hear that Lieut. Pollock
fought them until He was obliged to sur
render, as we all knew he vOuld, and I
for one'ani very sorry he is captured for
he isA'fi'zhtir-g man and one of th-i right
stripe,! rllis sjn- Wil.Iianr was captured
with him. A rather tdiurt career tor the
recruits he brought with him, Kut 'such is
the fate of war. " ' : ' " : "1iw
Piease have the Circular published and
oblige your old friend
Geo. W. Spbague,
Notice s h :r"t.y t:vfn t'vi we. vi ? lcn r
r in!e! hv r'u.t '-'',) . '-. t of- X"oiala' roifit
..VoS.r.ik.-i.voiani' .i.a-rs t. r.'vit f.vx vnin-? -sn-l
ju- ! c'.aian ji'uf'l' ia i'-ts a'-aui-f th." e-';at-.' "f .fa.
(J." n. lii-x'-ir-wUJ .V;Ml if rcr.x-mhr
ar-t 's'tjust a'l .'l'-'' ' l.o'H- .T'i 'ion i v t'tf ;t.t If of
0,..h r 1 l. t''u'''J ..'.r,nrk m. m. at ;' t-ffl4
i f tiie i'rotutu .Ju i';s in V, r.wuvi,;.' i i saijl ,C"'' i'y
.if X. in i!u,a;i 1 w if a ij aiirn' from d y to J..y"unti!
al1 su.-h'oUirinhiill b.j -ad!t'l. :. ' '
'.)a;tas.t.rcr;'.'! afsT th. lh day of OcUber
A. D. ISC i Witt be adjust.! o-rainst estate.'
. - . ; '. H.O. l.KTTt ,
. t.w. ur.DFo::i. L,:m .
S. bt S'-h'tS"t. ' ' ''' ' v-is-I-3.''
Tn oiir-mii'?.-; of an i.rd.T y tl.e I'r..lvTt 0-nrt if
"tr.t; County vf X'dnaba, X"tl.ra!-ka Tcrri-ory, I wit!
' n'x,trtlmti T-t l")l tf G-1,tUr.XT. ISfi't:
nf ao'cliH-k't'. M. of tout. dy, tl"r t.Jr !! at pnh
!ijauti.n"in of t'i n oiTi i i tV.o' Cny
fVr'u in fm'i! 7'inn'y'.of"X.'Ti'i)-i. tho ToMowin? d--i-iiaa.Hl
rMiltaTfl f wit: V'vi blf of thn X'or!.
We.-t q-nrter f s.c ;..S X.). 5, Tow'nsldo 6. f.'-nt:"
t." F.i--f ,.f :h- fi'h I'. M.:'Uo Lois X-ai t 3 and !i in
iJ'.rn-k X'.a. H r. l Lot X .. 7 in Ml.rk X-. llintb.
t fJifvof'lVrit': atf of ''to nt.ovo ore. rtv tr.-i rijr
it 1 in '.ia 0 4y of X in h v n .d T-n i: r.v !'
X"' bni.-ka and oow bf 'or.gng to l!. L.-lalCM.f X't-tiS-miali
Sut.'j dice".. . ; 1 , .' - i .
J. M.LOXU FELLOW. Ai n't. ,
J,.v' Ct-U'lltl. .1.1 1i'. '..' '
.vi'L.ciiil a.ja. 1 '
Takon up wittiin '!o? 'ndoA frrmises of the m-(5iv!-rn''l
liaii'-h-Mr Ifviriif . t!ire "luih-ii n-.rth
we-t of I'.r.iwnviil jri. Xmm .hi iu n y ,
f fVe nrn'.iVy .:r.l'.:4'. T'? -kf.! O.t; wirS
jiac 1 K-k.rijfiH boru hIt oif, vi badly Urn, kbou;
-ihr rnrs 'M.
Au. 27-fb. '- n52 Il-p,t;
'SHERIFF'S-S A LE. ' ' -
X'tuvP is f 'r-by rv-n fbr.t I wi. oT-i-f-afsaM "i-4
ottKi'u an. tiiirt at thnd-Kir uf.tbH SJr-jvvia viit-- II ror io
i'n.wiivilie. Nttn'iba (."n'luty." Ntrbni-ka Territ-'ry.
rloei b -in j th butna iu ' itwti .tt' -l):b iric t Ooi r
w.w Hl ael-J.on
Monday the 26; h day of' S-pr.A. d'.'ISOL
at 10 oVifH.k a. in, of said d iy, th-j fad .win; rtMl
e-tat. t'-wit: 'i hj f'.lo.w.rif r-it: 4;tU4d in t h
Ciry of tiUn ti Kk. in tliesa:d 'mv of X.-mibi.
