Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 15, 1864, Image 1

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One fourth cv' yrca 02"; j ;i? C "3
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One e:bth column six Ec&'.iii - ti C3
One column three ta nthi - - 33 C3
Cat halfculama tbree ei s.h - 21 H
One fourth column three icoaths 1 & C$
One eighth c'ann t!iri-e mun'hs . - 13 13
Abboo ni ri.;.i.-f f-r (: - t 01
All transitu; advertisements tiUit be ia a J
ranee. Year'y a'vertifrfn qnrtcT!v in slrar-e.
All kinds of Job, B k.k aaj Car 1 yictit j dme ia
the bc.t ftyl-OT sbnrt wvttce twf wtwari tmxt.
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, out year, Id advance, , . $3 oo
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Option, Host ia variably, be paid Adace.
I Work, and Plain and Jency Vork,
best style, and oo short eoUce.
NO. 2;
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v,rfier of a"l Fi"t Streets.
1WSY1L1X, xebhaska.
practice in all tbe Courts of Nebraska
st nirn-r of Mio J Firt Street
rK9-7 to 9 a. M.and I U 2 and tc
7 P.M.
i!, Nebra-ka, Mr j Mh, 184- Ko S5. It.
I S. BUKN, M. D.,
sialxa, City, TNT. T.
ih,184. n47-T&-pdly
; i- to pet ronr Pictures. He is prepared to
kudu f ficiures Urfe ke4 Pnotograpns,
i, kc.
in Lnd a well-selected stock of Albums
.arpti kxk1.
Gallery u north side of main Street oppo
. A. P.tnc's Store. Persons will do well te
. before petuDE work done elsewhere.
tr pamt takeu with cbildrun, alo in copying
k ixik-red, black, green, or plaids are
for children's
es of mvnmn
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t a Uiaguiocent slock of
Coowsilng of
' and Mines' Bonnets and Hats, Rib
bons, Flcwers, &c-
he Invites tbe attention of tbe ladieR.feel
.3 they cannot be better euued in style, qna
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-to inform the ladies of lirnwnville and
that she has jut commoced a first claw
i work will be done with geat rare and
,and after the latent KMeru styles.
;rr d repairing dine in the very hett
! on short nti. Il-ie call at tbe resi
Tnerly (oruj-'ed lv J. Y. Co'.euin.
ri'.Je, My 4th, lfl. '
JOSr.l'I! 1.. ROT,
.(opiosite P. 0. Building bet. 1st and 2d.
' thanks to hi trl(ns for formrr liberal
. and .till on i.mid remly to shave,
and dre h:ir in thr bet style.
il. ril 21, Y,4. f.r.3 R-ly.
1 Paper Wall Paper ! !
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fhnrt notip, and tne mo6t aj-proved
"ch. Give him a call,
no fctrcet, eat of AtkinsoD'i Cloth-
April 7, ly.
tfullintora bi old ctomera that he
stn mde, two doors east of the Brown-
" ITT D " 'p,"d"1 rtmt
in his line of busmen, wtuch he will
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batches and Jewelry done on the ahort-
Keb.. atay 28th, 1564. n37-v8-Iy
.ention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat
i faionable
.Tearing Apparel,
U sell or mate up, to order, at unprece
;c. EaTinj on har.d one of
j "ors. at rates that defy cotupe-
uimtanyth.,, Machine ITork.
amine his kck before wil dwell to
jew to hold et !eeuli..-7tint; as he
An D
5 E P II
The Clilcaso Snrrender.
yTbst! boist tbe white flag ben eor trinmpb is nigb?
M bat! riouch before TreaAoii? mike FrejJom a lie?
What! jiike all our un- when tbe foe at baj
Atid tbe rng of bis bla k banner dropping sj?
Tear d0wn tbe ttn.B&ue that oar nation has wn,
lie's a coward wfc. .k'.v. r tbe lift of the sword
He's a traitor who mocks at tbe aacrice fioured;
Nameles and bomtlesi tbe doom that should blast
Tbe krikTe wbe sUnds idlj 1 J peril is past,
But he whosubmiu when tbe thunders have burst;
And victory dawns, is of crow Ji the worst !
lube old rpirt deal ? Are we broken an weak.
