r.ATiis or advi:ktii::g. Lh ADVERTISER ' .1 ir.?rt: . - - - Lu--;ii'sii -.;-a.,t 1osj f !.': u .e jir ,'m lm'.f i-i.iurnti nta jpur - " l.'i.e f-ufl coluirn o:fe j?ir - -Ono ti'.-litb eu'i inn i in j!;r - Oue cilnnin yix mn'.' - One hi'f ci'iomt ail r i t'n On? fourth cf hir.in tt i 1 1 -'h Oue eolith r-ltir..n t,. On-s c I aim t'..-1' o to' n ' - - Ono l'tV-1. '.;.r !Ti -n'M Ono f.ur Cfirrj-.u thr- uv.nthi r r r f) id ;j ct " ) i 21 0) LI IV) f: ) 2 ( ! 15 ft M n 21 t J S II ;i f tD ZVT.KY TlJftaAT BT I. MILLER. .LlfiaS't Eetweenlst2d.j Ay Ay Ay y Ay A r it i. ii, . t ;.' .i i'l" J All iraicn' vai. 1 1.--. (M;.;.(,,.f I.I. I:...--.. I f.ir.l ;: t.. J i(t In ii.t...-Vj. L jU Advance.; LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE, NOW AND FOREVER." , ! " "H - ''v. m p j! i :.l J-":if" Job Wo:k, , ai d . ii V'-r't u'.tice. be U-st tjr!o cn th.-rt m.sica nr.l ro:u..i;..!9 t.Twr BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THUS SD AY, SEPTEMBER, 8, 1864. NO. 1. I A. CVrV If li fid .j lff-j$$.8f y y 1 1 I 1 u J. m :t.i f n in -i. , i T ; .(... '. ' . .. - ,.r I..-" S- " . I i . . i i - ' i .' - irr C1 ' a..U f !: - ml !' 1 iv r. ' - si-' Jh : , 1 i i, " . , ,r ' rc-Ti'- at. K far K t" 5CPa Jv'5' D XV. THOi.IAS, 5 i. t72 ri-' c ill I I il -I !. ,1 ,1 57 TI D : C. : i k w a i i ..it ' 7 l.. I. 1 1 t J - 0 ! J ";J t - ; ' t '.- 1 if. , ; , . - c - i- o ,-. r.i t i ii i 1 vi i i U fc- V. i ' 1 .lit. City, TT. rXf- c at. in. i:!i:'i.x-:i:. 4, Ii 1 7- H-Jl'l 1 T 7C. HAKE'S Ciii T CiALLF-nY . !" v-.it I'i 1 i'f'. II I 'rM,"'t '1 .cl ttvci uf Aibiihis ' 1 1 i ..r:i n ' f t::.vm K'rrrt n'"-m.'r- S-.'tc lr.Kis ni Ci w'U to i t I : I'ri; ' '-' "1 in' i w i.C . ii,- i..i;-i! v. I. ii, nl. ill Ci.iiy its? ti i" - ' I- I. i.i.. ,.:0c!:f ol' jl-lli Itit' vi.i ' ". i ii'- !r-?M'.". ' il rffilyli?? I ! H-rihi ' Vfritr i Ii , ill. s f : i in , ii'. : I '. v n n 1 u i: i':p iM-.;n-i tr.cM-ci i-i;i ii,c i I i f VI- Ul.ii;,li,.'l 1:1 , i. La - C r.n in.-. .f I I.:- '. r.-. i iLv..,llib- 111 v . i Mil' of ',i f, frrl . '. : u; 'i i.i !j i -. i ,!-ly ...... :,. ?. i -i r i:-.;'. it '.i.:i" j ;'-t :. a I t .L.. v. S MAKING V A.'.' I. ! 'Vi "i-at, rim nnl 1 ' -I Kn-t r.i !l('. 'i n i t, in t. r V'-ry l-f! ' i : (-.: tac rcsi- ' !. V. t'l.i'j.u-a. i -' Ii r i ' . il r -. ... -t r ' l lt.ll 111 1 : . 1 21. r.; r ri.i-r! ' y to ..'.:.ic, i i'V H I i I i Iv. Well r ! : ! ii -a il , r.i, ?( t ;. vvc l t'i '-O, !. J iiio C j I jr v.-01 . 111 i ' ! . I. . 1 'l. a .t: ,,.1 il l;!-.-L Pi,; .1 II 1 .; !!. f..;C if All. In? .".'! C'loi'a ',A,,;t v TO THJ'.OI.l) STAND! a T-. r w7"It3 jLj ""ST ' ? sr.ru shutz" orirc.l i-f ,nn l,ss o'.-l cr.i(vnipr-? tlint lie .p.! .. Jcv.-,-tr, S ;, i J.-, t.,.j k. tJll ,m tw" " T" of ir- Br. w- llr kr. , - o', l.v-l N,l,..!i ., J I'l l i- In c ,.f l.ii-.uc-i.. i..iai he will .. wc.t tm-,- c.i 'a , WuU!CiiiJ Jtill U. nc c-ti U.C S'aort- 'ORK WARRANTED. t' ( 1 1 ' ;t?, Nf!... IS.h, t 27-tg.iT JACOmiAHOIlN, viUjlAWT TAilrUll,! "ILLi:. MlliuASKA j i j fa-bu i'.'irip Wcaiir. Apparel, 1(J HIS ol utf. L JL'ST III-XKIVKP, -OTiis. oassi:.;f.::s, vstixuS. Htc.it i. 5. vts:st s r vs.x:st i "i.i t-ii nT niac r.(. (, ..v.lpr. i ua;iiccc i'r'f . i:vii!S n La; -i . no ir ' W-:V-IXG MAl'iUXF.S, i-jaou-iou worS tAtiut ue-y c-Va.pe- 1 re'uMi ,l,,,'k u,,wre ui vent you from invading us. Let us alone ! invade Maryland, and threaten Wash-i Ashley's Reconstructed biIi,Y end t Cttl WW 'vrne iw , and neace will come at eneft ' - I: , ckI ;.i.ft i h . A . ; IS lsci iug-uii. ouciiii4iti, iu .