Uwit : L .i 1 2 M '3 it 7 9 b) 1 1 12 i:t fn'blji-K :
iot- 4 5 6.7 $ t) 10 ia ti'k 4S:-I.. in hlm-k (il : tht
whole of blocks 3. f 2. S t ;' lo - S 9 I') II :2 15 t. in
M'-k 403: the wh..!....f 1 1, ok 10-t; ! i:'. !3!4. ir: b!ck
3: tbe wh.alo of M-vks 2J and 15 ; !;. i aril y ia
b ax-k3: lots 12 34 7. in libn-k !0'J.
- A!s;r the loti. and bo r.s aitu red iu Eri'jnv'l! -.
Xemahii eoun y, iiun.b.-rd :n f.J. t . --v ; t : L-t
i, tt bl-tk 2 r 1 .t 6 in b.ek i7 : liit 13 iu 0! k 41 ;
lot 5, in Jb'ux:k 2 ; i-rt I , in b"(j 3 1 : : 1, in hlouk
40; I ii 3 irroovk 61. T-tf fl.f W.itfc 32; J.-.ts o.n;12io
b;o.k5S; bt 2. in bI:ek-23 ; lot 2, in blo.-k -7 ; lot
fi. in b'.--k37: lots IS and 2.i'i iU k r;0 ; i-t II, in
bl.-tV W; b.i &:in bl-k do: 15!.d IS. in Li.x'k S ;
k..t 10 in h'ockS-S: lot 13 iu bVk 121 ; lyts I anil!
in 4-i; lot o 4io.l 3; in b:n k t7 fi-A Jai-l t,
in biw;k tjd; lot fi ia; blocks 2": I 1 i bi.-k IJ;
lot 11 in blot k 7S; lot ,14 in b! k 13: lot 2 in b'-a k'
53'; I6t-'li5 ia bK-k 43 ; 1 I.i M.,ek 14 V lot U and
bouse in block 2J : lou 1 2 3 17 ia bin.-k $2 : lou 6
3 7 810 11 in biook 3. ' "l ' '
; A'.rfi ibe nrvb hnif of th ;t?otith east qnnrfer cl
the south W',-st qaarter of swfiva t welve !2j in
t"wtisbip fivo'5J north of rang -lii'toon IS i.iof
ClU principal Uij.iJia,n,cintaii,in;j2.)J totity ac;
ui'i.a'; kII th.4 above ro;d ci-at wa- h'f
re taken aj tb property ct' djhq Mrftiersou on
c. x-uitii'ns is-u.l frotn the Distr-ot Court of. the
S;.ld couitv of X'rfui.ih. X-'r.'ska Tjn''i-y,a 1 lr
dered to he so d by writ o YeoditL-iPi Kxunri.o an 1
to me direotod m Sb.ri J of said couaiy ia fvur l
tie J'' "-nVinjr "parties, tukwii : .1. .: ;
1;. W. ti .otb 4 Co. ,
' 'A. J'. Fr mnstine A Co. 4 ' ' : .
.1 Jl, lv ii-'in-a Ji Co. r . . i
Kelley f- lliruin.T.
Wm. li. I'cnl k & Co.
Given under iny band thH 221 d t of Annsf , a.
d. 1664. W. O. ULAaUO '.V, Sii-iLaf.
viir.i st 11 ri., , .M.f h i (., ,r .- 1 - , 1; . , , . . , . 1 . ,
r Ft n V'fTi .Ti .....". .. ...... . ... .... .1 ; . . . "t
........ ' ...w A . w 1 w .ii . .1 ia. 11; b t'.lU i If .1 . -
last hoU, on ... . " .
?-IoiuUy the 2Gth il.ty-of Snptfri'ier. l?ul.
n I o'clock a. u. it' .: l,iy i'h t' .ll .f 1,1 r.ui n.
t:itcto-wil: Ui hiiuf.1'1 e iVt (ju irtr ot t. 5 n-.rii
.fiist.qiMrltr of tiori twenty-!' wr,: n tn . it s
Mft; .joiner if Ilia ior?l i-j -i ijnirier 1 tn -..uiri:
itaif ol th-. nor;'i t.-t (jnar-T ot :Ua;U b i-i .j 1 1 r
tcry f s.;o-i.i . nu jo?-f tiirtart v in t. i 1 .ur
Cl'to! n M.-t.'iHi I i'ie n i iiv l -l 't .irt .11 n iri i
eit iintr of section tbirtytir t-wn-"ii' lour
r:l.-c MiU-t'O .ri 'roil t-a h-: .ol i 0 1 Ai--r:: I.I
C!i.i;.' f y of .:i I i.- i-ift. fr 5-fy 1 ju t.s -.'it'o ai'i
i i;i ran) court i- l-iv..r . i U.. li . ;i j 01. ,1 ,'",;'.