Tnat crorens so sbhmclessl lift the white check
T. court the swift insult, r.or blusb at the blow,
Te tM.!x of tbe Trensua and f iendd ol tbe fot I
See! JJain bj smiles at tb Peace which thejask,
A i;d the eres of Disunion flxib out through the mask
Hire thanks, ye brave boys who by vale and by crag?
Bear onward, unfaltering, our aoble old fisg,
Stn tig srscc T tbe UnioB, heroes living and dead ,
For tbe 'blod of your valor is uselessly ched!
No soldier's green laural is premised you here,
But the white rag of "fynipathy" shortly sLall cheer!
Andyou.yewar martyrs, why preach from your
flow captivee are nursed by the masters of slaves,
Or, living, still linger in shadows of Death,
Fas' out tbe starved muscle, recall tbe faint breath,
And shout till those eowards rejoice at the cry;
"By the hands cf the Ucion we fought for wo die!"
By tbe God of our Fathers! this shame we must share,
But it grews too debasing for freemen to bear.
And Washington, Jackson, will turn in their graves
When the Union shall rest on two races cf slaves
Or, spurning the spirit whieh bound it of yore,
And sundered, existj as a nation no more!
The Clilcaso ConTeallon.
The following report of the proceed
ing of the Chicago Convention was made
by the reporter of the St. Louis Rppubli
cin, from which paper we hare taken it.
As it is the most explicit report of the
proceedings we Lare seen, we publish it
TKii o nmuntmont f tViaaa Pntorsil of
of the Convention. As usual, the Com
meittes were constitut-d of one member
from each State, the duty of selecting
ihtni falling to the several State delega
tions. The Committee on Permautut Or
ganization, of which iVIr. Hughes was
Chairman, and the Committee on Cre
dentials presided over by Judge McHen
ry, of Iowa, discharged their duties at
a night meeting and reported promptly
at the opening next morning. The first
consisted of the following members: i
Maine . Thilii CiarU; Ntrw Hampshire,
Et W. IIitrritj:ton; Maarhuseiis, Thi
neas AlK-n; Vermont, George Washburn;
Connetticut, General L. E. Baldwin;
Rhode UauJ.E. H. Durfee; New York,
General John A. Green; New Jersey,
T F. Randolph; Delaware, J. R. Booth;
Penns Ivania, S. W. Hugh-; Maryland.
Berijiimin G. Harris; Kenruiky, Ilannl
touPope; Ohio, C. A. White; Indiana, S.
C Wil-on; II! m i. T. J. Rogers; Mich
iL'an, H. Fralick. Missouri, F. A. Rosier;
Minnesota, C. H. Brry; Wisconsin, C
G RuJolph; Iowa, J. H. Murphy: Cali
fornia, Thomas Paine; Kansas, L. B.
Wing; Oregon, W. McLellen.
The c.her was composed as follows:
Maine, Joseph Tiicomb; NewHamp-
hire, J. S. Dennett, Ma?s., G, H. Ball;
Vt., A. M. Dickey; Conn., Alfred F.
Bjrr; Rhode Island, WT. H. Allen; New
Jersey, Daniel Holsmen; New York, S.
E. Church; Penn., W. V. McGrath;
Del., E. L.Martin: Maryland, John R.
Frankling, Ky., N. Wolf; Ohio, A Long;
Ind., A. D. Edgerton. Illinois, Wm. R.
Archer; Mich., A. Felch; Missouri, R.
Wilson; Minnesota, J. B. McBlanc; Wis.
H. M. Smith; Iowa, M. D. McHenry;
California, C. Wetherell; Kansas. Oliver
Thornton! Oregon, Benjamine Stark.
The later limited their report to the
matter of the two Kentucky delegations,
and confirmed the agreement which had
been entered into between them, at the
instance of the National Executive Com
mittee, The permanent organization, was re
ported as followt from , the Committee,
and promptly and unanimously confirmed
by the Convention:
For President, Horatio Seymour, of
New York. For Vice President, Joseph
Chase, of Miine; JUred W Wiliams, of
New Hampshire; E. D. Beach, of Mass.;
B. H Smalley, of Vermont; George Tay
lor, of Conn.; Alfred Anthony, of R. I.