-un,, unuic j jjccjic uic more rauicui tnan me iloz . Era:.'l tlicn-.! On lbc!r fcrehctdi Lrtrta Miik it d rj! Let ii-iur'e hlaircful L!,zs oa Lr&i.d tl.oui t'en cs C.-i;n ras branded, -, Tbrct'li tin.' rould ; Let ti v'k kthII t-f tliauia Lo Lan'hil XSicu Uul u:UJ. Kra'i'l (''.ta ia t- r -'J L'j'-18)'5 Lid i':c i;.:.rl; i:i jtiratc ly-vrsjs Tr :n tl'C -r.r 1, v hers ti us tca ''-hzr, l.i i ; i Vict j uav ! - the fta.-t v..ih i.'r.in-t., lather 'l.lU tiS IU1. T.-R- -.v I : h fee rr wUli fctr.-.rj?r; l'.i-s tL-- c ), Y.'ij'., i:nu' tl.tir cuaLirj' danger. Lid lur ! Mttiirs trtr'cn fvi.!; i-u'ausaan, 'J.i'i: - l tiivlr !ai.J ! Vi'iii. m: !i ti.il;-r. kt m true maa L'j-r.(,. l Lr, :'. r ixi r.Ulus, fciui U 1.1,1 t-lliUO ' lVai Ihcm dep, tLrouh dlrcet ruin On thrill fall 1 T.iej who I'M iLt-ir Iiiad'a ulJoIov, 1 oi I : l a Ii. 11 u tl.ne tills prato or jitllir ilark I be to wel ! Sink t!i"'in, j,oiriot, witaodt fltr. '.;. in lull. COL. JAQULS' VISIT TO RICH MOND. An I.ntebvilw with Jrrr Davis. TIlc fo!iou'il,o extracts from an article in the September number of the Jill antic Jihvlhhjy entitled "Oar i.-it to liidi- I c"t:nt -,f a recent interview between the lie! '! leaders end two loyal citizens. Mr. Gilhiiorc arccin j ar.ied Col. Jaques, and oftrr giving a detailed accoun; of thtir jourtji'V taahe Rcl-id Capita!, the apprarance or t.ie city, meeting ,o I Jl:(ii Ould, and Mr. B-rjimin the Kciil St en tarv cf State, he fives the f.i liowi' g ocroi;nt of their convocation i v.nn Jell". Davis iu the state depart- mint. Mr. Ib iarnin occupied his sent at the tall -, and at his right sat a spare thin, frntund man, with iron-grey l.tir and b ard, rind a cl -ar rev eye, full of life and vigor, lie bad a broad, massive fore head, and mouth and chin denoting great energy and strength of will. His face was emaciated anl much wrinkled, but his features were g"od, especially his nvi'C I?.r.'i,?h nhn r.t t' V , v , ... 1 airn one i tiu-ni ooro a sear an- l.-r some sharp instru- mn.t. II . w ere a ; eit cf greyi -h-brown I'vid ntly of foreign manufacture, and as he rose, I saw thu !;e was about five feet ten inches hi::h, with a slight stoop i 'i j in his sh'. odd .ts. lli manners were sim i i 'e. e.v-V. and ouite fa sc matin''-: and h threw an in h:sTnbab!e 'ehnrm into his voice, as he tx.'.enJcd his hand, and said to us; "I am glad lo see you, gentlemen Yon are very welcome to Richmond." And this was th man that wav Vice- Pi-Vfidi cut rrf the United States under Franklin Pierce, and who is now the Ivan, soul and I rains cf the Southern Conff deracy. His manner pot me entirely at my ease; the Colonal would be at his if he stood before (h?.;ar; and I replied: ""We thank you Mr. Davis. It is not often you meet men of our clothes and piincij I s in Richmond." 'Not often, not so often as I could wish; and I trust your coming may lead to a unro frequent and more frindly in tercourse between the North ar.d South." "We since rily hope it may." "Mr. Benjamin told me you asked to tee to M And he paused as if desiring we should i "Ul-" me sentence, ine Uolonel replied: lY e?, sir. Wo have asucd this inter- .i . V1CW m hope that you may suggest some way by which this war can be stopped. t 4 I i -M.e want peace; v . ... , jv.ui -"i y-r Con-rrss has lately said that ; our people do, you do. We h SVOCt:llilnnv!:ll,HV it f.l'l ! , n"' ; w-. , UUUU1, "In a very simple way. Withdraw i vour armies from our territory, and i l'-"11' ot r.seif. e do not j .v ....j.n, juj. ,,e are not wa- i j 5e an cflensive war, exeppt 0 far as n ! is offensive-defensive that is, so far as 1 sltvllizto Worli. i we are c-mpelleJ to invade you to pre-1 in check, and has men enough to spire to radical than he is,(ycn can see mat I t - - - j lljiJo i -iiJUi, uui Min-ac t?, uuvi ouj.