'C.., aifo-it AVfed ) ..-.'ir t ii i J.wi-.-ri !),,.!( .in It.,
iio directed as '"ja iri f id' tail emu y .1.1 1! S;..-i t!
Masr-r. . , ..
fi- v.'il under tny banl tbl 2 '.'.. y of -u;ut. a.
d., ISjI. V. G. li'.Ai.iti o'i.f
r- - . 1 t .... 1 . v .. .... il
- . 1 ..' j , . . a 1 1 1 1 11 1 .1 . ili'. ii .
, r oa. e l..r f i j u tr. .,
.tii h ba die-i. Plaice h- 1 d 41..;
"aid in"f ,'i.' 'il 1 ha l i
c id O-'iti nf. Th .; I u.f.t.d;: r. i! .-.
n.'r. i u. ! in -i.ii ! m.-rr, ... e. -
l-Sll -tl V.-i-i rn I a I , ami t'i
t'lar. rhi o-i!;ii.vr ffir. ...r !i 'rn ,
-i-vd !3 .y i.-iy thr- ...! -,a, of :!!-l .
.:err-;t,.d j;; . i b' ri-ii, .. 1 r ,. - J l 1 '.. i-.v fh' i:: . t:n in 1: xsi i .
.1 --v.d" JtmOwilib.?- ..f o l-K.-. l kI hK t
tty'ijjl vi Lttf. j-t I '.iV-vl i.l -i
In.! ' ii,? .-...:. u ko .v 1 i fo ,.ir a
. d .11 1 ii -arv. !.. l1
ure r. .ifirc- f. i .,r,.. 1 .f -H ,1
J (
( i n-.
.:: ' f i. r. c ,
UrnwnV.N . X' I.rn'.-i. a t II. '.il 1
1 .-i
J..W.-I .1 H l.
IIASTEirS sali:."
:' X- ti-ei;: h.Tcl.y :V"a, th it the uvd-'ri:-
in t'ian -.r.v . of Jf-'ni:.- ?.,jy, X-ujo-k 'i'F
'!!.'r.v, w ill. b ir o i.j- iip.or 1. r , t si e is.-u d
lie .! u'i.-t;r iu Cn.-in.- r.v, i f ibi? 1: -rrict. C t. t
said canity, i;i s.ii I T.-rnt .0, in fatvor oC Kin
land A T'.-fu-on ic'a airiNT T:j tmi M.' Gre'i,.
.b.bii 11 IliR -r, .1. J. :,h rc.o'aiid S.ujulL A. (."nam
b"r, at 1 ii- oVI ick. p ,111. o:ij
Monody il i21.h!da'y f'S ptV'mWr. ISC i
ifnu tic r.f wnTii.ft iton-e. in tne rt4v .-.t
li iiWOVlUo, IJiai H ., Xf-i.r.asl- il fa raiti'Vj.-,rr 1
p'acc W'.uro too I t an of ' a-a.ui 1 :r
nullity is h-;d....;i-r t..r s.?c. Kt jri.U;.' a c t.i ,, j
no- b t;'t!est. bi t.l'-r ..-',u r.el .n.,-c ; m.-
pr' p"r y. t .-.t: !'...- t t.. r.' r In. Uv I2i.ih.ik
o!ll;it.,l 11 1, 11 I)k;. J.-vi, I cuun.i KiUll
4v. X lirt-J- 1 T.-rri o,, i:vl ..t-o ;'je Sim an I, i.ri-..
i.!lf riuiily v.4toatt-4.u said b t8 ar.-l ail the M;i h
uery, Gca. Ap4-.r.iiu- f ri"rvf.a a a.jcrtii-rn '
iiiAsu. inky, " ;
' '. M sttr in rv.
I5ron.v'.I. A. 2'fh. r.j I -.".j 'j .
i's vuAY KtrfTci-r ;
T.ikn up by the ut d r'm d, living two an ! a" ni.J-f. .,ir!t .f rr..wii, X. inio Oooi.ty.
X trika. l V.-i. ..f Xiia-t, l-iiit. Mtal
ikn d- n(..ut i year's od la.-r S: rio. or brriud.-
jrnwrK', . :, - . TIIO.S. LE.Vtili.