Andrew B. Cobb, of -New Jersey; Gid
eon S. Tucker, of New York; Asa Par
ker, of Penn.; J. F. Robinson, of Ken
tucky, S. W. Gilson, of Ohio; M. W.
Shitlds, of Ind.; O. B Ficklin; of Illinois';
J. S. Berry, of Michigan; J. S. Phelps,
of Missouri; J. A. Peckham, of Minneso
ta; D. W Maxoa, of Wisconsin; Wm.
Patterson, of Iowa; J. S. Berry, of Cali
fornia; A. J. Strickler, of Kansas; Wm.
McMiller, of Oregon; Isaac D. Jones, of
Maryland, John ferritt, of Del.
VvT. , H. Simpon, of Maine; A. S.
Wair, of New Hampshire; L. B. Painney,
of Massachusetts; L. E. Partridge, of
Vermont F. L. Allen, of Conneticut
Thomas A. Rt-ynolJ, of Rhode Island;
James S .Thayer, of New York; Joseph
D. Bidtii. of rew Jersey. Edward L.
Ma'tin, of Delaware; Erank Hutchinson,
of Pennsylvania; James L. McClure, of
Maryland; James P. Barbour, of Ken
tucky; E. B. Eihrlmm, of Ohio; A T.
Wnitiesey, of Indiana; W. W. O'Brien;
of Illinois; Theodore J. Campau, of Mich
igan. For reading Secretaries. E O. Perrin,
of New York; Issaac L. Diller, of Illi
nois: Moses M. Strong, of Wisconsin.
The Committee on resolutions, is gen
erally termed platform committee, and
js charged with the important duty of
reporting a platform of principles. At
no time in our party history was this
duty bo delicate and so fraught with gcod
or ill as on this occasion. Its members
were Maine, John W. Dana;, Edwin
Pearce; Massachusetts, George Luc:
Conneticut: Charles R. Ingeraoll; Ver
mont, Timothy P Redfield.
Hon. James Gutherie was " Chairman,
and when called upon to report at the
morniDg session, he asked for the delay
antil four o'clock in the afternoon. TiiH
few Republicans who were looking on.
at this juncture, inwardly chuckled, sy- j
mg to themselves that the tug. of war j
had now come, that the Committee were
at a dead lock and would certainlv return "i
majority and minority reports that would
split up the Convention. Some of the
delegates themselves were a little puzzled
and curions to know the cause of the de
lay. The. bores of the one and the fears of
tne Olutf were wuuny uutuuuutti. ivir.
Gutherie, on taking his seat at the head
of the Committee, recommended, as did
other ii-Guential committeemen, that ev
ery one should freely and fully express
his views, and if it was preferred, reduce
them to writing in brief, comprehensive
style. By this mode, every one had his
say," which of course occupied some
time. The whole were then collected
and placed in the hands of a sub-Committee
of seven, who reduced them to the
magnificent aud expressive vtbal and
ideal form in which they went to the
Convention. They were the work of
more hands and biaius than one, and no
single member can claim the credit of
having devised or constructed them.
When the vote waaput by Mr. Gutherie
tsveniy-ihree persons said aye, only one
rtsponding in the negative.. The gen
tiemau who bo found himself alone in
dissenting, soon afterwards requested the
Chairman to tell no one teat he had disa
greed to thtm, and tpoke other wise on
the subject in forms which were equiva-
i w
lent to recanting nis rosition. it can.
be claimed, therefore, that tney went
out of the Committee.
Their public presentation produced a
scene which has no parallel in this Con
vention -excepting the nomination of
'i.e-i.ii - 1 i i
uenerat iucuieiian ana - wnicn wjis
never equalled in any other deliberative
body io America. Mr. Perrin, of New
York, ont of the Secretaries, who La
a wonderful loud, clear and distnet voice.
advanced to the edge of - the stage and
began their reading. The thousands
who composed the vast audience greA' a.
still as death, something even to suspend
their very breathing for the occasion.