-t.u;c ixr. xiiicoju, i Know, Is aocUi to call as yoj rej'uJiaie ;ho Union. That is one thing- the rorilitrn peopb will not fur-1 retider." "I Know. Yoa deny to us what you oxaci for yourielves the rilit cf sc-lf-govf-ruineni." "No, sir," I remarLed, 44ve wouIJ clcr.y you 1:0 i.atura.1 right. B.it we think Uiiion essential to peace; anJ Mr. Davis could two people with the tame language, j separatt J only Ly a:i innginary line, livy j at peace with caui ctaer? Wcula not uiputei tor;:. i.:j.-.t c:n -Untl. aht War uct.''jcii theuii" ' 'I !!'V uiih il.ii generation. V.,,i Iw, irk ti-vn c;,'1! l.ittrrnp.ss at the X1U i L 1 - - - ' ' r S )V,h. you have tut fcuch an ocean ojm blood between the .eciions, tlut I de' 1 n.Ir r.f f.Pf-io.r smv haruionv a wv time, Our children may forget this war but we l 4 ' - J j c irmot. T think the bitterness you sp?a of, sir." said the Colonel "does not really exi-t. We mut talk here as friends; our soldiers meet and fratern'ze with each oiher, and I feci sure that if the Union was rt -stored a more friend iy fccl iug w ould arise "between us thau ever has Cii-ted. The war has made us kiiow and re:pdct each other better than before. This ii the view of very many Souihcrn men; I have had it from very maty of them, your leading citizens." "They are mistaken," replied Mr. Davis. "They do not understand South ern settimeut. How can we feel any thin'' but bitterness towards men who deny us our rights? If you enter my honse and drive me out of it am I not your natural enemy?" "Vcu put the caee too firon'y. Bat we cannot fiht forever; the war mut end at sometime; we rnu-t finally agree upon something; can we not agree now, and stop this frightful carnage? Vic are both christian men, Mr Davis Can vou, as a ( hristin man. leave un- tried any means that may lea 1 to p:ac?'' "No, I cannot, I desire peace as much y ;u should labor. It is they who deso as you do. 1 deplore bljod?hed as much late our homes, burn cur wheat-fields, as you dc; but I feel that not one drop of break the wheels cf cur. wagons, carry the blood shed in tkhs war is on u.y hai.-d.-'; ' I can K'ok up to my Gen and say this I tried all ra.-ans in my power to avert i the war. I saw it coming, aud for twelve years I worked night and day to prevent it. but I could not. The ISorth was mad and blind; it would not let us govern our selves, and so the war-came, and now it i:i;ht go on till the last man of this gen eration falls m his tracks. and his child- bcire his musket and fight his battle, un less you acknowledge our right lo self government. We are not lighting for slavery; we are fighting for independence and that or extermination we will have." "A::d there are at least four and ;t hah' millions of us loft, so yoa tee you have a jvo:k bi'fore yn," taid Mr. Bnjamin, with a decid. J sneer. "We have no wish to exterminate you," aniwertd ihe Cidoncl. "I'believo what I have said, that there is no bitterness brtween the Northern and Sutrhern peo p!'