August 23th.
n5l)-. -, d
t;!f"VMT.T..,.V1,l!,,a ty lmin rt-.aTf'rj i 1-inioislraf'.-r
of tb e-tato of (i.-.j-ge Y,l lyi-ry. d i
.v'.i.e. Sn-an Myr--, I ..yid . Vy -r-t...l.irn-.'a ,Mt.
Atiy. .tivrs and liiie V.'i.dkii.-'. Iit-iv J i'...rv W.
lj-rj d---eai. ol t.ike. tTit- It.
Ui'fr'y'.'a Iiui:iirr.i!'-ir of Hi.y etaf i' fli'.r'L-vi-;4dt"':ied
L fi'r j bii'Rin fh inr-r i M.i;riol 1 1 1 C'.nrr. o X'..i4i.-t. V-.,nn'y X'.-i.ri.,kA i' rriN.rv,
t1!.-olijrf..- svn-i i-yrr f .vfri.'h i ,.. ;f. 4
.triUilait ot.n ded made by tbi-'ittd Mi' ti ;M r.
'.ti i-t U h 1SVj,..t'i-5 -ai l . M.Vps. t .
ll) ti t: VIBgdirihol li'ul..ifll ; din
f N-'V 'Vi wi r 'h.- o--;ii U't-it jn..r,er of S.-eii-i,
2') inr TiaWnih-'p-ft 4X'.rfi of ftino M K t of ne ft ft;
piin-'.j'e .'tidiaii, aiidtto'obfftjii h dvoree .f a .l
lioiirt ii.r t!:e jut le of 1 Ian 1 an I Jh. ;pti!i a ior
of prm'oatj in iiiitmin'i of it'jiil:ii-nt.b:tini.d.
y. iF.-h !;)'? in t'iv..r t ihe.aid .-t..t .-f G, r
1..- 1.1 ui. -a ..g.iui.-i ,uc a .iM i-iiiiu:' jiycrs a:ia 111.
Ilay. . . ; .-. - -..-, ;
Dofet.danfj rr. r'jpilrcd to nnwr"r n" 1 o.tition on
or btfore tb 2 5ih day i f f. .fo r I-t'l.
t.W. T AO M AS.
Atty for plaintiT.
I5rwnviU3, 41J . I1, T., ; 4 t 7,ji j
Or. Mond.iy t' 2i.- ui-j i-f.Au
o'cl .-k i'. d., of 1 i .7, w 1! b -..'
out lio A'l -tion :i ' t ri .r' .'; ' r.
ill, Larwyi-tte. I're.-irt.'.u oiie hr.v '.
t-ik-t. j..lit th-toiao-. '. '
' Neman a Coiurv, X. T "If h. ' '
, ? A Til A X' .tiU'.s
ro-4-:; ?J ji
. . j
PRIMIJI8 i K'arkinx l.rn-h-w. . .S '
- W .i ih c,,ll( U; ,.'; il ... L.- '..
Ale I.
tV-.n. .,f.," V ..M-,
'a " I '.'a a 1 rc -
t1" m i? tn 1 v f.aaf - rn : V' i f '
i-n-tbal- tl..-re h- .-
it.- I'.--oil-t ourr . ot r
;im 1. luHl,. rd A l j; 1 . - ' o r .
.:!!. I . !'- 'iii- '
at 1
1 to
t .;- 1 J ;i o
ir !' d .'-. -u :
1- r
" ! f
- SJvrniatid S'Tif thu.tare of Kan.r", w:.5! faV
tv t'cv that A. G. Perry h;i e nitnn'- d aej -n in the
7ii'tik't Court f X- iii i''! Connry, X br-irka Terri
tory . ) bi? )'.Je-t.of Mild -t,.(i J! ti'.)f-4tn a judjr
in' ti a,:iin-;t :dS slerf .r tbe a im of
;y-f iur l! ilia- nd M'e tj-. tire 'jfn'.-. with. iutr.t
irom F bru iry, 1-r, 1.-3; : ai. f.r t'ii tu.t'-n "jra
of t! n'y-nve Dalian with inter.-st f-i-ui O. t .br;
lrr. 1:6! , boib nt tr, rate of t.u yr n uj ; t-fr mjuoi.