The first resolution the audience respond
ed with applause in thunders, that rolled
and roared through the building for a
full minute, but people did not generally
rise to their'feet. The second was read,
when instantly nearly every one there
rose, as by an electric instinct, waved
hats and handkerchiefs, and sent up
peal after pal of huzzas, so long, so
loud, so simultaneous they seemed to
txpress the might'of nation. The reso
lution was as follows:
Resolved, That this Convention does
explicitly declare, as the sense of the
American people, that after foar years of
failure to restore the Union by the ex
periment of war, during which, under
the pretence of a military necessity or
war power higher than the Constitution,
the Constitution itself has been disregar.
ded in every part, and public liberty
and private right alike trodden down
and the material prosperity of the coun
try essentially impaired justice.'human-
riiy, liberty, and the public welfare de
mand hostilities, with a viaw to an ulti-
mate Convention of the States, or other
peacable means, to the end that at the
earliest practicable moment peace may
be restored on the basis of the Federal
But the next resolution, what shall I, and
what can I say of that? The reception
of the other was grand. This was sub
lime, and even more, and could a wnrd
of larger sense than -"sublime" be foun l
in our lamruae. I wouW itatirl cpn
then be at a loss for sufficient power of
description. One reading did not suf
fice for the excited thousands present.
An other, and still another was deman
ded and accorded, and again and again
the tumultof twice ten thousand voices,
joined as one in a great and Godlike
chorus, rolled like a restless storm o'er
the broad lake and thronged city. The
judgement and the doom of abolitionism
were sounded ;n that awful chorus, say
ing in tones that Lincoln must hearken
to we'll have'-henceforth a free fijrhn
or a free election." Here is the resolu
tion: Resolved, That the direct interference
of ti e military authorities of the United
States n the recent election held in
Kentucky. Maryland, Missouri, and Del
aware, was a shameful violation of the
Constitution; and a repetition of such
acts in the approaching election will be
held as revolutionary, and resisted with
n!i the means and poorer under our con
trol. Ex-senator Weller, of California, i
a;o to have offered his most suggestive
itrin of the resolutions while they were
bti::g prepared in Committee.
"Mst impressive applause and marked
ihaijilcstations of assent attended the
re-ddiiir of the three remaining resolu
tions, Perrin reciting each one twice, in
order that the audience could applaud to
their heart's content They have already
been given in full io your readers, who
have learne ty thi3 time to accept them
as me Mag, .r vnarta or uonservaiive
and Democratic principles for the pres
ent campaign for the Presidency. Ooly
two noes were heard when the resolu
tions were put to vote in the Convention.
The next act of the Convention was to
proceed to nominations for the Presiden
cy. Mr. Stockton, of New Jersey, a
nephew of ex-Senator Stockton, and a
tall, fine-looking gentlem m with a burly
voice, pronounced the nomination of Geo.
B. McClellan. Ex-Governor WickliflV
nominated Franklin Pierce, whom he
afterwards withdrew. W. W. O'Brien,
of Illinois, named Horatio Seymour.
Senator Saulsbury, of Delaware, nomi
nated Senator Powell, who at once with
drew; and Mr. Stewart, of Ohio, put
forth the name of Thos. H. Seymour.
Before the Convention could get to a bal
lot, those who opposed the first named
nominee succeeded in getting up a dis
cutsion which prevented a ballot until it
grew so dirk that an adjournment be
came irecest&ry until next day. The ob
ject was to gain time for a caucus to as
certain the practicability af getiing over
one-third for some other, so as
to extluda McClellan from the ncmina
ii m under the tv.o-third rule.