. Ti;e North I knovv. loves the South. When peace comes, it will pour mon?y and nu aus into your hands to repair the waste caused by the war, and it would now welcome you lack and forgive you all the 1 iss ani bloodshed you have caus. d. Bat we must crush your armies nnl exterminate your Government. And is not that already nearly done? You are totally without money and nearly at the end of your resources. Grant has shut you up in Richmond, Sherman is before Atlanta. Had you not, then, bet ter accept h6norab!e terms while you can j retain your prestige and save the pride ! of the Southern people?" Mr. Davis smiled. "I respect jour ernestness, Colonel, but you do not seem to understand the situation. We are uoi exactly shut up in Richmond. If your papers ttll ihe truth 'it is yoar Capital that is in danger, not ours. Some weeks ago Grant crossed the Rapidau to whip; Lee, and take Richmond. Lee druve . , , nun in tlie lirst uattie, ana men uiant executed what your people c!l 'a brilliant r. ...i. . - ,,.4 f ,Ut I iiiiiA iu eiiitui, aiiv. ,i.'u,ai j.v.c iiu.ti.ii. Lee drove him the second lime, and then . .-'nlv ...t.rvp. il!.,,,'- r!-,ir,,iiri'C uiaai uwuc .iiii.ici H ...v-.v ...v..... au(j EO they went cm, Lee whipping and P.l It.,!- it! - r.. tit rrnt ,i-h l,r. Ii r. uiaui imuaiii-, una uiuu. u. nwi, is now. "And what is the ret result? Grant has lost seventy-five cr eighty thousand men mere than L.ee Lad at me cutset, ana is r.o nearer tatiing lucamona man he was at first; and Lee, whose front has never been broken, holds him completely he takes it? You hntfw the farther he goes from his base cf supplies, the weak er he gets, and the more disastrous de feat will he to him. AnJ defeat niaij corne So in a'niilitary pint of view, 1 should certainly say our positica was bet ter thau yours. " "As to money; we are richer than you are. Yoa smile, but admit tint cur paper i worth nothing; it answers as a a circulating medium, and'we hold it all ourselves. IT every dollar cf it wore lost, we should, 'as w.j.hnce--1:: furgti iJ-.t'Li'J -r .in.l vn:i nwe all the world. A3 to ! resources; we do,not lack for arms or am- . . t 1 mi i torntA. uu.tion, aua we nave bim a . i ry fro:u wnic.i to gamut ut'tJ.z. OJ you see, we are not m extremities. Jjut if we were; if we were without food, with out weapons; and cur whole country was devastated, and-our armies cru-hed and disbanded, can we, without giving up our manhood, give up cur right to govern ourselves? Would you not rather die, and feel yourself a man, than to live and be subject to a foreign power?" "From your siand point, there is force in what you say," said the Colonel But we did not come here to argue with you Mr. Davis. We came,, hoping to find some honorable way to peace; and I am grieved to h?ar you say what you do. When I have soen your young men lying on the battle-field, and your old men, women and children, starving in their homes, I have frit that 1 would risk my life to save them. For that jca?on I am lu re, and I am -grieved, griived that there is no hope." "1 know your motives, Col. J';ues, land honor you for them, but what more J nn I do than I am doing! I would give !..-; poor life gladly, it it would bring peace and good to ihi two countries, but it will not. It is with your own people a way cur women ,nnd children, and de- stroy supplies meant for rur sick and j mounded. At your door lies all the mis- cry and crime of this war, and itis a fear ful, ft arful account." "Net all of it, Mr. Davis. I admit a fi arful account, l.ut it is net all at cur door. The passions of both sid ;s are ai eased. Unarmed men are hanged, and j prisoners are shot down ie cold blood, by yourselves. Bit menu cf baibansm are enieriog into tho war cn both sides that should make cs ycu and me, as Christ ian n:c n shudder to think cf. In Gal's i nine b t us su p it. Let us do scindhi; lt, ! eti.ctde si metl.it g, toll tig uKut peuce. j Ycu CT.nt.ct c.pnt, with ut.iy fci.r and n half millions, cs Mr. Benjamin says ycu have to hold cut forever,-against twenty it ,i ilil.il'. IJS- Again Mr. Davis smiled. "Do you st pfose there are twenty mil lions at