Stiid a"U'ns are e! iim d 10 be duesii.i Prry'on to
rert4n notsa? ra de by said Salter j ln
blet.ttho order of A. G. P. r.-y. the fi""t dati- i Fo4
1st I Ml rand du'etbrre uiou'Ik afterdate ; th sJ
ond.d ited JIysl.-i 1351 jad duo tbree mania af
ter date. "
"SM ft'slw'wii: farther take not Ice thn tun th
fit. n of i'u n jjw-y affid .vit that akl i'""r
baiciiu-cK an 'ord r cf "a t iu 1
the laid Court ar d that the following real ertat in
sid i f X'eaiha, G.-uotr X'-'b-k Ter. ha been
fttUect-d, to Wit: the Xortb Eut frsjti-.T 1 Qlv
Ur if Section. X Tawn-hlp 4 X'orti iU'? U
t'at uf tae (jth Principle ileridi-in.
- ill S.:eria rwiu;r.d to anwrr or dconr tt'ioa ca cr btfwre the atii day vi riep-
J. 31. BUl.l.Mita-
E. W. TliO"
Atty. for
Urownrills, Keb. h-. 11, 1334 t
I'Vvv ' r p; .":''.'; .
Jdi.i.V" i, i li...oi- J.tcKe:- '
s;i.tii;;: im'-
. Thor.-t'or'f .bi-ja.-t' r i"""'
OrnJ o " uin .i h Hi rer du n :'. !- a
aider 1. 1 F'e tl eir c 4 iV'at ' "
lakn-M -.n, t . t ' : fii'i-' tl il'
pave! ii'ii in n I '!i f'i t 1 .n v ''
lr Hi ,t.i n 4 laM-. .Li. 4- f'
:he 'itali.-..'i fiei" iner.f..,, i'ivi a? '
(...ti.-'i tu ltiPaIiAa.L ! u".' 4)''.'
, w 4 il . it;. our Tepntn'i'.t '" 44 ,
-K .J J.iflt. I " if t-k, In : lh'- ' . ',
tbo chH-iof ;! .- st. ' '.
a 1, w litr. t by rr Cbi.i in m f
the th-y i.ow i. c i j t 3
it i.n r"'t,:jii,r.rivi iurt .e'n'rf,
lien: 1 -i -if--' 1 r mi Mo Lot "t .' -'' .",',
,iiit.. 'f-r 'in i t fii "
tv-j. ! r .in T..' '. ! !.' vt ..r tn ii :-" '
T!.t v a-lie.. . ! jti! in i :f:f "
T:.e are ui.e. i..e.i-oi cent-r ti .'W- '
Ti.erhre a ""te c ;rernrp f. r c4!' tiea'a ti " ! ' Mieal'tiy i,.,';- 4
Tt,e-air ?p tB.:t ."
Tf aro 'tl t et aili.-aiiart r' et
Ti.ev ii.;e -i yitrajc'irc tw eventive trl'
Ifcfy eeif utr.ntu.ri-a
'I I..J IU - Ni'l'T U - I.i ft-. . ,
l!.f :e mifeit'y p i.f.n-l
, ty oi'.-i(a. ..-.lute-l
wr-.-uiii!ie.U-iu;ei. , vf.'
A-'e.; ji-rM.T afi't nfiic.t.-44! '"fT'j
cm . fnrp afrlof I-! - "' r-''c, .
Ww i.ike p!e-iire in 1 i 4 :4,1 :,
exie.i-iv--ia-ii..g.ja ot B iJi"
ii u o.rt t
( aUTO
Cinder .
Apple Urarnil. y
ChiinT:--n-. 1; 1 I'vii Oiii.-'i'-11' j.
a.-:.i il ..'et'a W (,': !",, 7-
l .a-i i
" i
X t r
f ir
c .'
tJ t
t v.
f '
v- i
Lv '
oiv t dj ru'il oe iii' c ' ii-'
isi a:"l .- fii.-vu B at lu''
ur gj aa tt 'k " ..i44'' . , n ''
Ci-cu.r tvili.' ir'i. sac? ' .(t
' . 4 P.QprU't-' 4.-
... GADJ.'o, . nyr:r
Bruwnvilie. J jui S l-
- n.TIX0" I.ECKX TiA'"ffl V (r J
.-h'M. wilb r.r U ! h''''l'.f.,i.ti. '
t-iI-. i :-..w. .'i ,;
v. !.piiifA.,KJllf'
in theit lindrlhe a!-8 re:-"i'"
w acti d rfi(.y a-nn ba. tJ : 3 r
rHte--i' th is ji.'ce.
Wr'.wiiVtl'f, ArrLf-b-Jf. '.
R'.XDpplfS. 0: ied Pea. hf, (''
tVaup, CU4:i.'tC.i " . '..-el"