In this discussion. Hon. Ben. Harris,
of Maryland, had the most conspicuous
part, ai.d underwent frequent interrup
tions, many of whi.h were quite trym
to his temper. He did not' say., while
recounting his objections to AJcCiellan.
that he w.uld halt in rase of his nomi-
t.niio, bji ir;any of the delegates and
audience thought he did, and thiie was
considerable hissing. W'hile walking
Lack to h;s seat, he encountered a man
had intruded himself into a seat
arr. on z t
he New York delegates, whose
indignant state of mind moved him to
call the Marylander a -hoary-headed
tiaitor." A? quick as thought the latter
launched his fist at the head of the fel
low with such precision as to bring him
down sprawling. He then moved on to
his seat as coolly as if nothing . of the
kind had happened. Order was soon
restored to- hear Hon. Alex. Long, of
Ohio, on a -resolution he had offered to
appoint a committee of one from each
State to proceed to Washington and ask
the President to suspend the draft which
had been ordered for September. A re
solution introduced next day. by another
member, (Senator Powell, I believe) to
demand the release of citizen prisoners
called out an exclamation from a white
haired old gentleman from Pennsylvania,
"Let's ask nothing whatever from Abra
ham Lincoln." This was heartily ap
plauded, and the resolutions referred to
wert not acted upon.
On the morning of the third day the
Convention proceeded to a ballot. Geo.
B. MtClellan was then nominated for
Pres;detit, on the first lailoU
The batloting then proceeded for Vice
President. The candidates were, Pen
dleton, Powell, Cass, Voorhies, Phelps,
Guthrie, Caton ai.d Ddge. Geo. II.
Pendleton was nominate d for Vice Pres
dtnt on the second balku -
Mr. Pendlf ton, who was present as
one of the. delegates at large from Ohio,
was called to the stand amidst prolonged
cheering, and briefly and modestly re
turned his thanks. He is not a native
of Ohio, but has resided for several
years in the city of Cincinnati, a district
of which he has ably represented in Con
gress. In person Mr. Pendleton is of
medium size, with an erect well knit
frame, and open many bearing.
All resolutions of irregular character,
including one to demand of the Presi
dent a withdrawal of orders prohibiting
the circulation of Democratic newspapers,
and others before noticed, went to the
Committee on Resolutions, under a pre
vious rule of the Convention, and were
not acted upon, as sufficient time did not
retnaiu before the adjournment for their
regular consideration under such rule.
One, however, which Mr. Wicklifle
offered, as follows, obtained informal ac
tion :
Resolved, That Kentucky expects of
the Democratic President who will be
elected in November, that his first official
act will be to throw open Abraham Lin
coin's prison doors, and let the captives
The mover accompanied it with the
statement that thirty-five women of the
highest character in his State, had been
dragged from their homes and imprison
ed, and that the newspapers had been
forbidden to publish the fact to the peo-4
pie. But at the risk of arrest he would
make public the fact, and denounce the
tyranny which accomplished it as th
vilest ucatr tne sun. me resolution
was adopted in a tumult of acclamation.
MENTO. The letter of Senator Wade and Rep
resentative Davis, addressed to the Pres
ident, but aimed at the people, is, in
taste, temper aud tune a most exceptionable-paper.
These persons belong to the
respective representative depariuirnts of
the Government. The question about
which they differ concerned them official
ly. And yet, iti the recess of Congress
when no practical purpose is involved
Messrs. Wade and Davis hurl a gratuit
ous missive at the President, the only
effect of which is to strengthen and en
courage rebellion and disloyalty. If their
object is to defeat Mr. Lincoln's re-elec
tion they should have waited until they
knew whether an abler anil equally loyal
man could have been chosen in his place
This thought certainly would have occur
red to patriotic minds.
When this rebelli n broke out we fore
saw that it could not be overthrown by
any party. It was formidable enough io
demand the united efforts of all Union
parties. Hence from the beginning we
have preferred country to party, and have
resolved that the man who could go far
thest, and do most, towards crushing out
tbe rebellion and preserving the Union
aud Constitution, shouIJ be our candidate
for President at the next election. But
now that all the nominations have been
made we can see no other course to pur
sue than to support Mr. Lincoln, with all
the faults, and weaknesses that have
characterized his Administration, cling
ing to him, The pride, ambition, vanity
and incompetency of Fremont, together
with his undecided and vacillating oourse
since his nomination. ' render him un
worthy of the confidence of the Ameri
can people, and totally unfit for the po
sition to which he his so long been as
piring. McClellan believe to be a gocd man ;
and, in his principles, a" true man ; but
his election would' bring into power a
party whose platform demands immedi
ate peace on any terms ; and whose mem
bers openly avow their 'sympathy with
the rebellion. Were he elected by such
a party he would have 10 repudiate their
principles, and select his cabinet from the
opposition, or surrender Liberty and
Union both to the rtbelhoas dare aristo
crats at the South.