the North determined to crush us?" "I do, to crush your Government. A smr.ll l.indfr cf cur people, a very small ii i t ember, arc your friends secessionists; the left d.l'er about measures and can- didatts Int re united in their determin- at:en lo sustain the Lmou. ULoever is elected in November, mi.st le committed to a vigorous prcsecuticn cf the war." Mr. Davis stiil looked inctcdulcus. I temarked "It is so, sir. Whoever tells you oth- erwise only deceives ycu. I think I knew Northern sentiment, and I assure Jou it is sc. You knew we have a sys- tern of Jyrt ouidoeturirg in cur large tewns. At the close these lectures it is the l uitom of the pecple to come upon the platform and talk with the lecturer This give s him r.n excellent opportunity of burning public sentiment. Last win ter I lectured before a hundred such a-so- ciattens, nil ever the North frcm Du- ', 1 oko to Bangor and I took pains to B. , i . . ... j ai et tain tl.e sentiment ol tne people. , I found a unanimous determination to i . .-, 1. ,i.n -..i ..!: ,u , t .. j .i.-u iiiu icLcjiiou, i.i-u taic niij omen ! at cry sacrifice. The majority are in i f.irrr r? IVfr T i'n-,,fn mil rhr- .1, ,c! , v. i.iuit1,1, a.u.ij un uL j these opposed to him are opposed to him l.Pf Till vP tin V (1a l'f.1 l!'!r!- I n fii.l.l! .,.- i i.ueu jiu with enough vior. "The radical Republicans, who go for slave suffrage and thorough confiscation, are those vtho will defeat him, if he is ; cieteated. Uut if he is defeated before j the pecple, the House will elect a worse man I mean worse for you. li is more from he ise. out debt, oe time the p-orcf.- !-' t h '--'tanny,- i wotnun i x;ave jou 1'- fomethhi'jru Las thj &o!M bjtsis of u.e.rs.-or.J?. This is a frnk,-frcj tlk. cotto.i crop, whiie yours rests upon i.oth- ; ar.d I like you the belter for iayiug what iive hundred thonsand more men, and I can't see hew ycu can resist much longer; but if you do you will enly deepen the the radical ftelmg af the Northern peo pie. They will now give yo i fair, ho ti trable, geceous, term; but let themsuifcr much nrjre let there be a dead man iu every bousr, as there is now in every village they will give you no terms; they will insist on har.giug every rebel south rrdon mv terms. I mean no i hi nee Ycu mve do offence,' he rerlied very . T II . t . . . I. vou think. Goon." "I was merely going to say, that let the cithern pecple once really feel the war thy dj not really ftel it yet and they will iusist on hanging every one of your leaders." - "Well, admitting all ycu say, I can't see how it afkets cur position. There are somethings worse than Hanging or extermination. We reckon giving up cur right io self government oue of these things." "By self- government, ycu mean dis union Southern independence?" "Yes." "And slavery, you say, is no loDger an element in the comes?" "No, it is not; it never was anessental element. It was enly a means of bring in other conflicting elements into an earlier culminations, it fired the musket that was already raped.' and loaded There are essential differences between the North and South, that will, however this war may end, make them two nations." "You asked me to say what I think. Will you allow me to say that I know the South pretty well, and I never ob served those differeces." "Then you have not used your eyes, iily sight is poorer than yours, but I have seen them for years." The laugh was upon me, and Mr. Benjamin enjoyed it "Weil, sir, be that i der.rat:.! you, the di.-p "Well, sir, be that as it may, if I un ute between your Government and curs, is narrowed down to this: Union or Disunion." "Yes, cr to put it in other words: Inde pendence criubj'.igatioa'" 'Then the two Governments are irrc vccal ly apart. They Lave no alterea- t ive bui to fight it out. But it is not so. with-the people. They are tired of fight- it g ar.d want peace; and as they bear all the burden and fullering of the war, is it not right ihat they should have peace via Lave it too cn such principles as they ii!,t?" "I den't understand you. Be a little mere explicit." "Weil suppose the two Governments should agree to something like thi.-: To ijo to the pecple with two prepositions, say, peaco with disunion and Southern indt pt-ndcr.ee, as your pcsiiion-and peace witld Union, emancipation, no Cunfisea ticn and universal r.mnesty. as ours. Let the citizens of all tho United S:ates . (as they existed before the war) vote, 'Yes' or 'No,' cn these two propositions, at a 5 r e c i a 1 election within'sixtv days. if a majority vote disunion, our Govern- ( l!lC1:t lo i l!nm,i l,v it. and hi vn-i tm u j - - t - i peace. If a matority vote Union, your Government'to be bound by it, and stay in peece. Tho two Governments can contract in this way. and the people. j though constitutionally unable to decide j on peace or war, can elrct which cf the two repositions shall govern their rul ers. . Let Lee and Grant, meanwhile, aree to an armistice. This would sheathe the sword, and once sheathee it would never again be drawn by ihi3 genera tion." - -"The plan is aliogeather impracticable. If we were only one State it might work; i but as it is, if one Southern Siate obie'et- j e( to emancipation, it would nullify the whole thino- fnr n wn -.ro n,vr th , jjj, tJ " ' J "' Fecpe of Virginia cannot vote slavery out j 0f South Carolina, nor the people of South .. . Uarolma vote it out of Virginia I t . . iiin-t-iiyui u,3 ui ins Okiiies iau j amet.u me ucnstr.utton. Let it Le dene ; jn that wav; in any way c0 that it tiiat wav; in any wav. so that it i I . 1 t il i,Q cone tij ids pecpi.j. i am not a states- I man, and no politician, and I don't know jut how the plan could be carried out; Lut you get the idea, that the people are l0 decide the question. "That ihe majority shall decide it, yoj mean. We seceded to rid ourselves of the rule cf the majority, and this would sebject us to it sgain." 'But ihe majority must rule finally, tither with ballots or bullets." Tarn not so sure of that. Neither r current events, or history show that the majority rules, or ever did rule. The contrary,! think il true. Why, tir, the man who would go before the pecple with such a prcpoiitsca wna any preposition l that intimated that the North was to have any voice in determining the domestic relations cf the South could nut live here a day. Ho would behunged to the first tree without judge or jury." "Allow me to doubt thai. I thi:,V it more liivtlv lie would be hanged if he lot outhern pecple know that th-' nsa- jonty couid n ,t rul I rer i t i tit''. Vt . : , I i)'' "I have no fear of that," rejoined Mr. Da;, alio smiling mea gocd-lionj jrdiy. , "i give you leave to proclaim u irom every house-top in the South, 5 "But, seriously, sir, you let the major ity rule in a singlo State, why not let it rule all over iho country?" "Because the States are independent tnd sevreign. The country is not, It is only a confederation cf States, cr rather it was; it is now two confederations." "Then we are not a people, we are only a political partnership?" "That's all." "Your very name, sir, 'United State,' implids that'" said Mr. Benjamin. "But are lha terms ycu have named eman cipation, no corfiscation nnd universal am nesty