Our purpose now, however, was to
present the enlightened aud patriotic
views expressed " by Gerritt Smith-to
Messrs. Wade and Davis, on this ques
tion : ; -
Thn there Is the undue baste to come i
to terms of peace a haste with which
the President is no more chargeable than
thousands of other loyal men. When
thcywrr3, without tire least provocation.
took up arms to dismember our beloved
country, shall lay them down, then and
not till then, are we to be for pace, or
for anything but war ; then, and not till
then, are we to talk, or even think of the
terms tf peace. The war ended, and
iheu will be the time for our concessions
to our deludrd bretnren. Just and gene-
rous may these concessions be. There
ate many good people who. in their
great desire for pace, would hare the
war ended on any terms. They wculJ)
even come to the ever insisted-on term?
of the rebels, and accept of disunion.
But these good people are foolish people-
There can be no peace in disunion.
A truce, and a very brief one, is the
best there could be. War would break
out every few years. Besides that, we
can only get peace by conquering it ; it
can abide only on the condition of re
union. 'The putting down of the rebellion
that is our one present work. Our ab
sorption in it should be so entire as to
leave us no time no heart for anything
which is necessary, until the very day,
nay,, the very hour, when it has become
"I scarce need add that in giving our
selves to the work of overthrowing the
rebellion we are to make no condiiions.
I scarcely need add that those Demo
crats are to be condemned who insist' cn
stipulating for the safety of slavery ere
they can embark in this work ; nor that
those Abolitionists are also to be condem
ned who put the abolition of slavery be
fore the suppression of the rebellion.
This suppression is the duty which must
be discharged, come what will of its dis
charge to the Democratic or the Aboli
tion party. For it is the nearest duy.
MtwM, '-f the Abolitionists magnify
im. .; . nf K;it7prv as he will, we n '
of rebellion remains the far grea-.rr n.
'For the rebellion superad is to all that
is bad in slavery parricidal blows at the
life of the country aud contempt of th
sacredness of nationality. I have my
self been a somewhat earnest advocate
of abolition. But at no time during the
rebellion have I felt at liberty to inquire
of abilition whether, or how, I should
work toward putting down the rebellion..
I add that, as the sole I intimate object
of the war we are prosecuting is to put
down the rebellion, therefore none have
the right to embarrass or pervert the
war by their schemes to harm or their
schemes to help slavery. We do not say
that the Abolitionist is to cease working
against, or the anti-Abolitionist is to cease
working for slavery.
B it we do say that the putting down
of the rebellion is the common work cf
Abolitionists and anti-Abolitionist?, Dem
ocrats and Republicans ; ami that, differ
as they may in other respects,- they are
to be one in the prosecution of this com
mon work. A traitor to his country is
he who, when traitors hare fallen upon
her, allows himself, under the counsels
of any party, however dear, any interest,
however cherished, or any cause, how
ever sacred, to withhold his help from
her. Such party, such interest, such
cause, notwithstanding, he is to be "arm
and soul" against the traitors.
"I repeat that I regret your protest
or rather, I should say, the unseasonable
publication of it. There is a great deal
of truth in it and generally a very for
cible presentation of that truth, But the
country cannot now afford to bare the
hold of Mr. Lincoln on the popular conr
fidence weakened. Pardon me or say
ing that the ere of the Presidential elec
tion i? not the time to be making an issue
with Mr. Lincoln ia regard to either his
real or supposed errors. For. from pres
ent Indications, it is highly probable that
we shall need ' to concentrate upon him
the totes of all the loyal voters in order
defeat the disloyal candidate.
"Issues with the Southern rebels and
their Northern friends are the only ones
we can afford to make before the elec
tion. The election of no loyal man,
however faulty he may be, can destroy
the nation- But the election of whatever
disloyal man, will. Strong as is ycur dis
like of some of Mr. Linculu's measures,
you wilfnot suffer it to stand in the way
of your voting to save the country, nor in
the way cf your entreating others to do
Had the war been prosecuted in" the
spirit irdicated ty Mr. Smith, we should
have had union and peace as the reward
of wisdom and patriotism, put Messrs.