the terms which Mr. Lincoln au thorized you to offer us?" "No, sir, Mr. Lincoln did cot author ize me io offer you auy term3. Bat I think both he, and the Northern people, for the sake cf paace, would assent to some such terms." "Thc-y are very generous,' said Mr. Davir, fcr the first time during the inter view showing some angry feeling. "But amnesty, sir, applies to climinals. We have committed no crime. Confiscation is of no account unless you can enforce j it. And emancipation! You have al-! ready emancipated nearly two millions cf our slaves, and if you take care of them you may emancipate the rest. I had a few when "he war begun. I was of some use lo them; they never were to me. Against their will, you' emanci pated them, and you may emancipate every negro in the confederacy, tut we will be free! We will govern ourselves. We will do it if we have to see every Southern plantation sacked, and every Southern city in flames." "I see, Mr Davis; it is useless to con tinue this conversation," 1 replied; and you will pardon us if wo have seemed to press cur views with too much pertinac ity. We love' the old lag, and that must be cur apology for intruding upon you at all." "You have net intruded upon me," he replied, resuming his usual manner. ."I am glad to have met you bj'.h. I once loved that old flag a3 well as you do; I would have died for it; but now it is to me only the emblem of oppression." "I hope the daymay never come, Mr. Davis, when I say that," said the Colo nel. A half-hour's conversation on ether topics, not of public interest, enued, and then we rose to go. As we did so the Utbel President gave me his 'hand, and bidding mo a kindly good-bye, expressed the hep? of seeing me again in Rich mond in happier times, when peace should have returned:, but with "the Col onel hi3 parting was particularly cordial Taking his hand in both ot his ,he said to him: "Colonel, I respect your character and your motives, and I wish you well: I wish yea ever good I can wish ycu con sistently with the interests of the Con federacy." The quiet, straightforward bearing and m- gni.i ent moral courage of cur "figh' rg p rson had evidently impress ed Mr. D vis very favorably. As we were leaving the room he ad ded : x ''Say to Mr. .Lincoln, frcm me, that I shall at'any time be pleased to receive proposals for peace on the basis of our indepeadence. It will be useless to ap proach me with any o'her." When we went out Mr. Benjamin call ed Judge Ould, who had been waititg during the whole interview, two hours, at the other end of tht? hall, and we pass ed down the stairway together. As I put my arm within that of Judge, he said to me, , "Well, whit is the result?" "Nothing but war; war to the knif'?."; "Bphraim is joined hi? idols; let him ibne;" added ihe Colonel, ssolemuly. riaJ1 I ' i' New York, Sept. . . Heralds cdito- y crndems the Ch'cago Ilutform and advises McCllelan lo Lick it A Sr. Louis Latv AnnEsrrn ix T- troit as a IX r a i: l Spv. Mrs. V." sister of the late John T.I. V.'imer, . l.i was kilk-d in th;' rebel arrr.y t.l yt-ars a .-r r r , t s teen cul?i:i' a CAt:ada, whvre itnpprs f-'ii was rud to r.n chl.cr in the Ri-y! C. Iltfies. JIr.. V'crd wa nrr.';itJ . ci;y ferr.c'tbmg ov r a year a:.o. . -dor the mild aJmintitratijn : ll-,: then in cou niar.d w is p?rm:t:i.-!i ' art, ar.d w had nothi-ard -hat iv 0.- i f ' r r - we ?uw tnt ; f.i.t wit. Deircit Tiu;;r.e cf the 221 ind. known here cs nn Ittr uho waa n-: very ftruru! Jus ir. h( o: railing ;r.o umJ. ELui.r. vi, iy birth, and a rebel in principle : "About two weeks since a nvuaa . -tween ferty .