Chase, Wade, Sumner ard- Ci er.dlr,
iih the Tribunes and Posts, couip-!!ei
Mr. Lincoln so to pervert and t.arrow tlii
conflicts as to'leave u, to-day, ua a
united South and a div.d-.d North.
Tlie Late General 3kPI:crso3.
Cltet, Ohio. August, 3i, ltCL
To General Grant.
Dear Sir I hope you will ptrdn ao
few lines from the .f sinking hand of the'
aed ranma cl ccr beloved Gmt-rad
Jas. B. McPhersoA who fell in Latile.
When it was annourVcvw.' at his funeral,
from the public prim, that when Gener
al, Grant heard of his death, he went Inu
his tent and wept like n tLUJ, my heart
went out in thanws to ycu for the iuterest
you manifested in'him while he was niin
you. ' I'have watchtd his progress from
iufancy up. In childhood he was oledi.
ent and kind; in manhood iuseresting,
noble and persevering, looking to the
wants of others. Since he entered the
war others can appreciate hii worth bet
than I. .
WThen it was announced to us by tele
graph that our loved one had fallen, oar
hearts were almost reut asunder: but hen
we heared the commander-in-chief could
weep with us too, we felt, sir, that yoa
have been at a father lo him, and th's
whole nation is mourni&ghis early death.
1 wish to inform yoa that his remains
were conducted by a kind gjard to the
very parlor where he pect a cheerful
evenii g in 1501, with his widowed u.rih
er, two brothers, culy Mster and his aged
granma, who is now trying to write.
In the morning he too! his leave at six
o'clock, lir.l dreaming he should fall by
a ball from the onemy.
His funeral services were artendad ia
his mother's orchard, whore his ysuth-
ful feet had often pr-?s.sed the soil to
rabr it... it-., f i
are resting iu lhe ii"ut grave scarce
half a mile from tbe plarc of nts tirtn.
His grave is on an eminence bul a few
rods from where th-i funeral services
were attended, and n -ar thj grave of
his father. The grve, n-j dou? ;, will Lo
marked, so that paers-ly will cfien
pause to drop a tear over the dear de
parted. Aud now, dear friii.d, a few
lines frorr you would be great! uliy re
ceived by the afihcied frien J. 1 pray
that the God of tattle may be with you,
and gj forth with your till the re
h llion ha!l cease, the Union b -re-t' red
and the old flag wave ever cur enure
With much respect, I remain your
Aged 67 yi;ars 4 months,
IIeadqtakters Armie? or the U, S
City, Va., August 2Q,h.
Mrs. Ltdia Stocrir. My Dear Mad
amYour very wdcou5 letter of the 34
instant has reached me. I am glad to
know the relatives cf the lamented
General Mcpherson tre aware of the
more than friendship existing between
him and myself. A nation grieves at
the loss of one so dir to cur nation's
cause. It is a selfish .grief, because the
nation had more lo expect from him than
from almost any one living. I join in
this selfish grief, and add the grief cf
personal love for the departed. He for
med for some time or.3 cf my military
family. I knew him well. To. know
him was but to love him. It may be
some consolation to you, hisagd grand
mother, to know that every o:Tijir a il
every soldier who ferved under ycur
grandsf.u, felt ihe hiriit reverence for
his patroti;in, his zeal, his great, almot
unequaled ability, his amiability, ar-d all
the manly virtues that can adorn a com
mander. Your bereavement is grsi;atl
but cannot exceed mine,
Yours truly '
" U. S. GRANT, Lieut. Gen.
ST"As richness and favor fcrrake a
man, we discover Lun to be a fool, but
nobody could find it out ia his prosperity.
"My character,' fiiid and aUIrrman,
who had cleared himself from a charge
of liberty, "is like my hoots, all ths tu
ter for blacking."
An Iriihman swearing an assault
agaics.: his three sor;s. lhas concluded;
"The only onecf my children that
thows me any real affection, is tuy Jwcg-
est son, Lnrry, for he x ever strikes
when I'm down." '.".