-m l fifty years t-f age was arrested in this city en suspicion of beiu a rebel emissary, as lo the gniit of ' whom there is gocd reason to believe.- The cvider.es is daily grcwir-g- mure stronger. She states that tha icua or! her first husband was Ward, lut j!h now claims to be ihe wife .of one Jan.-.- Kiilingsley, an oincer in the ILal Can- -adian Rifdcs. Be that as it may, th Governmsnt authorities were 'inform. ! of her transactions, and a trap was ut once set to catch her which succeedjd admirable quarters were furnished her in the Houe of Correction, vrhero sns now remains awaiting examination, which will be had in a few day." "She formerly resided iu St. Lroi, Mo , and claims to be a sister cf John Wimer, a former mayor nf that city and sheriff of that county, in Feb.-Mttry, lZi at the head of a land cf reU-1 gu-rrilla-;, although she does not appear to knvv -his death. If she is a wounn sha repre sents herself to be, her r al husluni is now in the Tennesse3 or Kentucky State Pri;on." "Mrs. Kiliingsloy, alias Mrs. Ward, li evidently wll acquainted all through th coun'ry, and is known to have called on prominent Democrats in this city, with whom she always appeared to be on very intimate terms. She left St. .Louis la October, 1563, and wnt to Windosor, . C. W., whsre she remained about eight weeks, visiting- this city fteq'i?nt'. . . several times being disguised; but vu closely watched, however."' ."She left. Windsor for New York ci' where she put up at Libby's Hot-!, - Thence she rcmcved to Barnum's II at Baltimore, on her way sotrh. wit' . -1 'a 1- uable papers. At this place she wu ' rested, but succeeded in destroying letters she had upon her person by thr v ing them into the fire. A no dircvt t . i- denre could be shown against h-r, she'. wa3 released, nnd re'raeed her n ps l . New York, ar.d subsequently rc'.uni?d to St. Louis. The next heard of 'h':f ihe was stopping at a horel in Sandwich kept by Mr. Sium?. rike plan torn trap he was cnc.c'.ed and carried intj execution. 'Sne was arrested about two weeks Fridcy evening, and on the fuliowm Monday her friends' .sent a young loan who resides in Canada to see her, t whom she related her past hi'ory, but a3 tlie yourg man af,. resaid hid no notn 1 oo.k we are not able to give h-r story in full. It is substantially as iolljws: Sn , has been a resident of the South, and. her sympathie;(very naturally uf course) run with the oppressed people of tho Confederacy. She has a son who i3 a lieutenant-colonfd under Ihe rebel Gen-' Longstreet, another also in thj re' servi in Missouri, and a nephv the Union army where, she e -state. She stated that she had 4' company with several prominent al3 in both the Union armies; hr cn President Lincol i and Jeff. D nursed patients in t;o Gcorgs o-; pitals, and had passed-through tt. wheneve she wished. Whenever' had mouay she said shi had no di:Ii. in gettin; through. Sh-s re:nrkid ii. bciug a Southern 'Sy, she cauld not i expected to take Liucn's catli of al'e iance, and she did not intend to o'o s j. anyway, be said lurtr.er, mat M&yjc . Baker, of this city, had called upon her the day after she was placed in the House of Correcti n, wbh whom she had j a long conversation.. He (the Mayor) i told hpf that he would s-nd hr appro- b riate'coun-tl, thr.t she should I e re leas- pnate j ed, and if she desired to go Sc uth, b would see that she was fi;mi-hv:l .v.fj the propper papers to do o.' Dcmacrai Sept. 1st. St. Lo The French biker-po?t, R( l-'J, h. -v h-are a ,t.itue at N lines, to '.ai.l v. hi--. to'M. Lamartine has subscribed one. h'-; dred frances. I r i ces. r. Vl''